Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1908, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY 1SEE: TIll'HsrUY. .Ifl.V !, 1!XW. CHIEF CITY NEWS Tsvs moot Mai It. TkoBM W. Blaaksnra (or congress. Ad Badolpa T. iwobod, Accountant-Auditor. Imiu, 117 N. 10. Douglas shoe, It It Pa Boorks for Qunllty cigars. It 8. ltLb. klaeaart, ph ilugi aher. ISth & Karnani Jamsa O. Xlnslsr for county attnr'y. AdV Equitable 1.11 Policies til Klit draft at maturity. H. O. Nocly, manager, Omaha.' BufMi-arutti Co., nu in quar ters, lS'.l Howard. Uas, elaetrto futures and wiring. rot the aafa keeping cf innoy and valuable tha American aafa deposit vault In the Ilea building afford absolute secur Ity. Boxes rent for H per year, or $1 for three monthi. Bloomqulrt Msosaa Institute moved from Arlington Hlock to Taxton Flock. More and better rooms; newly furnished; better accommodation. Vnder new man agement. R. B. Benda. Plonssrs to Matt at Library The Doug las county pioneers will mart In tha public library Thursday at t p. m. Arrangements will be perfected for attending the meeting of the Territorial pioneers Friday In Lin coln. The Omaha Bureaa of Press Clippings, established many years, has grown to be the largest and roost, copipleto, in the west. Thousands of papors read for Items. Good aervleo guaranteed. Note address. 230-E2-734 Bee 111 tig. v Fnb 11a Market Incorporated The Public Market Is the name of a new corporation formed by Jacob Katelman, Fred Bonnem and Jacob Rfsoff for the purpose of oprr atlng a general market end grocery store. The capital Is $lO,0n0. Fart of Sixteenth Infantry Ooes The Boron. 1 battalion of the Sixteenth Infantry will leave Watertown, S. D., next Saturday to return to Fort Crook, arriving here .Sun day. The Illinois Central haa the contract for bringing the soldiers down. Bida for raraam Sobool Work Bids for the construction of an addition to the Far rram school will be opened by the Board of Education next Monday. The addition will be for four rooms, most of which are to be given over to the manual training depart ment, and the bids are to Include heating and plumbing apparatus. Iowa Orphans Also to Baa Show A spe cial car haa been chartered by the Sells & Kioto show to take the children from the orphanage In Council Bluffs to the circus, which will show In Council Bluffs TuesJay afternoon and evening. "Doc" Waddoll mado arrangements with the street rail way company Wednesday for the car and the children will be taken for a compli mentary outing. Prof. B. V. a raff Arrives Prof. K. U. Graff, the newly elected principal of tho Omaha High school, haa arrived "to take root In Omaha," as he expressed It. Mr. Graff has rented the W. B. Wright house. Thirteenth street and Poppleton avenue, In the same block with Superintendent Davld aon, and will act about the work of settling at once. Mrs. Graff and the children will come within a few weeks. Women, la Cutting Borapa Beatrice Kurtloy waa bound over to the district court on the charge of "cutting with Intent to do great bodily .injury" to Mamie Glass during the progress of a colored society picnic at Kibbler's park on the evening of June 25. The Glass, woman waa cut In sev eral ' placea and 118 stitches were required to close the wounds. Both women are colored. Bsarly Enough Money to free Chorea District Superintendent Gorst of the Meth odist ehurch la authority for the atatement that but $00 Is yet needed to free the Diets Memorial church from difficulty and to head off the proposed sheriff's sale. Tha church waa about to be aold to satisfy a judgment for nearly 13,000, but this has been satisfied. As 'Booh as the two la raised tha church will be free of alt obligations except the church extension losn. Twenty Thousand on Sar lomi Robert McClelland of Tabor, la., who bought the P. E. Her home at 1240 South Tenth street for 127.000 to convert into a Preabyterlan hospital, will secure possession of the prop erty September 1 and begin remodeling It for a thoroughly modern hospital building. Omaha architects are working on plans for the changes to. be made In the home and It Is said they will cost 120,000. Mr. McClel Women should understand that melancholia, commonly called "the blues," is in nine times out of ten a 6ure symptom of gome serious female organic derangement and should have immediate attention. Women vhoso spirit are depressed, and who are ailing and miserable, Bhould rely upon LYDIAE.PlKHAr.rS VEGETABLE COMPOUND as is evidenced by following letters. Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mayville, JNT. Y, writes to Mrs. J'inkham : " For three year I waa in an awful despondent and nervous condition caused by feicale troubles. I waa not contented anywhere, and was In such constant fear that something terrible was going to happen that it seemed aa though 1 should lose my wind. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa restored my health, and I cannot aay enough for It." Mm. Mary J.Williams, of Bridge porL I1L, writes to Mrs. IlnkJiam: " I have becu suffering from a female trouble, baokache and headaches, and waa so blue that I waa simply In despair. I feel it my duty aa well a my pleasure to tell you that Lydia K. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound cured me. The change in my appearanee is wonderful, and I wish every suffering woman would try it." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K link ham's Vegotablo Compound, made from roots and herbs, Las been the standard remedy for female Ills, and has positively cured thousands oi womdn who have been troubled with displacements, Inflammation, ulcera tion, irregularities, periodic pains. ic-4ijr0. .Why itulJQJi trj it) llLtiE ueaia land will be In Omaha next week to con sider the changes. now CUmata Affects Capacity After traveling all the way from South Carolina, accompanied by his wife and baby, rnrfMte to Beatrice, without mishap, James Ham mett stepped Into an Omaha aalonn for re freshment between trains Tuesday night. Being accustomed to the "Mountain Iew" of the Carolina hills, llammett overesti mated his capacity for liquor In the north and as a consequence landed In Jail on the charge of drunkenness. His wife snd child proceeded to their destination without him. When Hammett, In his soft southern drawl, explained the circumstances to Judge Craw ford the lntter's heart softened and Ham mett was told to hurry on his way. T. W. Blaektttra run Bis Candidacy Thomas V. Blackburn has filed as a re publican candidate for congrers from the Second district, t'nder the primary law candidates for state or congressional offices must pay their registration fee to the treas. urer of the county In which they live. Tha registration Is then done with the secretary of state. Candidates for county offices file with the county clerk. Mr. Blackburn Is the first candidate for a state or congres. slonal office to file. Grand Regent of Boyal Aroanums Bo- man C. Fox of Lincoln, grand regent of the state of Nebraska, will attend the meeting Thursday evening of the L'nlon Pacific council of tho Royal Arcanum. Congress man Hitchcock will also make an address and Joe Barton's Male quartet will sing. The semi-annual password will be given at this meeting and all members are ex pected to bo present. Refreshments will be served after the program and a smoker and Informal social session will close the even ing's entertainment. Second Garden Exhibit at T. M. C. A. The second exhibit of the school garden club wilt be held Friday In the Young Men's Chrlstlon association building, and will be open to any boy who Is a member of the Harden club. Memberships In the Young Men's Christian association will be given to the two boys who have the best all around exhibits and 11 prlxes will be given for the best exhibits each of beans, peas, beets and early potatoes. At the last exhibit on June 13, three boys won Young Men's Christian association memberships and thirty won prizes of from tl to J2. BlvervKw Popular for Ptonioa Rlver- vtew park seems to be the popular park this summer for Sunday school picnics and three are planned for that park within the next week. The beautiful scenery and the anl. mals and shade all combine to make this park attractive for the young people. The Swedish Baptist Sunday achool held a plc nlc at Rlvervlew . Wednesday. The Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Sunday school haa set July 11 as the date for ita annual picnic and outing at Rlvervlew. The Baptist Sun day school of Benson will go to Rlvervlew July 16. All these have arranged for special trolley cara to carry tha young people to the picnic grounds. BANK SUES FOR PRATT DEEDS ILavlnsr Scored Judgment Against tha Colonel Omaha, National Wants Property Title. Suit to cancel th deeds to his 1,200-acre farm near Bennington, given by Colonel James H. Pratt to his daughters, Mrs. Har riet Belle Magee and Mrs. Margaret Louise Pratt Olsson, waa filed In district court Wednesday by the Omaha National bank, which secured a Judgment against Colonel Pratt shortly after his marriage to Mrs. JulU Montgomery, who Is now seeking a