THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: 'AUGUST 2, 1901' 5 J a ; i ' a 31 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY POR IALB. (Continued.) REF.D ABSTRACT CO.. Est lf Prompt service. Oet our price. 1T10 t arn am Bu REAL ESTATE PARM AXD RA.1CH LAND FOR S ALB (Continued.) .V NIW, moil'rn rottsge; sl rooms; near Knuntse Place; a bsrgatn. 'Phone Web. 106. (19)-M520 A.11 $3,650 RENTS FOR $600. A 14-room house renting for $M) per month, modern esrept heat, on boulevard, brick walka, eaat front; about half caah. BEMIS, Both 'Phones. rxton Blk. The elegant new and thoroughly mod ern residence. 219 Bo. 38th Ave.; one of the flneet loratlona In the city; can give quick possession. Low price. HICKB' REAL ESTATE CO., TeL Dour 11S9. 21 Board of Trade Bldg. (II) 714 tx r i it REAL ESTATE PARM AJIU mAiCM 4.AS.U POR I1LI Csutssua. TRAMPING LAKH, Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta selected landa, $ to U per acre. Settlers secure farina on eron payment plan Agents wanted. Writ Itunay uuna;, iswyi. uui" Hide. Winnipeg. i-M3M Celerade. lOOD PARMINO LAND Near Denver, Oreeley district; walla to 40 feat; abun dance of molature; general farming, In cluding corn railing; ona crop paya for (arm. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., $gj Brandala Bldg. Omaha, Nab. UU)m M laeellavaeeae. TIMBER AND TIMBER LANDS are bet ter Inveattnenta at thin time than most others. We want to tell you about them. Either large or email Inveatnra will be lutereeted. Write u for parilculara. The International Timber Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. (" MS31 A31 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. U Keels K. J. Co., luol 4. . Life Bid (2J) PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELA X. J. H. M1XHEN, t-S 1ST NAT. BANK BUHJ. TEL. JJOIU. lSJa, dry weather over a larre portion of the territory where previous suffering has been reported. Report a were again numerous of damaae already done and with thla taken Into consultation In connection with the strength of wheat, the market re ceived strong support and held It to the end. 1-hI receipts were 143 cars, with z. or contract grade. The oats market was firm In sympathy with other rereals. Low threshing returns mm portions of Illinois and Missouri were advertised, while favorable returna from other sei tlnne received little attention. Sop- ember sold between 44i4ftmiSe and closed at 4S'o'4ft'c. Local receipt were 135 cars. Provisions again ruled firm, the Influ ences being a higher holding market and no prospect of Immediate Improvement in he movement. September pork closed at 15.35. September lard at 89.55, September ribs at J0.O7H. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. 374 cars; corn. 15S cars; oats, 173 cars; hogs, head. Tie leading futures ranged aa follows: WANTED City loan and wai rants, W. Farnam Smith Co- liW r'arnam St. too to llO.ouo mad promptly. P. D. We ad, Waad Dldg., Uth and Farnam. (22) a WANTED City loans. Peters Truat Co. lay h FIVE PER CENT Money to loan on Omaha bualnesa property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. Naw York LU Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY to loan. MOO to $6,wo; eaan on nana; no aeiay. j. tx. uncrwoon, till Braadeis Bldg. (22 300, PAYNE, B08TW1CK CO., N. Y. Life. Private Money. 4600 to H.0UO- Low Rate. PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 1M FARNAM. (1C!) 2i!l LOWEST RATES Bsmls, Futon Blk. WANTED W'a hava several thouaand acres of good Colorado land for sale; w want good, live agent to represent ua Olobe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Nab. QOi-m MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. tt.CXio ACRES Irrigated land between Denver and Oreeley. Beet sugar, ana notato land, uuler best reseavoirs In atate, crop pay profit of $50 an acre. Just cams on the market, ten acres or more, $."0 an acre up. Come with us next Tuesday, make tlrat selection. terms. NATIONA L I N VESTMENT COMPANY, Stti Brundeia Bldg. (20) M674 $ Missouri, fiftuvr AViSq Writ for tat map, UUJttiN IjAiSUO booklet and weather report, lent free. BAZKL J. MEEK, CHILL1COTHE, MO, ( WHO will buy or trade for my Improved farm here? Eaav terms, una, h,. mc Williams, Chllllcothe. Mo. 120)-0J li Mebraakav. BARGAINS In Nebraska land; few good 640-scre homesteads, often cneap relin quishments. J. C Berslna, Whitman, Neb. , yjut JUIW AM FOR SALE. Four section of good hay and paatur land. Price. 44,600, crank Mornssey Basils Mills, Knox County, Neb. () M445 tx A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Mv homestead of 440 acres in Kimball county, Neb., lying In a rich, productive country, nine mile from county seat, Thar I no government land to be had In this locality, and unimproved land sells for 112.60 to 415.00 per acre. For valid reasons I am unable to stay on thla place the required time to prove up, which la five yeara, hence have offered aama for sale. 1 hava over 41.000 In im provements, also 46 acre In crop. Don't . write unless you can com at one and look at tn anove. rrice. iif.wu casn. Addrea "Owner, Kimball, Neb. () M4o aug 4 A SNAP. THE financial flurry last fait enabled u to buy a 1,000-acre alfalfa, grain and atoak ranch at a bargain; for quick sal w otter this ranch at a small advance. C w. Bowman, Willi Cadwcll, Broken Bow, no. , UY'-BMI All BARGAIN Two sections, north ' of Paxton, Neb., 1 Keltli county; goo land, all covered with fine grass, just slightly rolling. We will ell one section for $1 60 per acre, the other at per acre. SIIRIVER & BENAWA, 102S N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (20) MiW 3 I4.K PER ACRE ouy section of Kimball county, Nebraska, land 41,440 cash Price good only ten day. Charles B. Wilson, Alondamln, la. (?i) 3x WE have a fine body of land close to Omaha for sale at a very reasonabl price. Can exchange the land, however for Omaha lncoma ptoperty. The land will show for Itself. Rlker & Chamber Blair, Neb. (20)-431 I FOR SALE 440 acres nice level land In Kimball county, Nebraska, at 410 per TRAINOR, CALDWELL St CO., 4ih and N St., South Omaha. (20I-M6S4 I KEITH courKy quarter; 160 acres 3 mile south or ugaialla. Neb., only 17.00 pe acre, i nia i a special nargaln. Own need the money. H&stlnga ft Heydo una department, uu south I7th St. ()-Mti9 1 Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. CVoe. Tes y. Wheat j Sept. H 90VfT4 9216 S KH Dec. 94 9 94 94 90'i bl)ec. M'i'S'i 94J 94S May 9s SiS 92 Corn Sept. 74fcBi 74H 75 77 Dec. 62'ftt1 tm 2i S3Vi'&',1 74H May 6H(g2 63 61 62T 61V, Oats- Sept. 44 45Vt,i&H 44 45 M Dec. 44 9i 45V 44 46V 63 May 46' 47 46V, 46", j4T 44 Pork Sept. 15 90 15 97V, 15 W 15 KS 15 77Vi Oct. 16 00 W 00 16 90 15 92V, 15 95 Lard Sept. 9 67V, 9 AO 9 62H 56 9 6S Oct. 9 65 9 70 9 6JH 9 65 9 62V, Rib Sept. 9 07V, 9 12H 9 06 9 07V, 9 05 Oct. 9 15 9 17V, 9 10 I 16 9 10 MONEY TO BCILD. 