TIFR OMATTA SUNDAY BEK: 'ATT0T7ST --3AN W rloA4 at 5 r. M. during July nd AnffnAt, excepting Saturday at 9:80 P. M 1 J ILK E XTRA .Prices Arc Extraordinary GGc &. 85c Kimono Silks Monday 39c-49c Yard All Omahans know what to pxj)oct, we promise you you will not be disappointed. In colors and variety the assortment could not be better. The richness and beauty of the new Oriental patterns and colors, the new Persian effects, new large flowered designs will go into Monday's sale. "Hurry" will be the watchword next Monday. Extra counter space will be reserved for this great sale. 59o for $1.10 Handsome Black Dress Voile Monday. The secret of its' firmness, lightness an beauty lint la the fact It was made by one of the famous French makers. Never, before have we given you such extraordinary value In fine dress goods. The surplus lot from an importer to close. Black voiles are In high favor, better Investigate tills unusual value, 4 2-lnch wide. Coat Sets, Chemisettes and Hand Embroid ered Linen Collars on Special Sale Monday, at Half Price. Real hand embroidered linen collars In sites 1JH, IS and 1SH. regular prices $1.25. SI. 10, $1.75 and $J.OO. Monday at JHe. 75c. S7Hc and $1 00 Heautlful chemisettes, regular prices SI. 00, $1.80. $1.75 and $100, Monday at 60o, 76c. 87HC and $1.00 each. All our neaumui com seia in ibcq ana rrnoroiaery in onday's sals at half price. Mor Special Sale of Table Cloths and Napkins MONDAY Table Cloths. Special Sale White Linen Suitings, Monday. t pieces 36c white linen suiting, Monday sala price 18c per yard. 3 pieces SOc white linen suiting;, Monday sale price 26c per yard. S pieces 65c white linen suiting, Monday sale price SSc per yard. S pleees 75c white linen suiting;. Monday sale price S8c cer yard. 1 piece $1.86, 90-lnch, linen suiting-, Monday sale price 11.60 tier yard. 2 pieces tOo pink linen suiting, Monday sale price 25o per vard. 1 piece SOo lavendar linen suiting, Monday sale price 26c per yara. All 5.76 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $1.88. All $4.76 Table Cloths, Monday's sale price $2.38. All $6.00 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $3.00. All $7.60 Table Cloths Monday' sale price $3.75. All $10.00 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $5.00. All $12.00. Table Cloths Monday's sale price $6.00. All $13.60 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $6.76. All $16.00 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $7.50. All $20.00 Table Cloths Monday's sale price $10.00. Napkins. ' All $8.75 Table I All $10.00 Table Jll $12.00 Table J All $15.00 Table Napkins in this sale J Napkins In this sale Napkins In this sale J Napkins In this salo $5.00. $6.00. I 17. oU. . Clearing Sale of Wash Dress Material Monday All $7.60 Table Napkins in this sale $3.76. $4-38, Special William's Jersey Cream Toilet Soap is an exquisite toilet soap, possessing all the creamy, soothing emollient qualities that have made Wil liam's Soaps famous. It Is a toilet necessity In every family where a strictly fine, safe Isoap Is Insisted upon. I Price per cake 15c. For a limited time we are offering a neat nlckled box with ev ery four cakes of this soap for 60c. (See cut.) Just the thing for vacation travel ing, keeps the soap free from dust and in excellent lath ering condition. L'4 ..;r:v, : ,.5TJr7 tV'-v .wr n-A .es'tw No matter how good or how choice the wash goods we never show the same goods a second season. That's why we are now mak ing such radical reductions in prices: All our 75c Silk Tamaline Suiting Monday, at 25c a yard. 50c Silk Ginghams, at 19c. 50c Finest Scotch Zephyrs, at 19c. 25c Wash Voile in black and white checks and plaids at 9c a yard. 10c Lawns at 5c a yard. 15c Batistes, at 5c a yard. 25c Ginghams, at 10c a yard. 25c Swisses, at 9c a yard. Toilet Goods. When leaving for the seashore or mountains be sure your grip contains all the needed toilet articles. We are headquarters for the best sorts at lowest prices. Colgate's Talcum Powder in violet and cashmere bouquet at 15c a can. Hudnut's violet and violet see Toilet Water at 76c a bottle. William's Shaving Soap stick In neat nickeled boxes at 20c each. Only the best of face powders such as Powdre de Rlz, Anthea, Powdre de Rlz Violette, Powdre de Rl de Java, LaBlanche powder all at popular prices. 