Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Saturday's Clearance Bargains
Ladies' Summer Undergarments assortment unequaled
in Omaha; quality unmatched at the prices.
Extra Special Clearance Sale
of Fine Shoes and Oxfords
Women's tan and Mack oxfords, worth upto $3.50 a pair,
with Goodyear welt and hand turn soles $1.98
Men's patent colt, velour calf and vici kid oxfords, worth
up to$A00 .; $1.75
Men's tan and black shoes, worth up to $3.50 a pair, $1.98
Missea and Child's oxfords and slippers, worth up to $1.75,
at $1.25, $1.00 and 75c
Women's and boys' barefoot sandals, $1.50 quality, $1.00
Children's $1.00 and 75c hand turn shoes in two big lots,
at 75c and 49c
.Boys', youths' and little gents' good serviceable shoes in
two lots at. .$1.19 and 98c
Grover and Queen Quality for Women. Stetson and
Cross et for Men.
25c Fancy Ruchings
for 12ic
A beantif ul lis of SOo and 854
.nohlnga, all saw oolora ana patterns,
50c New Veilings 25c
An elegant assortment for
selection just received.
$3.00 French Handbags 98c
The very latest fancy hand
bag novelty, all colors.
35c Ribbons, yard 10c
Another of those grand
ribbon sales that have been
of so much interest to Omaha
Extra quality plain Taffeta
Ribbons, big line for selec
tion, ,35c values, yard, 10c
Specials in Drug Department
Pond's Extract Still Demonstrated is
6')C HyrtroRrn Pnwxlilw 83o
Z5c Hydrogen Puroxlde ...... 9o
75c Ru"-er Glows J3c
. TOILET raOTIOH . . .
2So Plnnlto Tooth Powder. .13c
2oc Sunitol Tpotli Paste..." 17c
!5e rr. 'Graves Tooth Powdi. . . . ISc
2oc Jlvtinfii iiid Colgate Tiilc. . . . 1 be
1 26 Oriental Face Crraoi II 0
t')c Pozzonl's Powder 8 shades) . .26o
ZwaxoB stock or kaxs bbussss
worth tip to 11.60, ia 3 lot, tic
60c and 6o
Crockery Department Saturday
Closing out odds and ends In
vases, match safes, ash trays. Bait
and peppers, creamers, olive
dishes, tea or coffee pots and
shaving mugs, while they last,
at, each .50
Odds and ends In white -saucers,
each 10
Pie and breakfast plates,, each 20
2 quart stone ice water pitchers,
at 100
Big Bargains in Jardinieres
6 and 6 inxh Jardinieres. .. .190
7 Inch Jardinieresach . . 350
8 inch Jardinieres, each...4f)0
Big Sale of Paints
Enamelet, the famous wood finish, 76c quart 69c; 40c pints 30c. and
,26c V pints 300
Liquid Veneer, the treat furniture pollshT 60c size .......... 35
Johnson's Floor War 46c ran 38c; and 86c can 700
The beat bouse paiut sells everywhere at f 1.60 a gallon, warranted
for three years, our price 980
Window Glass at cut prices..
Romance of Western Editor Centered
in Battered Box.
I Pre Ilea l Joke Which Led Him frees
tutorial Short Uraaa te Laeclosw
Past a res of "That . Set
heart of Mlse."
. A party of editors of western weekly
Vjapera, after a htilo visit around New
tl'ork a while back, were checking their
; baggaga at the ferry station upon the eve
ot tl.alr departure trom that seaboard when
('he dilapidated, ugeworn appesranre uf th
tr jnk of one. of the editor came n for a
ilot of auylna- It waa a small, very oul
C'.uhin..t trunk, and it had Seen so much
service that it required our heavy trunk
trap to hold U together. The man to
whom the trunk belonged, who toyk the
'joshing all In pood part, got bak at,the
Jolittra with this:
"Don't you fallows bother your neada
I about that old box. It s getting pretty old
Land disreputable looking. I'll admit, but
jl'm not going to make any attempt to lose
tit until It falls apart, and then I'm going to
! put its old bones away and keep am duted.
