nrr, omatu daily beet Friday, july at. ieop. Ws (Um at F. M. during July u( liprt, excepting Saturday at 9 ISO P. C Baroaicl Square, Friday Special 2,000 yard Unbleached Mnalin, nicoaality, usu- -J1a ally .Bold at fry yarci; on sale at, per yard 2C . CLEARING SALE OF WASH GOODS : 10c "and 15o jjafisles, 5c per yard. - .'" 25e Voile" Tissues, woven colors, at 9c per yard, 50c Silk Ginghams, at 19c per yard. New Copenhagen Blue Batistes, at 15c per yard. bu ioug. iaoT nom bbacb: all septs. in, a-uii country by the good offices of the Italian imbuiijr, nd this; fact hr produced bad 'mpresslon among the lHbeiA Turk.' Ital ian! explain" -tUgl the Vnhassy wii not aware that Sellm T-ftshtf. tnedltated flight. He requested i tfre Hi of i"tha embassy launch lo embark hl eon Kthad, who warn coins to Rome 't take jip the poit.ot flmt secretary 'lit . thfc.; OttOmsh embassy, and made use ot the boat to fret away hlmaelf.' They ay further, U.t -had .8ellm Pasha applied for the protection of the Italian flag on the ground 'that Til lire was In danger he. could, , not have been refused. The whole Melhamed family la exceedingly unpopular, especially Tedjlb, who has not been seen for several days. NEW YORK, July SO.-The sultan of Turkey, through the Turkish consul general in this city, MundJI Dey, today proclaimed general amnesty to all political fugitives, regardless of race, la this country. This relates to about 200,000 Armenians and oth ers In the United States. PRfMARY CANVASS AT AN END Allison's Majority Over Cammlna Sur enator Hans ailarhtly Over Tan Thousand. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, July 2.-(8peclal.) Re cause of the long delay In getting In the returns from Dallas and Polk counties on the Jan primaries, the . official vote on nominees of tha party was known today for the first time. The Dallas returns were mailed to the secretary of state yesterday and reached the stste house this morning. The canvass of the returns and the addi tion of the vote of Dallas county to that of the rest of the state makes the totals for ths republican nominee, which were the only ones with opposition, as follows: For United States Senator William B. Allison, KG, 891; Albert R. Cummins, 96.206. For Governor B. F. Carroll, S9.824; War ren Qarst, 6 J, 717; John H. Hamilton, 29,201. For Lieutenant Oovernor O. W. Clarke, fS.Ol; Bernard Murphy, 60.KI3; James H. Wilson. 84,062. For State Auditor John I Pleakley, 86,630; F. P. Hopkins, 68.511. For Stats Superintendent O. W. Mc Manus, TINS; John F. Rlggs, 91.6M. For Railroad Commissioner Joseph Cock fleld. S2.T70; N. B. Ketchum, 60.748; Frank H. Keys, .S0. Mr. Allison's majority over Cummins was, according to the official figures, 10,516. Mr. Ketohurp, who was renominated for railroad commissioner, got only S.75R more than the necessary 36 per cent of tha total vote cast for that office. Thero, a. considerable discussion In this cltjr of placing the republican state conven tion for nominating a supreme court Judge during the state fair week In order that the delegates should have advantage of the excursion rates. It Is fesred that ar rangements cannot be made for the use of the Auditorium for that week, however, as there will be vaudeville attractions all through that week. SWEARS HE'LL RIDE WAGON Mas with Hangover Takes Oath Before Notary Not to Drink. A man whose footwork waa rather In volved stumbled heavily into the office of H. E. Oatrom, clerk ot the county commis sioners, Thursday afternoon. "I'm, I'm now look here, I'm a perfectly respectable business man," he began. "Certainly," said Mr. Ostrom. "But I'm ashamed of myself, that's all that la wrong with me. I've got a bad 'hangover,' and I'm ashamed of myself," "What can I do for youT" asked the clerk, , "Make out an affidavit, flee? An afft dey U saying that the undersigned will never touch another drop of liquor as long as he lives." In his capacity as a notary Mr. Oatrom made out the paper and the man raised his hand. "Do you solemnly swear," went the clerk's formula, . . ', "Hey. wait Just a' minute' will youT" asked the hian. ' "I guess you'd better change that to six months Instead of for life. Yes, that's right.. Now go ahead with the oath." Then he scrawled 'tils name and. Jam ming the paper Into his purse staggered down the court house corridor. SANTA FE JRAIN DITCHED Saglaeer Killed aad Several Paites. era lajared la Wreck Hear Topeka. TOPEKA, Kan., July 30. Santa Fe pas senger train No. t, Westbound, the Cali fornia limited, went Into ths ditch at rVakarusa, twslve miles west of here, this morning. The engineer was killed and several passengers Injured.' A relief train