Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1908, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Secretary Prepare! to Turn Office Oyer
to Successor.
i It TJreei Vory for Manager of
j National Campaign.
Mr. Vory i Asked to Come to Wash
ington Wednesday.
appointment of Chairman Will Be
Drlrrmlnrd at MeetliiR- of Sob
ComnlllM at Hot Spring;,
Va... Jnly N.
WASHINGTON. June . Secretary Taft
today successfully combined his official
duties with politics. Ilia dlverslf led abili
ties never had better Illustration than
they hs4 from 11 o'clock this morning In
o'clock tonight. At Interv-ils during that
period he dlscuised the most Intricate ques
tions arising in the department and matters
concerning the campaign.
The most Important event of the day in
genuine interest was that which ha had
thla afternoon with a delegation represent
ing the political organisation of the republi
can party in Ohio. Walter Brown, chair
man of the republican state central com
mittee: Hrnrv Williams, chairman of the
repuphllcar state executive committee, and
v w. rini.'hert. state auditor, came to
Washington to urge Pecr'-tary Taft favor
ably to consider Arthur t. Vorys In the se-lor-tlon
of a national chairman. They dis
cussed the matter with Secretary Taft at
considerable length. Indicating to him that
the appointment of Mr. Vorya meant much
to the republican organisation In Ohio.
They expressed apprehension that the o-
lection of Mr. Hitchcock, for Instance, or
almost anybody else than Mr. Vorys might
tend to disrupt the organisation In Ohio,
which had largely been built by Mr. Vory-
At the conclusion of the conference, al
though Secretary Taft did not Indicate to
the delegation what his Intentions were he
authorised the members to telegraph to
Mr. Vorys requesting him to come to Wash
ington and meet him on nest Wednesday.
Will Talk Politics.
Secretary Taft when asked thla eivenlng
what likely might be the nature of thla
conference with Mr. Vorya replied laugh
ingly: "Well, I fancy we ahall talk some
politics, von though the weather be hot,
"When will you see Mr. HJtchcockt" the
secretary waa asked.
"I understand." he replied, "that Mr.
Hitchcock In the city, but I have not
eeen him, and I ahaJl not see him until I
am a prlrate cltlsen. Tomorrow I ehaJl be
o deeply engrossed with the departmental
matter which I am trying to clear up for
m successor. Governor Wright, that
ahall have little lime to devote t personal
or- ftelitlowl matters.'
Then, turning to Governor Wright. Secre
tary Tuft said smilingly: "They call Gov
ernor Wright 'general,' but that Is merely
a polite title. He Is really a governor, and
after next Wednesday generals will bow to
Mm. On Wednesday morning I have dl
fected that all the bureau and division
chiefs of the War department shall meet
here to greet th new secretary of war.
The army officer will be expected
appear In full uniform. That direction has
been given," suggested th secretary laugn
Ingly, "In order that I may make myself
solid with the .ajftllltary vote."
rnl Postal Card.
Secretary Taft was greatly Interested thl
afternoon by a mammoth postal card
which he received through the mall. It
was delivered at hi office by a special
delivery meaaenger at 4 o'clock. The card,
which wa three feet six tnohe lonr end
eighteen Inches wide, bore on the reverse
side a fin photographic likeness of Secre
tary Taft a he was about to enter the
Baltimore A Ohio car at the Union station
in Washington on which he made the trip
to Cincinnati on June 19. Immediately be
hind the aecretary tood the negro porter
looking ever hla houlder. On the obverse
side of the card waa a true representation
of a United Btatea post card.' The stamp
was a cartoon of Secretary Taft, beauti
fully drawn by Mr. Barclay of the Balti
more Sun. On each aide of the secretary'
Kkenesa were cherubim, representing Taft
nd Sherman holding aloft electric glohee.
On th stamp ware the words: "l-nlted
States Taftlca." Vndemeath the likeness
of the secretary waa the word, "Taft."
followed by "Pustlge. One Sent." The card
went through th regular channels of the
Washington poetofflce and bore 4 cents'
Charle P. Taft of Cincinnati, the secre
tary brother, who arrived yesterday, has
been In conference with the war secretary
most of the time today. He left tonight
for hla home.
Mam om Chairmanship.
Frank H. Hitchcock, Secretary Taft's
Washington manager, arrived here today
from Chicago and will be engaged for scv
era! days In the work of closing up the
Taft headquarters In this city.
Mr. Hitchcock declined to dlscus for
publication the national chairmanship ques
tion In any way. He said that he expectrd
to have a conference with Secretary Taft
in a day or two, but pending that Inter
view he could say nothing.
Every effort was made today to learn
vmethlng definite respecting the rnolce of
a national chairman, but Secretary Taft
himself this afternoon said:
"No announcement concerning the na
tional chairmanship will be made until f
hv conferred further wlththe subcom
mittee of the national committee. That con
ference will he held at Hut Springs. Mrs.
