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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1908)
TTTT, OMAHA DATLY BEtf: THURSDAY. JULY 2.1. 1008 DillEF CITY fE7S Ht moot Print It. Budolph T. Swoboda, Pnblio-Accountant. Bowman, in 1, Douglas hoe, $3.50. P Bourk for Qualltr cigars, tit 8. lltb, Binabart, photographer, 18th A Firnim. James O. Xinslex- for county att'y. Adv. X qui table X.1X Policies, sight drafts at maturity. H. li. Keely, manager, Omaha. Bnrgest-Orandsoa Co., 1S11 Howard. Gas. electric flcturea, clectrlo wiring and repair. Residence eleetrlo fan. JlOoO, Pitch your taut a BelleTue for tha Chautauqua season, July 2a to August I. 'l'hotie V. (4, room 120, Young Man' Christian association for information. roc tha aaf keeping of -.iony and valuables tha American safa deposit vault In tha Bea building afford absolute Secur Ity. Boxes rent for $4 per year, or II for three month. In Divorce Court Bernard M. IX) ran has been granted a divorce from Flora Doran for desertion. Mary U Elliott was granted a decrco by Judge Redlok Monday from her husband,! .William I. Elliott. Borne 'Wanted tvr Thirty Children The probation officer are looking for suitable homes in which to place thirty children for adontlon. They also have a number of boys who ar looking for work. Trie to raws Shoe Ed Nightengale was sentenced to thirty days In Jail on the charge of petit larceny by Judge Crawford. Nightengale was found trying to pawn four pairs of shoes which had been atolen from tho Strykor Shoe company. Baloon Keeper la Discharged Owing to Insufficient evidence ITed Jensen, a saloon keeper, who wa arrested by Officer Wool rldgo on the charge of stilling liquor on Sunday lit his saloon on Twentieth and Cuming streets, waa discharged In police Court. Woman Sue for Alleged Slander J. II Wassorburger. manager of the Omaha Mortgage Loan company Is being sued In tho district court for alleged slander by Miss Genevieve McGunnes of Omaha, Miss McGunncsa demands that he pay $5,000 damages. More Hew Street Car Eight new car are bring built by the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company at the Omaha shops and ten now cars have been bought In St. Louis and are to be delivered In time for tho fall festivities. These car are ull of the large type. Boy 1 Bound Over James Ireland, the youthful burglar who was captured by Deputy Sheriff Osborne on the evening of July 16 after breaking Into the Hunter grocery store on Twenty-fourth and Blnncy streets, was bound over to the district court by Judge Crawford on the charge of break' Ins and entering. His bond was fixed at Brailey Has Vow Tee Beporting Sytn Sheriff Bratley has inaugurated the sys tern of turning Into the county treasurer a report of all feee received every three months Instead of once a year, as the law ruqtilres. The second of these reports was given out Wednesday, the total amount of fees collected being $1,045.64. The total for tho flrct quarier of the year was $1,44.10. Tfcms ror Opening? of Street City Trea: lire;- 1'urny serves notice on the owners of nil property situated within ono block of Twenty-fourth street throughout tho entire length of the street that taxes for the opening of the street will become delinquent July 19. Owners of the renlty on the street have to pay r. r the op nlng of the street thoroughfare. whic.i will inuke It the largest street In lie t-tty, extending from Fort Omaha to L'outM Omaha. After July 19, Interest of i ir ifnt will accrue. Eurrrlar Steal Through window Climb. lis the front porch of the residence or ,y. Soronsen, 2314 Manderson street, at tin party hour Wednesday morning, a burglar en W-red the house through a win dow on tho second floor and stole a re volver which was lying on a dresser. While Berilia Klein, who Uv-cb St JOB North Thir teenth street, was away from home Tuea day evening a thief entered the house by raising n side window and" stole $70 which the1 woman had hidden under the carpet. The thief was evidently acquainted with the hiding ilace. as nothing else In the house w.i:t disturbed. Nature Btufly Club The closlnr exer cloes of the Nature Study club of the Young AIi n's Christian association will be held KilJav. Tl'ese prises will be awarded: PuvlU Cole gives a canura to the boy mak ing the best all round exhlbt. Charles HarOlng-, Vr. J. P. I.ord and J. C. French will give a prize of $1' each to the three b'iys making Iho best showing In a collec tion of insects, birds and leaves. Prof. J. Wilkes Jones will give