Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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City Will B Working Alire with
Delegates on Fourth.
- i
BIM Special Trelaa Will Pin
Throne the Gate Clr Bearlan;
Their Harden, to Dearer
tlea-lra of Democracy.
renn.ylvaula Bryan Wags arri. at
a a. m. ever th Bock Island.
Cook County Democracy arrlTM at 8 a.
m. orf tha Burlington.
Alabama find riorlda delegations nrrlv
at 6:30 a. m. ever th Barling-ton.
Wet Virginia atlsgatton nrrlTS.
11 130 a. m. orcr th Bock island.
Mas.achnsettj delaratlon arrlraa
lilB p. m. 0Tr tka Book Xiland.
Jacksonlan olnb leav. at 3:30 p. m. over
the Bnrllnrton.
Fsnnsylvknla delegation arrlTaa oy tha
Borth'Srertcrn at 10:30 p. m. at th Vnloa
for the city council today and attorney
for the Civic federation offered to stipu
late tu have the decision of he district
court In the appeal of thla case rule In all
others without further hearings on remon
strances. Attorneys for applicants took th
proposition undT advisement and the coun
cil adjourned to Monday morning-.
Failure to Make Iteports According;
to Law la Expensive.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LLVCOI-N, July 1 Ppeclal.) The ex
press companies against which suit was
brought to collect penalties for not filing
reports with the State Rnllway commlselon
confessed Judgment In the county court
this afternoon and paid their fine, a total
of tl.MS, or CO and costs tach. The de
fendants were the Adams, American and
t'nited States. The action was merely civil
to collect penaltlea for a failure to file re
ports m demanded by the commission nn1
the action of the express companies' Is an
admission that the commission law In tliU
respect Is valid. ,
Half Million of School Money Invested
by Treasarer.
LINCOLN. July . (Special Telegram.)
Maryland delegation arrives over tha State Treasurer Brian has bought InOO.OOft
Borthwc.tcrn at at llita p. m. at the
TJnlon atatlon.
South Dakota dclajatlon arrives ovsr tha
RorthwsaUrn at 10:10 a. n. Sunday at tha
Union station.
Ehr it, speclsl trslns csrrylng democrals
from llio east, north and south will pass
through Omaha Saturdsy en route to
Denver nnd the democratic nntlonsl con
vention. The first train will arrive a 6
o'clock In the morning, carrying the Penn
aylvcnln Jlnnrfl" league and the last for tha
day will pull Into Union station ten minutes
after midnight with the South Dakota
delegrit'oo. on board.
' The Dahlmnri Democracy and the Jnrk
snnUn club unite In extending courtesies
to tii delegations, both clubs having In-
vited sll domocrsts to meet the trains Sat
urday sud Sunday and do all they can to
moke the hcurs or minutes spent in Omaha
enJoyah). Thomas J. Klynn, president of
the Eagles has also appointed a committee
to assist In the entertainment of the dele
gations which will pass through Omaha
on the two days nnd John A. Rlne. ex
alted ruler of the Elks.' will appoint a
similar committee from that body.
John E. Resgnn Is chairman of the Dahl
man Democracy entertainment committee
and Ed P. Smith Is chairman of the Jack
aonlan club entertainment committee. On
account of the Jacksonlan club leaving
Saturday afternoon for Denver It will not
have the opportunity ti do much In the
wray of entertaining the "guests within our
gates." hut those of the Jacks who do
not g to Denver will do what they can
In extending courtesies. ' The Jims have
bought 2. TOO of the tricolor booster buttons.
wHc. Ihry will pin On the coats of all dele
gates nnf hnve provided 100 Ak-Sar-Ben
horns for souvenirs. -
lief reshments cf All Sorts.
The visitors will be escorted to the sev
eral club rooms, the Jims having arranged
for st rvlng refreshments of all kinds In
their rooms. Cigars will be on tap In the
club rooms of the Jack organization and
the Elks and Eagles lodges. Some of the
delegntt'ns will rtop In Omaha but a
ahc rt time, hut those who will stay here
several hours will he taken to the city
hall find shown the enlarged photographs
of Mayr "J'm." to the stick yards In
Scuth Omnha. the Union Tnclfle shops,
the (-Teller: In fact they will bo shown
pvtl irr they want to see.
