TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AT'OUST I, 1903. I It's your harvest time now Saturdaj, August 1st, we inaugurate a Harvest Sale of bargains. Perhaps no other word in our language has been more abused than this same word, bargains. We do not often use it, but when we do we mean to convey to you Noah Webster's definition. So that when we mention Bargains for Saturday, we mean in good faith and in very deed "A GAINFUL TRANSACTION FOR YOU." Frankly, we say we have no further use for the merchandise, and we realize that we must make the prices exceedingly low to tempt you to buy at this time and CONVINCE YOU THAT THE MERCHANDISE WILL BE USEFUL FOR YOU. AT 8 A. M. SALE STARTS. Second Floor Linen and Pique Skirts, $3.00 Skirts $1.59 Saturday; $7.00 Skirts, $3.49 Saturday; $5.00 Skirts, $1.98 Saturday. White and colored Lingerie Dresses, Coat Suits, the $15.00 kind $7.98 and the $8.00 kind $3.98. Linen and llop Suits sold jup to $22.50, Saturday at $12.50; $15.00 ones $9.25; $i2.00 quality $3.95. Ladies Wool Dress Skirts, makes us hot to write "wool" were $12.50 Saturday $3.98. Linen Coats for children, formerly $3.00, Saturday for $1.98. Silk and Cloth Suits, late style, half price and less. A lot of Wool Suits, mostly Eton, sold up to $30.00, Saturday $5.00. Waists $15.00 Waists $7.50; $3.50 Waists $1.95; $0.00 Waists $2.35; $3.00 Waists $1.G9; $2.50 Waists 95c. An odd waist is always useful. Kimonos Long and short, made of lawn. The Kimono, .the Hammock, the Fan, as Omar would say, that "were hap piness enow," more tempting still when you can buy the $3.00 kind for $1.95 and the $2.50 kind for $1.45. Short ones worth $2.00, will go at 95c. This is as good a place as any to suggest some Comfort producers for men. Saturday's Shirt Sale Suggests Sensational Selling Colored Negligee, light and dark effects, printed and woven SALE OF WASH GOODS WASH Fine ribbed Vests, lace Insertion, usually 25c, Saturday 15t each. A great assortment of line lisle Vests, taped, fancy knit, crochet, etc., 25 each. A clean-np of all high-priced Vests, without regard to former price. Where lines are broken Saturday 40J each. Children's Underwear A remarkable clean-up sale. Vests, all shapes, which were 25c: Pants, lace trimmed and plain, were 25c and 35c; black Pants, which were 50c; Union Suits, which were 75c; all one prlco Saturday 15 each. Children's Hose, plain black ribbed for boys or girls, 25c usuualiy, on Saturday 10? Pa,r- All our fine goods, fine lisle, all colors of lace, also pure silk, all sizes to select from, formerly 75c pair, Saturday 35 pair. Women's Ilelts. Here's a sort of prize package all to go Silk Belts, leather lielts, Elastic Belts, sold formerly from 50c up to 1.60, on Saturday one price 15tf each. 26c Embroidered Collars, 3 for 25S 8W each. All Linen Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs 5c each. Needless to say more. XEnonniai ECilpattpiclk BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Soot W Xntolpm X. Bwoboda, pubUo-AooountaaS. lowmu, 117 1. Douglas .hoe. IS.60. Fa BVourk for Quality dears. H 8. 15th. KUehart, photographer. lth & Faroam. ' Jamas O. Xln.ier lor county att'y. Adv. Xaoitable Xitfe Policies, .lght draft at maturity. H. D. Neeljr. manager. Omaha. B. W. SUnaral haa removed his law of fice, to room. :a and 222 First National Bank building. Burfe.-0randln Co., 1511 Howard Bt Ga.. .lectrlo flcture., electric wiring and repair.. Residence electrlo fans. IIOSQ. Keep you mousy and valuable under your own lock and key in the American Safe Depo.lt Vault, in the Bae oullding, which are burglar and fireproof. Boxe. rent for 14 a year, or II for three months. wnm Trrnn Yellowstone The p.rty of Shrlner. from Chicago which went from Bt. Paul for a trip through the Tellow.tone park In charge of Snm HutchL ion, tourist agent of the Union Pacific, For Her Children Little Girls Suf fered with Itching Eczema Which Simply Covered Back of Heads Baby Had a Tender Skin, Too. ALL PROMPTLY CURED BY "WONDERFUL OINTMENT" "Somo years ago my throe little rirU fctd a very bad furm of oraema. Itch ing eruption. formed on the back, of their head, which were simply covered. Bolore J heard of Ctiti cura, I used to try almost everything, but they failed. Then my mother recommended the Cutloura Remedies. 