TMK OMAHA DA1I-Y HKK: WKDNKSDAY. .ITLY 1, 100. . w r 1 '111 Ml I I p'1 is iRAfo AND PRODUCE MARKET 4M : future esv; (n lid; locemb-r. Buyers Indifferent on Reports Clearing Weather Conditioni. of 1 rullfnrnln. r'v st ,s Julv. 7 VI. H.-ptembi-r, 6 l"',d CORN-Pl'it firm; new kl ' n dried. K. 2.1. old American inlX"d. S id. future firm; July. 5s v,d, (': pt'inber, 6s 2d. WEATHER IX THK liRtl BEI.l" NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS Fair Degree of Activity During First Hour of Session. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET vnni 'V price that In mm lnstnc-es I .l declined at resltr.stlon. Improved on the New York opening, but they 9rd be fore tin- close, rhe finish wss quiet und'T i b.-i. I'nlon Pacific vi a foHlnrc. .... . . hkhi. in. jmi" '.-Triiin on thr nnur i Packers Demand Light and Trade MONDAY'S ADVANCE IS LOST lalns Hitf Xo Malarial Affect 1 pnn the rrnspert and Trader (mil (he Nfw rop. I. Fair and OMAHA. June '. 1 Wmhfr ndvli-rn report clearing wem .;r and buyers become Imltflerent and market lose the advance gained at yesterday a clone. t Rains have had no niatitnl effort up""! the prospects anil market value b,cnn" nervous with traders waiting fr the motY mnt of the new crops. WhMt showed mm strength with rn but weaker. Foreign advance and gen'inl indifference on the port of trader cans-d an easier feeling and value gradually lumped off and showed at limn. July wheat opened at S1V: and closed at Vt' Corn opened strong and worked higher on the strength In cables and buying was snappy with a Rood demand from south ern point. Majority of dumugi: itpurts are being discredited. July coin opened at 71c: and closed at 67 c. Primary wheal rerelpt were 285. 00 bu. ami shipment were J-'a ')'' bu. Hgalnst receipts lat year of Do. 000 bu. and ship ments of 222. 000 bu. Corn receipt were 678.- - bu. and ship ments were 861.000 bu. against receipt 4 ef last year TID.OOO bu. and shipments of 707.UOO bu. Clearance r none of corn, 15,000 of oat and wheat and flour equal to 8l.0ud bu. , , Liverpool closed unchanged to 'id lower in wheat and A to Id higher on corn. Seaboard reported 4 8.000 bu. of wheat for export. Local range or option: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. L-'iW. C lose. I Yea J. Wheat Julv... Hept... Corn July.., Hepi.. Oats Hept.. Ma.,.. Inolrr, ay the far Urdnridar. OMAHA. June 30. 19"S. fhowery weather extend from the Mis souri river cast over the upper Mississippi valley In the lake region this morning, and light rains were general throughout the lower valley and eastern state within the I nut twenty-four hours. An area of high pressure, with generally clear wenther, nxerlie the western portion and condition are favorable fur fair weather in tnti lclnlty tonight and Wednesday. with sllghtlv cooler tonight In the Mississippi and Ohio valleys nnd lake region, and slightly higher temperature are general w-t nf the Missouri river. Omnhu record of te-r.tratur and rreclpl- 'atlon con pr d with the corn p nd rg day oi the last three yeiirs: 19 c 1W;. 19 . 115. Minimum temperatur" .. " Z i'.S freclnlts'lon o;t T .W Normal tetnperarire fcr toilny. "i degrees. Kxcess in oie Ipltation jince March 1, rrophet, ; 1LARKET THEN BECOMES DULL arieiy . hanged Americans were higher on the advices from New lock. PAK1H. June .V Triors on the Doiirse todan opened f'rro on advices from New York nd closed steady. Unsatisfactory. 1H063 SELL ABOVE SIX DOLLARS Tentative Operation Cease Whca ork Kail to Come 0l-l)r'i Net Change hnv Small Oeellne. 2. VI tin he. Deficiency 6.'1 Inches. I .-f .olency l.W Inches. corresponJIng period In 1907. corresponding period in 19 9. U A. WKI.SH, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Balletla. For the twenty-four hour ending at S . in., Tttli time, Tuegduy, June 30, ISt'S : OMAHA DlSmiCT. Temp Haln- Stat'or Max. Mln Ashland. Neb so Auburn, Neb 81 Hrok n l'n. Neb. 9 C'lluinhus. Neb... H I till ei tsu.i, Neb.. Fa rhur , Neb. . . Wi t'aii tnont. .e i... hi' Or. lal ,nd. Sel.. I lartm .ton. Neb. ',n Huat'ngs, Neb t;: 4s i,; R.1 M'nl Risj 0)s Wi W 7SI n v.! 7T iSW, t7? 3K! rtiS 3V, ;, 38's MVti 8'.l' 8 Hi Mi JO T. f.4 rs fall. .00 .no .00 .00 . .0.' T .'0 .00 3 hur l. i eirl.ig. No. No. Omaha lash Prtcaa. WHKAT-No. 2 hard. 91tite; No. S.SHWKlc; No. 4 hard. S4iy8!c; No. IIK0 Hoc. fOHN-No, 2, G9c; No. 3, WH'Sf'e; 7titiTc: No. 3 yellow, iVe- -ci white, 73o; No. 3 white, 7Uk.c. OATS No. 3 mixed. 4iHt(ltitc; No. Wulle, 47"-fa474C; No. 4 white, (dc Hlli-.Nu. 2, Unfile ; No. 3, ;"'aUc. Caurlat Reaeipt. Wheat Chicago ..... Minneapolis Omaha Uuiulh Corn. 40j ..2al .. 1) ..18U Oats llolilr- Ke, Neb. ... .vi! Oakdale. Ncli.... k0 O i ali.i. Xfi i'M Tt k. mih, Ne i. . . Aila. la 7:t . an oil, l.i 7S t iannila, la Sll. ev. In 71 Sioux ( ll. la... 7ti .tl niiuuiii t tnperature ptr.od tndliiB at 8 a. m. mSTKICY AVERAGES. No. of Temp.. Stations. Nu. Mln ;8 .11 51 6.' .) .10 .10 .! .13 .OS .io .17 . for Sky. Vt. cloudy c 011 ly har 1 loudy Clear I't. i loudv 1 t. cluudy l't. cloudy ) t. cloudy ( lear ( I ar l't. cloudy Cloud . R1I11 ng t ioudy Cloudy I t. cloudy l loudy (loudy Central. C I una. Ill Columbus O lie Moln , la led mi iioll-. lnd.. Kan us i iiy. Mo.. I. ou s ; lie. Ky .N.h.i e polls. M nn (imaliii. Neb St. Lou s, .Ho The weather Is si, Klu 1 uaim r w iio ieratel, heavy 78 CHICAGO UHAI AM) I'UO I S I S .10 !') i4 .,8 T S'i 1,4 .1,2 .11 Ml 16 01 :h !. .08 slightly 1 ooler east and 1 st of the Missouri river, showers occuned In the eastern and lighter showers 11 the western poiton of tho corn and whtut belt. L. A. KLSI1, Local Kuiec&ster. Rain. Indies. .18 Feature of I'rlce the 1 railing Board at Oil anil Cloning Trade. m:v imik ii:Liivi. M A It K KIT v HiCAUU. 3u. Favorable weullur li., me nui em inn iti I lie souinweHi and , . i.u viupiii, nt ot the new nop 111 ...1 iiuilhttcM wein chiefly reapunMinlu lo. .. .uh ii,iie in lue local wheal luai Ki t tn- ine iiae wneal lor Bepleniuer in as uown iifvc. Corn was up -,v . !ihi Vic nmiier auu luoviBiona io. IT. tv v. neat mai Kei opened wean on lower 1 Hin 1 aim latuiaole weather conditions . . 