I r- nV. iS.viAliA DAILY RLK: TUESDAY, .JUNE SO. 1003. MEXICAN TROOPS IN CONTltOL 'Government Soldien Rapidly Ihit Down Insurrection. BANDITS ARE HELPING REBELS III i; 1 , 4 ' ill I n t J tri. It Sfe Conservative ; Passed the Three Million Mark Oa.'tlip 15th inst. The last million was accumulated in the' one and one-half yrars we have been in our beautiful office building, IfiU Harney St. - So remarkable a record as this was only possible be cause, of theVonfidence of the investirfR public on the one hand, who fcre so liberally investing their money with us, and by The. confidence of the borrowing public on the other,' who appreciate our low rate of interest to borrow er 7 1-5 rc and the many advantages of repayment ex tended by our association, as well jis by the prompt and obliging treatment given by our officers. We still have nn abundance of money to loan on Doug las county improved or to improve real estate, and cor dially invite prospective borrowers who may desire money in any sum to consult us before definitely placing their loans elsewhere. Ye charge no commissions on loans and give the full est latitude in the matter of repayment. Our loans need no renewing and our mortgage papers are always on file in this office. Resources, $3,003,713.52. Reserve Account, $38,000.00. i Geo. F. Gilmore, Pres. Paul H. Kuhns, Sec'y. and Treas. If, I hy Robert E Burke of Chlcagi. Con ic, ling delegations from Brooklyn will come from Hie Second to Seventh New York congressional districts. Inclusive. ml r-jlato to the McCarren-Murphy fight Two dclegatlons-at-large were elected In Idaho, hut no not lee of contest against the icatln of the delegation headed by for "ner Senator Dubois has been filed. Con tests may at any tine be filed before the meeting .' 'of the national comittee on July . ; )lore Wrata Provided. The committee on convention arrange menla paid a visit today to the Auditor ium, which vi pregnant In remits as far as increasing the seating capacity of :he hall 'in concerned, but which brought woo to Architect WllllKton. That gen tleman, with a keen professional eye to the beauty and finished character of hi work, had arranged the seating capacity In such ,a way a to produce the most pleading jrffect on th eye of the specta tor. In ro doing, however, he hud le-ft a considerable amount of vacant floor pace, much of which was In extra width given to the aisles. When the member of the committee visited the hull today their eyes at once fastened upon thin ex tent of errtpty floor, and Roger C. Sulli van of Illinois at once asked why more chairs could not be placed. "It. would Injure the scenic effect," re plied Architect Wtlliston. . Mr.' Sullivan in a single energetic sen tence gave vent to the opinion that what the committee desires was seats ,and seats and then mure seats and that the scenic effect could take, its chances or betake Itfelf to 'any 'place It chose to go. The other member of the committee, whose lives are made u burden by the unceasing demand for tickets, cordially supported the criticisms and contentions of Mr. Sul livan, and the net result was that the seating capacity of the hall was ut once Increased from 11.538 to more than 12,701). The members of the committee are now pouring over blue prints In this effect to ree If they cannot still further Increase the possible number of admissions. The alterations suggested today also resulted in allowing seventy-five additional seats fur memhers of the press. The local committee on convention ar rangementu, headed by Mayor R. W. Bpeer. and I'. W. Franklin and C. M. Day, members of the Penver convention league, held a conference today with the national committee relative to the nunVber of seats to be allowed to the people of Den ver. They were given the assurance that the city would be amply provided for. The national committee, which for sev eral days has been roosting In cramped quarters on one of the upper floors of the Brown Palace hotel, today moved into more commodious quarters on the parlor floor, which It wilt occupy until after the convention has adjourned. LOOK! FUR llJlNCTIO.N PLANK Judge Black of Washington Think One Will Be In Platform. LINCOLN'. Neb.. June 19. After an hour's 1st with William J. Bryan. Judge W. W. Slack of Everett. Wash., delegate to the 'etiocratle national convention, declared 11 at be b Ueved the national platform no ; Id contain a strong antl-lnjunctlon n nnU The nlnlc in the remihlleatl nlAt- I . If You Read Thl It will bo to learn that the leading medi cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, in the strongest terms possible, each and every Ingredient entering