Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Strong Cables, and Bullish Report
Make Market Firmer.
Cash Market Makes Htnc Advance
aa4 Demon Were Improved. '.
at Offerings Were More .
OMAHA. July SO. 1W.
Grain market work Into a firmer position,
owing to strong rabies and bullish report
from lha northwest wtirut bolt and serious
complaints over the corn section of drouth.
Tha cash market mad some s.lvaw-e,
with demand some Improved, but offerings
were very liberal and held values steady.
Wheat was firm to higher from the, start,
with offerings light and buying more gen
eral. Cash offerings were libersl. Hut
brought much better prices than for sev
eral days. Demand has picked up and
trading grew more active. July wheat
opened at Ht'tf. and cloned at 87e.
Corn opened up and advanced steady on
better buying by raah lnteresta and re
ports from the country on the continued
dry And hot weather. Arrivals are light
and holders of long corn are not letting
go of their grs'n. July corn opened at 7mc
and closed at 71Vc.
Trlmary wheat receipts were 934.001 bueh
e's and shipments were 49?,m bushels,
against receipts last year of 43.000 bushels
and shipments of 410.0(0 bushels.
Corn receipts were :,'rf. bushels and
shipments were ,") bushels, against re
ceipts last yesr of Sis.ono bushels and ship
ments or 4.11, ""0 bushels.
t'learanres wore none of corn, none of
oats and wheat and flour equal to 134,(00
Liverpool closed NGd higher on wheat
and nd higher on corn
geabnard reported 200.000 bushels of wheat
taken for export.
Local range of options:
Articles. 1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. I Yesy.
WhTiitH i j j j
July ,. rv S7V gs R7S
Sept. .1 asi asi,l sjiJ 86'
Corn- (ill
July .. Tl',1 71 7IS, imi
Sei.t. . Tli,, ;2 71, 73
Dec. ,. 58V ;V 6SV 5'
Oats I I I I I
July ,. 4."V 4.T 4:V 4J7I
May ,. 4ei 44V,
Omahn t'nsn Prices.
Wheat-No. 2 hard, S7(k. No. 3 hard.
Hn.c. No. 4 hafil, 7l'0K2c; No. i spring,
CORN No. 3, 71c; No. 4, 60W?(7Oie; No. 3
yeiion, 71Hc; No. 3 white, 7l'c.
OATS No. 3 mixed, old, 6oiv?)51c; No. 3
m.xeu, new, 4tvit't7c; No. 3 white, old,
o.V.iMK; No. 3 wnite, new. 4'fi47e..
Hit No. 2. 7i&73c; No. 3. S'a70c.
Carlil Receipts.
Features of the Tradlngr and Closing;
I'rlces on Board of Trade.
CHICAUO, July 30.-The local wheat mar
ket wis strong today, owing to an active
demand based on additional "black rust"
re,.otts from the Dakotas. At the close the
Molember delivery was up Vulc. Corn
was -.'(( '-' higher. Data were up He.
I UVI8.JM were c to lac higher.
the wheat market was strong all day,
imci) the exception of a brief period of ner
vousness st I ha ouset, when prices dropped
a trifle below yesterday's closing quota
tions. The dominating factor during the
entire session was the situation lfr the
northwest, where the new crop, It Is
claimed, Is In danger of being Injured by
black rust. Nearly every commission house
represented on the Hosrd of Trade had
dispatches claiming tiiat the rust blight
had appeared in the wheat fields of North
and Houtn Dakota. Many of these dis
patches, however, asserted that It was still
uncertain whether or not the crop had been
seriously damaged. A falling off in the re
ceipts in the southwest helped to Inspire a
bullish sentiment. There was liberal real
ising at times, but all offerlr.a were read
ily absorbed. Tne market closed strung.
' with prices near the niah point. September
opensd Ho lower to higher at Vo'-c to
Wc, sold at iHe and then advanced to
Vlfl9lNe. Toe close was at g-lVu'ltlr.
Clearances ot wheat and flour were equal
to 134,000 bushels. Primary receipts weie
t-vt.uni oushels, compared with 93.1 0 bushels
on the corresponding day owe year ago.
Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported
ereipts of 474 cars, against 34 cars last
week and o57 cars one year ago.
Corn was strong, chiefly because of the
advance In wheal prices. The market was
sffected to some extent by the hot, dry
weather now prevailing over almost the
entire- coin belt, slid by a firm market at
Liverpool. An advance of Ic In the price
of the cash grain, also had a bullish influ
ence. The close" was strong. September
opined ''rilc to VaSc higher at iJc to
ii'ac sold at aiul then udvanced to
',Vv. The close was at 74c. Local re
ie,pta were loo cars, with eighteen cars of
contract grade.
Oats weic strong on active demand
biuught by crop damage reports from the
northwest. Cash Iiuum-.h reported few ac
ceptances on overnight bids, and this
tended to strengthen me market. Septem
ber oiieuil So higiier al 44'nc, sold at Utc
and tnrli advanced to 4oVU 4o4sc. The close
was at 44'e. Local receipts were 141 cars.
Provisions were strong, owing to a bp'16c
advance in toe price of live hogs. Local
paLkefs ere ine principal buyers, al-
ihougu there was considerauie buying lor
Investment account. At the close Septem
bcr pork was up Kc at tlj. uV. Lard was
c higher at t9.5o. Ribs were 'iSc higher at
in estimated receipts for tomorrow are:
Wheat, 276 cars; coin, .'"1 cars, oats, 1,7
tars; hogs, 14.1A") head.
i'l'.e leadinc futures ranged as follows:
ArticleS. Olen. HiKit. Low. Cloe. Yes y
Wheat I 1
July I f!l 91
Oep-. ,!''U-'s
sL.c. )
bliec. 9: (B 'd 9oi'U 1,
Corn I I I
SV i1 9s
M- IW'i 92',
til' 9,'JklVl,-'ai'--
July ;74j;V; 76, 7
&kdI. i73vk-4v 74 73:
6V, 75.
44 13'a
Deo. .Sl-. bi 'll4t oii'O's
May .614i-Vi'-Y.u Vi.svhi 's
Sept. .
' Iiec. '
iA I
53 I
u lives'
44414 u
IS 70
1 774
9 474
9 6J
8 95
9 u5 :
15 774! 15 674 i 15 774
lb tii j U 7-'', 15 so 1
524; 9 474; 50 1
9 4j
. t 60 9 5o 9 o."4
9 55
$ 95 I
9 00 1
9 074
8 924
9 0:4
8 ou
No. ,. sold. LNavw.
Cah rtuulaiion were as follows:
FLtiL'R Kteady; winter patents, $4 50'r
4 i straights. $3.S5t4.i6; " spring patents.
$ 4(ljo.tiu; straights,, bakers. $2.70
64 00.
v H EAT No, j spring. Ii.isjjl.15; No. 3
spring. $101114.
COKN-No. 2, 771177V; No. 2 yellow, 7S,
OAT8-N0. 2 white. 51Sfofc5c.
RYE-No. 2. 75c.
bAKLKT Fair to choice mslting, 61'3
SEED Flax. No. 1 northwestern, $1 28V
PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides tloosei,
St. tL'tiK (i. Pork. mess, per bhl., tlo 5i
15.71'. Lard, per brt lbs . $S.t2"i. Short clear
s'des (boxed). $9.0oi.26.
Foilowlr. were the receipts and shipments
or flour and grain;
Receipts. Shipments.
. ... 21,(s.s 2-' mi
17i.isu 117. 'Ml
.... ITJ.isO ..!io
.... 241.l"4) 11.'
4) 1 'sal
S1.U00 .1V
Flour. bbla-...
Wheat, bu..
Corn. bu.. ....
.ats, ba...
Hye. bu ........
barley, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was steady; creameries. l$4.Mr;
dairies. 1792uc. Frits, firm; at mark, rases
Included. H WO 15c; finis. l7Vc; prima firsts,
2iC. Cheese, strong; 1 IK 13c.
St. Loals lieneral Market.
T. LOCIS. July JO-WHEAT-Higher;
track. No. 3 red cash. !l sj 9Hyc ; No. 3 hard.
Is Hfl-tO; September, 89feW,c; December,
CORN Higher: track. No. 2 rash. 7Vt
TTc;. Sepiemhar. tlSiirJSc; December. c;
No. $ white. 7V07W.
OATS Higher, track No raah 51Vf'Sc;
No. I whu- September. 44c, De
cember, bv.
