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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1908)
TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1908. t Boston and Cubs Play Tie Game; Twelve Innings at Philadelphia; State Circuit Races Good ( ( f e- Ai ; ! I OMAHA CONDUCTS SWATFEST 4 " -. Sixteen Hiti in Game Won from Dei - Moinea Team. rHBEE Of'tHEM TWO-BAGGERS ! Iowans Knocked Oat of Box la . Unmt Reanltlas; Nlaa to Three -loat City Loirs. DE9 MOINE8-, la., July 22. Ran. was ht hr,lrut Clarke' and .Bomar were hit harder. .' Everythlpr!'looked rosy for L)e Molne until tne sixth when Gondlng and rtagan got busy with their pestles and began abattlng be that lasted thtoug.i two InMng and drove two pitchers to the Roontrrs' brnchi Flturnoy, the first up for Des Moinea In the Initial inning, rot a hit and" scored through an addi tional rap .by. Bader. Des Moines got two more r the sWVpnth through three two baggers, and a. nerror. Franck and Kelley did some, irrational work around short atop for each team. The score: DEa MOINES. AB. 6 H P.O. A. E. 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flournoy, If Dolan, Jib . Dwvrr, lh Bailor, rf . Walsh, rf . 1 a 1 5 1 10 0 0 0 0 Kfiley, as ...... Nlehoff, 8b ...... Welgart, c Clarke, p Homar, p Wltherup, p . . . . . Fltxpatrlck, ..... 1 Totals ......... .38 3 10 27 13 OMAHA, A.n. r. 11 T O. A. E. Fisher. If Kin. 2b . Autrey, lb Welch, tt Austin, 8 4 5 6 .. - t a . 4 1 2 3 I) 0 2 16 0 2 IS 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 10 16 27 13 2 0 0 0 0 2 Belden. rf .. 4 4 f rancK, 1 as Gondlng, o ... Hagan, p .... - 2 ... 4 Totals 40 Hatted for Wltherup In ninth. Pes Moines .1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 Omaha ....0 0 0 1 0' 4 4 0 09 Earned' runs? Dps Moines, 2; pmnha. 9. Two base bits; Kelley, Nlehnff, Iiolan, Oondlrig. Autrey, Welch, Franck, Kln. Bases fan balls: off Clarke, 4; off Bomar, 1; off Raan, 1. Hit by pitched bill: by Rnma'r. 1. Wild niichca: Clark 2 Kfruek out: by Bomar, 1; by Wltherup, 2; by jiagnn, I. Htoien nases: weicn, Aiurey, Fisher. Time of game: 1;6S. Attend ance: 800. Umpires Davis. GRIZEL1E9. IMABLU TO SCORE Play Perfect Ball, bat Winnebago Johnson I'asalea Them. LINCOLN, July 22.-t)enver played per fect halt bchlud Dohannon today, hut. Win. npbagft Johnson pltchPd so cleverly that tne urizues were shut out to 0. Ilonannnn got a tao siart 111 the nrst innins. Fox was hit by a. Pitched Ijall and Oignlcr's tju ana iesi, loitowea ny oavmsin a emani, Bent two runs to the Dlatp. Bohannon. lilt Sullivan In the sovonth and hits by Johnson and Jutle scored the final . . Y . REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE ' Th e Last Large Tract of Good Land in Eastern Nebraska We h&ve purchased and will sulvdivide "G G Ranch" in Pierce county, Nebraska, consisting of 10,040 acres of choice farm and grass land, We are placing this on the mirket at very low prices and easy terms. Write, us for particulars. W. J. permody Investment Company 836 Ni Y. Life Building. Nebraska. BAROA1N8 In Nebraska land; few good wo-acre homesteads, often cheap relin quUlimer"), J. ;v IKralna, Whitman, Neb. , ' ta u;bo A2x A SNAP. THE financial flurry last fall enabled us to buy a 1.600-acr ulfrlfa, (ram an4 stock rancii af a bargain; for gulck tale wo offer this ranch at a smalt advance. C. W. Bowman. W lllla jL'adwell. Broken Bow, Neb. r- t:0)-Mo. Ali BOONS COUNTY, NEB., RANCH. 4,ix acres, will divide in two ranches, 146 mile of Omaha, highly Improved for bares a, cattle, sheep and hogs, farm, huy Vasturo.'3irdrra"land7 timber, largo orchard, vriesiu wells, a' creek, telephone, R. F. D., J, kasy terms, write owner for com mission. C. E. LockiHid, Petersburg, Neb. Mention Omaha Bee. ' (JO) M!u2 L1x Taxaa. . TEXAS GULF COAST LANDS for al In thu famous Braxoa River Valley, near the clUea of Hcuatou and Galveatun, In tract to salt pAirciiaatr. Stn.l postcard for de scriptive literature. Euay term. H. L. Gilbert Land Co.-. Ottawa, Kan. , . (A) AI760 IS th) WILL" ilrvs you a start m the world. Chauce.of a lifetime. We sell a farm and two lot , lit th flowing well district el Dimmit county, Texas for payabr MO monthly, no lMereett- taxes for two yaars. Farm era ara -making fw. u. $-""0 to 4-xiO per acre. Choice land, sweat watar, a California cllmal. Writ fur handsome Illustrated book fr. DENTON COLONY CUM- PANY. Bn AntonJo. Tex. 4 (i)-XU-Z AUK14X REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS ica 'tinprowod Omaha property. 0'Keefa.R.U. Co.. 2o0i. N. Y. life Bldg. (221-iHi .m ' PRIVATE MOMEXCA8H ON HANI tiO DELAY. J. II. MITHEN. H-'-3 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. l?7t .p. t tW-fcS FIVE PER CENT Money to loan on Omaha tiusiaess property. THOMAS BHENNAN. Rooiu L Jva"Yurk Life Bldg. to-n WANTlWrCitr loans and warrants, w! Varuant atralto at Co., 1U0 ! arnam St . ... (j-2 PR1V rti MflNKT in loan, taoo) ta M .100: Ufw.tash oat liana, no 4Uy. J. 11. Sherwood, s 'iit Bntndei Uli. (22-) rrlau, atCX- run. Only two Orlir.lles saw third t.sse and no two or thplr hit off Johnson were bunched In a single Inning. Davtdann and I asaaily led In the batting, each with three hits. Relden plucked the hall frutn the eenter field fence, robbing Thomas of a three-sacker. Gasnier s great inortatop playing was tha feature of the fielding. score: LINCOLN. AB. ft. Tt. C). A. E. Jurte, If 4 0 15 0 Fun. 2b 8 10 11 1 4 10 0 3 0 3 0 Oagnler, as 3 1 Thomas, lb 4 0 Davidson, cf 4 0 Prltchett, 3b 3 0 Mills, rf 4 0 Sullivan, c 2 1 Johnson, p 3 0 Total S DEtfVER. 