THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1909. CA3P CRAWFORD ORGANIZES Bexxer&l Jttrtoa Arrlret With Staff Frtnar Omaha-toid. Israel Orders. EK3UIAI13 Asazsrr khitia, Ob Over Trvt Tnat n f l,lltw Will Be Toletel ' OftewAera Pastels. CAMP EMMET CKAWrTlKD, Near Dnl Creek. Wyo., Auk. t (Special Telegram. Camp GmmM Crawford wa formally estab lished yesterday' by BrUtwfller General Char) Morton, sommmiVrn th Depart ment f th Missouri, who baa arrived o th ground WKH hi tft, consisting lrly of th department start of the Department of the Missouri, from Omaha. The camp la well located and will continue for, one nontjt. General ordere No. 1, following;, give the detail of the camp and the personnel of the command: L For the purpose of Instruction thl com mand will oonstltut a provisional dlvlalon of two brig's dee, comprising all troops, regular and mllltla, which have reported or mar report at any time for duty at this encampment. 1 The provisional Infantry brigade will be composed of the Twsmty-flrst Infantry, the Fifteenth infantry, the Third battalion, Nineteenth Infantry, and the three organ ised militia regiments from Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and will be commanded by Colonel Charles A. Williams, Twenty-first Infantry, The provisional cavalry brlgsde will be composed of the Fourth and Eighth cavalry, and will be commanded by Colonel 11. P.. Kingsbury, Eelgnth cavalry. The field artillery (headquarters and one bat talion, Second field artillery, and the Colo rado and Utah batteries) will constitute the division artillery, commanded by Colonel 8. W. Taylor, Second field artillery. " t. In compliance with general orders No. II current series. War deportment, the undersigned hereby tuumri command of the provisional division and camp. 4. The following staff Is announced: Personal First Lieutenant Arvln I,. Hntv Backer, Ninth cavalry, aide-de-camp: Rec ord Lieutenant Troup Miller, Seventh cavalry, gide-de-camp. Division Lieutenant Colonel William P. Evans, general staff, chief of staff; Major W. T. May. Fifteenth infantry, adjutant geenral; Major J. Q. Galbralth, Inspector general, Inspector general and Judge advo cate; Major Daniel E. McCarthy, quarter master, chief quartermaster; Second Lieu tenant Otto L. Bruniell, battalion quarter master and commlasary, Kleventh Imfantry, assistant to chief quartermaster and depot quartermaster; Captain Cecil Stewart, com- mlBsary. chief commissary; Lieutenant Colonel Aaron II. Appal, Medical corps, thief surgeon; Major William E. Purvlance, Medical corps, medical Inspector; Captain William F. Clark paymaster, chief pay master; First Lieutenant Mark L. Ireland, ordnance department, chief ordnance, offi cer; Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Olassford, - Signal corpa, chief signal officer; Captain Paul S. Wood, oorpa of engineers, chief en gineer officer. CHARLES MORTON. Brigadier General United Statee Army, Commanding. Other Orders Issued. . General order No. I, gives the dally rou tine of calls for the government of the camp. General order No. I provides for the arrival and assignment of the different command to constitute the ramp and the methods of submitting reports. It goes on further to atate that the attention of all Officers and enlisted men of the division Is called to the fact that courtesy among; milt tary men is inaiepensioie, a .met ooserv- ne of thl requirement la enjoined upon ajl. A far a practicable all officer of th regular army will furnish any information ought by officer of the organised mllltla eenoernlruf organlsatlOTs. encampments. sanitary precautions, and administration, fn order that they may derive the greatest benefit from the encampment and the course of Instruction to be pursued. The si of alcoholic liquors on th reservation Is strictly prohibited. General order No. provide for the d tail of camp management, aanltation arid snjolns ,th trjet observance of uch rule. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Itaalat and Carlons Peatarea of Life In Rapidly Orswlsg tnto. Who waa th fellow who wa using the flashlight Sunday evening? He said that there were four In one single rig. How about it boys? Closter Item In Madison County Reporter. Among th Poor Rich There are a lot of men In this world who go ' out to the garage, .look a W COO automobile In the face. kick themselves snd wl.'i they could sell It for I7E0. Chappell Register. Notice to Candidates A farmer over near Marttnsburg neighborhood Is said to have the following sign hung on his gate. "Mr. Candidate: I am very busy; don't look for me. You will find the ax in the wood- hed, the hoe hanging on the garden fence, th weed scythe haa Just been sharpened. Take your pick of the garden tools, and if you can convince my wife that you are really in earnest about saving the country you can depend on getting my vote on lection day." Emeraon Enterprise. Who's She Locking At? Did