Taft has Informed in that she will be
ready to leave Washington for Hot Springs
next Friday. I shall therefore notify the
members of the subcommittee to meet there
on July t. The chairmanship matter will
be deitrmimyt then and not before then."
Ueaerel Wright Hand.
General Wright, who arrived from New
folk last night, appeared at th War de
partment shortly after 10 o'clock today
and had conferences with General J.
Franklin Bell, chief of staff, and General
Clarence R. td wards, chief of the bureau
it Insular affair.
"1 understand." said General Wright,
"that thla position of Secretary of War Is
oiuething of a Job and propose to try to
fan. Hants myself with Its details. Do not
expect to lake a vacation in the ordinary
sense of th terms, but will remain right
here during th rreater part of th sum
mer. Mr. Wr.ghl will remain at Memphis
for taw weeks and then will go to th
horn of our daughter up In New York
a! X mx Jala Ju lot a brief period."
TiMdtr, Jnit no, IPOS.
1903 tfuAtf 1903
mo.v jTz, a mr w jit
2 3 4 5 6
Z 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z
28 29 30 f - -
VK'INITY-Falr Tuctdav, net much channe
in temperature.
for XKHBASR A Kair Tuesday, not
much chani In temperature.
FOR 1C)W A Fair Tuesday.
at Omaha I
Hour. Dca.
fi a. m 67
6 a. m 5S
7 a. m
8 a. m 1
t a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m 71
12 m "2
1 p. m 74
Z p. m 75
3 p. m 77
i Injunction plank
form promises to
it Chicago.
Pag 1
National Educa
nes at Cleveland
ie city. Page 1
a busy day at
Vashlngton. with
al chairmanship
, duties. Pag 1
, Vt In his second
The conte.
of the derm: 2.
equal In Inf 3-5
First e-Ir,
tinnnl assncla 3
with 20.000 vl
Secretary T 2
the War depaf .-
discussion of r!2
overshadowing -
Harry Thaw ( ,.
application for1 leiase from Matteawan,
the court indicating that he may order a
Jury trial. Pare 1
Five people die In a cloudburst at Wel
lington, Kan. Page 1
Women at Boston select their officer
for the ensuing blennlum. Page 1
Battalion of troops at Denver make a
practice march on meat pills, the pew
condensed ration. Page 1
Senator Foraker denies that he has been
making negotiations for a settlement of
his differences with Secretary Taft.
Pare 1
Santa Fe limited train Is wrecked on a
burned bridge In Arizona. Page 1
City marshal at Ocborne, Mo., kills a
robber at work. Pare 1
Four persons die from an explosion In
a grocery store In San Francisco. .
Pare 1
The trial of Prince su Eulenburg begins
behind closed doors at Berlin. Per
Panama storekeeper uses the American
flag to wipe his windows and a boycott
results. Page 1
Mexican troops are In control In the
districts affected by revolutionary senti
ment, and It la reported that the rebels
are In retreat Pare 1
Missouri Pacfflo road makes application
te the State Railway commission for a
return of the old rates on passenger and
freight traffic, claiming s heavy deficit
In 1907 under the new law. Pare 1
Torn peace banner of the Jacks and
Jims Is up above half mast, while dele-
gate to democratic national convention matter In charge for the last two years re
are being entertained by two factlns of I porting upon its work through Miss Anni
democracy. Pare 3 Lewis Clark, Its chairman. Mrs. Julia B.
E. H. Harrlman will begin building oper- j Berry of Belolt. Kan., described the work
ations July 1 at the points In the west ! cf the Girls' Industrial school,
where the Union Pacific and other lines! ... .
closed down for a few months. Pag. 5 j ""' PLASiS BIO CKLEBR ATIOX
Omaha shippers had the right concep
tion of the unfairness of the 120 per cent
carters riBk rule proposed by western
railroads, as shown In recent opinion
handed down by Interstate Commerce
comlbslon. Page 10
Iowa swine breeders contribute $2,600
to the premium lists of the National Corn
exposition, while Nebraskans have a
novel list of special premiums to offer.
rare 10
Joint agencies haa been established in
Omaha to handle all tourist tickets and
permit holders to top over In Omaha
for periods ranging from one week to
several months. Pare 7
oomcx&cxAX Ajf d nrovsTmiAL.
Live stock markets. Page 7
Grain markets. Pare 7
Stocks and bond. Pag 7
t'mbrla ..
OVBKNSTOW X... Lucsnla.
The Llxard Zeeland from New York for
Dover and Antwerp reported 860 miles west
at 1:30 d. m.
Former Companion of Kaiser Wil
li el m Before Coort In Berlin
on Perjary Charge.
BERLIN. June 29. The trial of Prince
Zu Eulenburg, who Is charged with per
jury and with Inciting another person to
commit perjury In connection with the
"round tahle" revelations of last summer,
began here today. At the request of the
prosecuting attorney the public and the
newspaper corresp ndents will be ex
cluded throughout the trial.
