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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY.' JULY 9, 1003. 3 The Omaha Daily Bel FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSETWATER. VICTOR ROBEWATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflce ai second class matter. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: I'ally Km (without Sunday), one year..W.W lJally Hee and Sunday, one year 00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Dally Bp (including Runday), per week..l5e Dally Re (without Sunday), per WMk..HT Kvenlng Pee (without Sunday). per week Se Evening Ufa (wKh Sunday;, per week.,..10e Sunday Hee, one year M Saturday Hee, one year M Address all complalnta of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omsha-The Dee Building. South Omahn -rity Hall Building. Counrll Blurf-1S Srott Street. Chlraao l.itd Marquette Building. New York-Rooma 1101-1102, No. 31 West Thirty-third Street. Washington--?. Fourteenth Street N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. RKMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent itmpi received in payment of mail accounts. Pergonal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION; State of Nebraska. Douglas County, as : George B. Tiac.huck, treasurer of The Pee publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of June, 1908, was aa follows: 1 35,830 18 88,490 8 38,740 1 38,490 S 30,030 IT 38,900 4 38,800 8 38,760 38,880 7 t 38,900 8 38,950 38,910 10........... 38,970 11 30,380 18 .....86,030 13 .....88,890 14 36,080 IS .36,080 18. 39,110 19 36,460 80 38,890 81 35,780 83 36,480 83 38,099 84 38,340 88 36,600 86 36,070 aa 38,830 89 36,600 30 36,3301 Totals 1,069,090 Less unsold and returned copies.. 9,677 Net total 1,079,313 Dalley average 38,977 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this 1st day of July, 1908. M. P. WALKER, Notary Publlo. when opt or TOWV. Saaaerlbera leaving tae city tem porarily ehoald kart Th Baa tfcem. Aadraae will fee Mr. Bryan'i personally driven steam roller doea the work all right If Colonel Bryan keeps this up he may rnako Colonel Guffey famous. Cheering for Bryan In July is an exhilarating pastime. Voting for him In November is quite different. It now looks as If the United States would this year hare at least three summer capitals Oyster Bay, Hot Springs and Fairvlew. Mayor "Jim" continues to be the 'big noise" at Denver, but a lot of good democrats left at home reflect that the voting machine Is noiseless. Suspension or calls of the district court docket means release for the Jurors, fishing excursions for the law yers and Chautauqua dates for the Judges. The easiest explanation of the flood In Salt creek is that it Is preparing to receive the political fleet expected to cruise up Its winding way next No vember. Mayor "Jim" Bhould be made to un derstand that he cannot monopolize all the attention belonging to Omaha when Henry T. Clarke is on hand with his waterways resolution. As waa to have been expected it turns out that the people hardest hit by our late panic are the European hotel proprietors and shop keepers who fatten on American tourist travel. And Bow we are told that Chairman ' Bell "coined 'some new phrases that will live." They could not have a democratic national convention with out working n some kind of free coinage. Simmered down to its substance, the convention at Denver is a fine example of freedom of speech. What those democrats are saying about each other gives no indication of either restraint or prudence. The campaign uniform and helmet concerns are already sending out their circulars. They do not seem to realise that campaign methods have also been changing since the days of the torch light parade. The cartoonist bf the local Bryanlte organ serves notice that the demo cratic campaign Is to be conducted this year without waiting for the aldor consent of Governor Johnson of Min nesota or any of his friends. Why should democrats object to the display of a republican banner by the republican state headquarters at Lin coln just because Bryan lives in one of the suburbs? Are no democratic ban ners to be strung in Cincinnati be cause that is Mr. Taft'a home? The platitudes of the chairman's speech, and tha performance of the chairman In ruling on the motions before him present such a pleasing contrast that even the democratic donkey had to laugh at the reports of the first day's doings at Denver. Over in Illinois candidates are said to have lined up as if before a theater box office to file first in order to get top place on the primary ballot. Over In Iowa, where the arrangement of tames la alphabetical, everything de pended on whether the parenta of