1. I'.i.iii.x'u iaui almost all day. The .111 of me nade was the liquidation ot i .c J'liy ucl.vii, whun cauatd a decline i, i.ta.iy 1 kiii hi lue price ot that option ui.u m V4C in b iiue.iiuei and lieceinber. i.i,.. liouu thai tcip.ins of new wneat dui-in- uexi utTK or len days will bo ;.. .!.! Iiiiieaheti tended u weaken the ...... inaiki 1. 1 ue pnncipal factor of u n,.l.r.!i i.ULine was the Illinois crop report. snowed deterioiailon of 10 points :n .i.iiii .on iluilnK the past niontn. 11I . 1. ou. 1 d.i ,inproed deinanil tor cash wheal i..- , ... in ii'is nad consldeiahle strctigtlicn- li K liKiuciice and tended to steady tho niMikel late In the day. The close was 1 1 Hiv. September opened 'Vu '-c. to V 1 I ,v. ; al f'i7'i.M)'.-j sold at i6'4c and then l.i" lined '1o' .i'c. The close- was at , Jul- ra-ipcd between MS.fiiS.i'c and clnstd i i -'li4liTsC. Clearances of wheat and 1 icoM' .sere equal to kl.(0 buRhel. The w. lid visible scpply. as shown by Iliad- I Mieit's. decrcused 3.SU0.O"" husneis. rn marv receipts were OoO bushels, com pared with fiol.orn bushels the correspond ,ng dsy a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1S3 cars, against 277 cars last week and 502 cars a year ago. Corn was In good general demand and the market was strong all day. The mar ket closed strong at almost the highest point. Septemher opened a shado lower to higher, at (jOS1?! i97V advanced to 714c and closed at 7U-Vri7t)',c. July sold between Sc and 6'.Ho and closed at COV1. Ixical receipts were 405 cars, with 29 of contract grade. Oat were strong on active demand by commission houses and shorts. The de mand was based mainly on the Illinois crop, which showed a deterioration of 15 points In the condition of the crop during the last month. News from private sources regarding the new crop was also of a bullish nature. The market closed strong at almost the top notch. September H'u V' higher, at 38fi9o, and advanced to 3H,o, where It closed. July ranged between 4f,'4if 4Ac and closed at 45!c. Local receipts were 199 cars. . Provisions were easy because of liquida tion of holdings of July deliveries, par ticularly of pork. At the close September " pork was 5c off, at $14. 90. Lard was down 2Vc. at $9.81. Ribs were also off UHc. at S8 474. Ksilmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 9 cars; corn, 1S2 cars; oats, 122 'are; bog. 29.OU0 head. The leading foturei ranged as follows: limitation nt;v voi 1 :j . 1 .;;: bbis.; of the Day on Cunimudlt lea. ariona ;K. June 30. FLOCR Receipts c'xpori. 2.6.i7 bhls. Market I unchanged on call. NEW YORK. June ."A -There was a fair degree of activity during the first hour nf the Stock s, ssion today. Appar ently It took about that length of tlino to demonstrate to the satisfaction, of the pro-, tesstonal traders that there was nothing In the market. Their tentative operations argely teased after that and the market lapsed Into stagnation more profouvl than anything that hus been witnessed before this summer. The amount of borrowed stock that was being returned to lenders in the loan de. partment revealed the extent to which yesterday's light huvina- demand I to hr. I attributed to the reduction ot the out standing short Interests. Strength from such a cause hnd lillle in It to stimulate speculative buying of stoi ks. The supposi tion that yesterday's faint stirring of de mand was a herald of reinvestment buying with the procteds of the half yearly dis bursement of profits was negatived bv disclosure of the oriRin of tiie buying. 1 he holiday In prospect at the end of the we-k Is a factor In repressing speculation. The sentiment of professional traders about the Slock exchange Is quite genvrally bearish, and the firmness of tone is owint; In no small part to this fact In spite of the seeming contradiction. The non success of the bear selling In dislodging any real holdings of slock implies on the one. hand the determination of holders not to part vlth their stocks at present prices, and that the floating supply of stocks Is scanty Is obvious from the efforts of the shorts to get back what thev have sold. Here comes In the influence of the ex tremely easy condition of the money mar ket and the general confidence felt in a profitable yield of the country's crops I here was nothing today to ciiange dilut ions on those Important underlying condi tions. A favorable Impression was made by the resumption of the construction, work said to have been made by the I'nlon l'a ciflc. Much attention Is given tho current discussion In the flnntial distrct to the alternatve of nine reductions or rate ad vances, which it Is believed will be forced on the ralliouds by th.. shrlnKage in their earning powers. Additional reports of May M't earnings made further exhibit of this shrinkage in the case of the Canadian Pa cific, Reading and Southern railways. In the case of the last named, he tl .lat'4(i rie. ctease In gross earnings was exceeded by the cut in. oorallng expenses by $L7.BH.i, which therefore went to a gain In net earnings. This repeals the success of this company In preceding months and makes It singular In that respect amongst the railroads thus far reporting net earnings for May. The maintenance of the Ana conda dividend seemed to he expected. Funds were ottered In, abundance for loans for times, with very light demand. Tho closing day of the financial year was tho occasion tor the 2 per cent call loan rate. The day s net price change showed small de lines. Bonds were steady. Total value, Jl.173,01. I'r.iied Stales sales, par bonds were Artlclea.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y. 'Wheat July.. Sept.. a I ec I 85 tt"4 87 bDec...87H'8'W! Corn July.. Sept.. Dec... May... Oats July.. bJuly.. - Sept... Dec... Pork July... Bept... Oct... Sept... Oct.... Rlbs- July... Bept... Oct.... .e-Va'SR'; i0ieSU7i EVe" I 4fiV. 44 w ISVti 40 14 8 14 97 14 7v S 20 SL'Hl 40 S 30 S s to 88 I sr. 704, 0 4-5 I 4V 34I 84H SW FRS 85H STeVSUVa. 87 88 I 81 8741 K 9'i V70Vn'4,9V(! 5iV 6 I 64:NT4'0) iuii-t and steady; Minnesota paienls. i.t.a '.".. 00; w titer straights, $I.HHi4.:5; Minne s 1.1 bHkeis, I0ju4.,d; wliuer exlias, J.4 3. Ho; winter patenis, 4.J.'i.'q 1. ,0; wii.t'r low grades, ;;.,iii.i.'i. Kc liiiLii, dun; lair to good, 4..E(a l.ii; choice to fancy, $(.i,. luil.VMICAl,-Firm; fine while and yel low, SLiiijil.tjii; coa.S',, kin dried, '5. RVL Dull and easy; No. 2 westein, S5c, noiiilnai, f. o. 11.. aiioat. New Vork. W II K.tT-Kcmpis. ji.'