TTTF, OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 9, 190S. CURRENT COUNCIL OSn, 14 ImH FUNERAL OF FATHER SMTII Bt Francis Xavier't Clnrch Crowded by Friends of Tor cased. SEEVICES ARE MOST IMPRESSIVE Tbm Bishops and n f.arare ' n iu he r of Vlsltlngr Priests' Prtnt and rnrflrlpate In th Tribute to the Dead. The lmjir. -fulve funeral services held yes terday morning at St. Francis Xavler's church over the late Rv. Father Patrick Smyth were :i fit tin tribute to the de rensed priest and the large attendance evi denced the love and esteem In which he was hold, not only by the congregation to avtioee spiritual wants he had ministered for over seventeen years, but by the com munity at large. The seating capacity of the large audi torium of St. Francis Xavter's church was entirely Inadequate for the large number who destred by their presence a tne trrv. loe to pay their Inst respects to the dead priest. Every pew was filled and the aisles and space back of the seats was crowded with those ur.eble to find other accommodation, who stood or knelt through the Ion service, to pay tribute to him they mourned not only as ft minister of the church, but as a friend. The Interior of the handsome edifice pre sented In Itself an Impressive sight, hung as It was with simple draplngs of black and white while" the altars were decked with violet, the emblem of sorrow. The vest ments of the offlclnr.'ts st the mass were likewise violet In color. The services were begun with the recit ing of the offices of the dead by all of the assembled priests, nearly one hundred In number, after which the solemn high requiem mass was sung with the Bt. Rev. James Davis, bishop of the diocese of Davenport, aa celebrant. The absolution of the mans was pronounced by the Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell, bishop of Omaha. Very Rev. Hugh Smith of Chicago wa3 archdeacon. Rev. Francis Ward of Iowa City, deacon of honor; Rev. Peter Brom menschenkcl of Westphalia, la., subdeacon Of honor; Very Rev. Thomas 'Rellly of Keokuk, deacon of the mass, and Rev. Edmund Hayes of Imogene, subdeacon of the mass. The master of ceremonies was Rev. J M. Walsh of Washington, la., who until recently was connocted with 8t. Francis Xavler's church. He was assisted by Rev, J. F. O'Neill, Rev. James P. Daneley and Rev. James A. O'Neill, all of whom were formerly under the pastoral care and In struction of the late Father Smyth. The music of the mass was beautifully and Impressively rendered by the full choir of the church under the leadership of J. R. Qcrke and with Miss Tholl as organist. The mass was celebrated at the high altar, while throughout the service the bier, sur rounded by six funeral tapers, rested In the central aisle. "He that belleveth In me, though he be dead, yet shall live," was the text taken by the Rt. Rev. P. J. Garrlgan, bishop of Sioux; City, who preached the sermon. While declaring It was unnecessary to eulogise a; length, Bishop Garrlgan paid a beautiful tribute to the high charactev of the deceased priest. The sermon was an eliquent presentation of the nobility of the priesthood, with particular appli cation to him whom the vast congregation had assembled to honor. "It Is linn cescary," said Bishop Garrlgan In opening, "to refer to the personal virtues or to eulogise the personal character of Father Smyth as a pastor. It Is unneces sary before this congregation, which forms so eloquctit a testimony to his nobility of character, to tpeak of hla self-sacrifices, his devotedness and his fatherly care of you and your children." Referring to the general belief caused by the isolation of the priest from the great body of the people, that the membera of the priesthood took no Interest In politics, In government or In the material prosperity of the state or community, Bishop Garrl gan said: "Society Is built on religion. Take away from society the teachings of Jesus Christ, the precepts of the decalogue, the Sermon on the Mount, and what has society to stsnd on? It Is for these things that the prlett stands. "We aro Intensely Interested In the wel fare of the people. In the prosperity of the places where we live. In education and In public morality. The priest Is consecrated to the welfare of humanity. The character of the priest whose body lies before us was the character of a public spirited cttltcn. He loved his fellow citizens, he loved the Institutions of this land, however dear to hlin might have been the green hills of tile country from which he came. This Cnres "Woman's Wcckuesscs. X7 refer to that boon to weak, nervous, Buffering women known as Dr. Pierce's lavojlte Prescription. Dr. John Fyfo ono of the Editorial Staff f The Eclectic Mkdical Review says Of Unicorn root (lleUmiaa DUHca) which a one of tho chief ingredients of the 'Fa vorite Prescription : A remedy which Invariably acts as