THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 31, IMS. BRIEF CITY NEWS Beet Prist XV Bttdolpa r. fwobeda, rnkllo.Aeoomami bu, 117 K 1. Douglas shoe, tt 9. Pa Bourke far Quality clears, IK B. llth. Blneaart, photographer, lltb Farnam. Jama O. Klasles for county att'y. Adv. Equitable Idle Policies. al(ht draft at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha Bargses-Oraadlsi Co-, Kit Howard St Gas. eleetrto flctures, slectrls wiring and repairs. Residence slectrls fan. lit ft. Two DlTorcaa Oranted Divorce decrees lave ben granted to Mra. Lillian Mead from Waiter Mead and to Mra. Elliabeth WHlfn from Burton Watson on tha grounds of desertion In both cases. Hnn of Xope Trnitw The first meet Ing of the board of trustees of the House of Good Hope, recently established by Rev. Charles W. 8avldge, will be held Friday venlne; at 1714 Farnam street. In tha office Df Mr. Oould Diets. Accidental Death the Tardict "Acelden tal death, with no blame attached to the iitreet railway company or Ita employes" was the verdict of the coroner's Jury Wednesday evening at the Inquest on the Kth of Olaf Sieger, the aged tailor who fill from a South Omaha street car near Seventeenth and Vinton streets last Friday, receiving a fractured skull. Sight ftoomi la Torres ttonoel The three annexes which have eompoeed th Forrest school are being moved to a vacant lot across the street and the work of con structing the new building for the school will begin at onre. The Forrest school will b built at Fourteenth and Phelpa atreets and will be an eight-room atructure. School will be held in the old annexea acrosa the street until the new building la ready for occupancy. Pete B. Halg-nt at Seat The funeral of Peter B. Haight. who d'ed suddenly Tuns day nlgftt In Kansas City following a sur gical operation, waa held Thursday after neon at 2:30 from the family residence. 82s Florence boulovard. Floral offering from friends and bualneea associates of the deceased were many and beautiful and were banked about the room and casket. The services were conducted by Rev. J. XX Klrchsteln of the North Bide Christian church and interment waa at Prospect Hill cemetery. These officiated aa pallbearers: A. C. Adams, H. C. Lane, Mark Price. Dr. P. H. Ellis, Frank Foster, Frank Keogh, J. XV. Thomas and Herman Mathea. WHO WON THE BIgTdEBATE? Hueetlon Asked by Forty-One Person Majority Decides oa the Eighth of November. Forty-one persons In Omaha called up The Bee by telephone Thursday morning and aaked this question: "Who won the debate?" What debate? Why, the very Idea, as If there ever was but one debate! It was the Pahlman-Armor debate at the Bellevue Chautauqua of course. That famous for enalo combat In which the mayor of Omaha strove to establish his claims against pro hibition and Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of . Georgia, endeavored to prove the virtue of the total annihilation of the demon rum. "Don't know who won it. madam," was the first answer made to this Inquiry. (The Inquisitor, of course, was a woman; so were the other forty.) "You don't know? Why, I thought you would have that In your paper." "But there was no formal decision, madam." "OTi, there wasn't; why?" "There were no Judges, madam." "No Judges?" (Rising Inflection.) "No Judges." Well!" (Falling inflection.) Another good woman waa advisee? that doubtless In the judgment of the mayor of Omaha Mr. Dahlman won the debate and in I he mind of the good woman from Dixie Mrr. Armor won the debate. "Yea. but that's no way to decide It." rejoined this woman. "What did those present think?" "Many things, doubtless, they did not ex press. Perhaps It must be left to the ma jority after all." This seemed to offer the good woman some encouragement. "Oh. yes, that's right, of course," she said readily. "And when does the ma jority meet to decide?" "November ." LOBECK FORCED IS THE RACE for governor on the first ballot Just before n this morning the democratic state ventlon took a recess snd met again at 11 o'clock this morning to complete nominations. NEWSBOYS PUT IN GREAT DAY Comptroller Will B .Bu for Gorernor AFFAR$ QMAHA iiuuuutuuu uj icutivu. JACKS THUS FIGHT DAHLMAN reads ef the Cltr Are Low Maar Claims Reseat l tarmld. L. West. Cam pa I an Manager for llltcheock. Is the Maa Who Takes Lead In the In-serrerttoa. C O. Lobeck. city comptroller, will run for governor. Mr. Loberk has not changed his mind a!