Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee
iieys sectioii
PA04TS 1 TO 0.
Best & West
vol. xxxvm NO. 7.
Sunday, August B, 190M.
Action of Medieval Official Brings
About Peculiar Revival.
Judge Taft Will Discuss These Sub-
Lines Are Drawn for Primary Election
The Omaha
jects Before Virginia Bar.
on First of September.
Black Bod Declares it is Not Proper
Processes of Justice Are Too Slow
Three Democrats for Governor, Whil
and Too Expensive.
Sheldon is Only Republican.
1908 sfftJbi&F- 1908
JStX 77Z. a 7UW fpj. SST
" "iXr '"St U" jl
213 4 5 0 t 8
9 10 If 12 13 14 15
16 IZ 18 19 20 2 22
5& V&25 26 2Z 28 29
One-Half of Population Die in Publio
Independent Modern Organisation Is
a !(ron( as Older Order Na
tionalist Magistrate Art
In Majority.
DUBIJS, August 1. (Special.) Blark
Rod, the official of th House of Lords,
of whose existence most people are un
aware, and who recently declared that the
ancient Celtic kilt was not a proper dress
for visitors to the British upper house,
has given a great Impetus to the revival
of the ancient Irish costume In everyday
Mr. Haselton. M. P., for North Galway,
received a visit at the House of Commons
from his friend, Mr. Enrl Oh Eochaldh.
who has worn the Irish dress habitually
for some years. Mr. Haselton showed his
friend over the building and took him to
see ' the House of Lord In session. Aa
they were leaving: an official approached
them and asked Mr. Haselton what
costume his friend was wearing-. The next
day Mr. Haselton received a communica
tion from "Black Rod" the antiquated of
ficial, who looks after the ceremonies of
this mediaeval house, statins; that he did
not consider the Irish dress a fit one for
a visitor to the House of Lords to wear.
Irish Kilt Like Scottish.
The Irish dress, of course. Is the ancient
Celtic kilt. It differs very little from the
Scottish kilt, except that Instead ' of
Uttering with all the colors of the rain
bow and a great many that the rainbow
never knew, It Is uniformly of a saffron
hue. It la topped by a small Jacket of
black material with buttons of old Celtic
design bearing a representation of the
Irish harp. The shawl, or plaid. Is
fastened at the shoulder by the Tara
Brooch. Mr. Haselton replied that although
the Irish dress had been phohlblted by
English penal laws In the sixteenth cen
tury he did not know that these laws were
till effective, and drew attention to the
fact that officers tn Scotch regiments In
their uniforms, which of course Include the
kilt, are frequent visitors to the House of
Lords. "Black Rod" has not replied, but
If an apology Is not forthcoming. Mr.
Haselton Intends to raise the question In
In the meantime there has been quite
a run on the Irish kilt In this country.
Attention has been drawn to the signifi
cance of the national costume by the in
cident and where a few weeks ago one
could only see an occasional wearer of It
In the streets of Dublin or Belfast, one
can now count them by the. score. It Is
likely that, now that "Black Rod" has set
the seal of fashion on the costume, the
revival will go on apace, for there Is really
no more becoming costume for a man of
good proportions.
Half of Deaths la Institution.
Borne very disquieting facts are disclosed
In the annual report on the health of
Dublin, which has Just been published.
According to the health statistics S.M3 of
the 9.1(7 deaths, which took place In the
Irish metropolis last year occurred in
workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asylums,
prisons or other public Institutions. This
Is 41.7 per cent and It compares very un
favorably with the 18 per cent, who die
In such Institutions In the great . English
towns. Nearly one-third of the total popu
lation of Dublin are returned aa laborers,
hawkers, or porters In other words as
belonging to the most poverty-stricken
classes In the community and the death
rate among this class last year was 31.9
per thousand, as compared with 23.1 for the
tntlre city. The dearth of proper housing
accommodation, as disclosed by the report.
