r?IK n AHA D.MIjY HKK: TUESDAY. .ItTXK ."0. ll'OS, 5 BRIEF CITY NEWS Kara Koot Mnl It. Tbomti W. Slaokbnra tor conire. Ask your froc for. Alamlto buifr. Kndolph T. wooa, Acoountant-Audlt'T. Bowman, 17 N. 1. DourlM "' s 50 Fa Krorta for Quality clgara. li 8. Ulh- Blnahart, photographer, lith A Karnaro Sqnltaate Ufa, Paul Morton. r resident, rollcles sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neel,' manag. Omthi. EniTMt-Oruidii Co., now In -ie quar. ten, U Howard. Uas, electric natures and wiring. The Omah" Iuhd of Frees Clipping a, stahlhed many year, haa frown to bo the Urgent and moiit complfta In the Went. Thousands of papers read for ltms. Good mrviua gaarantefd. Nnte address, 2-;a:-ZM He Tlldg. H. T. Clarke Will Praaant Utm Flank Hinrj. X Clarke will " to Denver on the Jack train and endeavor to get the demo rrst to Incorporate In their platform a plank approving of making the Missouri rlvr a, navigable stream. Colored. T to fit at Bannlnftos The Omaha Glee club, a colored organization, liave an exruralon and picnic at Benning ton Monday. Five special coachea on the Northweatrrn took 360 porsons to Bennlng ti,n. Jack Bloomfleld was master of cere niniile. .' .. Bit Oiaz the Head with a Broom Upon -oniplalht of Anna Dauternean. 3MS North Twtnty.rlghth avenue, who aaserted that he was struck over the head with a broom n the, hands of Mary Greene, 2077 Blnney tref.-t, a warrant waa Issued In police court t onday! charging the latter with assault tixl battery. Home Wanted for Boy Juvenile court ( flclala., following their custom of plac ing boyt on farms wherever possible, are looking for a home Tor a 16-year-old youth, vho wants to get, away from the city. The vy Is In charge of Hev. Frank 1 Love und of the 1ret Methodist church, who s trying to get a place for him. Second Trip to Industrial School Edgar ISlassman will have to return for the sec ond time to the Industrial school at Kearney under orders of Judge Estelle of '.ho Juvenile court. Ulassman was recently released from the school. He was brought before the court again Monday on the charge of taking a pocket book and $64 from Mrs. John Livingstone. Old John Keith ta Married John Keith f Sunderland, Neb., a heavy real estate i ner In Omaha and a, bachelor of many '.ars standing, has written from Portland ii Herman B. Peter of the Merchants lotol that he has married and Is taking In til the sights of the Pacific northwest, rl" writes that he and Mrs. Keith will pro-;i-eil liesurely to Loa Angeles, where they till build a winter home. H. B. Peters Become a Chauffeur Her mnn H. Peters, proprietor of the Merchants hotel, received his large Thomas flyer Mon day. This car is a duplicate of the Amer- f Uan car In the New York-to-Paris road race, six cylinders wun seveniy-norse power. It Is a beautiful napier green and cost 10. 500. Mr. Peters has had the car rigged with all the latest devices for pleas urable touring,'- Including patent wheels with demountable tires and an extra aide icat for the mechanician. Suit to Recover Money Wasted C. C. Louden, who spent M.OfO of the fU.OnO In heritance he received a few month ago in riotous living, haa been placed umior the guardlanuhip of his brother, Robert 11. Louden, by Courty Judge Leslie. Suit has already been started to get back about KVkxi of the money, which Louden gave in Mrs. Lula Mitchell and an effort will he made to secure some of the rest. Louden consented to the appointment of .ha VuaiMMw,--' " - Mo Damages for Fall Louis Sandusky m employe of the Omaha Packing com ai y, who wns Injured by a fall down a .'light of key stairs at the hog casing house of the Omaha plant failed to recover dan-age from the company in district court. The. Jury returned a verdict for the Jefendant in his suit for "1,9ji5. Sandusky averted the company was negligent In not having a. railing to guard the stairway, In falling to provide a proper light and In allowing the snow and Ice to accumulate. Judgment Ordered Reduced $3,000 A mandate haa hern nielved from the t'nlted Htato circuit court of appeals reducing the Judgment awarded to Robert Gray, as plaintiff, against the Northwestern Na tional Insurance company from P.l.r)7 and costs to 11,057 and coals. Suit was brought In tho t'nlted States circuit court for the Nebraska district for amount due on a i policy and in April. 19u7, Judgment was awarded the plaintiffs . in the Sum of 13,157, The cuse waa appealed and the namlate reducing the amount of Judgment la the result. Tho plaintiffs live at Columbus, Neh. Storm Doss Mot Affect Hirer The Mis souri is slowly full. ni; and Stood Monday morning ut u 'r of l.