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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY life; THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Increased Receipt, tnd Fair Offering Weaken Values. EXPORT CALL FOE WHEAT BETTER Receipts Art Gaining Hail?, bat Stoeks Are Well Ran Oat and Arrivals Are Being Read ily Abaorbed. OMAHA, July II. 190. very little than In the situation aiues are somewhat weak, due materially to Increased receipts and lotnt freer offer ings. Export demand for wheat la Improv ing and is a good factor In strengthening the wheat options In fare of the movement of the new crop. Receipts are gaining dally, but stock have been well run out and the daily arrivals are being rapidly absorbed by an Incessant demand that lias caused unusual Comment. Wheal was easy fiom the start and worked lower, Willi liberal offerings due to the Increased rerelpta. Country acceptances were not so good and came scattered and of much smaller volume. Support was lack ing at the close, however, and values closed lower. July wheat opened at 87c and closed at 87c. Corn opened steady but weak on larger receipts and a lower cash market. The de mand, while brisk early In the session, slumped off gradually and values were lower accordingly. Very few complaints are coming from the country and prospects are favorable from all sections. July corn opened at 73"c and closed at 7S4c Primary wheat receipts were 1.211.000 bushels and shipment were 469. Ort) bushels, against rerelpta last year of W1.0U0 bushels and shipments Of S1S.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 304.000 bushels and shipments were 447-fioO bushels against re ceipts last year of 431.000 bushels and ship ments of 408,000 bushels. Clenrances were-4S0 bushels of corn, none ' of oats and wheat and flour equal to 92.000. Liverpool closed M"i"jd lower on wheat and d higher on com. Seaboard reported 744,000 bushels of wheat taken for export. Local range of options: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Oose. Yes y. Whest-I I I I I July... 7v 874, S7 K7 7T4i Sept... 814 88'4 86 86 Corn July... 73H 73H 7TVi T3V 73H Sept... 73H 73H 734 73 734 Dec... bS tn Oats I Bept... 41' 417. 41 414, '7 May... 43S 43HI 43 431, 43 Omsta Cash Prices. WIIFAT-No 2 hard, old. 9fcfi9Bc; new. 934e; No. 3 hard. new. 9l4t?f92i4,e; No. 4 har l, old, 089Sc; new, S3c; No. S spring, 96 fttl OO. CORN-No. 2. 74c; No. . 7373Hc! No. 4. 72c; No. 3 yellow, 7373c; No. 3 white 77'47Te. OATF No. 3 mixed. EUVft52c; No. 3 white, 5?VnK3V No. 3 white, bic. RYK No. 2. 7173 No. S. 9370c. Carlo t Receipts. Wheat Com Chicago 1M 114 Minneapolis 163 Omaha 36 38 Duluth 126 Oats. 81 'ii CHICAGO GRAIJ4 AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading: and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 22,-The wheat market ruled weak here today under heavy real ising sales. September closed at a net loss of iiWAc- Strength In oats had a sympa thetic effect on the corn market, which closed toe down. September oats closed with a gain of (i?Hc for the day. Pro visions were a shade to 60 lower. Th wheat market opened easy and de veloped additional .weakness ns trading advanced. There was free selling by local longs throughout the entire session and pit traders were also disposed to hammer ma margei. incwb 01 tne nay wna nun erallv favorable to the bears, the only factor of a strengthening nature being the report that 105 boatloads of wheat hod been worked today for export. One of the chief deoresslna Influences was a sharp tie cllne In the price of cash wheat at Kansas city, wnere some grades were quoted ruiiy 4r above yesterday's price. Lower cables, liberal -primary receipts and a forecast of cooler weather for the northwest were ad ditional bearish factors. The market cloed weak. September opened unchanged to V,c lower at 91a91tc. sold off to 804e and closed at 904fioHc Clearances of. wheat and flour were equal to 92.400 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.211.000 bushels, com pared with Wfl.OOO bushels the corropondlng day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago repcrted receipts of 410 cars, against 260 cars last week and 301 cars one year ago. The corn market was rather weak early In the session, owing to liberal profit-taking.. Induced by continued favorable weather for the growing crop. Later the market regained nearly all the early loss on covering by shorts, who were Impressed by the strength of oats. The market was also strengthened by damage reports from southern Indiana, where the crop Is said to be In need of rain. The close was s ea ly. September opened unchanged at 7"e, sold at 75Q7Ske end then declined to 76c. The close was at 75e. Local receipts were-114 uri. with 11 cars of contract grudr. Oats were active and atrong through out the entire day The fea'ure of trd was renewed buying of the September de livery by ehorta small receipts, light stocks and an active ahlpplng demand being the chief bullish influences. September opened a shade to 1lfjc higher at 44 8 Mc, sold st 43'c and Inen advanced to 44c. The Moae was at 44c. Local receipts were 11 cars. Piovialons developed an easy tone nfter a firm opening. There was a fair Investment it the outset prompted by a 6c advance n . live hogs, but local longs scld freely, which soon caused considerable weakness, i'he. marke- became stenrtler toward the ?nd of the day on covering by shorts. At the close September pork was off fc at (I5.7TH Lard was a shade lower at $9.V.. Itihfc were also a shade lower at $x.82yt'( 185. Estimated receipts for tomorrow ,ir'; Wheat. 117 cars; corn. 132 cars; oats, 104 art; hogs, a. 0110 head. The lending futures ranged as follows: ftrllt les.t Oi n. I II gh Low. I Cl se. Y a y. Wheat July , Sept. a Dec. bDc. h'oi n -July Pept. Dec. Mav. 89'l 90 OMj 9"ia9o'&Vi! 911, piwur.i 9i 9T4I 9,?h 9?vrja w '-", 93 '4 1 W-4 91, 91'iy9.'i2Vo9J 1 I .7f.'sl- 75M 75'.' 7i4i 7S 76! 75 M'til'sii s 61 ills til-. ! tf I WHft's 61 M ,.- t I 1 63! 63l 4.1; ! Inly IMHfl" 54 52 5'; bjuly l Sept. I 44U Dec. 143JV 64 1 44 64 44 4.7fl44 1 43 43 I P..1 k - Sept. Oct. I ail- Sept. Oct. RIU Sept. Oct. 1 15 86 I 16 90 I t 4" 1 4r 16 85 15 90 15 67 16 70 I 18 TUI I K"U. 15 SO 1 15 86 9 40 9 SO 47( 87' 9 36 46 9 27 9 46 s sr. 8 92 I 87W $ 87Wi 8 77' I 85 I 0 I I 92l t 87! 8 9. NO. X aOld. bNew Cash quotations wei au follows? FLOCK Steady ; spring patents. $5.265.60; print straights. $4.k56 00. winter patents, (42o-t;4.70; winter straights, $3 9o-u-l66; bakers. 1? SO 4.00, WHEAT NO. t spring, $1.151.16; No. t. 1.0?1 16. CORN No. 1. 7eS.6c: No. ! yellow, 76 H-T7V.C. . i1 OATS No. I tV-c; No. I white, 6tVfi0c; Vo. f white, 5!i61o. BA RLE V-Fair ,o choice malting. 