T 1 V, The Omaha Daily Bee ,.1 V if VOL. XXXVIII NO. 11. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, lflOS TEN PAGES. SINGLE i COPY TWO CENTS. S i v r k f ft 5 I i i A 4 . h mi FINISHES WORK 5ecretarUf War Ready to Turn Over ) Hii Office. , WHIGHT TAKES CHARGE TODAY ' , . new umciai v.iu :ae ipiroaucea Bureau Chief i Today. rg EXTENDED 'TALK WITH BURTOi i Latter Sayi vpryi Will Have Impor tant Place in Campaign. CHAIRMANSHIP NOT YET SETTLED Announcement Repeated That l pnlntinent Will Not Hp Made I'ntll KahromniKtrr Meet, July Klahth. WASHINGTON. Juno 30. "I'm In Pro cess of Ploughing off my official robci." This ws th laconic description nl condition given by Secretary W'llhn H. Taft this evening, as he sat at, M big flat-topped desk In hia private ff'e at the War department. He has bey I work ing liks an East Indian slave du Ing the tav In th 1lnnlllnn nf more I'T less Ml pnrtant departmental businei He gave notice early In the day that propose to discuss politic hours of hla administration a war. because of the enormou routine matter which he nc. on hand. Throughout the d.i ae did not i the last ecrelary of amount of isarily had h was In consultation with Governor vv jght, who Is to be his successor ai execulve man or the War department, and rltn bureau chiefs of the department. I Th only real polllkal confefrnce he had during the day was with representative Theodore E. Burton of Cleve Uid. O. The conference, was rjroloreed. M l Burton, dts cussed with the secretary t the convention and the pollt as it has developed since tl adjourned. They devoted rai tlon to the political conditi Mr. Taft's native state, com he 1b especially solicitous. Job for Vori details of il situation convention ular atten s In Ohio, nlng which At the conclusion of the c Burton eald that a number were considered by Mr. Taf concerning which he could re "Mr. Voiys. who haa been crnnti.iltiii with the national of the lepubllcsn party, wll probably wlth the approac' fcf.rence, Mr. of questions and himself talk, nentloned In halrmunshlp he Identified Ing national iclty, but. as cairi'ii eh in an miijorittiii c the Bl'ua'lon is today., ba not be the chairman 't.ie ' -committee. I have no fornjalon' at thia time on the national iiinar.shlp question DcyojiJ mat. i uiu iiie certain, however, uw. an ui wrinkles which now seem t exist will De mothered out In a few dvs." Comnientlng upon his InH view with Mr. Button, Secretary Taft said diplomatically; "We if iaider-rt the stns of the whole union, but a little political touch was given to the Interview. 1 will adtilt." t'!a)rnianMp CsirTlde. It cevil.ped from the U'k with Secre tary Tufi that Mr. Burtoi may go to Hut S : -ii'gs for a brief sojuirn about the time Pcictary Taft and lis family ar rive tbe.c. The secretary sad that he and !?,r... Tdtt and their son Sharlle would leave V. ti iliington next Kiilay afternoon for Hot Springs. Va. He also announced that he had sent out notices today to the members of the subcommittee of the na tional coimrjttee requesting them to meet at Vol Springs on July 8-cne week from tomorrow to determine the matter of the republican national chalimanHhlp. Con cerning the chairmanship, the secretary said that he was absnlutel without In lirmatlnn that he could ci mnmnlcate to the public. Apparently the matter Is as much In th air as It has been since tie meeting of the subcommittee In Clnclinuil in the :ot!i nst. Mr. Taft said that he evicted to hav i talk with Arthur I Vor s tomorrow, but hut he lid not i n". t to m t- 1-. it. Mtton- ick until Thunislay. I'e und. r.tan Is hat .V.r. Hitch ! 't Liten-'s t 1 a v - t he clt this evenit'K and .t lelt r i until Thursd ly. A question which gave tie s cnta y s -. thought teda wa- that trlailng t th- ordering nl United S'ale. lumps to th-1 Mexlcun border to insure the pre ervalion if the neuli a it t ..' laws lie .xphdred '.ha' .wo troops of cavalry an I two other tio.ips .u. ........I,,..,. .iim , .It I .eO 11 Plirl 1HS ... .,, t.x.. a f..w miles hehu . loot lie xp.essd the lope t.a Hi sivles n,i,hl nil l. .1 h . ui way. Taft fenr-i HeW. This w Will m H I Taft'- HI day as secie'.ary o; v.-.u. . ler many yens if disttnuioi ed serwivi to hu g icer..m nt , ts m jc.de of Unite I S.ate court, a tov- 1 LONDON. June :(0.The mobilization of irnor fconenl of Ihe Pollip. ine ish.nds, as j ail British warships In home waters avail iCcreUty of war and ss-'he sfe.ijl tepre- able for Imtn -diate service was completed tentative ot the govirnm-nt on m -vera I ; t id.iy for toe anni al naval maneuvers, blli ate and Important iii l..,,iatic ml sl : and Admiral Lord Charles Beresl'ord finds lie pi actually relinquishes tonight the er ferinance for a time at hast of dtit.ej a an urihlal of the United tSitcs. The loimal tram-fer of tim Wur depart ment from the admlnlstratl m of Secretary Taft to that of Kecietary I.ukc H. Wright. his successor, will not take place until to- I morrow; but the work of the department Will be brought up to date hy Mr. Taft be foi l.e Imvn his desk this evening and Becn-uiy Wright will o.it. i upon his new duties tomorrow with substantially a clean laie. The last