THE OMAHA PAIT.Y REE: SATURDAY. JULY 31. 190?. in RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Firmer Cablet and Balli Stubbornlt i . . J Put Wheat Hijhtr. i 'ia t A VORAELE BEPORTS COME 1 Dakota aaa Whole . - . i rmnfi Seaa ( nroorta Favorable to Hall lae ( Market ( era la Ala Stroaa;. OMAHA. July 1ft. 10. Reports from the Iakotaa anl generally through the northwest a heat seiOon con tinue bulllah. Firmer cable and food aupport by the bull Interests atubbornly put wneat high r. Corn alao showed exceptional strength on strong caah demand and .Ight recrCHa. 1th few exceptions trader lavored the up aid to all options and values were hi her. wheat opened steady to He higher on unfavorable reports trom the northwest and with firm cable values w-re well sus tained and well supported mrooghuut tne easlon. July wheat opened at lac and closed at 16 c. Corn was exceptionally strong, sup ported by a strong bull moveinrnt. in duced by light receipts and a very strong cash demand. July corn opened at 70 'u and closed at 70Sc Primary wheat receipts were 399,000 bushels and shipments were 200.000 buahels, a gain over receipts last year of 417.000 bushels and shipments of 225,000 bushels. Corn receipt were 201.000 bushels and shipments were 116.000 bushels, a gain ovver receipts last yar of 460,000 bu.-ceU and shlpmenta of 660.000 bushels. Clearancea were lio.OOO bushels of corn, 1.000 buahels of oats and wheat and (lour equal to 120,000 buahels. Liverpool closed S to Hd higher on Wheat and S to d higher on corn. 8eab0rd reported HI. 000 buahels of wheat taken for export. Local rang of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close I Yei'y. Wheat- I 1 July... tfil tb . Sept .. 86 I Si I Sim !HW, Corn- I I I July... TOVi,! 7:-S. SSHl "0! WW Sept... , 7"H 71! 70V4' 71S, Dec... 68 I 684 U Oats 1 Sept... W SS X SSS; M May... i 41 H. 4oVil 41 S 404 Omaha Cask Prleea. WHEAT No. t hard. Syo97c; No. S hard. W5V; No. 4 hard. rnW-c; No. I spring, fc. COKN-No.' .'7:Vc.No. 4. 71H972V,e; No. I yellow. 7'c; No. t whsat. 790. OATB fitx&oOlic ; No. I "wheat. 6f&6lV:; No 4 white. 8rjj5uc. RYE No. 1. 7io7Sc; No. 3, TOiJTlc. Carlot Reeelpta. Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago 23 . 160 . S8 Minneapolis tfi Omaha S 16 , Uuluth 1U CHICAGO GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS 1 eat area of tke Tradlaa; and . losing Prleea aa Baard of Trade. CHICAGO, July 10-The local wheat market closed weak-today owing to liberal ree.llxlng sales, final quotations oi. the Bxp tember delivery being down 4onc. Corn waa up Wale. Oals were '- Higher and previsions UVlic to &Cc higher. The final weakness In wheat market marked tha close of a nervous session dur ing which a large volume of business was transacted. The unresponsive tone of tno Liverpool market, prices for a-heat on that markat being only a trifle hllur notwith standing a sharp advance here e.terday, caused considerable selling here at the opening, which reaulted In a ilignt dip dur ing the first few minutes of Hading. Com mission houses, however, were active III dera and thla soon caused a sharp rally, prleea advancing about lc before the end of tha first half hour. For a time aentl ment In the pit continued bullish. Inspired to a large extent by unseasonably nln temperature In the northwest, particularly In North Dakota. The market weakened again ln the final hour, owing to quite general profit taking and -iloaed weak at almost the lowest point of the day Sep tember opened lower, at tSJJ. advanced to lie and then declined to V9c. The close waa at KS4rc. c'er"cjrV0.f wheat and flour mere equal to iW.OoO bu. Exports for the week, as ehoaji by Brad streets, were equal to I.7S0.OW bu. Pr.nnry recelpta were 3W.OO0 bu compared with 4.T7.irt bu. the ame day a vear ago. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago repor.ed re ceipts of 197 cars, against 213 cars last week and 6& care a year ago. . The corn market waa strong throughout the session, owing to active demand by shorta and leading bulls. At the top prices were Some KaV bv ,h,e, lo.w point of the day. The upturn aeenied to I due to the overaold condition of the mar ket rather than to any newa of a bul.lsn character. Weather conditiona wete ex tremely favorable for the new rrP aid damage reports were few The "'Tf reacted a bit from the top but e os d strong. September opened V.C lower to l,e higher, at TlNfrT-'C advanced to .Sc and closed at 7Mai;rc. Ixh-sI recelpta weye lbO cars, with 14 of contract grade. The bulge In corn caused a anong market for oats A leading bull was an ac Ive b jver and there was also a brisk demand by' shorts, based chiefly on the hot westher in the northwest. The market withstood liberal realising sales and cloaed strong. September opened c lower to ' higher, at WSlHOc. and advanced to 4'c. where It close!. Iocal receipts were S cars. 1'toTislons were active and trong. T"1 Strength of corn and an advance of 10c In Tne r ?e of live 5 its were T i rcldef bu"! throughout the session and rr.ces ' rubstsntial gains. At tne close nin-um-r pork was up 32V at li 17. lard was up 12VS16C at 19 2Vj4l9.5. Ribs were 1543 17V higher, at 19.00. - Estimated receipts for tomorrow: heat. XI cars; corn, 139 cars, oats. 114 cars; hogs, II no head. 'foa loading tuiures ranged as follows; Wheat I I I July...Ts1SS! 9l 8epl...'S4Ts- ' ! aJcc..l9lWii 2",' hDec.Wt-l'i! 92 9,9SijVj 9 v l i 72 I 74 ! SO ' s :s Cfrti July, fept. I ec May. cuts 74V 74v,i t , S2S 4Ri, t;. 40,: 4. 1 ..Tistj-T: .' 'y' 1 1 71 13..'s nl"Sh-i -., -J .ea a 1 ITM 4b,, J"" 41 I 2'l I a July.. 4 bJuly.. 47 1 Fepl...,t't;4'l Dec....! 41 I May...il2',i'r 4T'.4J ', 'H 4rt4 St, . 41S "S 4-fl- lot 1 i July...! IS 071 1 10 1 I I IB ' I 1 l . I lo 90 1 li i7 .t 6 le ,.' I 16 m u ri -Pt ,. la 9i.!IH J (, t. . : 1 0 I In lard- Julv. Bept . Ihl. I I .1 18 ! ., H So I I I 46 6241 9 '0 9 6, I 1.41 9 .0 I s.S, i'V 9 9 u 1 I si1 lil s- I 1 July... 8 ti , I i ' Kept... I 8 9n I l'.'1 Oct. ...I k 97' 9 0. , I 87HI S I S7H 8 7.4 t1 I S "6 , o7', .24 aOII. t-New.. Cash quotations were aa follows: r lAM'it 11 m; Ki.iin .a.eii.a. S4 t ijt'. sitsights. S.t:"(i4Mi; bakers, 12. Ai S . i ..0. slrJi,ht, 13.9 fa4.. takera, i.M SJ y . vvHEAT-No. I jprlng. sessi on; No. 2 red. r91c. C.OKN-No. !. 