Into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid llveir, or biliousness, chronlo bowel affection, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever reslofi, name or nature. It Is also a apcciUc remedy for all such chronlo -or long s.u cull tig case of catarrhal aflec-, tions and tuajr residtauts, as bronchial, throat en4 liiag dlvae (except consumD tion) aeoorapanixd with severe coughs. II ' Is not so pooj lor aiute cold and coughs, but for lingerlie,'or chronlo case it is especially oCioadon In producing per f :k t c uroa.V It co nt,a In li 1 ac k C h e rr y ba r k, (oldt-u fcel itoot, Blood root, Stone root. Mandrake root ud Quen'i root all of which are highly prajsed at remedies for all the above tuentlooed affections by such eminent' modinul writers and teachers a Prof. BarluoW, ol Jefferson Med. Col lege; Pruf: Hare, f the. Lnlv. of Pa.; Prof. Fliile? Ellin, wood. M. D., of Ben nett Md College Chicago; Prof. John King, M IX, of Cincinnati ; Frof. John M 3.-u,lrlej i. Dlot Cincinnati: Prof. Kdwln M. lUVe. M.: D., of Hahnemann Med. Coiliurtv Chicago, and scorea of .u. , r . . I otners H.jUjiijy-raipriii m iurii wc,.m. schools Of practice. , ' TheGohlen Memeal Discovery - is me only medicine put up for sale through drualia -f'ir Uk purposes, that DM any suca prifeioiuil endorsement worth more thae any number of ordinary testi monials Un uubUcity of Its formula la the bust possible guaranty of Its merits. A glance vthia published formula will ahow that-rCiolden iledlcal Discovery" contains u poisonous, harmful or habit forming drug ne)wxalciibol chemically pure, triple rvtlned stycerlue being ua Instead. -Glycerin U entirely unobjec tionable at:d Wide fc a most useful agent In the cure of all stoir.ach as well as bron- chlel.ahrosi and lung aflectlona. There' li the Jhlghesl. HM!1W1 authority for lis um In ira':h The Discovery la g conoeutrfc4 glyceric utract of native, medicinal root and Iiafa and reliable, A baitloL of extracts' from eminent, medical aw-jrhorkiea, endorsing It Ingre dttttit mattod frt on rtue.-L Audioes lir. V. Y. llurcc, Uuflalo, ii. . form la considered weak by both the cor porations and the laboring men, according to Judge Black, but the democratic plat form will speak In no uncertain terms, he believes. John W. Kern of Indiana was the only candidate for the vice presidency mentioned by Mr. Black. He thought geo graphical location would have nothing to do with the selection of a candidate for vice president. The candidate must first of all be a Bryan man,' he said. John W. Kern would be entirely acceptable to the Bryan men of the country, according to Judge Black. FI.tlSHIYG IX MIRTH CAROLINA Democratic Convention la pivlded on Question of Instructions. CHARLOTTE. N. C, June 2. The demo cratic state convention re-assembled today to complete the state tickot, adopt a plat form (the present draft of which Is said to embody Instructions), and to name dele gates to the national convention at Den ver. There were conferences early In the day over the question of Instructing dele gates, which question has led to corelder erable discussion In the late hour of Satur day on the floor of the convention Just before the over-Sunday adjournment. Two delegates-at-large Governor Glenn and Senator Overman already had been chosen but the selection of the remainder of those who are to go to Denver confronted the convention at the outset oT today's session. The convention re-assembled at 10 o'clock this morning ar.d Immediately began ballot ing for the remainder of the state ticket, and for the remaining two delegates to the Denver convention, I'nlted States Senator F. M. Simmons and E. J. Hale of Fayette ville, being chosen deleg&tes-at-large. These two, with Governor Glenn, who will sec ond William J. Bryan's nomination, and Senator Overman, form the delegation to Denver. J. B. Grimes of Raleigh, secretary of statev B. R. Lacey of Raleigh, state treasurer and G. F. Dlson, state auditor, were chosen to succeed themselves. Senator Simmons is opposed to Instruc tions. Out of the 4) votes of the conven tion only ten were cast against him. FILIPINOS WILL VOTE Democratic Convention Probably Will Role Against Them. CHICAGO, June 29. The total number of delegate chosen to the democratic na tional convention at Denver Is 1,003, but it Is not likely that there will be more than 1.002 who will vote. The national conven tion In 1WH decided that the Philippine Islands were not entitled to vote In the convention. The Islands elected six dele gates to the convention In July and the sub-commlttee of the national committer has decided that these six delegates ara