Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1908, Page 2, Image 2
g , THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; SATURDAY, AWUSr 1. 100. clown ( R r. M. during July and August, etcrptlng Saturdays at 9:30 P. BOARD MAKES MANYCUANGRS Cramps and Dysentery $1.15 Rich, Elegant Black Taffeta, Assessment of Nebraska Land Be Materially Raised. Will Diarrhoea, cholera morbus, stomach ache, congestion, ninstroke, heart failure, fainting, weak stomach, mal aria, chills, fevers, prostration and the hundred and one ills of summer can be prevented and cured by taking 27-inch Saturday 65c yard Tho. taffeta for service. If wo could show you on paper the strong weave, the fine qual THIRTY-NINE COUNTIES AFFECTED ity, tlie heaiitiful finish, deep rich. black, the quantity to be Bold Saturday would be cleared out in less than one hour. If vou are 'thinking of buying-black taffeta soon, by all means, A muni- nin.ed to Appear and Mil We Their Objection It The? Slav Anr to the Action. ' buy this special number Saturday.- ' . 3' Special Sale of Women's Gowns Saturday. For Saturday, we have taken a special line of yompn's low neck and short sleeve gowns and marked them at saving prices. 85c low neck gowns Saturday 50c each. $1.00 low neck gowns Saturday 75c each. $1.25 low neck gowns Saturday 79c each. $1.50 low neck gowns Saturday $1.15 each.. $1.73 low neck gowns Saturday $1.29 each. $2.25 low neck rowub Saturday $1.69 each. $3.00 low neck gowns Saturday $2.39 each. Beautiful Parasols on Sale Saturday at Half Price. After a busy season's selling, we have Just seven parasols In stock. These we shall mark for quick selling. ' One $5.00 parasol Saturday at $2.50. One $9.00 parasol Saturday at $4.50. One $9.50 parasol Saturday at $4.75. One $12.00 parasol Saturday at $6.00. One $15.00 parasol at $7.50. One $18.50 parasol Saturday at $9.26. One $20.00 parasol Saturday at $10.00. Clearing Sale Bargains in Our Cloak Department Saturday. Every coat in the store at absolutely half price. Short Coats, long Coats, Covert Coats, Silk Coats and Rain Coats are included. All the dainty summer waists at great reductllons. All the lovely lingerie and 'net dresses at half price. All the separate linen skirts at half price. Now Fall Suits We beg to announce the arrival of our new fall suits. 1909. Directoire and Continental styles. Correct models for 1908 and Special Sale of Hosiery. ' Saturday wo .will place on sale children's black co(tn" ahd'tisle hose, regular 35c and 26c qualltieb at, per pair, J 9c. . Also one nnrnber in gauze lisle hose, with'garter srllcvd .heels and double soles, 39e quality SatuPtlHy,. per pair 25c. ' , Also broken lilies In embroidered lisle, laffe- lisle, and gaufe tottgn hose, at, per pair 25c. Special Sale of Wash Belts, Saturday. Hand embroidered wash belts with pearl buckles, worth up to 75c, special Saturday at, each, only 29c. White wash belts embroidered all around, fln Ifshed with pearl buckle, regularplrce $1.00, special Saturday at each, only 4 9c. Fanoy beltings lr tan, blue, brown, green and white, 1 4c to Cc an Inch. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July 31. -(Special. )-The State Board of Equalisation through Governor Sheldon-today Issued the following state men for the benefit of those Interested: "The State Hoard of Equalisation has found that It Is necessary to make a Rood many changes hy counties In order to make a unlfiirm assessment. Thla Is true not only In regards to the several douses of personal property, hut also as regards the assessment of real estate. It Is the Judgment of the hoard that It will be necessary to raise the value of land In thelty-nlne counties and to reduce eight. taW leaving the assessment as far as land Is concerned In forty-two counties the same as returned hy the county as sesHors. Owing to the importance of the real estate assessment the board haa de termined to notify the assessors of t lie oountles of the proposed changes and re quest them to appear before the board If they have any objections to the changes proposed by the