divorce from him. The petition of the bank states the deeds were dated June 17, 19t3, which waa the day before the marriage to Mrs. Mont' gomery, but they were not filed until Oe tober 10, 10W, and September SO, 1907, re specllvely. The bank asserts when It loaned Colonel Piatt the money it sup posed he was the owner In fee of this property and that his conveyance of It was fraudulent. It has already had an attachment Issued and the property Is to be sold by the sheriff under the attach ment, but the petition says the two deeds throw a cloud on the title to the farm which will prevent Its sale. It asks the deeds be set aside and Its claim declared to be a first lien on the property. The defendants are J. H. Pratt, Mrs. Julia M. Pratt, Harriet Belle Magee, Henry W, Magee, her husband; Margaret Louise Pratt Olnto.i and HJalma Olsson, her husband, DRUNKEN MAN ATTACKS WOMAN Rains Blows on Her Head and Says He Woslds't Injure Her for Aaytalnc Mrs. A. Dodds, wife of a rural mall car rler at Florence, had a terrifying struggl with a drunken man about 10 o'clock Wed nesday morning on a lonely stretch of road Just thla side of Brlgg's station, north of Florence. She frightened the man away and Is not badly Injured, though she has number of bruises about her head and face. She waa on the way home from a neigh bor's, when the man camo up behind her and struck her. He continued to rain blows on her head after she had fallen She struggled with him and pleaded with him not to injure her, saying she was the mother of two small children. "Lady, I wouldn't hurt a hair of you head." said the man, "I'm drunk an didn't know what I waa doing." He then ran into the woods and disappeared. Mrs, Dodds notified Marshal Green of Florence and he atarted In pursuit. Two men were arrested at Coffman station shortly after ward and one of them answers to the de scrlption of Mrs. Dodds' assailant, except that he did not wear corduroy trousers. Mrs. Dodds went to Coffman to aee If sh could Identify him. According to her description, the man wore a tan colored hat. corduroy trousers, a black shirt, black and white tie and hod a light mustache. Ha was about 30 years old. She ssys he had evidently been drink Ing heavily. BALDRIGE WILL NOT RUN Decides He Cannot Afford to Exchange Hla Law Practice for Place la Coaaress. i Although the lists remain open to the end of the month, the situation Is gradually shaping for the coming contest for the re publican nomination for congress In thli district. Taking time by tha forelock W. Blackburn haa put up hla $10 ante an sent his tiling papers to Lincoln and It understood tl at ex-Acting Governor Chan.'s L. Bauuders will soon follow suit and draw cards. The talk of Howard H. Baldrlge taking a hand In the game haa been set tled by the authorised announcement that he will not run. Asked aa to his intentions. Mr. Baldrlge says: "I csn not enter the race for congresa. I am Influenced In this decision solely by business reasons. I appreciate the sugges tion of my name for the office by a large number of my friends, but It means too great a aacriflce of my law practice. I ex pect to do all In my power to secure the election of the republican nominee, who ever It may be, and I am aura that the Indications point to his election In Novem. ber." An Aato Collision mesne many bad bruises, which ' Buck len'a Arnica Salve heals quickly aa It does sores and burna. ' Sic Kb fie by l'REES HEADS SEW PLANT Ectigsi from Union Pacific to Make Motor Cars in Omaha. KAURI MAN MONEY BACKS II access of Motor Cars Has Created a Demand that F.aclnslva riant Will lie Estab lished. Snch Ilarrtman has decided on another large xtension of his Inter sts In Omaha the s.allishment of an exclusive motor car hops. W. R. McKeen has resigned his posi- lon of superintendent of motive power ana machinery of the Vnlon raelflc to devote is whole time to the manufacture of motor cars In Omaha by the McKeen Motor Car company, of which Mr. MeKeen will bo president And general manager. The resignation Is effective July 20 and Mr. Mc Keen will be succeeded by C. B. Fuller, his resent assists;. t, as superinlendenT of motive power and machinery of tha Union 'aciflo. E. H. Harrlm.'in will be the finan cial head of the new company. The McKeen Motor Car company Is a corporation organized under the laws of New Jersey with a capital stock of fl.000.0no and the business of the company will be to manufacture gasoline motor csrs, light ted passenger and freight cars and gaso line locomotives for switching. The McKeen Motor Car company will