Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Pirates Shut Out by Brooklyn; Cubs Win Two, Closing- in on Leaders; Sioux and Omaha Next
Holl'i Eapld Fire Oeti Omaha Game
from Denver 5 to 0.
thatoat A4mlal(rrtd to Grlsslles
Pats Pn'a Bays la Uood Spirits
to Tackle Darky, Who
Cornea Todar.
Omaha, I; Dsmver, 0.
..Another whitewash was administered to
the crippled Mountaineer! Thursday after
noon, whHt the Champtona slaughtered
them ti the tune of 6 to . Omaha took
every came In the aerlea from Denver and
Increased the lead tn the pennant chase
because Sioux City lost to Lincoln. The
real battle royal starti today whin the
famous Sioux and the - yhamplona meet
with Vlfitom park aa the battle ground.
Both of these tea ma have contracted tho
habit of winning to such an extent that a
lona win be a bitter dose to either.
Stinginess on the part of Hall with his
hlta waa the real cause of the downfall of
the Orlttltea. He allowed but six hlta and
kept them .scattered all through the con
teat ao that they could not be cashed In.
He u In two or three tight places, but
waa pulled out b' good Judgment and by
faat fielding back Of him.
Like a Lamb to Slaughter.
Vaclav Chabek waa choaen aa the final
lamb to go to the slaughter and he waa
given to undcratand that he was to get
his draw from the start of the game.
Flhrr waa the first up and with that tan
allxlns; way of hla forced Mr. Chab.k
to Issue him a pasa to first. Then Caraj
Kin, with the flrat of Lis three hlta and
Red was on- second. He made third when
a double play put King and Chicken out of
commiaalon fcud there died as Welch
popped one to Klnneally.'
Omaha made Ha frlst run In a freaky
aort of a fashion. Belden chopped a safe
one over, second, went to second on a
poest'd hall, to third on Franck's out from
Klnneally to White and home on a wild
.itch. Two battery errors thua contributed
Viiaterially In the first run.
Three hv a' nlll' waa the way the next
runa came in the. fifth inning and they
were about' aa freaky aa the flrat run.
Belden alrurk out and Franck hit on' to
Klnneally, which the long shortstop,'..' yn
to Dan Butler, fumbled. Before Klnneally
had time tp.. gather himself together Le
Brand hjt ' anoth' grounder to him and
he tumbled- that too. A wild pitch ad
vanced Franck: and LeBrand a base and
rial! struck out. Fisher waa next up and
he decided to try out Klnneally alsq. Hi
Nebraaha Contlnned.
Choice: 40-Acre Farm
Near Benson
Improvements consist of
gool 4-room house with brick
foundation, good barn, room
for 4 .horses and 30 head of
stock, ice house holding 40 or
60 tons of Ice; buggy shed,
ehlnken house, milk bouse,
and good wall and windmill. .
Land lays beautifully, almost
.evel, slopes sufficiently to
drain "well. Affords a beautiful
view In aft directions. Near
Hr.indeis' country home.
Price, HS.roO; part cash, bal
ance 6 years at Mi per cent
Investigate at once if you
want one of the nicest 40-acre
tracts in Douglas county.
George & Co.,
1001 Karnam St.. 'Phone Doug. 766.
(i0)-4 30
TWO KINKAID homesteads for sale; Im
proved; a bargain. Box 2, Anselmo, Neo.
120) Ms4 Six
$10 WILL, give you a start In the world.
Chance oC a lifetime. We sell -a farm
and two lots In the flowing well
district of Dimmit county, Texas,
I for fc.10, payable 110 monthly, no
r Imtsreat, no taxes for two years. Farm
ers are making from $2oo to friuu per acre.
Choice land, sweet wster( a California
climate. W rite for handsome Illustrated
PANY, Sad Antoi.lo. Tex.
U M422 Augl4x
BEST Investment In the world, 6,000 acres
Uraxonta county; every foot level and
tllable; richest land in the world! soil
.20 feet deep; nothing better for corn,
cotton, cane, rice and truck of all kinds;
lands adjoining producing 100 bushels
corn to" the acre; property between two
large oil fields, with fine oil IndlcaP.on;
must ae.ll at once; for quick sale only
$12.60 Ver" acre; V cash; balance one,
two, three years. M. M. Jackson, Lay
City. Tsx. (20) M41lx
entli Dakota.
Brown . and Edmuns counties. S. D.
i r.'e havo W choice quarters that we are
. ..' joing to sell cheap, and on easy terms.
' This la a golden opportunity. Write us
at once for full Information.
411 Bee Building. Omaha, Neb.
' ti M451
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Keafe H. K. Co., 1U01 N. i. Life Bid
NO DKLAV. i. H. Mi l HUN, -! 1ST
NAT. bAJK bLDU. i'tL. DOLU. U.t.
WANTED City loans and wai rants. W.
Farnaiu aUullI) Co., uJ farnam St.
(.El) C
(1(10 to Hf.OWJ mads promptly. F. D. Weed.
Wead bldg.. lata aud iaruaio. 22) A
WAN 11 City losbs.
Peters Trust Co.
' U2)-304
' Monty to loan ou
Onialm business property.
TaoMAb UKli.VN AN,
Bo4Hu 1. New York Ule Bid
fclVATi; MONKT t loan. S400 to
ah on hand; no delay. J. n. alierwooit.
tuit Bra.-ideia Bldg. (2 3u0
Private Money. uuo t t&.uua Low Kate.
It;) too
- ;
a,uvvcai' liAit-a ttemis, Faxton Blk.
JaONtV TO LOAN-rane Inveatmsnt Co.
M to iH) at current ratea.
V. H. THOMAS, 60S First Nau bank Bldg.
) iMNJEDj-
slLiHE3T price for id-
P'. vnttsa aud anuei
f .rANTKH- or 1 passe
hand furniture, ear.
a a use. tel. Douglas iitL
MiHluir automobile for
i any in un. Address avaa) Bee.
siv lull acrlptka. Must be A No. 1.
' " ()-41l I0X
hit one to the rlarht of the long boy and
then beat the throw to flrat, giving ""ranrk
a chance to score. Fisher and L'Biand
were given tho high sign for a double
steal and they pulled It off to refec
tion, LeBrand scoring. King wanted to
get Into the mlxup, so he made his second
hit of the day and drove Fisher home from
second. Autrey hit for two bases, but King
could only get aa far aa third and Welch
strufk out. Chabek struck out three men
tn the fifth.
Aaatla Appears en Scene.
Jimmy Austin was not able to get on
the bases until the sixth inning and then
he showed some foot work as well as
head work and brought home another
run. He made a can single and waa sac
rificed to aecond by Belden. Then to keep
up his reputation as the best base stealer
In the league he stole third, and ome
home on Ix-Brand's single. Hall singles
to right and LeBrand tried to go to third,
but a good throw by Caasady cut him off.
Hall was In a tight hole in the sixth In
ning with a base cm balls and two singles,
but a good throw by Austin to the plate
saved a run, and another good throw to
first retired the side.
Ducky Holmes and his Sioux will b
on hand thia afternoon. In addition to all
that It Is ladles' day.
The score:
All. It. H. O. A. E.
Fisher, If....
King. 2b ,
Aulrey, lb...
Welch, cf....
Austin, 8b...
Belden, rf...
Franck, aa...
IcBrrnd, c
Mall, p
3 1
.. 4
.. 4
.. 4
.. 4
.. 3
.. 3
.. 4
32 5 10 27 10
AH. K.
