Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1908, Page 6, Image 7

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Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 42.
Mayor Maloney Will Name Three at
Meeting: of Council Tonight.
V.. Jl. Merrlaaji mm Charlea McDonald
Are to He the Two - Member
Trusters Meet Julr 13
to Rforcnnlir,
The term of Dr. J. H. rieaver. W. 8.
r.nlrd and J.J. Stewart n trustees of the
Free Public Library or Council Bluffs will
terminate on July 1. The appointment of
the Public, Library trustees la one of the
prerogatives of. the mayor ami It la under-
a J 1 t F . 1 1 1 V n A rl4k-l,la4 l.nnn
l liUgO Lllill ill.) "I WldliPlirj una
'the three m n lie will name. J. J.
Stewart will be reappointed, while E. H.
Merrlam and Charles W. McDonald will be
the other two appointors.
The board of trustees of the Free Public
Library la composed of nine members, the
other alx being Dr. F. W. Dean, Victor
E. Bender, John M. Oalvln. M. F. Rohrer,
H. W. Binder and C. R. Tyler. Mr. Galvln
la' prealdent of the board and Mr. Bender
l secretary.
Mayor Maloney la expected to make the
announcement of the appolntmenta at the
meeting of the City council tonight, but the
new member will not take their seats
until the annual meeting of the Board of
Truitees, which will be held Monday, July
13. At thla meeting; the board will reor
ganise by elerting a preaident and secre
tary. The librarian and aasiatant libiarians
and custodian of the library hjlldii.. are
elected by the board at thla meeting. The
new president will name the standing com
mittees for the year.
Members of the Board of Trustees of the
Fren Public Library are appointed for a
term of six yrars. The office Is purely an
hon"rary one. there being no remuneration
attached to It,
oration and Robert B. Wallace of this city
W'ill be asked to read the Declaration of
Infle endeni e.
Following the addresses and music at the
bandstand there will be a program of old
fashioned races and other sports. Includ
ing the greased pole and a chase for a
well greased porker. There will also be a
pie eating contest for the youngsters of
both sexes. In the evening there will ba a
display of fireworks.
Cottage atrnrk hf Lightning; and
hade Trees Rained.
During the storm Baturday night a small
frame cottage on the farm of Mrs. Neu
nas, a short distance west of the South
avenue bridge over Mosquito creek, was
truck by lightning and set on fire,
l.'ha les Clark, a single man who occupied
the house, had Just stepped from the build
ing to attend to sortie chores when the
lightning struck it. Turning, he discovered
the place was on fire: He succeeded In
saving some of his personal effects, but
the dwelling was burned.
At Lake Manawa the high wind added
to the damage done there in previous
storms. A number of trees were blown
down and additional sections of the board
walk torn loose. The small steamer be
longing to the management was on Its
was across the lake to the Kursial with
four male passengers when the storm
' broke. The steamer was unable to make
the dock at the Kursaal and after drifting
about for nearly Half an hour a landing
waa finally effected half a mile beyond
the Kurraal.
In the city the damage, outside of the
washing of the hill streets by the down
pour of raln,N was' confined to the blowing
down of trees and billboards. One 'large
tree on First avenue Just west of Seventh
street was blown down and across the
street. Tom Farnsworth, returning with a
party of friends from Omaha In his auto
mobile, failed to notice the fallen tree In
tlme and ilrove right Into It. The front
part of his mnclln was badly damaged
and It had to be hauled to the repair shop.
Word was received in the city yesterday
that the bv'.dv over a draw on the main
read south of Lake Manawa had been
washed a.ay. stopping nil travel In that
dlrec ion.
Proarrnnt of Exercises at Jennie Ed
mundson Hospital.
Following the graduation exercises of
the Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital
Training School for Nurses, whlclf will be
held tomorrow evening In the parlors of
the First Presbyterian church, the six
young women who will receive diplomas
will b tendered an Informal reception by
the Woman's Christian association.
