THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 31. 1908. The -Omaha Daily Ufa. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR Entered at Omaha postofflce a second- ciaas miuir. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: "ally Bm (without Sunday), one year $4 00 Daliy Bm and Sunday, one year 00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER, lull Ba (Including Sunday), per week. .169 Dally Bee (without Sunday), per Evening Bet ( Ithout Hunday ). per w'k c Evening Baa twlth Sunday), per week. 10c Sunday Bee. on year 2. 60 f-aturday Bee, one year 1 (0 Addreaa all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs 15 Scott Street. Chicago 164S Marquette Building. .' lorn Honmi UUW1V2. eo. West Thirty-third Street. Waahlngton 725 Fourteenth Street. N. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and editorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal ordr payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall account. Personal rh.'cka. except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not ac cepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCUNATION: Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: Qeorge B. Txechui k, treasurer of The B-a Publishing company, being duly sworn, eaya that tha actual number of full and complete copter of Tha Dal y, Morning, Evening and Sunday Be printed during tha menih of June. l0. waa as follow: 1.. , .85,880 , .38,740 ,.38,990 , .38.BC0 15 38,490 1 38,490 17 36,980 IS 89,110 It 38,400 80 35490 81 35,760 88 38,480 83 36.099 84 38,340 B5 38,800 88 88,070 88 3530 88 38,500 30 38,330 . . 4. . a. .35,780 35,880 1 M.fiOO 35,960 35,910 10 86,870 IX 36,350 18 30,080 13 36,890 14 88,000 38,080 , Toll 1,089,090 Less unsold and returned copies.. 9,877 n t0Ul 1.078.313 Dailcy averag M tTf GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK M. P WALKER, Notary Public WHEW OUT OF TOWH. abacrlbers leavta clty fem. por.,11, .boom k.r. Th. M mailed to tkem. Addraa. will bo chained a. ,., aa requested. Wonder if Candidate HIsgen has a brother Charley? Nan Patterson haTbeen ordered out of Pittsburg. That's the limit. Two "Bills," two ""Toms" and two "Eugenea" are la the presidential run ning. It Is not certain even that Mr. Bryan will approve of Mr. Taffs letter of ac ceptance. Buffalo claims to have the poorest union station In the world. Kansas City please write. In other words, Mr. Taft asks that labor treat him as fairly as he has al ways treated labor. The Joke would surely be on Mr. Hearst If Tom Hlsgen should be elected president of the United States. The Bultan has agreed to give Turkey a constitution. lie had to do so tq save his own constitution. Mr. Hearst Is opposed to overcap italization of about everything except the editorials In his newspapers. Judge Grosscup announces that he Is preparing to retire from the bench The president will not try to hold him. The Chautauqua managers doubtless feel that they have already contributed their share to a certain campaign fund. "Intellect and conscience are written all over the face of John W. Kern," says an Iowa editor. Thought it was whiskers. According to advices from Falrvlew, Mr. Bryan will look Into the matter and pulverlre the editor of The Bee a little later. The real dark horse of the Olympic games was a negro from South Africa who showed all the other runners a clean pair of heels. William Waldorf Astor announces his Intention to stand for Parliament. No objection over here, If Parliament will staDd for Astor. Whatever the verdict may be on Mayor Jim as a debater, he can put himself down as a success from the b0 office point of view. Omaha Is to have an Improved mail collection service. The way to test it Is to post a letter to yourself and see how soon it comes back. Chautauqua managers are already reserving open dates for Mr. Bryan for next season. The Chautauqua man agers appreciate the odds. Pittsburg authorities are trying to learn the cause of the alarming number of suicides in that city. Can it be due to awakening conscience? The charter revision committee Is getting In Its licks early. But In the matter of charter revision the legisla ture gets In Its licks last. That new Union Pacific headquar ters building may have to be enlarged, whan It finally comes, to take In the Missouri Pacific and Wabash, too. There Is no question about there being room for a new bank In Omaha. Scmo of 08 are not quite so sure, how ever, about the need of a twelve-story uiiding la which to house U The refusal of William Randolph Hearst to aceppt the nomination of the national independence mrty for the presidency la puzzling some people Mr. Hearst is the father, discoverer Inventor and next best friend of the new political organization, which would undoubtedly make a better showing at the polle nnrter his leader ship than under any other candidate. With Hearst ns Its standard bearer, the Independence party would rally Its full strength and might gain recruits who would fail to respond to an un derstudy. But Hearst's declination has finally been explained. He keeps a valet. Mr. Hearst was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and most of the side dishes were wrought of gold, but In spite of all that he has made some thing of a study, by observation, con tact and absorption, of the rights, sen timents and feelings of the plain peo ple. 