Oeorae F. West Is rl'Rlrmnn of the Eagle
AM , AC 1 u M -1 t lllllnt! ' l flirt I .VI S I T' .1 .1 F lf
the or.imlttee being composed of ,V. 3.
StrykT. Ch.rl ji I1. liJ i' 1JJ': QrJ Brandels,
J. A. Tut'.i'lU K. P. FisTic'K H. W.Dunn,
Josepi Sonncnterg, Dr. M. J. Ford, Dr.
XV. A. Hostetter. A. Matthews. Jules
Althouse. 51, Asher, A. V. Dresher and
D. W. ("annon. Tl Is committee, aside
from enterta'nti s: thrlr brother Eagles,
will remind tle-n that the grand worthy
pres'dT.t of the lodge for the nation.
The d ire A. It'll of California, has been
selerliv! t-m;ioaiy crnlj-man of the con
venl'oii. 'Thi t.lks e:i;.-i talnment enmmll
tee will ho appointed thla evening In lodge
Cook t'onntr Here Five Hoars.
Th- Cool; Coun;y Demo rioy. Chlcag.),
whli h a-rlvf at S o'clock Saturday morn
lnj rvT th" B irllngton. will remain In
Onnaha until 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
The 15 members fff 'the party wearing
long frvk'vrsis aid high silk hdis and
caiTy'rs rol'ed umbrellas, will march to
ths Taxton hotel, where they will break
fast. All' rnd Florida delegatlona will
arrive, at the same depot a half hour later
and wi:i breakfast at the Millard. There
Will be l.f. In the Dixie delegation.
At 3:20 in the afternoon the Jacksonlan
club special will pull out from the Bur
ltat:on, arriving at Lincoln .at 4:45.
Chartered can will take the WO members
sf the party to Fairvlew, where they will
spend on hour at Bryan's home. Return--Ing
to Lincoln they will have supper anl
leave at :"0. the schedu.e railing for ar
rival at Denver at 8:V Sunday morning.
worth of California state bonds at par to
net the state 4 per cent Interest Treasurer
Brian went to California the latter part of
last week, In answer to a notice thit the
bonds were to be sold to the highest bid
der, and tonight he wired that he had se
cured the entire issue. The state will be
out only the traveling expenses of the
treasurer, but It will save the commission
of the middleman.
Brian Clob Officer.
PERU. Neb., July 3. (Special.) The
Bryan club of tha Peru State normal met
today in executive session and adopted a
constitution and by-laya. Resolutions fav
orable to the candidacy of W. J. Bryan
were, passed untnimously and the followlMg
officers were elected.
President. W. H. Patchln, plnclpal Da
kota City schools.
Vice President. H. H. Relmund, principal
Alliance high school.
Secretary. M. C Lefler, principal Elm
wood schools.
Treasurer. L. R. Hill, principal Bridge
port schools.
Sergeant-at-arms. W. S. Cook, principal
Alexandria scnonls.
Executive committee, Earl Cllne of Sid
ney, Superintendent C. M. Penny of Oak
land, J. A. llanna of Auburn.
H fgaKaffaBBaanaa EEB
Rarlsg Opens at MrC'ook.
M'COOK, Neb., July 1 (Special Tele
gram.) The July recess of the McCook
Driving Park association opened this after
noon with a large attendance and hreu
stirring events.
The 2:30 pace, purse $2C0, was won by
Rlglitftway, She's Right second, Tom Em
met third, L'na Wright fourth, time: 2:27,
2.:6, 2:1H.
Free-for-all trot, purse fcV): Daybreak
won first, silver Star second, Jim Under
wood third. Time: 2:234. 2:20. 2:23H-
Dewey won the half-mile dash 'In 0:68V;
purse, tuO.
Automobile, motorcyyole and exhibition
racea concluded the day's program. To
morrow's bill Is faster.