the eaadldatea thought of it la time. rnr .Terr xattoaTj cha irma .v. So one who followed the popular movement that culminated In the nomination of William H. Tart at Chicago will bo surprised at the selec tion of Frank H. Hitchcock to be chairman of the national republican committee In charge of the manage ment of the campaign. Nothing suc ceeds like success, and It was largely due to Mr. Hitchcock's tactful super vision of the preliminaries that the candidacy of Mr. .Taft was made Im pregnable to his competitors who had allied themselves together for the pur pose of preventing his nomination. Mr. Hitchcock has already proved himself alert, resourceful, untiring and a thorough master of details. His experience in the pre-convention cam paign developed his high qualities as a political leader and put him In touch with the working forces throughout the country through whose co-operation the nomination of Mr. Taft was brought about. He needs no introduction to the , party leaders in' the various states of the union who must execute the maneuvers of the campaign by which the rank and file will be rallied and marshaled. In a word, It had been demonstrated that Mr. Hitchcock was the logical man for the position of national chair man and there Is nothing to indicate that any other name was seriously con sidered at any time since the national committee delegated Its authority to make the selection to the sub-committee in conjunction with the candi dates. It goes without saying that Chair man Hitchcock will at once take hold with vigor and foresight and set the wheels In motion for an aggressive, winning campaign with no let up or slow down until after the votes are in. CHARTER MAKItfQ IX KANSAS CITY. Kansas City Is to vote at a special election next month to adopt or reject a new city charter which has Just been framed by virtue of the municipal home rule principles that prevail In Missouri. The new Kansas City char ter, which Is, of course, largely a re vision of the old charter, has been prepared by a committee of freeholders for which the law provides and will become effective, If ratified, without the Intervention of the legislature with its attendant tinkering and muti lation. That the new Kansas City charter Is a comprehensive document may be inferred from the fact that it com prises more than 400 typewritten pages. It doubtless contains much that la debatable and much more that would not be suitable to any other city, but it also contains many pro visions based upon the best of experi ence of our most progressive - Amer ican cities. At any rate, the construc tion of a city charter, wholly by a local committee of freeholders, subject only to the approval of the people of the city directly concerned, is likely to erlve the community a form of munic ipal government fitting its peculiar need? and satisfying lis inhabitants. Whether Omaha can ever secure the privilege of making Its own city char ter will depend on future develop ments. But there Is no question that Omaha would solve its own problems better If It could be charged with that responsibility and be freed from char ter manlnulatlon in the legislature nine-tenths of whose membership is made un of outsiders. We believe that with complete municipal home rule even our vexed question of con solidation could be successfully worked out by getting representatives of Omaha and South Omaha together In a charter-making committee disposed to mutual concession on lines of com mon sense and practical politics. BTROKOKR PROFKSB10H AL COURSES- Announcements now being made of changes in the next year's courses in many of the larger Institutions of learning, contain promises of import ant changes relative to the study of medicine, law, engineering, forestry and other practical and professional subjects. The universities generally are becoming convinced, following the lead of Columbia and Harvard, that students in specialized lines should be better equipped In knowledge of the liberal arts. The general require ments, therefore, will be that students for these special courses will be com pelled to have at least two years of under-graduate work before entering upon professional study. According to a recent report of the commissioner of - education of the United States, there are 622 Institu tions of higher education available for the men of the country. The under graduate enrollment of boys In 114 ot these la In excess of 200. The en rollment in 17 of the number is in excess of 1,000, five have more than 1,600 and five others have enrollment In excess of 2,000. The United States has become a nation of colleges and universities, and never before in the history ot the world was there such an army ot