MA H.MLY BEKt THURSDAY. .TUT A' J. 190$. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET No Strength Despite Lower Cablet nd Ideal Weather. MORE WHEAT, BUT NOT CORN Dally Reeelpie -t Formrr Show Steady lurrfw, While Little of the Latter la Merle a; vt All. fair!. 1713 t. Eftss. firm; at mark, Include 1, l.Vtfbir; fiiats. 17c; prime flrats, 9r. Cheese, essy; 10Vall'c- OMAHA. Neb., July 8. 19". With rahlts coming Inner and weather report! showing Meal conditions throunhout tli wheat and corn belts, grain values do not ahow any particular strength. Daily receipts of wheat show an Increase, while very littla corn la moving aa yet. heat opened steady, but eased off easily on continued selling and heavy receipts sid light demand. The cash market ruled dull and Inactive, reflecting on the options. July Wheat opened at 87e end cloaed at 7c. Despite of Meal weather and more favor able condltlona generally, corn advanced on better caah demand and southern accep tances. July corn opened at 7o4c and Honed at i(nc. Primary wheat receipt were 33.0 hu. and shipments were 340,00 bu.. agalnirt re ceipts last year of -.67.0 bu. and shlpmenta of iK.omt bu. , . . Co.-n receipts were SOI.onO bu. and ahlp mer.ta were 660.W bu.. against receipts last j far of 113,000 bu. and shlpmenta of 44,OUU Cleirances were l.nntl bu. of corn, 2,0m bir cf oats and wheat and flour equal to 78,000 Liverpool closed mj"jd lower on wheat and 4'(H'l lower on corn. fcrd reported 64,(K0 bu. of wheat taken for export. lycal range of options: ArttTlcs.l Open. Hluh.j Dow. Oose. Tes'y. Wr-eM Jiilv.. Kept.. C I, - Jul v.. Sept.. Doc... Ost.t Pept.. May.. r . K (. 7041 7"M 42VS TO 1 4l S7 I S2 Es' 5 42-zil 42fc! K7 82 7i W'i 39V 42 Omaha Cask Prlrea. WHBAT-No. 2 hard, JMtfWc; No. 1 hnrd, ftl'4filVi ; No. 4 hard, hA'gSic; No. spring. 14 (".. CORN-No. 3, ;o71c; No. 4, 7ti'7CVc; o 1 yejluw, 71'a71'c; No. 1 white, b lS-No. 8 mixed, WVi'ff 4fo ; No. 3 wile. y-fiiOHc; No. 4 white. 4rV4j'4f 1C. Kltf-No. 2. 72073c; No. I, '.wailc. Carlot Receipts. Whnt. Corn. Csats. Chicago tt 73 84 Minneapolis .- n i'H Omaha 3 30 13 Duluth .1 62 " 4IIICAGO CR AIM AID PROVISIONS 1'eaturra of the Trading and 4 losing I'rireB on R-ard of Trade. CHICAGO, July 8.-Wheat prices on the local exi.iange advanced sharply today, ow ing til thu bullish showing of the govern milt report. At the cloie September de livery showed at net gain of HWif. Corn van a stia.le higher. Oats were c lower, i'l ijvhiiciia were iVjitec lower to 2c higher. The governmer report, which waa Issued fifteen minutes before the close of the ses sion, rsilmated the condition of the winter what crop to be So.ti, compared with 86 a month ago. and that of spring wheat 1R), against 1 last month. The amount of wheat still In farinera' hunds was est! mated to he 33.7tt.OM) bu., which Is 20.0u0.0u0 bu. leaa than waa In reserve the corre sponpdlng time a year ago. The report was morn bullish than had been generally antlcl pated and prices on the local exchange ad- uncoil rapidly after publication of the o.flclal llgures, until they were nearly 2 leiita alove the low point of the day. The 1 'ut.. t opened weaK, owing to general sen 1 U tioiifcht out by lower cables and by t ti.iir ... -weather in this country for the i.-w i.-rup. This waa followed toward mld- . . .v .i mi. u raliy caused by reports of t in ,r to me crop In North iMkota. Tha l.J.i. doieu s.i )!!(. September opened oe.- at hiMiS.'Sc, sold off to 87-c M..U then advanceu m Hu'nc. i'he olose waa Hi Clearances of wheat and l.uur .re equal to bu Hrlmary'rc- ' if'ip.a' weio 3j!)a) hu., compared with 467, tfi bu. the same day a year ago. Mlnne .!i.s, Dul.ith and Cnlia. reported re ii'ip M of l'A cars, aainai 157 cars laat vm and 'JDi cars one year ago. iliu LOin market vva active and nervous. 'I ..i:. was liberal pruflt-tnttlr.g early In uny, owing to lower caoles and more crop reports. Later the market i a tli ii u.i uciivc demand by leading bulls, I i in a iiivnn. lng more than 13 from the l,w po:- oi tli day. Afier thu publication v. ii.i. .. ..v. rtiment report tho market eased 0. 'f. t .ic K.-.irt waa construed ua bearish,'. . . It showed un Increased acre age u. i.dc.iuti bu. and a gain of 2.6 per i-nc i i i .iu.iinii. compared with last year's crop a. torusi), meting time. The mar Vet iie.i l,cular, July being firm, Hcp ttinii. ... and the new crop months via ... '.i!:t opened Vfc'a'.if to.ViiSo louei .... .2'S.. a Ivar.ced to 73Vc and ilc8u u .. .v. Local receipts were 73 cars, x. ... .. j.ilr.icl grade. L .-i.-, . . ai.i i ted by the fluctuations of v i. ,ii ;i y c ni, allli'iugh sentiment was tin ... . p u! oeurish. Improved prospecis l.i;- '.. .i w i imp, lue tu recent rains, wer I id fur much of the selling pressure. '. , .at: mr.ont report showed a delerlora . tu :. oi i.J per cent In the cordltlon of the c.u ..aiiii Jun. The market cloaed weak h-picinoT opened V4V lower at 4U14tc, and U t ween H and 4 mo and cloaed at . lAiitl receipts were 84 cars. 1'rovislona wele Inclined to be weak be-cans-- of liberal realizing sales brought out t j aoi.'.e extent by a 10c decline In live linns. I he market rallied late In the ses sion oi buying by shorts and closed steady, wun September pork 2Vc higher at I15.71S 1. ard was a shade lnwer at f9.4&'u9.47.. Klbs were 2S1lvic lower at 8.76ntt.77H- Estmiuied ivie'pls for tomorrow; Wheat. 