Waldron, cf
I. Helden, If
(VlKSHllV, l'f
White, lb
Jrwln, 3b
'Kruegcr, 2b
Kalusky, c
Klnneally, aa
I habek, p.
Corbett 1
Tota's 33 0
24 11
Batted for Klnneally In the ninth.
'Batted for Chabek In the ninth.
Runs 0 10 0- 3100 - 5
Hits 1 1 0 1 S t 1 0 -10
Buna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits 0 01002210-6
Two-base hit: Autrey. Passed ball: 7a
Husky. Wild pitches: Chabek, 2. Bases on
oalls: Off Hall, S; off Chabek, 2. Struck
out: By Hall. 6; by Chabek. 5. Left on
bases: Omaha. 7: Denver, 9. Double plays:
Klnneally to White; Chabek to Klnneally
to White. Stolen bases: LeBrand, Fisher,
jiAuatl.i, Krueger. Sacrifice hit: Belden.
Timet 1:46. I mpire: uavis. Aiienuunce:
Games Wanted by Hock Yards.
The Union Stock Yards Base Ball club
Wanted To Buy
We have a client who wants to buy a
40-acre Improved farm, within 10 miles of
Omaha -Quick action necessary.
Payne Investment Company,
1st Fl. N. Y. Life Bldg.
Tela: Douglaa 1781. Ind., A 1188
(23) 487 SI
WANTED Moderate priced horse and run
about; horse must be sound snd gentle.
Address Y 41. care Bee. (26) 43 SI
OR 10-ROOM house in West Farnam
district; reliable party; will pay 460
month and lease for 1 years. Address
D 825, care Bee. (26) M4S5 1
STOVE, FURNACE, STEAM and hot water
boiler repairs; water fronts.
Omaha Stove Repair Works
120A-8 Douglas 8t.
Telephone Bell Douglas WO.
Kitty Lafferty and husband to Wil
liam Taylor et al., lot 3, block W,
Florence I 850
Trustees of Chevra B'Nal Yisroel to
William A. Carney, 20x(KJ feet, ad
joining lot 4. block 52, Omaha 1
Bams to same, n4 lot 4, block 62,
Omaha .
Same to Anna Thomson, lot 3, block
63, Omaha
Same to Harry B. Whltehouse, 20x
Kit feet adlolnlna- lot 4. block 62,
Same to aame, t lot 4, block &2,
Omaha U'O
Carl and Olaf Johnson to John A.
Anderson, s33 feet lot 4, Coburn's
sub v 8
County treasurer to Ellery R. Hume,
lot 20. Kelly's add
John H. Harte et al.j administrator,
la E. F. Leary, lots 20 and 31, block
, Kountxe s 3d add t S00
Alma F. Cowger and husband to Lu
ther Hudson, lot 4. block 1. Claren
don J,0
City Havings bank to Raymond D.
Ward, lots Id and 17. block 6.
Paddock Plaoe; also s30 acres ne4
nrU IT'-lA-lll 1
Raymond D. Ward to City Trust and
Safe Deposit to., same a
James A. Burhaus and wife to Jonn
M. Calilwell, lots anu o, ana cs
lot s Hunt's subdlv 1
Frank Benbow and wife to Maynard
B. Copeland, lot as, diock I, (iar
Redlek'S add IM0
William O. Davidson and wife to
John A. Lyncn, lot iz, liock s, ur-
elmrrt Hill LC0)
Lida L.. Leet to Don J. Adams. nl
feet lot 1 and mau luei oi leei
lot 2, block . Park Place 1
John A. Creighton Real estate TO
Trust Co. to Airrea v . etyuney,
lot . block 1 Creighton's 1st add. . 1,000
Tukey Land Co. to Charles Ladd
Thomas, lots 17 and is, oiots i, J i-
tarami'H auhdlV 1
George C. Osgood and wife to Jacob
Kntleman lots 3 and , oiora oi.
original city of Omaha and strip 20
feet wde adjoining lot 4 1
Jacob Kotelman et al. . to Chevra
ll'N'al Ylaroel, lota S and 1 block
62. orlnlnal city of Omaha 1
Aaron Wolf and wife to aame. same. 1
Annie M. and Frederick E. Ken
drlck to Jscob Kotelman. same 1
Thomas O. legan and wife to Joseph
MeOuIn, lot 4. block 23. Benson 960
TNomas Dugdale et al. to John R.
Webster Co., sW, lot 1, block 30, orig
inal city of Omaha 4.2"0
Hastings & Heyden to Henry Boyce.
lot 12. block 6. Collier Place 500
Ellery R. Hume and wife to G. O.
Wallace, lot 17. block 2, Monmouth
Park 1
County treasurer to Ellery R. Hume,
lot 8. Oeorire F. Paul's subdlv
Malvina S. Miller and husband to
Hans Johnson, sr.. lots 3 and 4.
block 14, Halcyon Heights
F. R. Silts snd wlfu to Hattie L.
Hume, lot 24. Keller's add 26
David F. O Keeffe and wife to Paul
ine Prince, lots 12. 13. block 20. Wil
cox 2d add 300
Pauline Prince to David F. O Keefe.
lots 11 and 13, block 20, Wilcox 2d
add .
Total !
Saipresa Saa of ths Atlaatlo
alllnss, (Quebec LlverpOuL
10 fcurop. July 14. 24.
August 1. T. II, l. ii,
rrom Europe. Aug. f. 11. tl. 24.
September 4. . n, is
Ratea: 1st cabin, tw up: 3d cabin. Ua.TI
On class, H6; Third elaaa, H1T4.
Ask any II at t agent for particulars or write.
nmAXa AaiaTT,
Ut S. Claotk tstieet.
stcage, Hi,
Standing of the Teams
W.LPct. W.L.Pot.
Omaha 66 4" MH Indianapolis 4J
Sioux City. .57 40 .oH Louisville 44 jfcl
Ilncoln ,...fi2 46 .6.Hii Toledo MR 4o .W4
Denver 4! 61 .4.0(Columhus AH .141
Puebln 40 67 .41.1 Minneapolis .4s M .453
Des Moines. 24 67 ,374Mllwaiikee ...41 5 .4 3
I KansRS City. .47 57 ,f.2
St. Paul ....81 73 .I3S
W.L.Pet.l . W L Pet.
Detroit ....57 31 ..v,j Pittsburg ....6o 36 .tint
St. Ixiuls ..65 3 54 3 .6 0
Chicago hi 41 ..V New York. ...6:1 :i ,bm4
Cleveland ..'I 4J .6 7 Philadelphia 4 40 .5 5
Philadelphia 44 io AH, Intlnnatl ...44 .5iH
Bosion i 50 .45. Huston 4 61 .440
Washington An im Brooklyn ....33 b6 .376
New York. .32 6 .,iSt. Louis ... .31 a .341
Western league Sioux City at Omnha,
Pueblo at Lincoln, Deliver el Des Moines.
National League Chicago at Boston,
Pittsburg at Brooklyn St. Louis al New
York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
American League Washington at Chi
cago, Philadelphia at St. IaiuIs, Boaten at
Detroit, New York at Cleveland.
American Association St. Paul at Colum
bus, Minneapolis at Toledo, Kansas Cay
at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at Loultvlila.
is anxious to book a bunch of games for
the balance of tne sea-son, eiiuer in or
out of the city, for Sunday and mid-week
games. Have no game lur uext buntlay.
write or 'plione G. S. Kennedy, manage!,
South Omaha. 'Phone ls3.
Double-llender at Lincoln Results
vll Even, Honors.