Is ainailng. For 69,263 families there are
only 12,061 houses. It must be remembered
tliat all the houses In Dublin were
originally built for only one family. The
effect of over crowding Is shown by tho
fact that one-tenth of all the deaths In
Duhlln last year were caused by phthisis.
Bin- Strike Is Averted.
Lord MacDonnell, who until a few weeks
ago was Sir Antony MacDonnell, has
signalised his retirement from the post of
under secretary by another act of peace
making. He has succeeded In averting a
great strike of the Dublin dockers, which
would have paralysed the trade of the
port. '"Sir Antony." as he will always
bo called In Ireland, has made a great
record aa a peacemaker since he Joined the
Irish administration. His settlement of
the great town tenants fight will be best
remembered and he was the man, who
brought about industrial peace In the
. great LVlfast strike. No one In Ireland,
even among h!a political opponents,
grudges hlru the peerage, which he has
earned not only by tile work In Ireland,
but by a brilliant career as an Indian ad
ulolstrator. Inn rein Newspapers.
Arrangements have been practically com
pleted for the publication In Dublin early
est yr of a Sinn Fein dally newspaper,
f which Mr. Arthur Griffith, one of the
founders of the Sinn Fein movement, will
be the editor-ln-chlef. The Sinn Felners
have Is depend on a few weekly papers
now for their publicity, and they complain
that they are rigidly boycotted In the way
of newa by the nationalist papers, while
the Unionist papers only ridicule them or
distort their doings. The capital for the
paper has been subscribed In email sums
by the supporters of the movement.
July 12, the anniversary of the Battle
of the Boyne which the Orangemen eel
brate with bar-ds, banners and processions
paased off quietly this year. All the avail
able police from the south and west of
Ireland were drafted Into the Orange dis
tricts, even the IRoyal Irish Constabulary
band being sent from Dublin for the first
time In its history, but fortunately their
service were not needed. The decline of
such cel-brtlon Is one of the best evi
dences of the growth of the national spirit
In the north, to which I referred last week.
, and the fact that the Independent Orange
nan, who are really home rulers, held as
large a demonstration as the cHd order U
auto very significant. The speakers at the
BunnUngs oC tho Independent order devoted
rising temperature.
at Omaha I
Hour. Deg.
t a. m
a. m
7 a. m
S a. m
S a. m
10 a. m 78
11 a. m BO
12 m SS
1 p. m 84
t p. m 84
8 p. m 88
Milwaukee will get a new city au
ditorium. X.
It Is believed at Chicago thfl the mur
derer and kidnaper are the same persons
in the Fuller case. X. S 1
H. K. Wooster, a wealthy ranchman, was
Instantly killed at Marlon, la. X, Fag 1
Four negroes are hanged by white mob
for commending the murder of white men.
Tulsa man kills Indian wife and baby
an dthen takea a shot at his pursuers.
x. rag a
The Turkish army is hostile to the sul
tan. X, Page 1
Elections In Cuba are quiet. X, Fag 1
National Chairman Mack tells the out
line of his campaign plans. X. Fag S
Judge Taft In his address before the
Virginia Bar association will discuss
needed Improvement in the administration
of Justice. X. Far 1
Chairman Hitchcock opened republican
national headquarters in New York yes
terday. X. Fag 1
MOTXrZCZXTt or ocxajt steamship.
Port. Arrlna. Balls.
QUKBN8TOWN... Arabic
BOSTON... h Numidlan.
BOSTON jUocaatrlas,
LIVERPOOL Vlcto.las.
Will Order Oat Mil It la If Necessary
to Enforce the Sunday
Liquor Laws.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. l.-A special to
the Post-Dispatch from New Florence. Mo.,
says Governor Folk today announced his
Intention of making a personal Investiga
tion of lawnessness In St. Louis county and
stated that If any official of the county, or
member of the grand Jury requested It,
he would consider the advisability of send
ing the state mllltla to the county to pre
serve order and enforce the Sunday liquor
Reports of the. sale of Intoxicating liquors
at resorts Just outsldo of St. Louis on
Sunday are the causes of the proposed ln-
MUSKOGEE, Okl., Aug. 1. The six aa
loons that opened here yesterday, the pro
prietor relying upon an alleged defect In
the Blllups prohibltlonary law, were raided
today by County Attorney W. J. Crump
and City Marshal Bud Ledbetter and depu
ties.' Several storehouses of wholesale deal
rs were also raided, ar.d the stocks of these
places as well as of th saloons were con
Illinois Farm Hand Shoots Employer
'and Housekeeper nnd Then
Himself. .