tickets to the National Corn exposition to all boys mak ing u grado of above 80 per cent. The club ha u been one of the moat successful features that the association has ever put on. Auto U Ho Joke, Say Judge Three more autoista were flnod In police court tor exeeed'ng the speed limit. "When you au toista realize that the law 1 not a Joke and that the violation of the speed law Is a menace to the public safety we will have less trouble. A second arrest and convic tion for the same violation will mean a much heavier fine. I find the defendant gultly and fine him $10 and coats," said Judgo Crawford In the case of Harry Kursins Mothers and OTcr-burdcnedTTomen In all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken-down Joy over-work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. l'lerce's Favorite Prescription the most potent, Invigorating restorative strength giver ever devised for their special bene fit. NurttnfrfBothers wtrlflnd fl especial ly valuable iV sustaining iielr strength and promotln jn abundant fcujirl.hment for the child. ixpVctAntKttkr too vlll And it a prtcele?Cr t.nii$ tha system for baby's coming ana retxtMng tha ordeal comparatively palnlc?.! run rig tin ham) )n any state, or condition l til') female y i-teair ' lielicaie1, EfrviuCweak womeiH who suffer from freoueut headaches, back ache, draggtng-down distress low down In the abdomen, or .from painful or Irreg ular monthly period, gnawing or dis tressed sensation Jn stomach, ditty or faint spells, see Imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante version or retro-version or other displace merits of womanly organs from weakness Cf parts will, waether they experience) many or only a fow of the above symp toms, find relief and a permanent cure by using faithfully and fairly persistently lr. Plorce's Favorite Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman's weaknnases and peculiar ailments is a, puns glyceric extract of the choicest na i ve, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in It make-up. AU Its Ingredi i printed Io plain Kuglishon Its bottle v rapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus Invites the fullest investiga tion of hi formula knowing that It will In found toroutain only the best agents known to the inotl advanced medical K-fence of all the different schools of prac t n for the cure of woman's peculiar t ntej and ailments. 1 1 you want to know more a boot tha m-nposltlon and professional endorse r. i.l of the Favorite Perlptlol, send l 'tol card request to lit. K. V. Pierce, V uTalo, N. Y., far his res booklet treat : - of same, i'u ean't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy ofkitown eoatpotiHim seutet no6trra (J ttHJutown uyuV tWN. lX't tlx it Murphy, who was arrested by Officer Mor gan for exceeding the sr 1 1 limit and who pleaded not guilty. Charlns E. Peering and A. A. Ahlman pleaded guilty nd were each assessed the same fine. Brew Oas Ken W1U Ask Franchise C. O. Cunningham, the local stockholder In the Peoples' Oas company, says that his company Intend to have It plans per fected In the near future and will ask the council for a franchise within the next few weeks. He Intimates that now would be a good time to ask for a franchise, on account of the laxity of the Omaha Gas company. Binee April tne omana uas company ha furnished gas, testing 600 British thermal units but six day, while the ordinance provides that It shall test 600 British thermal units every day. The proposed Peoples' Gas company is aald to be backed by Denver capital. Hanscom Park Improver At the recent meeting of tho Hanscom Park Improvement club the matter of the Bancroft street via duct wa discussed and a committee was appointed to act with the Independent ele vator people regarding the matter. The question of railroad crossing in that vicin ity was also discussed and the Impression was held out that the railroad companies woul'J r.ssist In the payment for the cross ings. A committee of seven was appointed to see the park board In reference to turn ing on the water In the Hanscom park fountains. The matter of paving Crelghton avenue waa also taken up and wilt be agi tated In future meetings until something Is accomplished. Sunday School Monies Sunday school all over the city are taking advantage of the splendid plcnlo weather Omaha has been enjoying of late to hold their annual picnics. The Trinity Methodist Sunday school will hold a picnic at Rlverview park Saturday afternoon. The Walnut Hill Methodist