7J4i7c; No. J yellow, 754 j TtV. OATS No. I white, 4 tj5"ic. lav No. 2, :! ' PARLEY Fair to chidce malting. n;4c. SttDd Flax. No. I northwestern. il.!:v Tlmotny. 4 !"! 10. I'R l L-lONis fch vtt r bs sh ea tloei, SStawWa-A;.- Jmi pt.rk. per bbl., t t'to .lil). Lard, per 1'"' Iba.. Sh.24- Short c ear l .e lboed. .S9 tB . lolomlna vere the recelpta and sitp n erits of f our and gra n: . . - . . Recelpta Fhlpmentv Flour, bbls 13.7i0 i.3 0 Wheat, bu Js.OW 44.0 0 Corn, bu I..axi 3t, 0 taia. bu l3&v 00 Kye. bu 2. o ' b.r.ty, bu 2j,.0j, i4.4.0 Ou tha Pudui.e today tha rutt'r mare. Vil. a.c-a.y. u.4.jt... .-. . ca--. 162UC. ' Ek. llrm, al n.ark. caava Incluued, uiloc; iiiSit i.e. prime flit.. Cheese, easy, V4rHV- SI. Lanla Ueaeral Market. ST. LOIIS. July 10. WHEAT-Futures, weak; cah strong: track. No. t red. rash. SOtpttlV: So' 1 hard. SI. 01 41 1 064; September, aa . laeceniber. 9to. r 4JURN Higher; track. No. 2. eash. T7c; Ma. t white. 81V; September, 7JfT.IV; De cember, 6Si6l4c. OATb ll.gner. track. No. 2. cash, 56c; 'o. S white, ; AWptember. c 8ED Timothy, atewdy, IMiul M; new, S" rLOUR-Qttitni tad winter paieots. M ; extra fancy and straight. $I4V!4 2i. ci-r, ux-"aiv OiRnM KA 1 Firm. $3 n BRAN-rirm; Ncknl et track. II -4 1 IV. "at-nghr. timothy. $ienM. prai- tie. $!rtaili4 KN (OT TON TIF.F 1 on. IIF.MI' TWIN&-7C PROVIPIONS-Fork. hlel.r. H?:r Mi , l-VS high,;? Vim, pi ? E. tr salt meats. 1-'1v , I x-o .l bort. r:5: clear run. IP 11. short ne.tra. H 5v. Bacon, stesd) ; boxed xtra short. am t"i clear rtha short clears. liO T pot i a TRY Quiet : chl'-ken. Hc; spring. l'-!4c; turkeys. llH.V; ducks. 7c; geese. St ill TTKKWu let : rieamery. 18 .-.a'. EOU8 Bted ; l.Vy , case count. Kete'pt. sntpment" Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. .. Oats. bu. .. 5.o"0 H nO '."O.iTrt !.( 4 f" 42.0O.I j 4-..O 0 tV.iM WE4Tlir.ll IN THK (jRAI BEIT Fair aad Cooler Saturday, laii the 9kr Pilot. OMAHA. July 10. II. Since the report very l.ghl showtrs were siattett-d over the upper i e legion, upper Mississippi and upper M.s sourl vaile.s mm tiiitu e nurthweat. Hams . . i,,n 11.1,11 iiu i i.i- ittiiiiH ih niucii ,eV m",r '-?;, ; Iff 'and U Z ... r'i ported. 1ha wtatlier will continue fair in this vicinity ton mm and Saturday, Willi cooler Saturday. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with toe uuy of the last inree year: 1. 1!'7. l". lr. Minimum temperature 71 7 67 66 Precipitation on .m .00 .00 Noimal temperature for tooay. 76 degrees. Kxceos In piecipitailon aince Marclj I. 4.1s Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1907. 7.11 Inchea. Detldeney corresponding period ln H. 2.70 inches. U A. WELSH, Ivocal Forecaster. Csra aad W keat Hrglon Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at S a m., 76. h merlulan time, Friday, July N, 19j : Temp. Kaln- B.a:inns. Max. Min. lau. PUy. A ilbd, Nfb f7 70 .-0 CI ar Au'.urn, Neb S7 U ,i0 t lear Broken liow. Neb. 91 t3 1 1 ar Columbjs. Neb... H 62 .W Ciear Cu bitsou, Neb. M 66 . Cl ir Karbuty. No.... 91 t .10 CI ar Ur. Iaiand. NeJ... 9i 72 .on Clear hartlngton, jeb.. 94 .00 lear Htst Ne'j ... 91 6S .00 C ear Hol,rige, Ntv ... II 6 .w) Clear Oakda.e. Neo 93 b . Clear (Miiuha, Neo f! C7 .0 Pt. cloudy Tekamah. Neb.... 8 6 .00 Clear Alta, Ja s t . 0 . lear Car.oll. Ia i ! .(0 CKar ( isrluda, la 81 62 .' P.- c.oudy SH I, v, ia S oi .0 t lear Soux City. la... j 74 .10 Pt. cloudy MUv mum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Statlona. Max. Min. Inches. Chlcafo. Ill K W Culumtus. 0 18 82 Dee Mo.n s. la.... H 84 Indlanspota, Ind . 11 84 Kansaa city. Mo.. 21 i-8 I-ou svl le. Ky IS M Minneapolis. Minn. 28 92 Omaha. Net W rS tit. Louis. Mo 13 84 68 14 6i .6 h4 ( 6-' 06 60 The wtathir Is much warmer throughout the corn and wheat region. Very light and scattered showers occurred in the extreme wea ern district within the lssl twenty- four hours. 1 A. WEISH, Lo. al Forecaster. ItEW YORK GENERAL MARKET 4aotatloas of tke Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. Juiy III. FLOUR Receipts. 16.117 bbls.; exports. 2.d9u bbls.; mat Ket firm with fair Inquiry. Minnesota patents. 16. 25b 6.65; winter straights. S4.loii4.25; Minnesota bakers, 4.05u4 6o; winter ex tras, 13454. 0'J; winter patents, 44.40 4.75; winter low grades, Jl 30 3 Jo. ltye flour, fairly steady; fair to god, H.Utf'i.w. choice to lancy, M.oooo.oO. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, 11. (SOS 165; coarse, $1 t5, kiln dried. S2.00. RYE Dull; No. 2 snestem. aStc f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 2.oiX bu.: exports. 57 02 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2 red, KS'ifcWf'sC elevator; No. 2 red, 9?V f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, J1.20K f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. I1.06H f. o. b. afloat. Before being checked by cool weather predlctlona wneat was strong and up to highest prices of the week today, on hot weather talk from the northwest, a big demand from shorts and strength in coarse grains. Prices eased off near the close, however, and were finally VuH" net lower on denials of damage. July. W-c(a 11.00's. closed 9'ac; September. S'a97 15-1.-; December. Ml4i99Sc. closed 9!4;C. CORN Receipts. 6.S40 bu : spot market firm: No. 2. 82c. nominal elevator, and 8.'ijc nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market had a Mg advance on covering ana weew-iu strength, closing itair nei nigner. amy closed 82V 7 September. HtMV, cloced MVc. OATS Receipts. ?7.nort bu.; exports. 1.250 bu. Spot market firm: mixerl, L6 to Zl r.nnnrl. 5ij!i tr.f nntllrnl white. 3n32 noltld.i'. 5)Vnv; clipped white. aitMC pounds, iS'i'n 7c. HIDES Firm: Bogota. 1 S 4 1 8 c; cen tral America, 1SV. LEATH BR Firm; add, IlS2Sc. PROVISIONS Beef. steady: family, ti 7S H 1 7 50: mess. 8 1 4.50ri 1 5.50 : beef hams. 15S 00-5 30.00: racket. 1 15. 0"'(i IS 00; city extra Indian tnes, S24 601 2$. 00. Cu.. meats, firm: pickled bellies. t- .toUjII.ui; Dickled hams. S12.tMil2.oo. Ijird, firm; westew. S9.6f9.6f.; ref ncd. steady: conlin- i .f.1; ' 'T. ' ..I--. rk,l Ia.- ane.a tlT vt (a IT : K RICE r'Ti m: domestic, fair to extra. 3MrV; Japan, nominal. TALLOW-Steady; city. 5 .-lfie; country. 6SH7oc CHEKSB Firm: state, full cream, large. Colored or white, fancv. 13C. Pl'TTER Firm; creamery specials, 23laC; extras 22r; thirda to firsts. lMji'V- KOtia-Kirtr : western firsts. l4jl$V: seconds. 