7'ii!tc. 8EED14 rise. So. 1 northwestern. $1:4. PRO I Sit iNS flhort rlha. tides (loosei, 18 6008.87. Mes purk. per bbl.. $15.ti6cil5 75. Lsrd, per loo lb., $9.25. Short clear sides tbuxrdt. $8.76'tit.0o Following wtrt the rec?lp's and shipments of flour and grain: ,.,.. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 35.tiO Wheat, bu SJ4.ui 6d.ii Corn, bu 201.0 :i.( Oata bu in.Art Rve. bu 2 l.OiO Barley, bu SI.OoQ U.wiu On the Froduie exchange today the butter hiarket as steady; creameries. l&s-lc: dairies. 17ti-oc. Eggs, steady: at mark, cases Included. 14$ 16c; firsts. 17c; prime firsts. . Cneese, firm; lltjlSc. ieorta Market. PEORIA, 111.' July JI-CORN-Hlgher; No. S yellow, 77c; No. 4. 76c; ni grade, none offered. OAT-Quiet; No. S white. f,c. VUlaKY-$l 36- Philadelphia Prodace Market. PfJILADELPHIA. July 12. Bl'TTER rirm; fair demand; extra western cream ery. 24:; nearby prints. Stk iXRi Firm; oo demand; Pennsyl- vanla and other pesrhy firsts, free rases. i"c, at murk; current receipts In return able rases. I!r, t msrk; western, firsts, free mM. 'jnr, st mark; western current receipts, free cases, IV, st mark. CHKWE- Firm; good demand; New York fuil creams, choice, 12c; fair to good, 11 114c V EtTHKR IX TUB ORA1X BELT hewers, Probably, Followed by Fair aad Warmer. OMAHA. July 22. I Showers occurred In the lake region within the last twenty-four hours and moderately heavy rains were general throughout the eastern states. Good rains fell In central Nebraska last night and showers are reported at points in the eastern portion of the state this morning. The weather is generally clesr throughout the west, with warmer In the northwest, and It will probably be fair and slightly warmer In this vicinity tonight and Thurs day, preceded by showers this afternoon. Omaha record of temperature and precipe Itatlon compared with the corresponding day of the last three yenrs: 1SW. 17. m. 19 fi Minimum temperature 65 70 1: fg Precipitation 00 T .00 .01 Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. Kxcess in precipitation since March 1, 2 57 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 191, 4.42 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 2.79 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Torn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76th merldan time, Wednesday, July 22. 1M: Temp. Rain' Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Skv. Ashland 8fi 62 .00 clear Auburn m M .0) Pt. cloudy Broken Bow .... S3 00 .60 Cloudy Columbus 89 59 .00 Cloudy Culbortson 90 63 . 00 Cloudy Falrbury 90 65 .25 Cloudy Fairmont !t 61 .94 Raining Orand Island .... M 68 .00 t'lciudy Hattington 87 68 . Pt. coudy Hastings ffi 53 . 00 Cloudy Hfililrcge M 04 .K Cloudy Oakdalu H7 58 T Raining Omaha M 65 .00 Cloudy Tckamah P7 58 ."0 Clear A'lta, la 80 50 ." Clear Carroll, la 84 54 . 00 Clear Clarlnda. la 90 57 .01) Clear Sibley, la 80 56 .00 Clear Sioux City, la... 84 56 . 00 Cloudy tNot Included In averages. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. tn, DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain, Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago Columbus, O.... Des Moines, la. Indianapolis .... Kansas City .... Louisville, Ky.. 24 86 62 .04 18 78 62 .10 14 86 ' '60 ' ;00 12 82 63 .04 19 92 64 .16 19 82 62 T 30 S2 56 T 18 86 60 .06 13 88 64 T Omaha St. Louis The weather Is slightly warmer through out the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred In all except the Des Moines dis trict. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. SEW YORK GENERAL, MARKET Quotations of the day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. Jirty 22.-FLOCR-Re-celpts, 18,000 bbls.; exports, 6.600 bids. Market dull, but steady; Minnesota patents a.XUi.70; winter straights, W.lOitfi 4.26; Minnesota bakers, $4,1044.60; winter extras, I3.4OSjJ.60; winter patents, J4.404 7o; winter low grades, 3.30(.3.60. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.16(4.50; choice to fancy, I4.66ai4.90. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, $1.65; coarse, Jl.6Mjl.60; kiln dried, 34.00. RYE Dull and easy; No. 2 western, t3o, f. o. b.. New York. , WHBAT Receipts. 191,000 bu. ; exports, 13.6iO bu. ; spot market easy; No. 2 red, 981 4990, elevator, and $1.00Vk, o. b., afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.23 f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.02 f. o. b., afloat. Weakness character. sod today's early win at market, reflecting better southwest weather and big southwest receipts. Partial re coveries followed on a big export business, but the market closed easy at fi'lc net lower. July, $1.0U3J1.00'; Septemoer, 97 lS-16tQ9fo, closed at KS'Ac; December, 99c4j$1.0o, closed at 99To. CORN Receipts. 6.5CO bu.; exports, 6,600 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2, 83!c, nomi nal elevator, and 84c, nominal f. o. b. Option market was steady cn local covering and closed net unchanged. July closed at S7c: September closed at 83Vic December closed at 71c. OATS Recelnts. 33.000 bu.: spot market strong; mixed, 26 to 32 pounds, 681&6IC; natural white, M to at pounas. w'jwwii clipped white, 33 to 40 pounds, 4o4(73c. HAY Firm; good to choice, 7ttfeSc. HOPS Quiet; 'state, common to choice, 19u7 crop, 5mc; 1906 crop, 4i&6c; I'acitlc coast, lmi7 crop, 6yio; 1906 crop, 3ic'5c. HIDES Firm; Bogota, 19c; Central Amer ica 19c LEATHER Firm; acid. 21:8c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $16.76 f) 17.50; mesa, $14. 4iko 15.60; beef hams, $.00 (630.00; packet, J15.00S 16.00; city extra India mess, $i4.OiB25.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 9i811c; pickled hams. K'WW 13c. Lard steady, western, I9.45e9.66; refined, quiet; continent, $9.70; South America, $10.66; compound, $S.i&'u8.50;. Pork qjiet; family, $l8.00fo 18.60; Bhort clear, $17.jl).6o; iness, $17. 75 18.00. TALLOW yuict ; city, 6Hc; countiy, 6V4 RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2 Jjto; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials. 23c; creamery extraa, 23c; creamery, thirds to firsts. l!&22c; Imitation creamery, firsts, 20jiaHc. CHEESE Firm; state full cream spe cials, 12'jl3c; small, oolored or white, fancy, llc; large, colored or while, fancy, U'c; good to prime. luH'allc; common, felec. ' ' ElitiS Quiet but steady; state, Pennsyl vania and nearby fancy, selected, while, LfW'tk-; good to choice, 23'd'iUe; brown and mixed, fancy, 23'cj;4c; good, 21fl'-'2c;; wvstern, extra firsts, uMc; firsts. ViWaWv; sec onds. 171 18c. POCLTKY Alive, gtesdy; spring chlck ene. 16c: fowls, 13c; turkeys. 