Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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FTTTW TI iTTMTMnrtv i? TOA T1 yflTTTTf TWW T1 I Tti "iT' f TP P I
! 1
JLIIUUL nJU tULLLuL WUlUl Inspective forre; and In the execution of I order, conscientiousness, and attention, as -f' ajj .I''ST A 5 ,
Nebraska Military
T t
.a S ' br-wMiim,
1 ii vii r i - ' 1 1
i Vfii
A first class, high grade military boarding school for boys and young
men. Ideal location, outside the city, yet close enough to derive all city
benefits; large, well-equipped buildings, forty acres of campus, drill, parade
and athletic grounds.
, Btron faculty: the best academic, military, business and Industrial training.
Preparation for college, university or business. A clean and Inspiring school homo.
Careful attention given to the health, habits and home life ot the boys. Non-sectarian,
but strongly religious.' Special department for boys under 12 years of age.
School will opn September IG, 1908. For Information address,
Or B. D. HAY WARD, Superintendent. Box 153. Lincoln Nebraska.
Tine Wayne Normal
Soma of the strong features of tho Wayne Normal, which commend the
?chool to those seeking an education, are: A strong teaching force; a neaitn
ul location; thorough and practical courses; moderate charges; wnolesoma,
moral Influence; splendid buildings and equipment; students may enter at
any time; no entrance examinations are required; students may take Just tne
turtle they wish; graduates receive state certificates; students are axnlntel
to good positions; superior boarding facilities; good libraries and laboratories;
model school the entire year: excellent free lecture courses; graduates ad
mitted to sophomore class of the state university without examination; an
agricultural course the full year. of 4 wecka; a winter term of agriculture of
If weeks; a thorough course in manual training; review classes in all
braninns each term; each department has Its special teachers and complete
equipment. No school enjoys a better reputation. Method classes each term.
Normal trained students are always in demand
' The school owns and occupies two large recitation building ; five dormi
tories; central hot water heating plant; dining room with seating capacity
of S00; libraries; laboratories; gymnasium; museum; athletic grounds; stock
bams and various, other equipments which go to make this school the moBt
complete of 1U kind in the west .
All buildings have electric llghtt. Departments: Preparatory, teacher's,
state certificate, scientific teachers, primary, review, agriculture, manual
training, music; locution, business, physical culture, shorthand and type
writing, drawing and penmanship. Our catalogue and circulars will interest
you. X postal to the president will bring these to you.
J. M. PXLB, president, Wayne, Web.
Work of New Department of School
Hygiene in Boiton.
Activities of Vacatlo Schools li
Large 1 1 ties Changes a College
Facilities Edaoat tonal
Write) for Free Illustrated Catalogue. Dr. David B. Kerr, Pre.
Largest and beat equipped west of the Mississippi
River; over 1,000 students ; IS professional teachers;
f certificated teachers ot shorthand; best penmanship
department la the West. Individual Instruction. Posi
tion guaranteed. Graduates can choose location. Of
ficial school for banks and railroads. No agents. Dis
penses of tuition and board reduced to a minimum.
Write for illustrated catalogue.
azii ova on xoitk nuu. orraa.
W. BOAOS, President. SOS Bant re Ave SAXZITA, KAJTBAS
The leading business men ot Omaha, over their signatures, have Indorsed
this school; also hundreds of ex-students In our new CATALOGUE. A copy
Bf it will Interest you; nothing like It ever published. Our TELEGRAPH
FOLDEK will Interest you. Both are free. Write at once. Address:
ROILRBOUGH BROS.. Omaha. Nebraska.
JLiherty Ladies Collegi
14 utlee from Kansa City. BMiHtftit en healthful location. Hlftieet graA. Is Letters, I
f. Seieeoes, Arts, rtrultr speeiallr trained In folding Colleene and UnlT.reieiee at America
i rnlem graduaue vith hlgheat boori .( th. Rol ConMrratorlM el Berlin. Lelnila.
K London, m ik. nwthorii ot taa. Come rvatorlai. A 8I. 12 CnblnM Qrnd Model Bnwraoa
' JJjJ,J2lialInnsinnnn
In. I
rom OOKrUTI zovoatiok attxvs
Co-Educatlon. Academy, College, Music, Military Tactics.
Fall Opening, Wednesday. September 2, 108. Enroll now.