a uter ine Invlaorator make (or normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system." lie continues "In llelofiias we htve a medica ment which mora fully answer the above purposes than any olhrr drvtf u-Mn whirk I am acaiMHHUd. In iho treatment of diseases pe culiar to women It is seldom that a case la aeen which does not present some Indication for this remedial uraL" Dr. r'rfe further save: "The following are amonfflhe leading Indications for lioloulat iL'ulcom root). I'nu or aching In the back. wlib leucorrhora I atonic IweaVtcondltlofhvof toe reproductive organs of wjomen, meniat depression and ir rltsoillty, aVvx-iated wild chronic dlwates cf toe rrprudil ile urgent of women; constant enatko Jt best in the region of the kid revsi uenrrhesia 'flooding), due to a weak coco ooniiloa ottbe reproductive systeini easeoi6yr ytr4retsed vr sutent monthly pcrkMl. AMMrftf Mrooa or accompanying an abaosnJci condition of the dieile organs and AsrrolC (Ihtn blood) hahili dragging temJUona la the extreme lower part of the "n'mors or les of the grove tvmptomg sMT-Trriu. ro nnai'.a ymi.ra cm 53 . teller "Uian lake lr. Pierce's lasorite rTirrpt'OnB CltM ICtaihglngrrJP !, lit wnit-'ff la Unicorn root, or Helonlaa. and the medical properties of which it most faithfully represent. Of Gokieu Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," lol. Pinley RUingwopd, M. D., of Ben Belt Medical College, Chicago, says: "Islsan Important remedy in disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions Soli aeunral cnfceblenmpt. It Is usrlul." lW. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "la relation to Its funeral csTwta oa the inMn. uw U nn urtmwis wt u atMut tcVur . SW grneml Mtusnmiay oinntun. It is unsMnnUy regarded as U luetic Manful la ad debilitate.) ' ales." roL k. Hariaolow, M. IX. of Jefferson &!'dlc&l College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, luenor yfetcie (flooding) aud consoaUve dysatouor tti je tpaliif ul DMWMtfwauoid." Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription faith folly represents sJl the above named In srredlenU and cures the disc for which He s rocwiuarVkdoCL NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS M. Tea. 4UK. priest not only believed In Christ, he served Christ, and therefore he Is not dead, but lives and will live In eternity." At the close of the service nearly ion members of the Knights of Columbus, who attended the services In a body, formed two lines at the entrance to the church and between these the casket was carried to the hearse. The Knights of Columbus also formed a guard of honor as the cortege proceeded to St. Joseph's cemetery, where burial took place. The pallbearers were Captain J. J. Brown, P. M. Egan, Hubert I Tlnley, John M. Oalvln, John P. Mulqueen, Charles Paschel, Jamea Wlckham and Dennis Maher of Iowa City. When the cortege reached St. Joseph's cemetery the escort of Krlghts of Columbus formed In two ranks, between which the remainder of the procession moved to the grave, where the usual burial services were said. P. P. Swanaoa Killed la Dearer, N. Swanson, postmaster at Crescent, and Dr. J. H. Swanson of Weston, la., left Council Fluffs last evening for Denver to bring back the body of their brother, P. F. Swanson, who was killed In a street car accident In that city on June . They only learned of the death of their brother by accident. A friend read an account of the accident In a Denver newspaper wtiloh contained a picture of the victim and sect the paper to Postmaster Swanson. P. F. Swanson left Crescent about four teen years ago and since then had been living at different places In the west. He had resided In Denver for the last two years and was making preparations for his marriage to Miss Mamie Helset of that city when killed. According to the story in the Denver paper the wagon In which Swanson was driving was struck by a street car. Swan son was thrown out on his head and his skull fractured. He was taken to the county hospital, where he died three hours later. As no relatives appeared to claim the body 8wanson was burled last Sunday by the city authorities. His two brothers have arranged to have the body exhumed end w.:i bring It back with them to Cres cent, wl.ere it will be relnteired In the family turlal lot. Plana for New Enarlue House. Councilman Jensen, who has been work ing on the plans and opacifications for the l ew central fire station at the foot of Bry ant street, expects to have them completed snd re ltf y to submit at the meeting of the city council next Monday evening. Including the cost of the concrete retain ing walls In Indian creek the entire cost will be In the neighborhood of $23,000. Of this amount $15,000 will be for the fire sta tion, and the cost of the concrete walls or foundation will be about $8,000, according to City Engineer Etnyre's