students as that which is clamoring for admission to them. With this throng has come the de mand for more and better Instruction, more varied courses of study and larger provision tor equipping young men to participate in varied fields of, activities. It is the danger ot putting this army of students into the world's battle "scarce half made up" against which the stronger Institutions are now taking precautions. Tha heads of the great colleges are realizing that they have been turning out men too narrowly specialized, lawyers who know nothing but law, physicians who know nothing but medicine, engineers who have only a technical training. The demand Is for more men in the, sciences and In the professions who have a broader general rdncstldn, who can supplement thflr technical education wKh a knowledge of the liberal arts and human nature. The proposed In crease in preliminary requirements will be welcomed as promising a better appreciation of the broader life for the graduates of our professional schools. FEn KR WLS CARS. Reports received by the American Railway association at its New York headquarters show that on July 1 fewer box cars were Idle than a month previous and that a steady decrease In the number of unused freight cars has been noted month after month since April. This has but one mean ing, that business Is gradually ex panding. While the resumption of activity is not evenly distributed throughout the various sections of the country, the fact of resumption is sure to spread its benefits over all. Probably the moat slgnficant feature of the report Is that the Increase In car demand comes at a time when railroads ex pect a decrease in business. June is not an especially active month in any line, and a showing of business growth during the summer is a most auspi cious presage for the fall and winter. In connection with this encouraging report from the railroads comes the news from the harvest fields that promise a yield of wheat much larger than last year, while the outlook for the corn crop is equally good. Mines and factories are swinging into the line of active work again, and from every part of the country comes the report of steadily Increasing industry. The creative capacity and consump tive demand of 85,000,000 American citizens are too great to permit any thing like general idleness to prevail long In the United States. From the hubbub they are raising over the "cash-in-advance" rule pro mulgated by the clerk of the district court people would imagine that the lawyers paid the court costs and execu tion fees out of their own pockets in stead of with money furnished them by their clients. If the new ru means that the money advanced for costs by he clients is to go in the pub lic treasury Instead of sticking to the fingers of the lawyers Indefinitely It will be a real reform. Of 'course, theBe reflections do not apply to all our lawyers, nor to a majority of them, but the shoe will probably fit some of those who are making the most noise. According to the florid report of the "staff correspondent" on the spot for our local democratic contemporary, Chairman Bell In opening the Denver convention "talked like a glorious combination of John the Baptist, Sav onarola, Tennyson and Patrick Henry." He also talked "like a plumed knight eager for the lists," whatever kind of talk that is. In fact, Temporary Chairman Bell must have been a reg ular composite phonograph running the whole gamut of history from its dawn to its present high noon. Mrs. Cleveland received so many messages of condolence and sympathy In her bereavement that she has found it impossible to reply to them Individ ually and has utilized the newspapers to make public acknowledgement ot appreciation. It goes without saying that Mrs. Cleveland is acting in this under far-seeing advice. She will not now have to thank anyone In particu lar for the resolution adopted at Denver. With all the bombast about "cash registers" and the like, the temporary chairman at Denver did not offer to explain who got the $20,000 which Mayor "Jim" and Brother-in-Law Tom" brought into Nebraska four years ago. And Ryan and Sheehan say the money was paid over In cash. It is kngwn where this money came from, but the recipients are maintain ing a masterly silence as to where it went. The democrats who looked askance at the recent conference on natural resources as a threatened Invasion of states' rights by President Roosevelt and the national government are now trying to catch on to the sentiment aroused by that conference in favor or conserving natural resources. The protection of states' rights is a demo cratic talisman only when they want to draw on It for political capital. Notwithstanding