Prince Zu Eulenberg. who was carried
Into the court room In a chair half an
hour before the court opened, chatted
cheerfully with his wife and son while
waiting for proceedings to begin. He ap
peared composed and confident. Th trial
I expected to continue for at least a
week. Among the witness. present were
Count Kuno Von Moltke, former military
governor of Berlin, who has ben living
in retirement In Egypt since the trial of
his suit against Maximilian Harden for
libel: Lawyer Bernstein, who defended
Harden In the Moltke-Harden libel suits,
and various tradespeople from St. Ambers,
and Llbcnberg, where the prince had his
country seats.
The Jurors, who were selected In ten
mlnutts, are mainly machtnests, manufac
turers and directors In other companies.
O'Brien to Take Vacation.
TOKIO, June . Ambassador Thomas J.
O'Brien sailed today board th steamer
Corea for San Francisco. He will be
absent on a vacation for three months,
during which time h will visit hi home In
Michigan, and go theno to Washington.
He will meet Mr. O'Brien and Journey to
Europe, returning here by way of Siberia.
Death. Heealt of Lockjaw.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 3.-Speclal.)
William Doane, a young man who came
te South Dakota about a year ago from
Warren, III., and located at Artesian, 1
dead as the result of lockjaw, caused by
A ruaur nail. . .
Boom for Office at National Meeting
Ends Candidate's Hopes.
Vice President Nathan Srhaeffer, Who
Will Preside, Will Make Open
Ing Address at Kvrn
Inar Meeting.
CLEVELAND. U.. June 28. Cleveland
won the spelling match, with a total of orly
ts errors, Pittsburg second. 47 errors; New
days ar.d then return to this city. Before
85 errors. Mae Thursby, Pittsburg, and
Marie Bratten. Cleveland, the latter col
ored, has perfect scores.
CLEVELAND. O., June .-Wlth flags
flying and the city decorated In holiday
attire, Cleveland began today the entertain
ment of the 60,000 or more school teachers
from all parts of the country, who are here
attending the forty-sixth annual convention
of the National Education association. The
convention will continue until Friday. The
election of officers to be held Wednesday,
develops no political strife. It la said that
a boom for an office amounts virtually to
a death warrant for a candidate.
The first business of the convention was
a meeting of the council at 9:30 a. m , when
the committee reports were discussed and
prepared for presenta'lon. to the general
session. a
The spelling contest between eighth grade
pupils representing the publlo schools In
Cleveland, Pittsburg, New Orleans and
Erie, Pa., began at 10 a. m.
The board of directors of the aaaoclatlon
met at 11 a. m. The feature of the first
session of the convention which waa called
to order Ira the Hippodrome theater thla
afternoon waa a report on the educational
progress of the year by President Charles
F. Thwlng of Western Reserve university,
Cleveland. A committee on resolutions waa
The next general session will be held to
night, when Nathan Schaffer, state super
intendent of public Instruction, Harrlsburg,
Pa., acting president of the association
will deliver the annual address. Cloudesly
S. H. Brereton, divisional Inspector for the
London county council, London, England
will speak tonight on "The Problem of Vo
cational Education In London."
Throughout the week there will be spe
cial musical features and entertainments.
Federation of Cloba Bnsy with Work
of Namlnai Leader for Kn
enlna; Year.
BOSTON, Mass.. June 29. Foremost in
the buslnesa of today's session of the ninth
blet.nlal convention of the General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs was the election
of officers. The prcgram of the day con
tained features Of special Interest to club
women interested In affecting reforma,
The nominating committee met an hour
before 'Jie convention was called to order.
While the committee was still In session
the business meeting waa opened by Mrs.
Sarah 8. Piatt Decker of Denver, the presi
dent. Much time Was devoted to the progress of
the federation's movement for civil service
reform, a committee which has had the
Fifteen Hundred Indians to Partlel
pate In the Exercises.
DALLAS. 8. D.. une 29. There ts great
excitement In Dallas In preparation for the
Fourth of July celebration to be held here
July i, 3 and 4. There are already en
camped In the big loo-acre circle over 1,600
Indians from Ponca, Bull Creek, Oak Creek,
Butte Creek, White River and other dis
tricts. An Issue of four live beeves was
made this afternoon, which the Indians
killed in their native way, which was a
mo8t Interesting sight. An Issue will be
continued dally until July 1, when the num
ber will be increased to seven beeves daily
and always to be butchered by the Indians
Som of the Interesting characters camped
in Dallas are Swift Bear, Cain Craxy Horse.
Craiy Hawk, Night Pipe and Black War
Bonnet. Other celebrated old warriors are
coming each day. This ts possibly the last
big gathering of Indians In South Dakota
and on account of the opening of Tripp
county thousands of sightseers are In at
tendance. Wyoininsr Blfle Shoot.
CHEYENNE. Wyo June 29 (Special. )
! The annual r,f" 8hoot of th wyomm, n-
u,mi i iu w uciu tin ma run
Russell range from July 26 to 30, Inclusive,
and from the marksmen making the highest
scores will be selected a team of twelve to
represent the state In the national shoot
at Camp Perry. O. On July 30 the guards
men will be reviewed by Governor Brooks
and then will march Into the Crow Creek
reserve for maneuver with the regular
Norwegian Church Celebration.