estimate. City Engineer Etnyre has decided to use Wooden piling for the concrete walls. He decided that Inasmuch aa the plies would be In moist earth and partly In water, they would be as lasting as the concrete piling, and could be set at less expense.' The re taining walls will reach from the east side of the Bryant atreet bridge to a point ten feet west of the present engine house. This will provide a driveway and entrance on the west slue of the building. The bridge will be rebuilt upon the new foundation and an entrance to the building will open near the center of the bridge. Thomas Mil iter Missing. I. L. Mllner, living at 2601 South Eighth street, called upon the police yesterday for assistance In locating his son, Thoma, who Is believed to have wandered away while temporarily of unsound mind. The son, who Is 28 years of age and married, suffered from a severe attack of smallpox while living in Omaha about three months ago. Recently he had been making his home with his father In this city, as his mind appeared to be somewhat affected since his recovery from the smallpox. Domestic troubles are said to have also been partly responsible for his condition. His wife. It seems, recently broke up their home In Omaha, stored the furniture and told Kl'rer that he had better Stay with hla father. He Is said to have brooded over thla. He left his father's house Mon day morning and since then his father has been unable to obtain any trace of him. Gensag Commends Woodraff. "He ts one of the best lawyers In south western Iowa and he, will be an honor to the bench," declared Lew Oenung of U4en wood yesterday in speaking of the recent nomination of K. B. Woodruff by the republican Judicial district convention. Mr. Oenuug is recogr.ised as one of the leaders of the democratic party in southwestern Iowa. Mr. Genung said Mr. Woodruff would undoubtedly receive the vote of every mem ber of the bar In the district. Irrespective of partyi He said, "no man ever practiced law In Mills county who had ths confidence of the people of the county as Mr. Wood ruff has. He Is by temperament as well ss by education peculiarly fitted for the position and he will be a worthy succeesor to Judge Macy, who has honored the bench for twenty years." Iteal Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee July 7 by tho Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Sarah Mr M ken and husband to H. bio a , ot 9 n Muck 3 In Jackson's ad dition to Council liluffs. la., w. d.. 86,000 E. II Long, e and wl e t Nrls C. Thompson, lot 2. Auds subdivision of nr ne of 2i-ib-U. w. d 1.200 Q. U. Baird and wife to Louise J. R b Inson, part lol 4, block 11, Mynster s addition to Council lilufls, la., u.. c. d 1 Total, three transfers .... 17,201 Celebration Coats avn Eye. As the result of a Fourth of July accident at his home in Malvern, la., a young man named Kallf is at the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital in this city with one eye completely destroyed, and the attending physician la uncertain whether the other can be saved. Young Kallf, who la 20 years of sge, waa struck In the face by an ex ploding Roman candle. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2M. Night, MM. MIX OK MENTION. R. L Dunlap, who has been a member of the ci v fire d pertinent for about two years, has resigned to take a p all ion In the L':i!cn Pvlfic shops In Omaha. John C. Brings. Nathan Weldon and Rob ert Vance, box car tourists, arreaied on suspicion of having broken into a freight tar In the I'nlon Pacific tianafer yard, were dlsthargru yesterday in put cd our; for lack of evidence. Mrs. Edith Oulton filed an Information In the Juvenile division of the district court esterday against her lt- ear-old son, John Earl Tirtge, with being Incorrigible, and km that he be sent to the reform school. The boy lives at 3JU3 Third avenue and will. It la expected, have a hearing before Judge Wheeler this morning. Mrs. Ella Snyder, wife of J. F. Snyder, IMr) Avenue K, died yesterday morning from smallpox. The funeral which -tat, piivate. owing ti the nature of the disease, was held yesterday afternoon, burial being In Falrvlew cemetery. Besides her husband, Mia Snyder leaves sevon young children. The entire family waa stricksn wl a the d s-sase. WOMEN CAN VOTE ON BONDS Iowa Supreme Court Upholds Contea tion of ths Suffragists. KNOCKS OUT THE NEW CITY HALL Rock Island shops at Valley Jnnrtloa Open Vp on Fall Time and With Larger Force Than Ever Employed. (From a Staff Conespondt nt.) DE8 MOINES, July 8. (Special.) Women can vote on all questions of Issuing bonds or Increasing the tax levy for ereclal Im provements In municipal affairs In Iowa. The supreme court says so today In a de rision which stops permanently the erec tion of a new city hall In ths city till the women are allowed to vote on the matter. The decision of the