1 washed my children', head, with Cutl oura Soap and then applied the wonder ful ointment, Cuticura. 1 did this four or five times and Iran say that they have been entirely cured. I have another baby w ho U so plump that the futds of Ikinonhla n.lt worn broken and even iled. I usd Cuticura Soap and Cutl eiira Ointment and the next morning the trouble had disappeared. I am Using the OflUcura Remedies yet when ever anyof my family have any .ores. I can nevwr rouommend Cuticura auffl rlentiy;it U Indispensable in every home. 1 cannot find it. equal. Mine. Napoleon Dureppe., 4 1 Duluth St., Moutreai. Que Hay 21. 1U07." PAINFUL ULCER. On Foot for a Year. Healed by Two Set of Cuticura "I had an ulcer on tny foot for a year or more and it w.a very painful as it was a running sore.. I had a doctor, but hu treatment did not heal it. About eight month, ago I commenced to use Cuticura Soap. Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Pills. I used two sets and It U now all healed up. Mr. E. F.Ryder. Vest Brewster, Mas.., April 89, 1007. OnmpWK External sod Ulamal Trssrnant tor Wvrrr U iiinor ( Infuilj. Clilklrra. sad Aauite e4wtu ol Ojllrurs H ilfo ) to flnM Um Mis. yullrurs Ol.lraent 6 w I to Hnl IU fk'S. C'ilitili. Resolvvul (tiM l.KHlstbrlomiefltoeoiALS c.uimI I'll 2x. pr il of 0 la Purify U huhmL t .til UMTMish.itit Uj warm. Pallor 1IV4 a CbaA. twai . IM ("I PS. aoMk. Uu ii in Cm tr km ea I FOUND CUTICUM INDISPENSABLE parsed through Omaha last evening, re turning east. Tue K. B. Davis Undertaking oompaoy announce, that the business will be con tinued by the widow of the late Harry B. Davla. Mr. Orrlo Ilulse, the life-long business associate of Mr. Davis, will be in active management of the affairs of the company. Bound " Over on Torgary Charge Joe Roger, wa. arraigned In police court Fri day morning on the charge of forgery. Rogers forged a check on the George A. Hoagland Lumber company for $38.50. He waived examination and wag held to the district court. HI. bond wa. fixed at 1500. Black Dial and Illuminated Hand. Tho latest suggestion for the postofflce clock puailo come, to Colonel Barrow., custodian of the federal building, from a woman. She suggests that the dial fare of the clock be painted black and the hand, and figure, white and that the hands be illuminated with electric bulbs at night. Btreet car advertising. Omaha Hotel Supply Co. moved from Sl 80. 13th to rooms SI to 37 U. B. National bank building. CAMPAIGN FOR A THOUSAND Crusade Met on Foot by Commercial Club to Secure More Members. With a membership of 755 at present, the Commercial club of Omaha will attempt to secure enough to announce an even 1,000 by October 1, and members of the member, ship committee will head team, to secure the necessary number. The membership committee consists of the following: I.. M. Talmage, Dan Baum, Jr.; C. D. Beaton, Roy Coffeen, M. E. Col petser, Eugene Duval, O. D. Klplinger, E. T. Bwobe, H. A. Tukey and J. D. Weaver. The Commercial club has recently "cleaned house," according to the member ship committee, and many were dropped from the rolls who might be considered "dead timber" to any club or the commu nity. This accounts for the small number at present on the rolls, but it is hoped to secure enough to make It a club of 1,000 within sixty day. Various methods are to be employed to secure members and some very effective advertising matter has been Issued showing a list of the members and those whom the club thinks should get out of the list of eligibles into the roster. When the mem bers of the committee have selected their helpers a general met ting of the committee of Vm is to be held and the prospective, divided up. The campaign ha. been well planned and proml.e. to be successful. Fperlal ra.e girls' lenson ft Thorne ""o. muslin underwear. DEDICATION OF