10 TTTF. OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JUNE 30. 1908. is! SHIPPER RISK RULE DEAD Proriiion. Knocked Out by . Interstate Commerce Commission.' ' omaha .'mat ; saw it eight Trvr1MI Caaalt ef Omaha CMMwdd Cl T Win Bi Flarfct" for ' " -... , . t - . Omaha shippers had the correct Mi of the "lX per rt shippers' risk rule wwn It wss proposed by the railroads In western e!s.slfleton territory,-, as shown by the riort of the Interstate Ommeres commit lm. notWs of which hea Just be sent to sll member f the . National Industrial Traffic teacuet ' It was Hie-transpor4stion committee of the t ommerrlsl elub at Omaha that flrat discovered the deceptive and Innocent look Ina DroXIfloh' made by tha railroad com pfs and the' protest of the Omaha club hastened the matter before the Interstate Cnrrmeree rofnmleelon: - Th:a fa the -rtrl whlth the railroad pro posed to enforce: ' No carr'ef fr psrty 1n possession of the property for-whlih commodity .-ate la pro-vld-il In tha tariff shall be liable for any lum thereof of damage thereto from cauaea bO'onrf li a control, or by floods or by fire, or hv quarantine. flouds. riots, strikes or stoppage of labor, or by leakare. bieajiaso, charm, crushing. ns In weight, changes In weather nest, frort. wet or decay, rust of metala-or metallic anoda. encape of beea. live poultry or live fish, tearing, cutting or a II ng of fabrics or paper In bales or bund.es. foimi-ntation of lljulns. chipping nf t me or manufacturer thereof. Injuries of live an mala to thmselve or each other, rt ti properly larrled on open cars. Shipper who do not desire to foreward Shipments under above provision muat note ori shipping order or .bill of lading "Car rier's Risk" In which case an additional charge Of 30 per cent 'will he made. Short Ed for Shipper. When Omaha shlppera read the provision they saw nothing but an advance In ratea or the shifting of" practically all responsi bility for shipments' from the carrier to the shipper. They protested that If the rail road companies were charging 30 per cent ftr Insurance, the rate was too high and if they simply wanted to renounce all re sponsibility for merchandise ronalgned over their , lines, it wan not possible to do so within the law. Anyway they could look at It they would have to prove that the damage to shipments waa because of neg ligence on the part of the carrier and that would be hard to do. . Other commercial clube took up the mat ter and the Interstate Commerce com ml s- lon held that ft Whs a mischievous prac- ' tlce for carriers to publish In their tariffs and on their bills of lading rules and regit latlona which are misleading, unreasonable or Incapable of literal enforcement In court of law, and that a stipulation that an additional charge 'of 20 per cent shall be collected on property that Is shipped not subject to limited Jlbfllty la unreason able. . .The holding, of the eommlealon entirely lustlfjea the posit Ion. taken by the Commer cial club of Omaha and other shlppera, and it la bejleved the ,120 per cent carrier'! risk rule la now a thing of the past. I v., I nor Close star r. ef Jaly. , .The Near Dlrtctclrt Suit vhirH i$ caviing so much tvmmfnt villbe Hvrn at 1randei$' rime Tuuday morning betmen 10 and 11 0 clock 6y one Of Omaha' , beet dressed women. The km Directoirt gown will be worn at the $amt time on the $ cond fuor by another young woman. . - TUESDAY SPECIALS A Sal of Women' SHIRTWAIST SUITS Our New York buyer purchased these suits and dresses at a great sacrifice. They are the daintiest and most up-to-date summer dresses made of se lected wash fabrics, in plain whites, light plain colors and new patterns made in two niece suits or one piece lumper dresses made to sell np to $3.50, at , 98 r n b b b mm. If .UK ( Nil Will Close Ml Day Saturday, July Wi 1 flwv L tatnaantsnnraaasawaBD BRANDEIS TUESDAY J PRE-INVENTORY SALES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS One more day of pronounced stock-reducing bargains. .lust one more day to get stock down to lowest ebb. July 1st we take inventory. All remaining lines advertised on Sunday on sale again Tuesday. Buy summer needs now. It surely pays. NEXT FRIDAY BEN NETT'S GREATEST SALE " f?oof J nunuut.siiHi LOOK OUT FOR SHIRT WAISTS THIS. STORE CLOSED All Day Saturday, JULY FOURTH. Open Friday Evening Until 10 O'clock. IMMENSE PURCHASE Of Stunning New Women's Waists Dainty, airy lingerie waists, smart plain tailored waists with pleats and , tucks all this summer s newest crea tions a lid manv vprv elaborate, short or lone sleeves open back or front worth to $3.50 . . 