11c. Dressed steady; western tiring chickens, lo'a-'.c; turkeys, Wal'c; fowls, 14(6 HVtf. St. Loots General Market. ST. IAIIS. July 2-'. WHEAT Weak; trai k. No. 2 red cash, 91 ft 93c; No. 2 hard, 0:; S' pteinher, 89''4c; lecember, 9Pc. CORN Weak; track. No. 2 cash, 78'dT8V; No. 2 white, Sc; September, i5U751c; Do cemVier, 6(lc. OATS-Kirm; track. No. 2 cash. 4'4c; No. 2 white, 54c; September. 43Va43u; De- ! c,.,,, her. 42c , KLOVH Dull; red winter patent. 14 40'(i 4 5: extra fan'-v and sti iicht. $3 85$ 4.25: clears. $3-2t'S.0. SEED Tlmotliy. steady; $3.t)W W I RAN Weak; sacked east track, $1.08. CORNMEAL Steady; $3.70. HAY Steady; timothy. $11.00 6 16.00: prairie. $10 00ft 11. 00. IRON COTTON Ties $1.00. HEMP TWINE 7c. : ri.t ir.n..f -nirn, nigner; joooing, I S16 05. l.ard, lower; prime steam, $1 9i extra short. $9 60; clear ribs $9 37 : tihort clears, $9.76. -Macon, steady; boxed extra short. $10 37, clear ribs, 1 0.2 5 ; short clears. $10.62. POl'LTRY Weak; chickens. 10c; springs, 15c; turkeys. 11:1014c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. Hl'TTEU Quiet; creamery, l'u22c. FAK38 Steady at 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.000 13.00i) Wheat, bu 101,000 65 000 Corn, bu 38,000 63.000 Oats, bu 26.000 uJ.Ouu Kaaaas City tirala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July '-t'lose: WHEAT lc to 2o lower; July. 8tlc; Sep tember. SSc; necember, Mc; Cash: No. 2 hard HSfiHhc; No. S hard, W1jic; 'No. 2 red. Sav''c: No. 3 red. so'q87c. CORN lc to ic higher; July 74; 8op temher. 71c: liecember. Wc. Cash; No. t mixed. 774i 7So: No. S mixed, 77ii.c; No. 2 white. sl'aM'c; N.i. S white. 80nc. OATS 1'nclisnged: No. 2 white, biXc; No. . mixed. 61j;-c. , RYE 73'77c. HAY Steady; rholce timothy, (A-Soa 10.00 choice prairie, old. $tt .0 new. $7.StK'7.76. Bl'TTKR rncharujed to c higher; creamery. 21c; packing stock, liic. EK"tS 1'nchanged to lc higher; fresh extras. lDc; currant receipts lSr. Kecet-ts shipments Wheat, bu Cetn. bu , Onts. bu . S7.'tn lS'.on -7.00 7.000 9,0 0 Options at Kansas City; Articles. I Open. I High. I Lew. Close. Wheat- Feptember ... lJe emlter Corn ..!.. !. ..I ;... .1 1. asvl :i 1 Keptemb-r nwi. l 1 ember'ii)b. I !. Ualata Urals, Market. Dl'Ll'TH. Minn.. .'July J WHKAT--No. 1 northern. $11; No S northern $112; July. $113; Se,temler. 97c OATS To arrive. 3c; on track, JOc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Irregnilar and Fluctuates Constantly. CLOSING STRONG AND HIGHER Kpernlatora Take Advantage of Rise Following; Standard Oil Decision to Take Profits Bonds Are Strong;. NEW YORK. July 22. There was no constant trend In the course of prices of ftocks today. L'rs and downs si.e eede.l each other all day and often comrary movements were In progress at the same time. The market was whipped into some show of animation by one or two of th occurrences of the day, but these influom es expended themselves In a short time and left no apparent trace In the market. Ex treme uncertainty of speculative sent meitt seemed to be expressed by the numerous fluctuations. Efforts to trace the na'ur. of the operations going on by the larger Interests were unavailing. The speculative contingent has lookd forward to the decision of the Stam-ard Oil company's appeal sgalnst the SJO.'tiO.'ii'i fine levied upon It with lively Inter st I', was generally known a decision would be returned today ami the Wall street people were keenly alert for the announcement of Its character. When the reversal of the lower court became known tnere was con siderable excitement throughout the finan cial district and a rise In prices resulted. S'andard Oil stocks rose 10 points In the outside market. It has been supposed that the shadow of this fine hanging over th? Standard Oil company has been h restrain ing Influence on the activities of cap tal !sts In that group and that the wlnn ng of their case would result In Increas d a- tiv ty on their part. It has been argued hIfo that a good effect upon the movement of capi tal might be expected, account of an In terpretation of such a dec slon as addi tional assurances of safeguards for rights of capital and property. The effect in the stock market, however, proved to bo short lived. The first bulne In prices was taken sdvantare of to affect a free disposition of speculative holdings by those who have followed the rise ill -irlces. The ix;eit and duration of the rise that hail already occurred prompttd holders to realise profits on favorable opportunities, us wna alrtadv demonstrated In yesterday's stock market. Some of the recent speculation In Read ng has been based on an assumption that a judicial decision In favor of the railroads will be given in their contention against the validity of the commodities clause of the Hepbjrn act. The action of the mar ket today gave warning that such favor able decisions might prove to be already discounted. The skyrocket advance in Westlnghouse Electric, following violent movements yesterday was of no benefit to the general market and proved rather unsettling to sentiment. It was accom panied by reiteration of ycslerday's rumors that the company would soon be taken out of the hands of the receivers. II was be lieved, however, that the imperative need! of speculators short of the stock was more responsible for the convulsive movement than any development concerning the af fairs of the company. Other electric equip ment stock movtd In sympnthy. The hesi tat on and Irregularity In the stock divis ion was In contrast with the sustained de mand of the bond division. Not only In the aggregate par value of the sales, but also In the variety of the demand. Today's bond market was even more striking tha on earner days of the week. The numb-r of different bonds dealt In was larger than any day since the present revival set In. The placing of some large blocks of bonds In foreign markets was held to account for large offerings of bills In the foreign ex change market, which carried rates down wards and away from the gold export point. The rise In copper metal and the decline In wheat were favorable factors In the day's market. The abaorotlve nower of the demand for stocks had a reassuring etiect as me aay progressed and made the closing strong and at general gains. Ponds were strong. Total sales, par value, S5.fl82,iA I'nlted States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and lending quotations on stocKs were as Sales. High. Low. ClnM. Amals.mstM Copper 73,1100 71 71 7t Am. Car A Foundry I,tn0 39 S Si S8', do pfd 2oo 103 H 108 n 10J Am. Cotton Oil n at4 14 H Am. Hide Leather ptd... S04 20 lf-H l) Am. c gacurlttet (00 27 27 27 am. i,mea , 10 Am. Locomotive. . 7,4.p M 62 S3 do ptd ion 105 los inj ' Am. Sm.ltlng & Ret M.800 8& 84 5o do ptd 104 Am. Sugar Raf 1.400 110 129 130 Am. Tobarco pfd .