F4AJCR eteady; rel winter palsnts,
I4lr,t) 4 50, extra fancy and straight.
I' s.i a 4 16; clears, IJ 1641 KO
8ELD Timothy, steady: $2.0O3 SO.
'I'liNVK.AI Htea.1v $3 50.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. $1 04
e 05
tli.U, Lard. lilher, prlai steam. $ 12 4
i271 Pry salt meats steady; bo. d,
extra shorts, $37H; clear ribs. $3i,
short clears, $ 75 Bacon, steady: bomil.
extra shorts. $10 25;. clear ribs. $125;
short clears, $10 62 4.
HAT Mrm; timothy. 111. 000 IS. 00;
prsirl-. $t I'ofl 10 n.t.
TRoy COTTON TIE8-$1.00.
II KM 1' TWINE-7o.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
POt'LTHY Klrm; rh'ohena. c; springs.
UW; turkeys, l.laltr; durks. 7c; geese, Sc.
Ml'TTKR Steady; creamerv. 1Mb:2c.
EOGS-Firm, lthfc. case count.
Keceipts pmpm"nr.
Flour. bbls
Wheat, bu.,
Corn, bu . . . ,
Oats, bu....
o 3.000
.149 noo
. 49.000
. 54.000
j4 000
Fair Friday After a Xla-ht of Cooler
OMA1IA, July 30, 190.
The northwest. nigu pleasure, wnn a
wave of cooler weatner, has spread down
over the upper valleys and muunt&ln dis
tricts, and Its crest now overlies the west
ern Dakotas. Temperatures are decidedly
lower throughout the upper Missouri valley
this morning, and cooler weather will ex
tend over tnls vicinity today and tonight,
with fair tonight and Kriday. Scattered
rains occurred in the central valleys last
night, and the weather will continue un
settled In this vicinity today.
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation, compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
1W 1907 1906 I9flfi
Minimum temperature IS 6i C
Proeipltatlon 00 . 37 . 00 . 00
Normal temperature for today, 77 de
grees. Excess In precipitation since March 1,
1.75 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
4.80 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period of 190,
3.33 Inches. I.. A. WELCH,
Local Forecaster.
Corn and Wheat Region Balletln.
For the twenty-four hours ending at t
a. m . 75th meridian time, Thursday, July
30, 19.:
Temp Haln
Stattons. Mar. Mln. fall.
Ashland. Neb M 73
.00 Cloudy
Auburn, Neb 94 70 .00 Cloudy
Broken Bow. Neb. 95 71 .r Cloudy
Column is. Neb... 96 69 .00 C loudy
Ciilbertson, Neb.. &8 an .0) Clouiy
Falrburv, Neb... W 74 . 00 Ft. cloudy
Fairmont, Neb... 94 6? .00 Cloudy
Or. Island, Nh.. 95 9 .00 Cloudy
Hartington, Neb. 97 65 .00 Cloudv
Hastlnns, Neb ... 93 H .00 Pt. cloudy
Holdrege, Neb... 97 (W .0) Pt. cloudy
Oakrmie, Neb 91 M .11 Cloudy
f)mhs. Neb 93 75 .00 Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb... 95 71 .1 Cloudy
Alia, la 91 65 l.0 Pt. cloudy
Csrtoll. la 94 "0 .06 Pt. cloudy
Clarlnda. Ia 94 70 .00 Pt. cloudy
Blhley, la 94 66 .00 Cloudy
Sioux City, Ia... 94 70 .00 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain,
Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches.
Chicago, 111 it
Columbus, 0 17
Des Moines, la.... 14
Indiana pulls, lnd 13
Kansas city. Mo.. 19
Lou s ill.'. Ky 19
Minne.pp Is, Minn. 2S
Omaha, Neo 19
St. Louis. Mo 13
The weather continued warm throuahout
the corn and wheat region Wednesday, but
is followed by much cooler In the western
portion morning. S. lowers occurred' In
all txiept in the Chicago, Indianapolis and
BL. iouis uisiricis.
L. A. W1L6H, Local Forecaster.
Quotations of the Day on
NEW YORK, July 30.-FLOUR-Recelpts.
20.6)0 bbls.; exports, 4.013 bbls.; market
quiet but firmly held. Minnesota pat
ents, t5.Kr06.7O: winter straights, M.l'rf
14.25; Minnesota bakers, J4.Kr4.60; winter
extras, H KiJ.j; winter patents, J4.4(S4.75;
winter low grades, I3.30&.1.50. Rye flour,
steady; fair to good, 34.15-4.50; choice to
fancy, $4.500j4.90.
CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel
low. 11.651.70; coarse, $1.6081.66; kiln dried.
RYE Dull: No. 2 western, 8Jc; nominal
r, o. b. New York.
WHEAT Receipts, bu.; exports.
39 900 bu. Spot market firm; No 2 rod,
9Hc1rl.0li elevator: No. 2 red, 1.01i f.
o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S1.231
f. o. b afloat; No 2 hard winter, 31.02
f. o. h. afloat. The rust scare in wheat
continued today and prices rose over a
cent per bushel, with shorts large buyers
and very little for sale The advance, how
ever, shut out exporters, no sales being
reported. Local prices closed mc to IV
net higher. July closed tl.Ot; September,
December. $1.0H; May, $1.03.
CORN Spot market firm; No. 1, 85c
nominal elevator and 85Hc nominal f. o. b.
afloat. Option market was higher on less
favorable crop news, showing c net ad
vance. July closed 87c; September, S2kCl
December. 71c.
OATS Receipts, 8V.000 bu.; spot market
easy: mixed oats. 21'&33 pounds,
natural white, itfn pounds, 2Hr6c; clipped
white, 32tr40 pounds, 6f'j73e.
MAY Firm; shipping, 60fj5c; good to
choice, SOG90C.
HOrS-Dull: state common to choice, 1907
crop, 48c; 1908 crop, 2ijj6c; Pacific coast,
1907 crop, 68c; 190 crop. JGCc.
HIDES Firm; Bogota, 28c; Central Amer
ica, 20c.
LEATHER Steady, acid, 24H6U.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family.
$1A.75V17.60; mess. tl4.&Of!15.50; beef hams,
Kft.OOfaSO.OO; packet. tl5 OOffl 16.00: city extra
India mess. t24.OOtf26.00, Cut meats.
stead v: pickled bellies. 9'6Hc: pickled
hams. l?V0l3o. Ird firm; western, t9.65'
.b5; refined, steady; continent, tl0.0; Soul h
America, tl0.5O; compound. ts.ZiflfS.aO; Fork
steady: family, $18.0ui 18.M; short cleas.
$17 5i;tl8.r mess, $18. 15' 18. 50.
TALLOW Steady; city (13 per pkg ), 6Ac;
country (pkgs. free), 546c.
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra,
3s,;'"kc; Japan, nominal.
POl'LTRY Alive, firm; spring chickens,
lfic; fowls, 14c: turkeys. He. Dressed Ir
regular; western spring chickens, Hfr'Jle;
fowls. 13A1440.
CHEESE Weak; state, full cresm, spe
clals. l?41J13sc smsll. colored or white,
fancy, V2c: large, colored or whits, fancy.
lllic: good to prime, HJ114c; common
9stfl0c. '
EGOS Irregular; unchanged.
Kansas City Grain and ProTlslona.
higher; Ju'y, c: Sertember. RfiSc: De
emher, (T'ic. Cash: No. 2 hard. SOU:;
No. 3 hsrd. 8ftg!3c; No. I red. 991c; No.
3 red. fmcgWc.
CORN I'm hanged; Julv. 7c: September,
.e; D-cemker. 4V. Cash: No. S n Ixed.
3'!Q74o: No. 3 m xed. 734c: No
2 white.
1 m.m,iw : n. 1 wnne. ic.
OATi 1'nchanged; No. 2 white, 5f?56c:
s s m xeo. oi'qojc.
RYE 7:'.a77c.
1 HAY Steady to lower: choice tlmothv
$.?. lo.rtft; c hoice prair e. new. i7.$Mr? M.
Hl'TTKR S'ead : creamery. 1fi2lr-
packing stock, inc.
EC.OS-FIrm; fresh extras. 2Cc: current
receipts, 15c.
Reeenp'.s. Slilpmrnts
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu. .
132.1 )
Oats, bu
opticus at Kansas City:
I Open. I Htgh. Low. Close.
1 ircember ,
t,; 77:
64SI 55'
S4S1 f.A
WSi 87VA
9 '.9talt
64SI ' 5IS
Philadelphia I'rodnre Market.
