The Omaha Daily .Bee 4 VOL. XXXVIII NO. 3S. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, lOOtWnVELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS ( ? 1) P AFTERS1NE UOURLWV New Haven Road Files Suit Attacking New Statute. ALLEGE THAT ACT IS VOLT) Complaint Asks Injunction Against Commerce Commission. SAYS IT IS WITHOUT AUTHORITY Charge that Order Calling for Reports is Unlawful. CASE SET FOR NEXT MONTH Writ la Mud Returnable First Man lay In September Bill Filed In I'nlted States Clrenit Court. HARTFORD, Conn., July 81 The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad co.r jmny has filed a complaint In the United States circuit court here oga-nst tin Interstate Commerce commission, al ta kins the law passed by the last cirgress. entitled "An Act to Promote the Sifety of Employes and Travelers on Railroads by Limiting the Hours of Service of Km ployes Thereon." The complaint chagos that neither by the art of March 4, 1907, nor any other act of the congress of the United States, has tho Interstate Commerce commission been Invested with authority and jower to re quire the making by the orator or any other carrier reports of the character called for and In consequence of such want of lower and authority the said order of the commission Is not a lawful order. Tho New H'aven company asks for an order calling upon the defendant to ap pear and show causo why the relief asked for should not be granted and also for fin order setting aside and nullifying the older of the commission and perpetually enjoining It from any action or proceedings thereon. The writ is made returnable in the circuit court the first Monday In Sep tember. BOMB UNDER ITALIAN BANK Uxplnaion In New York Believed to He Work of Black Hand Organisation. NEW YORK, July Si. Bomb throwers last night atempted to wreck the banking house of Salvator D. Aurla In Newark. They did not succeed, but managed to blow up tho big stone stoop leading to the bank. The explosion also blew out the plate glass windows of the saloon of Domlnlek 1!1U ne In the basement beneath it. Their was a panto tmonc tho five clerks In tiis bank, two of them were women. The explosion was heard at the second pre cinct station, three blocks away and the renorves ran out. They learned that two men had been seen to throw something with a light on the ond of It under the bank's steps a few minutes before the ex plosion occurred, CIUin who saw it be lieved it was a cigar, but the police are satisfied It was a bomb with a burning fuse. Aurla, the banker ond bis brother-in-law, eurchle. who lives In the adjoining house, have been noently receiving threatening black hand letters and have called the at tention of the police to It. It is believed tl at tne attempt to wreck the bank Is the outcome of their refusal to meet the de mands of the blackmailers. DEFENSE OF NORTHERN PACIFIC Comptroller Oray Hays Profits of lleorganlsers Were Only Three t and Half Millions. ST. PAUL. July 31. The cross-examination of H. A. Oray, comptroller of tho Northern Pcclflc railway, was continued toduy at the Minnesota rate hearing. Mr. Oray testified that In the Issue of new stocks and bonds for Ihe reorganization of 1S91, no actual vuluatlon of the prop erty or its equipment was made. In opening the book 4 of the company It was necessary to assume a valuation, tes tified Mr. Gray. Since the company had Issued to this Old bondholders bonds of greater face value at a lower rate of In terest than those which they surrendered ond given them along with these bonds preferred stock, the total amount of which eriutly exceeded the tmounl of old bonds. it was necessary that thrs accounts bal ante. The ne' result was that the valua tion taken by the company was llOO.OOO.Onn greater than before the it organization. On this tssumptl?n Urn proixity of the com pany wl'hnut tqu'pmetit whs placed at lsa.OCO.ooO, and h equ n.ent after depre ciation I12,00u,0u0. No spprjlsul or examina tion was made to arrive a, this valuation. A statement of the cost of maintaining the old securities up to the date of their maturity and the new securities until a corresponding date was taken up was made. In tht statement two errors In accounting were made by the state which In the aggregate amounted to J30.0nooon. Tho attorneys for the elate allowed for both errors and the paragraphs were stricken from the statement. Tho allowance for these two errors has no bearing on the ancunt of profit re ceived by the syndicate under the terms of the reorganization. The attorneys for the company admit that tha syiduate received the common stock share of the company which the stale cUlma at par value were worth $l.8T3,s). They maintain, however, that the syn dicate paid SIS per share for the stock and sold it at tl per share, aft-r holding It for aomo time, making a profit of only tl- per shars or about Cam ,'U0. and that the syndicate also received Su.Om) shares of preferred stock, which was then worth 800. making the total profits of the syndi cate about l.i.