3 in; corn, l.j cars; oiti, K3 cars; huts. J7.iV( head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WFAT11EH li THK URAM REI.T Fair and Warmer far Tnarsdar, Says the Praoket. OMAHA. July . 1! The area of high pressure noted moving fropi the west over the centrsj vaileya Tues.lny has eaten.led raalwsrd and now overlies the country from the Rocky to tin Alleglany rr.ountains, and generally clear w.-ather prevails everywhere except In (lie At'nntlc and gulf states, where It la clo'i-lj. The coil wn-e has continued east ward and temperatures are lower every where east of the Mississippi river this mi.-.ilng. Temporstures continue to rise west of the river, and the weather will be fair and warmer In this vicinity tonight and ThiinrTny. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last thre years: ivm, ihh. iym i:i. Minimum temperature .. & 72 1 F9 Precipitation .00 .00 .08 Normal temperature for toilay 76 degrees. Excess In precipitation since March 1, 4 S Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 8 Irches. Deficiency corresponding period In l'JOK, 2.37 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Torcaster. Cora an Wkeat Region Ballettn. For the twenty-four houra ending at 8 a. rn TMh meridian time, Wednesday, July 8. 1Mi: Temp. Raln Btatlont. Max. Mln. fall. Pky. Ashland, Neb 74 6H .00 Clear Aubuin, Neb 74 4 .10 Clear hroken How. Neb. 91 AO .00 Clear Columbus, Neb... 77 6) .0i Clear Cu bertsin, Neb.. W 62 .00 Clear Fa'rbury. Neb.... 'i7 64 .'0 Clear Kalrmrnt. Neb... SO f.2 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 79 67 .0 dear Dartington. Neb. 82 62 .CO Pt. cloudy Hastings. Neb.... 73 63 .0) Clear HoldreKe. Neb... 78 (3 .0 Clear Oukdalr, Neb ' f6 .00 Clear Omaha,, Neb 72 fS .it) C'eir Tekamah, Neb... 7 61 .00 Hear Alia, la 72 49 .00 Clear CarroM. la 77 49 .01 dear Clarinda. Ia 75 45 . 00 Cloar Sibley. Ia 72 47 .00 Clear t8.oux City, la... 74 68 .00 Cloudy Not included In averages. tMlnlmum tem perature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches Chicago, 111 2 72 62 .01 Columbus, 0 18 M 62 .2 Da Moines, la.... 14 74 60 T Kanaas City. Mo.. 21 76 54 .( Louisville, Ky 18 84 M .04 M nna.i polls. Minn. 24 74 t3 .00 Omaha. Neb 18 78 62 .00 S(. Louis, Mo 13 78 64 T The cool wave haa spread over the east ern portion of the corn and wheat region. It Is growing warmer In the western por tion. Light rains occurred In the eastern pirtion Tuesday. L..A. WELSH, Loral Forecaster. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Movement to Adrano Prices Makes Material ProgTeis. MOVEMENT IS INTERMITTENT Reactions on Realising alea ops4 by Dnylnsj Rallies lreogtk In Certain Issues A Iter la F.atlre l ist. NEW TORK, July 8. The movement to advance prices of stocks made material progress today although the rise was not uninterrupted and waa not free from some Imposing obstacles In the volume of tbe selling encountered at some stages of the advance. This selling waa particularly nota ble In stocks which have been speculative mediums, even while the general list was lying practically dormant, t he consequence was a halting and irregular movement, due to the numerous checks when these obsta cles became insurmountable. Tha selling to realise, however, waa not pushed far on the decline and the running out of Belling ordera .brought the reactions continually to a pause. Strength in Individual stocks had a sustaining Influence on the general list. Some of the hesitation manifest In the movement of railroad stocks was due to the desire to await the appearance of the Sovernment report on the (train crop, which id not atmeur until 2 o'clock. The favor able Interpretation placed on the outlook for corn was visible in tne special strengtn oi railroads which carry much of that crop, aa well aa in the weakness 111 the price of that grain. Reports of a tnrnat on the part of the Erie to cut rates Id trunk line terri tory restrained the movement In those stocks. Some of this restraint was thrown off In the latter part of the day when Ihe general upward movement gained considerable force. Large government aianursements were reflected In the debit balance of $3,79u.0O0 of the subtreasury at the clearing house. New York banks are disposed to surrender not only the quota of govern ment deposits covered by the call of the secretary of the treasury, but their total holdings, rather than pay the 1 per cent In terest called for by the new W-eifcratlve pro. visions. Accumulative Influence was ex erted, by reports from various sources of trade revival ana ine tact, tnai ine worn 'i the democratic convention at Denver Is neartng completltlon was an element In the awakened activity of the market. Bonds were firm. Total sales, Pir value, I3.O9S.0OO. United States bonda were un changed on call. Number or sales ana quotations on uio Stock exchange were as follows: PAIR. X1IRI1. 4J"W. ...i.. ,. e.snO S7"4 8iH Artlc!ei. Open. High. Low. I Close. Yea'y. Wheat July Bept. aDec. bDC. Cora July Sept. Dec. May Oats aJuly bjuly Sept. Deo. May Pork July Sept. O.-t. Lard Julv ISept. O-t. Fits July Bept Oct. 8i'il KTV-i'-M ... I l"tl ;7i , HH,HJ... 11Vi(i2l I 47, 4kV 404 't -111 4H'U'42 43j I IS S7 If) b 16 674 ..7.J 46 60 8 00 8 75 ( 80 fv .'! I 47.! 41S 42S, 44 I 16 6 i 15 76 16 5 47W t 17V i 8 & 8 80 B 86 4I SbI 87 K7K8N'& 88 89 iSOKrtJ 90 19 I 9041 89H 711.1 72s' 72 72 72S,724H fll 61H ei's'aS li OlVsl 624 I I 47141 48 I 48H U 474 48 4i 4HI -4is 414i 4!H 424 421! 