1500 to 4200.000 at current rate. W. H. THOMAS; 603 Flrt Nat. Bank Bldg, (23J-967 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about lo cation; wish to hear from owner only, who will aell direct to buyer; give price. descrlpton and state when possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshtre. Box 191, Kocnester. N. y. (") WANTED-TO BORROW HAVE 16W acr good Neb. land; would like to borrow 11,300 private money; one. year. Address y 44, care uee. (24 M690 x WANTEDTO BUY HIGHEST price for Xd-hnd furniture, car- pets, clothes and shoe, lei. jjougias sail. ONE hundred carloads old Iron and Junk will nav rest price. Central junk House Tel. Doug. 6274. Office in yards. 15T8-10- 12 Cuming St.. rear; ia) Mbbi 3x WANTED TO RENT ( TO 8-ROOM house between 11th and 14th Sis.. nar William' guoa references, ao dress M-849, care Bee. () " NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Reading Leads the Market to New Hi;h Level of Valuei. UNFAVORABLE NEWS IS IGNORED valued at $10,471,544: Import of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today were Wl silver and $li6,4 gold. Export of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 11. 123 silver and fJO gold. Bostea Stock and Road. BOSTON. Aug 1. Money, rail loans. "si 2H per rent; time loans, 384' per cent. ( losing quotations on stock sna nomis No. 2. aOld. bNew. Cash quotation were a follows: FIXITR-Flrm: winter patents. $4.1S54.; straights. 13.9iifi-4.30; spring patents. 16.5"a 6.66; strHlghts. H.0OG6.V); bakers. $2.7OCn4.0O. WHBATj-No. 2 spring. fl.14Sfl.16; No. S spring. tlJMtn.lS. CORN NO. 2, 7WTi8V,c; NO. I y110W, iV 4J79Vic OATS NO. 2. fine. RYE No .2, 74c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 610. SEED Flax. No. 1 northwestern, f 1.304,. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose). IH.75frt.13Vi., Mess pork, per bbl., $16.i1t 16.R5. Ijird. per 100 lbs., t9.474. Short clear Sides (boxed), t9.fifi9.25. Followin wera the receipts and shipment of flour and grain: Receipts, anipments. Flour, bbls 21.000 40,000 Wheat, bu 2H2.000 37O.OO0 Corn, bu 237,000 132,000 Oats, bu 266.000 fO.OOO Jtye. bu 4.000 2.000 Barley, bu zo.ow iz,wv On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy: creameries, 17&!0e; dairies, 17fjfl9c. Efgs. firm; at mark, cases Included, 14Virl5r; firsts. 17V4c; prime iirsi, 20c. Cheese, steady; ll(&13c. NEW YORK CESKHAI, MARKET WANTED To rent 8 to 8-room modern house, with barn on lot or available nearby, Hanscom Park district preferred. Phone South M. (26) 725 2x WANTED SITUATIONS TRAVELING SALESMAN wlhe post. tlon In city; can give rererences ana iur nlsh some capital. Address B x30, care Bee. (27)-M622 2x REFINED young woman with two children will take position as nousexeeper in Christian home, city or country. Best references given. Address, stating par ticular O 944, care Bee., Omaha, Neb. (27) M687 2x WANTED Position , N 860. Bee. as bottler. Addresa (27) 709 2x STOVE REPAIRS BTOVB, FURNACE, STEAM and hot water boiler repaira; waior ironis. Omaha Stove Repair Works 1206-1 Douglas St. Telephone Hell Dougla 990. V 679 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Black Rust Reports from Northwest Rale Local Conditions. RAIN NEEDED IN MIDDLE STATES Cask Demand 1 Good and tk I.arg Offering Da to Heavy Re ceipt Are Qatckly Absorbed. SPECIAL LAND BARGAINS Keith county, Neb., 160 aires, wei! im preveo. mile south of Paxton; 76 acrea corn. 13.600, hair cash. Keith county, 16o acres, unlmnroved. miles south of Ogallala. Owner needs can T per act. Perkln county, Neh., 320 acres, 8 mile south of Paxton; good soli. tl2.50 per acre. Perkins county. 320 acres. 12 miles west of Orant, Neb.; a choice half section. 9 per arre. Cheyenne county. Neb., choice. 1 mile north of Sidney; level. 19 per cre. cash. Cheyenne county, IrtO acres, 7 mile north of Hebron. 1$ per acre. HASTINGS HEYPEN LAND DEP T., 220 8. 17th St. r (20)-Mh9l t CHEAP NEBRASKA LAND. 440 acres choke (aiming land In (.'lieenn county, Neb. Only ii.60 an acre. UlCKS' REAL ESTA1E CO.. OMAHA. (30)-71 2X OMAHA, Aug. 1, 1908. Local conditions are being ruled by the reporta from th extreme northwest regaid Ing disastrous results of the black rust over that entir section. Report on corn east of the Mississippi are coming quite bullish and ram Is badly needed through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Cash demand waa good and the large of fer ngs due to heavy receipt ware ab sorbed quickly. Wheat etaned strong and worked higher rn good buying Induced by the damage re ports from the northwest wheat country, where black rust has been reported doing enormous danmg ... V alues weie bid up steadily and closed on the high point. September wheat opened at ftV,u and closed at Corn opened ateaily. bit was dull and featureless, with trading light and unin teresting, a usual on Saturday. Cash corn wua In good demand and sold higher regardless of quality. September corn opened at 71Hc and closed t TlNc. Clearance were 8,000 bushel of corn, 1,(10 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to U6.0OO bushels. There was no Liverpool market today. lxK-al range of option: laotatlon of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 1 FIX5CR Receipts, 1.60U bbls.; xports. 12,100 bbls.; Market wts quiet and unsettled; Minnesota pat ents, t3.36i&6.70; winter straights. t4.1T 14.26; Minnesota bakers, 14.10Cy 4.80; winter extras, 13. KK&3.S0; winter patents, 44.40.75; winter low grades, t3.30ffl3.60. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 14.16(4.60; choice to fancy, 14.&.V&4.66. CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, ll.twljl.70; coarse, tl.6ogl.06; kiln dried, 14.16. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 83c; nominal f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 169,500 bu.; export. 182,600 bu. Spot market strong; No. 2 rd, tl.OOVifj'l.OlH. elevator; No. 1 northern, Du- lutn, l.ezvt, i. o. n., arioai; ro. z nam winter. tl.OlVi. afloat There was a big hort acare In wheat thla morning on bull ish northwest news that drove In sellers and Jumped prices over a cent and closing Utrfco net higher: September cioaea at tl.oO; December, fl.OJV CORN Receipts. B.btKi nu. ; spox marasi steady; option market was without tran sactions, closing Vc higher; September closed Vic higher. OATS Receipts, 9.000 bu.; exports, 12 50 bu.! sport market weak; mixed, 2t3"32 lbs., frtiOc; natural white, 20fc32 lbs., sKjttJi;; clipped white, 32''34 lbs., tilfri2c. HAY Firm; good to choice, 80fjf90c HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1907 crop, 4'aSe; I9f9 crop, 2i5c; Pacific coast, 19t(7 crop, 6h8c; 1906 crop, S4i6c. HIDES Firm; Bogota, 28c; Central Amer ica. 27c. LEATHER Steady, acid, 24V4fi!9. PROVISIONS Beef, steady, family. 