&AOOu. The Northern Pa cific case was then ac.lourned until August 17. Next Monday the Minneapolis & St. Louis - ase will begin. HAZEL DREW KILLED BY BLOW Coroner's) Jnry at Troy, N". Y., He tarns Verdict ol Violent Death. TROY. N. T.. July SI Coroner Strope to day made publics tils findings as the result of the Inquest Into the death of Hazel I Drew, whose body was bound In Teal pond on July 1L The finding U that death caused by "extravasation of blood In the dura mater, caused by a blow on the bead from some blunt Instrument In some niaiAer unknown." The chief of the detective bureau says there are still clues that rjave not been fully foUowe4 out. and be hopeful of resuJU, SUMMARY OF THE BEE 5nlnnlar, Ancnat 1, lfOS. 1908 (Jbi&r- 190S 190S f&. S3? t 8 U J 2 22 28 29 mo.y mL a a mr -.r 5 6 2 lb 9 t& 16 II FOR NEHKAI.-" .itrally fair and warnier Saturday For IOWA Get. -rally fair; warmer Sat urday In west portion. Temperature at Omaha i Dcg. DOMESTIC Miss Fola La Follette wants bank ruptcy proceedings of amusement com pany set aside so she can collect salary. Page 1 Bomb supposed to have been placed by Black Hand is exploded under Italian bank In New York. Page 1 Order to strike Is expected by complain ing switchmen of Lackawanna line fol lowing President Truesdale's refusal to confer. i Page 1 Government agents In Chicago are col lecting evidence for a suit to disrupt Harrlman system. Page 3 Two prominent Philadelphians are ln stanty killed when express train collides with t he auto In which they were rid ing. Page 1 New York, New Haven & Hartford road attacks nine-hour law affecting railroad employes. Page 1 ronsiON. The French government will try to sup press Federation of Labor as a result of the strike. Page 1 Race war is narrowl yaverted In Dela ware when soldier and negroes clash. Page 1 President Cnstro of Venezuela demands apology of government of the Nether lands. Page 1 POIiDITICAX. Trogram for Bryan notification at Lin coln will begin at sunrise and last until dark. Page I Chairman Hitchcock goes Into confer ence with New York leaders over political situation. Page 1 West Virginia democrats adopt plank disfranchising the negro. Page 1 NEBRASKA. Assistant City Electrician Fellers of Hastings disappears and a niece of his wife Is also missing. Page 1 SPORT. Scores of yesterday's base ball games: Western League 1 Omaha vs. Sioux Cltv 0. 8 iitnww va. iea Mom 3 Lincoln vs. Pueblo 2 National League 8 Chicago vs. Boston 1. 3 Philadelphia vs. 0. I) New York vs. St. Louis 5. 6 Pittsburg vs. Brooklyn 2. American League 4 Chicago vs. Ws-shlngton 1. 4 St. Louis vs. Philadelphia 2. 16 Cleveland vs. New York 3. 6 Detroit vs. Boston 2. American Association 7 Columbus vs. St. Paul 0. 2 Louisville vs. Milwaukee 1. 4 Kansas City vs. Indianapolis 2. 3 Minneapolis vs. Toledo 1. Page 11 MOTEHESTS OP OCX AW STEAMSHIP 8. Port. Arrived. Balled. .Celtic. .La Touretne. . P. F. Wllhelm. NKW YORK Patrols NEW YORK NEW YOKK LualUnl MAVRK 1.1 Provencs... HAVRK Klond... -. (JIEF.NSTOWN GfEKNSTOWN QI'KRNSTOWN GENOA TRIiJsn'E Laurs . .. Haverford. . . ,.1'mbria. . ..Adrlallo. ... He d'llalls. HERE'S A WISJEJJOG CATCHER Tarry town Official Calls small Iloys to Ilia Aid In ICxterinlna tlna' Cure. NEW YORK. July 31. Tarrytown, like every other town, has more dogs than Is good for It. The problem of getting rid of them has been a serious one for pound- master William Martin, and as the dogs have not disappeared as fast as the people hlnk they should, he called in the small boys to help him. To this end he had ad vertised In the Tarrytown News, as fol lows: Dogs Wanted To any boy, who will bring me a dog, 1 will give him six tickets for the moving picture show that will give him an opportunity to enjoy himself every night In the week. V llllain Martin, Poutidmuster. Martin gets $1.26 from the village for each dog he kills, and as the tickets only cost 26 cents, he expects to make C!5 a day. The boys are now scouring the village for dogs and they say when the supply In Tarrytown runs short they will go to other villages and bring them in. The moving picture show Is also reaping a harvest, as the small boys are filling the hall nlfl.tly. MISS LA FOLLETTE WANTS PAY Daaghter of senator Asks to Set Aside Bankruptcy of Amusement Company. CHICAGO. July Sl.-Or. behalf of Ml Fola La Follette, daughter of I'nlted States Senator Ld Follettee of Wisconsin, a motion to set aside the bankruptcy of the Will J. Block Amusement coirrpany was filed In the I'nlted States district court yesterday. That she was engaged to play a role In a production that was never staged and as a result of which she failed to receive weekly stipend of 150 is alleged by the daughter of the Wisconsin statesman. Miss La Follette avers she was employed for a period of thirty weeks to star In the pro duction. The amusement company not only failed to produce the play, but forgot to release Miss La Follette from her contract, and the season passed before the young aelrest was able to obtain other employment. There were vague promises of good things In other plays. MUs La Follette alleges, bu none were forthcoming and the amuse ment company went into bankruptcy with out the young woman's knowledge, she de clared. Forr al of this Miss La Follette claims damages. Uallaln- Persalta. George M. Baler, 1J4 South Twenty eighth avenue, frame dweling. 