'He has studied their grievances and has often stood champion for them in their battles with Predatory Wealth, the Money Devil and the Wall Street cohorts. His position. It now appears, is mental, pnytncaiiy, ne is still the victim of environment and early training. While his heart may bleed for the oppressed and the down trod, his physical being demands the creature comforts that belong only to the rich. He wants some man to black' his shoes, to press his trouserB. adjust his shirt studs and buttons, act ns barber, hairdresser, servant and general factotum. So he employs a valet, to whom he pays wages ana holds out hope and prospect of politi cal preferment. According to the dictionaries, a valet Is "a male waiting servant; a servant who attends on a gentleman's person; a body servant, see hibu tu vassal." Mr. Hearst has read history and knows the American proletariat. He understands that customs and prejudices cling to life like front yard dandelions, and he doubtless under stands that no man who keeps a valet, varlet or vassal In constant attendance can ever hope to be elected president of the United States. That must be why he declined the nomination. WORLD'S DEMAUD FOR WHEAT. The American farmer appears to have the habit of disappointing the statisticians and the theorists who spend a great deal of time preparing predictions for the future, based on past performances. Had the farmer accepted these predictions as a guide most of the civilized world would be going hungry today, or finding some substitute for wheat and other cereal products. Some ten years ago Sir William Crookes, admittedly one of the most eminent of scientists, delivered an address before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in which he predicted that before third of the twentieth century had passed the wheat supply of the world would fall bo short of the demand that tne people would be faced with danger of starvation, unless resort was had to food substitutes prepared In the .1 kU A laboratory. In tne course 01 mo u dress, Sir William said: Practically there remains no uncultivated prairie land In the United States guitablo for wheat growing. Tne virgin mnu hm been rapidly absorbed, until at present there la no land left for wneai wunoui reducing the area for maize, hay and other neceasary cropa. It la almost cur tain that within a generation the ever tncreaslng population of the United StaUs will consume all the wheat grown within Its borders, and will be driven to Import, and. like ourselves, will scramble for a lion share of the wheat crop of the world. The population of the United States has grown even more rapidly than Sir William predicted and yet the facts show that the country has more wheat than it needs for home consumption and Is annually exporting something like 200,000,000 bushels, as compared with 16,000,000 bushels in 1866 and 100,000,000 bushels ten years ago. The nation's wheat crop, up to 1870, had never exceeded 191.000,000 bush els. It exceeded 735,uuu,uuu Duuneis in 1907 and will be very considerably larger than that this year. It is estimated that the bread-eating countries of the world now consume about 3,000,000,000 bushels of wheat annually and It Is Interesting, If not also surprising, to .note that the per capita consumption of wheat In the United States Is less than that in al most any other country, being but 275 pounds per annum, as against 473 pounds In France. This Is explained, perhaps, by the large use of corn as a bread In the south. The world's consumption of wheat has Increased about 100.000,000 bushels a year for the last ten years, the United States leading in the Increase. The wheat consuming countries, outside of the United States, have to Import about 500.000,000 bushels of wheat an nually and this country Is supplying from one-quarter to one-third of that. It takes about 600.000,000 bushels an nually to supply the home demand for wheat, leaving the balance for export. Sir William Crookes' statement that the wheat belt has been practically de termined In this country Is nearer ac curate than some of his predictions. In 1898 there were 44,000.000 acres In the United States devoted to wheat rniturs. while the acreage last year was 47,000,000. The yield per acre, however, Is being constantly Increased, having risen from an average of 11.9 to 14 bushels per acre from 1898 to 1907. This Is due largely to the