.iJ ou. s.u,, mar ket easy; No. 3 led. !,mi,4c, elevator, and Si'V', f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, H.14V f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 hard wiiiii r, il IH.-V f. o. o. afloat. Hulls had difiiculiy 111 sustaining prices today, owing to the line weather tuns and weak cubles. Toe maikct was very Irregular, with a ! final slight upturn on export sales and the j strength of corn. Lust prices were un j chaiMcd to net lower. July, SbVaO-'SC, , ii.itful Siac; September. 9i li-ltiiWHc, riiwil 113 'c; December, Wil9fre, closed 1.1.1IIN Receipts. 18.27S bu. Spot, market J firm; No. 2. 7s.c nomlial, elevator, and 7m- nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market was tlrmer on the bullish Illinois state report and covering. The close was 4c to I V net hlbher. July, 78Vn-79,c. closed I So net higher. July, 784 a'79-SiC, closed December closed at 6!'-. OATS Receipts. 123,000 bu. bu. Spot, market steady, pounds, 6fiG6c; natural pouixls, 57Vjtici(jc; clipped pounds, efl'o.bic. HAY Dull and weak; good to choice. fu soc. " HIDES Firm: B.'gota, 18c; Central Amr. lea, 18c. LEATHER Quiet; acid, 212sc. I'ROVISIONS Heef. firm; family. $lfi.75 $17.:'; mess, $14. uO'u 16.50; beef hams, J27.0tVa) 2.oo; packet, J15.oiKaltf.lO; city extra India mess, ijt.oo-ci 25.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, SS.75ielO.60; pickled hams, $9.0ucji 11.50. Lard, firm: western, x9.4cju.tio; refined, firmer; continent. SH.75; South America. $10.; compound, SS.GnV I'ork. firm; family, S17.uXU1K.i-0; short clear, new, Slt5.6ojji8.uO, liv-ss, new, $Hi.25.'fll6.0o. TALIAJW Steady ; city (2 per package), 5V; country (packages free), SH'ijG'ic. RICE Quiet; domestic fair lo extra, 39 04 ; Japan, nominal. bl"l"l'tH Weak; creamery specials, I'WlirV; extras, 22c&22Vtc; third to first, 19 it; 1:14c; stata dairy, common to finest, li(f 22e. CHKKSE Weak; new state, full cream, specials, lHfcl2e; small, colored or white, fancy to common, kVyglOc. KcJGS Steady; slate. 1'ennsy Ivanla and nearby selected, white, 23&24c; state,, Penn sylvania and nearby selected, good to choice. 2tKii22c; brown, 17(ijl8c; seconds, lii'hl84c. l"Ol'LTRY Alive easy; spring chicken. 2or; fowls. 12c; turkeys. 13c. Dressed weak; western spring chickens, 15a22c, turkeys, l'AilTc; fowls, 12'134c ; exports, 1.500 Mixed, 2i,'ut2 white, 2iiH31 white, 32'n-40 80 44 444 3 4O4,394'ci40 14 5 I 14 9741 15 00 I 20 324 9 40 8 30 8 624! 8 0 14 65 14 824 14 90 S 1?4 274 S 324 8 25 8 45 8 624! 4541 44'vi 39' 4 40 59 3114 45 :44 i7. 14 24 14 90 I 14 9741 9 174 r4 9 374 I 8 274! 8 474l 8 5741 14 70 14 16 (0 S 21 9 30 9 40 8 3 8 50 S t St. I.ool (ieneral Market. Ltll'13, Mo.. June 30. WHEAT track. No. 2 red cash, , 9CUS1.03; July, 844c; track. No. 2 7Mj79c; July, nyflaoc; No September, cash. 73 714c; Bep- cash, 5S4c; ;4'gW4c. new, 90C(i pral- No. 1 aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: ITlAJl'R Btead) : winter patents. S4.20Q 4 45; straights. S3 SotH 10; spring patents. 14 JM54.40, straights. I3.9u(ij4 M); bakers, 2.90 tra o WHEAT-No. S Bprlng. SOi-SSl.OI; No. 3 red. 84?0c. CORN No. 2, 714.fi72c; No. t yellow. :e. OATS No. 3 white. 4.fi62u. BARI4EY Fair to cholcw mailing, EtVifJ-. SF.KD Flax, No. 1 northwestern. Si. 21. FROVISIONB-hort rih sides (loose), S4.g. J7V,. Mess pork, per bbl.. S14.624a 14 75. Lard, per 100 lbs.. Sa.174. Short clear side (boxed). Ss.2&4)5u. Following were the tecelpts and shipments ot flour and grain: Receipts Shipments Flour, bbls 2Vo 10.9l Corn, bu 442 Si 2if( Wheat, bu 7 l;ii oat, bu 358,7i 0 32. Sn) Rye. bu Barley, bu 4.0u0 On th I'roduc exchange today the butter market w steady; cieainerie. l!o22-, dairies. 17$21c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cues locluded. 1411144c; firsts. Ia4c: prime firsts. 174c. Cheese, easy; ll(o'114c. ST Ixiwer 2 hard M4c. CORN-Hlgher; 74o; No. 2 white, teniber. 79sc. OATS Higher; track. No. 2 No. 2 white. 0.14c; September. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, S4 40 fa 4 05; extra fancy and straight, 4.00$f 4 25; clears, 3.40(Jj 3.70. SEED Timolliy, steady, 3.orxu3 50; S3 75. CORNMEAL Steady. S3. 50. UKAN Weak; sacked, east crack, 1 00. HAY-Steady; timothy, SHOOS 12.00; rie. Sl0.5oc?i12.5i). IRON COTTON TIES SI 00. BAGGING 7 7c. I1KMH TWINE 7c. I'ROVISIONS Fork. steady; Jobbing. $15 lo. I.ard. lower; prime steam, $8.724-i J ST 4. Dry sail meats, steady; boxed extra sa; clear rios. ts.i.vpui; snort J.i in Bacon, steady, boxed extra J-i(.'4; char ribs, S9 25i)J.a0; short S 874. I'tH'L Til Y Firm : chickens, 9c; springs. iyc20c; turkeys, Ipul3c; ducks. 7c; geese, 60. BITTER Weak; creamery, 18tiZ24c. EGGS Unchanged, 74'4 case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 8,000 Wheat, bu 3i).ou0 25. Out Corn, bu 4.(H) 6.".0"10 Oals, bu 56.0ii) 37.000 shorls, clears, short. cleai s. Mlleraakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June V WHKAT Firm; No. 1 northern. Sl.10ial.U4: No. J northern. 111 J I 094: Bepiember. 85V', bid. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. c; sample, &2H 84e CORN-Hlgher: No. S cash, f7oc; Sep tember. 70Sc, bid. Kansas City firala and Provision. KANSAS CITY. June 30. WH EAT Un changed ; July. 814c: September. sj,.i,c; De- No 3 hmd sv,9c. No. 2 red. 5ijH-; No. 3 red. 92 ,195c. f tember. 824c; cash. N.i. 2 hard, 9aci l.M); 1 emi I COKN-I'nchanged lo lower; July, jljltiS-1.!-; Seplf nib.-r, K'Jie; December. 314c: casn, .sio. . lllixeu. ,.c , i-o. 4 iiuxe.i. 71ljc; No. 2 white. 7v: No. 3 while. 77Uc. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white. 4!'aj?4c; No. i mixed. 47'fl4!K'. KYK-74'i77c. HAY Bteady: choice timothy, S9(0?i3 5; choice prairie. $9.UKy925. BITTER Firm; creamery, extras, 21e; packing tok. ltic. EGGS Steady: fresh rent receipt. 134c. Wheut. bu Corn, bu Oats, ba Kansas City closing Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. June SO. WH BAT No. t north, ern. tl 0x4; No. 2 northern. Sl t: July. 11,'. September, SV. OATS-49c. Urtrswil Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. June 30. WHEAT Bp t. Ho. i iti wnsitrn wlnisr, dull at 7 Ud, .siu t.Kl 1.IM0 High. 6(i It ii 3-l) 20- 2, -Oil UK) 5,0 I "HI 4'K) ' ' ''') i0 1.100 274 Ss4 101 7S 113 12.i 42 M4 200 86 S 8tsi 1.1KI0 60) no l.soo 3'Ml &-M1 4.50") eoo too jot) 200 ftX) 2i0 100 2.900 111!) .too ! 