Mr. Bryan's per sonal appeal, Mr. Hearst has not yet rescinded the call for the national con vention of his Independence league, summoned to put out an Independent presidential ticket. Mr. Hearst also has a memory that goes back at least four years. The democratic city council has ac commodatingly received the World- Herald's bid on city advertising sub mitted after The Bee's bid was opened and read. That is a precedent other favored bidders . for city contracts would like to have extended for their benefit. At least fourteen state delegations at Denver stand unterrifled In full view of the road roller. What sort of anathema will be hurled at these recalcitrants cannot be determined until the engineer at Fairvlew has dis posed of some more Important busi ness. It is most unkind to begin to circu late Mr. Bryan's published speeches just at a time when be is trying to assume a new attitude on about every public question he has discussed. It may be that the enterprising pub lishers are not his best friends after all. lletara Ticket. Chicago Tribune. Alton B. Parker must be astonished to see what a change seems to have come over democratic national conventions In the ehort space of four years. Some Work Ahead. Cleveland Plain Dealer. It seems that this Is the first time In twenty-one years that William H. Taft has been free from official cares. At the same time It isn't at all likely that he wants his vacation unduly extended. Expressing II la Pleasure. New York World. A salute of forty-six guns wliU'h the president haa given the District ColumM- democrats permission to fire In celebration of Mr. Bryan's nomination from the Wash ington monument grounds will Just about express Mr. Roosevelt's prronal satisfac tion with the choice of the democratic con vention. Where Taft le Welcomed. Harper's Weekly. There are two large groups of voters with whom Mr. Taft will be especially popular those who are anxious to keep the peace In the east and those who are solicitous that the prestige of the supreme court shall be maintained. As to the cast, Mr. Taft knows It and all the east knows him. The Filipinos will be -delighted to have him president, and Japan reports gratification at his nomination. He Is popular there, as he deserves to be. As for the supreme court, If he Is elected he will have vacan cies to fill, three or four of them, perhaps, and where would one look for a better judge of judges than he, or for one more Inclined to make the best selection possi ble? It can be assumed without risk of mis take that his nomination Is one that the Justices of the supreme court approve, without distinction ot party. notable: migration changes. Movement of Aliens Into and Oat ot the Vnlted States. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Chanties so swift and extensive In the. rrovement of aikna into and out ot tin I'nited States as during the last s'x rr.cnths have never before been wilnessuu The following Is the record for the first half of the present and last calendar yearo; llMS. 1901. Immigrant arrivals lM,ot Allen emigidnis 3Vi,ubl Hj,1j Not before during a whole year have so many people of the laboring class left the country as during this half year alono, and the consequent drain upon the supply of rough or unskilled labor In western rennsjlvanla is ao great that the iron ana steel Industry Is wondering where an ade quate supply of .his class of help will be found when business prosperity haa re turned, for It Is said that much of th: alien labor which has' returned to Kuropi has no intention of returning. There will be found abroad, however, plonty of other labor of the kind to take It place. Extraordinary as this alien outflow Is, the contraction In the alien Inflow is even more so. It amounts to over 70 per cent from Just a year ago. No other greet panic in the country's history produced so great an effect as this upon Immigration. The decline following the panic of 1K3 was from 63,0,0 immigrants in the fiscal year to June 30, 1S92, to 602,900 In 1893, 311 467 In 1894 and 2781,948 in 1895 there having been a much smaller relative contraction during two years after the panic than has now taken place within less than one year. After the panic of 1873 immigration fell of; only about one-half In the. course of two lears and only about two-thirds In the course of three years. Previous to the re cent time the greatest emigration to the United States took place from 1S79 to 1882. It reached 788,900 in the latter year and de clined thereafter, to 334,200 in 18S8 whicn waa a smaller relative shrinkage during four years than uss now taken place ir less than one year. If the panic of 1907 had far greater ef fect in halting immigration than any