court Is a victory for the FoMtlcal Equality club of this city and the new city hall, which was to have been erected this year, must be again submitted to the people. The decision of the court Is of quite far reaching importance. When It was decided to submit to the people the question of the ersctlon of a new city hall the women learned that the city officials Intended not to let them vote. They appealed to the officials and the officials were obdurate. The law provides that on questions of Issuing bonds the women can vote. The city officials sought to get around this by wording the question on the ballot to say tothln of bonds. It was worded: "Shall the city of Des Moines erect a city hall at a coat not exceeding $150,000?" In a sep arate question It submitted, should the tax levy be Increased by a certain amount. On this the court says: "It Is Imma terial whether the question epeclfys the precise amount df bonds to be Issued or tax levied or authorises tho construction of an Improvement Involving the raising of money In one or both of these methods with which to pay the cost. The consequence of the election Is the same in either event." And further: "In either event the question of the issuance of bonds or Increase of taxa tion Is directly Involved and on that the voice cf the women can no longer be silenced In this state save by the repeal of this statute." One of the chief arguments of the city was that the constitution prohibits women from voting and limits it to men. The court holds that the limitations of the con stitution apply to elections provided for by the constitution Itself and that It therefore applies to the election of persons to public office and thnt It does not apply to elec tions provided for by the legislature and that the legislature therefore has authority to direct that women can vote on bond matters, and that a vote on Issuing bonds la not an "election" aa the term la used In the constitution. The Iowa law provides that the women shall vote on separate ballots and the ballots shall be deposited In separate boxes. The supreme court says on this: "That the arbitrary classification oi voters will not be tolerated may be conceded and It Is doubtful whether any substantial dis crimination between electors with full power of suffrage may be upheld." School Consolidation I.esjal. The supreme court today affirmed the decision of the Polk county district court In refusing to grant an Injunction against the new officials of the consolidated school district of Des Moines. The territory In side the city limits of Des Moines consisted of several districts. Tho thirty-second gen eral assembly enacted a law providing fur consolidation on the favorable vote of the people The vote was favorable and the courts were then resorted to to prevent tho consolidation. Shopmen All Back to Work. All the employes of the Rock Island shops at Valley Junction nave been put back to work. Thla Includes 200 men who have been Idle since the shut down In June. AH who had not been returned previously were put back Monday and some additional men with them, ao that the shops are now run ning with even a larger force of men than at the time of the shut down In June. Woman Held for Bnrsrlary. Miss Mary Ann Watts, aged 40, and owner of a 130-acre farm near Norwoodvllle, and her hired man, Marlon Comegys, a boy of 16, are held for the theft of 750 from a coal miner, Charles Richards. Richards drew the money from a bank. Intending to purchase a farm,' and hid It between the matreases on his bed. Comegys was first arrested, and he Implicated Mlus Watts. The money has not yet been located. OFFERS OF BUILDING SITES Treasary Department Receives Bids from Sooth Dakota Cities. (From a Graff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July 8. (Special Tele gram ) Proposals were opened today at the architect's office of the Treasury depart ment for sites on which to erect the pro posed new public buildings at Brookings, Rapid City and Huron, 6. D. Congress at the last session provided an appropriation of $7,600 for the purchase of sites at Brook' lngs and Rapid City and made an appro priation of 880,000 for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building at Huron. The blda disclosed the following desire .1 io sell their property to the gov ernment: Brookings: William Schapprrst, east 130 feet of lota 13, IS and 14. In block 6. 85,400; Margaret F. and T. C. Atln, northwest corner Main and North Sixth streets. 