NEW CHURCH Formal Setting; Aside of limutmrl Haptlat Will Take Place guilder. The new Immanuel Baptist church, Twenty-fourth and Pinkney streets, will be dedicated Sunday, the services to continue practically all day. At IOiSO o'clock In the morning there will be a love feast, at noon the regular Sunday school exercises will bo held and at 3:80 o'clock in the afternoon a fellowship meeting. Message, and greet ing, will be presented from the Baptist, of the state at large, the Baptist, of Omaha and South Omaha and the other evangelical churches In the city. The dedicatory ser mon will be preached In the evening by Rev. Wilson Mills of Des Moines. Tho new church building will cost 118.900.10 complete, the general contract being $12,3Se. Member, of the church made per.onal pledge, to the amount of but with other assets there 1. .till a balance of 1UU SO. The pastor ef the church, Rev. P. H. McDowell, and member, of the build ing committee, hope for sufficient contribu tion, from friend, who have not subscribed .j that the new church building can be dedicated free of debt. Madras, sold for 50c, for 73c and many were $1.00, Saturday all at one price, 39c each. Every man who saw them in the window, if he needs Shirts, will attend the sale. Socks for men, fine black lisle, lace lisle, polka dots, embroidered, most of them full fashioned, sold at 25c and 35c, Saturday one price, 15c per pair. All our Novelty Socks, the turn-up pants, low shoes kind, worth up to 75c pair, Saturday 35c or 3 pair for $1. Men's Belts, formerly 35c and 50c, now 19c each. Underwear. Our 50c leaders, Poros Knit, Iialbriggan, Lisle and all Fancy Weaves, shirt and drawers 37c each. All dollar lines, White Lisle or Mercerized, 79c each. Union Suits, fine White Lisle, long or short sleeves, worth $1.25 for 89c. All $1.50 and $2.00 Union Suits, white or ecru, long or short sleeves, Saturday $1.15. Soft Shirts, made from mercerized pongee, madras, mohair, etc. Sold up to $2.00, Saturday 98c each. Women's Hosiery. Every broken assortment, plain or fancy lisles, lace Hose, embroidered Hose, and fancy weaves, all marked to quit us quickly, 50c lines, including the regu lar gauze, at 39c. All $1.00 lines, high class, dainty em broidery, blacks and colors, 69c pair. All $1.50 lines, the real aristrocrats, on Saturday 98c pair. Underwear, bleached ribbed Vests, taped and full size, as a starter on Saturday, 7c each. GOODS DAY MONDAY Embroideries for our convenience as well as yours We will sell In one lot a varied assortment. A cruel loss on some for many sold as high as 35c yard. All one price Saturday 15 yard. Now for the end of all broken lots of Undermuslins. One table of Skirts, another of Gowns, one of Drawers, one of Chemises and heaps of Corset Covers. Every garment cut in price. Many Just half. Corset Waists were $1.00 Saturday 10 each. Corsets which were $2.00 Saturday 35 each. Corsets which were $6.00 Saturday 08 each. Sunbonnets f each. Infants' fine Bonnets and children's Lingerie Hats. Many fine hand made dainty lace trimmings, worth up to $3.00. The haU were form erly $1.25, Saturday your pick 50 each. Mark your calendar. Set the alarm clock. Tie a string 011 youi' finder. Change your ring. Tell Central to call you up. Anything to remind you that Monday will be the Great Wash Goods Sale Day at KHrmtrick's.. The Bargain Sale Saturday Starts and the pick wont be quite bo good. SHIPPERS RESIST ADVANCE M. E. Smith & Co. and Other Jobbers Protest Higher Freight Rates. ACT WITH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION lrg Interstate Commerce Commis sion to I'se Influence Aaralnst In creasing Cost of Transporta tion Any More. In .trenuou. term, the National Whole sale Dry Goods a.soclatlon, opposes the proposed advances in freight rate, and Omaha dealers are taking a firm stand In the matter. M. E. Smith & Co. are the Omaha members of tho organization, and have sanctioned the following set of reso lutions which were made public Friday: Whereas, a gerjeral advance In freight rates Is being advocated by the managers