-.ii feet, a fall of three-tenths of a fool since Sunday morn, ng. A (all of fuur-u nth of a foot Is re lorted from Blair bridge and a fall of one .'cot at Sioux '".!... t-'I'RIit rises are re ported at Flatisiuooili and Kansas City. 1'iie storm ( f Sal; i day evening had no tierccptlbi effect on IV- river at Omaha. Hie amount of ramf.i'1 during the storm wsb 1.S4 Inches. The minimum wind veloc ity during the stumi vh forty-two miles am! the maximum fifty ir.t n r hour at T:J0 that evening. Suos r:n who Bold Eer the Lets (".aim in. tin property in ll.inso in place s! t i a trtrte for h r fjr .1 In Merrick c .U!''' " ii nt up to representations, M . :.i M. Prcshi r of Portland, .'H ' j- ' .";un ault in district court anal. i i "'s .i 3;. 1'ecker and Thoni Piet" n:i ! r $if'03i damages. Miss I':f.slu'i tvk tlu lot waa represented by Becker to lie worth $Uirt and tiiat it had Ven leased fr 1S f'T t' When she Uiok It nho deeded Becker her farm and fave him a mortgage for (1,700 on the lot. tn return lor this she got the lot subject to piortgage for tl.ThO and 3,7M and $.39.1! Tl cash. Women Warn th Frlsat Four queer- How to Get Wei! for 50 cents in a Month Thli is th troublo with dIdo people, in tea who don't (eel well: The liver Is torpid because ot abuse. Because of wrong food and too little exercise. Tb bowel bar frown Inactive. The waste of the system loads the blood with imparities. Thea one takes harsh physic salts sad . pills la trying to correct the wrong. Thus th stomach and bowels become tnfiamed. The whole digestive iys . ten Is upset. All these remits end quickly by th use of Csscarets. One candy tablet, once or twice a day. Ia a month, or less, on knows what it is to be well. Caacarets aid digestion. Harsh physic ' destroys It. lonking snd mysterious sirang.rf. wlii con formed to no part of the s. rvh e at Pt Johns Catholic church Sunday. rued much excitement end Father Broncaees' wsa warned of their presence by several women worshipper who' feared the strang er were anarchist and. remembering the Denver assassination, took occasion to mention the action of the visitors to the priest. The four men attended the 11 o'clock mas at St. John s. One of them had the appearance of an Intelligent for eigner from one of the southern countries The other three showed plainly that they had not attended many devotions In tho Catholto church. Mature Study Claa Tuesday rmf. F. D. Barker of the Vnlverslty of Nebraska will arrive In Omaha Tueeday morning to open hi class In nature study at the Young Men Chrls-tlan association. The class will be part of the Junior department work and will take up bugs, birds, plants and rorks. This Is the first attempt to Include this class of work with the Young Men's Chris tian association, and Secretary Wade Is most enthusiastic over the interest the boys are taking. The plan Is to study Indoors In the forenoon and to take a trip Into the fields each afternoon. Friday evening a icreontlron lecture will be given to the men, and 8aturday afternoons the young men of the association will bo Invited to Join In the excursion. The work will, continued for four weeks. TOWL BUILDS STOVE PLANT beta Contract for F.rectln; Four BallillnKa for the RnUton enterprise. R. N. Towl, 432 Bee building, has been awarded the contracts for the erection of four buildings for the Howard Stove works at Ralston. Mr. Towl will do the excavating for the factory, but will sublet other work, such as brick and stone and all wood work. He has called for bids for this work and plan and specifications may be seen at his office In the Bee building. President L. Howard will remain In the city until the sub contracts are let by Mr. Towl. Through the Commercial club the Ralston Townslte company will take up at once the matter of rates for Ralston, Including the switching charges. The townslte Is on the Missouri Pacific and the Burlington lines, but there are switching charges which work to some disadvantage, but which the railroad will probably adjust In a satis factory manner when the necessity for them I presented by the transportation committee of the Commercial club. The Howard Stove company will secure raw material In both Birmingham and Pittsburg and the Omaha rate will doubt lea be made from both point to Ralston. The townslte company Is advertising a Fourth of July celebration and formal opening, and by way of entertainment has engaged Green' band and will give a free barbecue to visitors. AMERICAN