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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1908)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVIII XO. 15. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1008. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. BAND WAGON READY Mr. Bryan's Brother Sayi There Are Still a Few Seati Left. DAHLMAN TALKS OF SITUATION Mayor Jim Says Nebraskan Control! Thirty-Six Delegations. OPPOSITION 13 STILL BUSY j All Efforts to Commit Tammany Hall Fail. EOOM 15 STARTED FOR BELL Talk of Placing Temporary Chairman la Second Place on the Ticket Mar Delegations Arrive. DENVER". July 6 The convention throngs hnve been pouring Into the city by every train today. It haa been a noisy, bolbtorous Sunday, with bands escorting n.v(ng delegations through the streets, vl.h uuadlly awclllng crowds In the hotel Lies und with louden and delegates but umnollng the new arrivals and holding prl conferences on candidates and meas Most of the loaders and more than l.alf of the delegates are now here, and the ih.o of humanity which cornea to look on l.i d cheer Is now In full movement toward i.c city. The weather ts almost perfect, V a: til but not unbearable, with a clear sky . .u a brisk mountuln breeze. Ji:at the sort if weather to bring comfort to a conven t'.i.n. M-ny of the delegates have embraced l..vj opportunity of a Sunday lull for a trip Hie nearby Rockies, others have enjoyed Uie more exciting diversion of tournamenta v. hero the broncho busters are presenting i rtuie of real western life. Auditorium la Opened. Tonight the crowds arc turning to the ;.lcr.dld Auditorium, where the convention v 1.1 bo held. The vast amphitheater is 1 !itc J and open to the public for the first lime for a band concert, and the brilliant ticne within the enclosure, hung with flags and racked to Its full capacity suggests the thrones which will soon gather for the convention Btrurgle. A unique feature of the evening la the appearance of Charles A. Towne of New Vorn. one of the leading vice presidential candidates. While these outward evidences of activities have been LjIuj on the leaders who have been shap ing the affairs of the coming convention l.uve teen holding meetings In the upper clambers of the hotels arranging their final plans. The chief Interest of the day has centered In the movement of the allies to galvanize t'.:e opposition to Bryan Into something like a definite and formidable movement. But their best efforts, begun yesterday, have not been entirely successful. Chief Murphy cf Tammany, on whom the hopes of the "a'lles" have been centered, will give no sign committing his forces agalnat Bryan II la too ehiewd a politician for that, when tue tide seems to be setting toward Bryan. On the contrary, his lieutenants are passing the word around today that New Tork's vote will be for Bryan. However, the al lied opposition still contend that the fight will be continued. Datalmaa Talks for Dry an. The Bryan managers have at no time shown any nervousness over the renewed activity of the allies, and today Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, one of the Bryan chiefs, made a very definite statement shewing the expectations of the Bryan forces. He expressed his views as follows: "Mr. Bryan will be nominated on the flist ballot. The Bryan forces now control thirty-six delegations and will have at least that many members of the commit tee on resolutions and probably more. The platform adopted wl'l be In accord ance with Mr. Bryan's personal views and will express his well known Ideas on all of the Important political Issues. "Governor Charles Haskell of Oklahoma H now regarded as the leading candidate for the chairmanship of the committee on resolutions, but there are many othnr prominent men being mentioned for the plai-9. It la needless to say that a Bryan man will be chosen. "The vice presidential question m-vy be described as being 'In the air.' If the men who call themaelves the old guard can unite on a strong eastern democrat the Bryan nen will not show curiosity as to the atti tude of their candidate toward Mr. Bryan "n ISM and 1900. If the eastern democrats Tall to get together on a man we will make I selection front a hundred available candi dates, any one of whom would be satisfac tory to Mr. Bryan. ' Good Seats la Bandwagon. All of the Bryan men express the utmost confidence In their ability to carry out the program outlined by Mayor Dahlman. Charles W. Bryan, the brother of the Ne braska candidate, is looking after the Bryan leaders as they arrive and ts mak ing the compilations of Bryan strength. He said: "Although we already have more than enough to carry out our program there are still good seats on the band wagon." The arrival of delegations began early this morning nd has been going on steadily all day, by all routes, from all directions and by regular and special trains. Oive route reports twenty-seven trains, stalling the lines up from Kansas City and all the other lines are equally choked with the tide of travel. The local committee started an cUborata plan of reception today with re lays of trass bands, which welcomed each Incoming delegation ard escorted It to its hotel, while "band tars" were run over the street car llnee giving street concerts. Among the morning arrivals were the Cook County Marching club, uniformed and hilarious, with trim black