Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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tor; Orlsndo Tefft, republican, senator;
Charles E. Noyes. Louisville, republican,
representative; D. Smith. Kim wood, repub-
Ilea ii. for representative; L. D. Swltser.
Tulsa Man Then Takes Shot at Hit republican, for commissioner, second -
Irlct; A. L. Tldd. Plsttsmouth, republican, i
for county attorney.
AkRiiiif4 Yonthfal Wife.
NEBRASKA C1TT. Aug. 1. (Speclal.)-
Edward Lundsford wti arrested at Ft.
with Killing utmm t ralr-1 Deroln on Thursday night and taken to
Syracuse, where be waa arraignea on me
eld, 111. Pou f Nditiberi
Forma la After
TULSA, Okl.. Aug. l.-Clay Harris, a
white man, here thia morning ahot and In
tantly killed hli wife, who wn a part
Indian, and her 1-year-old baby, and fatally
"Wounded Walter Vann, driver of an ex
press wagon, who attempted to capture
ilm. Harris then escaped after stealing a
horse and buggy. A posse was soon
formed and started In pursuit.
Harris Is wanted at Fairfield. 111., for
murdering a man on July 4 and Illinois
officers were trailing him at the time of
the murder here.
After shooting the man at Fairfield Har
ris escaped. The man died a few days
later. The state of Illinois offered a re
ward of 1600 for Harris' arreet and officers
hare since ben following him. Harris
came to Tulsa last Thursday, forced his
wife at the point of a revolver to sell her
Indian land, took the proceeds and departed
for Claremore, Okl., after ordering her to
meet him there. Mrs. Harris did not leave
Tulsa, but officers who had traced him
this far went on to Claremore. Harris out
witted them and came back to Tulaa at
midnight last night. He hid In his house
and waited for the return this morning of
his wife, who had apent the night at the
home of her father, Chauncey Owens,
wealthy half-breed Indian.
Empties Gum at Mob.
When the woman entered her yard carry
ing her baby In her arms, Harris ap
proached, gun In hand. Mrs. Harris ran
screaming to a neighbor's, but before as'
slstance could arrive he had emptied the
contents of his revolver Into the bodies of
the woman and her baby. Mrs. Harris
was shot three times In the breast, dying
almost Instantly, while one bullet pierced
the baby's heart. Expressman Vann at
tempted to pursue Harris, who turned upon
him and fired. The first shot took effect
and Vann fell probably fatally wounded.
Harris then forcibly took the buggy and
horse of a collector standing by and after
firing an eneffectual ahot at the collector
drove off toward the hills. Within a half
hour a posse has been organised and started
In pursuit. Several women neighbors of the
' Harrises were eye-witnesses of the double
charge of wife desertion. He waived ex
amination and was bound over to the dis
trict court
of age, resuectlvely, when they were mar
ried about two years ago, and the husband
Is charged with deserting the wife early
this spring, lesvlng her In destitute cir
cumstances. She had never been taugnt to
do housework and consequently was un-
husbsnd. not having had any children.
had been 111 for some time.
HEATRICE The Hoard of Supervisors
yesterday awarded the contract for furn
ishing coal for the court house, county
jail and poor farm to J. H. Von Bteen
i o.. of im city, me supervisors, acting
as the hoard of equalisation, put In the
day yesterday listening to complaints and
adjusting valuations of different city prop- I
ertlea. The question as to whether the I yifj
nruntj KspfKnor can irjtnuj ruu" twiuw-
tlons returned by his deputies, was raised
and submitted to the county attorney for
nis opinion.
M'COOL JUNCTION-Prof. F. F. Stevens.
formerly principal of the MoCool public
schools, has purchased a half Interest in
the Butler County Press, at David City,
Democratic Chairman Will Spend
Most of Timt in Weit
Fumishsrt of Ilrtsls, Restaurants, and Clubs aa well as private homei.
rchard & Wilhelm
ThecouDle were 1 and 18 y are ""d Is associated In the management with
prietor of the Blue Vallev Journal of this
WYMORE The funeral of Hubert Loy.
who died Tuesday following an operation
tor appendicitis, was held this afternoon
rrom the home, two miles north of Blue
Springs, at 1 o'clock. The Odd Fellows of
Campaign la East Will Be Connected
by gnecommlttes Jnrtgc rarker
Named aa Advisory Cam
NEW YORK, Aug. l.-Plan. for the dl
rectlon of the approaching national cam'
paign were unfoldea by Norman E. Mack,
chairman of the democratic national com
mittee,' on hla arrival here to organise the
able to get work with any of the famlllei Blue Springs held services and Interment eastern headquarters of the committee In
about Byracuae and not caring to starve 'a made In the Blue Springs cemetery. I this city. Mr. Mack will spend practically
aha hired out as a farm hand and went Into TECUM8BH W. I Spoon, a government hla entire time In the west during tha cam-
the field, to plow and care for the stock. J ValcounUe .To mps'ln. Thirst "'"?d th "ht "'he IU b.,Cm
Here she worked until a lew asys ago, congressional district of Nebraska, has lust
when because she waa shortly to become com pieiea nis wora in jonrjson county.
a mother she had to seen am ana oniy
filed the complaint against her husband
when. It Is asserted, ha refused even to
send her a little money, with which to
live upon during her Illness. The husband
waa working on a farm In Rlchardaon
county when arrested. The girl's maiden
name was Bella West.