484) 44, M!W YORK (lEMEHAL MARKET (.notations of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. July 8. FLOt'R Receipts, 22.966 bbls. ; exports, 41 bbla. ; market ateady with light trade. Mlnneaota patents, 85.26 rtf 6.66; winter straights, I4.10&4.26; Mlnneaota bakers, 14.064.60; winter ex tras, $3.4Rfu 4.00; winter patents, 44.401 4.75; winter low grades, 3 36 6 3.30. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. 4.26HJ4.60; choice to fancy, 34.66ij'.500. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, 1. 60i$l. 66; coarse, 31.65; kiln dried, 3200. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 834c f. o. b. New York. WH EAT 'Receipts, 8.000 bu.; spot market firm. No. 2 red, SflfoWc, elevator; No. 2 red, 98c, to arrive, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.194. t. o. b., afloat; No, 2 hard winter. 31.041, f. o. b.. afloat. Fine weather and weak cablaa caused an early sharp break In wheat today, all of which waa later regained on covering, due to the bullish crop reports, closing Wec net higher. July, V;'nWc, closed at 98c; September, 94 13-ltuH-Hc. closed at 96c; De cember, 9t;V977,c, closed at 87To. CORN Receipts. 14.000 bu.; spot market easy. No. 2, 81c, nominal, elevator, and 8lWc. nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Option mar ket was strong and higher on covering of shorts, but eased off finally on the crop report, closing lc net higher. July closed at 82c: September. 8Kri814e, closed at 814o. OATS Receipts. 75.(iO bu.; exports, 1.3W hu.: snot market ateady. Mixed, art to 82 lbs.. 6Mi5rtc; natural white, 2C to 32 lbB., 68 $; clipped white, 32 to 42 lbs, 6358c. HIDKd Firm; Bogota, 18 4 18c; cen tral America, isc. LEATHBH-Firm: aold.- 211t2c. PROVISIONS Heef, steady: family, 16.7517.60; mesa, 314. 50&i 15.50; beef hania. I28.OOfil30.00: racket. 315.00M16.00: cltv extra Indian moss. 324. 60S? 25.00. Cut meats, steudy; pickled be-lllos, 9Cq-Uc; pickled hnrnx. Il4(irI2c. iarn, steaay; western, '..&tKTr.W; refined, quiet; continent. $9.90; 8 - A. $10.30; compound, Kr40. I'orK, firm; famllv, $18.00(9 18.60: short clear, $17. 2Bf 18.60; mess. $17.00017.25. Hlt'li uulet: domestic, lair to extra, 3-.ii'c: Jnpan. nominal. TALLOW rirm; city, o i-ic; country, o? Bl TTER firm; creamery specials, zac; extras. 224c; third to rirst, lwivszc. OH EES el Steady ", slate, tun cream ape clala. HV(l21.c: small colored, white, fancy He; large. 1040; good to prime, Sioc; common. lfiVw. 1-MOS Firm: western firsts, 184jngVc; seconds. 17f1740. POl'LTHY Alive stvady: spring chick ens. 18c; lowis, lie; luraeys. ijc; oressea steady; western spring onicaenB. itaa'joc; turkeys, 12817c; fowls, y:(tfl7te. Kansas City Grain nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 8.-WHEAT- a. 1 1. 1 iJn ... u n. V.. . on III IIO llgt.fl , iiui), n-a nv , iwvc..". , , Deceuilier, 847c; cah: No. 2 hard, 9;lcJ $l.iw; No. 3. 5ci8$l.tO; No. J red, 82fi4cH No. 3, S(tic. roiix-lfniUc hlh-r: July. 73c: Bertem 1 er, tc; De-emlie.-, tStic; canh; No. t mlxtd, 7 ft7rHc; No. 3. 16c; No. 2 white, 82j No. 3 8ii8lc. OATS 4bic hlnh'-r; No. 2 white, 493ilj, No. 2 mixed, 4lvU'c. ' RYE 72C(i79c. HAY Choice timothy,- weak. $9.&W10.00 chi'lcepralrle, boo lower, .60aio.ou. lil'TTKR Eeasy ; creamery, 2ic; packing stock, lbc. EGGS 40 higher; fresh extras, . 18c ; cu r.nt recelotB. 144c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4.000 2.00 Corn, bu 40,000 13.010 Oats, bu (.00) Quotations at Kansas City aa report! Dy iigan at tiryan, iz uoard 01 Trade: 16 3741 16 52 15 (to 16 70 15 674! 16 76 3'4i 40 50 8 00 8 70 8 80 15 00 15 70 16 75 I 374 374I 7W 47V. 9 60 8 24 8 77H1 K!4I Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Cloie, Wheat September December . Corn September December . 84 82-8 v; DO 3H81i?f2,K36'4A 85 I RSSi 84 671-.; 6"4l56fiV 64 6(114 A asked. B bid. 65 I 65 t 80 t 874 aOIA. bNew. Cauli quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady ; winter patents, $4."ffl II Jn-a 4.4.1; straignts, U li4 40; bakers $2 Jo $'.;tiiH.i; strsujhts, 3.tvi4.i0; bakers, $2.90 it i ij. WHF-AT-No. 3 spring, 9Vi9Sc; No. 2 red. 6SV, nw"c. , CORN-NO. t. 7ar734c; No. I yallow. 74 OATS No. I 524c; No. 3 White, KMc. RYE No. t. Kj,3r. BAkl.L'V-Fair to choice malting, 4t75Kc. PKEDt Plat. No, 1 northwestern, $l.23V FROVIelONa tsluit ribs sides (looavi' $8 8.4r( TV Mess pork, per bhl.. $16 .6ui U JV Lard, per lo Ins.. $si.J74. Bliort clear sides (boxed), $8 87 9. UK Following were tii receipts and ahlp mants of flour and gra n: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 42.4i What, bu 23.000 118. Ut) Coro. bu 147.000 4-MS.C.4) Oats, bu SJ7.600 267.8H) Rye, bu 4,t) Barlay. bu 29.D 7.000 Oi tha Froduc exchange today tha butter market was steady; creameries, lNa2lc; rblladelphla Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 8. BUTTER Market quiet but stuady; extra western citamchy. 24Wc: neirby prints. 2Hr. EGOS Market firm; good demand; Penn sylvania and other nearby firsts, free raaaa. 19c at n ark; current re-lpts In returnable lasea. iNc ut uiarK: current receipts, west erus, fr-e cams. 18c t.t naik. CHEESE Market steady, fair demand. rtow mm iuii vrf.iiia, cnoice, iic; la to good, IK1II4C. LlTerpovl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, July I. WHEAT 8 Dot No t red western winter easy, 7a 24d; No. I California, quitu. is va; lutures. quiet July. 7s id; S.Vtember. 