16' THE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. JULY 15. 1903. g r .i?4 THIS, STORE, CLOSES DAILY AT 5 P. M. WttXudn&Julr luidrAurfuaL SfxturtUva vt 10:03 P. M. fl? SU1 ' W Xztr Spec- Xl lata (fa Day rT, This LF. Xlfaak. TM to GRAND CLEARING SALE i OF ALL OUR WOMEN'S Silk & Net Waists Worth-vp -to $8, at $2.50 to it? to Wednesday we group in one lot all our beautiful silk, lace and net waists that have been selling up to $S.OO. These are in white, cream and delicate evening shades with short and long sleeves many are beautiful dress and party waists, elaborately trimmed. Exquisite Waists that have been priced as high as eight dollars. WEDNESDAY EXTRA SPEC IAL, at $750 wiiii m um BRANDEIS GRAND CLEARING SALE OF OUR FINEST $.L EMBROIDERIES at 59c 18 and 27-inch fine French Batiste, high grade, hand loom embroid eries, finest quality of flouncings, in all this season's choicest de signs. Including exquisite Filet, Grecian, shadow dainty eyelet and French effects. The window dis play of these wide embroideries has been admired by thousands goods are positively worth to $1.50,. BRANDEIS 25c WASH LACES at 5c Yard Fine French, German and Filet Val. laces anl insertions, fine Torchons, Point de Paris, Plat Vals, Cluny Cur tain Laces, etc. many to match to 6 Inches wide and worth to 25c yd., 2 big bargain squares at, yd 5c BRANDEIS 10.000 YARDS of EMBROIDERIES an INSERTIONS. WORTH UP TO 10c YD.. lc Cambric embroideries insertions and headings good needle work worm up to ioc a yard., at, yd Fine German Torchon Lares, fancy galloons and Tolnt Russe to 2 inches wide neat designs in durable laces, worth up to 5c a yard, at, yd r....ic BRANDEIS fel BUY A NEW SUIT NOW AND PAY US ONE-THIRD ITS ACTUAL VALUE. Entire Retail Clothing Stock Bought from L. Ullman & Sons, E. Houston St., New York STEIN-BLOCK Every suit is new, up-to-date and very well mode many of the Steln-ItltK-k Young Men's Kuits ore in heavy weight. Buy now for fall use. ANY MAN'S OR YOUNO MAN'S SUIT, from the big retail stock, POSITIVELY WORTH $12.50, $15 and $18, (BRANRB& fZZD GORDON TO OMAHA BAREBACK Stateaoeasi Frank Carrie Makra the Trip a Donkey to See tha Bl dir. (Yank Currie, twlre member of the lower branch of the Nebraska legislature, came to town from Gordon Monday riding a blind donkey bareback. At least this is What he says. "I hadn't Men the sights of Omaha for ax long," sued Air. Currie, "that I took the first rnanna ot orrarttig that I could.' Whan Mr. I'tirrto WM In Omaha the last time ha thought he haA made up hie mind to run fur tha stats senate this fall on the republican ttuket Now ha la unde cided. If his country call he will answer with liU eervk-es, but he modestly admits that he'd rather serve hie state by remain ing In tha ranks ot Jhe high privates. Mr. Currie la one ot the most astute politicians ot western Nebraska and what le says usually gow out there. lie has axnouooed with aolatiui conviction that Mr. Bryaa will bf totKvtttm at-the polls in his own state next November. "And he'll come Just as close to carry ing tho country at large," he says. "I toll you, there are getting to be fiwer demo crats In this country every day. Why, out at Gordon not long ago they were getting up a political debating society and they wanted all parties represented When meeting time came the house was full ai'd the chairman ca'.led for all repub licans to stmd on one side of the room, democrats and pops on another and those of other political parties In the middle. Everybody but two men flcxlied to the side designated for the republicans; these two took their places in the middle of the room. " 'Are all you fellows over there re publicans?' as'ted the chairman, facing