build gasoline motor cars for the com mercial world at large and we will begin building additional cars at once, and at Omaha," Said Mr. McKeen, when asked where the new motor car shops were to be located. "We have now at the Omaha hops forty-one cars completed or under construction and the first business of the ew company will be to complete the cars ow partially built. The arrangements for the enlargement of the shops to provide facilities for the future construction of these cars on a large scale are not crys tallised, but at present the cars will be built in Omaha. "The demand for these motor cars la large end could not be met when the sht ps were operated as a part of the Vnlon Pa cific shops. We cannot confine the usage f this wonderfully economical means of transportation to one road, and con sequently a separate corporation has been formed to manufacture these cara upon a large scale." On Orders of Harrlmaa. Acting under Instructions of E. IT. Har- rlman, president of the Union Pacific Rail road company, Mr. McKeen two years tgo began to experiment with gasoline motors to propel passenger cars. The first motor car had a fifty-horse power motor and It was soon seen more power was needed. No. with Ita light engine Is still doing business and every car which has been built by the Union Pacific has been a revenue pro ducer, which Is more than can be said of any similar cars ever built. The Westing house company has a long line of these experimental cars which were absolute fail ures. Car No. 2 was then built with a 100 horse power motor and It did good service, but the cars were crowded so heavily and a trailer waa needed for baggage and ex press that It was deemed advisable to put In a 200-horse power engine. That Is the size now in use and being Installed in the new cara which are being built. These cars have been sent to all parts of the United States and everywhere they have been a great success. Their greatest value lies In the small fuel charge and because they can be operated with fewer men than regular train. They take the place of a regular train on the branch lines. Gasoline Locomotives. Motor cars are not the only products which will be turned out by the McKeen Motor Car company. A gasoline locomo tive for swltchlrjg purposes around private plants, will alao be built. Railroads may no longer switch cara around a private manufacturing plant free of charge, nnd the plant cannot afford to pay the switching charge. ,To fill the want, a gasoline loco motive will be built, which will be able to handle cars around a plant. It Is also quite probable lightweight, steel passenger coaches and freight cars will be built by the new company, as these cars are similar in construction to the motor car. A. L. Mohler, vice-president of the Union Pacific, has given every aid to the building of a successful gasoline motor car, and no expense haa been spared to develop a car which would be as perfect aa It was possible to make one. Railroad officials from all sections of the country, have visited Omaha, with the ex press object of seeing the motor cars, and all have wondered at the perfection in con structlon. The demand for these cars has been such that there aeems to be little doubt in the minds of the offlcera of the new company that they can sell all the cara rhey can manufacture. Mr. Fuller, who succeeds Mr. McKeen has been assistant to Mr. McKeen for some time, and camo to the Union Pacific from the Chicago Alton, where he held a posi tion similar to the position he now takes slth the Union Pacific. MORTGAGE TO SECURE BONDS Nearly Seven Million-Dollar Security Registered tr Independent Long; Distance 'Phone Company, A mortgage for W.600,000 to secure a bond Issue for that amount, was placed on fll Wednesday mornlrg by the Long Distance Independent Telephone company, the toll line auxiliary to the Independent Telephone company. The mortgage runs to th American Trust & Savings Bank of Chi cago, trustee hrjd covers all lines, exchanges, plants and other property of the company or which it may acquire, but does not In elude capital stock of other companies owned by this company. It Is estimated that 1500.000 of the bond such persons as the officers may direct Habitual Cowstmoiion rjaytepertrujrwiy overco'naljy prober personal efforts' vutMrie assistance oftheonj truly beneic'al laxative remedy, Syrup of Kg arj El'uW s$fnn, wKicK enable on N form regaier Kobtts daily $o that assistance To na ture may be graJually cli5pensejwlH v-hen no longer needed at, the best of remedies, n4en required, are