7b 14d; December 7f Id. CORN Spot. flrm new American kiln dried. s IHkd. old American mixed. 6s 2Vd futures, quiet; July, 6s 64d; September, 6s 1V- ' Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 8 WHEAT July repiemuer, -sc; io. 1 nam, No. 1 northern, $1 12S: No. 3 northern 41 ie; No. 8. ll.06S91i. HRAN Millers quoted bran at $1800. FIjOCR Uulat: first patents. to.Kai,53 second patents. $5.3u6.46; first cloais, $4.& (04. to; second clears, $3.&0rl.8U. Peerln Market. FEORI A, July B.-CORN-Flrm: No. yellow. 76c; No. 3 yellow, 76c; No. 3, 7ic NO. 4. tic; no grade, 7ia73c. OATft-Cncbangsd; No. white. 624flttc iu. mniie, n.c. WHISKY 11.36. Dalatk Grain Market. DLLl'TH, July I. -WHEAT No. north jrn. el 12: Nu. J northsrn. UM; Jul OATn 4S- Teleae- Bred Market. TOLEDO. July 8.-8EF.D8-Clovef. Oe- '"T. (i an; ieeiiirwr. $7 u: March. a7.C7Vn. AUiks. August, I7.8U.. 1S inn 2T r l'O i4 4.1W sn 4't m) 10;4 101 t4.0 HV 8l4 12714 127 auo 37 101 31H 17H (0 ion, 1H 8,1'10 4.100 3O0 800 2.600 4S4 42 91 S3 92 81 H 89 8S4 t.JOO 60 401 6,700 na4 124 100 26 : 300 r 96 MO 19!i 19S 5,200 42H 41 S4 1.000 l.aoo 6tx 1110 84 24 S5I 20 311 21 too lafii 194 11.2'MI 114V, 133 8.100 -"4 6,3 134H 12 10O V tOO 31V. U4 31 Amilgamatetl Opper Am. c. at r Am. c. a- r. Dfd 8"0 ll Am. Totton Oil 1.700 31 Am. H. A U pfd Am. Ice Securities Am. Llnawd nil Am. Locomotlre Am. Ijoromotlve pM... Am. 8 A R Am. 8. R. pM Am. 8ur Refining..., Am. Tolmcco pfo American Woolen .... Anaconda Mlnlug Co.. Atchison Atchlxon pffl Atlantic Coast Line... Kaltlmore A Ohio !l. I. A Ohio pfd , Brooklyn Rapid Tt Canadian Pacific , (antral Leather Central Ueath pfd... Cautral ol New Jeraar CbMapeaae A Ohio... Chlcaso OL W Chicago A N. W C. M. 8t. P C., C. O. it- L. ... Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern. Colo. A 80. Ut pfd... Colo. A Bo. 3d pfd.... OonaolldaUd Oa b.l. A Hudn l.K "3 1,1 Danrar A Rio uranaa. I) A R. O. pld Distillers' Securities . Erie Erie let pfd Erie 3d pfd Oncrai Electric Ol. Northern pfd (It. Northern Ore ctfl.. llllnota Central Interlmrounh Met Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd '-"a Int. Pump loa' Central Kanaaa City 80 ;..-. JJ K. C. 80. pfd .'" "'-n Iv.ul.vllle & N 1.300 1 Mulcan Oentral -j- Minn. A 81. Loula ff" '' M-. it. P- A - B. M TOO 11 H 111 Mlaoourl Pacific J-JjW JH M.. k; a T O0 3 M , K. A T. pfd National Iead ....I... New York Central..., N. Y . O. A W Norfolk A Western..., North American , Northern Pacific .... Paclfio Mall Pennsylvania People'! Oas P., C. C. A 8. b..., Preaaed Stel tar..., Pullman Palaoe Car.. l.ilw.. him SortDK Heading 1' Republic Steel J- Republlo Bteel pin... Ro8 Waiid Co Rock Inland Co. Pfd. St. U A B. F. 2d pfd Bt. L. 8. W o 1. a w nro Bloheffteld 8. A 1 1.W0 Mt ftouthern Pacific 14.70 814 80. Pacific pfd - Bo. Railway 80. Railway pfd , Tenneaaae Copper ..... Teiaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W T.. 81. I. A W. pfd.. Vnloa Pacific t'nloa Pacific pfd I!. B. Rubber II. B. Rubber 1st pfd.. V. B. Steal l 8. Steel pfd IT..K Cm, Va.-Carollna cnemicai .... . - Va.-Caro. Cham, pld jo 1 Wabaeh J2 Wabaah pfd J Weatliifhouaa Slectrlo WO 66 Weetern (.olon , Wheeling A U E J wiHMiniia (Antral 11 an 4 M14 t tl 9 8K 49 1H3 28 96 too 4:s ' 1.600 164 155 1MH B4.MU 136VS 137Vk 63 .t00 19H 2HUj 2s4i 1,100 321 si, ail 8110 Mis rH; o 400 6014 4!4 i" 3,400 127S 1214 "7 100 lKVi l"1 " 25H 46 3(44 1H 4 to 4 13 134 ( 42 133S US i4 10 68 14 r4 lei 4 i'4. t1 7 11014 61 Z.144 "44 1,000 48 14 4" 7 la 1.4O0 U' 1"4'4 106S 4.700 4114 41 414, S00 10V, 704 .KO 43Vi 8JS 26. JO0 14V4, 139 l.doO 2h 264 11,(00 1KH U14t 6--0 ,!'.J 92 24 ftf'4 V 100 T5 1.4"0 80 4H0 168 ) 38 117 18H 17 75 2814 1MS4 37 704 140 1. 93H 74 24 1544. 37 Vi ll&'t 1164, 184, 1S l.Oi 10 1.700 6, too CHS 10 6414 87 4 -."4 17V 1 2614 1 4 64 14 fcTl, 4oO 11744 1'H 1"4 1.000 18 17l 1714 100 4414 44 44V, 2314 Z !W 1T4 46 44 144 144 81 24 86 26 V 96 l S '4 24, to 46 1,800 100 400 106,400 lf-0 100 83 8 "1 26H 400 86 14 11T.S' 40', 22.700 108', 106V4 107H &) 3414 34 1414 44 17 24V, 100 11V, 23 6Vi "';4 17 14 4 Ill Mia 66 4Vt 4k. "'4 Total salea lor the day. 831.100 shares. New York Money Mnrket. vr.w YORK. July 8 MONEY-Prime M.H.inin. T,annr. 3Wi4 rjer cent. BTi-m.iMi HSXlllXSaa Steady, with actual bualneaa In bankers' bills at $4.8HU5 for demana ana at,u ior iy hills- commercial bllla, $4.SBV.'ir4.86H. 81 LV BR Bar. 53V,c; Mexican dollars. 46c, m iNl8 Uovernmeni. aieauy; ranrunu 'vTriNwrVnn rati, easv at lSrlVi Der cent .iin m.ti 11. iH-r cent: cIosIiik bid 1'- lr cent; offered at per cent. Tim lians. oulet and ateaa; ; six'y days, 14 kfl per cent; ninety days, par cent; six montho, J "4. per cent. . Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: . . .,. ..ius4 hock. vai. aa. 101 ..IMS Int. Met. 414a. 47S ..100 L. A N. uni. 4a i ..10'V e.Man. e. s. 4a M ..12114 Mei. Central 4a US . .122 '4 4o la tine 14 .. 72S al. A St. U 4a.... 80 ..I06S M., K. A T. 4s. 97 .. at ed0 ta 83 .. 87 ti. R. R. of St. e 4s BIS .. 1S T4. T. C. g 8Sa I ..1S (. J. C. g. 6a 121 .. 81 No. Paclfio 4a 101 s .. MS do la J .. 1 N. A W e. 4a I4S ..73 O. g. L. rfflg. 4a ..lu6 Peon. ce. 4 We 1916... Rli ..71 do eon. 4a M .. 44V1 Raadlni gea. 4a...... 7 .. las Rep of Cuba 6a luVt ..looi.tit. L. A I. M. c. 6e..l7 V. 8 ret. 2a. re do coupon U. 8. ta, reg do coupoa U. 8. 