LINCOLN, July 30. Lincoln and Sioux
City divided anoiner Qouole-liaeuer touo ,
the score in each cue being 2 to 1. The
Greenbackers did the better batting, while
the Sioux excelled in the fielding, playing
Lbolh games without an error. Wasson out-
pltclied Cruther In tile opener, wtilcii went
to ten innings. Davidson a triple and Prlt-
chett a bunt gave Lincoln a score In the
intra, and the visitors tied it up on uamp
bell s hit, Wesson's wild throw, a secrlfice
and an Infield out. Sioux City was de
prived of another In the tenth when, with
Andreaa on third Granville on second.
with one out, Granville got In the way of
Hester s sare nit. Andreas was called hack
to third and was caught napping when
Gagnler worked the hidden ball racket.
Lincoln shoved in the winning run on suc
cessive nits Dy rriicneii. Mills, ounivan
end Jude.
Umpire Haskell refused to stay for the
second game, boarding a train for Des
Moines, and the use of players, Wasson
and Henry, made the contest a farce. Hen
drlx and McKay fought out a pitchers' bat
tle, Sioux City winning on two errors by
Fox and wlldness by Hendrlx. Lincoln's
only run was a homer, made by Hendrlx.
The ball struck Inside the lot, but bounded
over the fence. Score, first game:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Jude, If 4
Fox. Zb
Gagnler, ss.,..
Thomas, lb
Davidson, cf.,
Prltchett, 3b..
.Mills,- rf
fulllvan, c...
Wasson, p
36 2
2 If
AB. R.
Campbell, If 4 i
Holmes, cf S 0
Orecn, rf 8 o
Andreas, 2b 3 0
Granville, ss 4 0
Welch. Sb 3 0
Hester, lb 4 0
Henry, c 3 0
Crutcher, p 3 o '
Totals SO 1 S 'tH 0
Granville out, hit by batted ball.
-Lincoln 0 10000000 12
, Sioux City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
'..'1e'ba, hlt: Davidson. Two-base hit:
i Mills. Stolen base: Prltchett. Sacrifice hits:
J-lolmes, Welch. Struck out: By Wassgon,
J; by Crutcher,, 7. Bases on balls: Off
WAsson. 2. Hit with pitched ball: Crutcher.
Wild toltch: Crutcher. tt nn k... t i
f?lnL V. 8,?ult ty- 3- Tlme: Umpire:
j Haskell. Attendance: l.euo.
ocore, second game:
A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Jude, If
Fox. 2b
Gagnler, ss ..
Thomas, lb ..
Davtdsor cf
Prltchett, 3b
Mills, rf
Zlnran, o
Hendrlx, p ...
.. 4 0 0 0 1
4 0 2 3 2
3 0
Totals 29
4 27 15 3
A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Campbell, If .
Holmes, cf ...
Green, rf ....
Andreas, 21b .
Granville, ss .
Welch, 3b ....
Hester, lb ...
Shea, c
McKay, p ....
Totals ....
.. 6
.. 3
.. 2
.. 2
.. 3
.. 4
.. 4
.. 3
4 27 11
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 02
Andreas to Hester. Home
Stolen baaea: DavMatn
Sluox City ...
Double play
run: Hendrlx.
Holmes, Orecn. Sacrifice hlta: Gagnler,
Campbell (2), Grarvllle, Welch. Left on
oases: Lincoln, 8; Bloux C tv. . Struck
out: By Hendrlx, 7: by McKay, 7. Bases
on balls: Off Hendrlx, 6; off McKay, 1.
Wild pitches: McKay, 1; Hendrlx. 1. Time:
1:46. Umpires: Wasson and Henry. At-
lena&nce, i,svis.
Fifteen Scores Plied Ip by Indiana
with Ease.
DES MOINES, la.. July 30.-Pueblo ran
away witn the game In the first two in
nings today. Bates and Glllmore lasted
but that time In the box. Pueblo bunched
Its hits nicely and banged the ball with
men on bases. In addition, Des Moines
fielded In backwoods style. The feature of
the game was the hitting of Spencer, he
getting a perfect record tor the day. Nlo
hoff and Hogrlcver vied In fielding stunts
around third base. The score:
Flournoy, If.
Fltxpatrick, i
Dwye.r, lb....
Baiter, cf
Walsh, 2b....
Kelly, rf
Mehorf. 3b..
Wlart, c...
Bates, p
Ulllmnrv. p...
Bomar, p
4 1 I
43 6 16 27 19
AB. R. H
Hogriever, 3b..
Spencer, If
Patterson, 2b..
Mattlcks. cf...
Clark, lb
Miller, rf
Corftan, ss
Mltxe, c
Gslgano, p
Totals 30 15 14 27 14 3
Batted for Welgert in ninth.
Des Moines 2 0 1 0 0 1' 2 0 0
Pueblo 3 4 1 3 0 2 0 0 S-1S
Runs earned: Pueblo, 10; Des Moines, 4.
Two-base I, Us: Dwyer, Millei, Mattlcks.
Three-base hit: Corhan. Bases on balls:
Oft Glllmore, 2; oft Bomar, 6; off Galgano,
1. Hit by pitched ball: Ho mar, L Struck
out: By Glllmore, 1; by Bomar, 2; by Gal
gano, 4. Stolen baaea: Bader, Walsh. Mil
ler (2), Mitxe. Spencer (2i. Mattlcks. Double
play: Nlehoff to Welgart. Sacrifice hits:
Flournoy, Nlelfoff, Hogrlever. Mattlcks.
Corhan. Time: 2:10. Attendance: boo. I'm
pure: Black.
Golfers at ta Coaulry t'lab.
The golfers at th Country club will con
test for the fourth play of th Directors'
cup Saturday afternoon. Th play will be
handicap match, with tn man with low
score having his nam ansravad on the
cup. A week from Saturday th club
onarapionsnip win t piayea. Th quali
fying round will be an elghteen-hol medal
play, with eight to qualify. The eight
qualifying will play off at match play, the
finals to be played before August 14. The
finals will be at eighteen holes and the
champion and runner-up will both receive
Us Tea want ads to boost your business,
Tigers Bunch Hits with Errors of the
Home Trssi Plara Perfect Ball
Every Time Ita Twlrler Is In
Danger Other American
I.raiD liaraea.
DETROIT, July 30. All of Boston's er
rors were mixed with Detroit's hits and
helped In the scoring, while Detroit played
perfect ball when there was danger to its
pitcher. Young was strong with men on
hoses and many of the hits were wasted.
Both sides did some great bits of fielding.
AU H.O.A G . AB.H.O.A.R.
Mrlntrre. If.. 4 1 3 0 M'Connoll, Jb 4 i i 4 0
Srluofer, h . 4 t 3 I l Lord. Jh I 1 1 1 1
frswford. cf. I 0 9 OfulltTsn. cf.. 0 1 1 1
f"bb. rf 4 3 3 1 PCrlh, rt... J I 0 1
Rnwimsn, lh. 4 I 0 oThnney, If.... I I t 0 0
Cnuhlln, 3b. I 1 i 1 OStakl. Ib. ... . 3 1 1J 0 1
SihmlJt. c... I 1 4 OWnsner, us. ..4 14 3 1
l-nwns. In 10 14 Ul'rlner, e
Kltllan, p.... 3 0 0 3 OTouns. p
Totals SO IS JJ IK liarri(an
3 0 10S
3 0 0 8 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
Totals 3D I 21 18 3
Batted for Crlger In ninth.
Batted for Young in ninth.