you ever hear of peoplo so very good that thev would not read certain papers, books or articles for fenr of lesrnlng something "awiuir Take the second look at such people ar, you will notice that they are deficient mentally, physically or morally. They lTnve a faculty of putting a wrong meaning to whatever they read. It may uu crmuie ox gross ignorance. Cut more likely It shows what's "running through their minds." How could they Imagine tbat a bad meaning Is evident, if they are not familiar wtth the "bad things" them selves. Annls Ve Gate In Auburn Gran ger. Editor Gets a Roast Editor Pinch of Mema speaks very ungentlemanly of the old aettlers' picnic and thr beautiful grove In which it waa held (the finest In the county), and turns up his nose as though he smelt suthln , and perhaps he did; for ha Is undoubtedly a smart feller. The last picnic held In Mema so disgusted many of the old aettlers that thsy prefer a shady grove, pur water and fresh air to th re AneTwat s Sale by all Ksw steal PovaloUom aaewa TUw Tables. AMUBCMKMTS. !T)nntlC TtlCATDr Ja Hlti' I lit."" aWstan IHLLMAFTS IDEAL STOCK CO Three Act Comedy THE CIRCUS GIRL. Vntrrukt wfcsp Acne. crvj-Au A SOD gnmi 10 aud r 1 slovenly treatment they received at the hands of the Mernaltea, who had agreed to furnish shade, drtnklna water ana seat for the crowd. . We distinctly remember that the aeatlnt; had to be done by the old reliable settlers when they arrived. As for water, a family wash-tub partly filled waa set on the ground back of the speak ers' stand and used bj the dogs as a drinking resort J It waa considered good enough for the old settle ra by the codfish aristocracy whose sole object waa to bam booele pennies and nickels from the kids. Ob real we could drink with your dogs or buy water tinctured with citric acid and lemon rlnda at five pennlea per water. Subscriber In Anaelmo Enterprise. FIXING UP FOR THE SHOW What Attract Johnnie to the Stave Door n Baldheads to the front Row, I In the August American Magaalne Elmer B. Hsrrls. the playwright, write an am us- Ing yet serious story of a ehoru girl, Fnl- lowing la an extract which clears up the mystery about "symmetrlrais:" Do have patience with me. Mlaa Bt. Claire, but what I a ahow girl V Behold! She put her hand on her hip and poses, chin in air. "You r having breakfast with on." Tou said you were a chorua girl." Tea, but I nthe chorua ar long skirt, short skirts and tight." I see. Tou get paid by the length of th howT" "No, goosle, by the length of the klrt. in these aays wnen you can oo .ri with symmetrical, tight, are euner ne cradle or the grave. I'd like to see the manager who'd dare suggest tights to me! I d hand him the Ice pitcher! The long skirts are the show girl." v "What In the world are the ymmet- ricals?" She looked at me with suspicion. "Are you from MUsdurlT" ' "No; but you'll have to show me." "Bay, you're the limit 1 Tou don't know your a. b c a. symmetrical, arano, can make a chorus girl of a clothespin. Are you on?" I suppose there are lot of little Jeal- ousles In the chorus?" I continued, like a reporter. "Jealousies oh, la, la! I remember ballet dancer who had It In for me because I didn't wear symmetrical and an had to, though she never admitted It ,'Symmet- rloals!' she'd say, and put her nosa up this I way seet thl way. 'I don't evsn have to wear garters.' "And my very only dear, I wish jrott could have een them like Christmas- tree stockings: you Couldn't tell whtih were oragnes and which were knees. Well, anyway she had a beautiful figure f torn the front.' and thers was a fellow In love with her. Oh, he was the ickest thing 1 My word! Trembled so ha couldn't light a cigarette, and got all sobered up whenever she apoke to him. A prise fighter. I think. One night she and me were coming out of the theater together and he met us, and he, as usual gave him her bundle to carry. Just as we got Into the light at the corner It dropped and smashed open on ve cement. And there, fight In plain asiht, like somebody who had fallen th.r- -five .torlea and had all her bone. brrfk x were the symmetrlcalat .Qooi grao,ou,, kjddo,' h say, whuf Lhemr ' iht', what your v In Iot with,' ay, t." W I EC RCATFR LI MflST MORRFn Crowd Break Into Jail and Vbm Blacksnake Whip om tk Culprit. DEADWOOD. S. D.. Aug. 1-Accud of wlf beating on the publlq treeU, Oeorg. Corey of Terry, a amall mining camp bare, a most lost hi. 1U. th hand of a mob. Corey had been arretd and placed In Jail. A mob quickly formed and broke Into the JalL The man waa takan to the highway, where he wa forced to run a guantlet of men . wtth blacksnak whip. Many men wer in favor of lynob. Ing him, but the women of th town pre vented this, and he was driven down th gulch and warned never to return. IMPROVEMENTS OJf PAIR GROUNDS Immense New Cattle Barn Betas Ballt New Andltorlnm. LINCOLN. Neb.. Ada. X Special.) Few Omaha neoole realise, and not every- body even In