- 94 Am. Woolen SOT 24 23 24 Anaconda Mining Co 14.40O 4o 44 4a Atehl.on 17 do pfd.. I,0 t1i Hi K.l Atlantic Coa.t Lin 4") W, 9414 im, B. a- 0 3.100 2'4 92 92 do pfd S7 Brooklyn R. T 7.100 Ii: H 51 Canadian Pacific 1.7(4) 1 16K C-runl Leathar 30 2K 2X 2fl4 do pfd 2'X) 97 M M Ontral of N. J Sort Chea. & Ohio 1,100 42 42 42 Chlcaco Great Weatern C. ft N. W 1.400 18 1S7 157 r., M. A St. P 22,200 141 140 140 C . C. C. St. L M Colo. Fuel I .o J3 J2 Ji Colo. Southern 70 13 82 32 do lit pfd 600 41 1 1 , do 2d pfd 600 K2 (2 M Con. Oaa S.00 137 1S4 136 Com Produota I.W10 1 17 17 Delaware ft Hudaon l.ono ll Ml 161 I). R O "0 17 24 -4 do pfd 00 S 6 4 Pimmer." Securities 4.nno 87 Sfi ;( Krle 4.0 22 22 23 do lot pfd 100 3 8ti 24 do 2d ptd 2n 24 21 27 General Electric 0 US 144 Ho Ure.t Northern pfd 18.100 138 134 135 do Oregon ctfs 6.600 64 -'! 634. Illinois Central Inter. Met &.DO0 13K 184 in l.jno II 11 11 do pfd 1,900 32 32 Inter. Paper do pfd 100 64 64 Inter. Pump Iowa Central 300 17 17 K. C. eoulhern tHO f. 25 do pfd 400 67 57 L. A N 1.500 liu 104 Mtilran Central Minn. A St. L HO 28 28 32 V, 10 M f? ' 109 14 27 Hit of, 11 2 u . St. P. A 8. 8te M Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd National Lead N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A V Norfolk A W North American No. Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Pcople'a Oaa P.. IV. C. A fit L Pressed Steel Car....... Pullman Pilar. Car Hallway Steel Spring... Reading . . .' Republic Steel do pfd Ro. k liland Co 1.000 11S Its 4 t.6 M:i 4.400 4.100 81 43 81 43 71 711 70 22 DoO 110 100 110 2.7tiO 40 4-1 4t' 1.7-l 73 78 73 6F. 141, t.MKl 44 2J.WHI 141V. 1411 tort S7 2 :4 10.100 125 124 12.', 10 6 S '. 74 l,0rt 52 1 31 20.) I4 144 14 , 1.M0 42 3K 41 13.100 l' 117 rk 1.900 21 21 21 -. 74 73 78 8.00,1 !7 17 17 6 4-0 32 91 12 1.200 27 ' 2 27 300 17 17 17 100 4 4'. 3!l ;ooi er, 6c i , 2.80 92 91 92 '.'HO 114 114 ll l.20 19 I 19 &.-1 .W 49 19 3'10 2S 31 Jo 1.2fO 2S 2.". 2f. io 21 22 j 1 400 4t 41", 49 133.400 1M 1.S2 tM -' loo 2 17 :: lilrt ut 94 10: e0 4S 44. ts , l.tWrt 1 107 1011 ai.l 3 34 -4 400 24 25 2S , 1"" K , l.TeO 2 2S .'4 , k9 73 11 400 57 (4 W 4 I0O 18 ' It It do pfd p. L. A 8. F. Id pfd.. St. Louts 8. W do r'd ftlose-Sheffleld 8. A I., go Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Tenn. Copper Teiaa A Pacific Tol . St. L. A VV do pfd t'nlon Pacific do pM V. I. Rubber do 1st pfd V 8. Steel do pfd ftah Copper Vs. -Cars. Chemical do pfd Wabsah do ptd W..lliifb.oue Electric. Western t'nlon W. A Lake Erie Wlaconns Central Total sales for the day. 137. f") shares. London Stock Market. teDNPON. July 2l-The market for American securities was heavy with only fractional chanajes from yesterday s New York closing. London closing stocks: Cnnuls. money . . 44 11-18 M , K A T 31 do account . a, sew Tork t antral .. .1U.I-. . 4 Norfolk A W 7: . ta do pfd 13 . Ontario A W 41 . 94 Pennsylvania & .172 Rand Mine. 4 . 41 Reading 4.1 . 4 Southern Ry ! .141. do pfd 61 . 10 Southern P.cifie 9;tv . 17lnlo P.clflc 157 . 65 So ptd 94 . 22 I' 8 Steel 46 . do pfd Ill . 2 Wabaah II . It 4. pfd tf Anacooda - AtchUon do ptd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific... Chesapeake A Ohio Chicaso O. W rhi.. mil a st. r. tie Bear. Denver A Rlo G. . . 4o p'd rte 43 1st pfd do 14 ptd Orand Trunk Illlnoia Central LoulttUle A N 14v tpam.b 4a i.'l, 111 Anal. Copper 1 . SILVER Bar dull. 24 l-16d per ounce. Aiti.vKV per cent. METALS Bar, gold. 77a 10d. Tne rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 19-Iul per cent. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. Julv 22.-Tnc"sy's stHte r. ent uf the treasury balances in the re i. eral fund exclusive of the $lSy,tsX),(.0 gold reserve shows: Available rsh baiane-. le.ojiaai; gold coin and bullion, $4J,t4,,J; id certif I. ates. $J.4-64 ew York Money- Market. NEW YORK, July 2i.-MONRY-On call. easy at 1 per cent; ruling Tate, 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cem. , TIME IX1ANS Strong: sixty days. 2 per rent; ninety days. 2 per cent; six months. 4 per cent. FRIME MERCANTILE P.rER-$7j per cent. STEKl.l.Nfl EXCHANGE Weak, with Actual busint ss In hankers hills at $4 Si for demand, and at $4 o4 ill.M fcr sixty dav bills. Commercial hilis, $4.8feu4.lio. METAl.S Har, sliver. 62c; Mexican dol lars. 4&r. RON US Gov ernment, steady; railroad, strong. Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows: f. S. ref. la. do coupon... do 3e. res .. do coupon... do 4a. reg... do coupon . . . ft ...108 Japan 4. 49 1'w iln 4,. td aerie... M IOO L N unified 49.. 97 i 10" Manhattan r sold 4. 12'"4 1 enlral 4. 92 115 o 1st Inc IS Am. Tobacco 4... J "Minn A St. L. 49.. so 1''7 M . K. T. 4. 1 9 Mo tds 81 " N. R. R of M c. 4l 111 M K. Y. Central a. 41 101 S N. J, Central Sa..I.'2 93 No pacific 4. He 9 do 3. 72 9.1 Norfolk JS W a J- ,T. do 4. Atrhl.on gen. 4... do ailj. 4a do c. 4. do cr. 5. Atlantic (' L. 4a. B. A I) 4a do 8. Brooklyn R. T. cr. ta 73 Clreeon 8. I,, rfdg 4. Central of (la. 61 104 Penn. cr. S, 19!5.. 9.; d let llic 72 do con. 4. 1112 rt" 21 Inc 47 Reading gen 4 97 rlo 8d Inc 8 'Republic of Cuba Se I0i (hen. Ohio 4s.. .102 I., i 1. J4. c. 5.104 Chlcaro & A 3. ..47 St. L. ft 8 F. ff. 4s H C, H. A g. new 4,. 9S nt. I., s. W. con. 4s. M4 C, K. I. A P. 48.... 46 s..ho.rd A. L. 4... ,7 o col. 5. 44 So I'srlflr 4a 9 do rfds 4. tl'.j do lt Inc :: CCC. St. U (. 4. .So. Rallwar da 48 Colo. Ind 5. 47 Tea. A Pacific lute. 110 i olo. Midland 4a : Tol.. St L. A W. 4t 74 Colo. Southern 4. . . " t'nlon Pacific 4. mi Pel A Hinlaon cr. 4a S do cv. 4a 94 i'. k ii. 4 l c. 8 Steel 2d 5a.. Erie prior lien 4b ... 80 Waha.h lata do gen. 4a 44 Weelern Md. 4s .. Hocklns Val. 4s....H3 W A Lake Erie 4 Inter. Met. 4. (17 Wli. Central 4. Japan 4. 79 Bid. "Offered. - 9 10 70 49 Boston Stocks and Bonds. Til IflTflW l..l 09 . .....x.,, w,j m. liuiii-j, (in can, iifjj P"r cent: time loans.- iiil per cent. Clos- " ' n .,iinn,n-,. Archi.on adj- 4a. do 4..., ,. Men. Central 4a.,.. Atchison , 8- Binsh.m 9t Calumet A Hecla 80 Centennial 87 Copper Range M IHlr We.t 2"5 Franklin 131 Oranhr 134 I.le Koyale . 7.1 .463 . 15 . 75 . 10 4 . 98 . 11 . 9 .. 9 . 41 . 43 . 98 .10: . 20 do pfd Ponton A Alhinv ... Boaton A Mmne.... Po.ton Elevated.... Kllrhhllra nfd N V . N u A It IH7U. ui.hij. 123 Mm.. Mlnlnc t'hlon Pacific IS4 Mohawk Am. Argo. chemical.. 26 Mont, C. A C. P'd 90 nid Dominion.. Am. Pneu. Tuba 4 Oacrola . .-. Am. Sugar 130 Parrot do rfil 124 Oulncy Am. Tel. Tei....!!l9i8hannon'!!!!.".'!!!!.'!; n . 49 Am. Woolen 24 T.m.rack . 4 . 14 I". . it . JJ . 44 f- .184 do pfd 91 Trinity Dominion I. A 8.... 14 Culted Copper Edl.on Elec. Ill 216 p. a Mlnlus (leneral Electric... , Maaa. Electric Maas. G.b I nlted Fruit I'nlted Shoa Mach.