duties lo be performed by Secre tary Taft will be the formal presentation of Ms ueceor tomorrow mot nlng to Assist ant Secretary Oliver t.nd to the bureau and division chiefs vf the War department. Beeieury Tail w ill then b. come a private cltueii. From that moment until the fate- Axj rt tlJ al.i'ilund lie V t N; n r li will devote himself to his campaign fur the presidency ot the United Siat.s Confers With Urlgbt Upon his arrival at his oif;ce Secretary , rphew , j.,ph g, Held Be- Taft sent for General Edwards, chief of I , of i.OM -f Part ot the buieau of Insular affairs, and took up I llank'a Reserve, with him and General Wright some matters j voiicerr.ln the status of affairs In PanamaJ g , LT LAKE CrTY. June JO-In the fed- ana luca. " tecrriirj- iniorinaiion as to the elections In Panama is very re assuring. Indications are now that no trouble at the general election will ensue. By direction of the secretary, Kred W. Carpenter. hU private secret ary, today tele graphed to ti members tif the subcom mittee of the. national comnjilttee appointed la confer Hth Mr. Taft respecting the UK-Uon of i national cht-rmnn. that he -uld meet ajiem at Hut S Inge July S. HtstHt CalU mt i ar OtB.ee. Among thf official caller Taft todar.waa Attorney on Secretary eneral Bona- 4- SUMMARY OF THE BEE Tnoili), .Inly 1, llOS. 190S S 4 m. tt "n mf 15 6 Z 8 9 10 11 ' - y, -o ? JO M JO JO it JO 20 2 22 23 24 25 g 29 SO SI " THE WtATHEB. MAMA. I'ffl'Nni, BLVFF9 AND y Fair Wednesday. '-:H1LAPKA Fair Wednesday. ,V. Fair Vednesdny. iurf ui Oinnha vsterday: liea. 4" 67i io ia f 7' t 75 73 71 DOMESTIC. Fifty seats are to be contested it the democratic convention at Denver. Page 1 Judges of the federal court at ft. Paul temporarily enjoin the action of the In terstate Commerce commihslon In reduc ing the stock yarda switching charge at Chicago. VS 8 Secretary Taft yields his office to Gen eral Wright, who will become the new secretary of war today. Page 1 Alexander Troup of New Haven i-ays the New England states hope to advance his Interests by proposing a friendly can didate for vice president. Page 3 Mrs. Cleveland and children go to Tarn vorth for the Rummer. Page 1 Dubuque cltizene are, planning an elab orate home-coming week in August. Page 1 W. R. Hearst loses his contest ease lor the mayoralty of New York under dlrec- tlon of Justl'-e Lambert. Page 1 Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. LouU Is elected president of t lie National Federa tion of Wont en's Clubs at Boston. Page 1 Illinois Central gives order that shop men shall rem me work. Pag-e 1 Prince Zu Kulenbuia says the witnesses In his cae from Munich are either mad or bribed. He faints In court. Page 1 HXBRAS2CA. J. M. Shively is the first republican to file his petition as a candidate at Ihrf primaries for a state olfke. Page 3 SFOBT. Results of the hall uanien: 4 Denver vs. Omaha 7 Sioux City vs. Pe.- Moines 1. y Lincoln vs. Pueblo 1. 4 cimymat! vs. Chicago 2. 3 New'V-k vs. ilrooklyn 0 . 2 Clevdnnd vs. St. Louis 1. 'I Chlc-jgo vs. Detroit 1. g Huston vs. New York 0. 3 Philadelphia vs. Washington 1. 1 Kajsn City vs. Minneapolis 1. 9 Colii iVu:s s. Toledo 4. 3 Incllaiiapolis vs. Louisville 0. J Page 9 COMMtHClAX. AND INDUSTRIAL. Live stufck markets. Page 7 Grain mail.ets. Fag-a 7 Stocks and bunds. Page 7 MOVEMENTS Or CCEAW STEAMSHIPS. Port. Arr.ved. balled. SEW YORK . Minneapolis jiflV YORK '. . N . Aiilhter'iam . SEW YHHK I 1 inlam (Jl KKS.'TuV. I .Miurnaiua rtHKWKN' . ! I'reinrn I'UKRllot R(i . K. WUhflm II... n.YMnlTH I. H A ItK I. Florins. HAVRK RlcllUn. SUFFRAGETTESJMAKE TROUBLE Hrfuneil llenrlna by Premier Asqnlth, They Mnke Demonstration Aliiiut Pnrllunient. LONDON. Jane TA Women, suffraartsts assembled In Caxton hall this afternoon sent a deputation to the House of Com- I mons to interview rreniler Asquun in me mailer oi ine iiinii.Miiaie gidiutiig ui i"- ; f ia lcliise to women. The deputation was met by a s h.l body of police and refused admission. The premier. In a curt men- :.ie. d, -rimed to see the delgatlon, and when its niem'n-rs returned to Caxton hall a n i.cy deimnehitl .r of the government eiitin d an I a decision to colle t the full tone of the .-uffraj.'is;s for subsequent iVmoiisiratioiu. at the House of Commons. 1 I 1 1 : .-I ... .1 a .,f 1-,.,1','A o,r.-l. .1 tl, Iw.iium ill f p,..... i. Hour. S a. m. R a m. 7 a. m. H a. m. 9 a. m. Vi n. m. 11 a. m. li in.... 1 p. m. ? p. m 1 p. m 4 p. tn R p. m fi p. m 7 p. m f p. m !i p. m MM i ENGLAND COLLECTS BIG FLEET',01""'"" ,ov""BO K'P"-t. Tempera- . Moldlirntloii of Kit Warships Home Waters C rente C onsid erable Comment. In - j himself in supreme cemmand of a total of not less t.ian 31 ships, with all aggre gate colnph tneiit of ilS.Oco officers and men. With the ex. . lion of the coast guards, all these men hi navy. on the active list of the MULAI WANTS Mnwcv lilULHI n,ArlU WMIMia MUliCI lu Letter Head In Mo.qne at Tanaler, He A.V for Present of Funds. ' TANGIKR, June JO. A letter from Mulal Hafid, the Insuigent sultan of Morocco, was read In the Mos.pie here todav. It thanks the people for preferring him to Abcl-Ll-Ail. whom he describes as hav ing