The graduates this year will make a total
of exactly fifty who have been graduated
from the, local hospital, which, since It
moved Irato Its new building on Kaat Pierce
street In February of last year, has been
known as the Jennie Edmundson Memorial
hospital. From 19H to 1W7 It was known
as the Council Bluffs General hospital,
while previous to 1904 It waa known as the
Woman's Christian Association hospital.
The Institution Is still owned and managed
by the Woman's Christian association, as
sisted by a board of physicians.
The exercises tomorrow evening are open
to all friends of the Institution and, as
haa been the rule lr. former years, a large
attendance Is looked for.
This Is the program for the-graduating
Invocation Rev. Marcus P. McClure.
Song Miss Grace Barr.
Report of School Klla M. Stelnbach,
superintendent of training school.
Address Donald Macrae, M. D.
Song Male quartet, L. L. Poston, H. fK.
Adams, Earl Howard and A. M. Swartx.
Address, M. A. Tlnley. M. D.
Preservation of Diplomas A. 8. Beatty,
M. D.. chairman hospital executive com
mittee. Presentation of Pins Mrs. Rhoda M.
Sprague, president of association board.
Vocal Duet Miss Luta Chambers and J.
benediction-Rev. JVM. Williams.
Work Readjusted and Personnel of
Faculty Will Remain Same.
The state rard is row endeavoring to get
the rallronda to give the old S-crnt rate for
the round trip and f n e)y predicts If this is
done the fair will be one of the greatest
Iowa has t ver had.
er System of School I. airs la
Prorrsa of Formation by Mem
bers of State Commission.
Davis, drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Send your children to Western Iowa Col
lege summer school.
Guaranteed watches from $3.00 up at O.
Mauthe, ;? Broadway.
We know we have the best flour. Eaco
Is the name. Bartell & Miller. 'Phone 359.
Wanted Place for young man to work
after school and on Saturday. Western
Iowa College.
30 per rent discount on ryrography outfit
or bulbs. Free lessons. C. E. Alexander,
333 Broadway.
It will pay you to Investigate the remark
able embroidery specials running all this
week at Hunter's.
The city round! Is scheduled to meet in
adjourned regular session this evening, at
which time fome action In the water works
matter Is looked for. . .. ,. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES. June -(Special. )-Frlc-tlon
wllch for a time threatened to break
out In big spots In the State Agricultural
college at Ames, lias been abated and It Is
claimed will be heard from no more. Trus
tees of the college express regret that any
of the friction should have reached the ears
of the public at all and they declare they
hope to keep all departments working In
harmony in the future.
The friction, such as it was. Is described
as something of a tempest in a tea pot,
and yet at times It assumed respectable
proportion, and there are claims that Prof.
P. O. Holden In charge of the department
of agronomy, resigned, but was persuaded
to remain by having things adjusted.
The entire trouble Is said to have arisen
through the desire of Prof, Holden to have
unquestioned and sweeping charge of the
college extension work which Is nominally
under him. This the trustees refused ti
do and Prof. C. F. Curtiss who Is dean of
the division of agriculture has supervising
In the organizing of the college there are
various divisions, such as the agricultural,
engineering, science, veterinary surgery
and the like. Prof. Curtiss Is dean of th
division of agriculture and Prof. Holden
la one of the professors under that division,
having charge of the department of agron-
j omy. When the legislature made an ap
propriation for defraying the expense of
sending the various professors over the
atate to lecture to the farmers It provided
for the extension department under which
this work should be done, and the trustees
put Holden In charge, but provided that, the
extension department should be a depart
ment of the division of agriculture under
Dean Curtiss.
Work Divided.
The friction Is said to have arisen be
cause of the desire of Prof. Holden-to have
full charge of the extension work without
having to consult Curtiss. Professors from
the other departments of the division of
agriculture, such as the dairy, animal In
dustry and soils department, deliver lec
tures under this college extension depart
ment. The trustees have directed that the
outline of the lectures to be delivered by
these professors shall he determined by the
professor at the head of the department
with the sanction of Prof. Curtiss. It Is
claimed that Holden desired to have all
this authority and also the authority to Is
sue the bulletins, but the trustees have
given the authority to Curtiss. Prof.