17il7V. ,., POri.TRY-Allve. steady; siiring chick- ens. 18c: fowls. 12c; turkeys. 13c. Dressed. irregular; western sprint, chickens. 154,-V. turkeys. 121il7c; fowls. 12'0l3c. " Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. M Jiilv 10 WHEAT - l ninogu (o 1- mun, juij .-w a . ber. SI-vC: liecemner. t-: rnsn: co. 1 hard. 4V?o04V; . KcJS1.02; N. - ' '"flc; No. S. R.Vnliv I ' CORN Crchangcd; J"lv. 7lc; Seot-m- 1 ber. 9'.c; December 65Sc; rash: N 2i ! mixed. 7V: No. 3. 78c. No. 2 white. Klif 1 SC ; o. a. .iJtvfC. OATS I 'unchanged ; No. 2 white, SltfJYlc; RYE 7?S75c. HAY Siesdv: choice timothy, 19 vYa 10.00; choice prslrle. tv!5 !l 0ft Bl'TTER Steadv ; creamer-. 21c; park ing stock. I. Rit7S-Flrm; fresh receipts. 14V- extra, 18c; current Reeelnts. Shipments. ...46Vi X.OTQ Wheat, hu Corn, bu Oats. bu. . 4..s li l.fai ji Vft sf t a mew pot la ;raln Market. MINNEAPOLIS?. Minn.. July 10 -WHEAT Julv 11.1": Peptemb. r, 944c; No. 1 hard. 11 14's: No. 1 nor;hern. 11.12'a; No. J northern. Sl.lSu'.l',; No. 3 northern. Si VtV1.08V PHAK-ln bulk. SlS.5f.ftl8.6rt. FIM'R Patents were s,l anced lfl cents. First 'Mttents. JASAfi 5.7n: second patents. tft.4&4lc'tV': first cleats. S4J5fi4 4n; second clears. SS MV&S aft. rkllndelahla rrodnee arkrt. PHILAPn.PHIA. Julv 10.-RITTER-F'rni: fair demand: extra western rresm erv "c; nearby prints. 2V- EX Firm: firsts, lc higher; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts. si mark, current receipts In returnable casea. Iv. at mark: western firsts. 2"c, at mark; cur rent roeTte. IV, at mark. tHKFSF Hteadv: New York creams, chntoe, 114llc; fair to troo.1. loSiiiic Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. July 10. WHEAT 6iot, firm: No. 2 red. wertern wlntr, 7s iV. No. f California. 7s 74J; futures, steedy. Juiy. 7s 44d; Sa-ptemlr, 7s J'd, lei em ber, rSd. CORN bpot, turn: new American kiln dried, no stock: old Aanerlcsn mixed is ld. futures, steady; July. 6s 4d, Sep tember, la 44, llllwaakre Grain slarke4. MTLWArKEE, July 10. WH EAT Firm ; No. 1 northern. II 14: No. I northern, II liiy 1 11: September. 8s'-c asked. PARLEY Firm: No. 1 extra. 68c ; sample. SJfc'AC CORN Steady; No, . a, 7c; , September. 7yc bid. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Irretrolar and Professional Tracers Ar" Confused. Mrwrrfl ' fliirm isr mmm Derllae lndared by Heallalaa De velops Aggressive Demand. 4Ahlrh Send Valaea I piraril Urns oa l.arite Offerings. NEW TORK, July lo.-The tore of the stock market was irregular again today ami the professional trader were a good deal contust-d by the obstacles they en countered in the movenieal of prices in both directions. The start was lower than last night, the disposition being apparently to tako profits on the action of the demo cratic national convention. There has been buying of slocks recently on the assumption that with ti e uncertainty over the two can didates definitely removed there would be some outside demand for ntniks aroused. At the lower level Induced by this realizing an aggressive demand developed and prices ad- i.iicwl vigorously, mi movement naa noi 'rea ln volume ana wun a Iha large parn e . separate, .took. came, from .nlndi. vl.lual source In 6.ot to 2'.i0-8hare portions. snd this led to a supposition that plunging operstlons were being renewed on the part or s recent spectacular pertormer In the market. Some of the stocks which have figured most prominently In the week'a rise a ere affected by an exhaustion of demand at the higher prices to which they have been carried, and the prices gave way easily before leahxlng saleF. This was particu larly true of American Smelting. Amalga mated Copper and the two Hill railroad storks, which were strong yesterday, snd l.'nlted States Steel preferred, which rose buoyantly on a previous dsy. The senti mental effect of these week points was considerable, and there waa no eueh con spicuous point of strength to offset as dur ing other periods of realizing during the week. The general list, therefore, showed more sympathy witli this weakness than yesterday. Theie was a sudden drop In the rate of acUvitv of the market during t he midday period, after a first hour's business larger than for anv day of the week. News of the factors were not Important. The main tenance of the Baltimore & Ohio dividend cams in for further discussion and for aome criticism on the ground of the Incur sion Into the profit and loss surplus to pav It. The responsibilities for the decision of the dividend question was attributed to the leading Interest In the property and In the belief that tills Interest was Identical with the principal force back of the stock mar. ket movement in May. It was assumed that the aame purpose to conserve the price level of stocks was thus expressed. The feature of the estimates of the week's currency movement was the contribution to the week's estimated gain of the subtreasury operations, notwithstanding the large psy mcnts made by the national banks to that Institution in response to the call for return of government deposits. The banks have gained cash from this source since the last bank statement of 12.071.800. and receipts from the Interior are believed to have brought the total gain to nearly H.Ofio.OOO. Thia marks some decline In the rate of the o, flow fiom the Interior, and with the winter ' I wheat crop beginning to move, this shift In A the current of the currency movement may oi 1 be expected to Increase. June agricultural , i I exports were only t2.74S.fWO less In value .'iT.i.... l,... b.,h vlth lha conflnilnnce .jl.iimn iiifi jrm. nu win, ,n 'V .I.a .l-,-lr,Uara in Inllmrtl ft ftllbPtantiSl trade balance In favor of this country may tie looked for. with consequent bearing on the exchange situation. The appearance of support In the market disappeared In the late oeslinps ana tne closing lone wmo Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. S2.415.o00. I'nited States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on the Stock exchange were a follows: bum. mgn. iw. . Amlamtte4 Copper .. Am r. A r Am C. r ptd Amer1n Cotton Oil Am. H. I.. pM Am I CP ?rurltlet Amrl-an Llne4 OH... Am. Loromotlve Am. LoromottTp pfd ... Am. . .R Am. S B pta Am. Sur Reflnlns . ... Am. Tobprro ptd Amerlcin Woolen Anpconta M.nlni Co.... AtrhUon Atchlron pfd Atlintlc Cot I.lni Baltimore A Ohio Pal. A Oh:o ptd Brooklyn Rppld Tr t'piipdlan Pirlflc Central Leather lentral Leather pfd Central of New Jemer. fti'aap ake A Ohio Chlraao Ot. W Chlrpso & N. W C. M. A tl. P C. C. C & St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A so (Vilo. So. 1st pfd. .. Colo ft So. 2d pfd Consolidated Gaa Corn Prodnrta toc, ih 3a l.i !4 It :4' 49W, H'i !t U I2a s ! o '. 