Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1908, Page 9, Image 10
rHK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, .1ULY 25, 190. 9 1 CRAW ASD PRODUCE MARKET Domestic Advanct Results in Strong Foreign Cables. BULLISH SENTIMENT PREVALENT MliimU an the laketes trad la Hrrti ( Saer trp Da ma a Da t Ileeeat Drr, Hot Weather. OMA.HA. Neb.. July 24. 1W'. Forairn cables answered the domestic advance yesterday and cima strong today. A firm, . bullish sentiment wai prevalent, owing to damage report sent from the Dakota's and Minnesota. Mating revere crop damage oua to trie recent dry, hot weather experienced In that locality, which ha been but little benefited by the recent lixht rains. Wheat opened with a Jump over yester day's close and continued strong diirin the. early session, with buying gineral and little or no wheat offered. Values eas'd soma later owing to profit taking on the high points. July wheat opened at 8H? and closed at Jtftr. Corn started steady and advsnred n ilckly with wheat and remained strong owing to light receipts and a better cash demand. Offering continued very light and Ilia d marid for all grades exceeds the supp.y. July corn opened at 7UH2 and closed at 73Ho. r-rlmary wheat receipts were 1.004.000 bushels and shipments were bushels, agtnst receipt Isst year of 773,OuO bushels and shipments of 667 000 bushels. Com-, receipts were 287,on bushels and shipment were 899,000 bushels, against receipts tast year of 4M.0UO bushels and shipments of 324.0U0 bushels. Clearances were 3,'i0 bushels of corn. 1.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour et)ul to 138,000 bushels. Liverpool closed Vn"td higher on wheat and d higher on corn. 8oosrd reported 240,000 bushels of wheat tsken for export. Local range of options: Articles ! Opsn. t Hlgh.j Low. Closa. Yes y. Wheet Jul' ... Hept... .'. S7H T3H 7SS Ml 44 43V, 44SI " tihI- 13H 73S Bept... 74V Dec. Ost-- Bept... 4.1HI 44 July 44Vi 44 Omaha Cash Prices, WHEAT No. I hard, new, lfi2Hc; old. BVjfSc; No. 3 hard. new. RScSSOc; old. Wtf 98c; No. 4 hard, new, 81644c; old. SfrgSOc; No. t Spring, 942rOTc. CORN-No. 2. 74'&74ie; No. 8, 74f74V,c; Nn. 4, 7Mr73Vkc; No. a yellow, 74W87lc; No. 2 white. '77e; No. 8 white, 77Vkc. OATS No. 8 mixed. tiWV: No. 3 white. MHc: No. 4 white, 62V363C. RVENo. 2. 71873c; No. 8. 6Su70c. Carlnt Receipts, Wheat. Corn. Oa:s Chieago ;.. a w 101 Minneapolis .......I ... Omaha B0 58 12 Duluth 7 CHICAGO GRAI AND PROVISIONS Featnrea. Of tho Tradlnaj and Closing Prices on Board At Trade. CHICAGO. July 21 Firm cables and ad ditional reports of damage to tho growing crop In the northwest-caused strength In the: local wheat , market today, the Srp tsmher. delivery closing at a gain of H(f Sc Com and oats were each up Vic Pro visions were down UH" to l7V4c. The wheat market displayed the great est strength fit the day soon after the opej-.tng, when prices advanced approxi mately lq above the previous close. Bhorts snd commission houses were eager bidders si ' the outset and offerings for a time were meager. ..The chlff reason for the sharp Htptum were the strength of foreign markets and a hot. wave throughout the spring wheat country. wMch revived old rumors of the wheat crop In the Dakotas deteriorating on account of drouth. To ward the end of the first hour offering In the pit became more liberal, which re sulted In a reaction from the top. Trade during the last half .of the sesilon was rather quiet, hut sentiment continued bull lh Large primary receipts, however, tended to check any further advance. The maiket closed firm. September opened He to Ke higher at 91-ic to 91Sc advanced to 9r ami closed at .tiOtAttfec. Clearance of wheat anil flour were equal to 139.DIIO hi. Kxports for the week as shown bv Kraditrerts were equal to 2.ViO,0o0 bu. Pri mary receipts were 1.091.000 bu., compared with 773.0110 bu.,' the corresponding day one vesr ago. Minneapolis. Lmluth and Chi cs,.! reported receipts of 43 car against 8rt' ca: last week and 5f7 cars a year ano. The corn market showed decided strength earlv In the session along with wheat and oais and also because or a Id. advance at Liverpool. Owing to the continued small movement and the limited amount of con tract supplies In store here shorts wore active bidders for the Soptsmber delivery, which resulted In forcing the price of that option tin to 77c, the high point for the sesfon Later the market eased off some nhiit because of the continuance of Ideal . weather condition for the new crop. The i loe was steadv. September opened He to Ho higher at 76'ic to ".c, advanced to 77c and closed at TtfV". Local receipts were 117 cars, with 1 cars nf contract grade. Oats were strong early In the day owing to an active general demand coupled with very light offering. The Reptember de livery was especially strong and advanced 1c above yesterday's final figures. Nearly sll the gain was lost later In the day on liberal realising by local holder. The close. however, was firm. September opened VnVtc to iic higher at 4Mtc to 4.Vic. sold up to 4vr and then declined to 4:Mfr4&-V'. The close was at 430 45! ic. I.ixmI receipts were 101 cars. Provisions were weak, all clay, because of general profit taking by both local and du'slde longs. At the close September pork was off 17H" at 8U 60. Liird aas .1'iwn iju,fifie at $930. Hlb were l:!Vsc lower at ts.70. - Estimate receipt for tomorrow are: Wheat. 178 rsrv corn, 148 car; oats, 110 cars: hoirv ll.rtrO bead. The lecdins futures ranged as follows: Articles.! 0p' n. I H gh Low. Close.l Yt"y. Wheat ! K I I July I MVj tf fll',1 91 1H Sept. iM'if, 93 W'iDlifm !" srec. I M'4 8SH M'41 bDec. 93gt3V, . 8oS( n:'i'93na3H SH'i Corn I lit July I 7S 77 WS Tt 7H Sept. lT'-m 77 7' 7H 7iH Pec. tBSiml -! 2 i May elaS! 1H 61 ol'. SIHffU Oct I I sJulv SH R7H Sot,! 661., bjuly 7 67s 6H' 8tSt Sept. ioSfl'X 4".' 