Scarcely ' twelve months ago a new de
partment of school hygiene was Instituted
In the public schools of Boston. Some
experimental work In that direction has
been undertaken in other large cities,
notably In greater New York, but not with
the systematic thoroughness which char
acterizes the work In Boston. The results
of the year's trial are decidedly favorable
to the system. Although many difficulties
had to be overcome In making the depart
ment fit Into the school machinery, It was
reduced to a system before the close of
the school year, and was marked by a
decided gain In the general health of school
A writer In the Boston Transcript de
scribes the methods of the new depart
ment, and gives some Interesting facts.
He says, in part:
In accordance with the provisions of
the act of 1907, eighteen park playgrounds
have been placed under the Jurisdiction of
the school committee, for the use of the
children and their elders; and these, with
the twenty-eight schoolyard playgrounds
already In use by the schools, have pro
vided ample facilities for the Institution of
the new system.
The word "system" la used advisedly,
for not fewer than five thousand children
a day, from the grammar and primary
schools, are being amused and Instructed
through the vacation season. . Nothing less
than system and discipline could make
other than riot of such a gathering In the
open air. From seventy to ninety girls
and from eighty to one hundred and twenty
boys average to gather dally In each of
tho playgrounds and school yards and In
the congested districts the number often
exceeds three hundred. Eight trained ath
letes, of the type of Leary, the famous
right guard of Harvard, and Matthews, the
Harvard base ball coach, have charge of
the park playgrounds, where the boys are
Instructed In all the mysteries of foot ball,
base ball, putting the shot, high Jump, broad
jump, racing and a score of other attrac
tive exercises; and an equally pleasing pro
gram, adapted to their sex. Is provided
for the girls. Even to the small boy with
blocks, the small girl with dolls and the
tot that can only toddle about the sand
heaps, is the benefit of amusement and
exercise given. Bids will be opened this
week for permanent apparatus to be In
stalled in the yards and playgrounds, and
extra care has been taken to specify only
that which Is safe and Indestructible. Thus
thousands of children who never before saw
a plaything that could benefit while it also
amused them will find evnry form of
healthful exercise provided about the fa
miliar premises of the 'school. If the
weather Is inclement, the schoolrooms may
be opened and the little ones saved a
drenching; the Janitor Is paid for his extra
work at the rate of seven cents a room a
One of the Innovations of the new
regime is to prescribe that every time
a pupil rises In the schoolroom, for reci
tation or whatever purpose, he shall be
required to stand easily and correctly;
and that he shall learn to walk properly
from the time he enters the public school.
Since military drill, hitherto a separate
department, has been placed under the
jurisdiction of the department of hygiene,
every school session Is opened with ten
minutes of simple setting-up drill. All
the windows are thrown up, a star pupfl
steps to the platform and takes "com
mand," and the pupils exercise their mus
cles and fill their lungs deeply with pure
air. One estimated benefit of this re
quirement is that as the boys go out Into
life they will take with them tho knowl-
edge of how easy It Is to start the day
right, physically speaking, and what a
flood of health and vigor can be poured
into the system by a few simple move
ments. Much tact and skill are required to
conduct the nursing division with due
regard to all the sensibilities to be con
sidered and still to obtain practical re
sults. The nurses, of whom there are
thirty-four, are forbidden to wear either
cap or uniform. A small stickpin Is the
only badge of their authority. It Is the
desire of the department, that for diplo
matic reasons, the nurses shall be Iden
tified by parents and children with the
teaching rather than any supervisory or
Inspectiva force; and In the execution of
the necessary orders of the physician
the utmost care la taken to avoid fric
tion with and to respect the wishes of,
as far as possible, parents and family
physicians. The function of the nursing
division Is essentially preventive; and so
efficiently Is Its work being done, partly
by means of an innocent but very prac
tical detective system, that the division
has discovered the existence In the school
community of five times more communi
cable diseases than the Insrectors of the
Board of Health had reported In twelve
years. This remarkable record Implies no
reflection upon the health department, for
Its Inspectors cannot avail themselves of
the peculiar facilities of the school au
thorities for obtaining Information.
