Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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grief an HEWS
Have Boot hint It.
Tfcoiua W. aiackewra foi congress. Adv.
Xedolph riwtMlk, Accounting-Auditor.
Bowman, 117 N. It, Douglas Bhoe, J10
PaBourk for Quality tlgara, IK S. 15th.
Ztlashart, photographer, 18th & Karnam.
Jam O. BUaslsc for county attor'y. Adv.
Sqoltable Ufa Policies sight draft at
rnaturlty. II. I. Ncely, manager, Omaha.
Bargsss-Oraadan Co., now In new quar
lorr, 1511 Howard. Uat, electric fixture
and wiring.
Vow Member t Hoot rirm A young
pHnti-r arrived at the rmmc of A. t. ftoot
TliiMjtluy morning about 1 o'clock.
The Omaha Bateau of rreaa Clipping's.
established many years, has grown to b
the largest and most complete In tlio West
'1'lioiiaanda of paper rd tor Item. Ood
service guaranteed. Not address. 210-ttU
214 Bee Bldg.
Hew Honor for Omaha Man Superin
tendent Davidson, president of the Omaha
Playground ossocUtlon, has been elected
one of the vice president of the Play
ground Asnoclallon of America, with Nor
tnun F. Hnpgood and Beth Iav a other
vice president.
Ml Bliss Oct the rises Ml Mattle
I.ii.n ho been oppolnted director of the
Rlvls' playground In Omaha. Mia Bliss I
it graduate of the Omaha High school and
of the Ocrtrude House, Chicago, a kinder.
B'i:-ten school. She liaa made ai specialty
f pame for children.
J. . Van Dorn rile Articles J. C. Von
Dorn company has filed article of Incor
poration with tho county clerk to do a gen
oral grain and elevator business. The cap
ital stock Is $10,000, of which tC.OOO I paid
up. John K. Von Dorn. Ralph E. Davidson
and, William A. Hooper aro the incorpora
tors. r . .
Burglars Oo Through Window While
tho family was asleep, burglars gained en
trance to the residence of Theodore Jensen
during the small hour of Thursday mofn-
lug hy forcing open a kitchen window. They
secured a pocketbook containing $2.40. The
empty pockotbook wa found In the rear
Analysis of Water The hydrant rental
eases are still on trial In the United States
circuit court before Judge T. C. Mungcr.
The cases will continue for the remainder
of the present week. The essential features
of the evidence Introduced Thursday morn
ing were upon the analysis of tha watf r
produced by the Omaha Water company.
Wpmam Tears Husband's Temper Au
gusta Zceck wants the district court to en.
join her husband, Frederick, to stay away
from her while aha Is aulng him for divoroa
and ha secured a restraining order to pro
tect her. 8he says In har divorce petition
he lias an ungovernable temper and has
made such threats she la afraid of him.
Sho also wants tha custody of their child
and alimony,
Becord of Blatrlot Court Seven hundred
and thirty-one sulta have been filed In dis
trict court since the beginning of the year,
according to the report of District Clerk
Robert Smith. The report show $3,66169
haa been earned and collected during the
second quarter of the yesr. Under tha new
policy of the office all fees earned are col
lected, a, charges are made atrlotly In ad
vance of tha service.
numbing. Inspector's Beoelpts The
receipts of the office of tha city plumbing
Inspector for the first six months of lWs
cxced those of the same period for last
year by $161.50. The receipts for the first
six months are aa follows: January, $300;
February. $104.60; March, $362; April. $236;
May, $73; June, $. Tha total receipts for
last 'ear Were $3,331.60 and laat year was
tin h'inner year of the office. i
Omaha rim Oets Big Contract At tha
meeting of the city council of Sheridan,
Wyo,, Monday morning the Kati-Cralg
Contracting company of Omaha was
awurded the contract for building the In
crease to the wster system of that city.
The contract was for $250,000. The work of
excuvatlng goes to the Omaha firm. The
contract for piping was awarded to a Den
ver firm and will Involve about $128,000.
Bidders were present from all parts of the
Bcmlndar of Tlslt to Big City A fine
of .t and costs assessed him by Judge
Crawford will always serve as a reminder
to John Allan of Fremont of hi first
Islt to Omaha. Allan came to Omaha
Wednesday morning and Immediately pro
ceeded to fill up on. that brand of whisky,
known as "hootch." Striking up an ac
quaintance with
parted with, liar
landed In Jail on the charge of petit lar
ceny. Cm tha Men at Iowa. Convention 8. A.
Searlo of Omaha appears on tha program
of tha Iowa Grain Dealers' association
Extraordinary Bargain Events
Many Department of This
Great Store.