to assist txature and hot to fupj)ant the rtataiw 6)uction$,vrurk must depend ulti natly upon proper nourishment,' Iogft VLs beneficial tjjects, uaj& buy th genuine SyrupKSElixirSctinii California Fig Snrnup Co. oniy, SOU) BY" ALL LEADING DRUOCJSTS and the ret Is ti he In trut to be Issue Is to be delivered by the trustee to delivered from time to time ss disposed of. NfcW HONORS FOR OUR JIM Itahlman 'Will Jadaje Itronrho Con tests aa Well as Tame Tigers Out In nearer. Acting as Bryan's I'vo T.h In the mst- ler of turning tliiers at the democratic na tlonsl ccnventlon Is not the only great serv ice Mayor .Tames C. D.ihlman of Omaha lll render his cmntry at Penver. An other most distinguished feat Is reserved for Ms performance. He. "the world's ; mot widely known and most prominent cowbt.y." will be Judge at a broncho bust ing contest In the Colorado metropolis Sat urday after tha cor.venllon In over. Other cowboys, the ordinaries, who do nothing more than roum the lonely plains and 1bso some recreunt Hteer now end then, year In snd yer out, will hsve to take back scat and look rn while the "real world's champion cowboy" stands under the spotlight and Judges tNso contests. And those wilted, ring-streaked, tail-rung Igers from Tammany may go out and bask themidves In the sunlight of Lahlinan's islory and maybe recover a bit of their loKt nerve. Here Is what the Denver Post says: When the world's chamulonshln broncho busting show opens at Manhattan Beach Satntaay It will lie with the worlds most Idely known and most prominent "cow bov," the picturesque Mayoi James C Dalilman of Omaha, and Willlnm J. Brvan's personal representative on the demorfatlc national committee, sitting as one of the honorary judges of the contest thut Is to present to the visitors of Hie east the most unique phase, of the fast disappearing life of the rattle ranges. Msvor uaniman, isaiionui i nairman Thonms Taggart nnd other members of the rational committee nave expressea their acceptance of the broncho show man agement s inviioiion 10 mane me aeie- gat"s honorary judges. AS iitl cowooys ana men wnnse reputa tions for honesty and fairness are beyond qii-ntton, the Manhattan promoters have selected the fjuowing well snown men to act as Judges: John C. Twombly, former postmaster of Denver and county commis sioner of old Arapahoe county; William Srnrlet of Lander, Wro.; Thomas . Tucker of Proomf iflcl, t olo. o. L. Qrlmsley. champion broncho buster and rough rider of 8outh America, entered last night. He has many warm personal friends in Denver and especially among the newspaper men. When he won the championship of South America he won f.V"0 and was easily the class of the con test. It took a western cowboy tn cop the coin down In the torrid xone, but at Manhattan Beach he will be competing against his own clansmen aim the story mav be different. Clayton Dnnks, Hugh Clarke and Tom Miner, as well as Harry Tipton and Johnny Blocker Dodge say it will. FRIENDSHIP WORTH WHILE Georaxe HaaB Leaves Jacob eher, Ills Old Friend, Sixteen Thou sand Dollars. For old friendship's sake Jacob Weber of Florence has been left $16,00) by the will of George Hagg, an aged German, who died In Florence, July I. By the terms of the will Weber is made ttje sole beneficiary and Is named as the executor. In spite of the fact It may cost him a mall fortune. Weber la now advertising to find the relatives of the dead man If he has any. In case he finds thorn he may lose a part at the least of the money coming to him from the estate, but he says he wants to find out If anyone else has a claim on the ' property of hla old friend. The friendship of Hagg and Weber bgun In the early days of Florence, both of them being pioneers. Their feeling for each other waa made stronger In the hardships they both had to endure and when Hagg In his old age waa without home or rela tives, Weber took him Into his own home and cared for him. For a number of years Hagg waa an honored member of the Weber household. ' - As far aa his friends 'know Hagg had no near relatives, lie was marnea a number of years ago, but after the wedding he found his wife had a husband living at the time and he secured an annulment of the marriage before Judge Bavage. None of his friends know of him having brothers or sisters. His property Is almost entirely In money, which he earned and saved during a long and thrifty life. Mr. Weber has applied to be appointed executor of the will. WIFE RUINS HJS BUSINESS Bach Is Charge oh Which One Mao Bases Hla Pica for Di vorce. That she drove help