SIOCX FALLS, 8. D.. June 29.-t Special.)
Preparation have been completed for the
proper celebration of the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the founding of a Norwegian
Lutheran church situated in a thickly
situated Norwegian community near the
town of Vienna, In the southeastern part
of Clark county. Rev. N. I. Ellestad of
Chicago, vice president of the United Nor
wegian Lutheran church of America, will
be present and will pieach the Jubilee ser
mon. Five Take Military Kxamlnatlona.
AMES. Ia.. June 28 Su ctal.) Five Ames
boys left this morning for Fort Leaven
worth, Kan., to take the military exami
nation. These young men have all had the
full course of military Instruction given
here under General Lincoln,, and If they
pass the examination satisfactorily they
will be given commissions In the United
States regular army. Those who will take
the examination are Peter Ottosen, W. G.
Langwill and J. E. Waggoner of the class
of ' and W. A. Danlelson of the '07 class,
and H. A. McCune, who has been acting as
instructor In the engineering department.
Officer Make Raid at Madrid.
BOONE, la.. June 2 (Special Tele
gramsDeputy Sheriffs St. John, geld and
Tom Mowerson raided three buildings In
Madrid and secured fifty cases of bottled
beer In the basement of Hotel Arte. County
Attorney Cederqulst and Sheriff George
Heannum went to Madrid thl morning,
where tbey expected to arrest Ed Roberta
and Frank Hand, charged with, operating
Jadge Mills Orders Postponement of
Two W eeks to Penult Fit
tmm Briefs.
WHITE PLAINS. June 3i.-Jii.1se Mills
adjourned the Thaw case ui til two weeks
from today, when counsel will submit affi
davits and arguments on the question of
Jury trial.
Thaw was remanded to Poughkeepsle Jail
for convenience of his counsel, Mr. Mors-
chauser, who lives In Poughkeepsle.
Under the proceeding by which Thaw-
was brought here todHy the question of his
right to a Jury trial was raised. In the
first habeas corpus proceedings Ira Pough
keepsle this point was not brought up as
counsel for Thaw assumed that his sanity
was perfect.
Thaw's chances for Jury trial as to his
sanity appear to be very bright. At the
conclusion of argument before Justice
Mills this afternoon the Justice said:
I believe It should only be a matter of
time, when this man ought to have a
Jury trial. I arrt not prepared to say
whether It should be now or later."
The Judge then ordered that Thaw
should be detained In the Poughkeepsle Jail
and adjourned the case to July 13. when
new arguments and affidavits will be sub
mitted. Thaw was taken back to Pough
keepsle this afternoon.
NEW YORK, June 2S.-Justlce Twlln
today denied the application of Harry K.
Thaw to be removed from the Mattewan
state asylum for the criminal Insane to
some other Institution. The- decision says:
If after sufficient observation It Is found
proper to remove him to some other Insti
tution the state authorities can so act."
Justice uowivngs eraer. handed down in
this city today, ts not operative for the
present, at leaat, ror I naw is now in cus-
tody under tne oraers or justice Miiia py
reason of the writ of habeas corpus, on
which he was taken to court In White
Plains today.
Wellington, Kan., Visited by Plood
at Night, Taklasr Itonses
on Ita Treat,
WICHITA, Kan., June 29 A cloudburst
at Wellington. Kan., last night resulted In
five deatha by drowning.
The dead:
HEARST, girl 3 years old.
MRS. SMITH or JOHNSON, colored.
Ed West Is missing also.
Five Inches of rain fell within an hour
and flvo feet of water flowed through the
town, taking houses from their founds
WELLINGTON, Kan., June .-The flooi
came without warning and carried houses
and other buildings away before the peo
ple could reach places of safety. Mrs.
Sherman, a young married, woman, was
washed from a rope that was swung to
her by a Santa Fo switchman. She had
climbed to the top of her house.
The first warning of the flood was when
water began to seep into the hou3s along
Harvey and Lincoln streets, east of Main
street. Within an hour It had reached its
crest. Numbers of people floated avay In
their houses or on the rwfs. many of them
selling the limbs of trees as their house
floated by, and pulled themselves to placea
of safety. During the entire night men and
boys worked Industriously In canoes rescu-
Itg people from tree tops and the tops of
Two Killed and Many Hnrt Near
Hardy, Aria., on Santa Fe
WINSLOW, Arlx., June 2. The west
bound California limited on the Santa Fe
was wiecked last night near Hardy, twelve
miles east of here, klling two trainmen and
a passenger and Injured about twenty per-
sons, only nine of whom are said to have
required hospital treatment.
While going at a good rate of speed, the
train struck a burned bridge extending
over a ditch sixty feet wide. The en-
rlne. mall car. accommodation car and
diner were badly wrecked, falling into the
ravine and the fireman and engineer burled
under the wreckage.