MEN S $12.50, $15 AND $18 SUITS S5
Urrat Clearance Sale t Women's
Ilia Grade Shirt Waists Won
dvrfal Sale of t mbrellns at A&e
rnttrrn Hats from 3th
Ave., Jf . V., Importer for
g 5 Kale of Leather
Bags, Etc., Etc.
c.t.,r. .111 bn a day of wonderful
bargain sales at Itrandels.' Desirable and
seasonable good- will be offered at the
rarest bargains ever known In Omaha.
Entire retail stork of men's clothing
bought from U t'llman Sons, East
Hounton stregt. New York. It memoes
many of the famous Stein, dock ft Co. and
other well-known brands. Your cholcs of
this entire stock, wcrtfi up to $15 and $18
at ffi.
Tho greatest snlo of high-class shlrt
walxts in western history lingerie, pleated
Mncn, tailored, sheer white and colored
waists In foor big special bargain groups.
at 40c, 60c. Mo and $1.39 worth up to $4.
Men's and women's mercerized Umbrella,
a great bargain, at 33c.
Women's mldsttmmcf pattern hats, from
a Fifth avenue Importer, actually worth
up to $20, at $j.
Leather handbags, worth up to $2, at 49c,
69c and 79c.
Umbrellas worth up to $3.60, at 93c, $1.50
and $1.8.
Men's leather purses, worth $1, at 25c.
Men's negligee shirts, worth up to $1.60,
at 39c.
Men's summer underwear, worth up to
$1, at 25c.
Broken line of women' $3, $4 and $5 low
shoes at $2.45.
All our men's $5 Florshelm or Rossmore
low shoes at $3.85.
All on special sale Saturday.
nile rouit last Monday. Among tha raues
heard was one In which Mr. and Mrs.
M?ntges were fighting for the custody of
their child. Durlrg the hearing Mf. llentgej
told tho Judge about the divorce and said
he had had a good defense to the ult, but
had agreed with his wife that h would
not defend It It she would not ask alimony.
Judge Kennedy considered this Unlawful
collusion, and at the hearing next fall hus
band and wife will bo required to tell the
court about any agreement they may have
had to get the divorce.
Will be pleased to redeem your coupon for Sweetheart Toilet Qoap, Cut out the
coupon which will appear innext Sunday's Bee and present it to any of ttic follow
LOUP POWER PLAN AGAIN . N . . . . . - .
Jing grocers who will be pleased to have you visit their stores and redeem yeur coupons!
Qneetlon Tall for Appointment
Committee by Commer
cial Clan.
Once more Omaha business men are to
ake up the Loup river power proposition Addy. V. J., 16th and Fratt.
and ascertain the practicability of prompt- Allison, T. V., 30th and Uurdette,
ing the enterprise which has agitated engi- Anderson. Aug.. 24th ahd Clark.
neers, promoters, capitalists, city councils Anderson Bros., 31st and Leavenworth
and commercial organizations ror a num- Ahmbrust, V., 16th and Canton.
ber of years. Armbrust. Fred, 2J12 Vinton.
C. M. Wllhelm, J. A. Sunderland and W
II. Buchols Isn been appointed on t
special commlfee by tho Commercial club Baker & Melslnger, Benson.
and asked to take the matter up at onca Barnett, A. & Co., 1916 N. 24th
ana see wnsi can do none in Developing a Bastan Meat Market, 113 N. 16th
water power plant which will furnish elec- nastlan J.. 2908 Farnani
trie power for Omaha at a lower rate than Beard J. II. 2312 Farnani
any steam plant can furnish It. neltnl Joe. 12th and Canltol.
in ui'iMMiiiiiitt hub uuiiimiiit'tj uitj trxt- i pArrpr T 92d And PlCTCG
cuuvo fuu.nuiit vm me iiuu uwb nui man
TJTTATT. GROCERS OMAHA Newman, A., 3116 N. 24th.
KtiLALLt UKUOXittfc, UJYlAIiA n. A. K. ft Co.. 40th & Cuming.
Nystrom, L. M., Benson.
to Imply that the present price of power In
Omaha Is too high," said J. M. Guild,
commissioner of the Commercial club. "We
believe power is furnished In Omaha aa
cheap as It Is In any city where It is used
for manufacturing purposes, but if there Is
a possibility of getting It Cheaper, w want
to get It,
"It Is a fact that no industry or factory
has ever been kept from coming to Omaha
because of the high price of power. A
rate has always been made which was sat
isfactory, but if this water power proposi
tion Is worthy of attention, we want to
know it and perhaps tho extremely low
price of power will be an Inducement for
Industries coming to Omaha."
Blackson, C, 24th and Hamilton.
Blumenthal, D., 29th and Cuming.
Blumenthal, A., 17U1 a. iutn.