Steady; moderate demand; extra western
creamery. 24c: nearby prints, Mc.
I-;GGs4 Firm: good demand; Pennsyl
vanla and other nearby firsts (free casesi,
21c. at mark; current receipts (In return
able casts), v. at mark; western fi.ats
(free esses). 21c. at mark; current receipts
(free casesi. a, at mark, s
CHKHSE Firm; good -demand: New
Yerk full creams; chiias, U'WV'l-Vs"; fair
to good. 11V912C.
Liverpool tiraln Market.
L1VERPOOI . July $0 -WHEAT-8pot,
qut.-t and attadv: No. 1 red western winter,
7s tSd; No. 1 Cal'fornla. 7s 10d: futures
closed steady; July, nominal; September,
7s 'VI: December. 7s 2'd.
CORN Spot, firm; prime American
mixed. 7s t,d; futures closed firm; Sep
tember, ld.
Peoria Market.
PF-ORIA. 111.. July Jfl CORN Higher'
no. : yw.ow, ,nvc; No. 1 yellow, tsa-c;
1 7Hc; No. 4. 75c; no grade. 72-73'sjC.
OATS Steady; No.. white. aJVc: No. 1
white, 6ttr6ic: No. 4 white, iVGfuc.
Toledo eed Market.
TOLEDO.. O.. July 6 EF.DS Clover.
Deeebvr. i K1,; March. In 50. firm. Alsike,
pome. $ Jo; Aufusl, $ 15; October, $ 3u.
92 M
88 M
92 70
92 68
94 70
90 68
88 66
92 68
Market is Neglected and at Timei
Practically Stagnant.
Trader Awaited F.xpeeted Annonne
ment of Plan for Meellnsj otes,
Which Did Not Come I ntll
After Close.
NEW YORK, July 30-The stock market
was much neglected today and 'or a largf
part ot the lime was practically Idle, in-
tiuence on this result was attributed to a
feeling of suspense of th wunheld an
nountemi nt of the pian of settlement of
th Wheeling & Lake Erie note maturity.
News of the settlement was expected be
fore noon at the outset, but when a further
postponement was announced to what
would be later than the session of the Stock
exchange all disposition to operate In the
market eeemrd to be lost. The show of
strength In the Oould group kept alive a
supposition that the forthcoming news
Would be helpful to values. The reticence
of all persons directly concerned In the ne
gotiations, however, and the variety of
the rumors In circulation as to the proba
ble outcome Indicated so much uncertainty
that speculative operators hesitated lo com
mit themselves. Aside from this speclsl
cause for a lull In activity, the trading
seems to have entered upon one of the usual
between periods of hesitation and seeking
for new Initiative.
The number of events In the last few
days which had been looked forward to as
important In their bearing on values and
upon which action had been taken accord
ingly In the market accounts for this lspse
Into dullness. The cessation of the buving
of the stocks which has resulted from this
stste of the market was not followed to
day by anv Important sellin Vhn a re
cession In prices occurred the selling p-
rrnim in nn suspennen entirely, profes
sional traders, however, had a suspicion
that any advance In prices was taken ad
vantage of to distribute stocks. The quiet
ness of the market was believed to be In
accord with the desire of Important finan
cial Interests, which are supposed to depre
cate undue speculative excitement at this
season of political activity and of develop
ments believed to be working out as well
In railroad affairs. Some Influence towards
repression of activity was caused bv the
published announcement bv the attorney
general of the Intention of the government
to push with renewed vigor all cases pend
ing against railroads for granting rebates
or like offenses. There Is some apprehen
sion that this mood of the government au
thorities may affect the desire of the rail
roads to advance freight rates, for which a
benevolent view from the Interstate Com
merce commission was at one time counted
upon. The copper atocks showed consider
able strength, those trad-d In on the Stock
exchange as well as those traded In out
side. The further rise in the price of the
ITu J1' 'l7 tM" movement. The opinions
DllhllShed hv tha Ia.JI I r .
1 1.. V . -; 'in'R mm inu stent
V- juunmin as 10 tne amount of the im-
, Provement In those Industries, so conserva
.JOMlve compared with expressions heard In
m!.!.''''1";?, of th ",ock exchange, that
02 ' I I w,rpk,y "PPearahee has some repres-
Slve Influence, An '
ii ! money continues In great abundance,
A.1'm!t th" t,m monev market grows firmer.
. r nsomints advanced, also. In London and
Berlin todnv In ' "1
showing of 'the Bank of England and the
i Bank of France. There were some renor S
of damage to snrlnv a.i.a.i e-. .....
Wlrr' hl an effect upon the price of
-.... o.Mj n an mriuence on stocks. Last
stocks show sma'l declines from
I... - ..wi e,,1n",',,nf "d so niirrnw as to
n L significance In the day's changes
- ' nifiiisr. iota sales, rar
value. t2.9jM.000. lilted States bonds were
i' k tin can.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows-
TftK T.n-. rtA
nmainnitiei 1 oopper 4 70"
Am. C. A r 7o
Am. C. A T. iM
Am. Cotton Oil oo
Am. H. A L. pra 210
Am. Ice Securities 8.300
American Unseed Oil
Am. Locomotive 1.4 H M '
Am. Locomotlvs pfd
Am- S- R n.m "v
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Tobacco nfd fira
' Amsrtran Woolen ,'
Anieonda Mining Co.. ii.diii
Atrhlaon J7W
Atchiaon pfd ji)
Atlantic Coast Una i
baltlmora A Ohio 4 ciO
Bal. A Ohio ofd
94 S
Drooklyn Rapid Tr l.jon 51Vi
Canadian Pacific 11,4X) 174
Central Leather oo jj
Central Leather pfd
C-ntral of New Jersey
i neaapesne a Ohio tm
t r.iraso tit. w. . 4110
inicaso ft n. w
C. M. A St. P
C. C, C. ft St. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado ft So
Colo. A So. lt pfd
Colo. A 80. id pfd
Consolidated Gas
Com Producta
Delaware A Hudson....
Danver & Rio Urande..
1.4IM lik. 1M
1511 1,
lO.SiK) 141W 'a 140V,
l.S) 32W '. 82
1.4"0 CW t2 n
7IH) 82V, it sit
ino nw 52!! iiu,
13m 13W 13u
12,400 hU lkV. llu
1414) l.iW
VK 27W
V. & R. O. nfd -hm
Distillers' Securities 1 too
Erla a.ono
Erie 1st pfd j.ino
Erie Jd pfd T)o
ueoerai Electric
lit. Nortiiarn pfd
Ot. Northern Ore ctfa.
Illinois Cantral
Interltorough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Paper ...
Int. Paper pfd
1"0 US' I4li
l ino n'4j m n" S, tiH
141W 141
SOU 11 H
II 11
10', 101,
international Pump !0) Js
Iowa Central pn 1714
Kanaaa City So
K. r. so pfd
Louisville A N 1,800 i'V hV-L
Mexican Central
Minn A St. L 10 :s ;844
Missouri Pacific ...
M , K AT
M . K. A T. pfd...
National Lead
New York Cantral.
N Y.. O. A W
Nnrfo:k A W
North Amrr.can ...
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mail
, Jl ' 4.1
70) 641, l
MOO 71(4 70S
710 l 7( pr;
l.Vl.l 42 4 It,
1.50) 74 73(,
1,1V 141, 14"S lW
1.110 SSt, :t,
4 124H ItHi
peopla'a Gat j) sst ;,.
P., C, C. A 8t. L !') 7SS TK4
Preaaad Steal Car J"0 IJt, 22
Pullman Palace Cr
Railway Steel Spring- .
Heading 40.4m 1IS
nepuDiic stesi 700 an
Republic Htael pfd
Rock Island Co
Rwk Inland Co. pfd . .
81 1. ft S K !d pfd.
Pt. Luula 8 W
81 L 8 W pfd
8IOM-8hetrield 8. A I
2 :a
til i
i i,
15.7 '4
- ' a
5o ,
Southern Pacific
!Snuthern Kallwsy .
Hit ll
.ti0 ld, !.,,
Sn. Railway pfd
11. 900
Tsnneases Copper
Texas Pacific
T , St L. A W
T.. St L. A W. pfd....
I ntoa Partfie
I nion Pacific pfd
f. Rubber
f. t. Rubber pfd
f. Steel
V. S. S(eal pfd
t'tah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chftntral
Va.-Caro. Cbm pfd...