-out pulling out of the race In favor of Mayor Dahlman. but his friends have and these friends will force him to enter the lists for the, primary nomination. The Jacks, sworn enemies of the Jims, are back of the deal and the decision to force the comptroller into the rare waa reached at a meeting of Jack leaders Thursday noon following the personal rights address by the mayor the evening prevlojs. C. L. West addressed the meeting and offered to accomplish the feat of making a new candidate to order, and It Is understood that the offer was gladly accepted. And at tli la Juncture arises another com- The city council was busy Wednesday In committee of the whole and the aame com mittee will be In session Thursday. The object of the meeting was to settle up. aa far aa possible, all old claims against the city. It was found that a large ac cumulation of bills had been hanging over. On some of these the council wa ready to act favorably, but a number of others will require a thorough lnveatlgatlon be fore they are paid. In aome casea the clalma are necrly a year old and the elrcumstances of their presentation are therefore unknown to the present council. The order books' and stubs of requisitions In some caaes do not show the Items, and this makes the work of checking doubly hard. Some of the bills will be laid over and the claimants will have to establish their rights in the courts. It is evident that the utmost scraping will not pull all the fund through the yar. The light and water funds will have a little left, but all the rest are practically depleted. The mayor insists that the year shall GOOD MEN AND WOMEN HELP OUT Meeatala of Tempting Provision la Heeled to the Gronnde nasi Pealed with Facility by llangry Hordes. plication. Mr. West has been the campaign manager be neariy straightened up as possible. for Congressman Hitchcock, editor of the M that tn. r.publlcan party may start Bryan organ. Is Mr. Hitchcock In on th wllh cie4n boOK, for tn t There antl-Dahlman deal? Is Bryan? Or does wIn be an adjourned session of the city Hitchcock propose to knife our Jim, Bryan council Thursday night to pas on the or what not? Thee are questions that have come up. Mr. West will place the comptroller in nomination before the primaries by means of circulating a petition and says he can easily get twenty-five signers and have the petition on file with the secretary of state before the closing of entries August 1. He has not and will not ask the permission ' of Mr. Lobeck, he says, but will go ahead regardlens of his wishes In tho matter end make him a candidate whether or no, con fident In the belief that tho comptroller can defeat Mayor Dahlman, A. C. Shallen- berger and O. W. Berge for the nomination. Might Be Strongest Man. Edward P. Berryman, secretary of Hie Jack; club, attended the meeting, but waa too politic to make a statement. He acknowledgea the force of the argument report of the committee of the whole. It Is the last session of the year. Fnnda at Low Point, The trouble brought about by the pre vious administration in South Omaha la now felt at the moat acute atage. All the funds are at the lowest ebb, with nothing of consequence to replenish them. As aoon aa the next levy becomes available th present administration will put Into effect Its promises concerning city expenditures which have been Impossible before under the aerlous state of the finances. All klnda of makeshift tranafers have been made to tide the city over without a shortage or overlap. Under the new appropriation ordl nance It Is proposed to do away with that kind of shifting. Mob Angered at I.eaae Martin Lesac, Thirty-first and Madison, put forward for the atrong aupporler of carna near being mobbed by Indignant cltl Mr. Lobeck and agrees that possibly the comptrollet might prove to be the strong est man to tie to. In support of this theory Is the persistent refusal of the Jack club to swear fealty to either Mr. Dahlman or Mr. Shallenberger, both of whom have filed. They have held back their approval of a candidate until "tho right man cornea out." sens laat night for maltreating his wife. He had an altercation with the woman in the yard which ended by his aieslng her and throwing her through a gate. She fell and broke her arm In two placea. The neareat neighbors were witnesses to the act and were so angry that they aroused the neighborhood. The men turned out and before the police could be summoned "Mayor Dahlman makes a plea for the had administered several severe cuffs and liquor votes and the radical element, while Mr. Lobeck holds the directly opposite view," says Mr. West, In explaining his reason for bringing out the comptroller. "The mayor asks for liquor votes, tho comptroller will aak for temperance votes. The mayor Is not a church man, the comp- klcks to satisfy, their anger ait Lesaa Lesac was placed under arrest. Captain Nels Turnuulst made the Arrest. Lesac is an Austrian. Greek Lose Saving. Sevis Rurandos, a Greek at Twenty- eighth and R etroeta, reported to the troller la.. The mayor Is radical, the comp- poHoe that ,ome0ne had entered hla rooms TROOPS GO J0 FORT RILEY I Companies of Sixteenth Infantry Leave Fort Crook for Kansas. Companies E. F, O, H, L and M of the Sixteenth United