Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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rwv. omaiia daily hkk: Thursday, july 2. 10ns.
(y Continued.
Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments.
Buy Handkerchiefs
All the odd line of womcn'i initial and hand embroidered
handkerchiefs will be closed out Thursday at great reductions.
Aldernes hand embroidered all linen Initial handlcerchiets, regular 2&c
quality, Thursday, each 15
Hand ernbroidft-ed colored border and colored initial handkerchiefs.
regular 25c quality, Thursday, each 15
All linen embroidered handkerchiefs, regular 25c quality, Thursday,
each 15?
- Special Sale Embroidered
Thursday we will place on sale a lot
Lunch Cloths, at, each .1
Great Semi-Annual Sale of All Fine Tailor Made Cloth Suits
at Half Price
$25.00 Suits for $12.50 130.00 Suit for...'... $15.00
$35.00 Suits for $17.50
Walt for our great semi-annual sale of beautiful white and col
ored Lingerie Presses next Monday. The greatest bargains ever.
Our store will be closed all day Saturday, July 4th. Open Friday
evening until 9 o'clock.
Commencing Monday, July 6th, we close at 5:00 p. m. during
July and August, excepting Saturdays at 9:30 p. m.
llee i
(Continued from First Page.)
all sorts of meaning have been grouped
under that word. It all depends upon what
Is- meant by the word 'radical. ' I think
It Is entirely safe to say, although I am
now giving my personal opinion only, that
any assumption that the anti-lnjunctlon
plank will be an attack -upon the courts
Is Incorrect. It unquestionably will favor
Jury trials for contempt 'and llio notice
ti all parties concerned Irt Injunction pro
ceedings. It can safely be stated also that
the plank will be a clekn Cut definite
statement and not a stradflle, such as the
r'-publlcan party has madoy It Is' entirely
within bounds to say that ths Injunction
plank to be adopted by tha democratic na
tional convention will be nf more advanced
than the views which hae from" time to
time, been expressed by President Cleve
land. It Is my opinion that we will be
more conservative than the president would
have been had he written the plank In the
republican platform."
When asked about the vice preldentlal
situation Mr. Alschuler declared that In his
opinion the great desirable attribute for
any candidate was that he should be from
Illinois. If, however, that state did not
present any name to the convention he
was utterly a.t a loss to predict at. this
time who, the Illinois delegation will favor.
The stute, he said, would stand for Bryai
to tho Xlnislr and there would be no break
In Its vote at any time.
Will Honor Cleveland's Memoir.
After meeting and perfecting a tem
porary organization next Tuesday, the
democratic convention will adjourn for the
day 6Ut of respect to the memory of former
President Cleveland, it the present pirns
of the committee on arrangements are car
ried Into effect.
The committee has not reached the point
of making a definite announcement, but
there has been recently- discussed and the
rxpresslou generally favors this course.
It Is believed that tha adjournment can be
taken In this way without Interfering with
the progress of the proceedings of the con
vention and at the same tlmo enable-the
convention to pay the proper degree ol
I espri t for the ex-president.
The committees will bo announced so that
they can proceed with their buslnesss. The
program looks to , tho completion of tha
Work of the convention within three days.
No Jobuaon for Bryan Men.
The principal event in connection with
the forthcoming democratic national con
vention today was the arrival of Frederick
I:. Lynch of Minnesota, as the representa-tlve-ln-chlef
of .,thc - presidential boom of
Sovernor John A. Johnson of that state. A
reservation of quarters at the Albany hotel
50c Discount
', "We have the coal. It is worth $10.50. We deliver
'in July for $10.00.
It ia better for both user and seller to get coal deliv
ered before the fall rush.
You Save Moncy-rBuy Now
Coal of choicest quality, such as Sunderland always
sells, is arriving daily and we must move a large tonnage
quickly to make room for it in our immense bins.
On the Q. T. Sunderland's new office, next door to
the old one, is a beauty. You will say so yourself.