suits, shining silk tlls and r tty canes topped with streamers. After them came the rough and ready Oklahomans. true products of the oil, with broad-brimmed sombreros, hlgn boots and the stain of travel. Delegations from Florida, Alabama and Iowa filed through the st reels during the morning and later came delegations from South Dakota, Pennsylvania. West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky and Minnesota. The Tammany braves, on several special trains, wen anxiously swatted, but word came that they stopped off at Omaha to go to church. They will be here early tomorrow, about the time that Bryan's horn cohorts arrive from Nebraska. Including tha crack or ganisation from Llnooln, tha Commercial Travelers' club, which is coming to lend vehemence to the Bryan demonstration. Booaa Started fa Boll. Many Interesting convention figures are added as tha delegation eorae In. Tonight (Continued on Beoond Page.) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER FOHK'WST FOR NEBRASKA Showers and cooler. Temperatures at Omaha yesterday: r-iour. wf b a. m 6 a. m T a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m 10 a. in 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 2 p. m 8 p. m 4 p. m 5 p. m 4 p. m 7 p. m '. 8 p. m 8 p. m FOURL ' ' JULY CASUALTIES Three D from Explosives Are Iteported In New York and Six In St. Loots. CHICAGO, July 5. Three persons were Killed, at least five others were probably fatally Injured and nearly 100 were more or lea a-riously hurt In Fourth of July accl- den's In Chicago yesterday. From midnight Friday to midnight Saturday 101 ac Idents were reported to the police of CI lcago and Its suburbs. Three of these resulted fatally, tha dead being: JOHN P. HOFFELDT, 67 years olJ, man ufacturer of patent medicine, kill, d when crucible In which he was mixing a "devil's powder" of potash and sulphur exploded. driving rortlons of the veS"l Into his abdomen. ISADOR MONARK, 4 years old. fatally wounded by stray bullet, and died In a hospital. CHESTER GANNON. 11 years old. de capitated by the explosion of a large charge of powder which he was rimming Into a ja. kscrew with a loaded torpedo cane. NEW YORK, July 4. The Fourth of July celebration here today was the noisiest In the city's history. Fortunately the death list was not as large as on some previous years. Six deaths were reported and there were 200 peraons injured by 8 o'clock. Hos pitals and Board of Health stations were filled with patients all day. A number of the injured were so seriously hurt that they may die. Police restrictions regarding the uae of cannon crackers and firearms were not heeded by most of the celebrators and there were many arrests. The police courts had long lines of prisoners and not a few of the law breakers were meted out severe punishment. The necessity of barring the use of firearms was apparent early In the day. A youth who took advantage of the liberty of the day to practice shooting at a paper targt 'shot and killed his sister, while another user of firearms killed him self In cleaning a revolver. Two men at target practice on a roof shot and killed boy. ST. LOUIS, July 4. Up to midnight 130 persons had been Injured In St. Louis as the result of celebrating Independence day. The' list showing this total was prepared from reports from the various dispensaries and Includes only the injuries requiring antl-toxlne treatment. No deaths due directly to celebrating were reported today. Six fatalities bave been reported, however, resulting from holiday outings and games. 'NINE BALLOONS START IN RACE Blsr Gasbags Cross Lake Michigan la Northeasterly Direc tion. CHICAGO. July 4-Nine of the ten bal loons entered In the Chlcago-to-ocean race left here late this afternoon. The start, originally scheduled for 8:30 o'clock, was delayed to such an extent that Uie first balloon, the "Fielding," did not cast off its moorings until two hours and fourteen minutes after the schedule time. The others arose at Irregular intervals, the last to get away, the mammoth "Chicago" of llfl.OOO cubic feet, leading at 7:50 when night was descending fast. Tlie start was viewed by scores of thousands of spectators. When the "Cincinnati" left the grounds, Its pilots, Leslie Haddock and George Howard, failed to calculate accurately their distance from a mass of electric light and telegraph wires nenr the starting point, and their basket became entangled In the obstacle. A warn ing shout from the spectators gave them their first notice of danger. Both men leaned over the edge of the car and grasped the wires. Howard fell back and it was feared that he had been seriously shocked. As Haddock succeeded In clear ing the car, Howard again came Into view and waved his hand to the crowd, being apparently uninjured. The balloon "I Will" did not start. The bag showed sev eral defects when it was inflated for a trial flight several days ago, and C. H. Fcrrlgo of Chicago, its owner, was unable to obtain the necessary repairs in time. He sailed the 'Illinois." taking the place of C. E. Gregory, who had been scheduled to accompany J. F. Case In that balloon. All the balloons took a nothrasterly course from this city, sailing out over Laki Michigan, where they were lost to view In the evening mists. LAKESIDE CLUB HAS OPENING Colored People Have Happy Tim In Dedicating Their New Hewrt. The formal opening of the Lakeside club, an organization of colored people with grounds near Courtland Boa1!!, took place yesterday with a celebration of the Fourth. The club grounds were opn all day and evening. During the day there were tennis and croquet contents, races for both men and women and other outdoor "stunts." Swings and hammocks under the trees afforded means of rest and recreation. At the rathskeller light re freshments were served and the billiard rooms were well patronized. In the evening the grounds were Illum inated and dancing and music by Desdune s orchestra were the principal features of the entertainment. POTTER STILL IMPROVING Morning Balletla aa Prospects for Bishop's Recovery Arc Favorable. COOPERSTOWN, N. V., July 5.