THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY. M'hY 4. 100$. Sioux City Crowds Omaha Out of Lead in the Western; Pittsburg-Still in First Place in National PIRATES SnDT 013T CUASPIONS Pittsburg National! Tighten Their Hold on Firtt Place. WILLIS TOO MUCH FOE CHICAGO Overall ftad Lwudgrea Art Hit Freely, Doubles ! a, Triple ly C lark Flanrlna In the Run Catting?. PITTSBURG. July 3 - nttsburg tight, ened their hold on ftrt place today by shutting out Chlosigo by 7 to 0. Score: PITTsnmo. CHICAGO. B.H Q. AX. b.h.o. A JR. Thnmaa, ef. l 4 0 !!. cf... 4 a t o lM-h, in.,.. 4 Cl.rko. if.... 4 W'anr. as... 1 Ah tlrhln. Ib. 4 s 1 I Sharkarl .If.. 4 0 4 1 t o 1 OHovart, rf... 0 1 t 1 1 OChmr. lb. . t 0 I 1 t osietnfeidt. lb 4 t 0 1 0 I IMirn, 4 T 4 4 1 Herman, tb. . 4 4 1 1 t 0 OTlnker, aa.... t 1 4 0 4 Drrall. p.... 1 I 4 4 Lundiren, p.. 3 1 4 0 4 11 1 Totala II 4 14 t I Kino, lb .... 4 0 U Wllann, rt.... 4 nibann, e 4 Willi p t 1 1 Total! 14 11 2) Pittsburg 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 7 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-bss hits: Leach, Willis, Pletn feldt. Three-base hlu: Leach. Clarke. Sacrifice hit: Willis. Stolen banes: Thomas. Lsach 2. Abbatlchlo. Sheckard. Base on balls: Off Willis, I: off overall, 2: off Lundgren, 1. Struck nut: By Willis, 4: by Overall.""!; by Lundiren. 2. Left on Vmses: Pittsburg, ; Chicago, fi. Hits: Off overall. 4 In three Innings; ott Lundgren, In five Innlnrjs. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Johnston amd Emalle. Philadelphia, ia Outplayed. NEW TOBK. July t Philadelphia wm outplayed by the home team today. Spark waa relieved after tha fifth inning, but REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. CITY PROPERTY POR SALD (Continued. (Continued.) A. P. TUKEY & SON INSIDE VACANT LOTS Ye are authorized to sell the list of lots named below on very easy terms. Most of the lots lie on Cass and Chicago streets, be tween 31st and 32d. Take the Harney ear to 32d street, then go south to Cass. This neighborhood is being improved very rapidly and is one of the most desirable residence districts in Omaha. Lot 4, Hillside Reserve $1,250.00 Lot 5, Hillside Reserve $1,250.00 Lot 6, Hillside Reserve $1,250.00 Lot 7, Hillside Reserve $1,250.00 Lot 8, Hillside Reserve $1,250.00 Lot 10, Hillside Reserve $1,100.00 Lots 15 and 16, Hillside Reserve, both, $1,250.00 Lot 19, Hillside Reserve $1,600.00 Lot 4, block 2, Hillside No. 1 $1,250.00 Lot 1, block 3, Hillside No. 1 .$750.00 Warranty deed and abstract furnished with each lot. Sold subject to the county taxes for the year 1908, and subject to all special taxes not yet delinquent. Select a desirable lot for a home in progressive Omaha. AVe live 312G Chicago street and will show you these lots on Saturday any time during the day. t A. P. TUKEY & SON. 445 Board of Trade Bldg. " "" Office Rhone, Douglas 2181. Residence Phone, Harney 2176. (1) 700-3 J. W. ROBBINS ' NEW HOMES 3,800 IK S. 43d St. (pavedl, new 6-room modern house, finished In hardwood throughout and beautifully deco rated. It Is a gem and different from what you will see elsewhere; or will lease for a term at an attrac tive rental to a good party. Coma In and let me show It to you, for it will please you. J 4, and Marcy, new 8-room mod ern house, oak finish downstairs; a very attractive place, close In; or will rent at 336 per month CHEAP BUILDING LOTS 1 GiO60 ft. on Pratt St. (paved), west of 24th St. CHEAP. 900-Fine lot on 4: St. (paved), south of Dodge. 9T0 fifixlJ4, on Ieavenworth and S5th Ave.; room for two houses. I 1,000 Full lot on 16th St.. near Madison Ave. l!5,onn to ft. on Farnam, east of 24th. 8KB MB FOR OTHER BARGAINS. IOHN W. ROBBINS. 1! FARNAM ST. (19 MTH 6 TOIt SALE Frame stores and flats at 24ih and Maple Sta. I Prlca 13,750. Terma easy. Now rented at $18 per month. A good In vestment. CREIOH SONS & CO., 08 Bee Bldg. ' (19) M71S 6 BUNGALOW Btrlctlv up-to-date bungalow containing reception hull, parlor, two bedchambers, bathroom, pantry, kitchen and two clon tm. birch woodwork; all rooms attrac tively papered. Cellar filllv c-mened. not water heat, piped for gas and wired f r leeirlc light, Kast front lot 42x125. locaia.l luat ncrth of Field club, lo.1i) a. Mh Ave., Price ;;.uj; cash; balance 3i per Bnonth C. O. CARI-BEKG, 9U N. Y. I IFE. lil-M7 r " TViuhle Brlcli Flat In Hanseom Park f 9 rooms each, first floor In oak, with every modem Improvement; can be bought at a bargain. T. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., Hth and Farnam. di))-M.;.'7 & MUST GCT Stll Lafayett Ave. BEMIS PARK Ail modern t rooma. Leaving town. Thorns Harney 3466. (19) M4SI FOR KALE OR RENT Brick residence; & rooms; extensive grounds; walking distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club houaak C. 1L Bruan, 4'7 Biown Bldg. (l!0-ilJ 5-It. cottage on 24tii St., near Lake, east front; owner Uvea In California: needs money; says nffei at once; thla is susp. 1.6m. F. D. WBAD, Wead Blk., ISth and Farnam. (t)-U;2 6 UAU ESTATE TITLE TRUST fn w ClUS. E. WILLIAMSON. Prea. U)-44 LIST our property with Chris Boyer. t:4 and Cuming Sta (l) C13 BKl A baTKACT CO.. : la. Iromps aeivws. Cvt uur iiricaa. Ui limim s. . IUJ-31 Crandnll displayed good a avlng qualltlei and won cleverly. Score: NEW TORK. PHILADELPHIA' B.H.O A.E B.H O.A.K. T-nni-T. lb . 4 4 4 1 Jh ...4 I I I I Doyle, lb.... I t I 4 IKn.l... lb ... 