board. Final action on the land assessment will not be made until sufficient time has beeD given for the as sessors to appear before the board." The following table gives the average as sessed valuation per acre as returned by the county assessors, the per cent of In crease or decrease and the valuation pro posed hy the board: Amount County. iteturned Richardson $11. !W Coming Sweeping Clear ing Sale of. Beautiful . Kimona Silks. TIJli rfl'V1 to' A grand oppor tunity1 'fw- wbroerv who appreciate rich, elegant, kimona Bilks. Pee Sunday'1 paper for particulars. Saturday Candy Special Balduff's delicious as sorted fruit tarts, regular price 40c lb., special all day Saturday .at, per lb., only 20c. - ' Great Special at Bargain Square, Saturday,' To close out all our chil dren's Wash Sunbonnets, regu lar 25c values, we will place them on sale Saturday at, each, only 5c. Saturday Specials That Will Interest Men MenV'Union'j Suits at Greatly Reduced - Prices, Saturday. rAnti.OO'ynlon suits Saturday at 86o aoh., ' ' All $1.60 union suits Saturday at $1.1 5-each,. ' AH tJ.OO -tinfon suits Saturday at $1.45 each. f. ', , AJl' $?75 union 'suits Saturday at $2.00 tach. .. Men's Shirts Reduced. Men'a negligee shirts fine assortment of tasty styles. Many new patterns have been added for Saturday's selling, .Tegular $2.0(1 and $1.50 shirts at, each, only $1.15. Men's Two-Picee Underwear Reduced. All of our fine ecru balbriggan shirts and drawers, regular 60c qual ity, at each, only 37 c. All of our white ribbed lisle shirts and drawers, regular 50c quality, at each, only 37V6c "Reduced prices on all of our fancy wash vests. See Howard Street Window. Pawnee Johnson Nemaha .... Otoo Cass launders .... Sarpy louglas Washington Hurt , Cumlngs ..... ayne 10 8fi 11.32 11.06 14. Hi 13. BO 12.12 L2.K7 13 W U.07 12.25 12.03 10.(W Pet. Inc. 10 15 10 WE SELL . REDFERN iCOKSEXS- i-Sl-B Boll Doug. 18 BOTH I'll OX EH REACH ALL DEPTS. Ind. A-1241 WE SELL McCALL'S PATTERNS BAR AT U-X..J school ni'iiss A raoant of iWntrorpti . . Ttto Horses stud Lri Farm '.SjTarblnerr (Friinv. a Staff Correspondent.). . WASHINGTON, July Sl.-(8pec(al , Tele gram.) Acting .Ciymrnlssloner of Indian Af fairs Lj-rsJ today . received .a dltpatch from the superintendent of, Indian schools at Oonoa, KeU.; announcing the destruc tion by fire this' morning of the "horso barns. . ?V'. "' The barn ' housed two houses, that were lost, a couple of buggies, 14 aeta of harness, 16 tons of haV nd some grain and small farm and ganlvn tools. The cause of the fire Is supposed to be due to spontaneous combustion. The precise loss ta not known h. but I'ncle Sam never carries In sursrt , (wsthat whatever the loss may huve ''een It will be total. Major Larra be safe there la an emergency fund tit the disposal if, the Indian bureau to replac Just such accidents f nd thla 'slight fife will cause no Inconvenience. Kan., to attend maneuvera. The troops will arrive here tomorrow and remain over Sunday. Troops Rsrk t Beatrice. BEATRICE, Kek.. 4 July ' 31.-1 Hnrclnl Telegram.) SI companies of the Slxreenth Vnlted States infantry of Kort Creek, Neb., In command of Captain Rdward Chrlsman. reached Plekrell today, wher they went into camp Ifor the nlglit." They came from .Omaha to Lincoln hy train and will .'march through to Fort Hlley Ha nka Held nt Valentine. VALENTIN K. Neb., July Sl'.-(Speclal Sheriff Rosseter received a message this morning from the authorities at Stanton. Mlih., to arrest and hold one J. P. Banks un the charge of assault, the deed being conunlttcil over four yeara ago at that place. The sheriff has taken Banks In cus tody until the officers arrive from the eaBt after him. Mr. Banks came here to live some time last winter and has been In the cement walk business must of the time, is a married man ubout .45 yean old. He doea not deny the charge, but claims that it has-been exaggerated a great deal. Coyote Kcalp Swindle. KEAB.NEJ'. Neb., July Sl.