In Its recommendations for the treat
ment of d'sease or deformity found In
school children, the department loans
strongly toward conservation; Operations
are avoided In every possible Instance. It
Is the belief of the physicians that In many
cases the children will outgrow their ali
ments, and In others, where operations
might be advised were the Immediate cure
of the disease the only consldetatlon, the
child should be let alone If the disease,
like adenoids, is found not to be causing
deafness, or to Interfere with the breath
ing. .Tiere specific directions are given
by the physician, the nurses prove very
useful In mak ng certain that these are I
carried out. In the dental c'lnlrs of Boston,
which have been thrown open to the pupils I
of the public schools, not fewer than &,!0)
children are In process of treatment. I
Some Idea of the scope and usefulness '.
ot the inspectlve work of the new nurtlng
division may be gathered from the fol
lowing report of the first twenty nurses
appointed under the Department of School
Hygiene for the period from September 11,
1907, to February 1, 1908: "Dlst-ases of ear,
1,492 cases cared for; eye, 6,078 cases cared
for, including 3,649 suffering from defec
tive vision, of which 1,131 were corrected by
oculists; nose 2,002 cases, of which 1,406 had
adenoids, 423 of whom had the obstruction
removed; mouth, 1,766 cases, including 1 681
who had carious teeth; throat, 1,693 cases.
Including 6S3 of hypertrophled tonsils and
And nf tnnnllltlK! nlcln. 10.130 Mae, all nf
which were followed to their homes and '
the parent or guardian Instructed how to
care for them." These figures do not In
clude the speclflo Infectious diseases; and
It may be added that 3,120 excluded pupils
were taken to their homes, 2,293 to family
physicians and 3.2C2 were returned to school
cured with a minimum of absenteeism.
More than 7,500 home visits were made for
the purpose of Interesting parents or con
sulting them; and 4,772 children were taken
to hospitals on request of the parents.
These astonishing results were reached In
the Infancy of the department, and when
only twenty, Instead of the present thirty
four nurses were employed. In no one
year since 1891 had the Inspectors of the
Beard of Health reported more than 77
cases of diphtheria among school children,
or 31 cases of scarlet fever; In less than
five months following September 11, 19J8,
the nursing division discovered 39! and 477
cases, respectively. ' There can be no es
timating the number of lives saved, - the
amount of suffering . and expense avoided
for pupils and parents under the new
ays'.em. fi ' '
roa wokii.
Fifty-Eighth Tear. Fine New Buildings. Full four years College Courses. Col
lege Preparatory Courses. Best advantages in Muaio, Art, Elocution. Uomeatlc Science
and Physical Training. Ideal home life. For catalogue address,
MRS. W. T. MOORE, President, 24 College Place.
Upper Alton. Illinois
Ideal location, near BC Louis. Six modern buildings.. nr. proof Barracks. Larg. drill
hall, with gymnasium, bowling alleys
Aruiy deta.lL
application advisable, for boys of good character above the sixth grade.
and shooting gall.ry. exceptionally strong
Capacity 150. Waiting list last year, lmmedate
Tuition 1460.
COIh AX.BXKT X. JACXSOH, A. at, Bap.rlnt.nd.nt.
Lutheran Ladies' Seminary
A OoUaga fo Girls ana Oonaarretory
of Mulu
kid wtho. acm.
llartBioota: Utomry Col log. rouroa. Noma)
Covraa, Proratorr Oowroo. gomtuarr Conrao,
Acailomlo Courmo. Domtalle Kconomy Tooktn.
N4lMrk. Drooaraaklug. Commercial Bookkarp
D(. Trvowrlllng. Hhunhaoo. Haatnoaa PraMlc, Vtu-
- manahtp. Dapaltnont oi- Art Halallng. Drawloa.
Muaalmf. UiMnrnml of Elocution. Tha Cooaari
lorr ot Maaio Ptaao, Violin. Voioo. Organ.
Baauurui IlluaM-aled Catalogue, upon requoat.
Aoilroaa RKV. HANS A1XKN,
, Lasell Seminary
v For Yoaum Weancau Auovrmdaic. Maaw.
t-i An unusual srhool. Cocnbtnoa thorough tnauiK
. Hon la uaunl atuuioairKb uultiua uouiaauc training
that an tor livaa or oulaurvd uaefulueaa and homo
aacmuata. Hiwnal eworluniun In Houaohuia
fcci.u. 'intra. Mum. Ark etc. Doltihinil auburbon
Iwrniiuo. ma mliaa fruoa Boat on. ( ttiluaua nod full
lufttrmaliou on npplk-anou. Addroia
LABKLLbmilTiAUY, Ankara!., Mi
L'OLXJCUK placed laal roar aa la
1 -otnielara In bualaooa oollacM. Other orboala roroc
au. ua. ataaeaia piaoad la BANki. U rrt
vruera. INwlitona ecrod o tuiuva rotaadoa.