has chartered two special cars for a plcnlo at Hanscom park Saturday aft ernoon. The Grand Council club (colored) will give a trolloy ride to Florence Thurs day evening. The First Baptist Sunday school of Council Bluffs will picnic in Omaha at Rlverview park Thursday after noon. The First Memorial Methodist Sun day school will hold Its annual picnic at Manawa Thursday afternoon. The Benson Methodist Sunday school will go to Hans com park Thursday morning for a picnic. WORK ON LEVI CARTER PARK Preliminary Improvement Will Done This Year If Plan fas Be Completed. Be Preliminary work of Improvement will be done In Levi Carter park, surrounding Ba llna Sea, this year, providing W. A. Adams, superintendent of parks, can perfect his plan in time. Title has not been secured to any of the land, but the money Is avail able and payments will probably be made soon. At the last meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners Superintendent Adams, who Is a landscape architect, was In structed to begin work on plan at once. The first plans to be drawn will be for a boulevard to the park, the preliminary plans to be for a boulevard on Grand ave nue or Brown or Fowler streets. The board will meet again next week und select from the preliminary plans the best for a boule vard and designate which street to be used as the main driveway to the proposed park. "If it can possibly be done tha board hopes to get a boulevard In shape this year," says President Berryman of the board. "Even though the park is not a park as yet, the lake Is there and the first thing to be done la to build a boule vard to the lake so people can get to It without crawling between a number of freight cars and over railway tracks. The Improvement of the park will come next." Mr. Adams says It will take two or three months to complete the plans for all the Improvements to be made In the new park and that It will take years to accomplish everything needed. The board Intends to make Levi Carter park the most popular resort in the city. Superb Service, Splendid Scenery enroute to Niagara Falls, Muskoka and Kawartha Lakes, Georgian Bay and Tema gnml Region, St. Lawrence River and Rapids, Thousand Islands, Alonquln Na tional Park, White Mountains and Atlantio Bea Coast Resorts, via Grand Trunk Rail way System. Double track Chicago to Montreal and Niagara Falls. Special low round trip fares are In effect to many of theso resorts during the summer season. For copies of tourist publications, fares, and descriptive pamphlet apply to Goo. W. Vaux. A. Q. P. & T. A., 136 Adams St, Chicago. SHEATH TROUSERS FOR MEN Fashion In Omaha mm Observed In Mexico and Spain is Suggested by Man's Misfortune. Sheath trousers for men! 1 If women are to wear "sheath gowns' why should men not wear "sheath pants,' trousers or whatever they call them? This waa the question which more than 1,000 perrons asked at 10 o'clock Wednes day morning, when Athern Ager, driver of delivery wagon, was thrown from hi wagon and his trouser leg ripped up above the knee. Dared by a fall to the pavement, young Ager etood at the Paxton hotel corner for ten mlnutea wondering which way to start for his runaway horse. Now, that fellow has started a fashion," said Head Clerk Sherman. "That Is, he has started a fashion in Omaha, but as a matter of fact sheath trousers are a very old fashion in many parts of the world. Take Spain and Mexico, for example. There the trousers worn by the vaquero. are slit ana mcea irom the knee down and flare out at the bottom, just as the expressman's do. 'It seems to me the people are making a lot of fuss over a very old Idea, but sheath trousers for men will never be very popular In the United States. The main reason Is that a man's legs do not com pare tavoraoiy witn tnose or the Venus of MUo. Then when a man does anything It Is not by halves. If the sheath pants become popular, take It from me that men will return to satin breeches and whits stockings like our friend Oeorge woru." MAIL R0BBERJS STILL SAFE Charles savaae la Not at Sooth Omaha, a Officials Were Led to Believe. Postofflce Inspector Frsyser and a dep uty United States marshal went to South Omaha Tuesday afternoon to arrest negro who was supposed to be Charles Sav age, alias Charles Stevens, the Kansas City mall pouch robber. The tip wss given the officials by a colored man who claimed to know Savage and who insisted that he was In hiding In South Omaha. The sus pected party was found, but did not answer Savage's description at