8 27 19 AB. R II. O. I 2 0 0 3 9 6 2 0 A. E. Waldon. cf 401 4 0 0 Helden. If 3 0 0 Cassady, rf 4 0 3 Irwin, 3b 2 0 0 Kruegcr, 2b 8 0 0 Zalusky, lb 4 0 0 McDonough. c 4 0 0 Kinneally, ss 4 0 1 Bohafinon, p 3 0 1 Total ,....31 0 6 24 12 0 I.lncnln 2 n 0 A A A 1 a -3 Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-U Stolen bases: Davidson, Oagnler. Sacri fice hit: Bihlen. Struck out: By Johnson, 8! hv t tilliii n nnn A Hum .. K..M-. n - I " ..... j vm imiib, V. I 1 Johnson, 3; off Bohannon, 1. Hit by Ditched ...... ..j i.uii.iiuvii, . urn on Darts: L.;u- cln, 6; lenvt'r, 8. Umpire: Black. Time: 2.00. Attendance: MX). BlOtX HIT W til,!,, BI T SCORH NOT Failure to Connect with Ball at Opportane Tim Lose Game. SIOUX CITY, In.., July 22. -Two baaes on balls and two singles In the fifth Inning were largely Influential In tlio winning of today's name by l'ueblo. The visitors arnaRsed five runs during the afternuon, while Sioux City never had a look In. Though outhlttlng their opponents they failed to connect with the ball at oppor tune times. Weed was Injured In practice and was out of commission for the day. Score: SIOUX CITT. A.B. R. H. PO. A. E. Campbell, If 4 0 1 0 0 0 Holmes, cf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Green, rf 4 0 2 3 0 0 Henry, c 4 0 2 8 11 Andrews, 2b 4 0 1 1 1 0 Oianvilln, 3 0 1 2 8 1 Welch. n 4 0 3 0 4 0 McKay, lb 4 0 0 9 0 1 Btarr, p 2 0 0 1 4 1 Totals 33 0 10 27 15 4 PUEBLO. V A.B. R. II. PO. A. E Hogrlever, 3b 4 0 0 0 1 0 Spencer. If 3 2 1 0 0 0 Patterson, 2b . 3 113 3 0 Mattlcks, cf 4 0 ' 0 2 0 0 Clark, lb 3 1 1 12 0 0 Miller, rf 4 0 10 10 Corhan, bs 3 0 0 3 3 0 Mltse, c 4 0 0 8 0 0 Ualgano, p 4 1116 0 Totals 32 5 6 27 14 "0 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Pueblo 0 0 1 0 0 3 10 0 i Two-base hit: Welch. Stolen bases: Spencer (J), Patterson, Miller, Welch. Double plays: (lalgano to Clark; Corhan to Clark. Bases on balls: Off Galaano. t: off Slarr, 3. Struck out: By Ualgano, S; by Starr. 1. i-assea nan: Henry. Hit by pitched ball: Spencer. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: 1.600. ,. aas Omaha, Nob. REAL ESTATE LOANS IConliniied. PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. t22 m (100 to 310,000 mad promptly, P. D. Wead. vveaa Aiiug., ism ana t arnam. (22) 30 WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co. (22)-l04 LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Blk. MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Invetment Co. (22) 306 m REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy, for cash, good, modern home, 34.600 to 36,000, . In Southwest or West part of city; must be new. Prefer to deal with owner. Will buy thla week If suited. Address A-783, car Bee. (J3J-835 3 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST price for Id-hand furniture, car pel, clothes and shoe. Tel. Douglaa SS)7L (.,-jJ WANTED TO BUY A five-passenger 2d. hand touring cur for cash; must be a bar gain. Address D. 768, care Bee. (25)-M677 26 WANTED Black tent. Stat lowest price. Star Amusement Co., Oeneral Delivery, Slous City, la. (25) M771 23 DE8I room cheap to quiet party. Call 622 Paxton Blk.. between 11 and 12 a. rn.. or 3 and 4 p. m C6)-MS25 24x WANTED TO RENT BY YOUNG married couple, .mail modern collage; $i limit. Address J 113, car Be. (26) Moi7 26x ABOUT AUGUST 1. a cottage at Manaw for two weeks, furnlahed or unfurnished. Address M-766, rare Be. (Sbr Ml41 U WANTED SITUATIONS A GOOD Corean boy wants work; house work, yard work or porter; good refer ence; Case St. 127) M77 34a EXPERIENCED SALESMAN would 1'kt trMVeiing position, can furnish bond and best reftrence. C-rai care Omaha Bee. (27) M44 MX EXPERT atenographer doalraa extra work Saturday aftarnooo and evenliiga. Char reasonable. Addrea E T76, cat $, r Ud, 'pbun S LU. BOSTON AND CHICAGO TIE Game Called at End of EleTenta to Catch Train. EACH TEAM MAKES TWO BTJN3 Beaaeaters Score oa Error by Orerall and llotman, While Han of the Cab Are Earned. CHICAGO, July 22.-Boston and Chicago played eleven Inmlng today, the score be ing tied at two when the game was called by agreement to allow the teams to catch tralna. Error by Overall and Hofman gave tha visitor their runs. A gift, a hit and an out scored tha local's first. A alngle and Hofman's triple scored the other, Score: CHICAOO. BOSTON. AD. H O A.B AB.H O A K. Slil. ct 4 1 11 C Bates. It I 1 2 0 ' Durhla. cf ... 0 0 0 0 Panln. n.... 4 1 S 1 ShTkart. It.. 4 0 1 I UHPiumont, cl I I 1 0 Howard, rf If J 110 0 UrO.nn. lb.. 4 1 10 0 Zlmmrman,rf 110 0 OBowvrman, lb 1 I 0 0 Hofman. lb . 4 til 1 1 Rltcbrr. 3b.. 6 14 7 Sllnfellt, Ibl 1 1 I Onrownc. rr... 4 0 t 0 0 Er.r.. lb 4 114 IPwMnry, ib.. 4 0 0 1 1 Mor.n, c &1S0 OOraham. c ... 4111 Tlnk-r. as... B 1 0 I 1 Plabertr. p... 1 1 1 0 Oterall, p. ... ft 0 0 8 1 Chains 1 0 0 0 0 ToUla 57 M U 3 Total! 41 in U 11 4 Batted for Slagle In tenth. ' Chicago 0 100000001 02 Boston 0 000001001 02 Three-base hit: Hofmar Sacrifice hit: Beaumont. Stolen bases: Dahlon, Sweeney Double plays: Hofman, unassisted; Evers to Morrrmn; Tinker to BtelnfelUt. Uert on bases: Chicago. 10: Boston. 6. Bases on balls: Off Overall, 3; off Flaherty, 2. Struck out: By Overall. 7; by Flaherty, 6. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Klem. Pirates Defeat Dodger. I'lTTSBCTO, July 22. The only run scored by Brooklyn was the result of a nome run hit by Jordan In the ninth In nlng. It was the first time since 1K)9 that a ball was knocked over the fence In Pitts burg. Danny Green, then with Chicago, did It. Both pitchers wer effective today and the game was hotly contested. Score: P1TTBDURO. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A E AB.H. OAK Thomas, cf Learn, lb. Clarke. If. I 0 4 1 Rurch. If 4 I 1 0 .. 4 .. 4 0 0 Maloncy, rf.. 4 0 1 0 1 1 Hummel, lb.. 4 0 14 0 Waanrr. at... 1 Abbalrhlo. 2b I Wlliion, rf.... I Swaclna, lb.. I Gibson, o I Camnits, p... I 1 OLumler, rf... 4 0 V 0 4 0 Jordan, lb... 4 1 12 0 0 0 bshaehan. lb.. 1110 0 VLewla, as 1 1 i I 0 IBergen. e 111 1 OWilhalni, p.. I 0 4 Total! t1 IM I 1 Totala II 4 14 15 Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Home run: Jordan. Sacrifice hits: Wag ner, lwis. Stolen base: Abbatlchlo. Bases on balls: Off Camnltz. 2: off Wllhelm. 1. Struck out: By Carnnlti, 2; by Wllhelm, z. i-ert on bases: Pittsburg, 4; Brooklyn, 6, uase on errors: Brooklyn, 1. Time: l:ia. Urn plre: Emslle. Quaker! Win on Errors. CINCINNATI. July 2i-Errors figured in all tha runs scored in today's game, Phil adelphia getting the benefit of two and Cincinnati one. The victory of the visitors put them into fourth place. Grant's work at REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS County treasurer to Walter L. Selby, lot 1 to 12, Inclusive, Kendall's sub division Same to same, lots 27 to 30, Inclusive, Buckeye blace John A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Alfred J. Weibel, lots 6 and 6, block 6, Crelghton First addition 1,800 Ralph Nicholson and wife to Frank Szukls, 848 feet lot 6, block 309, South Omaha 650 Alhambra Real Estato company to Mathew F. Martin, undivided one half e32 feet lot 2 and undivided one half lots 3, U, 7, 5, block 70, -original city of Omaha -. 1 Frank W. Carmlchael, trustee, to Muiy F. Morrill, lot 19, block 102, Dundee place (00 J. A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Robert Tabor, lot 7, .block 7, Crelghton'B First addition.. 1,000 Gustave A. Wolf and wife to Henry Ehlen, lot 16 and nlt; feet lot 15, block 16, Halcyon Height 2,160 George W. Masson and wife to Charles J. Mlllspaugh, part lot 4, block 08, South Omaha 2,000 Fred C. Haver and wife to Frederick Warstat, lot 8, block 6, Dwlglit & Lyman's addition 225 Hastings & I ley den to James F. Mc Laughlin, lot 6, block 1, Hastings & Heyden's Second addition 500 Tazwell B. Scott Ud wife to John Brlggs, lot 11, block 137, South Omaha 2,760 J. A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Elva F. Wilbur, lot 18, block 8, Crelghton's First addition.. 600 Patrick Heaiy to Retta Healy, lots 1 and 2, block 34, South Omaha 1 J. A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Frank W. Bandle, lot 13 and It, block 7, Crelghton's First addition 1,M0 W. E. and Arthur N. Enewald to Rob ert C. Enewald, part lot 6, section '34-15-13 Bernard M. Doran to Wenxel Wav ricka, part lota 6 and 7, block 14, Im provement Association addition .... 358 Robert C. Enewald and wife to Louise Chester, part tax lot 6, aectlon 34-15-13 950 Frank Tomsee and wife to Josef Bpltalnik. nH of wH lot 30, Hart man's addition 1,550 Hannah M. Wilcox and husband to Matins Trelx, lot 2, block 1, Boyd s addition I,3f0 James F. Shattuck and wife to Frank Svoboda, sV lot 8, block 8, Bowery Hill 9C0 Total $18,927 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND EN glnuers The village of Sidney. Nebraska. bids and will open (am at 7:80 p. m., on Monday evening, July 27, 19mi, (or the installation and completion of wa'er works system a per plan and specification on file with the clerk of said village, reserving the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or reject or accept any pan wiercoi. Bids should cover the following as whole or any distinct part, to wit: Ono pumping; atatlon. One duplex pump. One gasoline enirlne. 28 hone power. One sful stand pipe of 160,000 gallons ca pacity, Ono well 16 feet In diameter and 40 feet deep. 8,mK feet of S-lnch pip. 2,6o0 feet of 6-Inch pipe. 4,8uO feet of 4-Inch pipe. 10.000 feet of 2-lnch pipe. Twenty hydrant. All valves and specials necessary to com. pleto the work In a first class workman- like manner. The board reserve the right to Inereaa or diminish the quantity of any sised pipe above specified. Bids are to be sealed and addressed to th village clerk, and marked "Proposal SWAN DEDRICK. Chairman. LE8IJE NEUBAUER, Clerk. J-7-9-10-lt-16-lT-21--H NOTICE AS TO SALTS OF WATER Bonds The village of Sidney, Nebraska, Invites bids and will open th cam at 19 00 a. m. on Saturday. August 1, for th sale of water bond In the sum of twtnty thousand (I20.(XA dollars, In denomi nation of five hundred (1500) dollars eaoh, du In twenty year; optional at the end of five year; dated May 1, lft '8; Interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable annually at tha office of the village treasurer of Sidney. Nebraska. There Is no other bonded or other debt. Th actual value of real and personal property, a found by the board of Equalisation I t6.000. Bid are to be sealed and addressed to the village clerk and marked "Proposals for Water Bon da." SWAN. DEDRICK, Chairman. LESLIE NEUBAUER. Clerk. J-7--10-14-l-17-a-2S-14 The Twentieth Century Farmer Tb Beet Fr i rH Oa DtUa Ft Yitii S tending of the Teams WEST. I.EAOUE.l NAT. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet W. L. 1'ct. Omaha 49 34 .6T I'ltt.ihur .63 33 .K12 Sloua City.. 49 88 f ew York .49 3A Denver ....49 44 I'hlcago ...4S 36 b, Lincoln .46 41 .6J8 Cincinnati .4.1 42 Ml Pueblo ....39 60 .4A' I'hlla. 4 2 3 .11.5 ....3H 4i .162 Des Moltics.31 64 .Sriu Lioston jHrooklyn ..3" 61 .3T0 I. ..Louis .30 64 . 367 AMERICAN ASS'N.I AMER. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I V. L. l'ct. .! 37 rtrOit ....61 34 .6; Indlani'Ha lyouisvllle Toiedo Columbus Mlnne'pll .66 41 .673 Ut. Loull ..49 27 .670 .6f3 .bit .463 .S .376 .61 i: .64l'hlcago .60 47 .Blhrievplond ..47 tH .46 3S ..41 41 47 46 .601) fill la. Kan. City .44 6.1 .4T.4 Boston .39 47 Illwaukee 4 62 .49 tVash'ton ..3.1 60 St. I'aul ..30 M .313, New York .32 63 GAMES TODAY. Western League Onia.ia at Dos Moines, Denver at Lincoln, Pueblo at Sioux City. National League Brooklyn at llttsburg. American League Chlcagvi at New York (two games I, St. Louis at Boston, Detroit at Washington, Cleveland at Phil adelphia. American Association Milwaukee at Columbus, Kansas City at Toledo, St. Paul at Louisville, Minneapolis at Indianapolis. third was a feature. Score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.B. AU.H.U.A.B. Hiiialnt. 2b. 4 111 0 grant, lb 4 0 1 t V Kant. cf.. Lobert, 8b tk'hlel, c. I I I lKnaba, 2b.... 4 1 I I 1 4 111 OTltua, rt 4 2 114 4 17 4 lMaave. If I 1 i 0 1) I 0 I 0 0 Firanafleld. lha 11 1 n n UnmH, lb Pakerf, If... 11(0 ronbornp. rf... 40100 snuneii, rf.. 10 4 1 OUooiln, as.... 4 113 0 Hulnwllt, M. I 0 0 1 VJaiklltach, c. 1 0 1 0 0 Kwinf, p 10 11 lBparka, p 3 0 0 2 : Total! 19 I 27 4 I Total! 31 6 V 14 1 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Philadelphia 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Sacrifice hits: Bransfield, Sparks. Stolon base: Kane. Double plays: Titus to Brans field; Grant to Bransfield. Struck out: My Kwlng, 6; by Sparks, 1. Bases on balls: Off Ewing, 3; off Sparks, 1. Time, 1:40. Umpire: Rigler. (JAMES lJf AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Mltnt Oat t'olnrabaa In a i Fast Contest. COLUMBUS, O., July 22. Robinson's triple and Brown's outfield sacrifice gave Milwaukee the winning run In the third In ning. Randall's hitting and fielding was a feature Score: COLl'MHl'S. MILWAl'KEE. All. H. O A E. AB.H.O.A.B. Frltl, 9b 4 1 1 1 0 Robinson, bb. 4 I a 4 1 Odw.ll. cf.... 4 1 0 Ill-own. lb ... 4 1 II 1 0 ( hoth, o t I i 1 0 Jackaon, If.. 4 0 ( oiiKalton, rf 4 VRandall. of... 4 16 0 0 Kobl. e Raid?, aa..., Klhm, lb..., wruler, 2b tteyer, p Rocrrs, p... Jamea .... 4 0 Clark, Sb... 3 0 0 0 0 4 1 I 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 lFlrnn, rf 4 OUateman. p.. 4 1 McCornilck.ib 4 C Curl la, if...., S 0 0 0 0 10 11 a l 1 4 0 0 0 0 Totala 34 11 27 14 I Totals 33 4 i" 13 I Batted for Geyer in eighth. Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 MiiwauKee o 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 13 Stolen bases: Robinson, Brown, Fylnn. Sacrifice hits: Clark (2). Curtis. Sacrifice fly: Brown. Base on balls: Off Geyer, 1. Two-baso hits: ConR.tlton. McCormlck, Randall (2). Three-bane hit: Robinson. Struck out: By Geyer, 7; by Rogers, 1; by Batcman, 2. Hits: Off Geyer, 8 in right innings; off Rogers, 3 In one inning. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Hayes. Distillers Win from Saints. LOUISVILLE. Ky., July 22. -Louisville won the third game of the scries from St. Paul today. The contest was replete with fast fielding and heavy batting, the visitor txcelllng In ths latter. A spectacular catch by Stovall was a feature. Score: LOUISVILLE. ST. PAUL. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B Parrlne. 2b.. Harlr,Mf... fltanlpy, of.. Sullivan, lb. Bi-ka, 3b... tovall, rf.. Qtilnlan, aa.. Helta, o Atlanta, p.... ToUla .4114 OOtter, If 4 0 .3011 0 Flood, 2b 4 1 ,4211 0 Wbfoler, lb., t 1 .410 OOaTla, rf 6 I .12 14 Lauirhlln, .. S I .1110 OTlemyer, 3b.. 6 2 ,4112 ONw, aa 2 I ,4150 Oehrlag, cf... 2 1 .4101 OTiail, p t 0 lturL. 0 0 13 11 27 11 0 Meyers 1 0 0 0 0 ooo 4 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 o o ToUll S7 13 24 t I Batted for Teal In eighth. Louisville 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 6t. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02 Stolen bases: Wheeler, Stanley, Burke, Flood, Stovall. Sacrifice hits: Stanley, Gehrlng. Nee. Two-base hit: Tiemyer. Three-base hits: Adams, Tiemyer, I'er rlne. Home run: Burke. Double play: Harley to Pcltx. Struck out: By Adams, 2; by Teal, 4. Bases on balls: Off Adams, 3; off Teal, 3. Hit with pitched bull: Burke, Harley. Wild pitch: Adams. Hits: Off Teal, 10 In seven Innings. Left on bases: Ivoulsvllle, 10; St. Paul, 10. Time: 2:o0. Umpire: Kerln. Millers Ilnneh Hits. INDIANAPOLIS, July 22 -Minneapolis bunched hits in the elthth limine of to day's contest and defeated the locals, 7 to 3, Dcore : INDIANAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. HUBh, aa 4 0 1 Davidson, cf. 4 0 2 1 OOvl.r, as 3 1 8 6 1 0 tl VVeldar. If... 6 3 2 0 0 0 OO'Nolll, cf... 4 0 0 0 0 Hayden, rf... 4 2 2 1 11 Llndaa?, lb. Couller. If... Livingston, c Williams, 2b Hopke, 3b... Durham, p.. Slever, p.... Carr 2 OUutllin, rr.... 4 2 0 0 1 0 Smith, tb. ... I 0 1 0 0 OO'Brlrn, 2b.. 4 114 0 0 2 0 1 t 0 1 0 0 1 1 6 t 0 Blorir. c 4 3 3 0 0 1 2 0 Clarke, lb... 4 2 IT 0 j 1 0 1 OFleue, p I 0 0 4 I 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 11 12 27 14 2 Totala 34 t 27 14 1 Batted for Slever In the ntnth. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 ft- s Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 17 Struck out: By Flene, 2; by Slevt r, 1 Two-base hits: Havden. Livingston nur. ham, Qulllln, Block, Clarke. Three-base hits: Welday (4i. Double plays: Hnpki to Lindsay, Williams to Lindsay, Hopke to Williams to Lindsay. O'Brien to Ovler to iarae. stolen bases: Liindsay, Williams, Oylcr. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Owens. Ganiti Positioned. At Toledo Kansas City-Toledo game postponed on account of wet grounds. ST. LOUIS CXI D BEATS QUIXCY Regatta Association at Burlington Cloaca Socceaafol Meet. BURLINGTON,! Ia., July 22.' Opeclal Telegram.) The senior races in the central states rowing association today closed the most successful meet yet held by the asso ciation. Even a larger crowd than ypster day turned out to applaud the winners. The races were somewhat marred by the crowding of the water craft about the course and two fouls occurred that Inter fered with the spectacular effect o the contest. As In the Junior races yesterday the six oar barge race was the most exciting. This was aon by the Mound City boat club of St. Louis amid the din of applause. Thu winners finished about half a boat length ahead of the Quincy South Siders who led the Centrals of St. Louis by only a few feet. As a result of the races the Moum1 City club of St. Louis and the South Side club of Quincy are tied for first honors and the awarding of the grand prize will have to be decided by some means to be adopted later. Today's summary: Senior single scull, one and one-half miles, won by O. Allison, South Side club, Quincy; Joseph Lepirln. Mound City club, St. Louis, second. Time; 11.32. Senior four-oared shell, won by Mound City club, Bt. Louis; South Side of Quincy fouled th Detroit boat club. Time: S:4S. One and one-half miles. Senior doubles, won by St. Iyiuls Rowing club; North Side Quincy, second. Time: 10:12. One ard one-half mile. Senior six-oared bara. won by Mound City club, St. Louis; South Side, Quhuy, second; Centrals. St. Louis, third. Time: 4:12. Three-quarters mile straight away. The executive committee of the Central State Rowing association tonight decided to present the grand prise for the highest merit, a handsome hronse plnque to the South Side club of Qulrjcy and to have a duplicate prise made to present to the Mound City club of St. Louis. Crete Defeats Friend. CRETE. Neb., July 22. (Special ) The best game of the season was played liera yesterday between Friend and Crete. Both pitchers were stingy with hits and wer well supported. Shepherd for Cret receiving the best aid. ckure by Inn ings: It HE. Friend ....0 0000000 11 5 2 Crete 00010001 2 4 1 Batteries: Bchaumberg and Ling; Shep herd and Denlson. Double plays: Crete: 2; Friend, 1. Advrtl In Th Eee; It go Into tb hoaiM Of t& btlt poplj CLEVELAND WINS IN TWELFTH Philadelphia Loiet Exciting Contest in Extra Inning. BRADLEY AND H1KCHMAN IN GAME These Two Men Drive In All Fear Itnn Made by Napa eores of Other American Leasee Game. PHILADELPHIA. July 22.-Clo eland de feated Philadelphia In a 12-lnnlng game to day, 4 to 3. Hinthman and Bra.lley, who drove In Cleveland's first three runs won the game, thu former securing the divid ing run on his single, Llebhardt's sacri fice and Urndley's single. Score: CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. J. Clarke. If. 4 1 I 0 Hartael, If ... I 1 I 0 0 Bradley, an. I 4 I 0 K. Collins, 10 t v a i v 0 2 0 ClSmUh. lb ... 4 110 0 1 10 OMurnhy. rf... 4 110 0 6 0 ONlibols. ta... 4 1110 0 16 1 I I. Collins, lb 4 1 I I 0 0 10 0 OMrln, cf... S 1 2 2 10 OSchrerk, c.... MUM 10 11 Uygcrt, P 0 0 5 0 Stovall. cf.. Lajole. 2b.... Il.nila, Hickman, lb. rrrlna. 3b.. Hln.hman, rf I Llebbardt. p. 4 Totals 42 1 SB 1 1 Totale 44 11 14 11 0 Cleveland ...01002000000 11 Philadelphia 01000020000 0-3 Two 1 nse lets: lllnchmsn, IiJole, Smith. Thrre b:se lilt: Bradley. Sucilfioe hits: Smith. Nichols (2). Stolen base: J. Clarke. Left on bases: Cleveland, k; Philadelphia, 12. Struck out : By Liebhardt, 4. Base on errors: Philadelphia, 1. Base on balls: Off Liebhardt, 3; t f f Dygert, 3. Time: 1:55. Em pire: O'Loughlln, Detroit Blanks Washington. WASHINGTON, July 22. Detroit drove Hughes from the ruhber In the foirth In ning today and easily defeated A ashlng ton, 6 to 0. Mullln was effpctlve with men on bases. Rain stopped the gam twenty minutes. Score: WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.B. DETROIT. AB.H. O.A.N. Milan, rf 4 8,-hlpke, 31).. 4 flsnley. If.... t Pickering, rf. 4 atraet, c 4 12 1 OMcIntvre, If. 3 1 3 0 o 0 3 1 cahaefr, as.. I 1 4 0 0 0 (i Crawford, cf. 4 1 0 0 0 10 OCobb, rt 4 I 0 0 0 10 4 SRnimman, th. 1 0 12 1 0 2 10 0 OCouahlln, 3b. 2 a 1 0 0 2 2 1 S' lwulilt, c... 4 2 110 2 41 Downs, 2b.... I 2 2 I 0 0 0 1 OMullln. p 10 13 0 0010 0 0 0 0 Total! 13 12 27 14 0 Freeman, lb Altlf.r. 2h... McHrlde, as.. Huahea, p... Ke!cv, p... Tanoehlll ., Total! 32 27 14 2 Batted for McBrido In ninth. Washington 00000000 0-0 Detroit 10230000 0-4 Two base hit: Crawford. Three base hit: Downs. Hits off Hughes. 2 in thre anJ one-tnird innings; off Keelpy, 4 in five and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice hit: Mill, In. Stolen bancs: Schnof?r, Crawford, Cobb (2. Double plays: Mcltrlde, Aimer to Freeman. Left on Wasmngton, 7; Detroit, 5. Bases on halls: Off llu;hes, 3; off Keeley, 2; off Mullin, J. First base on errors: De troit, 2. f-trutk out: by Hughts. 2; by Kte.ey, 4. Time: 1:36. Umpire, Egan. Browns Win In Boston. BOSTON, July 22.-Dinocn pitched well after the second liming today and St. Louis defeated Boston on the local grounds for the first time till season by 4 to 2. Score: ST. LOUIS. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Bton If 2 2 2 0 OMcConnell. ib I II 1 I H.ruell. rf.. 3 Williams, lib. 3 Wallace, an. . 3 Ferris. 3b.... 4 C. Jones, cf, 4 4 Lord, 3b. 