entitled to seats, but not to votes. The action of the sub-commlttee will doubtless be sustained by the full committee, and It la believed that the Denver convention will follow the precedent set by the conven tion four years ago, as the representa tives from the Philippine Islands. ILLINOIS MKN FOR GOOD ROADS I Delegation Makln Tonr In Astomo biles Has Siege of Mod. LINCOLN, June 29. The members ot the Illinois delegation this morning visited William J. Bryan at Falrvlew. They were shown through the house and about the grounds hy Mr. Bryan. The party, bound tor uenver in live automobiles, had a most discouraging experience on the way from Omaha to Lincoln. Rain and mud Impeded the progress of the machines. "Will you support the good roads plank at the Denver convention?" asked Mr. Bryan, assuming a serious air. "We are unanimously for It," answered one pf the members of the delegation. - The delegates left for Denver this after noon. HILL .CABLES DEMAL OF STORY New York Es-tiOTernor Says He Did Net. Disparage Bryan. ALBANY, N. Y.. :June 2).-Albrt E. Koyt, editor of .the Argus received from Paris today the following cablegram from former Oovernor David B. Hill, the' refer ence being to an Interview which was pub lished widely as coming from Mr. Hill on the day he sailed for Europe. In this In tervlew Mr. Hill whs, quoted as referring j to Governor Johnson s ''the poor house , candidate," criticising Mr. Bryan, and ay Ing that "there Is no democratic party:' I 11 . . , Ok. . ...... 1 j . I noyi, Argus, .airiii) : Aiieniion lust j call to ,ii.g(cl political Interviews In American newspaper published after my i departure. They are fictitious. -I authorise I you to deny same through Ihe Associated t Press ana otherwise. ... HILJ Fatal Stabbing at Tama. MARSHA LLTO V N, la.. June .9.-(Sce clal Telegram.) Cyremus Chamberlain,. 3b years rf age, was stabbed and murdered by Fred 8elk, a young German living aea Tama, at Tama last night. St Ik had been drinking and came to the feed yard Cham berlaln wss msnsgingk where he became Insulting. Chamberlala knocked hint down and threw him out. Bolk stabbed Chamber lain In the neck, severing rb Jugular vein Chamberlain died five hours later. S.-ik baa been arrested. . By using the various departments of Th, Bee Want Ad Pages you gtl uiv-k. return at small asjfxiuMk Rseentlve Regards Men Behind t'p rlslna; a . Ordlnarr Criminals I'nlted "lutes to Preserve) Neutrality. I CITT OP MKXICO. June .-The In ternal troubles In Mexico which devel oped several days ag along the northern border of the rrpuhlle have developed seri ous features. Today the storm centers arour.d the city of -Torreon and In the country between that place and Jaral. where bandit bands are operating In Coty Junction with the Insurrectionists. Govern ment troops are rushing to the scene. Al ready I.5o0 federal soldiers have reached Torreon to reinforce the garrison there. Vki more have reached Juarea, and In Chihua hua soldiers are patrolling the streets and the public houses and Jails are heavily guarded. In view of the latest developments Am bassador Creel, who has been here on what promised to be a long leave of absence, has been Instructed to return to Washington without delay. It Is the belief of the Mexican government that thj revolutionary movement now In progress was fomented by a band of agi tators who long have made their head quarters In the fnlted States On this ground. It Is believed. Ambassador Creel will appeal to the I'nlted States author ities to asBlst In apprehending some of the revolutionists, particularly those who were j concerned In the attack on Ias Vacas. The request will be made also that If any of j the ringleaders are captured In the United 1 States they are to be tried In the courts rf that country on charge of violating ! the neutrality laws. fiorrrnment Has I'pper Hand. At Tas Vacas, where the first serious j attack was made, the government has gained the upper hand. Troops are now In complete control of the situation In that city, the rebels and bandits who com posed the. attacking force having been driven back to the mountains. They will not be permfctcd to rest there undisturbed, however, as the government purposes to make an example of Its force as an object lesson to others who might Join the move ment In other sections. To this end a large force of cavalry has been sent Into the hills on the heels of the fugitives and the chase Is now In progress. It Is the view of the Mexican govern ment that Mexican citizens who were con cerned In the recent raids are common criminals and that the contention to the contrary on the ground that their acts were committed In furtherance of a revo lutionary movement will not hold. To Enforce Neutrality I, airs. WASHINGTON, June 29.