4 4 1 a llr-inahan. c. 1 I I 1 4 Tltua. rf I I 1 4 IKinlln. rf ... I 1 DMiim, If I 4 4 4 4 R -rmnur. ct . 4 4 14 r Branafiaid. lb I I t 4 I Iwlln. lb 4 t 1 I Odanoras. cf...l 4 114 Shannon, If... I 114 4lnlln, aa...,4 I I 0 prMw.ll. aa.,4 1 I I 0 ! win. a 4 4 1 1 1 Iranian. ... 4 4 11 USnarkn. p 14 14 4 ( feirtney, p .t 4 0 4 4 Total! 14 10 17 14 BUhie. p 1 4 1 1 0 Total! 17 10 24 1J 4 Batted for "parka in ninth. Philadelphia 1 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 f 3 New York 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 -8 Two-base hits: Prnnsfield (2). Doolln (2). Thret-base hit: Do'ul'n. Bacrliice htis: Knabe, Brnahan (2), Doyle, Devlin. Stolen bases: Grant, Titus. Ix-tt on bases: Phila delphia. 11; New York. . Bases on balls: Off Sparks. 2; off Kicliie. 1; off Crandall, 3. hirst base on errors: Philadelphia. 2; New York. 2. Hit bv pitched ball: By Sparks, 1. Struck nut: l y Sparks. 1; by Crandall, 2. Time: 2:(0. Umpire: RUller. Donble-llrnder at Florence. There will bo two game t Florence Sat urday, the first game with the Fort Omaha Soldiers, will be culled at 2:30 sharp. The s-cond name will be with the Council Bluffs trainmen. The trainmen will have three special cars to haul the rootera from the Bluff. Florence. Position. Bonders. Kinney Center Guthrie parr I.cft Perkins Carey Right Kadc Iff Htlrk First Booth Tracy Second Slmrox Trowbridge Third Stoker Carlow Short Nepper Williams Catch ..Sherer and liable Baker Fitch McGee Hyatt Pitch Cass Tucker Pitch Mid-Cltra Flay Benson. The Mld-Cltys will play a double-header with the Benson team Saturday at Thir teenth and 11 streets. South Omaha be ginning at 1 p. m. The Mld-Cltys also will play a double-header Sunday on the same grounds with th Diamond C'a and Victor of Omaha. Acres 4 Acres-t93.Sa . $100 Cash. 6H acres, 31.426.00. $260 cash. 1 mile west of Benson. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor. N. Y. I Bldg. Tels. Doug. 1781. A 1188. (19-31 3 EASY TERMS HOME PLACE LOTS NOT FAR OUT $660 WILL BUY A 1XT ON LAKE STREET EAST OF 18TH (SOUTH FRONT) A beautiful south front lot. slightly above the strett grade, with brick paved street, cement walk, sewer, city water and gas; convenient r the Sherman Ave. and Dodga street cur lines; best lot bargain in Omaha and on very easy terms; slse up this firoperty and see us without delay, aa the ols are nearly all sold. GARVIN BROS. 1G04 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 9)3. (1&)-Mds4 4 WEST FARNAM STREET. Two elegant modern brick residences In West Farnam street district, one block from street car; everything In flrst-claaa shape, tl.noo each. THOMAS BRENNAN. First Floor New York Life Building. (1-Mtf 24TH ST. BARGAIN. 6-r. hous and full lot, east front, south of Lake St.. 1,). F. D. Wead. ln Far nam St. t!9) M6.3 6 REAL ESTATE FARM AX D RANCH LAXD POR BALB Caaada. TRAMPING LAKE, Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta selected lands, 38 to tU per acre, tiettlers secure farms on crop payment plan. Agenls wanted. Write Lundy A (iundy. Dept. B, Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg. t2U) MM AGENTS WANT EO To sell Canadian lands In their locality; must be hustlers: I1ber.1l commission and written contract, (olden West Land Co. 323 Jackson St., St. Paul. Minn. (20) M7i6 4x Ctlarada. GOOD FARMING LAND Near Denver. Greek y district; wells IS to 40 feet; abun. dan. e of moisture; genersl farming. In cluding corn raising; one crop pais for Si-3 Brandels Bldg. Oiriaha'Nesn WlNTFIl W'J, ki.v. .air.rtl lhAiic.n.l f acres of good Colorado lands for sals; ws want gotxt. live agents to represent ua, Globs La,nd and iuvestment Co , Omaha, Neb. (2u)-M4o4 Meataaav. K.fOO acrea of eastern Montana farm lands for sale at 34 60 per acre. A snap for a quick buyer. lilllns lajan and Title com (aa. Billings. Mont (20 Ma .wrtat Daksts, FR SALE 100 aeies McLean rouniar. I Nortli laaoa. six miles fiom Marvey; j teven elevatoia ia llsrvcy. 64 No. Main i LL C. iilulfs. t-W-tib6 r SIOUX GO INTO FIRST PLACE Duckey and Hii Band Do Things to a Pair of Des oMines Pitchers. LOOSE FIELDING HELPS ON RUNS Dea Mnlne rseta After Starr In the Seventh, bat Crutcher Is Puliatl tnted and the Rally la Headed Off. i SIOUX CITT. Ia.. July S.-Sloux City by winning from Dcs Moines today went Into the lead. Although Fltcher Starr weak ened In the seventh, when two singles and a two-bagger by Flournoy, who batted for Ford, were made oft his delivery, which, with two errors, netted four runs, Sioux City came right back In the last half and hit Clark, who replaced Ford, for five singles 'and the lime number of runs. Weed'a line drive Into left brought over the two runs which allowed Sioux City to win, t to 6. Holmes would not take a chance with Starr after the seventh and sent Crutcher to the slab, who held the Boosters safe for the last two Innings. Both teams played rather ragged ball in the field, which figured In the run-getting. Errors of omission were frequent and the team work of Dea Moines was poor. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB. U. H. O. A. E. Green, rf 6 1 2 4 0 0 Holmes, cf 6 3 110 1 Campbell. If S 1 1 1 0 0 Weed, lb 6 117 10 Andreas, 2b 3 12 4 10 Welch, 3b.: 4 1110 0 Granville, ss 3 0 1 t i 1 Henry, e 1 0 0 S 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Kenfa 1U . Co.. 1001 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. (22)-4a PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND- ai TM.