sold himself to the Christians. Hafid asks the Inhabitants of Tangier to make i . gift of liUVI. ! NELSON UNDER INDICTMENT ml court this morning, United States Judge John Marshall received from the federal grand Jury a report bringing an in dictment against A. W. Nelson, in con nection with the alleged looting of the re serve vaults of the Utah National bank. Nelson Is cashier of the Jordan State bank and was formerly employed In the Utah Nalloi-1 wheie his uncle, Joseph S. Nelson, was formerly cashier. The elder Nelson tendered his resignation when President W. e. McCormtck, after receiving the re port of experts. Issued a signed statement acknowledging the loss of I10C.SO from the reaxvt tbtsis ui Uis Utah National ban. JUDGES SUSPESP CUT ORDER Federal Court at St. Paul Enjoins Commerce Commission. CHICAGO SWITCH CHARGES LOW nednrtlnn of Terminal Fee for Tronic portntlon of Cara to Stork Tarda Held to Be t n rraaonable. ST. PAITI., Minn., J ine 30.-Judges 8in born. Ho k and Ad.ims In the Unlt.d States circuit court today tendered an interlocu tory decree whereby they temporarily sua pend and enjoin the enforcement of the order of the Interstate Commerce comml.i bi in which reiduced the charge of certain lallroada for the transfer of live stock from their terminus in Chicago t the I'nion Stoik yards from $J to $1 per car. Judge Adams del vered the opinion of the couit. The court held: "The termlr.-il charge for the transporta- tlon of these cars from the termini or me railroads to the stock yards over the tracks of the Union Stock Yard company wa required by the acts of conaress to be separately scheduled by the railroad com panies snd they complied with those acts and scheduled this charge separately. "This terminal charge of per ear for transferring the cars over the tracks of the Union Stock Yards company to the stock yards and returning the same to complain ants' roads was a reasonable charge. A reduction of It to $1 per car made it un reasonably low. The Interstate Com merce commission made this charge un reasonably low because the rates of the railroad companies on their own road and the terminal charge of 2 were, in their opinion, unreasonably high. This was an error of law. Under the acts of congress, which requires segregation of the question of the Justice and reasonableness of each segregated rate must be determined by it self. Jurisdiction of Courts. "Under the acts of congress the federal courts have Jurisdiction to set aside or suspend an order of the Interstate Com merce commission which results from mis conception and misapplication of the law to conceded or undisputed facts. It li not lndisiensable to the correction by the fed eral court of an error of law Into which the commission has fallen, whereby a specific rate Is made unreasonably low, that the aggrieved party should prove tnat the effect of this unreasonably low rate will make Its entire business unproi Itahle. It Is enough that the reduced rate is unjust and unreasonable. "The order of the Interstate Commerce commission, whereby the charge for the transfer of live stock from the termini of the railroad companies In Chicago over the tracks of the Union Stock Y'ards company to the slock yards from ti per car to tl per car must be suspended and Its enforce ment enjoinpd until the final direction of the further order of the court." Parties to Action. The action was brought in the United States circuit court here by Receivers Stickney and Smith of the Chicago Great Western and the Chicago, Milwaukee & t. Paul, Cnlcago Ac Alton, Rock Island and Santa Fe companies were parties to the suit. Receivers Stlckney and Smith reside here and the Hepburn and Sherman anti trust laws, under which the action was brought leave It optional to bring cases In any district where one of the complaln r.nts reside. Immediately after the action was begun United States Attorney General Bonaparte caused to be filed a certificate requiting the court to speed the-case and requiring at least three circuit Judges to hear and try It. The case was argued May 28 last. BOOTH & COMPANY IS GUILTY BIr Fish Concern Admit Accepting Rebates From Railroad Companies. CHICAGO. June 30. A. Booth & Co., one of the largest concerns dealing In fish and oysters In the west, pleaded guilty todav to having accepted rebates from railroad companies. An indictment against the I company was returned a year ago. It con- . tallied several counts, all of wnicli, wit n one exception, were oisnussen. juuge i-annts will announce his sentence later. The maximum penalty for the offense, accord ing to District Attorney Slmms, Is li'o.O o. The company was Indicted for the viola tion of the Elklns anti-trust law, the case presenting many points similar to thess brought out at the trial of the Standard Oil company, which resulted In a fine of $.'9,ih,'iu. normal weather conditions I lurr, I. w m i . i Mill, i loiniitu Just as 'I hey Should Be. LINCOLN. Neb., June 30.