AURORA. 111.. Aug. t-J. A. Morrell. a
wealthy farmer living at Blackberry Cen
ter, a email village fifteen miles from here,
was fatally ahot early today, and his house
keeper was murdered by John Anderson,
who was employed on Morrell's farm
Anderson later committed suicide with a
'shotsun. blowing the top of his head off.
No cause I known for Anderson's act.
as. he Is known to have been warmly at
tached to both victims. He had been drink
ing heavily for several weeks, and It is be-
lleved was demented.
Morrell was awakened early this mot-nine-
by Anderson climbing through the
window of his room. He asked him what
he wanted and Anderson emptied two bar
rels of a shotgun Into him. The house
keeper ran to the telephone to call for
assistance, and Anderson following ner.
shot her dead.
When Mrs. Luclnda Morrell, mother of
Mr. Morrell saw her sons unconscious
form, she fainted and physicians who were
called predicted that her death from the
shock would precede that of her son.
Marked Fulling Off In Custom na
Internal Ileveanes for
, Month,
WASHINGTON. Au. 1. The monthly
statement of the government reveipi
expenditures shows that for July, 1908, the
total receipts were J-Cl.u.wu ana me ex
penditures 177,038,000. leaving a deficit for
the month of r:4.80S.OOO, as against a deficit
for July. 1907. of 14.901.Wt. Thla montn s
deficit would have been over S30.O00.0OO but
for the payments In discharge of the Cen
tral racifio railroad Indebtedness to the
government, which during July amounted
to about td.SOO.OOO.
During July, !, the receipts from cus
toms aggregated over 000.000 less than for
July, 1917. and Internal revenue about
H.OuO.OOO less.
The monthly statement of the circulation
of national bank notes shows that at the
close of business yesterday the total cir
culation amounted to Jti92,iS.9l. which Is
an Increase for the year of Ss8.6SS.lo5, and
a decrease for the month of
Attempt at Inatdlag Frustrated hy
OfHrlals In New
EL PASO, Texas. Aug. 1. Six smuggled
Chinamen were arrested today at Almo-
gordo, N. M. They were locked In a refrlg
era tor car loaded Willi fruit, bound from
Lo Ang-ele to Kansas City. The seal had
boen broken, th Chlneee put In and the
Suggestion of Limiting Appeals in
Smaller Cases.
Republican Candidate Receives Many
Letters and Telegrams Commend
Ins His AddreM of
HOT SPRINGS. Va., Aug. L "Speaking
generally, I believe the greatest question
now before the American public Is the Im
provement of the administration of Justice,
civil and criminal, both In the matter of Its
prompt dispatch and the cheapening of
lis use."
Judge William H. Taft made this state
ment today In discussing the address he Is
to deliver here next Thursday to the Vir
ginia Bar association, arrangements of
which were being made for him by Presi
dent Wyndham R, Meredith of the asso
ciation. "It Is a difficult problem," he added,
'very difficult. Indeed, to make the admin
istration of Justice equal to the poor and
the rich. The difficulty Is In the advantage
the wealthy man has In the employment
of counsel and the fact that he Is able to
stand the expense of litigation, and the poor
man Is not.
Delay Is Great Evil.
There seems to be no absolute remedy.
The only thing you can do Is to render
the administration of Justice as prompt as
possible. The evil Is in the delay more
than anything else. One of the demagog lo
arguments and It is a demagogic- argu
ment, and I have heard It so often in the
legislature, when the proposition Is made
to have only one appeal In cases Involving
less than 'M, la, will you deny to the poor
man the right to obtain the Judgment of
the supreme court of the United Btates?