-T A V T U H ITU L1 V ... . n 4 X1 iIHUAt. as A. HlaAllUHi 4TV&-4J aa? 1 NAT. BANK BILDO. TEL. DOUO. 127S, (22-40 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. QARVLN BROS.. 1004 FARNAM. (22) J4 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, 400 to W.000; cash on hand; no delay. J. It. Sherwood, IS Brandels Bldg. (22) M363 FIVE PER CENT Money to loau on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (2-2) 63 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam 8L (22) 641 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. . , UIU. A" . 1. .iiu U . ..a 1.1. S W. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22) 843 LOWEST RATES Bemta. Paxton Block. (22) -444 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. 32)-7 WANTED TO BUY HIGHL f prices for Id-hand furniture. pets, clothes aad shoes. Tel. Douglas 3V71. (26j-4fcS BEST prlca paid for t-hand furniture, ear. pets, alovaa. clothing, shoes. Tsl. Red 440L WANTED-TO RENT WANTED To rent three or four-room flat with heat; must be close to lth ,and Far nam. Address P, 685. care Bee. (26) 632 7x WANTED To rent In either South Omaha or Omaha church. Address 221 S. ltth St. (36) M63T 4X WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED stenogrspher wants posi tion; can furnish good references. Ad dress Lowell R. Smith, 1622 Emmet St. (27)-M"13 Bx REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS" Daniel McCarthy to Ann C. Mc Carthy, part of lot 21, Redlck's Sec- 1 ond addition $ 3 Paul P. Felthelm to Matthew J. Plouxek, part of lot 31. Burr Oak.. 2,100 Frank Vlcek and wife to Frank Krentorad and wife, lot 30, block 3, Mellas' First addition 650 E. C. Oarvln to George E. Diehl, part of lot 62. Glees' addition 1.200 Mills Real Estate company to Thomas F. Stroud, part of lots 1, 2 and 3, Mock 3, re-plat of Patrick's Third Saratoga addition 3,500 Be baa 1 Ian Selxle and wife to Martin A. Schneider, part of lot 6, Hascall & Rogers' subdivision 200 Frank J. Herinansky to Barbara Hoffman, part of lot 1, block 12, Kountze's Third addition 2,100 Ana Tlefenbach to Henry A. McCord, n28 feet of lot 8 and all of lot 9, block 6. Klrkwood addition 4,000 O. C. Olsen and wife to Thorvald Schmidt, nVa of lot 91, Nelson's ad dition 1 Merchanta' National Bank to Wm. O. Chandler, lot 6, block 87. Florence.. 225 H. J. Grove and wife to Anna Manda vllle. wVt of lots 13 and 14. block 9. Halcyon Heights 1,400 Anna I.. A. Hiomquist and nusDana to Ana Tlefenbach. n28 feet of lot 8 and all of lot 9. block 6. Klrkwood addi tion 4.000 Addle Blodgett et al. to Lloyd Duf ford, lot 5, block . Kountxe place. 6,300 I-iizle B. Potter and husband to Ella R. Potter, taxlot 14, se'4 of nw4. n-is-is 1 Geo. Fessenden to Geo. W. Long c72.5 feet of lot 39. Elllstone Park place.. 4(0 Minnie F. C. Youngs snd husband to Wm. O. Nekel. lot 2", block 8. Al bright's Annex 100 Jennie E. Scarr and hushand to F.llxa beth R. Caughey. lot 9. block 10. South Omaha J.500 Evergreen Cnieery aaaoc'atlon of Snlem, N. Y . to Tra T Raymond, lot 19. block 8. Walnut Hill 7S0 IT 3. Grove and wife to Geo. W. Miles. eU of lots 13 and 14. block 9, Halcyon Heights 1.100 Marv E. Armstrong et al. to Char lotte A. M. Pwansnn. lots J and S. block t. Lincoln place 7lfl Peter Oravert ad wife tn Wm. Zim merman, lot 15. block 24. Renson . 2,500 Geo. Rrenner and wife t Minnie C. Feenan. u. of lot 6, block 12. Shull's Second addition 200 E"a A. McNamara and husband to George Brenner, same 350 Total '. H4.2E LEGAL NOTICE;. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES, ETC. Omaha, Neb., June 30, The Board of Education of the school district of Omaha Ir.vites sealed bids fur fuel, cadet uniforms, stationery, janitors' supplies and printing for the )er ending June 30, 19u9. Certified checks must accompany bids as follows: On bids for cadet uniforms. Janitors' sup- f tiles and stationery, tou.Ou each. On print ng 3 rr cent of the amour bid. On hard coal. 1 100. On soft coal, tooo. Checks to -toe mads payable to the school district of Omaha. Circulars of complete Information can be had upon application to the nmier. signed. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any defect or Informality in any bid should It be deemed In the Interest of the school district to do so. All bids will close at 8 o'clock p. m.. July 1.1, into. Send sealed en velopes containing bids to the undersigned marked as follows: "Proposals for Sup plies. J. F. BI RGES3, Secretary, fro City Hall. Omaha, Neb. J;tdt OCEAN STEAMERS SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN UM 14 4U4 ToA Twia-Screw Passenger Steaaaera ' Direst te Norway, Sweden and Denmark Silllai fiwa hw York st saoa, PnH4 Staiao Julr 4 I Hallif Ola Aug 4 C. g Tletgea ... Julr 111 laltr4 Siataa ... .Au. 14 Saloon TI and ar ftrn4 Cab a laT.aa, A 33. JOMMSOH t CO., 124) . Kuuit St. CM, tU. Standing of the Teams NATL. LEAGUE W.LI'cf AMER. LHAtU'E. v f i-e i Pittsburg .. 42 Pi .(27 St. L-11 s ....82 6 1, l mcsgn :I9 2.) 6 7 t. le e and . .. 4i 1 ..4) New York... ."i 2-1 . 2 Utr I. ;7 ; Vi Cincinnati ...34 8.' ,o'."i Chicago 37 2 Philadelphia 2 M .1. Philadelphia X! 31.614 Boston 30 S .441 T-Soston 3D 3 .4-1 St. Louis Jfi 40 m New Yprk....2 4 Brooklyn ... 