BocR, John & Son, 33d and Parker.
Boeien. H.. 1337 Park.
Boston Meat & Grocery Co., 113 No.
Bower, 8. B., 55th and Lincoln.
Braasch, H. F 27th and Lake.
Brodsky, N., 20th and Grace.
Burke, P. A., 27th and Q.
Burkovitr & Co., 24th and Charles.
Burnett & Son, 1610 Cubs.
Chapman, John, 4 2d and Grant.
Ogden. R. T.. 2913 N. 24th.
O. K. Grocery, 24th and Grace.
Pardun & Slpple, 3921 N. 24th.
Parker, Shaw Co.. 1333 Prk Are.
Persels, S., 4422 N. 24th.
Peterson. C, 20th and Clark.
Peterson, John, 24th and Lake.
Powell, Tony, 708 N. 16th.
Rachman, II., 2802 Sherman Ave.
Rachman, M., 23d and Leavenworth.
Ralsman, S., 1320 Capitol.
Hasmussen, N., 13th and Ohio.
Reed Bros., 22 23 Leavenworth.
Relter, J., 4 6th and Leavenworth.
Rezlnehek, J.v 2707 Leavenworth.
Rice Bros., 25th and Davenport.
Richards, I., 6th and Pierce.
Roblnowltr, M. & Co.. 6301 N. 16th.
Roman, VVm., 37th and Gold.
Salisbury, J. L., 2562 Reese.
Sauter, J 10th and Bancroft
Savage, E., 4323 Cumlngs.
Schiller, L., 16th and Williams.
Schlalfer, O., 2 4th and Mason.
Meyer, E.( 24 th and K.
Mtyerson Bros., 412 N. 26th.
Moskbvtti, M., 26th and N.
Nagle, W. J., 208 N. 24th.
Newvllle, E. J., Polk & R. R. Ave.
Parsley ft Co.. 20th and L.
Plpal, J.. 21st and R.
Ponec, R.. 2110 Q 8t
Pros. F. J., 4011 8. 18th.
Prusha, J., 2 lit and Q.
Ravens, R., 24th and A.
Sadlll, 8. F., 2 lit and S.
8a um. ft Wilson, 24th and Q.
Snef, P., 20th and L.
Shoramefc, J.. 19th and W.
Smlsek ft Hardllcka, 27th and L.
Sullivan, M., 24th and W.
Svabodo. F., 13th and II.
Vachal. J.. 4 2d and L.
Vasak, Frank, 17th and Bony.
., 8. 2 1st.
Vols, Chas., 4008 Q St.
Welch ft Co.. 2418 N. 18th.
TRIO OF BANKRUPTCY CASES cornbl'efth.'R0. 30th6and Chicago.
Crew, j. D., zeoz in. 3a.
Christiansen, P.. 29th and Spalding. Schnowber ft Hoffman, 408 N. 16th
Clch, Joe. 28th and Walnut
Fairfield Fairfield Dept Store,
Florence Anderson ft' Hotllncsworth.
Fort Crook Stickles ft Katskee.
Fremont Gam pert, H. O.
Fremont Hanlon, Frank.
Fremont Jordan Bros.
Fremont Murrell, J. A.
Gerlng Onstoft, D. C
Glltner Marvel, J. A.
Glenwood, la. Tlmmermaa ft Hamil
ton. Grafton Rossman, C. II.
Gresham Dlen Bros.
Grand Island Alden Bros.
Grand Island Bee Hive Oro. Co.
Grand Island Bock Bros.
Grand" Island "Costello, T. F.
Grand Island Glover, II., ft Co.
Grand Island Second St Cash Oro.
Grand Island Velt, L.
Hampton Hanson Bros.
Harvard Florlne, Carl.
Harvard Yost, Ayton ft Swarts.
Hastings Abbott, M. M.
Hastings McDonald, T. A.
Hastings Proffltt ft Lovell.
Hayes Center Hudson, J. E.
Henderson, la. Adams & Harding.
Holbrook Bohl. C. A.
Holbrook Cooper & Tleter.
Hooper Saunders, J.
Hyannls Ashley ft Co.
Fees Paid by Union Paclfle to Peavey
Knocked Oat for Two
WASHINGTON, July 9 On the ground
that the allowance Is unlawful the Inter
state Commerce commission today- ordered
tha Union Paclflo Railroad company to de
slat for two years from paying any allow
ance to Peavey & Co. on their own grain
received Into any of their elevator at
Kansas City and Council Bluffs or on grain
thus received in which they have any di
rect and Indirect ownership or Interest,
that is not reshtpped out of the elevators
within ten days of Its receipt. The order
prohibit allowance to the Peavey company
on grain that ha been mixed, treatod,
weighed or Inspected in any of their ele
vators at those cities.