-(Speclal Telegram.) A coyote acalp swindle has been brought to light In Buffalo county hy Bherlff Summons. John Bacon. Janitor of the court house; Lloyd Deets, Abe Swlnycr and nine accomplices have been arrested and given preliminary hearings, and all except one have plea led guilty. Baton secured the scalps from (he county clerk's office, and hid them In the boiler room and Deets and Swlr.yer would get them and resell them at leisure, getting accom plices to take them to the clerk a offices In Buffalo and Kearney counties to re ceive the bounty and then divide the spoils. Estlmutes Bhow that Buffalo county has been beat out of over Jl'00 In this way. Bacon had Just been re-elected Janitor. All the pilsoitrrs have been bound over to the district court. (ierlna; Files for Klector. PLATTSMOi:TH, Neb., July 31.-(3pecial.) Henry Gering, a registered druggist, who was recently arrrted for selling liquor 'n thl city on Sundays, has filed for the nom ination of presidential elector-at-Iarge on the democratic ticket and accompanied his application with a pupullstlc petition Thurston 1102 Dakota 9.04 Dixon i Cedar 6.04 Kijox 4. lil ' Pierce 7 81 Antelope 4 43 Boone ; 7.49 Madison 10.23 Stanton 9.S0 Colfax 13.15 Platte 10.70 Dodge , 13.03 Nance i 6.36 Merrick r 7.16 Hamilton 12.29 Polk 12.63 Butler 11.66 Seward 11X0 Lancaster 10. SI York 12.86 Clay 10.99 Fillmore 12.62 Saline 11. H9 OHKe Jefferson 10.63 Tliaver 9.63 Nuckolls 8.(8 Webster 6.15 Allium 8.22 Kearney 8.b6 Franklin 5.91 Harlan 6.01 Furnace 6.46 OoBper 6.76 Phelps i 8.25 Dawson i-. ... 6.2$ Buffalo 4.50 Hall 8.77 Howard '. 6.81 Hhennan 4.95 Custer 8.75 Valley ,.. 4.65 Oreeley ...,.. t.J.J.... i.i!2 I Wheeler 1.29 iGurfleid 1.67 Loup 1.28 Ulaine .-. 90 Holt 1.52 Boyd 5.05 Keya Paha 1.31 Brown 1.93 Rock 1.13 Cherry 68 Hooker flu Grant 1.04 Thomas 88 Logan 1.01 Mcpherson 82 Keith 99 Lincoln 1.4'i Frontier S.00 Hayes 1.13 Chase 1.53 Perkins 1.06 Dundv l.M 10 5 15 10 15 10 10 20 6 10 Board Value. 113 17 12.47 12.46 13.06 13.60 13.W 13.32 12 87 13.83 13.37 12.02 11.66 11.02 9 1)4 8.76 7.24 6.07 7.81 4.87 7.86 10.23 9.90 12.50 11.23 13.03 7.63 7.16 12.29 12.53 12.13 11.80 11.90 12.9 10.99 12.62 12.48 Hitchcock Hed Willow ., Deuel t'hevenne .... Kimhall t Banner I Scott's Bluff A Rox Butte ... 10 10 10 20 5 20 20 20 SI 30 ii 20 30 40 60 20 30 20 10 30 Drotest airalntit the ottm..t nt tl,.,'Siniix - i... .v.. I Dawes this state make a noise like Jonah was signed by F. V. Holllngsworth arjd tho secretary of state will Investigate the case Saturday. Summer Shoes at Factory Cost ' Many Shorl Linos Even Less A Three big events in women's and young women's fine oxfords, pumps, Gibson ties and colonial buckle models. Three big shoe opportunities for women: First A': Brooklyn shoemaker's surplus stock, hundreds of pairs "of the finest women's shoes ever brought to Omaha; none worth less than $4, mostly $5 and 90 pome $6 qualities, at, a pair Second A long line of manufacturer's sample women's oxfords, pumps and ties conservative and ultra 90 styles and leathers, at, a pair .. ..sU- Third Our regular lines of summer shoes are included, making the assortment almost unlimited, women's and young women's latest fashions in low shoes, 9D : at, per pair Children's $1.76 Slippers,. t $1.20 Children'! 1.25 Slippers, t 80 Infanfg $t.00 Slippers at. . Infant's 76c Slipper at . . .30 8 tor close at S cxcfjl Saturday at 10 Misses' $2.00 aod $2.25 Ties. t 31.G0 Misses' $2.75 Ankle Strap Slip pers, at. pair 81.08 Boys' $3.00 Patent or Tan Ox fords, pair $1.08 Accused of I slnir Whip. BEATRICE, Neb., July 81. (Special Tele giam.) William McKlnney of Wymore to day swore out a warrant for the arrest of J. H. Dowlsr, proprietor of the Toiau lin hotel at Wymore, cliarslng him with as sault ng his f f lenn-year-old daughter. The complaint ailcKes that Dowler struck and whipped the girl with a whip In an In l;u:i.aa maniur. 2') 10 20 .'SO 20 39 0.B .B3 8. OS 6.76 9.04 8.23 6.20 6.01 6.46 6.78 6 b.M 5.40 8.77 5. SI 4.70 3.26 4 a. 8 1.54 1.67 1.2S 1.17 1.97 5.115 1.44 1.64 1.46 .05 .94 1.04 1.06 l.oi .82 1.2 1.40 30 1.35 1.3S 1.07 1.30 1.95 3.77 l.os 1.2) .fill 2 2.V 2.22 1.2- 1.11 1.37 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey It kills tho disease germs, invigor ates and strengthens every organ and part of the human body. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and producing a predigeBted liquid food in the form of a malt essence, which Is the most ef fectlve tonic stimulant and lnvlgorator known to science; softened by warmth and moisture, its palatabillty and free dom from injurious substances ren der it so that it can be retained by the most sensitive stomach. Thousands of leading doctors pre scribe It and prominent hospitals use and endorse It, exclusively. (DOSE)' One teaspoonful in each pIbrb of drlnklnn water during tne hot weatner will kill all germs. If weak and run down, take a tea- spoonful four times a day in hall glass of milk or water. It stimulates the heart action, causes the blood to course more quickly through the veins and builds new tissue. Duffy's Pure Male Whiskey is sold throughout the world by druggists grocers and dealers, or shipped direct for $1.00 per bottle. If In need of advice, write Consult ing Physician, Dufiy Man vvnisKey rvimnnnv. Rochester, ivew xorK, bj.hi- lnr vnur case fully. Our doctors will send you advice free, togther with a handsome illustrated medical booklet containing some or tne many inou- ands of gratifying letters received from men and women In all walks of life, both old and young, who have been cured and benefited by the use of the World'B greatest medicine. V- Lit V- ... r 0&er we m0wnJfiaj7A fX7 o o ML town A' 91 BBBVA BENSON ? THORNE GO. 1515 IJ17 DOUCULS-StRECf ' Deuel (ountr Taft Clob. CHAPPELL, Neb., July 31. (Special.) Notice of a meeting of he republicans of Deuel county has been published. The meeting will be held August 4, at Chapvell. L. O. Pfeiffer and others will addreu the meeting and a Taft club will be organized. The women have been Invited to attend the. meeting. fw Chairman In Unffalo. KEARNEY, Neb.. July 31.-(Speclal Telegram.) M. N. Troupe, former county treaaun-r, has been appointed chairman of the But'falo county central commutes t) mcceed liny Shahsn, who haj removed fiom the c.iunty. ebriiska Netvs .Votra. 1.95 3.77 .r 1.1.1 .SO .82 2.r,:! 2.77 1.25 .93 Sheridan 1.06 DcereflKe. More Primary FIHnic- Wlth the exception of representatives, senators and stra'ght democratic and pop- ullm electors, filings have been made f ir all the offices to be elected thla fall. Only oen straight demornit and one ftralght populist have filed for elector. The othe s are fuslonlots. jatius itiunes Jjaniman nas rued as a straight democrat and has no populist petition like his competitors. The rrub licans have one many only for governor, secretary of state, attorney genera', 11 u tenant governor and trsasureY, though it has contests fur the other stuie offices. The democratk have no contest for treas urer, state superintendent and land com missioner. The republicans have no contests on congressman In the First, Third and Fifth districts. The democrats have no con tests In the Second or the Flflth. Tomor row Is the last day for filings. Following are the filings for the day: H. B. Flaherty of South Omaha d.-nvi-crat, for attorney generul; 8. Iv. Mains of ('rete, demo. -pop., for congress from the Fourth district; Robert It. Boss of Lex ington, democrat, for congressman from I he Sixth district; J. M. Woodi oek of Oiv ingtnn, social. at, for congressman from Ihe Third district; gophus K. Neble, demo. noo.. of Omaha f ir iir- sldi-niinl eleet ir! 'Charles Tlnkerkelier of Florence, t-o-IUIst, i f " r railway eommiaslnnrr; t'!iarlea R. Bnsse, ilemo.