THE OMAHA PATLY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. 1008. Want - ads MirrlUrmrala tor fe want a rrlmnne villi taken aatlt 1 " ra. for c ii- rirnln( edition anil aalll ) a. in lr itip mnrnlna, and )inlr editions. Bali mnat nrrnntaaay all orders for Mtm id, and no ndfrrllirmriil will I nrc-rnied fnr less than lO rents for I rat Insertion. I'nles apply to rlfkrr The Dallr or nudnr Bee. tlnagi roant ale words to a llaa. otnhlnntions nf Initials or Bombers romit aa on rd. CASH IMTF.nToR WAT Al. It Klil I.Alt CLASSIFICATION Oao liixrlliin, per line, lO cents. Two or nif cunsrcatlve Insertions, per liar', i. .rnli. F.arh Insertion in ml' on odd . IO rents prr line. aj.GO P" I if per inoinki rirrptlnK that URMfllKT) IKIO.M AI. v ! accompanied by ensn, the rata It hp i (lit Inarrtlon, 4 rrnta per i.- ihree to nl consecutive laser ( ..on, ft rrnta prr line each Inarrtlon I . M il or more consecutive Inarrtlona, - nta prr Una earn. Insertion i ftu ill, prr llaa prr monla. vlmit ada for The Br mnjr be Irft ri nnr of the following ilrnc stores la "your rornrr dmaarlat" tbrjr i i-- all branch nlflcra for The Bcr and Vior ad rtlll be Inaerted Joat a I i ompily and oa the aaine rates aa at l:c mala ofBre la The Bee Botldlaa,, entcenth and Fa mam atreet. .Moa-li w. "., 401 h and I iiii.-K, 8. A.. HOC S. Ibth St. !!.t Pharmacy. "20 8. 16th bt. "non Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. J.-inU Park Pharmacy, Md and Cuming. r..kes Pharmacy. 2826 Sherman Ave. i .iiiRhlln. C. M., Hth and Tierce Sta. i ..(ten Hill Pharmacy. Military Ave. rule, J. K. 31st Ave. and Eurnaiii. i;'pv Pharmacy, 24th and Lake sis. imn'k. Emit, Ui'4-6 8. 13th St. l.i.l. ra I'. H., 2M)2 Leavenworth St. 1 .stor & Ainoldl, 211 N. 2Mh St. iicytng. Jonn J.. 191 N. 24th St. T on nee Drug Co., Florence, Ne". Goldman rharmacy. 20th and Lake sts. ''s Pharmacy, comer Park. Ave. ana r if"'- Grccnnugh. G. A.. 1025 S. 10th Ft. Groerougli. U. A.. lir4 9. loth St. Kayden. Wm. C, 2920 Farnam. lunxcotn l ark Pharmacy. 1401 S. 23th Ave. Unlet. John, 6'.4 N. 16th St. J uff. A. L., 2924 leavenworth St. liing. H. S., 2i3X Farnam St. louiilii' Place Phurmucy, 204 N. -nn-Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. I.athrnp. Charles E.. 1321 N. 24th St. I'evton, L. K.. 24lh and Leavenworth, caratoga Drug Co.. 24th and AmesAve. Si haefer a Cut Price Drug Co.. lull una CJ.'cago Sts. Jehaefer Auirilat WI31 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J II., 24th and Cuming Sta. Aturm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha St. '.Valnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin. ''allon 1'hiirmncv, 2(th and Grace. Worth, O. H.. 40th una inraiimn PKATH A.D rilJIERAL NOTICES. NKU.Y-Francla. atte 14 years. 2 months. 11 .liivs youiiKcat son of Mr. and Mrs. I ii n 1-1 I". Kiliv. died Monday. .Inn- 2!i. y.t.y al icsliiince of his purcnts. corner S iishinRtim unit Hluff atrctts, Florence, X. I. '.'mural Wcdncadnv mornlnB from real lenc.' at v h. ni., to St. Philip Nrrl liiK i h at H a. in. Interment St. Mary a rn.ol'iy. M A It It I UK I.ICF..K. I'lic I'ollowlns marriane licenses it n i-'Mi:-il; an;e aid Adilress. 1.,-Mrr A l.ovc. Denver. Colo I id (rude Kansas City, Mo. nit i II. Allii. cht. Omaha - Ihiili,- AusuxiH Kroll, Oinuha -iliiNilun finullolo, Omaha 'nii'i'lii lius.n oniHhii i' tio'i II. Mi. nn, South Omaha .'M.i'a Hi iiin'tt, Omaha II .iiy K. Iz.i.'il. Omiliu I.!v: A. Ili-ckitl. Onmhu : lain s1 t'lia. n.iiaha ; Ni-ila 'I' l.o, oin iliu a an I. ;;i'ni. HitniliiiiK, fa Aim .. Snail. Hamburg, la . I:ii.i"ii P. I.eitiT. Kxcter. la .or i Al. Ktisick, Hiunbuiii. la i'ii!' C. Km kit, Decatur, III M.iIhI A. Splinter, Herman, Nch I'ic.1 J. Parker. Oimihn Alv na Sii tmaiiii, Oiniiiui l.ii. lc.-- (I. Kurtz, Omaha I. Uabrtii illliiK. onmliu 1 al l. !? J. I'liivwllv, O'Neill Saiau i:. S'.alt.'iy. tiiualia i:.i:,die (lamer, F.lkiiorn I .Minle o. Cockerill. Gretna John II. Cutoff, Omaha have Age;i in' ... 'js ...21 Ulllilia AMI 111, ATM. lilrlhs Otto F.. HellwiR. :"i'7 Franklin mcl, Kill: ChurlcH Amldson, 4:1 1 4 Maple anil, utrl: l.oreii Atkinson. :iJ4 Soutli .MoH',:i iliecl. )! iixon. boy; 10. M. Wall In iilt,e. I.wj North Nineteenth atreet. bo ; lie iif Thompson. Jtili Capitol avenue, Kill; .ari ii O. Kiilli inan. lul'.i Farnam atreet. kill: Hum In isteiiM n. Vio South Thirtcenta hired, airl. Ik a! lis-Mrs. O. i. Dodge. J10 North Tw i i:t y-l tun tli alrcet; Alice I.ynn Skinner, i" I Nei Hi Sixteenth uptI, 4 months; Jolin . ,v'i I ii.nnid. U'lX WHHh nvenue. ull: l.ouint Hiu, !i 14 Ihirraa Ktrert, ;'i.; VVilliam Klnsch I nun. ;i:i Allaa Htrret. S daya; JoKepli K;e, v. 1 Cuming street. I monina; Ahiam ho- IlllK. l.U North TWdltietll St'eet. NS. ANNOUNCEMENTS flOX PAIN'11NU--S. 11. COLE. 1J02 Doug, las. l 6ul THE CI'I Y GARBAGE CO.. office 4lli am) Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U)-5;2 I'lIM' wai.tcd-aoi N. S:d. J. H. Parrotta. (1) Miiol t MA 1 1 A COMVI'ItCtAI, COLLEGE. BUM M Kit SC1K Ol, NOW OPEN. Pi b l' school, drades tith to rth. Ine'nslve, 1 p. r e i. Pnokki'i'plnn, s.i n igriphv, K'i.. te'ei upliy. otT'cial de ailment Ui ion P:n Ifc r.tilrr ad. 1'i sliionH gUHr.iu t e l o ernlirs. Sp Mimincr rates, ritart n v. ( '.ilu'ouo fie". Jt hrb iukIi Br n .. Omaha. Neb. - di 5I4 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE IS modem ln;eK Hal bindings, rcr t nbout I-'.nm a pur, price .i,oi. iiairtgage lln.oni, nnvr will lake 10.oi"i in UnU und lln.i"i .akh. ii brick flat buildings. 