Detroit 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02
Two-base hit: Schaifcr; Three-base hit:
Cravath. Sacrifice hits: Crawford. Coneh.
Iln. Downs, Ixird, Sullivan. Stolen l:ise:
Schaefer. Double play: Lord and Stahl.
Left on baee: Detroit, fi; Boston, 7. Bases
on balls: Off Kllllan, 3. Struck out: By
Kllliara. 2; by Young. 1. Time: 1:40. Um
pire: fc.vans.
Senators Dent White Sox
CHICAGO. July 30. Washington defeated
Chicago today, 6 to 4, by a fine ninth In
nlr.g rally. Four short singles off White
and a slinging drive off Walsh scored three
runs In the last session. DoUKherty's triple
cleared the bases In Chicago s half of the
seventh. Score:
Milan, cf t 3 2 0 0 Matin, rf 5 0 1 0 0
(ianler. It 4 0 1 0 OJnnea. 0 3 0 5 0 0
lymer, If.... 1 1 0 0 0 Ilouaherty. If 4 1 0 0 0
t'nglajb, lb., 3 1 13 1 0Anlerann. lb. 3 1 10 0 0
Pickering ..110 0 1 Davis, 2b 4 0 3 t l
Framan, lb . 0 0 3 0 C Parent, sa...,3 3 10 1
Delehanty. Ih S 0 J I ftsulllYan. c.,. 4 0 4 I P
Krtmn'da'n. ifl I I 0 tL.Tnnehlll.8b 4 112 0
McBrlde, as. . 4 0 3 4 0 White, p 1 1 0 i 0
trset, c 4 1 0 I Walh, p 0 0 0 1 0
Schlpke, 3b.. 4 2 0 ? O'Donohua ...10090 1031
Hughe, p.... l lilo Totals. .....88 7 27 11 0
Totals 3D 1.1M6 19 1
Batted for Walsh In ninth."
Batted for Vnjdaub Irs ninth.
Davis out; hit by batted ball.
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0.0 3 0 04
Washington 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 36
Two-base hit: Kdmundson. Throo-rmse
hit: Dougherty. Hits: Off J. Tannehlll, 2
in four Innings; off Hughes, 6 In five in
nings; off White. 12 in eight and one-third
innings; off Walsh, 1 in two-thirds of an
inning. Double plays: Hughes, McBrlde
and Unglauh; Sullivan and Davis. Left
on bases: Washington, 9; Chicago, 6. Bases
on balls: Off Tannehlll, 2; off Hughes, 8;
off White, 2. Struck out: By White, 6;
by Hughes, 1. Wild pitch: Tannehlll. Time:
2:15.. Umpires: O'Loughlln and Hurst.
Browns Win from .Athletics.
ST. LOUls, July 80. Wallace's single
and triples by Ferris and C. Jones' netted
two runs In the second Inning and gave
St. Louis a lead Philadelphia did not over
come. The locals won, 6 to 1. Dygert
was hit hard with men on bason. Score:
AB.H.O.A E AB. H.O.A. at.
Stone, If I I 3 0 1 Hartsel, If... 3 0 8 0 1
Hartaell, rf . 4 1 1 0 6 E. Collins, 2b 4 1 I 4 C
Williams, lb. 4 0 1 t 0 Karla, lb ... 4 0 11 0 0
Wallace, ss. . 1 18 1 0 Murphy, rf... 4 110 0
Ferrln. 3b t 1 1 1 UN'lihnla, aa... 4 1 2 3 0
C. Jones, cf. 3 t 4 0 0 J. CMMna, Jb 4 1 1 1 0
T. Jones, lb. 4 0 18 1 0 OMring. cf... 4 10 0 0
Bpanuer, C....4 1 1 1 UStmllh, . c.... 8 0 3 0 0
Howell, ...... 1 3 ODnert, ...... 3 ll 11
Totala 80 t 27 12 1 Totals M l!l 1 I
St. Louis ....0 2'0 0 12 0 0 5
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Three-base hits: Ferris. C. Jones, Han
sel. Stolen bases: Ferris, Stone. Double
Play: E. Collins to J. Collins, iell on
buses: St. Loula. 7; Philadelphia, . Base
on balla: Off Dygert. 6; off Howell, 1.
Struck out: By Howell, i; by Dygert, 2.
lime; 1:01. I mpire: (Jonnolly.
Ns: Win In Fourteenth.
CLEVEt-AND, O., July 30. Cleveland de
feated New York In lourteen Innings to
day. 3 to 2, scoring the winning run on
Bemls' sitiRle, Altlser's sacrifice and
Hlniliman's single. A catch by Delehanty
stopped Cleveland from winning in the
eleventh. Score;
AU.H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A. fl.
J. Clarke, II, I l 1 II C Conrojr, 2b... B 1 6 7 i
Bradlar, lb.. 4 til tKeeler, rf....S 1100
Turner. rf...,i 1 0 0 4 Chan, lb ( I 22 0
Lalole, lb.... S t 4 1 Hemphill, cf. 6 4 2 0 0
Stuvall, lb.... 4 0 16 0 fcMuriarlty, 3b. 6 1 2 4 I
Hernia, o t 2 14 1 ii Delphanty, If. 6 1 2 0 4
Altlarr. cf 4 1 3 J (i Hall, as 4 1 4 6 0
Hlnchman. ta & 3 i s blilalr, c S 0 0 3 0
bergsr, p.... 4 112 0 Orlh, p f 2 1 . u
Totali 47 1341 17 0 Totala 48 Ii40 ii "I
One out when winning run scored.
Morlarlty out; hit by batted ball.
Three-base rlts: Altlxer, Orth. Sacrifice
hits: Bergcr. Altlxer (2, Blair Morlarlty.
Stolen bases: Keeler (2), Conroy. Doublo
play: Ball, Conroy to Chase; Bradley to
Stovali. Bases on balls: Off bergcr 8'
off Orth, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Ber
ger, 1; by Orth, 1. Struck out: By Berger,
12; by Orth, l'. Tlmu: 2:i2. Umpires: sn'.-r-Idan
and Kgan. '
Oniahat and Sloox City Betrln Series of
Four Uamea Today.
Omaha and Sioux City begin a series of
four games today which ought to attract
more interest, not only In Omaha, but
throughout the circuit, than any scries of
the season. It may be too much to say
that on this series depends the result of
the pennant race, but it is not' too much
to say that the winner of these four games
will have a decided advantage in the re
mainder of the race. For Sioux City and
Omaha are about as near together as two
teams can be and the one that wins t Ills
series will put the other back Just that
much and have a nice lead on down tho
path to the tape.
Both teams are playing wonderful ball.
Each has been winning game after game,
and yet the margin on first place has not
been wider than one game for a long time.
The chances are the fans who see these
games will see the most closely contested
K Mines that have been played in the league
this season.
Pa Kouike snd Buck Frsnck, while not
underestimating the strength of Sioux City,
are confident of getting away with the
series. Omaha Is working like a well-oiled
machine. It has been strengthened by the
addition of Rhodes, the new pitcher, and
every man is playing great ball. The
team batting, bsse runniiut and fielding
are the best they have been for the season.
Omaha probably will pitch Rhodes In the
opening game with the Sioux Friday,
ladles' day. If he wins he probably will
pitch the last game of the aeries Sunday,
when a double-header will be played. Ha
san and Hollenbeck are picked now to
pitch the other two. Johnny Grinding, who
went to Kentucky to see a sick sister, is
expected back in time at least for the last
three of these games. Meanwhile KM Le-
Braml la working rine. The lineup:
Sioux City.