Wo are celebrating our
25th Anniversary
in the coal business in Omaha by fitting up the lightest,
best regulated, best equipped and handsomest coal office
in the west so that our employes may enjoy good health
and our customers be pleased to come in to see us.
Call and inspect the office whether you want to buy
or not.
Twenty-five years' experience certainly fits us to
serve; the' people right. AW very much desire toj serve
more people. . -'
Mflerland Bros.
1G14 Harney Street:
Phones: Bell, Douglas
Scarfs and Lunch Cloths
of $2.50 embroidered Scarfs and
- l - US.
was made several weeks ago by Mr. Lynch,
and an extensive suite of rooms has been
prepared for him and his staff.
The announcement of Mr. Lynch's coming
had the effect of causing a renewal of the
discussion of the possibilities of the nom
ination of tho governor for vice-president,
rather than for the presidency. It was
conceded on all hands, privately even by
the supporters of Governor Johnson, that
his nomination for the first position was
problematical; but his friends were staunch
in their determination to have 'his name
presented to the convention for the presi
dency, even in the face of the possibility
of his defeat, and most of them were quite
as positive In the declaration that he would
not accept the second place even If It
should be tendered to him.
The discussion of the Minnesota gover
nor's chances for the vice-presidency, while
quite general among the uninformed, was
not Jndulged In seriously by those who
Were In accord with the Inner Bryan cir
cles. They did not accept his name with
favor and It may be announced even thus
far in advance of the meeting of the con
vention that the Minnesota man will not
be Mr.vBryan's running mate In the event
of the Nebraskan's nomination. Mr.
Bryan's most intimate 'friends and most
steadfeot supporters are quits determined
on this point. While they do not openly
criticise Mr. Johnson's condtdacy, they
are very evidently displeased with the fact
that he entered the race and it Is even In
timated that Mr. Bryan, himself, would not
favorably consider tha Johnson candidacy
for vice-president.
Jndgi Cray Acceptable.
On the other hand It Is known that Judgo
Gray of Delaware would be In every way'
acceptable to Mr. Bryan as the candidate
for '-the 'secdrjd place, and the" position
generally conceded to 'him II ha will accept
It. His conservatism is not a bar, but
rather a help to his candidacy. Mr. Bryan
had at no time taken the position against
a conservative associate, but has said to
many of his friends that he would not
object to a running mate who does rxit go
to the lengths that he does If In other
respects the man were acceptable. Mr.
Bryan's closer friends concede the wisdom
of selecting a candldato who would be In
closer accord with eastern thought than is
Mr. Bryan himself, and they point out that
while Judge Gray meets this demand, In
many respects he would not be antagonistic
to Mr. Bryan's especial supporters.
It Is believed that his connection with
tho anthracite coal strike arbitration of a
fow years ago would add Immensely to the
popularity of the ticket among the laboring
classes, and It is contended that during
hlB long career In the United States senate
and on the federal bench he has never In
any way antagonised the labor Interest. It
la conceded that Judge Gray Is not a 'can-
on the Ton
252; Independent A-1251.
dldatc for second place, but the contention
Is persistently made that If the nomina
tion should bo tendered him he would not
refuse It. It H known that he found his
work In the senate thoroughly conaenla'.,
and those famlllir wt'.h his disposition say
that he would prefer the vlco presidency to
his work on the bench.
New York After Delaware.
. If the nomination does not go to Judge
Gray. New Tork will probably claim It, and
In that contingency the New Yorkers who
ore on tho ground assert that the position
will be awarded to that state If the New
York delegation can unite upon a candidate.
In other words, the situation with reference
to the vice presidency In the Denver con
vention now parallels the vice presidential
situation In the Chicago convention previous
to the nomination of Mr. Sherman. As In
Chicago, the difficulty may be In uniting
upon an available candidate. The dvelop
meats of the day have already practlcklly
eliminated Lieutenant Governor Chan
ler from the contest. Mr. Bryan's
friends are not favorably Inclined to
him because they are doubtful whether
his position' on the tariff would
place l'.lm in accord with Mr. Bryan.