X,lneoln realise, th enormou. amount of Improvement, that are being .ffWfwl at h. Rt.t. fair rrounda at the oanltal dtv this vesr In view of the annual State fair to be held during the last week of this month. An Immense new cattle barn I. being built, located Ju.t West of the ad- ministration btilldlns. and encted at a coat of tSO.OOO. This building Is of brick and wood with cement floors and all modern Im provements for the handling of too head of cattle. Just east of this structure is being constructed an auditorium with 4 eating capacity for 5,000 people, built of teel and lumber, the arrangements being such that there are omy six columns In the enclosure, the center span being eventy-two feet wide. The atate hoard la cindering the drive- rays, reconstructing the bleachers and many other Improvements are being made. One of the most convenient changes being made Is the entrsnce to the quarter stretch, which In the future will be en' tlrely away from the grandstand and will be found much more suitable for teams and autoa going to th rsce track. The stock Judges' stsnd haa also been chsnred to a position west of th preaent grandstand. Move to Settle Strike. MARSlfALLTOWN, la., Aug. I (Spec ial.) A movement that was started by Mayor O. L. Ingledue, and which was made public today may result In a settlement of the Iowa Central strike. The four union, th mtchlnls s. bollermakers, bMcksr l.hs and rsr workers, that iu- Involved hav ppo'nte.l a gantrnl coimvitUee, which through the arranttementa made by Mayor Ing'edue "l to meet General Sup rlnten- dent D. C. Noonan of ths Iowa Csntral In a' letter today Mr. Noonan laid that h would meet the committee soon. Thl committee has full authority to act, and from a good source It Is )rned that th commutes I willing to accept the cut in wages, which was the original cause of the str'ke. The oompany Is getting ready hunrsls of freight car to be sent esat to bt repaired. Nearro Mortally Woemdod. CLINTON. Is.. Aug. 1 "Peaceful Henry' Field, a Mlaaourl negro, wa shot and mortally wounded this afternoon by Hugh Brown, aged 60. a Clinton resident. In a fight at Brown' home. Brown used shotgun after rieida had out him wtth a raaor. Fields linger at a local hospital with remarkable tenacity to life. H Is half dead with one eye, none, mouth and part of hi knH and brain Mown away. A Believer. "Do you believe In telepathy f asked ths mystical person. "What do you mean br telepathy f" asked Mr. Dustln Stax. "Thought transfer the faetiltv tbat en. able one person to know what another person is tblnktiur about." -tjo, yea. 1 litre's my old friend. Mr. Bklnboodl. 1 know what he's thinking sows aia VKry mintno. w n t it 7 "Money.' Washington Stat SPECIAL DAIS FOR CORN SHOW Agricultural Collerei Are Promised Day AH of Their Own. STUDENTS PARADE IS PLANKED state Waat Similar Rec4gltlm, May Have To Be Contented by lesdlsg Governors Do? let Aside for Then. "College Day" Is to be one of the fea ture of th National Corn exposition, which Is now being planned by the manager of the fclg agricultural show. Announcement waa made Saturday by J. Wllke Jones, manager of th corn show. that though there are applications for many special days. It will be possible to have one set aside as the "Agricultural College Day" anc the faoultles of the various schools will begi: at once planning for th trip to Omaha. rt S hoped to have special train from the towne where the agricultural colleges ,re jolted In Kansas. Iowa, Nebraska, coHrado. South Dakota. Missouri. Illinois and Indiana. Already the authorities at the Iowa college at Ames are certain of a large attendance from that school. TJie student will come at such time that they will all arrive In the city during the early mornlnaj of the day set aside for them. They plan to have a street parade, headed by the nd. wh,pn ,, .,. th. ,..,,, tnT th. . . c.rrvln. the usual col lege banners and making the usual demon stratlons. From a cttlaen'a standpoint the parade will resemble a world' congress of foot ball teams, but In reality will be com posed of the young men of the country who are studying to Increase the crop yields and wealth of th country million of dollars. Many Want Special Days. Bom of the special day already planned are: Nebraska day, Governor' day, Chll dren' day and Agricultural day. Several tates have asked for special day, but It la doubtful whether they can be accommo- dated. North Carolina, which expected to hare a big exhibit at the National Corn exposition, hat notified the exposltkjn man- agement that because the appropriations of the board of agrloulture are exhausted and investigation has shown that not enough of the grain growers are producing crop for exhibition purposes, North Carolina will not be represented this year. "But w will be with you In 1900," writes th secretary of tat. Led by th Commercial club and Corn palace at Mitchell, 8. D., and the agrlcul- tural college at Brookings, South Dakota promises to be one of the most tmportant participarjts In the National Corn exposition. For several year Mitchell has held a corn carnival in a great corn palace. The paiac. wnl open In Mitchell thl year on September 28 and close October I. L. L. NmMj commissioner of the Commercial club of M)tcneni has written that the corn palace bolng. ovei.haule1 ,nd redecorated and everytmng. soem t0 ,now that It will be the earn(va, et,er neId ,n gouth Dakota, m flll. .h.w th ,, ,M w, b ent t0 th National Corn exposition in Omaha and South Dakota is I": .r, 2. 