Spoon says the roads In this county, gen
erally speaking, are the best of any county
in the district.
ALLIANCE The Alliance state Junior
tionnsl school, which recently closed, wai
the largest in the history of the school at
this place, and was one of the Inrgest If
not the largest or the eight state junior
normal schools. The total enrollment for
both normal and institute work was 231.
while the attendance for normal alone
waa 181.
CHAPPELL Crops are looking fine.
Wheat will yield thirty bushels per acre
New Pillages at Beatrice
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.)
Frlrt v was tha banner dav for filings of I and some fields will go forty bushels
political office aspirant, at the county - "2 " hro " wm
clerk', office. John H. Alden of thl. city ,,. . eoo1 crOD ,.h another rain. Borne
filed for the republican nomination for of the upland corn will yield fifty bushels
state auditor. He has been a resident of P" acre, wnne tne irngaiea com win ir
t.-..-. Y f ceea wiai .vieiu.
DLn Ur J-... DC- A T Will U.n
or Adams, a aemocrax, ana i?ier d. facturln comany will soon Install a fire
Kurta of Cortland, democrat, filed for system in Its plant here to cost $10,00)
v m I-avtnn democrat, i ne system is known as tne seu-exiin
ducted by a subcommittee of tha national
committee, which will be announced in
Chicago early next week. Mr. Mack said
there waa entire harmony between himself
and Chairman Conners of the democratic
state committee and that the national com
mittee would not Interfere with tha nomina
tion of the New York state ticket or with
the atate campaign.
During the next three daya Mr. Mack
will hold conference, at the Hoffman houae
with national committeemen from the east
ern state, a. to the makeup of tha sub
committee, which probably will be com
posed of about fifteen members. While Mr.
Mack will be chairman of the committee, a
vice chairman will be appointed, who will
have charge of the eastern wing of the com
Meets galllvan and Woodson.
Mr. Mack held oonferencee today with
Urey Woodson, secretary of the national
committee, and Roger C. Sullivan, national
committeeman from Illinois, Headquarters
- . . ., . - i i tu'.iiri BjBif mi, ii v ri y iwiu i. , . ,
or Ulenwooa townsnip. mea lor uperv.m,r wth , an(J ,h lea.t from tn(S
from the Seventh district, and George Wll- smallest blase will cause a plug to melt
for supervisor I and water to sprinkle In the room where I will be selected here before Mr. Mack goei
to Chicago on Monday evening. Mr, Mack
said on h's arrival here from Buffalo today
...16-18 SOUTH 16TH STREET
This collection of Rugs consists of the
very choicest lot of Antique Royal Bokhara?
Antique Shirvan, Feraghan, Kerman, Sera'
bands, and Belouchistans. These were all
especially selected pieces and each rug is a
gem. These rugs will be tn sale this week.
We specially invite your inspection.
Among this lot of Rugs we have.
25 Genji in a variety of sizes ranging up to
4x5, at, each
25 extra fine Belouchistans, ranging in sizes
up to 3-6x5-6, at, each
20 Mosul, ranging in sizes up to 4x6, at,
Ifoniann rsrtiiti lrft n . tll(Hl
, a..n.h At.,rM m t Rhlnn of the " originates.
Beatrice filed for supervisor from the Third naCZfen tt'.na;,?..
and Fourth districts a. a democrat. F. O. from Cody, Wyo., was arrested at North
McGlrr filed for the democratic notnlna- Matte and brought here to answer the
. ... I charge of breaking Into the store of Mrs.
tton for county attorney. K M Tuni.on ,nd dealing lis. He fled
A petition has been filed, with the slgna- I from here and was arrested at the request
t.iro. of fnrv remihllren taxDavers at- OI local amnormes. lie waa lurnea over iu
v- ..1.1 ... ... T rr. t,i I juugo u) inc jui..vC.
- -Til 7 . I L "T T".! BRAINARD With $2,000 In the village
01 rioaocn townsnip pmuu u treasury the Board of Trustees has levied
ballot a. the republican candidate for su- an occupation tax against nearly every
P"visor from the Seventh district. fZ"?
are opposed to this tax and say they win
sail uver &aaa vmi i refuse to pay It. A novel feature of the
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) new law Is that It levies a tax against all
Broken Bow and Hastings Meetings
An "ucceaafal.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.)
The success of the Chautauqua at Broken
Bow exceeded all expectations. It Is, un
A suit Involving $24,661.50 waa yesterday
filed In the district court by Joseph H.
and Sarah J. Ramsey, old residents of
Gage county, against Steven. A. Coldren
and the First National bank of this city.