Holden Is given the authority to place the
lecturers .over the state and have super
vision of the work In the field.
It Is denied by members of the board cf
trustees that Prof. Holden ever tendered
his resignation, but It Is admitted that there
was friction. Prof. Holrien's career la
unique and Invites sympathy. Starting
years ago as an obrcure country school
teacher,, he began to teach corn breeding.
nd hla record from that minor position to
that of head of the department of agronomy
lins ewi Notes.
i a risn At .I.T( iWX Rev. F. C Kerr.
I president of l.ePalmer college. LeOrand.
and rastor of the IGrand Christian
church, has resigned his pastorate, effec
tive Sundav. Rev. Mr. Kerr resigns so that
he may devote his entire time to the work
of the colleRe.
CREST ""N A heavy continuous downpour
of rain began heie about 9 o'clock hist
night snd lasted until the early morning
hours It was accompanied by a strong
electrical dls lav and considerable damage
Is reported west of here, telephone wires
helot i spatially affected by the severity
of the storm.
AMES Tie old station which has so long
leen a Iindmark at the Iowa State college
will s.ion be no more. Ti e building commit
tee at a recent mret ng vted $1.6VI for the
construction of a new pcVofflce and book
store build. ng. The new structure will prob
ablv be located on the edge of the old
athletic field Just west of Morrill hall.
AMES All the board, brick and other
walks In the main part of town are to b
torn up and replaced by standard cement
walks, according to a recent vote of the
city council This Will necessitate tearing
up the greater share of all the walks on
Main street and will mean a large expense
to the property owners and taxpayers.
( RESTON The funeral of Arthur Riie. ft
well known veteran In the railway potal
service. Is to be lield today at Austin. His
deatli was the result of two paralytic
str kes. He ran between Chicago and Coun
cil Bluffs until two years ago, when the
first stroke laid him off. The second oc
curred Frldav. from which he never rallied.
He wai a native of Carthage III.
M ARS1I A LLTOW N C. C. Norrls. who
was formerly general manager of the Letts
Fl ti'her company, branch of the Western
Grocer company of this city, bit for th
last year has been manager of the Kansis
City branch of the same corporation, will
ng:i'n become manager of the local branch
July Id. The Kansas City house has been
closed. W. T. Smith, who has been man
ager, will be placed at the head of one
of the new houses the corporation expects
to open In a few months.
MARSHA LLTOW N The twenty-third
annual ronvjntlnn of the Iowa State Sun
day School association will oporj In this
city on Monday afternoon and Continue
through Tuesday and Wednesday. It will
(lose with Wednesday night's service. The
local committee has. up to late tonight, re
ceived the credentials of 4X7 delegates, and
It Is expected that by Tuesday there will
h" at least i'X) young people in the city
attending the convention. Many of the most
notable Sunday school workers of hoth the
east and west will appear on the program.
Interstate Commissioner lone
mrnts on Prevailing; Conditions.
Mlss Belie Rrblnson, .will leava todav for I ac Ames.nas Deen one mat nas Men made
New York City, where she will etudy musle through ,hls own hard., efforts. He . ha
and kindergarten work at Columbia uni-I toured-Iowa and other corn helt rft-te '
How can any cigar that sells 6, 7 or 8 for a quarter
be worth a nicklc?
It can't contain more than 3 to 4 cents' worth of cigar
CONTRACT is the one cigar that must be sold for
5 cents straight.
It's too good too nearly the quality of a tcivccntcr to
sell for less,
CONTRACT is the cigar that gives the smoker full
value every time Buy today a
BtRAIGHTl llnllllMIUIIlli
Council Bluffs Rowing Club Guest of
the Country Club.
Close of School for Deaf.