2 lots, rent Sl.5' a yeiir, prac lMni. HHrtgHgc $7.0ki, otir InUieM. owner will take ituii in land and ...i-0 cash. flame houscsi, modern, except heal. In illfcrciil iurls of I lie city, all rented, price (.i',i, iiiorigdge t5,(o. Owner will take Ji. u Ii. Unit and .'." cash for equity. .i-ii'iiiii, inmlrni house, Soiitu Omaiia, idils lor t,0 it inontii, price l.i0. Owner ius half section of good land. acics. well Improved land in Antehie i. an.., near, pine $." un acre. Owner will nude tor good income property. I p-to-date grot'ry store, northern imrt of city, iiomg business of t.',mo a month. Owner wiil I rude for land. .IJ-t ucna near Colby, Thomas county, Kan. owner wants 10 to 12 acres near omaha. Stock of merchandise. Owner wants half bccilon In Cheyenne county. (,mi aires of giKKl Kimliall county land, pi ice tin per acre. Mortgage $1,400. Equity ,.4'H. Owner wants to trade for city property or merchandise. 35 acres well improved land, all under cultivation. Joins city limits of Falrhuiy, Neb., price $.iu0. Owner wants to trade lor Omaha, booth Omaha improved prop el ty or good vacant property. lhu acres good tlmU r land in Black Hills worth t-'.ooo. Owner wants to trade for stiM-k of merchandise. Mke us ait offer on these propositions. Hastings Heden lind Department, 220 S.. lith St., Omaha, Nob. i3 6S7 30 FOR EXCHANGE. A 120 acre improved farm, 5 miles from Silell Clt), Vernon coumy, Missouri, good building. fcO acres under culiivatiou, ucrrs m fine oak and walnut timber, bal ance blue grans pasture and meadow land, price. $5.(4)0. Incumbrance. $2,!ni. Will ex iliange tor slock of hardware m yfwpfwy t change for a stock of groceries, merchau riisu or hardware. fSLOUE LAN1 AND INVESTMENT CO.. A 8. lth bu laO-M16t 1 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Con' inui-ft FOR PAIK or urtiipjii. 1J1 and 24" acre, nf fine prairie Innd in Hviehea riun'y, i Oklahoma; will consider pT'd illy r.rcp- ! rty. niTchanriise or live alock; rice Hi per acre. Addrefn Kdw. Hlniertnan. Hoid envllle, tiki. (-M19l . j I KAVB a fine farm r loae to Ihla city; 240 acrea. $75 per acre. I want a well eatah llalx'd niercantlle liuainiaa worth about llo.Hift. IK-k liox. ti7o, Clinton. Mo. AUTOMOBILES SEND fnr our Hat of accond-hand automo bile UEKIQUT. UW (2j-6a Bl'ICK tourlna; car. with top, aood aa new. at great bargain. Address N W7. care H-e. (.'i II Jy2 Ft)K HAI.K-Two cylliul.r I layn"S-Apper-mm ruiiMliinH. extra tire ami to. .la. (iood rtinltiK order. 1125. JK18 Wirt St. (.' 2x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR 8AI.E OR RENT First class meat markei. t,.)7 South Main. Council Bluffs, la. Address C W. Ltchford. Council Hluffs, la. (41-M99J IC'K! ICE'.' Good natural Ice In ear lots. A KataVee lee and Coal Co.. 1104 Davenport. Tele iilioiit Doug. 5543; lud. A-l (4) -447 DRI'fl storoa for sale everywhere. Kniest, N. Y. K Rldg. (4-S06 TO fJF.T In or out of business call on UANGESTAD. Room 4o3, Bee Hlds. (i 5R4 FOR PADK The Crescent hotel building and all furnishing complete, located at Pittsburg. Kan. A business chance of a life time. Dr. Charles Hunter, owner. PlUshurg, Kan. (4) M34T5X FOR SA I. K First-class bakery, confection ery, cafe and fani'y urocerles; the only one In Nebraska town of l.ono. Health, cause of selling. Address Y 4.'. care Pee. (4) M15S Jy2x GROCERIES and notions. 80c on dollar and throw In fixtures. 2227 Proadway, Council Bluffs. Hl-Mn0i MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lots. A. U. Gilbert, Council Bluffs. Ia. Uj-M:il LONG established hardware business In good county seat town In Colorado. SOio1) to handle. Bargain. Address Y 37. care of Bee. (4I-M442 4 FOR SALE Clean stock of general mer chandise in one of the best county seats of northeastern Neb. Town of 2,(00; ex cellent furmlng community; stock of J7.OH0; shows god profit; good reasons for selling. Address Y 19. care Bee. (41-547 30x 8PEOIAL-I have a business proposition that is a winner. Anyone can make big money. U. C. Cottrell. North Manchester, Ind. (4 M564 6X WHEN writing to advertisers, reinembof It takes hut an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw the ad In The Bee. VClDoW with several hundred dollars worth of property needs one thousand dollars to straighten out her affairs; she will he glad to confer with anyone who can give her temporary financial relief. ' Address L tiWi. care Bee. (4J-M613 2x FOR SALE Two grain elevators on Bur lington in soutiieast Nebraska, large ter ritory, good crops. Address Y i":t. (are Bee.' " (4)-MVT. 7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attornrya. Judge C. T. Dickinson, 634 Pazton Blk. (6 177 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1501 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (5) hM MAMIE WRIGHT. 