and customers away from hla restaurant and Insisted on her relatives living with him are charges made by Walter 8. Mulrhead agHinst Julia N. Mulrhead In a petition for divorce filed in district court Wednesday. They were mar ried In Detroit in May, 1884. He says she was cold toward him and excessively Jeal ous. Her charges against the he'p In his restaurant and against "lady customers" he saya practically broke up his business. He also charges she and her two brothers assaulted him once and beat him up. Herman R. Huelle's plea for a divorce from Jennie F. was denied by Judge Ken nedy and Huelle's case dismissed. Judge Kennedy held Huelle had not sustained his charge of cruelty. Hla domestic trouble happened in Albany, N. T. He' says his wife had him arrested for abandonment, though he was paying her 16 or $7 a week. She was displeased, he said, with every thing he did and was continually finding fault. Frank Corcoran has secured a divorce from Fay on charges of abandonment and desertion. MONEY FOR HOUSE OF HOPE Fifteen Hundred Dollars Is Wanted by Rev. C. W. Savldse for First rirmrit. Rev. Charles W. Bavidge, pastor of the People's church and organiier of the House oi Hope, wants $1.50 to make the first payment on the Thotnas residence 9f8 South Twenty-seventh avenue, which la to be his new House of Hope. And Rev. Mr. Bavidge wants the $1,500 to come from contributors, who will give $1 or $2, as he Is securing a list of 170, who will give $50 each to fix up the home and flnli-h paying for It. To Wednesday afternoon Rev. Mr. Bavidge had secured sixty of the 170, who have pledged to give Urn $N) each, when he has secured the entire Hat. As he Is doing all the work himself and It requires a great deal of time, be has arked that tho contributor who wish to give him $1 or $:, send him a postal card or call by telephone that he might send aome one After the money, giving him an opportunity to keep at the work of securing the 170 donators of U each. Mr. Bavldge's telephone Is Webster 8444. Striking: ladlan Honaeaclaf are. "Muskoka." Clear 8ky Land; "Magnets wan," Smooth, Flowing Water; "Ka wartha," Bright Water and Happy Lands; "Temagaml," Deep Water; "Wawa." the flying goose, are Indian words that fittingly describe soma of the most delightful spots for a summer outing on the American continent. All reached at special low round trip fares via the Grand Trunk Railway System. Double track from Chicago to Montreal and Ni agara Falls. Particulars of fares, descriptive litera ture, time tables, etc., will be mailed free on application to George W. Vaux. A. G P. at T. A.. 135 Adams street, CUlca-o. S2o in Our Women's Cloak and Suit Department All our Women's Waists Wash Suits, Silk and Lingerie Dresses Wash Skirts, etc., will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST Wo close every evening at 5 o'clock except Saturday. MOHLER GLAD TO GET SEWER Says Union Pacific Will Promptly Co operate with City. WILL SUPPLY IMPERATIVE NEED Contractors to 'Whom Work of Build ing the laard Street W otevay Waa t,ct Wants to Start by Anaost. "Tha present Hard street sewer can well bo likened to the ruins of ancient time, and I was Just thinking of getting out Mark Twain's soliloquy on the ruins of Athens and reading It again aa I stand here and view the ruins of the Izard street sewer. I was very glad to learn from The Bee that the council has decided to build the sewer, which Is sorely needed, and that the contract haa at last been awarded. Tho Union Pacific Is more than anxloui for that sewer and the minute the city be gins construction work we are ready to proceed. We have some large shops down here and we will have larger ones, and an adequate aewer is needed above all things." In this way A. L. Mohler, vice president and general manager of the Union Pacific Railway company, approves the action of the council, clubbed into ordering tho new sewer by repeated messages from tha mayor. In awarding the contract for the construction of the large sewer for the drainage of practically the whole of North Omaha across the bottoms and the railroad shop lands, to the river. The contract waa awarded to J. J. Hanlghen, Omaha, and work will be begun as soon as possible. Must Walt on River. "We cannot begin construction of the sewer until the water In the river has fallen some, but we ought to be able to get at It by August 1," said E. P. Donahue, manager for J. J. Hanlghen. "The first work will be done at the mouth of the new sewer on the river, for the reason that there is always storm water on the low lands that