-The State de partment has received from the attorney general of the United States, who has at hi command district attorneys, numerous marshals, deputy marshals and other offi cers, and from tja, governor of Texas, as surances that etything possible will be done to enforce the neutrality laws. These ssurances have been transmitted to the Mexican charge here. The penalty for violation of neutrality laws Is that every person who within American territory begins, sets on foot or sslsts any military expedition or enter prise against any government with whom the United States Is. at peace Is subject to fine not exceeding ta.OuO and Imprison ment for not more than three years. The Mexican government has asked that the eases ngalnst Villareal and the two others charged with conspiracy to violate the neutrality laws be pushed to an early conclusion. It is asserted that this conspiracy wai formed a year and a half ago. These men were found In California and proceedings were brought to compel their removal to Arixona. The order of removal was tasued and under habeas corpus proceedings they appealed that order. Their cases are now pending In the supreme court. Recently the department defeated an effort on their part made in the supreme court for a re duction of bail. SHOWERS SCATTER CROWDS Large Number at Krnar Park In Afternoon When the Rain Came. The Just-bcfore-sunset storm Sunday scattered the large afternoon attendance at Omaha's polite resort, Kruic Park, and the following coolness of the atmosphere kept down the evening patronage to a min imum. The band concerts, with flie In strumental solos, and the popular songs rendered by Mile. Pallansch, were greatly enjoyed, as was evidt-nced by the frequent applause and the encores and extra num. bers that were demanded. The Hlrschhorns. Alpine entertainers, opened an extended engagement Sunday. and they were received with great favor. They appeared twice In the afternoon and twice on the evening program. The quartet consists of Hetty Lucht, soprano; Anna Hlrschhorn, alto; Joseph Thaler, bass, and George Hlrschhorn, Either soloist. It Is five years since the Hlrschhorns first ap peared at Krug Park and two years since their last appearance In Omaha. They give highly Interesting program. The selec tions most popular with their audiences vesterrtav were "The Unm...' xt..i. m .. -- - - - ........ .. ...mill, t "Early in the Morning." a yodllng song, sl duet for soprano and alto entitled, "Echo Pong;" "Artlht's Life." a waits son, and 'Model rtuck," a comedy trio, which was vociferously applauded. The novelty of an ascension of the big balloon In a pouring ralnRtorm was enjoyed more py the spectators than by the para chute Jumper, who, after a beautiful air flight and Jump, alighted on the aolid earth, "wet to the skin Every Sunday balloon ascension at Krug Park this season has had some unusual and distinctive nov elty sensation associated with It. The picnic of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Hebrew Institute, orlglnallv rnni.m. plated for June 17, and postponed on ac count of the rainy weather that day, will take place Tuesday, June 34. Prospector Dies at Work. LANDER. Wyo., June -(Special.)-Lee Hlatt. a well known prospector, died from heart disease while working at the bottom of a 30-foot shaft on a claim near Den.. When his body was found several days later the hands' still held a hammer and drill. Coroner Schoo ordered the remaina Interred on the claim. Wumaa and Hon Bonad Over. CRESTON. la.. June 29 (8peclal Tele gramsMrs. Ella Williams and son. Leivitt Cornelius of Davis City were held under the charge here of wrongfully using the United States malls, thereby securing merchandise billed to Mrs. Ella Williamson of the sams place, wsre held to the grand jury after preliminary hearing. In default of ball they were taken to Jail at Red Oak. Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columns? Dot, do so, and get satisfactory results. If BUhog Potter gerleaalr 111. - Cf JOPER8TOWN. N. Y.. June 3-Btshop Henry Cud man 1'otier of few York is seriously 111 at Coopertowo. lie bad tm proved somewhat since his srrlvsl early in May. but the extreme neat of lat wtak af UUtJ Li in adversely. -1 S0LUTELYFRE ;:"F y" "'"" nii-nam nwnflm mm:mgm! ttjvbt.i1, ritJ.ii a a V . N . To All Readers ol NX l' NEXT SUNDAY'S BEE Jp v I A FULL SIZE CAKE OF ) Cut out the coupon which will appear in next Sunday's Bee and present it if ' I . .. . A to your grocer who is authorized to give you a full size cake of this exquisite ' : s x toilet article. - : yOLUTELYFREE!;if: WADSWORTH SAYS FAREWELL Retiring President of Bellevue Col lege Speaks at Y. M. C. A. Sunday. TELLS YOUNG MEN OF MOSES Biographies of Such Men Should Com pose a Large Part of Books Read Instead of Lightweight ' Fiction. President OuV W. Wadsworth of Belle vue college delivered an address on "Moses, The Man of the Hour." before a large audience of men at the Young Men s Chrls tlr.n association Sunday afternoon. It was President Wadsworth's farewell appearance before a public assembly in Omaha, as he will depart Friday fof his new pastorate at Pueblo, Colo; -'oT The retiring president expressed himself aa pleased to deliver his farewell message to his friends of the Young Mens Chris tian association, for here for the last three years he had made his headquarters when In Omaha, and Its associations were very dear to him. "With the abundance of llbrailes In this country we waste a great deal of time In useless reading of fiction," said Dr. Wads worth. "Only about 20 per cent of the R6 per cent of fiction that is read is really worth the reading. We should read more biography and less fiction, not but that some fiction Is good, but our reading should take more of the nature of the best books. There are no greater masterpieces of liter ature than those written by Moses. I be lieve that he wrote tne entire Pentateuch, except, of course, that part of It that re lates to his death, which was doubtless written by Joshua, 'Moses was the great est man of all history except Our Lord Jesus Christ. He lived In a critical period of the religious history of the world. Ite llglon was almost dead at the time of Moses' birth. Choosing; a Great Teacher. "God chose a great character to do His work and to teach His people. Moses was well born physically. It was God's design that his youth and manhood should be as It was. He came from a strong family, strong In every characteristic of religion, morals and determination. It was necessary to God's purpose that he should be educated In the lore of Egypt and he was so edu cated that he might come In contact with all the phases of human character of that period, that he might do the work God had designed for hitn. He was a student for forty years In the best universities of Egypt, and for another forty years he was the student of experience In the wilderness of Slanl that he might be still better equipped for the great part that he was to perform in the history of humanity. He was learned In every art and profession, and at his death at 1'JO years his eye was not dim nor was his vigor abated. He was ever superb, dignified and magnetic. Moses, the Military Man. "Moses was a great military leader, a great organizer, a great poet, a great orator and the world's greatest lawyer. Withal these qualifications was added the character of a model gentleman. He was meek, but not weak, and above all things he was a man of God. The grandest moment Of Mosea' career was in the silent majesty at his death. God called him into the sollftide of the rocks, where he died. His work was finished, and he died In the majesty of the completion of the greatest work ever per formed by mortal man. The angels of God buried him, and no man knows the location of his tomb, so that no man of that day could point to his grave and say, 'There lies my enemy.' "There are good men In this day. God has created them to carry on His worn, All of us have been given strength to woik out His will and It is essential that we educate ourselves to do It. No more potent factor exists for this work than the Young Men's Christlsn association. The only re Want some GO? Eat GraLpe-Nuts Ttsere'as a Reason" gret that I have in going to Pueblo Is that there Is no Young Men's Christian associa tion In that city of B0.0U0 people, but with the help of God I will do what I can to es tablish one there. "Nothing In all this world .la so great as a man. The world needs men and Omaha needs men." The meeting was In charge of J. W. Mil ler, educational director of the Young Men's Christian association. A very pleas ing feature of the meeting was a vocal solo, "There Is No Need of Shadows," by Charles Butler, the noted singing evangel ist, who will give a sacred concert at the First Methodist Episcopal church this even ing for the benefit of the Young Women's Christian association. BEAUTY OF AGES IS LAUDED Itev. Loveland Gives Day to Old Folk at First Methodist Church. Special tribute was paid to tllvery hair at the First Methodist church Sunday morning at a service deilgned for old peo ple. It was known as "old folk's dsy" and gray heads were