all, and no arrest was made. The stimulus of the government's offer of $3,0e0 reward for the arrest and convic tion of Savaga has put a host of amateur detective ou his track and tip are con stantly being received by official from parties who cl.v'm to know Savage. A Vbtr la tha atosnaeh I dyspepsia complicated with liver an J kidney troubles. Electric Bitter help all uch cases or no pay. tOc For sale by Beaton Drug- Co. TWO-CENT FARE BIG SUCCESS Reduced Eate and Elimination of Pass Swell Bailroad Earnings. LARGEST GAIN ON UNION PACIFIC rerrentace Is Greatest In States of Sparse Poaalatloa Despite the Arsasaenta Pat Vp by Kxperts. The $-cent fare pays, and pay biggest In the less densely populated states. Advocates of the l-cent passenger fare find ample ground to sustain their original pleas In the reports of earnings filed by leading railroads of the country with the Interstate Commerce commission. These reports comprehend all departments of reve nue, covering the period of the railroad year ending June SO, and they show that the passenger earnings constitute a much larger percentage of the total gross earnings than was the case for the year ended June 30, 1907. Another most significant fact found In the reports Is that while several of the more Important railways show a decrease In their gross earnings they show an In crease in their passenger revenue alone. Of the railroads whose fiscal years are such as to afford a basis for comparison, the Union Pacific show the largest per centage gain in the percentage of passenger earning to total gross. This Is regarded a most remarkable. Inasmuch a the one argument opposing the 2-cent fare bill was that while the reduced fare might be war ranted In states whose population was more dense than that of Nebraska and other western states traversed by the Union Pa cific It would Inevitably militate as a hard ship In these western states. During the year ended June , 1907, its psssenger earnings constituted 19.81 per cent of its total gross. During the eleven months ended May 31. 190, they constituted 21.87 per cent of gross. This relative In crease Is equal to 11.5 per cent. The Union Pacific's actual passenger earn ings for the eleven months In question were $11,957,864, as compared with $14,912,608 for the year ended June SO, 1907. Next Come Soathera Line. The largest percentage increase In pas- aenger earnings, next to the Union Pacific, was In the case of the Louisville & Nash ville, whose Increase was equal to 9.7 per cent. The Northern Pacific' Increase was equal to 1.2 per cent and that of the New Haven to 8.J per cent. The St. Paul's per centage Increase of 2.4 per cent was the lowest. , The New Haven's passenger earnings con stituted the largest percentage of total gross of any of the roads, the percentage being 43.48 per cent, as compared with 40.04 per cent ror the year ended June SO, 190T. In the compilation of these figures, which constitute, probably, the most absolute argument for the success of the 2-cent fare and pass elimination. It Is notable that they are not selected or segregated figures, but are taken from the reports of railroads whose lines touch the Atlantic and Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico and the Dominion of Canada, and criss-cross the country north and south and east and west In fact, lines that cover the territory affected by the new order of things. Detail ef Flarares. tieiow are snown detail for twiv. n ne moii important railroads aS prepared by inn ntw iur commercial; 1908. Union Pacific: 1907. Total gross $ 8.3S6.664 $ 76.040,728 14,912,508 Passenger earnings 14.K7.KK4 fer cent or passenger to total Atchison: 21.87 70.W8.B10 16,432,967 23.41 fcS.S41.8ti4 10,748,606 20.46 72.004.807 17,070,691 23.71 6S.J19.921 18,424.957 26.96 60.736.306 10,2tS6,U 20.23 48,692.880 21,173,382 43.48 68.172.628 12,696,968 18.62 48.969.Ofi5 13.23U35 27.01 24.100.OS5 6,874,950 24.37 19.61 93,683.406 21,171,629 Total gross Passenger earnings Per cent of passenger to total St. Paul: 22.59 60.648.S54 12,102,196 Total gross Passenger earnlmgs Per cent of passenger to total Burlington: 19.98 Total gross Passenger earnings .... Per cent of passenger to 83.47S.550 18,666,973 22.63 68,534,832 16,924,188 total Northern Pacific: Total gross Passenger earnings .... Per cent of passenger to total Great Northern: 24.60 Total gross Patwenger earnings .... 