..First ....
. Second . .
.Third ....
. Shortstop
..left ......
..Center ..
..Light ...
.Catcher .
..Catcher .
. I'itcher ..
, . i Holmes
'. .Shea
..Pttctw ..
Sunders Pitcher
Ragan I'itcher
Hall Pitcher
Hooper Wins from Indians.
DODGE. Neb., July 3u. (Special Tele-
8 ram.) Hooper defeated the Waitblll Is.
tans here In a same today that wan
feature of the Dodge carnival. The score
waa 11 to 4. Batteries: For Hooper. Cross
sna jensen; lor inaians, Lie icy ana Walker:
Hits: Hooper, lo; Indians. 4. Errors
Hooper. 1: Indians. (. Cross keot the In.
disns from getting a single man to first
base until the seventh Inning. Wester
hoffer made a sensational catch at first.
t leg- Palls Red t load Through.
FTIANKLIN. Neb.. July n -(Special
Telegram.) Clegg threw the best game of
ball today for Red Cloud he has pitched
this season and won the game. This la the
first game Red Cloud has won from Frank
lin this year. The aanie tomorrow will 1m
the most closelv contested game of the
series, as over JMm was posted tonight on
the result. Score: R. H E.
Franklin 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 Ol 1 4
Red Cloud 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 6 3
Batteries: Clegg and Schoonover, Robin- I
son. Mitchell and Bohner. Struck out: By
neug. 15; by Robinson, ; by Mitchell, 3.
I nipire: 1 eery.
Minneapolis Wins from Toledo in
Twelfth Inning;.
TOLEDO. July 30. Today's game be
tween Minneapolis and Toledo went tweH e
innings, the visitors winning by a batting
rally. Wilson pitched a strong came
throughout. Score:
AB.H O AB. AR . H.O.A . K.
OTlor. aa a 3 j 7 t Harheau. sa.. 1 2 1 1
Krln. rt... 7 ISO (Hlnchman. !h 8 0411
O'Neill, cr... 1 8 0 n Armh'ster, rt 8 0 1
Welilay, If... 6 3 10 cf S 3 4 10
Block, e 3 1 j Abbnlt. r 4 0 I 0 0
O'Brlrn, 2b.. 4 3 3 & 0l.Lt.-r. lb ... 4 I II 0
Smith. 3h.... 1 3 t 0Klwrt. Jb.... 18 4 1
Clarke, lb ... I 1 12 0 i Mci'arthr. If. 8 0 4 1 1
Wllann. p till OOlllen, p 44480
Aaher, p 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 60 15 34 14 i
Totals 3 10 34 1 5
Toledo fl OOftflOOlOOO 01
Minneapolis ..0 0100000000 34
Left on bases: Toledo, II; Minneapolis. 15.
Two-buse hits: Elwert, Smoot, (2), Lister,
O'Neill, Block, Weldav. Three-base hits;
Smoot, Oyter. Double rlavs: Ovler, O'Brien
und Clarke; Elwert, Htnrhman and Lis
ter; Hlnchman, Lister, Smoot and Ah
b.itt; Smith, Oyler. O'Brien and Wilson,
lilt by pitcher: Abbott. Base on. balls:
off Ulllen, 6; off Asher, 1; off Wilson. 3.
Sacrifice hits: Hlnchman, Smith. Stolen
bases: Barbeau, Aniibruseter. Oyler.
Struck out: By Wilson. 9; bv Glllen. 2.
Hits: Off Glllen, 15 In eleven ami one-third
Innings. Time: 2:30. Umpire: Owens.
Kansas City Wins In Mnih,
INDIANAPOLIS. July SO.-Kansas Cltv
punched hits In the ninth today, defeating
Indianapolis, 6 to 3. Score:
Hallman. If . . 3 0 2 0 Onimh. sa 4 0 0 7 I
Cro. s 4 I 8 7 I Davlilans, cf, 8 0 8 0 0
Sullivan, c... 4 I 1 i c Hanien. rf...4 0 1 0 0
Nelahhora, rf 4 1 0 1 l Llniter, l-2h 4 1 lj 0 1
Uraahear, 2b. 4 1 2 2 C Coulter. If... 4 0 1 J 0
Hill, cf 4 0 3 0 OMvlnaaton. t. 3 0 & 1 1
Downey, 3b... 4 1 1 i bWllllame, 2b. 3 0 1 2 0
Brown, lb.... 8 t 18 1 t Howley. lb .O 0 10 0
Esslrk, P I 1 1 1 OHopke. 3b.... 8 1 1 0 1
Durham, p.... 2 10 2 0
Totals 31 87 17 3Carr 1 0 0 0 a
Totals 31 8 37 11 4
Batted for Durham In the ninth.
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 25
Indianapolis .,..v..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
Two-base hits: Brown, Downey, Dur
ham. Llndsev. Struck out; Hv Durham.
2: by Kssick. 1 Stolon bases: Cross.
Nelhlmra. Left on bases: Indianapolis. ;
KansHs City, 10. Sacrifice hits: Brown.
Kwrck. Bases on bulls: By Durham, 1;
by Ksnick, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire:' Kune.
Distillers Bat Ont Victory.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. July 30.-Louisvllle
won the second game of the series from
Milwaukee totlnv bv battimr S.
hard In the third and firth Innings. Halla
was relieved by Poole after the locals had
secured a lead of ten runs. Score:
AB.H.O. A.K. AB.H.O.A.E.
Prrrlne. 2b... 4 1 2 4 ODohlnann. u a 8 1 n
Woodruff, If.. 4 0 1 0 0 Brown, lb 2 0 7 0 0
Stanley, cf...S 2 11 tiKoth. c 2 0 4 0 0
Harley, lb.... 3 13 1 1 Bevllle, C....2 111
Burke, 3b.... 4 3 0 1 1 Hanrtall. cf...4 110 1
Stovali, rf.... 4 0 2 0 0 Clark, 8b 3 0 14 1)
Qulnlan, ss... 4 2 1 8 0 Flynn, rf 3 12 4 0
Hughea, c.,. 4 3 4 1 0 Datxman, If . 4 0 0 0 0
Halls, p 3 3 0 4 0 M. -Crock 2h 4 1 a 1 II
Poole, p 1 0 0 1 ischncllien. d 1 0 0 A i
Curtis, p 3 1 0 0
Totals 38 14 27 14 2
Totals 82 7 34 IS I
Louisville 0 0 3 0 8 1 0 0 10
Milwaukee ,0 000000121
Stolen bases: Clnrk. Rtirkn Rnerm
hits: Brown. Two-base hits: Flvnn, Halla,
Hoblnson. Three-baso hits: Curtis. Struck
out: By Halla, 2; by Schnelherg, 4; by
Poole, 1. Bases on balls: Off Halla, 1;
t,ii m nneiuerg, ot I'oole, X. jut by
pitched ball: Flynn. Wild pitch: Curtis.
Hits: Off Halla, 2 in 6 Innings; off Schnel
herg, 12 in 6 innings. Time: 1:35. Umpire:
Colambn Piles fp Bis; Score.