Thl. suit has arisen over an exchange of
land In thl. county and Palmer county.
Texas. The deeds were entrusted to the
keeping of the First National bank and
were to be exchanged when the abstracts
were examined and found to show good
titles. The plaintiff, allege In the petition
railroad, express. Insurance, lumber and
telegraph companies that do business In
this place.
WYMORE-Last night E. M. Bumham
waa elected president and Claude Scott sec
retary and treasurer of the Wymore Ath
letic association, which was recently organ
ised. AiDout fifty have gone In aa charter
members snd all work out on the track
each evening. Every week contests are. to
be held between chosen teams. Later a
field meet with an outside town will be
held. Just now the club Is thinking of get
ting a gymnasium.
BEATRICE Richard DUoble. one of
Gage county's earliest settlers, reports that
that derenaant, LOiaren, is guiuy oi Urmers ln tne Blue valley, a few mil
and misrepresentation In that he repre- northwest of town near the Dibble home'
doubtedly, the biggest affair ever attempted t t th ,and wu Kh $14 ate.d, have finished stacking their wheat
In Custer county, and the people have taken . w. . 4,fh .,h and oats, and yesterday he counted five
4r.. ,v, ,-,i. I " inresning macnines in operation noi isr
nMA than M that tViA 1 n m'hlrh WAS I fmm hla nUi ta vttfldfnr nru Itv )
high grade attraction, and turned out en , . ' ,, .a . in good and the berry is well filled. Mr. DID- l'chet-
tnasse. At a low estimate fully 15.000 people . . . ,1j.1,hi Ple that many farmers are atacklng
m .x. w ,l . 1... tno bolt and unaulted for agricultural thelr raln because they cannot get help
"7 purposes; that a railroad claimed soon to be to thresh.
T. .u.u..x un, '" constructed near the land I. a fabrication YORK-Reported yield, of winter wheat
V"U,TO- -upwueu wiwi I nfl that some of the land does not .howl"" o countyare from twenty to inirty
I will be In New York until Monday
night, when I shall leave for Chicago,
While here I shall confer with national
committeemen and prominent democrats
from statea In the east a. to the member
ship of the subcommittee which will have
charge of the national campaign In New
England and the Atlantic atatea The
makeup of this committee will be an
nounced when I resch Chicago. I shall be
chairman of this committee In fact. I will
be chairman of all of the committee, of the AUDIENCE
national committee, but l do not know who
will be In personal charge of. New York
headquarter.. I .hall spend most of my
time during the campaign ln Chicago, com
ing to New York occasionally."
Speaking of democratic prospect., Mr.
Mack said:
I have heard from committeemen and
prominent democrats all over the coun
try and, while It la too early to make
forecasts, I can say at thla time that the
future appear, bright for success. I have
received numbers of letters from well
known democrats ln many parts of the
United States who were not active or In
terested In recent campaign, who announce
their readlneaa to do all they can for the
Also in this lot of goods we have
an especially fine line of roonvsize
meshed rugs.
is fli mwffl
18 fPHI
Pontiff xpreoses to Cardinal Gibbons
Satisfaction Over American
ROM EX Aug. 1. Cardinal Gibbon, naa
an audience with the pope today which
lasted one hour. The pope expressed great
satisfaction with the condition of the
church ln America.
Speaking of the chnnges made recently
In the organisation of the Roman congre
gations, Cardinal Gibbons expressed his
admiration for the activity of the pope
ln this matter. In reply the holy father
son ticket, free of charge. The several!
a good title.
You and I are of the same age and we
I do not know of a democrat who are still quite young."
Is not ready to do all he can. Judge Archbishop' Farley of New York arrived
their grain because they cannot get help Parker accepted Immediately a tender of a here today and will be reoelved by the
position on the advisory committee and I pope Monday,
will do whatever the committee tells him.
Governor Johnson also accepted a position I pLQQD DANGER IS OVER
on tne same committee witnout aeiay. -
Oat of Local Affairs. Rivers Raised by Florence Cload
Of state affair. Mr. Mack .aid: burst Art Golna
The democratic atate committee ln New Down,
York 1. thoroughly competent and able to
six bushels to the acre. York county farm
era are realising from $17 to $30 per acre
from sale of winter wheat on land that a
few years ago aold for IJb to $35 per acre.
From the sale of alfalfa and alfalfa eeed
each acre pay. York county farmer, from
$26 to $tW. depending on the season. From
the present outlook farmers will secure as
musical organization, have more than
made good, while the lecturer, and enter- Nebraska News Notes
miners have passed expectations. Dr. Mon- 8EWARD George W. Fuller ha. filed, aa
roe Markley, Governor Harding from a democrat for the nomination for state
Ohio. Rauresentatlve Carl Thnmnwm rmm I senator.