the republican side. They paid they were. ' 'Where are the democrats? Are you two fellows la the middle democrats?" "'No,' spike up both these chapsi haven't taken out our papers yet.' "Well, air, thry had to offer a reward of $100 for a democrat to Join that society and twv- Weeks after the reward was pub- Box Paper Specials R00 boxes flue Sta (loner- worth up to 40c; Wednesday your choice, at lOc t T T" " fO U FltKF Any l.V Ladles' Home Journal Pat tern with Summer (Quarterly " f Style Ilok, at aUC We close at 1:00 o'clock Every Tuesday During July and August. Other days at C o'clock, Saturdays 10:00 P. M. A MON " ft M STER PURCHASE AND SALE M a D Wednesday's July Clearance Features Hundreds of Other Bar gains too Numerous to Mention. I MA Ml ETUI' I llMulliyiOviS THE RELIABLE STORE Store Closes at 5 P. M., Ex. cept Saturday at 10 P. M., ' During July and August. Entire Surplus Stock From a New York Manufacturer on Sale WEDNESDAY Bennett's buy this great stock at practically their own price to clear up the stock. Another sale that will add prestige to, and spread the fame and name, of The Bennett Com pany as the store that always gives just what it advertises. Here are 700 dozen of the prettiest Waists that were ever assembled. Every one new, fresh and crisp, never before offered at retail. Also several hundred black and colored waists in the sale. This Sale Wednesday will create nothing short of a sensation in Omaha. Never was there a sale equal to this in magnitude, or in low pricing ever attempted in the entire west. SEE THE WINDOWS - Thousands have marveled at the wonderful bargains. Be Early Wednesday Morning Hundreds of waists worth to $5.00, buy any of them f or al Waists that are beauties and worth $1.50, for 1,000 PAI1S4 Finest $2.50 and $3.00 Waists ever shown in town for mm m XFOSDS FIRST TIME AT CUT PRICES Never before have Dorothy Dodd Shoes been sold for less than regular fixed prices as stamped on each shoe. Dorothy Dodd shoe fashions and Dorothy Dodd quality have an international reputation. In this great sale, we offer you only new goods no jobs or bankrupt stocks, or old styles but newest Summer Ox fords fresh from the factory. Every pair carries the Dorothy Dodd trade mark; that's your guarantee. These shoes sell everywhere at $3.00 and $3.50. Wednes day, for the first time, at a cut price. We have every size and width in blacks or tans. Everyone can be fitted. i a i a a B s n B i i h it DOROTHY DODD hand-sewed, tan calf, Ox ford Ties, tan kid Pumps, patent leather colt Pumps and Oxfords. Reg- TN JT JT ular$3.50. Every pair Mi fl i "21 1 1 HA with price stamped on them Wednesday, at CbBT DOROTHY DODD Patent colt, patent kid and tan Oxfords, Ties and Pumps, swellest iM.uu lines. ednes- f day on sale 0) &)W at per Vg f n CJj pair. DOROTHY DODD Oxfords, small sizes only lot $3.00 lines for, pair. . . . : -big 1.29 Wash Goods Sale a Magnificent Success Monday, as was expected, the biggest day's Wash Goods Business ever done by this great store was recorded. Thousands of enthusiastic buyers crowded the aisles. Not a single one but who went away highly pleased. Wednesday, new lots replace those sold: Three Specials for tlie Day 35c Embroideries Wednesday 124c The greatest lot of Skirt Flouncings, Allover Embroideries and Coiset Cover Embroideries ever shown in Omaha at so low a price: nc Corset Cover IOJslOC Allover Embrold- in I OJU Embroideries l2Co3C erics -..t2C 35c Skirt Flouncings 'SX.fS;r.f,.....l2io Zion City Laces TZZTI:ie:::Z.de and 4ic Shoe News That Will Be of Interest to Ulomen Ziegler Uros., Philadelphia, Pa., find $3.00. $3.60 and $4.00 Oxfords, pat ent colt Oxfords and Christie Ties, at- l,a,r Sl.OS