Write lor frto Cttalocuo.
illM MOOSI, Fnt,
U Monro. ML. Clulllcotae, Mo, '
Voder the combined Influence of serious
work, kindly courtesy, and youthful merry
making tha students of this Boarding and
Day school for young women and girls
grow Into a happy appreciation of th.
beauty and dignity of wholesoma, social re
lationships, btudenis holding certificates
covering the full entrance requirements ot
a standard state university are admitted
without examination to Junior year of col
legiate course. Certificate In college-pre-
f aratory course admits to Vassar, Welles
ry. Smith, Mount Holyoke, University of
Nebraska, Vnlverslty of Wisconsin and
I'nlveraity of Chicago. Exceptional advan
tages in music, art and domestlo science.
e .quipped gymnasium, and out-door
sports. Students mothered sympathetically.
For Illustrated Year-Hook address Miaa
Macrae, principal. Omaiia.
An Experiment Attracting Attention
In tne Empire.
Up to within perhaps ten years no prac
tical 'test of the possibility of co-education
had been made, but recently the school
authorities In the Grand Diichy of Baden
have made a trial of Its possibilities, and
the experiment Is looked upon with con
siderable Interest by- the school authorities
In other parts of the empire. From a re
cent official report the Cologne Oasette
makes the following deductions, showing
to what extent the female Bex has entered
the gymnasiums.
"While the number of girls who attended
the boys' schools In the school year 1901-02
was only 436,, this number has Increased
threefold during the last school year.
Therefore the opinion ,of the higher school
officials excites the greatest Interest about
the co-education of the sexes In the higher
schools of the dukedom. In the last num
ber of the official school report the chair
man of tha board of school directors
of tha Grand Duchy . makes a ' very
favorable report on the conditions since the
admission of the girls to the boys' middle
schools. All of the school principals admit
the capability of the girls and their ability
to comply with the courses of study, and
In many rases the greater diligence and In
telligent Interest of the girls In many spe
cial subjects were observable, besides their
tresence In the clasees exerted a very favor
able Influence on the conduct of the boys.
An excellent effect was noted In the be
havior and appearance of the male pupils
caused by the girls' greater punctuality,
order, conscientiousness, and attention, as
well as the natural refinement of the sex.
There had been no bresks In the discipline
noted and nowhere had the morals ot the
pupils been In ar.y way endangered.
Although the report of the Baden au
thorities has been favorable to the bringing
Into closer connection In matters of educa
Hon of the sexes, It Is not apparent any
where outside of Baden that any progress
has been made toward admitting girls to
the same school with boys, or even to give
them the Seme studies.
Members of loTra State College
Fnenltr In Demand.
The presidency of Mornlngslde college at
Sioux City and that of Kansas State col
lege may be filled by members of the Iowa
State college faculty. Friends of Dr. O.
H. Cessna, professor of history and psy
chology, are said to be urging him for the
former position, while for the latter Prof.
P. G. Holden Is being considered. Both
gentlemen possess In the very highest de
gree the essential qualification of the suc
cessful administrator. It Is known that
neither of them has done, or will do, any
thing to secure an election, In fact friends
have urged them not to consider a propo
sition or accept should positions be ten
dered. Both are happily situated and
friends of the State college hope they may
not be tempted to leave.
State Vnlversltr of Iowa.
IOWA CITY, la., Aug. J.-(8peclal.)-In
the future students In the State University
of Iowa will be granted university credit
for time spent In religious study. This ac
tion was taken by the unlverslt authori
ties today upon the recommendation of
the committee on religious work. No stu
dent will be allowed university credit for
more than two recitations per week, and
only eight religious work credits can be
applied on a university degree. The repre
sentative of any denomination will be nl.
lowed to offer a course In religious study
and If the outline of the course Is ap
proved by the university committee unl-
verslty credit will be given. The university
has been compelled to accept work done
In this line from the denominational schools
nf the state and the step was taken in order
to give the university students the same
advantages as those who attended the
other Institutions.
Result of Investlanllon by Depart
1 ment of Aarrlcnltnre.