Wisconsin on socialism' Ralph Bingham BEATRICE The annual Gage County good returna from corn raised a. that of handle the .ituatlon without any lnterfer-1 i PUEBLO, Colo., Aug. 1. Fear, of fur-
M. 1 J .I,.... ulll W i. n 1 I TA-vlnA
muubt. uruiso iivin iXf.HLM.lIi- I AuSUSt 14 tO 28.
tned All of India, Judge Lee Eatelle of GENEVA The democrats succeeded ln
Omaha, Judge Ben IJndaay of Denver, organising a Bryan club Friday night, wltn
Congressman Klnkald of Nebraska. Colonel I a m', '''PT
Bob Seeds of Pennsylvania, Allen Turner
of Illinois, Governor Hoch of Kansas,
Henry George of New York, Mrs. Mary
Harris Armour of Georgia and F. L.
Petltt of Lincoln, all of these celebrities
have appeared thl. week and pleased
HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-
Down with the old family crayon por
traits! Abominable things! Art monstroat-
ttea! To the ash heap with the whole
crayon gallery of your forbears!
A crusade against crayon art has been
started by Carson Hlldreth, president of
the State bank of Franklin, who for three
terms was president of "Group Four" of
the Nebraska Bankers' association. At
the outset of the campaign he ha. enlisted
KRTSRtDKi mTY Tha Brvan club has
chartered a apeclal train for August 11
and will go to Lincoln, son atrong to at
tend the Bryan notification meeting.
SEWARD Mrs. William Lesaemelr and
any other grain crop.
HUMBOLDT Matters political are warm
ing up In thia section and several asplranta
have appeared for the various offices
within the gift of the primary, and the
filings from the west end of the county
nave Deen made py j. Rock Williamson and
O. E. Zook for membera of the legisla
ture, while L. H. Howe Is also being urged
to rue today and may do so.
ence from the national committee. Let us I ther floods following the cloudburst last
say that the state chairman and I are ln
perfect accord. The national committee
will not In any way Interfere with the
nominations In this state. Further, the
state committee will conduct Its own fight.
"The subcommittee which will have di
rection of the national campaign In the
Charles E,
two children of Oothner, were In a serious Nlms and Abram Hoagland have filed for east will be made up of strong men and homes weie Inundated, rendering
runaway acciaeni vveannBUHjr. uo ul vn imiij wi momi-i a, wimu ..nDM. .AnKniim, , f i.inf
r.ii n-h. D...i in.t,i..... k.u for a place on the legislative ticket. All palgn. The state committee ha. never the Uvea of many. At Florence and vlcln-
an open meeting last night which wa. at- of the xve are republicans, the west end been so strcng. Altogether, everything ity several small houses were carried away
tended by nearly 200. Following a mualoal ""!B;Ha ' making wlij D, done to make a strong fight In the together with numerous bridges and hun
night In the vicinity of Florence, which
caused damage estlmsted at $100,000 and
menaced many Uvea, was dissipated today,
the rivers receding. No fatalities were re
ported today.
The principal damage done waa ln the
vicinity of Florence. There hundreds of
ber of persons homeless, and endangering
and literary program a banquet was served.
LEXINGTON Tt the Lexington chautau
qua Judge Lee Kaieue or umana gave a
lecture on Saturday on right, of children.
All children were admitted to the grounds
PLATTSMOUTH Mrs. Flora B. Argo
has brought suit In the district court
against Matthew O. MoQuInn for damages
In the sum of $5,000 for Injuries sustained
by an assault on her.
BEATRICE The Dempster ball team of
city and the flckreii nine win piay
arrangements to file for the various posi
FREMONT Joe Bohsrt. a farmer ltvtns
near uooye, wno was overcome rjy tne neat
Monday, became violently insane a few
day. after. Yesterday afternoon he was
brought before the Insanity commissioners
ana win re taKen to Lincoln for treatment.
f KfcJMONT All the candidates for lal.
lative and county offices have filed with
the county clerk. The county attorney Is
the only one where there Is a contest. The
iuings are: mate senator, republican. W.
D. Haller, Blair; democrat, Fred Volp.
eastern states. I expect to leave for Chi
cago Monday evening."
Urey Woodson announced today that he
would spend most of his time during the
national campaign In Chicago, where the
main headquarters of the national com
mittee will be located. Headquarter. In
the cast will be In the Hoffman house.
dreds of head of horse, and cattle, and
much damage was done to truck farms,
ator of the noon-day rest and lunch club. I to "r department.
for working rlrl. In Chicago. BEATRICE The Dempster
isortn Bend; county attorney, J. C. Cook,
rremoni ana rl. M. Kidder, Scrlbner, re-
iuui mis, nut r. w. nuiion ana a. b. sid-
ncr, r reraoni, aemocrats
w. -i .. t , . . this c tv and tne
.. "a 7.. . .T' here next Monday evening as a benefit for Bcribner; members of the legislature r-
pnimnmropi-i ana an crmc ana origin- the Beatrice firemen. The proceeds will publican. J. Kdelmaler Srrlhn.r .nrt Jh
n. nnowies. r remont; democrat, Frank P.