CAR IS GAINING Catches Vt with (Jrrnun Once and ta Close on Ita Heels Again. Dispatches from Irkutsk. Siberia, the lat ter part of last week, announced that the American Thomas car had nearly caught the German Froto at that point. In fact, the American did catch the leader on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal, but had only four minute to load the American car on the freight train which wn to carry the Germans to the steamer on which they crossed Lake Baikal, and they had to stand and see the train pull out with the Ger mans aboard, leaving them behind. Lieutenant Koeppen promised to await the arrival of the Americans at Irkutsk, but when they arrived there they found he had been gone for two hours. The Thomas people were then compelled to wait seven hours for gasolene and thl gave the Ger man a start of about nine hours. The run to Paris from Irkutsk was made by the Itala car In the Peking to Pari race In forty days' actual running, at an average speed of 175 miles a day. The road condition are generally good. Jf the same speed Is maintained by the New York to Par s racers it is expected they will arrive In the French capital before August 1. Only Bine-Faced Baboon. The Carl Hagenbeck and Great Wallace shows combined, which exhibit at Omaha Thursday. July 2, (performance afternoon and evening), have the only great blue faced, rlbbed-noed baboon In captivity. He l, a giant In size and possessed of strength of many men. He represents a grotesque appearance, with his mixture of fantlstio embellishments and repulsive ferocity as he grins at the startled thous andsa degenerate man or a redeemed bru'e, which It he? He is at once a wonder and a mystery. The colors of the rainbow are emblaxoned on the creature' form, but always In the very spots where o:ie would least expect to see them. The general color of tho fur is an olive brown tint, fading into gray on the under side of his limbs, and the chin Is deco rated with a small yellow beard. The ear ate small, devoid of fur and of a black color, with a tinge of blue. Twentieth and Paul streets will be the J Flll'ff (IIIUIIUD. THREE MINISTERS TO LEAVE Trio of Presbyterian Preacher Will .o to New Fields Wlthl (ho Week. Three Presbyterian ministers will leave Omaha within a week for new fields. Rev. Guy W. Wadsworlh. D. D., late preeident of Belle"ue college, goes to Pueblo Friday to become pastor of the First Presbyterian church, one of the largest and most In fluential In th entlr west. Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck. for five years pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, leaves July for Helena, Mont.; where he will be pastor of the First Presbyterian churoh, the largest and most prominent of that demnomlnatlon in the state of Montana, Rev. R. L. Purdy, for three year pastor of Clifton Hill church, goes to Culhcrtson. Neb., as pastor of the Presbyterian church of that (lace. Cascsrets gently stimulate th liver. Cathartics whip it to action. Cascarets heal th bowels. Pills, salts and castor oil merely irritate. If you tramped th woods for a month, at coarse food, fruit and green vege tables, the result would be the same as a month with Cascarets. Bat most people can't do that. For them, Cascarets bring the same re sults, just as naturally, just as effectively. Casraret are car tablets. They are soM by all dntirfisls, but btw Id hoik. B are I gat tb (MUioa. with CCC oa ever? tablet 1 n do is ssarasa lux Ibus The veit-pockel bos is 10 cents. The reutith-treataieiit be SO oaat. UpM,W bae 4S eaMr. ARRIMAN RESUMES WORK Issue Order for Operations in West to Start Again. LARGE FORCES ARE ENGAGED Development nf the Country Along the t.lne nf the I nlna Tarlnc Will More Forward Once More. K. IX. Harriman ha set July 1 for the date to resume his building operations in the west. This announcement, which was made by A. L Mohler. grneral manager and vice president of the Cnlon Pacific, will he received bv the west with great satisfaction, for It practically means that the financial flurry Is all over and that the railroads will begin to spend their money in the development of the weM. When the flnptujlal depression struck the country last f.'tl Harrlmsn ordered all new work In V.i" west to cease at once, and thousands of men were thrown out of employment. Large fortes of men are bring shipped out to North Tlatte and Cheyenne, where the first moves will he made. The North Platte extension from North Platte to Northport will be built at once and the Athol Borle cut-off will be