I That old trunk won me my wife."
t They demanded the details of him hen,
f end r.e aappUrd them. :
$ "When I first took hold of the county
f weekly to ur town." ha sail, "my perMral
' t effects didn't much more than half Ml that
. dinky Utile old trunk.- But tor all the eleo
' derneaa of my roeana sad uy wardrobe the
pretlieat girl ia the leva. Uuj daagbtac pt
Tthe beat Off cltUen Of the 'plaoe, wasn't
any Ua good tot sua to pay aajr court ta. I
Fine I'ndpraklrt An tmmertsa
line of samples.
Scores of patterns for selection,
beautifully trimmed with full
larp and embroldrTies, regular
values to til. CO, In three lota
Saturday 31.08 81.50 980
Gown, worth to $2.00, all newest
styles, rut full and long, In 3
' 08 75 500
Ladles' Union Knits, values to 60c,
choice 230
Lamps' Knit Vesta, 15c values at
8 for-- 250
Cornet Covers and Drawers that
sold up to 11.00, choice, Satur-
dy ' 230 300
Ladles' Knit Verts, with fancy
yoke, values to 60c, at. . . 250
$3.00 Rugs Satur
day 89c
Manufacturer 's samples,
nicely bound, IY2 yds. long,
actual values to $3.00, at
one price Saturday. . .89c
$1.50 Smyrna Rugs, 30xC3
size, fringed ends; on sale
at ........ 75C
$30 Wilton -Velvet Rags, 9x12
Blee, seamless,. 10 different pat
terns, at $19.98
.915 Tapestry Brussels Ruga, 9x11
size, 25 patterns for selection,
at g j) Q8
OOc Ingrain . Carpet , half wool,
heavy duality, yard .... 35
7 ft. Window Shades, best quality
water colors, at 22 He
7 ft. Window Shades, bstuallty
oil opaque, at 39
Oar Drug- Department as Vsnal Voday
89c Toilet Waters, today. . . . . . S5c
25c Toilet Water, today Jgo
.25c gack. Sea Salt .....lOo
Jergen's Elder Flower, I for. ...lde
Jergen's Violet Glycerine, tor. .18c
25c Colgate's fcoaR. tOc
10c Colgate's Soap. 3 for.. 30c
Ivory- .Soap ...!. 4o
Hire's1 Root Beer Extract ..i&o
Bryant's Root Beer Extract. ..... lOo
luc Triple Htrength Air.monla 6c
10c Non-Acid Btraw Hat Cleaner.. So
Cat Prices oa all JPataat Hsdiolnse,
10 Inch Jardinieres, each.. 590
' Clearing Sale In Dinner Seta
In order to clear our stock for
oar fall line Saturday, we will
offer the most remarkable prices
that have ever been offered la
dinner seta. Wood Sc Son English
porcelain dinner seta, worth S 14.
for this sale .. S9.95
White and gold Orlndley Dinner
Sets, worth 115.76, for this sale,
at 311.95
100-piece English porcelain dinner
sets, worth $10.00, for $6.95
Big reductions on Uavlland and
AuaUian China Dinner Seta.
uaed to call upon bar two or three evenings
a week, but I waa only on of a boat half
a dozen young fellows In the ywa who alao
were calling upon bar right regularly, and
all of them were a heap better off la this
world's goods, or at any rate In prospects,
than I was at that stage of my life.
Stayed 1st the Uame.
"It as for this reason that I didn't ex
actly say how I stood wfth the girl, hut I
wasn't going to permit myself to be frosen
out by thea others until I got the direct word
from her. 8he was pretty cordial In her
treatment of nte and when X happened to
find other fellows calling upon her when I
VislUd her home she generally let It appear
through the crafty lulls waya that women
piok up aa aooa aa they quit wearing their
hair in braids that ahe'd Just as lief I'd
outstay the other fellows as not.