In this connection It Is made apparent that
past public utterances of Mr. Chanler on
this subject have received close scrutiny,
with the result that they are regarded as
not accurately representing the present
position of the dominant element In the
With Mr. Chanler thus practically dis
posed of, there has been renewed -discussion
of the name of Reprepentative Burton
Harrison of New York and the name of
Hon. John B. Sianehfield of Elmlra, N. Y.,
was also prominently mentlonVd today In
connection with the office. The confidence
manifested bjt the New Yorkers In "Speak
ing of Mr. Stanchfleld Is the best evidence
of their belief that If he should be brought
forward as a candidate he would not only
unite the New York delegation, but would
command the Immediate support of Mr.
Bryan's closest following.
Stanchfleld Friend of Bryan.
Mr. Stanchfleld Is one of Mr. Bryan's
old friends In the east, and while ranked
as a conservative, gave the Nebraskan his
loyal support in his campaigns of ISM and
1900. His standing as a private citizen, and
his reputation as a public man are regarded
as strong points In his favor, and It is
confidentially asserted that he would add
greatly to the strength of the presidential
ticket, not alons In New York, but in many
other eastern states. There has also been
mentioned ths name of Mr. Norman E.
Mack of Buffalo, present national commit
teeman from New" York, but Mr. Mack,
who Is on the ground, pooh poohs the sug
gestion. Among those of the south mentioned In
connection with the vice presidential nomi
nation Is Governor Robert B. Glenn of
North Carolina, and Mr. Glenn is already
represented In Denver by 11. M. Holleman,
and other friends who ore working among
the delegates as they arrive. They call
attention to the fact that the governor
won marked praise by his oratory at tho
recent governors' assembly In Washington
and also point to his record In connection
with railroad legislation In North Carolina,
claiming that he would not only on ac
count of his record, but because of his
capacity as a speech-maker make an ef
fective candidate.
The headquarters of Judge George Gray
of, Delaware were thrown open today.
Jorlah Marvel of Wilmington. Del., and
R. J. Beamish of Philadelphia, who are in
charge of the Delaware man's campaign,
had Intended to open th'e headquarters and
launch the Gray boom last night, but they
were delayed In reaching the city, and
when they arrived at their rooms at the
Savoy hotel It was decided to postpone
Khe openlnjr Unfit tftflay. '
Gray film Open -Headquarters.
Even tlfen the Gray poople were the
first to open regular headquarters. Yestes
day they caused numerous lithograps of
their candidate to be placed around the
leading hotels and they were, early today,
the only pictures of any candidate to be
seen In. the city except In the headquarters
of the national committee, where pictures
of all of the presidential aspirants are dis
played conspicuously. '
Mr. Marvel declared last night and
reiterated today that Judge Gray Is not a
candidate for anything but the presidency.
Ho was asked If the Judgo would accept
the- nomination provided the convention
adopted a platform containing a radical
anti-lnjunctlon plank. To this Mr. Marvel
replied: '
"I do not think that such a condition
will arise. From all I 'Can gather, the
Denver platform will not contain any ,uU
terance on the anti-lnjunctlon proposition
varying largely from the expressions con
tained In democratic platforms for the last
twelve years."
Stress was laid by Mr.-Marvel upon the
fact that there are 400 unlnstructed dele
gates In the convention, and lie believes
that Judge Gray will be able to obtain
many of them on the first ballot, more
of them on the second ballot, and will
then make inroads In the Bryan dele
gations that will eventually result In the
nomination of the Delaware candidate.
It has been decided by the Delaware
delegates that I. U Layton shall represent
that state on the committee on resolutions.
He Is expected to arrive In this city in
company with a large number of other
Gray boomers on the evening of July 4.
According to Mr. Marvel the Delaware
delegation has some well developed Ideas
of what the anti-Injunction plank should
be, but will not make them public until
they are offered by Mr. Layton. when the
platform committee meets. That these
Ideas are In harmony with the views ex
pressed In the last three platforms of the
democratic party Is admitted.