14'. 5 1M .V ? !4 S el 34 1, I.., :t, l. I tielaware A- H'idjon ; t, Hln c.r.nde . n k R 0 p(1 nmm Securities Vr 410 J, 31 m -n IS', f.Ki 3S ' 37 2 .1 2S 24 201 lit', , Krl, t rM j Krie M pM ' Oennl Klertr'e Ort Northern pM H. 30.1 i:m laiV. Ll'.'i I. 7'in SI f't ;.s.m u, i".s, u4 11H nv, 11 tvirt 31', SIS 1 4 Ot Northern Ore ctfl.. Illtnola Central Inrerbo-nuph Met Int. Vet. pfd International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd it Pump 2S 2 16-, '', '-4 44 l(.Ta IKJ't 14', I ,.. r,1P., 1 Kan, citr Sn k c. Pn. pri I ixuivine N M-alr.n .entr.l ! io,,n p.nfr . too HTV l: :a ui ll.v, H2H l..w r.", 4s S.rm ttit, 11 liO srii, iS i 10. -n : t;4 il 1"4", 10'4 14', 1 ( 3 3 h"1 71 J U Sliaaenn nr'r ' K A T ofd ka'tlensl Uea4 ...i..".... Srw yerk N. V . 11 A w Nrf0 a w North American Northern Paclflr. ei dlv faolfir Mall Pennavlv.n-s " J- - ;," 'r,r ?&ni:Z: j RM(1,ng I Rrrublir f'eet Republic S'i pfd IT. SKI 14fa If nt'i 2 ti4 :v, 114. ., 1S '4 Mt V! 1171, 1 . 12, i:2 1 .t 3 3'0 r, 2 l' 37 X'tO 117 ! n . 1.7' 4 3 Hit :7, is 2", 2 , , d ptd .. . t-,,.. a w If, n 45 Mt 'joi. a,' u s w fit sioM Shrfleid S sou'h-rn Pa.ttlr . so p.n'ir pfd... g p. iw.y I. lfiaoft 2l tin 30 4 3' pn nao. . Trnnwwe imv-r 't'i 94 ' 44'. T., 8. 1- w T . Si. L AW pf ... I'n-cn Par'vc t nlon Pac 'flc pfd f. g. Huhber l S Rnhher t-t pfd t. . Steel IV S. Steel pfd ftah Copper Va -Carolina rrmtral Vi -I'aro. chem. pfd... ?nn ion 5"S 44' 44', 111 on !.(, i4( I 20 2S . V 44 Al t.h l"71 1 30.1 3tS ton ?4', . "4 34 ' 241, 7l 1021, ltl 101 .. 'I..' I WilJtkh I a ataan p'd Ek'a r nt M. Si Ska 4 14 1 W astern Pnion . Wheeling ALU Wreonaia central 1 If, Total Mlra lor the a. 4:4 2 share Boston tatoeks and Bands. FOSTON. July 10. Money, call 1 ana. i"a i per c.lll time loans. Sa44 per cent. Atrk.aoa al 4a ... 4)0 4s Xri Central 4a Atrhlaun R R lie pM Rnton A IH1 tu A Maioa - b istos Klala4 . rit-hburi f!i N , S. H. A H fnion Parltlc Am Art. Chfm .. da ptd Am Pnu. Tune ... Amar Sugar do pfd Am. T A T An. m.n do ebt Twrniulon I. A S -. E.'.laon F.ler. lllu . General electric ... Mau glertrir do pfd Vaaa Uaa I ailed Fralt t'nlt.d I M da ptd f. iilael do pfd North Butte Rutt Coalition Cal A Araooa Bid Aiad . l.Oio J4 36 .in lftii, 1"1 . I.atfl 4W 42 l'jfi Vl" 4 ton 10214 .. Mi 81 ' 50.) 104 1134 f..o i:t 12. s 15.700 44' 4:iS .. i.ta ts ; 5 10 t la .. 4.400 1 ' ' 4's .. i.y Wt i' rt 26 'a t.". "poo 'j.'S "ilia, V1 7 7 :h-i tw isss ... 41.300 134 l"1 t!i'i 'jis ' 300 K J"i 4 ol-'i H , . ?M Vi 1 .. :.rri 12S 127 )rn 1', tfi'a 3v is: i;v. 44 Adventure 4 a Alloua to Wi Aniil(amted Mia 1v,Atlanilr 111L, S S H'nanara TS V. :'al. ft Herl 143 Centennial 3t .Ut c.per Range 74 Ira Paly Wat Ha lWa rranklls a 14 Sfiranby ta t' lale Ro.sle SO', I Maas Mining . W 4 Muhigan !!, M iliaaa U 15e i Moat. P. A C J U.'' "id Ck minion ttv, . (la-eola 1S1 . Parrot U US Qulnry S 211 'i Shannon llrs Ui Tamarack M I Trlintj II . t1-! I olted Copper 7 li t 1 8 Mining IT'S 14 t'. . Oil 44 . 44 ftah 4!H . t VI. tori 14 . tvW'itioua & .t4 t Nevaaa 1H . m Anion Coat It . rf.WM t'anane .... 1!, Treaaary Slatrnaeat. WASHINGTON. July 10 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In tne gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150 000.000 gold reserve, shows; Available casu bal- ance, I0 IM gold coin and bullion. 4i.2.10. gold certlfi. ates. I2.I77.:1J. HBPtlRT OF THK CLF.RIX HOI Traaaartlans of Ike Aaaoelated Raake for Ike Meek. NEW TURK, July in llradstreet s bsnk tltartnga report lot tne ek ending July ahoms an aggregate of 2.17?.ni.'. as Hjra'nst ."e-l ' last we. k and k:.!7. i4..iai ,n i he cot responding week of lait vear. Following 'p a lis! of the cities: CITIKS. I' ( Dac I l I New Tork Chicago Boston Phllal-lphia St. Iaiu'.s I'lttsbuie ban Francisco Ke.rsas City Haltimoie Cincinnati Minneapolis New (.rrleans Cleveland Detroit Louisville I.os Angeles Ctnaba Milwaukee S -atue Pt. Taul Hull Ji. lenver Inillnnap ills Fort Worth Providence Portland. Ore Albany Richmond Washington. D. C... Spokane. Wash Salt Lake City Columbus St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Taeoma Savannah Toledo. O Nashville Rochester Hartford Ies Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Orand Rapids Birmingham Syracuse Sioux Cltv Springfield. Mass... Kvansviile Portland. Me Dayton Llltle Rock Augusta Oa Oakland Cal Worcester Mobile Knoxvill Jacksonville Chattanooga Charleston, S. C... Lincoln. Neb Wilmington. i"el. .. Wichita WilkeBbarre Wheeling. W. Va Fall River Davenport Kalamaxoo, Mich. . Topeka Helena Springfield. Ill Youngtown Fort Wayne New Bedford Erie. Pa Cedar Rapids, Ia... Macon Akron Iexington Roikford. Ill Fargo, N. D Lowell Plnghamton Chester. Pa Sioux Falls. S. P.... South Bend. lnd... Bloomingtun, 111. .. Canton. O Qulncv. Ill Springfield. O Decatur. Ill Mansfield. O Fremont. Neb Jacksonville. 111. ... Oklahoma tHouston tflalveston Sl.227.6of OOj. ."1 . lan.KMsV. ltai.lM.CuO.. Rt.7.M . Si.M.'.V. 31.S9I. . l.5"7.0"o . 24.7l.f . 23.K.K10-. IK 814 .("". ll.n47.("J,. 14.195.kMI;. H. . I0.IM.O0V. l jkMIrt . I ,67,000 . .K.i . .:'.miii . MM.ixii. 7 1.4.00,1 . fi. tiUS, 0l . 8.115.0i" . 10 7"-7 " O-.' . 2.2J9 am'. 5 2S7..0O,. .9-'7,'"i . S.452.(". 5.470.0(0'. 6.91.1.'i"' . 6.(1 ("O . 4 019 .OV . J ntfl.nO'. J . 3 4n.iiO . :.7t!."0 . 0. 1i.OiO . 8. 222.OO0. 3 3-i.oriO . 3.7:.iV . 2.7''.."I0 . 2.07S,t"n;. 1.744.i'. 2.918.000. I. S2ii.tiOi. 2.HXI.I4X1 . 2,W6.n . 1, 'fis.oW . l.Sn:i.O0" . to. I 20 6 2 tn SI 23.7 X ij J 4 V.i 26. 31 3u. 33 1 7.T 7 1. . 13. 30.1 14 8 14 6 23 1 11 9 37.7 4" 8 f .2 20. 1 15 2 28 27 1 3.M 17. i 22.9 24 4 14 9 2.3 2i,.J 17.5 25. 1 1(1 22.7 34 8 15 0 28. 9 22.8 25. 2 26. S 22 3 15. 1 27.6 M 13.1 22 0 4o 4 A2.7 34.1 38 1 22 I ,... 1.7!T.(ri'. 1 k2a.i. . 1.9. (,' . 1 osi mm . Mll.oiO1. 1.M1 .!.' . 1. ). . l.Su.n0 ;. l.V.l.oio . 1.89.00 . 1 444.0IO. 1 oua.o.10.. latbA'."'. l.arto.ono'. 1.2W .O00 . l.Ut.CKi 1. 