115.63 615.60; packet, 115.UXU 18.00; city xtra India mess, 124. 0i ii 25. 00. Cut meats steady; pick ed bellies, lit. Joffl 1.00; pli'kled hams, $i2.5i'ol3.iiO. Lard firm; western, 19.66.,a9. 76; refined firm; continent. tlO.15: compound, t8.2ofrt.60. Pork firm: family, !18.0a 18.50; ahort clear,. 117.50 18.60; mess, 117.2&(ijl7.60. TALLOW Steady; city (12 per pkg.), 6 7-16c; country (pkgs. free), e&iO. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3, tiHo Jnpan, nominal. POl'LTRY Alive, firm; spring chickens. lftc; fowls, 14c; turkeys, lie; dr-sed, Irreg ular; western spring chickens, I4azic; fowls. 13(6 14c. CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream, spe cials, IPVV&lKVic small, colored or white, funcy, 12c; large, colored or white, fancy, HVac; good to prime, 11i&'llV4c; common, &V(i104c. Hl'TTBR Weak; unchanged. EGOS Steady ; western firsts, U?19Vc. St. Loat (ieneral Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 1. WHEAT Higher; track: No. 3 red cash, UlVac; No. 2 hard. UllitfXc. CORN-Hlgher; track: No. 2 cash, 76V4 TUc; No. i white, WAbiHtVta. OATS Track: No. 2 caslt, 49c; No. 2 White, 5062c. FlOL'R Steady. red winter patent, 14.6V(v6.60; extra fancy and straight, t3.8o 4.16; clears. to.15S3.60. SEED Timothy, strong st 13.0003.40. BRAN Steady ; sacked east track, 11.03 45105. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.00. BAGGING 77e. HEMP TWINE 7c PROVISIONS Lard steady; prime steam. 19.12W&9.27V,. Ory salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts. 19.37V,; clear ribs, 19.374; short clears, 1H.75. Bacon, ateady; boxed extra short, 110.25: short clears, !10.62Vfc. POl'LTRY Firm; chickens, 9Vjc; aprlngs, 13Vjc: turkeys. 13ftl4c; ducks. 7c; geese, 5c. Bl'TTER Steady: creamery, 18j22c. EGOS Firm; 14V,c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. 19,0110 12.ni0 m.OflO 83.1K.1 K.O.T0 41i0 114,000 13,000 .Near ( lo-e Market Nells Off rrollt Taking-, bat Final Prices Are Above Friday's Cloe Bonds Are Steady. NEW YORK. Aug. l.-Rcndlng led the market to higher levels of pries In continuation of the sudden movement which developed In that stock today. The tause of the buying of the storks was not disclosed In the news, hut room traders claimed to be able to trace It to sources nosKessed of arood Information on the prop erty, and they followed the movement with eaeerness. The showing of clearings for the year, to be disclosed by the forthcoming annual r port, was said to be better than had been expected. There were rumors that a favorable decision of the suit to test the validity of the commodlt'es claut of the Hepburn law were to be expected, wh'ch would relieve the coal rompanle of the necessity of disposing of their coal prorertles. Thefe were suppositions, and were not possible of verification. En couragement over the general Improve ment of business rrospects was given as the reason for the movement also. Other routers were not markedly affected In com pany. The copper were subjected to some profit taking salea following yesterday's sharp rl, but continued to advance. The realis ing affecting the whole list decidedly at the last. The further consideration of the Wheeling & lake Erie note settlement and Its consequences, enhanced Ita Importance In the speculative view. The bullish temper of the Kpecullution Ignored anything that seemed unfavorable in the situat on. No account was taken of renewed Increases In Idle freight car for the two weeks ending July 22. of 6.120 reoorted bv the American Railway association, this being the first Interruption to the reduction of iaie equipment since April l. It was re ported that the trunk line had decided to defer to December 1 anv attemnt to ad vance freight rajes, the criticism of the proposal having proved dlacnurag ng. Sug ges I ns of possible federal Intervention to try to Settle the wasi enntrnverav nf the Delaware, I arkawanna & Western, were received wllh some mlsglvins. The mater ial rf ductlon In operating expenses In June, enecieu ny m rennsy i vs n la system, cre sted a good Impression on sernritv hnlHpr, An upturn in the price of wheat kept the attention fneursed on the snrinr wheat damage reports. It was not until near the riusina tnai the profit taking was allowed jo arrect prices. Readings net gain of after having sold lHc higher than last night. Is a fair Index of the day market aa a whole. tfnnd wera sresde tntol a-tf. $1,816.0(1): Cnlied States 2s have advanced cem un cu during the week. Number of sales and leading quotations H were as xoilows Hiles. Hlih. tow. Clots. n llli S3 .0 Ml 14 107', 24 4 Mi 171 41 l.MI' 141" 47 4,000 114, 824 8 1,1m s:i n a:4 v oa ti n 100 llu 62-, M 0)0 118 13 UH 700 ltU It lt 1,100 170 161 1.S00 17 V UV, 3714 4,rU M Zf J00 41 Hi 4Mi 40Ml Z"V SI II 11 00 Ui IM HO 11.100 1S7V, 17 1S7U 700 (W TH (,7 m,vw lt HUH 111 1H4 11' 11 SJ'A 32 u 10 13 "4 23 11 17S4 17 Z.I 57 20 lOKVi 10I 101 11") 1! 1 It 101) 24 u m 1.0)0 t iih iifi 4.100 M 67 97v 4,)0 1114 1V4 1.7U0 7S 71'4 74H t.20 108S' VX 104U 1.IM0 424 424 1-S 400 78 7S ll 200 6'4 ti i:,500 14244 141 141 aV: li.J'M 1IHH 126 lib 100 94 M'4 4 VS US 145 4 74 4i S3 us 4'H 2 n 18', 4 i 3D 4H Atrhltoa ,11 4a do 4a Mm. ontral 4s Atrhlson R. R 1I0 t4 Bnmnn 44 Albsnr... Pmttnn S: Main.... hnatnn Elavated ... ntchbi; pf4 N. T.. W. M. A H.. t'nion Tarltir Am. Arse. Chem... da pM Am. Pnau. Tube.... Amer. Sugar so pfd Am. T. 44 T Am. Woolen do ptd Dominion I. ft... RJIaun Klae. Illu... Electric .... do eld aas. Oaa nltrd Fruit nltad I. M do pfd . 8. Slnl do pfd Advantur, louei Amaigamatad "Did. "Aaa-aa, Clearing lloase Bank Statement. NEW YORK. Aug. 1 The statement of th clearing house bsnks for the week shows that the banks hold 159.0K3,o;6 more than he requirement of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This Is an Increase of 12,667,326 in the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The tatement follow: Inc. Ixians Deposit irculatlon egal tender..,. pecle Reserve Reserve required.. Surplus Ex-U. 8. deposit. . 12.309.50 . 1,366,401.304 6.41811) 6U40.9 61.00") 79.130.5'1O 5.11.9') . a21.311.4O0 4.7f2.f"0 . 4O0,433.90 4.17O,O0 . 