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated Atlantic 145 C. 8. oil . 9 ftah . 54 victoria .1.17 Winona . 55 Wolverine ... . 27V Nnrlh IliOta . 75' . 451a Butte Co.lltlnn 7:.a. .lo Nevada it . 5 'Cjiluniet A Arlona..llS . 80 Arltona Commercial.. 19 . 73 Greene Cananea u Bid. "Asked. , ' New York Mining storks. NEW YORK. July 2i-Closlng quotations on mining stocks: Alice 200 Leadvllle Con a, Breeco fi Little Chief.... Brunswick con 5 Mexican Comitot-k Tun. stock. 25 Ontario Com.tock Tun. bonds. 14 Ophlr Con. Cel. A Va M Small Hopes... Horn Silver 50 Standard Iron 8llvr 37 Yellow Jacket.. .. Ve ..240 .. .8 ...145 .. Ii Foreign Financial. BERLIN. July 22.-Tradlng on the Bourse today was weak and prices were lower. PARIS, July 22.-Prlces on the Bourse today were firmer. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 22. Bunk clearings for to day were $1,749,304.40 and for the corre sponding date last yoar $1,637,745.18. Wool ..larket. BOSTON, July 22, WOOL Transactions In t hA locnl wrw,l TYi A r .. n ,. , A . . . fined o odd lote.'-'owlth sales averaging umicr no, poonns'eacn. i nere has been considerable sampling, ..but manufacturers are Inclined to wait until they receive orders for goods. Prices hold firm. Lead ing western quotations range as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three eighths blood, 26270; scoured values, Texas fine. 12 months. 42(jj46c. California northern, 43g45c; middle county, 4ot&42c; southern, 3Nri40c. Oregon eastern No. 1 staple, 567c; staple No. 1 clothing, 41ijj46o. Territory, fins staple, dUfltiOc; fine medium staple, 65'jj5ti; fine clothing, 4txa62; medium clothing, 45W4Uc; one-halt blood. 52(g5c; one-quarter blood, 434J46c. Pulled, extra, 66S7c; fine A. 60a62e. ST. LOL'IS, Mo..-July jJ2. WOOI-Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 19ti 2oc; light fine, liiia,c; heavy fine, 11 to,,. .r.-V.A on..iyr LONDON. July 22. WOOL, Crossbred s eri, laigciy oiicreu at tne wool auction sales today and met with a good demand, chieflv nmlinitnlal Riiv,ln mam 1. . , . n on home ami American account and coarse wool ruiea easier. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Julv 22.-COTTON-Puturea opened steady; July. .40c, bid; August. .3tc; September, i.35c, asked; ctobr, 8.43c; December, 9.24c; January, 9iac; March, 9.19c. NEW VuHK, July 22. The cotton mar ket opened steatly at a decline of 6 points to an advance of 4 i onits. Futures closed steady; July, 9.33c; August, 9.30c; September, 9.3 Ic; October, 9.3sc; No vember, .21c; December, 9.22c; January,; reoruury, s.jic; Aiarcn, Sloe. Spot closed tiuict, lo points lower; middling uplands, U.9oc mlddllnc gulf, 11.13c; sales, none. UALVKMTON, July 22.-COTTON-Lower at mc. ST. 13CIS, Mo., July 22. COTTON UUII; middling. 11c: sa cs, none: receints 43 bales; shipments, 4a bales; stock, lfi Dales. NEW ORLEANS, La., July 22. COTTON Spot, quiet; low ordinary, 6c, nominal; ordinary, 7 1-lttc, nominal: good ordinary. I c; low middling, SH-.c; middling, 10c; i gooa miaiiung, ii i-itic; middling fair, llll-ltc; fair, 12 5-Wc, nominal. Sales, 4l hales; receipts, 1.1H4 bales; stock. 68,(9)2 uaies. Metal 7,larkei. NEW YORK. July U.-M ETALS-Qulte a snarp advance was reported In Ivondon tin today, with spot closing at XI 34 pis and fu tuns at i;l3d It's. The advance was at trlbuted to speculative conditions In the local market, hut while business here was quiet, there waa a sympathetic Improve ment In the price, with spot at $29.4.V'g J9.j. Copper advanced to 4.58 7s 6d for spot and i:r9 for futures In the London market. The local market was quiet, without Important change, Lake being quoted at $12.75'(11.0); electrolytic, $12.62 12.75, and casting, $12.37 iil2.f.0. Lead was at 12 18s 9d in London. The local market remained quiet at $14(145. Shelter was unchanged In both markets, with the price standing at 19 6s in Ijondon and $4 4.Vo4.50 in New York. The English market for Iron was unchanged at 4lts 3d for standard foundry and 5t.'s ld for Cleveland warrants. The local market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern, $lb.5nriii7.uo. No. t e$15 76S 16.25; No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern, soft, $ls.5o4j 17.25. ST. I.OIIS. July 22. METALS Lead, higher; $4.3o'a4.37Vi. Spelter, higher; $4.3:. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlte. NEW YORK. July 2. EVAPORATED APPLES Market is somewhat easier as to futures, with prime fruit for November de livery quotable at '0e, but the spot market Is nominally urn hsngi.l. with fancy at H(il0c; choice. fftH'.c; prime, tVsf7c, and common to fair, f5nitjc. DRIED KR I' ITS Prunes unchanged on spot, but supplies are cleaning up and the tone of the market is firm, but quotations range from 3'al3c for California and a'-t'qt 71.c for Oregon fruit. Aorlcots are firm, with choice PJinc; extre choice, llUic, and fancv. 12'gl3o. Peaches, dull, with choice SftSc; extra, !Ur; fancy. siiluc, and extra fancy. lv.fillc. Raisins are (inlet, with loose muscatel quoted at t'u bc; choice to foncy seeded at tV(77c; seeded at otic, and Ixindon layers at $1.21i 1.S5. IMIa aad Koafa. OIL CITY. July 2-'. OII-Credit balaries 178 bbls. Runs. 1WUM bbls.; average. 164 950 bbls. Shipments, isti.6i4 bbls.; average lM.ltiS bbls. ' SAVANNAH. July J2.-ROBIN-Firm Quote: A B C. $2.701,2.76: D. $2 65; E. $2 95 t3(J6; F. $3 203 25; G. $3 2fa3 so; H. $.1 66fi StiO; I. $3 !su3 !; K. $4 S5j4.9u; M. $5 36' W G, $C 45; W W. U V). Toledo Meed Market. TOLEDO. July 22 - SEEDS Clover. October, $7 9o; liecember, $7 85; March, 17.9? U. .Alstke: Annual 99 on- Ck. .l..P I $8 50. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Western Beeve and Cow Stuff Tea Higher Than Yesterday. HOGS OPEN HIGHER, CLOSE LOWER gheep aad Lambs ArrlTe I. ate, bat De sirable Kinds Are Steady, Wklle the Feeling on Other Kinds Is Weak. SOIT1I OMAHA, July 22, 19oS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.4.SS 2.!. 7,tA Offloal Tuesday 2.297 7.741 6.77o Estimated Wednesday ... 2,000 S.OdO 6. 0 Three days this week.. 10.736 lS.fl! 1S..W Same days last week.... 1.!2 24.U11 10.444 Same das 2 weeks ago.. 4,ti."i 1S.321 12.742 Same days . weeks ago. . 7.470 27.7HO 11.16,1 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 9.162 J4.9n 15.S;2 Same dnys Ihsi year. ...14.425 24,4 lti.441 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omnha for the year to date, compared with last year. liaw. 1P07. inc. Dec Cattle 4i.u13 fioH.5fi4 140,0.11 Hogs 1.K19 261 1.4W.OK9 12tl,lS2 Sheep 768,824 870,611 111.7?? The following table shows the avrafl price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons:, Sunday. The ofilclal number or cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. IIiib-h Kliecn.ll'r's. C, M. & St. P 1 Mlssdurl Pacific 2 L nlon Taclf Ic 15 19 22 5 C. A N. W. (east) .... 