de velopment of Irrigation and to ini proved farming methods. While th area suitable for wheat culture may not be materially enlarged, the Im proved methods of farming, the nur ture and protection of the soil and the general Improvement In seed and in harvest methods hold a promise that the American farmers will keep the many I nSEHS fVR MR. ft RT AX- The democratic platform is entirely silent on the negro question, much to the disappointment of Colonel Watter on and other democratic leaders who have made advances looking to the an nexation of the negro vote, and Colonel Bryan has declared that he has not said a word about the negro and does not Intend to discuss any political question not Incorporated In the plat form. This position may please democrats In the border states where the negro vote holds the bslance of power, but It Is far from satisfactory to democrats in the south. Editor Hemphill of the Charleston News and Courier, who Is supporting Bryan because he must and not from choice, wants to know where Mr. Bryan stands on the negro ques tion. In a recent Issue the News and Courier propounds these four ques tions to Mr. Bryan: Kltst If elected president. Mr. Bryan, ntll you attempt any Interference with the renditions of negro suffrage In tha south 'rn state? Second Will you make any effort to re store the negro goldiera who were dis missed from the military service of the country because of the affair at Browns vine. Tex.? Third Will you appoint negroes to offi cial places In the federal service? Fourlh In the selection and appointment if United States Judges for the supreme, circuit or district benchea would you be controlled by political or factional consider ations or regard these offices as rewards for assistance Riven to you and the party you represent in the presidential election? However much Mr. Bryan may de sire to avoid discussing the negro question, he must admit that the ques tions asked by Editor Hemphill are pertinent and that the negro voters arc entitled to know his position on them. Fairness to the negroes should Induce him to answer at least the first three questions, although he has In former speeches attempted to make his position on the first two propositions dear. In a speech at Cooper Union In New York last April Mr. Bryan, In response to a question from a man in the audi ence, stated In explicit terms that he approved cf the laws adopted In the southern states for the disfranchise ment of the negro. He asserted that the whites of the south were Justified In their course by conditions existing there and that If similar conditions ex isted In any northern state the negroes would be disfranchised In the north. Mr. Bryan has also defined his atti tude on the Brownsville case. When the case was pending In Washington he wrote an editorial in the Commoner in which he approved of President Roosevelt's course. The negroes who have been opposing Mr. Taft because of President Roosevelt's dealing with the Brownsville soldiers have nothing to expect from Mr. Bryan on that score. On the question of appointing ne groes to office Mr. Bryan Is not on record. President Cleveland thought he was playing good politics when he appointed a negro democrat to a high federal office In Washington, but It was never demonstrated that the dem ocratic party gained a vote thereby. The democratic party never had and has not now any real sympathy for the negro and the few negroes associated with the democratic party have always found themselves In a forlorn position. HARRIMAN AKD GOVLO. The entrance of E. H. Harrlman Into the sphere of railroad Interests hitherto dominated by members of the Gould family Is of moro than ordinary moment to Omaha, which Is one of the Junction points of the Harrlman and Gould railway systems. Omaha la not only the eastern terminus and head quarters city of the Union Pacific, which Is the backbone of the Harrlman holdings, but It is also the northwest ern terminus of the Missouri Pacific and of the Wabash two of the main Gould lines. If there Is to be co operation In business management be tween these two great railway mag nates Omaha as a point of contact Is sure to be on the new map. Whatever may be said about Mr. Harrlman's stock-Jobbing manipula tions and financial exploits, It is con ceded by all that his influence as a practical railway man is always ex erted toward new construction and improved operation. In this respect, where Harrlman Is strong Is Just where the Goulds have for the most part been weak. While the Goulds have. It Is true, branched out 6ome In the east and far west, their control over the Missouri Pacific and the Wa bash has not been specially conducive to their betterment as physical prop erties. If Mr. Harrlman really takes hold of the Gould lines It is reasonable to expect that It will not be many years before he will have the Missouri Pa cific and the Wabash