7 ", " mTnnV. out after prhte. pralss and prominence. iip uiis viir prii ADTIPI C InC VVAO Infc rtCAL An I IULC A Type of Keatseky Major Who Mod a Few Remarks 1st the World. Major Throckmorton, an Innkeeper ot Louisville In ante-bellum days, was one ot the most Interesting character that aver k,lnu. v htalr life wArlh llwlnar A, 1. 1 at nr. Jo, . , ..--..a Chle- DCkena. th great English novelist, .. h , n umbrella out on a man who stared at him Impudently, and he made at least or retort worthy to be handed down from generation to genera tion. The Dickens affair I known' to all, and the umbrella episode to most of the old Kentucklans. ' The man was staring in a very offensive way at the major, who, an noyed at hi persistence, stepped up to him and remarked: "My friend, I'm Just an ordinary man, alttiougti I look so grand." To which th reply came: "Tou don't look so d grand, etmer. Ana tnen in irouoie oegan. But th meet notaoie real ot an waa mat retort previou.iy reierrea io, ana wiuon here quoted from contemporary cnronicie. "Get this man' hore." said the major to hi hotler (the man had Insulted one or the major guests;; -mat inue rant. pony. lt you know," shouted the big tnan, "that I am not from Arkansas, ana m horse Is no Arkansas pony, either! And then In a still louder ton he called out 'I'll let you know that I am a gentleman!" The major answered: "And I'll let you know that I am a gentleman)!" 'And I'll let you know," yelled th big; man, "that I am Colonel Wllaon of Wood ville, Miss. 'And I'll let you know," vociferated the major, "that I am Major Aria Throck morton of the Blue Licks, Kentucky. And I'll let you know," screamed the big man, "that I run for the state senate In any deeotrtck laat summer, and that 1 was beat four vote!" "And I'll let you know." ' ahrteked th major, "that I ran for th state senate In this district last summer, and that I was I beat 400 votes!" Harper's Weekly. Btreaarth of Westminster Attested. If you hear of young men from a great modern city which boasts an ambitious and splendidly equipped university of its own, betaking themselves for education to a country college rather remotely located In an interior county of the state; If you learn of leading bus: net men of that same city Intensely Interested In the wel:are of the same cjlleg and giving unsrai' of th.i.' time and financial skill to the mi- vsnceinent and conservation ot Its inter as. a: it you find the same Institution, tn-Ugh situated In competitive proximity to one of the most flourishing of tW universities, yet holding 1LS own sturdily In that competition and ten drawing students from under the shadow of It far larger, state-supporting rival If you cup ten upon such tokens of vitality as thes when you ar look ng about among the Christian colleges. It will pay you to atop and give special heed; It necessarily has quality about It to in qjlre into. So It la, that Westminster college at Ful ton, Mo., cont nues today for young men an efficient Institution of learning with growing success. The theory of training boys for usefulness In the world, to which Westminster con secrated Its effort in It earliest youth- far birk In the flft es of the eighteen hun ercrts remains th good old school s funds. mental principle of guidance down to this eighth year In th nineteen hundred. Wastm'nstsr ha no finer glory than the youthful allvencaa of Its veteran professors as keenly Informed on th "latest" writ ten hi their specialties as any now r.odged "doctor" from th post graduate choot. and graeylrig th worth of tt with expert e rice's mora comprehsnstv understanding, All thla may be aold truly without speak. Ing ot I be talent! younger men who tnfus "new bloed" in th faonlty, Th LKtng Link Wsgus, which aaalnta'nt on of th recent graduate of th college at a mission station In China, la a live and popular an organisation of student nd alumni aa the very popular literary societies. , All this to an analyst of tb controlling reason why ao many earnest, discrimi nating cltlsena torn away from th excep tional university advantage of their nvrn city and rrom the great schools of the east, and end their sons fof a cultural education up the Missouri river and aside to the pretty country town of FMlton for th car and Instruction of .Westminster college. Thla patronage has a peculiar significance In view of the fact