86,000; Caldwell & Wilson, southwest corner Third and Fifth avenue. $3,000; M. E. Wlmsey, southwest corner Williams street and Sixth avenue, $1.8X0; Edward Williams, north west corner Third street and Fifth avenue. $6,000; Horace Fishack et ul., northwest corner Williams street and Fifth avenue, fil.300; Cheever & Cheever, .ttorneys, north east corner Main and Fifth atreeta, $7,250; Cheever & Cheever, attorneys, northeast corner Main and Fifth atreet. $5,500; Charles Labratory company, southwest corner Main and Parson streets, $2,500. Rapid City: James Halley, northwest corner Quincy and Seventh streets, $7,600; Dorothla Echnasnc, southeast corner St. Joseph and Eighth atreeta, $6,500; Dorothla Schnaane, aoutheast corner St. Joseph and Eighth atreeta, $,500; A. L. Overpeck. southwest corner Kansas City snd Seventh streets, $6,000; Patrick B. McCarthy, north eaat corner Quincy and Kansas City streets, $6.0rt; W. Mussern. corner St. Joseph snd Eighth streets, $7.VO; W. Mussern, north east corner St. Joseph and Eighth atreeta. $9,400; William Muaaern, northeast comer Kansas City and Fifth streets, $3,600; Chauncey "U, Wood, northwest corner Sixth and Kansas streets, $7,900; Jacob I jimpert, lots 12 snd It, enclosed In block 104, $6,000. Huron: J. H. Butphtn, northeast corner Third and Kansas atreeta, 140xl4), $150 per front foot; F. H. Kent et al., corner Da kota avenue and Fourth street, 165x166 do nation; F. H. Kent et al., comer Dakota avenue and Fifth street, 150x165. donation; A. Ragil. northwest comer Illinois street, 140x110, $100; John E. Ward, northeast cor ner Third and Kanaaa atreeta, 150x165, $10,000. Messrs. Btliamer and Thomas of South Bt- Paul, Minn, today entered complaint to ths Interstate Commerce commtsalcn against the Chicago. 8t. Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha railroad, the Chirago & North western, Tlerre, Rapid City & North western. The complainants are en gaged In the livestock brokerage business at South St. I'aul. Their business being to buy and sell consignments of cattle, hogs, sheep snd horses, shipping animals to vsr lous points In the I'nltcd States, but prin cipally to points In Montana. North and South Dakota. Minnesota. Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. The complainants' specific charge against defendant railroad companies Is, that during February, March and April they shipped twenty-five carloads of stock cattle; that the charges exacted by the defendants for transporting from St. Paul to destination points In South Da kota, when said shipments were made and still are excessive, unreasonable and unjust. Complainants claim by reason of such ixactlons they have been overcharged to the extent of J5R8 for which reparation la claimed. Appllcptlons were approved toc'ay to or ganise Iowa national banks with 126.000 cap ital. each, the First National bank of Char- OUTLOOK FOR CROPS IS BRIGHT New York Journal of Commerce Col lects Returns from All Over Grain Belt. NEW YORK. July g. (Special Telegram ) The Journal of Commerce will tomorrow publish Its special crop report, which In tptte of excessive rains and a backward reason In June will show the outlook for the wheat and corn Is still satisfactory and better than a year ago- According to the 1,600 special reports gathered from the pivotal states, the average date being June fO, the condition of winter whett was 81, or 8.7 points higher than laat year; spring wheat 93, or 9.8 points better than last year, and corn 81.3, or 1.6 points better than a year ago. It Is, of course, too early to form re liable estimates of tho forthcoming crops. especially as the summer months are often jerlods of deterioration, but If the usual method of calculation be employed, that of the old formula adopted by the produce ex change, the Indicated yield would be ap proximately thus: Indicated 190. Actual 1907. Winter wheat, bu.. 421.0O0.OO0 , 4O3.9ns.0O0 Siring wheat, bu.. 2.3,000.000 230.179.000 Total wheat, bu.. 7i,000,000 634,07.(riO Corn, bu 2.64Ji,0O0,000 2,592,000,000 As the harvest for winter wheat will shortly end we are practically sure of aa large if not larger yield than last year. The unusually fine condition of spring wheat will, however, be the main depend ence for a full wheat crop, and the present outlook of over 700.000,000 bushels gives promise of the third largest crop on record. The torn crop Is still backward, though les S3 than at this time last year. As planting was unfinished at the date of these reports, the acreage figures of 93.2 per cent of last year must be accepted ac cordingly. The estimate of yield given above la bated upon last year's acreage, which ts qutto likely to be equalled If not sur,astd this year. Corn Is far from promising a bumper crop, but a good av erage yield U expected, and as prices are high the grower will not be dissatisfied. All Indications point to a profitable season for the farmers. Much will depend upon tho growth of the nrxt two months and then the chances of early frost. MRS. CLEVELAND'S MESSAGE Widow of Former President Replies to Many Notes of Sympathy and Condolence. PRINCETON. N. J., July 8. So great has been the number of messages of condolence received by Mrs. Grover Cleveland since the death of the former