341.3fiO.325 1.003,275 59.083,675 2.67.3:a (1,393,950 2,662.825 Decrease. The Dercentase of actual reserve of the learlng house bsnks at the close of busi ness today ws 29 38. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New York not member of the clearing house show that these In- tltutlons have aggregate deposits of tl.006.379.4OO. Total cash on hand, 197,826,500, and loan amounting to 1307.4i6.8no. Amalgamated Copper Am. c. ft r Am. C. ft P. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. ft L. pfd Amarlcan Ice Recurltlra. American Llnatrd Oil Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. ft R t Am. 8. ft R. pfd Am. dinar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd Am. Woolan Anaconda Mining Co Alchiann Atrhlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Lin Baltimore ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of Naw Jereer Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft N. W C, M. ft at. P.. C. C. C. ft St. L Colorado P. ft 1 Colorado ft Ro Colo, ft 80. let pfd uoio. a Bo. 2d pfd Coneolldaled Oaa Corn Product, Delaware ft Hudson Denver ft Rio Grande Dlaililera' Securities Erie , Erie let pfd Erie td pfd General Electric , Oreat Northern pfd Ot. Northern Ore ctfs Illlnnla central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City to K. C. So. pfd Loulavllle ft N Mexican Central Minn, ft HI. L M . HI. P. A 8. 8. M Mlaaourl Pacific M . K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd National Lead New York Central N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk ft W North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall :.... Petineylvanla People', Oaa P.. C. c. ft St. L 20.200 7 77 l.l)0 40 19 " ino '14" 'ii J") II 11 700 21 27 1.400 'm -B5 IK) 107 107 14,(00 (9 100 I'M 10 00 132 111 I.IOO M 11 100 24 34 4,)0 41 47 8.800 (7 87 400 11 134, 1,400 12 62 MOO 'm" ,i I, 400 174 171 !O0 37 27 100 87 87 " ioo ' -4 800 7 7 700 in 119 II. 800 8,600 ' ' VtO 100 100 alh Dakota, LAND SEEKERS EXCURSION, on Aiovar uth, To Brown and Edniun counties, 8. l. We hav 160 ohoic quarter thai u ai going to sell clip, and on easy term. Thla I a golden opportunity. Writ us at once for full Information. WAIT 1N KdTMENT CO.. 401 Bs Building, Omaha. Neb. t2vJ-M461 Texas. 119 WILL, give you a start In th world. Chance of a lifetime. W sell a farm and two lot In th flowing w. district of Dimmit county, Ttxaa, for 4214. payable tlO monthly, no Iwsreai. no taxes for two years Farm r are making Iro n lXi 10 lotw per acre. Choice land, aweel water, a California climate. Writ for handsom lllus'j-atrd book If. DENTON CULU.N 1 COM PANY. Han Antono. Tax. (2 IJ42J AugUx Wheat Sept... Corn Kept... Iec... Oat Bept... May... Open. I High. I Luw. Close. Yes y 86 894, K . 894, H'i T1S T1S! 71H 6H'. 66 4?' 42, 4?'il 42 42t, 43 " 447, 43 4t' 4-i" O sua ha Cask Prtecw. WHEAT No. ! hstd. 8Sl'a9tV; No. 3 hard, old, 91Hc; new, HnVflc; No. 4 hard, K3'aKc; No. I spring, k&Hk-. ttRN-No. 3. 71',c; No. 4. 7071c; No. S yellow. 71Vij72c; No. 1 whit. 74c. OATS No. I mixed, now, 46yi47c; No. t white, new, 47Jt47,c; No. 4 white, new, 4Vg47c. Ill E No. 1, 72 73c; No. 3, 7fS72c. Carlo t Receipts. Wl sat. Corn O s Chicago ..2: 146 135 MlnneaiHilis 13 , - 88 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ,. Oats, bu. ... Kansas City Uraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. l.-WHKAT-Vn-changrd to lc higher; September, "6Vc; De cember. 88o. Cssh: No. 2 hard, ggrfj'ttc; No. 3 hard, 85'fj93c; No. 2 red, SK'attlHc; No. 3 red. Kt,fiec. CORN I ncl'.anged to lHc loaer; Sep tember. 71Ve; December, f)67c; May, .W-,c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 71Vkt72c; No. 3 mixed, 71H,'o72c; No. 2 white, 73"4c; No. 3 white, W'lTaVjc. OATS I'nchanged; No. 1 white, 64tjjc; No. 2 mixed, 61rg,oC. RYE 77c. HA Y Steady : choice timothy, !9.5oijRfiO; choice prairie, new. 17.25fr7.60. Bl'TTEIt Steady creamery, extra, 21c; packing stock. 16c. v EOO8 Steady ; fresh extras;. 20c; current receipts, 14rC. Preased Steel Car 400 13 11 Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring 1,800 48 4f Reading Ill, too 121 128 Republic Steel 600 21 11 Republic Steel pfd 8t 74 73 Rock laland Co 200 18 17 Rock laland Co. pfd 4.6.K) 34 83 St. L. ft 8. P. td,pfd 700 27 2 St. Louie S. W , MlO 11 18 St. L. B. W. pfd 10 41 41 Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. ft I ) (2 2 Southern Pacific 4.300' tt 82 Bo. Pacific pfd So. Railway 1,000 18 18 So. lUilwar pfd 400 (na, 40 Tenneaaee Copper 1.7M 11 11 Texaa ft Pacific 400 1T 16 T . 81. L. & W 100 83 21 T , St. L. ft W. pfd &00 4 ' 48 t nlon Palflc 11,800 lf.8 1M t'nion Pacific pfd 83 U L. 8. Rubber 1.200 11 II U. 8. Hublr lat pfd 3 88 87 V. 8. Steel 34.50 4t 4.i f. 8. Seel pfd.., 1.800 104 108 tun Copper 1,100 40 40 Va. -Carolina chemical ..... 100 26 S4 Va -Carolina chem. pfd Manaah 100 18 11 Wauaah pfd 800 8 24 Wcatliighouat Electric ...... 700 78 18 Wratern I'nlon 104 (4 tf Wheeling ft L. E 10 IS WlK-on.ln Centra4 W ti 11 Tout aalea for the day. 471,200 aharee. Atlantic 47 Bingham 40 -al Heels- 87 Centennial Copper Rang," I4 Daly West 134 Franklin 131 Orsuhy 18.1 lele Rnyale 14 Man. Mining 15M4 Mlrhlgln i4 Mohawk t Old Dominion ... MaOerenia Parrot . ..17Qulncy ...121 Shannon ... ."1 Tamarack ... W Trinity . . . 16 I'nlied Copper . ..llli 1'. S. Mining ... 10 f 8. Oil ...48 run ...SI Victoria ...U8 Winona . .. a Wolverine ... 17 Butte Coalition .... ... 4'4 Nevada ...loo Cat: ft Anions.... ... 1 Arttnn, Com ...87 Ureene Csnane, .. ... .8 1S . .. . . eO .. 1 . !' ..It ,. .4 .. 7 .114 ..IIS .. 2S .. 48 .. 10 . 7.. .. n .. 4 :: ii .. .. 4 t .. ..145 .. .. m ..u i .. u .. 12 OilADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Generally Steady to Strong for the Week. HOGS SHOW A SUBSTANTIAL GAIN Active Rsyinar Demand fnr Sheep and l.anabs I'rodsrei na Advaar of Tea to Flfteea Cents la Face of Liberal Receipts. SOl'TH OMAHA, Neb . Aug. 1, 1W. Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. ... 6.247 l.iU i-N 6.(70 6 ht 4.004 4. KM 6,) t.(X!4 .. I.l-'5 .. 2,037 .. 863 .. 246 6..-V6 2.t3 3.6H4 4.606 0.0 Receipts wers: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday Ksttrnate Saturday SIX days this week 13.642 28.124 21.513 Same days last week. ...14.626 34, DM 27. W7 SHme davs 2 weeks ago..ll.W3 W.746 16.016 Bams days 3 weeks ago... S.KW 33,377 20.167 Same days 4 weeks ago. .12.3.8 4S.6U 1S.102 Same days last year 16,261 4!t,2O0 16.3-4) Ths following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omeclia for tho year to date, compared with last year: 1W. 1907. lno. Ico. Cattle 4X5.446 636.376 149.WO Hogs 1.66.8JS( 1.676.811 W.018 Sheep 768.87H 696,940 110.061 Ths following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tho last several days, with comparisons: rite. 1HS. 11007. 