Delaware JndKe Declares lie Will Not
Accept Second Place.
, WILMINGTON, Del.. July l.-In reply to
question from el representative of the
Associated Press Judge Gray this morning
stated that he had si-nt a telegram to thu
New York Evening Journal as follows:
I have your telegram saying that it Is
staled positively that I will accept the vice
firroldentiul nomination and asking whether
t Is true. As I have repeatedly said. I
would not consent to being placed In nomi
nation as a candidate for the presidency,
I now say with equal emphasis that I will
under no circumstances consent to a nomi
nation for the vice presidency.
(Slicned) GEORGE GRAY.
DENVER, Colo., July t. When shown s
copy of Judge Grsy's telegram from Wil
mington, declaring that he would not con
sent "to being placed In nomination as a
car.lldato for the prealdency." Mr. Marvel,
the Gray campaign manager, said:
"There Is nothing new In that telegram.
It repeats exactly what Judge Gray said In
bis letter to the Delaware convention. He
never has given his consent to being placed
In nomination befora tha convention, but
his friends, who realise how well qualified
he Is to be president of the I'nited States,
have taken the matter Into their own hands.
It la our affair and not his."
When told thst It was reported that Mr.
Bryan favored John B. Stanchfield of New
York for vice-president. In case Grsy was
ot available, Mr. Marvel laughed and
- "There Is no need of my saying anything
on that subject. The only manner In which
we consider the vice-presidency Is to wonder
who will be on the ticket with Judge Gray."
Ssoaaett lajanctloa Pluak.
DENVER. Colo.. July 1 Frank 8. Mon
ttett, formerly attorney general of
Ohio arrived here today direct from a
Opening Salle and free
$10.00 down and $2.00
per week secures you
a lot. Very low prices.
A positive
written guar
antee is
given with
each purchase
that the
big car shops
will be
and in
operation or
all their
money refund
ed. The stove
works are al
ready building.
IV o Taxes No
"The Ralston Industrial en
terprise successfully carried
out will mean more to Omaha
than any one project In tho
last twenty years, and should
be taken up by the business
men of Omaha and (Soulli
Omaha like a whirlwind"
Industrial Agent, Burlington
Railroad. - , - '
conference' with William J. Bryan at Un
coin and will make argument for a stronl
Injunction plank InIha. democratic plat
form. 1$r. Monnett asPts that the .slight
est tendency to wekn en this question
will cause Bryan to lose a quarter of a
million votes In Ohio and the coal pro
ducing states.
Beyond General Principles He Will
Not Inslat on Ideas.
DENVER. Colo., July 1. "Do all you can"
to discourage the Idea that there Is a cut
and dried platform teady for the action
of tha democratic convention," said Willis
J. Abbat. a confidential friend of Mr.
Bryan, v. ho arrived In this city today. "I
left Mr. Bryan at Lincoln last night, and,
after three different Interviews with htm,
can assure you that there Is nothing far
ther from the truth than that he has a
platform prepared for the convention to
ratify. He is working on five resolutions,
and at the right time will probably pre
sent them to tho committee on platform
for its consideration. He will deal espe
cially with tho subjects of Injunctions,
trusts, railroads, the guarantee of bank de
posits and the tariff.
"Hs has given special consideration to tho
Injunction plank, and has about completed
his work on It, but I would defy a Sher
lock Jlolmes to get it out of hinK The other
four planks are still In course of prepara
tion, but as for the, platfojm as a whole
It has not received more than passing at
tention. Hence the absurdity of the fre
quently made assertion that Mr. Bryan has
a special declaration of principles which
he will insist on the convention adopting.
Nothing could be further from the truth."
Fourteen Members Pass Throusrn
Omaha on Way to Convention.
Fourteen members of the staff of the
Chicago Tribune went through Omaha yes
terday enroute to penvor and the demo
cratic national convention. The, newspaper
men occupied a special Pullman attached
to the rear of the Northwestern passenger
which arrived In Omaha at 3:'J8, leaving a
half hour later. They will occupy the
cur In Denver.