The final exercises of the school year at J
tha Iowa School for the Deaf were held
yestei 'ay morning In the chapel of the In
tltut'"n. when the members of the gradu
ating els -. four young men, and four young
women, reielved their diplomas. The regu
lar commencement exercises were held June
t, but the presentation of diplomas was
deferred until the close of the school year.
The pupils will begin to leave for their
respe "tlve homes tomorrow for the long
lummer vacation until the beginning of
October. ...
During the last, week a number of prom
inent educators In eastern schools for the
deaf have visited the Iowa Institution and
Jthers are expected today and Tuesday,
pnroute to the triennial convention of the,
National Association of Teachers of the
Deaf, which Is to he held at Ogden, I'tah.
. July 4 to II. Inclusive. Among those who
have notified Superintendent Rothert of
ihelr Intention to visit the school here are:
0. H. Walker, superintendent of the Florida
State School for the Deaf; Ijuirens Walker,
superintendent of the South Carolina State
ichool for the Deaf; W. O. Conner, superin
tendent of the Georgia State School for
lha Deaf, and Superintendent Burt of the
Pennsylvania State School for the Deaf.
A number of the teachers at the Iowa
School for the Deaf will Join the Omaha
teachers and go to Ogden in a special car,
Vavlcg here Wednesday. The arrange
Visnts are In charge of J. Schuyler Lot,
principal of the local school. A. T. Elwell,
local agent for the Rock Island, will ac
rompany the party aa far as Colorado
Arraaajlajg Celebratlou of Fourth.
The committee having In charge arrange
snanta for the proposed pub ic tel brathn of
tha Foiirth of July at Fa'rmount park will
It la expected, get tifetlier sm-.e time today
to complete tha details The committf e con
Ists if the three members of the park
board. Chairman E. H. Doolittie of the
executive ' committee ' of the Commercial
club. Mayor Maloney and George 8. Wright.
the lattar having been selected as director
of the sporta.
It has be.n practically decided to Invite
Fred A. Williams of Neola, the young at
torney who presided over the recent re county cinvention, to deliver the
The membsrs of the Lutheran-
as.'ociatlon of Council Bluffs and OmahaJ
wun tneir families and tnends. will enjoy
an all day picnic at Lake .Manawa to
morrow. Harry Reynolds, a member of this vear's
graduat ng class of the Council Bluffs High
school, has Joined a Cnlon Pacific survey
ing party which has Its headquarters In
Greeley, Colo.
A general meeting of all the -chapters
of the Woman a guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church will be held this afternoon at
the residence of Mrs. E. H. Doolittie, I117
South Seventh street.
The Woman s auxiliary of St. Paul's
Episcopal church will give a muaicale under
tne dhectlon of Mrs. Rohert Mullls next
Friday morning at the residence of Mrs.
Emmet Tlnley on Willow avenue.
Colonel W. F. Faker of the Board of
Suiervlsors has accepted an Invitation to
hddre-s the Chautauqua at hh.nandoah. Ia.,
uii mo Niitiuuun 01 juiy 0. Ma will take as
his suhjtct, "Our Inland Waterway.''
The membera of the Young Men's Chris
tian association will take their next "hlka"
Tuesday morning. The run will be to the
Wilcox vegetable gardens and back, and
the start will he made from Broadway and
Kiret street at 6 a. m.
There will be an inspection of the entire
fire department this evening at 7:30 o'clock
on First avenue between Pearl and Sixth
s.reets. The department will be reviewed
by tne Fire and Police commission, the
mayor and the membera of the city cojncll.
Prof. W. N. Clifford, city superintendent
of schools, left Saturday nlgnt for Cleve
land, o.. to attend the convention of the
iSaiional Educational association. Mr. Clif
ford is on the progiam lor an addrers on
he 'leaching of Geography In the Ele
mentary Grades."
As a result of the k
Wednesday afternoon at the hnm nt Mr.
O. H. Lucas on Oakland a vein, h k.
hospital committee of the l.iriwi' .
clety of the First Congregational church
a handsome easy chair has been purchased
I'lT-seiiitu 10 lnt jennie Edmundson
Memorial hospital. The success of the
kensington has encouraged the committee
to repeat the experiment, and another will
be given in the near future.