4a, reg do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s... do ia Atchleea gen. aa.. ado ad) 4a do ce. 4a do ct. 6a Atlantic C. U 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4s... do 3Sa Brk. R. T. e. 4a.. central of Oa. ta do lac lnc do id lnc do Id lnc Thea. A O. 4Sa Chicago A A. Sa-.. St. L. A 8. r. tg. 4a ... aa1, at. a. .b. v. c. b la 6J', SeaboaH A. L 4a 16 So Pacific 4a. 6cS do let 4a 1. 94 S o. Railway 6a . 44 leaa A P. la ... . tl T . St. U A W. ' . to In ton Pacific 4a... . I7S do ct 4a . 9o t S Btael Id 6a.. . tos Wabai4l la . 41 Weetprn Md. 4a . 7t W. A L K. 4a... W11 Central 4a 4a. .... MS ... 67 S ... Mi ... ... s ...107S ..71 ...U'l ... o4 ...99 ...10.IS ... 70S ... 4UJV. 1 C . B. A Q C. B. 1. A P do eol. 6a do rfdg. 4s ccc A Bt. L g. Colo. lnd. 6s t'olo. Mid. 4a.... Onto. A So. 4a ... Del. A M CT. 4a. tl. A R. O. 4a... Erie p. I. 4a do an. 4a Japan 4a do 4Sa do td aeries Bl. tillered. Mew York Mlalnsjr tltocka. NEW YORK. July 8. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alias 3X ledllle Coo, Utile Cniet . Meiicaa Ontario (rphlr Small Hopes S'andard Tel lew Jacket tSN. Y. N. H. cerfa..U7 Breece Bruoawlck Con. ... Com. Tunnel etock. Com. Tunoel bonds. Oon. Cal. A Vs.... Hora Slier .SO) . I . . lit . 66 44 Iroa SilTer Hi ... 4 ... 4 ... 40 ..460 ..2WI ... 15 ...171 ... 26 Forelcn Financial. l)NDON, July 8 Money waa In ooJ rt maud In the market today, the over sub scntied lunds or the Irish loan havinA nu yet teen released. Discounts were steady On the ato k exchange the American was the best section, owing to favorable crop ana iron ana airei iraae prnapeicta. B1U-B orenel about parity ana were I'riull 1 aun ,-ortsJ until Wall sliest 0ntL .Nw lira then sent fslr buylna: orders and p-r'c- cloaed tlrm. In other directions tiulnes waa dull. Cotisoia hard.-ned a fraction Homo rails dropped, hut furelarners. espe cially Risslan and Japanese bonds, wrr steady. ItKRLIN. July . Trires on the Roren today Bnerally were firm, especially In the nee 01 rentea. I AHIS. July 8.-Pr1ces on the Bourse to day aire firm. Boston Mocks and Roods. POSTON. July 8. Money call loans, per cent; time loans, IIMS ner cent. Closing; quotations on sinks and bonds Atrhirsn ad). 4a do 4a Men. Central 4a. Atchlaon R. R... do pfd Boaion A Albany Ponton A Maine. Poetnn EleTated N Y., N. H. A t'nlon Pacific Am. Arge. Cham do pfd Am. Pnes. Tube.. Amer. Sugar Am. T A T Am. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion 1. A 8. Edienn F.lec. lllu. Oeneral Electric . Maaa. Electric ... do pfd Maaa. Uaa tnlted Fruit .. I'nlted 8. M. ... do nfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adrenturr- AJIouea Amalgamated .. Atlantic Bid. Aiked. 87 Plnaham .... t7 Cal A Heels.... .... Centennial .... MS Oopper Range .. MS Paly Wet S0414 Pranklln ....131 llranby . ... 1 Xl S lle linvale II 1.H-, Man Mining ... .1(1 Mlchlsan . 24 Mnhtak . 87 Mont. C. A C . 4 old Dominion .. 127S Oa. eola 114S Parrot . 21 Qulncy . aa Shannon . 184 Tamarack .Ill Trinity .135 t'nlled Copper .. 9 I'. 8. Mining.... 4S C 8. Oil ill, t'tah 1US Victoria 66 Winona 1R WolTrrlne 4044 North Butte 1 Butte Coalition . , 414 Nevada 30 Cal A Anions.. 874 Anaona Com. ... 14 Greene Cananea 60 .au .. 2 .. 74 . o4 t'4 100 .. KS ,. , . en .. o . 87 1v ,. . 8T . 14 .. b4S .. 13-, . 7 , . V . t . 43 4 .. 6'4 . .13)2 . T1S ,. 2V . u .111 ,. it .. 1044 Trenanrr Stntement. WASHINGTON. July 8-Today's stati.- mint of tin treasury balances in the aen- eral fund, exclusive of the $15il,0i0 lOU gold rf-erve. shows: Available caah balance, $231.75.577. Oold coin and bullion. $i8.447.. Oold certifi cates, $31,901,275. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steen Barely Steady, Cows Active and Fully Steady. HOGS SELL TEN CENTS LOWES !keen nnd l.r-mha Ktendy to I.orrer, wltk Kverf Ihlnc In for Reason So ornfeda ot t ense' inenre on ale 8V. lit OMAHA. July 8. 1?. ReceiDts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 1 4 Otfic al TLiesdny 1.2 .-9 tsliiiiRto Wednesday .... 1.4o Three days tlils week.. 4,9 Pnine Ca.vs hist w eek 7.47 t Hume da. s 1 weeks ago.. Mime days 3 weelta ago.. t.V 'i Sunie (Jays 4 weeks ao..l4,lH0 Fame days last yor 9.S.16 The following table shows the receipts o. cattle, hotis and aheep at 8fUth Umaha for the year to date, compared with last 3.M.S lli'O 4f4 n.OW H. 4,ini 1,53 12,, Si 2;.;ii 11. im 1.4, 0 1S.K-2 411,, li U.i.6 2r..4 9.7k QUR BANKING CREED To socure the absolute safety of ovory dollar of fund ontnistod to tho caro of this Hank. To anticipate tho requirements of our depositors, and at all times to give them faithful, prompt and obliging service. To develop resources, and assist our clients in every way consistent with sound and prudent banking. (0 CO 0-0 year; Cattle Hora , Sheep 4li44 1.I-4S.M3 71,0.G 19"7. BW.fil l,;i.i.(C'tl 8;,N)i Inc. lh3,U7 Pec. 135.517 iL''.i At. Lonla General Market, 6T. IXUIS. July 8. WHEAT Firm ; track, No. 2 red caah, !Mi9:c; No. 2 hard, $l.iKiriI (; September, Wtc; December, 90o. (..UKIS Weak; trat-K, io. casn. 7iyiiT6v,c; No. 2 white. 79Wg&e; September, 71Tc; De cember, &ttc. OATS Weak: tracK, No. z cah. 3t4c: No. 3 white, 53V4c; B-ptmbr, 4tvc. ' Kl.UCK uuli't; red winter patents. $4 4V ifH.; ertra fancy and straight, $3.8i&4.X; clear, $3.26'et3.0. SIlKD Timothy, steady; $3.0113.50; new, $3.75 c irnmkaIj Steady: $3 60. BRAN rTrm; sacked, eaat track, $1.01 1.02. HAY Timothy hla-hcr; prairie steady: timothy, $9.0114.00; prairie, $lo.Oiail.00. IRON Ctrl TON TltiS $1.00. RACJUINU7c. H KM H TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobhlnir. $15.S7V- Lard, steady; prime steam, 4Vs2i3 9.00. Dry salt meals steady; boxed extra shorts. $9.2b: clear ribs. IV.12'A: Hhort clears, 9.50. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $10.1:14; clear ribs, flO.uu; snort clears, $10,371. pol LTRY Dull ; cnickens, 4c: spnns;s, li(16o; turkeys, llgi3c; ducks, 7c; geese, oc. Hi; 1 rjiK wobkj creamery, lMyic. EGOS Steady at 13V case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4,0t) 10,000 Wheat, bu 64,(i0 61,001 Corn bu fti.OnO 59,u(0 Data, bu 2.OiO t4,OU0 The following table shows the averass prlco of hogs at South Omaha for the laat teveral days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 1907.19y6.;i9n6., 1904. 19o3. 6 14 8 ! 7 M t Hi 7 66 6 11 6 7 ' 6 11 6 M 7 66 5 131 6 ) 7 6 lt 5 561 7 M 6 Bl 7 61 J'ine 27.. June June 29.. June 30. July July Julv July July July July July 1... ... 4... 6... ... 7..., 8... 6 82, A 43 6 8i 6 44 $ 2 6 47 I tl 46 6 94 I & 84, S 48 6 S-'l 6 30 6 6 IT 1 5 23 KM e I ITS s om 6 9S 0 97 6 Of, 5 79 6 4 5 25! b 2f 7 6 S 171. H :a H l:'l 5 2fi 1 5 27 5 6i 24 I 8 4-Si B 26 6 19 5 49, 7 7b 6 15V 5 74 I 5 29, 6 17 6 39 ! 7 82 6 76 6 4S B 29 Sunday. "Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today hv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. SheopH'r's. C. M. & Pt. P. Ry... 4 3 Mlss-iurl Pacific Ry.. I nlon Pacific R. R... C, & N. XV., cant , & N. XV.. west C, St. P., M. & O.... C, H. Q. Hv., cast. C. H. & g. Ry., west. C. R. I. & P.. Chlctia-o Qt. W. west., Ry.. 2 A 7 37 ii 13 2 2 .. 1 3 BS .. 2 11 1 1 S 6 3 2 2 .. S S 3 63 130 17 23 Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing; the num ber of head Indicated: CatMn. Hoes. Sheep R14 SM 1.71K 613 Wool Market. BOSTON. July 8. WOOLr-Receluts and shipments are larger In the local wool mar ket and trading is rainy active. 1 tie tea turo ia the aood movement In supplies to arrive In fleeces and staple territory. Lead ing weatorn prices follow: Kentucky, In diana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, iitjl.tlc; quarter blood, 23f(25c. Texas and Ueorgia, fine 12 months old, lWilzoc; line tt to 8 months. lErffllSe; fine fall, 144) 15c; Georgia and -Lake. 30(i:ile. California, northern choice, nlSc; northern average, 16frl7c; middle county, 138140; southern, 11 4il2c; fall northern,- llf&!2c; fall southern, Dei'Hc. Oregon, eastern io. 1, April, 17iftl8c; eastern No. 1 clothing, lo'ijhic; eastern average, 14S15c; valley. No. 1, 17tijl8c. Scoured values: Texas, fine 12 months, 6i62c; fine 6 to 8 months, 4ti(i4Sc; fine fall, 4-i43c. California northern, 4Jfo45c; middle county, 37fuSc; southern, 87t&3Hc; fall free, SKr36c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, Bti'ij 5hc; eastern, No. 1 ololhing, 4ttoc; valley. No. 1. 3S4I40C. Territory, fine staple. 55 67c; fine medium staple, 50Ji62c; fine cloth ing, 40'tftiOc; fine medium doming, uvu-isc; half-blood. 50(5 5c: three-elnhths blood, 46 rg-4Mc; quarter blood,. 43tt45c; pulled extra, 6t'i'rn67c; fine, BOyfic; A-supers, 44(34Bc. BT. UH1S, Jtiiy . Winily-Wlliei; medium grades combing and clothing. Ih'rp 2rtc; light fine, lfWrltic; heavy fine, lUgTJc,; tub washed, 20g27c. . Metal Market, NEW YORK. July 8.-METALS-Most of the foreign metal markets were firmer to day. Tin advanced at 2M on spot to 127 day. Tin advanced Li 2a on spot to 127 don. The New York market was also firm and higher, spot closing at $28.G0t(fJ8.12i4. Ixiudon copper advanced aa, closing at los on spot and 50 2a 6d for futures. Lo cally the market was steady, but un-chana-ad: lake. $l2.75'u,12.8Ttt: electrolytic. $12.5012.62k and casting. $12. 2512.50. Lead advanced to 12 IBs In London, and ruled quiet and unchanged at $4.42H'f4-7Vi In New York. 8pelter was unchanged at 18 In London, and at $1.40cr4.50 locally. Stand ard fundry Iron In lxindon Was unchanged at Oa 6d, and Cleveland warrants lVfed lower at Bis. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern, $16 50&17.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, $16.75 (&'18.25; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft. $1.5vjn7.2B. ST. IOUIS, July 8. METAIS Lead, dull at $4.2714 Spelter, unsettled at $4.26H.30. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 8. OTTON Futures opened steady; July, 9.40c; August, 9.27c; October. .12c; December, 8.97c; January, 8.93c; March. 8.93c. Futures closed steady; July, .38c; August, .3Bo; September, 9.31c; October, 9.17c; No vember. .02c: December, 9.03c; January, 9c; February, 9c; Murch, 9.09c. GALVESTON, July 8.-COTTON-Lower at 11c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.20c; middling gulf, 11.45c. No sales. , ST. IU1S, July 8.-COTTON-D'ill; mid dling, HHc. Sales, none; receipts. 316 bales; shipments, B3K hales; stock, 14,992 hales. NV:W ORLEANS, July 8. COTTON Spot ,easy. Sales. 550 bales. 'Low ordinary, 6Vtc, nominal; ordinary, 7 B-16c, nominal; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 10c; mid dling, 11c; good middling. 117-16c; middling fair. 1115-lSc; fair. 12 9-16o. nominal. Re ceipts. 1,014 bales; stock. 