COLUMBUS. Julv 3li. Manager Rlrw.rl r.t
St. Paul fielded miserably in today's game
and his playing started Columbus toward
most of the sixteen runs. Kroner's stop
and throw to Ruldy, retiring Nee at sec
ond, was the best bit of fielding.' Taylor
quit the game after Columbus had a 13 to
i ieaa. acore:
AB.H.O.A.E. An.H.O.A.E.
rrlel, 3b 6 0 I 4, cooler. .If..,.. 4 I 1 0 0
unwell, cr...,4 13 0 (Hood, !b-lb . 4 2 4 2 4
Kruser. If.. . 8 12 1 0 Wheeler. l-2b'4 14 3 0
tonsalton, rf. 4 1 0 0 ODarla, rf 4 0 2 0 0
Jamea, c 4 8 4 0 ('Runkle, C....I 0 3 0 1
Halrtr. c 4 3 2 1 OTIeniyer, 3b. . 3 112 0
Klhm. lb 4 111 0 f Nee, aa 8 1 1 1 o
" rmiey, in,, o a a 4 ouray, er 4 1 1 0 C
Taylor, p.... 2 0 0 0 OLeroy. p j o 8 1
lam, p.... u u i ouunieavy, p.. 1 0 14 o
Totals 37 14 27 11 0 Totala 32 II 2 17 a
I Columbus 4 0 1 0 8 1 3 0 16
i- am 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2
Bioivn Daaes: Frlel, Odwell, Kruger,
"'f, i'ttvis. cHcrince nits: unwell. Con
galton, Knidy,, Taylor. Two-base hit: din
galton. Double plays: Wrigley to Ruldy;
Bii-y iv, rvuiiii. jiu wmi .pitched nan:
By Leroy, 1; by Dunlavy, 2; by Harris, 1.
mruca oui: ii y layior, 2; Dy HarrlB, 2
Wild pitch: Harris. Balk: lroy. Hits:
Off Taylor, 6 In in five innings; off Har
ris, 2 in four innings; of Leroy, 8 In four
anu iwo-tnirus innings; off Dunleavy, 6 In
miee aim oiie-imru innings. Unm: 1:67
Umpires: Blrhalter and Kerln.
C. s. I'eters Defeats Conrad II. Young
of Omaha In Straight Sets.
CHICAGO, July 29. Semi-final matches
Were reached In both doubles and single.
In today's play In the western chumpion-
snip lennia tournament nere. The third
round contests were finished in oolh
C. S. Peters In the singles and Peters
anu iiayes anu r-mermm ana Waldner in
the doubles qualified for semi-linal
honors. Peters defeated Conrad 11.
Young of Omaha, 6-1. 6-3, while he and
Hayes defeated Bcrlbncr and Voung In
the doubles. 6-4, 6-4, 6-1. Emerson and
waiuner took their match from etroni;
and Brewster of Milwaukee. 6-1. 6-1. 6-.:.
The out-of-town players in singles were
all eliminated with the exception of Tiux
r.inerson or Cincinnati, who won from
Thomas Brewster, 6-1. 6-2. Paul l.
Gardner defeated Dr. Karl Little of Cin
cinnati, (-2, 6-1, and J. Allen Ross took
his third round match from John T. bai
ley, the Oklahoma champion, 7-5, 6-4
Miss Florence Beardsiey Mrs. Maude
names. Mrs. rueever ana Miss Helen A
loung are tho seml-f Inallsts In the
women's singles a-) u result of today's
Ansley Shut Ont Second Time and
Ravenna Beaten.
LROKEN BOW, Neb., July 30 (Special )
Ansley and Broken Bow played their
second game yesterday which resulted in
another shutout fur the former, score, 12
10 u. iiroaen now nan everytning its own
way, scoring at ease and knocking two
pitchers out of the box. The feature of
the game was a triple play by Biok-n
Bow. All bases were filled an.i no uuli.
A terrific liner was knocked to Xandera
who caught it aud threw tn third an.l
third to secoml. Batteries: Broken Bow.
Xanders and Smith; Ansley, Jlagiit and
Broken Bow defeated Ravenna In a one
sided fame today by the scoie of 13 to 3.
Again Broken Bow knocked two pitchers
out of the box. The features ot the game
were the hitting of Xanders. who got
three two-base hits and a single four times
up. A home run was made by McOarthv.
Attendance, fM). Batteries, Broken Bow,
Swupe and Smith; Ravenna, bwijt and
Little Defeats t lothlrr and Alexander
Wins from .Mies.
BOSTON, July 30.-R. D. Little of New
York defeated W. J. Clothier, a former
national tennis champion. In a five-set
match that ass the feature of the singles
tollman. nt at Longwood this afternoon.
One of the featuiwa ot the tournament has
been the playing of F. B. Alexander of
New York, and this afternoon he added
greatly to hia glory by winning from N.
W. Nllea of Buston, aa Nilea bad woo the
flrat two sets and was far in ths lead
In the third. The most important match
lrt singles in the sttarnoon was that which
B. C. Wrlgnt won from G. L. Wrenn, Jr.,
of New York. After his defeat at the
hands of Wright. Wrenn paired with W.
A. learned, present national singles cham
pion, played against H. J. Holt snd H. A.
Foster, two local men. In what proved, to
be the surprise of lhat event, thus far.
Much to the astonishment of ths galle jr,
the two local men won the first to sets
lu deuce games. The match was postponed
on account of darkness, with Holt anj
Foster leading two sets to one.
The match of the day in the doubles
event was undoubtedly that In which B. C.
Wright of Boston, a former rstlonnl cham
pion, and R. P. Little of Now York de
tested I. C. Wright and H. Torrance, Jr.,
of New York. 6-2. G-S. 6-6. 6-3.
SPAMMI 41 F.KN Wl M. at- M.
nearer llnree Takes Classic Detroit
Slake After Hard Straaale.
DETROIT. Mich.. July 30. -With three
cf the six starters wlnt.lng heats, tho Wi
renewal of the Merchants' and Manufac
turers' trotting stake . proved one of the
hardest fought Since the Institution of the
event. The Spanish tjueen, owned by
George H. Eslabrook, Denver, won first in
the five-liertt plan of racing, although the
old-fashioned system would probably have
given tho honor to Alceste, driven by
Fully ll,ooo persons turned out and sw
the exceptional work on a fast track.
Fleming Boy, tn the stable of Dean, whose
entry won the Chamber of Commerce
stake, waa a strong favorite, soiling nearly
even with tho field. Fleming Boy led all
the way In the first heat, finishing an easy
winner, while Spanish Queen barely saved
her distance after a break. Next time
Spanish tjueen acted fnely and, collarlnp
Fleming Boy at the three-quarters, she
came so fast that ho broke and (rave the
heat to the Denver mare. A third heat was
a repetition. Fleming Boy was leading
past the three-quarter pole and left his
feet In the stretch, Spanish (Jucn Jogging
Fleming Boy showed them the way In the
fourth mile, breaking again in the stretch,
and this time, when Spanlslf yueen came
by she was attended by Alceste, that mare
beating her by half a length. Spanish
Queen took the lead at the half in the
firth heat, as Fleming Boy was tired, and
again In tho stretch Alceste rushed up and
beaf her In the Inst few yards.
Under the five-heat rule, Spanish Queen,
standing best In the nummary, took first
money and Alceste second. There were
cheers for the heat winners, also for Span
ish Queen and Driver Mackey, who was
presented with a floral flag.
The 2:10 trot Waa a great one. and Ham
burg Belle, formerly Sully Simmons II,
romped off with the first heat in 2:05v;,
equalling the best mile by mare this
year. Next time she broae and Sterling
McKlnney won. They had scored so much
that they were tired and the time was very
slow. Hamburg Belle came back strong
In the third heat, and driving Sterling
McKlnney to an early break, she won with
out effort.