65,144.402 10,606,59$ 19.23 66,601,936 22,263,434 40.04 Per cent of passenger to total New Haven; Total gross Passenger earnings .... Per cent of passenger to total Baltimore & Ohio: Total gross 82.243,921 Passenger earnings 14,147,117 Per cent of passenger to total Southern: 17.20 Total gross , Passenger earnings .... 66.657,994 14.6S3.006 Per cent of passenger to total Atlantic Coast Line: 26.91 26.771,528 Total gross Passenger earnings .... Per cent of passenger to ,0U,991 total Illinois Central: 22.72 66.610.6S3 11.187.632 19.76 48.263.946 Total gross Passenger earnings .... 48,755.893 10.108,674 Per cer.t of passenger to total Louisville & Nashville: 20.73 Total gross 41.194.629 Passenger earnings .... 9,io4,640 Per cer.t of passenger to 10,417,4ti9 total 13.63 21.66 -ine rigures ror isos as shown above are for the eleven months ended May Jl, ex cept In tho case of the Northern Pacific the figure for which are for twelve months. LITHOGRAPHED LETTER HEADS 6,000, 917.80, Rise, BHxll, 10,000, 93540. This price Includes the submitting of an original design, the engraving of same on stone and the delivery of the completed letterheads to your city. Write us at once for specimens of our work and samples of the stock used. Gree ley Prlntery, St. Louis. Capital stock, $1W, 000, fully paid. FLOUR MILLS IN TROUBLE Charged with Violating- Pure Food Law la Prod act seat to Oataua. The seal of some of the special agents of the Ilureau of Chemistry in looking after violations of the national pure food law In this vicinity hss got the Birkett Mills com pany of Penn Van, N. Y.. Into trouble with the Department of Agriculture. Tho specific offense with which the company Is charged Is marketing some off color "pure gluten" flour In Omaha, Two barrels of the Birkett Mills com pany product was shipped to an Omaha firm, and was labeled "Pure Gluten Flour." Samples of the product were obtained by the special agent of the bureau, of chem istry and sent to Washington for analysis. It was found to contain 12.80 per eent of moisture and l.M per cent of nitrogen, the former blng J.S0 per cent above and the latter 4.07 below the standard required by the pure food law. The government stan dard require that "gluten flour must be a clean, sound product, made from flour by the removal of starch and shall con tain not more than 10 per eent of molature and not leas than I I per eent of nitrogen. The Birkett Mill company, wtycb claims io tw in soie manuiacurer Of to product. is charged with a violation of section I of the pure food act. and the Department of Agriculture has recommended the proa cutlon of tbn firm In the fnlted States district court for the western district of New York, In which district the company s located. Tho penalty Involves a heavy fine anywheres from H.ono to $r..ncm. M'CUNE JOINS KID SHOW Veteran of naffalo Bill Fame ay Javealle Clreaa Is a Big; lilt. Bill" McCune, head usher and Indian In terpreter for Buffalo Bill, has joined the Alllson-Daugherty Consolidated shows, now having a week's run st Thirty-ninth street and Dewey avenue. Mr. McCuno has been awsy on a vsratlon because of Illness and dropped Into Omaha last week to recuperate. The engagement was offered to him by Charles Allison, gen eral manager of the Wild West show, and Mr. McCune accepted on the spot. No con sideration was mentioned. It has Buffalo Bill's circus away to the bad," said Mr. McCune. "I have sent Colonel Cody a full set of pictures showing the general plan of the cirrus In the hope that he may get some suggestions from the Omaha Circus company. "Personally I think tho Alllson-Daugherty circus superior to anything which I have seen recently and I have written to my old friend Raln-ln-the-Bsrrel and his wife. Squaw Kick - a - Hole - In - the - Sky, ask ing them to Join the show at Omaha." Mr. McCune says he could take the "kid" circus on the road and give a better show and make more money than the average wagon show made during tho nineteenth century. He regards It as a better paying proposition, considering the money Invested, than the Buffalo Bill show and may get the colonel to appear at the Omaha Wild West show next week If the circus holds together that long. JIM SPECIAL TO BELLEVUE Train Will Carry Simon Pares to See Bryan When the es Is Broken. T. ,T. Flynn, J. E. Reagan and I-e Bridges, Jim committee, have enseged a special train to be run over the Burling ton to Lincoln, August 12. to sec how Bryan takes the breaking of tho news thnt he has been nominated by the democratic party for president. The Jims expect 600 persons to go on their train. They have hired George Green and his