that It stands for a oonaclou choice. It I a proud record this college haa. with Ita long (1st of successful nrofessors In colleges and universities and seminaries, powsrful ministers of eminent pulpits, use- iui practitioners of medicine and of law. member of legislatures and of congress to wnose names the1 'honorable" la no mis. homer, business men of large affairs, and not least to be spoken of, the men In humb cr situation in life whose Christian train ing has made them constructive moral force In their several communities. It Is truly surprising to see how far Westmin ster has supplied leading lawyers, phys- "-.... ana merchants, and how Tar the Presbyterian pulpits of Missouri h... k. dependent on Westminster' production of .......Biers, ana It has .suDolied as w.n . treat number of other states, as Drs. Sneed u ioung ot Pittsburg. in careful aearch of a discreet tee after the resignation of the former president several years ago resulted In the Selection of Dr. David R. Kerr of Belle vue college, Nebraska. His administration iiwn marked with many tokens of th. Practical wisdom which he learned In hla long terma of auccessful aervln. . n-i vue. Three new professorships have been oreated, courses for nnu.i. , . . - oti .aw ana fte.d l7 J'VP4. nd a fine athletic field added. Hla nrnatla-e .. -u, . . had It. natural effect in bringing In new "na ,ne "ttendance the last year ha-"been the largest in the Institution', his lory. ALLEY! ARB MADE INTO PARKS Central City Man Set. Emi. Others to Kmnlnte. CENTRAL, CITT. Neb., a,.- 9 v 7. B' Mord- Central City', cattl king, ! .V""0""1" the portion of the alley in the rear of a large business block owned ...v ? p,8Ce of bcaut' A nnt walk haa been laid around the sldea of the court and In the center a small park has wu I h. r 'V1 " Prob4bl "ample will be followed and unsightly spot. In the ne" transformed Into small parks. Mr. Hord's plan Is unique and Is one that could be followed with profit In ny town whose cltisen are ambitious for I.on Distance Horse Rare. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Aur. awn i.. An effort is belns- mart t,v tx ,. " iiuniier committee to arranee a mM ... tween Workman, owner of "Teddy," and ""Mn- owner of "Sam." winners of h recent endurance race from Evanston to Denver. It is proposed to and "Bam" from Denver to Cheyenne dur ing one of the Frontier day, and have them finish to front of, the grandstand at Frontier prk. If the challenge of Work man of Cody to. Wyckert of Greelev foe the race la accepted, the rider will proh- aoiy start rrom Denver about 4 o'clock on the morning of me day of the cele bration, and a the distance can be made easily, in ten or eloyen hours, the finish could be had before the completion of the day program at tho park here. Workman I willing to ride for a purse that will be hung up by the Frontier DeoDle. end n Ide bet. It is nowiuo to Wvokort.' Dead Man SttU Uaiden titled. CHETENNB. Wyo,. Aug. fwSoeclal ) Coroner Murray baa been unable to iden tify the man who was found terrlblv mangled in the Union Pacific yards a few aays ago, and the county will nmhihi. bury the remains a J. once. Not Indemnifiable. The unhappy man was now naiin. , recover under the employers' liability act My boss" he testified, "raised my wg"A and1 "ot married. No. I swear I raised my wages." ,But A"8 court held, after hearing all the evidence, that the niaintter v..h guilty of contributory negligence, and' the suit wa dismissed. Puck. A Rotary Washing Machine tWa week 12.60. Petersen & Schoenlng Co. BRIEF CITY NEWS ftoot Print Xt. Badelph T. Swoboda, Pnbjlo-Aooonntaat. Thoma w, Blackburn for congress, adv. Bowman, in K , Douglas aho. $1.10. Bomrk for Quality cigars, lit S. 15th. fcUehart. DhotosTsnh.r. nth a irsrnsn. .. O. f0r county att'y. Adv. John X. Here for state auditor. (Adv.) Boog-lM Printing Co-, 114 S. 19th. Tel. 644. Sqnltobl I.lfe Policies, sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha. E. W. Blmsral has removed his law of fices to rooms 221 and 222 First .National Bank building. Ontaha Ad Clnb The regular meeting of the Omaha Ad club will be held at the Paxton hotel Tuesday night Btugsss-Orandia Co-, itll Howard St Gas, electric flcturss, electric wiring and repair. Residence electrlo fan, fit It THE COLLEGE BUILDING IN ALL NEBRASKA Built Exclusively for Business Training. Tou cannot grow oak In cellars. No more can you expect to develop auccegBful buBlness men and women in the wrong environment. Realizing the truth of this, the B oyles College Building waB designed nd built wholly and solely for Husi nesa College purposes. The result U that Boyleg Building Is referred to by experts as not only the most elaborate and most costly, but. a well, the most complete and practical business college building in America. Here you find that evidence of sue cess and prosperity which becomes a part of the student's very life. This surrounding of students with the environment of practical, successful business Is one of the greatest helps in making them successful and pros perous in their business careers. All the advantages of securing a business training In Boyles College are fully set forth in our handsome catalogue, which will be mailed to any address upon request. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Building. Official Training School of Union Pao lflo XL R. Telegraph DepartmeU ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Mri. JTellie Underwood Writes of Ladle, of Grand Army. BOOSTS CHICAGO Ail FOE OFFICE Want Mr. Genevieve H, Loaa-fletd for National President of Growing ratrtotle Order, Chicago tlavlaaj Furnished Other Presidents. Mrs. Nellie Underwood of Chicago, national press correspondent oi the Ladles of the Grand Arniv, wrltee to The Hee aa follows: CHICAGO. July 28. 19. I delre to thark the members of Garfield circle of your city for remembering the grave of my daughter, Mrs. Idn Dragner. who sleeps In your cemetery at Prospect Hill. My daugh ter was a member of William McKlnley circle of Chicago, and on Memorial day, I am Informed recently, they placed (lowr on her grave. My circle extends thanks thanks and her mother expresses sine, re appreciation for the kind rrmembranre. "I would like to ask space for a snort letter, In which to tell something ahiui the order of Ladle, of the Grand Army, which I feel would be of Interest to many of your readers. The order was crganlsed In lfl and Is -composed of wives and blood kin female relatives of solders snd sailors of the civil war. Only thnne able' to prove their relationship to veterans are eligible. We number upwards of 80. 0X1 members, with 20.0H0 honorary members, meaning veterans who have Joint d our order. We have expended for relief Mnc lwa 44,M. Funds on hand, $0.iJO0, Fl.ig used In burial service of veterans, 9.(0). We have subordinate councils lnrtilr.y two states. "Chicago has furnished three national r residents of the order: Mrs. Agnes J. risbow, Mrs. Nettle Gunlock and Mrs. Mary T. Hager, and It la the unique fact that, all three were members of Tnomaa circle. No. 1. "Illinois will put forward the name of Mrs. Genevieve Hager Longfleld as a can didate for national president, to be elctid at Toledo at the annual national conven tion to be hold there in August. "Mrs. Longflold Is the present national Inspector, and has Just completed a year's work as department president of Ililonli. She Is well known to the Nebraska de partment, and has many staunch friends in Omaha. "The order stands today as an order of records, and like the Daughters of the Revolution, will be perpetual on similar lines, although on stricter lines, of ellgtb.l Ity, and every member Is proud' of the priceless heritage bequeathed us from our relatives. The Grand Army of the R.3 publlo as an organisation stands entirely alone In Its uniqueness and wonderful power for good. As one worthier than I has said: "No one can be born Into It, nor no king or caar Issue a commission Into It. Only the tlmo-worn piece of Sarchment pr paper called an honorable Ischarge will admit a man to Its sacrrd ranks." The Ladles of the Grand Army are Just aa exclusive. Only absolute proof of servioe that a relative named In the application will receive consideration. A a consequence we feel closer to the Grand Army and Its Interests than any other organisation could, and bPIng an Inde pendent organization we have come to stay." Fraternal I'nlon of America. Banner lodge No. 11 will Rive a pro gressive high five party and dance under the auspices of the -guards in Myrtle nail, jr irteentn ana uougias streets, Thurnday evening. Refreshments will be served. Mondamln lodge No. Ill will give a high live party anu dance, on wennesaay even Ing In Fraternity hall, Eighteenth and Harney streets. Refreshments will be served. Miscellaneous. ' The annual picnic of the Union Vet erans' Union will be held at Kibbler's park August 20. An Ice cream social will be given by Pansy camp No. 10 Royal Neighbors of America, August 14 at the residence of Mrs. T. M. Stewart, 1B0S Corbv street. George Crook post No. lit. Grand Army of the Republic, enjoys tne distinction of havlna- the oldest veteran of the civil war among Its membership. Major John Thorn Croft was formally mustered into that post a week ago. He Is past 94 years of ae. s Druid camp and Welcome grove of the Woodmen'.of the World will give a bas ket plcnlo at Miller park Sunday After noon. A card party to be followed by dancing will be given Wednesday evening. Au gust 12, by Alpha grove No. 1, Woodmen Circle. In Barlirht's socley halls. Re freshments will be served during the evenintr. Omaha -hive No. 953. Ladles of the Maccabees, will meet In Fraternity hall Tuesday evening. On August 6 this hive will entertain its members and friends with a htuiket nlcnlc at Lake Manawa. The regular meeting of the Woman's Relief corns of U. S. Grant