was made up at Topeka. The wreck Is said to have been caused by fast running. All the coaches left ths track. The train left Chicago last night. It waa compos d of ti e engine, baggage car, postal car, composite car,, a diner, cempartment and throe sleepers. All of these save the two rear sleepers went Into the ditch. Engineer II. R. Roslter of Argentina, Kan., was killed. T!'4 seriously wounded arc: Fireman Hsslrt of Argentine,, a postal lark and one woman passsnger. names totknown. Fnglnoer R. Salter haulrd Scott's Death valley special through Kansas several years ago. Ths Santa Fe considered him one of their most trustworthy engineers. He formerly waa mayor of Argentine. The cause of the wreck Is said to have been an open switch. With great care, by a new process. produce flavorings of rare WDATCLUBWOMEN ARE DOING Omaha Y. W. C. A. Well Represented at Lake Geneva Conference. CONVENTION DATES ANNOUNCED Buffraa-tsta to Commemorate ftlxHetfc Analversary of First Women's Rights Meeting- Colored - -Womea'a Conventloa. Omaha Toung Women's Christian associa tion will be represented by a delegation of at least fourteen and probalbly more, at the annual association conference at Lake Geneva opening August 14. The list as present Includes Mrs. J. P. Lord. Mrs. Emma F. Ryere, Mrs. C. U Dolan, Miss M. Francis Crittenden, Miss Babra Wilson. Miss Carolyn lOverett, Miss Minnie Curry, Miss Gladys Curry. Miss Grace Hill, Miss Mary Rlrrt, Miss Minnie Mallendlne, Miss Ells Cam-m, Miss Bertha Davis and Miss Catherine Morrison. The conference affords exceptional oppor tunity for young women wishing an Inex pensive but profitable vacation. The asso ciation estimates that 135 or H will cover the expense including the IS registration fee which must be deposited at the local association office to Incurs reservation at the Lake Geneva camp. The delegation will reach the lake August 14, and leave there August 26. National Suffrage Convention. Advance notification Is out of the an nual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage association which will be held at Buffalo, N. T., October IS to 21, and will commemorate the sixtieth anni versary of the first women's right conven tion! ever held. This historic meeting was held at Seneca Falls, N. Y., and was called by I,ucretla Mott, Mary Ann McCllntock, Elisabeth Cady Stanton and Martha Wright and at the conclusion of the season Mrs. Stanton moved the following resolutloni "That It Is the duty of the women of this country to secure to themselves the sacred right of the elective franchise," The program of the Buffalo meeting will Include one evening devoted entirely to col lege women. The speakers will all be col lege women and the session will be managed by them. Another session will be de voted to professional women and another to business women. An attendance of about 1,000 delegates Is expected. The Lenox hotel will be headquarters for the women and meetings will be held In the auditorium of the Toung Women's Christian association bulldlr. Los Angeles Jlaa Building. Mie Los Angeles Toung Woman's Chris tian association, whloh Is the largest In the world, has Just completed Its new bind ing, which cost something over 1150,900. The association includes a membership of B.787, and the building fund, like that of the building of the local association, was sub scribed by great many persons. The subscriptions were all much larger than those to the local, however, there being one memorial gift of l:,000. another of 15,000. seven other gifts of iVOOO. and thirty five gifts from women of $1,000 each, be sides numerous smaller amounts. The building committee reports with pride that In all 1,700 persons subscribed to the fund. This Is Indeed a report to be proud of, but compared with that of the Omaha associa tion, the fifth largest In the country. It Is not so remarkable. The Omaha associa tion has less than .0H) members. Its lot, building and equipment will cost, when completed, $140,0W. The largest gift waa lio.nno. There were no 16,000 gifts, though several of $1,000 and $2,000. Twenty five thousand dollars waa raised by the girls themselves In small subscriptions, few of which exceeded $100, and the great majority of which were less than $3). In all there were ,000 subscriptions to the local bulldlflg fund. Mrs. Armor Contlaaea Toar. Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, who has spoken before the Bellevue Chautauqua thla week and last, hss gone to Grand Island, where she will fill a lecture en gagement under the Nebraska Woman's Christian Temperance union and then go to Broken Bow for a lecture. After speak lng before the other chautauquas of the state she will return to Otnaha the Utter part ot August to address a mass meeting held under ths auspices of the Woman's Christian Temnerance Union and th churches of the city, when she will tell her story of "How Georgia Want Dry." Colored Women to Hold Meeting;. The National Association of Colored Women will hold Its annual meeting In Brooklyn, N. T., this year, the conven Hon opening August S4 and continuing through the week. Executive session will be held the opening and closing days. The Northwestern Association of Colored Women will meet in August also, at Nor wlch, Conn. Programs for the national meeting have not yet been Issued, but It la expected the sessions will be of unusual Interest. James H. Badd. STOCKTON, Cal.. July 30. James H. Budd, formerly governor of California and long prominent In democratic politlca. died at his residence in this city early today after an Illness of a fortnight, of uraemia, aged iS years. Street car advertising, Omaha Hotel Supply Co. moved from S14 So. 13th to room II to 37 U. S. National bank building. excellence. TRAGIC ECHO IN AERIAL TEST Old Langley Aeroplane to Be Uied in Fort Myer Demonstration. PIONEER IN AIR NAVIGATION Repair of. Belle Recalls ad Experi ence of Prof. ". P. l.analey, Who Abaadoned Work Be cause of Criticisms. WASHINGTON, July 30-Thers is the echo of a semi-tragic chapter In ballooning In the tests of aerial craft to be begun at Fort Myer by the government next meek. The universal Interest which these tests have aroused has resulted in the with drawal .of. the veil of secrecy which has been maintained by the officials of the Smithsonian Institute In connection with the aeroplane built by the late Prof. 8. P. Langley. "If the .Wright Brothers and A. M. Her ring should not succeed In carrying out their contracts wjth the government It Is not at all unlikely that we will bring out tho old Langlry machine for the purpos of . conducting experiments," said General Allen, chief signal officer of the' army and aeronautical enthusiast, today. Dr. Cyrus Adler, acting secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, which has the custody of the Langley aeroplane, . the fBuxsard," has a different opinion with regard to using the machine for any further Investigations. It Is a relic and should be preserved as Such along with the others produced by Prof. Langley, the pioneer of mechanical flight," were his words. It Is said that tha machine la the Joint property of the army and the Smithsonian Institution. Pioneer In Air Navigation. Twenty years or more ago Prof. Lang ley, a lending scientist, began experiments at Pittsburg In an effort to master the problem of atrial navigation. Thla man. who was honored by tho lending scientific bodies of France, England and other coun. tries, was laughed at. He was criticised by the newspapers at that time and scien tists themselves were skeptical. It was William Thaw, the Pittsburg millionaire, and father Harry Kendall Thaw, who made It possible for Prof. Langley to carry on his experiments; ex periments which gave to the world the knowledge upon which the aeronauts of the present day base their mechanisms. It was Theodore Roosevelt, thf n assistant secretary of the navy who. In 1SH8, was responsible for the United States govern ment devoting $rl,000 for the purpose, of paying the expenses of the experiments, which were conducted by Prof. Langley on the Potomao river, near Washington. It may devolve upon Theodore Roosevelt, as president cf the United States, to make It possible for further experiments with the Lnngley aeroplane. Today, five years after Prof. Langley launched his aeroplane moctel. It Is recognlxed that his machine embodies principles not fully understood by the machine building aeronauts of to day. Langley Machine Repaired. The Lnngley aeroplane, the one which was damaged on the launclilrg ways of the Langley houseboat, has been repaired and Is evidently In first class condition. Prof, Langley was so disheartened by the criticism and comment which followed his disappointing experiments that he never undertook further experiments with the ill- fated machine. It was locked up In the carpenter shop back of the Smithsonian Institution, where It has remained since. It had been shown to several leading scientists and aeronautical experimenters. but yesterday was the first time It was ever' viewed by newspaper men at close range, HOME RULE NEED OF THE CITY Andrew Roaewatrr Tells Charter Re vision Committee Views on Mu nicipal Management. Andrew Rosewater by request addressed the charter revision committee Wednesdny night on the subject of necessary changes. He said the committee would probably find few changes needed and gave warning against making changes which would con flict with other provisions of the charter. "Ninety per cent of the taxes the people of Omaha pay do not go directly for pub llo Improvements," said Mr. Rosewater. "Omaha pays to the state government a larger amount than Is required for the sal arlee of all city employes. No mbre money is allowed for the repair of the streets than was allowed twenty years ago, and the taws governing are about ths same as at that time. "Tha city of Omaha Is paying about $2G0. 