1 Special Sale of Snow Flake Curtains Monday. We are making greatly reduced prices on all of our lace curtains for Monday we mention these: Our $2.25 Snowflake curtains with colored silk cross stripes at $1.13 pair. . Our $2.76 Snowflake curtains with colored silk cross stripes at $1.38 pair. Our $4.50 very finest Snowflake curtains with colored silk cross stripes at $2.25 pair. ' Our 66c grade of Snowflake material with col ored silk cross stripe by the yard Monday at 26c. See Harney Street Window. 225 Tailor Made Suits at SIO.OO Each, Reduced from S30.00, 335.00 and S40.00 Of the thousands of suits we have sold this season there are just 25 left over. For quick clearance off all spring garments we have marked these to sell at $10.00. Colors tan, navy, Copenhagen and two or three blacks. Most all sizes. All coats will go at just half price. All white dresses will go at half price. All wash skirts will go at half price. New Fall Suits. We are always first to show the correct new styles. Dlrectolre and Continental models are to be the lead ing styles for fall. See the new styles Monday. Ask for the bargains that are not advertised. li-K--U. Ml Doug. 018 BOTH PIIOXES REACH ALL DEPTS. Ind. A-12411 Meet your friends in our cool and cozy rest room. only consented to allow his name to be used that there might be no vacancy on the ticket. triLlXGS FOR STATUS TICKETS . Masses or t'aadlaatea Who will Make Kffort for Nominations, fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. L (Special.) The com . pie ted list of primary filings with the sec retary of stare for stats offices is as fol lows; Republican Ballot. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. At Larue Joseph J. Lunger. Wilbur, first District Charles A. Bobbins, Un oln. SecondH. H. Baldrlge. Omaha; Charles L. Hoover, South Omaha. Third John P. Eaton. North Bend. Fourth tieorge F. Hurlhurt I'tlcs. Fifth C. A. Luce, Heputilican t I y. Sixth W. L. Minor, Morrill; Edward O. pavls. North Plutte. GOVERNOR. George I,. Sheldon, NVhawka. LI El 'TEN A NT GOVERNOR. M. R. Hopewell. Tekamah. SECRETARY OF 8TATE. George C. Junkm, Smith field. 8TATE AUDITOR. H. L. Cook. tit. I'aul; John L. Pierce, Lincoln; Robert A. Kaynea, College View; George Anthea. Ornalm Silas R. Barton. Grand Island; John II. Alden, Beatrice Charles 8. Allen, Geneva; J. C. F. McKes son, Lincoln. h TATE SITERINTENDENT. I. awson U Brian, Albion. . Oeorge D. Carrlngton, Jr., Auburn; James B. Deltell. Lexington: S. II Marshall- Hr i'aul; E. C Bishop, Lincoln. ATTORNEY GENERAL. William T. Thompson, Central City. LAND COMMISSIONER. Joslah M. Bhlvley, Fremont; Harvey L. Bums. Gerlng; William liusenetter, Lin wood; Edward B. Cnwles, Kalrburv. RAILWAY COMMISSIONER.' S. M Wallace. Clay Center; J. A. Wil liams. Pierce; J. A. van Wagenen Pierce; F. H. Abbott. Aurora; C. L. Hedlund. Holdrvge; Myron D. Carr, Columbus; Wil liam ii. Aaron. Omahn. . CONGRESSMAN. First District-Ernest M. Pollard. Ns hawka. - Second Thomas W. Blackburn, Omaa; Charles L. Saunders. Omaha; A. W. Jrf feris. Omaha. Third J. r Boyd. Nel'gh. Fourth-Tiester H. A Id rich, David Cltyj aViimunj ii. iiinsnaw. Kalrburv. Fifth George W. Norrls. McCrmk. Slxth-Mosea p. Ktnkald. O'Neill; C. A. BU'l.-y, Curtis. Hubert G. Rosa. Lexington (dm i.-rep.), Deaaueratle Ballot. PRESIDENTIAL ELEOTORa. At Larse Mlchal F. Harrington. O'Neill .. fus ); Henry R. Oerlnr. Platuuaouta tfus.); swoon a. akuuin. vnnai GOVERNOR. J. W. Walker. Hastings. LIEtTENANT (iOVERNOR. Thomas Joregensen. Florence. SECRETARY OF STATE. Henry J. Aberly, South Omaha. For state auditor, no filing. For state treasurer, no filing. STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Ada K. rV-hell, Ponca. ATTORNEY GENERAL. N. H. Nye. Pender. For land eemmlssloner, no filing. RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. Andrew Flnkenkeller. Florence. CONGRESSMAN. Second District Oeorge Clark Porter, Omaha; F. H. Alexander, Omaha. Third District J. M. Woodcock, Coving ton. Fifth District James J. I-arkey, Oxford. Sixth District Luclen Stebblns, North Platte. NEGRO LODGE MEN LTNTflED Four Hanged by Mob for Commending' Harder of White Man. TOWN IS NOT EVEN AWAKENED FLAYS JIANN A MMH IOMPASY Inspector Conflrma