98' EMBROIDERIES sxi 12c 18-inch flouncings, skirtings and corset cover widths also insertions, golloons and headings, in Swiss, l 1 Nainsook and cambric new designs, worth II up to 25c a yard, at, yard u s BR ANDEtS BOSTON STORE SLIGHT DAMAGE TO PAVING Bala Ovlaya Rema, Work, bat Not Caits Aay Serious Lssi, Doe J 150 LiAen Tailored Suits at Reductions of $2.00 to $3.50 These are common sense suits and just the best kind for your outing on the 4th of July. They are made of good linen finished ma terials, and strictly tailored. Nothing "fussy" to them, but designed to look neat and dressy and to give absolute com fort on a hot day. All are in coat styles with pleated skirts; single and double coats; large pearl button trimming. Come in white, pink, blue and leather shades, all regular $5.95, $6.50 and $7.50 suits, on sale Tuesday: HI 11 a ti Aftor July 4th wo will cloae) evening, ex cept Saturday, at ft r. M. dur ing July ' and August. ll!IOTE3s THE RELUBLB STORE Extra Specials for fuesday From to 10 A. M. On ca of brown apron checks, . regular 6 He value, ten yards to customer per yard 2H 10p Batiste . . .3H 124c Batiste . . .5 15c Organdies .7't 19c Organdies. IOC 15c Ginghams. 7Vi 25c Scotch Ging hams, at .... 10 Valde Reye, fine Wash Goods. . Drap de Linde 7 Scotch Cloth. ..7i From 2:00 case or e After inlj 4th we will close evninn', cept Ratnrdsy, at H P. M. dr. Ids; July and AngusU to 8:00 1 M. One httra heavy Dieacnea Muslin ten cent values at, per yard , . . 25c Dotted AppltQU. at 7? 19c White Goods. for 7litf 12 Vic White Goods. for 50 15c White Goods. for GH One table of 10c, 12 Vic, 15c Wash Goods, good lengths to dole . .3H Red. 4 white and blue Butlng, for July, yard . 15c Towels 10c Towels 8 Vic Towels 4th of ...1 SO 30 7 Vic Towels . ,2H Cotton Toweling. " yard 2 HO All Linen Toweling, yard ........ 5 $t8 and $20 Silk Sdits $6.90 Our Xew York buyer has just sent us 275 in jumper and shirt waist styles, made plain blacks and all colors, checks, str secured them at a tremendous bargai Tuesday at less than worth the materials alone; choice $3.00 Lawn and Lingerie Waists Trimm tion and embroideries, many in the lot one price Tuesday; choice eautiful silk suits tf fine taffetas, in pes, fancies. We i and offer them 6.90 DENNETT'S OIG GROCERY BRANDEIS : While they aay lhat the atorm of Satur day night waa ona of the worst they ever saw, paving ' contractors affirm that but little damage waa done to their work and that tX or WOO will repair all loss. .Hugh Murphy waa hit ;the hardest by the storm. Taa entire Intersection at Thirty-first and Dodge atreets waa washed out by the rain and curbing and paving foun dation on Faraam between Forty-second and Forty-fourth atreets was Injured. Brick paving, laid the latter part of the week, but not finished, by Charlea E. Fanning on Cass street, between Thlrty eecond and Thirty-third streets, was washed out. but the paving contractor says that the damage ran be repaired In one day. .. The sawers suffered heavily In the storm and the city engineer department saya the Ipsa will be quite heavy, though Just how much It will cost to repair the work they do not know. The Jones street eewer burst from Blxth to the river and tha paring on this street waa broken for the distance of one and one-half blocka. It la caved in' at aeveral places. The aewer on Thirty-fifth street, north of Davenport, burst and the ' I sard street sewer burst agsln,' as usual. The Bpencer street and several other sewers overflowed, but did not break. -William' Hntton. foreman of the city aewer ' plant, worked all day Sunday with tha sewers, and aaya tha damage will be .heavy. LACES at 2ic and 5c Yard Fine French, German and Filet Vals., torchon and point de paris laces and insertions many to match worth up to 10c a yard, Cr sj 0 EMBROIDERED R.0BES REi Fine French hand embroidered batiste robes embroideries, flouncings, insertions and panel effects worth up to $15.00, at 598 pound OOo and 10 Green Stamps IMllgrcaam'WamiM.asrilWi'M WW B f , Tfce Ba Seals plaa-aa yfleatrova. fewer "Vs than stomach, liver and Sidney .illtet. a; for which Electric Blt- tera la the1 guaranteed remedy. 