1 C. & N. W. (west) .. 27 33 .. 6 C. St. P.. M. O ... 3 7 C, H. & Q. (east) ..2 2 .. 2 c, H. ft g. (west) .. 9 C, R. I. a P. (east).. 1 C. R. I. ft P. (west). .. Chicago Great West.. .. 2 1 1 Total receipts .... 71 81 24 12 The disposition of the day s receipts was as followa, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Sheet) Omaha Packing Co lit) 767 642 Swift and Company 2ix 1,200 l.buO Cudahy Packing Co !) 2,112 1,02 Armour ft Co 244 6til 604 244 106 ' 6 30 16 83 2b' 20 11 14 6 6 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C vansant ft Co. Carey ft Benton . W. 1. Stephens ... Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston ft Co J. H. Bulla H. V. Hamilton . Sullivan Brothers Lehmer Brothers Wlsman .: Leyton Other buyers 324 152 152 676 Total 2.314 6,Utf 6,044 CAT'l LE Receipts of cattle were very light again mis morning, only eighty cars being reported in. The fact is thero has been only one good day's run so tar this week and that was on Monday. Still the receipts were so large on that day that the total Is holding up very well as compared with last week and a year ago. The ar rivals this morning consisted very largely of westerns, cow stuff predominating. There was a fair sprinkling of corn-feds and a few oc"ds and ends of stockers. There were hardly enough beef steers In this morning to make any kind of a showing on the market. Still It vi ; evi dent that buyers wanted a few and they were out In good season In the morning, so that desirable loads of western beef changed hands In pretty good season at prices that looked strong to a dime higher. The strength shown yesterday and today leaves the market right around 26c higher than It was on Monday. The best corn f?ds were also In pretty fair demand and the market was Just about steady. The Graham cattle, whioh have been all tho week sold at the same prices as yesterday, that Is $7.7o, but they were around thirty pounds lighter today and hardly tas good in quality. Cattle that were not so good were slow sale. The fact Is that the best range cattle compare very favorably with the medium to pretty decent grades of corn feds when hung up on the hooks and do not cost nearly so much. It follows then that packers are naturally very cautious In buying corn-feds, making the trade ap pear rather dull and of an Indifferent character on all hut the very best. There was a little sprinkling of cows and heifers In the yards this morning, but tha demand was very brisk, buyers being all out looking for supplies. The result was a good, active market, with prices around 10c higher and safely 26c higher than Mon day. Practically everything changed hands early in the morning. There were hardly enough stockers or feeders In the yards this morning to make any test of the market, but as the country demand continues limited, the feeding is not very strong. Quotations on cattle: Rood to choice corn fed steers, $6.7.70: fair to good corn tiA steers, h. 60(fi). 40; common to fair corn fed sti ers, $4.5iJi6 80; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.utKt4.76; fair to ;ood cows and heifrra. $3.26'&4.00; common to fair cows and heifers. $2.00453.26; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.Hrft4.76; fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.feg4.o0: common to fair Blockers and feeders. $3 003.50; stock heifers, $-6'& 3.(10. Represt ntative sales: REEF STEERS. Date. 108. lSo7.iong.ioiv5.19,H.llft3.;i90J. J'l'v II. ..I 41; i Kg f, st,! $ j, HI 6 88 " iS July 12 .. 5 741 641 6 31 4 r 7 77 July 13... 4 6 74 I 69 6 881 6 03 6 July 14... 42i bi 5 47 i 13 5 1 7 7J July 15... 8 31 8 7l' 5 64 8 19; 6 17 7 76 July 16... 6 37 6 7l 6 6i I 6 19 6 S3 7 72 July 17... 6 44 I 6 72' 8 61 5 66 S 20 7 71 July is...: , si..,,, 5 tixi 6 :6 5 en, 6 211 8 22 7 74 July 19 j 5 74 6 611 IC1I 1S 7 8 July 20... i 6 32i 5 8VI 47 6 6i'l S C3 6 22 July 21... 6 27 I 8 48, 6 61 1 8 101 5 :2, 7 53 July 22... 5 88 6 48 8 07 6 6 7 11 No. . Pr. Nb. At. Pr 14 till 4 tii M in I 44 II 104 9 4 7 6 It 1306 4 4." 24 132i & 75 19 l.V9 7 70 It 1S12 4 00 11 1513 7 10 40 U.VJ 4 to COWS. I 40 I ii t:! l in 4 H t " it 10it I 40 t 2 74 1 1100 I Sy 11 9"5 1 ti 1 1124 l i 930 t 00 10 9" S fin 11 497 I 10 t 1-120 J 70 1! 944 S 10 121i I 75 1 1044 I 2.1 HEIFERS. IKI IS 10 995 I 40 1 711 9 10 24 441 t 40 11 497 t 20 nil. is. I l) I 70 I 103,1 no 1 1440 75 1 un I 10 1 1S70 2 S ! 5H.i S 25 1 119-t 2 91 1 una a ;. 1 1)4' I 90 1 184U 1 90 1 12M t 00 CALVES. 1 144 3 74 I 140 5 SI 1 140 4 (JO t 1J & SO 311 6 00 1 200 i io II 171 5 STOCK Ens AND FEEDERS. 1 435 I Ii 7 Ill IK 4 6S4 I 00 S 470 I So 4 1! I 00 17 911 t 40 in 4C1 I 00 It 8'4 S h5 17 715 I - 14 913 I 79 10 1004 S 15 10 974 4 30 WYOMING. 7 cows 811 2 75 9 cows F5t 2 75 4 cows M62 2 75 6 cows 641 2 75 22 cows 917 3 4o 10 Cows 89 8 15 2 cows M0 8 16 20 steers. ...10,'s 4 '5 12 cows lung 8 40 6 cows 9-0 3 40 6 cow s 913 3 40 5 Cows l'ie. S 4 trows eOt) 2 75 J4 calves... 17 5 5 49 calves... 197 5 25 36 calves... !M 6 2.1 2 cows 1010 8 65 6 cows 91 i 55 5 feeders . lt4 S 96 0 bteers. ...1265 4 70 11 steers. ...11S9 4 70 11 cows 934 3 'o 13 cows fcno J to 24 cows 820 2 75 41 cows 834 2 75 4 row 8'0 2 60 SOl'TH DAKOTA. 40 cows 919 1 8 cows 992 2 SO "2 steers. . .1240 4 Oo NEBRASKA i con s 15 steers. .. 3 calves.. 14 cows 8 feeders. 970 4 15 .11-52 4 3-1 17 calves... 218 6 00 t steers.. ..111 4 30 423 $15 2 (ows 81o 91S 3 00 16 steers.... 974 2 76 16 steers. . Bros. Wyo. 2 steers. . King-Neb. 3 cows ... I 15 S63 $ 40 Johnson 16 steers 2 stuers ..1265 6 (a) ..U'la 6 00 F. H. . . sst; 2 70 12490 S 00 6 cows... 130 10 feeders. -lo.'O I 90 Home Bros Wyo. 2 rows.. 4 cows., i cows.. . 9J5 $ 26 2 cows. . 927 $ 25 7 rows . . H ID t cows.. D. A. Rutlsnd-Wyo. loto 3 25 961 3 s5 7b5 i 65 13 feeders.. 974 4 On i feeders.. &H" 4 00 6 cows IW0 3 50 HOOS-Hrgs openid around 6c high j; this mil qu.te a nuniLcr of tlie'nore des.raiile of the offerings changed bands on that basis. On the other band sum of the packers were not very free buyers, being Incl ned to hold bark and refusing io py the advance. After the more urgrtu oroera filled tiie trade .aed off. si onsldci ab's i.ranorliun if the advance ha. sailr4t.gfr, II THERE IS C9 CO (!) In riityine; by check. It will navf you much time? and ex pense in the course or ymr to ray our Mils by check. It it so convenient to mall a check that people all over the country are pleased to avail themselves of the advantage It offera tn the settlement of bills. We cordially Invite your account, subject to check. FIRST NATIONAL OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Farnam Streets Capital $500,000; Surplus and Profits, $675,000 6 f.