Opportunity Offered to View Work of
North Platte Experiment Station.
NORTH Pt.ATTE, Neb., July S. (Spe
cial. )Chanrellor E. Benjamin Andrews
and t'.ie rrgrnts of the State university
were vis ting st the experiment farm near
this city a few days ngo and made the
uggestlon that an annual picnic be held
at th 8tate Experiment farm. Th' were
very much pleased with the conditions as
they found them upon the farm and stated
that they had not found any better crops
In any other part of the state. The sug
gestion which was made hus been adopted
ami a picnic will be held at the experiment
atation three miles south of this city on the
th day of this month. An Invitation has
been extended) to all the farmera of weatern
Nebraska and all others interested in tha
farm. The following Is the program:
Inspecting the farm and growing crops,
from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. s
Basket lunch In the grove, from 1 p. m.
la t p. m
At I p., m. there will be addresses by
Hon. E. P. Bromn of Lancaster county,
who comes aa tha representative of Gov
ernor Shrldon; Dean Burnett of the Stats
Agricultural college. Superintendent Sny
der and others.
Ic cream and lemonade will be served
Be sure and see that your paper contains the
coupon. Cut it out and present it to your grocer
who is authorized to give you absolutely free for the
coupon a full-size cake of
First of Lleeaao Hearlasa Eaa.
HASTINGS. Neb., July . (Special Tele
gram.) Th hearing on th first applli-a-t'.cn
for saloon license waa completed be-
' To Cure
Dysontory, Cholora Morbus or Ckolora
Infantum Uk
TIT k TrTrrt tin
Blackberry Balsam
You battgr gt bottlg today. You may
nd it torufl-ht. It it a moat raliabl rm
Jy for all loo additions, cf tha bowels.
AU rugit Mil it. Full tM bottla (go.
Nebraska- News Notes.
1 EATRIi E Rev. Fred Hall haa accepted
the tnll of iho Cimgie.atlonal chi.rcii oi
this c ty t b come .t pjstor and will
iTiivs i,'ie in tint io assume his new di.U.'S
next DUiiduy.
NEBRASKA CITY-MIss Edna Sargent, a
forn:er resident of this city and a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sargent, was mar
ried yesterday at Russell. Nev., to C. G.
Brule of Los Angeles, Cal.
PERU Rain has been falling during the
day and the roads and fields are in poor
condition. Already many acres of wheat,
corn and alfalfa in the lowlands have been
rendered worthless, and the outlook for an
average crop Is a very gloomy one.
BEATRICE The rr turns "male by the
t'eput. afsesiors on real estate in the city
of l-eatrice for the year l. amount t
52.WS.SJ6, i r a .'0.u) Increase aver Isst jear.
Re tl is:ate vahut ons througl-.o-it tne
luunty will show a material lncrtate. '
NEBRASKA CITY-A letter from N. A.
Duff of this city, who went ti Carlsbad,
Germany, for his health, states that he is
Improving and hones to be greatly bene
fited by the trip. If not cured. He Is the
president of the Duff Grain company.
COLUMBUS Miss Christobel Anna
Brian and Mr. Walter G. Roberts were
married at the Brian home, about six miles
south of here. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. L. R. DeWolf, pastor of
the First Methodist Episcopal church of
NEBRASKA CITY-Fted Mutton, the 16-year-old
boy who was kicked a week ago
by a horse attached to a milk wagon. which
lie was driving, died last evening. The
physicians who were called at first gave
his mother no hope. His -Skull was crushed
at the base of the brain.
NEBRASKA CITY The mortgage record
for Otoe county for the month of June
shows ten fsrm mortgagee filed, amount
ing to tM.S17.82, and twelve released, of the
vulue of tM,WC86. On town property four
mortgages filed, valued at I5.450, and seven
released, amounting to )2,!rJ6.
COLUMBUS Suit haa been filed In dis
trict court by Dr. P. L. Benthack against
Henry Wllcjiklns, who was attorney for
Christopher Xubbe of Germany. Wllch
klns has had a power of attorney from
Wubbe for two years and now the doctor
has one. Property Is Involved worth 13.00u.
