THE OMAUA BUHUAr. bud, JO-Lir o, ivuo. E33H ace. runners HEP, FOURTH OF JULY, ClT I 1 1 II li V JS II I II !1 1 il 1 MI tf)7 I m rrau W rcr. U 11 1 jJSJUt Selectmen are not all select as some of you may know, And sometimes they get grumpier the older that they grow. At Blennerhaven Green the three select men hated noise, They also hated children and particularly boys, Sd When the Fourth was near at hand these three selectmen met And said. " 'Twould be a. splendid thing all fireworks to wet. But as we cannot quite do that let's pass a local act That not a squib can be, not any thing, in fact." Now, when the boys of 'Haven Green found out what had been done They hated those selectmen three for spoiling all their fun. "What is a Fourth without a pistol or a bit of noise? Til bet those three 'selected chumps were never healthy boys." When Fluffy Ruffles heard the. news she hurried to her aunt: "I'll make them give the boys their Fourth, and don't you say I can't." She called on Traddles for his aid. and Traddles said, "I'll do Each mortal thing that you command. It J I A I C . . tt j o leave me eoiui iw yvu. rpOFWlCMT, -TX, BY THt fcw YORK HERALD CO.) An R)rW XoavedL "Don't leave it now. but get your car and take me to the place Where those selectmen 'hold their court.' I'll meet them face to face. ' They quite forget they once were boys" "Miss Fluffy, you're a peach! If they have anything to Team. why you're the one can teach." The three selectmen Fluffy found within the old Town Hall. They bowed and scraped when they found out that she had come to call: "Miss Fluffy Ruffles, tell us, please, what we can do for you?" "Just come with me to Torrington. I'll tell you what to do." And what she told them that they did and did it too with grace: They bought up all the fireworks on sale within the place. Then Traddles took them back again and Fluffy Ruffles saw That ere the sun had gone to rest they had "repealed" the law. The Fourth in Blennerhaven Green was tittle else than noise And in the evening on the common, all the girls and boys A set piece witnessed; Fluffy Fkuffles in a blaze of light. -The three' selectmen paid the bill, which .was no more than right. T- And in the evening on the common, all -C 4COTfe? lJfS JNv, r ' - the girls and boys J . - l I A set piece witnessed; Fluffy Pvuffles in a f AfiyF li W $1 ' r VHr bLe of light. XpMmMb KS'lwj K - -The three' selectmen paid the bill which WWMMWYa M HV