Mill Assur- Lawrence. Fremont: William J. Mivirkr
The call to arm. against crayon, was Frank Klepplnger. president: M. V.
sounded at the Hastings Chautauqua and Weaver, vice president; E. K. Wilt, secre-
It Is declared that the a-onA rlr ary; wuiiam Dillon, ireasurer.
started will b. ,ntln,.. BEATRICE Mra. Mary Johnson wu ar:
This Chautauqua, which opened a week saalnst h
ago, haa been notable for It. general aplrlt neighbor. The caae was called In pullc
of unit ft. I court ana continuea to next Aionaay
. " I DirTUCiDT llL'n TK,..h n. haa urtrm
- . o 11 i XlC.VUn. . . Ill . ,,a ..will
Mrs. unerwooa spoke on Home Decora-1 mantt in thia vir-initv Much wheat win
lion." and at the conclusion of her address I run about forty bushels, and oats will go
Mr. Hlldreth asked her to aay something 'tr ,b,,u,1,"um toJh K'?.,m.?.rS
about rr.vor. rfrair. i Ka- i.-." considered by the farmers to be made."
... 1 DLAiniLlvirHeiufti luw uiBiiB.Binriu
FTanklln nf tha fllv Dunn Rail In flail ft arrant-nil for . .. . ... I lr
and mirrtmndlng country were troubled a game t6 be played In lleatrice, Auguat r"m ;-ln8 Preminary report of the com- "
. .a . a. . - . I tt taerMn . A a m niobiul (-.rwi lKe I ITll8K)Ontr fit Intpmal nVlniln nn the. aaIIm- I &
wun ino crayon DMt ana n vmnntAnwi i VT"r"' " v-. y... - w" w,cv
Attorney General Bonaparte Declares
National Banks Cannot Contract
vrltb. State.
lUllViuii. wai ! uiiunijii mmm sag -
'RerVyhaMsr.. "pauTn." 8&Eri INTERNAL REVENUES ARE LESS fTot Z
r. The caae waa called ln police : V, . I
Nebraska Tnrna Over Two Million
Dollars Into National Treasury
for Year 10OM.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WAUHISUTOS, Aug. 1. (Special Tele-
Y Mrs. Bherwood uW to TakeTp 'Dd - tTm L'nCOln CUy tlon of Internal revenue and condition of J'1.
fhe fight In th. newspaper, of Omaha ,nS HEWARD-Tom McC.ul.ey. a farmer llv- ylCt0T tl f " endl" June "TZrV Cort,
Ing near Goehner, was painfully injured i" oay. ine receipta
uinooin. Mra. Hherwood agreed and she
arraigned the crayon. In emphatic Ian
WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-In a formal
opinion rendered by Attorney General
the request of Secretary Cor-
Treasury department. It Is
held to be Illegal for any national bank
to enter Into a contract or other arrange
ment with state officials for the purpose
of creating a guaranty fund out of the
bank's desposlts of capital stock to be
used In paying the depositors of any bank
Included within the terms of a state statute
ny deficiency there may be In the amount
by them from asset, of
event of It. failure.
Secretary Cortelyou requested the at
torney general's opinion "as to the legal
right of national banks In the state of
Trouble Between Canadian Paelfle and
Machinist. Will Come to Head
WINNIPEG. Aug. 1'. What will probably
be the biggest strike ln the history of
railroading ln Canada will be on Monday,
uneas the Improbable happens.
The trouble Is between the Canadian
Pacific officials and the union machinists
of the road, who demand that the officials
agree to the working schedule In force
before May 1. All the machinists' union.
voted to strike at midnight last night un
less the company granted their demands,
which the officials refused to do.
goodbye, saying he would not be seen
alive again. He got up during the night.
went to the cowshed, wrapped a stout
rope around his neck, tied one end to a
beam and Jumped off a barrel.
Twice In Two Weeks Members Are
Compelled to Attend to Offi
cial Bnatneas.
David Rowden, sergeant-at-arms, was
sent ater tardy councllmen Saturday morn
ing and brought In Lee Bridges to complote
the quorum of a special meeting called to
pass the monthly payroll. Tha councllmen
draw $126 a month to do the city's business,
but this was the second time ln two weeks
that the police had to be called upon to
get enough of the people's servants to
gether to transact the business of the city.
The council also listened to pro
test, against the paving of Fowler avenue,
from Twenty-fifth avenue to Thirtieth
street, but decided that the petition for
paving was legally signed and ordered the
work done.
t Breaks Into Jail and
Blackanake Whip on the
DEADWOOD, S. D Aug. 1. Accused of
wife beating on the public streets, George
Corey of Terry, a email mining camp near
here, almost lost hi. life today at the hand.
of a mob. Corey had been arrested and
placed ln Jail. A mob quickly formed and
broke Into the Jail. The man was taken
to the highway, where he was forced to
run a guantlet of men with blacksnake
whips. Many men were In favor of lynch
ing him, but the women of the town pre
vented this, and he was driven down the
gulch and warned never to return.