11,100: I. B Kosot. Thirtieth and Frederick streets. vr Hour v - i 5 a. m 61 Yv? 6 m 61 f&TijEjS 7 a. m 62 yVr 8 a, m "65 -jrNdA 9 a. m ffi TitfJ-" 4p 10 a. m 71 X U a. m 75 f 12 m 78 lip 1 p. m.. 78 i''e 2 p. tn 81 3 p. in. 1 81 irame awetuui, smi. DEMOCRATS AGAINST NEGRO Bryanites in West Virginia Adopt a Disfranchisement Plank. NO VOTE TOR THE COLORED MAN Extension of Franchise to Negroea De ounccd as a Crime hf the White Men Who Sap port Hryan. CHARLESTON. W. Va., July SO. After an all night session the democrats of West Virginia, in convention, nominated Lewis Bonnet of Lewis county as governor at 4 o'clock this morning. The convention has struggled for hours over the only two planks In the platform that were not unan imously provided. These two planks were the negro disfranchisement and "Jim Crow" planks, which, after the resolutions committee had reported them favorably, were made a part of the platform amid scenes of wildest excitement this afternoon. The text of the negro disfranchisement plank is as follows: Believing that the extension of the elec tive .franchise to a race Inferior In Intelli gence and without preparation for the wise and prudent exercise of a privilege so vital to the maintenance of good government was a mistake. If not a crime, committed by the republican party during the reign of passion ami prejudice following the civil war for political ends and purposes, we de clare that the democratic party Is In favor of so amending the constitution ss to pre serve the purity of the ballot and the elec torate of the state from the evil resulting from conferring such power and privilege upon those who are unfrrted to appreciate Its Importance as It affects the stability and preservation of good government. We favor the ens tment of a law requir ing common carriers engaged In passenger traffic to furnish separate coaches or com partments for white and colored passengers. The following is the state ticket as nominated by the convention: Governor, Louis Bennett.' Lewis county. Secretary of state, Adam B. Llttlepage, Kanawha county. State auditor, Oscar Jenkln. Wood county. Superintendent of free schools, I. B. Hush, Summers county. J. A. Miller of Ohio county was nominated for treasurer on the fifth ballot at 1:50 o'clock this morning. After completing Its ticket by naming E. II. Morton of Webi-ter county, for nt torr.ey general, and Howard Llewellyn Swisher of Monongalia and Bruce Mc Donald of Logan, for presidential electors, the convention adjourned sine die at 5 o'clock. Just before adjournment, n reso lution was adopted proldlng In the future the members of a national committee be chosen by the convention that elects del". gates-at-largn and not by the delegate! as in the past. The present national com mitteeman, John T. McGraw, seconded tha resolution, which was then adopted un animously. PROGRAM FOR BRYAJT DAY Notification Ceremonies at Capitol Will Be Strictly Nonpartisan. FAIRVIEW. LINCOLN, Neb., July 31. The uaremonle.s August 12, attending the notlffation of William J. Bryan of his nomination for the presidency will he strictly nonpartisan. This decision was ar rived at after a conference of Mayor Brown, National Committeeman Hall, Gov ernor Sheldon and a committee of citizens of Lincoln. It has been concluded that there will be no parade of marching clubs. nvltatlons will be at once extended to II state and county officers of Nebraska nd ajolntng states, and to citizens gen erally to attend the notification. The program as completed Is as follows: Sanrlse Salute of forty-six guns by Colonel Malone's battery. 10 A. M. Band concerts In capltol grounds and government square. 12 M. Luncheon to tne notification committee. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Kern at the Lincoln hotel. 1:30 P. M. Committee accompanied by Messrs, Bryan and Kern and headed by a platoon of pollco and the Nebraska state band escorted In carriages to the capltol grounds. t P. M. Formal notification, capltol grounds. 4 P. M. Informal reception by Mr. Bryan In the state capltol building. 6:30 P. M. Dinner by Mr. Bryan to the notification committee at Fairvlew on the lawn. Mr. Bryan was up very early this morn ing continuing the preparation of his speech of acceptance, and It Is his Inten tion to have It completed by August A visitor asked him today what he thought of the proposition to adopt the tiger as a democratic emblem Instead of the donkey. I want flist to see the mule that Is com ing to me from Minnesota," raid Mr. Bryan laughingly, "before I dlxcuss any trade." PROTESTS ON MORE CANDIDATES Two Additional Claims Filed Against Demo-l'op Klectors. LINCOLN, Neb., July a. (Special Tele gram.) Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee, and national republican committeeman for Nebraska, has filed protests against R. N. Watzke of the First district and El O. Weber of the Fourth district, who have filed as candidate for demo-pop electors. The protests are similar to those filed against other such candidates. Sophui Neble of Omaha has filed as a demo-pop elector from the Second district. filing personally as a democrat and by petition as a pop. TWO ARE HELD IN GOULD CASE Sirs. Teal and Private Detective Must Cio Before Grand Jnry. NEW YORK, July SI. Mrs. Benjamin Teal, wife of a stage manager, and Harry Mousley, a private detective, were each held In Sft.OuO ball today to await the action of the grand Jury on charges against them of attempting subornation of perjury In trying to prepare testimony to be used In the divorce proceedings brought by Mrs. Frank J. Uould. Miss Julia . Fleming, a seamstress, who is also accused of having conspired to obtain false evidence against Mr. Gould, already has waived examlna tlon before a magistrate and Is held under ball. BOY FIREBBUG UNDER "ARREST Fit tren-Year-Old Lad Confesses Then starts Blase in Cell. ad CARTERV1LLE. Mo.. July SI. After starting several fires, one which destroyed the livery stable of R. D. Moore, and after trying to Ignite the clothing of Mrs. Will lam 81ms. Elxa Stringer, IS years old, was arrested yesterday. A number of fires had broken out, and always Just after the Stringer boy bad been seen about the building. The boy made a complete confession lata last right and after being led back to hs eell alerted a fire In the JuL CASTRO DEMANDS APOLOGY i Failure to Salute nd Attack oi Yfneaaelan Flag teasel Held lnantllnff CARACAS, Venezuela. Wednesday, July President Castn Iihs withdrawn the ex equaturs of The Netherlands consuls and vice consuls In Vcnemuela. Foreign Minister Paul today transmitted a note to The Netherlands government In which he recited what he terms the insults to Venezuela. He says: "In view of the gravity of events Ven exuela Is forced to advise Holland that It cannot continue friendly relations until Holland gives satisfaction for the injuries and Insults put upon Venezuela. These In juries and Insults are the offense of Min ister Do Reus, the fact that The Nether lands cruiser Gelderlund failed to salute the Venezuelan flag and the attack on the Venezuelan consul at Wlllemstad, Curaco, th violation of Ihe consulate and desecra tion of the consular shield." WASHINGTON. July l.-Caplaln Maxwell of the gin bout Marietta, which has been ordered from Porto Cortez to Celba, Hon duras, has been directed to investigate the circumstances leading up to the cancella tion of the exequatur of tho American and other consuls at that place by President Davila, and also to afford protection and refuge aboard his vessel for them if this should become necessary. ; TIPPERARY WELCOMES HAYES Thousands Greet Marathon Victor at the Home of Ilia Grandfather. Dl'BLIN, July 31.-John J. Hayes, tho New Yorker who won the Marathon race, was given a popular welcome when he ar rived last night at Nenagh, Tlpperary, the home of his grandfather. The platform of the railroad station was crowded with several thousand people, and when the train drew lr the athlete was greeted by the town officials. He was then seized by his admirers and carried shoulder high to his carriage to an accompaniment of cheers and the discharge of Innumerable fireworks. The horses were removed from the car riage, which was pulled triumphantly by the crowd through tho streets of Nenagh to the residence of the yourg man's grand father. Lawson Roberts n, the American spi Inter, announced tiday that the American athletes leol, in spite of the instructions of the Irish-American Athletic club of New York, that they are In honor bound to compete as agreed in the international athletic meet tomorrow, and consequently tho full team will appear. CRISIS IN FRENCH STRIKE Government Will Try to "oppress La bor Federation and Bitter Fight Expected. PAIRS, July 31. The rioting at Vlgneux yesterday has precipitated) rather a serious ltuation owing to the decision of the gov ernment to arrest the leaders of the General Federation of Labor and possibly suppress the entire organization onf the ground that It threatens public order.' The reports in the press agree that at Vlgneux the agi tators deliberately incited their men to prbvoke bloodshed and that the troops pa tiently submitted for hoT to Insults and stoning before they flred Tie conservative papers ur-ited In demanding the suppression of the General Federation of Labor us a revolutionary organization which is demor allzlng the country and terrorizing the people. The organization Is expected to fight bit terly for Its existence. During the night the lty was placarded with Inflammatory ac counts of what is called the "government's crlme,"caJllng for an extension and pro longation of tho strike. COUNT BONI GAINS POINT Month Added to Time He Will Be Allowed Custody of Children. PARIS, July 