Midweek services, with I cot ta....
day school lesson, will be held Wednesday
evening at St. John's English Lutheran
church. The Young Girls' Sewlnir n,iv
will meet In the church parlors Wednes
day afternoon. The Lades' Aid ..u-i.tu
will meet Thursdav after
dence of Mrs. J. Mueller. Seventh ave
nue. Mrs. Helen C. Btna-le of SSnrin.iM
O.. field secretarv of the General 1 i.Dmr.n
Woman's Missionary society, will address
the congregation next Sundav mornlne.
The fact that Alonxo WooHann a nrn
.hll la. king a coat and vest was possessed
of an extra shirt, an extra nalr n. ana.
penders. .everal pairs of socks and a hi
In addhlon to the hat he mas wearing,
aroused the suspicions of Detective We r
who encountered Woodson on Broad. av
near Twentieth street yesterday afternoon.
As the negro did not account for the
poste slon of the extra clothing to the sat
isfaction of the detective, the latter placed
him under arrest and he is being held at
the city Jail for further Investigation.
The mid-week servh es of the First Con
gretational church will be held Wednesday
evening at o'clock at the parsonage. The
tlower mission will meet Wednesday morn
ing at 8:00 o clock at the home of Mrs
Strock to carry flowers to the sick The
men of the congregation will meet at the
Grand at noon to day for the weekly
luncheon. Evening services will be discon
tinued until September. Prof. Prower
Symnns closed his work as organist and
enolr director yesteiday and Prof p
Bram will take up the work, beginning
next Sjnday. The choir will meet Friday
evening at the church for rehearsal and
to meet the new organist.
seen corn special tralr.s and has pro'na
told more farmers some of the
facts about corn raising and seed c u
selection than any other man In airlcu'.tui ;.
dollr-ge work, and there Is no doubt but i
has a large place in the affections of tl..
farmers- of Iowa.
Prof. CurtlBS. however. Is quite as pop :
lar with the people and has the reputation
of being somewhat hrcader and more scien
tific as an agriculturalist. After the death
of Beardsheer he was talked of for presl
dent of the college, and had many frienda
who urged his selection. They express the
belief that the trouble Is now at an end
and that the public will, In the future, not
hear as much about friction as the meager
little rumors that have leaked out lr. the
Exoect w Exhibitors.
One of the Interests of the state fair this
year will be the number of new exhibitors
of stock. President Cameron of the State
Board of Agriculture said today that there
are more entries In. the stock exhibits by
exhibitors who have never before ahown
than In ar.y year In the history of the atate
fair. This Is one of the things that the
board is very proud of. but It is claimed
to mean that more people are raising pure
blood stock than ever before and that the
new exhibitors are of the kind that bring
but one or two animals and not the big
breeders who bring their stock by carload,
though there will be plenty of the latter. '
The horse exhibit this year is to be
helped out by the night show in, thj stock
pavilion, which Is In the nature of a horse
show and will bring fancy horses from all
over the country. The board has deter
mined to make this night show take the
form of an animal show. While the horses
will be the chief attraction, it has been'
determined to use cattle, and other stock
as well. Dairy cattle from the different
countries will bs brought in, accompanied
by dairy malde dressed In the costumes of
the different countries. Later the cattle
will be. taken out and the dairy maids will
give a drill. Tha dairy maids will he the
same who gave the drill on the college
campus at Ames, which Is said to hav
been a very pretty sight.
The horses will be tteated about the same
way and tha sheep will be followed by a
flock of trained sheep. The cattle will be
followed by a trained bull, which ia said
to know aa much as any trained horse. A
herd of trairjnd elephants will also be In
troduced. Tho horse show will be Intro
duced by a of horses, the attendants
to be dressed In the costume of the coun
try from which the breed of horses comes,
and so far aa possible the horses will be
hitched to vehicles of the style used In the
country where the horses come from. The
Clydes will he attended by men In the kilts
of Scotland and so on.