4, 6 l'Hl 100 4 24 4"4 lfil l.HS ':7vi si 4 587 14 1' 35 2:)S 111 it 59 sj 1I l" 29 lH C47.. ronowinc were tne ranire the Stock exchange todav: Silei. Amalxamaled Capper ... Am. C. A F Am. r.. A F. pfd Am. ('otlon Oil Am. H A- L. pfd Am. Ice Sri-untlri American LinReed Am. Ixieomntlve Am. Ixii-nmntlve pfd Am. S. & R Am. 8 K. pfd Am. Suxar Kefinlng Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconila Mlnln Co Anaconda Mining Co At, h.ton Alchlaon pfd, ex-dlv Atlantic Coaat Line Haltlmnre & Ohio Hal. St Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd Ontral of New Jersey... Cheaaprakfi A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. P C. C, CJ. & t. L Colorado F. & 1 Colorado & 80 Colo, So. Wt pfd Colo. It So. id pfd Consolidated Gaa Cnrn Product Delaware A Hudson Denver & Rio Grande.., D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Erl Erla 1st pfd Erie. 2d pfd , Oeneral Klectrlc Ot. Northern pfd Ot. Northern Or ctfs... Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper ptd Int. Pump Iowa Central Kansas CUr So K. c. So. pfd. ex-dlT . Louisville A N , ei-dlv Mexican Central Minn. A St. L M , St. P. A 8. S. M . . . Missouri Pacific M., K. T M.. K. ft T. pfd National Lead New Vork Central N. Y-. O. ft W Norfolk ft W North American Northern Pacific , Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Uas P.. C. C. ft St. L Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace -car Railway Steel Spring... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 8. FH pfd.. St. Louis S. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Slosa Sheffield 8. ft I . Southern Pacific So. Pacific pfd. ei-dlr.. Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas ft Pacific T , 81. L. ft W I'nlon Pacific I'nlon Pacific pfd V. S. Rubber I'. S. Rubber 1st pfd... I'. 8. Steel t'. S Steel pfd t'tah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd, ex Wabash, ex-dlv Wabaah pfd Weattnghous Electric . Western I'nlon Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin Central Total sales for ths day. 1&0,miO shares. of price on Lew. Close. 3.14 3714 0 47 Ml 75i an 14 12i 'k 41 41 14 474 ltV) 244 3914 4 l.M 133S 'ii" 68 ' i-!4 1 1!H4 344 2-iS i.tfiis 1294 Ic-S 21', 1S 54 !, 400 1044 lwv 100 200 too 1,800 l.ino I.900 ' "iob 1,700 tl 11194 48 274 '4 104 41 1374 27 )09 474 874 is l'4 4,)s Osi 134 1,700 1214 1JH Jno 200 3110 100 34.3110 2i Kl l.SnO 10 l-0 734 28 15i,4 36 114 It 4 It 34 734 2t 6 1124 is K n 304 O0 524 53 1.10) 84 (74 '"400 'iisi '17" 400 44 ' '414 43,ioo 144 1- , 111) Ii3 3"0 244 100 93 91 1I0 3h4 37S and 1j41 lo.'H l.l) 334 3H4 0i r.'4 p4 'i.2oo m" -M4 too 64 65 3.14 9K14 304 74 i7 4 84 4-4 HO 764 99 1254 ss 4 22-14 414. 4'. 81S i4 US H4 6 474 244 924 1M 394 4 1M 1 64 24 4 304 5 s 48 124 4 1H4 161 244 (i 334 194 34 2.14 184 1304 Kl 12914 i"S 29 10 64 . VH4 14 28 1 9 474 2,'4 68 46 103 -4 4CH 1 8l4 1.16 1. il 12cS Vfj 274 IS-4 H 1124 "'V. 6 I64 3-,4 244 J'' 3 4 St 74 IH4 17 43 .! 14?. 4 1,24 -'-4 4 924 7;4 IO24 8?. 4 24 114 224 o4 6.1 4 U Boaton Stock aad Bond. BOSTON. June 3w Money, call loans, 14-ir 24 per cent; time loans. 2'u44 r-r cent. Stocks and bonds closed a follows: adj. . extras, J7c; 24 ,c lo.'xO 2.0 0 prices: ur 24.0 11 4,.0i J. Atchison do Mex. Central 4s Atchison R R do pfd Boston ft Albany.., Boston ft Main . . . "Br t Inn Elevsted . Fltcbburg ptd .... N. Y . N H. ft H . Cnlon Pacific Am. A Chem ptd Am. l'neu. Tube Amer. Sugar do pfd Am T ft T Am. Woolen do pfd Dominion I er S ... Kfluon El-c Hill General Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Mass tins t olled Krull I niled 8 M do ptd f. a. at eel do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated B J. ..kd . 64 Atlantic . M4 Blnghsm . 1 Cal ft Hecla . 914 Centennial . 91 4 Copper Rang ... .201 Daly West .130 Franklin .134 Oranhy .125 Isle Hoyale 1.16 Maaa. Mining ... .144 Michigan . M Mohawk 7.S Mont C. ft C... .124 Old Dominion ... .U'4 (isceola Ill Parrol . Ji4Qulncy . Shannon . 144 Tamsra, k t 4 Trinity 1S3 V. R M'nlng ... I' S oil . 444 t'tah . 14 Victoria .!4l',Wlnnil . 1,114 Wolverine . 2:4 Vonh Butie Putte Coallllo . .K-.'sSeva.ta . 4 1 al Arisona... . ?h4 Arisen Cora. ... 44(-rt-ene Cananea vr York Moaer Market. NEW YORK. June 30. MONEY On Cf.ll. I easy, 14412 per cent; r illn ia:e. 14 peri cent, closing: hid, 14 per cent: offered st 1 1-4 per cent. Time loans, dull and ras ;l 5lxty days. 2 per rent; ninety dnys, 21124 1 per cent; six months. ;'4 per cent I I'KIVK MKHCANTIl.K rAFr.R-3V.8i; per 1 ent. j BTr.KLlM K-XLHAMir-Urm, wltli ac tual I us ness In bankers' bills at $4 8H?r lor d iimnil and st 84. WW for sixty-day hills; ion mere lal hills, 4.8r,4ij4 PIL i:it Hai, K V; Mexican dol'ars, 48c. IioNDb' Ooverrnieiil, steady; r& Iroul, Steady. Closing quotations on bonds were ns fol-lows: t' 'Hixk. Val. 44 1044 Int. Met. 44a . . . 1 " 4 t, ft N. unl. 4s.. ICS". Vsn. c . 4n 1214 Me,, central 4 1224 ,to in Inc 724 M. ft St. 1.. 4. in;4M.. K. ft T. 4s "74 do 2 S8 "N. R K. of M c 4s 82 4 N- V. C. . S4S 9 1 4 X. J. C. g. 6s.... "4 No. PhcIIic 4s 944 do 3s 9.1 N. ft W v. 4a 73 O S. L. rfd. 4S . 1"4 ponn cv. 34s 1915 71 do con. 4s 464 lUedlnir fvn. 4. . . 34 Rrp of Cubs. 6a 101 St L . I M. c. 6s .104 7i St L. ft F. fg 4s. M4 . 1,'liT. u. p. v. c. c. 4S. 14 . f.24,Mcaboard A. L 4 ... 814 . or, fo. pacitlr 4s . S7 do 1st 4s . 95 ?o. Rsllwsy Ss.... . 6:4 Texss AP !.... . S3 T . St. 1,. W 4s . 90 I'nlon Pscillc 4s ... . 94 do cv. 4s . 92 I S. Steel id lis . ., . 924 Wsbai-h is . 644 Weat-rn Md. 4. .. . . 4 W. ft I. E. 4,.... . 994 W IS. Central 4s ... Asked. U'4 . 21 . . 2.1 - 714 . l'-S 8S . tt 1V 44 . li . 60 . 33 .1,-1 :'i . . 134 . t - 2Hi . 14 . 14-4 . 44 44 !'4 .13-1 . CI . :j 114 1, . 17. 10 V. 8. ref. 2. r-g do coupon I'. S. is, reg do coupon V S. 4s. reg do coupon Am Tobacco 4s do 6s At'-hlson gen. 4s do sdj. 4 dn cv. 4s do cv. ;.s Atlantic " L. 4 Hsl. ft Ohio 4 do 34s flrk R. T. c. 4s Cen'rsl of Os. C.... do 1st Inc do 2d Inc do 3d Inc. dies, ft Ohio 44s . . Chicago ft A. S4s C, B. A Q. n. 4s , C. It. I. A P. 4s. dn cot. 5s do rfdg. 4s. ...... . CCC. ft St. L. g. 4i Colo. lnd. 5s Colo. Mid. 4s Colo. & So. 4s Del. ft Hud c. 4s. 11. ft R. O. 4s Erl- r I. 4s do gen. 4s Jspsn 4s do 44s do 2d series Did. Ex-dividend. .K14 . 