000 a year In Interest on bonds. This Is about one-fourth of the annual expense. Could not that larger expense he reduced a little by some good management Instead of spending so much time In trying to cut down the expenses of the 10 per cent which Is used In public Improvements. "Every city of the metropolitan class should be permitted to run Itself. That Is tha way New Tork and St. Louis and Kansas City and Ban Francisco have had to work out their own destiny. It stands to reason that Omaha should not be com pelled to ask people from the Interior of the state how to run Its affairs. To bring about this scheme of home rule far Omaha you must have an amendment to the con stitution of tha state. "It should be so arranged that the im provements of the city could be carried on without having to go to the legisla ture for help every two years. A city should have the rlfrht to sell Intersection bonds when It Is evident all the people want that Improvement. The city government should have the right to Improve the streets In the central part of the city without waiting for a petition to be signed by property owners who may reside In New Tork or London. A provision should be In the charter that when a street has been paved for eighteen years 1 1 city could repavs without petition." The principal work of the comniltte dur ing the evening was In adopting rules for the government of the committee In Its de liberations orver tha revision of the char ter. The rules prepared by the sub-committee were read and adopted with few changes. In addition to tha other crganlxations which were previously admitted, tha com mittee voted to give the Nebraska State Railway Employee' Protective association three delegatea on the committee. It was also decided to allow represent atives from any other civic organization until next Wednesday night to present their credentials, when they may be ad mitted to membership by a majority vote. The Central Labor union waa given six delegates on tha committee Instead of three, as was at first proposed. John Whistler ot the West Leavenworth Improvement club was elected treasurer of the charter revision committee. CWRTELYOU MAT HOT HUH Improbable that Secretary Will Ufiooao II ashen tor Governor. NEW YORK, July lu. Ooaslp has been In circulation In thla city for several days to th effect that George B. Cortelyou, secretary of ths treasury, would allow tha us of his nam as a candidate for the re publican norulnailua for governor agalnat Governor Hughes. This gossip, however, apparently had no basis In any statements by Mr. Cortelyou or his friends. It Is ssld some of the leaders of the republican state organisation approached Mr. Cortelyou b fore Governor Hughes announced his wil lingness to accept renomlnatlon, and that these leaders, asked Mr. Cnrtelyon whether he would te willing t become a candldute In tho event that further consideration In dicated his probable nomination. It is not understood that the nomination was defi nitely offered to Mr. Cortelyou. Mr. Cortelyou gave no explicit repl tS these suggestions, but promla.-d to consider the matter. Today the Evening Post pub lished the statement that It Is highly prob able that Mr. Cortelyou will allow the use uf his name. BROOKLYN BANKERS SHORT Two Official of Pavings Concern Are Charged with Grand Larceny. NEW YORK. July 30. Two prominent Brooklynltes. Edward Brltton, president until yesterday of the Eagle Savings and Loan company of that borough and Quarantine Commlsnloner Frederick H. Schroeder, second vice president until yes terday of the same Institution, were ar rested today after having been indicted on a charge of grand larceaf. They were arraigned before Judge Dike, who held each In $10,000 ball. There are four Indictments against each man. Both admit that they took approximately $44,OuO of the cash ot the company and used the money to keep ths liomestake South' Eextension Mining company, a South Dakota concern, upon Its feet. This company was organised by Brlt ton and Schroeder about three years ago. The arrest of the bankers followed a grand Jury