Rcdbow further reduced her Terre Haute
record, handily beating a good field of fast
pacers In 2:H. Arthur J a recruit from
the hnlf-mlle tracks, won the opening event
handily, showing a lot of speed. Summary:
Pacing, 2:15 class, purse $l,OU0, three.
neais in live:
Arthur J., b. g., hy Eugene Ross,
nam by Happy Medium (Stokes).. Ill
Star Patchen. blk. h. (Snow) 2 3 2
Miss Castle, br. m. (Castle) 8 3 3
Shadeland Nutlear, b. h. (Cares) 4 4 4
our ivlhg, D. g. (Downey) 5 5 5
Gene Wltcomb, h. g. (Sprague) 6 6 6
Time: 2:(V4, 2:07. 2:09.
Merchants and Manufacturers' stakes.
$10,000 ; 2:24 trot, three in five heats:
Spanish Queen, b. m., by On
ward Silver-Elfin Dance, by
Wilkes Boy (Macy) 5 1111
Alceste. br. m., by Jaybird, dam
by Baron Wilkes (Oeers) 2 8 S 1 1
Fleming Boy. b. h., by Camera-Lottie
Day, by Disputant
mean) i
3 S 8 3
Bonnie Way (Laselle)
3 4 4 6 5
vandetta. br. h. (McCarthy).... 4
5 5 4 4
Florence C.. br. m. (Rrawlevl... rla
Time: 2:0R, 2:084 , 2:08, 2:07V, 2:074.
Trotting. 2:10 class, purse 11,000, two In
three heats: . t .
Hamburg Belle, b. m., by Axworthy
Sally Simmons, by Simmons (An
drews) j i
Sterling McKlnney, b. h., by Mc
Klnney (8liulor) 2 12
Susie N br. m. (Colbv) 7 2 6
Chimes Bell, b. m. (Titer) '..' 5 3 5
Munic, ch. h. (A. P. McDonald) 8 s 3
Goldbur, ch. g. (Essery) 4 4 4
Miss Adbell, b. m. (Lou McDonald).. 3 7 ds
Mochester, b, h. (Oeera) 6 5 ds
Time: 2:0514, 2:14. 2:074.
Pacing, 2:09 class, purse $1,000, two In
three heats:
Red Bow. b. m?, by Redfleld-Capltol
E., by Arrwood (McHaon) 1 1
Charlie Hal, b. g. (Snow) 2 2
Brenda Yorko, b, m (Nuckols) 7 3
Miss Georgia, br.- m. (Uerrlty) 5 4
Leslie Waterman, ch. g. (A. Mc
Donald) 4 6
Raoul, b. g. (B. Wilson) 6 "
William C, br. g. (Murphy) 10 0
Rushvllle, b. g. (Oalian) 9 8
Ehaughran, b. g. (Oeers) 8 9
Mayor Brino, blk. h. (Richie) 3 ds
Arrow, b. g. (Cox) ds
Time: 8:0414, 2:0R.
Illinois State Fair Races.
SPRINGFIELD, III., July SO.-The track
was fsst at the state fair grounds today
ami there were some good races In the
Great Western circuit. John Wilson, the
driver of Mylo W., was compelled by tile
judges to drive his horse out In the fourth
heat of the 2:24 trot, and he won the fifth
heat and the race. Until tills year he was
a plow horse 'on the farm of his owners,
Williams & Family, Charleston, 111. Re
sults: 2: trot, purse $700: Almeora won In
three straight heats, Bequlslta Boy second,
Miss Law third. Best time: t:V..
2.30 pace: John Ward won in three
straight heats, Exile Patch second, Wapsle
Wnre Uilrd. Beat time, 2:if!Yi.
2:24 trot, purse $70o: Mllo W. won fourth
and fifth heats and the race. Alva Dillon
won the second and third heats and second
money. Laura Junes won the first heat.
Best time. 2:144.
Plan for Relay Itaee.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. July So! (Spe
cial. ) A relay race for Young Men's
Christian association boys, a miniature of
the recently Very auccessful New York to
Chicago race, la to be run by boys of
aasociations of central Iowa early In Sep
tember. The event Is being omoted by
Secretary John A. Ooddell of the local
association, who will turn over the de
tails of arrangements to Physical Di
rector A. B. Dawson. The route has not
yet been selected, but It will either be
from Waterloo to this city, or fr,om Ot
tumwa through Onkaloosa to this city,
or from Keokuk through Burlington and
Cedar Rapids to this city. The finish Is
planned to be held at the fair grounds
during one of the days of the county fair.
If the Waterloo route is chosen It will
require 1H0 boys, but If the start Is insde
at Keokuk three times that number wl.l
be used.
American Car at Hanover.
PARIS. July 10. Ahe American car In
the New York-to-Parls race broke down
near Hanover, according to reports re
ceived here, and is making slow time on
Its way to Paris. It is expected to arrive
hers tomorrow night.
Pierre Defeats Fort Pierre.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Julv 30. (Special Tele
gram.) At Fort Pierre today the Pierre
ball team defeated the Fort Pierre team by
a score of i te 6.
The finest Summer drink in the
is a highball made with
BottUd In Band
Yon should hive bottle of
in your house all
Champions Pile Up Bif; Score in the
Boston Takes Lend In Fifth Inning-,
bnl Loses II In SeventhOther
Scores In the .National
BOSTON. July 30.-"-Chicso took a
double-header from Boston today, 13 to
4 and 6 to 3. The first game as easy
for the visitors. In the second they eto
favored with a close decision Slid won
out after Boston had a lead. Score, first
AO it
fllf. et. ... 4
Shfi-kar.l, It.. I
Chance, lh. . . 4
Kims. Ih I
T1nr. so. . . . 5
Steintel.U. 3b 4
llowar.t. rt. . . S
Hofrnan. tl . J
Ztm'rnian. 2h 0
Moran. .... I
Mrliall. r ..
Rrulraoh, p.. 4
Frawr, p 0
J l c n.tra. rf S
I 0
1 9 "IUhlen. sa ... I
I 0 Hanntfnn. t
I 0 VKrllr, et 4
1 I 1 M. Oann. lb. . S
1 2 tiHtloho t .. 4
1 0-nroaa. It... 4
1 I . PSweenay. Ib. . 4
too i,,m .,rn.n, e. S
I 1 Orv.mnr. . p . .. 3
3 ?l.ultea, V 1
1 1
1 1
1 3
1 It
0 3 'IMVaumonl
0 0 0 Fersuaon, p.
Total 41 t; :7 1. Totals t
l.i C
Batted for Boultos In the eighth.
Chicago 1 O H 3 3 3 0 0 013
Boston 0 1 HO 0 0 0 2 1 4
Two-base hit: Chatire. Sweeney. Home
run: StclnfeUlt. Sacrifice hits: Slieck
ard (2), Moran (2). Stolen bases: L bunco
(21. Howard, ll.'fman, Kelley. (i). Left
on bases: Boston, 10; Chicago, ii. Base
on bnils: ( iff Dorner. 1; olf Rcnlliach,
1; off Eraser. 1. Base on errors: .'I'l
cago. 2; Boston. 1. Hit by pitched oft.,:
By Dorner. 1; bv Frnser. 1, Struck out:
By Hoiilhnch, 1; by Dorner, 2; by Ho'iltes,
1; by Ferguson, 1; by Fraer. 1, l'ased
ball: Moran. Wild pitch: Eraser, limci
2:10. Umpire: Rigler.
Score, second game:
AB.H.O.A K ah. n o. a r.
Plaale. cf ... 4 I 3
0 ollmnlfan. It. !