band to go with them and Intend to show Mr. Bryan that the Dahlmun democracy is the ."whole works" In democratic circles In Douglas county. The Jims jibe the - Jacks over the an nouncement of tho latter that Georgt Green's band will accompany them to Bellevue to hear Governor Polk's address. Green's band has been hired for the Chautauqua season and will not accompany the Jacksontan any more than anyone else, the Jim say.. SUIT FOR ALLEGED USURY Man Bay He Paid S12:t Interest on Loan Amosntlng to Only $40. Alleging he paid $123 Interest on loans amounting only to $40, George Brodeen of South Omaha has filed a-suit In county court against A. A. Wright, also of South Omaha, Brodeen borrowed $26 at one time and later got $40, for which he paid 10 per cent a month. He also gave a mortgage on a fire Insurance policy to the same man. who sold the policy for much less than it was worth, thereby .defrauding his debtor of several hundred dollars. He now wants to recover the usurious interest which he paid and the balance of the value of his Insurance policy, amounting altogether to $638. . .. ..... LOW FARES 3A9T Via Chicago, Milwaukee Jk St. Panl Rallivar. Thirty-day round-trip ticket on sals dally to many points In eastern Canada, nolnts via Montreal; and on every Thurs day to New England points, via Albany western isew iora ana to rnew fjnglaqa or Rotterdam Jet., via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Complete Information about fares, train erv!c or other details from j. A. Nash, (jeneral western agent, lt rarosm St., Omaha. When the blood is pure and healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth, and free from til blemishes and eruptions ; but when some acid humor takes root in the circulation, its presence is quickly manifested by some form of skin disease. The skin receives its necesaary nourishment and strength from the blood. When, however, this vital fluid becomes a humor-laden stream, it CAn no longer preserve the healthy, natural appearance of the skin, but by its acrid, impure nature continually irritates and inflames the delicate tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a diseased and disfigured condi tion. External applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial only for their ability to reduce inflammation, and assist in keeping; the parts clean. To cure any skin trouble the blood must be purified of the humors that are causing the trouble. S. S. S. drives out the humors from the blood so that the skin, instead of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a healthy, cooling stream. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impure matter, all acids and humors, and restores the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby curing every form of skin disease or affection. Book on skin diseases and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. CA. SIGHT SEEING CAR SUNDAY MORNING Beginning Sunday July 26th the Sight Seeing Car will leave 15th and Farnam streets every Sunday morning at 9:30. Competent lec turer on board pointing out places of interest. Fare: Adults 50c chil dren between 5 and 12 years 25c. Electricity lad. A-1ST8. Q 7hoa ZtoajrUa 106X RIVER MEN TO MEET AGAIN Navigation Promoters Will Confer Thursday at Sioux City. KENNEDY THERE CALLS SESSION Omnha Men Receive Notice of the Meetlna, bat Know Nothing; a to the Details of the Call. To show that the campaign for Missouri river Improvement has not been forgotten. Vice President Kennedy of the Missouri River Navigation congress, has called a meeting of the vice president and officers of tho congress to meet in Sioux City, Thuisday. Mr Kennedy lives In SIojx City. He Is vice president for Iowa. He called the meeting "In the absence of the president." The president Is Edgar C. Ellis of Kansas City, but he did not happen to be In SIojx City, so Mr. Kennedy called the meeting and Mr. Call, the secretary, who lives up the river, advised the calling of the meeting. It has also bein proposed that another congress be held this year instead of waiting until next January. Such a move Is orposed by the "down river" en thusiasts, but seems to be favored by the Sioux City vice president ami the Sioux City secretary. Vice President F. D. Weud of Omaha says the meeting has been called for Sioux City, but further than that would not dis cuss the proposition. He was somewhat surprised that "Vice President Kennedy sheuld call a meeting "In the absence of the president" when Mr. Ellis has been In Kansas City