In first-class op erating condition and endeavor to util ize them up to their full capacity, and such a development could not but con tribute to the growth and prosperity of Omaha and its surrounding terri tory. It Is plausibly aurmlsed that ' the identification of Mr. Harrlman with the Gould Interests is for the purpose of protecting the roads with which he is already connected on the theory that the embarrassment of one system would produce complications for all. It goes without saying that a prosper ous railroad helps to make prosperous communities and that a dragging, de crepit railroad la the worst kind of a burden for people dependent upon It. If Mr. Harrlman should undertake auc- cessfully to bring the Gould lines up to the standard of the Union Pacific he would accomplish wonders. It was only to be expected that the local democratic organ would promptly orld from going hungry for years to come. J apologize for the action of the demo cratic council In piling up the cltr tax burden for next year to the top llmjt allowed by the charter. If it were a rercbllcan council the democratic or gan would be excoriating It for extrav agance and recklessness. Uncle Sam Is again trying to get his postofflce clock at Omaha running right. We presume it would be pre sumptuous to suggest that the mls taktn location of the federal building over flowing natural Bprlngs with walls constantly settling may have some thing to do with dislocating the time piece. Deal Jackson, a negro, has marketed the first bale of Georgia cotton and the Atlanta papers pay him a fine com pliment, declaring that "his word is as good as his bond and that he Is re spected alike by black and white." Wonder If he is allowed to vote? This John Temple Graves who is running for vice president on the Henrst party ticket Is the same gentle man who appealed to Mr. Bryan to rise In the democratic national convention and nominate Theodore Roosevelt for president. Democratic National Chairman Nor man E. Mack has one consolation. He cannot make a bigger failure In the management of the campaign than achieved by his predecessors. Tom Tageart and James K. Jones. Texas and Georgia are tied In the lynching score for the month, but Georgia will doubtless claim the record on a foul, as the Texans admit that in one of their matinees they lynched the wrong man. Mayor Jim wants it distinctly un derstood that every member of his family does Just as he pleases In the matter of Indulging his appetite and so does he, especially when he Is at Sioux City. It is said the rug business in Persia has been seriously Injured by the polit ical disturbances Still, Paterson, N. J., is making the genuine Persian rugs in quantities sufficient to supply all de mands. An appeal Is to be made by one of our popular clergymen to the farmers for contributions to help out his "House of Hope." That is what comes from getting the reputation of having money. It would be interesting to know what kind of vests "Tim" Woodruff is wearing since the crusade for the suppression of unnecessary noises was started In New York. "Bryan is 'the beloved child of the American people," says an exchange. Perhaps, bu the American people are not electing-children to the highest office in the land. Mr. Bryan must feel relieved to know that the day has at last been set when he will be relieved of his uncer tainty as to what happened out at Denver. Legal Opening? for Trusts. Pittsburg Dllspatch. New principle for succeaaful business on the enormous scale: By splitting yourself up Into numerous small corporations you can decrease expenses In the line of fines for law-breaking. Helps for Urttlna Around. Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Censua bureau reports that there are In the United Statea 20.(100,000 horses and 4,000,j00 mules, the highest number yet returned. Add the steam and trolley cars, boats, automobiles and airships, and the American passion for getting around appears to be in a hopeful way. AnntUrr Lncky Man. Chicago Tribune. An employe In a power company's plant at Vlsalia, Cal., while at work one day last week, received 34,000 volts of electricity In his system and was knocked senseless, but revived. If he had received the electric company's bill at the same time the shock probably would have killed him. A Remote Possibility. Pittsburg Dispatch. It must, make Johnny Bull more choleric than ever to contemplate the mighty sprint ing of the Americana In the Marathon hike of twenty-six miles, and with the winner a fellow wearing the bucolic and pleblan name of Hays, at that. Doubt les Hobaon expects that Britain will try to take it out of us when It comes to International war. GIvIiih Away Transportation. Springfield Republican. The government Is "attacking the rail roads" again, as may be noticed from the indictmenta returned by a federal grand Jury against the Illinois Central and