Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 8

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Now that June Weddings Are Over
Formal Things Will Be Scarce.
In honor of Mo. Gilbert' brother. Mr.
Hnrry Norment of Washington, D. C.
Cover vera laidkfhr Miss Flora Webster,
Miss Ella Mae Frown, Miss Jeanne Wake
field. Mr. and M William B. Ponplcton,
Mr. Henry 0'NelE..Mr. Stockton H."th. Dr.
Leroy C'rummer, Mr. George Prim. Mr.
I Harry Normrnt and Mr. and Mn. Gilbert.
THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR SCANT j The largest dlnraT party at the club
was given uy inemis cr air. ana jvirs
Pact Urk One of t nprecedrn ted
Brilliancy for Thla Season of
Year ( bleflr the- rinks
from ow On.
A Common Caie.
Blie leaned from her window-lciltCo on
The. street-lamps made the stars seem
dim. , ,
Waiting while the wemy hours rolled by
To throw the latch-key down to Mm.
She mused on the time, not long- ago
What wond'T her fnlr brow looked glum?
When she used to think he'd never go
And now ehe thinks he'll never m'
July Smart 8ft.
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY hlliiren s nft'mnun dancing
party st Field Hub; Young Women s
Christian assiw-intlnn, sacred concert at
Firit Methodlet church; Monday bridge
Tt'KSnAY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C hrnlth,
dinner at Country club for Mr. and Mrs.
Kaetmsn; Mr. DeRov Austin luncheon
at Happy Hollow; Mrs. K. P. Sweeney,
and Mrs. Kllraherji (loodrlch. luneheon
at Huppv Hollow; ladles' day at Field
club; l.iidlen' dnv and iiild-wck (lame
at Happy Hollow; Mrs. J. A. Hryatis
luncheon at Happy Hollow.
WEDNESDAY Mrs.' C. K. Johannes,
luncheon at Happy Hollow; todies' dny
and mid-week daricu nt Country club;
mid-week dance nt Field Hub; Mrs.
Warren Rogers, luncheon nt Country
Hub for Miss Mildred Rogers; Mrs. W.
t.. I'nslcker. Informtil at home.
THI'RHUAV Ladles' day at Field Huh;
ladles' day at Happy Hollow; Mrs. Frank
Wdngandt. Original Owl rlub; Mrs. H.
Wyman, luncheon at Happy Jlullow.
FRIDAY Junior iirldgo Hub.
SATURDAY Table d'hote dinner and
dance at Country Huh; dinner and dance
at Happv Hollow; dunce and table
d'hota dinner at Field club; Mr. A. T.
C'relgh dinner at Happy hollow; MRrs.
Kdwln Haney, and Mrs. J. H. Koyce,
dinner at Happy Hollow.
Society will make u: this week for Its
rilizy paea of lust, and some of the fashion
ables who havo acquired the all-the-tlme
habit are likely to be bored. There is prac
tically nothing of consequence scheduled f r
the next seven days, which in contrast to
the crush of smart things lust wpek will
txaggtrate tha quiet.
The several large weddings In the fashion
able set during the last month have kept
society alive later than usual this season
and the continuous entertaining for the
I respective brides has Inspired other liost
trses resulting in larger and mora preten
tious functions than has been known In
msny a season nt this time of year.
The Hosford-McShane wedding last
Wednesday evening was one of the most
brilliant functions of the season. The fact
that It was a house wedding and so larg
n affair earned for It more Interest, of
course, than if it had been a church wed
ding with the reception following the. cere
mony. The McShano home Is one of the
best adapted to entertaining In the city and
to this admirable setting were added some
of the handsomest costumes worn this
Borne of Omaha's future society men have
recently been proving of what stuff they
re made through the trials of Initiation
and In addition to the coveted membership
have earned a reputation for nerve hardly
appreciated outside a college town.
"Die Adler," or the Eagles, a boys' so
ciety, which has built its club room or
yrle in the back yard of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Low's residence on Thirty-eighth
venue, recently Initiated three new mem
bers, Mr. Blaine Young, Mr. Hal Brady
nd Mr. Victor Caldwell, Jr.
Tho lads were sent down town and were
told to go Into a drug store and after taking
places at the tables asked for a glnss of
water. After receiving it they had to say
"That's all, thank you." The Hub members
then tojfc ;hem on the street again, and
tho Inith: i ad to stop a Ptreet car, place
foot upon the step, tie their shoes and
th n say: "That Is all, thank you." The last
:unt wna to take them to Itlvervlew park
and relieve them of their money so that
they would have to walk home. Tho Initi
ates were "next," however, and had their
monoy hidden through their clothes, but
II of It was found except some that one
of tho young men had smuggled Into his
r.ecktle, between the lining and the silk, so
that they wero able to ride and they are
now members of "Die Adler."
At the Country Clnb.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert entertained
at dinner at the Country club Saturday
Warren Rogers In celebration of their
wedding anniversary. The party Included
thirty-two guests and 1 was seated In the
dm lug room.
Miss Frances Nnsjh entertained at 0,"""r
Saturday In honor of her guest, MIM
Martha Brevoort ofl.New York City, uei
other guests were: Miss Helen Cudahy,
Miss Jean Cudahy, Miss Claire Helene
Woodard, Miss Sue Ik own. Miss Caroline
Congdon, Miss Mart- Woodard, Miss
Luell IMyden, Miss Elisabeth Congdon,
Miss Esther Byrne, Miss MrCook of
New York, Miss Eupenle Whitmore, Mr.