Those composing the party were James
Keeley, managing editor; K. S. BhcU city
editor: C. 8. Raymond, political -ditor;
John Callan O'Laughlin, Washington cor
respondent; Fred Fnllett, circulation mana
ger; C. A. Brlggs, cartoonist; Harold Smith,
photographer; A. 8. Hennlng, Charles Mc
Donald. Charles Gotthart, I'. II. Kinsley
and C. A. Livingston, reporters; and Paul
Ende and C. Y. Lirfley, telegraph operators.
Mr. O'Laughlin, 'the Washington corres
pondent, has recently been appointed sec
retary of the American commission atathe
exposition to be held at Toklo, Japan, In
1!H at a salary Vif 15.000 a yenr.
Fs-l'nlted States Senator Will Come
from Silver State.
BL'TTE, Mont.,- July J. The democrats
ot Montana are In session today In Bose-
man. An Instructed delegation f ir Bryar.
is practically assuved. The platform will
be conservative In tone.
Former Senator W. A. Clark is slated to
head the Montana delegation In Denvur.
This convention will not ruminata state
Democrats from Coaat State to Brlng
Mtnr Good Things.
SAN FRANCISCO. July J.-Bearlng a
gorgeous tanner of silk and gold, with
the counterfeit presentment of William J.
Bryan on It. California's delegatus to the
democratlo convention will leave this city
tomorrow afternoon for Denver aboard
a special train, which beside the car for
passengers will hsve others that groan
under load of fruits and flowers and
choice California wines.
Among the number of delegates will be
r .
nS- FOR),,
VtTi Ij-q Axm rArmDirc-
f 1 1
- I I 1ST
a a mrTI
How to Get There
Ralston is. two miles straight west on "Q" St. from tho end
of the street railway line at 30th and "Q" St., So. Omaha. There
will be carriages and automobiles all day the 4th from thcend
of this line to Kalstou.
On tho Burlington
It is an 11 minutes ride from the Burlington station.
Train leaves Burlington station for Ralston 9:13 A. M.
Train leaves Ralston for Omaha 7:30 P. M.
On account ,of the big crowds going on the -4th, buy your tick
ets the day before if possible at city ticket office, 15th and Farnam
Sts. Fare 32c for round trip.
Invest on Ground Floor
The less money you have to invest the greater is the need to
place it where it will work hard, fast and permanently. The
RALSTON TOWNSITE COMPANY are selling these lots to you
at first hand selling to you at first cost lots that will beN in the
heart of a big industrial city in three to five years from now. A
word to the wise is sufficient. July 4th is the opening sale day.
Watch this paper. Pago 3, Thursday evening
"I believe the 1JALSTOX proposition Is a good one."
WILL L. YETTER, Pres. Omaha Commercial Club.
Interest No Extras Free Deed In
Ralston Townsife Company
Shinier & Chase Co., Agents
1609 Farnam Street, . . Omaha
Theodore A. Bell, who is to be temporary
chairman of the democratic convention.
It Is pretty well settled that Judge John
K. Baker of Alturas Is to be chairman of
ithe delegation. Tho secretary will ; be
John F. Murphy.
One of Delesrates from Islands is of
Brown Color.
SAN FRANCISCO, July l.-Bour votes
for Bryan at the democratic national con
vention, represented by Y. Harvey. A
Herbert. W. C. McDonoplo and E. M.
Watson of the Hawaiian delegation,
reached San Francisco yesterday on the
liner Alcmada, enroute for Denver. The
remaining two democratic delegates from
the islands have already pusstd through
thW city. The entire delegation Is un
conditionally Instructed for. Bryan.
Herbert will probably have the unique
distinction of being the oldest delegate St
the convention, for he is 73 years old
and . has been a resident of the Islands
for over forty years. The only natlvq
who will represent Hawaii at Denver Is j
F. Harvey.
He Asserts Candidacy for Second
Place is with Permission.