of many railroads, as a panacea for busi ness depression, and to enable 'hem to maintain the present wage schedule and pay satisfactory returns on their stock and other liabilities, we, the executive committee of the National Wholesale Dry Goods as soclatlon, enter our most emphatic protest to any sucn procedure, and urge the Inter slate Commerce commission and all others having authority to use every means In their power to prevent such lncrense, be lieving It to- be Illogical, unjustifiable and, In no sense, warranted. The following are sonui or the reasons for our protest: First Bince the absorption, amalgamation and development of the community of In terest Idea among the railroads, their chief ownership and control haa passed Into a few hands, and competition, except of the most frierlly sort, has been eliminated; this, together with legislation against the rebate system, has practically amounted to a substantial advance In rates on the bulk of their business, varying according to com modity. Becond By means of reclassification a very generul advance has been mads In rates during the last few years, and as competition Is eliminated tills Increases. Occasionally an Item Is reduced In class ification, but this Is the exception, and as a rule an Item of small tonnage. In vestigation and comparison will show to what a large extent railroad earnings have been Increased by this method. In our line of business, notwithstanding the Improve ments in transportation and increase In volume of business, rntes are In vogue to day that were established fifty years ago. For instance, the oldest tariff rate on dry goods from New York to Chicago, estab lished In the 'tils Is 75 cents per loo pounds, today the rate Is the samn. Furthermore, we believe thnt dry goods and kindred lines have been fcr years paying an excessive nd undue share of freights and are beyond Question the most remunerative traffic carried by railroads and we feel that an advance In these lines would be utterly un just from every point of view. Third All mercantile and manufacturing Toasted Wheat FlaKes The) Ideml Simmtf EGG-O-SEE is choicest Pacific Coast white wheat, thoroughly steam cooked, rolled into thia, tender flakes and toasted to a crisp brown. A most tasty breakfast. Appetizing, Santaf, WnotesooM All Grocers, 10 cents back to nature Ife (Jit at 8 in tho morning, Conie later Co. establishments have suffered fully as great a reduction In their net earnings as have the railroad comnnnlea Th... i. .M that the railroads should be allowed to charge their deficiencies upon the shipping commuultles at a time like the present. It IS Impossible for the Whnli.anlo nr .-otnll merchant In dry goods and kindred lines to add the increase in freight rates to the price 01 nis merchandise. On the con trary such an Increase would he riir addition to his total expense account and no part of It can be transferred or passed on to the consumer. We do not believe such an advance as Is at present proposed can be expected to Improve business con ditions and believe It Is as economically un sound as would be the proposition for a merchant to advance the price of hi. goods because trade Is dull. Fourth On a fair representation of the actual investment we feel sure rates now In vogue are ample to realise fair returns unanr normal conditions, and demand that no advance be made to pay returns on securities issued by modern methods as typified In the case of the Chicago & Alton railway. I.lTnOGn AP1IED LETTER HEADS 8,000, $17.50, Slxe 8x11, 10,000, $35.00, This price includes the submitting of an original design, tho engraving of same on stone and the delivery of the completed letterheads to your city. Write u. at once for specimen, of our work and sample, of the stock used. Gree ley Prlntery, St. Louis. Capital stock. 1150, 000, fully paid. Dr. Ross. Dentist. 