-This mornlrs s bulletin on the condition of Bishop Potter was as follows: The Improvement in Bishop Potter's con dition continues. Respiration, is; pulse, iej; temperature, 9S. Has hsd a pretty com fortable night and Is resting quietly at the present time and the indications point to still more Improvement. Dr. Hassett's hearty co-operation In carrying out th.? treatment has been most valuable and at my suggestion . yesterday afternoon Dr. Henry Hun of Albany came in consultation and approving the treatment In every par ticular, expressed a decided hope for a favorable Issue of the case. J. E. JANVRT. M. D. Momrsns or oozam miiuirra rsit. rrl-. HIM. Kt T0RK itw Tork Mmawpollt. Kt TOHK La Towalae PtmotU. HW TORS CoUKbla. htw T0S.X .'. Ciruns. NAPUH Cretla LTVBRPOOt. (KM QrrcrtsTuwM...oaMUaa - MVa . La Breuane. i SULLIVAN TO BE DROPPED Two of Bryan's Friends Say Illinois Will Have New Committeeman. FOLK AND FRANCIS AT FAIR VIEW GoTcraor nn Ex-Governor of Mis souri CnlJ on Mr. Drrn Battrr- milk la Served to Indiana Delegation. LINCOLN, July 5. (Special Telegram.) Compared with his Saturday, Mr. Bryan's Sunday was a quiet day, though several delegations called at Falrvlew. There was no music and no speech-making, Mr. Bryan contenting himself with shaking hands with his visitors. Among the prominent callers were Governor Folk and ex-Qovernor Francis of Missouri, Governor Hlgglns of Rhode Island, ex-Governor Peck of Wis consin and Mayor Rose of Milwaukee. Governor Sheldon shared with Mr. Bryan the honors of the day, all of the governors calling at the executive mansion with Mayor Brown to pay their respects to Ne braska's chief executive. Governor Sheldon came to the train with Governor Francis at S o'clock and remained until the Roger Sullivan special pulled In. Mr. Bryan also came to the depot to see the bunch on this speciul. Incidentally speaking of Roger Sullivan,' when Judge Thompson and Mil lard Dunlap, who have been at Falrvlew for the last four days, left tonight, they gave out the Impression In their talks that Sul livan would not be re-elected to member ahlp on the national committee. They are from Illinois and, having been Bryan's guests, they are suspected of knowing whereof they speak. While no one has been furnished advance copies of the platform, there Is no doubt that a tentative draft has been drawn, as Governor Folk eald he and Mr. Bryan dis cussed the tentative draft and both agreed absolutely that Income tax, finance and tariff would be the strong planks, and on these planks the fight would be made this fall. Governor Folk would not be specific regarding the planks, however. Governor Francis was too foxy to say anything of Importance other than this: "I am not a candidate for vice president or for chairman of the national committee; however. I cannot say I will not accept that which has not been offered to me." men ne oegan to lalK about the value of farm lands he owns In St. Louis. Buttermilk for Iloonlera. To his guests from Indiana today Mr. Bryan served buttermilk. This was the result of a visit he made to Indlnn?.polls some months ago. At that time he told J. E. Hallct, president of the Indiana Democracy club, when the club came to Falrvlew he would serve buttermilk, the national drink of Indiana. Today he was reminded of that promise by a telegram from Mr. Hallet and five large cans of buttermilk were sitting out In the. vnrd when the delegation reached Falrvlew. Herbert H. Manson of Wisconsin came along with that delegation to pour Into the ears of the candidate the facts regarding Timothy Ryan, whom he hopes to dcpos.i as national committeeman. The entire Wisconsin delegation, he staid was for Bryan. P. H. Dunn of Main who was a guest of the Rhode Island con tingent, said Maine's votes were equally divided for and against Mr. Bryan, but that the opponent of Bryan wsuld be scored Into the band wagon before the roll Is called. Tom Mulhanney, secretary to former Senator Spooner. was In the W Is consin bunch. Borne energetic democrat today hung a large painting of Bryan on a larif? build ing nenr the Burlington depot. A number of visitors failed to rcognlzo it and several parties asked If it was a picture of James Sherman, among this number being Gov ernor Sheldon. All for Bryan Bnt Rtrtiler. At the end of three days cf visitation of outelde. delegates the net result of their leavings Is that Mr. Bryan will be the whole thing at Denver. Not a single dele gate, except Herman Rldder, has said a word ag'ilnst the candidacy of Bryan and not one had crossed him In his well known views on the platform with the possible exception of Tom Johnson, who wouldn't talk about It. The delegates that have been here