31. Count Bonl de Caste! lane was successful today in a supplemeni tary move In his light for the possession of his three children, who are now In tho custody of the Princess de Sogan, their mother. The court grunted the count the custody of the children for the month of August In addition to the month of Sep tembir. to which he Is entitled, under the divorce decree. This, the court did, be causu of. the fact that Count Bonl was de prived of the possibility of seeing the chil dren while they were In the United States this year In tho company of their mother, OLD-AGE PENSION BILL A LAW Both Houses of Parliament Pass Measure, Togrthrr with Irish I Diversities Bill. LONDON, July 31 The old age pensions bill rased the house of lords this afternoon In the form adopted by the House of Com mons. The bill was sent back to the com mons yesterday and the commons rejected the amendment adopted by Lord Cromer and other members of the upper houso. The lords also paused the Irish universities bill, so both measures are now laws. LORD ROBERTS PROSTRATED Field Marshal Succumbs to Heat and Much Alarm is Felt Over Ilia Condition. MONTREAL, July 31 Considerable con sternation has been caused by the an nouncement that Field Marshal Lord Rob erts of Kandahar has been prostrated by the heat and that all engagements for to day have been called off, although If It Is possible it is announced that he may attend the garden party to be held In his honor this evening. EXPLOSION WRECKS A TOWN ICvery Building; Dnmaiced and Several Persona Injured, Causing Loss of 9200,000. WILMINGTON. July 31. -At the mining town of Stafford. Raleigh county, list night 1(0 kegs of powder in a powder house ex ploded, nearly every building In the town being wrecked and several persons were seriously hurt. Several persons were blown out of their houses, but not seriously hurt. The cause of the explosion Is not known. The damage aggregates SAQ.OCO. Arrangements for State Fair. HURON. S. D.. July 31.-(Spclal. '-Committees on the necessary arrangements for the South Dakota State fair, September T to 12, have been appointed by the Commer cial club of this city. Large crowds are ex pected to be present and will be comforta bly taken care of. Free street attractions of the highest class will be offered every evening, and the main streets and cross ings will be well lighted by arches of In candescent lights.' AUT01STS KILLED BY TRAIN Two Well Known Philadelphia Men Meet Horrible Death. WERE SPEEDING ACROSS TRACK Knglne- Strikes Car In Center and Dodlea of victims Are Mangled by Wheels Beyond All Itccounlt ion. PHILADELPHIA, July 31. -Driving their Mg touring i nr across the Reading railway tracks at Hunting Park avenue In the northern section of the city. In front of an ln-bound express train late lust night, Charles Humphreys, chief clerk In the bureau of police, and Harry 11. Bromley, a prominent dealer in upholsterers' materials, were run down by the train and Instantly killed. Portions of their mangled bodies were seattcred along the traeks for l'X yards and except for the contents of their pockets, Identification would have been mlmost Impossible. The machine, which was owned by Bromley, Is a complete w reck. Eye witnesses of the accident say they heard the tooting of an automobllo horn nnd the next moment saw the big car come rushing down the avenue. A train was about to pass and the safety gates were down, but whether the men In the auto mobile saw them will never be known. The car crashed through the gates Just as -the train reached tho crossing. The automobllo was struck squarely in the middle and tossed In the air. Humphreys was thrown from the track and Bromley was thrown ahead of the train only to be run over again. The wheels crossed his neck severing his head from the body and cutting off a leg. Humphreys, when picked up, was dead. There was a large hole In his head and one leg was cut off. Humphreys was one of the most popular attaches of the department of public safety, In which he had held a place under many administrations. Fatal Accident in Chicago. CHICAGO, July 81. Carl Burton of Aurora, 111., a student at the University of Chicago, was probably fatally Injured In a collision between an automobile and a cab at Michigan avenue and Madison street early today. The automobile skidded as It struck the cab and the Impact threw Birr ton Out of the car. He suffered a severe wound on the forehead. The other occu pants of the car were only slightly hurt. They were detained at the central police station. T. P. Henderson, who was driving the car, has gained local notoriety as the central figure In an automobile "speed war" at Glencoe, a northshore suburb. He was cited to appear in court In Glencoe today on a charge of speeding. Three weeks ago a young woman riding In Henderson's car was shot by a Glencoe constable who was endeavoring to arrest Henderson for speeding. SOLDIERS AND NEGROES CLASH It ace War Narrowly Averted at State Encampment of Delaware Guard. REHOBOTH. Del., July 31. State militia