sprinkled plentifully through the congregation. The music was selected with special reference to the old folks and old time hymns were sung. The most touching of the songs was a . solo "Ono Swetly Solemn Thought." Rev. Frank Loveland spoke espcolally to the oldor members cf the congregation, using as his text the words from the twen tieth chapter of proverbs "The Glory of a Young Man In His Strength. The Beauty of an Old Man la His Gray Hair." "I salute you this morning as peoplo who nre getting gray." the minister said In opening. "You remember when you found the .irst gray hair on your shoulder. It told you with a silver tongue a story you did not like to hear. It told you you were getting old. Old age like poor relations come to stay. "I am looking into the faces of men1 and women who, like Oltvrr Wendell Holmes, are sitting over their tea cups and not one who was with you at the breakfast table of life Is left to take tea with you. All hall to you who are getting old. There are some things going with old age which we cannot help. There Is the physical side. Yesterday you were a giant. Today you are weak a child without the promise of a child for th future. "The. question comes to me this morning. Yv'lint M nv-ani bv the beauty of gray hairs? Do yen tell rtv: gray hairs are beautiful? I don't .nnv about that. I haven't any that I think ure beautiful. "There sre some things, however, that make old age beautiful. First there Is faith In God. It Isn't so pitiful to hear a man In the full strength of his life say, 'I don't care anything about God." But wait, till his strength Is gone and he la tottering to his chair and I say the most pitiful thing is to hear such an old man say be has no faith In God. The only breakwater between old age and despair Is faith In 'C.jd. "Again if you want a beautiful old age you must ally yourself with great Ideals. A man's great Ideals will be indicated under stress of circumstances, when ho hasn't time to think. It la the things we do Involuntarily that determine our ideals. Another thing la to have a memory of a well spent life. When you get old. memory Is going to be a forerunner of the Judg ment. It Is going to take you by the hand and lead you back Into the corridors of the past. You people who are old, I beg of yois, to stay wtth us as long as you can. Don't be in a hurry to go. And you young people, if you have mother living, take good care of her. If you have a father, cherish him. "You old folks are getting near the line, and a few more strokes of your oars and you will b- at home. May you see the good angels of God coming out of the eternal land and light on your weather-beaten masts and may they bear you to the eternal rest." sealed Mine to Be Opened. CHEYKNNK, Wyo., June 29. (Special.) It is rumored that the Union Pacific Coal company has determined to attempt early in July to enter No. 1 mine at Hanna. which contains the bodies of about fifty miners, killed by an explosion sev eral months ago. . Experienced miner from the company's other coal camps will be taken to Hanna to engage In the per ilous work of entering the wrecked work. Ings. Water Works Extendrd. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. June 29 (Special.) The city of Cheyenr today advertised for bids for the extension of the city water works system. The work will cost In the neighborhood of $100,000 and will require 2,150,0w) pounds of cast Iron pipe. XV ire I'laat Resnsaea. PITTSBURG. June IS.-Seveial depsrt- menis of the Schoenoerger of the Si'hoenherser Dlant or tne American Steel and Wire company resumed operation today, alording suiploymaat lu THE NEW DIRKCTOinE SUIT. A Fair Shopper Will Wear One In Brandels Store Tuesday Mornlnar. BCIT IS THE EXTREME" STYLE. Th new Directolre Suit, smaitly Parisian, with Its long fitted coat and Its extended "gaiters" underneath, will be worn for the first time by one of Omaha's well-dressed women in Brandels' store Tuesday. A great many Omahans are planning to be on hand In the morning between 10 and il o'c:ock, which Is the hour the young wcnvin will bo shopping In this store. Another ycung woman will wear the Dl rectolre gown. She will be on Brandels' second floor during the forenoon. The Directolrs suit and the Dlrectoire gown have caused a world of comment in Paris, London and New York, and they are quite the talk of Omaha Just now. These are the extreme models without the modifications tlvat will probably follow. POTTER MAKES GOOD REPORT Hecelver of Omaha Loan and Trust Company Is Discharging Liabilities. William K. Potter has filed In district court a report of the receivership of tho Omaha Loan and Trust company .slut the last report. November 17, 190J. The. report shows that he received 11.417.25 In cash when he took charge and has col lected $1,872,009.13. making a total of $1.S7, 426.33. and has disbursed U.SSb. 247.55, leaving a balance on hand of 121. 