Report Colliery Vat Death Trap. CHEYENNE), Wyo Aug. 1. (Special.) State Coal Mine Inspector Noah Young's report of -the Hsnna coal mine disaster of March th, when fifty-nine men lost their livts, and, causes of the accident, which was fl'ed with Governor Bryant B. Brooks yesterday, has created a terisatlon, snd c n firms statements made from t'.me to time In these dispatches that the Hanna colliery has been pn fire for years, was a death trap and should be permanently eloped. Inspector Young charges the coal com pany with greed In operating this mm, with failure to comply with the state laws, etc He says eighteen men lost their live In the first explosion on March 28, and forty-one In the second accident on the fame date. According to the Inspector's report fire brcke out In Hanna mine No. 1 of the I'nlon Paolflc Coal company on March 22, 1DG8; that Superintendent Brlggs and foices of men fought the fire, and instead of brat tic, ng It off with stone or some other non-destructible material, which would have extinguished the flames in from sixty to ninety days, wood was used, which only partially controlled the fire. As a result the deadly white damp was produced, and with large ouantltles In the workings, an explosion was caused when Superintendent Brlggs and seventeen men went in on March 2f, and a second explosion when Mine Inspector David Ellas and forty men went In a few hours after the first ex plosion. Inspector Young reports that the coal company does not obey the laws, and: he recommends that the statutory require ments be more rigidly . enforced in the future; that new and more stringent laws be enacted by the next legislature. He alsi recommends that the Hanna mine be closed permanently, and no further effort be made to recover the forty-five remaining bodies therein, pointing out that all are probably burned to an unrecognisable mass, so that relatives would not kno-w whether they were burying their own, or the relatives of some one else. And, in all probability, says the Inspector, mejiy of the bodies were completely destroyed by the terrible explosions that completely wrecked the colliery. The report closes with recommendations that the use of black powder In mines be discontinued; also that coal mines should not be operated until they have b en opened sufficiently . and safety appliances hare been installed to fully protect the men. . dates, August 17 to HI, September 1 and 1. Second Meeting Dates for buvlng tickets. August Z. SO. SI. Scixember 1. 2. i. i. . Return dates, August 81, September 1 to Id, Inclusive. Third meeting-Dates for buvlng tickets, September 12. IS. 14. Ii, IS, IT. IS. 1!. Re turn dates, September 14 to SO, Inclusive. While very, lit tie Is doing on spring lines of dresj goods, biyers are already in the market and are beginning to look over fall collections shown by Jobbers. The first meeting will begin August 15 and within a few days sfter the meeting opens the deal ers will know what kind of a fall demand Is going to open. Prices which the Jobbers are making are considerably lower than those last fall and Rt'SDrTAinr v Aug 1. Four ne-I ouyer win nnu it very easy to secure groes, Virgil. Thomas and Robert Jones and better values than was the case during the Joseph Riley, were taken from Jail here previous season Residents First Learn ot Dee When They See Bodies Stringing from Tree Jailer Taken by Snrprlso. early today and hanged to a tree on the edge of town. When the financial trouble embarrassed the whole country last fall and affected No shots wire fired bv the mob, which Omaha Indirectly, the terms of selling were was composed of about fifty men. and the n little closer. It Is said this policy will people of the town knew nothing of the oe necessary in selling goods lor tan. affair until davlla-hl revealed the four "imer ann spring, and in many cases re- bodies dangling from a tree Just outside tallers will be enabled to buy large orders Russellvllle on the Nashville pike. The ' """ wnicn uiey can sell before settle- following note was found pinned on one of ments are made. the bodies: "Let this be a warning to you niggers to let white people alone, or you will go the same way, Hugh Rogers better shut up or quit." The negroes who were lynched were mem bers of