: "I seemed to be making as much if not
more progress than any of the other suiters,
but aa 1 wasn't making much more than a
bare living out of my paper I waan't la any
shape to propose, especially as the girl s
father was calremely comfortable finan
cially, and I couldn't entertain the Me of
marryhig a lrl with considerable expecta
tions -until I had fixed things so that I had
some worth while expectations of my own.
"Well, anyhow, the frequency of my vis
its and the cordial welcome I always got
from the girl aroused the jealousy of the
other suitors aaturally enough, and one
evening after I d been a caller, at her
boue for about a year they put up a job
on me.
"I was seated on a lawn bench la fronl
of Lhe house with the girt It waa durtag
the summer when the wagoa of the town s
leading grocer drove up In front. Tha
driver of tha grocery wagoa hopped from
his aeat went to tha rear of tha wagon,
loaded my trunk that Httto bartered trunk
thafafforded you so moon amissmnel ou
to his ahoulders and walked Into tha yard
with It just aa any young Wuy'e dad aaaae
10 P, M.
July Garment Clearance Increases i Interest
By the addition of four manufacturers' surplus stocks and the sample lines of others, secured by
our New York buyer at a very small part of their actual value, our ready-to-wear garment stock, in
which assortments had been badly demoralized by the tremendous sales of the last two weeks, is
again brought to a most remarkable state of perfection, and with virtually complete assortments,
offers the very best values of the entire season.
stock of Summer
Waists, newest styles,
lingeries, lawns, laces
and nets, choicest val
ues of the season.
Waists, worth $1.00,
over 60 dozen for se
lection; choice, 50c
Waists, worth $2.00
and $2.50, 75 dozen
from which to choose
at ?100a
Waists, worth $5.00,'
all styles, over 30
Dresses that would sell regular
ly up to $5.00, very newest
styles and beet materials; on
sale at .$1.98
Great clearance bargains in all
classes of Infants' Wear.
Women's Long; Silk Kimonos
Regular $7.50 values, $3.95
Grand Neckwear
The season's first clearance
sale of Ladies' Fancy Neck
wear. All 25c fancy Boa Ties. . . 15c
All 20c fancy Boa Ties. . ,10c
All 10c fancy Boa Ties 5c
25c embroidered Collars 12 VjC
25c Windsor Ties, each. . .15c
20c Windsor Ties, each. .7VjC
10c Windsor Ties, each 5c
25c Mull Ties, each 15c
$1.00 Lace Collars at 49c
Boys Knee Pant Suits
Actual values to $5.00; all new colors and pat
terns, plain or knickerbocker pants, every gar
ment splendidly tailored, all sizes 6 to 16 years,
built not only for style but satisfactory service
the greatest values ever offered here or else
where in Omaha at our sale price ; O C )
Saturday 4LDU
Boys' Indian Suits, Cow Boy Suits and Soldier
Suits, just the thing for the youngsters ; on sale
at 95c and $1.50
down tha front ateps on his way to his
lodge meeting.
"My rivals had kidnaped the trunk from
my room and aent It to the home of the
young lady ia the grocery wagon, with the
lees, of course, of putting me In a foolish
and measly light before her and her father.
" 'What's this?' inquired the old gentle
man as the driver of the wagon, at my
command, dumped my little old trunk on
the lawn.
"I asked the driver how he'd happened
to feteh my trank to that piace, and ho
confirmed my suspicions by Informing me
that he'd been Instructed so to deliver 11
by a number of my rival suitors. The old
geatlemaa cocked up his ear at this.
Two Old Maua Was On.
" It's not my fault, as you can see, sir,'
I aald to the girl's dad, for I felt pretty
cheap even under tha circumstances. I
hope yoa fully understand that I wouldn't
have a hand ta anything so Idiotic'
" That's all right, son perfectly all
right,' observed the fine old boy, eyeing
ma shrewdly, and then casting his Inquir
ing gate over In his daughter's direction.
"Yon and Mary had anything to aay to each
other yet? f
"At that, of course. I felt about as In
competent aa a hair ires Mexican dog la a
snowstorm, sod Mary herself didn't seem
to be hankering to exhibit any conversa
tional powers.