finished ai oon as possible. .The Athol-Morie cut-off connects Carr on the Ienver-Cheyenne line with Boiii? on the main line west of Cheyenne. Woik on this line was nearly 80 per cent completed when it was stopped hy the orders fnm Harriman. The new line will permit the Denver traffic to get Into Cheyenne with out climbing the Athol hill. The work has suffered considerable . from erosion dining the rains of tho spring, making quite an additional expense, because of the knock ing off of the work. Motor Car In Demand. The motor car service, which was In augurated Sunday between Valley and Omaha, has proven highly successful and popular, the cars being well filled Sunday and again Monday morning. The cars run over the old track of the Union Pacific through the towns of Millard, Paplllion and Avery, taking care of the passenger traffic which was left out because of the change to the new Lane cut-off. All the through trains now run over this new road. The principal morning train from the west for local service was No. 4, so that when thl was changed to the new line, the interme diate points were left without service to Omaha. The forty-first car 1 now In the course of construction at the shops and a large force of mechanic is turning out these cars as fast as possible. Thre motor car trains now run Into Denver from th north, two doing local service and the third stopping at the larger stations. McKeen Will Have the Engines, W. R. McKeen, superintendent of motive power and machinery for the Union Pacific, has assured the passenger department that he will be able to furnish all the large en gines needed for the Immense traffic which the Union Pacific will be palled upon to haul to the democratic national convention. Extra cars will be added to all the regular trains, ample to handle all who desire to go from Omaha. The through business from the east will be handled on special trains and will not Interfere with the regu lar buslnes. Machinery for the Shops. Machinery is being installed as fast as possible in the new Union Pacific shop in Omaha and It will not be long before these magnificent shops will be ready to put In full operation. Most of the machinery wa bought for the new shops last fall and a considerable portion of it has already been delivered. The huge traveling crane In the wheel shop was Installed Saturday. Two secret society conventions are to be held in Denver thl week to which there is a considerable movement from the east. For the Kappa Sigma convention the Union Pacific will have four extra cars, three from Chicago and one from New York with 100 persons on Union Pacific No. 11 which leaves Omaha at midnight Monday. The Burlington will have a large party through Omaha Monday night to the Phi Kappa F convention. MANAWA GETS SUNDAY CROWD Lake Draw and Rntertalna Many Pleasure fteekera on Snnday. A very large patronage visited Lake Man awa Sunday afternoon. A fair patronage again visited the park in the evening after the storm subsided. The afternoon attendance at the Kursaal was unusually large, and the many youths and dainty maid in pretty bathing cos tumes caused much flattering comment. The launches did capacity business all after noon, many picnickers taking their lunches at Manhattan beach. The theater proved a great drawing card and the pleasing variety show and motion pictures scored a great hit. All attractions, especially the big roller coaster, received a large pa tronage. The Manawa management wishes to an nounce that the biggest Fourth of July celebration ever held at the park will be given Saturday. The fireworks display will far surpass anything of It kind ever before attempted at any western resort and second only to the exposition exhibitions. The pyrotechnic have been ordered direct from the Pln Company, Chicago. Other special feature will be on the program, and few will care to miss seeing the grand celebration of America's greatest holiday. The Manawa concert band will render a special musical program, which will be ap propoa to the occasion. MAPES AND WOMAN GO EAST Taken to Barllaaton by Officer, Who Want Them on Several t'barae. Chief of Police Brhiltx of Burlington, la., arrived In the city Monday afternoon for the purpose of taking F. V. Mape and hi former wife. Mr. Nell Crowell-Mapes-Crowell alias Dwyer back to Burlington, where they are wanted on numerous In dictments for forgery and embezzlement The arrest of the couple Friday was af fected through the Jealousy of Mapes, the woman having left him and returned to her former husband, Crowell, who