15'i0 5 45H'is 4BVs'i1, DSC. 4d 46SI 4444VHI Pork- I Sept. 15 15 724l 15 45 15 ,Vt n TH OoC 15 TV 15 JtVil 16 60 15 534 1 T5 tard I i Sept. t ( Jf'Hl 20 $ 20 I 9 36 Oot. 40 I n 27U 9 :7V! 40 R'bs- : I 1 gept. I I ! I ( 70 i s 70 , S ?V4 Oct. I 86 8 s7Hf 8 774! 8 7741 8 90 No. I. aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were s.i follows: FLX5L"M BUady; spring patents. 35.2585. 60, spring straights. HOm:boO, winter patents, I4.20tf4.70i ' winter straights, 83 9n84.e6: bakers. srStVae.uO WHE.AT No. 2 spring. 31.15; No. 3. 3105 CI 15: No. t red. f24o3S'- CORN Nd. 2, T74u 7sc; No. I yellow, 7S, CT9C OATS NO. t- 60,c: No. : villi', otm'.o; No. 3 white. 674'gi2c. RYE No. 1. 76c.' BARLEY Fair to choice mal ' ,v T r . 6EKD9 Flai, No. 1 corthsv an i n. PROVISIONS rihort ribs. - ' . 8R.S74&.7&. Mess pork. I" i li'd.. i 16.45. Lard, per Hl Ihs . $. .v. $ .. ,r sides (boxed), 8.75iil 00. Kollowliig rn- 4h'. r;0 I ' is ot fUiur and. grain: )(.. . Flour, bbls .'.' Wheat, bu U7.t Corn, pu. 174 iVi Oats, bu ..1M.(" i R-. bu Barley, bu. . U,ta " ' I-,.! 1 .'.Oj0 .UtU 4,l'J On the Produce eschaoie today the butter market sit steady: creameries. 18U21W dairies. IT'J.Oc. Kk;s. steadv; at mark. catsCrn, bu v IJ.wa) lncludud, 14.y9 ifctf ; firsts. 17c; prime firs. . j Oats, bu lO.uto l4c. Cheese, steady; lltjlgo. Unlnth Urnli. Market. Dl'Ll'TH. July 24.-WHEAT-.No. 1 northern. $114: No. 2 nurthern, 11144: July. 61.16; September. 994c. OAT24--T arrive, 4,1c; on tra.l:, 57c. Liverpool tirnln anal Frovislona. UVERPOOl. July 14 -WHKAT-S10I. steady; No. 3 red western winter, -7-vJ.J N'e I rallforrln. T 1M. rulurs, steady; 8' plumber. . 7s 4Nd. December, 7s 4,d CORN Spot, firm ; old Arnerhsn rrflxed. s ',d Futures, steady; September, M 1M. Mi'l'S At Ixinilon, I'aclfic coast, steady. 1 13sgi:2 e. WK4THCH IX THE (VHAIN BELT (load?, with Possible bowers and Kllaatly tooler Satarday. OMAHA. July 24, 190. Light showers were scattered over the central valleys and west during Thursday, sml rains were general throughout the eas tern and southern states within the last twenty-four hours, being fairly heavy in the Ohio vslley and east to the Atlantic coast. Rains are falling this morning in the upper Mississippi valley, lake region and western gulf states. Conditions con tinue unsettled In the west and the outlook Is favorable for local showers In this virlnlty tonight and Saturday, with slightly cooler Raturday Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: lima. 1907 WM 1W16 Minimum temperatiire ... OS 17 ftj 5ti I'reclpltatlon 00 .03 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 77 de grees. Kxcess In precipitation since March 1, 2.32 Inches. deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 4. AT Inches. Deficiency corresponding rerlnd in 1908, 8.07 Inches. U A. WEI.8H. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Balletln. For the twenty-four hours ending at J a. m., 75th merldan time. Friday, July 21, 1908: Temp. Rain- fltatlons. Ashland Auburn Rroken Bow , Columbus .... Culberteon .. Falrbury Fairmont Grand Island Mat. Min. rail Bky. Cl-ar Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear .... P2 64 T 81 f4 2 66 2 t4 m ei R3 63 M 3 2 61 lin 61 .31 .01) .00 .00 .03 T .00 .00 .03 .oo .H0 00 .00 .14 .00 .21 .09 , 80 M 9 , s? Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Hsrtlngton Hastings NO Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Holdvege Oakdale .... Omaha Tekamsh .. Alta, la Carroll, la.. Clarlnda. Ia Hlbley. Ia... 79 M SO 87 7S Pt cloudy cp-ar Clear ( 1-nr Clear Sioux City, Ia. 82 66 T Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Min. inches, Chicago 26 tw Columbus 9) I)es Moines, Ia.... 14 S6 61 .16 .20 .'2 .OS .10 .16 .01 .04 .01 M 66 61 St 64 62 62 6ti Indianapolis 13 Wi Kansas Clly 21 88 Louisville, Ky 19 92 Minneapolis 30 81 Omnha 19 2 St. Louis 13 90 Showers occurred In all portions of the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours and were heavy at points In the Chicago and Columbus dis tricts. No Important change In tempera ture has occurred Blnce the last report. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET ((notations ot the day on Varlone Commodities. NEW YORK, July .-FLOITR-Re-Celpt, 13.S17 bbls.; exports, 16.SA1 bbls. Market firm with fair Inquiry; Minnesota patents, $5.36(65. 70; winter straight, 84.10 (B4.25; Minnesota bakers, l4.liVii4.B0; winter extras, 83.40fo3.tW; winter patents, 84.40 4.75; winter low grades. 83.33.W. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4,154)4.50; choice to fancy, $4,65U4.90. ' COKNMEAL Firm; quiet; fine white and yellow, $1.65; coarse, $1. 551.60; kiln dried, $4.00. ' A ... RVE Dull; No. 2 western, 83o, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Hecelpts, 122,000 bushels; ex port. 28 00i bushels. Spot market firm; No. 8 red, 99Vfl1l OIH elevator; No. 2 red, $101 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth, 81.2SS, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard win ter, $!7, f. o. b. afloat. Strong advance occurred In wheat today following higher cables, less favorable northwest news and covering of shorts. At one time over a cent net higher, prices later eased off on big receipts, closing Vc to lc boye Thursday. July $1.01t5jl.02. closing tl.OJV Sept., &9ic closed 99c; Dec., $1.W 15-lbnj) 81.01S, closed $1.01. V - .CORN Receipts. 1.160 ibishels; exports, 2.0B8 bushels. Spot market steady; No. 2, R4c nominal elevator and 84Hc nominal f. o. b afloat. Option market was firm and higher on covering by shorts, owing to lluht stocks. The close was partly c net higher; Sept., 84'884ttc, closed MW; Dec, Closed 71ic. . ' 0 4.T8 Receipts. 16,500 bushels; exports, 10,015 bushels. Spot market firm: rni'?'' "6 to 32 pounds, 6ifi2o; natural white, 2Wi31 lbs . 