State Infantry left Fort Crook Thursday morning at 6 o'clock over the Burlington for IJncoln. where the command will disembark and will march overland from that city to Fort Riley, Kan., a distance of 140 miles. The two battalions are under the command of Captain Edward R. Chrlsman and Includes the regimental headquarters, field staff and band. Company I, Captain Charles M. Bundel, I now on duty at the Nebraska state rifle range camp, near Ashland, and will leave that camp August 19, by rail, for Fort Riley, arriving there about the time Cap tain Chrtsman's command reachea there. Company K, Captain Edgar Rldenour commanding. Will remain at Fort Crook to garrison the post during th absence of the remainder of the regiment. Captain fcldenour will be In command St Fort Crook. Captain Cornelius Gardener, commanding th regiment, has started on his return from leave of absence abroad, and will Join th regiment at Fort Riley and wilt remain wtlh It during the maneuver near that post A Blood r Affair is lung hemorrhage. Stop It; and cur weak lungs, cough and colds with Dr. King' New Discovery. 80c and J1.00. Beaton Drug Co. . Street car advertising, f Omaha Hotel Supply Co. moved from tit Bo. 13th to rooms SI to 17 V. 8- National bank building. Dr. Roas, Dentist. 418 Barker Block. Bnlldlng Permit. H. P. Bjsers. Thirty-second avenue and Gold street, tram dwvillng, 3ii; p. H. l.ane. Military avenue and Parker street, rrame aweiung. nw troller Is conservative. "Mayor Dahlman and Mr. Shallenberger must look for votes from the same quarter, as Mr. Shallenberger has been blacklisted by the anti-saloon league. Mr. Berge la a temperance man and will get the other votes. Unless Lobeck cornea out, Mr. Berge will without a doubt be nominated, but with LnbtfCk In the field. Lobeck will be nominated. He will get hla share of the temperance vote and he will get hla share of the Scandinavian vote (Lobeck'e middle name la Otto and he pride himself on hla nationality), and there la nothing that can stop his nomination. 'Different with Bryan. "With Mr. Bryan It Is different, but many people rather place their bets on a now man, you knew. Mr. Shallenberger has tried and lost, so has Mr. Berge. Mr. Lobeck has never run and many people would rather tie to a new man than to a man who has besn defeated. There Is not the slightest shadow of a doubt but that neither Mr. Dahlman or Mr. Shallen berger will be nominated. There are not enough liquor voles to do It. The nomina tion then Ilea between Mr. Berge and Mr. Lobeck, with the odds In favor of the Omaha man." The city comptroller waa formerly a traveling salesman and Is known tn every quarter of the state, his supporters aaylng that hla acquaintance Is as large aa Mayor and taken t he had kept In his cloth Ing. He suspected a laborer, who had been In the same rooming house, of the theft. The police are working on hla de serlptlon, but aa yet hjve made no ar reata in the case. Fatal Case of Snnatroke. The first case of sunatroke, or heat proatratlon, to result fatally, was reported Wednesday night. Charles Michaels, liv ing at Forty-ninth and S streets, while working In the hery field for Jerry I Ton tains, at Forty-ninth and Y atreets, cud denly collapsed about p. m. Wedneaday evening. He waa given the usual restora tives and Dr. E. L. De Lanney waa called to attend him. The doctor succeeded In partly restoring the man, and thought him out of Immediate danger. He ordered him to the hospital about 9 p. m., and he died en route. He lived with his aged mother at Forty-ninth and S streets. He waa single man of about 35 yeara. Previoua to the aunatroke he waa feeling aa well aa usual. Several other people of the city have been exhausted by the heat, but none of them has been more than tern porarlly Indisposed from the effects. No funeral arrangements for Mr. Michaels are yet made. Magic City Gnaaln, Mrs. Maurice P. Hinchey has gone for a visit of two weeks to Chicago. - - ' -" - part of the city. Telephone No.- a. paiBn qualities ano say mat ne nas Deen rx, not fall to buy a lot In South Omaha strengthened by voluntarily pulling out of at the sale Saturday; easy terme. K. S. f . . . . . . . 