043. 000:. l.DI 7.00 . 8.3 7 24 7 10 S 2.6 "i:7 i 4 23. 0 15.2 Y.O 25.4 16.1 15.9 11.4 "si 28. J 18 1 4.0 6 ti 2.7 32.2 ST. i) l 37.1 8.8 36.3 'ai's 23.1 31 5 15. B 61.7 s;..oo' . . 925.00O!.. I.oli.0fi0. 7S.0or1 . . 743.000.. 719.000.. las.oof),.. 604.00"!. . Sh,lX0! S5n. . . B5.W.. 08S.1O1 . . 491.000,., 5S. 000'.. 45n.OO':.. 5 os . 4.C.t'vl . 55S t o . , 4tii.0"o;. 44.0cnl. S71.ontX., 640.ti 22 tirtK, 2.WJ0 . Lkl.t'O . 253.0uf ... 275.000i 97. l.. 13S9.(J0 . , 12.414 Ono 675.(.0 . SlO.iamj. 37ti.OOO!. 6 4' 26.81 11.1 0.3 . ....1 388 11.5 .. .1 100 Columbia I Sactamento i Jackson, Miss I Last week's. tNot Included in tot.tls be cause containing othjr items than clearings. ,tt York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 10 MONEY Prime mercsntlle paper. 3iiSt4 per cent. STERLlNtl EXCHANGE Firm with ac tual business In bankers' bill at 84.87 for demand and 14. R5T0i 4.851 for sixty-day bills. Commerclul bills. !4.85V(i4 851,. SII.VER-Bar. i.Vtc; Mexican dollars. 40c. BOMDS Government, weady; railroad, Irregular. MONKY-On call, easv at lflH per cent; ruling rate. l' per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1'4 per cent; time loans, verv dull and steady: sixty days. l-2 per cent; ninety days. 2(&2'4 per cent; six months, 3'y&3 per cent. Closing iiuotations on bonds were as fol lows : V S. ret ;, ri . do coupon V. t. Ja. rei do coupon f. S. 4a res do rounon Am Tobaico 4 do u Atchlann (tn. 4a do ad 4a do ct. ta .103S "it or vii. .W Int. Met. 4W- .K"i I.. & N. um. 4a. .looa, aMan r g. 4, .. .U'1'4 Mei. Central 4a. 1!2 do !at Inr . ::s M. A St. L 4a 1 M . K A T. 4a. . a'. a4o .im . ', . n . M4 . (2 . 15 . 1 . 7 . H . M N. R. R. of M. c 4i 1 . n . y. c. w ih .in", N. J. :. t l-'i1 . !, No Pacific 4s tal1 j do iv. ba Atlantic 1'. L. 4t. .. I Hal. A Ohio 4a 1 do ',a j Brk. R. T. r. 4a ... Central of Ga. f.. do 1st Inc 1 4o Ld Inr "do Id Inr Chra A Ohio 4a. l blrago A A. lv,a. I r.. B. A Q n. 4.. C. It. I. A P. 4a . do ml. 5a . ! do Sa . N A W. r. 4a . 72 O S. U. r'dg 4 .... .104 Pfnn. ov. ', Uli . do eon. 4 . 41't Pad'.ns gen. 4a.... . '- Reo rI Ouha ia . . .. J2 .. 5 .. t"1 . . 3 ..W."t . .IOSW .", St. L A I M e. ia .W .to fu L A S r. ff. 4a. V M4 t. 1. B. W e. 4s.... . 44 Seabuard A. L. 4s... M ... to . .. . 4a. 94 ...61 80 .Pacific 4a s4 do 1st 4i Sl So. Railway ta Teaaa A P. la 10m, T . 8t. L. A W. 4a... 71, do rfdg 4a t'Cr. A St. L I Colo. lnd. 5a I at'olo. Mid 4a .. 1 acolo. A So. 4a . I Pel. A Hud. ct. ...HI M t nlon Pac ific ta 101S a do rv 4a W, 4a I). A R. O. 4a. Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4a Japan 4 do 4'i do :d aerlea. . . . Bid. Offered. . M t i. Steel 2d f Itt . li, Wahaih 7n . 42 Weatern Ml 4a "0 . 7H, '. A L. E. 4 44 . ', Wis central 4 H . li N. T. N H. A H ...!2H London Cloalnar Storks. IONDOV. July 1". CI .sing quotations on stocks were aa follows Conaola. money .. do aionuat Anaconda Atchtaon do pfd Plaltlmore A Ohio Canadian Pacific 7S M.. K. A T 2H rv N. T. Central I" s , Norfol A W k-iV do rfd at Si', Ontario A W 42'i Pnnavlvanla kJ'-, 173 Rand Hlnra , 4SV Reading 4" 4V So'ithem Railway ... 1s 1414, do ptd 4T, If Southern Pacific tt I'nlon Pacific li.14, k4 do pfd U '. T 8 Steel I S ITV, do pfd . 11'S : Wabarh 12 li ca pfd 14 117 , Stuiniah 4a K l!j Amal. Copper . ... al . Chea A Ohio .... I Chicago Qt. W... C, M A 8t. P .. tie Seers D-nrar A R. Q. . . do pfd I Tno to let pfd 1 do 2d pfd .... 1 Grand Trunk .... ' Illlnola Central . . j luiavllle A N Mi.vKK-nar, quiet. -4 -ia per ounce. MONET V01 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for ehort bills la 14 per cent; for three months' bill. 14 per cent. ew lark Mining? Storks. SEW TORK, July 10. Closing quotations on mining stocks ere: Alice .K UeadTill Con. . t Lit i la Chief . Meilaa . o dnrario lla Ophlr . 44 Small Hope ... . ai Standard Iu0 Yellow Jackal . . I . S . li 4!4 . 1 .171 . M Preee Brunawie ros Com. Tunnel stork Com. Tunnel bond, (on. (al A Va .... Horn Silrr Iron S'lrer Ottered Korrlaa Flaaaeial. LONDON. July 10. Money was plenti ful, but in small demand, with the mar ket easy Discounts were easy. Trading on the Stock exchange relapsed to dull ness, most of the attention being palu to the settlement which commences to day. Ollt-edged securities eued In the absence of Investment buying, and home rails yielded on realisations, the anticipa tion of reduced dividends and tha rport of the e'oslng of a large Account, wrasxl Trunk, as well as Mexican rails, ware af fected on poor traffic returns. Ameri can securities, sfter sdjustment to parity and showing the strength on the Balti more A Ohio dividend, sagged under real ization, but the New Tork opening. Willi fair buying. caused a recovery in the afternoon and the market closed firm, slightly below the beat. BERLIN. July 10. 1' rices on tha Bourse todav were firm and trading was quieter. PARIS. July 10. Trading on the Bourse today a as irregular. Baak t'learlaajs. OMAHA. July 1'i-Hank clearings for to day were ll.Ml.ttt 2s and for the cor responding dale last year $1 (44.411 $7. Dalata Grain Market. DCLl'TH. July 10. -WH EAT No. 1 northern. $1 1S: N I northern, $1.10; July, $110; September, 94c OMAflA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattl f All Eindi Very Slow, with Prices Lower. BOGS STI.T.TNQ HIGHEST OF YEAR Vary Few hee ar l.amha aa 9ale, M hlte the Trade Showa t amatr. atlvely Little t fcane with Thursday. Porni OMAHA. Neb , July 10. 19n. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday l frO 3..5 3 "'5 Official Tuesday 1.2J9 4 94S S.OHO tiffical Wednesday 1.1S 9.;4J 4..'7 Official Thursday 2.0)-) 60J1 1 .392 Lstlmate Friday 2.107 S.ioo 2.023 Fiv days this week.. ISM 27.S47 20.157 Bame dava last week....l2.3JS 43ll 19.192 Same days i weeks ago.. 11. 427 42,t2S a0.S Same davs 3 weeks ago. .13,87a 7.7 201.2 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 19.0 4 4J,4"9 lfi.9iJ Same days last ear. .. .12,97 V.",7t 14,KS The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hons and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last lear: 190S. 1907. Inc. Dec. Cattle 446.249 5S2.S.'l 137,272 Hops 1.5M.277 1.89A1S7 1,090 Sheep 723,478 847,6o 124.176 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the last feveral days, wltn comparisons: Date. I 1903. jl.ri., 1906., 1906. 