6355c. clipped white 3i40 lbs., HAY Firm; good to choice, 75eWc. nrtoa n.tiot atntf common to choice. 1907 crop. 54fSc; 1906 crop, 49c; Paolflo !.... ,(i,7 ornn KSc: 1906 crop. 3if5c. HIDES Firm; Bogota, 19c; Central Amer- Ica.lSe. ,M p'uOVlSIONS-Peef. steady; family, f 75 T C a Til U H rTriTi: Ht'ltl. 1 XI m , (ffH-W; mess. 14.40itflB.60; peel nams, sji.w cnMOO: packet. $1R.OO8 16.00; city extra India pickled bellies. $9.758U.O0; Pickled hams $12dOful3 00. Lard easy; western, $9.S:m&9.45; refined, easy; continent. $975: South Amer ,ik. n,l,nnil IS254T6.50. Pork, firm family $18 OiWlS 50; short clear, $17.25318.50 mesa. '$17,217.50. ti.ij)v-uu let: cuy, bt&, ' rr'E-Oulet: domestic, fair to extra, 3 fiSc; .Tpan, nominal. colored or white fancy lc; good to prime. 10kiftl 'ic: common. wun".. Vnna Easy; slate. Pennsylvania and nearhv fancy, seiecien,- -iiu, 25 9 and aw-; v, ej""" oiv9c western mixeii rancy. flriVs. 2(21c; firsts. lV4lHc; sec- on1. 174118" . . . , POULTRY Alive, firm; spring chickens, liic- fowls 13c: turkeys, lie Prese1 Ir regular: western spring chickens, 14.3c; fowls, MtjHHc St. Loots General Market.' ST I.OCIS, Mo.. July 74.-WHKAT-Hlgiier: truck, No. J red cash, 91l4ti934c; No 2 hard. 9'.Vjc?m.0O4; September, tc; December, 92Hc . , CORN Higher: track, No. 2 cash, 79c; No. 2 while. ti!4?if3c; September, 75Tc: December. 69c. ' ' OATH Higher; track. No. t cash. 56c; No. while. it'4c; September. 444'944c; De cember, 4:1. FI.Ol'R Steady ; red winter patents. 84.4"4 6i; extra fan. y and straights, 83 8 64.26; e'ears. I3 2&t3.H0. ' pii-jrnTimothv. stcsdy st S.orig3 60. CORNMBALe-Bteady st 83 70. HK AN Steady; sacked. east liack, f 1 QHt I 09. HAY Firm; timothy. 31116.00; prairie, $li OMi 11.00. IRON COTTON TIES 31. CO. nACtOINO-7'aC. HKMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS-Pork lower: Jobbing, 315 70 Lard. lower: prime steam, S 874R.97H. Pry salt meats, steady; hosed, extra shorts. 39 37 4: clear ribs, $9 87 4; short Clears. so. nacon steady; boxed, si rt clear ribs, 110.26; thort clears. $10 V.4. POI'LTRY Weak: chickens. 94c; springs, 134c: turkeys. i:il4c; ducks. 7c; geese, 5c. Rl'TTEH Bteadv ; cresmery. 18toi2c. EGGS Steady ; 14c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Vlour bbls T.O'iO 9.000 Wheat bu.... 117.000 115.000 Corn bu . 81.000 49.000 Oats bu 13.000 33.000 Kansas CHy Grain nnd Provisions. 1 1 K4.NSA3 CITY. July 21. HEAT l"n I Changed to lc lower; July. 87'ir; Bcptem b.r bSc; December, s'.V'. Cash: No. 2 J.ard. 'o9m.; No. 3 hard, 4isi)5c; No. 2 : i 0 vyt,1s,9rtr: N. 3 red MtfsoV. ,'. cORN'--l'nehanged; July. 75c; September, I ;.io; leieinber, 56vc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. ' TTCc; No. 3 mixed. 774c; No. 2 white. 0c; N." 3 white. 7viHc ' OATS .-Unchanged; No. 2 white, 4Ti5oc; No 2 mlxd. 5U0''-c RYE-7-77c. HAI-Mtlil)'; tnoice limiuny, sr ov'') iv uu , prairie, old, 8900; new. $7.604j7.76. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 21c; pack ing stock. 16c. KGOH-r'trm: fresh eitras, lSc; cur rent receipts. 15c. Receipts. Shipments I Wheat, bu 1 4'. 18.r 13.000 3.000 Options at Kansas City: Articles. I Open. I Hiah. Lw. Cloiee. Wheat September Ieceruber Crn St pienil er L'ecimbir S5r sr.! 71,l 5C.4' K'4 17. J14' 84 71 J 164, 714 55. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Liquidation on Large Scale Breaks Prices Badly. NET LOSS ONE TO THREE POINTS Order to Press Motion for Retrial ot Standard Oil Cases Motive tor Mnrh at the Sell lag. NEW YORK, July 24-8pecuiatlve liqui dation on a large scale oroke prices ot slocks badly today. The fall was gradual a.icl restrained In the early stages, out be came more pieclpltate as It progressed, uncovering tiup-loas orders. Knowledge ut the existence of such orders emooldna the professional operator to make short sales and to oiler concessions in prices in mak ing thesa sales, thus forcing declines. Spec ulative liquidation and siiort sellings have been In evidence before this week, but they were overcome by the force of the buying demand. It was In this respect that tilt market showed a notable change today, the buying orders, except at pikes below the opening level, showing a material shrink age. The order from President Roosevelt to push a retrial of the Standard Oil case was a professed motive for much of the selling, especially amongst thosu who had bought stocks largely on the ground of tin; decision In favor of the Standard Oil com pany. The buying demand prompted by that derision was led by realising sales yesterday and tne day before by those who had bought stocks at a lower level. The digestion of profits In that way la sup posed to have been very large, and to rep resent, moreover, the passing of stocks from the hands of the powerful groups whlclt have fostered the advance Into those of scattered holders, much less wealthy and much less skillful and practiced In the conduct of speculative operations and man ipulation. There was developed an element in the speculation whereby dealings had been largely reduced at a handsome profit, and which was made Indifferent to further maintenance or advance of prices and will ing to see a substantial relief and an op portunity to get back stocks at an advan tage. That such technical considerations Were largely responsible for the turn In the price movement there can be no doubt. The extent and duration of the advance which had already occurred emphasized this condition. The nature of the reports put In circulation to sustain the upward movement has pointed to the excess Into which It was running. Yesterday s reports, for Instance, that the Vnlted States Steel subsidiary officials were meeting here to concert measure for starting up the full capacity of the plants waa met by the for mal statement of President Corey that the present activity of the plants represents 96 per cent of Its capacity. There has been active