will have to be drained. The city will have to construct the sewer for about 100 feet at the mouth and then the Union Paclfio people will construct the next stretch across its holdings, a dl tance of about 2.000 feet. "It probably will take nearly all the rest of the season for the Union Pacific to con struct Its section of the sewer and we will In all likelihood not get to work on the main part of the city's section until next season. The lower sections of the sewer must be built first. The main section of the sewer will be 8,100 feet long. We will also build a small branch sewer about 1,500 foet long to give adequate outlet to the present small sewer on Ixard street, with which residents of the vicinity have made connections." The Izard street sewer will be ten and twelve feet in diameter, while in some places on the bottoms it will be sixteen feet wide by seven and one-half feet deep City Engineer Rosewater says the sewer will be one of the largest built In Omaha and that the contract awarded to Mr. Hanlghen Is the largest single contract for work of the kind ever let In this city. "The new Ixard street sewer Is, in my estimation, one of the most Important pub lic Improvements of recent years," said Mr. Rosewater. "It will drain a large area and will relieve congested conditions which have always troubled us in times of heavy rainfall." HORDES OF SHEEP TO SHEAR Tvreuty Thousand More at Clearmont, Wro,, Waiting; for the Clippers. According to estimates there are still about 20.(00 more sheep to be shorn at Clearmont. Wyo. At present there are W9.1T. pounds of wool on hand. During the last week the Purl'ngton railroad received l.afiS pounds and forwarded 157,019 pounds. Fluarlng ia still going on In the vicinity of Sheridan. Wheat made good progress last week on all the Wyoming Uvlslons of the Burling ton on account of thi warm weather and favorable condltlrna nnd Ind'catl'.nt are for an excellent crop. Cat are graving fasi snd will give a good crop. Fanners were I uy cultivating corn lt week 1.. Wom'ng and the corn maae food progress, accord- Medicines containing Mercury are often given to persons suffering with Contagious Blood Poison, and so powerful is the action of this drug that it frequently removes the symptoms in a short while, and shuts the disease up in the system to do greater damage to the delicate internal members. When, however, the treatment is left off, the disease always returns, and the patient finds that his health has been injured by this powerful mineral, and he is often left with weak stomach, disturbed digestion, mercurial rheumatism, etc. The action of S. S S. is entirely different It contains no Mercury, nor any other harmful drug, but is made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It cures Contagious Iilood Poison by removing the virus from the blood. It searches out every particle of the poison and does not leave the least trace for future outbreaks. S. S. S., in addition to caring the disease, builds up and strength ens every part of the body. Its fine tonic effects tone tip the stomach and digestion, improve the appetite and regulate the entire system. Home treatment book containing valuable information about the different stages of the disease and any medical advice desired sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLAHTA, CA. 00 f or $1.00 ALE MOW OM l- .N-siWe i3" Ing to tho crop and soil report of the Bur lington road. The meadows and pastures are In the best pcsblble condition and the farmers have been busy putting up hay. Live stock Is in excellent condition. SHRINER MONEY JUST YELLS Index to Lavish Grandeur of that Journey to the Imperial Council. Tangier temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, have found a vay of using money where It doesn't talk Just yells according to their official circular announcing the departure of a special train to St. Paul Sunday eftornoon. 