There was never a more spacious argument.
The wealthy man can afford to wait for
years for that 1500 and can afford to carry
the oase on, but the poor man cannot do It,
That $600, he needs, and needs It at once.
It la better that the case should be decided
against him than that he should lose five
or six years and finally win, after he has
paid out the amount In attorneys' fees."
Mr. Taft intimated that he should dwell
at some length on this question In his ad
dress to the Bar association. The associa
tion will also be addrtssed by President
Meredith and former Senator William
Lindsay of Kentucky and New York. The
meeting will begin Monday and Mr. Taft
expects to attend several of its se salons.
W. Cameron Forbes, vlct, governor of the
Philippine, and General Clarence R. Ed
wards, chief of the Insular bureau, have
been Invited to Hot Springs by Mr. Taft
and will accompany him to White Sulphur
Springs next Friday to attend the Green
Brier county horse show. Mr. Taft will
make no speech on this occasion.
Message of Congratulation.
This was "congratulation" day so far as
Mr. Taft's mall went. John D. Long, former
secretary of the navy, wrote:
Tour speech of acceptance Is perfect and
ought to, as I can not doubt It will. Insure
your election, for which I earnestly pray.
United States Senator Cullom of Illinois
I have lust read your speech of aeoent-
ance and I cannot refrain from writing to
tell you how much I am delighted with
It. It rings true, every word of it. You
did not fall to meet every possible feature
and you nave lett the democrats without
a lesr to stand on.
Your speech Is accented here by the neo-
ple and tho prtss of the middle west as
the utterance of a great man of strong
convirtions and not rearing or hesitating
to express your convictions In every Dar-
tlcular. Your speech of aceetrtanoe- made
your election a certainty. Had It been lows
strong, had you, as a weaker man might
have done, wavered on anv of the srrne.t
Issues before us. the result would have been
disastrous. I knew that your hands are
more than full, but I could not resist the
temptttlon of wrltins: you this note of eon
rratuiatlnn. Not only are you to he con
gratulated. but the party Is to be corv
a-ratulHted rn having you at the head of
the ticket this year.
ferrets rr Wilson Optimistic.
An optimistic view of the republican sit
uation in Iowa and Colorado was communi
cated to Judge Taft by Secretary Wilson,
who Is tn the west, looking after the in
terets of the Department of Agriculture.
Mr. Wilson says the question of tariff pro
tection on farm products will have great
weight tn Colorado.
Here Is a letter the candidate places at
the head of th list of those he appreciates:
Dear Mr. Taft: My daddy thinks a hit
of you and 1 like everybody my daddy
likes, especially when 1 have never met
them. And so I thought I would (Ind
cut how many on our street were going
to vote for you and when I went around
and aked I found sixteen who were going
to ote for you and one was going to vole
lor the temperance ticket. So I am sure
you will be elected. Very truly yours,
.-.uhh jngiftiuo nvtnje, cine nnatl.
Cand date Taft received today a sample
book of half tone mlnatures of himself.
as a campaign novelty, now being consid
ered by the national committee. The book
la in the form of a postage stamp book
and the pictures are designed to be pasted
on letterhead and envelopes.
Francis B. Loorals, director general of
the United Btstes to the Toklo exposition
wnu wui sail snomy ror japan, had a
political talk with Mr. Taft today.
Republican Office In Tower of Metro
polltaa Bnildlna, New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. l.-Eastern headquar
ters of the republican national committee
In the Metropolitan Life building tower
were formally opened at noon today by
Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock. Mr. Hitch
cock continued to hold his political confer
ence at the Manhattan hotel, however, aa
the office rooms will not be equipped fully
before next week. Oeneral Frank 8
Gtreeter, former member of the national
commute from New Hampshire: E. C
Duncan, th member from North Carolina,
and Sidney Bleber. th member from th
District of Columbia. onferrd with the na
tional committee. Mr. Streeter Is a warm
personal friend of Mr. Taft and will devote
much tun to the republican candidate's
Interests. Mr. Duncan, who Is the southern
member of the executive committee, dla
cuaaed with Mr. Hitchcock plans for wag
ing vigorous campaigns In several south-
(Continued en Second Page,'
From the New York Mall.