Wabaah pfd
Wtftttnihousa Klectrlc .
Woatrrn tnlon
Whesllns A L. E
Wtsconsia Central
25", ,
47io iJis, ifc
lot) 1 81
l. l
400 S't
l.K ,
I. em it
Total sales for tha day, 4M.O00 snarea.
Lonaoa Closlna; Stocks.
LONDON, July St.. Tie. market for
American securities opened steady and at
midday prices ere wuhtp small fractions
Of yesterday's New York closing.
The rate of discount of lis. Rank of
England remained unchanged today at 2Vj
per cent.
London closing stocks:
Consols, money... li It 14 M , K. A T 1!'
do areount
do pfd
Bait 1 mora A O
Canadiaa Paelfle
Chsaapaaka O
Chiraao (i. W
It 11-14 N. T Cantral Uo
. .. Norfolk A "
... ', 'do pfd aj
. . Ontario A W 4;aj
.... Wt, Paansylvania aj
...17akand Mine, ,
... 44 Hsadlns
... 7 Soathrrn Ry
. .MS,
. 14
. 19
. Ill,
. .
Chi . Mil. A St. P...144W do pld
ra Bears
lw-,Southarn Pacific.
Daayf A Rio Q ...
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do Id pid
Orand Trunk . ....
Sllllnols Central....
LoulKilla A N
. 4 I nlon Pacific. . . .
. sC4 do pfd
. 24i v. i Stsel.
. 114, do pfd
. Wabash
. 1M do pfd
. 141, Spanlas 4a
Ill', Amal. Copper....
8lLVtR-Bar, Quiet at 24 5-16d per og.
MONEY 4 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is lljl 7-1 per cent; for
three months' bills. per cent.
Treasary Itatenaent.
WASHINGTON. July 30 -Today a state
ment of the treasury balances In the g n
ersl fund, exclusive of the t fr,'0 .' o god
leaver v shows: Available cash boianc. -
i?M.Sl.o0: gold coin and bullion, $I.' V4 42;
gold cmificstes, .n,i:.5.9so
ew York Money Market.
NEW TOR K. July . MONET On call.
;: ,1.r:T4 1Tn,:.r,,lin," TtV" J me
cent; closing bid, 1 pr cent; offered al 1
?er cent; time loans, more active and
irmer; sixty days, per cent: ninety days,
Sm!1 per cnt; six months. 4 per cent
per cent
actual business in bankers' bills at 1490
for demand, snd t 45U454o for slxty
dav bills. Commerclsl hills. 14 44.X5.
SILVER Bar. luVc: Mexican dollars. 45c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad.
Closing quotations on Ixinds were as
l 8 rf 5a, reg.,
do coupon
do 3v reg.
IMS M erll 4
.lW- Int. Mst. H
.lis L. A N. unl 4S.
.IfH Msn r f t
.lH'M'l. rentrsl 4s
lrv, ,io 1st Inr I
. 7M, M. A t b. 4s .... 1
I074i M . K A T. 4s
do coupon
do 4. reg
do coupon
Am Tohacco 4s. . . ,
do s
Atchison gen. 4a...
i '(in
do ad 4s
do 4s
Co c. Ss
N R R of M 4t 1
. 4 N. Y. C. g l's H"
.lt .. J C. g. is W
. j No racific 4 ir
. vh do a, ns
.it N. A V. t. 4S 74
2 O. ft. L. rfdg 4s 41
.104 Petin. sc. IVe '"j
. 14 do con 4r WH
. aO R'niling gen. 4i 47'a
. Ro ot t ubs St. . 1'W
Atlantic C. L. 4t.
Bal A O hlo 4a ..
do Si.
Brk R. T c. 4s...
'entral of Oa tt.
do 1st Ine
do 8.1 Inc
do 3d tne
Chct A Ohio m..l'!HM. U. A I. M c 5s..1l
Chlrato A A. IV
(7 st. L, A tv F
r 4.. hh
c . H A y n 4s....
C. R I. A t. 4s ....
I, St I., s w e 4
Seaboard A L,. 4s
W "o. Psclftc 4s
4W do lit 4s
4 So Railway fa
.i Tejas A P is ...
2 T., St. L. W. 4s
t fn on Pacific 4s
V do c 4a
do col. 5fl .
do rfdg. 4s
ccc. A St. b. g. 4a.
Colo. Ind. ss
t'olo. Mid. 4
Colo. A So. 4s
Del. A H. cv 4a ...
n A R. O. 4a
Krle p I. 4s
.. r;w
,. vt
.. It
.. 71
.. a3'i
3 f S S-eel 2 4s
Wabash Is
S W.stern Md. 4s
lulW'W. A I. B 4.
' Wit. Central 4s.
Ii'a -
do gen. 4s
Hock Val 4Ws
Japan 4s
do 4 We
Bid. Offered.
Boston Stocks and Bond.
BOSTON. July 30.- Money, call leans. Vt
24 per cent: time losns, 3644 per cent.
losing cj notations on stocks and boncis
Atchison adj. 4a
do 4s
Me. Central 4s .
Atchison R. R....
do pfd
Boston A Albsny.
Boston A Mslna..
. 97H Bingham
. so t'al H.-cia.
. SfcW "Centennial .
. J?W Corner Range
.2l Pair West ...
131 Franklin
. TJ
. 2S
. 1H
. W'i
. I-W
. JW
. l
. 4S
. 71
. 41W
. m
. is4
. 77
. 4k I,
. MW
. 27
Ronton Klavated
.123 'tlranhy
N. Y . N H. H..11) Itle Rovale
t'nlon Pacific
Mik. Mining .
Am. Arge. Chem..
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tube..
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T. A T
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. A 9..
RJIaon Klec Illu..
flenernl Electric ,
Maps. Klectrlc ....
do pfd
Miu. Gas
I nlled Fruit
Vnltsd 8. M
do pfd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Adventure ,
Amalgamated ....
... U Michigan
...SI Mohnwk
. .. S't Mont. C. A C..
...1Woid Dominion .
. . .125 Oscenls
.. .121 W Parrot
. .. i4 Qulncy
...93 Shannon
. .. IA4 Tsniarack
...J'!! "Trinity
...14SWt'. 8. Mining..
... 1"W, f. 8. Oil
... 4 t'tah
.. . hl'i Victoria, Winona
... Wolverine
... 2 North Butte ..
... 44H Butte Coalition
...MS Nevada
14 S
WCal. A Arliona....lZ4
... 3SVi Arlsona Com 2li
... TuWOrecne Cananea 12
"Did. "Askea.
New York Mining; Stocks.
NBW YORK, July 30. Closing quotations
on mining stocks:
Alice i"" lidllle Coo
. i
. i
. :
Brunswick Con
Cum. Tunnel stock..
Com. Tunnel bonds.
Con. Csl. A Va
Horn Silver
Iron flllver
Little .Chief ...
. 4
. M
. I
. a2
10 '
Its) .
Small Hopes ..
Yelluar Jacket
Forela-a Financial.
PARIS, July S0.Prkes on the Bourse
today were firm. -
BERMN, July 30. Prices on the Bourse
today were firm and trading quiet. '
bank CTearliiBS.
OMAHA, July SO. Bank clearings for to
day were $1.417.ASJ.42 and for the corres
ponding date last year $1.613.03921.
V.oot Market.
BOSTON, July 30. WOO Lc-Few buyers
have been on hand-.thls week and the wool
market has been quieter than for several
weeks While prices are hp higher, the
feeilng Is stronger rt.The leading western
quotations are: liertlcky, Indiana and
Missouri, throe-eighths blood, DVii 27c ; quar
ter blood. tSQIx.' -Oallfornia. northern
choice, 17418c; noythern average, lfVjj(17c;
middle county.- 13af'lvc; southern, llSI2c;
fall southern, Oin. Oregon, eastern No.
1 stsple. lKii19c; eastern No. 1 clothing,
lotSHic; eastern average, 141,16c; valley. No.
1. 17f(18c. Scoured values. Texas fine. 12
months, 63(So.V; fine. 6 to 8 months, 46ft48c;
fine fall, 42.0 13c. Oallfornla. fine northern.
42Ji44c; southern, 3o-kic; fall fiee. 3jfq57c.
Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple, 67'BfiOc: east
ern, No. 1 clothing. 4Kt30c; valley. No. 1,
43fi4nc; No."2. 4'iHlc; valley, No. 3, 3233c.