11906. il906.1904. llf 3. 1W2. t 27 C 48 I 511 I 10 6 22, T 62 6 31 Hi t 88 1 i t 4s 5 07 1 6 i, 7 41 4 11 S ill - I e il j bi, 4 S) II IH VM July 11.. July 23.. iuly 23.. July 14... July 2f . JJly 36.. July Hi.. July ,.. uly 29.. ily 30.. July 31. 6 x; e si 24 August l. 6 43Sl 6 6 li 6 6 4 99 4 9 T 41 rtaak Clearlugs. OMAHA. Aug. 1. Bank clearings for to day were 11.40, 499.68 and for the corre sponding date last year 11.731,847.92. IK'S. 1!H!7. .I1.8499V71 ti ,770,2 '2. 08 . 1.6f3.!49.r3 .r8t.627.(6 . 1,717,K40.6 l.fv'O 157. 80 . 1.417.44.42 1.51S.0T9.21 . 1.612.168. 8 1,76 2S24 . 1.480 499.68 1.731.8 17 93 Monday Tuesday Wtdnefflay .... Thursday Friday Esturdtiy Totals $9,181,638.49 9.:36,13f..R. Decrease compared with corresponding week last year, $53,496.16. New York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Closing quotations on mining stocks: Alice 3.10 Leadvllle Coa. Breece 4 Little Chief . Brunswick Con 4 Ontario Com. Tunnel atock. . . 35 Ophlr "C4m. Tunnel bonda. . 17 Small Hopes . Con. Cal. A Va 42 Standard ... I ... 4 ...404 ...800 ... 18 ...180 Yellow Jacket a Horn Sliver. Iron Silver .... London CloslngT Storks. LONDON, Aug. 1 The Stock exchange is closed today. rtuuion amounting to 6.000 was taken Into the Bank of Eng land on balance today. The rate ot discount for snort bills Is Ui fffl 7-16 per cent and for three months" bills 1V per cent. fllLVKK Bar, quiet. 24 J-16d per ounoe. MONEY Ha per cent. 6 94 6 96 6 9c 6 601 6 6-), f H I 7 62 .. aa k ;jt Kin I 9i 46i 61 6 19 4 K 7 63 6 &) 6 Hi 5 06 7 aa 13 6 07tl a l jrii a iui 6 24 t 371 t 08 6 0K 7 4Kbl 6 011 6 32 S 68 16 021 7 62 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. A St. P 4 Missouri Pacific 1 i nlon Pacific 15 .. .. A N. W. (east) .... S 2 C. & N. W. (west) ..3 29 C HT. P., M. A 0 6 C, It. & g. (east) .... 1 C B. & Q. (west) .. 8 1 C H. 1. A P. (east) ... 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ureal West.. .. 2 Total receipts .... 4 73 2 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as ronows. each buyer purchasing tne num. Der ot head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, omana Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour s Co Cudahy Park. Co.. 8. C. Cudahy Pack. Co., Ft. W. Schwartzchlld A Bull... J. H. Bulla Lehmer Brothers listen St. U, Mo. Pack Other buyers A very encouraging feat'tre of th week's trade has been the frre buying demand on the part of both packers and shippers, so that the supply, although larger than a year ago. has been none too large to meet the requirements of the trade. Quite a good many buying orders for f.edcrs ars being received, hut ss a m.itlir of course there Is always a limit to tho drmsnd this early In the season. The outlook for the future of the mat ket Is generally regnrded ss encouraging by sheep mtn. Nearly evervone la anticipa ting a goiwl demand r.l prices sbiut where the stuff Is now selling, but no one seems to be looking for any very marked ad vance. In fact the feeling Is that any xery marked advance over present f gurs would he very likely (ci reduce Ihe demand, ekpeclallv for feeders. Quotations on range or grass aheep and lambs: Uood to choice lambs. $S.2Mf4.sO; fair to good lambs, $60ohe!25; feeding lambs, $4 tViio Id; good to choice ve, rungs, 4.7.Vii5 no; good to choice hesvy yearlings, $4 not" 4.75: fair to good earrings, $4 40J 4.65: feeding vearlings. $3.75li4.10; good to choice wethers. Ii. Ian 4.35; fair to good wethers, $3.85i4 15: feeding wethers, $3 osiff 3.76; good to choice ewes, $3.kiVH4 15; fslr to good ewes. $.1 Snfi3.75: feeling ewes, $150 4i" 00; culls and bucks, $:.O04i3.0O. Representative sales: CHICAGO L1VK STUCK MARKF.T tattle, Hogs, Sheep and l.arnbs Ars Steady. CHICAGO. Aug. I. OATTI.B Receipts. 300 head; market steady; beeves, $3 90rfW)tO; Texans. 3360(,i5.W; western. I3.soifjo.iin; stockers and feeders. $2.6fn4nO; cows and heifers. $1 5tW6.80; calves. 5.5tVrr7.;5. lf(H13 Receipts. .0t0 hesd: market steady to 5o higher; light. $ 3mti6 95; mixed, Id.tO'tt 7.10: heavy. I't .WjT.lo; rough. st.3iiii Si; good to choice heavy. $' 5VW1.10; pigs. $5,605 6.36; bulk of sales, $ fiVft 86. 8HEKI AND 14 M H8 Receipts. .notl hesd; market stendy; natives, l2.6nfN.85; westerns, t! 75W4.70; yearlings, $4.60'a5.15: lambs, $4.5(rr.S0; wesierns, ft.StXS1.. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Aug. t CATTLE Rec Ipls, :ffl heHd, Including lit) southerns: market steady; receipts for the week, 46.700 head: choice export and dressed beef steers, $ti.(0'o7.2o; fair to good. $4 OWi6.75; western steers. $.7.75'jifi.OO; stockers and feeders, $"..(0(4 60; southern steers. $3.25'a4.80; south ern cows. $2.(Wii3..r.O: native corns, fl.Oyy 4. .'5; nntlve steers, $3.00ti5.76; bulls, $2.604J3.dO; calve-. $foffil26. HOOS Receipts, 6.OC0 head: market opened siring, closed 10c to 20e lower: re ceipts for the week, 3ti.000 head; top, 1(1.?: bu k of sales, $S.5,VqA5; hesvy. .86tiH.!'6; packers and butch' rs, $6.6O'p6 90; lights, $G.4iWi 75. pips. $4.fVii5.fO. PHKBP AND LAM Its Receipts, m heatl; market steady: receipts for the week, 19,50) head; lambs, $4.6t4ffi 40; ewes and vearlings, $40j4.fln; Texaa yenrlinga, f4.Cnff6.flO; Texaa sheep, $C.8fj4.40; stockers and feeders, $J.OO (64.0J. 18 147 8 16 10 768 119 846 1.216 616 115 406 6.074 656 St. I.onls live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. l.-CATTLE Receipts, 1,400 head. Including 2f.O Texans; market steady: dressed terf and butchers" ste-r. $s.tora7.00; steers under l.oon lbs , 23.6097 00: stockers and feeders. $2.f 0S4.60; cows snd heifers, $2.60(B,,!.50; csnners. $1.50S2.00: bulla, JS.fOS.OO; calves, J2.50fl7.f: Texas and In dian steers, $3.(ftft6.0; ccrWs snd heifers, $l.f04?4 01. HOOS Receipts. 3.009 head; market strong; pigs end lights. $3 A'sfftJ.rVI: packers. Motfj6.o5; butchers and test hesvy, 6.!0y SriKKP AND LA MRS Receipts, 200 hesd; market steady; native muttons, 24.2i&4.6); lambs, f0 26ig6.CO; culls and bucks, $2,169 4.00; stockers, $4.5054.76. 8! 4 11 Mi 45 101', 4US4 Ji 01 n 1t, 1 1 New York Mousy Market, UHAHA WHOLr:SAl.T5 MARKET. Coadltlon of Trad and 4)aotattons tapla aad Fames' Prodaea BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. deliveied ts retail trade in cartons, 23c; No. L in u lb. tubs. 22 Vic; No. 1, In 80-lb. tub. 23c: No. 2, in 60-lb. tubs, 20Hc; No. 2. In 10- Ihv ..K 11a XT.1 4 In l-'.K mnwm No. 1. In carload lots, 21 He; No. 2, In car load lots, !