president that Mrs. Cleveland has found It Impossible to make personal resp: ne to all of them. ( There fore, she today gave to the press the fol lowing communication, in acknowledgment of these messages:. PRINCETON, N. J., July 7, 1908. In our great grief theie have come to my children and myself from all over our country and from other lands expressions of condolence In our bereavement and of a participation In our sorrow. My heart is touched by there and by all tributes paid to Mr. Cleve land In word and act. I am deeply grateful for the comfort that God gives In this way. I regret that the multitude ot these mes sages renders It Impossible for me to send a personal word of thanks for each. The pr s hns klncllv offered to bear for me this expression of my own and my chil dren's gratitude and appreciation, and I hope It will reach all who have thought of 111. n and of us. FRANCES F. CLEVELAND. RICHARD HORNE GOES FREE Gets Freedom at Missouri Asylwra After Short Term of Imprisonment. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 8. General Rich ard C. Home, the well known Missouri editor, who In April last was committed to the state Insane asylum here after hit acquittal at Kansas City, where he was tried on a murder charge for shcotlng II. J. Grove, editor of the Kansas City Post, was given his liberty here today. Home, who claimed he had been defrauded, also shot O. D. Woodward, (he theatrical manager and part owner of the Post, but Woodward recovered. ATTEMPT MADE TO WRECK TRAIT pikes Palled and Ties Piled on the Bnrltnirtoa Track. ALLIANCE, Neb.. July 8 (Special Tele gram.) Eastbound Burlington train No. 42 had a narrow escape from a serious acci dent this morning at Btrdsell, just east of here, that was only avoided by the engi neer being able to clearly see some ties and other obstruction that had been placed on the track. The train waa stopped and un Investigation was made, stiowtng that a number of spikes had been pulled along one rail and a number of ties and pinch bara piled on the track with the evident Intention of ditching the train. The exact motive for the crime la not known, but was probably with the Intention of wrecking the train and robber)', or else for revenge. There seems to have been no clue to the perpetrators of the deed and no one was seen near (he place. The authorities are working on the case and every effort Is being made to find the miscreant. Hot Flsht Over Saloons, HERMAN, Neb., July 8 (Special.) The saloon fight at Herman Is still on, with the drys having a slight advantage on account of the saloon men being unable to secure the thirty legal freeholders to their petition. The Anti-saloon League and the Women's Christian Temperance union are working hard to get some of the free holders that have already algned to take their namea off, and It is understood that seversl of them have agreed to do ao. The Women's Christian Temperance union women have arranged for Mrs. Carrie Na tion to come here and speak In the Metho dist church Friday night. The Anti-saloon league has hired Thomas Darnell of Lincoln to look after their Interests. Three Eaeaped Prisoners Cap tared. ALLIANCE, Neb , July 8.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Three of the six prisoners that es caped from the county Jail on July 4. were caught today at Hemingford and returned here, and are now being guarded ao that they may not again repeat their action. The balance of the number are still at large In the sandhills east and it Is not likely that they will now be caught. Mm) Food is Polaon to the dyspeptic. Electric Bitters cure dyspepsia. )ler and kidney complaints and density. Price COc. For aale by Beat'4 v - DRY raw etters NON Can be sold without a government license Contains less than oneshalf of one per cent alcohol. If interested, write for prices. JETTER BREWING C Soutti AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Representatives of Three Eoads Con- . fer Over N Street Viaduct. GOOD PROSPECT OF AGREEMENT Short Supply of Both Cattle and Hogs Causes Packers to Bid I'p tbe Price Condition of the Cltr Funds. Mayor Frank Koutsky has succeeded in getting the management of three railroads together in conference over the construc tion of a viaduct over the Union Taclflc, Rock Island and Milwaukee roads at U street. The representatives of all three roads were In conference yesterday after noon at the council chamber. The pros pects are now exceedingly favorable for a new viaduct, provided all parties can agree on the direction. This viaduct, with lta approacles, would be over 1,100 feet long to the proposition Is by no means a small affair. Mayor Koutsky succeeded In doing what the previous administration never was able to do, get all the railroad men to gether where they could talk business. The Union Pacific waa represented by A. L. Mohler and R. L. Huntley, the