represent the majority of the convention and they have left the Impres sion by what they said that Bryan can name the vice president, write the platform and select the national chairman. A big bunch of Ltncolnltcs left tonight for Denver. One of the features of the day was the statement by Mayor Brown that if the republican sta'o committee suspended a picture of Toft over O street he would not ask the convention to adjourn to Lincoln after It nominated Bryan. OMAHA AD MEN PLAN BIG TIME Clab Will Have Chief Kennedy. Ross Hammond and Circus Press Aarents for Speakers. With United States Internal Revenue Collector Ross L. Hammond, also editor snd owner of the Fremont Tribune; Wil liam Kennedy, erstwhile chief of Clan Gordon, big bazuzu at the den and now advertising manager of a Lincoln mercanj tile concern, and some circus press agents as orators, the Omaha Ad Men's club ex pects to have the biggest evening banquet and meeting It has thus far held Tuesd.iy night at the Paxton. Jo Barton and his male quartet will alng and pink lemonade will be on tap. "Dad" Weaver is down for a solo and as he rises to sing each memoer win oraw Dacic with a mature tomato. BONI'S BOY SEES GRANDMA French Coant Takes Youngest Child, who la 111, to Visit Ills Mother. PARI8, July 5. The statement given pub 1 city this morning that Count Ponl d- Castellane, the former husbinl of MMe Anna GouM, kidnaped his three chlMren from Versalllei ester(ay is In-ccurate. The count klmpiy went to Versailles and took the youngest boy, who la ill, to the count's mother for tha annual visit of one month allowed by the court. GRANDSTAND FALLS AT EDISON Five Seriously Injured and More More Cat or Bruised Many ARAPAHOE, Neb., July i (Special.) During the ball game this afternoon be tween Oxford and Edison at the latter place, the grand stand fell, seriously In juring five and slightly bruplslng a score oor more. Ruth Budcher, a young woman, had both legs broken and received Injuries to her back. Roy Wilson was Injured In the hip as was Charlie Curtis. xoth boys are about T years old. Wilson's Injuries are from a sptke driven into the hip and an very painful. SUCCESSION IS BIG PROBLEM oath Dakota Republicans Pnssled what to Do to Kill Parker's Place. MITCHELL. S. D., July ..(Special) Not before In the political history of the state has a similar situation confronted the leaders of the republican party as at the present time, through the death of Colonel William Parker, whose term In congress would have expired In March, 19. It is contended by one portion of the insurgent wing of the republican party that Wilbur S. Glass of Watertown ought to be named for the unexpired term, notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Glass was defeated In the primary for the nomination. His friends In the northern part of the state are pushing him Into the limelight for the endorsement of the republican convention In this city July 14. Many of the Insurgents concede that either E. W. Martin, who halls from the western part of the state, or Charles H. Burke, who received the highest num ber of votes for the member of the house. should be the logical successor to the va cant congressional position. The primary law does not yield the right of the state convention to pick the successor of the late Mr. Parker, In fact it Is silent on such a situation, but the convention has the right to Indicate Its choice. The proceedings fol lowing will be just the t me as In the recent primary a petition will have to be circu lated and the candidate voted for at the November election to fill the vacancy. It Is claimed that If Martin or Burke are se lected for the successor of Mr. Parker a long step will be taken In the direction of closing the breach between the factions of the party. It might likewise lessen the chances for the stalwarts to become luke warm on the candidacy of Governor Craw ford for the senate. It Is believed the state convention will handle this situation In such a manner as to relieve the governor being endangered for his seat In the United States senate. WILL ENTERTAIN DIPLOMATS John Barrett to Look After Members of the Corps Attending- the Dem ocratic Convention. DENVER. Colo.. July 5. John Barrett, director of the Bureau of American Repub lics, has reached the city In time to make arrangements for the entertainment of members of the diplomatic corps who are to attend the convention. It Is staged that not as any diplomats will make Yhj trip to Denver as attended the ChlcaM con vention, but that the corps will be repre sented by seven or eight of Its memhers. Mr. Barrett will go before the national committee tomorrow and deliver a ities' sage from James Bryce, the British am bassador, and M. Jusserand, the French ambassador, expressing their regrets at not being able to attend the convention. Both ambassadors have been obliged to leave the country for their homes to at tend to governmental buslncbs. Their com pllments and regrets are thus to be off! daily extended to the democratic party ss an evidence that no discrimination was In tended as both diplomats attended the Chi cago gathering. . Mr. Barrett Intends to urge the resolu tlona committee of the convention to In corporate a plank In the- platform pledging the party to do all within Its power to continue the development of the friendly relations between the United States and the Latin-American countries to the south. Such a plank Is contained In the republican platform. CHANNELS FOR SOLDIER. RIVER Engineer Wattles Completes Plans for Diversion of Stream. LOGAN. Ia., July 5. (Special ) Engineer J. S. Wattles of Missouri Valley his com pleted his surveys and filed his report on the diversion of the Soldier river. The proposed new channel for the Soldier river has Its beginning In the northwest quarter of section 34-81-44, Jackson townvhlp of Harrison county, and runs southwest to Elm lake and under the railroad bridge at this point, thence southwest to Round lake, snd thence southwest Into the Mis souri river In the southeast quarter of sec tion 15-80-45 of Morgan township. The length of the proposed channel Is 6.62 miles. Estimated cost of channel with laterals. 