33 Douglas Blk.. Doug., lua 64if7. 15;-M16J Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Dreaainuklntf. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney !353. (a) oG8 LADIES' tailor made suits, summer gowns and shirt walhl suits. Special attention given to out of town customers. 207 Old liuslon Store Bldg. (a) 114 Sepi.2: Deatlata. BAILEY & MACK. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1083. (5) oiO Detectives. EXPERT detective aervlce. Address A 151, Bee. (5) M125 Julyjx CAPT. HAZE, 017 Karbach. Red 2632. (5) MfiOR OMAHA DETECTIVE AGENCY. 218 S. luth; all work promptly attended to; t i Iciest secrecy maintained Doug. 2106. () MllJJySJ Financial. Money TO L O A N-L O W RATE In. sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. union loan company. (5) 571 IF YOU WANT a sma'l loan on your iurnlture and don't want to pay an exhorbltant rate, see tha OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg.. 16th St. Entrance. 13 157 Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam Et. (5jS72 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5-4M Hat Renovating. PANAMA hats bleached, Kamser, 2:0 So. 14th St. (ii-Mllb Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney. (5--57a ST. JAMES. 416 S. 13th. American. $1.25 a day. IS per wtek und up, hath. 5l Mo09 IIotIss and ttorlaa;. Expressmen's Delivery Co.; office. 214 N. loth St.; warehouse. 22u7-K Izard St. .&)-677 Osteopath y. JOHNSON INS.. 41i N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664 (5 ;si Dr. Kathryn Nikolas. 508 N. Y. L. Bldg. (5J M saw VII. BROWSER, over 15uo Far. Dous. 637o. (5)-215 Jy Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; catalogues free. Charles I'aosow & Sons, lua Im. 15th St., Omaha. (a) M590 July I'rlBtlaa. BEFORE placii g your 1309 calender order don't fail to see our imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve. printers. 16lh ami Capitol Av. Shorthnad Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFB. court reporter. Tel. D. 16. to)-Mi:$ Shoo rtepairlaa;. RAT1D SHOE REPAIR CO.-First class work. Ibis" Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 991. (5) 581 SHOES repaired right; railed fur and de livered free. Standard Snoe Repair Co., 1S04 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 757. Ii)-5S1 safes, (hattera, Eta. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes a specialty of fira escapea. shut ters, doors and safes. U Andreen. Prop., 102 8. loth BL iSj-ata) Another day none and the DPODcrly I still unsold. If you want a quick sale use "BEE want ads." : : : HELP WANTED FEMALE Aajrat and "alealndlra. FIRST-CLASS saleswoman for exclusive millinery; steady employment to right party. Miss M. Chatfield, tilt 8. st (7) M37'i WANTED Advertising solicitor, illy and j traveling. Call 46 Karbach building. ' t7i MS10 3x I 4 Irrlenl and Office. Bookkeeper and stenographer. $Hi. Stenographer, 140. Stenographer. $.16; Oliver operator. Stenographer. Insurance experience. $.tO. See us AT ONCE, if you are open to con sider a position. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N.. INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bidg. l7)-695 30 Factor? and Tradea. LACNDRY Hand Ironer, shirtwaists a specialty. Reference. Transportation furnished. E. F. Hudson, Maryvllle, Mo. t7 M31 4x WANTED Ry wholesale millinery house for fall aeason TRIMMERS, MAKERS, SALES LADIES. For competent people we have good posi tions; no others need apply; give refer ences first letter. Ledcrer, Strauss Co., Inc.. Des Moines, Ia. (7)-MH07 1 Hoasekerprra and Domeatlca. WANTED A girl to do good plain cookln.g. References asked. 2460 St. Mary's Ave. (7)-M3o3 WANTED A good, steady girl for general houfework; three In family. Telephone Webster. 2414. 2521 Bristol. (71-616 1 GOOD girl for general housework. 933 North Twenty-fifth St. I7j 54S 1 WANTED Good cook and laundress for small family. Best wages. 2037 Dodge St. (7) M559 2 HOUSEKEEPER By widower with one child; modern, convenient 8-room hotite. Address B 69, Bee. (7) M5S3 ix WANTED an experienced girl for genet al housework; best of wages. Mrs. W. I Selby, Tel. Harney 2479. (7) 58M 2 Mlsrellaneoaa. WANTED for I'nlted States army: Able bodied unmarried men. between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. (9) 6SS HELP WANTED MALE Aarenta, Solicitors and Saleamea. QUICK SELLERS 214 S. 12th St. (9) Z&i WANTED Ixical agent to represent man ufacturer of chipped, etched and litho graph glass signs and novelties. Address Secretary, 1101 York St., Cincinnati, O., stating experience, etc. (9J M318 3 WANTED By a local firm. Men to travel and sell farmers an artlck of merit and big value at a moderate price. Good Income guaranteed. Address E 673, Bee office. (9)-M3lo WANTED Traveling man by Omaha firm. Permanent position; good Income. Ad dress t" 076, care Bee. (9) M344 WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of lubricating oils, greases, paints, and spe cialties. Exceptionally good proposition to experienced salesman. The Crescent Oil Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (9 M5t 6 WANTED Advertising solicitor, city and traveling. Cull 405 Karbach butlnins. fH-M6U 3x Clerical and Office. Office clerk, familiar with city, $53. Experienced railroad clerk, commercial house, $). City salesman, also must be stenographer, Bookkeeper and stenographer, P6. Traveling salesman. We have a number of propositions for traveling salesmen in different lines at good salaries. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'X INC. I.I- JM. 1. Lilie tsiug. (9) 5D4 30 DRUG clerks' positions. Kniest. N. Y. L. Bldg. (S)-684 BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY. JULY 6. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy and English; official training school Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Department. A postal gets full Information. Address H. B. Hoiks, Boylts Bldg., Omaha. S)-M479 4 WANTED For thirty days, first-class office man and stenographer; state ex lierlcnce. age and wages required. Ad dress M RW, Bee. () M615 4 Factory, aad Trades. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Position! guaran teed; booklet free. Boyles Col.ege. Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. K. R. (9)-5'6 WANTED Ten nonunion stonemasons at Fort Russell, Wyo., at once. 14 to l for eight hours. Atkinson Bros., contractors. (9)-M18j i WANTED Men, learn barber trade; few weeks completes; 60 chairs constantly busy; licensed instructors; tools given, di plomas granted; wages Saturdays; posi tions wailing; wonderful demand for graduates. Write for catalogue, Molcr Barber College, 110 8. 14lh St.. Omaha. (9) M315 2x WANTED An assistant watchmaker and competent clock man. Will H. Beck Co., retail Jewelers, Sioux City, Ia. (9)-M566 2 M lacellaaeoaa. FREE employment Dept. Business M"n'a An n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bide. (9J-586 $30 SUITS to order, $13; $6 pants for $4. MacCarthy-Wilson. )4 South 16th. (9)-143Jy.23 BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL IS NOW OPEN Students Admitted Any Day Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Telegraphy ar.d English. Official Training School Union Pa cific R. R. Telegraph Department. A postal gets foil Information. Address 11. B. Boyles. Boyles Bldg, Omaha. () M327 YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Piel. 18th and Farnam. i9l 5'2 Jf'l WE REQUIRE the service of an ex perienced window trimmer and sign writer; good position for rlglit party. Call at once. Palace Clothing Co.. lith and Douglas Sts. (9l-.W 2 GREAT reduction In shoes. Chabot, 203 No. 16th 9 178 July2i HELP WANTED HAl.E AND FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd. Mead A Co., to sell the new Inter national Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa, p. ex perience unnecessary. ill N Y. Life, Omaha, Nsu. Uuj-i2 J1 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Moraea and Vehicles. FIVE ?d-hand. 5-glass laudaus or hacks, in fine condition, all Cunningham make. Ad dress YV. A. Peck, care Drummond Car riage Co., 18 h and Harney Sts. tll)-US Jy! HIGH grade Cortland runabout. scrlflc. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. (ll)-M;t:5 Jyii For the next 30 days we will make low prices on sample surreys and' buggies. Omaha Buggy Co., 1115-17 Farnam St y (11)-5I2 Poultry, Kbits and Soaha. SILKO CHICIC FOOD Is the best. If your uraici uot-b nui iiniiuic eau i 'uu, nut Ind. B-3456. "A. W. Wagner, 8ul N. 16th. (ll)-58 WHEAT. $1.76 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. Ifith. ill 160 LOST AND FOUND I 6I9K n -XUHilojd U -.Mini pun .iio-j Bm jo asulx uXnd 'ksb, pun nicj Jaiuo.i '.)ninii Al-eI I(1 JtUn Aq .'UlllH rfABO .VAIX J.1U.WO 'dKpuq opiosnj s,jaujqg V GN.IOjI MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24tli St., Omaha. Neb. (13 M5M FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas U67. Calls answered day or night. (12)-129 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1' a box, postpaid. Sherman 6 McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 459 MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AND CHATTELS, For Any and Every Need Consult the OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., a firm whose squareness and fairness has never been questioned. SIXTEEN YEARS established, sound aa a bank. W'a do all that othtis advertise and a LlfTL,K BIT MOKE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bidtf., 16tn St. Entrance. U4 lo F. O. NIELSEN & CO.. LOANS. 703 N. S. I Jfe BI;lg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. tl4 OIU CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 farnam bl, 1 14) 594 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; nnd liooiaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. vlo o4 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas lti25. Schinoller a Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15J 596 I'EWEY. European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) 6H7 DESIRABLE southwest furnished room with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. (15) M161 lx LARGE southeast front room; also Mnstlo room; references required. 