I t I 7 i 1 y T.I 5, TTTF: nfAFTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. rr.rST 4. L I I I 1 3 a "N V 1 ''; A VXWarV x - .y ar r i r 1 1 m j s mr - ) WaQlM 4M, Ml (KM fe in pil (MM C-a eati. 1 UiLJIft aunt Mar&A AMttl mr FfV W UF" f" 151 4- 1 frit J -J VI .vhis -)-... . r,r . - -i.'' M -I St. Lmmm i I ! w "mi ' mimmnfp iw it fer - 1W ' . MMtMi! !! l aW 1 UM 11 llll I. Ml W iB Ti III i i M a-twW - - -.'v'-' in' i'.r' f i i N M aim rr i . s jii I" I ii II i immd in i n ni, AwM'l iiiw itwr. anC a i a own amrf Vtm mj at. Uuw iuma sa t bW i n j n af mmmmnm-t fcS in i in n mi i f m t B . f ? 1 Jtt. Lmmm mmkm t til" "i I I t . ii nf aa f laamai i mmd t y ' " ' aaawa aaMj aWai luf a aaa Te Strength of the SL LouU Market. ' I "HIS year, of a3 years, die retail merdunt iKouId come to St. Louu die market that to-day aSen greater iaducementa to visiting buyers than any dry in the United States. Never before was mis great center in better posiooa to take can of tfie retailer than oow. The strong cards at lite marlet are and always have beea its extraorcaar cumpetiaon. large atocLs and low press, brought aixwt by the (act ttt in St. Louis are located : n Ffwm rflailn aaa Wi a fita kldai i fBaarj r J ar Aa , mf flaw j lAa a i rii r naiifni faiai m ia a. a.iai-a'ai .. auix. aa aaarw aaiaMWJ . jmmmiry m ia ffina. f yfA aal jnarnf am f lai full atiaata ilna nj aaaa. aVaa a a a aA ataata. la St. Louis are found the strongest houses in their respective Eaea in the world, competing with each other in the Sercest rivalry and insuring to the retailer the very lowest prices, wide anortxaeois and the best service at a3 Btnea. But this year St. Louis pfimw-tsri exceptional advantages that are not esjoyd by any other cry in the Ucked States, because : St. Lmmm tmmk mm, faj. mf dm ZlSt. Lmmm -XL Lmmm mm, m ctaaa mmmsk mmtm atari mt nulla mi inni ntmmm '""J ST- LOLra' i i n 1 : ' Ji. Lca tba G -rnxwrn Csm mm mmm a ICmxzt !ararr -a Ha Caaan-a. 3. Latia) WTinnana i,t ra ara avatV I 11 mmm Now that merchandiae prices are oa the ap grade and the demand steaduy bcreasing, low stocks prevail in si of die markets, but St. Lonia is prepared to tale care of the trade with an abundance of goods put in at the time prices in ml Knea had touched bottom. ST. LOUIS LED THE PROSPERITY MO VHMENT OF AMERICA SL Louis Im Nur Leading The Merchandise Movement For Fall Sc Louis is to-day the brightest spot aa the amsmaximl map of the United States. It is to-day the market that of ers the strongest irafkrrmrats to vaatsg buyers. If yo want to get new mapiraaon and the right nMrchaocase to go after a big trade this season, com to St. Lous. If you want the nat for yoor money is. tnerrhanrliaa pricaa, m big stocks, in wide assortments and in prompt deSveries, come to Sc Loubv If yoa want to mix business with pleasure, come to Sc Loias, where the "retaller is kktg," where you don't have to buy out the town to hve a good bme, where you get the moat for your noney it hotel arrTaWTaTdarifaTs. Rcreadou and enjoyuienL (rhea you make your trip to , jt, , r TanrkeC come to St. Lokns, the city that has the goods and is k poaiboa to set! them at the lowest 'prices psrrmiaig B the Utated States. s 1 I Facts About The SL Lam's Wholesale Market. Y THE EXHRE UNITED STATES ST. LOUS a Thm lanaaf iiajililin dry ft dm in i t. rWi-iat aai jaaai ian lit, TJm fan ii it dmtn bmtt mm mim Thm laia.af aa aajna'ailai SmUm a ai mf mU thm mm SJoa.- Tkm Waaaf aa 'a W i Thmi rw 000,001 mf laair.f aa TTm tmmm kmdf thm St. fsmmdthm t Kmm j mml nrnrnrn 1.1 w fmr fUr aafiatty mmd kmmm IN THE EMTTRE UNITED STATES ST. LOVZS HAS f t F I t-N- -) 1 I U -ai m 1. TVa laisaaf i ilinara mmd in i .hi R 3 TW mmwmmt LmmJmTmmd'l'T' 7T u iSiaaa. "'-'jf 7"W Immmmt mmr,Hmm wmm iimr, TTai.it .rw"aTTi'.""' TW a laa laraiat a aa aaaa raafai in " r afrajaraiata aatiaiac mal TW eajaaa St. f i m aSaab aaa m m aj S an i A a iwi i iitlrj, x I mi j aftul V 1 Jlmm .a"' a 1 at. T am a kawa aba rinn Crntaft HartYa us Mark ai Aa.i-ava. aV 1 a. Laaia a -ba Oaansx "la rura-aaia X I .Baa Conner. . i I