General Manager Promises to ' Meet
All Traffic Demands.
lion Pad He, Burllngrton and North
western May Let the Business
Come and They Will
Haul It.
"Let the business come, and come with
a rush, and the western roads will be ready
to care for It aa fast as It comes." This
is the expression of General Managers
Mohler, Walter and Holdrege of the Union
Pacific, Northwestern and Burlington, re
spectively. Business Is steadily progressing. Thre
Is no doubt about that, for the reports of
the railroad companies show It. The stock
business Is considerably heavier than last
year and the general merchandise business
is showing an Increase. Passenger traffic
Is heavier than laM year.
An opinion seems to prevail In some east
ern communities that the railroads have
been , keeping down expenses of mainte
nance so much that the rolling stock Is In
bad condition and not In shape for the In
crease of business, which Is sure to come.
That this Is not the case Is shown by the
statements of the general managers them
selves. "We have our equipment Ini such shape
that we are prepared for the fall rush,"
said A. L. Mohler, vice president and gen
eral manager of the Union Pacific. "We
have maintained a large force at the shops
and have kept our equipment up to stand
ard, until now It Is normal. We have some
cars which reed repairs, but these could be
cleaned up on short notice and put Into
service. We are anticipating an Increase in
-business and are prepared to handle it.
"The Burlington has a few bad order
cars, but we are In shape to turn them out
as fast as we want them," said George
W. Holdrege, general manager of the Bur
llngton. "This talk about letting the roll
Ing stock run down Is all bosh, as w have
maintained a large force of car repairer
all along."
Increase Already Shown.
"The Northwestern la looking for an In
creased business, the stock business and the
general merchandise shipments already
show a large Increase," said Frank Wal
ters, general manager of the Northwestern
Instead of the Northwestern road re
trenching In the matter of car equipment.
we have done Just the opposite," said S. F.
Miller, general freight and passenger agent
of the Northwestern. "President Hughltt
ha during this period of depression added
over 8,000 freight cars to the equipment of
hi line and more than half of these are
box cars of high capacity, available for han
dling grain particularly.
"During the hard times of 104 president
Hughltt made a similar move when he
bought for the Northwestern company S.UU0
cars. Before tne contract naa Deen tinea
It was easily seen that he had made a sav
in; of over 1,000,000 for his company on ac
count of the low price paid. In comparison
with the prices obtained in connection with
new orders."
Mr. Miller added that the current repairs
on the cars and locomotives had been kept
up dally and that every car and ermine the
company own Is ready for service. He
said that the condition of this old equip
ment, with the addition of the new, should
put the company In position to handle
expeditiously the large business which will
necessarily come If the crop reports from
th Northwestern territory are correct, and
there la no reason to doubt them.
Omaha Bias Buyers Come.
If advertising, a good feeling all over
the trade territory of Omaha, returning
confidence In all parts of the country and
because of this long terms of sales, will
' attract trade to Omaha, wholesalers and
Jobber of th Market Town of th weat
(Continued on Second Page.)
Pan Lsmaiury of Kansas City Disem
bowels Himself While Delirious
at Burllnaton.
nURLINGTON. Aug 1. Dan Lamasuey of
Kansas City, of the well known firm of
race horse men of Lamasuey Bros, who,
with his wife, was visiting at the horn of
Peter Adolphson in this city, dropped out
of sight Thursday night and yesterday his
dead body was found, the victim of hi
own hand.
The body of Mr. Lamasuey was discov
ered in a hollow near Burlington, lying
stretched on the ground, his adbomen
ripped open with a pen knife which was
still clasped in the man's fingers. It Is
thought he had been affected by the heat
and. wandering out of town In search of
relief, had. In a delirious moment, killed
himself In the horrible manner described.