'ihe occasion of tho trip will be the meet ing of (he Imperial council, which promises a program "grand, glowing and glittering with a succession of gorgeous and stupen dous surprises." To get an Idea of the hill and attractions at 6t. Paul 75 per cent must he added to the sum of tha things in the big circuses after they have been multiplied on a ma chine by 49 squared. The arecial to St. Paul will run over the Omaha road on the Nebraska side of the river. It is described as consisting of one large and chastely decorated locomotive, one yellow baggage car, one sleeper with Tangier patrol, which has Iron bara over tho windows, and new standard Pullmans for the nobles and women. After leaving Omaha tho special will stop at points of "historic, educational and scenic interest" to tske nobles of the tem ple aboard from half a dozen live towns. At Eloux City the Omahana will be given a big dinner and reception by the noblca of Abu-bekr temple, which the Tang'er fortes were instrumental In securing for Sioux City. Though money makes no difference to a fhrmer, the railroads have made a rate of $10.50 from Omaha to St. Paul and re turn and those who occupy the sleeping cars after arriving In St. Paul will be as sessed $12 as Pullman fare. B. F. Thomas, postmaster. Is making the reservations, aa altted by Goorge F. West of the North western. MANY LAND MEN DISCHARGED Ransjera Aajalnat Whom Uncle Sam Brought Action Have Their Cases Dismissed. The case of the United States against H. B. Reed, Charles Teeter, Edward Teeter, Fred Stucky, S. S. Sears, James Wright, Elmer E. Lowe, Harry Haythorne, David Holloway, F. O. Hoxle. E. M. Bearles, Adam Miller, Clarence M. Miller. Charles Miller. William O. f Miller. Charles F. Kevins. Walter E. Ooates and C. F. Kelley charged with fencing public lands near North Platte, Neb., was dismissed In the United States circuit ccurt Wednes day by Judge T. C. Munger, upon motion of United States Attorney Charles A. Ooss, the case waa Instituted In 1905. Later the land involved was made a national forest reserve and the defendants have rented it from the government. A GREAT SHIRT WAIST SALE. J. L. Brandcla A Sons Announce Ex traordlnary Shirt Waist Bar- i galna for Next Saturday. Wa inaugurate our complete clearance of women's fine shirt waists Saturday. It will be the biggest sale of Its kind ever held In the west. See tha window display on Sixteenth street. J. L. BRANDEIS & BON'S. STAMPS ON FREE ENVELOPES Action of Federal Kmploye Cornea Near Landing; Hint In Seri ous Difficulty. Frank Alleman of North Platte has keen discharged by Uncle Sim's court. Alleman, who was a cook in the department of recla mation service, was accused of using lomi of I'ncle Bam'b envelopes, which '.iave the advantage of requiring no postage. Sub sejjeht Investigation showed that stamps had been affixed to tha envelope originally and Alleman declared that aome enemy of his, bent upon getting him Into trouble, had romoved the stamps. It Is no! unlawful to use a franked envelope for private cor r spondence if stsmps are affixed aa re quired on a common envelope. This, Alle man aald. end the evidence Indicated, was what he hal done. CONTAINS .NO MERCURY n tu Wo close every evening at t o'clock except Saturday. NARROW ESCAPE FROM PEN Mnn Who Cannot Speak Fnallsh Haa a Close a fall aa Pos sible. After about as narrow an escape from tha penitentiary as a man could hsve without actually going there, Peter Wlodarskl. Pole, was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail by Judge Sears. Wlodarskl was convicted by a Jury In criminal court of cutting William Oliver, and employe at the Smelter works with Intent to wound and was about to be sentenced to the penitentiary when his attorney, T. A. Holllster, found some rew evidence, that of the night watchman, which seemed to Indicate Wlodarskl had a good defense. Aa he could not speak English he wis nsndl capped when In court. Judste Bears flnplly granted him a new trial nnd nfter hearing the new evidence allowed him to pit Ad guilty and take a thirty-day ontenc-i. Judge Sears directed he should not be re quired to psy the costs. Electric Lighted TRAINS Tho Union Pacific was the tirst line to Introduce Dining Curs, Vestlbuled Cars, Steam Heat, Plntsch Lights, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, and Tourist Cars on the TranB-Contlnental Trains west of the Missouri River, AND NOW THE COLORADO SPECIAL IB EQUIPPED WITH Buffet Observation Sleeping Cars Pullman Palace Mleeping Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars Dynamo Baggage Car Dining Car (Meals a la Carte) ALL ELECTRIC LIGHTED RUNS DAILY TO ie&we TZA union PACIFIC For Sleeping Car reservations call st or telephone CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. Phones I Douglas 183 and lad. A-M31. HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invigof atlng bath ; makes ever pot respond, removes dead skin, ENBR01ZES THE WHOLB BODY starts the circulation, and leaves glow equal to a Turkish bath. Ill grocers and drusgist jTO-MGHT Sf ft rtl TNt BOSJILS SSO UVtS la.M. Call Us by 'Phono Whenever you want some thing, call 'Phone Douglas SSt and maka It known through a Dee Want A 4. 35s