Investigation earlier In the day. The following statement was glvon out by ths Eagle Havings and Loan company: A discrepancy was discovered In the cash amounting to HT.fM, for' which President E. F. Brltton and Second Vice President E. II. Scnroeder admitted responsibility In amounts of $.!1 and $M.m4, respectively. President Brltton has since made restitu ilon to the amount of $4,001. At a meeting of .the trustees of the com pany held on the Hth, the resignations of Messrs. Brltton and Schroeder were ac cepted. As the surplus of the company after deducting the above amount Is In excess of $l3),nuo, the corporation is solvent and will curjtlnue Its business. Bank Examiner Young last week found that Joseph Wood, secretary and treasurer of the company, was carrying in the bank numbers of checks signed by Brltton and Schroeder. These checks were for varying amouivts aggregating $47,96. When ' the examiner demanded an explanation he was told by Wood that he had been instructed by his superior officers to hold the checks and not to send them for collection to the banks on which theV were drawn. But meantime, he explained, he had paid out the company's 'money on them. Further probing showed that ' practically all the checks In question were worthless. The two bankers obtained bondsmen late today. 27 per cent oft all boys' and children's washable suits. Benson' & Thorne Co. CUNNINGLY PLANNED MURDER Half-Charred Body of Cnldentlfled Yohi Woman Pound In Brooklyn. NEW YORK, July 30. In the finding of the half charred body of a young woman early this morning In an Isolated section of Williamsburg,- Brooklyn, one of the most atrocious and cunningly planned mur ders that ' has been given to the police to solve In many years was revealed. Death was caused by a cut across the throat and tliea .Vnsn endeavor to utterly destroy all evidences of the crime, the murderer Wrapper' the body In an oil Soaked mattress, poured oil over tha vic tim's clothing and set fire to the bundle. A powerful acid had previously been poured ove the face to obliterate the wom an's features and 'make Identification Im possible. Although two arrests have been made the police do not believe they have In custody any one who can shed any light on the mystery. The prisoners are James Ruddlck, an old man who lived In the stable not far away from where the body was found, and his son. An Inquest was held tonight Into the death of Barbara Relg, the young woman whose bodywaa found In a shelter house in Irving park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on the morning of July 1, with a bulVt wound In the head. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that Miss Relg came to licr death by her own hand. Policeman David E. Slicllard, who has confessed that he was with Miss Relg when sha was shot, and has Insisted that she committed suicide with his revolver because he told her he could not return the love she professed for him, was greatly pleased with the verdict. Special saie girls' muslin underwear. Benson A Thorne Co. WILLIAMS TALKS TO PERU CLl II Railroad Commissioner Sara There Is Chance for Equalisation- PERU, Neb.. July 30. (Special.) State Railway Commissioner J. A. Williams spoke to members of the Taft club of Peru tonight. Discussing wage matters, Mr. Wil liams said: "The rates in this state can be adjusted and equalised, and In many respects re duced, and yet even better wages can be paid than are paid now, and the carriers still prosper and pay a fine Income on their actual Investment. We have In our possession the facts that prove this, and the people are not to be fooled any more by mere talk.'1 Hosts Murder Case neglna. PIERRE. S. D.. July S0.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The trial of Aurellus Bowen on the charge of having murdered Kathurine Kllle in December' of last year la on the circuit court at Fort Pierre, Judge Boucher presiding. A jury has been secured after two days' time of 'the court, and the ex amination of witnesses was begun this afternoon. Miss Kllle was shot In her claim shanty at night and her body found the next morning. Bowen was accused of the crime, but nothing except circum stantial evidence has yet been developed to connect him with the crime. American Athletes In Paris. PARIS, July .3ft Seventeen American athletes who took purt In the Olympic games in London arrived here tonight with Trainer Murphy. Thev are entered for the games to be held on Saturday and Sunday. The Americans include Carpenter, (artniell, Irons, Pilgrim, emithson and HUliuan. Delicious Puddings made with Grape-Nuts are easy to digest. "There's a Reason." Oet Ue recipe Booklet la