reported to the police a long list of Crimea and embez zlements committed by him and the woman while they lived together. It has since de veloped that the couple are wanted In Chi cago and other cities, similar Indictment having been returned against them. GENERAL HARTSUFF IS DEAD Arm- Officer In Omaha for Die of Heat In De troit. Years Brigadier General Albert Hartauff, sta tioned at Omaha from I'M to ISM. la dead in Detroit, Mich. He ws one of the vic tim of the heat of Ust week. A. L. Reed received word of the general death Mon dayv General Hartauff had many friend in Omaha. He entered the army when the first gun waa fired at Fort Sumter In 1W2 and wa retired after Jong and honorable service in 1900. He was a brother to Major General George Hartauff and of General William Hartauff, both of whom have re markable army recur d At the Theaters "Mrs. Dane' Defense" at the Boyd. Henry Arthur Jones is not only a :ick- j ler for the verletles, Insisting relentlessly on having his dramas bristle with logic . and at no time presuming to even approach an Impossibility, hut he is also a master j of dramatic construction, and thoroughly understands the effect of sequential accu mulation of events In the building up of a rllmsx. In none of his writings are these ( nuslitles more jpparent than In "Mrs. I Dsne's Defense," which la not only a fine example of the modern play, but Is typical of its author In every way, and In some way Is his best endeavor. And It Is being given a worthy presentation at the Boyd this werk by the Woodward Stock com pany. The characters so plainly drawn by Mr. Jones re being Intelligently outlined by the actors, and the points in the author's argument are being driven home with force. Miss Fleming Is quite nt home In the role of Mrs. Danj In its lighter moments, but doesn't quite convince In the more trenuous scene with Sir Daniel In the third act. While the sympathy of all goes out to her In her predicament, It Is rather be cause of her combat with Mrs. Bulsom Porter and the desire to see that lady con founded than from the fact that Mrs. Dane has convinced any that she Is thoroughly deserving of human sympathy and assist ance. But at the very lust minute, Just as she is leaving the stage. Miss Fleming sounds a note that quite redeems the sit uation. Her appeal to Lady Estney Is that of a heart-broken woman, who really needs a womnn'a help. She has surrendered all her hope, her love, her life, apparently, and in the poignancy of her sorrow her slmule word Is most expressive. If Miss Fleming missed anything of the proper effect while undergoing the stern questioning of Sir Daniel, she compensates for It by this exit. Mr. Morrison is good a Sir Daniel. He Tlays the part as if he liked it, and nil the way through does his work with a sincerity that Is rnost pleasing. The gradual change that comes over his men tal attitude, as he questions Mrs. Dnne and Involves her deeper and deeper in a tissue of falsehood, until he finally ie convinced that she Is not telling him the truth, and then, certain of his ground, accuse her of lying, is splendidly por trayed. This is one of tho best things Mr. Morrison has ever done In Omaha. Miss Spencer spoils hi r generally good work as Mrs. Bulsom-Porter by occasion ally overacting. A tittle repression here and there would help her. Mr. Poulter I doing very well as Canon Bonsey, and Mr. Beamish Is good as Mr. Bulsom'-ror-ter, while Mr. Dudley and Mr. Kirk, who are makinsr their first nnnearanee with I the company, are dolntr very well. Miss j Power, as Iady Estey, is doing credit to a fine part, and MIfs Duke Is charm ingly girlish in the little part of Janet Colquhoun. Mr. Wallock, Mr. Schrode and Mr. Kloti are alto in the cast. The piece I well staged, and was much en Joyed by two large audiences yesterday, the house being packed in the evening. It wlM run all week, with the usual matinees on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. 