o' the other great panics, we are not neces sarily to conclude that It was a severer crisis. Other factors are no doubt to be considered In answering the question wh Its consequences in this direction ha e been so much more striking. But In the light of the facts given the Chicago repub lican platform becomes all the funnie: where it asks the people to consider ho.v much worse the panic would have been had the other fellows been In power. THE GItEAT DENVER SHOW. Variety of Movement and Scene Dis guises the Tragedy. Washington Post. Everything is in magnificent disorder at Denver. The ass Joyfully brays and awaits his peerless rider. The westerners, who want a man who cannot be elected, and the easterners, who cannot get a man who could be elected, are mingling their stocks of misinformation and mlsolaced en thusiasm. Candidates for vice-president run up and down, seeking something they can not find. Every man thinks he has an idea that would make a fine plank In the platform, but he cannot find the platform- It hasn't left Lincoln yet. Bo, while they are waiting for the platform, the delegates are belaboring with their planks. In true democratic harmony. Mr. Parker of Esopus has sloughed off the cerements of oblivion, and moves among the Bryan worshipers like a thing of life. It was said that he sought trouble that he waa a firebrand, determined to bring down democracy In ruins by pressing resolutions eulogising a man who as called a demo crat in his time. Hut no! The mummy of Esopus seeks harmony alone. He longs for the milk of eoncoid, and the honey of fra ternal love. For that his perturbed spirit burst from Its urn and now flits In the shadow of Pike's Peak. Will he find what he seeks? Will he find surcease of sorrow In the bosom of the Abraham of Lincoln? It will go hard If he does not! But what of the vice-president? Which of the fifty-seven varieties will be the victim? Will it be a Bryan worshiper, skip ping eagerly like a lamb to the slaughter, or will it be a conservative, lassoed and dragged bleating to his doom? If It were possible to Imagine that logic would have a place in the councils of the Bedlamites, we should look for the nomination pf a Bryan ite, a man after Bryan's own heart, who, if elected, would steer the bewildered ship of state Into unpethed waters and along undreamed shore. He would be a radical, with no old-fashioned notions to hinder his ripping-up of the constitution. But since Denver is no place for logic just now. It Is best to expect the prepos terous. The convention will probably try to capture for vice-president a conservative, a man, who by nature and Instinct, la op posed to Bryanlsm. If such a man can be captured, and forced to run. It Is calculated that he would exert a wonderful influence in Inducing other conservatives to vote for radicalism. What devilish cunning! What deep, dark strategy! How It will fool all the people, especially those who expect It to succeed Well, let the clans have a merry time at Denver. Let the fomedy go on till the curtain falls and democracy rubs Its eyes and realises that it has been enjoying a tragedy, with Itself the soul of the plot! inrc at nvn. !rhrnakana of One or Another Grade Monopolise the Snntllaht. . Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha, tha honored Irsder of all the democrats of N braska outside of Fairvlew, Is so exceed ingly modest that he Is not occupying any more space In publlo print at Denver than he can possibly control or secure. Possess ing a vocalutary rivaling tho unabridged he radiates Interviews in every direction and bravely araumes every responsibility that falls to the official megaphone of Nebraska democracy. Much as he shrinks from the publicity of the main tent, chroniclers of history drag him from the shadows and revel .In his vocal fireworks A few specimens are worth presenting for hrnie consumption: "There Is a newspaper man somewhere In this broad world who looks like me," said Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha, "and I'm looking for him." "Want to sympathise with him?" asked Colonel Eaton, who la always on tap to boost for the newspaper man. "No. I want to have him arrested f6r malicious Impersonation. Tou see, It Is this way: He, whoever he Is, drifted Into Omaha shortly after my election, and some one slapped him on the shoulder and said; 'Hullo, mayor; come nnd have one on me. "He had one. "From all reports ho had several under the disguise of the mayor of Omaha. "Other constituents of mine dropped Into the thirst parlor and they fell to the bas3 mlsfepiesentatlon. and it wasn't long until my double had climbed on top of tn Indian cigar sign and was making a speech. He was hitting right and left