" 'Bees use. my boy.' the old gentleman
went on, still eying me In a kindly sort of
way, 'whenever you and Mary get ready
to aay something to each otherand 1
wouldn't be srwred but what that's the
way the wind blows, bey, young 'una?'
winking In a fatherly sort of way at nse,
wky. Teu might just aa w hare your
trunk at this address least wise until I
build a house for you a anywhere else,
eh, so, what do post Uutek afcout str and
ha tapped ma la a patera! way on the
sag wtt hie a, h waked Mary mrssr the
Dainty Lingerie Dresses, $10.00
and $12.00 values, pinks blues
and whites, trimmed with laces
and insertions, magnificent val
ues; Saturday at $4.98
Nobby Linen Jacket Suits
$10.00 to $15.00 values, very
newest 6tyle ideas, on sale in
two lots. ..$4.95 and $7.95
Special Notice
We have secured for Oma
ha, South Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs, the sole selling
agency for the American
Lace Manufactory's lace pro
ducts. These, together with the Zion
City liarcs, which we control, be
Ing American made, are free from
the 00 per ernt duty imposed on
foreign products.
Special dlaplay and sale Satur
day. See them.
We have the selling agency for
the famous 'Thomas Hammocks,
unequaled in strength, durabil
ity and comfort. Better than
others, costs no more. See our
special Saturday Offerings:
f 1.50 Copyright Books, all newest
tyles, cholca 980
$1.00 Reprint Copyright Books, on
sale, at, choice 430
chin and went hla ponderous way chuckling
ta himself.
"Which la all of the story, or nearly.
Mary had promised herself to me before
the old gentleman had more than half way
reached his lodge meeting, and before the
evening waa over blamed If she hadn't
locked up at me in a shy sort of way and
asked me if there weren't any socks in
that trunk of mine that needed darning:
Bo the joke waa for sure on the chsps who
had thought to be funny by sending that
dinky little trunk of mine to ray sweet
heart's home, and 1 have reason to know
that some of them are kicking themselves
yet." New York Sun.
By using the varioua departments of The
Bee Want Ad page, you get best result
at small expense.
Bryan in Jestlag !wood.
At a jesting reference to his aiatus as a
teraonal csnd date Mr. Bryan laughed
i-artily. "That reniiiMls nte." said he,
"that in liM, when 1 was not a candidate,
an old lady stopped me In the street to
ask, 'Say. Mr. Bryan, who Is running
against you tlila yearT" ,
Beore the laugh subsided Mr. Braa had
Started another story on himself.
"I am credibly Informed." said he, "that
a good democrat hereabouts, when asked
a few day a ago about his vote, said: '1 m
SoUg to vote for Taft.' 'What's that?'
asad lhe surprised questioner. 'Sure
Lhing.' wss ttie answer. 'You ae-e, I can
vote for Bryan any timer "
When the bulletin told of delays In the
convention, th candidate grew impatient.
"fcly fix," he sad. "irininds me of the
rignbeous old WuuKrr who started boin
from the harvrwt flt-ld with a load of hay.
It waa going te rain and the (Quaker was
an a hurr . Off fell the load and our
friend pit liforked It la k again without a
word. Down II went again, and he ag.iln
relMtded without a murmur.
"Just as he reached ttie barn door the
storm broke, the hind wheel struck a ruck
and over went the wagon. His wtfs wst hrd
the spill frosa ber wieHtow and hurried to
help him.
" Oe hast:. Phoebe.' he ehouted.
abmit to express our feelings.'
"That's y nx. Lincoln Dispatch to
Now fork Werid.