the lode, and at a meeting recently. It Is sAld they spproved of the murder of James Cunningham, a white farmer, by is negro tenant Rufus Browder. This Caasldy ot this city Tbursdsy. Dub. nj4 said: U I am convinced that the two sample"" of handwriting were pe"n'd by the sam , man. The 'N' In the word 'Newport' In the note left by Blair has a curve cor responding with ths.t In the capital M' In h gtn Francisco circular. Likewise, tin Ks, the 'Cs' and the 'Bs' are similar." DELAYS OF THE LAW (Continued from First Page.) em states. At some esrly day Mr. Hitch' cock will call a conference of southern re publican leaders. The next gathering of this character Is exoected to embrace tha murder occurred In the southern part or New Englan(1 ,tnteg al,. Logan county and It Is supposed here tnai the mob was made up of men from that part of the county. The negroes had been In Jail for several . Mr. Hitchcock la following out the days, and while there had been considers- .. established at the conferences In ble unrest since the attempt on the part Colorado Km-ln. and Chlcn.ro of bavins- of the mob to take Browder. the slayer of the mcetin(fS at a pplnt near the C(.nter of Cunningham,- from the Jail some nights the re(,,on repretanteA by the lcnders calIci, no r"' "ouo.e was amicipaieu ou toffc,ner Tne ,ouU,ern conference Will inere was no guard srounn tne prison, ino ot be hpM unt aftof Septmb,r , and lt ffort to get Browder failed owing to the fact that he was spirited out of Jail by the sheriff and sent to Bowling Green and later to Louisville, where he Is now con fined awaiting trial. Not a Snot la Fired. First District R. E. Watske, Humboldt Uus.). Second District Sophus F. Nebls. Omaha (fus.). Third District Douglas Shawvan, Loretto (fus.). Fourth District. E. O. Weber, Valparaiso (fus). Fifth District Frank T. Bwanoon, Clay Center (fus.). Sixth. District A. D. Cameron, Spaulding (fus.). GOVERNOR. James C. Dalilman, Omaha; Ashton i Sliallenberger, Alma tfus.);- George W, Uerge, Lincoln (fus). LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. E. O. Garret, Fremont (fus.); James A. Grlinlson. Schuyler tfus.); A. 8. Tibbetts, Lincoln (fus.). SECRETARY OF 8TATE. John Mattes, Jr., Nebraska City (fus.); Dr. A. T. Gate-wood, Arapahoe (fus.). STATE AL DiTOR. William B. Price, Lincoln, (fus.); Edwin H. Lulkhart, Ttiden (fus.). STATE TREASURER. Clarence Mackey. Ansley (fus.). STATE SUPERINTENDENT. N. C. Abbott, Tekamah (fus.). ATTORN Elf GENBKAL Memo Warren Perry. Beatrice (fua.): E. B. Wuackenbuati. Auburn (fua.); Harry B. t-ienariy, eoutn umana (rus.j. LANU COMMISSIONER. W. B. Eastham. Broken Bow (fua.): C B. Manuel, St. Paul (fus ). RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. William H. CowkiII. Holdreae (fua.): George O. Brophy, Omaha. VV,ScLVallE.V1 First District John A. Masulra. Lincoln (fua.); A. P. Mtsaimmona, Tecumteh fus.). bocond District Uii'bert il. liltchcock. Omaha. Third District James P. Latta. Tekamah: Edgar Howard, Columbus (fus.). i-ourtn District Charles F. Gilbert. York (fus.); W. U. Jones, Polk county (fus,); William F. Crumb, Falrbury (fus.); S. L. Maine, Crete (fus). - Fifth District Fred W. Ashton, Grand Island (fus). Sixth District William H. Westover, Rushvtlla (fus.); Walter E. MoNeel. North Platte; Robert G. Ross, Lexington (demo.- cp.); 11. G. Stewart, Scott s Bluff (fus.). People's independent Ballot. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. At Lars Mu-hael F. Harrington. O'Neill (fus.); Henry R. Gerliig. Pialls niouth (fus.); A. W. Potts, Stockham. Flrat District R. K. Watske, Humbolt (fus.). Second District Sophua . F. Nebls, Omaha (fu.). Third District Douglas Shawvan, Lo re t to (fua). Fourth District E. O. Weber, Val paraiso, (fus ). Fifth District Frank T. Swansoo, Clay Center (fua ). Sixth District A. D. Cameron, Erauld Ing (fus.). . . GOVERNOR. Ashtgu C SUaUtukwrgcr, Aims (fug.); George W. Berge, Lincoln (fus ). LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. K. O. Garret, Fremont (fus.): James A. Grlmlson, Schuyler tfus.); A. 8. Tlbbetts, jitivoiii oun.. SECRETARY OF STATE. John Mattes, jr., Nebraska City (fus.);1 Dr. A. T. Gatewood, Arapahoe (fus.). STATE AUDITOR. William B. Price. Lincoln (fua ); Edwin IL Llnkhart. Tllden (fus ). STATE