1 1904., 191.3. 1902. June 29.. June SO.. HI 024: 5 904 6 97 06V aj S 94 5 84 5 76 6 471 ti 40 I 6 48 tV8 48 ' 42 6 48, a j 5 52 6 56 6 22 5 0T. s r 5 171 5 Of! 5 861 7 C6 7 64 7 64 7 1 1 H July 1. 6 23 5 13! 5 ! July 2.. lb 19, 6 Mi July Julv 3.. 5 29 llj 4.. July T 5 t; 6 17V 5 79. 6 24 I 6 154! 6 74 6 IP,; 5 69 1 6 V 6 64 6 2f,' B 5E .. July 6. . 7. . h "f. K 27 1 I 56 1 July 5 26i 5 191 6 49, 7 7S Julv 8. 8 29 5 17 I ' 7 ; July 9.. I 5 15) 5 4o 7 80 I il! 1 bl July 10. 5 33 Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In todav bv each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C . M. St. P S Mitsourl Pacific 8 1 I'nlon Pacific 34 15 1 C. & N. W. (east).... 1 C. N. W. (west) ....10 19 .. 1 C. Pt. P., M. & 0 1 S C, H. Q. (east) ... C, B. & (J (west I ... C, R. 1. Hi P. least 1 . C , R. 1. & P. (west). Chicago Great West. Total reclpts S3 10 T1 disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber o head indicated: Catle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Krey Packing Co Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C. Ixibman & Rothchlld... W. I. Stephen Hill & Son J. 13. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Cudahy Bros. Co Sullivan Bros I-aten Packing Co Other buyers 215 60 439 640 KB SC2 ,ol5 .8 9J 09 750 195 212 1 3 30 35 3 6 1 44t 2J5 42 Total 2,267 4.344 l.Sli t'ATTLK Receipts were light this morn ing, only seventy-seven cara being reported ln, fifty cars being cow stuff and a large aprinkling 01 the cows being western rangers. The market as a w hole was slow and dull with prices on all kinds decid edly lower, in fact the trade was an exact repetition of yesterday's market. There Were only a few eornfed beef steers on sale this morning, with a sprink ling of rangers. On account of the few cornfeds here the cIihiik" was not so great, but the market was still generally quoted 10$ 15c lower than yesterday, al though some cattle carried over from yes terday sold the same as was bid cor them yesterday. Range cattle on the other hand, which have been holding up pretty well all the week, were around 'AV.' lower. The liberal receipts of cows and heifers gave buyers an opportunity to take off on that kind today, the market yesterday hav ing been steady In spite of the fact that beef steers were so weak. This morning with over fifty cats on sale buyers were able to ev o up, taking off as much as lactic. It Is hardly necessary to add that the trade was extremely dull and It waa along toward midday before very much business was transacted. There were- no Blockers and feeders of any consequence on sale today, but the foellng was weak on account of the very poor demand Operators on the market are generally quoting it around 25c lower thnn last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers. 17 OOTi7.7tJ: fair to good eornfed steers. S67.Vii7.00; common to fair eornfed steers. S4.fiCo6.75; good to choice cows snd heifers. I4.2Mi4.75; fair to good cows and heifers. I3 5t4 25: common to fair cows and heifers, liOL'gt3.50; rood to choice Block ers and feeders, S4 Jj4.75; fair to gnud stockers and feeders. 8.1.5"f4.tM; common to fair stockers and feeders, SC. 0"(3.50; stock heifers. S2.7i'u3.3j. Representative snles: BEEF STEERS. Ma. A. Pr No. At. ..1 .149 11M h 40 11 i ' K 40 VI 7 50 1 11 . 114 .1104 COWS. 1 53 14 .... ..1IS4 ..1114 . .lu3 . 40 in . ! I 7n 1: 4 l 4 10 . 1 1 ft HEiFrrts. Ki 4 . . . BULLS. .1S40 ; 45 1 . dllO S 10 1 .... 7 I M ....nsn 1 34 11.0 1 M (no J 441 4 00 .... 160 S M 1.. 1.. 1.. .. 1.. 771 S 1(1 1 .156) I M 1 CALVES. 5 CO 1 100 FEEDERS. 476 s -. ORFXIOV. ... 9 6 3 (0 17 cows. ...111.1 3 00 5 cows. 3 cows. S cows. 12 cows. 902 3 no -0 $ 55 ... 71 3 55 VYOMINd. . 42 steers.. ..12"i 6 s'rt 2 sterrs....l'J0') 4 25 POT TH DAKOTA. 22 feeders.. 947 3 75 6 feeders.. C2 3 23 HOGS Hogs generally sjld 10e higher this morning, the bulk going at $6 X0 To. The top ttt $..V" was 2oc hinher than yester- nay. 1:11s aiivunre maks a new high record f'.r the hog market this year. This Is thn first tiay that H.5C lu.s neen paid for hogs on tills market since October if last year. The highest point reached last year ajs In February, when there was a top of 17.0ft. The trad was not overly active at the advancer! prices, buyers pay ing the higher prlcs. as It were, under pro test, but still orders were sufficiently uigent to eff.ct a reasonably early cleir snee. Representative sales: No. AT. Sh. Pr. V- J . 74. . u . 4 . 75..' TI.. 44.. A .7S Sh. 1n Pr 4 :7i 4 ?7't 4 a 4 io 74 h U 7 t: i 41 : 44 41 n V. 70 41 M ..... T 71 171 71 U 71 !3(i IS W l!i 4 a l Hi 1 . 1W .IS :e4 4 4 :i ?' ( V) JJ! 140 4 24 t 40 t la i:- t:o jo Ml lfr) ) ... 4 2 tn 4 J t o :s MO 4 a !47 41 to S-4 .110 745 Hi 741 :4 ,'1 :n ::t i.' :tt r.t .i :.t. ;i ITT 144 r.4 10 : . . 4 !.1 1 !(4 lit . II iro I so io.i 4 tn I lo 4 2i 77 . 4' V. 74.. K . : . ct.. 44. . 41 . 4 2f 10 r7' 144 140 :tVa i t an :u 4 n to i j: 44 I 111 4 4 !7, .UK 4M) 4 : S 4 r?v, 147 ... 4 r?i .141 2"0 4 US ttl 4 771 in - I3V4 a 4 4o . . 4 43 -. 6 au 71 :i4 ... 174 S Z3! 40 27', 8HEEF Receipts of shttp were light Uiig morning, only nine cars being report.) In. Such s'uff as appeared desirable In the eyes of buyers sold quite readily at steady prices There were quite a number of odds and end in the yards of not overly desirable stuff that were slow sellers and wesk. Toe sheep market this wek ha not shown any very great change It opened higher on Monday, since winch time It hs eaaed off a little, with the trade not overly active on account of the poor condition of the rastem mutton market. tjuotatlons on range or grass sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, $; iui 76; fair to good lambs, $5 5j4i6 25: feeding lambs. $4 ixi)C 00; good to choice light year lings, $4 i-o4 5u; good to choice heavy year lings. $4 (4X04.1$; fair to good yearlings, $3 ta 414 S; good to choice wethers. ts .StuO; fair to good wethers. $3 2to 7$; good to choice ewes. $3 t-Jj 76. fair to good ewes, No. Av. Pr. I native ewes mi $ fri ( native ewes, culls 74 I no 1 native yearlings ta i y, t native is nib, feeders 60 4 fco 14 native lambs n $ 114 3 native bucks us ; li 16 native lambs, feeders U IS 41 estiva lambs go 12V, . m -r - r -r ar CO CO CO CO CO CO cd Business Judgment In Banking requlrp that you havp an Recount with a sound, const rva t!ve institution. Many tlrrp" ov are Judged ny your banking, roiinrr tionn. The Flrt National Bank la atrotiR and conMrvfitl o. snd is well prepaud to meet your requirements In the trans action of your Ixti'klng business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK f CO CO CO jr VsM.iMn4 Thirteenth and (i)) Oldest and Largest fi native ewes 9 native ewes, culls.... 