His gold watch was clasped In ths other
hand and $300 was found In his pocket.
Mrs. Lamasuey, who Is the sister of Mrs.
Adolphson, Is nearly crazed over the whole
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. I. Dan Lama
suey, whose dead body was found yesterday
Burlington, la., waa an old time horseman
and well Known throughout this section of
the country. For a number of years he, with
his brother, who lives at Olathe, Kan.,
was interested in running horses, but of
recent years he had been a trader of buggy
His friends here can ascribe no cause for
L.masuey having taken his life.
Cornerstone of Auditorium, Declared
to Be Beat In World,
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 1. The laying
of the cornerstone of the Milwaukee Audi
torium today was made the occasion of one
of the greatest civic celebrations In the
history of the city. The ceremonies were
preceded by a splendid parade of four
divisions made up of military and clvlo
bodies under the supervision of General
Louis Ayer.
The Auditorium will be one of the best
convention halls In the world, fulfilling all
requirements of large seating capacltf,
perfect appointments, accessibility, adapt
ability, absolute safety and am pi stag
facilities. Ample provisions are made for
telegraph service, exhibition space, banquet
and assembly halls, a market hall and com
mittee and retiring rooms.
It possesses the unique feature of being
readily usable either as one great as
sembly hall or of being segregated Into
individual halls, so arranged that as many
as nine separate and distinct affairs may
be held at one time.
The cost of the Auditorium la 1500,000,
half of which amount was subscribed by
1,115 cKisens, who form . the corporation
known aa he Milwaukee Auditorium com
pany. The city of Milwaukee furnished
On I Killed and Two Other Will
Die la Colliery Acci
dent. SCRANTON. Pa., Aug. 1. On miner was
kited, two were fatally Injured, and four
others slightly hurt this afternoon by an
explosion of gas In the Bellevue colliery of
the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
railroad near this city. The man killed was
Gottfried Rosa. Those fatally Injured are
Benjamin Hughes and Arthur Jones.
There were many men In th mine when
the explosion occurred and this led to a
report that a score had been caught In the
accident. A few of them were near the
place where the explosion occurred, how
ever, and they escaped easily when they
heard the explosion and were almost
knocked down by the rush of air.
The explosion Is supposed to have been
caused by a miner's naked lamp Igniting
a "feeder" of gas. The mine was consid
erably damaged. Tremendous excitement
waa caused among relative and hundreds
f friends of th mtn worker rushed to
th opening
Great Array of Legal Talent at Hear-
ing of Bosewater Protest.
Protetnnt Show Demo-Pop Are
Trying- to Prevent Populist
from Voting- the Way
They Desire.
LINCOLN. Aug. l.-(Speclal Telegram.)
Though he had two lawyers and Tom Tib
bies to help him In his efforts to get a
decision from the secretary of state favor
able to his scheme to prevent populists
from voting for their own candidate for
president, Tom Allen, at the conclusion of
the hearing on the protests of Victor Rose
water, today began at once to hustle for
new candidates for electors.
He began before Mr. Junkln said hla de
cision may be reserved until Monday.
This being the last day for filing, Mr.
Allen was Informed he could file eight
populist candidates and then withdraw
them or substitute others according to the
fleclslon of the secretary.
Victor Rosewater filed protests against
the democrats using the people's Independ
ent party label for other democrats to go on
the electoral ticket pledged to vote for Mr.
Bryan, and the protests were heard before
Secretary of State Junkln this afternoon.
Tom Allen, chairman of the democratic
eomlttee, and father of the scheme, waa
represented by Attorneys Arthur Mullen of
O'Neill. A. S. Tibblts of Lincoln and
Thomas Tibbies of Omaha, vice presiden
tial-candidate with Watson four years ago,
at which time he roundly abused Bryan
for supporting Parker. Mr. Rosewater
looked after his own case.
Purpose to Oecelvo Populist.