men encamped near here and a crowd of negros of the vicinity, engaged in a riot last night In which one man sustained a fractured skull and may not survive, and more than a score of others were Injured. The trouble began when some of the mem bers of company H, First Delaware regi ment of Newcastle, were standing around a merry-go-round. There were some words between colored by-standers and the sold iers, and one of the colored men hurled a brick, which struck a private on the head, fracturing his skull. Instantly the soldiers, taking their arms, began pursuing every colored can they could find. The colored people sought refuge under porches, on top of roofs and even In trees, while the enraged sjldlerj sought high and low for them, Intent on vengeance for their Injured comrade. Governor Lea, who Is In camp, upon learning of the disturbance, took active means to queel it. He sent a detachment of fifty soldiers to arrest the man who threw the brick and then dispatched officers to pacify the enraged soldiers. Finally quiet was restored, but not until more than a score of persorjs had been Injured. The man who threw the brick has not yet been captured. Some of the soldiers may be arrested. MAY UNEARTH BIG SCANDAL Investigation of Coolie Smug-Kilns Said to Involve Immigration Officials. SAN FRANCISCO, July 31. Startling revelations which., It Is estimated, may Involve Immigration officials at Pacific coast ports and along the Mexican border are expected as the outcome of an Invest! gatlon now being carried on by the federal government of the Illegal entry of Chinese and Japanese coolies Into this country. Prof. Fernando Sanford of Stanford unl varsity, Is also one of the men appointed by the president to Investigate the im migration conditions. He has arrived here after months of work along the Mexican border and It U said that the report signed by Sanford and other Investigators and forwarded to Washington makes In teresting disclosures as to the number of coolies smuggled over the line. The various Investigating commissions are now gathert'd here and looking Into the matter locally. Prof. Sanford said yesterday that so fur no Information of Importance had been obtained, but It is reported that 1 ring of coolie smugglers has been d!s covered, which Includes some big mer chants of Chinatown and that this organ! zatlon has been carrying on a regular business of raising funds to aid in tho smuggling operations. COTTON CROP IS IMPROVING Average Condition rt:t Per Cent, Alaiost Two Per Cent Better Than Month Ago. WASHINGTON, July 31. The average condition of cotton was S3 per cent on July 25 as against 61.2 a month a go and 75 a year ago today, according to th report of the Department of Agriculture given out today. The condition of July 25 of previous years was kit in 13. 74 In lDui and U.4 for the past ten years. The condition of cotton on July 25 and the ten-year average in Missouri were 88 and M, and in Oklahoma 6i and 85. Arkansas Governor la 111. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 31. Governor John 8. Little of Arkansas has been placed In a sanitarium heie. He has been suffer ing from a nervous breakdown almost evur since his election, which baa developed acute melancholia. Hi cendilWO la not encouraging. STRIKE ORDER IS EXPECTED President Trnrsdnle ot l,arknirannr j lie ruses Conference to Com plalnlna Itrhnieii. . SCR ANTON, Pa.. July Si.-President Triesdnle today refused the switchmen's request for n conference on the troubles on the Buffalo division of the Delaware. I.nckawnnnn Western railroad. Grand Master llawlry of the Switchmen's union sahl afterwards that a strike declaration seems Intvltahle. After receiving President Trtiesdale's re fo:l, the grievance l"nrl went Into execu tive session to discuss the p-oprletv of bringing In outside Influences to avert n strike. This Is the first time President Truesdnle has refused to meet a committee of the road's employes and his answer has cast gloom over the committeemen who were confident that he would meet with them and listen to their side of the dis pute. Arkcd when n formal strike order would he Issued, Mr. Hnwlr-y replied that It will rot enme tedny. He admitted there Is small hope ,f nvnldlng one. NEW YORK, July 31. The cloakmakers, It Is announced, are preparing for their first general strike In fourteen years. President Abraham Rosenberg of the In ternational Women Garment Workers' union, with which the cloakmnkcrs union Is affiliated, says that the strike will af fect from 25,000 to 30.000 workers, Including about lO.cno women. "Iwist year." he said, "they were earn ing from Jls to a week and now they are making from $7 to JS a week. Some of them nro making far less, and the women average $3 and 14 a week. About 65 per cent of the cloakmakers are working, some on whole and some or part time." HASTINGS OFFICIAL MISSING At the Same Time Niece Disappears and Omaha Police Are Notified. HASTINGS. Neb., July 31-(Speclal Tele gram.) Assistant City 1517trlclan (. Fellers