post will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In Barlght a hall, Nineteenth ana r arnam. CHINESE OFFICIALS ARRIVE Commission to Study Commercial Cos- dltlona Here Reaches 8a Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. The steamer Siberia from the orient today brought here a commission appointed by tjie Chinese government to visit the United States to study commercial conditions The commission Is composed of Wang Chla, senior secretsry of the Department of Agricultural Works and Commerce Pan 8u Chlh, second assistant secretary of the same board, and Li Chtng Lien. Collector of the Port Stratton was au I prised of the coming of the commission ) .f"' I? 11 Beekman Wlnthrop and It wa met here by a representative of th collector and the Chinese oonsul here. The commie sion will remain in San Francisco for some days. Arrested for Moms City Burglary AINS WORTH. Neb., Aug. 2.-(SpeclaI.) Telegram.) Arthur Johnson of Iowa was arrested in Cherry county yesterday by Sheriff Plersal of Brown 'county and put In jail here thl morning for burglary In Bioux City, la., on July 4. '(doed lq eqi jo saiuoq m ojui soj ii :sa iu' u iwApy ONLY II. B. Boyles, President, OMAHA. SdlOOl 5 AND Colloozj XX ASM r We will send you cata logues and school infor mation of any kind which you cannot obtain so easily in any other way. This service is abso lutely free. No charge now, or at any other time. The following classes of schools are included in this offer: A Colleges. Universities B Schools for Young Ladies C Boy', Military D Music, Art, Oratorjr E Profesaional F Technical, Trade G Businesi, Telegraph, Normal II Kindergarten, Nurse I Correspondence Educational Information Bureau MS LriMin-bould Building, St. Lou Is, Mo. 27 Flftn Avenue. New York. Room MM 1 THE University of Illinois OFTE&S TEBOUQII ITS College of Dentistry a splendid opportunity to men and women to pursue a oourse or instruction leuaing to the Doctor's Pegree. Tho college building is modern and com modlously equipped. Large and well ap pointed cllnlo rooms. Technical, Fhyet cal and Chemical Laboratories complete in every detail. Dentistry cressets one of the beat op portunities for the praotloe of a reinnner- lst In oompar(on to th number engaged In other prof. salons. The following sta tistics from ths national COMaUSSXOVSB Or EDUCATION will show ths number of persons in ima meineer v wv Slons I Population to ono physician ind surgeon 57, Population to one lawyir . . . . 7 665 DAnnlaftnfi 4 aha Hanf!t 0 IUiUlflUUU IU yilC UGIIU4)! wuv iur pkriiuuiai iriaii V v VP viies run requirements anl to the next course oi instruction, wnicn opens ui-i. om. ", aanress . O. W. COOK, B. ., S. D. Ssan, 815 1 Harrison Bt, Cor. Konor at, OMoafO. FALL TERM BEGINS AIG.31 THIS BCKOOZ. BTAHDl TOB QVAXXTT Business, arorsnal. Preparatory Conrsas. A pleasant eollege town. Living expenae low. Placas to work for room and board. Graduates assisted to excellent positions. If Interested, send for our handsome frs catalogue, the finest ever puoiisnea by any school. WX8TEKH IOWA OOLUaZ. CoanoU Bluff . Xa. Virginia College For Voting Ladlea "ROANOKE, VA. Opens Sept. ft, 108. One of the leading schol for Young Ladles In the 8outh. Modern building. Campus of ten acres. Orand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, fumed for health. European and American teach ers. Conservatory advantages In Art Music and Elocution. Certificates re ceived at Wellesley. Students from 30 states. Moderate rates. For cata logue, address MATT IB V. XABJKIS, President Boanoke, Ta. Mrs. Gtrtraas Bsrrti Beatwrlgbt. Vlct-Prci Are You Looking for a Good School? Yoa will b. rleutl villi ths Woman's College at Jacksonville, 111. Why t lul Is Col I j. tor Wosmb Her. ar. lull Colleg. an Prap.ritcrr Cnrsi, to 4 to Tnli(r in Mult, Art, Donxtlic telent., tat lipr.Mlos. gi.tntr. rroaodlnil kullbhil. Horn, lilt Uc.l. Lm.iIos unlril Is MI4.I. Wmi. V.ry cmtiIsi is .nry rt .1 ik. MlulMlppI V.llep. lladeouiraaBwatllsstwtDliP tiai.a. Caialofus It... Andrew President Barker. Bos to lacktonrlll.. III. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOLOF MUSIC Affiliated wtth th University of Be piaaaa Comprehenslvs courses In all branches of Music, under experienced and competent Instructors. Catalogue snd terms. WILLA1D KrifiBAU, XMrectOT. 