24 .3.S WashlnRton 2i 41 3 9 GAMES TODAY. Wi stern I eague Dcs Motne at Omaha, Lincoln at Sioux CL.v, Puerto st Denver. Nntmnal Ix-ugue Prookln St Boston. Philadelphia at New York. Chicago at 1 Itthurg. Clncinmitl at Ft. I.ouis. American Leacue St. at Chicaso. , Ietrolt at Clevelnnd, New York at Wash ington, I'oston nt Phlladilphla. American Assorlatlnn Cidumbiis at Louis ville, Toledo at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at Kansas City, St. Paul at Minneapolis. . J Shea, c Starr, p Crutcher, p 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 2V 0 10 Totals.. .36 8 12 27 10 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 nailer, cf i 0 Anderson, ss 4 0 Dwyer, lb 3 0 I Man, 2b 4 1 M.-Laughlln, If 4 1 Fltspatrick. rf 4 1 Nelhoff, Sb 4 1 Ftaedel, c. 2 1 Ford, p 1 0 Clark, p 0 0 Flournoy 1 1 Dexter 1 0 Totals 30 6 7 24 13 4 Batted for Ford In the seventh. "Batted for Raedel In the ninth. Bloux City 10012040 8 Des Mollies 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 06 Two-bnse hits: Dolan, Fltxpntrlck, Flour noy. Sacrifice hit: Barter. Stolen bases: McLaughlin, Nelhoff (21, Raedel, Holmes (2), Campbell (2), Andreas. Green. Double play: Granville to Andreas. Bases on bslls: Off Star, 4; off Ford, 2. Struck out: By Ford, 6; by Clark. 2; by Starr, 3; by Crutcher, 1. Wild pitch: Starr. Ford. Passed ball: Raedel. Hit bv pitcher: uranviue. lime; t 11 ours, umpire: mack. Attendance: 2,0ti0. I'l tBI.O WINS A SLOPPY CONTEST Losers Onthtt ' and Ontflrld the Winners. DENVER. Colo.. July 8. sloppy game from Denver The playing was far worse -Pueblo won a this afternoon, than the score Bnows. score: DENVER. AB. R. H. 2 3 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 O. 0 2 1 8 2 1 6 13 0 0 E. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Waldron, (f 4 3 tiplclen, ss 4 i Cassady, rf 6 1 Lovett, If 4 0 Irwin, 3b 6 0 l.auterborn, 2b 6 0 S. McDonough, o ..... 4 1 L'ohannan, lb 3 2 Doll, p 2 0 Adams, p 3 , 0 Totals ; 38 8 12 2 7 20 2 PUEBLO. AB. R. II. O. A. E. Hngrlever. Ib ..3, 2 1 2 2 1 Spencer, If 3 2 1 0 0 Miller, rf 6 2 1111 Matticks, ct 4 1 1 1 0 0 Clark, lb 4 1 1 S 2 0 Corhan. ss 4 0 1 4 1 3 Good, 8b 4 0 1 2 2 0 Mitce, c 3 1 0 10 2 u Nichols, p 3 0 0 1 1 1 Totals 83 : 10 t tl 12 Denver 3 0030101 08 Pueblo 4 8 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Three-buso hits: Matticks, Casssdy. Home run: Miller. Stolen base: Hogriever. Sac rifice hit: Nichols. Bases on balls: Off Doll, 4; off Adams, 1; off Nichols, 2. Struck out: By DjII, 1; by Adams, 2; by Nichols, 6. Left on bases: Denver, 8; Pueblo, 2. Double plays: Doll to Belden to Bohannan; Mc Donough to Belden; Good to Hogriever to Clark. Wild pitch: Nlcho(s. Time: 1:40. Um pire: Brennan. ' GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Lonlavllle Shuts Oat Colnmbns by Score of Fonr to Nothing;. LOUISVILLE, July 3 !oulsvlle won the first game of thn series from Colum bus today because thn visitors could not hit Adams successfully: Score: LOllSVILLK COLUMBUS. B.H.O.A.C. B H O A E Stanley, ct... I 114 errlel. 3b 4 114 0 Woodruff, If. S Qulnlan. aa.. 4 Burke. Ib 4 Sullivan, lb.. I 110 OOdwall, or.... 4 2 10 0 0 4 4 OKruier, If 41 1 0 0 10 6 OConaalton, rf. S 4 2 0 0 2 1 1 OJumra. c 4 2 4 4 0 8toT.ll, rf ... I 0 1 Parrlne, Ib... 10 4 Hughea. c... 3 3 7 Adama, p 14 4 0 CKIhm, lb 3 0 4 0 0 I 1 Katdy, . 4 4 2 OWrlsley, :b.. I 1 1 OQeyar, p. ,10 0 10 Totala 27 27 1C 1 Totala 12 4 24 10 t Louisville ....... ...2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stolen bases: Sullivan, 2. Two-base hit: Woodruff. Three-base hits: James. Man ley. Double playa: ' James to Wrlley; Burke to Perrlne to Sullivan. Struck out: by Adams, 3; by Oeyer.-3. Base on balls: Off Adams, 1; offGeyer, 8. Left on bases. Louisville, 4; Columbus, 6. Time: i.'ii. Umpire: Kerln. Kansas City Shuts Ont Milwaukee. KANSAS CITY, July S.-Kansus City knocked Bateman out of the box In thn tirst inning, securing five runs. Papee, who succeeded him, kept the hits well scattered and waa not scored upjn. t'oore: KAN8AU CITY. . . MILWAl'KEB. B H O A E ' Nelghbora, rf. I I 4 0 ORasdall, cf... 3 2 6 u 4 t'rnaa, aa 4 1 6 I 0 Hoblnaon, aa. 4 0 4 1 0 Bckley. lb . 4 16 1 VRuth, c 4 14 14 Ura.hear, 2b I 1 1 1 0 Klynil, rf 4 1 1 0 0 (arllala. If... 1110 UCIark, lb 4 10 2 0 tlallraan, cf . J 1 I OM'Chaanpf, If 4 0 0 u. 0 rxiirnla, Ib... 4 4 4 1 1 McCnrm'k. 2b 4 0 1 2 0 Sullivan, c .. 4 0 4 1 Brown, lb.... 114 4 1 Brandon, p... 4 111 OBiUman, p... 0 0 4 1 0 Papa, p I V 1 2 1 Totala 11 14 27 71 Totala 33 llllll Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Kansas City 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 " Earned run: Ksnsas City, 1. Two-base hits: Curll.-de, Randall. Bases on hills: O i Br.-.ndon, 1; off Bateman, 1. Struck out: Bv Brandon, 6; Ly I'apce, 4. Hits: off Brandon, C In nine Innings; orf Bateman. 3 In one Inning; off Papee, 7 in eight innings. Left on buses: Kansas City. ,; Milwaukee, 7. Double play". Brown to Rolitton to brown. Stolen uase: Brandon. Bacrliice hit: lar .ise. Ural base on errors: Be.kley, Down!;, Clark. Hit by itched tali: Carlisle. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Burkhalter. Diamond C'a and Royals. The Diamond C's nt Kennedy's park. South Omaha, will play the Royal team for a large purse Saturdny. The Diamond C's have defeated the Royals once this year, but the Royals say they can't repeat the victory. The line-up will be as follows: Diamond C. Royal. Hollander Catcher Murphy Hoffman Pitcher Crawford Boggats First Base Baker Long Second Base Barrv Crew Third Base Larkl'n Anderson Shortstop Kelly Hopkins Left Field Gaughlh Zadina Center Field Vance Behu Right Field Sheehy Games at Benson. Nebraska City Eagles' team will play Benson at Benson Saturdny and Sunday, each game to be called at 2:30 p. m. Line ups: Benson. Nebraska Cltv. Valleau Shortstop Chapman Whitney .Second Base Steel Ranackrr Right Field Schnltsen Rice Catcher Baker Durkee Third Base Hlggeng Reinachriber Uenter Field Stall Rosarau t.ft Field L. Hlagens Creighton First Base Krusen Bogatis ....Pitcher Reich ton Bruggeman Pitcher Golden Jack Haskell Will Umpire. 