Territory, fine staple, 5taHiic; fine medium
staple. 65(⁣ fine clothing. 48gs2c: me.
dlum clothing. 4f7t4So; half blood, 50tirs5c;
three-eights blood. 44fnic; quarter blood.
4.VqA5c. Pulled, extrs, 56('io7c; fine A, 6.i4J
57 A aiiners
LONIXIN. July " 30. WOOI A better se
nffered at the wool auction
1 sales today. Comiettilon was strong snd
"5 prices were well maintained. Fine half
bin miner lambs were rather
, a -a n.rin,.i m,,,t m.fl esoec'sllv to
the home trade and the continent, snd cross
breds were In good request, wnue rmrw
stock was taken by the home trade. Amer-
, , 1 viinri. mrinna and medium
l,,,1iu..n, , ..,
' .,... t,rvM a. a...
8T. MJL IS. MO., juiy isj.-ivrw.,- vz,
medium grsdes. combtng and clothing, la
20c; light fine. lfi'oitiVic; neavy line, ii'iji-t;
tub washed, 2ifJC7e.
LONDON. Julv 80.-WOOL The 1arg
supply offered at the sheepskin -ale todnv
met with goon oemario ir'mt ' .-..
i Fine stock realized full rates, while cros
1 hreds were mostly easier. Several gi d
. v.n.tai, hu imprli'A! e.r-ie was
'S thin. 1, low the last sale. H'lort wooled
j were unchanged and fine crossbnd a
iarining aearer. (.uaifr nai.--. -.
ahort sold at par to a half penny cheaper.
Metal Mnrket.
NKW YORK. July 20. MKT A LS The
L nd n tin market was higher today, with
S' 01 quotefl at a. ti" ann imuin i a. 1.
Th"1 local market was quiet, but higher In
lyupatliy with the foreign gain at o).3.4
'timh1. Advance of los was rep ir:e 1
.In Lon-lon for cpPT, with iwt cil'g
at A5 15s and futures at .P 10s Ioeallv
th market was f'rin and a si ad hithe-, i
' with Iake quoted at $i:i.l2VT?i13.2&: rlertml- j
: tl- at $'34irl3.1:' and tasting at $12. 751-1
1 1 .S74. I-ad was a slmde higher at 13
5d In L-ndon: lotallv. firm, but unrhans-ed
at f4.47l-.&4.5 Vs Spelter rieel ned to
In London, but locally was nrm ann
h'glier at ! 7'VrH.75. The London Ir m
market cl sed at 4Hs for Standard foundry
and aos for Cleveland warrants Locally
no charge was reported. No. 1 fnundry
north'-rn. $'ii Wit 17 PO; No. 2. $15 75i lrt 25:
No 1 s'litliern and No. 1 southern, soft, at I
ST. LOriK. Julv 30 METALS -Lea 1,
higher, 4. aJ'fid. IF : spelter, higher, $4..
Cotton Market.
market tiened steady at a decline of
-'t. points in reaponse to lower catiles anil
good weather reports Trading was very
unlet during the eaily session, but wlilU
tht re was some scattered selling of the new
crop, part of it for southern acrount, thfse
deliveries held about "15 points net owr
during the nil idle of the morning. August
was relatively stea.1v and net unchanged.
Spot closed inlet: middling upland. 10.7ec;
n-M.1llng nil'. lor"-: --me
Snots were otilet with prices uncharged;
middling. K.c. Futures closed- Julv,
lo.S'.c: AiiBU.-t. c: H'ptemher, 9.52c; No
veniber I i.; December. 0.21c.
ST. I-OI IS. Mo.. Julv .10. COTTOV-Dull
and lower: middling, l'i'tc: sales, none; re
ceipts, IX bnls; shipments, 110 bales:
stock. 13.772 hal. s.
Kvsporated Apples anil Dried Krnlts.
APPIE8 Market unchanged, with fancv
at lfolu'c; choke at t.4il.-: prime at Vf
7S,,.- ronimon t-. fair. SH'V-
IjRI'' D RITTr-I'runws cont'rue s'.esdv
to firm In ton., but unchanged on syl.
with e;uotstions fr.m 'IH to 13c for Cali
fornia, and from to ly f"r Oregon
fruit, the latter un to 3e-40. Apricots firm
on osst. but hxajly urrhnrM. with choice
ats'a'o-: tx'ra ch. ire at 9Hti10, and fhn'y
at lOS'all. Peades qoiet and un.'hatiKed.
with choice n icted a Uflr; extra choice
at Si'.'iS'e; farcy at 1'!0V.c, and extra fancy
at 10-jll-. Ha a ns are ss t to hs selling
m ore freely for October delivery but no
rhange is reported In the spot situation.
Ivee muscstels niotd at SVa"-: choice
to fsncy seeded at ii7Ue- seedless at f4jiic;
Ixjndon Wirs. $1 26fil.S.
Mllwraakee tiraln Market.
VIll.WAl'KKK. July 30 WHEAT
Firmer; No. 1 northern. $11$; No. 2
northern. 1 1 0 43 1 10 ; Heptember. 'JltJ
SI aked
HA RLE Y Firm; No. 1, S4c; sample. SI
t'l'F.V Meaflv: .o. 8, it, oep-
, j teinber. 7 4 Va c aRk?d.
Cattle of All Kindi Steady to a Little
a keep and Lambs Contlnoe In Moder
ate Supply, with Demand Good,
Trade Active and Every
thing Folly teady.
SOCTH OMAHA. July 30, 190.
Receipts were;
Cattle. Hog. Shaen.
Oftlrlal MondAv
Official Tuesdsy ...
Offie si .1nesday
Es Imaie 1'hursday .
i.'47 ali
5 970
.. J.U'5
.. 1,
E. ur davl this wek...ll.9J lf.O.b 1'9
fame dsvs last wefk ...U.nM SI. .21 $5
fame dys 2 weeks sgo.,10.57 .9 421 14.5A1 davs $ weeks ago . .7b7 24.347 U.184
Same days 4 weeks ago..Kfti 3Vi51 17.777 days last year 14.673 4i,E4 li.l
The following table shows the reoelpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omnha
for the year to date, compared with last
yeaf: 19r). 1907. inc. D.o
Cat la 4 J.W O1.0F.4 147.14")
Hoss l,0fe,:rl 1'02S lt3.1W
Sheap 7b3,if5 8H2.919 10), 61
The following table shows the average
price of hogs a' South Otnsha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I liS. ;1907. 1M.!1.1M.1?C3.,1S0J.
July 19...
Julv 2o..
July 21..,
July 22...
July 23..
July ;4...
July 26...
July M..
July .'7..
July 28...
July K9..
July 90..
t 741 SI! 5 M 5 1$' I
5 KO 47 3 69 i 03; t 22.
I C 41 6 cili 6 1t' 2-'i 7 a2
8 I 6 4SI J 07: ti -6 7 41
6 31Vi
8 : & 92! fi 52' 1 4 94 26 1 7 53
3m, 6 94 1 8 jfi 5 47i I I If 1 I i
( 2-IV.I 5 96 1 52, fc no 6 04 I OS; M
I 6 . 60 6 tV'l 8 111 I 12
13,: 6 o; 44. b &s; t in 4 9M
07H 4o t. SI I S 19, 4 7 S3
13'ti Ml I S S-Jl 6 111 i o, I
24 l 37! I 5 (Hi S 08 7 4i
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r a.
C M & St. P
Missouri Pacific
I'nlon Pacific
C. at N. W., east
C. A N. W., west
C. St. P.. M. O....
C. H. A Q., ejst
C, B. ft W., west
C R. I. ft P.. east....
I?., H. I. A P.. west...
Illinois Central
Total reeeints
4 1 1
2 2
i7 11 '
IB $4 'i
12 1..
2 1
17 11 ..
3 ..
1 .... -
S6 56 18 2
The disposition of the day'a receipt was
as follows, esch buyer purchasing tha num.
ber of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co...
Swift and Company...
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour & Co
Cudahy, Kansas City.
Vansanl A Co
Hill A Son
K. P. Lewis
J. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
Cudahy Bros. Co
Sam Werthltner
Sullivan Bros
t.rhmer Bros
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 2e 671
...302 743 200
,.. 575 715 1,152
... 214 1,076 69S
... 334
... 34
... 172
... 126 .... 1.844
...i!l7 4.491 3.9S4
Other buyers
orl, slxiv-flve cars
of canle numbered
which was a very
I, lit run e.en for a Thursday. There was
n,,thln vetv so d or very attractive among
the rec.'lt, t-. Almost half Of the ar.lvas
(unstated of coxa and lieliers, wnn quite a
sprinkliiig of western sieers, together Uh
some K rn-feds and a few b ads of feeders.