-(Speetal.) The weekly weather bulletin for the week ending June 25 Is as follows: The week averaged, for the stale as a whole. Just about normal for temperature, rainfall and cloudiness. The dally mean temperature was between 70 degrees and Tl degrees In the central and eastern counties, which is Just about the seasonable average. It was between 6b di grecs and 6S degrees In the western counties, which Is about 3 degrees below the normal. Monday and Saturday were generaly the warmest days, with a inax- ! 1,num temperature ntar w Ut,,s,ees- : ,Jne ralnfllil ,al above nurmai in mo?t of I th,s ktate' " "C"1' " " most of the cen,ra nd 'astern sections, except I 1,1 orna northeastern counties. . where It j was about one-half an Inch. The ruin fell I " ...u.iusy niSm Friday and Saturday. In a few localities the rain was accompanied by hail. The total rainfall from April 1 to date Is de cidedly above the normal, except In a few western counties, where It Is slightly be low. G. A. LOVtLAND. Section Director, Lincoln, Neb. PRESIDENT GOES ON PICNIC He and Family KnJor Old-Fnahloned Time on North Shore of Long Island Sound. OYSTER BAY. N. Y., June 30 -President Roosevelt and hi family today enjoyed a real old-fashioned picnic tn the woods at the waters' edge on Lloyd Neck, a penin sula on the north shore of Long Island sound. Early In the day th president, with on of his boys, started In a row boat from the Cold Spring harbor side of his grounds and rowed the entire distance, about three miles, to the picnic grounds. Mrs. Roosevelt and the rest of ti.e chil dren went around Cove Neck In the yacht Sylph, taking along provision and utensils for a day CAitlng. It always Is with great plea aura that th president goes on these outings, and th children and Mrs. Room veil aojoy It-tin squally as well TROOPS TO BE IN READINESS nrlaradler Jienerel A. !.. Mejer Dl poaee of Men to Preserve Sen trallt? l.tsi. , WASHINGTON, June .10 Pro.npt ac knowledgement has been made hy lr gadl-r General A. 1.. Meyer, In command of the Department of Texas, with he idtuiarters at Saji Antonio, of the orders sent to him last night, requiring the dispatch of a number of troops to Delrlo and other points In Texas to assist the civil authori ties In enforcing a strict compliance wi'h the neutrality laws, so as to prevent any aid given Mexican revolutionists. General Meyer has been given a reasonably free hand In the matter and will consult freely with the civil authorities of the national government as to the requirements at various places along the border In the way of troops and at any place where there Is tn apparent necessity for them, he will dispatch them at once. Officials of the ad mlr 1st i atlon predict a speedy collapse of the revolutionary movement In Mexlci. Tht-y base this prediction on their knowl edge of previous uprisings ng.ii'iPt that government and declare that the prejencj of well organized regular troops will soon datjipen their ardor and scatter their banos in addition to this the free use of the mlli- tary laws on the American side In stop ping violations of the neutrality laws tiiey say, will materially aid in putting down the movement. Senor Godoy, the Mexican charge, ca.led at the State department lodjiy. ST. I.OV1S IS HEAD OF JVWTA Senorlta Gnnislei Anxiously Watches Outcome? oC Slraggle. ST. LOUIS, June 30. Living in an attio of a ramshackle building at loll North Tenth street, which neighborhood Is populated with negroes, Senorlta Andrea Villarcal Gonzales, poetess and one of the lead.ng spliits of the Mexican Junta, Is Impatiently wartthing revolutionary developments 'in Mexico. With her family she was exiled from Mexico. Her brotherj Antonio, spent four years in a Mexican prison and Is now In Jail at Los Angeles because of his revolu tionary tendencies. With shlnglng eyet and her hands clenched because of Intense feeling, she de clared today: "Tomorro-v the real revolu tion will (vrvflope Mexico In a whirlwind. We have 30,000 liberal armed. Forty thou sand more will Join aa soon as the money seized from a bank Is used to procure arms for them." "They call us bandits." she exclaimed Ut terly, "merely because we robbed a bank. Where Ise would the poor revolutionists get money for ammunition and guns with which to win liberty and to buy food for themselves and their wives and ehlldien? "I am a woman," she said, her mind, softening, "and I hate bloodshed and vio lence. Hut If it became necessary 1 could subdue weak nature and mysilf ue the dagger or the torch. "Oh, the hunger of the people of Mexico. I receive letters from there every day which make me cry. "Five generals will rally to us with their commands, for the army Is disaffected, Tiie rich are aiding us more than the dictator would believe. A'l the lahorers are with us." tiimrita Gonzales iicclai rd she secured S2m from a wealthy sympathizer, with which she equipped and has dispatched to the Insurgents a leader whose name she declined to reveal. WRIGHTS AB0UJ TO REALIZE Syndicate of French People Offers Them I.argre Sum If Ma chine Files. PARIS, June 30. The Journal Des Debats this afternoon says that the Wright Brothers of Dayton, O., have signed a con tract with Lazare Welller, who Is acting for a syndicate, who offers the Wrights lino, Oik) for their patents, provided, first, that the aeroplane, with two persons on