Grain Interests of Omaha wilt be unaf
footed by the ruling of the Interstate Com
merce commission in the Peavy-Unlon Pa
cific case, according to a number of grain
dealers. The Peavey .company and tha
Transmlsslsslppt Grain company -will both
lose the three-quarters of a cent per hun
dred pounds elevation charge" now being
paid them by the Union Pacific railroad
company on their own grain shipped to tha
plants at Council Bluffs.- Dut the outgoing
roads will continue, to pay the elevation
allowance,' which will make tip to the com
panies now receiving It from the Union
Paclflo practically all they will lose by It.
"It simply means that the elevation
charge will not be paid by Incoming roada,
but by outgo'ng roads," said a grain dealer.
"No other roads are paying the allowance
on Incoming grain and there is no reason
why the Union Pacific should pay It to the
Omaha Elevator company."
E. P. Peck, vice president and general
manager of tha Omaha Elevator company,
said he would not discuss the decision as
reported by the Associated Press, but would
reserve his remarks until he could read the
entire decision. He said the Interstate
Commerce commission had twice ruled In
favor of the company, first cutting the al
lowance from H cents to 1 cent and then
to three-quarters ' of a cent and he was
stmt'what surprised at tha report received
Man Fllea Voluntary Petition
and Local Firms Are CredW
tora of Others.
Samuel Wines, laborer of Omaha, has filed
his voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the
United Stales district ccurt. He schidul
his liabilities at and his assets at
The creditors of Niels Johnson, a mor.
chant of Chester, Thayer county,- have
arked the Unite States district court thflt
he may be declared bankrupt. The pell
tioners aro tho Byrne & Hammer JTy
Ory Ooods company of Omaha, whose
claim amount to )493.23: J. A. Ruhl Cloth-
Crlsman, J. E., 32nd and Burt
Danlelson, C. E., 16th and Carley.
Dulnzzo, J., 20th and Pierce.
Drelfuss, Julius, 20th and Farnum.
Dwark, A., Benson.
Eckles, E. G., 29th and Chicago.
Sellgren, K. P., 30th and Ames.
Shaw. A.. 55th and Center.
Sherman Ave. Market, 16th and Locu RET ATT flPrtPFPO PATTVfiTT Imperial Benner, I
Sherman Ave. Mkt.. 16th and Locust UKUOiKb, COUNCIL imperial Davis, A.
, demi-monde, Allan de- I y the Associated Press.
watoh -and as result ,
which will hold an annual meeting In Des j
Moines Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Searlo
will address the meeting on the subject of
"Inland Waterways." F. D. Wead will ac
company Mr. Bearle to Des Moines, while
E. J. McVann, secretary of the Omaha
Oraln exchange. Is to lead the discussion on
the uniform bill of lading before tha grain
dealer of Iowa.
Military Tournament at St. foe Ar
rungementa are belijg completed at army
liead'junrters for the detail of troops from
Forts Ues, Moines, Riley, Leavenworth and
Crook to take part In the big military
tournament to take place at St. Joseph,
late In Hcptember. A delegation of St.
Josepii rlllsen having charge of the tourn
ament, with the adjutant general of the
tale of Missouri, visited army headquarters
Wedi.sday to confer with the army offi
cers relative to the tournament.
Seclrloa la Charles Balnbow Case Th
formal decision from the United States
circuit court of appeala In tha Charles
Green Rainbow rase ha been received by
United State District Attorney Oos. The
general outlines of the decision were given
in The Kee at the time It waa first handed
down.' It merely confirms the contention of
District Attorney Don thst the Indian po
lice appointed by the Indian agents for po
lice duty on the reservation have full Juris,
dlctloa on the reservation In the matter of
ytlice power.
Hallway Note and Peraonala.
Alfred Darlow, advertlslr manager for
ths Union. Pacific, la Id Denver.
C. H 8 pen, .nrJ freight agent of the
Burling! n, ha returned from Dvnver.
Hal Buckingham. cMof clerk In the
freight devartauint of the Burlington, ha
returned, frou a traaamlaaourt fralgut bu
reau meeting at Wanna City.
Court Itnlea He Cannot Be Held for
Needless Bills Contracted
br Wife.
A wife separated from her husband un
der an agreement she shall receive an al
lowance cannot try to corner the dress
goods market and hold her husband for
the expense, according to a decision handed
down by County Judge Leslie Thursday.
The decision waa In the suit brought by
Rupert La Book against Michael Doll and
Mr. Doll for Ji60. Mr. and Mrs. Doll were
living apart and Mrs. Doll wa receiving
a regular, allowance from her husband.