The expert commission appointed by
the secretary of agriculture to examine
and classify the institutions In the United
States and Canada that teach veterinary
science has recommended some colleges
unconditionally as to the fitness of their
graduates for positions In the govern
ment service, others conditionally and
others not recommended at all. These
recommendations have been approved by
the secretary of agriculture and he will
be guided by them In making appoint
ments. The commission recommended
the adoption of a minimum course of
study for veterinary colleges to entitle
them to recognition, to be put Into effect
after the close of the next college year.
The announcement of tha Kansas City
Veterinary college for tha coming year
shows that It has already adopted the
prescribed curriculum without walling
the year allowed. As the curriculum was
already of a high order and this was one
of the colleges unconditionally endorsed,
little change was necessary. - In future
students must present certificates of
scholarship or, pass an examination In
all veterinary colleges having government
recognition. The Kansas City Institution
has always required this, but many others
have not. Students In such colleges can
not get credit for work done.
' n n-Ja; i n a a .. j.;i .. .
mt j r "'15 1 1
Illinois Institution to Confer Col
legiate Degrees.
By the action of the university senate
last January the Illinois Woman's college
at Jacksonville was advanced to full col
lege standing and will hereafter confer
the regular collegiate degrees. jrveral
additions have been made to the faculty
to provide for additional courses. The
department of domestic science and art,
established two years ago, has made
rapid development. Sixty students have
enrolled In it this year. The first grad
uate has been appointed teacher of do
mestic science In the East St. Louis pub
lic schools. The faculty has been en
larged by the appointment of Ina K.
Pitney of Evanston, In charge of domes
tic science, and Grace E. Russell of Peeks
kill, In charge of domestic art. They are
both graduates of the Teachers' college
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
Tetchers College of Indianapolis
for th. training of Kindergarteners and
Primary Teachers. Kegular course two
years. Poat-Oraduate course for Normal
Teachers one year. Primary training a
part of the regular work. Classes formed
in September and February.
Tim ScAolarsaip Grant Sack T.rna.
Special Primary Classes in January.
March. May and June. Send for catalogue.
Mrs. Elisa A. Ulukrr, Pres., Tk. WUUaa
Jackson MwuortaJ Institute. ltd and Ala.
Combines a home school for boys with a
semi-military discipline. A training, such as
he will receive at our school, creates habits of
obedience promptness, punctuality neatness
and a sense of responsibility. It is a school
Where they build
manly boys
This is accomplished by thorough Instruction, and healthful training of
both body and mind. Our discipline and training tend to build character.
At the same time, the course of Instruction is thorough and complete.
The location of our school is most beautiful. Our new fire
proof building will relieve you of any anxiety about yoor boy.
Our school is one where your boy is made to feel thoroughly
at home. We have a right to feel proud of the boys we send out
as graduates of our school.
Write me for our book about the Kearney Military Academy, which
will give you ao idea of the school, through the pictures of the school and
school life, and a complete account of the school and what it offers.
1 i HARRY Rl'SSELIi, Head Master, Kearney, Neb.
Mount St. Joseph College
and Academy
A. boarding school for youngladlcs
Dubuque, Iowa
OollogUt Pfgreos Academic Department afmHilfed to th Cnt-
rerun y of Iowa excellent facilities offered for the education ol
young women Conservatory of Music and Art. .
One mile from Dubuque. Four hours' rid from Chlcaa-v Dtseet mlV
road connections with Omaha, St. Paul and St. Louis. Extenslr grounds
Pineries. Normal Course, Urammar Department, Business Couosa.
For Catalogue address Sister Superior.
Information concerning the advantages, rates, exteqt
of curriculum and other data about thevi6t -schools . .
and colleges can be obtained from the -
School and College Information,
Bureau of The Omaha Bee
All information absolutely free and Impartial. Cat- r
logue of any particular school ohssTfuIty farolshsd
upon request. j'
Old you
ever ttlilnlc
that any school can easily have ex
pert teachers" on paper t The Mosher
Larhpman Business College has them
in the school room. This accounts for the fact
that just 80$ of the students who have entered
our school in July came to us from other Business
Colleges. For information call, phone or write.
aV4(.U, ....t
IVIOSHER-LAIVIPIV1AIV, 17th and Farnam Streets
' The direct route
A straight line la the ahrrteat dlstancs
between two points. Why not taeoh your
The complete keyboard. Smith Pre
mier. Is the WOKLI'I BEST TTB
Free employment borean
Stenographers are furnished to business
men without wharffe io school, atana
grapher or employer.
Write for particulars.
Ihe Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.
Omaha, Meb.