Order By
You'll Find
It Both
Convenient and
dozen in the lot, on
sale at $2.50
Waists, in immense
assortment, regular
values to $15.00, in
two great lots at
$4.98 and $7.50
Manufacturer's stock
of Children's Wash
Dresses, values up to
$3.00, pretty ging
hams, lawns and
dimities, on sale at
one price 98c
$2.50 Wash Suits, in pretty
lawns, on sale at 79c
Wash Skirts, newest style, made
of Indian Head muslin, $3.00
values at $1.50
50 Silk Braided Jackets Colors
and black, values to $20.00; at,
choice $10.00
Ladies' Hosiery
Mtgnltictni Cleanntt Bargain;
Ladies' and Children's Hoee, an im
mense sample line, regular 25c to
60c values; lace, gauze llsles and
embroideries with double knee, high
spliced heel, many worth 50c,
choice to close, Saturday pair 150
Ladies' Fine Lisle Hone Lace, em
broidered, plain or fancies, polka
dots, plaida, etc., values to 75c. in
two lots, at 500 350
Ladies' 50c Hose at 25c Great
assortment of allover lace effects,
plain gauze or fancy llsles that sold
to 60c.
Ladies' and Children's Hose that sold
regularly at 19c and 25c, nearly all
styles, at 1Q0 120
The Busy Hardware Dept.
$8.00 Rotary Wash Machines, one day. .$3.98
Easy, ball bearing, guaranteed Wringer $2.G9
$5.00 Gem Lawn Mower, 14-inch blades. .$2.89
$1.50 Galvanized Sto;Ve, two-burner $1.95
$1.50 block tin, copper bottom Boiler 98c
$1.00 white willow Clothes Basket 60c
$1.00 Galvanized Tub, large size 50f
Quart indexed Preserving Cans, dozen 20c
25c union made Parlor Brooms 12Vc
Just a word with you Every item above is a real
bargain, and It is only for Saturday please remem
ber this.
FIRST : ::
Many Dancers Which Air Navigators
Find Difficult to Over,
There are certain grave dangers which
are always present In navigable balloons.
Every tlrno such a vessel makes au as
cent the passengers run Hie risk of the
balloon bursting owing to the sudden ex
pansion of the gas cuueing an exceptional
distension of the envelope.
The ordinary old-fashioned balloon sim
ply consists of a bag of gas, the bottom
end of which is left open; as a result
there Is no fesr of the balloon bursting.
When a spherical balloon reaches such a
height that the gas expands there la not
the slightest danger of amy bursting taking
place, aa the gas escapes through the open
vent. This is why the balloon la orange
ahaped when It goes up and pear-shapod
when it comes down.
Ia the navigable balloon, however, Jt la
not possible to bare an open escape for
the gas. It Is very Important that the
envelope be properly distended, otherwise
the balloon loses Its shape and begins to
sag in the middle; It la owing to the danger
caused by the balloon toeing its shape that
various arrangements are In use Insuring
tile stability in case of a lues of gas.
The cigar-shaped balloon which has lost
a good amount of gas usually begins to
close up like a razor; the result is thst
enormous strains are thrown on the cords
which support the car at the rr-d of the
balloon, all the weight being on tlioee cords
One by une they break, until either the cal
ls hurled to the ground or the whole ap
paratus collapses In a shapeless mass.
Weil-Biade navigable balloons are always
provided with proper safety valves, which
are so arranged as to allow tne gas to escape
only when the preeeure becomes too greai
for the safety of the enveloping fabric. It
la unfortunately tha case, however, that
Men's Shirts Less Than Half
Without doubt the greatest bargain, offerings of the
season, best quality goods at very ordinary quality prices.
Men's Summer Shirts, values
to $3.00, genuino mohairs,
silk and linens, etc., the pop
ular soft collar stylo, just
the thing for warm weather
wear, manufacturer's sam
ples and odd lots, actually
worth to $3.00, choice 98f
Men's Fine Madras Shirts-
The very finest qualities,
regular values to $2.50, all
newest patterns and styles,
with or without collars, coat
style if you wish it; choice
at .98(3
Men's $1.00 Shirts All sizes,
neat patterns; on sale at;
choice 39 c
Unusually Interesting Fur
nishing Clearance Bargains:
Summer I'ndrrwenr must go re
gardless of real value.
Men's IlulbrlgicaQ Shirts and
Drawers, all sizes 30 to 46. plain
or fancies, regular 60c Quality,
on sale at, garment 250
Beautiful New Millinery
Greatly underpriced for Saturday selling.