114 s. 19th St. (15) 3,3 3x DESIRABLE rooms and board. 212 S. 251 h St. 'Phone Douglas 3138. (Ibj M497 Jlx GOOD board and room; close in $4.00 and $4.50. 60S N. 23d. (15) 541 ox FURNISHED rooms and board in Park district in strictly modern house; Urgy lawn. Telephone H-434J. (I5i M568 6 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard. 110 S. 13th St. (15) 598 NEATLY furnished room; private family; gentlemen only. 131 N. 31st Ave. (15) -M958 EAST ROOM, strictly modern, electric light and telephone; suitable for a gentleman. Tel. Doug. 3837. 217 S. 25th St. (16)-M660 ROOM suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern. 201 S. Central Blvd. Tel H. 17i2. (15)-M192 2 FOR RENT Furnished room for one. In quire io3'j Capitol Ave., or 'phone Har ney 3689. (10) M20-2x VERY desirable south and east rooms. 2702 Farnam. (16) M7W jySx ONE large room newly furnished, all mod ern conveniences; rent reasonable; good board, $4 a week. 216 North 23d St. (15)-134 50 FURNISHED rooms In modern house on Park A.e. Tel. Harney 3it&2. (15)-M151 1 29 HARNEY, newly furnished front room. (15) M32S 3x FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Two large Bouth rooms, well rurnlshed; modern. 221 S. 25th. Tel. Red 6186. (15) M432 4x NICELY furnished room In new modern home; gentlemen preferred. 817 Park Ave. 15i M841 Jy4 TWO elegantly furnished rooms; modern. 216 N. 22d St. (lai M514 4x YOUNG man to share finely fum'shed room; reasonable terms. 2702 Farnam. "Phone Harney 2o63. Gil M3h6 6x FURNISHED room, $10, 2th Ave., near Dewey, new modern home. Tel. Harney 2230. (13)-5'tl 2x NEWLY furnished rooms: house new nnd strictly modern. 316 N. St. (15) Mhl6 7x Apartments and Flata. 6-6 R. FLAT. Quivet. 1S09 Farnam. 8-6 r. flat, Scargo. 61oV N. 24lh. S. O. HALL, 317 First National Bank. Red 74 j6. (.5) 63i APARTMENT Handsome, airy, cool in summer; six rooms, bath, private hall; hardwood fin ish; complete; modern; steam heal; gas ranges; walking distance. Summer rales, $25 and upward; quality considered, cheapest In city; references required. In vestigate. BEMIS, 306 Paxton Blk. (15) 355 Jyi FOR RENT Four modern flats, reasonable rent, close In. Creigh, Sons A Co.. oos Bee bldg. (15l M581 6 FURNISHED or part of furnished flat for rent. Flat 4. Davtdge block. G5i M612 5x Housekeeping- Rooms. FOR RENT Two excellent, modern, fur nished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone in house. 2574 Harney tot. (15) M4 8UITE of modern rooms, fine location, nice and coc.l for summer, everything convenient for permanent couple. i'hj6 California St. (15) M322 3x A SUITE of rooms, with kitchen privi leges, for light housekeeping. In mod.-rr. flat. Call mornings, 19 Dunsany. Tel. Doug. 73X9. ()6 M46S 4 VERY pleasant rooms, all modern; fur nished, with or without use of kitchen. 2238 Farnam St.. 3d floor. Mr oddway. (151337 hx THREE tool modem rooms. LM N. 23d St. (i5)-:i ! OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaekeeplna Room t'ontlnard. FOR rent In Dundee. 3 rooms for light housekeeping to adu ts. Tell. Hsrney 2914. I16i co S TWO pleasant furnished rooms, front and side view; housekeeping privileges; come and see them 2001 Burt St. (151644 5x Karnlahed ftonsra. LARGE cottage on Iike tkobo.1l. fur nished; three blocks from Arnoldis piirk station. Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis, 3177 Dav enport 8t. (15) Mali SIX ROOMS In 8-room house, everything modern, best furnltuie, near Farnam car; terms satisfactory to right putty. Ad dress A 6SS, Bee. (131 M5'2 2x Houaea aad Cottages. LIST your vacant nouses with Walter Brecn Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15 9-1 S517 SEWARD ST.. 6 rooms, modern, $20. 4174 Cass St.. 6 rooms, all modern, $25. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (15) M6G5 NINE rooms, all modern, besides recep tion hall; large room in basement, and laundiy room; house newly painted and papered; shade trees; cement walks and a nice back yard; walking distance. 'Phone Webster 3118. (15) M9ul EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, opposite Hanseom Park, modern, $33. 'Phone Harney 15tio. (15) 681 FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house, 704 N. 23d St., large yard, fine shade tree. $40 per month. Parties still in the housu and will be glad to show you. (15) 86!' HOLSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bids (16) 610 FOR RENT Modern house, 618 S. 20th St. (15) M169 Jy 8x 6-ROOM partly modern, 2016 Grace St.. $!6; 6-room, Zd rioor, 19J2 N. 26th St., 14; 10 rooiu modern house and barn, 938 No, 25th. $40 and water rent; storeroom, 1306 N. 24th St., $15. Chris Buyer, 2id and Cuming Sts. (15)-M511 FOR RENT 8-ROOM modern house, 2610 Chicago. Tel. Douglas 3600. (15) 340 FOR RENT 6-room house; modern; rt 1621 Wirt St. R. J. Dunning. Tel I). Sii6. (15) 339 30x FOR RENT 9-room modern house, nice lawn; good neighborhood; $30. Tel. Red 6100. (16) M346 4 THREE 6-room cottages, bath, gas, newly papered and painted. 