According to the evidence sh made the
round ct dressmakers, dry goods stores,
Jewelry shops and . furniture storea and
bought so lavishly she eoon had approxi
mately i,;ou charged up against her hus
band. La Book was one of the creditors
and be brought ault seeking to hold Mr.
Doll. Judge Leslie decided the bill were
net contracted for necessaries of life and
the husband could not be held. Ha gave
Judgment against Mrs. Doll.
Evidence that Man aad Wife Had
Agreement Restrains Jndgre from
Graatlna: Decree.
Upon evidence that thera may have been
collusion In the case, Judgo Kennedy ha
set aside the divorce decree he granted
June 11 to Minnie K. Hentges from Peter
Hentgea of South Omaha and ha set the
case for hearing at the next term of court.
While the evidence he haa would nt Justify
a dlimtaaal of the caae, he deemed .it suf
ficient to Justify him In setting aside tha
decree and requiring- the retrial of the
The new feature In the cae came about
almost by accident. Judge Estelle being out
of the city, Judge Kennedy took the Jot.
j Hit. ,
You can't catch money spenders with
penurious looking printed matter
MS. 1210-1 til
Flhkensteln, S., 2002 N. 26th.
Fogal. S.. 18th and Mason.
Frank. A.. 26th and Cuming.
tt ii 109ft a 17th.
ing company oi hi. iuis, wun a ciaim oi A A 17oo c.umine.
Z13.7a and tho American joDDing company ..ntrann A 2nth and Martha.
... . ... . . . n n . mi I 1 I LUI lUUU,
petition alleges that the bankrupt haa con
verted somo of his property for the ben?
fit of preferred creditors, to the sacrifice
of the lntcrpts of ths petitioner.
Ccrti Jn creditor of the Fawcett-Carney
Candy company of Norfolk hav-s petitioned pPOSg 2416 S. 16th.
ine ur.ueo. rimes oimnci luun mui m j. Muskln. Z70Z Lake
urm may oe aeciaiea rmniii upi. i i;e nrnth Fd . 10th and Pacific, i
liabilities of the concern are estimated at firvbBkV E F. 402 Woolwortb
a . ir rv i . . i . . . , - . ........ II .
fA),uw, l lie yeuuuiierB ii.una uje uauui
allegation that the bank.uiit has converted
certain of his property to favored creditors, Hampleman, John, 2414 Cuming
thus jeopardizing the interests or the pell- Haeelln, F., 24th and l'arker.
Singer, II., 1014 Pacific.
Slabodinsky, N., 13th and Chicago.
Sommer, L., 26th and Cuming.
Splgel, H., 20th and Grace.
Strawn Bros., 24th and Hickory.
Stribllng, Geo,. 7th and Pierce.
Steinberg, N., 16th and Grace.
Smith, F. P., 14th and Cass.
Smith, C. F., 1421 Military Ave.
Swelgort," M. W.. 19th and Clark.
8unshlne, C, 17th and Webster.
Svacina, Jacob, 6th and Pierce. -Svaclna,
P. M., 1242 S. 13th.
Bwoboda, F., 1261 S. 16th.
L. P. Co.
Imperial Terwilleger, C P.
Almshouse, M. L., 343 W. Broadway. Llnwood Tlchacek, T. E.
AppleQulst, O. N., 1013 W. Broadway. Lushton Strater Morris.
Arnd. W., 71 9 6. Main.
Bartel & Miller, 100 W. Broadway.
Chernlss. 8. M., 1118 W. Broadway.
Chrlstofersen, N., 1623 S. 8th.
i Clarey, John, 1601 W. Broadway.
Crowe. J. J., 8409 W. Broad wary
Cronkelton, C. J., 637 W. Broadway.
Gerbcr, Mary, 2405 Leavenworth.
Gentleman & Son, 24th and Lake.
Goodman, B., 20th and lJurt.
Graham, J. B., 29th and Dupont.
Hager, S. E., 3411 Ames Ave.
Hammond. P. H.. 1619 N. 24th.
Hansom & Frelcks, lGth and Locust
Harding, G. E.. 13th and Vinton.
Heath Bros.. 8001 N. 24th.
Hellue & Co., 25th and Cuming.
Herdllnger & Glbbern, '24th & Sprague zlotgkv 3824 N. 30th.
Hermanek, Chas. F.,' 13th & Williams. 2ourskl . ZourBkl. 29th ant
Tharrlne, Tbeo., 40th and Hamilton.
Tuchman Bros., 324 N. 18th.
Vopalka, Joe, 1324 S. 5th.
Vcunto, H., 1413 N. 27th.
Waclna, M., 20th and Martha.
Wallace & Rummell, 30th and Maple.
Wnxenberg, J., 1505 Park Ave.