The show will be an education In itself.
WASHINGTON. June 19. "Returns from
the railroads generally show that those
roads not dependent on coal, steel and lum
ber Industries hare been doing very well
recently," said Commissioner Lane of the
Interstate Commerce commission, today.
"Of course they have not done so wrll ns
last year. Generally they have tiled not to
make any reduction In wages or In rates
of freight- affecting the next three menths,
which Is. an Indication that they believa
that business will keep up.
"There are some curious things about
prevailing conditions," continued Mr. Lane.
"For Instance the Itlgh valley the other
day gave us a report on net earnings for
the first five months of the present calen
der year, togethef with similar repirts
covering the preceding five years and the
showing this year was larger than any
other during the perh d Indicated. With the
opening of the steel ' mills at Pittsburg
and of the car shops there will be m ire
men employed arid ihre will be a larger
demand for ' material' and labor than
has prevailed - f'orde .time. The
l.lnlon -or railroad. oaaen. 1a that we have
.-sed through the worst of the rallrnad
flcultles and from now on we will graiu-
U' recover fmi ,Hy efjfectj of the pan'.c.
ie prospect for large cropa in the west
extremely good. Railroad men do not cx
. ct normal conditions' to be recovered
.uddenly, but look 19? steady Improvement.
.11 my opinion this improvement will b
.'.inch more rapid than some of the lugub.l
mis prophets have been telling us, because
fundamentally there Is nothing in the
I'nlted States to create or continue a panl-
'The railroads must spend money in
maintaining the roadbed and equipment of
1 heir liiu-s in order to meet the demands
of commerce became they are most seri
ously eniburi assed when they are not able
to handle business offered them, and there
Is no doubt that there is an abundance of
money in the United States which can
be secured for legitimate raliroad use.
This waa shown by the floating of the
Pennsylvania bond Issue.
"in this connection I think people ought
to understand that the Interstate Commerce
commits on has been of valuable service
to the railroads during the past six
months, because it has prevented a tati
war between the roads and has maintained I
rates. 1 predict that the roads themse.3 !
will come to bless the railway rate law
by means of which, the roads have been
able to protect themselves at a time when
tladr nerves were wobbly. If we bad six
or seven years ago such a financial dis
turbance as took place last October the
railroads upon finding that their earnings
were tailing off would have gone into the
business of rate cutting and possibly a
large number of receiverships would have
resulted. The railway rate act la admitted
by candid railroad men themselves to
have been of Inestimable value. The en
forcement of the law against rebating and
our tenacious purpose to stop discrimina
tions has held them up to a conformity to
the law that !s without precedent."
plrg be communicate! with tonight. Grls
wold's collapse during the race was said to
be due as much to nervousness as to physi
cal exhaustion, and he Is reported now to
be suffering from nervousness rather thai
from any physical 111 effects sustained in
the race. A brother of Grtswold, whose
home in In Pennsylvania, has been summoned.
Eighteen Anstrlana Who Were C'ele
Itrntlnig Too Strenooasly, I sing
Revolvers vrlth Loaded
Shells. Arrested.
atlenn Orican Dlarnasrs Pan
Anglican Meeting; Recently
deal with the recent congress held In Lon
don In his forthcoming encyclical.
' I ROME. June ;9, The Osservatore Ro-
The South Omaha Country club enter- j mano th organ of the Vatican, In an edi
talned the Council Bluffs Boating assucia- ( tor,a, 0,mccrnlrg ,n, .cent Pananglican
tiori yesterday at the local grounds. A ; (.Qpa, in London, says:
matched game 01 gon was pijru ..n. 1.-1- .rriitlor, without a lea-ltimata hierarchy.
lng of nine holes In the morning and el-ht-
cen In the afternoon. The teims were evenly
matched and at each hour of play the lead
was different. The Council Bluffs tt am
won out by eleven points. At noon lunch
was served at the club cafe. Dinner was
i served in the evening. The players had Just
time to finish before the light rain of the
evening began. A return game will be ar
ranged In the course of a lew weeks.