415 Barker Block. FUNERAL OF MISS HEYW0CD Services Held at Family Home and Burial Take. Place at For est LaTTit. i The funeral of Mis. Clnra Belle Hay wood, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Edward Heywood, 923 North Twenty-sixth slreet, who died at the Wise Memorial hospital after an Illness of six weeks, was held from the family residence at 2 o'clock Fri day afternoon. The services were conducted by R v. David R. Turnbull and Rev. F. W. Fos ter. Interment wa. at Forest Lawn ceme tery. H. B. Campbell, Frank Maratl, Bert Lynn and Gordon Cooper were pall bearers. Bdrn In Omaha, October 17. 1878. Miss Heywood had lived here all her life and for th,e last fourteen years she wa. employe! as cashier In the office of the 1'enn Mutual Life Insurance company In Tha Bee building, where, by her pleasant man ners, she made a host of friend In business circles. She was a member of tho First United Presbyterian church, and wa a faithful worker In the society of the King'. Daughter., In the church and in the Sjii day school. She is survived by her father and mother, three sister, and two brother.. Street car advertising. Omaha Hotel Supply Co. moved from 814 So. 13th to rooms 31 to 37 17. 8. National bank building. CHURCH LOCATION CHANGED rsTrs II'.Nal YUroel Sells Lots and Will Oar Othem for -New KdlSce. The Russian Jewish church known a. the Chevra B'Nal Ylsroel, ha. sold the lota at Twenty-flr.t and Chicago streets, where It was planned to build a new edifice. The association will buy other property butter suited to the needs of the church and will yet erect the building. The buyer, were Anna Thompson, who took one lot for I2.5u0; H. B. Whltehou.e, one lot for IlluO and W. A. Carney, a lot and a half for S3.2oo. The buyers intend building home, on the now vacant lot. John R. Weta;er ha. bought lot. at 41! 414 North Twelfth .treet for 4.K0. The lot. are near those recently secured by the Loose-Wiles company for a new crackel factory. Fearfal Slaaghter ef deadly microbe, occur, wben throat and lung disease, are treated with Dr King'. New Discovery. tOe and 11.00. Beaton Drug Co. LOBECR PULLS OUT OF RACE On Request of Hitchcock and Others He Kills Governor Bee. WILL K0T STAND FOB PETITION t oncre.snian-Kditnr Brirnkn West, HI Former tampelaeer, to Qalt, ad Writ Pot It t o to Lobeck. . C. O. Loheck has been pulled out of the gubernatorial race for the sake of harmony and other democrats who want to get next to the public crib and the comptroller makes a statement that he will not be a candidate for governor under any consid eration. Congressman Hitchcock, who wants to be re-elected, started the movement by call ing on C. L. West, his former campaign manager, early Frklay morning. Mr. West was to circulate the Jack petition putting the comptroller In the race, but the con gressman told him that It would never do. Mr. West would not consent to lay down unless Mr. I.obeck ordered him to do so and then the strong n-.cn of demecracy wrj sent against the comptroller. Jeff W. Bedford, councilman and candi date for county commissioner, wa. the first to approach the gubernatorial candidal. O. F. Brucker, councilman, came next and then Assistant Comptroller Cosgrove. can didate for membership on the Water board, put in his plea. Many other. Journeyed to the city hall and talked long and earnestly with Mr. Lobeck. Between them they won their point and the comptroller decided to Issue a statement to put an absolute quletu. to the whole proposition. Withdrew, for Harmony. 'Lobeck had to puli out for the sake of harmony and also for the take of us who are candidates," said one of the objector, to the Jack campaign of putting up a man to run against Mayor Dahlman. "The mayor may or may not get the nomination. It doe. not matter .0 much where that nomination goes, but we must be elected and to be elected we can have no strife In this county, Lobeck had to pull out to save our scalp.. See?" Mr. Lobeck knew nothing In advance of the move of the Jack, to file for him by petition, but the action of hi. friend, wa. gratifying to him, he .ay., even though he does not sec his way clear to accept the nomination. C. L. We.t say. he will not go ahead with his petition, but would have done so regardless of