Rock Island roads for violating the anti-free pass law. How do the railroad companies appear In relation to tha higher freight rate question when they have to be prose cuted by the government for giving away transportation? RKVIVAL OF I'nosPEHITV. Brilliant Harvest Prospects Supple ment Industrial Activities. New York Herald. The harvests are atlll the basis of pros perity In this country, and with the fulfil ment of their present brilliant promise the foundation will be laid fur a reatoration of the Industrial and commercial activity In terrupted by the panic of last autumn. Much depends upon settlement, and the special dispatchea from every part of the country In the Herald ahow that the Amer ican people are cheerful and encouraged by the considerable recovery that hat already been made and are confident of a reatoration of the full tide of prosperity In the not distant future. The production of Iron and ateel furnish tha basis of other Industries, and there fore there ts special encouragement la the recent starting up of Idle plants and tha re employment of many thousands of oper atives. It la true that aa yet the great United Btates Bteel corporation la operat ing to but little mora than half the enor mous rapacity of its mills, but the total output Is steadily Increasing, tha resump tion of planta bring made possible by In telligent workmen reeognmg obvious facts and accepting tha necessary reduction In wages ROl'Nn ABOVT 7SKW YOItK. Ripple on the Torrent of l ife la tne Metropolis. Fatalities In thi streets of greater New York for the twelve months ending Julv IS. lpf. exceed the losses of the fnmoua battle cf Rull Run In or at El Caney. Cuba, In 1SKK. Statistics for that period complied by the World show 1M persons killed by surface line street cars and 'buses, C In subway accidents, 1 on ele vated roads, 1 on steam railroads. 11 by street vehicles. 44 by automobiles. 1 by explosives and falling walls. Stw by falls from buildings or downstairs or off ve hicles and cars, making a total of l.nao violent deaths, almost all directly at tributable to traffic nnd building condi tions In the big cltv. "The high rate of street fatalities In New York." comments the Wrld, "has two basic causes. The shape of Manhattan Island congests husl nesa between the two rivers and also con gests foot travel and means of trans portatlon. Coupled with this la the great American desire to 'get there.' which con stantly demands and constantly Is cettlng faster and still faster means of travel." "Jacques I. emperor of the Sahara," Is In New York. Although actually urem ployed at the emperor business at pres ent, the new arrival has more money than he could count In a month. When off duty he answers to the name of Jacques baudy. He is the nn of Ibaudy. the French sugar king, himself a picturesque personality while alive He has Inherited the Immense sugsr business, vftluahl" properly In many parts of Europe and much ready cash. His majesty, accom panied by the Imperial court, consisting of four advisers, who are paid for kef ping their advice to then-selves. regMtcred at the Hotel Pelmont last week. The cleik, mistaking them for street musicians, at first ordered them off, but he was d s lllusloned when the "emperor" flung a tl! gold piece on the desk and asked Im periously for the "royal suite." The men hsve apartments nt the hotel, but they don't sleep or eat there, and all attempts to find where they spend their time and what they are doing here have heen fruit less. A year ago I.ebaurtv was In New Tork loaded down with gold and registered nt half a dozen different places, keeping reporters busy during his stay. His ec centricities have from time to time made Paris turn around and look, but his estab lishment of the Empire of Sahara, with hlm.olf as riler, won him his greatest notoriety. He announced that he Intended to transform the desert Into a flourishing kingdom. He was measured for a throne and crown, but before the roval court had a chance to get together, France In terrupted and forced him to shut up shop. A woman who shared the spotlight with him was an actress known as MI'e Mr ray. He promoted her to be Countess Dhoxier. When the dancing rr. asters' convention took place In New York last year all the delegates received a neatly printed book let giving a brief history of the waits., with pictures of lnner, dung. Weber, Strauss and other celebrated composers of waits music. The little book also contained an appeal to the teachers of dancing to give their aid toward saving the walla, which was threatened with abandonment. "If for no other. reason than to save for the world the beautiful compositions which the waits have It and to encourasre the pro duction of similar works, let us save the waits." The subject has the attention of the first international dance congreaa which opened at Berlin on July 0, where representatives