board, flies thirty-ono miles in an enclosed circuit, and, second, that It repeats this performance within eight days In the pres ence of a committee. If another aero planlsl accomplishes this same feat within four months of the time that the Wrights make their successful flight, the contract Is to become void. BERLIN, June 30. A new military steer able airship, designed by Major Gross, chief of the balloon corps of the army, made Its first ascent at Tegel today. The ship, which Is 2 feet long and 33 feet in diameter, is propelled by two motors of seventy-five horsepower each. The trial trip today lasted for one hour and a half and was highly successful. ZU EULENBERG WITNESSES MAD This Is Statement of Defendant In the Hlg; Prosecution at Berlin. BERLIN. June 30. The trial of Prince Philip Zu Kulenberg on charges of perjury nnd subornation of perjury in connection with the "round table" siandal of lat year was continued in this city today. The hearings are being held In private. The prince pleaded not guihy and de dared that the Munich witnesses I ad either been bribed er were mad. The court be;an today by taking th testimony of L'arnn Alphonse de Rothschilds of Vienna, who was given precedence because he urged the necessity of his Immediate return to the Austrian capital. The prince was attended in court by a physician. During the afternoon session the prince was suddenly overcome with weakness, and restoratives had to be applied. The sitting was suspended until tomorrow, the prlnice being removed in on automobile to the Charity hospital, where he Is held a pris oner. GUARD'S SHOT KILLS WOMAN Political Prisoner at Kiev Caught Slanallna to Fellow Prisoners. KIEV, June 30. Mile. Sherstr.ova, who was confined in the political prison here, was today shot and killed by one of thu prison sentinels, who caught her signalling with a mirror with some cf her co-prisoners. She was standing at a window at th-i lime. The sentinel's first shot killed her. BUFFETS WILL BE CLOSED Order Issued by Pullman Company VIII ffrt Train la Illinois. CHICAGO. June 3i On account of the total . i ' i t ' laws lu so many counties In Iliim.D buif, t. in nearly all railroad t ars will be i I.jsi-,1. An order has been issued by the Pullman ccmpany closing the tiuffet In the parlor rar of the Alton llmlt-d le tween Chicago and St. Louis and abandon ing entirely th sale of Intoxicating liquors. Th order of th Pullman compary will affect lu buffets all roads la thiuols. HEARST LOSES lib CONTEST Recount of Ballots in New York is Completed. VERDICT 13 FOR M'CLELLAN Jury Kinds That No Fraud Was Commit ted and That Mayor Mas I.ranlly Flee led to Office. NEW YORK, June 30. Mayor Gcorse 11. MeClellan's title to the office of mayor of New York City was made clear by the de cision of Justice Lambert In the supreme court today, when he ordered a Jury "to render a verdict that McClellan was duly elected mayor In 1!06. W. R. Hearst has been contesting the mayor's right to the office practically ever since the election, and as a result of his charges of fraud In the original count of ballots, the legisla ture passed a law enabling a recount. Attorney General W. S. Jackson then In stituted quo warranto proceedings on be half of the people. In which both Mr. Hearst and Mayor McClellan were named as defendants. Hearst Falls to Prove Changes. The recount left Mayor McClellan with a plurality of 2.9C.5, whereupon Clarern-e J. Shearn, representing Mr. Jackson, al leged that the ballot boxes had been stuffed and requested the court to throw out the entire vote of .112 election dis tricts In which he charged that the bal lots found In the boxes exceeded the num ber of registered voters. This, however, was based on ani Incorrect list of voters, and when the correct list was produced today Mr. Shearn said that the registra tion was greater than the poll In every district disputed. Justice Lambert declined to throw out the contested districts. Mr. Shearn then charged that the Inspectors had registered an excessive number of Mimes, but said he could not prove re peating. The Justice then declared that the orig inal count was quite as complete as the one made In court and that the evidence showed no fraud so far as the election In spectors were concerned. He said that If legal voters could bo disfranchised so readily as had been attempted in this case. this form of government would not en dure long. If the Jury were to return a verdict against Mayor McClellan. Justice Lambert said, he would not allow It to stand, and ho ordered a verdict In favor of the mayor, which was rendered. The Jurors were allowed $510 each, having sat fifty-one days. Statement by McClellan. Mayor McClellan issued a statement to night, in which, after defining his atti tude In regard to the recount, he states that he has been forced to pay out J4fl,(K) to defend his title, not Including counsel fees, which are still unpaid. The mayor directs at.ention to the fact that "the re sult of this enormous expense and this protracted litigation has been to Increase my total vote and diminish my official plurality by about 5"0 disputed ballots." Mayor McClellan says