protests had not the comptroller stated unequivocally that he would not accept a nomination on any account. Statement kr Lobeck. Mr. Lobeck in his statement says: "Allow me to state that I will not be a candidate before the democratic primaries for nomlnntlon for the office of governor of Nebraska. I also wish to thank my friends, one and all, regardless of party affiliations, who so kindly assured me of their support If I should become a candi date for governor. "It should be, and is Indeed, very gratify ing to me to have had so many expressions of good will and I take it that It come, from the belief that I have rendered satis factory and efficient service, to the people, in the many year, that I have been serving the public in an official capacity In the city of Omaha, and in representing the county of Douglas In the state senate. "Again I wish to thank my friends and the citizen, of this community and state for their many expression, of good will toward mc, but I do not believe that I should, at the present time, become candidate for governor." JIM PICKED FOn LAST MAW Dahlman, "are Prominent Democrat, Will .Not Get Brewers' Aid. "Dahlman will be a poor third In the race for nomination with Bcrge, Shallcnberger and himself as the democratic candidate. for gubernatorial honors," said an Omaha democrat who has been identified with the conservative wing of the party and hu. been successful enough to get Into the state house. "This does not take Lobeck Into consideration. "I think Jim is honest In believing he has a chance for the nomination, and If nominated for election, but he is deceiving himself. He Is counting on certain strength he will not get. That he relies on the sup port of the brewers might be shown from his. display at Bellevue the other night Mr. Dahlman think, he pleases the liquor Interest, by constant agitation of this so called 'personal liberty' question. He 1. wrong and that is one way In which he show, that he I. not a. shrewd a poll tlcian as ho thinks. "I have it from one of the leading brew er. in Nebraska that they do not wan Dahlman for governor, would not support him if he ran and would regard it as the warst thing that could happen at this time for their business If he were elected. They do not want any man to parade himself as the champion of their cause. They take that .ort of thing as apologizing for the! business and they are not doing that Neither do they want this coniMant agita tion, which can only result In a harrowing of the feelings of tho rrohlbltlonlst. and incite them to greater activity along radical lines. "Now. the mayor may not believe tills I. the situation, but I can tell him It 1. and that he Is away off when he takes the other end of the argument. He is simply making a show of himself. I firmly be lieve that Dahlmanlsm will be completely sniffed out this fall and that when he gets before the people at the primaries he will be given a lasting impression of tlu; people's estimation of him. "I think the brewers want Berge no more than they want Dahlman. Of course they wouldn't support such a man as Berge. Slialknherger would be more likely to get their approval and in my Judgment Bhallen berger will be first man in the three-cornered rnce." iy rup f figs acts p cnXlyyeX prompt ly outke bowels, cleanses the system ejjectuaUy, assists one in overcoming habitual constipation permanently. To get its tenejicial effects buy the genuine. CALIFORNIA PoStrup Co. S r A smash in shirt prkes ! Well-known makes so low tlint wiso men. will buy them by the half dozen an ddozen. Ymill find the size and pattern yon want. yr-s n i p K Or VPI.IJ grade makes including all soft front collar band shirts $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. For 95c All !0" VACATION SHIRTS, sold $1.50 and $2.00. For 69c mont Brands, sold the world $1.00. Furnishing Goods Prices Slashed to the Vitals Men's Garters, 10c Grade Men'. Silk Shield Bows, 16c grade Men's wash 4-ln-hands, 15c grade, each Men's Boston Garters, always 25c Shaw-Knit hone, genuine, until now Mens solid