pkgi. faSMMtUauM EtZsaaVMaaal PIONEERS VISIT BELLEVUE Organize "Home Coming: Day" Asso ciation After Say at Chautauqua. TALKS OF OLD DAYS INTERESTING Hvary T. Clarke Trlls of St rain boat ing and J. i. tJoss of Territorial . Legislation M'hlch lie llelned Make. Men and women who were living In Bellevue before most of the visitors to the Chautauqua of 190S were born, had their day there yesterday. It was desig nated "Hrtmfeomlng day." Scores of pioneers from all parts of the county and some from other counties and states came and brought their lunch and spent the day In hearing the speaking, ex changing reminiscences' and renewing old acquaintance. I A. C. Sloan of Bellevue waa the leader In Instituting the day. He presided at the meeting In the morning and delivered the address Pf welconie, In which he reviewed the struggles an'd successes of those men and women who came to Nebraska when It Was only a wilderness. J. Q. Ooss of Hellevue, who was a mem ber of the territorial legislature, spoke on "Territorial Leglslstlon," and W. It. Pat rick, member ot the last state senate, dis cussed some of the legislation of tho Pres ent day.. Mrs. A. Gate of Union drove, one of the earliest settlers, told of some of the struggles of the women who came to the new country before there was anything In the way of household comforts or con veniences. Clarke Talka Steamltoatlng. County Judge James Hegley of Pnpll- llon, son of a pioneer settler, paid a tribute to those who had biased the trail and pre pared ths country for the habitation ot a prosperous and happy people. B. Hol man of La Platte told of some of his ex periences more than half a century ago. Henry T. Clarke of Omaha spoke of "Stc amhnfttlng Fifty Tears Ago," and Dr. George I.. Miller, not being able to be present, he filled his allotted time also, painting a picture of fifty years henre. Throughout the day that healthy, hearty good will which prevails wherever and whenever there Is a gathering of the Ne braska pioneers was evident. A chorus sang several selections In the course of the program and Miss Inei Olndhtll of I'nlon Grove played a piano selection. Mrs. Bnmanlha Gates of Bellevue among the women was awarded the distinction of having lived in the ptdte the longest. She ramo In 1854. Among the men George Burtch of Bellevue came In 1861 and A. W. Trumbull of Tort Ciook arrived In March, 1ST. Organisation Made Permanent. A permanent orgnnrntlor. was formed, with Mr. Sloan as chairman, and It Is hoped to have a "Home-coming day" each year In tho future. Yesterday was another big day at the Chautauqua. In the rftnnoor the Elks' quartet proved a prime fsvf'rlte and Ocorge R. Stuart krpt a large laughing for more thnn an hour with his leeturo on "lAip Aided Folks." Gypsy Smith, the evnngellst. was the drawing card In the evening. Ho landed In Mew Tork only last Saturday for a twelve months' mission here. This Is his sixth vlblt to the United Stales. After a few flying visits to chautauquas he will enter upon twelve missions of about ten days each In such cities as Baltimore, St. Lrfiuls and Denver. Today la "Corn Exposition day." The day Is especially rich in music. George Green's band will play and the Elka' quartet will sing brt'n In the afternoon and evening. Prof. P. O. Holden of the Iowa State college will lecture both after noon and evening and in the evening there will be moving pictures by Prof. Price. NO INCREASE IN THE MINIMUM Western Prelaht Claaslflcatlon Com mlttre Take tp Carlots on Claaaea by Merits. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 80. (Special Telegram.) The western fieight classification committee, which has been In session here for two weeks, adjeurned tonight to meet In Miami, Fla., next Jan uary. The committee did not make a gen eral Increase In minimum weights on car load lots, from 10,000 to 8000 pounds, on all clauses, but took up each ilas by Itself and Increased or decreased the minimum on the merits. Chairman Becker says this course as decided bus use the committee believed It Just to tlis majority of shippers, whereas a general raise would have worked hardships In many cases. DEATH RECORD. Clara Belle Hegwood. Miss Clara Belle Hey wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Hey wood, J3 North Twenty-sixth street, died at Wis Memorial hospital Wednesday night, following! a six weeks' illness from typhoid fever. Tha Land Seekers and Vacation Trip Combined. On Tuesdays, August 4th and 18th, and September 1st, I will personally conduct excursions to the Shoshone River Valley in The Big Horn Basin, Wyo., where the Government has 60,000 Acres of Irrigated Homestead Land ready for