69,457 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 8 COFFEE Market for futures had a steady opening, wltu prices unchanged, and there was no chan) until toward midday, when a selling move nient against firm offerings aa well as local liquidation hy tired longs promote', a decline of practically 6 points. Demand was local without particular feature. Cabl. t from Europe were disappointing and from Hrazll about as expei ted, with primary receipts regarded as full. T"he close was barely steady nat unchanged to 6 points lower, with sales of 23, Too bags. Including July at 6,(6c, Auaus'. and September at 6.1O1'. December at 5.fM March at 6.00c, May and June al 6.06c. The pit market was qui.- . Rio No. 7, 6 S-l&c; Santos No. 4. K4,c. Mild coffee market quiet; Cordova, 9l2Vc. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. July 8. EVAPORATED APPLES -The market remains unchanged, with the undertone steady. Fancy were quoted at lutt'luSc. choice at 81&90, prime at S'a'XTi.c and common to fair at 6Vari6ic. DRIED FRl'ITS The 1'ibhlng demand for prunes Is limited, quotations ranging from Sril'lSc for California and SWc for Ore gims. Apricota are pretty low In stork, with but little selling pressure. Prices re main steady, with choice quoted at ltftilO'c. extra choice at HftllHc and fancy at 12t 13c. Peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at SSfinc, extra choice at 9i'.iie, fancy at l'folc'c, extra fancy at liVtfllc. laiar nnd Molaasea. NEW YORK. July 8 SCO A R Raw. firm. Fair refining. 3.V4iX91c; centrifugal, 94 teat, 4.89a4.'tc; mo'av-es sugar, S.Mff 3 67c; refined, ateady. No. i, 6 Out-; No. 7. 4 9'ie; No. f. 4. (); No. 9. 4.15"; No. lJ, 4.75c; No. 11. 4.10o; No. 12. 4 6i; No. 13. 4K-; No. 14. 4.55c; confecil iners' A, 57-c; mould A, 5.26i ; cut luaf G.20". ciushed, (.lic; powd-red, 6.50c; granulated, &40c; c .lies. 6 I4. MoLASdKS Quiet ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 2sj4.'c. h FIRST NATIONAL MM el OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Farnam Streets rj Oldest and Largest Dank In Nebraska 2 v Omnha Packing Co 270 1.177 Swl.'t & Co 3'W 1.S27 Cudahy Packing Co 66'- 1,4l'J Armour ft Co Ml 2.744 Swift. Kansas Cltv "i Hohwartschlld & S 1,664 W. I. Stephen 63 Hill & Son 40 F. P. Iewls 30 J. P. Root ft Co 81 J. II. Rulla 7 F. G. Inghram 1 Ijehmer Pros 2 Rrltton 219 Roddln 237 Irfiyton Packing Co 22S Kr?y Pocking Co 476 St. Louis lnd. Pk. Co 84 Other buyers 90 Totals 1.622 9.968 4.0S7 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were again very light this morning, only fifly-elght cars being reported In, the most of them fed steers and cows. There were only a ery few loads of westerns on sale. Tne market on beef steers was slow and Cull throughout. The offerings were not b rge enough to create ar.y Interest or en thusiasm among the buyers, who seemed to feel rather weak on account of advices from other points being none too good. At the same time salesmen seemed to feel that they were entitled to good, strong prices on account of the light run, and hence were Inclined to hold on for the laat cent Dossible. Thus It hannencd that the trade was dull, as noted above, with nol evidence of life or snap any where. Still firlces did not show very much change, telng steady to possibly a little easier In spot?. There were three Cars of fed steers good enough to bring $8.10. There were all told only about twenty cars of cows and heifers in Bight, but the demand was good and 'there was a little more life and activity to the trade on tha.t kind of cattle than on heef steers. The prices paid were fully steady with yester day and the offerings as a rule changed hands In v'i v l air season. Sl'-ckcrs and feeders were In ery light st.pplv, Uiere lelng hardly im-uah to make a market. The prices paid looked about ttiaoy with yesterday yuoiatioita 0:1 cattle: Uood to choice coinfed steers. $7.2S'n8 .10; fair to good corn fed steers, $i..i ji7.26; common to fair corn fed steers, $l.7.Mi6.vo; good to choice cows and hi lfers. (I .V ii.i.tnj; f.ilr to good cows and heifers, a.7f.'ri-4.;'; common 10 lair cows and helfera, $2 tn3 75; good to choice Blockers and feeders, $4.unfeB,uU; fair to good stockeis and f.-eders, $3.7fi!ti-t.5i; common to fair stockers and ftcders, $3.1IK'B3-7i; slock heif ers, $1 73 11 3. 35. IUXJ8 Hogs oined a flat 10o lower this morning and the trade waa slow t the decline, closing still weaker. This means that the hogs sold largely at $S.12Mii$.l.'s. with good loads running up as high as $6.22'. It will be remembered that yester day itogs aold very Inrgely at $; 22Vfli.271A. with a top at Prleea have been tend ing steadily upward ever since Wednesday of luat week, today being the first setback. Still, after allowing for today's decline the market was about 20c higher than one week ago. SHEEP Today's receipts consisted of seventeen cars, practically all of them from the Idaho and Oregon range. The market waa not h active aa yesterday, them being leas life nnd snap to the trade whllo there was an undertone of weakness. Still moat everything sold In very lair season In the morning. The prices paid worn anywhere from stoady with yesterday to a little lower. Idaho wethera sold as high as $4.00. with Oregon wethers up to $3.K0 and with qulto a string of yearlings at $4.10. Quotations on range or grass sheep and lambs: Uood to choice lambs, $ii.2fi(iti'i.75; fair to good lambs. $5.50146. 2fi; feeding lambs. $l.2Mi6.00; good to choice light year lings, $4,2644.50; good to choice heavy year lliigs. tl.oyol.lB; fair to good yearling, $3.85 i4.25; good to choice wethers, $Xi64r4.00; fair to good wethers, $3. 2!V?i 3. 