'Jack Haskell Is In Omaha again, ready to umpire at Des Moines, but the doctor or dered him to the hospital, where ho was forced to remain for elvht days. His knee was badly bruised at Pueblo and a couple of severe cracks at Omaha finished the head of the Western league staff for a time. A drainage tube was Inserted to let the water off his knee and he has now re. covered. Jack says he has the biggest pair of cricket ahln guards to be had. snd the ball may now come as hard aa it can. Plalavlew Takea la Travelers. PLAINVIEW. Neb., July 8. -(Special Tele gram.) The Plainvlew Sterllnga added an other game to their string of victories to day by defeating the Arkansas Travelers. to 6. Tha locals have won two out of three from the vlaitors and w II play them here again tomorrow for a 3126 purse. Score: H H E. Pter'ings 0 0 S 3 a 1 4 in 4 Traveler 0 It U M t H I 1 OMAHA II AS A DOUBLE-HEADER Champs Play Des Moines Twice on the Glorious Fourth, FINISH FLEECE FIGHT ABROAD Three m Men, Fisher, RartlllT anil Vophk (iraham. Are Calculated to strengthen the C'hOjjelplffna. Omaha and Pes Moines will play two games at Vinton street rark Saturday, and they promise to be two fiercely-fought games. Des Moines, though In lm. di vision, Is playing a grade of ball second to that of no Western league team, and tru fact that it took two out of three games In the last series with Omaha makes tlio Champs determined to win this time snd the Boosters all tl.e more nnxlou.. An Index of the work Des Moines Is doing may be obtained by consulting the score of the 1 to tl twelve-Inning: gnmo with Sioux City Thursday. And no tenm In the league Uxolng faster than the Sioux As to Omaha, though It Tins lost seven out of tho last twelve games. It has done great work to hold a hand on first place, with all tho teams playing like they are. The weather man i redicts bright weitlnr, In which event Vinton street park probably will be packed Saturday. narlllff, Another New Man. In addition to Fisher, Pa hus annexed Bartllff, another outfielder, who was ob tained from the St. Louis Nationals. He has arrived at the Smoke House and lookB like the goods. He is touted as a comer. He played with New York and the Cardi nals at the beginning of the season. What his place will be with the Rourkes p r manently Is not yet determined, but Onuiha fans may get a chance to see htm work Saturday. One thing is certain In the minds of Pa and Fiunck, and that Is that the men who retain permanent places on the team aro going to have to work for thehi. Never before has the Omaha niun agement shown more determination to se cure a team that would cinch tha pen nant. Besides Fisher and Bartllff there Is young Graham, brother of George, an In flelder of rapid nut Ion and great promlBt). He may bo utilized to good advantaga In giving Manager Franck a needed rest or "spelling" King. The pitching department ia to be strengthened. Omaha left homo June 21, In first place,' two and one-half games ahead of Lincoln; It returns homo tied with Sioux City for first place. The Champions have played twelve games and won five. The result is disappointing, but the team has been strengthened, it Is believed, ano will make a better showing from now on. President Rourke and Manager Franck are deter mined to win the pennant at any cost. The Champs have four games at home on this stay, two Saturday, one Sunday and one Monday, Ladles' day, with Dcs Moines. Then they leave home for Sioux City and will be back again July 11, with Lincoln. Summary of Recent Trip. On the trip Just closed Omaha lost two out of three games to Des Moines; two out of five to Pueblo and three out of four to Denver. Ragan Is the only pitcher who won a majority of his games. He pitched three games, losing one to Des Moines and winning one from Pueblo and one from Denver. Jackson lost to Des Moines and won from Pueblo, being relieved In the former game- by Hollenbeck after It was lost. Sanders won from Des Moines and lost to Denver. Hall, like Ragan, pitched In three games; he lost two and got one. Ho beat Pueblo once, lost to It once and lost once to Denver. Hollenbeck lost both his games, one to Pueblo and one to Den ver. The team cannot plead "hard luck" for its losses, entirely, though the fact that It otithit Its opponents In several games might signify that fortune did not always favor It. On the other hand, however, luck was decidedly with Omaha In the game It won from Denver. With the score 1 to 0 In favor of the Champions and both teams playing fast lall, rain put an end to proceedings In the fifth Inning, thus giving Omaha a victory whose achieve ment was uncertain had the game gono Its full lenpth. Champs Play nreat Ball. In one or two gomes the Champions were decidedly off color In their work, notably In that game where Mr. Ragan wns so ruthlessly slaughtered over at Des Moines, but In the majority of cases Omaha played great ball and lost only because the other team played greater. The