In hlK protests, Mr. Rosewater charged
the filing of the democratic electors as
populists, was for the purpose of deceiving
the populist voters of and defrauding them
out of their opportunity to vote for their
national candidate; the object being to se
leure votes for the electors pledged to the
democratic candidates. He said also the
Nebraska populists' delegation to the na
tional populist convention after partici
pating for two days In that convention
had withdrawn from It and the conven
tion had nomlnuted a ticket. The national
convention, he said, is entitled to use the
name, people' Independent party.
Much of the proceeding was over tech'
nlcal question, the array of legal talent
Imported by Tom Allen to help him out
losing no opportunity to quibble over
law. They filed affidavits from their
witnesses. E. B Manuel and E. A. Wal
rath, chairman and secretary of the pop
ulist committee, respectively, that the
populist convention had endorsed the
names of the electors filed by Allen and.
though the wltnesnes were present, ob
jected and refuHed to petmlt them tq go
on the stand and tell the Inside workings
of that convention. Secretary of State
Junkln accepted the affidavits because.
he said, he wanted to be liberal In the
matter of evidence, though he thought
the witnesses should be cross-examined
Another point upon which the array of
legal talent attempted to bolster up its
cause was an affidavit that there Is no
national "people's Independent party, the
people's Independent party," the affida
vit said Is confined strictly to Nebraaka.
Affidavit Merely Quibble.
The -tatlonal party Is the "people's
party. This affidavit was slngned by
Manuel, Walrath and John M. Devine.
This was referred to by Mr. Rosowater
ss merely a "quibble," and he Insisted on
the signers of the affidavits being ca'let to
the stand. This being objected to by the
array of legal talent, he himiclf call-d
Titbits and then the l"gal talent objected
to him being cross-examined. Tibbies tei
trfled that the national populist convention
was not regularly called and was not le
gal, but rather the gathering of a motley
crew. H admitted, though, he spent two
(Continued on Second Pag a.)
Twenty-Six Republicans and Four
teen Democrats for Representative.
Flllnara at State House Show Shallen
berate r nnd Hernre Crowd Jim
Dahlmaa Out of tho
" Fusion Combine.
Blxty-seven republicans, forty four demo
crats and ten socialists living In Doug'.a
c.iunty have filed for state, county and
city offices. Thomas W. Blackburn, re
publican, candidate for congress, tiled on
July S and was the first to enter Ihe lifts,
while A. R. Harvey, republican, candidal
for state representative, who filed tUht
minutes before the close of registration
at a o'clock Saturday afternoon, was tli
Of the 121 candidates all but twelve seeh
county or city positions. Ther are twen
ty-three county and city offices to be filled,
this including the legislative position,
making the apportionment a little over five
candidates to an office. The great bulk
of candidates have filed for legislative posi
tions, the republicans putting forward
twenty-five candidates for state represent
ative and the democrats putting forward
nineteen for fhe lower house. For th
state senate the republicans have eleven
cundldate to eight democrat.
Former Law Maker File.
Five republicans, member of th last
state house of representatives, have filed
for a return to that hall. They ar
Leeder, Harvey, Best, Barnes and Tucker.
Dodge, a republican member of th last
house, aspires to the senate, aa doe also
former Lieutenant Governor McGllton,
who presided over that body during th
two Mickey administrations.
Ed Howell, democrat, the man who, as
a member of the senate, Introduced th
bill exempting railroads from termlsal
taxation for city purpose In Omaha,
wants to get back Into the senate. Sev
eral succeeding legislature spent half
their time trying to get this law off th
statute books.
Six republican want to land In th
county attorney' office, while Jim Eng
lish Iff unopposed In his party.
The socialists take the lead In the num
ber of state candidate from Douglaa
county, having five seeker after sate
positions, two of these being Candida teg
for lieutenant governor. They also hav
one congressional candidate. The demo
crats come next with three local can j late
tor state positions, the triumvirate being
headed by Mayor Dahlman for governor.
The democrats havo one congressional can
didate to three on the republican ticket.