2508 Cass St. (lo)-M431 4x 7-ROOM house, modern, near Hanseom park, $24.00. 'Phone Harney 1565. (15 1 M540 Maggard Van A Storage Co. D 1496. Wo guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (13) 611 TTnTTSsFX ,n rts of the city. JUVJUOr-iO Crei8h Soil8 & Co. B,.e BIJ HOUSES, Rlngwalt, Barker Bll:. (15) 601) HOUSKHO'-O goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Dollvery Co. Tel. Doug. 'Hi. Oa) 6iH HOUSES, flats. Oarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15) 6Jii 2967 PACIFIC ST. rooms, modern, oak finish $40. A. G. Elllck. 502 Bee Bldg. (16) -608 OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. 11. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 16U9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-6ud FOR RENT 6-room brick cottage, miriern except heat, corner 20th and Ohio Sts., $.-5. (15) 656 SIX ROOMS, modern, 24C9 Caldwell St.. $13. Turklngton, 602 Bee. (15) .5 1 WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. SIX-ROOM strictly modern, oak finish; nearly new; close im; nothing ( neater In city; to small family only. 'Phone Doug. 3770; Auto. B-1920. (15) M560 1564 N. 20th ST.. 6 rooms, nearly new, mod ern except furnace; $23. 3011 Webster St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace: $23. 3'.2 N. 40th St., 7 rooms, modern; $fO. 667 8. 2Mb St., 5 rooms, modern, Including heat; $25. Ringwalt Bros., 306 8. 16th St. (15)-M571 1 3H35 N. 21st St.. 4 rooms, modern except heat. $15. 2722 Hamilton St.. 5-room cottage. $14. 26ns Franklin, 6-room modern, $30. 1621 Wirt St., -room modem, $30. S936 N. 21st, 7-room modern except heat, $22.50. 3316 Burt St.. 8-room modern, 1503 S. 2Sth St., 8-room. $18. 6(.!Mi N. 21st St., 5-room modern except heat. $25.50. 2620 Wool worth Ave.. 5-room modern, $27.50. 2212 N. 21st. "-room modern. $22.50. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. ( 15)-59.1 30 3GTH and Webster, 9 rooms, all nvdern, $30; one blrck t So. 10th St. line, 8 rooms, all modern, $27.50; block to Walnut Hill line, 9 rooms. $22. 5i. o'Keefe Real Es'ate Co., 1001 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douif. or A 2152. (16)-599 1 FOR RENT 7-room modern house, at 502 No. 25th St., newly papered and repaired, In first class condition; fine neighborhood; 130 per month; tennai.t pays water. Conrad Young, agent, 1518 Dodge St. (151 55S FOR RENT. NEW MODERN HOUSE. Blx rooms, reception hall, large attic, high liijht cellar, cemented, has porcelain bath, furnace, electric light, gas and city waler, lawn and large shade trees; rent, $32. 5o; will make some concession for amal1 family on one year lease. Look al it. 2218 N. ISth St. GARVIN BROS., 16)4 FARNAM (15,1 M617 4 Oillcea. OFFICES In The Bee building for rent. Apply R. W. Baker, superintendent, room 105. (15)-M160 FOR RENT on June 1. large office room l:'x22 feet, in Crounse block. oppoMte post office. Conrad Young, aaent, li!4 Dode St. tl-ij 195 DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of I4th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15) M577 24X28 FEET, 2d floor, aouth and east front, 18th and Harney, $36; 15x20, 8. front. $10. 8. S. CURTIS. 1808 Harney. (16) M696 Stores. THE one-story brick building st 14 Far nam (it., with trackage in the rear. Will remodel to suit tenant. This would make good quarters for machine shop, plumber, tinner or for storage purposes. For further particulars apply to the Be Building Co., 17th and l'arnain. !6) -109 SCARGO PLK.. 8. O. New. E N. Ttth HALL. 317 First National Bank. Red 74 1 (16)-6. STORE for rent. 1710 St. Vary's Ave. Ap I ly to Fettr Gerr.e, 816 S. 22d St. (16)-M519 4x Warehoaae. WAREHOUSE For Rent Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator. Address W 226, Cars Bee. (15) 17. WHEN writing to advertisers, remember it takes but an extra stroke or two of tha pen to mention tha fact that you saw Ui ad iu Tha Be OFFERED FOR SALE V nrnltnre, FURNITURE 7-room flat, wilklng distance, on car line. Address W 755. cate Pee (161 f.3 f-x Pianos, Oraaaa, Maslral laatraments. NEW pianos for rent. $3.S. I"1" "' ' nn per month. A. Hospo Co.. IMS ' 'l.11!'""-(161-MHi J 2.1 BRAND new Steger piano: will sell very cheap, for I m leaving the city. 21 N 23d St. (16) 21 3 Typewriters aad Sewtnaj Machines. FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; enly used short time and In A No. 1 condition; for sale st verv reasonable price. tall fur Wright at Bee office. 17th and Farnam. ( 16)- CJ TYPEWRITERS. second-hand. biggest stock In west, $5 up. Write Central Type writer Exchange, lb07 Farnam. (161-M373 J'i Mortanares. $3.iw loan. 3 vears at 8 per cent on two storv well built brick block renting for $73 per month. Mills County Abstract Co., Glenwnod, la. (161-64.1 o Miscellaneous. WRECKING The National Starch c mpany plant st Nebraska City. Neb. Consisting of boilers, engines, pumps, heaters, blowers, shaft ing, pulleys, belting. Mut-son mills), eleva tors, elevator tuckets. 