that ho haa no re grets as to the course he pursued, and that he feels that the controversy wll! discourage the bringing of election con tests of this sort In the future. He said that had he suspected that his election was the result of fraud he would have acted differently. THOMPSON LEADS FOR OFFICE President of Ohio State University Mar Head National Teach ers' Association. CLEVELAND, O.. June 30. The tech nical side of the educational problem, or rather the science of teaching in Its various phases, was taken In by nlfferent groups of the delegates today who are attending the annual convention of the National Edu cational association. The matter of selecting the next presi dent and the place for holding the next annual convention are topics of generous discussion. While these iiolnts will not be officially reached by the convention until next Thursday, tho campaigning is becom ing lively. Among those prominently men tioned for the presidency are: Pr. V. O Thompson, president of the Ohio KiTe uni versity, Columbus; J. H. Phillips, Birming ham, Ala., and K D. Harvey of Menom inee, Wis. The central evstern states, which have the largest representation at the convention, are said to favor the selec tion of Dr. Thompson. Denver and Atlantic City are the two candidates for the next convention. HOME COMING AT DUBUQUE Iotra Cltr Prepares to Entertain Large Number of People In Assail. DURL'QUE. Ia., June SO. Dubuque Is pre paring to entertain 5.om guests the last week In August of the present year. It Is the diamond Jubilee of Dubuquefs existence as a town. The general committee in charge of ar rangements has been at work since early In the year preparing for the event. It Is to be a home-coming on a larger scale than ever before was attempted In Iowa. Du buque people are scattered over the nation. Replies to letters of Invitation have leen received from every state in the union. Colorado. Washington and California tn particular, have returned acceptances by the hundreds. SHOP MEN G0BACK TO WORK Illinois Central Railroad Pots Num ber of Them In Service After Short Layoff. DUBUQUH, la.. June SO. Following on the heels of the announcement a few das go of the Illinois Central road that sonm 8 000 men on the various divisions would l-e put back to work, 4f0 employes of the Mil waukee road, particularly men laid off at the shops, were yesterday morning put tack Into the tervlce. They return to work rn a ten-hour a day schedule and six days a week. These changes are looked upon here as one of the real evidences of a return of prosperity. They niean that the crop out look over the country, despite the storm areas. Is first-class. tattle Derail Train. HURON, S. D., June 3f. (Speclal.)-Early Sunday morning the northbound mail and expre.-s uer the Chicago & Northwestern railway ran int.) a bunch of cattle on the track near Ordway. The t ng ne. baggage and exi u n i si were derailed. K.ixin er Ml' hael .lurray and Fireman I"r. d Klrkow Wire severely Injured. Mr. Murray betides being fearfully scalded and hurt about the head Is reported to have received Internal Injuries that may prove fatal. The train was lu chaige bt Conductor Po threw. MRS. MOORE BEATS MRS. WARD St. I.ouls Woman Gets Many More Votes Thus Selection of dom inating; Committee. BOSTON. June 30. The announcement of the election of Mrs. Phillip N. Moore of St. Louis as president of the General Fed eration of Women's clubs for the next two years was the most Important feature of today's session, the closing nieellnt;s of the biennial convention of the general fed eration In this city. Mrs. Moore received 516 of the 9i votes cast, the rest going to Mrs. May Alden Ward of Boston, the can didate named yesterday hy the nominating committee. With the exception of the president, all the other candidates of the nominating committc were unoppised and were elected as follows: First vice president. Mrs. Joseph K.va'n Cowles. California; second vice piesldent. Mrs. Belle King. Sherman, 111.; uccrdlng secretary, Mrs. Henry II. Dawson. New Jersey; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. N. Sheik. Wyoming; treasurer. Mrs. G. M. Welsh, Minnesota; auditor, Mrs. Rudolph D. Blankenburg. Pennsylvania; directors. Mrs. Guy It. C. Allen. Wheeling. W. Va ; Mrs. yniiip t Brpenter. New York; Mrs Sarah A. Evans. Portland. Ore.; Mrs. William A. Johnston. Toreka. Kan.; Mia. C. P. Klnsey, Valparaiso. 1ml. The report of the election committee and the formalities in connection with the induc tion of the new officers occupied consider able of the opening hours of today's meet ing, but with this concluded the delegates took up business. Under the general topic of "press prob lems." several brief papers were read. Miss Louise Graham of Cl veland, O., spoke of "Justice In Journalism." "The Sunday Sup plement" was described by Mrs. Sallle Joy White of LVdham, Mass., and Mrs. Robert J. Burdette of Pasadena, Cal., spoke of "The Personal Appeal." A discussion of "Social Amenities." with expressions of opinion on many ullied topics followed. Arrangements were made for the dupli cation of the morning's proceedings during the afternoon. BISHOP POTTER MAY NOT LIVE Head of Kplscopal Chnrch of York Is In Critical Con dition. New COOPERSTOWN, N. Y.. June 3".