TREASURER. Clarence Mackey, Ansley (fus ). STATE SUPERINTENDENT. N. C. Abbott. Tekamah (fus.). ATTORNEY GENERAL. Menso Warren Terry, Beatrice (fus.); E. B. Quackenbus, Auburn (fua.); Harry B. Fleharty, South Omaha (fus.). LAND COMMISSIONER. W. B. Eastham, Broken Bow (fua.); C. B. Manuel. St. Paul (fus.). RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. William II. Cow gill. Holdrege (fus.). CONGRESSMAN. First District A. K Fltsslmmons. Te cuniseh (fus.); J. A. Magulre, Lincoln (fus ). Third District Edgar Howard, Colum bua. Fourth District Charles F. Gilbert. York (fus); W. B. Jones. Polk county (fus): William F. Cramb. Falrbury (fus.): 8. L. Mains, Crete (fus.). Fifth District Fred w. Ashton, Grand Island (fua). Sixth Dlatrict -William H. Westover, Rushvllle (fus.); H. G. Stewart, Scott's Bluff (fus ). Prohibitionist Ballot. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. At Large J. D. Nesblt. Pawnee Cltv: George H. Hornby, Valentine. First District Second District E. T. George, Omaha. Third District Martin I. Brower, Fuller ton. Fourth District John H. Von Bteen, Bea trice; Frank A. Bush, Aurora. Fifth District A. B. Latterly, Alma; W. E. Nlchel, Mlnden. GOVERNOR. Roy R. Teeters, Falls City. For lleutensnt governor, no filing. SECRETARY OF STATE. Henry F. J. Horkenbsrger, Columbus. For auditor, no filing. For treasurer, no filing. For superintendent, no filing. For attornev general, no filing. LAND COMMISSIONER Albert Thompson, Aurora. For railway commissioner, no filing. CONGRESSMAN. Fourth District Thomas M. C, Birming ham, jaiuora. ootalUt Ballot. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. At Large William R. Blanton, Harrla. Durg; i nomas L. fhllllps. South Omaha. Second District Parker 8. Condlt, Omaha. Third District Otto Melcher. Pllaer. Fourth District William H. Ashby, Be. ice. Fifth District Fred Leaier. Hastln.s Sixth District William Henry sKialton. Valentin. FILINGS FOIl NOMINATIONS Names ot Men of Both Parties Ambi tions to Serve the People. PAWNEE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram.) The filings for nominations have closed as follows: Representative Second district. Pawnee county: 'Republican W. B. Raper, Pawnee; J. T. Brown, Pawnee; A. u. Barclay, Book water. Democratic William Stevenson, Dubois: J. K. Hennlnger. Pawnee county. Attorney: Republican 8. J. Graham and 3. & Dort. Democratic A. S. Btory. Commissioner Third district: Republlcan A. E. Liebendorfer. N.' A. Btenauer, one of the present repre sentatives, has not filed, as lt will be neces sary to give his time to the bank In which he is Interested, one of his brothers being now on a trip to Europe. Pawnee county Is in the First senatorial district with Rich ardson county and lt Is probable that Rob ert Cain . of Stella will be the republican candidate for senator, lt being the turn of Richardson county. SCHUYLER, Neb., Asg. I. (Special Tele gram.) William Rathsack, mayor of Schuy ler for the. last three years, has filed for representative on the republican ticket, This is one of the best selections that could be made for that office. Other filing In elude:' For County Attorney H. P. Peterson, H T. Hodsen (reps); J. J. rarreii iaem.1. For 8enator-"-J. A. Flala (rep.); jr. Henrv filem.). For Representative W. A. Rathsack (ren 1: H. P. Buhman (dem.l. For Commissioner Thomas Wacha (rep.) Frank Prokea Idem.). TEKAMAH, Neb., Aug. 1. (Sepclal Tele gram.) The filings of candidates for nom inations at the primaries closed today with the following names entered: H. C. Bryin republican, Twelfth district; L. F. LaRue, republican, Twelfth district; J. W. Mo Mullen, republican. Twelfth district; Ralph Johnson, republican. Twelfth district; B, S. Griffin, republican. Thirteenth district S. 8. Sklmmen, Thirteenth district; W. R Ileum, democrat. Twelfth district; W. Harrington, democrat. Thirteenth district. ALLEN TRIES TO DEFEND SELF (Continued from First Page.) The New England conference probably will be held In Boston some time next week. In having the conference In Bos will be at Atlanta, or some city In Tennessee. It was announced today that an organ ization will be effected In every one of the southern states, and although no predic tions were made that the republicans would INSTANTLY KILLED BY AUTO Cnr Driven by Wealthy lown Rancher Tnrna Tnrlle on Km bnnkment. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug. 1. II. K. Wooster, a wealthy ranchman of Ulalrs town, 60 yesrs of aje. Was Instsrjtly killed by the overturning of his autom.iblle near Marlon today. He was on his way with his wife and granddaughter to visit rela tives In Lanark, III. The latter were not Injured. The machine wervt over a steep embankment w.ille running at a good speed and turned completely over. CADETS MAY BE REINSTATED President Roosevelt and Secretary Wright Art on Dismissal ot Klaht. OYSTER PAY, Aug. 1. President noose vi It and Secretary ff War Wright have do elded that the eight cadets who recentl) were, dlsm'sscd from the United States mil itary academy at West Point for basing si ail bo relnstatei and that their punish ment shall be administered according to the disciplinary method of the academy. FALLS IN CHURN AmTdROWNS Tsvo-Year-nid Dor Meets Ilorrlblo j ueatn at wenaier inri lown. WEBSTER CITY. Ia., Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Barr, who reside south of this city, found their only child, a baby boy of I years, head foremost in a churn of water In the yard dead last night. The little fellow had been playing about and while peering into the churn had fallen in. The mob came Into town so quietly that enrture the electoral votes of anv of those not one of the residents of the city wad states. It was stated that Inroads would wakened from slumber. Proceeding at 1 be made in the democratic representation once to the county Jail, the Jailer. Jake in the house from the south. Mr. Duncan Butts, was summoned to the door, his resl- la strongly of the opinion that a number dence being directly connected with the of congressional districts which are now prison. When he appeared he found him- democratic can be turned to the republican self covered by rifles and shotguns and was column. To a large degree he will have given the command to turn over the keys charge of the work In that territory. r be shot down. After a short parley with Representative McKlnley of Illinois, the the members of the mob. In wnlch he tried new chairman of the republican consres to persuade them to go away without doing slonal committee, will come to New York ny violence, finally handed over the keys, some time next week to talk with Mr, The mob then entered the Jail and, finding Hitchcock about the co-operation that will the four negroes, forced them to go with be arranged between the congressional and them. Two of the men, not being given national republican committees. Mr. Hltch- tlme to dress, were taken along In their cock Is enthusiastic about the consolidation night shirts, and the whole party pro- of the literary bureaus of the two com ceeded at once to the tree on the outskirts mlttees. of the city on the Nashville pike, where Fred Upham of Chicago, assistant treas the negroes were strung up in a row. urer of the ncttonal committee, who will Contrary to the usual custom of mobs, hsve his office at the Chlcagro headquar no shots weto fired at the swinging victims, ters, arrived here today to talk with Mr. and the mob dispersed as soon as It had Hitchcock and will remain here until Mon finished Its work. There is no clue to the day In order to consult with Mr. Sheldon, members of the band, as the Jailer, the the treasurer, only person who saw them close enough The question of naming a vice chairman to get a good look, could not recognri-9 will not be settled until after the principal them. headquarters are opened In Chicago. The bodies of the negroes were cut down during the morning. SINfiFR MANARFR 15 MISSING Ictlma Members of Lodge. The negroes were members of a lodge In I J. W. MeClnro of St. Loots Sooabt the southern part of Logan county, and by Police on Chargte ot Just when the entire County was stirred up I Forgrery, over the brutal murder of Mr. Cunningham by Browder they held a meeting and ex- BT LOUTS, Aug. 1. Joseph Wesley Mo- pressed thelf approval of Browder's deed. Clure, 49 years old, formerly manager of The excitement In that vicinity ran so high a local branch of the Singer Sewing Ma for a time that It was feared a race war chine company, is being sought by the would result, but the four