Edueatae the whole boy I Salect,
veraltlea. buRlnfaa. Full Faculty,
Onlr two fell below 80 per eant
acnooia to a lair contest 11 alt
(shed acholnra and rentlrmen who
health. D-llihtful hi, me. cholra
tennli. colf, mulc. dancing, tkatl
ing everything that makes a boy'
Addreaa COU W. U. r UNV11.LK,
limited, thorouth.
Ten bora to o
laat acaaton. V
tha academic br
can make good, n
aaaoclatlon. Full
nr., boating, awim
'a Ufa worth whll
Mexico, Mo.. Box
Prepares lor hi inert and beat Co Ilea, nnl
na teacher. Special aid In atudlea. No allura.
o auco record elsewhere, challenges other military
anchea at tha close ot tha aeaiton. Turns out tin'
ot profeaaional athlete and soldier.. p.rteot
school athlatlca-foot ball, baee ball, basket ball
mlng. fishing, hunting, eross-countr runs, camp
e. Chargea reasonable. Illustrsted catalogue tree.
Hardin College and Conservatory
For younsT women. I'hnrterml hv ,h ....... af
women. Chartered by the state; JBth year.
i tv. .;rii-i rV. V".t.. V,"V" .t"u"i",-.. . '-"'rary woric
Ihe col Iff?
l naraLi!! rrsn t riv h. i n u... tu i. .
-- w- .. ...... m iijuujro. i ne con
servatory uermun stundurds. Courses in Art EiDraisinn
BuMnes. and iJorne.tic Science. Bafe and stCne ovcS
fechool opens Wednesday September 8. Write for catalogue
and terms to President John W. Million, A. M., 1306 College
l'laco. Mexico, Mo. :
Oldest and largest in the Middle rV'est. Prepares for Unlrersw
ties. Government Academies or for Lfe. Active u Vutltol?
Rated in clasa "A". Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry drills V
dividual Instruction for backward boys. Manual Tralnlna- atari,
arate department for small boys Illustrated catalogue frV
, Address Secretary, Box A, Lexington. Mo.
l evaja4Mnay 1 rag. .
Xlmbalt Rati
23t ! 251
VVatxak Aw
Chicago, 111.
Foaaded 1M6. All brancket of Matic and Diaaiaiia
An. Seventy cauaent instructors. Unsaipssacd ceeiM
af atady. Taacksts' Training. Pabhc gckeol Musis
Depsrtracat. UmrivmUd frt jiJvtmtsgtt. Diploaiss.
Csrtiicstes. Terau saederale. Thirty lie. school sckel.
arships swsrded a taleated pupils of liailied sasaas.
ramatlc Depart as. rat anaar dirscllaa el Dart Caaway
Tana begins Tharsdsr, Sept. 10, 106. Caialogae free.
JOHN J. HATT8TAEDT. President.
Todd Seminary for Bsys
list year. Tha oldest school for noy( la
tha Northwest. Located SO minutes from
Chicago and 1000 feet above the sea la
the "hill country" of Illinois. Our Ideal:
"For every Todd boy a good cttlsen. ' denrj
for prospectus. Noble Mill, rrlaulpai.
DUaoU. Woodstock,
lAIIAT you do for your boy
now determines what bo
will do for himself latter, We
take boys from 8 to 17 years of
age and make systematic, manlv
fellows of them. 1
Let us send you our cataloguo
and. the booklet, "The right
school for your boy." '
Racine College Grammar School
Racine, Wisconsin
College of
kTj I v gvl Tuition, Hoard and Room
r Kent. 1200 Btudent. S6 In
structor!. Professional, University Pre
paratory. Common ttchool and Musical
co or . Car fare paid. Attend on credit,
fcend for free cetaloinie.
Tft Morsual Atv. CaUdUiootbe Mo,
Dsr sod Ertulbf Bofaool. fall tvrm bfglna Bjpt. T,
Kstlr buildup In s quint lucstioa. oal ftv niln
uts from busluets o-ntor, ecriipit by culUs. ftiu
aiis vavsULrtl tu otHiuiiig mpiomtiL No other
city odtrrs opportunities for siutttnti lo work
thir way through oolUgt Chicago. g& pr out
Of studats rlf-uitnrt:ng whlt HudrlDg; i0 iu
4eot Istt yasr. Most prluri itv' Wiiy
la SDjr wira In scUool. Frpsrs for bar of
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