As usual when the receipts are sj light
tie mi: ket was uninteresting from s a t
10 ilnlsh. Buyers did not stem to feel that
there were enough cattle to u worth going
after very hard and ss. til there was a better
demand, so that the few cattle here n
eraby so d in pretty good a on. The
prices pad were anywhere from steady to
a little hlghfr than yesterday. Thus west
erns that brought $4.M) yesterday sold to
day at $4.65. Th're were no stilctly g iod
ct rn-ff do to make a trst of tiie maiket.
Tne stiength cevekped yesterday and to
day wlp out the ilecl'ne of Monday and
some would say more, too, leaving the mar
ket fully as good as at the clone ot last
we'k, or poss bly a little higher. This Is
espei lallv true of westerns, which did not
I teak as much (he first of the week.
Corn-fed steers have not been as much
kojk'U after ss have the wes ems and It Is
a quest in If H e top 1 ait e as week w u!d
br iim as much IhU wren, nut still there
have b en none of that kind heis to make
the test.
Ti;e tew rows and heifers here sold very
much as they did yesterday, or poss bly a
li.tle ptrongt r in opots. As has been tho
case with beef steers, cuws and heifers
have firmed up s!ni.e the break Monday
until tliey are fully us liiKh or possibly a
uttlo higher than last weak.
Tl.eie were tnly a few scattering bunches
of feeders on sale, but there was a pretty
gocti de.iiund and (ho desirable klnda s ld
freely ot good simnii prices. The (Oiin'r
demand for leeih is Iihs been he ter th 1
w.-ek and prkes l.ave shown a little more
Mnngih than last week.
Ouotfttlons oil cnttl
Good to choice
: corn-fed steers, l.4"4j 1 5; fair to good
miu-nu e'v 'm-j w, luinmun m iu
corn-fed steers. $4 :&Ut .40; good to choice
laiigH steers. .6jjj o.r, fair to good range
!..,.. u IV,U;V .-nmmnn !o rlr vno
t steers S3 4tVti 4 W STirtrl tn rnniee fed cnwi
-- - - ,,7. , "Za,ZZ
r.nd heiiuis. 4 uti.tfl 75; fair to good fed
cows and heifers, H iOfi ,.t;:, ; common to
lair fe.l cows and hellers, jl.wi J.i"i; gooil
to choice stockeis and feeders, $4. o'u4.5ii;
fa'r to gootl stoekers snd feeders :'. tt
4"f': common to fair suckers and feeders,
3.0ii(3.ii; stuck heifers, 42i.tM.15.
Representative sales:
;.'. At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
5 1121 4 .V) 41 li.St 15
II H'e ( -1 31 1114 U
4 132V t 10
fi 1 51 12 .
0 I 00
(7 I iV
let 1 xi
1"30 I 33
leti t II
I'M t M
1304 4 M
7! ! ;n :i
....10U !'( t
. .. . tsi I VI !:
.... 171 I 75 II
.... 7S J n U
.... M7 II'. 7
.... 1
: ;(..
133 I 00 17 t7i 1 25
.... 810 t 6
i 4MI t 55 11 575 I 00
4H1 I4 48 Tit t 40
12 fi6 ! 55
t 1:50 t 51 1 1 -420 1 7S
1 11 I o ijo) 1 7S
1 7'..) S 56
1 44ti I o 1 un j no
1 to 11 t ) 1 00
t tJ I 5fl 54 K 5 11
214 4 00 I ISO 5 SO
44. tit t . 1 'd 4 00
4 455 I ri j H5 1 in
4 4i; I 1.1 1 4V. .l
J 7o J 15 15 (I.M I 40
5 475 1 SS It 741 I 78
"2.0WS ? 2 51 S calves. .'90 5 25
5 corns PCS 3 15 3 st-ers. ... m $75
1 !eiers . .WO 3 25 ('4 f,., dets. . HO 3 Si
1 feelers.. R!i 3 30 51 c-ws -7 3 05
12 cons :0'o 3.15 3 ifers... (!! 2 '
7 ferders.. 617 3 15 2 bulls M'O 2 fit
31 feeders. 2 4 4 fi 21 s e-rs. ...1' ". 4 20
" cowi 7ro 2 0' II cowa 42 i 00
Scows ... 9 l $61 17 cows 924 3 25
5 mix d ... 794 s 5"1
L. 5 S rong-Idihi.
:6(0s :0'H 2 f5 .3 cows ;4 $40
3 ows 112.7 3 JO
E. F Lrwe Neb.
cows .... 9 8 3 30
HOQS Hhlle the top price did not show!
it the general run of the bogs sold bout
a shilling higher than yest-rdav, that In
a good proportion of the hogs sold at and
right around $l J. as against $6 lOViai.lS foi I
the hulk vestertlMv U Kiu tit , . .( . .....,t,i :
hardly be called very active still there' DRIED FRUITS RalMna, loos Muscatel,
were a few urgent orders, so that thers was',1'c' 'A1"-': '1d-- -'- carton, juc. Cur-
a rnir movement of the offerings and prac-
t'cally e.erytnlng was cleaned up In good
The advance of yesterday and t- day wipes
out all the decline of Monday and Tues
day, leaving the market as strong, possibly
a shade stronger, than the close of last
week. In other words hogs sold today the
highest of sny day sine last Friday.
Representative sales:
No. si, rr 4,. im. ft
u m m o m t ... n
T 21 10 ( !7 U Ill . . 4 ti
SJ ti 1TVS ti 1 110 4 !i
M t4 ... 171, 7 Mi w ,
44 :74 1M 4 17(, 10 Its . 4 IX
41 iai ttn 4 71.. 141 ltd H
44 la td tt tl 1,4 40 4 U
4i H4 i 4 . u kit it i ia
It 40 4 l 45 S4 to I Jl
7 1M ... t Z 74 11 S li
7 ! 4 X tl 1 10 n
44 Ill 4 ' 14 U . 4 at
71 IM S) 10 14 4 ISO 4 14
S k-7 W 4M 41 T 140 16
tr.t, 1 J'.J 10 7
41 k.1 ID Ills, 44 VA a ir
SO 144 40 4 14 Tl l ISO iw
71 Ill 140 I lb M l) 4 17W
71 2Z7 40 at 4 L ... fl
Ill SO I Tl HI ... 7W
St tM I4) i It II ISO 40
74 SSI 1 I 41 nt ... t IP
74 117 lai to 71 1M lie I
tt tt K IS St ..... 17 ISO t
tl lit IO0 $ la lit let 10 O'
U tM SO t t t'A . . U
71 lit 44 I 14 SO Ml H4 IU
94.. Ian its ig) 41 Ul . . It
PHElvP Receipts of sheep continue rather
moderate, the arrival for the week to
date falling decidedly ahcrt. ot tha heavy
run of last week. At the same time there
Is a very good buying demand, so that
the market Is In a good healthy and en
tirely sstlsfaitorv condition. This morn
ing, with comparatively few killers In
sight, the trade was very sctlve at good
steady prices. It was evident thst puckers
all wanted supplies, as buyers were out
In the yards early, so that everything was
Sold before $ o'clock In the morning. A
little bunch of native lambs sold up to
HW, with pretty decent westerns at in. JO.
Kange wethers brought $4 .sn, with quite a
big string of rsnge yearling feeders nt $4.10
quotations on range or grass sheep snd
lambs: tsood to choice lambs. $ti.ln.f5 e0,
fslr to good lambs, $.0O.jJ.lS; feeding lambs,
$4 tVoijo.tiO; good to choice light yearlings,
$4.ntVf6.i; good to choice heavy yearlings.
$4 40fl4 8; fair to good yearlings. $4.lWf4 W;
feding yearlings. $3.7&u4.0O; good to choice
wethers, $4.154j4.36; fair to good wethers,
tS.TJJH.lS; feeding wethers, $3.253.10: good
to choice ewes, V'. -""(j-4 IS; fair to good ewes,
$3.dit13 W; feding ewes, l.'.ootffl.OO, culls and
bucks. $2.0Otir2.00.
Representative sales:
No. v. Pr.