60c, For tale by Beaten' 1 fi company. AGED WQMJl.OBJLCT OF PITY O i'.mte4. Bedraggled anal De ateated, Sae Is Exhaaatea by Laagr Walk. Barefooted and bed ragged and almost worn put by a long walk. Mrs. Roalla Blaeae. a Garaan . woman lmost TO years eld and - demented, wandered Into the see. tion house at Irvtngton Sunday right and took possession of tt. . She la now at the county.' Jail uaable to give an account of herself. The only tapers found on her person- were some letters and a receipt for soma stock by a South Omaha eom mission firm, "but both 'letters and receipt were between three and four years oJ8. The letters baea . tha address &T0 Wool worth avenue, but Mrs. Blaeae said she had not lived there iof a long time. The missive was from a dauarhbar. Maria In Denver. Mrs. Blaase said she bad taken her shoes aff by th roadside, because they got aa big as balloons. Sha was tn -a cheerful frame' Of mind and "jotUed" Sheriff Bralley because he' bad no beard and was bald. She wilt ba be!4 at the Jail until her rela tlvea can m found. ' Mt, Ctaaaseja, tka Miami Batb City, Js reachad "without change of cars only by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Time liMii and a beautiful descriptive pamphlet will ba mailed fraa on applica tion sa Oao. W. Vans. A. . p. at T. las Adams KU Cbiaaga. GREAT WESTERN IN FAVOR Be ta Eagtlak Staekhaldera by mabart riesaaslag ts aa Ea. CMraajiaat Oaa. ' Rabert FVeroming. chairman of the 4 per rant aackboider . aoauniUaa of London Kn gland, who rMtad Omaha raoentlv while making aa tm tlgmttoo Into tha affairs of ! tbs Chicago - Great Western railroad, has returaed tn Europe and made a favorable Tha stockholders decided to engage H. O. Hurt. T .li liter pr Idewt of tha -Union Pa- I aafla.'to make aa tnveettgatson aad report f wi the Jhyslc3 oondUion and vsJua of toe I '. rr1. MjJ Butt will hniertka this work j ' au or. ..... I BRANDEIS Four SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THE BASEMENT ALL SILK RIBBONS All silk ribbon in plain and fancy; black, white and all colors; width No. 12 to 100, worth' up to C A. 25c, at DC-lUC WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Stocks, turnovers, jabots and Peter Pans, worth C up to 25c, at HANDKERCHIEFS Plain hemstitched, all widths of hems, lace and embroid ery trimmed, on sale Tues day, each, at - --" 3V2c-5c WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Ribbed Vests, tape trimmed neck worth 10c, C at DC OMAHA PRIZES FROM OTIIER STATES Corn Show Awards Come from All Over the Country. SPECIAL LIST WILL BE UNIQUE This Will lipslfswat tha Regale Ftftr Theaund-Dollar Preaalams Pat Ip br tha Home Promoters. When the premium list for the Nation! Corn Exhibition Is Issued next month, It will not only show some 150.000 tn regular I premluma. but many special and supple- mental premiums, subscribed by enthusi astic grain growers, manufacturers and stock breeders in all parta of the United States. This "special Hat" la no ordinary pre mium collection. It Is such a unique collec tion of valuable prises that It la easily one of tha features of the great corn exposition and agricultural show. The management of the exposition re ceived a telegram Monday saying that the Duroc Bwlne Breeders association of Iowa had just voted to offer seventy-two fine hogs as special premiums to Iowa grain growers who aucoeeafully captured regular pnsea for eom and small grains. These seventy-two hogs are to come from the best breeding pens of Iowa and are valued at over 2,M0, making premluma that every Iowa farmer will want to win. About the time the Iowa awlne breeders were deciding to give sway some of their pet hogs, a number of enthuaiasts gathered at Clay Center, Neb., and decided that they could add mors than something to the sup plemental premium . lists. Oeorge Brlgga