454 . 4S4 . 94 . l . 14 . 794 . ! 934 -.24 .1014 . 71 . 94 4 . 99 4 . 82 1"14 . 9 4 .1034 .. 80 4 .. 9:4 .. 944 ..134 .. 784 ..11-114 . . 92 .. 994 . .1'.14 .. 711 .. 444 .. 854 London Stork Market. LONDON, June 30. American securities opened steady today. Prices, as a rule, declined during the first hour and at noon the market was dull and from 4 to H lower than yesterday's New Vork closing. London closing stocks: . S7 Mo.. K. ft Teiaa . 974 N. V. Central . 84 Norfolk ft . S3 4 do pfd . 944 Ontario ft . 84 Pennsylvania .144 Rsnd Mines . 414 Heading 4Boulhern Ry Consols, money. do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Flsltlmore ft Ohio.. Canadian rsclflc... Chetcapnake ft ().... Chicago O. Chi.. Mil. ft St. P. ..1374 do pfd. De Beers 14 Southern Pacific. Denver A Rio O lo I nton Pacific... do pfd 40 dn pfd Er.e 194 V. 8. Steel do 1st pfd 34 do pfd do 3d pfd 2.1 Wabash Grand Trunk.. 17 do pfd Illinoia Central 1 62 Spanish 4s Louisville ft N 1074Amal. Copper... 8ILVF.R Bar, steady at 24ad per ounce. MON F. Y 1 14 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 16-18'alS per cent; lor three months' hills, lf)-liiyl4 per cent. . 214 .10; . 49 . 63 414 . 12 I"4 . r.74 174 . 45 4 . "S .1494 . 84 . 39 4 ,10nS . 12 . 24 . !-2 . 484 New York MlnlnBr Stock. NEW YOKK, June 30. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Leadvllle Coa. Little chief .. Mexican Ontario Ophlr Small Hopes , Standard ...ivo Yellow Jacket Alice Breece Brunswick con. ..... com. Tunnel stock.. Com. Tunnel bonds. Con. Cal. ft Va Horn Sliver Iron Silver .. .263 8 4 :i 18 62 60 4 t 42 490 2?,2 18 176 44 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. June 30.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold reserve shows: Available cash balance, S238, 830,390; gold coin and bullion, $31,937,443; gold certifi cates, HI. 569, too. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA. June 30. Bank clearings for today were SI. 489,318 .80 and for the corres ponding date last year $1.8.,t97.o7. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 30-WOOLMarket after many months 1 xf" dullness at last shows marked activity. The principal demand Is for worsted wools, which are higher. The leading domestic quotations: Domestic wools: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces XX, 31(32c; X. 2S2Sc; No. 1 washed, 3Tijsl2c: No. 2 washed. 30(i31c; fine unwashed, lSng 20c; half-blood combing, 248t26c; three-elgliths-blood combing, 25ft2t)c; quarter blood combing, 2324c; Delaine washed, 83 34c; Delaine unwashed. 26U27c. Michigan, Wisconsin and New York fleeces: Fine unwashed, 18Cr20c; Delaine unwashed, 2411) 25c; half-blood unwashed, 23fi24c; three-eighths-blood unwashed. 24(&25c; quarter blood, unwashed, 22ig'23c. Kentucky, In diana and Missouri: Three-eighths-blood, 24tT23e; quarter-blood, 23'524c. Texas and Oeorgla: Fine, 10 to 12 months, 19&'20o; fine, to 8 months, 15(&18c; fine fall, 14i?j 15e. Georgia and Alabama. 2iVg21c; Cali fornia northern choice, 17C6;19c; northern average. ltVul7c. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June 30 WOOL Firm : medium grade combing and clothing, 184f? 20c; light fine, ltjl64c; heavy fine, ll'a 12c; tub washed, 2i'ii27c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June SO.-METALS-Ths London tin market was lower today, spot closing at 124 17s fid and futures at 121. Locally the market was weak in tone with quotation ranging from S27.10 to $27.40. Copper showed a somewhat reactionary tendency on the London market, with the di sc a little higher at 5t5 15s for spot and 57 7s 6d for futures. ' The local market was dull and unchanged, with lake quoted at $12,62412.75, electrolytic at Sl2.37Hfii13.S2H and casting at J12 26tj 12.374. Lead was lower at 12 5s In Inndon, but remained dull at $4.4c1f4.50 locally. Spelter was un changed In boih markets, closing at 18 lbs In London and at $4 45gt60 locally. Iron was a little lower at 51s 44d for Cleveland wai rants In the English market. Locally prkes were dull and unchanged. No. 1 northern foundry. $16.5iT17.00; No. 2 north ern foundry, $lo.75'( lti.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16.Wfi'l7.28. ST. LOUIS, June 30. METALS Lead, lower, $4,374. Speller, lower, I4.37H. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June SO COTTON-Futures opened steady; July. .8o&9.oSc; August, 9.70c; September, 9.45c; October, 9.28c; December, 9.14c; January, 9.12c; Feb ruary, 9.11().lSc; March, 8.V0e. Futures closed steadv; July, 1 8!c; Au gust, .G3c; 8'-ptember, .43c; October, .30c; November, 8.13c:; December, 9 14c; January, 8.10c; Fetruary. 9. 10.-; March, 9 10c. Spot do ed quiet : middling uplands, 11.50c; middling gulf. 11.75c: sales, 708 bains. OALVESTON. Tex., June i). COTTON Lower at 11 5-lSc. NEW ORLEANS, June 30 COTTON Stiot steady, with prices unchanged: mid dling, 114c. Futures closed with July at 11.16c; August. li).4c; September, 9.70c; Oc tober, 9 33c; November, 9.26c ; December, 9.22c; January. 9.24c. HT. IAH'IS. June 30 -COTTON-Qulet ; mhldllng. 114c; sales, 16 bales; receipts, 212 hales; shipments, 979 bales; stock, 16.055 bales. First Time Dorlna eon This Coa- laeka I n Toward Rites of pay. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. June SO. 1M. Receipt were: Cattle. H'r. Sheen Official Monday J.J.T1 S.U9 2.VS Estimate Tuesday 2.000 10.OO 2.StW Two dav this week..S.S37 1S.J4 S.4 Same diss last week.. 8.4S3 l.l.sul 13.037 Same dav 3 weeks ago.. 7.328 29.473 11.846 Same days S week ago.. ..t79 Kv3": 7.27 Same days year ago 8.241 14.3H7 6.407 The following table shows the averag price of hogs at Smith Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 19trr.!!O2, June 17.. June 18., June 19.. June SO. . June 21.. June 22.. June June 24.. June 2ft. June 26.. Junt 27.. June 18.. June 29.. June 30. Evaporated Apples and Dried Pratt. NEW YORK. June SO.-EVAPORATKD APPLES Market continue quiet and steady for both spot and future delivery, with spot quoted unchanged at lOvilOHc for fancy. 