Welner, B., 1104 S. 18th.
Weinsteln & Greenberg, 16th -and
Wilde, O. J. Jr., 613 S. 13th.
Wlster, J., 4 8th and Leavenworth.
Woodruff. L., 30th and Pratt.
Wolff, B., 2018 Manderson.
Wulff Bros., Benson.
Wolfson, M. L., 19th and Charles.
nd Dupont.
Omaha Man In the Philippines, Cap
tain of Marine Corps, Ends
Ilia Career.
Captain J. Wallace Broatch. aon of Cap
tain and Mrs. W. J. Broatch of Omaha, H,nZ( Wn) t jth and Jackson
aiea SI Manna inureuuy. Hoff. G. 9.. 2lBt ana Vllllon
This meager Information came in a ca- 1 H s p a. Son. 1713 Leavenworth
blegram to R. B. Howell oi umana inurs- HuheB ry T 2 4th and Fort
day morning, without any oi tne parucu- . , c M 3724 Sherman Ave,
lars oi ine actiiii. mr. jiuncu, .tv.
mate friend of the family, did not know
Captain Broatch had been sick and could
throw no more light on the case than that
contained In the cablegram.
Captain Broatch was about 38 years of
age and the only child of former Mayor
TJ - K n nmin ITa YinA 1 U ,1 ft I T.tilrnnralrl T. T111tnTV A V
successful military career and had hosts jensen & Christiansen, 27th and Bur- Bazar, Mary Co., 36th and V Sts.
nf friends and admirers In Omaha, whefcs rtPttA - weavers, oou ii. iiu.
... lnnn lnen ehllrthnnrl His nar. I lonaon V 9Kt-h mil Climtner Bolster, J., 33d and K.
ents. who have been back to their old homo Johnson. 'L. 1904 Cumine. Bendixon, G. P. 25th and L,
in Wot Virginia on a visit, are now enroute I inAar, r T 17th end Vinton. UraUiey, J. A. tlD 8DQ iW.
tn nm.hA imi. Mr. tinweu sqvs. are not vei 1ihnonii w. 71m Ann hpvnrn. ui.uh.ivi., u ., - - - v
Johnson & Goodlet Co., 20th and Lake, uromer, a. u, w., uz . mn.
ayrne, win., ioiu ana v
Deupree, Geo., 881 Harrison.
Evers, Fred, 2313 W. Broadway.
Freidman Bros., 631 S. Main.
Flower. C. A., 1600 High.
Graham Ave. Grocery, 105 Graham.
Green L., 134 W. Broadway.
Hakenson, O., 3340 W. Broadway.
Hitchcock, A.
Holm A Co.
Jennings, V., 204 E. Broadway.
Jensen, Job., 1823 S. 9th.
Kennedy, P. 8., 21st and Ave. C.
Keppner, J., 1102 6th Ave.
Lewis ft Lewis, 400 N. 8th.
McAtee, A. T.. 230 S. Main.
McSorley, John.
Nelson, J. M., 603 N. 8th.
Nogg, M., 1522 W. Broadway.
Hunter. W. J.. 24th and Blnney.
Hnrdllnger ft Dibblns, 4004 N. 24th.
Independent T. Co., 1701 Leavenworth.
RETAIL GROCERS, SOUTH Olson, John 73 W. Broadway,
' 0,Neill. P. B., 2534 Ave. B.
Mead Ostenberg ft Son.
Maywood Perkins, Joa.
McCook DeGrosse, C. T. ft Co.
Mitchell Burton, J. A.
Millard Peters Bros.
Mlnden Broman Bros.
Mitchell Burton, J. A.
Nebraska City Bartling Oro. Co.
Nebraska City Blckei, P. B. ft Co.
Nebraska City Carlton, H. R.
Nebraska City Cleveland ft Bon.
Nebraska City Cox, A. S.
Nebraska City Fenner, Mary, Mrs.
Nebraska City Fields ft Johnson.
Nebraska City Hoban, H. L.
Nebraska City Lawrence, T. F.
Nebraska City McNamara, Chas.
Nebraska City Mandelson ft Goldstein
Nebraska City Petring. F. W.
Nebraska City Rodenbrock, L. W.
Nebraska City Sloan, W. B.
Nebraska City Stahlhut, C. W.
Nebraska City Stephens, L. L. !
Nebraska City Thomson. Bros.
Nebraska City Thygeson, J. C.
Neligh Phillips. A. H.
North Bend Buchta Bros. , '
North Bend Dotle, T. B.
Oakdale Dunham, H. W,
Oakland Llndohl Bros.
Oakland Rosen. C. E., ft Bon.
O'Neill McManus, P. J.
O'Neill Mann. J. P.