260 ton of black pipe nnd valves (from 1 to 12-Inch), electric and cable wire. etc. Dynamo Willi engine, freight elevators,, 4UI steel trucks (2 foot guage) suitable for brick yards or trans portation around manufacturing plants. 40,000 box tras 11x3.' inches, while pine. Two million feet lumber .Three million five hundred thousand brick cleaned and loaded on wagon or cars. One grain elevator containing all machin ery used in handling grain such a clean ers, scales, elevators, unloading clutches, etc. Can be bought with the ground on which this Is located or be moved as desired. All above material and equipment of the factorv will be sold at lower prices than ever offered before 111 this or any other state. 8. KRl'G WRECKING CO., Nebraska City, Neb. (1C) FOR 8ALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. Wo lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Coilender. 407 S. 10th St. (16)-613 ICE, ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16)M374 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free, f-'herman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. H6 SIT BEND us vour mai. orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Mers-Dilln Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 619 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (161613 SOME flrat-class laundry machinery for sale cheap. O. F. Lillie, Tekamah, Neb. (16)-MSU FOR SALE Several handsome marble man tels, together with grates and tiling; these are In perfect condition; will sell at very small price. R. W. Baker, 'Hoom 105. Bee Bldg. (161-M124 slrlFRWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. (.16) 618 HAY, $6 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16) 161 t-3 RUCKER A WESTON news cases and stands fo.- sale cheap. Call at Bee office Omaha. (161-893 A LOT of stone for coping, window end doocllls: also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply K. W. Baker, Supt. Beo Bldg. (16)-61 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., lth and Dodge Sts., Oiuaha. Neb. (16) -CO WAGON UMBRELLAS. Jl. Wagner, 801 N. ICth. 16) M691 J'18 BUTCHER SHOP and slaughter house fixtures complete. Cheap; cash. P. O. Box 627. Omaha. (16)-MI69 Jy9 CURRANTS for sale. L. J. Ihm, Tel. Ben son 404. (16)-33S FOR SALE Three boxes of best grade $3.50 box carbon paper for si:le for $6. Call Tel. Red 4269. (16) 592 1 FOR SALE Two 24-box cabinet files with roll top. 310 Bee building. (16) M60I 2x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-621 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms :D-39 Pa cific Btdg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1S69. (17) 6j3 LARSON A CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) 623 PERSONAL M A f"!M VrP If1 treatment and bath, limn lUAUiiXlL smiui, n N. 15th, 2d floor. (18)-527 A hOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where niotheis cannot care tor them. Mother Lee, 4i'i Bancroft St. "'Phone Douglas lt'1. 18j M363 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castotf clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair und sell at 134 N. Uth St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas iU5 and wagon will call. 08I 783 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to viait the Young Women's Christian association rooms, lijij Farnam St., where they will bu directej to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18 --915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for fr.-c catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Oq:aha ilSi C23 S5S(!E Weltmcr. suggestive 1U.100.1U1J Theraupautics. 120 8. 16th St., Old Boston Store, Room 3 4Mi floor. (181705 Jyl8 Omaha Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bldg. (lb) 626 PRIVATE CONF!NEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. i321 N. 24:h. Tel. Webster 3559. (18)-62l HOME-MADE wine, both sweet and sour; six years old, $1.0 per gallon. Cackley Bros., 121 N. 16th Si 18i-M575 Julyl6 PIANOS and furniture repollshed at youi home; send postal. The Expert Furniture Finisher, 111 S. 17th St. (lSi M576 2x A LUX EM BU RGER, middle aged, with a good trade, wants to find some l.uxem burger. Address 1110 N. 25th St.. or 'Plione Web. US. (1M-M573 l.ix WANTED Information regarding Stephen Archibald: lift Aberdeenshire, .Scotland last heard from in Polk county thirty years ago: a grand uephew enquires. Stephen Macintosh, Carriden Hr'ness, Scotland. 1S)M572 4x ANY ONE knowing past or present address of Florence Wallace please address W. II. Wallace (8 736), cure B"e. Death In family. (1H-M614 2x REAL ESTATE REAL, LIST ATE DEALERS. PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. ( 19; 627 GEORGE A CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 75. (19) 629 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bids. (I'J) 621 E. KEMPNER & CO., real estate, renials, Insurance. 