.'19 Idaho wether snd ewes, culls.
feeders 75 I 75
611 Idsho yearlings, feeders 73 4 10
103 western ewes 109 4 10
87 native lambs 73 40
100 Idaho lambs n
95 Idaho lambs 6 30
100 Idaho lambs 67 6 30
18 native lambs, culls 61 4 75
23 Idaho ewes 87 3 75
15 western ewes, culls li 2 75
3i 0 Idaho yearlings, feeders 72 4 W
m Idaho culls 74 2 75
100 Idaho yearlings, feeders 72 4 10
40 Idaho culls 76 2 75
300 Idaho yearlings, feeders 72 4 10
30 Wyoming wethers Us 4 ;il
Ro Wyoming wethers 1"" 4 20
i6 Wyoming wethers 1 9 I 2
485 Wvomlng lambs i. 6 (0
$0 Nebraska lambs 6 50
1$ Nebraska lambs, culls 50 i no
Cattle and sheep steady Hogs ani
I, a nibs Strong.
CHICAGO. July 30.-CATTI.K-R. c I ts.
3.500 head; market steady; steers. ;o7j
8.(0; cows. $3.4tSi1i J; heifers. $3.DUtS.i;
bulls. $aooojYOO; oalves. $2; Block
ers and feeders, $8.0(Vir4.66.
HOGS Receipts, 12,0ti head; market
strong; choice heavy shipping, $H.75'ati aO;
butchers $ 7,VS.8o; light mixed, $ ,.35 6..xi;
choice. $. &). 75; packing. $o.76'&.o5; pls,
$4 504) 00.
SHKKP AND LAM B3 Receipts, 14.' 00
head; market for sheep steady; lambs
strong; sheep. $3 50tt4.60; lambs, $'.757. x;
yearlings. $4.3&'g6.25.
St. Loals l.lve Stork Market.
ST. LOCIS. Julv 80. CATTLE Rec Ip a.
5.f"0 head. Including S.SS5 Texans; mnrket.
steers 10c higher; cattle lculfc lower; lex
ana steadv; native shipping and export
steers, $4 257.50; dressed beef and butcher
steers, $3.2n'u7.00; steers under l.OtO lbs.,
$3.2n'e7.O0; stoekers and feeders. $25ii4 5':
cows and heifers $2.2ffe0O; canners, $1.60
t?2.2o; bulls. IJ.ooirn.oo: caives. .tru ni;
Texss and Indian steers, $3.(O'ao.50; cow
and heifers, $1.504 00.
HOGS Receipts, 4.W head ; mm ket livtf
15c hlsher; plgS and lights. $3.5rfiti t; pick
ers. $d.40a6.t1t); butchers and bei-t heavy.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt s, 3.2A)
head: market steady; lambs a shade lower;
native muttons, $42j(ti4 .50; lambs. $"?2t
8.45: culls and bucks. $3.:ryfl4.0; stoekers,
Kansas City l.lve Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo July 30-TATTLK-Recelpts.
6.0T0 head, Including 2 8'Vt south
erns; marret stton? to 10c h'gher; quarm
tlnes, strong; choice export and dres'ed
heel alters. $C0flfr7.S5; fair to good. $4.0O-gt
5 76; western steers, $3.75'n ti.OU; stoekers and
feeders, $2.V64.75: southern steers. $3.00R
4. Hi; southern cows. $2.0063.60; native cows.
$2.1540o; native heifers. $3.(016.76; bulls,
$.'.f4i'an..'; calves, $4.0O1Vt'i.!5.
HOGS Receipts, 0.0UO bend; market 10ft
15c hiaher; top. $0.75; bulk of sales. $(!.45ft
6 fit; heavy, tti.tUfi!.7"; packers and butchers,
$0.5uiJ.7O; light, tfi.2KQ8.BO; pis. $4.3h5.fO.
8MKEP AND I. AM B8 Recelrts. 2,01
head; market tr ng lambs. 4 f-fcti.-'S;
ewe.i and ( earllngs, $ i.9CFj I M ; Texss rarl
'ltgs. $4.2r(fi4.flO; Texas sheep, $S.;fy7-l.3Ci;
t x kers and fe tiers. 3.(W6 4.(X).
Bloom City l.lve Stock Market.
SIOCX CITY. la.. July 30.-(Speelal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; mar
ket steady; beeves. $5.5OS7.00; cows and
heifers, $4O0ftJ6.5O; feeders, $3.104.25; calves
and yearlings. $2.75f(3.75.
HOOS Receipts, 1.500 head: market 10c
higher; range of prices, $j.irift.40; bulk of
sales, $ij.25'ij6.35.
t. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. d.Mll head; market steady: steers
$I.Slffl7.15; cows p.nd heifers, $2.2(V(jO0
calves, xt.tmtri (si.
HO''S-Recepts, 4,500 hesd: marks' 10
higher; top, so 70; bu'k o' siles. t;4vffi) 55
SHEIcp AND LAM US R. oeirt s 1,50
head; ma ike', steu ; lambs, IMiH60.
Stork In nlabt.
Receipts of live stock at the six prln
cipai western markers yesterday:
jatt:e. nogs.
South Omaha.
Sioux City....
St. Joseph
Kansas City..
St. Louis
Totala ....
4. Soil
.23.351 ai.DiO
Condition of Trade snd tinnfntlons oa
Ctapla and Fancy Prodore.
BL"i"TER--Creamery, No. 1. dellveiea to
retail trade In cartons, 23c; No. 1, in So
lb. tubs. 22 He; No. 1, In 30-lb. tubs. "3o,
No. 2. In 0-lb. tubs. 20Vxc; No. i. In $0
Ib. tubs, 21c; No. 2. In l ib cartons. 21c;
No. 1, In carload lots, 21Vic; No. 2. In car
load lots, lKlvSsc; country, fancy, tubs.
17.-. common. l$c.
EGGS Fresh candled. 15c doien.
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream.
twins, 14Vc; Young American. 4 In hoop,
in hooo. iWc: cream brick.' full casia
cop, 16V,c; cream brick, full case,
IU,, r; half case, 13 ,c, halt iloxen orlcka,
lie. No quotationa on bwisa uor ilmbers--ers
until after October.
LlVh! POULTRY -Hens. S'4c; broilers.
17c; roosters, 5c; capons, 15c; ducks, SVc;
geese, Sc; turkeys, 14c. pigeons, 5c Uuacn,
squaur. $2 00 dozen.
L'REbSED fOULTRt Squabs. $2 21
BELF CL'TS-No. 1 ribs, 17Hc. No. 2 ribs.
14c; No. 3 rlba, l'.c; No. 1 loin, 2uc; No. I
loin, loc; No I loin, 12ViO. No. 1 chuck, 7Vc;
No. 2 chuck. 7c, Ii'o. 3 chuck, uc, No. 1
round, 11c; No. 3 round, 10c; No a round,
c; No. 1 plate, 6c, No. 2 plate, 5c; No. 3
plate, 4Vc.
VEGETABLES Ce.sry, MlcliUan. par
dns. 36c. beans, new wag and sirlut;, one
third bu. basket, tl.-JO, navy, per bu.. No.
1, $2.70; lirau. Hc per lb. Cabbage, -j p r
j lb. Potatoes, new, per bu.. M l..
. toes, par 4-basket crate, Sx.-. 'Vaiat melons.
I s.423.ic. Cantalopoa, California. 12.5. 3 00
per ctate. Asparagus, per n..i., kk:. t u
cumbers, per dm., 6oc. Onions. Xiermud.t,
$1.50 per crate; Texas yellow, $1.26 per crate.
Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., ouc. Let
tuce, per do,.. 2Cc. Peppers, southain, $,
per crate.
FRE8H FRUITS-Arples. $2 7tV3.00 per
bushsi box. lemons. $4 font. i,, oranges,
$4u.'(U.C0. lisnunaa, 4t- per lb. Films. $,.,
4-t.saael c.'ate. Peaches, Callfornls. ItKySO
box; Texas, 4-basket or lie. tk.b7uc. peais,
$1.50 4-basket crate. Blackberries. i4. Raiu-
! berries, li.Oo Cherrlis. Currants, $..00.
tiooseoei rics. ij 0U.
BUOAR Coarse granulated. 6a0c; fins
granulated. j.70c; cubes. Suuc; powdered,
NUTB Almonds. 17Vc: filberts, I2c;
walnuts, 16c; Brasil nuts. 14c; pecans. Uc
per lb.
rants, uncleaned. Vc; clsan-sd. o; carton,
So per lb. Prune. 4'S,0tc pt r sack. 7-j
per lb. Apricots. 2s-lb. boxes, so per ib
Peaches. California choice, tec: fancy b l-a
11c per lb. Pears. Csllfornla. 11c. Dates.