Osceola Abery, Alof.
Oxford Uebel Bros.
Andreason, M., 20th and H.
falace Grocery, 620 W. Broadway.
Peoples Store, 818 W. Broadway.
Petersen. Nels. 316 W. Broadway.
Petersen, Hans, 2118 S. 9th.
Petersen, Frank, 201 W. Broadway.
Petersen. H. C. 825 E. Broadway.
aware of their son's death.
"It will be a severe blow to them, as
they were so devoted to their son." said
Mr. Howell.
A Serlooa Breakdown
results from chronic conntlputlon. Dr.
King's New Life Pills cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 2Lc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Via Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul
Thirty-day round-trip ticket on sale
dally to many point In eastern Canada. I
polnta via Montreal; and on every Thurs
day to New England points, via Albany
western New York and to New England
er Rotterdam Jet., via Chicago, Milwaukee
Bt. Paul By. Complete information about
fares, train service or other details from
j. a. Nash, general western agent. li
rarnum Bt., Omaha.
Striking: Indian nomenclature.
"Muskoka," Clear Sky Land; "Magnets-
wan." Bmooth. Flowing Water; "Ka
wartha," Bright Water and Happy
Lands; "Temagaml," Deep Water;
"Wawa," the frying goose, sre Indian
worda that fittingly describe some of the
most delightful spots for a summer outing
on the American continent. All reached
at apeolal low round trip fares via the
Grand Trunk Railway System. Double
track from Chicago to Montreal and Ni
agara Falls.
Particulars of fares, descriptive litera
ture, time tables, etc., will be mailed free
on application to George W. Vaux, A. Q.
P. c T. A., 13S Adam street, Chicago.
Kaer, A. C, 36th and Hamilton.
Krogh & Smith, 33d and California.
Kulakofsky, 24th and Ames.
Karsch, E. ft Co., 18th and Vinton.
Kronsledt, O.. 2704 Cuming.
Klnkensteln, D. S.. 805 S. 7th.
Knezacek, J. F., 1401 William.
Kulakofsky, I., 1944 S. 10th.
Kramer, T. C, 24th and Franklin.
Landan, F.. 24th and Indiana. ,
Lang. The Gro. Co., 24th and Cuming,
Larson, O., 27th and Grant.
Larson, John, 2701 Leavenworth.
Larson & Bayers, 2330 N. 20th.
Leisge, II., 2918 Leavenworth.
Lenhart, R. A.. 16th and Izard.
Lleberman, 20th and Paul.
Leptln & Eggers, 24th and Q.
Levenson, F., 3215 Leuvenworth.
Lincoln, II., 33d and Leavenworth.
Lyman, E. J., 2208 S. ICth.
Burae, J. E., 32d and Q.
Cahn & Co.; Albright.
Chapman, J., 190 S. 21st.
Cohu, L. J., 129 N. 26th.
Collins, G. S., 561 S. 33d.
CokoB, A. & Co., 2519 Q.
Davis, A. M., 25th and N.
Degan, M., 3125 T St.
Dlckman, A., 20th and M.
Dietz, R., 329 N. 26th.
Dworak, F., 2lst and S.
Ehler, Dora, Mrs., 20th and L.
Etter, F. G., 24th and J.
Flngerlos, C, 27th and X.
8auders, I.
Sixteenth Ave. Grocery, 16th.
6mith, W. L., 2227 W. Broadway.
Sorensen, O. C, 62 8 16th Ave.
Spetman. A. M 611 S. Main.
Simon Bros., 6th and Broadway.
Swanson. E., W. 701 N. 10th.
Palisade Rldrour, C. A.
Pllger Krueger ft Happel.
Pllger Pllger Merc. Co.
Prague Polock, F. J.
Ravenna Rasmussen, Henry.
Redington Oilman, Fred.
Sutton Helnx ft Dulaigh.
Geest, Henry. 20th and L.
Gerber, J.. 24th and N.
.,. .,, , Greene, R. F.. 403 N. 24th.
Mamnson. C. H. & Co.. 1612 Capitol 0ro8S B ,0th and Benary
Margoline, Gall. 13th and Dodge.
Marks, H.. 2911 Franklin.
Moeller Bros., 17th and Clark.
Merrlfleld, E. H., 2230 S. 16th.
Meyer, A.. 10th and Davenport.
wouniDrian. a. a., 16th and Oak.
Mufflnger, J. L., 22d and Pierce.
Hart. F. A., 21st and Z.
Hazuka. J.. 20th and W.
Horacek, G 2010 Q St.