8101,373; number of acres to be benefited, 3B.531; bottom width of channel at upper end, thirty-five feet; at lower end, forty feet; slope, one to one; grade at upper end, three feet per mile; at lower end, fifteen Inches per mile. Engineer Wattles nas also made esti mates on another channel for the dlvertlon of the Soldier river, tapping the river channel at the same point In section 34. Jackson township, and following the former line for about two miles, where the pro posed channel will run due south six miles and then turns to the southwest and runs Into the Missouri river In section eluht of j Clay township. . Length of proposed channel, 14.25 miles; bottom width at lower end. forty feet; at upper end, thirty-five feet; slope, one to one; estimated cost, $145,537. FOIRTII OF JLI.Y GREAT DAY North Platte Enjoys One of Rarest Times in Its History. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. July &.-(Speclal Telegram.) The Fourth was celebrated here without accident or Injury to anyone. Several thousands thronged ti e streets all day and until lute at nlKht. The Fourth of July program Included bronchi imd automobile races. The ffature of chief In terest wa? a public wedding at noon of Joseph Belrbower and Mrs. Walling, which was witnessed by several thousand. The ceremony was performed by Judge Grimes cf the district court on one of the main streets of th? c!ty. The groom was married with his hat on. The couple were the re cipients of many and various gifts which hHd been f fered to the couple that would get married on thjs occasion. The gifts Included marriage license free, free per forming of ceremony, free earring ride, dinner, a night's lodglnq, night robes fur each, wedding ring, turkey, fork, mattress, equipment for kitchen and many other Items. There was a beautiful fireworks dis play In the evening. A report from Max well was that a child was seriously if not fatally Injured by the explosion of a dyna mite firecracker. FOUR KILLED IN COLLISION Wreck Near Boonvllle, N. Y., Causes Death of Number of Engine Crews. BOON VILLE, N. V.. July 5. Northbound passenger train No. 95 on the Watertown and Ogdenaburg railroad collided headnn near here early Saturday with a southbound train. Three rersons were killed outright and one died late, while ten were Injured. The Injured were taken to I'tica. The dead: A. REIBER of Utlea. engineer. 8. F. O BKIEN. Utlcs, engineer. . A. W, HAGEMAN, I'tica, brakeman. J !X MICHAEL. Edison, fireman. DEMOCRATS POUR INTO WEST Serenteen Trainloads of Delegates Pass Through Omaha. TAMMANY HAS FOUR ITSELF Tiger Contingent Attends Church Hero and Then Proceeds Direct to Colorado, Forgetting to Go to Falrvlew. That Injunction Plank. Here Is a plank drawn by former Mayor Dunno of Chicago and which ne will pre sent to the Denver convention. Ho says Bryan requests his membership of the committee on resolutions. It Is believed, therefore, his plank meets Bryan's ap proval: Tbs right of a court of ehanoery where property rights are Involved to Intervene and protect the statu que between liti gants is unquestioned, bat no such writ should issue ex-parte, and without notice, except where it Is clearly made to appear that Irreparable Injury will result unless the writ lssus Immediately and without notice, ana in suon case tne motion to dissolve such injunction shall taks prece dence of all other legwl business In tha oourt issuing such injunotion and shall be heard and determined before any other business is considered In such court. In all oases where Injunctions are issued, with or without notloe. an ample bond hall be exacted of complainant sufficient to oover ail aamages resulting; to aeiena ant from the Issuance of suoh a writ, in cluding reasonable attorney's fees lnourred in moving to alssolvs sua wn. in au proceedings for contempt for violation of an injunction, enjoining the commission of any act, hich at ths common law, or by statute Is made a crlmo and which Is not committed In the presence of ths oourt, the defendant shall be entitled to a Jury trial upon tha lssus of fact as to whether or not he has committed such crime, and thus violated suoh injunction. Ws favor the pausage of a law amending the chancery pr actios so as to seoure these results. Flight of the Faithful. Seventeen trainloads of democrats going to the Denver convention, by way of Fair view all except Tammany poured through Omaha yesterday, beginning early In the morning and continuing until mid night. Tammany Hall, In four large trains of Pullmans and baggage cars, had tha largest single party and spent the longest time In the city. During the stay In