Filings at Plattsmoath.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Aug. l.-Sse.
rial.) County Clerk Rosenrrans reports the frleneds.
following filings: Dr. A. P. Fltsslmmons,
flemorrat, for eengress. First district; W.
k Banning, Unlcn, democrat, for state sen
yesterday. A bottle of nitric acid which I from all sources of Internal revenue aggre
he had purchased, broke and seriously gated $251,605,960. being a decrease of iit.
&"i Ne'h,or 10 re,lev- 998,072 from receipt, for the fiscal year of Oklahoma to contribute towsrd th. guar-
ing llim. I . ' 1 .t n nr tn avail, of tha
GENEVA Miss Marcella Flory gave I J I ... . .....
birthday party Friday to a few Intimate The aggregate collection. In the two Ne- ul"" """" '
iinrintr in ivpni n r uri. i aan i iVv-.. i .. -4 - . i
th: rH..:,, .",.... uumea u, oi iiinuc t i icc eruTcmnr
-rr- .k ,h Kim., n st.nh.n.. 11 ..a a, L.MUUn.1 Ml Ll I 1 I I C
Iaiiiiuuili. rtj Vila ..ilti vatiiiiin uiai I in.a ui . , , T . , . .......
her daughter. Daisy, to George Logan of whlch Elmer B- Stephenson collected $1.4,
Albion, Neb. I 783 and Ross L. Hammond $674,262. In Iowa
SUTHERLAND At the recent special aggregate collections were $933,725. of which
school election In Sutherland, bonda to the Michae, j, Tob. collector of the Third
Is to go toward Installing a heating plant Iow trlct collected $427.J71, and Harry
in the school building and building a two- I u. weaver or tne Fourth district $506,354.
room addition. I . The district of North and Bnuth n.vnti
CMitmi-A oau team rrom tne nix- i nr whih Uarman i. .n .
a.. I TMnin I nlllMI HI ,1.. Inr.nlrv MRVMt tha I '
many paie. siraiy persons wonder for Ui,i,.n ni. rriH . ; Z h turled Into the treasury $172,400.
years why they have to suffer so, and the score of 2 to 0. Only a few of the Wyomliaj la embraced ln the Colorado In
ctfated n theaame- ternal revenue district and thl. territory
- r I ..i.u.J a.-or ii
NEBRASKA CITV-The Nebraska Cltv ,c,ucu
Chautauqua, which Is to be held In this Herman P. Doehm has been appointed
Vwaad ae isnrw Waa "Ooffee."
ventually discover that the drug caf
feine In coffee Is the main cause of the
I waa always very fond of coffee and city on August to 16. promises to be the postmaster at Robert. Hayes county. Ne-
air It- atiarir dan T . a. .. al . . I ka a.iaa kM KaM an1 atln lutea t-aaiveua-a.l '
drank It every day. I never had much
flesh and often wondered why I waa al
ways so rale, thin and weak.
"About five yeara ago my health com
pletely broke down and I waa confined
te my bed My stomach was In such
condition that I could hardly take aufft-
eent no irlihment to sustain life.
"During this time I was drinking coffee.
didn't think I could do without It
"After a while I came to the conclu
sion that' coffee was hurting me, and de
elded to give It up and try Poetum. I
didn't like the taste of tt at first, but
when It was made right boiled until
dark and rich I soon became very fond
' ef It,
"In one week I began to feel better.
I coold eat more and sleep better.j My
sick headaches were less frequent, and
ueai ever iiciu nwiv, aiiu viauuiaie at i anac- . u vla TT T3 a . . .-.a
ments have been made and manv oroml- - vlc E. R. Sager, resigned.
nent attractions have been secured. 1 The following South Dakota rural routes
8TOCKVILLE Frontier county demo- have been ordered established November 3:
crsts have made the following nomination Ipswich. Edmonds county, route X, norula-
.til...... attAnat, U7 1 1 I utl,um I "
of Curtis; county commissioner, C. W,
Wood of Stockvtlle; representstlve of Sixty
sixth district. E. 8. Chase of Stockvtlle.
SUTHERLAND It Is altogether likely
that a commercial club will be organlaed
by the business men and representative
cltlsens soon, ln order that the flourishing
conditions here may be properly exploited
and the Interests of the town bettered.
SEWARD It Is expected l.OOO Sewerd
county people will attend the game between
the Western league and Reward base ball
teams at Germantown Sunday afternoon.
A special train will run from Ulysses to
Germantown, and also one from Lincoln.
GREELET At the fourth quarterly con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal church
Kev. K. A. Smith, who hes been pastor
tlon 400, families 81; Redflcld, Spink county,
route 1, population 400, families M.
Dragged Candy Mardercr Who Killed
Child Geta Severe Pnnlsh
men t.