-pop., of K d Clou i, for mutt let; V"f"V'" "u. mTKiaiy il lllr l n.,.1, Reo democrat, of Nnf.' k. in- ntnr from tlie Kleventh district; Wood uf V)ik Mutual Building and l-ian asitoeiu t:un. has left for Umaha, where l.e will undergo an operation on his arm. BEATRICE The funtral of Mrs. Mary Hartmun was lield yi-sterday Irom tne horns of her daughter six miles tii-t o.' the city. Interment was In Evergreen llo.'jc cemetery. BEA I RICE-It la now l lived that J hn nlt? McMullen, the llUle bay who w:.s seri ously Injured at his home near P.ckre 1 1 y being run over by a wagon load oi hay, will recover. TECl'MSKH The people of Cook, this county, will call a special election to void bonds In the sum of I Hum) for a new brlek schiKil house. It is proposed that lh; bunils shall bear 6 per cent Ir.terest and be pay able $l,mM leginnini 11- TEC I'M SF.H Rev. Roberl Llddell. D. D.. was formally Installed as pastor of thu Teeutnseh 1'resbyterian cnurch at speuiul services held last evening. The f.rrnon was by Rev. J. H. McConnell of lleurou and tlie charges to the pastor and to thi chureli were giel by Rv. C. M. Canlrall of Humtnldt. An informs! reception was tendeivd l'r. and Mis. Llddell. TEC I'M SHU A son has been born to Mrs. Bertha McNully. Mr. MeNulty. who was a Burlington brakeman. was killed In the yards st Pawnee City ten days ago. Mrs. Mc.N'ulty nj child are at tne hoiii.i of her jarents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mc Laughlin. In this city. The family home is In Wymori. TECl'MSEH W. L. Bpoon, a government road expert, who has been Inspecting roads in the several counties comprising the First congressional district of Nebrsska. hsji Just ompleird his ork in Johrson county. Mr. Spoon ssys the roads in this county, gen erally veak!nx, are the best of auy county In Ike ditrn.u Ball of hfnncdy, repillican. for re r seiitiitlve from the Fifty-second .iistrlci; I). ('. Hefletninn, demoerat, of Huliliarl, for representative from the Sixie nt i ill trict ; John It. Foinrty of Greeley, d m . pop., for representative from tlie F r v sixlh district; William L. Taylor, d m. pop.. of Merna, for representative from The triumphant result of forty jrears of earnest cftort, devoted :ntirely to the science of pure foods, is aopat ill T B r"lH" WHEAT FE-AKE CELERY the Flftv-slxth district; Richard R. Shlclt, democrat, of Seward, for senator from th Nineteenth district; Robert R. Brown of Hutton demo.-iop.. for senator from the Twentv-flfth district: George Y. Lit 1 , democrat, of Kurekii. for represi ntutive from the Sixty-seventh dtstrc'; (.. Flti tmnns, r. publ can. of S.'o In. f;r J'n r,tiiv.o from the Seventeenth dbtf.ct; Louis Werner, deino.-pop., of Btatilc, for .nnioiiK from t li f Thlrtv-thltd dH- trlct- Walter R. Kent, republican, of Long Lake, for representative from the Fitty- thlrd district; K. Miller of Sargent, dm. tnTlve from the I-1 it y sixth district; Edward B. Cowles of Falr k,.. e.o.uhlipiin for railway commis -loner; Robert T. Htnltn. nemocr.n. m umoim mi presidential elector at large. llrmnrrnfa to tprn iirsngnsrir, Tom Allen, chairman of tlie democrat! Lti,ii, committee, announced today that headquarters would he opened at the Lin coin hotel next week. Tho Bryan Volun toprs have headdiinrters at olumbus and both headquarters will be kept open dur Ing the campa'sn. ItosH Files for Congress. Robert G. Ross has filed for congress In the Sixth district and he filed as a demo crat and as a republican. Ross had two petitions. He said he affilluted with both the republican and the democratic parties. Mr. Ross is the first of his kind to file. Robert F. Smith of 3S2S Hodge street. Omaha, has filed as a democratic candi date for elector at large. He did not file as a populist. John II. Alden of Beatrice Is a new re emit to the list of re publicans running for auditor. Omaha Dur at Slnt Fair. September S will be Omaha day at the state fair and all of the big city Is ex pocted to be here. Next Monday night at ihe den a committee from the Lincoln Commercln! club will be present to Invito Omaha down here. An effort will be made to have this the biggest day recorded In the history of tlie fair, and If the crowd of Omaha people Is as large as expected, 4(9 special cats will be used to bring them down here. State Treasurer's Iteport. The report of Treasurer Brian for the month of July shows the receipts amounted to $797,216.32; payments. CI.8.9.24; balance August 1. I5;i4,lx3.43; balance July 1, 1613, 8( 8 35. Modern Woodmen Withdraw. The Modern Woodmen of America has