Saperb Service, Splendid Scenery
enroute to Niagara Fall, Muskoka and
Kawartha Lakes. Georgian Bay and Tema
gaml Region, St. Lawrence River and
Rapids, Thousand Islands. Alonquln Na
tional Park. Whit Mountain and Atlantlo
Sea Coast Resorts, via Grand Trunk Rail
way System. Double track Chicago to
Montreal and Niagara Falla. Special low
round trip fare are In effect to many of
theo resort during the summer season.
For copies of tourist publication, fare,
and descriptive pamphlet apply to Geo.
W. Vaux. A. a P. T. A.. IS Adams St,
Nathanson. I., 39th and Leavenworth.
Nelson, Fred, 40th and Hamilton.
Nelson, C. E., 30th and Hamilton.
Newman, B., 2420 Leavenworth.
Newman, M.. 27th and Wool worth.
Newman, Sch., 1138 N. 18th.
Johnson & Motensen, 452 S. 32d.
KatBkee & Beldlng. R. U. Ave. ft Wash
ington. Klein, Max., 30tb and R.
McGoldrlch. P. J., 409 8. 39th.
McQuba, J., 2721 Q St
Mertcns, E. ft Co., 24th and K. '
Scotts' Bluff Rice. Wm., ft Son.
Scrlbner Mllllgan. G. J.
Scribner Steil, Louis.
Smithfleld Beckford, J. W.
Smlthfleld Edelman ft Co.
Thompson ft Frazer Co., 932 6th Av. Springfield Bates, O. A.
Toller, R., Co., 1001 8. Main. Stanton Loebe ft Fuchs.
Stanton Raabe, F. A.
Zoller. J., ft Co., 100 E. Broadway. stratum Daubler, A.
. Stockham Maupln, P. J.
Superior Oliver ft Felt
Sutton Burllngame, A. C.
RETAIL GROCERS, COUNTRY iuuonr&sc. m.. Co.
Button Roberts, John
"Able Roh, F. J.
Arapahoe De Allmond. A. E.
Arapahoe Hutchcroft, T. O.
Arcadia Hastings, M.
Arlington P. Z., The Shoe Man.
Ashland Hoffman, Oscar.
AtklDson Erychleb, Mann ft Co.
Atlanta Coffey, C. S.
Aurora Davidson, J. R., ft Co.
Aurora Johnson, S. J.
Bassett Levensky ft Llppman.
Boelus Jensen, P.
Bridgeport Miller, J. L.
Bennington Wilt, Mick.
Bertha Bulng Bros.
Bertrand Swanson, P.
Blair Robinson, C. J.
Blair Gilbert, O., ft son.
Bradshaw Bubell, C. A.
Carter Johnson, Bloom & Co.
Dow City, la. Bruner Bros.
Edison Burt. G. S.
Eldorado Bauer, Emit.
Elkhorn Housely ft Buteschoen.
Elwood Carrll), 3. A.
Exeter Wilson, J. C.
Tennant. Ia. Woods, W. B.,
Tllden Nelson, O. K.
Tllden Avery. Erickhoff ft Thompson
Trenton Allen ft Klrkbride.
Trenton Boaseman Bros.
Utlca Ren, F. IT., Co.
Uehllng, Christonsen, Martin.
Valley Collen, C"-.
Waco Waco Merc. Co.
Wannet McCullum Cattle Co.
Washington Simereen, If.
Weeping Water Johnson-.' Hans.
West Point Goldsmith. L., Co.
West Point Jurman Bauman Co.
West Point Krause. A. E.
West Point Smith W. L.
West Point Steisen. Wm.
Wisner Himes, H. U
York Chair, 3. H.
York Klelnschmldt. EL &
oct; young udie .ho.. mis.' ho.T neglected so far to get Sweetheart Sap in stock, please note that we allow your customers two weeks
boy' shoes, children's shoes, babies' hoes. uulpu"" B"ar' JuIY 5th for redemption of coupons to enable you to get stock from your jobbers. ,
Order a case today, and have the jobber you buy it from report your name f r publication.
To all' Grocers Everywhere:
This will be the biggest distribution of Toilet Soap ever made in this territory. Another free
coupon appears next Sunday. Ve want each of you t get your share of this business. If you have
Twenty per cent (recount sal on in
fant' wear, boy and girl' furnishings,
bat and caps. Benson
llputlan Baxaar, 1U5-U17
w advertise your store and let your customers know you are prepared to redeem their coupons.
W. II. Peacock, Thirty-second aad Wright
streets, brick dwelling, fci,tuO; it. (Replica,
son, lj Bramrt eirvet, frame dwollina.
3.wa; C. J. kfelaer. Twenty-sixth unj
MMile streets frams dwelling, f t; Mrs.
J. Nwlln. ibg Picrve surest, frame dwet
una. aLsuI
lailsfai! Smisip Go. RIew Yoris