FAIRFIELD Wheat harvest," which has
been in full swing for nearly a wees, waa
Interrupted yesterday by a . heavy rain.
There was an almost continuous downpour
for the twelve hours. Wheat already In
the bundle will be damaged and the bal
ance of harvest delayed for several days
at least.
NEBRASKA CIYY-The Missouri Pacific
officials were here yesterday In charge of
Assistant General Freight Agent H. B.
Koser. in spectlng the roed and the city
in s...rii while tere thev were enter-
tnlnori liv members of the Commercial club.
They were out Inspecting all of the lines
In Nebraska.
COLUMBUS A new band haa been or
ganised here. They have new uniforms
and will appear In the parade on the
Fourth. A. C. Boone is the president, Bert
J. Galley secretary and the members are
C. E. Develln. George Grubb, A. C. Boone,
"lmr1e Wnrdfman. H. B. Reed. J. B.
Stchudy. Henry Westbrook and Lee Jen
tiii.f ROCK At tha annual achiol
ti e -i n htld tha leports of tha director
and treasurer lor lbs school work of th
ear were I stoned to. C. I. Norrls was re
elei ted as a member of the Board of Edu
cation and C J. Wood was elected to suc-
cta Dr. E. L. McCrea. A levy of S5 30J
was made to carry the school work Ot tne
next year
TECUM S EH Judge J. B. Raper of the
Johnson county district court has granted
the petition of Charles M. Chamberlain,
cashier of the failed Chamberlain banking
house of this city, to give him a change of
venue on the two cases pending In this
county against him charging him with re
ceiving money after he knew his bank waa
Insolvent. The cases have been sent to
Gag county.
BEATRICE A young man named Earl
Barn'-a. who I as been working on the
Nil hola farm aouih of th city, disappeared
Pundy last and no trace of lilm has been
found, lis started to drive to town and
that waa the last seen of him. Some think
h may have drowned, while other be
lieve he tu gone t Fawne county to
work, aa he talked of going there a few
daya before his disappearance.
NEBRASKA CITY Colonel Porter J.
Hand of this city has been tendered the
position as head farrier of the big horse
farm of the government In Connecticut,
here they are raising Morgan h.irses for
the cavalry and have ovr 1.0JU brood
marea. He haa gone to Denver aa third
assistant sergeant-at-arms of the demo
cratic national convention, and on his re
turn will give his answer In this matter.
BEATRICE Rev Mr. Pean of the Dils
ropal church at Wymore ea(erdav filed
a protest re stive to the marriage ceremony
to be performed on th street at Wymore
n the Fiurth of July, claiming that auch
a proceeding would debase the sanctity of
the marriage ceremony. Th committee in
charge turned a deaf ear to th minister
protest and will pull off the marr age on
schedule time. Judge Frank Crawford will
TABLE ROCK Under the aupervUlon of
Prof. A. M. Vane Interest in the
R ck Chautauqua aa well aa the attendance
is greatly Increasing. Miss Bel1 Kearney
haa sp .ken llce A. W. Harnk'i was here
, jlidav and today, ktra. Carrl A. Nation
Then try it and note how different it is from ordinary
soaps. You will be delighted with the exquisite perfumethe
smooth creamy lather, which not only takes the dirt away, but
opens the pores and softens the skin.
It will not irritate the most tender skin.
Its absolute purity makes it "the" soap for
the nursery.
Where ordinary soap merely cleanses, Sweetheart
-Soap cleanses, feeds, heals, provides skin nourishment
and helps to build beautiful skin. Try it at our expense
and you will be convinced of its superiority.
Manhattan Soap Company, New York
L1 f-
X1 Imsn. Het Soap
licw a ;arge crowu to the tent laat night.
Carolina juolleu singe. s, the King a
,.,iuri..t mil the Neal Dow com
pany uavu uli proveu great attractions.
Caa n Jack Crawford, tne leleoratcd poet
biout, la me alar utuaaiou for ihu tourtu
of Juiy.