withdrawn Its membership from the Na tional Fraternal congress, a federated orga nization with about fifty affiliated societies. This action has been contemplated by Head Consul A. R. Talbot and other officials of the Woodmen for several months, practi cally since the last serslon of the congress at Buffalo. August lis7, when by a close vote a resolution was carried which com mitted the affiliated societies to the policy of asking state legislatures to enact a law providing a minimum tuble of assessment rates, to be charged by all societies alike. . Head Consul Talbot declares that the en actment of such a measure as Is contem plated would require the collection of as sessments at least 2o per cent higher than the death rate demands at this time. The Woodmen officials are discussing the ad lsahllity of forming a new federation of societies not satisfied with the action of the National Fraterral congress. uirji'.ii.WRiis mat r muiiisnnn r-i llll III - 2 i .if m'.wml.iii Yellowstone' " Park Now is the time to make the trip through this delightful. "Wonder Land. Verv low rates and a great many attractive diverse routes are offered, including Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. ' A World-Wide Traveler Says: "The most delightful short vacation trip imaginable.'-' Free folders, tickets, berths and full information at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 'Phone Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam St. ii-':r-;::- "l Its superiority over other Cereal Foods cannot be questioned. It is the kind of food that strength ens and assists in establishing healthy action of the bowels. For aala by Croaarc (asnlrr Club far York. YORK, Neb.. July 81 (Special. )-The York Country club Is the latest social or gan xatlon here. It will stsrt with twenty five members, consisting principally of bu-iio n men. Arrangements have been made to have Joint use of East Hill jark, the York Athletic grounds and the land edj Inlng on tlie east, making very de sirable grounds for tennis courts and golf links. Al White was selected temporary chairman and H. McCloud, secretary. Im mediate arrangements are being made to put In the golf links. I -llll 1 1! II'- , Hi WHERE TRUtfs Vacation Equipment 7 HI When you take your vacation, yea want your traveling equipment to look right. We are 'prepared to fit you out with trunks, suit cases, bugs, etc., at a more reasonable price than you are In the habit of paying for the sume quality of goods. Our repair department is fully competent 1803 farnamSI. Tbone Dong. 4995 HAND -SAPGLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes tne toilet something to be en Joyed. It remove all stains and roughness, prevent! prickly heat nd chafing, and leaves the skin while, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which do common soap can equal, imparting the yigor and life sensation of a mild Turilisk 'v All GkucFru and C'ruocii; v Triple Ventilation ! AT THE AMtlEHE.tTI, BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARK OMAHA SIOUX CITY July 31, Aug. 1 and 2-2 rrlday, July 31st, Ladles Day. Busdar, August a, Two Otmit, Titu Callsd 8 130. OiHIs C A II, El S:5. Kranlos at Central City. CENTRAL, CITY. Neb.. July il.-tSpec lal.) The eleventh annual reunion of the Platte District, association will be held hers August i to 7. Elaborate programs have me CALUMET been arranged for each day enl camp flies In the evening. Among those on the program are Commander i:H Harries, Judge lloiig land, Judge Estelle of Omaha, Tom Majors of Peru, and Pant Commander arhardt. Street car advertising. Omaha Hotel Bupply Co. moved from ?M Bo. 13th to rooms U U 17 L'. 8. National bauk building; AIK DOME 18th and LocigUs Sta. Tonight All Wmb IILIHIII) IDBAIi STOCK CO. In the r'our-Act Comedy burnt A ROMANCE OF PLNNSHVAMA SPECIALTIES 11TWI1I ACTS. Curtain at S.JO I'roinpL . Frlces lOo aod SOo. BOYD'S TfiBflTBR . tabu well webs: i Tonight, Saturday Matins and Wight, III WOODWilO STOCK COafVABTT in "POLLY PRIMKOSE." Saturday Matlna Soual atkUAs Uograpa e( MUM Zltmiam ' " 9 J