() He; country, fancy, tubs. Uc; common, ic. rnnu x. u ... A CHLkHK Finest Wisconsin full eream. twins, 14 Ho; Young American, 4 In hoop, 15c: Favorite, 2 in hoop, 16He; Daisy, 21) in noop. 104,0; cream dtich, run case, l$V4c: half case. l$4c: half dosen orlcka. 14c No quotations on Swiss nor Umbsrg ers until after October. LIVU POULTRY Hens. I'ic: broilers 17c; roosters, 6c; capons, 16c; ducks, 6 He; geese, 6c; turkeys, 14c: pigeons, (in dosen; sauaos, $2.00 dosen. DRESSED POULTRT Squabs, $2.2$ aocen. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 17Ho. No. 2 ribs. 14c; wo. s rms, loftc; o. i loin, zoo: No. , loin, 16c; No. 3 loin, 12Hc. No. 1 chuck, 7 He No. 2 chuck, 7c; Ho. 2 chuck. 6c: No. : round, lie; No. 2 round, luc; No. 4 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 2 plats, 6c; No. Dlate. 4Hc. VEGETABLES Celery. Mlchlpan, per dos. 35c. Beans, new was and string, one third bu. basket, $1.00: navy, per bu.. No. 1, $2.70; lima, 6a per lb. Cabbage, 2c per id. roiaioea, new, per du Toma toes, per 4-basket crate, 20c. Watermelons, 25OP30C. Csntalopes, California, ti.tMUA.0t per crate. Asparagus, per doi., 40c. Cu cumbers. rer dos.. 6uo. Onions. Bermuda $1.60 per crate; Texas yellow, $1.2$ per crate. Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., 6tw. Let tuce, per dog., 26c. Peppers, southern, $1 per crate. FKEBH FRUITS Apples. $2.76ff3.0O per bushel . box. Lemons, $4.6066.1. Oranges, M.Otxao.OO. Bansnss, 4c per lb. Plums, $1.26 4-basket crate. Peaches, California. WdjSOo box; Texas, 4-baaket erite, 66aJuc. Pears, $1.60 4-basket crate. Blackberries, 44. Rasp berries, $4.0U. Cherries, U,. Currants, $..00. Uooaeberrits, ti.ot). SL'UAR Coarse granulated, 6.60c; fins grsnulated, $.7oc; cubes, .6uc; powdered, i.buo per lb. NUTS Almonds, 17Hc; filberts, 12Hc; walnuts, 16c; Brazil nuis, 14c; pecans, 13c per lb. DRIED FRUITS Raisins, loose Muscatel, (He; lancy seeded, l-ll). carton, lOo. Cur rants, uncleanvd, 6Hc; cleaned. So; carton, o per lb. Prunes, 4u6j6oc per sack; 7Ho per lb. Apricots, 2o-lb. boxes, 9c per lb. Peachss, California choice, c; fancy boz.s, llu per lb. Pears, .alitornia. 11c. Dates, Persian, 6He. r Irs, layers, choice, l"o. Citron, 16SHU)c, Lemon peel, 130. Orang ppel. 13c. FISH-Haltbut. 9c; trout, 14c; pickerel. lOo; pike, 13c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 13c; white perch, tc; wiilts bsss, 17c: black bass. 26c; crapples. 16c; white flsn. 13c: red snspper, 14c; floundors, l.'c; uiackeiel, lie; codflsli. fresh frosen, 13c; shad roe, 4jc; NEW YORK, Aug. 1 MONEY On call, smelts, 13e; frog lega. 6c; grsea ssa turtl nominal. Tlmt loans, quiet and firm; sixty meat, 26c; catfish, 16c. days. :!' per cent; ninety days, 2H P"r ! HIDES Quotations by J. H. Smith 4c tent: six months. 4 per cent. I Co. Green salted. No. 1. Hc; No. 2. He; PRIME MERCANTILE TAPER 34i3'4 uu" maes. ow, green, iso. 1. S'c; iNO. I, r cent. I Ho; horse, t.M each; sh Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. OS's. bu. ... Receipts. Shipments ...2W.f 21o.'Xs) ... 2A.O00 , :t.tK10 ... 121)01 - 8,'UU Kraporated Apples aad Dried Frails, NEW YORK. Aug. 1. EVAPORATED A F'PLES Market continues quiet. and while futures are maintained, slight con cessions are reported Irj fancy fruit for snot i delivery, which Is now quoted at 9H. choice 13 at K'(i9c. prime at 6"Vy 7'4C and common to fair at SH'tHc- DRIED KRI ITS-Prunes are firm In tune, with quotations 3H to 13c for California. Anrlcota are in light supply, with choice. Feal a res of the Trading aad Closing ' l- l y9e, extra at) 10c, fancy at 1(H l ra , I , mwv fH . .,.,, ni.i, liumv Omaha Duluilt CHICAGO (iltAI AM) CHOVHIOM BEST Investment in the world, (.000 acrea Braionia county; etery foot lel and tllable; richest land In the worldi soli .2$ feet deep; nothing better for corn, rotton, cane, rice and truck of all kind; lands adjoining producing 104) jusiivls corn to tne sere; property betweeu two large oil fields, with fine ell Indication; rauat sell at oncer for quick sale only (12 60 per acre; H cash; balance one, two, three years. M. a. Jacksun. Bu City. Tex. C!Ui Mt's ix IV j v. MILLIONS of acrea Texas school land to . V ba eold by the stale; $1 to $6 per acre; only f y J one-fortieth cash and forty years' time f f y on balance; 2 per cent interest; only $11 1 i , ' jV. I caah fur 1) acrea at $3 per acre. Greet- 1 4 ' iini.,liintlv. . . . I .1,4 1 A O A i. i K.U.W . .. ....... law. J. J. Snyder, School Land Locater, 194 (4-h St.. Austin. Texas. Reference AasUa National Bank. 4S0) 641 2x Prices ea Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Sensational chilnis of crop damage In the southwest spurred wheat Into almost a runaway market to day. September closed V'ile over yes terday. September corn advanced "V Sep tember oata lc, and provisions 2Ht'Hc end 10c higher. Bulls captured the wheat market this morning with the aesisiancc of hot weather in the northwest. Black rust was s contributing factor. The market opened ateady, September but slightly changed. Wild advance at Minn, apulis was taken aa confirmation of damage reports snd under excited covering by shorts Septem ber advanced to 92Vic and closed the short session only a shade below this. Mlnne spolls, Dultith and Chicago reported re ceipts of 3M) cars, against SH cars last week. Primary receipts were l.C3.(s) bushels against isn.OiU a year ago. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to uxO bushels. , Corn was Influenced by the continued at H'(itc. extra choice at 94o, fancy at UiOtloHc and extra at lOVillc. Ruhmis are In moderate demand, with looae muscatel, quiet, at 4'4fil4c. choice to fancy seeded at Y(itc. seedless at t'u'k" and Loudon layers st $1 25&1.35. pe HTEKi.l.Nt KXCHANUE1" airly steady, with actual business In hankers' bills at $4 $ for demand snd at $4 t&lo'it 4 6t".35 for sixty-day bills; commercial b.lla. $4 MYT4.8S. Hll.VKll Bar. 52 He: Mexican dollars, 4"e. H(XDS Government, steady; railroad, film. Closing quotations on liont'.s were as follows: V. i. ret. Ji. rcS . "DJSHoik Val. 44a lo.'-v, do coupon Iti3n4 hit Met. 4taa 'd do 3d. rrf 10i) L A N. uni. 4 44 do coupon IttH Man. v. s- 4a .14 do 4a. re, Vl.i. LVnlral 4a do coudou IX1, .lo lit loc Am. Tohacio 4... u'4,,VI St. L. 4a M Provision Stocks at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1. The following are the stocks or provisions at Liverpool: Ba eon, boxes; hsn.s. 4 ldO boxes; shoul ders. 6,7t)0 boxes; butter. 3,5uO I00-ib. box s; cheese, 45,9m boxes; lard, rrlnie western. 7.'i tierces, other kinds 2,490 tierces. The stocks of grain will be Issued Tuesday. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1 WOOL Market, dull; light fine, ltalHc; heavy fine, life lie ; tub washed. A'ij-Tc lAJNDON. Aug. 1. WOOL The wool auc. tlon sales closed today, with a small assort mnl offered, which met ready sales on the basis of recent values. , iui, M K a T. 4a Jt, , n do , 44V, . 49U "N H. R. of M. e U 41 . 4.. H. Y. C. g. 3V,s !44 .1nj'4. J C. . 4a 1J1', . No. Pacific 4a lol . t ,do la 7-- . .-''. O S. L. rfdf. 4a .... JI . Jo Pens. r. Sa 1914... ts .1'5 , do con. 4a !t4 . ; FWdlns leu. 4a 41 . 4 Hep. of Cuba 6a I"l'j . 4 St. LAI M. c 6a..lit4 .!' St. U 'l 14. fs 4a. ?4 . 47 SI L. f. W. i. 4a.. . i4 dHLi IMU.I.J . , 1 . ... do eol is 4o So Pacific 4a 41 do r(d. 4, U do lat 4a 2 CIV. St. L . 4a 44 So. Railway 4a 4H Colo. lnd. 6e 4 HTnl P. I, 110S. Colo. Mid. 4a 2"4T.. St. U. A W. 4,... 74', i olo. A Bu. 4a 41 t'nlos Pacific la 101 Del. A H cv. 4a.. V do rv 4a 44 D. A R. U. 4a ? t". I. Steel Id 6 1 HI rn, p I. 4a. 44S4 Wabaak la loe do gen. 4 eaV Winters M4. 4a. janaa 4a 74 W. AL E 4a. da 4-.a . . Wli. Central 4l. do Id aerie, 44 Blii. oftered. B Interest. do ta Atrhlaon gen. it... ,lo adj. 4a do rv. 4e do cv. 4 Atl.iitl, C. h. 4a.. Bal. A Ohio 4a do la Brk R. T CV. 4. Central of (ia. Aa An lat Inc du fd lot ilu Id Inc Ch e. A Ohio 4,a. . Chicago A A. 3V.B. ('., B. A Q etp pells, groen snd salted, 'JtK(8$1.6o; dry pelts, lufcyUc per lb. Dry flint, butcher hides. Lie; fallen bides, 10c; salted. 9a Cotton Market. NBW YORK. Aug. 1. COTTON Market opened steady at an advance of 2 points to a decline of 1 point. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points decline: middlir-g uplands, lO.'jOc; ml. Idling gulf, 10 65c; sales, none. tMLVESTON, lex., Aug. 1. -COTTON Steady; middling, lo 6-16e. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. l.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; low ordinary, bike nominal; good ordinary, Mac; low middling, 9V; uld dllng. l'V ; good middling, 10 13-lbc; fair. 11 15-lnc. nominal. Halts, 30 bales; receipts, 9-' bales; stock. 14,765 bales. ST. IXlt'lS. Aug. l.-COriON-Dull; salts, rinc; receipts, none; shipments, 199 bales; stock, 13.573 bales. Total 193 CATTLE There were no cattle of any consequence here today and practically no markat. For the week the receipts foot up aooui tne same as lor last week, dui snow a falling off as compared with a year ago, the receipts for the month show a de crease of 148.063 head ss compared witn the corresponding month of last year. ine present week started out with a very large run of cattlu, the same aa did the two weeks previous and with the same re sult, namely, that the market broke very badly, buyers taking advantage of the large offerings to force values downward. Later on, as receipts became lighter, the market. on desirable kinds of range steers gradually firmed upward, until the decline waa all wiped out, leaving the market fully as good as It waa at the close of the previous week, or possibly a little stronger on tne best grades. Cornfed steers were In light supply alt the week and not a single choice or well finished car was received. For that reason it Is largely a matter of guess work as to lust where strictly good cattle would aell. but, judging from the fact that prices at Chicago have alumped badly. It la only natural to assume that even the best corn fed cattle would have sold lower had there been any such on aale. A few scattering loads of fair to pretty decent kinds of killers, sucli as have been selling from $6.75 down, have been received from day to day. While they have not been sought after to any great exteut, still they have sold fairly well on account of the small number of fered. The tendency, however, has been lower and anything like liberal receipts would undoubtedly have witnessed a sharp break in view of the fact that Chicago papers quote cornfed steers below $6.60 as 35ti0e lower than a week ago. The reason for the break in cattle of that dsscriptlon Is to be found in the fact that range cattle of pretty good quality are becoming quite filer.tlful and puckers seem to prefer them n place of the common to medium grades of cornfeds. Cows and heifers have been in liberal supply all the week. On Monday the mar ket brok lix15o, but since that day val ues have firmed up until at the cue of the week the market la back to about where It was at the close of laat week. The demand for fleshy feeders has been considerably better this week and de sirable kinds are quoted KKjl'c higher, with some sales looking even 25c higher. On the other hand, light and medium cat tle have shown little change, selling now about where they did a week ago. Quotations on cuttle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, et-..4ir7.60; fair to good corn-fed steers, $6.4otii.40; common to fair corn-fed ateers, $4.2.jyj.4o; good to choice range steers, $4.7506.40; fair to good range steers, $4.2fxy-4.75; common to fair range steers, til.5om.4 26; good to choice fed cows and heifers, $4.0014.75; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.0ixii;i.76; common lo fair cowa and heifers, 42.00b'3.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.2-)6j'4.o; fair to good stockers and feders, .t.6'ef-l.5; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3.003.60; slock heifers. $2.503.10. HOGS A few of the best hogs sold early this morning at prices that were ilgut ground 6c higher taan yesterday, but out side of the mure urgent orders packers did not appear to be very anxious for supplies and weit. Inclined to hold back a Utile. After their, first round the general run of fair to medium hogs were no better sellers than yesterday. If as good. Tne lato market was slow and generally unsatisfactory. The receipts ihls week hsye shown a large falling . off as compared with the previous week. Other market points have also tiad supplies or at least smaller than had been anticipated. Light supplies, together, with a good buying de mand, has given the market an upward movement at all points. Locally the trade I. as been in a good, healthy condition on most days and at the close of the we.'k the market is about 20c. higher than at the cione of last week. Representative kwies St. Joseph Live Stock Market. SOITH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 1. CATTLE Receipts. 160 head; market nom inal; steers. $4.5O(i77.00 ; cows and heifers. $2.250.00; calves, $3.00-6.60. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady to 6c lower; top, $6.S5; bulk of sales, 26.6V4fr6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX C1TT. is., Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts 100 head; msr ket steady: beeves, $5.5(Kir7.0n; cows snd heifers, $4.Anifi6.60; feeders, $3.104.25; calves and yearlings. $2.75i9.76. HOOS Receipts, 3.700 head; market weak to 6c lower; range of prices, $6.25'3"8.50; bulk Of sales, $6.406.46. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 246 6.300 6B5 Sioux City 10-j S.700 St Joseph 150 S.OOf) Kansas City 2"0 lno 8. Iuls 1,400 S,(V1 2t0 Chicago 3(0 9.O00 3(4 0 Total 2,346 32,000 3,855 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNF1APOLIP, Minn., Aug. l.-WHEAT September, $1.01 Hi December. 9c: No. 1 hard, $1.1"; No. I northern. $1.13H; No. 2 northern, $111; No. 8 northern, $1.061.01. HH AN In bulk. $13.50frl9.CO. FLOUR Market 10c higher for patents; iirsi pmenis, aj.rwpn.iu; second patents, 25.75fi5.90: first clears, $4.364. 45; second Clears, M will. on. 14 71 4JV, Foreign Klaaaclal. PARIS. Aug. 1. Prices on the Bourse today were firm. The private rate ot dis count waa 1 $-16 per cent. BERLIN. Aug. 1. Prices on the Bourse today opetaed higher, but fell towards ths close. Merchandise and Specie. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending July were Oils aad Itusln. 1 NEW YORK. Aug. 1. -OIL Cottonseed easy; prime crude, 30c bid; prime yellow, 42ic. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, Is 75; Philadelphia and Baltimore. H.70; Phil adelphia ar-d Baltimore. In bulk, (9.46. Tl'RPENTINIi Steady ; 41Hc. ROHIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $3.0t(3.15. OIL CITY, Aug. 1. OIL Credit balances. $1.76. Runs. 11K.413 bbls. ; average. 154.25s bbls. Shipments, 411,395 hbls.; average, 194, 463 bids. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. l.-WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 21.13Hffl.1S: No. 2 northern. $l.llftl.l3; September, 92Hc bid. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 70c; aample, 65 4ifi7c. CORN Steady; No. 3 cash, 77tS7Sc; Sep tember, 75V4o bid. Peoria Market, PEORIA, III . Aug. , l.-CORN-Hlsrher; No. 2 yellow. 78c; No. 3 yellow, 78c; No. 2. 7Kc; No. 4. 77c. OATS Stead v : No. 2 white, 49HS50c: No. 2 while, 46H474914C. Dnluth Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. Minn., Aug. 1. WHEAT-No. 1 northern. $1.18: No. 2 northern, $1.13; Sep tember, (1.00; December, 9Hc. OATS To arrive. 43Hc; on track, 5o. Toledo Seed Market. ' TOLEDO, Aug. 1. SE ED Clover. Octo ber. $8.50; December, $8.40; March, $8.60. Alaike, cash and August, $9.60; October. $9.30. UP-TO-DATE REPORTS ' fJontalnlnff late authentic information on LA ROSE FREE Copper, Curb and Mining Outlook 72 Trinitjr Plaice, New York 4 Sample Copies Tree $1.00 per year 32 rages Covers Tonopah, Gold field. Ely, Butte, Cobalt. Yerlngton. Tlntlc. Bingham. Park City, Beaver County, Rawhide, Canadian nd other active camps. BARGAINS III STOCKS K.eiai ittarket. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. METALS No change waa reported In the metal markets and business was quiet Ir. the ubsenco of rabies. Spot, $3.15433.21. Copper, firm; lake, $13.i24'&lS.37H; electrolytic, $13.0ij 13.25; cast ing. 112. 75 13.11. Lead remained firm at $4&0fr4 65; spelter, quirt, at $4.7a6.15. Iron unchanged. lefts Market. NB WYOIRK. Aug. 1. COFFEE Market for coffee was well sustained by covering by aggressive pressure. Bales were reported of &.760 bags, Including August at $.6a6.7oc, September st $.660, December at $.6la6 5oc. and May at 6.660. Spot market, dull; No. t Rio. Hc; No. t bavnlvs, Pjao, idild, Uwdovs tstmHo. Na ..., Ta. . . . 4a. ... 4S.... 1(1... 1C... 47.... 'A.... t, ... 71... 117... 76.... 30.... 11.... .4 ... 74 ... 64.... 47.... 70 ... 64. . .. 4S... 40.... 74 74. Av. 4h. rr. .: i: 4 15 4 ?l 4 35 .2 .4 s ( 31 H ioo 4 7S 12") 4 S74 Ki 44 7, 40 4 7, ... 4 17 ', ... 47 to t T-, ;vi rv, a) 4 ns l 4 40 1.4 3v0 4 40 IM ... It -!t IM 4 W ... 4 4 2'.4 40 4 40 44 4 40 40 4 40 ... 4 4.1 40 4 40 U I I) 04 ...:24 ...IM 41 ...tit ....7"l ....eul Ne. Av. Rh. Pr. 43 Ml :l 424 4 .211 41) 4 . ti 10 i:0 4 43, 77 2.4 24) 4 45 42. ....IM ... 4 45 IS 145 140 4 44 70 tie 44 44 4 !4 l';0 4 45 10 U 40 4 45 44 t.Vt 40 4 45 71 'V9 44 4 44 74 !4 M 4 45 6i 104 12) 4 45 77 2'.' 120 4 44 .174 40 4 40 (4 54 140 4 10 45... 44... 71... 44... 43... 47 . .. lu.. .. 41. ts .174 l. 4 4 ..!'0 l 4 to . 223 120 4 4l . .417 41 143 ..240 40 I 44 . 40 4 il ..171 M Iblr . til 120 4 42V, ..744 140 4 42:i 241 4U 4 42'. 44 64... 75... 72... 76... 4:... 74.. M.. 77.. IV . 17.. 4li.. 77.. 40.. 7t.. 44 . 12.. 54 . 71.. 74. . II.. r5 444 I 14 ..27! ,.t! ..141 .241 ..21 . :s5 ..191 64 4 45 ... 4 45 40 4 15 .. 4 474 ... 4 47, so 4 174 au s a , 'k til 12 4 54 M 4 50 tH . lt .222 .:40 .110 n 4 ji 4 4 50 4) 44 40 4 Ml ... 4 62 '.4 244 120 4 5 242 44 4 44 J-2 ... 4 ,4 2.1 60 4 474 121 40 4 ."i, til H 14 811 Efcl4 There were only two cars .f cheep reported In today and thy were direct to a packer, having been sold 'n the country before arrival. The receipts this week show a considerable falling off as compared with last weeg s very heavy rjn but at the same ttmo they show i lare g i n l ompareu wnn a year ago. i ne arr.vala have consisted very Urgely of range lnp snd lambs, although there has been a little sprinkling of corn-feds from day to day. The market this week has been in a good, healthy condition from start t. fin ish. At the, beginning of the week there was a little advance and since then the market has been steady or firm every day, so that at the close of lno week prices are arounu 10tfl6c higher than last wek. loot Cob. Jefferson. .Ia inn) Mosul s'". IMV) f. Fam 1)11. .01 tool Jrtf. Calhoun. 17 Ll.) Aullana. Aril. II loo 441. Dal nee Ton. ,U l"f Octave Mis. .41 ooo Wellington, bid ") Apei. Waah. .KH l"0 Con. Jefferenn. If 4 Ranltnl cnemlrai i. ' Mi, stick O tl 40 Kama No. t. 1 -ti h't Kin, William. U UtO Snnwatorm. 1 40 itiofl Clipper. S T. 4 too Mei la, l1a I 40 4 O A. Coffee, hi. 7 O. A. Coffee, 31 50 2f.'K ManafleM. 440 4000 Punker Hill. .0 6f.) Olne. Svnrt. .04 H) fl. Ivea. Lear. .' 140 Hub. Elliot, 1.4t l0 (lold Khoedea, 2 Vi iriOD Klia g b!4. Square Deal. .05 IWIO Yellow Titer, 4g 40 Clenriilta, 2 00 Ion Sunset Cop. aWk ino Golit Beam Con. "1 400 Five Beare. ofv 1000 OoMen Koil. .01 1i New Stale Tel 4 a tea 1)0 cracker Jack. .01': 5'0 Anchor O. A O. 44 31 Kliif Crowther, 14 ) 40 c,o. 4V N. T. A. L 1. V Western Business Exchange 124 LASALLB IT. CHICAOO. ILL. and BONUS TO JUDICIOUS BOND BUYERS tl mm t4nd you diwiipiiv clrruUr, rointinf out a tilirn f rnti MtBAirao SmeUIn rtloiIUon, well iiroHritM. iod cirrylnf with m ivon'if.. t oj'y 4ni ir on requML AM.Vn He llAillinHOvIt 41Uroa4w? lork. 1 a ft W, Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam Ot