-fJ Ing lost, and for a time the trade was very slow and dull, thus prolonging the market during the greater ran of the forenoon. The market closed very wtak and dull with practically all the advance lest and Ith no one trying very hard to buy tho late hogs. It wna about the most ut satls factorv market experienced at this point In a long time. The fact that receipts were very moderate ard that reports from other points were encout aging In the morning, led sellers to expect a good market, but they were very much disap pointed. Representative sales: No. AT. ..17S . 213 . 9ut ..114 . .323 ..35 ..Ml ..IW ..144 ..309 .217 . .199 . 19 ..379 ..199 . 124 .817 ..tM .103 . Ho . .11-2 . .am Pr. No. At. . 15 .135 . .2i . 2H4 . 2.9 . .:tii . u . .849 ..213 .244 .24 .211 . . 2("V . 2kS .241 ..19f . .2"4 ..i43 ..211 ..233 ..247 . .175 .21 . .S04 Ph. 90 140 4 U ISO 160 40 liO 24.) SO 24'l mi' 4l 160 so Pr. 4 324j 4 9:4 4 324 4 324 4 3.' 4 4 224 t 924 4 324 4 i3 4 4 324 I 324 6 32 4 I 35 6 36 6 85 t 35 I 35 4 35 4 M 4 33 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 41 74 . 9J.. 26.. 27.. 4.i. . 70 . S5. . 79.. 44 . U.. 74.. 95.. 9V. 69.. 9.'. . 82. . 79.. 69. . 67.. 74. . 8. . t 25 4 t 2d 4 4 26 4 t;w 4 27i 6 27 27V9 t 27VS 4 27', 4 27 , 4 27S 4 27V 4 274 4 to 80 t Di 3D 30 4 90 4 30 I VI 4 SO 74 . 75.. 73 . .'.5 . . 74.. 7t!' M. . 44 . . 44. ., 42.. 70. . 90.. 94. . 99. . 74.. ft . Hi.. 79.. 61.. 129. 45.. 61.. . . 44. 34. 7J. 214 8 HEB1 Receipts numbered twenty-three car tills morning, the most ot them rangers. Trains, however, were very lato In arriving and it was after 10 o'clock in the morning before there was enough In sight to make any test of the murket. However, as soon as the arrivals were penn-d and ready to be shown the market oiened with buyers picking out some of the best stuff at prices that were good and strong as compared with yes enlay. The general feeling, however, teeuud to be no better than steady even on tne best grades and outside of the little stuff thai moers happened to take a not'on to, prices were no belter than steady, whl!e the fiel ng was dccldly weak on common to me dium grades. Uuyers wore predicting at the start that the market would really close lower, but Instead of that it firmed up, becoming brisk at prices that were steady to Kc higher than yesterday. The trade was active at current figures and everything In sight changco hands before mldduy. at least everything that was really desirable. Idaho wethers at 14.35 and ewes at Jl.lVl were 10c higher than ytsierday. No. Av. Tr. 114 Idaho yearlings HO 4 ";" 34 Idaho wethers 99 4 35 m Idaho wethers W 4 3.i 158 Idaho ewes irj 4 10 4 Hit. 4. GO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle nd Sheep Steady Hobs Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher. CHICAOO, July 22. CATTLK Receipts shoot 17.000 head; market steady. Hirers. fst.dti cs B.uu; cows, s.4ti(a i.6ii; Heifers, 13.60 y (J. HO; bulls. IS.OOiii 5.25; i alien. 12 604J-6.75; stockers and leeders, 3.110' . . HOOS ReceiptJ about 22.000 head; market 104ilo: llgher. Cliolt heavy shipping, Jii.70IbO; butcliera. JiJ.TD' 6.80, light mixed. ,',6.406.60; choice light, $(1,601(1 l.76, ItMO'tf 8.70; pig, H 60fa 6.20; hulk.-'jti.DO'U 6.55. BHEKr AND 'l.AMOS Receipts about 20,000 head; market steadv; lambs, (,75 ftf C tiO; yearlings. J 1. 00 'i 5. 50. Kansas City l ive .Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 22.-CATT1.K Re ceipts. S.AO head, Including 2,iioo southerns. Market (or best steers, fiim; other cattle, slow; choice export and dressed beef steers, l5.Wtl7.fin; fnlr to good. tt.iii'u'n.Kj; western steers, 3.7i'ti5.50; stockern and feeders, t3.u0 fiin III- a.Mithern ateera tt l(Hn 4 41 1 until lifrn cows, J2.2fvt)4.U0; native cows, $2.oi',n6.ti; tin- ' live heifers. S3.50(b6.75; bulls, t2.254j4.25; calves, 3 2ruti.25. HOtiS Receipts. 9,600 head. Market fittliV higher; top, $;.67Vs; bulk of sales, i'i.3.V(H).t'i; heavy, $6.556. U7V4; packers and butchers, $ii.4."iC((ti.55; light, twill's li t"; Plg. $1.5i1i5.75. SHEKP AND UAMRS Receipts, 2.H00 head. Market steady; lambs. $.i.i54iti.0'i; ewes and yearlings. f5.00iti.'.6; Texns year lings. 3. 754 4 10; Testis sheep, $4.00f 1.75; stockers and feeders, f3.T51i4.35. St. Louts Live Stock Market. ST. I.OflS. Mo., July 22.' CATTLE -Ilec'-ipts 5.640 li- ail, n ludlng 2.9..0 Texa s; nun k. l foi- natives, siea-.y lo 10c low ; T-xms, lit In lowi r: native shipping iind export s eers, 3)4 S ? 7 Hj -. dressed bei f and bulc er a e rs, 3.ut '7. "0; steers under 1.' 0 pnumlH, $.j.O r,i7.ji; Nloclvei'ti and fee lers ;2-ii'oi.'0; c and ln iieis, $. :i.f(i0.75; itn neiH i.; b i Is. K.'ii'tiS.O l ; cubes. ;'.(( Ton ; Texas xnd Ind ui s ers, $3.00 5. 0; i os und ! elfcts, t .5C'Ji4.00. HOU.J He-i ip s, t,.oo hiad; n a ki t ril e liiglicr; p us und Id 's '4 4n; p.n k rs. ibi (66 60; b itchers and bt s beavv, iil.i'i 'iiS.IO. SIIKKP AND l.AM1 'S-Rec lp'9. 5.0) h sd; murk-t steady; iiatl.e iuii"nii-. ot.ift; lambs ,.7.4i6.flti; iu;ls and bucits, t'.ifaJ-o, sto' ki rs, t . 5'n I.e. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSKPH, Mo.. July 2. f'A TTI.K Receipts. 1.,-on bead; market stady; eleirs. $4.5mi f.25: cows und heifers. il.Lb'ifi ij; calves. l-KMiS-Receipt s, e.4j bead: niailtet ?i to UK? higher; ti p. $.; bulk of mles, )6.4.4 6. ;P. fcHKKI AND I.AME'.S Receipts, 200 head; market steady;, ll.VHD.6o. Sioux City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Iu.. July 22. (Special Tel -gram.l CATTLE Uei ipla. itO head; nur ket strong; beeves. $j.5'-'(i7 50; c. wa and hclfi rs. tl.u'sti .: lei d -rs, $t.2tl4 : t a ves uad yesrlings :i.ri7't 1 75. HOUS Receipts. 2,tim head; market 5" higher; riigeis, $0.2 1&6 4o; oulk if saicM, $6 3e6.35. Stock lu Sight. Receipts of live stock from the five principal western markets yesterday l attle South Omaha .... 3.000 Sioux City 600 Kansas city 9.200 Bt. Louis 6.640 St. Jrmei h 1 2'IU Chicago 17.000 Hugs. bum p. 6 000 2.500 9.600 6.60 000 22,000 t.a .0 '' s'10 j 10 .00 20.000 Total 15.540 54.7SO 34.4SO .Mluaeaiiolla firalu Market. July J2. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn, WHEAT No 1 hard. ,1.15 ern. $1 13; No 2 northern, northern. $1 07 iS l ot" ; July, teinber. 97 'kc. ; No. 1 nortii 11.11. No. 3 $1.13V, Scp- IS1IAN In bulk. $19 501.1 20 00. El.ti! R Unchanged; first patent. tr.75 S.0; second ( tents. $ CjH3.mi; f 1 re t clears, H 351 1.45; second limit, ii.BOS 3 60. Mllnnakee t.raln Market. MILWAUKEE. WI4.. July 22 WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern. II 101 17, N-i. 2 northern, $116yil, September. 90 rt H ynifc. BMtLEY Weak; No. 2. 