leaders In the police on a warrant charging forgery, fol meeting were arrested and brought to this lowing an examination of the company's city and these were the men lynched early books which Is said to have revealed today. shortage of $25,000. Circulars describing Me The murder which started the trouble Clure were sent out by Chief Creecy today. was one of the most brtual in the history It is thought that McClura left St. Louis of Logan county. Prowder, who was a a month ago. tenant on Cunningham's place, had been discharged and upon leaving swore ven- MURDERER AND KIDNAPER SAME ceance. ine next aay ne returned and lay In wait for Cunningham. When the latter liondwrlllna- ot Man Who Killed came, near tils hiding place Browder flrod Nora Knler Like thnt of at him, killing him Instantly. The negro Blair. then escaped, but was captured and placed in Jail at Russellvllle. A mob was Imme- CHICAGO, Aug. l.-Detcctlve Dubach last diately formed, but the sheriff, hearing night compared the handwriting of Charles that violence would be attempted, had "Hadley, supposed murderer of 15-year-old Browder taken Into the woods for the Nora Fuller in Ban Francisco, with the night, and when the mob made Its appear- penmanship of the man F. J. Blair, who it ance succeeded in convincing lt that the is alleged kidnaped 18-year-old Veronica negro was not in the, jail. The band dis persed and the next morning Browder was taken to Bowling Green and later to Louis ville. The meeting of the negro lodge and its endorsement of Browdor's deed occurred Immediately afterward. The tree from which the negroes were hanged has been used before for the same purpose. PETTIB0NE IS NEAR DEATH Prominent Official of Miners' Federa tion Victim ot Cancer and Physicians Lose Hope. DENVER, Colo., Aug. 1. An operatloa performed today at St. Joseph's hospital In this city on George A. Pettlbone, form erly a member of the executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, showed that he Is suffering from cancer and the physicians In attendance agreed that his life could not be saved. Omaha Man Asks for Patent. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-A device to save coal and lncreaae the steam power of traction engines has been Invented by C. II. Noyes or Omaha, who came here a short tlmo ago to work out the details of the invention and test Its value. Noyes made a test on a 120-horse power engine." The device was attached to the engine for two weeks an investiga tion showed that a saving of 16H per cent of coal had been made and that better work had been accomplished. Noyes planned his device on the theory that when walcr gets mixed In the cylinders with the steam there Is bound to be a reduction of power. He sought to overcome this and he claims his device causes the cylinder to be filled with nothing but "dry" steam, which Increases the power of the engine ami reduces the consumption of coal. A machinery house here has become Inter ested In the Invention and a patent has just been applied for. Farmer Chokes to Death. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D Aug. 1. (Special.) The lodging of a piece of meat in his throat caused - the death of Gottlieb Bchmlttgall, one of tha best known farm ers In Hutchinson county and a pioneer resident ot that part ot the state. The obstruction could not be removed and he slowly choked to death. His wife died only last spring and the six children of the couple now are left without father or mother. Sixteenth Corps at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Bpeolal Tel egramsThe Sixteenth United States in fantry, en route to Fort Riley, aKn., ar rived here today from Plckrell and went Into camp at the driving park. The troors will remain here over Sunday and will leave for Wymore Monday morning. IRISH KILT AGAIN (Continued from First Page.) days with the "motley" crew as a member o fthe resolutions committee trying to force the nomination cf Mr. Bryan. Boiled down Mr. -Rosewater showed the electors en dorsed by the ro-ca-iled convention Omaha were instructed for Bryan "Irre vocably" befoie the democratic national convention had nominated him and the ac tion now Is a case of the tall waggln the dog. He said also that the primary law, in section 43, referring to