CHICAGO. July 1 Charles A. Towne of
New York srrlved in Chicago last night on i
hU way to Lincoln, Neb., where he will
hold a conference with William J. Bryan
this evening.
Mr. Towne announced that he is a candl
dato for the vice presldenclal nomination
on the democratlo ticket.
"I am In the race,' said Mr. Towne.
"Mr. Bryan, whom I consulted a few we ks
ago, is favorable to my candidacy. Had
he not been I would not bj seeking the
nomination. I will be at Lincoln lomo.row
evenftig at Mr. Bryan's request and the
subject of our conversation will b. of
coursSMhe vice presidential nomlnatlcn."
Bryan Club at Pern Normal.
rFJtlT, Neb.. July 1. (Special.) A group
of young men met today and effected a
temporary organization looking toward the
lormittton of a local chapter of the Bryan
Volunteers. Principal W. H. Patchln of
Dakota City was elected temporary chair
man, with Principal E. R. Ilurkey of Tobias
as temporary secretary. A committee on
constitution and a committee on resolu
tions wee appointed, Principal E. A. Cllne
and Superintendent C. M. Penny of Oak
land being the chairmen of the committees.
ay be pervuxnmly oerco rvs by prober
personal efforts wKtKc o&&$tancc
ctKeonp truly Qenejic'ial laxative
remedy, Sjrup of tigs and Klu'vr Senna,
vKirK enable oneitjorm regular
habits claily $o that assistance to na
ture may be graJua))f cli$penseawi)rt
vnen no longer neecletj a$ the best of
remedies, when required, are to assist
txature arut not to supplant tKe rtatur
al functions, v. ruck mu6t depend ulti
mately upon proper nourishment,
proper effott,awdriKt living gencrall:
To get its beneficial effects, aLayl
buy tHe genuine
Manufacture i by the
. California.
Fig Syhui Co. oniyv
ae uit ufy. rlar p nc SOf fn &uUly
1 v 0
77 S
NOT mill ffiOnDAY, JULY 13
t -v v ' u vx. ,i r i i r mi
mm? mEty
EVERY MORNING AT 10:30 Beasts, Hundreds of Plumed, Oayl;
Trapped Horses, Hicbly Costumed Characters, Kings, Queens, Knifrhts, Ladies
boldiers and Civilians, Marching Elephants, Caravan of Camels, Military and Clnwr.
Bands, etc., all Moving in Majestic March I'nder Iridescent Sheen of a Thousand
Shimmering Banners. Ten Acres of Waterproof Tents Come, Rain or Shine
Free Exhibition on Show Lot After the Parade
TODAY AT 8:30-
Matinee Saturday,
Prices loo and 85c.
Hsxt Wssk "Mr. Smooth."
THE HXBSCHOfcHS, All In- Kn ter
miner,". MLLS. LA CAB&OLL.
HIkIi-CIus Aerial Artist. wriiCIAI.
riHH WOaXB, Saturday. July 4tli.
Monday jii,y th knhshth
(IP Ttl .I'M Rl'li T'lCSTK' fur Ul
'James Orphanage, litni(in.
Half Spring Chicken
Special Music
$10.03 down and $2.00
per week secures you
a lot. Very low prices.
Free Deed
in Event
ot Death
If you purchase
a lot in Ralston
July 4th and
die before it is
paid we will
give to your es
tate or any in
dividual you
may designate
a free deed
without 'further
payment Si pro- -vided
that your pay-.
ments are paid
more than two-
(2) weeks in
advance at the
time of death.
Case of Death
"I would Invest all my sr
pliiH nniiH-y In almuxt anything
rornmrnenaed by . the ihlmr
A- Chase Compay. I beleve the
Ralston enterprise will brliitf
larger and quicker returns up
the Investment than anything
offered In Omaha In twenty
years "
President Omaha Commercial
- L f 1 J If J TStn
- - ;
Stock Co.
tOC, 20C
aadsTllls bstwssn acts
,AVG. 2fc?z?