The dead:
C. L. PARTRIDGE, Redlands, Cal.
ENGINEER CL'RKIN, Wlnslow, Aril.
The lr.Jured:
W. Klecklncr, Los Angeles, shaken and
B. K. Taylor, Los Angeles, shaken and
J. B. Dame, Hotel Maryland. Pasadena,
neck wrenched.
F. J. Cruikshank, nose and arm broken
D. M. Sahree.
Albert Spaulding.
L. W. Payne.
F. Grleger.
J. Reynolds.
A number of others were less seriously
1 ntdenttfled
Man Shot I
Looting at
borne, Mo.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 29. Matthew
Ford, town marshal of Osborne, Mo., kllUd
a robber in an exchange or snoia aoout
1 o'clock this morning. Ford found two
men In a hardware store at Osborne. One
of them fled, the other fired at the marshal
with a shot gun. Ford extinguished his
flashlight and stepped to one side as th
bandit fired and the marshal wa unhurt.
Ford then fired two shots from his re
volver and both took effect. The robber
died In a few minutes. His companion
escaped. The dead man has not been Iden
tified. The two men had burglarized sev
eral stores In Osborne before the marshal
disoovered them. The booty was recovered.
Grocery Store Wrecked at San Fran
cisco and Death List Will
SAN FRANCISCO, June 29 Four per
sons are dead end three others severely In
Jured aa a reault of an explosion, followed
by fire, which occurred at an early hour
today in th grocery store of John Sweeny
In Diamond street.
The dead:
El. LA SWEENY, aged 10 years.
ANTON DISSMEYEK, Jr., aged 1 years.
The Injured:
Fred Sweeny.
Anton Dlssmeyer. sr.
Mr. Mary Dlssmeyer, who will probably
Oil at Newcastle.
NEWCASTLE. Wyo.. June (Special.)
Oil ha been struck In the heart of town
and many eitixena are preparing to drill
well on their lots. The oil discovery u
made by A. Nichol, who encountered a good
, O09 ot oU a-l a, depth ot fourteen feet.
Says Delaware Man Will Be Nomi
nated for President at Denver.
John H. AtTfooil of Kansas Gives Ilia
Idea of Injunction riank, and It
Is Teovcht to Represent the
Views of Bryan.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., June 29. (Special Tele
gram.) Joseph Marvel of Wilmington, Del.,
manager for Judge Oray, brought the In
formation to Lincoln tonight that Judge
Gray would be nominated for president at
Denver and that he and Johnson of Min
nesota together could muster too vo:es
on the first ballot. This evening, lie, In
company with a newspaper man of Phila
delphia, called upon Mr. Bryan. When
asked why he called upon Bryan If he was
so sure Judge Gray waa going to be nom
inated, the Gray manager had no reply
ready. Judge Gray s manager will open
headquarters at Denver.
The visit of the Oray manager Is taken
to mean that the east la playing for second
place on the ticket, and it would be satis
fied with Judge Gray. Incidentally some of
the west Is also for Gray. John H. At
wood, national committeeman from Kan
sas, who is also here. Is outspoken for
Judge Gray for second place. "It would
unite the party completely," he said, "were
the convention to select Judge Oray for its
vice presidential candidate. He may not
have been with us In 1SS6, but he hae
n,ver been aDout anything. He Is a
,p,miid man and would show the eastern
democrat we are ready to reach out an1
shake hands."
Mr. At wood came to Lincoln with James
A. Reed of Kansas City, and both called
upon Bryan. Mr. Atwood has a plank he
will submit to the resolutions committer
bearing upon the Injunction matter.
A wood's Idea, of Injunction.
"In speaking about the platform," he
said, "I am only voicing my own senti
ments. I-believe the platform should con
tain a plank providing for a law that
would permit of the lasuance of a restrain
ing order In the discretion of the Judge,
but this restraining order should have a
time limit, say from five to ten days. Then
the case should be tried before the Imsu
ance of a temporary Injunction. The
trouble has been In the past that too many
Judges Issue a n straining order and then
allow the matter to slide along and be
come In fact an Injunction. There are cases
where a restraining order should be Issued
but the defendant should be given an op
portunlty to have a speedy trial of the
case on its merits." '
Mr. Atwood la not a delegate to the con
vention, but probably will get In on a
proxy. He has been picked by the local
forecaster for the chairmanship of the
resolutions committee, but tonight he In
slsted this honor should go to Senator
Stone of Missouri or to Governor Haskell
of Oklahoma, though Jim Reed of Kansas
City, he said, deserved the honor
Samuel De Nedrey of Washington, D. C,
representative of organized labor, caildd
on Mr. Bryan today, and ,ts supposed to
have presented a dralt of a labor plank to
him. It was reported tonight on good
authority that the democratic convention,
meaning Mr. Bryan, will not stand for
what Samuel Gompers want In the plat
form. It is believed Mr. Bryan looks with
favor on tl,e Atwoud Injunction plank.