speculation, also, based on an as sumption of the favorable outcome of liti gation affecting various corporate Interests In a way, such as the suits under the com modities clause of the Hepburn act and against fixing rales for gas. The Influ ence of the success of the Standard Oil appeal against the fines levied upon It was seen In the Jump In prices of some of the stocks affected most by this speculation, and In which realizing sales. In conse quence, have been unusually heavy. The day's news offered little change In general condition. The week's currency movement Indicated another huge accession to the cash holdings of the local banks, the sub treasury operations and the movement on balance from the Interior Indicating an In crease of about $10,000,000 for the week. The stock market was quiet In the latter part of the day, but showed no effective recov ery, the day's losses running quite gener ally from one to three points. There was a pronounced contraction In the volume of the bond market and the tone waa easy. Total sales, par value, $3,020,000. imited States 2s, registered, de cl'ned one-etgth on the bid price. Number of sale and leading quotation on stock were a follows- bales. Hlrtl. Low. CloM. Amslgsmatad Copper 14.900 73 7?H 724 American C. ft P .'" SS 3v, 3Ht de pld too KiJH 1M 102H' American Cotton Oil K S4 33 11 American H. ft L. pfd .. 100 JO, go', lt, American Ire Securities .... (00 Xl 17 14 V't American Linseed ., loss American Locomotlrs 4. Too B344 oJi, do pfd 104 1 108 JiH American 8. ft A 34.400 1144s e44, U do pfd 200 107V, lOTSs If? American Sugsr Refining.. J. 14 132 JI0V4 ,4VU. American Tobacco pfd lAiV 9S tC 4i American Woolen V 13 23 U Anaconda Mining Co 7.9m 4F 44V, ih Atchleon 11. W 7 84 V do pfd 304 92 Vi 92H 2 Atlantic Cosat Line 200 4)5 94 .IVt Baltimore ft Ohio 4.400 9344 t 2 do pfd at Brook l a Rspld Trsnalt 113.400 H M Ml; Csnsdlsn Psclflo 4,000 1K9V, l7Vi 1674s Centrsl Lesther 2.900 2RS 27C 21 do pfd M Central of New Jersey .... lno 1M 1!S 196 Chaaspesk ft Ohio I US 42i 42H Chlcsgo Ot. Western l.Soo Tv, 7 7', C . M. A St. P 3S.S00 14144 1384 C. C. C. ft Bt. L. M Colo. Fuel ft Iron Colo, ft southern .... do 1st pfd , do id pfd .., Consolidated Oss Corn Products l-elaware ft Hudaon ... Penvsr A Rio Grands . do pfd Distillers' Beeurttles . Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd General Elsetrlc Grose Northern pfd ... Illinois Central Interbomush Mat. ... Intemstlonsl Tsper ... do pfd International Pump ... lows Central Kansas City Southern do pfd Louisville ft Nashville Mai loan Csntrsl Minn, ft 8t. Lonls ... 8O0 324, l,5l tZ fy'O 82 V, I'M 61 91 11 31H X4. m 41 w 62 tl 137 137 ,!00 140 700 nv, nvi 17 1.100 lfiS', 1WV, lftoV, 100 ZHV, Z9V, 21. U 400 TOO 700 700 h 44 s4 21 '4 3i '4 21V, 3V4 3k S 23 V, 38 24) IS 21 9MI H.'.'i 144 V4 144 4.1 13v, ' tu ISM 6,m ieH 139 900 lis 11 11 101, 600 (8V, 57 tv, I0 2314 23 i. 17 U'i i,'to6 1 io "." 11114 iiikis 14 100 J9-H t i 1,800 llfi 11.14, 116 M (4 (44 4.1 HO 31 ' 30 )0 61V, CIV, U4 (JO 71 84 1 8.J00 im 107 1014 9.400 424 41', 414 o 7iv T! 11, 200 4iV4 (5V4 S44 1S.' 14i UK'. 140 10 27V4 ! :'l-t 11,900 12nV, 124 121V, 200 94 94 tviV, 16 1,8-X) 344 114 22 144 2..00 4:4 414 414 113 610 1184 118", 117V, 1.100, 1 Aiv, 900 744 7:4 '4 5.4'") 17', 17 1T4 2,io liv, 124 20 26V, 20V, 2v, H 4 em 4:4- 4 40 I 401 2 4'4 it 34.1O0 42 4 81 J1'4 301 lis, 114 Ilk', ion iv 18', ,, . l.SOil 49 4SVi 441, , 1,4.) 37 tn4 i 400 26 US 21V, 40 49 4S 4HT, .171 7..1 144 ISIS li-' 300 81 4 S3 83 . 1.300 :v 27v, 2:4 100 964 94 9i, . 71.700 4S4 44 44Vj . 4.100 im io7n io7, . 2.300 87 V, 384 loo a 2i 2: . l'W loo i!4 12 12 . 1.100 !4 In IS . 4.40) 19V, 73 74 M V 100 21 ?) 30 M., 8t. P. ft 8. 8ta. Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kansas ft Te: do pfd Nstionsl Lead New York centrsl ... n. y.. o. ft w Norfolk ft Western .. North Amerlcss Pacific Mall People's Gss P., C C. ft Ft. L. .. Pressed Steel Csr .... Pullman Palace Car ... Railway Steal Spring Heading Republic Steal do pfd Rock laland Co do pfd at. l s. r id pfd it. Leu a gouthmeatern do pfd Sloea-Sheffield Steel ft Iron 8muhern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tenneapes Copper Teiaa ft Pacific T . 8t. L. ft W I' 11 ion Pacific do pfd Vnlted gtawa Rubber do 1st pfd Vnltsd Sines Steel ... do pfd Vtsh Copper Vs -Csrollns Chemical do pfd Wabssh d pfd Wettinghouee Electric Western tslon Wheeling ft Lake Bits Wisconsin Central Totsl sales for ths day. T7S.9S4 shares. London Stoclt Market. LONDON, JUly 24. American srejifMcs opened easy and at 12:30 p. m , prices showed a loss of 4 to V compared with the New York closing of yesterday. I.ondun closing stocks: Consols. mon.!... se 11-16 M., K. ft T .. .... 314 ....111-, .... 704 .... 13 .... 434 .... 44V, .... as do account. ill-UN. Y Centrsl . IS Norfolk ft W. . a4 do pfd . 96V, Ontario ft W. Anaconda Atchlaoa do pfd Raltlraors ft O... Canadian Pacific Cbssapeska ft O Chlcsgo (J. W Chi.. Mil. ft Si. D Besrs Denver ft Rio O do pfd Brie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Orsnd Trunk Illinois Ontrsl.. . 96V, Penniyivams .... .172', Rand Mines . 441-, Rending 54 South Rallwsy .146 do pfd . IO', Soul hero Pacific. . 2T Vulon Psclflc . , do pfd . Till f 8. Steel 4 194 .... 1 .... J44 ....1:77s, .... 88 .... 484 ....II114 .... 13 .... .... . 39 do pfd . 39 Wabaan . it do pfd .144 Span la 4s .113 Amal. Copper Louisville ft N It Hll.VKH-Bar dull. 248-164 per ounce. MOiMl-i, per cent. i The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 14 per cent; for three months' bills, 144714 per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 24. Bank clearings for to day were 81.640,8.01 and for the corres ponding date last year 81.b4I.lnti.8t. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. July 84-Today s state ment of the ttreasury balances in the gen eral, fuod. exclusive of the Hoo.hai.i-"' guld reserve, shgas: Available casli Lslsucs, $ift.772.54S; gold coin and million. $40.274. 6S; gold certificates, xjs.isj. ... New .York Montr Market. NHW YORK. July 24-MONEY-On call, liil't per cent; ruling rate. l per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at IV per cent. T'me loans: Pteadv; sixty daya, 8 per cent: n'netv risys. fii?, per cent; six months. ft4 P"1 cent. PRIM 18 MERCANTII.n PAPER-Vft per cent. 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Weafly, Wllh actual business in bsnkers' Mils st $4.;75 for demand and at f.MH.v:5 for sixty dav bills Commercial bills. $4 4S4.sS. SILVKR-Par, &Hc; Mexk an dollars. 4.c. R'.iNDS Oovernment, heavy) railroads, es"y. Closing quotations on honr'.s were as follows: 1'. f. rf. a. res Japan 4W 74, . 1"3 do M trlrt M .10 L. A N. unities 4 . 7Sj ,1H4 "y,nli,itn r. it.. S !. tntrl ts .... J .11', Mo lt in- IS . T Minn St b. 4s.. I) 10T M . K. T. 4l 3 . W M S4 do coupon ao I. rs do coupon do 4a. ns do coupon Amer. Tob. 4a do ts ... Atrhlaon n. 4s... do adj. 4 do c. 4a do rr, 5a Atlantic r. L. 4a D St II. 4 do ms "i --it. a. oi n. c 4a m . Ill, S. Y. c. sen. IVta.llJsi .ll" Nor. Ascitic 4s 11". . M do is f . f'i N. W. con. 4k.... 7 . i O. g. L. rfds. 4a... f Bronh. R. T. cv. 4a 72 pnn, ct. Hs. 1915.. W, central of Os. 6s. 1074 do ronaol 4a l'ii do 1 Inc 7.1 Reading sen. 4a T do !d Inc M Rxpunllr of Cobs Sa.l'ijv, do 84 Inc 41 st. LAI. M. c. Saint rnea. a Ohio 4Ha. Ton St. L. A 8. r fit. 4, v C. aY A. 8-ti SI. Louta-S W. c. 4s S7S C., B. A I), new 4a M Seaboard A. L. 4s... 171, C. R. I. A P. R. 4a go. Pacific 4a M do col. na 6H do t 4a 2S do rfrl 4a -'V4 So. Railway la 1v i ce a st t, sen 4a 4 T. ft P. lata ! Colo. Induatrlal Sa . . . 61'4T.. HI. L. ft W 4a... 74. Colo Mldlsnd 4a .. . ."3 fnlon Pa-ltlc 4a 1"H4 . 4 4n,c. 4a MS . ! f S Steel. Id J. .. J . 92 'Wshsfh lets itj . W -atern Md 4a It .10? v. t I,. I ii TO . Sf, Wis. Central 4s .... 3 P ft H cv 4a .... IV ft R. o 4a . ... EMs prior lien 4a do sn. 4a Mo'. Vslley 4ls.. Inter. Met. 4Ha Japan 4a Bid. "Offered. it Boston Stocks and Bonds, BOSTON, July LM.-Call loans, 23 per cent: time loans, S'U44 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks: Atrhlaon sdj. 4s It Blnftisra TS do 4s I'M Calumet ft Heels Kv Mfl.'sn Ontrsl 4s.. ad Centnnla! 24 Atrhlaon . Copper Rsnge 741 do prd n.'s Paly wast Bnaton Albany !' 8 Oanslln Boaton ft Maine 134 firanhy Boston Elevated 134 lale Rovsle N. Y , N. H. A H.l.U Mats. Mlnln t'nlnn Paclflo lcJU Muhlsan . lOVa .too . 20 . 6a . . to . ti . Jril ,.101Vj . 8.i . kS . 14 . to . 14 . (4 . 39 . 24S .. 44'4 . 5 . c, .14 74 ,. KS4, Amer. Arge. Chem J4tiohawk do pfd '. ti -Montana u. c. . . 4 old Dominion .1J04, Oeoeols ,.121 Psrrot ,.121 Qulnry ..XIV, Dtisnnon . ei, Tamarack . 14'i Trinity Amer. Pneu. Tube. Amsr. Sugar do prd Amer. T. ft T. ... Amer. Woolen do ptd Dominion I. ft 8.. Kdlaon Kler. Ilium. .US' I'nlled ropper .... General Electric Uii U. 8. Mining Mm. Electric V. 8. OH do ptd 4t t'tah Maes Oaa . Victoria United Fnllt 13BI, Winona United Shoe Marh M'i Wolrerlns do ptd 24 North Butte V. 8. Steel 444, Butte Coalition ... do pfd 1074a Ncrada II Adventure tv. Calumet ft Arliona..lH Alloues S Anions Commercial. . 194 Amsigsmitsd 7Z4 ureen csnsnea Atlantic 14 Asked. 10 New York Mlntnsjc Stocks. NEW YORK. July 24.-Clcslng quotations on mining slocks: Alice 2O0 I.eadvllle Con i Breece t Little l.hlet ... Brunawlck con s Meitrsa , Comatork Tun. stook. Vfi Ontario Cornetock Tun. bunda 17 Ophlr Con. Csl. ft Va lot Small Hopes ., Horn Silver 60 Standard Iron Sllrer Tallow Jsckst Offered. ...100 ...400 ...140 ...IS ...180 ... u Wool Market. BOSTON, July 24.-WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, basing Its repart upon statistics gathered for the govern rrser, 111 say tomorrow of the wool market: The lull In trading continues. Only a small number of fresh contracts have been concluded and most of them are for unimportant quantities. The market Is firm, but no higher. The shrpments of wool from Boston to July 23. Inclusive, were 82,"98,7til lbs., against 149.328.o33 lbs. the same time laM year. The recelpU to July 23, Inclusive, were 114,927,169 lbs., against 156.768,887 lbs. last year; LONDON. July 24.-yVOQL The offerings at the wool auction' sales today amounted to l.r456 bales, all oT fine quality. The de mand was- strong. -ofuieoent rates.- New South Wales, come ..baoki greasy and comb ines were actively competed fr by the home' trade and continental buyers. Medium greasy crossbreda were freely bought by America. A selection of Queens land scoured were in good demand and realised full rates. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 8.800 bales; scoured. NHid'fils 84di greasy, 44dls Mid Queensland, 1,200 bals: scoured. Is 4d'i;;s; greasy. 8114d. Victoria. 2.800 bales; scoured. 10d& 10s 8Hd;' greasy, B4dffls 14d. South Auetralla, 2U0 bales; scoured, 9dijJ'ls 6d. Went Australia. 6J0 bales; greasy, ha HV4d. Tasmania, 1.6VH) bales; scoured, lOU'q) Is 64d; greasy, Sdfls Id. New Zealand, 6,200 bales; scoured, &dais R4d; greasy, 64till4d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, bales; Bcoured, 84lais 6d; greasy, 6Ji9d. ST. IXJflS, July 24. WOOL Firm; me dlum grades, combing and clothing. liMf 2c; light fine, ItiVic; heavy fine, llQ12c; tub washed, 2'6 27c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 24.-MKTALS-There was a sharp resctlon In the London tin market toriav, although the market by no ,.n. lost sll nf the recent advance. Spct I ,.iujh ut Pl:t7 10s and futures at 13S 10s. Lcca'lv the market wi-s easy hi .s'.-tw 30 75. Copper was higher in the uondun market with spot riuoted at '.9 and fu 1. fjruWv the, market was film and generally a shade higher, wllh lake minted at 8l2.R744ri3.124: electrolytic. 