The republicans and democrats hav filed
complete county tickets, while the social
ists have but four candidates on the county
List of Candidate.
The complete Xllings of candidates on thai
republican, democratic and socialist tlcke.ff
In Douglas county Is as follows:
C. L. Saunders, G. M. Hitchcock. .
A. W. JefferlH.
T. W. Blackburn.
Stat senate. 1
"enwy Jr. aiikiuv, junn riengsn.
A. L. He-rg-qulat,
C P. Montgomery.
In. P. Liodge, Jr.,
F. T. Ransom,
John M. Tanner,
E. E. Howell,
W. 8. Felker,
R. S. Hoi ton, .
J. P. Breen,
R. B. Howell.
Ed. G. McGllton,
r W. rttch.
Nels P. Hwanson
State Representative.
Joseph Koutsky,
Dan Horrlgan,
K. W. Crook.
Henry V. Plummer.
J. M. liennett,
M. V. Bennett, y
Jeremiah Howard, 1
G. M. Worthlngton, I
E. H. Karnsley, J
Ernest Stuht.
John A, Dempster,
James N. Drake,
E. Fluids.
. n, bhoemaker.
P. G. H. Boland,
W. F. Stoecker,
Walter P. Thomag.
J. P. Connelly,
William Butt,
J. P., :
J. A. Kllett. 1
Harry A. til one,
bam G. Hoff.
F. S. Tucker,
S. C. Barnes,
D. L. Shanahan.
F. C. O Halloren,
M. Logasu,
Ed. Leeder,
w. K. Wapplcn.
J. T. Dauglierty, '
J. J. Smith, i
G. E. Turklrigton, i
Jacob hiourK, '
Harry A. Foster.
C. H. Lewis, '
r . C Best,
L. N. Oonden,
A. It. Harvey.
County Attorney.
James C. Kinsler, James P.
Albert P. Sherry,
W. W. Slaliaugli,
T. A. llolllster.
Henry O. Meyer,
Isldor Zlegler.
County Coroner.
O. H. Brewer, Ieo A. HoffmngV ,
A. J. Jackson, P. C. Heafey, i
W. C. Crosby. J. A. Tugsert,
John A. Gentleman.
County Commissioner First District
James Walsh, O. J. Plckard.
Z. M. Ellis, John W. Hall.
James ii. Rlggs.
W. H. Olmated,
A. C. 11 arte.
County Commissioner Fifth Dla triads
O. D. Rlc. Jeff W. Bedford.
W. G. Ure.
Omaha Water Board. '
Isaac E. Congdon, Fred H. Cosfrrovgj i
Arthur H. Brings, J. J. Mahoney, ftt1
Charles Unltt. sr., T. A. Donahue, -William
Arnold. C. R. Sherman. f'i
Omaha Board of Education. fji
Charles Hansen,
G. M. Williams,
James Cameron,
A. C. Kennedy,
H. M. Fltsnlbbog,
T. R. Mullen, .-4
1. It. Dalley. I "
James Richardson,
E. Holovtchlner,
8. P. Kosiwlck,
Gust llamel,
W. H. Koenig.
For lieutenant governor. Thor Jor
sen, W. C. Rogers; for secretary of state,
H. J. Alierly; for railroad commUaloner,
Andrew Kinkcnkeller, William M. Aarona;
for congress, George Clark Porter; fjr
state s-nator, J. P. Roe; for state repre
rei.tatlve, M. J. Mundy; for county com.
miaaloner. Third district, W. E. Silver,
John Banky.
Three state senators, nine state repre
sentatives, one county attorney, one county
cor-ner, one commissioner from the Third
dlKtrlct and one from the Fifth dlttr-ct,
two members of the Omaha Water bard
and five members of the Omaha BoarJ of
Education are to be noinlnatol.
Breen'a Poaitlon.
John P. Breen asks The Bee to ctat
that he Is not a candidate In the sense
of seeking the office. His name was filed
by petition, that the ticket might b silted
out U does not U fM and.
(Continued on Second Pag.).
I car resealed sn route.