KANSAS CITT. Ma., Aug. l.-Llfe Im
prlsonment wss the punishment meted out
to Mrs. Sarah Moraach today ln the dis
trict court of Wyandotte county, Kansaa,
for the murder of 4-year-old Ruth Miller.
a niece of th. woman by marriage. Mrs
Moraach sent poisoned candy through the
mall to Ella Van Meter, 14 years old. a
half-sister to the murdered child. The
older girl, for whom It was Intended, did
not die. The candy waa sent In a spirit
of resentment because the girl had laughed
at the woman
Cleveland Street Car Strikers Assert
It Is Exceeding; Charter
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 1. A demand
was made upon Attorney General Wade
H. Ellis today that action In quo warranto
be taken by the state to oust the Mu
nicipal Traction company of this city from
Its state charter. The request was made
by Attorney John A. Cllne, attorney for
the striking street railway employes, who
allege that the local $-cent fare company
Is violating Its official functions by con
ducting a stock exchange for the sale and
purchase of Its own stock at par value,
which I. not provided for In the com
pany', charter.
Pecallar Plea by Actress Reported
to Be Engaged to James K.
CHICAGO, Aug. I. "Psychic cruelty." Is
what la alleged to have forced Charlotte
Walker, leading woman In "The Wolf," now
playing at the Chicago Opera house, to
sue for divorce from her husband. Dr.
John B. Hayden of Galveston. Miss Walker
states that a rumored engagement bteween
herself and Jamea K. Hackett had nothing
at all to do with her separation from her
(Readvertlsed). Notice Is hereby given
that the county clerk will receive bids up
to and until 12 o'clock (noon) Tuesday,
August 11, 1908, for the paving of Dodge
street from the end of present pavement
to the railroad crossing, Benson, east end.
Military and Irvlngton-Bennlngton roads,
according to plans and specifications on
file ln the county surveyor's office. Each
bid to be accompanied by a certified check
in the aum of $o00, to be made payable to
county clerk. The Board of County Com
missioners reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. D. M. HAVKRLY. County
clerk. AugldlOt
by given that, pursuant to an order or
the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, dated June 28, William K.
Potter, aa receiver of the Omaha Loan
and Trust company, will, commencing on
the 3d day or August. 1BU8, at room No. 8il.
Brown b.ock. Sixteenth and Douglas streets,
Omaha, Neb., offer at public sale, fr
cash, all of the unsold assets of the Omaha
lan and Trust company remaining in
the receiver's hands aa shown by his re-
fiort filed with the court on June 19, 1JS,
ncluding real estate, notes, stocks, fur
niture and fixtures, commission mortgages,
snd other assets. Said sale will be held
from 10 a. m. until 12, and from 2 p. m.
until 6, of the following days: August 3,
4. 6 and t, 190ti. Said saie shall be subject
to the provisions that anld receiver, on In
structions from the court, retains the right
to reject any and all blda for any and
all property so to be offered for sale.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a cer
tified check to the order of William K.
Potter, receiver, for twenty (20) per cent
of the amount of the bid. Said bids will be
reported to the court after the conclusion
of said sale, and the balance of the pur
chase price of all sales approved and con
firmed by the court, will be payable upon
said confirmation. All of the property and
assets will be sold subject to all taxes,
liens and encumbrances, and subject to any
defects of title. The description of the real
estate to be offered for sale by the under
signed, at said time and place and upon
the condition, above mentioned, la as fol
lows: Lots thirteen OS) and fourteen (14),
block five (6), Amn place, Omaha, Neb.;
Lot .even (7), block four t4, Patrick a
addition, Omaha.
West twenty-two (22) feet of lot seven
(7), block eighty-nine (t9). in the City of
The northeast quarter (N. E. M) of sec
tion twenty-seven (27), township fifty
three (53), range two (2), west of the Sill
P. M. In Pike county, Missouri.
West 41 feet lots forty-two (42). forty
three (43) and forty-four (44), and west
41 feet of the south 14 feet of lot forty.
five Hli), In Fairmount Place addition to
the City of Omaha.
Lot thirty-six (86). In block eight (8), In
Orchard Hill addition to the City of
The south one-half (H) of sublot two
(2), of tax lot seventeen (IT), ln section
twenty (3u), townBhlp fifteen (15), rang,
thirteen (13), In the City of Omaha.
West 67 feet of sublot four (4), tax lot
sixteen (16), section ten (10), township fif
teen (16), range thirteen (13), City of
North one-third () of south one-half
( lot eight (Hi and nine (f). block onu
(1. Jetter's addition to South Omaha.
Southwest quarter (8. W. 4) of north
west quarter (N. W. W. and northwest
quarter (N. W. ) of southwest quarter
(8. W. M, section twenty-seven (27), town
ship twenty-eight (28), range eighteen (IS),
west, ln Webster county, Missouri.
lot thirteen (13), in block eight (S), In
first addition to South Omaha.
Lots five (5) and six (6), block four (4), in
Mayne Place, an addition to the City of
Lot twenty-three (23). In block four
(4), In "Vassar Place" addition to Omaha,
Lot eleven (11), block seven (7), Walnut
Hill addition to Omaha
Lot ten (10). block six (6). Orchard Hill
addition to Omaha.
Ixt eight (8), block one (1), Saunders &
Hlmebaugh'a Mt. Pleasant addition to the
City of Omahe.