75 ; good to choice ewes. $3.603.75; fair to good ewes, $3.oon'i73 .50; culls and bucks, .2.003.00. Representative sales: No. 436 Oregon withers 43i Oregon wethers , T.13 Oregon yearlings 2f,7 Oregon yearlings iU Iduho yearlings, culls.. UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing late authentic Information un TONOPAH MIDWAY FREE Copper, Curb and Mining Outlook 7- H inlty Plnoe, Xew York 4 Sample Copies Free $1.00 per year ta Paj-ee Covers Tonopah, Ooldfleld, Ely. Unite, Cobalt, Yerlngton. Tltittc, Hlngham, Parle City, Reaver County and Rawhide. P7 Idaho wethers... 56 Idaho wethers, culls. 403 Idaho yearling 750 Idaho yearlings 2 Idaho ewes 6 Idaho wethers Av. ..IU . Ill . 92 . M .. 7S ..I116 ..100 .. 78 .. 79 .. frt .. 95 Pr. S DO S SO 4 10 4 25 4 00 4 00 3 no 4 10 4 10 4 11 4 00 Kenans Clr Live Stork Markel. KANSAS CITY, July 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.600 head, including 1,400 head southerns. Steers steady to 15c lower; top. $4.1.6; cows strong to K'o higher; choice ex port and dresso-l beef steers, $ i .fiiKoSOi; fair to good, I4.76S6.60; western steers. $ j6.80; stockers and feeders, $1.0'u6 05; southern steers. $ (. iOq CM ; southern cows, $2 2.V'3.tj0: native cows. $2.0miifi.n; native heifers. $3.2o!(5.7B; bulls, $..76(i4.2j; calves. $.1. 56.25. HOfJS Receipts, 12.000 head; market 10e to 2'V lower; top. $6.,"0; bu'k of sales, $6.3hr 6.35; Heavy, $i.4ytf.'u; packers and hutrherv, 'd'.i'i. : lirhi. $j.2" V; p'gs. 3.(K.;-6. SHEEP AND LAM71R ReeelDts, 6 OX) head: eheon steady; lambs, 16c to 25c lower lambs, $4.5tV56.50; ewes and yearlings i'4.40; Texas jearllngs, $4.50ia6.2B; Texas t rei p. $J.5O"j4.10; stockcr and feeders, $2.; U"-7. 4IIICAOO 1,14,12 STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Lower Hogs Gener ally Ten Cent Lower. CHICAGO, July 8. OATTLK Receipt a, about 17.0K) head, market easy to liftilfto lower; steers, p; 8iniiK.25; cows, $2.754ie.&0; heifers, J4.Wniii.wu; bulls, I4.5iku6.25; calves. $5. 4 "it 6. 26; stockers and feeders, i:t.75'n6.15. 1KK1S Receipts, about 3fe.(Xi0 head; msr ket generally 10c lower; cluilce hea.vy ahlp ping, $6.0tM,j)l.70; butchers, $ii.6u4j6.70; light mixed. $.;-o0.40: choice light. $6.40(1)41.66; packing, $6.76'4l.jO; pigs, $4.60tfi.00. SIIKKP AND LA MRS Receipts, about 15,0110 head; sheep, $4.00404.50; lambs, $i Ck.kJI 7.25; yearlings, $4.5ru6.6o. St. I.onla l ive Stock Market. ST. LOCIS, July R CATTLE Receipts, 5.1!i9 head. Including 2, HI 5 head Texans; market Bloody to strong: native shipping and export Bteors, 4.uii'u,s.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, fci.ati.ii 7.6o; steers under l.nuO lbs., $3 5ij4 6; stockers and feeders, $2.75U-l.5o; cows and heifers, $2 4(Vt(,76; can nera. $1.2.(!i'2.2S; bulls, $2.6O'it).00; calves, $2.50tjifi.50; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00n 4. On; cows and heifers, $1.5tX&4.35. HOttS Receipts, U1.8M) head; market. 10 15c lower; pigs and lights, $4.4Oii40; pack ers, M3 I'.'nV.ju; butchers and best heavy, $6. 5tili. 62 Vs. Kloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. July 8. (Special Tele rram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; mar ket ateady; beeves, $tf.00(i4l.l0; cows and heifers, $4.50Hi.75; feeders, $4.OtK3i6.0O; calvea and yearlings, $3.75ig4.76. HOUS Receipts, 6,600 heart; market loo to 15c llwer; range, $5.966.20; bulk, $4,061$ 6.15. iwi-r $3.;i Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets vesterdev: (.at tie. South Omaha filoux City ., Kansas City , St. Ixiuls , Chicago 1.400 . 6O0 . 6.600 . 6.109 .17.0t) Hogs. Sheep. 9,ri0 4,000 B.OoO ' 12.IVK B.(K0 10. WO 4,615 $8,0(10 16,000 Total $0,799 65 491 28,646 ffJWtt1llHafflaWBTie"aWMlirVfl "' r JilJ" ' --"-"--"r""1 ,JaiBrseawaBjleeJW1"SBBM payiny sini per cent 1 is offered in the "Cumulative Preferred Stock" in shares of $100.00 each of Oils bb4 Rest. OIL CITY, July . OIL Otedlt balances. $1.7$. Runs, t M bbla.. average 159 716 bbls ; shipments. 1&3.S32 bbls., aversge 172.346 hi. Is. SAVANNAH. July $.-OILTurpentine. firm. tuc. ROBIN Firm Sales. $.750 bbls. Quote: A. B. C. $-' 80u2.5; D. $3 10; E, $3 20; F. $3 63; G. $3 2t; H. $3.80; I, $4 10; K, $5.25: M. $5.70; N, $6 25; W. Q , $6.45; XV. XV.. $6 60. Mlleeaebre tirala Market. MILWAI KEE, Julv t -WHFAT-Flrm: No. 1 northern, $1.1 .' y 1 IU: No. 2 northern $1 12al 14; Eeptenuwr. H,'iv,c. bid. BARLEY Lower; No. 2. (Sc; sample, &;. 7c. CORVI.ower- No. I taali TlSTSc- BU.iv. j teiiiUtr, blvl. yd D fira h A few points about the company: It was organized in 1809 with a capital of $110,000.00; it now lias a paid in capital of $1,000,000.00. It owns and operates nearly 100 elevators, including large terminals at Missouri Valley, Ia., South Omaha, Lincoln and McCook, Neb. These elevators have a total stowage capacity of about 3,300,000 bushels and during the last year about 10,000,000 bushels of grain was handled. The eorjioration owns the controlling interest in the Updike Lumber & Coal Co., capitalized at $100,000.00, It owns the controlling interest in the Updike Milling Co., capitalized for $50,000.00, which operates a flour mill in Omaha, with a daily capac ity of 000 barrels. , It owns the controlling interest in The Updike Commission Co., cap italized for $25,000.00, through which it sells its grain at a great saving of expense in selling charges. The last annual statement of The Updike Grain Co. showed assets of $1,680,001.88. Ask your bonier. iIl Up! j BE! BEE BUILDING, OMAHA,