We have just received from New York an immense ship
ment of the new effects in satin, silk and felt hats, all
beautifully trimmed; specially priced for Saturday selling
at $3.95, $5.00, $G.50 and $7.50
Summer Hats Hundreds of them to select from, values to
$8.00; priced for quick clearance at. . . .$1.98 and $1.00
All hats marked in plain figures here.
Hour Sales
In Domestic Room
8 to 9 A. M. Men's and
Boys' Shirts, worth to $1.00
samples and odd lots,
neat patterns, to close, 19c
0 to 10 a. m Men's balbrlggan
underwear garments, worth reg
ularly to 50c, choice . . . 15
10 tUl 11 a. m Ladles' gowns,
drawers and corset covers, values
to $1.50, choice 250
11 a. m. till 12 ni Men's,
women's and children's Hose, 15c
values, on sale, pair 5j
W. B., Newform and Keduso
els for medium and stout figures, produce the lines of styl
ish beauty with absolutely no discomfort to the wearer;
prices from. ...'..; , . .; $1.00 to $3.00
$1.60 Batiste Corsets, bound with non-rustable boning, trimmed with
Swiss embroidery, on sale f)8r
75c Batiste Summer Cor&etg and Girdles, boae supporter's' attached
all sizes 18 to 30, on sale at 4 t 4ft
Ruffled Shirtwaist Blousve, great assortment, up from"..'.'.'..' 5
Hayden's First for Groceries,
Fresh Vegetabl
The brst Pure Cans Granulated Sugar
at less than Jobbers' cost.
48-pound sack best fancy High Pa
tent Flour, per ack 11.25
X0 bars brst brands Laundry Soap
for ,!:5q
The best Peurl Tapioca or Sago,
per pound 6c
The best Uoinesttc Macaroni,
pkg me
Gallon cans Peaches. Plums, Toma
toes, or Pumpkins, per can.... 35c
10 lb. tucks best White Cornmeal loo
011 or Mustard ardln-n, pi-r csn..;
Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat
flakes, per package 5c
Graham or Oatmeal Cookies, per
pound 7V4o
Fig .Newton Cookies per pound... 7jc
Vr Price's Breakfast Food, per
package ic
Peanut ilutter, per jar tVsc
Choice Japan Rice, per pound 4c
Lrge bottles Worcester Bauce,
CaUup or Pickles, for SViiC
The best Crisp Soda Crackers, per
pound ...le
The best Crisp Pretzels, per b....c
Fresh Herring, per can 8Vc
Large cans Herring and Tomato
Sauce, for 17Vic
teas a wd corrsx
W import Olrsct.
Fancy Golden bsntos Coffee, pr
pound 15c
Fancy Maracalbo Blend, per lb..l7He
Fancy Porto Kieo Blend. pr lb...20u
Fancy Ankola Coffee, per lb lie
inexperleuced aeronauts do not always
make proper ute of these, and ao the bal
loon bursts.
Tne navigable balloon, when driven
through the air at a high velocity, also
runs a great risk of bursting In another
way unknown to the spherical kind. There
la a great tendency for the eri of the
balloon to be blown out. This is cot tha
front part of the bsg, as might be imagined,
but the rear part.
The gas In the front part of the concern
ia pressed upn heavily by the atmosphere
as the balloon rustics alons. and this forces
the gaa against tiie hinder portion. Not
only is there additional pressure of the gas
at the back part, but there Is no preasurw
of air In fact, a vacuum la formed.