8'wlc for choice. 64fl'4c t r prime a'nl fi's'ii'i' for common to fair. DRIED FRl'lTS-Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging from 34e to 13; for California and from 54" to Idc for Ore gon fruit. It is reported that apricots for early fall shipments are available at conces sions, but the spot market is unchange 1, with choke quoted al IO0IO4C; extra chi l e. 11u114c: fancv, 12,il3c. Peaches are 1 tically notniniil in the sbwuce of l.npr.ant I business with choice quoted at s41th47; extra cnotce, s'ui'4c; fancy. Wg ln'4c ex ra fancy. 104411c. Raisins are unchanged, with loose muscatel quote! at 41'ij,i4l,; choice to fancy seeded. 64't71c; aetdless, 5iitjc; London layers. $1.2.'r( 1.35. Articles. Open. I High. Low. Close. Wheat I July. ..I Sept...! Corn I July. ..t Sept... 814' st'4 ('..'. 1 14 u44 814 "4 I 8141814 Ml ! DO 4 I's'y- ! ttV si 4 t4 .;.., H oiH Koretaja Flaaurlal. LONDON. June 3o Money was fairly plentiful on the market today and dis counts were quiet. Trading on the stock exchange was slightly more active, al though many members were awav on holi day and the attraction of the Henley re gilts l-eli.e.1 further to thin the attend ance. Price mostly were easier Gllt edged securities were mostly dull foreign er weakened on nme Pa-is selling, and K isstan were lower on talk of a new In ternal loan. Mexicans wile Tricar. Ameri cans apehcd firm and made a general ad- ti'ar aad Molasses. NEW YORK June 3fi.-Sl OA R-Raw, firm; fair refining, S834j3Mc: centrifugal, 9t test. 4.33414 36c ; molasses sugar. 1.51&3 Ale. Pef.ned steadv; No. . S.oOc; No. 7, 4 9; No. 8 4if; No 9 4 85c; No. I". 4 75c; No. 11. 4.70c; No. 12, 4 Hoc; No. 13. 4 flfic; No. 14, 4 55c; confectioners' A. 6 2nc; mould A, 5 75c; cm loaf, 8 20c: crushed, loc; powdered, 5.5oc: grnulHled. 5 4c; cubes, lS5c. MOLASSES Quiet; New Orleans open kettle, good 10 choice, 2Mi42c. t'olTee Market. NEW YORK. June 30 OOFFKE Mar ket for icffee future closed steady, net unchunged to f l e points higher. Sales were reported of 13.250 liugs, including Julv, August. September sd December, at 8 isc and May hi 8 111V. Spot steady; No. 7 R o. i"4c: No. 4 Santos. Mild coffee quiet; ( urduva, i'ji-'Ti I 0 07 I S 84 I S 4I 8 78 85H B 91 6 87 6 884 t 884; S 7Sl SS1I I 6 971 S 11 S8! S8! S 91 S 8 S 911 S Sf 281 331 35 , S 83 5 801 8 SR 8 83 39 8 82 431 5 8k! 44 5 Kl 471 I ( 48 SOI 4 9S 14 Ml 5 191 I 6 IS S 00; i 1,i 6 07; S 13' S 07- 5 IS S oS 6 20; S 12 6 mi lis l l 32 S 141 5 SOi t 111 6 221 S 05 S 17 I 08! 6 16 S 97! S 941 I 8S a K 81 S 781 S 67 8 8, I TO! S 651 a I 5 87 1 6 tV. 1 1 M 7 4S 1 13 1 41 T 7 51 7 54 7 61 7 M T 64 T $5 Sundav. The official number of can of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. C. M. A St. P 6 S Wabash 4 Mlsrouri Pacific S 10 Union Pacific 17 21 C. A N. W.. esst 3 C. N. W . west 28 48 1 C, St. P., M. A O S 9 1 C, B. A Q , east 6 S C, B. A Q., west S 23 3 C , R. LAP. east S3.. Illinois Centril 1 1 Chicago Great Western 4 138 11 Total receipts 88 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Pncklpg Co 279 1.428 5C Swift and Company 336 2,271 381 Cudshy Packing Co 437 1.303 1,287 Armour A Co 241 3,216 107 W. I. Stephen 47 Hill A Son 87 F. P. Iwl 51 J. B. Root & Co 118 J. H. Bulla 61 Sam Werthltner 11 .... .... F. O. Inghram 7 Sullivan Bros 15 Lehmer Bros 34 .... .... Blackshlrc .. 22 Bodden 146 Krey Packing Co 235 Other buyeis 170 .... 241 Totals 1,893 8.958 2.6S2 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn Ing were not very large, only eighty-one cars all told being In sight when the mar ket opened. The receipts tor the same day last week footed up 236 cars and two weeks ago 116 cars. The market today taken a a whole was very unsatisfactory. It did not appear that packer wanted very many cattle this morning. They were all complaining about the unfavorable con dition of the eastern beef market, where coolers are said to be pretty well filled with high priced beef, for which the aale Is limited. The result was that none of the buyers appeared to have very large or very urgent orders. Thus the trade wu ex tremely slow and the morning wore away with little business being transacted. Prices were safely 105n5c lower. The same conditions that affected the steer market so unfavorably had a similar effect upon the market for cows and belt ers. Holders found It slow work unloading with no one trying very hard to buy and with prices 10&16c lower. There were only a few stockers and feed ers In sight and that being the case the market did not show very much change. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $7. 1037.80; fair te good oorn-fed steers, $6.007.36; common to fair corn-fed steers, $5.00fi5 00; good to choice cows and heifers. 14 50-6. 00; fair to good cows and heifers. $4.O0ig'4.6O; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.O04p4.O0; good te choice stockers and feeders. S4.60ikv6.00; fslr to good stockers srjd feeders. $3.75-64 50; common to fair stockers and feeders, 11.25 133.76: stock heifers. $30033.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. 14 ! 10... 21... '.". II... 17... is'!.' 10..! 10... AT. . ... 890 ....10U 900 890 .... 4:7 ....10f,l ,...1190 .... Til . ... 993 ...1X11 .... 960 ...119 .... 634 ....1146 .... 890 .... 940 10C6 .... 810 . . . . 941 900 .... M0 .... M ....lttfl .... 34 ....1090 .... 930 ....1110 ...llTJJ .... 145 .... 9u0 ...1100 .... 7S .... 781 .... 700 . ... 1060 .... 177 .... 944 .... 986 .... 7M .... 100 863 .... 411 .... 710 990 .... 114 .... 640 ....1030 .... 90) ....lie) ... i .... 95 .... 841 ....1170 ....1906 ....1490 .... 410 ... .1110 ....I960 .... ; ...1260 ....IVs) . . . . 1895 Vr. 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 40 ( 00 6 60 I 80 I 86 6 90 I 00 i 00 4 00 ( I 00 I 16 I 60 I 60 I 60 i 60 I 0 t SO I 18 1 70 1 76 I 76 I 76 1 90 I 86 t 90 I 0) t 00 I w I 25 I 16 I 16 1 86 1 40 Ne. 21 ... . .... II ... II..., It... II... 31... 100... 5.... 96 ... II.... 14.... 29.... COW8. 10.'.'.'! 14.'.'.'! 10.... 1. 1. HEIFER8. I 16 t 76 1 80 I 10 1 10 1 0 1 90 I 00 I 78 1 71 I M 8 04 I II 1 16 I II I 16 8 10 1 26 I 16 I 26 I 90 I 10 I 10 1 36 11. II. II... 17... 11... 1... 1.... BULLS. 