11th and B Streets, Lincoln, Beb. OMAHA STAMMERERS' INSTITUTE. School for the sclentlflo treatment of voice and speech deft-rt. Stammering and stuttering cured in a few weeks uy our own natural muthuds. Enter at any time. Write for term. roUA A. TAVOMAB, rrlnolnal. Bamf Building, Omaha, Bsb- LL'AKN AUCTIONEtUINO And msk from 110 to ISO per day. W tearh you Auctioussrlaf In tour woeks time so that you cau step at once Into one of th best paying occupations in ths la-id and that without capltaf Wi only rsqu r Jne-half of tuition down, the other after you have become a successful suctloneer. Inol Illustrated catalogue now ready. Beat larai Aug. a. Actual practice given. wiin.!itrsi AuoTioar school, yr. B. Carpaatcr, rra. ot Treuloa, Ma. rennaylvaala, Msroerabnrff. Mercersburg Academy lor Boys Collsg Frsparatory Coarse Personal Interest taken, with aim to inspire In pupils lofty ideals of scholarship, sound Judgment and Christian manliness. fur eatalogue address, William Kann Irvine, Th. S, rrs. MAUTUra OOafMBBCZAX. cox.z,Baa Li I. tins toitlus taO. orassau srsal4 sso paaltloaa. Fail lorm ap.aa TaMdajr Sept. lat fur Uatnllul tlluatrstrS rauilaa (raa. aUdrtM VOLrU A THE KANSAS CITY VETERINARY COLLEGE CvpeBCkBlIf OotomiMmfd CoiUM ami 14! of. Kxprim4 ItaMruciora. HmvHmnt KajulfmtMt. Tbcer uxh CuuM. Urr HnmuttAZ Dlly !lni Manf nxrtunltWM u PiMiKiAntrg Taebr . lav Har f KlVia rmm V aiLasarlMlH TttlUSBUt mXppu ulaUoeoUL lnidocM ttOW.OMd. lrsU7Tmi mpm9 aWaH. U. ( 'a I to and furthaar Itafur tnm M aMWuw V i- anal tWiUif, & ttia. kiaiaai Calgr, Mte Send your daughter to William Woods College for young women. 1 School dayg. when life habit are being formed, are the moat Im portant in woman's early life. You can entrust your girl to a school which eombtues the com forts and refinements of a well regulated home, wtth thorough In struction, careful physical develop ment and Christian training. Ths rorps of tsfhri la stmnj. aa th esurM ot InMruct Ion eompM.. Pe tlcul.r dTnte u od.r Bumpesfi trslnes twh.r r otlors la biu.Io. The school ha spelndld buildings, surrounded by 13 acres of most attractive grounds. There are tennis grounds, hockey and basket ball grounds and a fine gymna sium. For Information, address, J. D. JOXES, A. M. President. Fulton, Mo. The EFFA ELUS OOBBBBTOBBBBta BOBOOfi 09 Illustrated Music Omsha classes personally supervised by Miss Kills. Mo''alr,,nlt,TAur dayiat IOJ-4-4 Old Bra.ela Dldg. llUBIC BT MA1U Lsb than 10 cAfuU course In muslo given by thl. method and whether a flnihel per former on the piano, or a beginner. l Toan not help but be benefited W taking one of theae lllustrat.d muakj course Thl. method will b f euni to b of th. greatest aal.uio to thoe who may b taking oth.r miino In struction. Effa Ellis Illustrated Music School 208-4-5 Old Bnandeta Bldg. OaCAJtA, BTBB. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning the . ad vantage, rate, er'.ent of . cur riculum and other data about th beat school and colleges can be obtained from th School and College Information Burcan of The Omaha Bee All information absolutely free and Impartial. Catalogue of any t particular school cheerfully fur- nlahed upon request. I Z S" I ( A HIGH GRADE SCDOOL 7 OB OXBLS AND TOVBO WOMIBaT Sioux Falls, with a population of 15,000, la one of the most beautiful towns In th. northwest. The school occupies a coin, mandlng site overlooking the town. Bli great railroad systems have depots In tin town. Besides careful Instruction in all tht branches required for a atate Teacher'a Certificate and for college entrance, th school offers special advantages In mum and art under the best Instructors and pro. vldea in a degree quite unique the atmos phere of a refined and happy home. Addreaa AX.Ii A1NT SCBOOX ions rail. B. 9. Blahop Hare. Pres. Miss Helen S. Teabody, Principal. One (hoaaand type writer vre tnnufactured erery twenty four hour. One thousand trained gteno grapnera are required to operaU these machine). Ton can readily aeoure a position and w wUI help yon. ' P.-"1 of thl th only BTZ 2?? and typewriting school In th aty. Invsatigat. Puryear's Commercial School HS vr. Broadway, OewO BloXfa, Sa CEDAR MPIDS BVSlHtSS COLLEGE No orara eamplets school A Its klo4 la AoMrloa. Book k o s Ins, Baouwss Tralnlus. Shortk.o. r.MBrlllnl and kin- 4r4 brmachea. T.lln rat. "T Id uixaara niacti to a sHnllou aoau POSITIONS FOR GRADUATES Mural la the Mlodlo ! throasfc our CHICAGO. NEW YORK sue BOSTON otueet Is toM m.a. Tha school eoaoptas tu own beaulltul homo. No k.ttar . tacullf. fuplia aiiwa from all aUtaa is Ue Wbios. Writ, tor fras ealalosao. A. B. ralmsr, riH Oedas Baplda, Xa. The Wolcott School for Girls OAPITOX, BIX,!, Dsttvsr, Colorado. A mile abova sea level In a climate which lias no superior. Hoarding and Iay School of high est el hbs. Diploma admits to leading Eastern colleges for young women. Hpeclal advantages in music. In door and outdoor gymnastic. HASTINGS COLLEGE BaSTIBOa. BXB. "very Mtudsat aa Advertise." Collego Couiars, Academy (Jours, Tesehers' Courses, New Conservatory of Muslo. Ideal location. New Selsnv Building, moderate sspuiisea Writs for baoasowe catalogs a&4 tllastratod soavsair. A. B, TPHt, !.. T. rUHMlT. RAILROADS ..bbI Ar luP'oytug our slvdeuta. Atta4 r4 NO PutllTluN, MO PAT. T1VB ckiw of rtllrad i;ritrBc. Largs's od bausi qulpt fhnl In tha Wut Atlrndanrej tfi,ublv4 Ut tetr. Car faro pA. Writ lor Tatilogut. CMlXICOTMrJ THLBa0 COLLH1B. 400 Irving Aft-, CbUXiooili. Mo. , at OBI I ' I l . lDywi. uravaHaiM IIbtUj lO a mt CIRCLE ft I i t i J V A 1