671 Itranilds block. Douglas 2141. il9i-M6"ii CITV PHOIT.RTY FOR BALE;. WEST FARNAM STREET. Two elegant modern brick residences In West Farnam street district, one block from street car: everything In first-clan shape, $4 "no each THOMAS BRENNAN. First Floor New Vork Life Building (19-Mwt -'I - REAL ESTATE CITY PROPFRTY FOR EaV'1 (Continued ) $1,900 A neat S-roo-n cottage at 2862 Ohio, has city water, gas and srwer; house occupied by tin own-r; everything in tip top con dition; If interested call and SEE ELBY 4.t6 Board of Trade Bldtr Tel. Do'ipJns I.IIO. (191-M'W J FOR 8 ALE OR RENT Tt,ek "residence 21 rooms; extensive grounds; walking distance; suitable, for residence, hnspHal or club hout.o. C. II. Brown, 407 Brown B'g- (WJ-M.Tftl HA VR a 120.000 investment that will 1'fly 100 pet crnt In one year. Money secured, you handle your own. See me quick. Address J 696, Omahs l'ee. (191 ftSaS 1 FRAME BUILDING FOR SALE The church at S. W. Cor. 19, li and Farnam Sts.. la.g.' amount of dimension liAiber. flooring ami shiplaps. to be remov! at once. W. T Graham. Bee Bldg. (19) 567 30 MUST GO 8412 Lafayette Ave. BEMIS PARK All modern 6 rooms. Leaving town. 'Phone Harney 3165. (19)-.14ai FINE HOME GOOD LOCATION Near 32d and Poppleton, 8 rooms, all mod ern conveniences, hot water heat; a splen did place for home; price $..9iio. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. . US) M603 2 $1,850 For an 8-room house at 2714 S. 20th St., full east front lot, with paving paid; house rents for $.9 per month; If you would like to see this call and ' SEE ELBY 436 Board of Trade Bldf. Tel. Douglas 1510. (IP) M00 2 HIGH CLASS FLAT, LOCATION ADJOINING HIGH SCHOOL I. CONNER, OWNER', BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. (19) M-737 li MODERN HOUSES Corner 3th and Burt Sts., 8 rooms each, all conveniences and a file location: price $12.rn,o. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. (1D)-M602 2 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, $2J and Cuming Sts. (19) 613 BE)J ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856. PromH service. Get our prices, i.lo Fsrnsm ii. (19) 633 T?EAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST Pf CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (19)-63 $1,900 Seven-room house, good repair, good east front lot, close In. N. Fenger, 606 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 5ti85 (19)-M6f Jy.18x REAL ESTATE FA RBI AAD RANCH LAND FOft SALH Canada. TRAMPING LAKE, Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta selected lands, $8 to $11 per acre. Settlers secure farms on crop payment plan. Agents wanted. Write Gundy A Gundy, Dept. B, Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg. (20) M368 Colorado. GOOD FARMING LAND Near Denver. Greeley district: wells 25 to 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general farming, In cluding corn raising; one crop pay for NATIONAL INVESTMENT. CO., 682 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Nab. (20) 1K WANTED We have several thousand acres of good Colorado lands for sals; we want good, live agents to represent us. Globe Lund and Investment Co , Omaha. Neb. (20)-Mt6 Montuoa. 17.; 00 acres nf eastern Montana farm lands for sale at $4 f.n per acre. A snap for a quick buyer. Billlnga Loud und Title corn el uny. liilllngs, Mont: (30) M861 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANd orTTTiproved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., lotl N. '. jjr, mag. (22) 634 PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THE.V 2u2-$ IS f NAT. BANK BILDG. TEL. DOUG. 1278. (22)-4U0 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELA1. GARVIN BROS., lout FARNAM. (22)-l PRIVATE MoNEY to loan, $400 to $4,000; cash on hand; no delay. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandeiu Bldg. (22)-M3a FIVE PER CENT Money to loai. on Omaha uutdneaa property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. UH-3t WANTED City loans snd warrants. W, Farnam. Smith A Co., 13.0 Farnam St, (22)-443 $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wesd, Wesd Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (22)-43t WANT ED City loans. Peters Trust Ca u:ui LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton Block. (25)-4 PRIVATE and eastern n.un'-N to $200,. OiO-loana for buildlm? purposes. W. H. THOMAS. 6"3 1st Nat I Bank Bldf. (22) 49$ Je8 MONEY TO LOAN Payns Investment Ccv 22 37 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST pil.Tt-s for 2d-iiar.d furniture. er. uets (' sud sliuns. 'lei. DuukUs IV. U v ' (24 4ki BFST trice psld for 2-han4 furniture, car pats, siovta. clothing, shots. Tel. Red 61 ( 26) 616 V'ANTFD Til HI ' Y Second-hand tent, about l.xl). Addr. su P. o. Box 7H4 City. (2f,l-Mj84 IX WU WANT to buv $l' lots, rash. Addrs K 7. i are of B. e 4 25 1-!? it WANTED-TO RENT WANTED-B permsnent roup's wlhi'i; cnildien. two nio.leru fumlshrd roopit o firs' floor, for light housekeeping; n.u t t,H r'osH in and rent reasonable. Address H wi. tare Bee. tV Mass Is.