Omaha the delega tions and "delegates" from New York City spent a quiet Sabbath morning. No "hammers rung; no anvils beat," but the members of Tammany went Immediately to the Catholic churches of the city, as J. J. Murphy, brother of Boss Murphy, remarked, "The Lord Is on our side, but we can bee no good excuse for exasperat ing the devil by allowing him to find It cut." A large number of the lelcgnteu attended the services at St. Mary Magda lene church, Nineteenth and Dodge streets, where on orders of J. J. Murphy, each delegate contributed a 15 gold pleco. Only a few Dahlman democrats met th Tammany specials, which were advertised to arrive at 10 o'clock, but came In ahetd of time over the Milwaukee and St. Paul, Rock Island and Northwestern lines. Some of the delegates spent two hours nt the Dahtmnn club and others who did not care to go to church were gtven c whirl about the city In automobiles. Not Zealous for Bryan. Tammany was not very enthusiastic about Bryan or anyone else. Only smil! badges told that they were going to national convention of their party. No banners decorated the cars; no portraits of the peerless ont filled the windows. The 600 seemtd like those who had marched Into th3 valley of death too many times to tare whether they marched there again or not or like a hungry horde of followers whose hearts have been sickened by the hopeless ledlum of unpromising delav. The delegates did not even regard each other gingerly and those on one section did not know nor care who was on the others. They knew Big Tim Sullivan Judge J. Walsh and J. J. Murphy were with the party. But one thing which they all seemed to be agreed upon was that "Pat" McCarren of Brooklyn is to be thrown out of the convention and to enable Tammany to re tain a llttl Influence "across the river" It is likely that the whole noble 000 will boost for Judge William J. Gaynor of Brooklyn for vice president. Chanler Out of the Race. W. B. Murphy, private secretary to Lleu tenant Governor Chanler, said he know that Mr. Chanler was out of the race for the vice presidency. "The lieutenant governor told me before I left that he was not to be considered as a candidate In any sense," said Mr. Murphy. "The lieutenant governor has been prominently mentioned for the vice presidency, but as a matter of fact he I to be the next nominee of the party for governor of New York and he will be elected. "With Chanler at the head of the stat ticket New York will go democratic Just sure, as Chanler Is a very strong man In the Empire state. ".In New York William J Bryr.n I stronger than ever. He is sure of New York against Taft and Shermun. No on thinks anything of Jim Bherrr.un back In New York." The New York situation, which "will b one of the hardest nuts to crack at Den ver," was not a popular topic of conversa tlon with the Tammy delegation. Nelthe J J. Murphy, brother of Charles F. Mur phy. nor Morris Featherstone, Murphy's op ponent, cared to discuss the situation. Sen ator James F. Crawley and Senator Joh Cohalan said the little difficulty whlc Tammany has on with Brooklyn would be settled without trouble, and they had noth ing further to say. Brother of Boss Noncommittal. "I l.uve nothing to suy about the asser tions of the members of the McCarren bunch that they will knife Bryan If Bryan lakes up with what most people call the Murphy crowd," said J. J. Murphy. "I have not the authority to speak on any subject. I am tin the leader of this party. Tammany may be for Bryan, but I am not here to say anything one way or another. Bryan may also carry New Yoik. but I am not New York and know nothing about It." The New York delegates had no Intention of slopping at Falrvlew. They delred to hasten on to Denver, where the big New York caucus Is to be held Monday, where the plan seems to be to agree on Bryan, patch up a platform, nominate Judge Gav nor of Brooklyn for vice president In order to offset the Injury which Tammany will do his borough by throwing out Pat Mc Carren and Ms delegates, snd It may be ; P.hlgh irrpupllsmf w mf wy pppupuuuuu for the mke of Tammany politics, that Alton B. Porker will he huaitllsted, as the Tammany del, gates who stopped In Omaha Sunday regarded the former candidate as a mere dot which marks tha close of a chap- (Continued on Second Pags) REVOLUTION IN PARAGUAY Insurgents Ar Victorious and New Government Is Formed Dr. Navelre la President. BUENOS AYRES. July S.-Advlces re ceived here today state that the revolullon- sts have been victorious In Paraguay snd t a new government baa been estab lished. These advices have been confirmed by a dispatch received by the minister of foreign affairs from the Argentine legation at Asuncion officially notifying the minister lat the revolutionary rarty had succeeded in overthrowing the Paraguayan govern ment and that several of the Paraguayan ministers of stale had taken refuge In the gatlon. The revolutionists have appointed i president, Dr. Emlllano Gonzales Navelro. He held the office of vice presi dent In the government which has Just been ousted. H. B. DAVIS FUNERAL TODAY Coroner Will Be Laid at Rest Vnder Auspices of the Elks, of Which He Was a Member. Coroner Harry B. Davis will be burled at Forest Lawn cemetery this afternoon. His funeral services will begin at the Elks' lodge rooms at 2 o'clock. This order of services will be carried out: Opening exercises. Acting Exalted Ruler