0 (ipanien. as ... 3
I 3
1 7
Sh karri, It. . 4
Kilns, lh 4
Tinker, aa. . . . 3
Strlntelilt. 3b 4
0 (.Kelly, ef
a 1 Mciann, lh.
1 f Hltihpy, 2h.
1 C Brow na. rt .
I :isoney, Sb.
1 0 Smith, c
0 0 tfiVnrthy. P
9 O'Maumont .
0 0 fVruon, p.
0 6Dowarmaa
1 1
0 1
0 1
Howard, rf..
Herman, th..
Moran, c...
Pfflater. p..
chanca, lb..
Ovarall, p ..
0 7
I 1
I 0
ft 0
1 1
Totals 33 1111 1 Tolala 34 1 il U
Ban for Moran in the seventh.
Batted for McCarthy tn the seventh.
Batted for Ferguson in tho ninth.
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 8
Boston w u 0 " "
Two-base hit: Chance. Hits: Off
rfelster, 5 In six Innings; off OVeraii. i
in three Innings; off McCarthy, in seven
innings; off Ferguson. 2 in two Innings.
Sacrifice hltB: Pfelster, Tinker, rdshle.
Stolen bases: StelnfelOt. Kelly, Moran,
Chance. Double play: Howard to Kllng.
Left on bases: Chicago. &; Boston. .
Base on balls: Off l'felster, 3; off Mc
Carthy.' 1. Base on errors: Boston, 1.
Struck out: By McCarthy, 3; by .Pfelster
3- by Overall. 1: hy Ferguson, 3. rime;
1:60. Umpire: Rigler.
Dodsrers Blank Plrntea.
BROOKLYN, July 3u.-The Pittsburg
Dialers had to succumb to Bell's pitching
. 1... t Li,,, .1...I Hiwin nut. 2 to 0.
IOU1L.V. X11U..IV1. ...uv ....... . -
Bergen's work behind the bat was tho fea
ture or tnn game, ccore:
AH. H.O.A. S.,
Duroh, If..
Patte. Sb.
2 3
OThomaa, cf. ..
0 I
3 it
0 0
1 1
0 4
0 1
1 3
1 0
0 beach, 3b 4
Hummel, lb
0 Ot'larke, II ... 4 I
0 0 Wasnar, aa. .. 4 0
4 0 Ah'tlchlo. ib. 2 I
3 0 Wilson, rt. .. 4 2
n Bs.pln. lh . t 0
rf. 3
Lewla, sa,,.
Harden, c.
Sheehan, 3b
Maloney, cf
Ball, P
0 0 Olbann, S t ft 4
4 0 Ynuns, p 3 10
.-Sinrka 1 0 0
,.2S (37 14 Ubeavsr, p. ..... ft 4
Totala 31 7 34 11 I
Batted for Y'oung1 In the eighth.
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Brooklya 0 0 1 0 0 2
Two-base hits: Abbatlchlo, Clarke. Hits:
Off Young, 7 in seven Innings. Sacrifice
hits: Alperman, Bell. Stolen base: Wilson.
Double plays: Leach to Swaclna; Leach to
Abbatlchlo to Swaclna. IWt on bases:
Pittsburg, 6; Brooklyn, 5. Bases on balls:
Off Young, 1; ort Bell. 2. Struck out: By
Bell. 4; by Young. 4. Time: 1;2S. Umpires:
Rudderham and Kmsllo.
Hrds Shnt Ont Quakers.
PHILADELPHIA. July . Philadelphia
shut out Cincinnati today, Doescher's wlld
ness being responsible for nearly all their
runs, whlio the visitors were unable to
bunch their hits. Score:
AB.H.O. A.K. AU.H.O.A.E. 3h 11 0 I OHllKKlnS. til.. 4 0 1 6 1
Knabe, lb.... I 3 7 4 0 Kanr, rf 4 110 0
Tllua. rf 4 0 3 0 1, Loticrt. 3b.... 4 112 0
Ma(ee. If 4 1 0 0 OS.-hlnl. e
Drill. field, lh 3 1 lu 1 Olhtnvl, lb...
Oahorna, ct.,4 1 4 4 0 Tanker!. If .
rioolln, H....3 0 1 4 f Mitchell, rf.
Dnnln, c 4 1 I ( Hulwltt, sa.
Mcgulllln, p. 3 0 1 2 t Iioaa. her. p.
'McLean ....
4 010
3 1 1 ft ft
4 14 11
I ft i 0
1 0 ft ft ft
Totala 31 S 27 14 0
.33 IK 10 t
' Batted for Doeacher In ninth.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Philadelphia 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 5
Left on bases: Cincinnati. 9; Philadelphia,
10. Struck out: By McQulllln, 1. Double
play: Doolin to KnaTie to Bransfleld. Base
on errors: Philadelphia, 1. Bases on balls:
Off Doeacher, 7; off McQulllln, $ Hit with
pitched ball: By Doeacher, 1. Time: 1.4Z
Umpire : Klem. '
tilants Shnt 4nt Cardinals.
NEW YORK, July SO By a score of 11
to 0 New York shut out 8t. Louis today.
Tho home team played as they pleased
and neither players nor spectators took
the game evry seriously. Scores
Tenner, lb.-.. I 4 4 0 1 Barry,- rt 4 ft 1 0 ft
Merkle. rh...3 0 1 4 Olirrna. 3b 3 0 1 1 1
f. I hole. !b f. 1 I 1 HRelllr. as.... 2 0 3 0
Brranahan, e. I 0 0 II siirrny, cl... I i i
Na.lham. e. . 1 0
I 0 OKnnah-hr, lh. 4 1111
1 0 Helehanir, It. 4 1 3 ft 4
llonlln. rf 4 1
Brain, rf ft 0 6 ft ftrharlaa, aa-3b 4 1
1 1 f ft
srmour, ef.,4 t 10 OfHiaa,
4 1111
Iwvlln. Jr..... 4 4 0 3 ftOlltirrt, Kb... 4 I 3
Hrio. 3h ..ft ft 0 ft 4 Karaer. p..
M. orm' k.lf. 4 3 14 (iMidlrnn. p
nrMwall, aa . I ft 1 4 0 'Shaw
1 ft I
2 0 13
MiGlnulljr, p. 4 1 ft 1 ft
- Totals 14 24 1
Totala 34 13 27 13 1
Batted for McOlynn in ninth.
Two-base hits: Charles, Delehanty, Don
lln Seymour, and McGlnnity. Hits: Off
Karger, 10 In throe and two-thirds In
nings; off McOlynn, 6 In four and a third
Innings. Sacrifice hit! Tenney. Stolen
bases: Doyle, Seymour. Bridwell, McOln
nlty. Double play: McOlynn to Bliss. Base
on balls: Off McGlnnity, 1: off Karger, ;
off McOlynn. L First on errors; New York,
2. Struck out: By McGlnnity, 4; by Mo
Glynn, 2. Time; 1:45. Umpire: Johnstone.
Fast Tennis at Mitchell.
MITCHELL. S. D.. July $0 (Special.!
A fast match of tennis was played be
tween Smith and Branson of tills city
and Barton and Phillips of .moux Falls,
the champion double team of the slut,
winning at Madison this month. A match
of five sets was played, In which ftnath
and Branson were the winners by a score
of 6-0. 11-1, 6-2. 2-6. Smith and Branson
will go to the Sioux City tournament and
will go to the Omaha tournament the week
chit rare old whiikry
the time '
. otH
. r
-.- 'V