Tha result Is a danguroua pressure, which
Is often sufficient to burst out the end
of the envelope, and so cause a terrible dis
aster. In order to cope with this, the best
dirigible balloons have extra tlilcknesaes
of material in order to strengthen the rear
o A
There are certain mineral medicines which will remove the external symptom of
Contagious I'.lood roirirm, asd shut the disease up in the system for awhile, laitwhea
the treatment is left off the disease will surely return. Then the loathsome symptoms
of ulcerateclaioutli and throat, copper-colored fpots, tilling- hair, sores and ulcera, etc,
are usually worse because the disease has made rapid progress on the internal mem
bers, and weakened Uie connitution and general health of the auflerer. 6. Sl & is the
only remedy that tan t nsed wtih perfect aalety in the treatment ot Contagious lilood
Poison, and with the assurance that a lasting cure will result. This medicine, made
entirely of roots and herU of recotfnued curative and tonic value, antidotes and destroys
the powerful virus of the disease, and by purifying the blood of every particle ot the
poison and enriching and strenjrthening' the circulation, removes every symptom of
the trouble S. S. S. does not hide or cover up the disease iu aay way, btit drives it
entirely out from the blood, leaving not the elightest trace fur future outbreak. I loane
treatment book with ValuoU? information and any medical advice desired newt free to
n Mrri ...
cN-v 'i '" 4
-i '"a if ' v "a--S
Men's I'nion Suits, air styles and
kinds, plain or fancies, values to
$3.00, choice 49k 080 Sl.SO
50c Icnther Garters ,.,.. 100
11.00 Leather Delta, all sizes. 30
to 44 250
Men'a Sample Hoae Blacks, tans
" and fancies, values to 50c,
250 150
Mens 25c Hone.,.. 100 1240
Hat Clearance
All $3.00 Hats. ...... . .$2.00
All $2.00 Hats ,..$1.50 ,
All $1.50 Hats $1.00
All $1.00 Hats... ........ .50c
All 50c Hats... ...25c
Interesting bargains in
Trunks, Grips or Suit Cases.
See our special sale offering
Corsets, in all the newest mod
Batter. Cheese. Cracker
es and Fruits
Choice Basket Fired or Uneolored
Japan Tea, at per pound 26a
Try our Combination Blend for Ilced
Tea, per pound im
Fancy Basket Fired Japan. KnKllsh
Breakfast, Ceylon or Gunpowder
J na, per pound ttgn
, Sale Saturday
Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 17o
Choice Country Butter, per lb.... 19a
tiood Creamery Butter, per lb. ...21a
Fancy Creamery Butler, per lb.., 24a
New Eweet Corn, per dos 10a
t bunciies fresh Buets 6a
5 bunches fresh Carrots ,...5q
H bum-hoe Flesh Onions ,...6o
8 bunches fresh Banishes 6j
Ijarge Head Freeh Cabbage .... 2 U a
Fresh Parsley, per buitoh ;.lo
Fresh I-af Lettuce, per head..., la
I Cucumbers , ,.6o
Fresh Kaluinasoo Celery, bead..IUo
Large Cauliflower, eutili , , , , ,fcq
Fancy large awuet California
Cantaloupes, each..., ,,,,5o
Large Juicy Lrmum, per dos..,,16o
Fresh roasted Peanuts, per quart. , bo
New Apples, t lbs..., ..,&au
Fancy Was and Green I'eaa,
per pound , IUc
Flush Turnips, per pound ,lo
Large Basket Fancy California,
Plums, for ,,,.25e
Large basket fancy Arkansas Alberta
Freestone Peaches 17 H
end, and ao to prevent tha tail point ot tha
balloon being foroed out.
Another source of danger to the rlgan
shaped balloon Is the presence of clouds,
paasing in front of the sun. The passage
of a cloud In froix of the aun will cast a
shadow wlilch chills the gaa to such an
extent that the balloon will wrinkle and
descend with considerable veloolty. On tha
other hand, should the clouds break and
the sun shine through, the gas may expanj
with audden force sufficient to burst tha
If much ballast Is thrown out the balloon
Is bound to come to grief and a terrible
disaster happen. Greatly mistaken notions
are prevalent regarding the amount of
sand which Is thrown out la order to make
a balloon rise. A sackful of ballast thrown
out at once Is pretty certain to cause dis
aster; even If a mere handful of sand be
thrown out K la sufficient to wiakn tha
balloon jump to an appreciable height.
Brooklyn Eagle.