1 T) -X. ine race in lavur 01 me mayor, tiy nia re- I entering no cenaure can attach to him, for the filing will be done for him by others and he will have nothing to say about IL The debate on temperance by Mayor Dahlman at the Bellevue Chautauqua Wed nesday evening waa the deciding pointa and the Jacka think they aee a chance to get even with the man who would not let them Into the national democratic convention. WOMEN GO TO CONVENTION Eleven Delegatee Leave for Sexten nlal Meeting of Bohemian Ladles Society. Eleven delegatea from Neoraeka to the textennlal convention of ' the Bohemian Ladles' society at Cleveland, left Oman Wednesday evening. Three Omaha women were Included in the party, Mrs. Emilia Bandh9uer, Mrs. Anna lyrejcl, and Mrs. Anna Duda. Mrs. Bondhauer will present to the convention a gavel which was given to her husband. Frank Bandhauer, when he was a member of the Omaha school board. This gavel waa made by pupils tn the manual training department of the high school and is decorated with the national and the Bohemian colors. The convention will be attended by over 100 delegates, representing the branches of the lodge all over the country. The state delegates were Mrs. Marl Beck and Mrs. Olga Sta.'tny of Wilbur, Mrs. Msrle Tlchacek of Ltnwood, Mrs. Anna J. Fllllpi .of Clarkson, Mrs. Anna Aksamlt of Crete, Mrs. Anna Pros- kovec of Bruno, Mrs. Alolsie Hardy of MUHgan, Mrs. Marie Hach of Ravenna, The lodge at Humboldt will be represented I started. by Mrs. Bandhauer of Omaha, and Miss Rose Stastny of Swanton will accompany the party. The session of the convention lasts from August 1 for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Austria Winer. 2514 street, report the birth of a son. Mrs. C. C. Carrothera of Atlantic. la la the gueat of Mrs. C. M. Schindel. For Bale Seven-room modern house corner Twenty-second and T streets. Lot ftixlW feet, Twenty-sixth street, between E and F. J. H. Kopleta, 508 North 24th St For quick returne list your real estate with A. L. Bergqulat & Son. Let ua rent your houae. Hey man A Berry, sellers of "quality meats; Z4th and E, telephone 390; 2 til and A. telephone 117. Mlaa Alva Gorby of Indianapolis la th guest of Mra. E. L. Culver, bil North 1 went let n street. Ten dollar cash will make first payment on lota at the sale In South Omaha 8&iur day. K. S. Rood. For Sale Corner lot, 4oxl50 feet, Twenty sixth and F streets. A fine sr lot, tw blocks from Albright car line. J. H Kopleta, HO North Twenty-fourth street The Amartllts club Will meet this after noon at 1 d. m. It Is the latest orcanlxa tlon which has be-n reported in social clr cles. Mrs. J. J. Dvorak, Fifteenth and M streets, was taken to the South Omah hospital yesterday morning for an opera tlon. Now ts the time to buy a home In Bout Omaha. Be one of the first at the sal Saturday. E. 8. Rood, 917 New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. The corner of Twenty-fourth and N streets was congested all the evening by parties wisiung to go to neiievue last night. Miss Kitty Jolc of Chicago, who has been the guest of Mrs- Thomas Kelly, has gone to Fremont for a ahort visit before returning to Chicago, Buy a South Omaha lot and watch tha city boom when the new Improvemetita are H. B. Kooa. Weet Virginia Democrats Nomlaate, CHARLESTON. W. Va., July 30 After 404 North Twenty-fourth treet For Sale Three lot. 60x150 ft., Twenty eighth and A streets, at right prices. Two lots. Twenty-seventh and A streets. J. H Kopleta, 501 North Twenty-fourth street. Loans on planoa, warehouae receipt household goods, live stock, etc. Call and get our terms. Fidelity Chattel Loan Co. nominating Louis Bennett of Lewis county tM'i. Do jrou tell jrour food bechu of their quality, or becaute they art) chtsap? If jrou depend on the quality, no matter how sincere your Mtertiono of quality may be, the lack of it in your printed matter will weaken your claim. AllU,eM Miiiio-tm The condition of Chris Miller was not improved last night. He waa unconscious with some Indications of collapse. It learned he haa a son living west of Omaha For Sale Fourteen-room furnished fla in steam-heated building, in good business block. Excellent opportunity to cstablis good business. E. B. Brown A Co., room Live Stock National Bank building. Tel South 431. The degree team of camp No. Ml of th Woodmen of th World will hold a lawn ec al at the residence or John Nodeon, Fifteenth and W streets, Thursday even Ing. July J. For Sale Three lots and six-room house. barn, fruit trees, etc. Two acres, five-room house, fruit trees; Just the place for poultry rsrm: near city limits. J Kopleta. 6u3 North Twsnty-fourth street. Twenty-eight choice South Omaha Iota- all near the street car will be sold at o'clock p. m. Saturday, August 1. at Kits ke a Heloing s stora. corner Railroad av nu ana v. asiungiun streets. ! b. nova H A rtere Attack of malaria, liver derangement and kid ney trouble I easily eurvd by Electric Bit tera. the guaranteed jeroedy. 