and accepting the nomination and the election and high balls and everything that came his way, and the crowd yelled itself hoarse In ap proval. Mayor Dahlman met Nurse Lynch of the Johnson hoom In the Albany lobby. "Hello, Lynch," said the cowboy mayor. "you're a game sport you've never picked a loser before. Why are you tied up to one now??' "I'll admit," replied Lynch, "that our prospects aren't the very best, but say what's the matter with you? You've been tied up to a loser for twelve years, and It leoks as though you're going to stay tied to a loser for some time to come." They were good natured about It. At least, they were In a place of saturation a few minutes later, each with a "smile." Owing to the great slxe of the crowd at the broncho busting contest some of the politicians had to stand in front of the grand stand with no easily accessible fences to climb when the bronchos began to buck and charge. "Thad" Sowder, a buster of renown In the Cheyenne country, was announced first, and his little turn consisted in an effort to remnln on the back of a dun broncho named Old Steam boat. Mr. Sowder remained seated for about a minute after they took the blindfold from Old Steamboat. Then the broncho gave a new sort of complex buck that nearly unseated the rider, and In his effort to remain astride Mr. Sowder grabbed . the horn of the saddle. "You touched leather," shouted "Jim" Dahlman; "you're, down." The spectators cheered, but the poli ticians looked blank. "What docs that mean?" Inquired Alton B. Parker. "It's agin the rule fur to hang on by the pommel," explained a cowboy. "I wonder If that Is the rule under which Bryan set us down," said Mr. Parker to William F. Sheehan. "I had always thought it was fair to hang on any way possible." "That's because you don't understand the way they play the game In thle western country," said Tom Taggart They make their own rules out here." Full hotels are not worrying the New Jersey or Nebraska delegations or the County Democratic club of Chicago. These came to Denver on special trains and are now living ini their cars in railroad yards. The trains stand on cenvenlent sidings within a short distance of the Sixteenth street cars, and the delegates can come and go at their convenience. The cars are of the department kind and every delegate has his private room. Well stocked dining cars Insure regular meals with no waiting, and nothing has been omitted that couid lend to the comfort of those aboard. New Yorkers attending the convention are putting up a howl against the flood of sil ver dollars that Is pouring In upon them. To offer a $5 bill for a purchase means Invariably to receive four silver dollars In return if the puhchaae price Is 31 or less. It seems that SI and 32 bills are as rare out there as silver dolars are In New oYrk. The result is that some of the New Yorkers are finding holes in their pockets already. "I hadn't seen a 31 bill in three months," said a restaurant cashier, "until you New Yorkers came along here. Bills carry germs and silver dollars don't, you know, and we have a lot of lungers out here." Denver Is to have the biggest bar In the United States while this convention lasts. It Is to be half a block long. Forty four expert drink mixers and thirty free lunch servers and porters have been en gaged to attend this bar, and the head barkeeper says that he will be able to re fresh 300 thirsty Individuals at one time. It Is in the Hotel Albany, where the Johnson boom and many delegations are to be quartered. The boose emporiums of Denver don't seem to fear any loss of trade from the high altitude here, and all the bartenders are prepared to tell oiks from the low country that a lot of this talk about the effect of booze, In Denver at least. Is ex aggeration. "It won't affect you, unless you've taken too much, and. of course, no gentlemen, east or west, ever takes too much," said ons big bartender, as he pushed the beers and highballs across the bar to the timid ones of the east. One of the large stores opposite the Brown Palace hotel, where most of the politicians and delegates congregate, had pasted up In Its window today a telegram signed by Wlllam J. Bryan. It drew a big crowd. This Is what it said: "D. E. Mocracy, Denver, Colo. "Man shall not be crucified. I will undertake the sacrifice again and again, if necessary. "P. S. See that it is absolutely neces sary." On top of the same store Is an enor mous donkey done in electric lights, which can be seen for blocks, and is in full view of the Bryan i headquarters, Just opened. There is a rumor going about that the proprietor of the store Is a republican. Smiles for Itapuy lloollgaa. Pittsburg Dispatch. While Bryan expels