Persian, ttttc. Figs, layers, choice, l;S,c.
Citron, U$2uc. Lemon t, 13c. Oran
peel. 13c.
F1BH Halibut, Sc; irout, 14c, p.ckeral. 10c.
plk. ISc; bullheads, skinned and dressed,
lie; whits perch, tr; whit bass. 17c, black
bass. 2bc; crapples, lc: white fish. 13c;
red snapper. 14c; flounders, Lc; mHCkil,
17c; cod fun. fresh frosen. 13c; shsd roe, 4c.
malts. 13c; frog icss. &c; grata ssa luriia
meat, :c; catfish. 160.
HIDES Quotations by J. S. Smith At
Co. Oreen salted. No. 1, aVic; No. 2. 7c.
bull hides. SVse; green, No. L Pic; No. 3,
SVo; hors. 4J.S0 each: sheep pelts, groan
and salted. 25cij4l 5o; dry pelts, par
lb. Dry flint, butcher hides. 12c; ta.lsn
sldts, 10c; saltad. kc
Dalath 4. re In Market.
Dl'LUTH. July $0. WHEAT No. 1
northern, lilt1; No. 2 northern, $115,
July. $1.17; September t$lc.
OATS To arrive, 41Si on track, 7o.
Action of Railroad, They Sty, Will
Not Hurt Business.
Coarse Has Been Derided 4n aa Re
tall f the Recent Ruling Mad
ky 4e Interstate Com
merce Commission.
The decision of the railroads to withdraw
the through freight tariffs td the orient,
has set the public to wondering what the
result will be. The high officials of the
roads refuse lo throw; any light upon, the
situation, although they say. "it Is hoped
the new plan will work out all rUjht, com
mercially, and that the trade with thj
orient will not be permitted to suffer."
Officials in Omaha take their tip for sllenca
from Hill and Krutlschmltt, who refuse 14
The recer.t decision of the Interstate
Commerce commission requires that th
railroads shall publish the share of tha
rata received by the railroads on this orien
tal business. To do this, the railroads,
they affirm, could not well compete with
the all water routes through the Panama
canal, tvean lines are not subject to the
rulings of the Interstate Commerce com
mission and do not have to publish tariffs.
The rule In question says:
Ocean carriers between ports of the
I'nlted Stales and foreign countries not ad
jacent are not subject to the terms of the
act to regulate 'commerce; nor to the Juris
diction of the commission.
The Inland carriers of traffic exported to
ot Imported from a foreign coutAry not
adjacent, must publish their rates and fares
to the ports and from the ports, and such
rates ir fares must be the same for all
regardless of what ocean carrier may be
designated by the shipper or passenger.
As a matter of convenience lo the public
they may publish In their tariffs such
through expert or Import rates or fares to
or fmm foreign points as they may make
In connection with ocean carriers. Such
tariffs must, horn-ever, distinctly state the
Inland rate or fare as above provided; and
need 'not be concurred In by tho ocean
carrier, because, concurrence can be re
quired from, and Is effective against, only
carriers subject to the act.
Which ever plan of publishing thaaa rates
and fares la followed the taxlffs must b
filed and posted, and may be changed only
upon statutory notice or under special per
mission for shorter time.
Kxport and Import traffic may be for
warded under through billftsr, but eiidi
through billing must clearly separate the
liability of the Inland carrier of carriers
and ot the ocean carrier, and muat show
the tariff rate of tha Inland carrier or car
riers. The trsfflc between tha Orient and this
country has been subject to varying condi
tions and hitherto It has been the custom
to publish a through tariff without giv
ing the proportions received by tha rail
roads. This proportion has naturally varied
according to the variety of routes followed.
The only way the railroads figure they can
comply with the law and still get the busi
ness Is to cut out the publication of the
through tarifts and have tha rates subject
to the rate to and from the port of export
and Import respectively.
Lover Presses Salt In Vain and Toons
Woman Haa Him Arrested for
Carrying; Revolver.
The old-fashioned method of proposing,
when one plea-Is with his hearta des'ra on
bended knee and with strained voice to
ridi through life on the tame ship with
him, was Ignored, by W. R, Hlgnett of Chi
cago Thursday. Hignett bought a revolver
early In the morning and . meeting tha
young woman whom he claims he cannot
live without, Miss Caasle Davl 1s. 2037 ft.
Mory'i avenue, on a down town street.
lLgn-tt attempted to force tha young
w man to marry him. Learning that hs
had a revolver Mtss Davids became fright
ened and when Officer McDmigall hove In
sight at H.-venteenth and Harney streets
ltl,nrtt vtas arrested at the Instigation of
the young woman.
Btreet car advertising,
Omaha Hotel Supply Co.
moved from 314 Bo. 13th- to rooms 31 to $7
V. 8. Nations! bank building.
Auctioneers' Convention Poatponed.
MITCHELL. 8. D.. July 3d. (Special Tel
arram.) After waiting all day yesterday for
83"U0 i,he uc-tluncers to gather for the state con
..T.. 1 vention, Secretary Merrltt last night post
1.500 j poned the convention. There were ten del
300 egates present late Wedrweeday afternoon,
ILOOu and' three of them went home. Secretary
TT7T7. 1 Merrltt had letters from twenty-five auc-
tlonerrs who said they could not come on
account of urgent business. The conven
tion was adjourned over to January S. A
and 7. IP09. and will be held lo this city
again on that date.
Plana for PrO-College.
MITCHELL, 8. D., July 3o.-( Special.)
The German Lutheran synod of Iowa Is
making some Investigations In this s'sts
with the idea; of building a pro-college at
some advantageous point. The ministerial
I college Is located at Dubuque, Ia., and tha
i pro-college at Clinton, Ia., but the lattor
I I'ro
Institutlon Is w (tiled with students and
cannot accept any more at the opening ot
the fall term.' which leaves ths German
Lutherans in this state without an Institu
tional school to which to eetMl their childrsn
to college.
tills and Hosla.
NEW YORK. July 30 OIL Cottonseed,
easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yel
low, 4.1c. Petroleum, steady; refined
New York, $3 70; Philadelphia and Balti
more, tx 70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In
bulk. $4 85. Turpentine, easy; 4()Vc.
ROfllN Quiet: strained, common to good,
SAVANNAH. Oa., July 30. OIL Turpone
tine, firm; 37V'6a7Vc.
ROSIN Firm; A. H. C. SJ.rvM AO; D. $3 0
fi2.; E, $2. Tin .; F, $3.l'i; O. $s.lS44 fv,;
H. $3.50; I, $3lsi; K. $4.85; M, $5.4o; N, $4u;
WO. K36; WW. $n So. .
Snsar and Molasses. I
NEW YORK. July 30. Bl'OAR Raw,
steadv; 'air refining. 3.7sc; centrifu
gal, iS test. 4.25c; molasses sugar, 46't
3 JK-. Refined sugar, stesdy; No. . 40c;
No 7 4.c; No. 8. 4.s-; No. 9. 4.7bc; No.
10 4t)c; Sj. 11, 4Oc; No. 12, 4.55c; No. 11,
4 'Jc; No. 14. 4 tie; coiitectloners A. S loe;
mould A, 5.65c; commercial loaf. .10rj
crushed. c; jjowdeied, 5.4"c; grsnu'.atr'd,
5 :lf ; cubes. 5 55c.
MOLASSES Dull; New Orleans on an
kettle, good lo choice, 2"H2c.
t'offeo Mnrket.
market for coffee futures closed stdy
onchanar.1 to 6 noltiis lower. 8j1 a
wf.r reported of 15 5o0 haga. Including July
i nt 5 S. ii j Kic ; August. 5.7's'. 8jI tnb. r, a f. i
t)5 7':; December, I.KC; aisrcn, n.n c; isy.
5.7.S-. Spot coffee, unlet; No. 7 Rl .. t-;
No. 4 Santos. V Mild coffee, dull; Cor
dova. t1H2VxC. . .
ContalnlDg late autiirntle
Infortiiatlon on
McKinley Darragh
Copper, Curt) and Mining Outlook
7'ac 'irliittj I'Urc, New Vork
4 "ample Coplaa fraa
1.00 pet rear M Vswaa
Covers Tonopab, Ooldflsld. Ely. Butte.
Cobalt, Ycrlugton, Tlntlo, Binghana, park
City. Baavsr county au4 iiAwbldo.