settlers. Train leaves Omaha 4:10 P. M., and Lincoln 6:15 P. M. THE LAND FS FRKK. Water rights are purchasod from the Government at actual cost; $45.00 an acre In ten yearly payments without Interest. None ol these lands are more than three mllf from the Burlington Railroad. THE m HOUN IIAS1N is surrounded by the Dig Horn Mountains on the east; the Owl croek and Shoshone ranges on the south; the Rockies on the wcet nnd the Sheep mountains on the north. OET AWAV FROM THE HOT WEATHER. Oo 1th me on one of these excursions and spend a few days In the mountains trout fishing. CODY AND 1WHASKA are on tho eastern elopes of the Rockies along the scenic way through the Forest Reserve Into Yellowstone Park. Pahaska Is located in the center of the hunter's and fisherman's paradise. 8HERIDAN Is the gateway to the ranches and fishing resorts on the eastern slopes of the Rig Horn Mountains. THE KLACK HI1XS, SYLVAN LAKE, WIND CAVK and HOT SPRINGS, S. D., Interesting side trips from Edgemont. , ONLY 60 PEOPLE can be properly cared for on each excursion. If yo:i are going, write or wire me today. THE f.HO.75 ROI'ND-TRIP rate from Omaha to Cody and return Is arn'bfe for lahdseekers and vacationists. Rates from other points In proportion. D. Clem Deaver, General Agent, LAND SEEKERS' INFORMATION BUREAU. 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska. 'IrtTill aHWiaTsTirtigr 'if I Ills I fill IMI nil-ill funeral will be held at the residence Friday afternoon at 2 O'clock and Interment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. Miss Hey wood was born In Omaha October 7, 1878, and had lived here all her life. For four teen years she was employed as a steno grapher In tho office of the Penn Mutual Llfo Insurance company In the Bee build ing and was well known in business cir cles. Sho . was a member of the First United Presbyterian church and was a faithful worker In the society of the Kings' Daughters, In the church and In tha Sun day school. Her father and mother, three slstots and two brothers survive. THREE EXCELLENT RECIPES Some Concoctions that Will Taste Uood at Any Season of the Tear. Bed Raspberry Sherbet To two-thirds of a cupful of currant juice add a third of a cupful of currant Juice add a cupful of sugar, Stlrr the mixture over the fire until the sugar Is dissolved; strain. To a quart of new milk add half a cupful ot sugar and vanilla to flavor, then freeie. When half froien add the fruit Juice and finish freeslng. Mix some berries and cur-' rants In the proportion of two-thirds rasp berries and one-third currants, sweeten well and chill on Ice. 8erve In sherbet glasses with a spoonful of the fruit mixture over each. This will be found delicious. Prune Souffle Stew . two doien prunes until very tender, drain, remove the stones, and chop the prunes to a pulp. Whip the Whites of six or seven eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten with two tablespoonsful of white powdered sugar. Beat the prune pulp grad ually Into this meringue, and turn quickly Into a well buttered pudding dish. Baks In a steady oven for thirty-five minutes. Serve Immediately with sweetened whipped cream. Iemon Jelly Cake This is a recelpe for a cake that will keep for a month, and will he found delicious: Cream one-half cupful of butter with two cupfuls of sugar and one teaspoonful of salt. Beat whites and yolks of three eggs separately add this to the mixture. Then add one cupful of milk In which two tea spoonsfuls of cream of tartar and one teaspoonful of soda have been beaten. Mix In this batter three cupfuls of flour. Bske In five layers. Make a filling for cake of two grated lemons and add their Juice. Two cupfuls of sugar, on egg, one-halt cupful of water, one teapsoonful of butter, and one table spoonful of flour mixed with a little water to thicken. Beat and boll all together un til It thickens. Then, place between layers and press down about one-fourth of thick ness. Mrs. George B. Nicholson, Btates vllle. TCO HOT FOR ANY CLOTHES Vael Slndlecer Fights When Officers Seek to Arrest lllm tor tha Discard. Crasy with the heat, Vacl Blndlecer of 1309 South Third street broke loose Wedn-sday night, terrified - his family, roused the nlghborhood and finally dis carded civilised clothing and paraded the streets In his shirt. Slndlecer has been a troublesome cltl xen for some time and thla attack of men tal aberration landed him In the police station. When Officers Retgleman, Un ger and Knutson attempted to arrest him he fought savagely, and his children and wife, Just to make the scrap worth while for the officers, picked up clubs and took part, favoring their lord and master, who had been