1 320 116 230 U no t6 ri 110 190 no no 140 no STOCKERS 920 I 00 Sen sir, 670 436 702 sfl 7o Ml T'l 116 CALVES. At. ..1148 .. 141 ..Uo . . Ill ..1468 .1307 ..1169 ..1114 . .1084 .. M4 ..1331 . . 131 ..1694 ...96 ...1090 ... 175 ...1061 .. .1D44 ...999 ...1111 ... til ...100 ...1040 ...1280 ...))$ ...1136 ... 968 ...1070 ...Ml ...1070 ...till ...1191 ...1208 ...1144 ...126$ ...1240 ...1000 ...177 ... 16 ...841 ... 414 ... 184 ... 960 ... 120 .1440 ..111 ..liio ..1100 ..1170 . .1010 ..1U0 . . Ks) ..1610 ..1130 . .ueo .1120 .160 ..1740 . .1430 ..1780 tF. I 18 I 4 I 60 4 I si 9 I 7 00 7 10 t 88 1 7 66 1 80 I 86 I 60 I 80 I 60 I 70 I 76 I 16 I 10 I 15 I 16 I IS 1 n 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 40 4 8 4 70 4 76 4 78 4 71 I 00 I 1 I u I 60 I 78 I 71 I 85 I 88 I 89 I 40 8 40 I 80 I 10 I 60 I 64 I 90 I 80 I 71 4 88 4 64 4 80 6 00 6 60 I 76 1 14 I 00 4 an 4 "0 4 60 4 60 6 00 8 IS I !S 6 60 I 80 6 60 AND 20 . 110 118 171 144 110 1U 126 t!0 110 Ill ' J llifl FEEDERS 111 691 oj I 80 8 64 I 60 I 76 I 75 00 8 00 I 00 I 00 I 94 I 94 5 I 88 I 80 1 691 I II 1 90 1 403 1 t. ii 11 m t 94 1 11 2 tr 4 m lit 1 1MT 4 00 I 76 14 771 4 00 41 7ol I 78 1 TJ4 4 l M 8SI I 76 1 1 4 64 4 T'2 I TS 10M I 80 1 110 I 84 WYOMING 18 steer 1029 4 ' HOGS The market on hog opened this morning with larger receipts than expected, but still with some of the packers evidently wanting hogs. The firsi buying was on the basis of an of 5ijl0c the alei being largely at and right around $606. As It became apoarent how liberal the receipts were snd also that some of the packers were holding back and not trying to di much, other buyers lowered their bids and the market became very dull and considerably easier. A good part of the advance was thus lost, but still the aver age market showed considerable gain over yesterday, as will be noted from the sale boe. The bulk of all the hug cold above 18.00 for th first time this season. Investment Securities RAILROAD BONDS Appror Due Tleld Chicago, Burlington & Quiney Krncrnl mortsaic? 4s Mar., 19.iS 4.15 Chicago & Wrstorn Indiana li. H. Co. general mortgage (a leo., 1032 5.00 Chicago, Indiana & Southern cons. mortgage 4s Jan., 195( 4.45 Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham general mortgage 4s Mar., 19.U 4.50 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf 1st mortgage 5s June, 1011 4.00 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie 1st cons 4s .July, IMS 4.10 Northern Railway of California 1st mortgage os Oct., 1038 4.30 (Guaranteed by Southern Psclflc Co.) St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Pa cific ext. 1st mortgage 4s July, 1040 4.05 (Great Northern Railway.) Southern Rv. Co. equip 4Hs 1912 -1019 6.00 Wabash R. R. equip 4'L-s 1011 -1914 fi.00 Wabash R, R. Co. Buffalo Terminal Association 1 year notes 1009 6.00 CORPORATION BONDS Butte Elec. & Power Co. 1st 5s June, 1051 5.35 Chicago Jet. Rys. & Union Stk. Yds. coll. trust 5s July, 1015 4.45 Commonwealth Electric, Chicago, 1st 5s June, 1043 4.90 Houston Electric Co. 1st 5s Aug., 1025 5.20 Interboro Rapid Transit Co. Collateral 6 notes May, 1911 6.00 Madison River Power Co., Montana, 1st 5s Feb., 1035 5.50 Northern Texas Traction Co 6s May, 1911 6.80 St. Louis National Stock Yards 1st. . . 4s July, 1030 4.75 Seattle Electric Co. cons, and ref 5s Aug., 1020 5.55 Spanish-American Iron Co. 1st 6s July, 1027 6.15 Union Electric Light & Power Co. of St. Louis ref. . . '. 5s May, 1033 5.40 Washington Water Power Co. of Spo kane 6 notes July, 1011 6.50 AVood Worsted Mills 412 notes Mar., 1011 6.00 (Guaranteed by American Woolen Co.) Lee, Hig;g;inson & Co, BANKERS- 44 State Street, Boston. THE ROOKERY, CHICAGO 43 Exchange PI., New York. K) 17 ... I0O II 138 100 I 08 71 34 80 4 0 84 194 40 I 08 Tl 200 110 I (10 88 116 40 4 05 84 114 180 8 00 74 21 7 JOO I 06 IU ... I 00 81 214 110 I 08 U 291 ... I 90 74 114 ) I 08 )! $21 44 I 00 II 867 120 I 08 190 ... 8 00 19 2tl 110 I 06 IT 801 120 I 00 74 19 10 4 06 74 171 ... 1 00 11 27 40 I 08 11 846 400 1 00 71 Ill ... 108 13 171 tOO 6 0 II 241 180 I 6 t 101 40 8 04) Tl 828 ... 1 08 M 177 ... I 00 40 113 ... 8 06 76 M7 100 I n 1 U 10 IH T7 121 90 I Olie 81 178 40 I 07 101 114 110 I 02 tl 23 10 1071 79 1-4 80 4 031, 80 100 80 4 10 71 til 80 I 01 17 883 ... 8 10 It 811 80 8 Ot 49 ITI 110 I 10 TS 110 44 6 06 71 140 80 I 10 71 217 SO 6 08 II 141 ... I 10 71 Kl ... I 06 17 178 80 I 1 SHEEP Receipts of both sheep and lambs were very moderate this morning, only eleven cars all told being reported In. At the same time packers seemed to have use for a fw loads and the market tor the first time In a number of days showed a little strength. A bunch of Montana wethers sold at $4.00. The same ewes that sold yesterday at S3.STH brought $.1.46 today, with a little closer sort yesterday. The lambs that brought $4.50 yesterday sold up to $4.60. A bunch of spring lambs sold a high as 86.75. The prices paid looked any where from steady to 10c higher. Every thing at all desirable sold In very good season In the morning. Quotations on fed sheep an! lambs: Oobd to choice spring lambs. W(yg.7B; good to choice shorn lamb. S4.76Q6.0O: fair to good horn lamb. S4.604.76; atock lamb, $1 6o , 4 00; good to choice shorn yearlings, 84 '.'6 a 4.60; fair to good shorn yearlings, I4.0T 491 S'i; food to choice shorn wethers. $4 OOcg-4 15; air to good shorn wethers, $1 600? 4.00; good to choice shorn ewes, $3604.00; fslr to Eood shorn ewes, $3.0Oij3.50; culls and ucks, $2.00t(jS.OO. Representative sales; No. Av. Pr. 2GS western Iambs Kl 4 60 60 western yearling feeders 73 3 86 46S western wethers AS 4 on 61S Idaho ewe M S7V4 90 Idaho ewes feeders 84 2 66 11 western culls 64 3 50 80 spring lambs 80 6 76 361 western lamb 79 4 60 166 western ewes 94 S 50 66 western spring lambs 48 660 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Doll Hon f ive to Ten Cents ItlaTkei gheep Steady. CHICAGO. June 30. CATTKE Receipts. 