NLBKASKA CITY-Some of the farmers
who were Hooded out on me low lanus and
tr,.ri ujiiifn him uhiit iota receded aru
busy planting ninety-day corn, wltn a hope
ol aeuing a crop before frost cotnt-s. Many
ot n. em nad ineir cropB in before tne hign
water of me Missouri river Hooded them
out and lost every Hung, even meir wheat,
clop, and many oi the larmers on the high
iaiid.1 who laliea lo iinisn piuiiiins u
corn crop before the heavy raina came
ure also planting ninety-day corn. Crops
have oeen raised ill mis section wnere
tliey were planted up to as late as the
mm of July and the corn matured oefore
the frost stopped it.
CENTRAL CITY Central City 1b to have
another inanutaciuring insiiiuiioii mm
capital slock of fc.m,o. The name of the
new company is me i. a. noru aihih
Meal company, the incorporators being T.
li. Hord, Heber Hord, M. Shonsey and
G. P. Blssell. Articles or incorporation
were filed in the office of the county clem
Thursday. It is understood that the com
pany will at once build a four-story mill on
the B. at M. right-of-way east of town
and that a siding Kill be laid to It from
the main line, o that It will have all the
trackage facllltlea necessary. The new
company Is formed for the purpose of man
ufacturing alfalfa meal.
TECUM SEH A petition, signed by forty
men, has been presented to Judge J. B.
Raper of the Johnson county district court
asking him to call a grand Jury for the
nrt term of the court. The petitioners
Infer that there la gambling going on in
Tecumseh that should be stopped, and
other lawlessness being practiced contrary
to the decency of the city. It Is said that
proper evidence cannot be brought out
against alleged offenders at preliminary
triala and it is believed the grand jury
can find work to do in this community.
The petition haa been referred to the
r -.iiv attorney, the signers evidencing
their 'desire to submit to that officer any
evidence the Jury shall bring out convict
ing any offenders.
Women Will Hold Tennis Tournament
at Field Club Next Tuesday.
Golf, Dinner Parties and the Week's
End Hop Will Attract Large
Attendance at All of
Qaalat and Cartons Feat ares of Life
la a Rapidly Growlna
Stat. Social Item Bessie Lor and Harry Short
were out buggy riding laat Sunday. Sleepy
Hill Gossip, Wlnslde Tribune.
Industrious "Som farmers," saya a
critic, "would plow until sundown, even If
eacn day should contain twenty-nine
hours." Welch District, Beatrice Times.
Market Report Ther Is a big demand In
thla "neck of th wooda" for eggs. I guess
th hens must hav gon on a strike.
Possum Trot Itams. Piatt Valley News.
A Slam Wouldn't th "Boston Bloomers"
hav been up against a proposition If thoy
had dropped Into Anoka during th week
when ther wasn't any barber In th town?
Norfolk Nwa.
Starved Max Blchter, who haa been up
on his c!ilm In Mead county, Mouth Da
kota, for the last month, arrived her yes
terday and says he cannot stand It up ther
any longer without a cook. Verdel Out
look. QUERY.
Oh, Leap Year Maid, to the rescue haste;
A momentous question haa 'risen;
When a Leap Year Girl asks a young man's
Bhould she get on her knees or Ms'n?
Annie Vlo Gates. In Auburn Granger.
A Pleasant Barartse
follows the first dose of Dr. King' New
Life Pills the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. Sc. For sale
by Beaton Drug company.
Sentence at Cser.
CASPER. Wyo.. July 3 -(Speclal )-John
Kurtes, who stabbed "Red" O'Nell at Ca
doraa several weeks ago, pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to seven year In the
penitentiary by Judge C. E. Carpenter.
Richard Callahan pleaded guilty to forgery
and waa sentenced to eighteen month In
th penitentiary'- John Wolf, who mas
convicted of grand larceny, waa given
thre year In th pen.