leather Belts, 35c grade !.) Men's fancy lisle finished Hose, 2 5c grades, 3 (or 50 Ialr President Suspenders, always sold Boys Blouse WaiBts, 50c grade. . Men s Lisle finished Underwear, ech Men's fancy lisle thread Hose, grade, 3 for $1.00 Plr Men's Joans Drawers, elastic seam,, srade Men's Combination Suits $1.00 grde, at 59 Men's silk Four-in-hand TleB, 60c grade 250 20 discount on any Trunk or Bag In the store. THIS STORK WILL BE OPEN TLL 10 T. M. SATl'KDAV. OMAHA'S In heart of the shopping district S3; Hotel Kupper 1ITII Ils the Coolest Place In Town The Vineyard in ... Rome Motel Mosletvrry Evfnlna taiU and Jackson FREE ON PLEDGE TO BE GOOD Suitor Who Tries to Fore Marriage Released Promise to Let Girl Alone. William IRirnett. who followed hi. fionrpp Miss C.ssle Davhls, h-re from Chicago and attempted to force her to marry him, and who was arrested at the Instlratlon erf the girl, wss discharged In police court Friday morning upon hi. promise to return to Chicago and reuse annoying 'tig womsn. Hlgnett, who Is an Englishman, explained to Judge Crawford In a broad cockney accent that the girl left Chicago to go to Denver, hut he found that stu had arrived In Omaha and that an other had supplanted him In her affection.. After X di.charge In police court Hlg- nett'. troubles were not over. He was taken bfiore Justice of the I'eace Cockrell and put under a bond to keep the peace, which he signed himself. Hlgnett and thu girl held a short Interview, during which .h. returned his engagement ring and he then le'X for Chicago, as he stated, to enjoy the bllts of bachelorhood henceforth. Lincoln Trsls Cfcanitea Time. Effo-tlve Monday, August 3d, the Bur lington', afternoon Lincoln train. No. 7, will leave Omaha at 1:10 p. m. Instead of 1:45 p. m. G. A. R. WANTS IN COURT HOUSE Old Holdlera Ask for Qenrters la New Hulldlna; um4 lioard favors Request. A committee from the Grand Army of the Republic headed by Dr. H. K. Bpsldlng pre sented to the county commissioners Friday morning a petition asking that a atctlon of the new court house be given over to the Grand Army of the Republic post, free cf rent for use a. a meeting hall and mu seum. A. waa .fated by Dr. Spalding In reading the petition nearly every court house In the eastern part of tha country haa such a plsce -t aside where the od soldier, can hold their reunion., keep their mementos, and maintain the office, of their organisation, and their relief associa tion. The request waa referred on motion by Commls. loser X.V. te the construction com- The Famcus SAVOY and other high- our silk sold for our ,1 at Monarch, Excelsior and Cler- over at A 5 3 foa- ?5c, 10 .. v lie 2sc 15C I 20 at 50c 25 ... . . .29 60c gradn, 35 60c 35 6oc LEADING CT-OTH1E11S. HOTELS. caasasssaEBCv Th. most centrally located hotel In tho city for shopping; and business. Only one-half block from Kmsry, Blrd.-Thay.r Dry Goods Co.; near all thea ter. Absolutely modern In very detail. Our new French Cafe I. the handsomest la the city. Prices moderate. EUROPEAN PLAN 11.00 Per Day and Upward, AND McGEE Sta. KANSAS CITY. MO. i "Comfort Without Extravagance." HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43"-ST.KSXNEWY0R;. NEW ' TWELVI ' 6TOR FIRS PROOF TRANSIENT HOTEL .' EUROPEAN PLAN MUMO QUIET AND 114 TMI HEART OP THINGS Rooms with running water, $i.eo and up With atm, 2 and op. suites, $j and u" Write for particulars. wlr por reservations, our expense. W. H. VALIQUETTE, Manaoi xbo THfc BERWICK. Rutland, vt. JER, HOTEL PROADWAT AND 83 D STREKT, H8UALD bQL'AUS, N. T. CITY. THE MOST fT.NTi'.AL LOCATION IN NKW YOKK. THS IIIOHKHT C1AS8 Of ACOOMWIDAT10.NS T UllliKRATH RA118. Pre- ilMnt Ismons New . ;.-. -5 Tori Hotel. ro -'-p . - v- v toe etreii.ncs of in Z VV-erlr nitiliwiixl folt T'ioiestt. THB MARTIMyfJC jUme UABAseoMtt es St. beats QottL mlttee with the understanding that tha board was la favor of granting It. Th member, of the committee were 8. K. SpaJ. ding. Thomas C'relgh, F. W. Blmpaon, Au-g-uatu. Lochoer, J. Q. West. U. 1. Kernaa, Jonathan Edwards an4 1. T, WaUac