Sidney W. Smith and officers of the lodge. Praver, Rev. A. E. KnlckernocKer, cnap- aln of the lodge. Quartet, ' Lend. Klndlv Light. tilnton . Miller. Thomas F. Swift, John Jannie- son, Charles Medrath. Ritual service, Tart I. Solo. "Nearer. My God, to Thee," Miss Lydla Pallnusch. Eulogv. Rev. T. J. Mackay. Quartet. "All Through the Night." Thanatopsis. Robert W. Patrick. Ritual service. Part II. Ouartet. "The Vacant Chair." Closing exercises. ICKENS AT REID RECEPTION Paxton A Gnlleerher Manager Attends Fonr of Jnly at Ambassador's In London. LONDON, July 5. Special Cablegram.) Charles Pickens and family of Omaha were guests yesterday of Ambassador 'Reld at Marlborough. It was the annual Fourth of July reception and drew many distin guished Americans to the I-ondoo home of the Amerloan representative at the Court of St. James. YOVN'OF.ST GETS FAT P.ORTION John Collier's Children "cramMe Over Estate, bnt Will stands. BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 6. Undoubt edly, the most Important will contest that ever occurred In Custer county was con cluded Friday, when Judge Humphrey handed down a decision In the case of the John Collier estate. Collier, who. was one of the wealthy men of the county, died last February, leaving an estate valued at nenrly $100,000. According to the will, he greatly favored his youngest daughter. Mrs. Margaret Pester, who had lived with him for a number of years. She was be queathed 61 acres of land, JG.0O0 In cash and nearly $10,000 Worth of personal prop erty, while her 13-yeor-old son was given 320 acres of land. The balance of the be quests were: Mrs. JohVi Oarnesa. a daugh ter, 1ft) acres of land; Mrs. Harr3' Pester, a daughter, 5O0 In cael): Will Collier, a sm. $100 in caan; jonn comer, a son, j.v acres of pasture land, and David Collier, another son. Iff) acrca of land. The five older children Joined together In the con test, alleging their father had been unduly Influenced by his youngest daughter. Each side had a small regiment of witnesses, the examination lasting nearly a week. Attorneys Dean and Gutterson repre sented Mrs. Margaret Pester, while Judge Sullivan and Attorney Squires sppeared for the contestants. After taking the case under advlenient for several days. Judge Humphrey, yester day, rendered a decision sustaining the will. It is likelv the case will be carried to the higher court. MADISON AND STANTON" SCRAP Two Counties Claim Right to Furnish f'andldata for Senate. NORFOLK, Neb.. July 5. (Special.) Rather a peculiar political fight has de veloped in the Eleventh Nebraska statu senatorial district. C. A. Randall of Madi son county Is a candidate for the republi can nomination to succeed himself, while republicans of Stanton county say that this Is their year, by virtue of long established precedent, to select the republican nomi nee. They have presented the name of B. Y. Appleby and are solidly supporting him. The Eleventh district consists of Madi son, Stanton, Pierce and Wayne counties. It haa always been the custom for each county to take its turn In rotation In fur nlahlng the republican candidate. Appleby's friends say they were told by Randall be fore any announcements were made tha If Stanton county wanted the place, he would waive his candidacy, realizing that It was Stanton's turn. Randall ( not ad mit he made this promise. Appleby an nounced himself first, followed shortly bv Randall who says his record In reform work entitles him to a second term. Wayne and Pierce counties are practically neutral as yet. Madison county republicans and papers are divided, some supporting Ran dall and some contending that In good faith the nomlnutlon must go to Stanton county. Appleby's friends point out that In twenty-five years Madison county has had six senators. Stanton county only one, Wayne four, and Pierce two. HUMPHREY AERONAUT KILLED Cllnwlng to Ropes, Is Thrown by Wind Against Brlek Building. COLUMRI'S. Neb., July 6.-Spe,ial Tele gram.) The festival of this day was marred by the sad accident that occurred to Paul Hackrtack of Humphrey. Mr. Hackstaek. an amateur aeronuut, was killed while making an apeent In a lalloon. As the balloon started up a gust of wind caughL It, throwing It agilnst some electric liRht wires and Hackstaek apparently received a shork. He clung to the ropes, however, but as the balloon, with no one to control It, released Itmif from the wires. It threw the man with terrilV force ujalnsi a brick building and lie fell to the ground on Eleventh street, firlklng on the stone pave ment. He die d on the way to the hospital. He as about 'U yttirs eld and leaves a wife and ! small children. GREAT CROWDS GO TO MANAWA Lake Resort Entertains to Capacity Both Day end Evening of Fourth. That American patriotism Is not waning was cvldeured by the thousands of enthusi astic visitors at Lake Manawa the Fourth of; July, the day's patronage being one of the largest In the history of the park. Blng! Boom! Bang! The continual r hoot Ing of firecrackers, torpedoes and pistols was a constant retnlcdw that ths iNICIv IS FOR BR JAN Longworth Tells Democrats He Favon Nomination of Itebraikan. FORCED BY WOLVERINES TO TALK Daughter of President and Husband Go to the Denver Convention. DEMOCRATS CHEER AT DEPOT Travel in Special Car with Mr. and Mrs. Mcdill MoCormick. WILL VISIT YELLOWSTONE PARK 'I Have No Ticket to the Convention and Don't Know Where I