Bryan silent on Vice President.
"There Is no significance in thu an
nouncement that Judge Black said he waa
for John W. Kern of Indiana for vice
president Immediately after a conference
wltn Mr. Bryan," fald one of Mr. Bryan'
closest political friends this mornl ig
Juu.- Biack cam Hum L.tieu, .iah.,
to see the democratic candidate,
"Judge Black is a close friend of Mr.
Kern and has always been for him, ' con
tlnued the Bryan spokesman. "Mr. Bryan
said he would tell the public should he
have a preference for vice president and
he would tell no Individual until he did
Ual" the public Into his confidence."
statement Is taken to mean that a
lot of visitors to Lincoln are talking
through their hats in order to get in the
tlmellgit when they discuss what Mr.
Bryan wanta and doesn't want. And the
man who made the statement I close
enough to the candidate to wnow what he
Intends to do If anyone does.
The Nebraska delegation expects to leave
for Denver next Monday, while Chairman
Tom Allen will have Saturday. Mayor
Brown, custodian of the platform, haa
found his J ib as delegate-at-large a white
elephant because every man who voted for
the mayor expects a ticket to the conven
tionthat is those who expect anything
The Traveling Men's Brn club Intended
to go to Denver several hundred strong,
but the m.mhers have discovered the mayor
can't deliver the goods and now the pros
pective goera have dwindled down to about
with indications good for a
lling off.
Colorado Battalion Makes Two Day'
March on Meat Pills and
Still I.Ives.
CHICAGO. June 29. A dispatch to the
Record-Herald from Denver, Colo., says
that after returning yesterday from a
forty-mile march, which occupied two days
and being fed on nothing during that time
but two condensed meat pills each, the
members of the third battalion of the
Twenty-First Infantry, stationed at Fort
Logan, seem to be In almost aa good con
dition as If they had had the regular
marching rations, according to the post
Friday morning the battalion was order.
without warning on the march. Major
Bufflnton w" comrnand Ratlon waon
ana cooks were lert oenina ana each man
as given a capsule containing the con
densed food.
"Here are your rations for today," said
the major, "and tomorrow you'll get an
other one. You can drink all the water
you want, but get no other food."
The men returned to the fort none the
worse for their unique diet.
Widow of Late Ex-Preeldent Gives
Order for Preparation of
NEW YORK, June' 29. Under orders
from Mr. Cleveland, work has begun on
the Memoir of the late president, consist
ing of clipping from newspapers and
periodicals on his death and funeral. The
work will require 11 months to complete.
A planned, there will be several volumes,
consisting of editorial notices, news dis
patches. Illustration and cartoons, each
bound In Russian Levant leather and lined
with purple moire silk. Already material
ooustk 1 on hare to make up 600 pages,
Increases In Salaries Announced for
Clerks end Carriers In
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June :9.-(Spetlal Tele
gram. I The following promotions In first
and eecond-cl.iss postofflees, effective July
1. were announced today: .
Nebraska Fairbury. two clerks. .on to
SB00; three carriers. !00 to Grand
Islsnd. two clerks, one carrier, W to Sni:
two clerks SXI to $9-X; three carriers. $'
to 11.0(0. Hsstlngs. two clerks. $w to
one clerk, five carriers. Slot to Sl.ono, one
clerk. Sl.wn to Sl.inn. Lincoln, eight clerks,
one carrier. Jfloo to soo: six clerks. mxi to
JSoft; sixteen clerks, twenty-nine carriers,
tm to SI. ooo; five carriers. Il.ono to $1,100;
three clerks, $1,100 to St. 20". Norfolk, two
clerks. $&10 to HX): two clerks, two carriers.
$!W to $1,000. North riatte. two clerks, IriOO
to ; one clerk. soo to $
Iowa Boone, two clerks, one carrlrr. $l
to $!i0; one clfik, seven carriers. $:ni to
$1,000; two clerks, $1.0"0 to $l.lon. Dubuque,
one clerk. $SO0 to $sofi; one clerk. to $M0;
three rlerks and twer.ty-flve carriers. iWO
to $1,000; three clerks, $1,000 to $1,100; one
clerk, $1,100 to $!,. Fort Dodge, one clerk,
$800 to $!W; three clerks, five carriers, $900
to $1,000; two clerks. $l.noo to $1,100. Fort
Madison, one clerk, ViOO to $S00: two clerks,
$soo to $TO0; one clrrk, five carriers, $! to
$1,000. Independence, one clerk, three
carriers. $?00 to $1,000.
Charles H. Smllh of Cedar Rapids. Ia.,
has been appointed a clerk In the Ivy
E. M. Johnson of Ames, W. L. Hanson
of Nashua. R. F. Wolfe and H. E. Breker
baumcr of Ames and D. F. Eggers of
Davenport, la., have been appointed veter
inary Inspectors In connection with the
bureau of animal Industry.
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the conversion of the lmmnn StAte
bank of Lemmon. 8. D., Into the First Na
tional bank of Iemmon, with $:X,000 capital.