3 native yearlings 411 Oregon wethers .... 16 Oregon wethers . ion . 74 . 0 .111 ..102 I 51 1 5" 4 2f. 3 3 (0 CIII4 A(iO l.WK STOCK M A H KET tattle Steady Hoa" Ten to Plfteea tents !llaher. CHICAGO, July 10. CATTLE Receipts, 1.6) head, market steady; steers. SS.tiou) .X; cows. ::.OOti575; heifers. S4.9C'ir.; bulls, S0.OOV6 25; calves. So 4tH.6i); stock ers nnd feeders. S3 75"(i 4 tiO. IKiGS- Receipts, ls.uOti head; market 1V.iI6o higher; choice heavy. i 7ir.iti f: butchers. Sti.5tijf.75; light mixed. KAStuti ii; choice light, S6.SAtiJtt.66; packing, Sf 7;V. wi ; pigs. I4fg6.f".; bulk of sal's. A.tniti.70 SHLLP AND IA MBS Receipts. .0ft head, market steady; sheep, 14 o-iH 60; lambs, S5.0tut;.75; yearlings. St. 506. 75. Kansas ttty Live Stork Market. KANSAS ClfSr. Mo. July 10 t'ATTLK Receipts, 600 head. Including 3.600 southerns; market steady; export and dressed beef steers. SB08.0o; fair to good, S4.50& 6.40; western steers. 14.7541 6 80; stockers and feeders. 13.004) 5. 4n; southern steers. 13:16 ft 4.75; southern cows, .OO'fc 3 tin ; native cows, Slo-u 4 65; native heifers. 13 405.60; bulls, S2 o0!&4.4B: calvew, S3 50iu 6 25. HOOS Receipts. 520 head; market 10 loo higher; top. S6 56; bulk of sales, SS-30 41 6 50; heavv. $6.50 (a 6.65 ; packers and butchers. $6.35 Si 6.55 ; light, $6.10416.41. pigs. $4 75 5.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.000 head; market for sheep steady; lambs, 10c lower;, at $4.001j 6.60; ewe and year lings. $4 00&4.60; Texas yearlings, $4.50 (ji 5.50; Texas sheep. $.I H(ifu 4 25; stockers and feeders, IJ.Tj 4i 3 75. St. l.ools Live Stock Market. PT. LOl'13. Julv 10. CATTLE Receipts. S 500 head. Including 2.5(0 Texans. Marke. steady to a shade lower; native ahlpp'ng and exp.irl steers, 14 WitiS-JO; dressed beef oiu butcher steers, S3. Writ. tO; steers und t 1 OfK) lbs., $3.5041 MM: stork' rs anil feeders $2.7511 4.50; cows and heifer. $2 4'od..5: tanners. $12kU2.26; bulls, i;qa.w, calves. $2 & fatj CO ; Texas and Indian stfers. Sa.UKti 60; cows and heifers, Sl.Stsii 4.6. HOGS lteieipts. 5.5oo head. Market Vc higher: and 1 ghts. $i.5 S4S..0; (Bik ers. $"i 5oV 6.t ; butchers and best heavy,' $ .l(i45.75 8HEKP AND I.AMRS-R. celrts. 2.E00 head. Market steid'-; native nv.ittons. H.oO '14.Z0; lambs, ,..6iirt; culls and links. $3.0vpC75; stockeis. I.l..5i4.0t. Slonx City l.lTe Stork Blarket. 6IOI X CITV. July 10 (Special T( le gram. i CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; mar ket steady and weak; beeves. 6.tlu?iS ii; cows and heifers. I4.501i'.75: feeders, $J.5u 4 60: calves and earllngs, $3.7.i4.75. HOGS Receipts. 2 s 0 head; market 10c higher; range, $tj.Ot0ti.35; bulk cf sales, $;.n G.30. Stork In Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha' 2.107 3.5" 2.0:3 Kloux City 50t( ".Son Kansas City S..Vl 5.21M 2.4) Ft. Louis 3. 50" 5.rii 2,oii Chicago 1.5011 loo0 t.'i() Totals 11.107 3j,"0 12.523 Metnl Market. NEW YORK, July 10. MKTAI.S-Mnd-erate reactions occurred in the leading for eign metal markets todav. Tin s.ilrl off 1 5s om spot to 1,11 and 1 7s on futures 1 to 1,12. Ixjcally the market ruled easy ,11 i $.'8.7611 28 .93. Copper declined fc il abroad on spot to 5i ,s Cd and 10s on futures to 58. Ivocal prices held unchanged and 'lit market was quiet. Lake. 112.76'd 12.S74. electrolytic, tU.sitya12.b; tasting. $12.37t. 12.5C Iead was unchanged in lioth marke's at 12 16s in Indon and at H 4-'ViH 474 In New York. Spelter was also without any change. Lorjdon closing at 1i 5s and tin local market at $4.4544..'iO. Standard foundry iron In London was unchanged at 4!s 6d and Cleveland warrants wire Had lower at 61s. Lot ally the market ruled dull and unchanged. No. 1 foundry raortliern. Ilti.fni 1517.O0; No. 2 foundry northern. $16.7510.5; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern, soft. $16. 5i& 17.25. ST. LOl'IS. July 10.-M CTAIJ4 Lead, higher. Selter higher; $1.35. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 10. COTTON Futures opened firm; July, offered. 0.60c; August, 8.00c; September, 9.42c; October. K3U-; Ie. cember, 9 19c; January, 9 15c; March. 9.14c NEW YORK. July 10 'OTTON-Spot closed quiet: middling uplands. 11.2oc; mid dling gulf, 11.45c; sales, ti'75 bales. Futures closed steady: July. 9.40c; Attgiift. 9.35c; September, 9.31c; October, 9.27c; Novemlier, 9.15.-: Decemljer, 9.16c: January, 9.'iSc; Feb rttarv. 9.07c; March, 9.07o. 4JALVK8TON. Tex.. July 10 COTTON Steadv at He. ST. I51IS, July middling. ll.c; sales shipments, two bales; NEW ORLEANS. Spots, steady. Sales,'rroN D-tii; none; receipts, none; stock, 15,(i7ii hales July ifi. COTTON 1 bales. Ixiw or ordinary. 7 5-16 . nom- ditiarv. 6. nominal Inal; good ordinary. 'tc: low middling. 1"o: middling, lie; good middling. II 7-1oc; middling fair, 11 iVlw; fair, U ;t-lic. nomi nal. Receipts. 97S bales; stock. W.2flvbals. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 10. ' FF EE-Market opened steady, unchanged to a points higher, responding ixiorly to favorable foreign ad- vi . Sitecuiatlve interest was agS'n. ah I sent and under st atlete.l sales of long j coffee, chiefly from Wall street, and agolnst firm offers, prices slipped off as the session progressed. Arter s-lllng down 5 points the advance was cheeked in tky late afternoon by moderate support from tradn Interests, which have been the leading buyers recently. The clo.e was steady, net unchanged to a decline of i points, with sale of 1P.5.1 bags. Including July at t'U. August at 6 oofrt; of-, Septemlier at &.9w33 a-. November at b .tfr. December at I SO-aS 9V and March at 5 9filrOiic. Spot coffee con tinued quiet and unchanged; Rio No. 7, 6 5-16c; Santos. No. 4. Bc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, l,(ii:V. 44 eul Market. BOSTON. Julv lo.-WtjOI.