and Goldle Alexander, his wife's niece, disappeared last night ond It Is be lieved they have gone to Omaha. A couple answering the description of Miss Alex ander and O. Feller boardid a livery automobile at the outskirts of the city last night nnd were taken to Chapman, where they registered at a hotel as hus band and wife. This morning they boarded an east bound Union raclflc train, pre sumably with the Intention of going to Omaha. Mrs. Cecelia Alexander, mother of the girl, has asked the Omaha police to arrest them. G. Fellers and Mrs Alexander's sister were married two years ago. It was recently noticed that G. Fellers displayed an affection for Miss Goldle, who Is 18. He left a note at lila home yesterday after noon saying that he was going away and that he knew where Goldle could be found. The Omaha police were notified Thurs day night by a telegram from Hastings to watch for the couple. The trains were watched, but the couple was not seen. At 10:50 Friday morning the Omaha police received another message from Mrs. Fel lers that the couple had stayed at Chap man all night and 'aken the 4:56 o'clock train for Omaha. The police hastened to tho depot, but tho train had arrived fif teen minutes before they reached there. The depot policeman, however, said he waa sure no such couple had alighted from the train. AIRSHIP TO EVADE CUSTOMS Flying Craft as Aid to Smugglers Be. Ing Investigated by Gov ernment. WASHINGTON, July 1. Although the United States has been slow to take up the balloon and aeroplane for army purposes, the probable future usefulness of these aerial craft In other directions is not being overlooked. The currying out of a tentative plan to connect several larne eastern cities by an aerial transportation line will depend largely on the success of Captain Baldwin's flights in his dirigible balloon at the Fort Meyer army tests. One of the interested spectators at tho trial will be Beekman Wlnthrop, assistant secretary of the treasury, who Is directly In charge of the customs sit via,'. At the present time the customs service depends upon the revenue cutter service to patrol tho coast and prevent smuggling of goods, but that the customs officials are giving consldL ration to the exigencies which may arise If aeroplanes became a value in the illegal importation of goods Is evi denced by the interest they are taking In the efforts of the army to make a great stride In aerial Invention. "While we have not had occasion yet to deal with a case of smuggling by means of arlul craft," observed Astdstant Secretary Wlnthrop today, "und while the use of air ships for such a purpose exists only in fic tion, It la essential that we look Into the future. I am going to make every effort to be present at the Fort Meyer tests." While the dirigible has been perfected to the point where several hundred tons of wight can be carried for twelve hours and possibly longer. It probably would be the swift ueroplane the smuggler would place reliance In to elude aerlul revenue cutters. MORE RACE TRACK MEN HELD Officials of Brighton llrach Associa tion Chanted with Aiding Gambling, NEW YORK. July 31. The Brighton Beach Racing association.- which concluded a raelnif meeting at tho Brighton Beach race track on Wednesduy, was Indicted by tho Kings county grand Jjry today on a churg! of aiding gan, biers to violate the new antl gambling lav. s. Indictments also were returned Jointly with the association against Christopher Fitzgerald, its president; William Enge. man, a large stock holder In the associ- , atl,m ",U Juhn Cavanaugh. formerly ujiri in it -mar-j 11 me u'-i 1 1 1 1 b rutK. l nfitr men have previously been similar chaiges. indicted on FLEE ACROSS MEXICAN BORDER General Ward el I Kidnaps Wife from Hospital and Threatens Death if separated. LOS ANGELES. Cel., July 31-Deter-mlned that he would not be separated from 1,1s wife, who Is an invalid and had been confined at the county hospital. Brigadier General DavlJ K. Wardrll, letlred, veteran of two wars, baa stolen her from the in stitution and rushed across the M. x lean border, where, he declares, he will live with her until death separates them. No at tempt wll be mailt to bring them back, as the officials say both threatened to end tlielr Uvea If forced to live aiiert. NEW YORK CAMPAIGN Chairman Hitchcock Confers with Leaders from Empire State. HEADQUARTERS AEOUT READY, Eastern Offices Will Be in Metropol itan Life Building. TAFT REFUSES TO CHANGE FLAN Declines Invitation to Speak Denver Exposition. at NEW CLUBS ARE ORGANIZED taudldatc Is Adilscd that Three MlHlum Howard Taft Babies Have Already Ap peared. NEW YORK. July 31. Frank II. Hitch cock, chairman of the republican national commute., today met the New York state leaders and dixcussed with them the situa tion here as it relates to the national cam paign. During the early part of the day ho met Herbert Parsons, chairman of the New Tfork county committee, William L. Ward, member of the national committee from New York slate, and Timothy I- woouruu, cnuirman