Aged Senator Testifies In Investiga
tion of Perjary Chame Asralnst
Mae C. Wood.
NEW YORK. June 29,-1'nlted States
Senator Thomas C. Piatt was wheeled In
a chslr Into the grand Jury room In the
Criminal Courts building todHy to testify
In the case of Mae C. Wood, who Is
charged with rerjury In her suit for al- !
loped divorce from the senator, which col- I
lapsed several weeks ago.
The evidence was presented to the grand
Jury today by Assistant District Attorney
Garlan. Edward Roland, the senator's ex
valet and Edward C. Hafely, a printer,
were also witnesses before the grand Jury
today. It was chiefly Mr. Hafely's evidence
which caused the failure of the woman's
case against the senator and brought about
her arrest and commitment under orders
cf Judge O'Gorman, who heard the evidence
In tho divorce case.
Mr. Hafcly printed the blank forms of
the marriage erinlfieate which Miss Wood
offered in court, filled out to prove that
she had been married to the senator. Mr.
Hafely testified that the these blanks were
not printed un:ll three months after the
date on which Mtss Wood alleged that
she was married. Miss Wood testified that
the certificate was filled out w-lthln a few
hours after the cprmony waa performed.
She Is st llherty under hall. No action was
taken today by the grand Jury. More wit
nesses will be examined tomorrow.
Statement of Mr. fialllvaa.
Crop, for Fifteen Miles Were Bnlned Rngpr c Sullivan, national commlttee
by Storm In Sooth man of rninols. gave out a etatement today
Dakota. emhorlylnsj his views of what the platform
should be. Mr. Sullivan Is not th subject
MITCHELL. S. D.. June 29. Special j of aMf,nt anmlratlf,n en thft p,rt of Mr.
Telegram.) Additional details of tho tor- j who ence specifically requested that
nado at Pukwana were received thi after- h r,Rn from nnona, cormnltte, and
noon, stating that the loss In the town I ,t nnt , b p,,,.,,.,! therefor that Mr.
wouia smouni to .;.... .u.m. in- crops ior
a distance of fifteen miles were totally
destroyed In a strip three miles wide, en-
tailing the loss ot an Immense sum of
money, for the crop prospect was exceed
ingly good.
The Carpenter-Sanborn ranch Is the
heaviest loser In the vicinity, their loss
being placed at J7B.000. Both the Reli
ance and Hunting elevators were de
stroyed, with a quantity of grain in them.
The Methodist and Catholic churches
were both destroyed. D. M. Fells' Imple
ment house. Will Hollern's furniture
store. M. A. Glass' general store, stock
and buildings, Mrs. Murray's house,
Homer's store and the opera houne are
totally destroyed.
The loss of live stock Is large, occa
sioned by the hall. Telegraph ind tele
phone connections with Pukwana were se
cured this afternoon.
Panama Commercial House Arouses
Intense Feeling and 7,one Haa
Boycott In Operation.
WASHINGTON. June 2!l.-The Americans
In Panama have had cause for heated pro
tests recently, not on account of the
Panama election, hut because of an Inci
dent which called Into action a portion
of the Panama army. A f reign commer
cial house In Colon insulted the American
flag, uslnc It to wash the wlr.diws of the
establishment. Wayne o. Adams of the
canal cone, as the story goes, wltni'a ed the
desecration of the Stars and Sirlpes and
engaged In a hard fought battle for the
possession of one of the flags which was
being used to clean the windows. He was
pursued, according to reports, by a sec l p
of the army of Panama, conaisllng of two
policemen and a lieutenant general In full
regalia. As a result of the disrespect
shown the flag by the commercial house In
question, the canal xone from one end to
the other Is hung with boycott signs and
the offenders have found lets expensive
wash raga.
" "
General Manager of Ohio Oil Com-
panv Usees Beqneat Driller
Cartall OuOut. j
FINDLAY. O.. June 29. James C. Lou- !
nell. general manager of the Ohio Oil j
company, today Issued a request that oil,
drlllera of the country curtail their pro
duction until a market ran be had for the
present supply of oil. He says it it Im
possible to build tankage for the produc
tion and that there Is being produced dally
In the Illinois oil field alone more thun
100.000 barrels.
Minister Squares at Panamit Cable
Klertlon There Were Held
Without Disorder.
WASHINGTON. . June 29.-Mlnlter
Squiera at Panama cable that the elec
tions yesterdsy passed off quietly and that
the returns from Panama and Colon Indl-
oate th success of the libera. U-t,
Democratic Leaders at Denver Dis
enss Probable Planks.
One Wing- Fears Declaration Will Ik
Too Radical.
Mr. Bryan Will Hold Further Con
sultations Before it is Written.
and fnnthern Delegates Sees
llnve Question Incorporated
In Platform More 'eats
Placed In Hall.