812.75 iA.i2i7U and casting. l2.5t;n2.75. L ad wes reported a little higher In the Londun market at 13 10s, 3d. Locally the mar ket was firm, but prices were unchanged at 84. loft. 50. Spelter, unchanged at 4.19 is In London. The local market was s.eady at 84.1541 4.50. Iron was lower at 44-j Tor standard foundry and 4Ss 104d for Cieve lnnd warrants In the English market 1 ..aM.r nt chnnirA 'SIHI rCDOrtCd. NO. 1 foundry northern. tl.o017.0: No. - i foundry northi rn $1B 2.Vg 16.r. ; No. 1 foun dry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at lfei17.25. . ', 8T. LOUIS. July J4.-METAl.S-.Lead. higher at 84-40; spelter, higher at 84.40. t'ottcu Mnrket. NEW YORK. Julyt 2d.-rOTTON-8pot closed quiet; middling uplands. 10.80c; mid dling gulf, llittc; sales, none . Futures closed steady: July. 9 2c: August, 9 37c; September. October. 9 8oc; No- vember. .17c: Peciber. 9.17c; January., 92r; Kebrusrv. 9 1'K': March, 9.14c. ntl, KPTON, Texas, July 24.-COTTON-Steflilv St IKc. ! ST. " LOIM8, July il-rOTTOV-Dull; middling. 11c. Pales, none; rec lms. non.-; ' shlcments. none; stock. 14.111 bsle NEW ORLEANS. July S4. -COTTON - i Spot, quiet; low ordinsr. c. nominal; or dinary, 6 1316c, nominal; kouI ordinsiy 1 84c: low middling. 94; ' mMd li.e. JO'i' ; good middling. 10 15-1c; f.iir mldd.lng. , 11 5-lc; fsir, 12 1-1C. fales, .'40 re- celpts. 1.329 hales; stock. f.2.:97 bales. Futures closed: Julv. 10.4"c: 9c; , September. 9.50c; Octnher. 9 Sic; Nove n- ber, 9.30c; December. 9 2-c: January, 9.81c. Coffee Market. j NEW YORK. July 21 COPT EE Th I market for coffee futures opered steady at 1 unchanged prices to sn advance o' 5 points and ruled generally -eteady to firm on a moderate demand, icncnursg-d by higher French cables and lighter B sglllai 1 receipts. Bales were reported of 2",T50 bvgs, , Including July at 5.9.".fi 00c; Sn'emb i, 5(ic; December, 6.75c; March, 5. Sic;; My. t.8iTS5c. Spnt , steady; Rio, No. 7, -,c; Pantos, No. 4, 84c; mild, dull; Cordova, 94 I il 124c Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. j MINNEAPOLIS. July 24.-WH EAT Ju'y. i 81 144; lep eniher, 94c; o. 1 hard, 81 164; 1 No. 1 northern, 8I U: No. 2 noithern. ' 8i.i:4; No. 3 northern, 8l"K'al.09. Hlt.N In bjlk, 19 5 4f24t.O'. ; FLO! R Pstei.ts l c h gner; flret rat-I ems, S35thC 00; s cond patents. 85 76 .!': , first clears, 84.314.45; second clears, 83 f) 4J3 60 I'eorln Market. PEORIA, III. July 24.-CORN-Slady; No. 3 yellow. 78c; No. I yellow. Toe; No. 3, 76c; No. 4. T7c: no grade. 7c. OATS Quiet; No. 3 white. 57Vc. Foreign Financial. BERLIN. July 24. Prices on the Bourse i today were firm and trading very qulei. ; PARIS. July 24. The tone of the Bourse today was heavy on account or tna situa tion In Turkey. t. Joseph LIT Stock Mnrket. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 24 -CATTLK Receipts, fxiu head; market steadv: ste-ra, 84tOj..26; cms and heifers. t-a.oO; calves. 43.0Kb d.oii. HQUS Kt eel pis, 7.000 head; market very slow but stead; top, 8t .46; bulk o( sales. ! fciii 90. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle to Make ft Teit of the Market. HOGS SELL SHADE TO FIVE LOWER sheep nnd lasnha In Very Light Re ceipt, While Trade Is Slow and Trices hesv Very Little Change. SOUTH OMAHA. July 24. 1908. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheer. Official Monday ... OffU-al Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Offlolal Thursday ... Estimated Friday .. S.4oH , 2.2P7 7.74.1 6.770 , 2 32 6.0:3 .K7 , 1.K7H 6.or) 4.12 5&t) .J'X) 2,tV0 Five davs this week... .13.41 2.121 Same day last week. .. .11. Is. 32.948 14.WW S.i me days 2 weeks ago.. R.PC4 W.977 W.167 Same days 3 weeks ago.. 12.J3 43.4511 19.19:1 Same clays 4 weeks ago. .11,427 42,S'H .9 S Same days last year 19,69 1 44.8o2 11,3 The following table shows the averag price of hogs at South Omaha for tits last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1808. 1907. UX).lll0j. (1904. 103. '10J. July 13... July 14... July 15... 6 4 t 741 I Ml I Ml I Nl i I 67 6 47 6 13 I 11 T 73 I 71 6 M 6 191 I 17 7 71 6 76 8 60 II li 8 33 7 73 July i 37 Ju r 17... 6 44, 6 721 61 6 561 5 kv 6 :n 6 Ml 6 21 6 20 T 71 July is. J''ly 19 July 20 IS 22 7 74 I 741 6 511 6 63. 8 1S T 69 5 SO 6 47 5 5:i 6 03 31 6 481 6 Ml 5 101 5 : T 53 I Ml 6 4,i 6 07 I :l 1 II 6 Mil 1 6 48 6 0 b $41 7 11 S?4 July 21 6 27 July .'2... I July 22... I 6 SU, July 2J... S3 B 92' 6 53; I 4 Mi 5 X, 7 Bi JUiy I 3 V4 9 Wi 3 1. - I B 101 1 ic Sunday. The official number or cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. gheep.H'r'a. c, M. (k Bt. p Missouri Pacific .... I'nion Pacific C. & N. W. (east).... C. N. W. (west).... C HI. P., M. & O.... ('., K. & g. (east).... C, B. A Q. (west).. C, 11. I. A P. (east).. C, R. I. & P. (west).. Total receipts 4 1 2 2 2 7 3 4 41 3 6.... 14 8 8 11 2 4 1 1 .. .35 56 62 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Caltle. Hops. Enecn Omaha Tacking Co Swift and company... Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour 4 Co 139 8v6 2 8 53 1O0 101 l.iaj i.r.59 1,915 I,i7 8-il 1S9 Cudahy Pkg. Co K. C... 3RH Cudahy Packing Co. 78 26 10 3 2 6 VansKnt & Co Hill & Son F. P. Iwls Huston & Co J. H. Bulla Lehmer Bros Layton St. Louis Chicago Other buyers ...... 