latter being the general engineer. The Rock Is land was represented by J. B. Berry and TV. P. McHugh. The Milwaukee was lep resente.l by TV. B. Foster, superintendent; Judge J. C. Cook, attorney; R. C. Merrill, trainmaster, and TV. E. Wood, general en gineer. TV. Li. Shlbley, attorney for Swift and Company, who are Interested In a plat of land across which one plan proposes to construct the viaduct, was present. Although several hours were spent In a thorough discussion of the plans, and although all the parties openly declared they were willing to share In the expense ot the viaduct, provided it were built In a manner and direction to conserve the Interests of all roads aa much as possible, no formal or written contract has been formulated. All the representatives of the roads have taken full data of the agreements and each will present the same to the proper authority for decision. A second meeting will be held July 20 In South Omaha, when each will be prepared to enter into the binding agreement If such may be reached. This was the cause of great rejoicing to the people on the south lde, who were present. The proposition Is to construct a viaduct due west from the intersection of the alley between TWenty-fourth and Twenty-llfth streets, with Railroad avenue south of U to a point opprste Twenty-sixth tr et. Then the viaduct will run dje south to Y street. This route crosses the plot owned by Shihley. It is understood that here. If anywhere, an ol Jecilon will be raised. Condition of City's Finances. The last monthly report but one. Issued 1 hi i year by the clly clerk, was made public jeeterday, as follows: Amount of 1 v and collections to Annual 1. lii'7 cIMj per cent) 102.841.00 Ealance of levy 49.8iH.72 toll c: ions &i.&!i.34 Total receipt August 1, 1! s from all sources. X7. to July 6, 18... 8233,306.06 Receipts, Levy, llalances, Coleitlons Unexpended to JulV li. Balance Fire l8.,!i6.13 (leneral :.8.712.77 Palary 1' Public light 13.873 18 Jjdgmeiu 7.i;;l'i aler 19,sf'.ia Hired repair I olice 17,741.M Inierest cl. 325.21 Library 4..r0".(O ( urb and pav. repv.. o.Mit.41 larks ;.,'O tcavunger 171)60 8.Oi7.M H2. Oj y ot i:,7ia.s9 2.75i!bi VtbO i Totaia 2a.3o6.Oii $27,376.14 The above report shows all the funds but i he li e anl water fund practically depleted. The water fund will be 1 educed by the pay ment of the aeml-annual rentals, amount ing to 17,(00, due July 1. The expense for th! year has leen 1.01.(2182. and 27.371 14 remains to be expended. Thla will hardly meet the requirements if evenly distributed. Beeord Prices at the Yards. The South Omaha market was a record breaker for high prices again yesterday. The receipts were light. In fact they are so light that the packers talk of a con siderable reduction of forces unless the change aets In soon. The top price for cattle wttl 8810 which Is a new record. Forty-six head brought thla price. They were choice corn-fed steers averaging over 1.600 pounds. The hog market waa 10 cents higher and strong, though part of the ad vance waa lost at the close. The top price was paid for quite a large number and thla price was the highest for a number of months. 81x dollars and thirty cents was the top In South Omaha, against a top of In Chicago. The explanation of the high price of hogs Is ths light receipts, which makes active bidding to supply the 60 emperance - INTOXICATING Omaha, Nebraska. local demand. There Is a certain number of local orders which must be met and until this Is covered the packers are usually free bidders. Injury Finally Canaes Death. The death of Harry Hirsch occurred at the county hospital yesterday after an ill ness of nearly eighteen months from the effects of an accident In a well. The man was a well digger, and while working at the bottom of a well a rope broke and let a heavy bucket full of earth fall on him. It struck him on the back of the neck and doubled his body so that the spine was fractured. He has been an In valid ever since and slowly falling In strength. He leaves a wife and family who have been destitute while trying to provide means for his comfort at the county hospital. His mother, who lives at Cedar Bluffs, Neb., arrived last night to make the funeral arrsmgements. Masrlo city Gossip. Lee Crawford of Sioux City, ts visiting South Omaha friends. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 8. Bee office removed to Live Stock Bank Bldg., Twenty-fourth and N. 'Phone 27, Mamie and Carl Beal have gone to Lake Shetek, Minn., for several weeKs' visit with an uncle. Heyman A Berry, sellers of "quality" meats. 