MIsKes' and Children's tan and black Oxfords and Slippers in three lots, at Pr iialr $1.25 Sl.OO 750 Women's or Boys Barefoot Sandals, sizes 2V4 to 6, the $1.60 and $1.75 kind, at, per pair S1.00 For those tired, achlns feet, buy Grover Shoes and Oxfords, made tor tender feet, cool aud do not hurt tha feet. Extra Specials Wednesday 500 pieces of Arnold's Holly Batista and Pacific Fine Batiste, sella In all ' small stores at 15c. our price Wednesday, for the choicest gooda only, a FKO.M 0:00 TO 10:00 A. M. One case of Aproii Checks 7 cent value, at J'ard 3 . G? FROM 2 : OO TO 3:00 V. M. One case of Edward's fine lOc.iluslin, 10 yards limit, at yard. 5 Simpson's Summer Prints, 10c value at, per yard 3H 25c Scotch Ginghams, at per yard 1Q JULY CLEARANCE Men's Suits $10.00 to $20.00 values, in three Big Lots: $5.00 $7.50 and $10.00 For All Day 25c Silk Mulls, at 10 19c largo Towels, 10 15c large Towels, 7H 35c Turkey Red Table Damask, yard 12 39c White Fancy Waist ings, at yard . . ... 25c White Fancy Waist ings. at yard ..7HJ COME EARLY. THURSDAY Underwear Greatest Bargain Offerings of the entire season. SEE 16th STREET WINDOWS. Groceries The bust pure cane' Granulated Sugar at 10 bars ht'rv brands Laundry Soap....2Bo The best Pearl Tapioca or Sago, lb.... So The beat lianri-rilrknil Vnw u..un u r The best domestic Macaroni, pkg.'. . .8VjO . iiiniiu a iuiu mmi inegar, nome.oo Lare bottle Worcester Sauce, Catsup or Pickles, assorted kinds, hntilo ol. Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flakes, nkir . r The best Corn Starch, pkff 4i,o OH or Mustard Sardines, can 4Ho Tall cans fancy Plood Red Salmon. lBo The best Soda Crackers, lb ....!.: .6o The best rrlsp Pretzels, lb 60 The best crisp Glntfer Snaps, lb Bo LarKe cans lierrlng and Tomato Sauce can 17 Ho Kresh Horrlng, can 8 Uo The best Tea Slftlnjrs. lb ia0 Fancy CJolden Santos Coffee, lb...-. ..loo Try a pound of our Combination Blend Tea for Ice tea purposes, lb 38o Health Cereal Coffee, the great coffeo substitute, 2 lbs. In package for. ....Mo Fresh Vegetable Prices for Wednesday Fancy Wax Beans, lb 2 W, Fresh Leaf Lettuce, head.-.. .,. ....I Fancy Green Beans, lb 2H rresn nome grown Turnips lb.... Large heads fresh Cabbage. .. .2 He Fresh Parsley, bunch id Largo heads Cauliflower 5 Fresh Beets, bunch Ji Freeh Carrots, bunch 1 8 bunches fresh Onions Fi bunches fresh Radishes Fi Large Egg Plant, each 5 fresn Kalamaaoo Celery, head..2,We Three large Cucumbers for 5k Fancy large California Sweet Canta loupes, each .jja Fresh Roasted Teanuts, quart. .. .gii Large Juicy Lemons, dozen Fancy California Ox Hart Cherries. lb 10 Fancy Currants. Raspberries, Black berries, Gooseberries, etc., by the crato at less than market prices. Peaches Peaches Peaches rut them up now. These are the finest Arkansas Elberta Freestone Peaches nothing finer grown while this car lasta wa will ixm- uihih 10 sen tnem per tour-tiasKet crate These are strictly No. 1 goods no second grade or chofee 'stock PLUM 8 Four-basket crates fancy California Red Juiu Ili.m. crate 75c 98c m haydens' am 5,000 yards dainty Batistes, fine sheer goods, dots, stripes and floral effects every yard big 15c values, at B "of yard H Black Lace Stripe Lawns, 75 pieces, fast colors, also plain black check Swisses all 25c values, nm at per i1 yar;d jrCj 20c and 25c Fine Zenhvr A. (Jinshams, 32 inch French Ginghams, neat checks, and laids, newest styles, AVednes- 3"Qf day, at yard w W Continuing (he Big Sale MEN'S SHIRTS Three thousand shirts sold in a single day Satur day think of it! Men told us we had the best bar gains they ever saw. We knew it. And plenty more new ones for all week. "Get next" to this: 89c 69c 1.10 2.00 Shirts, all