The South Omaha club eniertained a
large crowd of visitors from Council Bluffs
in addition to the team. Tire' day was
perfect and the many spcctalrs took ad
vantage of It.
Celebration Too Mrennona.
The county Jail was full all day yester
day with a crowd of Austrlans. Thty were
although calling itself Christian, Is a re
ligion only for this world, as the questions
discussed by the Panagllcan congress show.
Throughout the centuries all religions which
have arisen without the seal of the real
divine personality were similar to that 01s
cussed at the Pananglican congress. All of
them aimed at securing the largest amouat
of Joy In this life without caring for the
other world."
At the end of a long attack, the Os
servatore Romano says that Catholic Rome
tomorrow will celebrate with veneration
the anniversary of the death of St. Peter,
at his tomb In a church which is a miracle
of art, and tjiat this veneration will an-
j swer better than anything else the superla
tive poverty of the Pananglican congress.
BrrActul at a Into hrtlir Ntlirrlav nlcht
. . , .. . ,,, -,,i,v,i ,h. From the attitude of the Osservatore Ro-
A Horrible Death
results from decaying lungs. Cure coughs
gnd weak, sore lungs with Dr. King's New
Discovery. 6oc and II. For sale by Beaton
Drug company.
Cashier rials Stoefc Market.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J . June Si-Robert
Oh n miss, Jr.. cashier of the Marina Trust
company of this city, waa arrested today,
charged with a defalcation of J0,. He
made a confession In which ha aays he
Blared the slock market, that one loss fol.
1' lowed another until he was hopelessly In
volved Ha la under H.OuO bail for trtal in
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
EiUblished ia 1866 by
Opponent Championed Prohibition
and He Stood for Loral
MEMPHIS. June 29 Further returns re
ceived from yesterday's democratic primary
election In this state indicate the certain
nomination of Governor M. R. Patterson
over former I'nlted States Senator Edward
W. Corjnack. Reliable returns received by
the Commercial Appeal give Patterson ??)
delegates and Cormack 581. Cormack fol
lowers, it Is stated, probably win content
the election In two .small interior counties,
charging fraud. The loss of the delegates
Involved would net affect the result. Go -ernor
Patterson's popular majority Is about
The election was held on the county unit
plan. Senator Cormack favoring statewide
prohibition, nnd Governor Patterson local
option. The governor said, however, on
the stump that If the democratic platform
called for statewide prohibition he would
sign such a bill If passed by the legislature.
city limits. Apparently they were celebrat
ing at one of their colony houses on Q
street and resorted to the use of firearms
for the necessary noise. They did not re
move the bullets nor use blanke. Tne
neighborhood, not liking the sound of
promiscuous bullets notified the pol ce. Two
patrolmen went to the place and put eight
een of die shooters under arrest. Bullet
holes were found In the floors, walls and
ceilings of the house they occuph d. and
some of the bullets In the houses of tho
neighborhood. It seemed they had not
thought of harming any one especially, but
It was their Idea of a good time. They of
fered no resistance to the arrest. Several
were released on a cash bond to appear In
police court this morning.
Magic City tinnslp.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer dell vert d to any
part of the cliy. Telephone No. 8.
Bee office removed to Live Stcck Bank
Rldh'.i Twenty-fourth and N. 'Phone Ti.
The Q street viaduct will be lotted this
morning for the work of reconstruction.
A large number of South Omaha people
leave this week on their annual vacations.
Joseph Meyer has gone on an eastern trip.
He will visit New York before his return.
The Highland Improvement club has or
ganised to push the opening of Twenty
fifth street.
The city council meets tonight in ad
journed session. The session promises to
be mostly routine. .
J. M. Tanner has returned from Marshall
town, la., where he went to atter-d a atate .
meeting of the Eagles
Miss L. Darling of Sedgwick, Colo., is
the guest of N. M. Graham ana wire, biie
Is a niece of Mrs. Graham.