-Tha Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, b.islng Its report upon statistics gathered for the govern ment, will say tomorrow of the wool mar ked: Depiand shows a tendency to special ties and tn these the upward movement In values Is moil marked There Is no gen eral activity and a quiet ummr Is ex pected. The shipment of wool from Bos ton to July 9. inclusive, according to the aame authority, were 2.J31.K-J2 pounds, agalnM 140.g20.219 pounds the same time last year. The receipts to July 9. inclusive, were 3 .!& pounds, against 137.3t4,7rl pound the same period lasi year. ST. LOCIS. July 10 WOOL Quiet; me dlum grades, combing and clothing. l"o Sv; light fine. 16lilgV; heavy fine, HQ12c; tub washed, IMtjuc. gr aaa Walaaaes. NEW TORK, July 10. -SI OAR-Rsw. steady; fsir refining. $fc; centrifugal, 9 test. 4 3Bc: molasses sugar, 164c. Re fined, steady; crushed. 1 10c; powdered, ( 50c; granulated. I 40c MOLASSES Quiet: New Orltari. 2S1r42c. Pearla Market. PEORIA. 111. July 10-CORN-Stesdv ; No. I yellow, 74V; No. $ yellow. 73Vc; No $. 7?V; No. 4. 72Hs"; no gr1t, "lc OATS Steady; No. I white, 5V; No. 4 white. BTYiJASHo. WHIBa:Y-$l If. "r o ' ew -- -vp.- - ttO Fa mam Streets Dank in Nebraska ft UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing. lt authentic Inforinatlun on Nevada Consolidated FREE Copper, Curb and Mining Outlook 7a Trinity lUare, New York 4 Bampls Copies Free LOO par Tsar 12 Pages Covers Tonopah, Ooltlfleld. Ely. Butte, Cobalt, Yerlngton. Tlntlc, Blngnatu, Fatk City, Beaver County at:d J law hide JOYS OF VACATION DAYS Thoaghts (alcolated to tlr Mrmorlra and Aroaae Anticipa tion. "The man who haf awakened each day to the Insolent ringing of an alarm do. k, who has hastily washed himself, bolted a breakfast, and then made a mad dash to reach his desk by S:20," says John T. Mr Cutchenn In Appleton s for July, "lie Is the man who knows the real meaning of a summer vacation. It Is a I'topla, where there are no alarm clocks, where one may get tip when he plensrs. and Issue a defl to the evei y day during the entire period of his outing. In his mind's re. vacation means summer siiies. and rest nnd nlay, and freedom Irom c.ire. 'The things that wouhl be work if he ;.ad to do them become pleaxai.t outing experiences. He wears his old ilii.ics, goes unshaven, sits for ho:irs In lh- KiM. r Ing sun. Is devoured by nio.tuttoi h, nets up at dawn because the fishing i pood In the early morning, cat a cold lunch, nnd thinks he Is having a lovely time. He will sleep on a hard bed In a broiling room next to the roof and enjoy It beyond wonla. If he had to dc a' y of these thlim h(t would declare a strike. Hut not beini: compelled by some tyrannical b.iss. he enjoys It thoroughly. At the end of two wctks he will be tired out. and will tlta'f himself back to wotk. rather glad to get settled down to the lrgu'.utily of I'.aily wotk, but not willing to aaniil lo a s ml on earth that he lias not had a corking llm'. For weeks he will tell his friends down at the store, or the factory, all the wonderful things that he did 'up at tic hike.' It's the 'change' that makes the Mcaiion time, so delightful In numi.rh-R and so beneficial In health. "The two-weekeis have to In gin tl'.' lr vacation enjoymonts the minute thev get off the train, ln order to make the most of the time. In ten minutes the riii.k is unpacked a pair of flannel trouvrs anil a rakish hat from the year before h:l' dug out, and the vacationer is ready to siunl. r out in si-arch of the attrmilo'is nicitloneil In the "ads." ln an hour he is phiyini; a rh'uc of tennis. In two hours he I'm ex plored the entire n gion lor a mil. around, and in three hours he Is writing post curds to the luckless ones who were left behind. The next morning he is down ut the post office. Inquiring for letters from home, or briskly reading papers ilesi riptlve of yesterday's ball game:; hack in town. "Then there are many w ho go to a i amp ln the woods. Of all vacations, Iheie ai t few that hav? an appeal to the tired tile slave like that of a vacation In "tha woods." The tiny wooas V hat a p i -ture of wholesome out-of door life tho words suggest. A picture of unt.ani meled freedom ,of "rujhing II." of maj.gtle forest aisles, and velvety floors of pine needles. A long log cabin with bunks and a big general tiling room, wltn a grent fireplace about which to sit In tho evening! A silver lake anil u gold, n moon that shines down on you as y.ij drift with some one, very pretiy and tempo! itrily very dear, In the boat '.villi you. That is the pit tore that entices the shop-worn deiiix. n of the busy place." MODEL HOME OF TOMORROW Will It Be of Cement and U'ilhoat blmae. as Thin Taper rrrdlrtsf A house of cement: a house without a chimney; a house with pb-nty of artifh 11 light and hent and yet without s Mt of fire; a bouse without; without itMi"; without dangerous gase such is to ba the house of tomorrow. This is Indeed an Ideal house, snd W Is not Impossible to hec. for. with little trouble, one ha J 1st been completed at t'arrollton. III. Wh le this wonderful noma Is the only ore of Its kind In lh world, j it Is a good example of what the nir?n J American home will be in a fw yeatd j from now. Wood la fast becoming i"i scarce and too high In price to be x.n . as common building inateiial, and the tin e is already her when, for economy's, ak. architects and contractors are fig it lug to construct all buildings of steel nr4 con crete. As the supply of coal d.inlnNh" the cost I advancing so that evervthit.g possible is being done to husband the sup ply and to see that none of the pre.inu stored heat Is wasted. .lct ricit v. gen erated by water power, is even now t.tklt ? the place of coal as a kourre of powr, nd the time Is not far distant when t'. will rank first a a source f htat. This model twentieth century home et Carrollton Is thlry-four by thirty feet two stories high, with stt'e snd basement, and has eight rooms on ths two maia floors. Wlille Edison s Idea of a floors. TOM WATSON IS NOTIFIED (eaaaslttee Breaks News to (audi lata of tke People's Party. ATLANTA. O.. July lw-Tliemni F. Wat son of Thompeon, Ga., candidate of tun People's party for president of the t'nitfd States, was formally notified of hi nom ination by the committee appointed Ly tho Ht. Louts national convention at a largely attended meeting of the populis !n t'l.s city last night- Tha notlfat:on ape h was delivered by Judg J. W. Forr'st of Albany. N. T.