since the week aftor con gress adjourned. Some feeling txlsts between the various factions interested In the development of the Missouri river. Some contend that there was no excuse for Mr. Kennedy's action In calling the meeting, while his friends consider he had a right to do so "In the absence of the president." U. C. Call for Congress. Since his election as secretary of the Missouri River Navigation congress, George C. Call has been talked for congress to succeed E. H. Hubbard, the present con gressman, who outlined his policy for tha river when speaking In Omaha. Mr. Hub bard I for embankment work. Mr. Call la said to be for general Improvement and opening of the channels without reaard to tha embankment work. There la gen eral regret that Bloux City Is pushing the movement into politics. President Ellis Is confident that some thing will be done by the next congress to open the Missouri river. In a letter sent out he says: If we keep up the fight, congress will at the next session authorize the develop ment of a channel from this city to St. Louis. Success Is In sight and this or ganization will he a factor. I must have, and therefore will get 1,000 members In the two cities. The money Is needed for tha purpose shown in the statement sent out. want to show the up-river communities that Kansas City is still at It; that we will not let up until the stretch of river below us Is put In such shape that our merchants will not bo required to operato bouts, but transportation companies will be formed for profit, and we are reudy to co-operate In a program that will eventuate in the Improvement of the entire river. I do not want to lay further burden on our busi ness concerns, and so am simply asking for personal memberships sufficient to make up the funds needed, and enable us to take the part we ought to play. NINE ACRES IN CITY LIMITS Tract of Land Sold by W. A. Smith for Twenty Thousand Dollars. William A. Smith, general manager of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, sold nine acres in Omaha city limits at Twenty-fourth and Fort streets Wednesday to the Kloke-Headley Invest ment company, which company has al ready arranged to put in permanent Im provements and open the tract as Glencoe Place The tract sold by Mr. Smith Involves a consideration of $20,000 and when surveyed for city lots will contain forty residence lots. The company holding the property will ask that Camden street be opened through the tract and will put In at once sidewalks, sewers, water and gas. CURES o SKM DISEASES can turn the wheels everywhere. It makes a saving in power a reduction in expense and Increased output. These bene llts are especially valuable to bakers, black smiths, butchers, carpenters, dentists, jewel ers, printers, wood workers and In (act, all classes of manufacturers. Anyone needing power can profit by calling the Contract De partment. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company J T. M. O. A. BVXLDnTO. en A landslide in Straw Hats Our prices KqlVc slipped "way down' ron 75c all Men's Straw Hat t we ve been Belling at $1 that and $1.25. tm $1.35 all Men's Straw Hats that we've been selling at $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00. FOK $2.45 all Straw Hats we've sold up to $4 and $5. FOK $3.45 choice of any ranauia that sold up to $12. Any Necktie in the . Douse Black Excepted 3s IQCOGS -v tfV ' u-' I Cuts tell tho etry quicker than words. If you have an idea which you want translated into a cut, talk to our artist, who will understand wtjat you want. You cannot do this If you writ to some out-of-town house. Baker Bros. Engraving Company, Barker Block, Omaha, Bab. Red Mens C&rnivaJ AX.& THI WTEI, at COUHCIL BLT7TTB Col Toangsr and Xlcol Show. EDUCATIONAL. Where Ifisy build manly bays fiend your boy to a school where they do more than give thorough Instruction. Our school dors this, but It doe a great deal more. Military training and exerclne will give him a physique which will avail hlru all his lite. The Kearney Military Academy Is a school which gives thorough Instruc tion and military training und maintains a discipline, which together, will give your boy tho trailing he needs to make hm a well educated, well trained, manly young fellow. If this Is your Idea of the education and training you wish your hoy to receive, write me for full particulars, address, Harry V. Busssll, Had Katr, Kear ney, Kelt. Are You Looking for a Good School? To will b pUucs with lh Woman's College at Jacksonville, 