and Oeorge Schwab of Clay Center, have notified the management of the exposition that some prise hogs could be expected from them, while W. F. Holcomb of thu same place offers three pens of hla fine chlrkena, worth 133 per per Not to be outdone by thoae who have chicken and awlne, H. H. Harvey, the Clay Center Scotch breeder, offered one of the beat pupe. U. A. Barrett wired to put him down for a collection of ferrets, and M. U Johnson, president o ft he Clay Center In. cubator factory, haa offered more than 1160 worth of hla machines as special pre ml urns to Nebraskana winning prises at the National Corn Exposition. Golden Coffee, pound , Pantos Coffee, pound Teas, assorted, pound Tea Sifting, pound Pr. Prices' Food, three packages Worcester Salt, two sacks Smoked Sardinen, can Hayles' Lunch Herring, two Jars BOc bottle Queen Olives for 30o Velvet Matches, six boxes for....95o Umberger Cheese, pound Boston Brown Bread Flour, pk . Pkg Bayles' Horseradish Mustard, large Jar. Bayles' Luncheon Herring. Jar Hartley's Jam, assorted, Jar Waldorf Chill Sauce, bottle Delatour's Oingerale, bottle Best Cream Cheese 86o and 30 (1re.cn Stamps 18o and 10 Oreen Stamps 380 and 30 Oreen Stamps lBo and 20 Green Stamps 85o and 20 rren Stamps lOo and 10 Oreen Stamps 18Ho and 10 Oreen Stamps 80o and 10 Oreen Stamps 25c bottle Olives for 18c Safety Matches, dozen boxes 8o SOo and 10 Oreen Stamna 16o and 10 Green Stamps 18o and 20 Green Stamps ISO and IS Oreen Stamps 880 and 20 Oreen Stamps lOo and 10 Oreen Stamna 19Ho and B Oreen Stamps Your Vacation will be more enjoyable If your watch Is all right, your eye glasses In good order, and one of our fountain pens In your pocket. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler o 1510 DOUGLAS STREET Handkerchiefs ic Tuesday morolnR begins our big Summer Sale of Ladles' and Chil dren's Handkerchiefs Just Half Ileftular Prices ranging from lc up. 2c Children's Fancy Printed Hand kerchiefs, each 1J 4c Children's plain white hem stitched handkerchiefs, at . .2 Tc Children's Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, on sale at.3Hf 10c Ladles' plain hemstitched cambric Handkerchiefs, ea.4ac loc Ladles pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs 7W 20c Ladles' lace trimmed Hand kerchiefs each zoc Ladles' tancy emDroiderea Handkerchiefs, on sale .12 35c Ladies' fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs, on sale . .174f ni with lace inser vorth $3.00, all at 95c Gloves & Hosiery Three magnificent bargain offerings for Tuesday's sale. $1.00 Long Silk Gloves, in black or -white, with double finger tips; great snap at, a pair . . A 50c Long Silk Gloves Finest quality, woven finger tips all colors made to-bcII at $2.00 in Tues day's sale, choice 08c Ladles Hose- Importer's Samplest worth to 60c a pair 'Hales, silk and lisles, fine maeos, etc., blacks, white and fancies. In 3 lots, pr.iawj. 10 and So Gold Silver andNickle Let us replate and repair your old metalie articles. We make them good as new at a email coat. Ut'lAHAPLATiHfr C(l n.MMA.. Oft 1895 iuM uauicy tm AaleatUi ASOCLAIlLV ADVERTISING aVRS OF AMERICA CONVENTION KANSAS CITY 49 Via. Winsirol Soofcing Syrcp-J PAIN j CUI lerif forDlA t or the worli need for over SIXTY-FIVE YTASS t .i.ionh or H )TUfJlH for llieir f'HlLDH. HII.E TEETHINO.with PERFECT BrorKhS. BQOTHE8 the CHILD, 80PTE N S t haOCMS,Ai.LAft all PAIN i CURES WIND COLIC.ana Is KandA, 8-M br IirimrlaOlD enry A. fta Biire ftntl uk fir"Vr Win. w' floothlnr BTran." and taka no othr hin "wtnty.flve cents a bottle. OuftrtDtoed undtr the ea. ad pnw Art. June With. Brll "Sum her AN OLD AND WICL TU1D KJOtUOiY. J Call Us by Thone If You Would Be Well Dressed Look at Your Footwear WhnTr you wat something cs.ll 'Ftxn S88 and mak tt known thronsb a Be Want Ad. A well dressed foot not only en hances your appearanc, but gives you that feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Foot wear that goes from this store always carries real eatisiaction witn it, viz., aurauu ity, style, fit and value, for price paid. OUR WOMEN'S $3.50 and $4.09 OXFORDS are the acme of style and beauty. They bespeak dependability in wear and style in pattern. Made by shoemakers who have reputa tions to protect. We have nobby two-button Patent Colt and Pumps that do not slip; button Bluchers with turned or welt soles, cloth or kid tops. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. Buy Your 4h of July and Vacation shoes NOW. A "flyer" for quick selling TUESDAY: I 1,'JOO pairs Men's, Boys' and Youths' tennis or outing, vul canized rubber soles, worth 50c i 25c Men's $3.50 and $4.00 tan shoes I $1.98 Child's Barefoot Sandals J 50c Now's the Time to Do Yqur Canning TEACHES PEACHES A solid car of fancy Freestone California Peaches, Just received , Fine luscious fruit, on sale Tuesday, per crate PI MS PIXMS 4 basket elates fancy Blue Clyman Plums leliclously sweet and Juicy, of sale Tuesday, at, per crate . .1 ? Monday's special prices on Groceries, ("wickers, Butter, Cheese, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Continue Tuesdaf. W HfLYDENS' mI to yo ir floor space Patter.oa's, Majority. NASHVILLE, June Incomplete re turns from Saturday a primaries lndicat that Patterson mi dereatea ctnntcK lor the rubernaiorlai nomination by a majority ranging between 7,0u0 and XAU0. I'noficUil returns show that Jehn Vfealey Oainea haa been defeated by Joseph W. Byrne, for the Sixth district congressional nomination by S majority of l.tCL HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet tcmethlng to be en. )eyed. It removes all stains and toughness, prevents prickly heat ind chafing, sno leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which do common soap ran equal, imparting the rigor and life sensation of a mild Turkiil ' 'V Ail Gsrvees Ar DuocC. l Hidden Human Happiness That will not crape you It you will follow sound reason. ju.Ht a careful thought today about your teeth Ik a hapiy road that many seek when forced to. The jironer time and the many hidden advantages of noting the condition of your teeth (often gained in the hard school of exnt-rlt-nce . f will be pleased to dlscuuk with you at your own convenience. The finan cial gain of our operatlona seldom fall to produce haipy thoughts. It will please ua to have you call soon. Phone Doug-las 1068. Ind. A. 1378. Does the lack of flew space retard the growtn of your slop? Motor offer a reliable source of power supply and may be put In places which cannot he used for otier machinery. Motors, together with wiring and switch can be Installed on the c illng, wall or floor. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company T. M. O. A. BTJIXDIITO. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 1506 Faruaru. Extracting. . . 25c up. Crowns up. Plates 2.tM) up. Bridge Work VJ.oO up. Porcelain Fillings up from $1.60 17 Years Same Office, l'honu, Douglas 1750. Alveolar Dentistry m specialty. Loose ttettl uiadtf solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work: guaranteed tea J ears. HOTKI.S AMU SUM HER ItKSOKTS. D. c scott, d.v.s. Taft's Dental Rooms afcaVB m 1111 UMOT SIlfslMal w arts 1 77n Qprrp fcTF. assrssasarafiisilinisVssSasaiii iti. .,.. I..wia4iw. lT$ a jasaaBsr saajssat Besesw. ir- er. v . .camOsw, to Dr. a I Rsmacclotti.) Ottso sa4 stavpltaU, SSTIO Stasoa tree. OalU Promptly Answered at All Howry. 1317 DOUGLAS ST. MjORIP.HIWE aad o4k.r Srag asbita are poeumir nr "J , HaBiTlwa. Tor h.nml.nBla np lDternl a... Sample east to aay 1r. atbtrae by I Von mil fcostilM ru. U en p.r bottl. " yovr drri or by mU Is eisis ii'ti.. beltst Cfcessleal Ce.. Bu Lu. . or imus SATSn SaW, OMAJIA, aTKSI. HOTELS AM) Sl'MMKH HUKORT!. THE INN A Laks Okoboji. la.. Is now open under the 3. T. Csllepder Co. For 'Miates, Roomi, etc.. address, . . , THE INN. OKOBOJI. IOWA ...... , ... ... i -. - .- - Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th St., IsifEW YORK. n n ifsm ia U 11 LS U I mm mm aw mmmmwwm In tfit Contr cf tht Shopping District A Motr, rirtl ClaaS CotnpWM la a mu. rurbMliiiif tts4 dfCua-fttiOD UtJw(r kdfs viftUUts; thcrty srtiA lm ValUM DUUactl Ik rb tu Mqnlrad. KO lth. tint ud tvildsvairt ad tvicpbcaM la vrry CUasV IBSSLUTttr, 'iREpnoor. KUROrCAM PLAN. Room 11.90 per day and upward. i CCORGC W. SwCtl XY, Psoesjrro, Ar.j-s Cirion, Late Manager of King Edward Hotel, T..r..!3,Cia:,( r 7 1 il V A f vl ' s " ( ? v n 1