24th and E, telephone 3!i0; 21th and A, telephone 117. Miss Margaret Short of Vail, la., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. P. Lewis, Twenty-fifth and E. J. M. Abbot and family, 1330 North Twenty-third streets, have returned from a two week's visit in Ohio. The Nebraska Telephone company Is fur nishing bulletins of the dumocratlc con vention at the Exchange building. Good clothes for good boys, tough ones for Tommy Toughs; glad togs for pa and ma and work clothes that stand the roughs. See John Flynn &. Co. The Ladles' Aid society of the Lefler Memorial church will hold a home-cooking and household articles sale at Katskee He. Beldinga store, Thursday. The local Women's Christian Temper ance union has secured the services of Mrs. Carrie Nation to lecture at the South Omaha High school auditorium, July io, at ts:oo p. m. The South Omaha Pioneer Historical association held Its last session last night before the close of the heated season. The next meeting will be late In October. About fifty attended lant night. Songa and short talks by the members were the features. ROBBER RUN DOWN BY BOYS OfBcer Morgan Arrives on the Scene and Takes Hint to the Station. Otto Miller, hailing from nobody knows where, created a sensation at Twenty-fifth and Tarker streets Tuesday afternoon when 1 e waa detected at a d iyllght burglary and chased for several blocks by a crwod of boys. He was found In the Cleveland resi dence at 2032 Parker street by Mrs. Cleve land about 4:30 o'clock and started to run north. Several boys took up the chase and A DOUBLE WALK IMG -iv. 'TVZ".T.mrK""m'm V1" '!0i.&e t. . ; ll"tewiliiisUa in Ji ni:yfitii .i S,f. f I ,t - Jl it F" 'm':fTCT' " ''"--' . ssjaaym-JsPsy It . . . ,i a.. fill and 510 North Twentieth Slret-t. This up-to-date double brick flat Is one of the best of Its kind in the city. There are two separate flats, each having 9 rooms, 4 down stairs with reception hall, and 5 up statra, with bathroom. It is finished In oak on the first floor and birch on the second floor, and Is modern and well built in every respect The street la paved and all paving Ihxb paid; only a few mlnutna' walk from the heart of the city, which mk'S it very desirable for a large family, on account of the saving of car fare. Yearly Income $1,200.(M) Kxpen,,B Taxes, 10O7 $115.02 Insurance, per year, 11.75 130.07 AET AXM'AL INCOME $ l,00.3;I HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1T04 Farnam Street Beer Officer Morgan was dispatched from the police station on the motorcycle. On BlonV street Miller leaped into a manhole dug for a water meter and crouched out of sight, but the boys found him and he was captur. d by Officer Morgan. In the debris at the bottom of the hole two tings be longing to Mrs. Cleveland were found. The same man Is believed to have been the thief n ho broke Into the residence of Har vey Jackson at 916 North Twenty-fifth street earlier In the afternoon. Miller was bound over to the district court on the charge of breaking and enter ing. Judge Crawford fixed his bonds at jtoo. AD MEN MEET AND TALK-SHOP. Addresses Delivered by Hamber of Men from Outside the City. The regular monthly meeting and ban quet of the members of the Omaha Ad club was held In the small banquet hall of the Paxton hotel Tuesday evening, and from point of Interest exceeded anything hereto fore held, being addressed by a number of men Of national reputation in the adver tising field. No business was transacted and immedi ately following the palatable "spread' President Robert H. Manley, toaatmaster, arose and Introduced Ross L. Hammond, United States Internal revenue collector, who delivered an Interesting talk on the methods and results of "Campaign Adver tising." William Kennedy, formerly man ager of advertising for the Bennett Com pany but now of Lincoln, and a number ot members of Lincoln Ad club, were to he guests al last night's banquet, but were unable to attend owing to the high water conditions about the capital city. Mingled with a few humorous stories, J. J. Brady, general press agent for the Rlngllng Bros, circus, depicted the results of "Circus Advertising." In a short talk on "Commercial Adver tising" Lucius A Crowell, assistant adver tising manager of the Marshall Field com pany of Chicago, told .of tho "tone" ad hered to by that firm. John Guild of the , Commercial club at tested to the excellent work of the pub licity committee of the Commercial club through the various mediums of advertis ing. Ed "Walk-Over" Thompson recited a number of tangible proverbs. Interspersed with the speeches Jo Barton's quartet ren dered a number of oppreclable selections. Mayor Accused of tlnar. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 8. (Special Telegram.) Complaint was filed In county court today charging Henry R. Gerlng, the democratic mayor of this city, with havlni; sold Intoxicating liquors last Sunday Illeg ally." Gerlng waa at one time a member of the State Board of Examiners of drug gists and Is a registered druggist. BRICK FLAT DISTANCE i Hi sii urn '..Ay? ' . . -1 -.. V." ' '- -ri Price - $10,500 10 Per Cent on Total Investment )