264 400 2 12 4 0 Total 906 6,34'1 2 99 CATTI.K-Becelnll of esttle ihls morning Were very light, only twenty-two cars being reported, which was not enough to make anything like a market. There was nothing very good of any kind to excite Interest among buyers. Still what few cattle there were sold In about the same notches as vesterdav. For the week to aaie tne receipts imvo , been the largest for several weeks back, footing up over 13,000 head. The big run, however, was on Monday, the same as last week, since which time the runs have been small. Since the big break the first of the week, brought about by the excessive re ceipts, there has been a gradual firming up In values, until at the close of the week the market on western beeves and cow stuff Is right around 25c higher than It was on Monday, which means that the market Is now a little better than It was at the close of last week, possibly 10c higher. , ,. Stockers and feeders have been dull all the week and the total volume of business In that kind of cattle has been small. That does not mean anything, however, more than that it Is still too early to expect very much business In the feeder line. The pres ent price of oorn Is very high and would-be buyers are waiting untll the future of the market seems clearer than at present be fore putting very much money into cattle to feed. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice rornfed st' ers, 16 567.70; fsir to gnod corn fed steers, I.BVifW.W; common to fair corn fd steers, SlMjS.o: good to choice range st -ers, 84.75(85.00; fair to send rsnge s!eeri, f4.25'fM.76: common to fair ranse stters, 83.50 4(4.25; rood to choice fed cows nnd heifers, $4 W-f4 60; fair to good fed cows and heifers. 13 O'tfiS. 65; common tot fair fed cows snd heifers. $2tXViiS.O0: good to choice stockers nnd feeders. 84.(014 60; fair to good stock ers and feelers. 83.6fi7M 00; common to fa r stockers snd feeders. 83.00(33.50; stock heif ers. f2F0S3.15. HOOK A few of the Imost desirable hogs sold earlv at prices that looked very nearly sieedv, but tne demand for hogs on that basis was very limited, buyers as a rule being bearish In their views and not in clined to ray yesterday's prices. The mar ket was alow also in getting started and It was late before the trade was fairly under way and then prices were generally wak to 5c lower than yesterday. Tin movement was very slow, the market te ns dull from start ti finish. The hogs sold inrsel ' at 8 J6fi6 3o. while yesterday the most of them brought 8.30iSi.?6. SHEEP Receipts were small today, only about eleven cars being reported1 In the vards. Outside of a couple of cars they were all rangers. With so few sheep In sight an active market could hardly be expected as there was not enough ot any Xaraft .... Street l I i i I V-S, SJ ts, , sw THE FACILITIES of trie First National Bank ot Omaha Insure rrompt tad courteous attention to alt banking business, and matters entmsterl to 1U care. . 0) 0 0 00 0) (ts) If you are contemplating dlally Invite you to make this FIRST NATIONAL OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Farnam Streets Capital $500,000; Surplus and Profits, 15675,000 thing to create very much Interest Still there wss a very fair demand. Sellers wer naturally incl ned to hold for eveiy cent possible, with reielp aso light that the mnr ket, while steady witn ve.tlerdsy, was a little slow. A bunch of fed yearlings sold tip to 4.t'. A . The receipts of sheep at thie point hHve b?en very large, showing a heavy g.tln over recent weeks and an increase of ur" ft.OOO hesd ss compared with the same week a year aso. I'nder the Influence of the large receipts and the sharp decline at eastern points the market brnke badly tho tlrst of the we. k, being reported as 164JJfK" lower on Tuesday than the close of the previous week. Since then It hHS been firm ing up a little, being steady to strong fmrn day to day, Quutatlons on range or grass sheep snd lambs: Good to choice lambs, 86.2Ti7.60; fair to good lambs, 8tj.Oii'u6.26; feeding lambs, 84.60H75.Oi'; good to choice light yearlings, J4.tS'U6.flO; good to choice heavy yearlings, 84 4"64.7C; fair to good yesrllngs, 84.004 2i; feedlntr yearlings, 83.75ig4.15; good to choice wethers, 84.15-114. 35; fair to good wethers. 83.764. 15; feeding wethers. j5.26G3.76; good to choice ewes. 83.8ofo4.16; fair to good ewes, 83.fWoS.gfi; feeding ewes, 82.5S3.ijO; culls and bucks, 82.00iii3.00. CHICAGO I.1VB tTrijCK MAKKKT Cattle Steady Hons Steady to Strong heer Weak. CHICAOO. July 24 CATTLE Receipts sbout 8,000 head: market steady; steers, 8'i38.Ui; cows. 83.4V(f6.60; heifeis, IXuCrp 4.90; bulls. 8:i (ayn.6.25. cslves, 86.S6a,ii.76; stockers anfl feeders, 88 00174.80. HOOS Receipts, about IS.ChiO head; mar ket steady to strong; choice heavy ship ping, 8ii.75iii6.fri4; bulchera, 86.75tj6.h6; choice light, Ji6(i.70; light mixed, 8'.40rd6.60: packing. t6.;6tr70; pigs, 84.60fiti.16; bulk of sales. $ 50.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 8,000 head; market weak; sheep. 4Vl.oora4.60; lambs, 84.71XQ6.75; yearlings, 44.60(Jj.6o. Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, July 24.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 4,0u0 head, Including 2.700 southerns; market slow, steady to weak; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, 86.6067-6); fair to good, 83.7Tj&'.60; western steers, 83 60 fita.tiu; stockers and feeders, l3.2nCn4.Sii; southern steers, 83.10M.65; southern cows, 12 2f.'33.25; ratlve cows, 82.004.36; native heifers. 83.0f5.25; bulls, J2.8(r&3.70; calves, 4.00j1.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.3O0 head; market eftloc lower; top, 86.70; bulk of sales, 16.36 q 6 61; heavy,; packers and butchers, J6.45&6.70; light. J6.25fi.574: pigs, J4.DOTc6.25. BUh-F.P AND LAMBS Receipts. 120) head; market strong to 16c higher; lambs, $r.25((i6.26; ewes s.nd yearlings, J4.0t((i-I.6); Texas yearlings, J4.6O4r5.O0; Texas sherp, 83.754.30; stockers and feeders, J3.00tfi.0u. St. Lonls LIto stock Mnrket. BT. LOUI8, July 24. CATTLE Recei pt s, 2.800 head, Including 1.100 Texans; market steady to lower; native shipping ana ex port steers, J4.4Vff7.O0; dressed beef and butcher steers, J3.26(&'7.25; steers under l.OnO pounds, J3.2ura7.26; stockers and feeders, JloOfii.sO; cows and heifers. J2.2r4f4l.5u; can nere, ll.SOi&.OO; bulls, JJ.