fact Is there Is little difference be tween the standard of work the various teams of the Western league are doing Just now. With four of them nose and nose for first place and the other two fighting for every Inch of ground. It Is useless to argue this point. It Is perfectly appaient that the team that wins the pennant will have to hump. While Omaha still misses George Graham, and will continue to miss him, the team has been strengthened by the addltlo.i of Fisher, the new outfieldnY whose work In the west has proven him to be a ball player. He Is a remarkable Improvement over Householder, or. at least, the charac ter of work Householder gave Omaha, which, everybody knew, was not his best. Tho release of Householder not only gave opportunity for placing a faithful man In left, but It took a big burden and anxlaty off the mind of Manager Franck. whose work since has shown a gratifying Im provement. Tho whole team lias been bene fited In a similar manner. i Bartllff and Ills Work. Bartllff played with nskaloosn, la., last year and otithit such men as Matticks of Pueblo, who was on the me team, King and Fisher of Omaha, also of the unw team. Bartllff and Matticks played to- gether for five years consecutively, playing with school nines in their home city of St. Louis before launching out professionally. The new mon played first base for Oska looss, though he Is a good outfielder. He may be made first baseman for Omaha next year when Chick Autrey goes Into cne of the big leagues, as he certainly will Bartllff Is a fine appearing young man, standing six feet and weighing l'o. He Is trim built, with ruddy complexion and sandy hair. He Is handsome, a cultured gentleman and ought to become the ladles' day star. His power to bat will alone give Mm a warm reception In Omaha. I.lneno of the Teams. Here are the lineups of the teims for the Fourth of July games: Omaha. Poslt'on. Des Molius. Autrey First base Dwyer King Pecond bass .Dolan Austin Third base Nell iff Franck Shortston And rs m Fisher. .'. Left flel 1 Flo"rnov Welch "enter f e d B ider Belden Risht field Fltsratrl -k Unnding J"at-iier Raedel I.eBrand Catcher Dexter Sanders f I cher Bcnner Ragan Pitcher (iaik Hollenbeck Pitcher Witherun Hall Pitcher Ford Jackson Pitcher Nelson Y. M. C. A. Defeats Traveling; Men. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 3 . (Sreclal Tele pram.) In a listless game this evening the Y'jng Men s Christian association In the City league won from the Traveling Mens nine by the score of 13 to 1. Dleta Teams Ont of Town. The Diets Lumber company turn will iilaj' dulfhlA-htaulcr eaniM ul LaU ammr. aay st i.yons with Ire TrRsmsh team. lizJtvzx vz PI FN TS ON IMF. RUNNING TRtrKt Far West Win l.oai lalnnfl llandlcna I at Ukrriiahrail liny. SHEKPSHEAD LAY. V. . July 3- Far West, a desnired outsider. runniiiK at ' hia best won the I Ainu Island l.ndCH , mile and a furlong, tit Sneepshi ud Pay today, defeating Jack Atkln In a hard diiw. Far West was txcellently ridden by Flll-rt. the California Jockey- Dun delion v.s a big disappointment. Westburv snd Tourenne raced lead and head to tho stretch. Here Jack Atkln took t lie lead, but almost Immediately Far West moved up and Joined him. Far West won by three-quarters of a lensth, wlih Jack At kln second and Gold l ady third. Klherlnl won the Pansy stakes, six furlongs, on turf, In 112S. a iuw track record tor tho distance. First race, the Firestone, for 2-yesr-olds, five and one-half furlongs: Fitsherberi (l-'2. B:. Dugan, 1 to 5) won; Harrigau (117, J U-e. 7 to 1) second; Practical (ill Miller. 3D to 1) third. Time: 1:07S- Mystify, Merry Knight, (lus Helm, hpectaueaa, Wild Pigeon also ran. Second race, the Good ajid Plenty, s'eeplo chase. selling, about m and one-half miles: W'ateifpeed (I3 Davidson, 7 to li won. Rocket (l:- Mi Klnnev, 7 to 21 second, Prince of Pll-en (137, Lynch, 7 to 2) tliltd. rime: 5:"VV Expansionist and Cuban also ran; King Castle pulled up. Third ince, the Pansv. for 2-vear-olds. selling, six furlongs: Ktherlal (89, Upton. J to 1) wi n, High Range (102. Shreve, 7 to 2) second. Tuhnn (HI, Mccaliev, 16 to 5l third. Timo: 1:12,. Sand Piper, Urania, Lady Ztlina, o, L'. Kid and Ruble also ran. Fourth race, June handicap, the Long Island, for S-year-olds and upward, one mile nnd one-eighth: Far West (WO, Gil bert, 20 to 1) won. Jack Atkln (123. Nottor, 3 to 1) second. Gold l.ady tlo7. Garner. 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:52. Dandelion. Arclte. Weatbury. Touraine, Old Honesty, Homo Again and Montgomery also ran. Fifth race, the Advance Guard handicap, for 3 year-olds and upward, one mile and a quarter, turf course: D'Arkle i9.", Mc Carthy. 50 fo 1) won, Prince Chlng (KM. Musgrave, 1 to 1) second. Miss Crawford 014. K. Dugan, 9 to 10) third. Time: 2:0.1s. Pins and Needles,, Killlekranklo and Fnran D'Or also ran. Sixth race tho Africander, for 8-year-olds and upward, non-winners nt this meet ing, selling, mile: Colonel While tins. Mil ler, 13 to 61 won, Molrsny (13, Musgrave, B to 1) second. Rockstone (103, Garner, 5 to 2) third. Tune: 1:40. (low an, Enston, Import, okenite, Grinmldl. Sukev's Son, Miss Caleshy, Laughing Lyes and Umbrella also run. CINCINNATI. July 3.