178.83. The liabilities have been reduced about 13.868.000. , The report also shows that the expense of the receivership has not been ruld out of the sale of the property of the con cern, but that the profits arls.'ng from the business transacted lias paid this ex pense and $33,714 In addition. YOUTH SUES MOTHER-IN-LAW Fred HoksT nearhee Ills Majority ud Start'i Action for Da ma ares. Fred Hogg, a South Omaha youth, hii filed suit in district court against Mr Grace Hamilton, his mother-in-law, and Arthur C. Paneoast, her Attorney, for $5,000, alleging false f Imprisonment -for The Dread Tuberculous Germ 0!i Per Ont. of Men nd Women, Over 18 yearn of Age, Have Tuberculous Germs in Their - System. Leading doctors and diagnosticians, who have spend many years In study and re search, state that 95 per rent of the pop ulation over eighteen years of age have tuberculous germs In some part of their body. Many people think of tuberculosis a a disease of the lungs only. They do not realise that it may occur in any organ or tissue of the body. It Is only one form of tuberculosis when It effects the lungs and la then known as pulmonary cusumptlon, but this same tuberculous germ effects the liver, stomach. Joints and other parts of the body, and tboubands who suffer are told by their doctors that they have rheumatism or uric acid or lack of cir culation, or one of the many well knows diseases, when It Is nothing else than th Insidious working of the tuberculous germ, and the patient bas consumption of the part affected Just as .surely as. lie has pulmonary cunsumptlon when the lungs are affected. The enormous percentage of men and women thus affected shows the Import ance of taking proper care of the health before this dread tuberculous germ hss made an . Inroad Into the system beyond repair. ir theite cae were properly diagnosed and Duffy's Pure Malt WhlHkey prescribed and taken there would not be ko many Invalids, cripples and dvaltik before middle age is readied Klfty years of investi gation and tests by eminent phyntclars have proven that Duffy's puie Malt WhlHkey Is the greatest germ killer known to science. In the thousands of cases; In which It ha been used It has never, failed to dlatroy and drive the tuberculous grim completely out of the system' In short time. i The secret of the marvellous success f f1 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In curing and I f reverting lung and tubercdJoua troubles les li the. fact that, It's the gre-all sirengthtne and health builder known to medicine It not Only cheeks the ravages; of tU diktats lts4f, but replaces tl.e. weakened, destroyed tissues, helps the stomach to more perfectly digest and saslmliste foed in order that moi?. rlche.-j and purer blood may come from It, snd! regulates and. govern the hearts action, so that the circulation )H be strong and powerful, carrying health and vlg'ir lu svsry organ and tert of Ue buuan Uudl I wife abandonment. He' was arrested July Id, 1908. on a waVranf from th' 3outt Omaha police court 'and Was dtalrtedlr' Jail for five hours' ami thert'rH9(hargel This Is the -second stilt growing out of th Incident. Last summer suit was brought for the fame amount, 1 tout al . that time Hogg, though a husbnnrtrnd-c father, was still in the eyes of the lew at Infant himself, bring under 31,'ahd th ' suit had' to be brought through ht3. mother. Since then he has ecoine u age and the present fiultfcls' brought In his own name. Nl CALL'S SPECIAL w E MADE a most generous- puohaae of We bought them rfKht;ta' We'W1 offer' you a full Blue, BlacK or. Gray serge Suit with extra Trousers of same or strrlpvd material at , , $25 X'rai -B-:sigi WILLIAM JERIIEMB nAni c...K.Ktfttf.,l'l ' wt. i Half SprinvChiCtfen The CALUMET;. Special fMUsjlQ.iV FOR HIRE FDIL DRESS SUITS S.SUGARMAN , raio f APNANj .'rrrt.-4 v WRITE IP YOU USE OR WANT Rogers Coal Mining Co.. Pell, Iowa , AMI SEMK.NTS. MERRY WIDOW: B CO MI VO TO OMAHA, - fj. WITH V Hagenbeck and;' Wallace Circus - Ens Is a clown, and tba oia- ttat. hei to be enlarged to admit hr " hat. Xsr first uuu U "attta." BOYD'S THBflTBR .(& Vr.i Tonlgbt and all wtek. ats Tuesday, Thursday'' a ndT sTS. VOODWAkD STOCK OOst MRS. DANE'S pETTSNSB''' Ulllman's Slock Co. : aix iomb4 x::-y Utu aad DoutflAa.tta. . IN CAllf eRKUff? TOsTlOHTrU jr.;. TaadsrUU Vsiweea acts Prlcea lOc. aoo .:. if.". T-t . " . . ' ( I i ' I I 1