Lot twelve 02), block twelve (12),
Bedford Place addition to Omaha,
West one-third (V) of lots twelve (12) and
thirteen (131), block two (2). M. Donovan's
subdivision, an addition to Omaha.
WILIJAM K. POTTER. Receiver, 301
Brown block. Jyl2-19-36A$
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Goes to the Live Stock Men.
Will Kla-ht Coanty Option.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. 1. (Spec al.)
It has Just been discovered that during
the present week a meeting was held ln
Sioux Falls by representatives of sixty
of the largest brewery establishment. In
the west, presumably for the purpose of
perfecting plans for combating what is
known as the county option law, which
will be sumbltted to the voters of South
Dakota at the election In November.
The temperance people of Bouth Dakota
Moraach accepted her punlahment have planned to vge an aggressive fight
Switchmen Ask President to later I
vene In Tronhle with Lacks,
wanna Road.
BCRANTON. Pa., Aug. 1 After an execu
tive session that continued until this after
noon, the grievance board of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna at Western railroad
switchmen Issued an appeal to United
Stats. Commissioner of Labor Charles P.
with a .mile, and when aaked if she had
anything to say, turned laughingly and
walked to her chair.
The woman is 48 years old.
for the proposed law, and In self-protection
the brewery Interests have been forced
to take an active part and endeavor to
defeat the law at the polls. The repre
sentative, of the brewerle. met In execu
tive session and nothing definite Is known
as to the proceedings, but it Is natural to
Treaaary OOlelals Are Getting; Oat I suppose that plana were laid for an ag-
gresslvs fight against the county option
It has become known that the brewery
Interests will encourage a strict compliance
by retell liquor dealer, throughout the
atate with the term, of the present state
Notes I ader New Act of
WASHINGTON. Aug. ..-The treasury of
flclals are making satisfactory progress ln
getting out emergency notes under the
within five months I looked and felt like ' w yeara. was requested to return by INelll and Chairman Martin Knapp of the circulation act passed at the last session of I'duor license law. In order to make the
I h 1 1 vt a n I m Ai i a as ja 4 a. af tka . r aa - a. n I " r lei I I ...
a new being, headache spell, entirely
"My health continued to Improve and
today I am well and strong, weigh 14$
lba. I attribute any present health to
the llfe-glvlng qualities of Postum. '
"There's a Reaaoa."
Name given by Poatum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to Well
' villa," In pkga
are read the a sore letter a new one
appears front time te ttxae. They are gsa-
Bise, trma, and rail ef heacaa latere..
a unanimous vote of tha conference. This
Is the first time for rears that a castor
naa receiver sucn an invitation.
BEATRICe"Followln le the moitaatre
report for Gase countv for the month of
July: Number of farm mortgagee filed.
m; amount. ,i.x7: number of farm mnrt
gage released. ; amount, m.iiO; number
ot city mortgages riled. s: amount. $'"7.6l:
number of city mortgages relrased, 1
amount. W.a.
NkBRAbKA CITT Mr.. Sarah G.. wlfs
of W. 8. Walters, aged M. died at her home
In thla city Thursday and the funeral was
held from ins lamily residence this sfter
noon. Tre deceased hs been a resident
of this city tor manv vsara and Uir.i
Interatats Commerce commission, under 1 congress. Acting Secretary Coolldge said
the provision of the Erdmsn law, asking today that the bureau of engraving and
for the Intervention of President Roose- printing under the direction of Superlnten-
velt in the controversy between the .witch- dent Ralph I. delivering to the treasury
men and the Lackawanna company. This from (2.000.000 to $S.0CO,M of the new cur-
Is the swltchmens' last resort to effect reney dslly and that by tha middle of Sep-
peace. Member, of the grievance board tember fully $100,000,000 would be ready for
say that If thla appeal fall, to bring re- delivery to the bank, on call. It la ex
sults the strike order will be Issued. pected that by the time congress meets In
December tha whole tfiMLOno am unhnriiaj
Advertise In The Bee; It goes Into the win n,ln..,l nH -., Ai.,..,
BUum VI Utar a,i VOUpiV. .
Use Bee want ads to boost your business. Use Bee want ad. to boost your business.
law a. popular as possible.
Dooftlaa Man Bads Life.
DOUGLAS. Wyo., Aug. l. Special. -
Thl. community waa .hocked today by the
report that Joseph E. Eberman, a promi
nent cltlsen, had committed suicide. Eber
man waa found banging In a cowshed tn
the rear of his home, at 1:10. He had been
dead several hours. Ill health, domestic
troubtea and aa attack of melancholia are
given as the causes.
Last night he klaoed big a-year-old too
Is made by the Goodrich Co. All seamless tube. Every
foot warranted.
Triton, Torrent, Cascade, Whirlpool and Artesian are
all big sellers.
M. O
Goodrich Hose has no competitor, either in price or
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
IS 11 Dodge St.
Exclusive Afftnts. Hardware and T.ftls.