&Otjti.iO; calves, J3.0Oj7.OO; Texas and Indian aieers, J3.i0ij 5.40; cows and heifers. Jl.6tvjj4.0i). HOGS-Recelpts, 6.400 head; market 5rT10c lower; pigs and lights, J4 006.6t; pickers, Jii.4di'((ti.70; butchers and best heavy, 86 76'a 6.874- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 770 head; market steady; muttons, J4.OKff4.25; lambs, Jn.9fJi.25; culls and bucks, J3.0v(ij) S.W; stockers, J4.25'4.50. Stock In sight. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western mantel yesteroay; Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 850 900 Sioux Cltv 600 5.ft1 aheep Kansas City 4.000 .3hi 1.200 St. Louis 2.600 5.400 7;0 St. Joseph 500 7.0 O :0i Chicago 8,000 1x00 8.t00 Total .11.450 49,400 12,770 Ions City Lire stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 21.-(Specla! Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 5'10 head; mar ket steady: beeves, J5.50f?7 50; cons and heifers. 4.rVff 00; feeders, J3.26iB 4.50; calves and yearlings. 83.754.76. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market 6frl0c The impression prevails with many that The Updike Grain Co. is so large that it does not care for small subscriptions to its 7 cumulative pref erred stock But such ia not the case. "We feel that it is to our, interest in tho development of our flour, coal, lumber and grain business, to have a largft number of ttockhoiders, and therefore Subscriptions as small as $100.00 WiU he Just at welcome as the larger onea, In fact, our main reason for orfer iniK tMa atock ia to lntereat at many as possible of the citizens of Omaha and tba state of Nebraska In the enterprises ot the Updike Grain Co. The subscription books will be closed on August 16th, and before that date, in cjm stock is all subscribed for. If you have money to lny)6t, fill out blank below, and mall at once. Tomorrow ir.ay be too late. The Updikc.Gpain Co., Bee Building , Omaha, Neb. Please mall roe, without obligation on my part, full information re garding your 7 per cent preferred stock. I nave about f to invest. No. . . Town opening an account, we cor- bank your depository, fid ei) UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing late autlieuUc luformatlon on i First National Copper FREE v Copper, Curb and Mining Outlook: 72 lilnity 1'lacr, Now York ( 4 Sample Copies Tr $1.00 per ytar la rages Covers Touopah, Ooldfleld, Ely, Butte, Cobalt, Yerlngton. Tlntlc. Bingham, Park , City, Beaver County aad Haw Lido. lower: rsnge of prices,' J6.0Ofi6.S5; bulk of sales, Jti.26ttti.30. OMAHA WHOl.KSAk.rc MAHKBT, ' ' Condition of Trade nna Qnotntlons on , Staple nnd Fancy Produce. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. dellvaiea t ' retail trade In cartons, 28c; No. 1, in tu 1b. tubs. 2 He; No. 1, In 30-lb. tubs, 83c; No. 2, In 60-lb. tubs, 20 Vic; No. 8, In 30- -lb. tubs. 21c: N 8, In l-lb, cartons, 81c; No. 1, In carload lots, JlVo: No. 8, In car- ' toad lots, IS 4 19 He; country, .fancy, tubs, " 17o: common. 16o. KOGS Fresh candled. 16c dosen, CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full eream, ' twins, 14 Vic; Young American, 4 In hoop. ' 16c; Favorite, 8 In hoop, 15Via; Daisy, 211 , In hoop, 15 Vic; cream brick, full case, UVic; halt case, 134c; half dosen orlcks, ' 14o. No quotations on Swiss nor Umberc ers until after October. LIVE POULTRY Hens. V4e; broilers, tic: mooters. 6c: capons, 15c; ducks, UVic: . mm geese, tic; tt;rk?ys, 14c: pigeons, 65o dosen; sauans, J2.00 dozen. , DRESSED POULTRY Squabs. tiO docen. BEEF CUTS-No. 1 ribs, ITHn, No. 1 ribs, . I4c; No. 8 ribs. lwVic; No. 1 loin, 20c; No. I loin, 16c; No. 8 loin. 12Ho. No. 1 chuck, 7Vc; , No. 2 chuck, 7c; No. 8 chuck, 6c: No. i round, 11c; No. 8 round, 10c: No. i round, : 8c; No. 1 piste, 6c; No. t plate, tc; No. plate. 4 Vic. ' VEGETABLES Celery, Mlohlean, per J dos., 36c. Beans, new wax Snd siring, one third bu. basket, J1.00; navy, per bu.. No. I, J3.70; lima. 6VJO per lb. Cabbage, 2c per , lb. Potatoes, new, per bu.. Toma- ; toes, per 4-basket crate, 90o. Watermelons, t 2o&30c. Cantalopes, California, t2.6o433 00 ( per crate. Asparagus, per dox., 40c. t'u- ; Cumbers, per dos., bOc. Onions. Bermudt, 81.60 per crate; Texas yellew, JI.26 per orate, t, Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb.. 60a. lt. tuce, per dox., 26 o. Peppers, southem, Jl per crste. FRESH FRUITS Apples J2 7ta3.00 per i bushel box. Lwtnons. t4.60tQS.06. Oranges, J4 Ovni(5.O0. Bananas, 4c per lb. Plums. l.2e 4-basket crate. Peaches. California, 70S80o box; Texas, 4-basket crate, &"i"oc. Pears, , II. 60 4-basket crate. Blackberries. 84. Rasp-'' berries, 84.00 Cherries, 12,26. Currants, JJ.00. Gooseberries, J2.00. NUTS Almonds, 17Vc: filberts. 12Vic; walnuts, 16c; Braxll nuts, 14c; pecans, lio per lb. SUGAR Coarse granulated. 6.60c; fin granulated. 6.70c; cubes, 6.60c; powdered. 6..MIC per lb. DRIED FRUIT3-Ralslns. loose Musoatel, 6Vcv; fancy seeded, l-lb. carton, 10c. Cur rants, uncleaned, 6Vic; cleaned, So; carton, 8c per lb. Prunes, 40&60c per sack; 7Vio per lb. Apricots. 25-lb. boxes, 9c per lb. Peaches, California choice, So; fancy boxe,. Ho per lb. I'ears, California, llo. Dates, Persian, 6Vic Figs, layers, choice, lD4o. Citron, 16'aJOc. Lemon petl, ICc. Orange peel. 13c. Fisit itaiiout, s; trotti, 140; picgerei, lue; pike, 13c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 2 6n0loc; white perch, 8c; white bass, 17c; black I bass. 26c; crapples, 15c;. white fish, 13c; red snapper, 14c; flounders, 12c; mackerel 17c; codfish, fresh frozen. 18o; shad roe, 45o, smelts, 13c; frog legs. 46c; greea sea lurtlt, meat, 25c; catfish. 16c. HIDES Quotations by J. S. Smith A Co. Green salted. No. 1; 8Vic; No. 2, 7lAc; buil hide. (Vic; green, No. L Hc; No. 2, 6Vie; horse, JJ.TiO each; sheep pelt.i, green and salted. 25cg81.60; dry pells, 1'-Jxl2.: per lb. Dry flint, butcher hides. Uc; fallen, hides, 10c; salted. 9c Advertlse In The Bee; It goes Into the. homes of the best people. V