Will Get One," Says Alice Roose Trlt Longworth. "Three cheers for 'Nick' Longworth!" "Three cheers for Mrs. Lonnworth!" "Three cheers for the president of the United States!" "Three cheers for the next president of the I'nlted Ststef!" All of which were given with a vengeance, with the exclamation "Bryan" ringing In the last round. This Is what Congressman Nicholas Long worth, Sbn-in-law of President Roosevelt, bumped Into when he got mixed up with the Michigan delegates to the Denver con vention at ITnlon station in Omaha yester day afternoon. After the democrats got through cheering for him they called for a speech, to which the congressman was compelled to respond in a few words In which he told them that he was 'for Bryanfor the nomination Just as much as you are." Mr. and Mrs. Longworth spent an hour In Omaha Sunday, enroyte to the national democratic convention in Denver, where they are going as the guests of Medlll Mc Cormlck. Bound for Yellowstone. "We are really going to the Yellowstone country for an outing," said Mr. Long worth. "But we will stop In Denver for the convention, I don't believe It will be a very long stay, however, as It seems to ma the convention will be short looks, as though It was all fixed up. "But, of course, we are all Interested In the Denver convention. No. I have not got any tickets to any part of the conven tion hall, and I don't know where I will get them, either." Those In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Ixmgworth, Medlll McCormlck, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, and Mrs. McCormlck; Miss Robinson of New York City, Tiffany Blake, W. B. Conner, George Porter and H. M. Parker of Chicago, and Norman Ilapgood, editor of Collier's Weekly. The party Is traveling In the private car "Constitution," and arrived In Omaha on the Northwestern train at 1:40. The train was delayed at the bridge, but when It pulled down under the tralnshetls and word was passed around among the hundreds of democrats at Union station that President Roosevelt's daughter was In the "Consti tution" the car was surrounded. The Mich igan delegation was the first to discover the Longworth party, but before the dem ocrats learned that a greater attraction than their delegation had arrived, Mrs. Longworth had strolled with members of the party almost the entire length of ths platform In the hopo of getting a little fresh air, as the temperature was 8 In ths car. Sure for Taft. That there may be no mistake about hei preference In the matter Mrs. I mg rorth pinned a white ribbon on her shirt waist bearing in large letters the word "Taft." The entire party left Omaha wearing ths Omaha buttons In Ak-Sar-Ben colors, which were distributed by members of th democratic reception committee who pinned them on every visitor at Union station Mrs. Longworth wore a shirt waist ol white and lavender, with a brown travel, ing skirt, tan ahoea and a chain of Jewelt around her neck. Her hair was dressed loosely at the back of her head and tl4 with a black ribbon. Mrs. McCormlck, who was formerly Mist Ruth Hanna, daughter of ths lata Benatoi Mark Hanna, was also hatless In a whits shirt waist and gray skirt. With other mombers of the party the womsn walked about the platform and visited with those who greeted the party. Victor Roee water, editor of The Bee, met the party by Invi tation at Union station and spent tha haul with It. COLLISION IN OAKLAND Locomotive Craahea Into Ride e Smoking Car, Killing Eight Injuring Thirty. OAKLAND. Cal., July ..-The Ba gauge local, bound from AJamed Hoi Into Oakland, crashed into the Santa Cms train No. 57, bound for the Oakland Mote last night, at First and Webster streets, killing or Injuring all of the passenger In the Santa Cruz train smoking car. Eight were killed and over thirty Injured. The engine of the Alameda train, write was running with tender ahead, cut into the Santa Cruz train smoking oar a few feet fiom the front trucks, and the jnaas was tooted from the main line track against the signul tower in Webster street. The wreck of the coach, containing its dsad and screaming wounded, was hurled en tta side, with the Alameda local Under burled in the wreckage. The baggage coach of tbs hunt a Cruz train, which was. In front of the smoker, was detailed and half Upset. B.ith locomotives were deraUed. The dead are: !jL LOEB, commercial traveler, Fiumisco. Baa LESLIE ALI1E. San Francisco. FRANK 1JH7.0N, San Francisco. FIVE OTHERS; (unldnttfled. Woodmen to Celebrate. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. July &. Special) A large number of the Modern Woodmen of America of Sioux Fulls snd vicinity are preparing to attend the annual Log Rollers' convention, which will be held on July S and t at Watertown. The Sioux Falls del egation will be accompanied by the local degree team, twenty strong. During the meeting at Watertown the Sioux Falls de gree team will perform the work In connec tion with tne Initiation of sixty-six new members to tho order. Efforts now are be ing made to have all the delegates front this part of ttje state assemble tn Sioux Falls on July 7. and rroceed in a body from this city to Watertown, departing from Sioux Falls at 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, July 7. The delegates will make the trip over the South pakota Cen tral railroad In private cars fumtahed by P. F. Sherman, preeldant ef Uie roal, i