7nc; sample. if 6c. (CRN Firmer; No 3, ra-h, 7676c; September. 7 5 He Sustar and Morasses. NEW YORK.. July 22.-S! ( J A R-Raw. quiet; fair refining, 3.75c: centrifugal, 96 test. 4.27c; molasses suga 3 fJ1. Hefliietl, steady; crushed, t.loc, powdered, i.iuc; granulated &.4ir. toffee Market. NEW YORK, July !2. COFFEE Market for coffee futures closed steady In lone, but at a net decline uf tVlO pulnl. Sales 4 (fv ECONOMY UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing late authentic information on Copper Range FREE Copper, Curb and Mining Outlook ii lnity I'lac, New York 4 ample Copies Tree 11.00 per year 38 Vags Covers Tonopsh, Ooldfleld. Ely, liutte, Cobalt, Yerlngton. Tlntlc, Bingham, Park City, Reaver County and Rawhide. reported, 20.750 bags, Including July, 5 95U 6iiiic; August, .86a.; ScplemlHr, 6.7Mt6.HiK; October, 6Snc; December, 6.7.Vu3.SO; March, 5.Hi"a5.oc; May, 6.8O41&.H0C. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 64c; No. 4 Santos, So; mild, dull; Cordova. Hrn 12c, OMAHA WHOI.r.SAa,IB MAnKET, Condition of Trade and quotations OB Staple and Fancy Produce. BUTTKR Creamery, No. 1. delivered l retail trade In cartons, 23c; No. 1, in 4U 1b. tubs, 22V90; No. 1, In 30-lb. tubs, JSc; No. 2, In 60-lb. tubs, 20 Vic, No. 2. In 3G lb. tubs, 21c: No. 2, In 1 -lb. cartons, lie; No. 1, In carload lots, 31 He; No. 2, In car load lots, 1919ViCi country, fancy, tubs, 17c; common, 16c. EG13.S Fresh candled, 15c dosen. CHliKSE Finest Wisconsin full cream, twins, 14Vsc; Young American, 4 in hoop, 15c; fcavorlte, ( la hoop, 15Vc; Daisy, 2U In noop, 15Hc; cream brlclt, full case, 13Vjc; half case, 13c, hnlf dozen nrlcka. 14c. No quotations on Swiss nor llniber. ers until after October. L.IVK POULTRY Hens, tc; broilers, 17c; roosters, 6c; capons, lEc; ducks, sVjc; geese, 6c; turkeys, 140; pigeons, 65c dosenj squaos, $2.00 dosen. 1JRKSSED POULTRY Squabs, $2 H dosen. BEEP CUTS-No. 1 ribs, 17He. No. t ribs, 14c; No. S ribs. lOVtc; ,No. 1 loin, 20c; No. i loin, 16c; No. 3 loin, 12Vo. No. 1 chuck. 7Vjc: No. 2 chuck, 7c; No. X chuck, 6c; No. 1 round, 11c; No. 2 round, 10c; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. i plate, 5c; No. i plate, 4Hc VEGETABLES - Celery, Michigan, per dor., 35c. Reans, new wax snd string, one third bu. basket. tl.'M: navy, per bu.. No. 1, 2.70; lima, 6V9C par lb. Cabbage, 2c per lb. Potatoes, new, per bu.. Toma toes, per 4-basket crate, 90c. Watermelons, 2, ',30c. Cantalopea, Cshfornla, t2.5tl0O per crate. Asparagus, pef doz., 40c. cu cumbers, per dor.., 50c. Onions. Rermud. SI. 50 per crate; Texas yellow, 11.2b per crate. Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., tjOc. Let tuce, per doz.. 2)0. peppers, southern. $1 per crate. ' FRESH FRUlTS-'Apples, $2.7133.00 per bushel box. Lemons, (4.50(36.06, oranges, M0"i(5.00. Bananas, 4c per lb. Plums, $1.25 4-bssket crate. Peaches, California, ;04jM)j box; Texas. 4-basket crate, 65iii7uc. Pears, (1.50 4-biiKket crate. Blackberries, 4. Rasp berries, $4.00 Cherries, 12, 2o. Currants, lj.00. OouseberrieSi $2.00. NUTS Almonds. l"Hc: filberts, 12Ve; walnuts, 16c; Braxll nuts, 14c; pecans, 130 per lb. SUGAR Coarse granulated. 5.50c; fins granulated 5.7uc; cubes, 6.60c; powdered, 6.500 per 111. DRIED FRUITB-Ralslns, loose Muscatel, 6Vc; fancy seeded, 1-lb. carton, lite. Cur rants, undefined, fic; cleaned, Rc; carton, 9c per lb. Prunes, 4iKiidoc per sack; 7Va per lb. Apricots, 25-lb. boxes, Ik: per lb. Peaches, California choice, 90; fancy boxs, 11c per lb. Pears. California, 11c. Dates, Persian, 6V4c. l ists, layers, choice, lovo. Citron, 16'uUlc. Lemon pttl, 13c. Orange peel, 13c. . FISH Halibut, 9c; trout.. Ho; pickerel, lOo; pike, 13c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 13c; white perch, Fcr white bass, 17c: black bsss. Kic; crappies, itc; white iisn, lie; red snapper, 14c; flounders, l.'c; inackerel, lie; codfish, fresh frosen, 13c; xlisd roe, 4jC; smelts, 13c; frog legs, 45c; green sea turtle meat, 25c; catfish, itie. HIDES Quotations by J. 8. Smith as Co. CJreen salted. No. 1, Hc; No. 2. 7Sc; buil hides. 5'ic; green. No. 1, 6Sc; No. 2, 5Vc, horse, $2.50 each; sheep pelts, green and salted, 25ci$1.5o; dry pelts, 1-&12C per lb. Dry flint, butcher hides, lie; fallen bides, loc; salted, vc- I.lverpool liraln and Provisions. M I.RPfitil.,' July 2'. V HEAT Bpof. fire; No. i ted western winter, 7s 74d; No. 1 Cullioi nla, 7s lid; futures closed easy; Ju.y, 7s 1W. f-'epie nl er, 7s 3i; December, ,s ;;Sd. CORN Spot, firm; old American mlxej, 6-t lid, futures closed quiet;, . INFLUX IN BIGH0RN BASIN Settlers KlorklnsT Into New Country, Says C. K. Spens of the llarllagton. C. E. Spens, general freight agent of th Burlington has returned from ail extensive tilp over the Rig Horn basin country with President Harris and Vice President WIN lard of the sstne road. Mr. Harris and Mr. Wlllard returned by Kansas City and did not pass through Omaha. ' "We were ad Impressed With the great Influx of settlers Into the Rig Horn Basin country," said Mr, Spens. "The people are beginning tu realize that the future of the western country la wrapped up in Intensi fied farming and that a tract of land under an Irrigating ditch la sure to yield large returns. . , "Our trip was rather strenuous st times. For Instance we made a 140 mile drive In automobiles from Cody, Wyo., to Basin whlrh gavs us sn rxctllent opportunity to si e what changes have been wrought by j the government as well as under private I enterprise. Solon Wiley, formerly of i Omaha, has' a big proposition which he la working out in splendid shape and will soon have about 25A.O00 acres of land ready to water. "That section of the country is all stirred up ovrr the oil and gas which Is being found In paying quantities. Nt-ar Lovell they Lave oil wells pouring out about 1,000 barrels a day." ' Northwestern O aula I lours Road. SII08IIONI, Wyo., July ?. (Spec al ) Under the guidance f Sup. 1 ln;in. ni Cin t'lhin of the W.vo tilng dlvis-un cf I he r. al, Pri si'ienl U al'ers of the Chie;ig'o & North western Is making a personal Invee; zat 'on of the resources of the Copper mountain und Thi rn.opdlls dlrtrlcts. The uffir'als have been In the countty north of .iere f ir nveriil d.-:ys and have vltdte 1 the Wl'llams Luman mine. Hale mine, TiieritnpuiU, Depaas snd Riiditye. all of w dcli ur-' t.-ib-. iitary to a "imposed extenFI n i f the N'jlth wesieru to Thermopolls - HulldluK Penults. Philip Uunz Tl.ii tv -eighth und Hnrney stiettts. frame dw. lling. $!' t; 1'hlllp Kuril. Thirty-eighth and Harney streets, frame garane, tl.&.u; William Muter. Forty first and Dudg streets, brk k dwelling. $ou0: John E. Ragan. Twenty-first and l'lukrity streets, (uut awcUUg, 2,6ou. BANK