50c. Ikaton Drug Co wo Hundred Litti? Fellows at An nual Picnic at Manawa. hard It said that Mr. flearst will give his entire time to managing the campaign of the Independence party or rather of the man whom they nominated for preeldent. I do not know hia name nor how to spell it. Mr. Hearst acted very much pleased over the outcome of the meeting in Chi cago. I am sure I do not know any more. I never give out Interviews." Mr. Hearst and hla sleeping party ar rived over the Northwestern at S.35 o'clock and the Union Pacific pulled the Overland Limited out of Omaha promptly at i o'clock. Thursday eertalrjy wa a day to make the doctor feel discouraged the day of the newsboys' picnic. In the morning after paper selling time the boys, about 200 strong, marched through th bualness treets and visited al the newspaper offices cheering and yelling In a manner that put the rah-rah boys to shame. That was where the lung apeclalitts got theirs. Later In tne swimming and athletic contests the orthopedists and surgeons got the blues, while one glance at the small mountain of edibles taken along was enough to cause even an Iron-nerved stomach specialist to faint. The newaboys picnic la a great annual event, lor looked forward to by the busy young merchants. The event of Thurs day prove that they enter no less heartily into their pleasure than Into their daily duties. Let It be understood right at the start that this waa no slouch of a picnic. Ths newsies have the friendship of many peo pis. Rom Miller, he's the treasurer and secretary of the association. All the loading merchants and packing houses helped get up the picnic. And look at the syell women that helped serve the grub over the lake. Among these were Mrs. E. Hayward, Mrs. J. D. Weaver, Mrs. R. L. Metcalfe of Lincoln, Mrs. Charlotte Towl, Mrs. C. J. Roberts, Miss Mae Weaver Mlaa Marguerite Heaton and Mlsa Bessie Heaton. And the" Alllson-Daugherty combined shows which exhibited In Omaha last week contributed the proceeds of the show to the picnic fund. This amounted to $14.98. Car Pall of Kid. The chartered car full of happy, yelling newalea, left Fourteenth and Farnam atreets promptly at :30 a. m. For two hours before that, the boys had been gath ering and a seeming mountain of provisions had been growing larger with every de livery wagon that stopped to add to It Cast your gllm over the following unpara lleled list of attraction offered the newalea at the picnic: JO gallons Ice cream 30 I bunches bananas 1 18 watermelons 13 24 pies 24 300 buns 300 400 slices of bresd 400 6 crates of peaches 5 60 oran ges 250 (0 pounds veal 50 50 pounds boneless pork 50 150 pounds spring chicken 150 1 whole roasted lamb 1 Joe Carroll and other experts on news boy appetite, expressed the belief that ths provisions would be sufficient for the 204 boys. Joe snd Ms assistants have been colectlng money and provisions for weeks. The merchant responded liberally. The Cudahy, Armour and Swift packing houses donated the meat. The embarking of the newies was a sight worth seeing. Joe Carroll of The Bee seemed to be chief mufti with Mike Barto a his able assistant. Mogy Bernstein of the News was also a busy man and Tony Caatanxo, representing the World-Herald, was hopping about on hia crutches doing st least twice a trjuch as men wllh two legs 'could do. ' These three captains planned everything 'with the system of vettrans. The mountain- of provisions had been placed on Fourteenth street between Douglas and Farnam atreets and the boys were lined up half a block away at Far nam atreet. When the car pulled up, the rear platform waa piled high with Ice cream freetera, bananas, boxes of ment and buna, while under each seat a water melon or a crate of peachea was stowed. Like Horatloa at the Bridge. Then the car moved on to Farnam street, whore Tony Castanso and Joe Carroll. Ilka twin Horatluses at the bridge, were holding the Juvenile horde tn check. Woe, then, to any daring youth who sought to slip Into the car without being a bone fide newsie. NlUle, it couldn't be done. Joe Carroll stood at the back platform and Tony Castanto at the front and separated the sheep from the goats, the newsies from the mere boya. "Famoua Hustler," "Yel low Dog." "Snakes," "Rotten Eggs," Stubby," "Quaker Oats," "Fish," all these and about 190 others had free and undisputed entre to that coveted car, but It was almost as easy for a camel to paaa through the eye of a needle as for a non-newsboy to get past the watchful eyes of the two arguses, Joe and Tony. And then away went the car full of Joy to Manawa. where the first thing scheduled waa a base ball game at Ideal Hustlers' park. After that there was all kinds of fun at the park, including swimming (Lite Saver Parker of the Young Men's Christian association was on hand with a picked crew of Intrepid men to do the rescue atunt In case It became necessary); and there were races and watermelon eating conteata and pie eating conteMa and other conteala with plenty of fun on the roller coaster and the merry-go-round and other amuaement devices. The special car arrived in Omaha on the DINNER FOR CARL REITER Compliment I Paid Theater Manager by Business Men at the Com merrlal Clsb. Carl Relter, manager of the Orpheum theater for vfn years, who grws to Seat tle to manage the northwest circuit, was the guest of honor at