111. Wtor io I to s Collcif tor Wosmb ? Htre sr fall Coilcga an Piepitaiotr Cooiki, b ko Tinlafei la Music, All, Dotntuic Scicnc, snS Esprcitlon. tspcnwi retooab!. Suffoundlngi beallhiul. Ham life Ideal. Locatloa cantral Is Miaala Well. Vctf coanniasl to atert pail ol Iba Miaaiiaippl Vallca. tiu4aatilioaisKiiailiastwiiir Siatci. Catalogue Irca. ASdraaa President Harker, Boa i lackaonTille. III. American g K I at ball Hall CSS baata Avt. Chicago, Ilk Conservatory roandtd 1S86. All trancaal ol Muaic and Diaaaljc An. Sr-wnIT eminent inttraclara. UaearpalleS taatae ets. Teackera' Training. Funlit School Mailt Department. VmrtntUd Fr4 Aivmmg. Diplomat, CerhSeales. Tcratt moderate. Thirty tree chool achol. aiahipa awarded w talented penile 04 limited aaeona. Ihrssssttc esartSMat sndef dlrtctloa l aart Ctaasjr Teia kegina Tkertear, Sept. 10, 190s. Catalogue free. JOHH J. HATTSTAEDT, President. Potter College HI'I Por higher education of yosng w rry Selea Indorsed ear two II WX.IHCI sr. Tucmrt omen. two IU 8.1 --:'r - - ''wvi vif- a j jr 2" "lea n Ideate, eeod fer catalogue). Where to Find The Bee When You Travel Arnold's Park, Iowa. O. Otis rarksr. Atlanta, Ga. World zrwa Oo. Atlantic City, N. J. John A. Kijnt, 10 Ooadwlll At. Fsnn Hews Oo. ahsp a Bros., 1411 raclfte At. Bemidji, Minn. O. D. Whittle. Boston, Mass. Tendom Hotel. Touag's Hotel Xsw Bland. Buffalo, N. Y. Oensse Hotel Hew Stand. Hotel Iroquois Mw tnc, aaiusl OoVa, 168 Blllaott Chicago, 111. Auditorium Hew Stsnd. Auditorium Annas; Hew Stand. Jos. Heron, Hew gHasd, Jackson 4 Dearborn. -Ores northern Hotel Hews Stand. ost Offloe Hew Stand. ITS Oeaikora. Grand Faolflo Hotel Hew Stand, rainier Hons Hew Stand. Cincinnati, Ohio. Toms Hews Oo. Cleveland, Ohio. Hollsndsn. Colorado Springs, Colo. Antlers Hotel Hew Stand. Colo. Wholesale newspaper Agsne. J. U. miley, Jr., sas H. Chestnut Si. Denver, Colo. Hendriok Hook and Stat. Co , S14 lttS Street. H. r. Hansen. Brown Fnvlao Hotel. Oloo Hew Co. L. I. Boatman, 17th and Welton. Western Hews Co., 10OO 17th St. Des Moines, Iowa. Most Jacob, SOS Bfh St. Frd Oei, 847 W. Sttt AT. Detroit, Mich. Clyde XAn Hswa Co. Excelsior Springs, Mo. B. T. Ashby, 101 W. Broadway. Silk a Clevenger. Hot Springs, Ark. T. T. Mark, 830 Cantral At. Mr. Kate Wallao, 134 Central At. Zi. B. wyatt, eao Central AT O. K. WaTr Co. Hot Springs, S. D. Emll Barrens, Kansas City, Mo. Tom a Hews Co., Sth and Mala. Blckseoker Cigar Co Sth and Walnat. Bickseukcr Cigar Oo , lath and Walnut Baltimore Hotel Hews Stand. Memphis, Tenn. World Hew Co, Manitou, Colo. X. J. Ho. Mexico City, Mex. Porter's Hotel. Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel Phister Hews Stand. Prank Mulkem, Brand AT, and trd, St. Minneapolis, Minn. Century Hew Co., S. 3rd St. M. J. Kavanaugh, 48 S. 3rd St , HlooUett Hotel Lobby Hew taast Mt. Clements, Mich. ' H. K. Xilchtlg- Co. New York City, N. Y. Broadway Theater Hews Stand. Imperial Hotel Hew Stand. Knickerbocker Hotel Hew Stand Hoffman House Hews Stand, Grand Union Hotsl Hrw Stand. Holland Hons Hew Stand. Murray Hill Hew Stand. Belmont Hotel Hew Stand. Waldorf-Astoria Hew Stand. Manhattan Hotel Hew Stand. Astor Hons Hew Stand. Harry J. Scuulta, S, B. Cor. anil siroaaway. Ogden, Utah. H. J. Klckey. S48 Both St. D. X.. Boyle, U0 85th St. Gray Hew Co., Depot Hew Stand. Lowe Bros., 114 S5th St. Harrop a Ooddard, Peoria, 111 Geo. Hartman, Main and AAfmwt Philadelphia," Pa. Penn Hewe fin. BelleTue Stratford Hotel Haw Stand Walton Hotel Hew Stand. A. P. Xembie, 3738 Lancaster At. Pittsburg, Pa. rt. Pitt Hotsl Hew Stand. Portland, Ore. Central Cigar Store, 378 Waslv, Bowman Hswa Co. Orsgon Hwa Oo 147 6th St. Hos City Hewg Oo. World Hew Co. St. Joseph, Mo. J. Berg-er, 813 BdmoaA St World Hew Oo. St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel Hew Stand, Hotel Jefferson Hew Stand. S. T. Jett St. Paul, Minn. H. St. Marie. Bwd. O. Pitspatrtok, 880 Wabaaa. Salt Lake City, Utah. Hoaenfeld a Hanaen. Hotel Knntsford Xewa S San Francisco, Cal. H. Wheatley Hw Stand. United Hew Agent, 11 Vh Bddy. Hotel St. Praaola Hew Standi Seattle, Wash. Prank B. Wilson, 307 Plk St. Chaa. X. tsorman. Sioux City, Iowa. Wear Hotel Hrera Stand, Mondamla Hotel Hewa Stand. Gerald Pltagtbbon Hewa Stand W. P. Duncan, Iowa BlasT. Marshall Bros. Spokane, Wash. Jobs W. Orabam. Stockton, Cal. Tourist Hews Oo. Washington, D. 0. Palrfas Hotel Haw Stand. Hew Wlllard Hotel Hew Stand. Hew Balaljra Hotel Hew atmad. Ax ling Von Hotel Hew adage House Hawa Staaej , , i ' Columbia Hewa Oa. i