only a moment before threaten ing to kill them. Five hundred people gatehered near the corner of Third and Poppleton and Jeered the unfortunate un til he disappeared In' the patrol wagon. He was firm in his refusal to wear trousers. It Was too hot for clothes. NEW FIRM COMES TO OMAHA Acme Wagon and Carriage Conpaag f Indianapolis Will Establish Itself Here. The Acme Wagon and Carriage company f Indianapolis will establish an office snd distributing station In Omaha. W. C. HIIL lepresentlng the firm. Is In Omaha for the purpose of making all arrangements. Ha will be the resident msnager in Omaha. Mr. Hill, while here at this time, will go out over the field Somewhat, visiting Lin coln, Fremont and other cities, to famil iarise himself with the situation. Ha says his firm liss chosen Omslia as Its western distributing point because of ths geograph ical location and the advantages in trans pnrtatlon and tariff facilities. He has not yet had time to secure a location, but hopes to do so within two or three days. SERGEANT HI -VI Z IX LEAD Trooper from Eighth Regiment High Gum at Fort Sheridan. CHICAGO. July The high score la the three clays' competitive shooting thus far In the annual competition of the de partment of Lakes at Fort Sheridan at the conclusion of today's meet was lu-hi by First Sergeant C. 11. Kunts of the fcighih cavalry. His score was C73 out a posHibie TOO. His nearest rompnltur waa First Sergeant Joseph McNatib. felghth cavalry. With Six others who have scored over 00 for ths three days out of the possible TuO ware: Sergeant F. A. Turner, Keoond oavairy, U; Corporal O. B. Gilbert, SovenUi 13 tLgafctissWiii 3 Infantry, SIC; Sergeant W. C. Cox, Twenty seventh tn'iinlry, tilii; First Pergeant J. K. . Mass. Thirtieth cavalry, 616; First Ser geant Gcik Pnyt r. Fifteenth Infantry, 11; Quartci niHsier Sergeant R. W, Klder, Thirteenth cavalry, int. Results of t'olnmhna naves. OOWMRUS, Not., July SO. (Special Telegram.)- Ucults of Columbus races 1 TrottlnK. I.Z2 class: Rediander (HaxHsftnV Oskalonrn, In., won; Freddie C (Kennedy), St. Kdw.ird. N:.. R"cond; f,uclonda (Wil liamson . i icnver, Colo., third: Tory Bell (Bell), HoMrrgc. Neb., fourth. Time,: S:W. Pacing, -i-.i:, class: Queen of the West (?mith, Lincoln. won Rip Radley (Spen cer). Hastings, second; Frank 1 Afiverson, Greenfield, la., third; Shady O'Neill (Mo Kennell), O'Neill, Neb., fourth. Time! Pacing, S-j-ear-old class: Ooulson (Latta), Tekamnh, won; J H H (Harrison), Oska loosa, second; Carolyns (Butterflelfl), De Witt, la., third; Belle Brerss (Jackson), Fremont, fourth. Time: 2:27V. Oentlemen's driving contest: Kansas Union (Dlneen), Columbus, won; Lnokett J Chambers). Columbus, second; Harry ohnson (Robinson), Columbus, third; Dan Brown (Beeoher), Columbus, fourth. Timet 1:C. Attendance: t.000. MRS. POTTER PALMER WEARS IT Dlreetolre Oown Haa Place la Wardrobe, bnt la Movh Modified. Her Mrs. Potter Palmer Is the newest ex ponent of the dlrectolre gown on this aide and she haa brought several with her In her wardrobe. It may be said, however, that they are all of the modified type the "conventionalised dlrectolre," as ' It haa come to be known. When she arrived from E'irope a fortnight ago to attend the wedding of her son, Totter Palmer to M1a PaiiMne Kohlssat of Chicago. She wore one of there much discussed gowna. The coat was of the most approved dlrectolre cut and the trained aheath skirt fitted exquisite over a long ruched underskirt of gray sflk. The deep ecru lace ruffles of her sleeves were met by long gray gloves and her Gainsborough hat of blnek mllnn straw faced With blaok satin was trimmed In long white plumes caught with a big black satin button. Her shirt waist of fine white linen had a fluted ruffln down the front and a irosetted braid of black and white narrow ribbons wss at her throat. Little tola' "Startrlght" slippers, values F9c; $1 values 69c Benson A Thorne Co. m- fall HC Business Men's Lunch ZTKBY SAT WALTER'S CAFE. 1415 TAXITABf BT. AMUaKMEMTg. VINTON STREET PARK OMAHA SIOUX CITY July 31, Aug. 1 and 2-2 Friday, July 31st, Ladles' Day. Sunday, August a, Two utmii, rirst Called Bi30. Q AKrg OAI.I.XS 3 148. AIR DOME 1 8th and t cutis i. Tealght All Wesk xanuai ldbai. a-rooK OO. In Hie Four-Act Comedy Drama A ROMANCE OF PF WSYLVAMA SrKCIALTlEB BETWEEN AOTaV Curtain St 1 luulU, . rrioea 10o and 800. BOYD'S THEATER riaiwiLL WEE K- Today, Tonight, and All Wk, Til WOODWllO STOCK COMPAsTY in "POLLY PRIMROSE." Souvsnlr Matinee Batarday rholo of Kiss yismiDg. 1 Clontlaaous Saiiji 1 to t, f to 11 Until wea. evening- srofram saclndci COOL "THE FACE ON THE AND COMFY BAR ROOM FLOOR." nMaiin"MS it fix BULL