a complimentary din ner tendered him by businnr men of Omaha at the Commercial club Thursday noon. Gorge F. West, general agent of the rasserger departent of the Northwest ern railroad, was toastmaster. .While the buln fs men were arriving and being seated In the main dining room, the orchestra from the Orpheum furnished music. XV. R. Bennett presented Mr. Relter with a cut glass set as a gift from the Or pheum orchestra, making a speech of un usual Interest In giving Mr. Relter the present. W, S. Summers presented Mr. Relter with a handsome gold watch and chain as the gift of the business men of Omaha. About seventy-five were present. They were the most prominent men in bualness and professional life In Omaha, many of whom have been associated with Mr. Relter In a business way. ITALY GETS MR. TESEDO BACK Blnrk Hand Oent In Retnrned to lit Native Lnnd a an Undesirable. Marlcello Marlechino, or more popularly known as Mike Tcsedo, an undesirable cltl sen who haa been held In the Douglas county Jnll for nbout three months await ing orders from the Immigration bureau for deportation. Is now on hla way to New York enroute to hla dear old Italy. Immi grant Agent W. R. Mansfield loft for New York Wedneaday evening with Tesedo and was accompanied by Dave Dickinson as a special guard. Tesedo had been In Omaha for a year or more and Information was sent to the Immigration bureau at Washington that he was here as an undesirable alien, hav ing been convicted of a crime In Italy and was shipped to this country by some of his Black Hand or Mafia friends. The Immigration authorities were on tho lookout for Tesedo here for some time. Ifo was finally located In one of the grad ing ramps, but managed to elude apprehen sion for several weeks. He was finally landed and placed In Jail. An effort waa made at one time to secure his release on bail, but was unsuccessful, as the govern ment will not accept bail In such cases where the Immigrant 1a an alien criminal. Are Yon la Donht Where to Spend Tour Vacation f The Grand Trunk Railway System (double track) offera the choice of many delightful resorts. Special low round-trip fares to many of them. If you will advlae how much you have to spend for railroad fare, a publication describing attractive route to the aectiona you can reach, to gether wtlh fares, will be acnt you. Oeo. XV. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A.. 135 Adam St., Chicago. SCHOOLS AXD COLLEGE. return last evening at 7:30 o'clock. HEARST SLEEPS GOING WEST Head of Independence Party Passe Through Omaha oa HI Way to California. William Randolph Hearst, editor, million aire, politician, head of the. Independence party and Its national chairman, slept soundly In his state room Thursday morn ing on the Overland Limited amid all the din at Uuion station and his valet would nut disturb bim, nor Clarence J. . Shearn hla adviaer, who la traveling with Mr, Hearat. Thoae In the Hearat party were Mr. and Mra. Hearat, Mr. and Mra. Shearn and two children. All had state rooms and were guarded not only by two vigilant Pullman porters ahd a conductor, but Mr. Hearst "Charley" waa on constant watch Nothing was to be allowed to Interfere with Mr. Hearst's rest no call waa to be made for breakfast and If the new national chairman awakes this side of San Fran cflco It will be by his own initiative and not by anyone pounding on th stateroom door. "Charley," valet, ts a big Irishman, with red hair and looks aa though he could help push the train if the engine got weak between the Missouri river and San Fran alsco. The valet would not give hla name to the reporters, who were the only ones at the station to see Mr. Hearat. After say Ing that Ire waa aur he did not know what time Mr. Hearat retired or when h would awake; that he wa sure he did not know how long Mr. Hears, vouid be tn the west the valet volunteered the following information: "W left Chicago laat evening. Mr Hearat la going to San Francisco. I do not know how to- apell Mr. Bmaro's name, I do not "know hla bualness nor why he is traveling with Mr. Hearst. Yea, I have EfiV Ellis Illustrated Music School SOil-4-5 Old nrandris Bldg. Theoretical and Xarmony Department Klaa Bffa Kill. Special Illustrated Lesson far .Adults and Children, VIAaTO DXPAJlTMXirT. aUs Slots Wood, recently from Europe, pupil of Alberto Jonas Kllnd worth, Scharwenka Conservatory, Berlin. Yioinr DKFAJtTMrirT. ICi Francis Braoshaw, pupil of Henry Q. Cox, of th Stat Unlvsraity of Iowa. Graduated ltOS, Christian College, Columbia, Mo. COBBBSPOWBZHCB DEPAJsTsCBBT Write at once for partlculara about the Special Mall Courses being used by thousands all over th United States. Mention thia advertisement. Where they build manly boys Send your boy to a school where they do more than give thorough Instruction. Our school does this, but It does a