from seventeen countries began their work by discussing measures to prevent the disappearance of the "most beautiful dance, which la threatened with extinction." The men In a family living on the upper Weat Side divide their business between two tailors, and each tailor has for two years been doing his best to drive the other out. The consequence Is that the mem of that household have the best at the smallest cost. Recently the younger mem ber of the family by mistake sent a gar ment to his brother's tailor to be pressed. The Job was quickly and well done, and the man of business delivered It himself, because, as he said, he wanted to see young Mr. B. "No wonder your tailor gives you clothes cheap," he said. This coat Is made of cotton and wool cloth, and you've been cheated." The charge waa In dignantly denied by the other tailor, who proposed that three reputable tailors be asked by the customer to decide as to the quality of the goods, the loser to pay for a day's outing for twelve poor families se lected by the winner. The outing took place last Sunday, and thirty-six children carried llttlo flas inscribed: " 'i cloth Is all wool, and he's all right." Tha old Van Buren homestead, two houses In a large garden In Fourteenth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. New York, is not to be obliterated as yet, although Elisabeth Spingler Van Buren'a death at an advanced age has left one of the houses (Nos. 21 arjd 29) without a ten ant. Her sister, Mrs. Emily Van Buren Reynolds, occuplea No. 29. and ahe la the surviving descendant of Henry Spingler, who bought the property In 1783. as part ol a considerable farm, and of Michael M. Van Purerj. The estate, extending back to Fifteenth atreet, occupies ten city lota, and Its dwelling houses are the only ones remaining In the lot between the avenues. On Monday the tjcw house of John D. Rockefeller at Pocantico HIKs was fin ished and occupied. The Institution of Merry building, a home for orphan chil dren, la a little southwest of Mr. Rocke feller's new honv, and Its roof, painted a bright red, was not a pleaslrg sight for him. So Mr. Rockefeller proposed to the sisters In charge that if they would let him paint the roof green he would send his men down and do the work free. As the roof reded painting, the sisters readily agreed, and Mr. Rockefeller's men have painted the roof green to hsrmonlze with the surrounding foliage. Now tha view at every point of the compass Is wholly agree, able to Mr. Rockefeller. An Italian contractor who has suffered much from Blackhand outrages In New York makes the sensible suggestion that the police advertise In all Italian papers that complaints and reports of threats can be sent to a certain postofflce box. He thinks that with secrecy assured many peo ple would give Information who are reluc tant to go to the police. Such organised brigandage, he says, has betn destroyed In Italy, because the government went about It Intelligently. Practical False Prtlrau, Philadelphia Record Idem.). It was a clever scheme of some of tha populists to have the Bryan electors put on the Watson ticket with the understanding that if Bryan should need their votes hs should have them, but If Bryan could b fleeted without them, their votes should b given to Watson. But It was a discreditable piece of political Jugglsry. Democratic electors should vote for the democratic can didate, and the Georgia nominees for elec tors have refused to be parties to the plan. Let tha populists furnish their own votes; democrats hava 00 business trading with them. PER80.tlAL XOTES. A man named Hlsaen says ha left tha democratic party beams It neglected to nominate Hearst. Earl Roberts, the famous British general, will visit Winnipeg August in. and will later go west as far aa Banff In ths Rockies The city council of Spandau, In Branden burg. Prussia, has Inaugurated a move ment to raise Il.tSX.Ono as a national gift for Count Zeppelin. Having secured the consent of both fam. Mrs to her wedding, the daughter of a Colorado millionaire elope1. It really Seemed the best method of cutting out the rice and old shoes. Senator Joseph W. Bailey of Texas, who has been under treatment In New York for bronchial ailment for more thai a month. Is about t3 go home. He siys that he does not expect to make a political speech until about October 1. Klngdon Oould, hclr-presumptlve to the George Gould millions, who was In Pueblo last week decided not to visit any Colo rado mines and has gone to Salt Lake City. He will spend the aummer proapeot Ing along the line of the Western Pacific railway. While there ha said the reports concerning his Intention to larn prac tical mining by going Into a mine as a workman were considerably magnified. H is still studying mining engineering at Columbia university. LABOR AMI DKMAWOGY. I'aets from ' Political History nn 1 m nreasalve Warning-. Washington