Enthusiasm among the women tennl.
players of Omaha haa resulted In an Inter
esting tennis tournament which will be held
on the Field club courts next week begin
ning Tuesday morning at 1 Oo'clock. Play
will begin at 3 afternoons and at 10 o'clock
each morning and will be run strictly on
tournament rules, and If the players fall
to be on time they will be ruled out by
default So milady will have little time to
primp, but a real tennis player doea not
care about appearance If her game Is gf ol.
Prizes will be awarded for the champion
In singles and the runner up. There prob
ably will be another tournament later In
the season for doubles and mixed doubles.
Several excellent player, will be out of the
city, including Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, Mi
Jean and Helen Cudahy, who leave tonight
and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, who la at pr
ent? in Yellowstone park.
Miss Faith Potter Is chairman of the com
mittee. There have been thirty entries
niada and several more are expected.
Celebrating; the Fonrth.
Indications are that society will do most
of its celebrating at the country tlul a Sat
urday and beside, golf and the customary
week's end dinner and hop there will be
several extra features. The Country club
will make a feature of ita fireworks in the
evening and some of the largest dinner
parties of the season will be given thai.
Luncheon Party.
Mr.. G. W. Hervey entertalneJ at lunch
eon Friday at her home, 1116 North For
tieth street. In compliment to Mr.. Harris
of Morgansfleld, Ky., who I. the guest of
Mrs. H. M. McClanahan, and Mrs. Frank
Holden of Kansas City, who Is visiting
Mr j. Macombtr. The table had an effective
decoration of pink rosis and covers were
laid for Mrs. Harris, Mrs, McCianahan,
Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Macomber, Mrs. Merrick
Lease, Mrs. J. F. Wagner, Mr. A. B.
Somer., Mrs. Chaile. Doorly, Mr.. Nathan
iel McGiffen. Mrs. W. F. Mllroy, Mrs. R.
Y. Campbell and the hoatess.
For the Visiting Women.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Sd, en
tertained Informally at supper Friday even
ing at their home on Thirty-sixth street in
honor of Mr.. O. T. Eastman of Evanston
111., who 1. the house guest of her sister,
Mr.. C. T. KounUe.
Complimentary to Mlra Snowball of Hunt
ley, Scotland; Miss Beverly and Miss
Frances Beverly, guests of Mr.. Robert
Dempster, and Miss Elisabeth Allen and
Mra. C. C. Joslyn of Minneapolis, guest of
Mr.. W. J. Bradbury. Mra. Demain L dwich
entertained at luncheon Friday at her heme
on West Harney street. Cover, were 1 lid
for fourteen.
At the Field Clab.
Mrs. Wayne G. Hemphill was hostess at
a delightful bridge party Friday afternoon
at the Field club given compl.mentary to
Mrs. Charles O'Leary of Los Ange'.es, Cal.
Between forty and fifty gueat. were pres
ent and luncheon waa served in the middle
of the afternoon after which tha game was
One of the prettiest of the late June
weddings waa that of Miss Alvina Spet
niann, daughter of the late J. H. and Mrs.
Spetmann and Mr. Frederick J. Parker,
which wa. solemnized Tuesday evening at
Hillside Congregational church. Rev. J. J.
Parker, father of the groom officiating
asslsted by Rev. Herbert L. Mills. The
church was preully decorated with palms,
and cut flowers, but th wedding and
reception that followed were moat simple
in their details. The bride wa. growned In
a dainty costume of white net made
princess over soft luster silk and trimmed
with Valenciennes lace. She carried a
shower of white sweet peas. Mrs. Herbert
Mills, sister of the bride, attended her a.
matron of honor. She, too, wa. gowned In
white net with lace trimmings and carried
a shower of daisies.
Little Master Donald Reed Head, nephew
of the bride, served as ring bearer carrying
the ring in an American beauty rose. Mr.
Parker was unattended. An Informal re
ception for the Immediate relatives fol
lowed the ceremony at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Herbert I Mills, Mr. and Mrs.
Parker, leaving later for a wedding trip.
Upon their return they will be at home at
Thirty-third and Martha streets.
Children' Party.