'In California" at he Air Dome. Attesting to the popularity of the HlU man 8tock company, a large slxcd audi ence witnessed the opening performance of the wholesome drama of . the mountains "In California," presented hy that ca pable troupe at the Air Dome Sunday night. The production, which Is In four acts, the scenes of which are set in the Mount Shasta hills, teHn the story of the love of two partner for theam girl, by one of whom she Is wronged. He is mur dered and suspicion falTs upon the other partner, who is tried""?lVd convicted,' but eventually Is proven Mnnbcent and marries the girl. An Interesting feature of the entertainment ia a singing and dancing specialty Introduced by Miss Mali; Snow den. "In California" wilt he produced the bal ance of the week, with the exception of Tuesday night, when "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" will be the attraction. Death from Blood Poison was prevented by G. W. Cloyd, Plunk, Mo., who healed his dangerous wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 23c. Fur sale by Beaton Drug company. PITY SURVIVES THE DIVORCE Woman Remits Half of Alimony Ont of Sympathy for Former Husband. Sympathy for her divorced l.usbind caused Mrs. Andrew R. Johnson to r- mit half of the alimony awarded her by the court. Johnson was required to pay sro a month Into the office of the district clerk every month. When the second payment came due, Mrs. Johnson and her divorced husband appeared together. "I want to remit half of the money," she said. "He is so hard up I don't want to take it all." She was told the clerk had no authority to take any amount less than that namtd In the decree. Johnson was required to piiy the full $S0 and It wa turned over to Mrs. Johnson. She Immediately drew her chck for 126 and gave It to her former husband as a rebate. FEELING WARM ? No doubt of it, if you are wearing the old tyle tight fatting under weai. LOOSE FITTING frail hUrt. Mdiiiund t . & funt Oftu Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers are cool because they allow perfect free dom of tnotioa, and permit iieth cooling ail lo reach the pore. 60c, 75c, SI. 00 and $1.50 a Carmen!. Every B. V. D. garment is identified by th B. V. D. Red Woved Label which guarantiees you a correctly cut, well made, perfect fitting undergarment. Don't accept aa imitation. Get the B. V. D. Red Woven Label ERLANGER BROTHERS. Worth and Church Streets, Mew York. 1 k M.UJB.V.D Utisa Suiaw (Ptuaud I 4.K)-07). aa B. V. D. SUM Suut. HERRING HAY LOSE THE JOB Criticised by Board of Education (or Slot Machine Defense. EDGAR BAIRD SEEKS THE PLACE OHIce of Attorney for the Board of K.d neat Inn Mar Pass Oat of Hands that Held It F.lght Yesn. Criticised for appearing for the owner of slot machines In the recent city cases and for certain other interests before the lust legislature, Carl E. Herring, attorney for the Board of Education, may not be reappointed. Edgar Batrd la a candidate for the position and several members of the board announce that they will vote for him. Mr. Herring will not say anything about his candidacy and will nut even say he Is or Is not a candidate. The election of an attorney will come up In the fit at meeting of the board In July. Carl K. Herring has been the attorney for the Roard of Education for elRht years. No member of the board has anything to say against hi actions In the board or the advice he has given its members, but, as one memiier puts tne case, -tnero is some objection to the way he carries him self outside the board and his choice of clients." "Mr. Herring appeared for the slot machine people In the cases a few month ago and It is claimed that he should not have done so. especially as he Is the authorized attorney nf the Board of Edu cation, which is unalterably opposed to slot machines and any gambling device whatsoever. "Many of us, however, do not think that Mr. Herring should be censured in the ground of the cares he takes outside. He can not choose his clients and must, of mcofsity. take the case that come to him. Just because a lawyer defends a murder, that dot not make him a mur derer. And Just because our attorney de fends the slot machine people does not make him a friend of them." Edgar Balrd wa a member of the hoard thiee years, retiring from that body one year ago. While on the board he was a member of the Judiciary committee. DR. RALPH GETS ON BOARD Will Succeed Dr. Christie as One of tho Tension Ksamlner Hera. Dr. J. B. Ralph ha received word from I'nited States Senator Norri Brown that hi recommendation for appointment to the pension medical examining board of Omaha lce Dr. Christie, who recently died, have been received and favorably consid ered by the pension department. The ap puintimnt of Dr. Ralph will be made before long. Dr. Ralph ia one of the best known phys'c ans of Omaha, was a veteran of the civil war and waa for a number of years health commissioner for the city of Omaha. Rich or poor alike are habit ually constipated. It slays its victims by thousands, although some other name goes into the death certificate. Drugs will not cure. Eat daily. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY which is of a laxative nature. For sale by all Grocers TRAVEL IN SAFETY TO TIB DEMOCRATIC National Convention DENVER, COLO., VIA union pacific ROUND TRIP IF s17s2 Millions have been spent in the improvement of the Union Pacific and all human ingenuity exhausted to pre vent accidents. The Automatic Block Signal System now in operation reduce? to a minimum the possibil ity of accidents on the Union Pacific. SIBECT X.IVZ SEITTEm TO YXLIiOWBTOHE f AKK. Electric Lighted Trains. Inquire at CITY TICKET 0FEICE, 1324 Faraam St. Pbonasi Douglas 1638 aa4 la(L A-3231. Men's Cool Outing i V-VA-i'v Ls mm ij) This is an unusual opportunity. You cannot afford to overlook it. Men's Straw Hats Reduced This Means & Lot to You! $1.00 and $1.25 Straw Hats...75 $2.00 Straw HaU $1.35 $3.00 and $2.50 Straw Hats. $1.85 $5.00 and $4.00 Straw Hats. $2.85 $4.00 Genuine Panamas $12.50 Omaha's Leading Clothiers No man has lenown the full ure of hot weather comfort and health until he's worn the genuine "PoroskmY' underwear. A peculiar open that makes the once you know no . Round Trip Cleveland, Ohio, and return, June 30 $30.13 San Fiamlwo, Los Angeles, I'ortlantl, Taooma, Seattle, dally $60.0C To Include California and l'uget Sound .$75.00 To Yellowstone Taik, rail, stage and hotel for five and one-half days' tour via Gardiner, daily $84.50 Gardiner (entrance) and return, daily $32.0(i Rail, stage and hotel for four and on-half days' tour, ia Bcenis Colorado and Yellowstone, dally $78.20 Through Park, one way, via Gardiner, other way via Yellowstone, daily, rates quoted on application. Denver, Colorado Springs and l'uoblo, dally $17.50 Salt Lake City and Ogden, daily $30.30 Glenwood Springs, Colo., daily $27.S0 Cody, Wyo., diverging and outfitting point for tourists and campers entering Yellowstone Park via Cody-Sylvan Pass scenis way. daily $30.73 Sheridan, Wyo., dally $23.75 Dcadwood and Lead, S. 1)., dally $18.75 Hot Springs, S. 1., daily $15.73 Tliermopolis (Hot Springs), Wyo., dally $34.25 UOMKSKEKEHS HATES: To the Big Horn Basin, Billings, Mont., (Y'ellow Bton Valley), to North Platte Valley, Eastern Colorado, first and third Tuesdays low excursion rates to assist landseekers. Tho Burlington main lines to Colorado and Montana are desirable factors In any tour of the weBl. Through trains to Denver, Seattle and Portland; through standard and tourist sleepers to California via Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. To the East Boston, Mass., and return, dally $10.33 rtuffalo, N. Y'.,-and return, dally $31.00 Toronto, Ont., and return, daily $28.00 Quebec, Que., and return, daily $30.00 Hates to Hundreds of Other Eastern Destinations on Request. Highest grade passenger trains to Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis. Let mo help you plan your trip the most attractive way at the least cost. WE CURE MEN FOR mnta of and cur. ,u We Cure ou ehaau un.,.,ri,' .Dutat n i. reputation a i a Kin ler rCwa V KJ;!-A: aaaa. avu ayectat Juiseaaea aad y&&Hit3lMVZv FREE .Examination ' and con.ulta H a4' "'" ur. oetuics octuics, o. xnn, uor. i4tn and Douglas, Omahsu Bee Want Ads Produce Results r 'w ulAotWk.l' Suits, Special for July 4th An assorted lot of 2-picco Suit, embracing a va riety of seasonable fab rics and including some splendid blue serges. Have been selling at $10 and $12. Special at 50 Those are well made, attractive par mrnts, especially adapted to the hot reason now coming: on. They are Jnst the thing for your Fourth ot July outing. 1 CBS." A "w,rw!ff' 1 1 ry -""""" ' " '"' T t'j ever meas knit, throughout the garment . garment stronger more elas tic and so thoroughly comfortable to the wearer that kni.w "J'crcsktttt," you re content to other. Insist upon tho " Foroskntt label. If vou can't find it write tin, rum uro vsimiin rn imt.n4im V unninibiiij .nil iiiiv ww. tiin.i w"i .. ummer Kates i. jj. iti.i.vi.us, fiij t-assenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 3580. $ 91.4 Reliable Dr- Searles & Searles. aiida of case? rT,,?V0r " ye,r- Th thou lanced tii.c n. .? sa mn n " I " ... Olaeaaea and (,wu uuw 'u" " ra y ou- You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee. uori ,r . or atatementa. or offer orihJ.a treatment. Our reuutaMon and 'V'01."' Kl'u: '"ry case a treat our at make, your health: life and har.nin.iA oi m h i i t ... . , " . . T r --w ,UrMStBJtaJS9L''orM of. ability of ii-kiM.. Cir- ST.. .iJ BiisiHisti. J(.roiis u VecUl JUiaeasea ami AUmenta of Biau. Men, (ton. Writ. treatment. aiU uae fot