Guffey he holds out the Olive branch to woo Hearst back to the democratic party. This looks like unjust discrimination, but It must be remembered that the Hearst strength Is largely located In a state that was close last year. Patriots Wlthoat Pensions. Chlcagu News. There are no government pensions for the patriots who sacrificed life, limbs and Incidentals on the day as celebrated. t N 11 I .a -pT,. II 1 CORNSIP aws- SBRI(SSIF&lW9S opens up new possibilities In cooking Improvement, Imparting to everyday dishes a delicacy and goodness that is new to you. Unex celled in purity sixty-six years of superiority. " Croeert pound packagtitoe. T. KTVGSFOBD A SON, Oswego, N. Y. National Starch Co Sucecaaora iff llltttTf ttMUtt Mflilllittiftf I f J&L ERLANGER BROTHERS. Worth and Church St., New York. Makrn of B. V. D. t'nlon tuln. (Pit 4-10 07), ami B.V.D. siMplm Sola. PEARY OFF FOR THE POLE. Plan for the Present Venture Into tha Arctic. New York Tribune. No one who has carefully heeded the utterances of the explorer now about to leave this country once more for the arctic regions can have failed to notice that he evinces irreater confidences of success than ever before. What Is more, his tone must be regarded as in a certain sense prophetic. Efforts to reach the pole re semble the art of war. The nature of the obstacles to be overcome must be studied tealously and mastered by degrees. Peary has been quick to profit by the lessons of every defeat and disappointment of the last twenty years. Each time he goes north he Improves on the pest. That he 'should have convenced such a hard headed man of business as the late Morris K. Jesup that It was worth while to try again, and that he had the requisite qualities for the task, Is a notable bit of testimony both In regard to the man and his enterprise.' Even more significant Is the lively sym pathy of President Roosevelt, to whom before sailing the explorer will pay his respects, and by whom he will be enter tained at luncheon. So distinguished a representative of the strenuous life might well appreciate and admire Peary's indom itable pluck, and on this account alone extend encouragement. But the chief exe cutive haa commended the undertaking also because in his judgment It Involves na tional pride. Mr. Roosevelt sees that a peculiar and lasting distinction will be won by the country one of whose sons first sets foot at the pole, as some man of heroic mould will unquestionably do sooner or later. In two particulars Peary will alter Mb prog-ram on his coming expedition. He plans to push out on the Icy covering of the polar sea from a point on the north coast of Grant Land further west than the one last adopted for that critical stage of the campaign. He also Intends to pursue a northwesterly course. In order to offset the eastward movement of the pack. In other respects the precedent established by Peary himself will be closely followed. Within the next eight or ten weeks he will try to force the best ship ever built for such work up along the Greenland coast to the Arctic Ocean. In something like latitude 83 he will then seek winter quarters. Early In spring the explorer will make a sledge Journey over the Ice pack, leaving the land 200 or 800 miles to the westward of the Rooaevelt'a berth. Finally, so that the food supply for man and dog shall last the longer, the size of the party will be reduced gradually by sending back to Shore some of those who at first accom pany the leader of the ex;ieditlon. Inas much as Peary came within 200 nautical miles of the pole when he made the last world's record, It does not seem unreason able to hope that he will now reach the goal for which he has so nobly striven. PHH80NAL, NOTKH. Caleb Powers has decided to go on the lecture platform. This will be a relief to those who feared he might organize a Wild Kentucky show. A Manchester paper must pay Mr. Croker 17,600 for mentioning him In unkind terms. A similar scale of dumages would bankrupt the Journals of this country. People paid 140,000 for the privelege of seeing one man whip another at San Fran cisco. Times sre not so hard as to cut off the cultivated public from its pleasures. Rear Admiral Casper F. Goodrich, com mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard, hai been designated to attend the coming cel ebration of the founding of the University of Faragossa, Spain. He will leave th s country the latter part of Auguet. Major General Leonard Wood will represent the army. A man now serving a sentence of twenty five years in the Nevada state prison for murder was nominated by the Socialist Labor party's national convention in New York, last Sunday, for president ot the United States. The man who was nomi