-Bishop Potter Is not expected to live through the day. He passed a restless night and was reported very low this morning. After midnight the bishop's condition was so serious that oxygen was artificially ad ministered. His weakness is extreme and Drs. J. E. Janvrln of New York and M. I. Bassett of Cooperstown, who are attending him, have almost abandoned hope. All the I prelate's relatives have been summoned to Ms bedside. His son, Alonso Potter, ar rived last night and Mrs. Potter has been with the bishop almost continuously slneu the first alarming symptoms yesterday. Three members of Mrs. Potter's family, Edward S. Clark. Stephen C. Clark and Ambrose Clark, nlso are in Cooperstown. The patient's Illness dates from May 1, when he was attacked by a complication of stomach and liver trouhle, but It was not until early In June that his condition liecame serious. On June 10 he was tak-n to Cooperstown In the hope that a change of air would benefit him. A marked turn for the better resulted almost Immediately, but the oppressive heat of the last week counteracted this and yesterday he suf fered a dsngeinus relspse. The Right Rev. Henry Codman Potter Is the seventh bishop of the Protestant Epis copal dloceso of New York, which post he has held for twenty-five years, succeed ing his uncle. Bishop Horatio Potter. His father was Bishop Alonzo Potter of Penn sylvania. The present bishop, who Is 74 years old, married Mrs. Elizabeth Scrlven Clark, his second wife, In 1902. PRIMARY PETITIONS ON FILE M. Snivel)- First Candidate State Office to Msrnlfy Ills Intentions. for (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June 30 (Special Telegram.) D. H. Klnsey of Arcadia has sent his petition signifying his intention of runn'ng for state s.nator to the secretary of slate. He does not Indicate to what party he be longs. Deputy Land Commissioner J. M. Shlvely has filed his petition for the office of land commissioner, being the first repub lican candidate for state office to make a filing. Attorney General W. T. Thompson, with Rate Expert U. O. Powell and L. E. Wet tling, left today for St. Louis, where they will take depositions In the express casi s. They ae. ascertaining the actual earnings and expenses of the companies as nearly us possible for use as evidence in the suit In federal court. STANDARD'S PENSION SYSTEM Details of Methods F.mploved Made Knows In Hearing; of Suit of Government. NEW YORK. June 30. The pension sys tem of the Standard Oil company of New York was described today at the hearing of the government's suit to dissolve the cor poration. William R. King, general sales agent of the company, testified that few of the employes ever leave, because this system provides that any of them may re tire at the age of 65 on 25 per cent of their average salary for the past ten years for life. It also provides that any employe of twenty years' service may retire when 60, receiving for ten years half of his average salary for the preceding ten years. From then until death he will be paid 2o per cent of this average. CLEVELANDS GO TO TAMWORTH M idon of Late Ra-Prrsldent and Chil dren to Spend Hummer In Country. PRINCETON. N. J., June 30-Mrs. Frances Cleveland, widow of fr.rmer Predl rient Grover Cleveland, left here today for ht rsummer home at Tamworth, N. H., where she will remalr. with her children until September. Mrs. Cleveland was ac companied by two of her children, Esther and Richard. SHERMAN GAINING STRENGTH Alee Presidential Candidate Will Probably l.ruvr lakeside Hos pital Wednesday. CLEVELAND. O., June 3 Congressman James S. Hiifrmsn. repiiblh ,yi nominee for vlt e-president, continues to gain strength at Lakeside hospital. His condition was normal t lilt; mornl.'ig and l.e will pri.liablv leav the hospital tornorriw. Pitched llutlle Mllii Strikers. FORT SMITH. Ark.. Ji.ne. :' i -A ije. battle look rlace late list uikht 1 1 1 we n striking shopmen employed by t lie St. I.o it & Iron Mountain Railroad company aid Itailsn strike breskers at Van Buren. Ark , In which two of tls latter were shut and seriously wounded; CRAY BOOM GROWS Delaware Man Pushed for Second Place on Bryan Ticket. HIS CLOSE FRIENDS SAY NAY Belief That Ho Is Willing to Make tho Race. FIFTY SEATS A3E IN DISPUTE Entire Idaho Delegation Must Go Through Contest. CHAIRMANSHIP BEING DISCUSSED I rey Woodson nnd Mayor Dahlman Mentioned for Control of Cam paignFew Delegates on Hand. DENVER. Colo., June 30. Although iuiv didates for the nomination for vice presi dent on the democratic ticket are numer ous, and despite the fact that tlielr num ber is likely to be largely increased before a choice la actually made, It Is the general opinion among such leaders of the party who are now here that If George Gray of Delaware will declare his willingness to accept the second place on the ticket he can have It. Joslah Marvel of Wilmington, Del., the manager of the Gray presidential campaign, who arrived In Denver tonight, will not, however, give his consent. He Insists that the Delaware man Is a candi date for