new, desirable styles, no flaws, for $2.50 Shirts slightly Imperfect, for Finest 12.50 and $3.00 Shirts, positively none better, for. . & & The Best Dollar Corsets Ever Sold Every woman who reads this will want one. Quality superior to many dollar corsets. Fin est batiste, strongly built to give great ser vice. All the best styles, too, long hip, high and medium bust, and trimmed with laces or embroidery, hose supporters g attached. Every size, enough HSaiBf for all who come, at each vlU 11 gj I ; Watty lOur 1 Notion Day Pearl Buttons, all sizes 5c kind 3 dozen for 10c Black Skirt Braid, (5c yd.) 4 10c Lenox Pin Books, at 2 for . .5 25c Satin Pad Belt Hose Supporters, per pair 15 5c Hooks and Eyes, all sizes, 3 cards tor 5i 5c Cotton Tape, all widths, 4 pieces tor 5 10c Black Sewing Silk, 100 yards dozen for 2f 6c Samson Thread, 3 spools for 5 Wednesday's Grocery Specials Batavla Salmon, extra quality, per cun SOc and 10 Stamps. Taa Bpaolal Corsloan Plend Tea, at pound 40c and 4u Stampa. Hutlat Faanut Buttar l.nrtie jar 30o ami 20 Stamps. Medium jar 16o and 15 Slumps. Small Jar loo and 10 Stamps. Baylaa' Xauncbaon Hsrring-, two Jan for 80o and 10 Stumps. PlcklM, assorted, buttle for 6o III. Frtcs'a Breakfast rood, three packages for 85o and 2 Stamps. Graham and ' Oatmeal Crackers, at per pound lOo a i STABCH SPECIALS Batavla Corn Starch, three puek- aiid for S4o uixl 10 Stamps. Batavla Oloaa Starch, three pack- agea for 34o and lu Stamps. Batavla Oloaa Starch, box. three pound for 3Jo anil 10 Stamps. Beonatt's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Fees, five taiiH 60c and 3U Sluuipa. Pics Pics Mrs. Douglas' Peach and Tlum 1 fW Oxford Tans I'lea. home made, at each I llshed ir. tha paper they fc-ot a letter from a man down In Oklahoma, asking- It It was necessary to live in Nebraska In order to get tho prhte." Balldlnsr Peru Its. Joseph V. Kasper. 2ri8 Suiith Twelfth, frame dwelling, 11.4U0; Mrs. F. V. Veail, Hlxtrenth and Center streets, frame dwel ling. K. Q. Smith, eighteenth and Spraguo streela, frame dwelling. l.'.fcO; IX U. Smith. Eighteenth and Sprague el reels, fram dwelling. U.&V, M. - U. Trimble. Twenty-eighth avenue and Bildlng aUeel, frame dwelling, $l-o. BAILEY (El MACH DENTISTS THIKD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16tb and Karouiu Htrects. Best equipped DenUl office la th mlddl wait. Hljheat grada UttntUtry at IteasonabU Frlce Porcelain fllllnss. Just Ilk taa tools. Bee Want Ads-Business Boosters Are as pleating to ourselves as to our customers. They certainly are beauties Every style imaginable and every leather manufactured. Nothing so popular this seanon. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 Hee llisplay in Windows. FRY SHOE CO. THE tBOlll. 10th and Iouglus btrecta. HAIR l )n a Face, Xek, Arms or HhOutucrq ta Not C'oiiaidered Attractive. LA JEUNE DEPILATORY (LIQUID) will remove l.alr from any part of the body In from 6 to lu minutes leaving tl.e akin soft and white no smarting or burning; 75c per bottle. liy mall tealed. 11.00. Circulars free. SHERMAN McC01IHLI. SBUO CO, Cor lblh and Uodge Kts., Omaha. OWL DaUO CO, Cor. ltitlt and Harney Sta. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA ea Taa ta Teu FrleaeU. FECIAL TWO CAKE S EOeR WEDNESDAY Wednesday we place on eale our regular 15c Jelly Roll for .... .10c ...also... White Mountain Cake, deco rated with chocolate icing, regular price 15c, Wednes day 10c Give Us Your Order Early. Itt3TOHIBBTiirr.iw lf518-20 Karnaia St. Phone Doug. 711. Iod. A1711. 70). Best In the World. HAND MADE LINEN COLLARS. CAYUGA, A NEW STYLE. . KAKL & WILSON WRITE T YOU ir1rV A 1" LE OR WANT J j J J Regera Coal Mlalag Ce.. Pelletewa r