2.600 head; market dull; steer, ,6 SmpitO; cow. $3 60416.76; heifer. $3.604)4. -5; bull, $3.0O3.30; calve. $2.5X(j67s; stockers and feeders. $3 004. fto. HtXJS Receipts, 14, C00 head; market 6al(Vc higher; choice heavy shipping. $r, iitVo.67H; butchers. $6.60ij V: light mixed. $6 Hf 40; choice light. Rte60; packing. $V2'U.W; bulk of sales, $6 .6tVg 86; pig. J4 MXii-l.tO. BHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelp.s, 1S,0V heads; market steady; shrep. t3?R''g4.15; lambs, $5.0t94.60; yearlings, $4 004.75. market weak; beeves. $6.0oi&7.86; cow and heifers, $4 .6041476; feeders, 4.06.00; calves and yearlings, $3."6S4.75. HOS Receipt, 6300 head; market steady; range, $5.8fsS.10; bulk, $6. 96-306. Visible Rapplr of Grain. NF.W YORK, June SO. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Rradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat, In the T'nlted States east of the Rockies, decreased 2.HB2,00n bu.; Canada, In crease. 168.000 bu.; total, t'nlted States and Canada, decrease, 1,873,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decrease. 2.000,000 bu.; total American and European supply, decrease, S.878.000 bu. Corn, I'nltcd States and Canada, Increase, 119,000 bu. Osts, United States and. Canada, decrease, 873O0 bu. The leading decrease reported this weeh were: Manitoba, 2t,i1 bu.; Portland, Me., T5.0 0 bu.; Louisville. 68.600 bu. Kansas Cltr Lire stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 30.-CATTLB-Re-celpts, 18.000 head. Including 6.0nn southern; market low. steady to 10c lower; top, $7.0). choice export and dressed beef sle-r". S6.7J 457.80; fslr to good. S6.'06 60; western steers, teMfstfl.iS,; stockers snd feeders i3.0 xI.m); southern asteers, $3. 2S(Jjl. 00; Southern cows. SXOhfyS 56; native cows, S2.2Vd4.7S: native heifers. $3.26-h80; bulls, S3.OO(04.66; calves, $3 66(0. HOG 8 Receipts, 19.0X1 hesd; market dull, steady to 6r higher: top, $6 23, bulk of sales. i5.0cvfj.16; heavy, $6 16'a30; packers and butchers, $6.0S330; light, $6.8ro.2-; plfv $4 6vb4 9. BHEEP AND UAMBS-Recelpts. 00 hesd; market steady; feeders active; larbs $4.36476.86; ewes and yearling. I3u4.10. Texa yearling, $40034.75; Texas sheep, $3.40(33.76; stockers and feeders. UllQil, No. Av. Ph Pr. No. Av. 8k. Pr. 178 I Hi I 41 147 ... I 98 tl 1 IS I 3 ai IU ... 8 0 si is: 1 t 9 ID 80 8 06 4T 192 90 I 00 74 116 M 4 41 11 s) 90 19 141 MO I an 244 lao I ia 44 16 lie I 4a) 4 I I 80 0 si 210 .. I 4 91 196 ... I OA 71 I T lift I 0 6', 191 ... 10 14 ill 1M I fta m ki ... 8 w i: Ill ... (Ct t. Live ttork Market. BT. IUIB. June SO.-CATTI.K-Recf Ints. 7.10 bead. Including 4 000 Texana; mrkt higher; native and shipping and exp.irt steers, $8 2M18 00; dressed beef and bjtc-ie-stcer. $5.4(V06O; steers under l.'sjO lb., $4 7LWjn 60; stockers and feeders. $1 "D'tSKI: cows snd heif-rs. $3."(i'b7 (O; csnners, $tV1? !?,; bull. S?4ft&o.00; calves. $1 t.V(, lo, Texas and Indian steers, $12.434 50; c iws and heifers. $1 7cj4.26. HOGS Receipts. 13.(9 head; mark.'t higher: pig and lights. $4 6oa 40; packers, $6 Wf 40; butchers and best heav y, $) ii j 80 BHERP AND IAMPB-Receipts, 3 6oo head: market strong; native muttons, S'XJ 6 HO; lambs. $4 6h7."ri; culls and buck. IJ.Oo J.5fl. lock In sight. Receipts of live stock at the principal western markets yesterdsy: Catlle. Hifi. Bheen Bouth Omaha S.oro 10 iro Bloux City 0 6,ci Kenan City lS.niJ U.ln 6 0 tit. Iouls 7 ono 3.0 0 0 Chicago 2,& 110X1 15 000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNBAPOl.18. June SO. -WHEAT July, $1.04; September, 8Kc: No. 1 hard, II OK V No. 1 northern, $1.024; No. 2 northern, $1.0494; No. S northern, Sl.0Oifil.03. BRAN In bulk, quoted by millers at $18. FLOI'R First patents lower. First pst ents, $5 Wa6 36; second patents, SS KYJ6.2&; first clears, $4.16414.36; second, $S.604.40. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. June SO. CORN Higher; No. 2 yellow, 714972c; No. S yellow, V3 70c; No. $, 69c; No. 4, Hc; No grade, a',, iB 66c. OATS Steady; No. S white, 4$450ttc; No 4 white, 4itJ4c. WHISKEY $1.36. BARON WAS CLOTHES CLEANER Ie Glnsbera lias Hard Time Miking Good 111 Claims to Royalty. L'ght on the history of the South Omaha man who call himself Baron Henry ds Olnxberg Is contained In a letter Just re ceived from the Tranevaal by Superintend ent Ferrer of the coumy hosp tal, where De Olnxberg was kept for treatment for several weeks. De Olnxberg claims to be a cousin ot Prince Helle de Bagan and shortly after his claims were published In the newspaper Mr. Ferrer received a letter from New York, believed to have been written by Prince He la denouncing De Olnxberg a an lm poster. The letter was anonymous, but It was evidently written by an educated for eigner and was posted the djy before Prince Helle left New York for Franca. Th letter gave the address of an attorney In the Transvasl who knew of the record of Henry de Olnxberg there. The letter Just received by Mr. Ferrer Is from the attorney referred to In the let ter from New York. Th letter touch 041 the cla ms of De Ginsberg that he sunk a lar, fortune In behalf of the Boers during the war in the Transvaal. The letter says De Gir.xrerg wss known at both Pretoria and Johannesburg, but was never a man of much consequence there. It aays he operated a clothes cleaning establishment under the firm name "The Only Henry" and was commonly seen on the streets with a pair of trousers over his arm. The "baron" carried around with him pockets full of nes;spr clippings showing how he denounced Webster Davis ri the streets of Ksnsas City. He was aggrleVsd at Mr. Davis and claimed Mr. Davis owed him large sums of money. Total .36.400 (1.3(0 it I 0 tlsii Cltr Live stock Market. BIOT'X CTTy. Ia.. June 30.-(8rcial Tel egrnm.) CATTLfc Receipt, 0 bead; SCHOFIELD MAY TAKE LIFE trrompllif of Bond l.lkely t Be Given Cbanre of Plead las; Gallty. That Gerald Bchnfield. the accomplice of George L. Bond In the murder of John Wrede, the South Omaha saloon keeper, will be allowed to plead guilty and take a life sentence 1s the opinion of a number of those who are conversant with th rase. County Attorney English ald he could not tell Tuesday Jut what disposition would be made of S'-hofleld's rase, but he might plesd guilty. Bond, alio sdmltud firing th fttsl shots, wss sentenced to a life term Saturday, and It is not believed a Jury would Inflict sny greater punla'.i ment on Bchnfield. As the jury will be discharged this week Bchofleld rsn not be tried until fall and he will have to remain In Jail until October, unlet a plead (rullt.y and tak a ssnleuc