first place, and when it Is settled that he cannot have first place It will be ample time to place him In running for the secondary position, provided he cares to take it. Mr. Marvel denies, however, that Judge Gray will he satisfied with anything less than the head of the ticket. It is well known that Mr. Bryan would be pleased to have Judge Gray for the vice presidential candidate, and the only thing that prevents the latter from becoming a leading candidate for that position Is the simple but all-powerful fact thst he will not declare himself to be a candidate ut all. Gray Headquarters Opened. The Gray presidential boom was formally launched today and headquarters were opened In the Savoy hotel. They were ar ranged some hours in advance of the ar rival of Mr. Marvel, and during the early part of the afternoon a corps of expert bill stickers were going about the hotels putting up lithographs of the Delaware can didate. No other pictures have been placed as yet, and the Gray men secured the most prominent places In the lobbies of all of the leading hotels. The headquarters wer thrown open after the arrival of Manager Marvel, but because of the 1st hour at which he put In an appearance the Gray boom was not put Into active operation. By tomorrow, however. It Is expected to be In full swing. The Johnson headquarters will not be opened for several days and the date on which the Bryan banners will be thrown out has not yet been determined, but it will be on Saturday or Sunday, sfter th arrival of the Nebraska delegation. Flmht on Injunction Plank. e It Is certain that there will be a 8tjJn UKlll III 111." H-IIMO,.., v possibly on the floor of the conv. t)v, itsflf. over the anti-lr.Junctlon plank. , hp has come Indirectly from Lincoln hsWJU( Bryan Is In favor of a plank of a om0 radical nature, and It Is certain that men as Roger Sullivan, national commlt.t' man from Illinois, and Chairman Tag,g of the national committee are strongly, n pns.ed to It. Sullivan gave out yesterds.,, fta'ement In which h favorfd "equal r"gh before the law" and used other expressions of a similar character which were con strued to mean that he was opposed to a strong antl-irjunctlon plank. Mr. Sullivan denies that he Intended to convey the lm- rresslon that he planned to fight the anti- Injunction plank, but It Is generally be lieved that he is against extreme language in this part of the resolutions. It Is well known that between Mr. Brjan and Mr. Sullivan and other Influential members of the Illinois delegation no particular amount of love Is lost, and reports have been circu lated that if an anti-injunction plank Is adopted more radical In Its character than the Illinois people feel that they can ap prove that the state, when It comes to balloting for president, will bretk away from Its Bryan Instructions. Sullivan denied this emphatically today. He said: "We were told to stick for Bryan, and we are going to stick I do not believe that any platform fight can change our present program. Illinois has no Idea of breaking away from its Instructions." Conservatives In Evldeaoa. The forces opposed to a radical labor plank were strengthened today by the arrival of Charles G. Helfner of Washing ton state, who has the proxy of John V. Terry, the national committeeman from that state. Mr. Helfner announced em phatically that the Pacific coast, and par ticularly the state of Washington, waa opposed to the adoption of such a plank as was presented at Chicago by Samuel Gompers and other officials of the Ameri can Federation of Labor. "The adoption by our party of such a plank would be a transparent sop to unlor. labor which would be repugnant to voters in all sec tions of the country. It would be 4 prom ise that no law-making body would be willing to fulfill. It could not help but lr.Jure the democratic party at th polls." Mr. Helfner believed that the vice presi dency will go tu the east, but he was not ready to say how his delegation will vote. The coming of Mr. Helfner with his statement of the sentiment of the Paciflu coast against the proposed antl-lnjuncllon plar.k. and the announcement In the east that Martin W. Littleton of Nw York will come here to make a fight against the Insertion of sui h a plank In th plat form, easily makes this question the most important under discussion. New England Is sail to he opposed to the plank, and New Jersey and Pennsylvania also are accredited with pronounced antagonism to such a resolution, if the New Yoik dele- gallon and the Pacific coast delegations should take a determined starxl against It, i the fight would assume formidable pro- I portions. It Is not believed here that the upp union of Sullivan of Illinois snd Tag gart of In i. ana means that the entire j delegat i.'iia from tiiese states would op pose .Mr. Hi. .ana wlsocs. Most of the Icential ui.d !;. n and southern statej. lit Is said, wilt he lined up tu suppoit ; v.'.taleier I'igiani Mr. Brian's friends pre- , St lit . I lit in and for Ttlrkrts. The qui ion of tickets continues to dl vldu the members of the oommltt on convention errangerncnts irnl th commu te (jt Lattiver ctUaeus w lea la) kakiii e Ik