great deal more. Military training and exercise will give him a physique which will avail him all his life. The Kearney Military Academy Is a school which gives thorough lnstruc tlon and military training and maintains a discipline, which, together, will give your boy the training he needs to maku him a well educated, well trained, manly young fellow. If this is your idea of tha education and training you wish your boy to receive, write me for full partlculara. Address, Barry If. Bnassll, Head Master, Xsar nsy, BTeb WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning the ad vantages, rates, ex.ent of cur riculum and other data about the best schools and colleges can be obtained from the School and College Information Bureau of The Omaha Eee All information absolutely free and Impartial. Catalogue of any particular school cheerfully fur nished upon request. OMAHA STAMMERERS' INSTITUTE. School for the scientific treatment of voice and speech defect. Stammering and stuttering cured in a few weeks by our own natural methods. Kilter at any time. Write for terms. JT7X.IA A. TAUOatABT, rrlnolpal. Being Building, Omaha, Beb. MUSIC Domestic Science, Art, Expression Special Courses. Normal Courses for Teach ers, Full Course leading to Diplomas. The best instruction. Reasonable rales. Healthful and helpful College aurroundlnga. Asiicw: Illinois Wocnu's College, Bus li) octaooTlUs. Illinois. Lascll Seminary For Ytufl Watncm. Aabur.ft4.alts, Mm. Aa unuarUAvl trhotil. Comblnea thoroucto Instruc tion In ui atudiut rilh umcju douis-mue Uu utiif thai nu for llvtM of culture! um4uium and bom tsAppiuM. SpH-Lfsi otiportuiiill in Houtioi Ktixioiak. MuAic, Art, ttlc. Uvlirblful uLurbaui Inrmuon, ln mlln fruiu BusHotv LatJoif9 tad fu4 Infill uiatloa un pikrUtn. Addrac JOLLL bKJlIftAU V, A )Um l mm Schools AMD Colleges The Wayne Normal Some of th stroris- features of the Wayne Normal, whlchTonimrnd tn school to those seeking an education, are: A strong teaching force: a healtn ful location; thorough and practical coursea; moderate charges; wnoit-mime, moral influence; splendid buildings and equipment; students may enter at any time; no entrance examinations are required; students may take Just tne studies they wish; graduates receive state certificates; students are assisted to good positions; superior hoarding facilities; good libraries and laboratories; model school the entire year: excellent free lecture coursea; graduates ad mitted to sophomore class of the state university without examtnstlon; an agricultural cours th full year of 4S weeks; a winter term of agriculture of 12 weeks: a thorough course In manual training; review classea in ail branches each term; earn department has Its special teacher and eomplet equipment. No achool enjoys a better reputation. Method clasees each term. Normal trained students are always !n H-jmand The school owna and occupies two large recitation hnlldlntn; five dormi tories; central hot water heating plant; dining room with seating capacity of tOO; llhrarles; laboratories; gvmnaslum; museum; athletic groluMs; sio k barn and various other equipment which go to make thia School the moat complete or Its kind In the west . ..,,.- All buildings have electric lights. Pcportments: rrrraratory, teacher a. state certificate, eelentlflc teachers, primary, revisw, agriculture, manual 1 nH t.,.inB -, rultiirp shorthand ana tvpe- writing, drawing and penmanship. Our catalogue and circular will interest you. A poat.l to tn. prea.aem w,u '"" way,., The Nebraska Military, Lincoln, Neb, A first class, high grd military boarding gcnooi for boys and young men. Ideal location, outstd the city yet close enough to derive all city benefits; large, well equipped buildings, forty acres of campus, drill, parade and athletic ground. Strong faculty: the best academic, military, busi ness and industrial training. Preparation tor col lege, university or business. A clean and inspiring school home. Careful attention g?ven to the health, habits and home life of the boys. Non-sectarian, but strongly religious. Special department for boys un der 12 years of age. THE NEMIASKA MIUTARs? ACADEMY, School wilt open September 1, 108. For in formation address. or B. D. Hayward, Superintendent, Box 163. Lincoln, Nebraska. Old you ever tlhlmlc that any school can easily have "ex pert teachers" on paper! The Mosher Lampman Business College has them in the school room. This accounts for the fact that just 80 ro of the students vrho have entered our school in July came to us from other Business Colleges. For information call, phone or write. MOSHER-LAMPIVIA.IM, 171& and Farnam Streets The direct route A straight line la the shortest distance between two points. Why not taecu your fingers Til DIXZOT BOUTS T Hie complete keyboard. Hmlth Pre mlr. Is the WOaVLD'S BEIT TY1S WBITXK. Free employment bureau Stenographers are furnished to bualness men without chance ".o school, atene grapher or employer. Write for particulars. Tbe Smith-Premier Typewriter Ca. at- O. PLOWnTAlT. Mrr. umaaa, men. MILITARY ACADEMY Oldest and largest tn tha Middle fVesL Prepares for Universu ties. Government Academies or for 1. 