No trace of the body of Henry Hinkle.
who was drowned in the Missouri river
Friday evening, has been discovered.
The bu-lal of John Chlhueas, who w.'.?
accidentally killed near Wood Lake ('..
Wednesday, took place under the Greek
ritual yesterday.
3D below rero Great refrigerating power
clear, deep water Mlnn.ola lake Ice.
Cost about the snme lasts longer. Broad
wed, Rich Coal company. Telephone 9.
Frank E. Scott, secretary of the Sioux
City Live Stock exchange, was the guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Scott,
during the meeting of the National Live
Stock exchange.
mano, It is supposed that Pope Plus will
Compare American Rule In Philip
pines to Treatment at Poland
nd Finland.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 29. Manuel
Quezo l, the Filipino assemblyman, hl
secretary, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Kalaw,
editor of the Manila Renaclnlmento, have
flrjished their study of the Duma and have
left here for Berlin and Paris. They will
also visit Switzerland and Egypt before
returning home.
The Filipinos attracted much attention In
the Duma. They met. a number of the
leaders of that body. Their trip was under
taken at the Initiative of the War depart
ment at Washington, with the object ol
broadenlrjg the outlook of Filipino leaders.
Benor Quezon was greatly Impressed by his
observations of the Russian policy toward
Poland and Finland, the severity of the
police tegime and the results of the policy
of the first and second Dumas. He spoke
of the advantages of the American uttltudo
toward the Philippine Islands and of tha
necessity of the Phlllpplraes going slowly in
the development of legislative autonomy.
He sympathised with the position nt the
Philippine assembly for an Independency,
but he feared this resolution would have
an unfavorable effect on American opinion.
By using the various departments of The
Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returni
at small expense.
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without it no happiness can be
complete. How sweet the
sight of mother and babe,
angels smileatandcommendthe
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mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expect
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she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with dread. Every
woman should know that the danger and pain of child-birth can be
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t i .c w t,iiu r si l . :.s r . k'.v.
wuiiicn liitvc pa&scu una 1.1 lais 1 ;
in safety and with little pain
gold at per bottle by druggists.
Vslushle book to woraea sent free.
All mm m, Om.
. m n u u ucr-
sk J
Kim im"1
New York Central Lines
-art , Wh
Five of Them Are Former Members
of the Montenegrin
Cabinet. I
Secretary In Good Health, bat
Mmply Seeking m Yara-tlon.
NEW YORK. June 2. -Secretary of State
Ellhu Root, is at William Muldoon's health
Institution at White Plains again, for a
course of medicine ball throwing, hard
walking and riding, cold shower baths and
plln cooking. He went there on Saturday,
not because ho needed It this time as ho
did last year, but because he obtained so
much benefit then that he and his phy
sician decided a short course of Prof.
lliiMnn'. 1 , l.- I , 1 m il.h m m r k. .
I a good tlmig.
CETTINJE. June 2X. The trial of thirty,
six prisont rs. charged with revolutionary
activity In connection with the discovery
ot a score of bombs here last year, and
during which sensational testimony was ad
duced Involving Crown Prince Cieorge of
Servia In a conspiracy against Montenegro,
resulted today in six of the accused being
condemned to death, three to life Imprison
ment and ' twenty-seven. Including five
former cabinet ministers, to terms of im
prisonment rsnging from six to twenty
Man Who Collapsed In Boat
suffering from XerTons-
till I
THOI'SAND ISLANDS. N. If.. June 2f -Dwight
T. Grisold. the Vale stroke whose
collapse! last Thursday was followed by an
easy victory for the Harvard crew, la HI at
the home of G. B. Noyes. Deer Island.
Alexandria bay. There waa a report here
tonight that Griswold was In a serious con
dition, but the reiort could not be con
firmed nor the tottae at which he Is slop-
Every Thursday
Until Sept 24th inclusive
From Chicago $29-
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Good for return 30 days
Correspondingly low fares to
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