nated Is Martin R. Ireston, who Is under going a sentence of twenty-five years Im prisonment in Goldfield, Nev., for killing a restaurant keeper named Sliver three years ago. Here in Omaha In Our Own Shop We grind our own invisible bifocal lenses. There Is no cement to flake or ugly lines to blur the vision One solid piece of glass. Ask to see them. Calce Baking Easy Cake-bskine a problem? Not necess arily depends on how you proceed. Sometimes the cake crumbles; maybe it's "doughy;" or perhaps the icing runs off. All these may be avoided with the help of Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch, the many wonderful uses of which are revealed in our free book of "Original Recipes and Cooking Helps' CORN STMtCU rmmmmmnn miinnmim mim mmi iimniii imimi llljllllllllilllllllllllllllll III! TO KEEP COOL. to ieel perfectly at eaiej lo End relief from Summer heal, WEAR LOOSE FITTING COAT CUT UNDERSHIRTS KNEE LENGTH DRAWERS 50c. 7 Sc., ft. 00 mnd $1.50 A GARMENT. They are cut on large, shapely patera, which allow perfect freedom of motion, and permit fresh, cooling ait to reach the pores. Look foi the D. V. D. Red Woven Label It's your guarantee of comfort and quality utiif action. I mage ; for Yhc BEST RETAIL TRADE iTlllllllllllllllllUlllllllillL l.IXKS TO A SMILE!. "I've Just been reading that learned Egyptologist's account of the funersl of Kaitieses," said Jokply. "It's a Wonder the whole place wasn't pinched." "Why?" asked Cokely. "Well, It was a Pharaoh layout." Balti more American. "Here!" exclaimed the old-line demorcat, "who told you I was ready to support Bryan? I never mentioned nls name to you." "Well." replied the reporter calmly, "you snld that you were ready to bow to the in evitable." Philadelphia Lodger. "Madam," said the dog catcher, "you will have to buy a muzr-le for that dog or it will be my duty to take him to the pound." "We have a muzzle for him. but Willi Is using It as a catcher's mask." Chicago Record-Herald. Phe (sentimentally) Do you remember, Wlllla.m the last time we went rowing like this? William You bet! I was 9 years stronger, you were sixty pounds lighter, and the day was fifteen degrees cooler. Life. "Surprises are bound to occur In polities," said the observant citizen. "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, "hut the managers are getting It down so fine that the few delegates who get away can't interfere with the program.1' Washington Star. Mrs. Chugwater JoBlah, this paper talks about "peanut politics." What Is peanut politics? Mr. Chugwater It's the kind they use In a goobernutorlal campaign. Thing you un derstand it now? Chicago Tribune. "Oh, is my husband shot?" cried the frightened wife, as they bore the limp form of the premature celebratnr across the threRhnld of his home. "No. madam," answered one of the bear ers, reassuringly, "he's only half shot." Baltimore American. "You've got no reason to growl." said hia Satanic Majesty, "we've lots of people here as good as you are." "Oh, I don't mind the place," replied the eminent explorer. "What Jars' me Is that I can't go back and lecture about It." Philadelphia Press. WHO ltlDKH HIS TIM B. James Whltcomb Riley. Who bides his time, and day by day Faces defeat full patiently, And lifts a mirthful roundelay, However poor hia fortunes be He will not fail In any qualm Of poverty the paltry dime ' It will grow golden In his palm Who bides his time. Who bides his time he tastes the swear Of honey In the saltevt tear; And though he fares with slowest feet, Joy runs to meet him. drawing near; The birds are herulds of Ills cause; And like a never-ending rhyme. The roadsides bloom in his npplnusa, Who bides his time. Who bides his time, and fevers nn In the hot race that none achieves, Shall wear cool-wreathen laurel, wrought With crimson berries In the leaves; And he shall reign a goodly king. And sway his hand o'er every rllma. With peace writ on his signet ring, Who bides his time. No human hand touches WHEAT FLAKE CELERY JF from its first process of manu facture until it is served for the table. It is composed of Wheat, Celery and Salt. Not a trace of any other substance. Its dail use has a tonic and laxative feet. For sale by all Orooora SCHOOLS A.D COLLF.tiFH. Are You Looking for a Good School? ton will b, tWnU with tk." Woman's College at Jacksonville, IU. Wbr fKlCll,fof Wonts! Mt i. lull Cellesa t4 Pttpsraloir Counts, tm4 bat mi. ( is, a, Doow.Ue Sci.aca, ,o. lipieufes. ! Kuoubls. l4fro.s.lsit Z'l'.V'L Haa2 '" - ! Is MladU WM. Vmj on,nWnt le ftif t,ft , ,h Miuiulysl Vtll.r. tissaait mason ihssnrsair title: CUUum. At4fM PreaiaanlHarkar.a.. to,. Potter College! ItOWlIld ukecs, aeaTucri w nr nivnar aniiaiin- . m a. a i ot ettuetfua,