For her little daughter, Josephine Platner,
Mrs. George W. Platner entertained at the
Field club Friday afternoon. The time wa
pleasantly spent with games and those
present were little Misses Mary Gifford,
Dorothy, Norton, Arlene Abbott, Mercedes
Abbott, Margaret Reynolds, Margaret Get
ten, Julia Getten, Gladys Nichols, Evelyn
Ledwlch, Winifred Brandt, Esther Wlgman,
Charlo.te Buriell, Katherne Heatings,
Katherino Goss, Dorothy Hippie, Mlldied
Swanson, Elsie Schmidt, Isabel Vlnsonha'er,
Lilian Head and Josephine Platner.
Mrs. Samuel J. Potter entertained a
bridge club of which she is a member,
Friday afternoon at the Field club at
luncheon. The twelve members of the
club were present and bridge waa played
after luncheon.
The marrlage of Miss Sallle Will Smith
son, daughter of Mrs. Alma D. Smithson
and Mr. Robertson C. Martin wa. solemn
ised Thursday afternoon at the home of
the bride's mother, 615 Park avenue, only
a few of the Immediate relative, being
present. Rev. T. J. Mackay waa the of
ficiating clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. Martin
have gone for a wedding trip through tha
west and will be at home In Omaha after
August 1.
Birthday Parly.
In celebration of the birthday of their
daughter. Miss Gladya, Mr. and Mrs. I. P.
Wolf entertained Tuesday evening at their
home. 3024 Amea avenue. Music and games
contributed to an altogether enjoyable oc
casion. The young people present were
Misses Martha Moss. GUI Brain, Jessie
Brain, Jessie Magarrell, Ftllonwarth,
Llla Campbell, Weaterfleld. Fulton, Wll
helmtna Fulton, Alice Redden, Louise
Valentine. May Qulgley. Maude Clarey,
Edith Baldwin,' Murphy. Woolf, Messrs T.
Moss, R. Newell, C. Lang, D. Campbell,
J. -Van Camp, E. Jacobsen, D. Buck,
C. Merrlam, H. Woolf, Macabee and
Came and Go Gossla.
Mr. C. O. Lobeck and daughter havo
gone for a visit of several week. In Denver
and other Colorado cities.
Mr. and Mr.. Edward Porter Peck and
family will not occupy their summer place
near Calhoun this year. Mr.. Peck and
Miss Peck expect to leave this month for
the east to spend part of the time the
guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry D. Estabrook
at their summer place at Elberton, N. J.
Mrs. Wolfsteln and children of Cincin
nati arrived Friday morning to be guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Brandel. at
their summer place, Arlena Lodge, near
Florence. Mrs-. Sam Mlehele. of Jefferson
City, Mo., Is also the guest . of Mr. and
Mrs. Brandets.
Mrs. George Dyball accompanied by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson
of Blair, have gone to Manitou, Colo., for
the remainder of the summer.
Judge and Mra. William Eastman, who
have apent the last six week, visiting in
the east will spend this week tha guests of
their daughter, Mrs. King of De. Moines,
enroute home.
Mr. and Mra. Milton T. Barlow and little
son will spend a few daya this week visit
ing friends In Canton, O., going then to
their cottage at Marlon, Mass., on Buzxard
At the Coantry Clab.
Mrs. Nathan Merrlam entertained at
the Country club Friday, her gueat. being
Mr.. W. W. Morsman, Mrs. B. F. Crum
mer, Mrs. Julius Kessler and Mr. F. H.
Mrs. II. T. Lemlst was hostess at a small
luncheon at the 'Country club Friday, cov
er, being laid for six. Those present war
Mrs. E. E. Balch, Mrs. J. A. MeShane, Mrs.
J. E. Baum, Mrs. E. C. MeShane, Mrs.
Daniel Wheeler and Mr. I-emist.
where you are sure to get extra yalue in return
The dealers who sell CONTRACT 5 cent straight
cigar are entitled t your trade,
They know CONTRACT is the best nickel cigar
ever made
They know their customers like it and come back for
That's why they pay more for CONTRACT than
for any other 5 cent cigar.
Let some dealer today sell you a