-Latonla summary. First race: Olabamala (110, Powers, 316, straight) won, Winter Green (W6, Marl In, 3I''6. place) second, Allred (102, Butler, 111.40, show) third. Time: l:0iH. Busy Man, T. M. Green, Stowaway, J. W. Frye, Tom Holland, Real Help, Scantling. P ren nlal. New Carmack. Lucky Ford ond Teddy Bear also tan. Secorxl race, five snd a half furlongs; Jet: Bernstein (97, Builer, 325.40, straight) won, Plume (101, Powers, 37. W, place) sec ond, Roseburg It (110, Sklrven, 8U.60. show) third. Time: l'OSV Uncle Walter, Marshy, Joe Ehrlch, Old Hickory and Dlsputo also ran. Third race, six furlongs: E. M. Fry (110, Talor, ;0. show) won. Hollow (110, Warren, JI1H.1R, place) second, Hen 8anJ (110. Martin. $!i, show) third. Time: 1:1. Hlngen, Bitter Sir, Edgar Hill. Red Husxar, Fred Mace anl Merry field also ran. Founh race, mile and a sixteenth: Tho Minks (114, Pickens, J:i7.50, straight) won, Czar GoS, Ross, 3s.f!, place) second, Qungna (loo, Powers, 8.!i, show) third. Time: 1.47. Lady Martha and Dark Night also ran. F'fth race, oae mile: Skyo (100, Plander, $11.45, straight) won, Geneva 8. (100, Ross, $23.80, place) second, Ladv Almy (100, Mar tin, $14.Sft. show) third. Time: 1:40. Mlr Eer. May Jean and Ordono also rar. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Lady Esther (102, Powers, $8.41. straight) won. Water Lake (107, Minder, $10.20, place) second, Deacon (110, Pickens, $7.50, show) third. Time: 1:47. Cynget. Sylvan Belle, Charlatan, Bitter Miss, Hyperbole, Natasha, Tlvoni and Alma Boy also ran. WITH TUB BOWLERS. Storz Blues were defeated last night at the Association alleys by losing three games to the Krug Parks Score: KRL'G PARKS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Denman Ji 1S4 l'.tl 641 Bengcle 2i7 2o4 191 6o4 Zlmmetman 215 191 190 696 Totals 679 674 1.741 STORZ BLUES. lHt. 2d. 3d. Tot. Weber 213 162 1H3 6iW Frltscher 163 212 176 661 Anderson 2u) lt3 174 557 Totals 676 657 643 1,676 Gans la the Favorite. SAN FRANCISCO, July 3. -The sales af Keats for the Guns-Nelson llstht continues heavy, and from present indications a Ili.tfO gate la a certainty. All the cheaper seats have been disposed of and the sale of the higher priced chairs Is proceeding briskly. Unlefs there Is an Improvement In tho betting situation .the contest of July 4 will go Into history as the lightest from a speculative standpoint In the history of rhumplonshlp battles. There Is ampl Gans money in sight, but the Nelson end Is inconsiderable. The odds of 2 to 1 on Gans still predominate, nnd In some In rtanefs bets are being made that the cham pion will win Inside of twenty rounds, for which even money Is the, ruling figure. Sioux City liolf Meet. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 3 (Hpeclal.)-Tho annual interstate golf tournament, under the auspices of the Sioux City Golf and Country club, will be held on July 28-31 and the leading golfers of the middle west are expected to participate. The list of entries will Include players from Omaha, Des Moines, De Mars, Cedar Rapids, Sioux Falls. Kansas City and Rock Island. The tournament Is held a month earlier than last year, as It Is believed that the turf will be much better for playing In July than It has been In September. Tepumaeh Itace Spoiled. TECUMSEH, Neb., July 3,-(Speclal.)-A heavy rain over this section of the state yesierday prevented the races of the Ne. btaska Speed association, billed here. The track was In fine condition and fast time was expected. There are sbout 125 horses from all parts of the country here. Tha manugement of the races announces that It will proceed with the program today If possible. The races were scheduled for Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Crleket at Miller Park. The members of the reorganized Omaha Cricket club have entended an Invitation to the former members of the club to meet them In the southwest corner of Miller's park Saturday afternoon and In a game be tween old members and new members pss a pleasant and social day playing and re rai;!ra to memory the samea of the past. Wickets pitched at 1 o'clock sharp. No More Fish In Minnesota. Fish at Lake Wnshlnrten might as well i take wurnlng. George M. Entriken, W. ". Sunderland, Frank Hinehart and Dr. W. H. I Khnrr it iter, I.jva tntiitrrit for Vnlka u r t tabu Washington for a week 8 fishing. Thev spent the entire mornlniT B"iiday at Town send's picking out the riKht kind of wherewith-all to catch the finny beauties, and say they will land the limit each day. Tklrleen-Posnd Pish at Cut-Off. i B. Vaugh, lesldlng at :OT South Twenty. nln n street, carrieii Home a risn Thursday night from Cut-Off lake which he thought was one of the largest ever ransrht in th bike. It a German cflrp we Khin thir teen and was cauicn; In OH lake. NEWSPAPER MEN PLAN TOUR South Dakota Qalll Pnshers Will Is- spect Points of Interest la Stat. PIOUX FALLS. S. D., July 3. -(Special.) John T. Cogan of thl city, ecretary ot the South Dakota Press association, has 1 completed final preparation for the an nual mid-summer outing of the assocla tion, which this ear will be spent In the Black Hills. The members of the associa tion who will take the trip will leave the eastern part of the state on Thursday, July 23, and will reach Rapid City on the morn ing of Friday, July 24. At Rapid City an entertainment has been provided for the visiting newspaper men, who will remain there until Saturday morning, July when the barty will depart for Hot Springs. . A Baralna; shame Is not to have Bucklen' Arnica Falve to cure burrs, sores, piles, cuts, wounds and ulcer. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug oonv Iny. 1 1 1 1 11 If V V I I' l PIIIOT ni 4 TP ; bivllu 1 AKL HRST PLACE Eetroit's Defeat of Cleveland Moves It. Lods to Front. NAPOLEONS ARE SHUT OUT Donovan Holds Loral to Six lilts and Keep Them Well Spattered Llebhardt la Halted Hard. -CLEVELAND, July 1 Detroit won frnm Cleveland today, ( to 0. and knocked the locals out of first place. 8 -ore: I'KTROIT. ' CLEVKLANP. B II O A I! B H O A G. M.-lntrra. If.. I 1 0 II J Clarke. If. I 4 0 l a Bi-harfar. ?b..t 111 1 hradlav, aa . I 4144 ( matord. rt. I 1 10 (i lllni hman. rt 4 1 1 0 4 Cobb, rf I 1 I 4 Olaijoif. l ... 4 1 I 4 Roomin, lb. 4 I a 0 Brmia. e 4 I I 0 4 oiiRtiltn. Sb. 4 0 10 OHu-kman. lb. I 4 I 0 1 Sihmldt. c ... 4 0 4 I 0P-rnna. lb ... 4 1 2 3 1 0 Laary. ia ... I ill t'Sirmh.m. rt 1 1114 Pouoan, p 4 1 0 I u l.iebliardt, p. I 0 0 4 V - eiaT. i 0 o o 4 0 Totala 34 11 XT 10 1N. Clarke.. I 0 4 0 , Totala . . . ..11 1 17 ;T I PHtted for l.iebliardt in e ghth. Cleveland. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 lt-trolt 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3-1 Hits: Off l.iebliardt, 7 In elht Innings, off 1 crger, 4 In one Inning. First lme on e-rors: Cleve'atd. I; Detroit. 2. Tao-hsae bit: li.loic. i'hrre-buae hits: M Iniv e, ( rawferd. Col h. Parrlf ce hits? Ro.mail, (iawf.rd, Bindley, Molnlyre. Stolen base: Pcluiefer. Doulde plays: pchmlrtt to Couch lln; Schaef.r to Kossman. Pat-as on bills: Off MebliHrdt. 4: off Donovan, 6. Hit nv pitched lull: By Donovan, 1. la ft on hires"; il-clHiid. 7; Detroit. i. Siruck out: H l.iebliardt, 6; by Dniiovun. 6. Wild pitch, a: 1 eiger, 1. Donovan, 1. Time: 1.4. I'tiiprj: Kvans. CIRCUS PERFORMANCE IS GOOD Many People Enjoy the Hnaenbeek- ' Wallace Shorr of Mnny Novel Features, When the Hagcnbeck and Wallace show were combined It formed one of the strong circus attractions now on tho road, which gave a performance to fully 9,000 people who comfortably filled the big tent Thurs day night. The rain of the morning kept down the crowd at the afternoon perform ance. - . Two rings, the trained wild animal itee. cage, the platform, the aerial act and tha clowns kept the audience busy all even ing trying to keep up with all -that waa going on. Fourteen elephants did their stunts well. Several of tha feature acta had never been presented In Omaha be fore, especially a couple of foreign novelty acts, which were quite exciting. The Van Diemans on the devil wheel are thrillers. Four women hung by their teeth from tha revolving wheel pulled to the top of tha tent and did such stunts as the skirt dance and whirling at full speed aa the wheel went round and round. Lon Moore made a hit with hi base ball game, which he played by himself, and tho Borsinl troupe from Belgium did some ac robatic work while on the uncertain and moving foundation of tricky rolling globes. The quadruple equestrian act of the Bedlnl family with the collie dog, all doing simul taneous leaps from the ground to the run ning horse and ending with all four and. the dog riding one horse, won the admira tion of those at the south end of the tent. In the large steel arena the Hagenbeck wild animals, under the guidance of John Hclliot, showed they had forgotten tha habits of the forests and jungles and had become subject to the will of man. In th first group were lions, tigers, puma, leopards, polar bear and boar hound. On the second appearance of the wild antmala an African Hon and leopard rode two large gray horses around the arena, and Jumped through hoops of fire, showing remarkable equestrian ability t. A huge Bengal tiger under the guidance of Phil Castang roda , an Asiatic elephant. A 600-pound polar bear and a 180-pound man gave an exhibi tion of the wrestling game. A new head balancing act was that of the Do Kocks, two men, a boy snd a dog. Their feature act was a head balance wilh two men and the dog, with the dog In the middle of the trio. The stock of the how was In fine condition, especially the ring stock, and the performance ended with a Roman hippodrome with the standing race and tha thrilling chariot race. By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad Page you get quick return at small expense. .:,''' HUNDREDS DROWN IN CHINA Floods Work Awful Havoc In South ern Part of the Celestial Kingdom. HONO KONG, July 3. Detailed report from the flood In outhern China show that hundreds of people have bnen drowned and thousands are starving In the destroyed villages. Chinese and foreigner have combined to raise a large relief fund. Large sums and quantities of food are being consigned nightly from Hong Kor.g. The government ha made a grant of f.P.ooO and the Standard Oil company ha subscribed $5,000. A NY under garment that fits the a V kivlv h'oritlv. whether made of a dotery knitted or porous fabric, causes a certain amount of friction which heats the body and makes the wearer feel uncomfort able. This feeling of diacornf ort is in tensified in hot weather. To keep cool; to feel perfectly at ease; to find relief from Summer heat, wear LOOSE FITTINQ TVat MtrL ltUund V. t trntml Q4h Coat Cut Undershirt and Knee Length Drawers. They are cut on large, shapely patterns, which allow perfect freedom of motion, and permit fresh. cooling air to reach the pores. Look for the B. V. D. Red Woven Label It's your guarantee of com-, fort and quality satiJaction. ERLANGER BROTHERS., WORTH aaa) CHURCH STREETS, NEW YORK. Malar, B. V. D Union Sulu. Pit 4.JW7 . V D. Slorvaa ZJi.