DENVER. Colo., June 2?. The fight ovei
th anti-injunction plank In tke demcrratlt
platform Is not the only struggle In tha
committee on resolutions snd possibly the
convention Itself may he Involved. It de
veloped today that the prohibition questlor
Is to be brought to the front and that
desperate effort will be made to have a
plank declaring In 11 favor placed In the
platform. The prohibition movement will
be headed by Ocnrral James B. Weaver ol
Icwa, who demanded cf the recent demo,
cratlc convention In that state thst It
derlai'. In favor of prohibition. General
Weaver and his followers were not success
ful in their errorts In their own state, but
nothing daunted by their failure, have mad
arraiiRemcnts to brlnff the matter up befoit
the democratic convention. They claim,
however, to have strong backing from
number of the southern delegations which
have recently passed prohibition laws an!
It Is declared confidently by Oeneral Weav
er's adherents that If the democratic na
tional platform does not contain a prohibi
tion plank, It will only be for the reasor
that the hardest kind of fighting ha been
unable to secure its sdoptlon.
Antl-lnjnnetlon Plash.
The anti-Injunction plank continues to
provoke a large amount of discussion
among such party leaders as have already
arrived for the convention. While opinions
differ as to the exsct nature of the plank
which should be adopted all are of one
mind In saying Hint It shall be rlefinlt-5
snd specific statement. Such members of
the national committee as have discussed
the matter are a unit In saying that the
wording cf the anti-Injunction plank shall
leave no possible doubt In the mind of any
reader as to where the party stands on thla
It is not generally believed, however, that
the antl-ln.lvmctlon resolution will not pro.
vide for trials by Jury In cases of contempt
of court or favor In any way measure
which might be construed as Interfering
with the prerogatives of the federal court.
The friends of Mr. Bryan sav that such
of his critics as are already expressing
themselves In far of a radical antl-lnjnrwv. '
tton plank are fighting lh air.. The plank
has not yet been written. It ha not been
drafted and Its form is still a matter which
Is under deep and careful consideration. It
Is said, to be the desire of Mr. 'Bryan to
consult as many of the prominent member
of the party as Is possible before any deci
sive action in formulating this resolution
is taken.
R,1...)m i... rnnrrrn,A himself rrestlv re-
K3r0ln8 thp vlrws on ,h4 pl,tf(rn, ,nter.
.ainPd st Lincoln
I wh,, h, BtMpm.nt i..,,iv with
generalities, Mr. Sullivan make It clear
that he Is opposed to any plank which dif
ferentiates between classes of citizens
either In or out of the courts. That all men
should be equal before the law, he de
clares, Is the doctrine which all members
of the democratic party are essentially
bound to maintain.
Setback for fhnnler Boom.
The vice presidential situation rernaln
to all appearances Just where It waa yes
terday, although the boom of Lieutenant
Governor Chanler of New York seems to
have weakened somewhat and his name it
not mentioned as prominently a It was
two days ago. This Is largely due to the
announcement made by Norman E. Mack,
national committeeman from New York,
that he has no authority to speak for
Mr. Chanler and that his Interest In the
movement was dictated by friendship and
by a sincere belief that th New York
official Is well qualified to take second
place on the ticket.
Only one new name was mentioned to-
I day aa a vice presidential possibility, thl
! was Governor George E. Chamberlain of
j Oregon. He found much favor with some
of the party leaders and It I tald h will
I be personally acceptable to Mr. Bryln, If
the latter Is nominated. Sponsors of the
vice presidential booms located outside of
New York slate claim to be greatly en
couraged by the fact that already flvo
New York men have been mentioned as
aspirants to the vice presidential nomina
tion. They believe that with the New York
delegation divided among lhat number of
candidates an outsider has a far bnw
chance of securing the prlie than wuuld
be the case If the delegation from thu
Empire state were standing solidly Tor u
single man.
Chaplain Appointed,
Chairman Taggart today announced tho
chaplains for the last three days of th
convention. The complete list is: Tuc-
riau lull- " 1 t W fun.A. 1 . . , . . n
Wyoming; Wednesday, P.ev. C. F. Kets-
ner of Grace Methodist Episcopal church,
Denver; Thursday, Ratul Hamuel Koth of
Seattle, Wash.; Friday, Rev. P. T. Kam-
sey of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
church, South Denver,
Secretary l'rey Woodson today UlU not
announce the naints of secretaries, icd-
lug clerks, and so forth, a press of woik
rendering him unable to fill out the lUt
from the large number of applicants. The
number is limited to fifteen.
Notices of lonlests have been filed with
the national committee involving forty
five seats, but of this number the con
tents actually filed relate to thirteen
seats. Six of these ate from tl.e Dis
trict of Columbia, tho contest huvlng
been filed luday, and seven are from the
Firt, Second. Fourth, Fifth and ailxlh
Penn. congressional districts. Tne
First ami Second districts', however, have
only one seat tach In dispute. Notices of
contests to be filed come from Chicag i
and Brooklyn. In th Chicago caa the
First to Tenth congressional district aro
Involved, the cootUns,U0 JUus