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 o o 0 II 1 t 0 1 1 ft 0 01,aporti, 8b.. liCravath. It.. liUebaler, rf... 0 Thoney, cf.. OStahl, lb.... UWagner. aa.. OCarrigan, c. T. Jones, lb. I 0 12 Blue, o 32 Dlneen, p.... 3 2 0 Clootie, p... ..23 27 16 i'Sulilvan ... Total!.. Totals 2 t 17 20 1 Batted for Clcotte In ninth. St. Louis 0 1200001 0-4 Boston 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Gessler, Stone, Ferris. Sacrifice lilts: Hartzell, Lord, Carrlgan, Stone (2). Thuncy. Stolen bases: Thoney, C. Jones, Ferris. Double plays: Wagner to Mccunijcll to Slum: btaiu. unassistea: Ferris to T. Jones; Wallace to Williams to 1. Jones. Lett on bases: St. Louis. 4; Boston, 7. Buses on balls: Off Cicotte, 3; off Dlneen, 4 Fiisl base on errors: Bos ton, 2. Hit by pitcher: By Clcotte, Wallace. Struck out: By Dlneen, 2; by Clcotle, 6. Wild pitch: Clcotte. Time; 1:64. Umpire; Sheridan aud Connolly. Unme Postponed. At New York New York-Chicago gam postponed; wet grounds, two games to morrow. EVENTS ON THE RUNNING TRACKS Trash Wins Second Race at Brighton Beach In ExcltiiiK Finish. BRIGHTON BEACH. N. Y., July 21 Threatening weather kept the attendance down at Brighton Beach today, when an ordinary card was run off, but some In teresting spurt was witnessed. The feature of the duy was the race run by Trash In the second event. She was off none too well and ccming to the first turn was nearly knocked down, losing many lengtna. When she recovered herself the boy sent her after the field and at the head of the stretch was on even terms with the leader, Monocle. From there to the finish she gradually drew away, to win by a counle of lengths. Summary: First rac, 3-ycar-olds and upwards, sell ing, six furlongs: He Knows (97, Sweet, 6 to 1) won, W hip Top (ion, McCarthy, 6 to .') Bi conu, liocma U'KJ, uimeri, u to I) tnira. Time: 1:13. Eanton, Faraclnesca, Queen of Sheha, Omnipotent, Alchemlvad. Admiral Do, Hiram, Mexican, Silver Octolo, Punch, Kllrnln and Torenla also :,,.. Second race, 8-year-olds : ,'ng, t tile and a sixteenth: Trash (IIU, &."-, to won, Monocle (103, McCarthy, . ) 1) ond, Gowan OOtS. Upton, 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:4,. Cymbal, Complete, Import, Iskra, Llddlngton and The Dane also ran. Third race, 2-year-olds, selling, flv and a half furlongs: Fashion Plate (110, Smith, 3 to 5) won, Ragman (109, Sweet, 1 to 1) second, Ia Sata (101, Cullen, 6 to 1) third. Time: MH- MonnlciRue, Dr. Pillow, Don Zella and Harry Rogers also ran. Fourth race. 3-y ur-olds and upwards, mile and a sixteenth: Marathon (115, Mc Carthy, 6 to 6l won, Lally (lr7, McCahpy, 6 to 2) second, yueen Marguerite (lull, Doyle, 6 to 1) third. Time: Galrngorm, D'Arkle and Campaigner also ran. Fifth race, fillips, maidens, 2-yesr-old, selling, five furlongs: Welmouth (10".. J. lee, 6 to 1) won, Garland (ICO, Smith, t to 1) spcond, Alice Mack (100, Sweet, fO to 1) third. Time: 1:01. Donation, Lady Swift, Mobility, Yankee Dauter, Brtty Vin cent, Queen Eleanor, Ruml and Gueret also ran. Sixth race, 3-year-olds and upwards, sell ing, mile and a quarter: Olesey (H6, Jen sen, 10 to 1, won, Obert (94, McCarthy, 18 to 1) second, Beauclalre (104, Swent, 10 to 2) third. Time: 2:074s. Colonel Whlta, Go. conda and Grace Cameron also ran. Crete Nutter Nhatont. FRIEND. Neb., July 22. (Special Tele BTutn.) The local defeated Cr-to In a one sided game here this afternoon ly a score of 12 to 0. The feature of the game was the hitting of Fenlon. Score: Crete 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Ft tend 4 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 11 Batteries: Creta, Kadamacher, Price ami Storlan; Friend, Bleach and Ling. Struck out: By Radamacher. 8; by Prici, 1; by Rlesch, 9. Hits: Crete. 5; Friend, U. Two-bnse I, Us: Slmonts (2i, Ft-Mlon. Home runs: Fenlon. Errors: Crete, 6: Friend, 5. The Arkansas Travelers come here tomor row ond Exeter on Friday. Ilaeea r.t Mulvera. MALVERN, la.. July 22 (Special.) Mills County Central Fair association will meet August 4 to 7. Following is th race program: August 5 2:15 pac, thrrg in five, 1350; 2i-30 trot, three In five, 300; half mile and repeat, 1 7 5. August 6 2:24 trot, three In five, $300: 2:30 pace, three In five, 3300; 3-year-old trot, two In three, 1100; novelty race, Mo. AugUHt 7 2:1s trot three in five, 360; 2:22 pace, three In rive, IJOu; half lull and re cat, $75. Team Evenly Matched. PIEHRFX 8. !.. July 21 (Bprclal.) The record of ball game between Pterr and Blunt 1 up to the present an flevan innlng game at Blunt to break a tl of 2 to 2. which was won by Pierre, and a ten-Inning game at Pierre to break a tl of on each, which was won by Blunt. Elkhora lames t balleas. ELK HORN, Neb.. July '.(Special.) The Elkhorn base ball team with their regular team hereby challenge the Ben I Ington ball team, the nam men that played on Sunday, July 19, on any Sunday within the next three week on their own ground for not lea than $-4. or If not ctnvtiUttit wliiiln lhr will play any time soon, the umpire to be chosen by captains. J. C. MANGOLD. .Mgr. MANY iion.i:. AT IRRMOIT tal Clrealt Rnrlaa Well Patronised by Lovers of Track. FREMONT. Neb.. July 22 -(Special Tele gram.) A gm-d sled crowd attended the race thla afternoon. The track was good but dusty. Big field, of horses caused some delay In starting, especially In the i 2i pace, where there were fourteen on the track. In the 2:23 trot, Check Hook won easily over Ab Mlllrr, who was a decided favor ite with the betting frati nilty. Queen of the West took the 2:C5 pace by good work In the Inst three heat. In the third heat of this race Gilbert was set back to sixth place to the satisfaction of the grand stand for what looktd like fouling Cor-rinnle- n and Frank. In the last heat Shady O'Neill made a fine spurt on the homestretch nnd pushed the grey mare hard. Colaon. a favorlt In the tutting ring, won the 8-year-old trot easily. Starter Ronln won the sp platlse of the grandstand by fining the rider of Scout twice. Armont once nnd v hlsky Pete once for not bringing ths runners back to the wire when ordered Summary: Class )!:22, trotting: Check Hook. ch. g., by Conrad; owner, Pyle Ill Ane Minor, br. g.; owner. Harvev.. 