or me state coiiyrni tee. These state leaders sought the con ference In order to present te Mr. Hitch cock their personal views of the co-opera tion they expected between national of. flcluls und the state managers. While Mr. Hitchcock declined to define his wishes concerning the question of renominating Governor Hughes his visitors gained tin Impression that he expects the state con vention to name the present governor aa candidate for another term. When Mr. Hitchcock was In the west he found dis tinct sentiment for Governor Hughes and that his nomination would strengthen the present ticket In other sections ot tha country. Frank B. Kellogg of Minnesota, who has been retained to assist In the prosecution ot the Standard Oil case, waa at the Man hattan hotel to meet. Mr. Hitchcock upon his arrival today from Washington. Mr. Kellogg Is enroute to St. I'aul after a con ference with Attorney General Bonaparte at Lenox, Mass. Kiistern Officers Almost Heady. The tenth floor of the tower of the Metro politan Life building, which will be occu pied as New York headquarters of the na tional committee Is receiving finishing touches today. A part of the rooms will be opened tomorrow and Mr. Hitchcock will have his office there until he goes to Chi cago about August It. He waa accompanied to New York by his assistant, James T. Williams, Jr., Ormshy Mcllarg, who wae counsel for the Taft forces In the conduct of contests before the national committee at Chicago, and a force of clerks. Mr. Mcllarg will travel through the west, aiding the statu committees tn the work for or ganizing for campaign work and particu larly In giving Instructions for polling voters. Taft Refuses to Change Plata. HOT SPRINGS, fa., July 31. Despite heavy mall which kept his secretary and: tbreo stenographers busy until late at night, Candidate Taft waa comparatively care-free today. He divided his work with, a game of golf In the morning and a ride with General Corbln aa a companion In the afternoon. Colorado wants Mr. Taft'a presence it; September, according to an urgent Invi tation, which came today from the man agement of the Interstate Fair and Ex position to be opened Labor day in Den ver, As the acceptance of the Invitation would mean an abandonment of Mr, Taft'a present plan to conduct his personal cam paign without travel, his regret were sent. Three Baby Tafta. Thiee baby "William Howard Tafta" have appeared in New York, Indiana and Illinois, nccuidlng to letters from the parents to the candidate. Euch baby will get aa aut gmph letter from the original beQfir of the name and perhaps something keMldes. The Hoosler was born while the re.bllcan nominee wna delivering his .spee. of ac ceptance. The jnrente of the Illinois How ard chose the name nearly a year ago, but not for political reasons; as their state ment Is that the boy weighed 254 pounds at birth. The New York baby la credited with the real "Taft smile." His futber, a pharmacist, writes: "Rrom the way tha youngster smiles every time I ask him If the rt-publlcun party la going to win, I am sure you will te our next president." New Taft Clubs. New Taft clubs wore reported from New York City, Philadelphia, Beaumont, Calif. ( Kendallvllle, Ind.; Knoxvllle, Tenn. (col ortl;) East Oarne, N. J. Mlddletown, Ohio; Laneaboro, Minn.; West Milton, Pm, Phoebus, a.; Cincinnati, Ohio and Wood stock, a. Thia dispatch from Samuel L. Powers, president of the the Middlesex' club of Bos ton, was received today: "Sitting by the shore of the lowt. resound ing sea, the Middlesex club today at Its annual holiday banquet sends you asur ance of Its affectionate regard and ad miration and of its certainty of your over whelming election." Many congratulatory letters on the ac ceptance speech were received by Mr. Taft today. Mr. Taft has not yet Indicated whether a reply will be made to Mr. liryan's comments on the speech. GUS EBERHARD IS INDICTED New York Clerk Who Killed Anal and Hobbed Her Body Charged with Murder. HACK EN HACK, N. Y., July 31. Oua Eb erhard, the New York grocery store clerk Alio recently shot and killed his aunt, Mrs. OlltlUe Eberhard. on a lonely country road here und then robbed her body of her llfe'a savings, was indicted today for murder la the fiist degree. Miss Ottillle Eberhard. who was also shot and wounded by her fouxln, and Chief of police Dunn were the only witnesses before the Bergen county grand Jury, which found the Indictment. Miss Eberhard mad her mother reached this country from Vienna only twa day before the tragedy. His trial was set for Septumber It. Dunn testified that Eberhard contemned to him. Murder TrlaJ Drags Out. PlEItUE. S. D.. July 31. (Special Tele gram.) While the state today brought out a lot of stiong circumstantial tr! deuce leilalr.lng toward the guilt of Au-rc-llu. Bowtii of the murder of Ketiitiir.e Killc, nothing direct has been developed. The case continues to draw the crowds to the court house at Fort Pierre end will probably take Into some Uaie next week before It la completed. i 0