Post. When General Jackson was president an attempt was made to gather Into one poli tical party everybody who waa not a mem ber of the order of Free and Accepted Ma sons. It failed, carrying but one state of the union. Where Franklin Pierce was president It was sought to gather Into one political party everybody not of foreign birth and not a Roman Catholic in religious faith. It failed, earring but one state for president. When General Grant was presi dent It was undertaken to put every farmer in the union Into one political party. It was then taught that nothing was patriotic but labor, and nothing was labor that did not delve in tha soil. Out west It was called "the granger movement." Down south It went under the name of "the far mers' alliance." It failed, as It deserved to fall, as every sort of class politics In evitably falls In a free country with an Intelligent and patriotic cltlxenahlp. And now It Is proposed to gather organised labor Into one solid mass and offer Its votes to the political party that bids high est In promises of special privilege. The Sixtieth congress refused to offer legisla tion for that. vote. So did the republican convention at Chicago In June; but the democratic convention at Denver In July made a high bid, and It waa declared that the trade had been consummated, and that In consideration for the democratic plank regarding Injunction, organized labor would reinforce the democracy with some millions or so of votes. But a discordant voice comes from Chi cago, where certain labor organizations have rebelled and are Ill-mannered enough to say that they do not Intend to ba In cluded In any. bargain and aale of the la bor vote. Labor's only safety is precise, exact equal ity before the law with capital. labor's safety is the turning of Its back on all demagogues. FIGHT FOR THE SQUARE DEAL. The Uraursp Standard Oil Decision I.lahta the Way. Kansas City Star. The late dec.alon In the Standard Oil re bate cases discloses the reasons why this trust, like practically every other, main tains a variety of nominally separate ex istences. It Is to shift responsibility or to divide It, so that the one exclusive trust may never be brought to account. This Is a mighty shrewd game of cor poratlon policy, but like every other sub terfuge of that stripe. It can last for Just a certain while. The poo pis are familiar with It now. and this standard case prob ably marks the beginning of the end to It. No man, that Is, no finite person, can he Henry Jones in one Jurisdiction and BUI Smith, Richard Roe and John Doe in a variety of others. But that convenience of aliases is exactly what great corpora tions, like the Standard, employ. Judge Grosscup probably could find no alterna tive as the law now exists to his declara tion that the Standard Oil company of Indiana had no connection for the pur poses of punishment with the. Standard Oil company of New Jersey the parent trust. But the popular sense feels with certainly that If nominally different entitles are one for purposes of operation and profit making they are one, and should legally be consid ered one, for the purposes of punishment and of being held accountable for acls that Involve all the constituent elements. The problem presented can easily be worked out In legislative channels. The sanity of the American people will leave the courta absolutely untrammeled to de clare tha law to be aa they find It and as they are In conscience bound to determine It. But never doubt that they are going to have the law governing corporation re- aponaibllliy and the law controlling the trial of causes so conformed to ths needs of the national life that when Judges declare It there will be no reasonable feeling that Justice does not prevail evenly among all men and all Interests. And this Is one of the fundamentala of the Roosevelt-Taft fight for the efficient square deal all along the line. Fresh and Crisp baked in white tile, Top floor ovens of the $1,000,000 bakery. lOOSE-WlLES Graham Crackers raOBBoaoararrxnnnnnannni rrsaasHBaaBrxeManaaaBHBBaaaaanBKeaBBaaDi sMade from the best whole wheat i'fiSL. . t ri - : ...t,1 &?mtef$i&i tome graham wafer. M&MSk Come to you in the thrice-scaled, dark brown, iSW00'0ys moisture-proof package. '.r-:-;." ;!.?::".'. S' .'ii'".vi '.'tVv'.'