2 a Luconfa, b. m.; owner, Williamson.. 6 3 2 Jreddy C. b. g.; owner, Kennedy.... 8 5 T Mr. Dooley, b. g. ; owner, Ifcdler .... 4 6 Hal Cantara, ch. .; owner RuckfTcId 5 4 C Irs go Bell, b. m.; owner. Chumber- Time: 2 : 20. i :9i', :22vi.' Clas 2;a, paring: Q".rn,of the West, g. m by Charley: owner Conroy 2 Gilbert, b. g. ; owner, Court- 7 7 4 1 1 1 6 S 4 7 11 4 4 3 3 6da 2 Edr 5 dr dr rigni i Shady O'Neill, b. m.; owner',' Mc Klnney Frank r. g.; owner," Cuiverson & Adams 4 Corrlnnle B, b m.; owner, Han hewold A Brackett j Sunny Jim. b. g.; owner, Muni ford g Lj'ly Weaver, b. rr!.';'" 'owner, Brlttaln Bro 5 Kid Radley, b. g.j owner, Spen cer i Senlomscd, br. g. ; owner, Ander son h dp Delia Dalton, b. m.; owner, Soufhwlch jo (ir Time: 2:1,. rufc, 3:ltM. ':24, 2:224, Colson, o. s., uy Colbert; owner, Latta J. H. L., b. g.j owner, Harrison 3 1 Coralyn, ch. m. owner, Buck field 1 1 Belle l.reer.o, b. m. ; owner, Jackson... 4 4 Minnie L, b. m.; owner. Lapham 54. Running race, half mile: Scout won Net i iDwC J0"11. Burlington third.. Time: 0:4!4. James A, Granada, Nettle C, Mis Crossette and Armour also ran. NOW FOR CROQUET TOURNAMENT Series of Matches WIH Re Played at South Omaha. A croquet tournament will be held at ths South Omaho Country club beginning Frl" day and lasting until all players have played at least ono game with every other p uyer It Is estimated that there will he about twenty games played to decldo the championship of the club, a Well a to win a fine $5 prfie which Is offered to the one who wins the most games. The croquet grounds at the club are fixed up In fine shape thla year and a good contest I ex pected. For the opening games the following have been paired: Bert Anderson. J. B. Ash. N. R. Brvion hiiu r. a. v-resspy; w. H. I'heek, A. J. Caughey, George French and William Far. rar; L. C. Gibson, A. L. Hunter, D. L. Holmes and A. A. Jasmer; W. C. Lambert L. M. Ixird, A. L. Lott and C. A. Melcher: A. H. Murdock, H. Myers, Jamet G. Mar tin and Ed Munshaw; John Fits Robert. C. W. Sears, J. B. Watklns snd I. L. Van sant. After each round each one must change partners and In this way everv on get to play with every other plaver. The last year's champions, Jamps G. Martin and Ed Munshaw. exppct to make a fight to retain the championship of the club for another year. The hoard of directors has decided that Thursday of each wppk shall hp known an ladles' day at the club and President Chopk has appointed the following commlttpp of women tn have charge of the entertainment for Ladles' day: Mrs. L. C. Gibson, Mrs. Ed Munshaw, Mrs. N. II. Brysnn, Mrs. C. M. Pchindle and Mrs. C. A. Melcher. These ladles expect to mcpt In the npnr future and prepare a program for the opphlng day. Thp pntprtnlnment committee has decided to give a minstrel show about the last of August and hnve appointed a special com mlttp consisting of Bntpe McCullough, Harry Cote and W. W. Fisher to take charge of the same. The club also has apveral golf matches on for the fall weeks. A gam of base bAll Is to be plBved next Saturday at the Coun try club with the strong Omaha Field club team. Dempsters Defeat Beatrice Y. M. C. A. BEATRICE. Nob.. July 22. (Special ) The Detrfpster base ball team In the city league shut out the Young Mpn's Chris tian association nine last evening. The score: R.H.E. Dempster 4 14 1 Y. M. C. A 0 1 S Batteries: for DempstPr: Mlllpr and Ogdpn; for the Young Men's Christian association: Miller and Hiiramir. Freeman Will Retire. . INDIANAPOLIS, Ind July 22. John Freeman of Minneapolis, who was Injured in an Indianapolis game recently, will be compelled to retire from base ball this year and possibly permanently. Hangers Want Games. The Rangers would like to schedule game for Saturday ond Sunday next. The Clark, Crescent, Riversides or Barkalow Bros, preferrpd. Call Wpbster 11W for games. portlnsr (iosalp. New York has not released Spike Shan non after all. He waa put In to bat Tues day. Toor old Cubs; they have dropped two out of three games to Boston Boston, think of it! Plttshurg snd Brooklyn played a gam Tuesday In one hour and twehty minutes, one of the quickest gamps on record. Chance sent In his college pitcher. Mack, to hat for Lundgren tn the seventh and he didn't do a thing hut knock out a three-baggnr. Bonnn is getting no he can lose games along with the rest of them. At that It was not his fault he Inst Tuesday, for he held Denver to five hits, while Lincoln made seven off Adams. O'Nell bowed to publlo sentiment and public decency when he shifted Id umnlr schedule and sent Davis to Des Moines Instead of Sioux City. But that Isn't say ing anybody ia glad he wss sent to De Moines. Over the transom would hav been the best place. OLD CROW 1 RYE. REAL WHISKEY AND -THE BEST." BOTTLED IN BOND PURITY AGE STRENGTH tlPCROt KSeaSsSS KaT"ew ggE Look for the word "RYE" in red on label Distillery! Distributors: Woodford Co.. Ky Riley