1 re. Active U. 8. Or fleer. Rated tn class "A". Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry drliu. in. dividual Instruction for backward hoys. Manual Training-, bep. arate department for small boya Illustrated catalogue free. Address Secretary, tiox A. Lexington. Mo. THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE. ISTABI.IBKEP 1884 1 LINCOLN, IX EBRA8KA. ItANKS AT THE TOP. IT OFKKHS YOU MAW DISTINCT ADVAN TAGES WHICH OTHER SCHOOLS' CANNOT OKFKH. FACULTY OF liX. PKKTS. KUUlPMtNTS COMPLETE AND THOROUGHLY UP-TO-DATE. CAPITAL CITY. THOUSANDS OF OKADUATE3 IN POSITIONS. WHITE KuK PARTICULARS. Liberty Ladies CoIIegi 14 nillts from Kiwi City. Bosutlful and healthhl locution Hlchcst (red Is Lsittrs Settncra. Arts, ricultr spvelally triinsa In lodlug Culletn snd umvmsiM of Amarus u4 Kurup.. AMERICAN NOZAKT CONSERVATORY ProfSMors. gnduirs wllh klshest kosirt of th Royal Conservsterlas of Serlla, Lslpils, Luailoa. una th sietkodi of lesM toiue rvttorlM. A sijls i: Csblust Grind Modal Bowman Piano a I'm la kta PastlTti Cootaat. Addreaa C M WILLI AtlS, LIMrtr. Mo WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY Upper Alton, Illinois) Ideal location, near 8t Louis. Six modern buildings. .Fireproof Barracks. Large drill hall. Willi gymnasium, buwllng alleys and shooting gallery. Exceptionally atrougj faculty. Army detail. Tuition 1160. Cupacity 150. Waiting Hat last year. Immedate application advisable, for boys of Kood chnnu'er above the sixth grade COi. ALBERT M. JAOXSOsT. A, at., npsrlntendeDt. In the business world, to the most highly trained go the spoils of victory: suecess. Personal Instruction. Is abso lutely essential to .a thorough training far a position as profes sional stenographer. This school Is personally conducted by Its president and founder, a writer and teacher of shorthand, who supervisee- the work of each atudant and under no conditions will more stu dents be enrolled than can be person ally cared for. Puryear's Commercial School t3g w. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Pennsylvania, at eroersborg. Mereersburg Academy lor Boys College Preparatory Ooarses Personal Interest taken, with aim to Inspire in pupils lofty Ideals of scholarship, sound Judgment and Christian manllneas. For catalogue ndrlreMS, William Mass Irvine, Pa. X., Pres. HASTINGS COLLEGE MABTIVOB. l. "Beery Studeat aa Advertiser." College Courses, Academy Courses, Teachers' Couraea, New Conservatory of Muslo. Ideal location. New Science building, moderate espensaa Write for haadaowa catalog and Illustrated sonvealr. A. B. TOI'ia, LL. P. PBBIT)B WT. LEARN AUCTIONEERING And make from f 10 to 1(0 per day. We teach you AoetioneerindT In four weeks' time ao that you cau step at once Into one f the beat paying occupations in the Und and that without capital. Wa only require) one-half of tuition down, the other after rou have become a auoceaaful auctlonaer. Ut Illustrated catalogue now ready. Bex, ffena Ar- -- Actual practice given. XlaiaOVaVI ACOTIOaT BOsfOOZ W. B. Cai-semteg, rrev, ef Treats. Me, FALL TERM BEGINS ALG.31 A THIS SCBOOI. BTAJfDI POB QUAIITA Business, Morinal, Preparatory Course A pleasant college town. Living expeiiovf low Places to work for room and boaiu, Uraduitca assisted to exculisnt position; If lntersBted, s.nd for our handsome free, catalogue, the finest ever published by an achiol. ' WEiTERH IOWA COX.X.EOB. Council Bluffs, la. BROWNELL HALL Under the combined Influence of serious work, kindly courtesy, snd youthful merry making the students of this Hoarding and Lay achool for young women and glris grow into a happy appreciation of the beauty and dignity of wholesome, social re lationships. Students holding certificates covering the full entrance requirements of a standard slate university are admitted without examination to junior year of col-l.-klate course. Certificate in college-preparatory course admits to Vassar. Welles ley, Bmlth, Mount Holyoke Cnlverslty of Nebraska, University of Wisconsin snd Cnlverslty of Chicago. Kxceptlonal advan. lagoa In music, art and domestic science. Well equipped gymnasium, and nut-door aporta. iludi nts mothered eympsthetlcally For llluairated Year-Hook address Mlsa Macrae, principal. Omaha. Todd Seminary for Boys (1st year. The oldeat school for hoys lb the Northwest. Located (0 minutes from Chicago and 1009 feet above the aea In the "hill country" of Illinois. Our Ideal: "For every Todd boy a good cltliun. dend. for prospectus. BToble BUU. pftBuistX BUaola, Woodstock.