- rf.'W A t ttiSnf crmrrr 1 fi 85Jiifcl IOOSE.VlLE3 POLITICAL SNAPSHOT". New York Mall: It la no leas than r . ... . - .,'r rrestilng to se campaign committee the vows of monastlrlsm -poverty, chastit I snd obedience. The nation should assist l' the keeping of these vows Washington Tost: A contemporary averl that neither Mr. Bryan nor Mr. Ta't can sit on the gross cross-legged This Is probl ably true; but the distressing Met Is no". thought to be an Insurmountable barrier In th way of elilier gentleman a candidacy for prealdent. Mr 1 .SM 1 1 jmh.. 1 . Mr rin ri has received more than a dollar a word for talking Into a phonograph. But what will posterity think of the present generation when It gets hold of these record. No doubt the same aa people experience nowl when they try to read a fr. e silver oratldc, . of twelve years ago. Si.. C , - ,T I. .. - 4 duclng me to the public, and he hat been at It. off and on, ever since." This la cer ant It Is to know that Mr Williams re jolces in a state or puysual nnd mental preservation that will easily make him good for twelve or even twen;y-four more years of service in Ititrodin lrn Mr. Bryan as a candidate for president Long live William and John! Men Rh.i bear such substantial and sturdy names l nve no right! to be anything but "stayers" New York Sun: After calling passion-' ately on all democratic newspapers to col lect campaign funds Mr. Bryan line seen the propriety of chipping In himself. From now till after election the net profits of his Commoner will be given to the democratic national commlttee-pr.iperly acknowledged, we hope, and not divided Into $1flrt lots. As the democratic party hHs made Mr. Bryan and his paper this temporary tax upon Its receipts Is natural. Besides. If Mr. Bryan's million army has been enlisted the re ceipts after November will very soon make up for the sums given awav; and now that the destination of the profits is known rjj It not every democrat's duty to subscribe.1 On the whole Mr. Bryan seems to combine business with generosity to himself. He Is doing a great stroke of advertising and his brother Charles must be highly pleased. POINTED PI.EASA.tTKircS. .. . . . 'i The chairman called his personally con ducted convention to order. "Understand, gentlemen.'' he said, briefly, I "you are here to carry out the will of the people tappiause), and any member refus ing to do so will he carried out hlmsslf." Philadelphia Ledger. The Young Man Yes. I shall be away a month or more, Miss Sklmmerhorn. May may I write you occasionally? The Young Woman We are scarcely well enough acquainted for that, Mr! Uoovlua. But you may send me a picture poatcard every day, If you like. Chicago Tribune. The unappreciated poet was feeling much aggrieved. "No matter how careful I nm to take pains," he complained, "the editor always gives me one more." Kansas City Timea. "Remember," said the earnest Inventor, 11 mill iu tery muny yrars since Hie telephone caused laughter. "That'a true," answered the man who has trouble with central. "At flrnt It caused laughter: now It causes profan ity." Washington Star. "Tell us about the lettor you are prepare ing. "Certainly, gentlemen," replied tha can didate sweenlnrr with v.nlr.1 ov th .IrU of reporters. "You may say that on the paramount Issue I express myself with ut most frankness." "But what la thla paramount Issue?" "Tha question aa to whether I accept or not. rniiaaeipnia ueager. "I fine you." said the police Justice, "H.1J no conrs. 1 "T'r hortori" ' protested TtTfTom KnnttJ wno nad been hauled up for vagrancy, "all me prop ty 1 ve got in the world la plugged nickel, an me clo'ea. an' theJ hain't wuth more'n about two hits. Thai fln'a onreasonable. It'a confiscation, an' il won't never stand the test o' the fed'rut courts. 1 shall take an appeal, y'r honor!" Chicago Tribune. The smaller man bristled tin. . "Pee here," he growled, "you have ap plied two unpleasant terms to me." Then he paused and scowled and cam a little closer. "I Just want you to understand that a third term doesn't go In this coun try." Whereupon the big man drew back a little and sa'd no more rhicaeo News. JOHN BUM., SPOItTI Chicago Inter-Orean. In extended observation on the ways and works of man, 1 From Nevada wild and woolly to tha plaint of Hindustan, I have drunk with mixed assemblages, seer the racial ruction rise, And the men of half creation damning half creation's eyea. I have watched them In their tantrums, all that pentecostal crew, French, Italian, Arab. Spaniard. Dutch, and Greek, and Celt, and Jew, Russ and savage, buff and ochre, cream and yellow, mauve and white, But It never really mattered till the British had In aluht Something that they renlly wanted wanted bad cnniiKh to take By hook or crouk, fair means or foul, force of arms or pious fake Like that famous race Olympic, with Its brulsinp flnsl hiat When our Carpenter and Robblns ran their! naisweue on nis xeei: i nen watcn wen me "mooei sportsman, and observe the "courteous host, With his cry of "British fair play." that has always been his boast! Hear mm peiiow "roui: and so race! hear him plead the baby nt! See hint rob us of our victory, tear tol shreds his bond and pact: I Build ye on the flanks of Aa'na, where ttaf ' sullen smoke-puffs float--Bathe ye In the tropic waters where the lean fin dogs the boat Cock the gun that is not loaded, cook the frozen dynamite But beware of John Full's "fair play," with the thing he wants In sight! OMAHA, Ml. 'f