Bros. Co.. Omaha PILES POTTER WINS FROM KOCil Defeated Tlayer Make Hard Fight Before Yielding. WHITTEMORE EASILY HOLDS ON le In Talked of aa Probable Winner f Field Club Toarnararat Drawing for Today' Play. The most Interesting match of Tues day's playing In th city tournament was between Cub Potter and Harry Koch, won by Potter, 6-4, 8-10, -4. Both men wer playing a fast, brill Ian game, and It waa anybody's match up to th last apt. Dur ing th second set. when Potter had ona to Ms credit, he carried th score up to et point, needing only one to win tha game, set and match. At lust the right moment, however, Koch rallied and forced him to win nlna mora games before th match was safe. The score stood 40-30 for Potter In his fifth game, and hold ing him down on his winning point wail considered qTitte an achievement for the defeated man. Both were In good condi tion and played their hardest games, Koch's defeat befng duo to Ms failure to smash high lobs rather than to any othef one defect.' He repeatedly gave easy re turns on high slow Ones, which h might have killed with a smash. The other matches played Tuesday even Ing were as follow: Tyner bent Dinning, 6-2. 6-4. Ced Potter beat Duffren, $-6, -J. , Hughes beat Gould, 6-1, 7-5. Young beat Burns. 6-1, 4-3. Whlttemor beat Newell, 1-6, 6-0, 6-3. ! Ralney bent Capen, 6-3. 6-4. I Martin beat Sweet, 6-3. .6-3. Whlttemor la Good Form. Whlttemore, the new man who Is te Ing talked of an a probable winner, had no great difficulty In dawning Newell of the Diets club. Whlttemore has been beating Champion Art Scrlbner In prac tice and seems the bent candidate for a match with Con Young In th finals. Wednesday's matches, which are all n the third round, will begin about 6 o'clock. Tha Field club management wishes all who desire to visit during these games to take advantage of the committee's standing In vitation. Frank Bl'sh and W. M. Wood of th com mittee made the drawing Tuesday for tha doubles and tha consolation singles. In consolation singles on match waa played, Raamu'sen defeating McConnell, 6-1, 6-0. Drawings for the double ar a follws PRELIMINARY ROUND.- Frasey and Erlckson affalnst Bowen an Buchanan. Martin and Scrlbner against Rainey an! Haskell. Wallerstidt and WaHerstedt against Stab, bins and McConnell. Wilson and Uordy against Burns ana Kennedy. Higglns and Newell against Richardson and Siurdevant. ,. Swartz and Dinning against Conrad and MeCulley. Rogers and Gould against Koch and Ced Potter. Brown and Gallagher against Lawson and Peterson. Van Camp and Chambers against Dufrsnt and Wood. Guild and Guild against Powell and Pack ard. BYES. Cafen and Tyner, Whlttemore and Cull Potter, Kountza and Colpetxer, Sweet and Rasmusaen, Haines and fipellman, Kol.a and Hughes. For consolation singles the following drawings were made: Dinning against Colpetxer, Wallerstela ngHlntt Erlckson, Gould against Spellman. Bowen against Sturdevant. MeConnell against Rasmussen (won by Ranmussen. 6-1, b-i.), Wood against Htggins, Kennedy ugalnst Armstrong, Fraxey against Capon, Roger against bweet and Talbot a bye. Junior City Tournament. A number of the entrants in the tourna. ment have been players who expect to com. peto in the Junior city tournament which begins Monday, August 24. Fred McCon nell, chairman of the committee for this affair, Is arranging the rules. The aga limit will be as It was last -year, 17, and the first prise will probably be a valuable racquet. There la also a cup, won last summer by Ray Farrell, who cannot de fend It this year since he has passed the age limit. This cup was donated by the club and will remain In the possession of the man who wins It twice. The en tries for the 1907 Junior tournament num bered nearly Ifty and aa large a field Is expected this summer. HARD DAY FOR GLIDDEX CAR! Course Lies Over Irreajalar and Ratted Hoad. RANGELEY, Me., July 22.-A trying day's run was laid out for the partlqlpant in to day', the last but one, In the GUdden au tomobile tour, the course lying over 130 mile of Irregular road through the Range ley lake and White moui.taln region, with the little town of Bethlehem, N. H., a the destination of the day' touring. The deeply rutted roads which made yes terday' run the most uncomfortable of th tour, were again among th difficulties to be encountered. Th running time of six hours and thirty minute which had beau allowed, necessitated a speed of twenty miles an hour or more, ao that there might be spare time to draw upon In the event of accidents, such as cost the Bay State team Ita standing among the leaders yes terday. Seward Defeats Central City. SEWARD. Neb.. July 22. (Special Tale f ram.) Seward defeated Central City today n the flrat of a series of two games In on of th fastest gams of th season. Front the first It appeared to be a pitcher' battle between Jarrott of Central City and Rub Stewart of Seward, with Stewart having shade the best of It: Seward claim one of the fastest teams in the atate, having won fifty-one out of fifty-five game played ana one tie game. Scor: Seward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 Central City 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned run: Seward, t; Central City, 0. Hits: Seward, 4; Central City, 1. Double play: Central City, 3. Struck out: Stew art, 11; Jarrott, 4. Balterlei: Seward, Stewart and Neff ; Central City. Jarrott and Patteraon. Umpire: Vlrgen of Utk. NO PAY TILL CURED! $tal Disease cured without the hatla. .JaaiUa as aaealeirra. aa DR. TARRY, ut 0ut4 Ornish Nt. aVsl -ma m fceWl