dispute and also the use of party names says the secretary of state and the court must be guided by the action of the last national convention; that if the democratic party permitted to use tha name of people's In dependent party, populists wishing to vote for Watson will be defrauded. out ot their votes. As an Illustration of what a deception is about to be practiced on the voters,, he told how the voter would be deceived when he voted by machine the populist ticket in Douglas county. Democratic electors would get the vote. The array of legal talent contended the populists all wanted to be for the demo cratic nominee, that if a few did lose out it would not make much difference; that anyhow there was no "national people's Independent , party ;" that the matter was wholly a stats question and had been de cided in the Sundean case, as the electors are merely state officials." themselves to urging that the Protestant religion, the preservation of which is the chief object of both the old and the new- orders, .would not suffer at the hands of an Irish Parliament. L.ellsioaa ot Loeal Magistrate. An Interesting return has Just been made showing the religious beliefs of the local magistrates In Ireland, and nothing could Illustrate better the change which has come over the country In the Jast generation. There are today (36 Roman Catholic magis trates in Ireland and only M9 belonging to the various Protestant denominations. The religious belief of the magistrates Is only Important, of course, as revealing roughly their politics. It Is safe to assume that the greater portion of the Catholics are Na tionalists, while most of the Protestants are pretty sure to be Unionists. A generation ago lt would nave Deen hard to find a Roman Cathollo magistrate In Ireland. F. X. CULLEN. ANNIVERSARY DAY AT DENVER Thlrty-aeeond birthday at Colorado Celebrated with Flas Ralslaa and Eaerelaes. DENVER, Colo., Aug. 1. Colorado day, a leral holiday In this state, was observed today with a flag raising and appropriate exercises at the city park. ' Banks and public offices were closod. This Is the thirty-second anniversary of the admission of the state to the union. Better goods for the same money or the same goods for less money, that's our i proposition, wnat can ws so lor your I Joba Flynn Co. mam BUY YOUR PER TON AUGUST DELIVERY .lK!avensio. 1805 Farnam Street Best Pennsylvania Anthracite All Rail Coal Delivered Direct from Car. .Carefully Screened. Dell Doug. 317 Independent A-1173 ROANS HEADY FOR FALL RUSH! (Continued from First Page.) will break all records even those ot 1U07, when an Immense spring and fall business was recorded. For ready reference the Omaha Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association is sending out au.OuO cards to "hang up on a desk," giving the dates for the three meetings already arranged, which enables dealers to corns to Omaha on a lower basis of railroad rates than ever before, a fare and a third. The Omaha association is the first of the Missouri river markets to announce mer chant meetings and give buyers an oppor tunity to take advantage of the rates made by the railroad companies. But Omaha has been left off the list by the railroads for the first dates of the fall merchants' meetings, which. It is said, begin in lomt of the other towns August i. This is due to the short notice which the railroads were able -to give and which under the new laws could not bo given wtthqut sufficient time. Dates at Meetiaa. The dates ot the three meetings are as follows: First Meet Ing Pates for buying tickets, August U, U, 17, Is, U. . XX. 10, A Kslura fe I AK and THE BEST. PUREST AND MOST HEALTHFUL Bottled Beer In the World la the Output of the Willow Springs Brewing Co. All the lnfrdlentg are carefully gelected and are of the highest grade. Every first-class cafe in the west carrleg a gtock of the WORLD'S BEST BEEK STARS and STRIPES Thirty $3.00 Green Trading Stampa with OTw vry case two doen large bottles j' rV Fifteen 11.50 Green Trading 8tamps with every eaao two dozen small bottles. 't Price $1.25 Out-of-town customers add f 1.25 for case and bot tles, which will be refunded on their return. lijhj-1 ft ( m Office XOT Xarsey Street. Faoae O.ltQ. rower Tnixa aa4 aUokory aHteeta. Paoae Z. UN,