Lee McShane, Mr. June Brown, Mr. Frank
Wllhelm. Mr. Denlse Harkajow, Mr. Jack
Ha urn, Mr. Edward Cudahy. Mr. Wlllard
Butler, Mr. Paul GalUigher, Mr. Ben Gal
lagher. Mr. Richard H&um, Mr. Charles
Shlverlck. Mr. Robert Hums and Mr. Rich
ard Jlosforpd of Mullne, 111.
One of the dinner parties Saturday even
ing was given for Mrs. Wilson Low, who
leaves soon for the east. Those who par
ticipated were Mr. and Mrs. Low, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Bronan, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Uulou, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull,
Miss Mae Hamilton and. Mr. O. C. Redlck
Dining with Mr. and ;Mra. E. E. Bruce
were Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Butler.
Major D. I". McCarthy) waa host at one
of the dinner parties, hlalgucets Including:
Culunel and Mrs. W. P. Evans, Captain
and Mrs. J. I Illnes, Lieutenant and Mrs.
Irvln L. Hunsaker, Captain -and Mrs. A
seph Gohn and Mrs. Martin Crlmmlns of
Fort Crook, Captain William 8. Clark(and
Captain Cecil Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George will entertain
fuarteen guests at dinner for their, guest
Miss Piatt of Chicago.
Others having dinner 'guests at the' Coun
try Hub Saturday evening were: Mr. S. S.
Caldwell, five; Mr. F. B. Johnson, six, Mr.
F. L, Haller, four; Mr. C. F. Mc.Grew,slx;
General Manderson, three; Mr. C. B. 'Ful
ler, nine.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith will entertain
at dinner at the club next Tuesday evening
for Mrs. Eastman. Wednesday Mrs. War
ren Rogers will give a luncheon for her
daughter, Miss Mildred Rogers.
Emancipation ol the Fat Folks
To have to sit through the hut weather
quiet as a log, scarcely daring to breathe
Imply because one is so fat the least ex
ertion will start the perspiration In a
stream, Is not a lively prospect. But
It has been the lot of the fat since time
began until now.
Fat folks have been emancipated from
hot weather misery at last, by a home
mixture: ounce Marraola. H ounce Fluid
Extract Caecara Aromatic, and ounces
Syrup simplex, of which they take a tea
spoonful after meals and at bedtime until
which Isn't a very long time they have
iosi an tne rat uiey care to.
Simple and Inexpensive (any druggist
will till It for a very small sum) as this
receipt Is. tha results It obtains are unex
celled. Soiuo folks have lost as much as
a pound a day within a week after starting.
Yet, radical and delightful as such an
effect Is, thera Is no aftermath of wrinkles
or stomach troubles; the mixture Is harm
less except to the fat Itself.
At Happy Hollow,
A number of large dinner partlea were
given at Happy Hollow Saturday evening,
the largest being for the base ball teams
and fans of the South Omaha Country
Hub and Happy Hollow, who played Sat-
urday afternoon at Happy Hollow. Covers
were luld for fifty.
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Miiroy entertained as
their dinner guests Saturday evening: Dr.
and Mrs. A. F. Jonas, Dr. and Mrs. R. W.
lillss, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sherman, Dr.
and Mrs. Palmer Flndley and Dr. Shalek.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Williams entertained
at dinner for their guest, Miss Lilian Smith
of Rockford, 111. Those present were: Miss
Smith, Miss Elizabeth Williams, Miss
Mary Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wll
helm, Major and Mrs. Jacob Galbraith,
Mr. and Mrs. Colt Campbell, Mr. Sidney W.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Williams.
Mies Mary Lewis Wood entertained at
dinner In honor of the Misses Beverly of
London and Miss Snowball of Huntington,
Scotland. Those present were: Miss Bev
erly, Miss Frances Beverly, Miss Snow
ball. Miss Edith Patrick, Miss Wood. Mr.
Warren Wills. Mr. Charles Leldlgh. Mr.
Johnson, Mr. Harry Neville and Mr. Wil
liam Righter Wood.
Dining with Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Le
mere Saturday evening were: Dr. and Mn.
B. B. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arm
strong, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fetters and
Mrs. Van Gleson.
Miss Corinne Searle was hostess Saturday
at dinner at the club for the young women
of the Hoyle club and their young men
friends. Red and white were used In dec
orating the round table, where the follow
ing guests were present: Miss Nell Car
penter, Miss Jessie Spence, Miss Louise
N'orthrup, Miss Edith Hatch, Miss June
Greevy, Miss Ramona Taylor, Miss Eileen
Patterson, Miss Lueile Patterson, Miss
Hazel Huntley, Miss Irma Wiedeman, Mr.
Robert Schenek, Mr. Sam Reynolds, Mr.
Alan McDonald, Mr. Merle Howard, Mr.
Vanstone Fulloway, Mr. Ralph Doud, Mr.
Herrlck Swan, Mr. Ralph Wood, Mr. Frank
Latenser, Mr. Frank Selby, Mr. Von
Bacon and Mr. Hiram Burns. Mrs. Searle,
Mrs. Burns and Mrs. N'orthrup chaperoned
the party.
Miss Hazel Loveland gave a dinner In
honor of Miss Mabel Miller of Clinton, la.
Her guests were Miss Miller, Miss Mae
Zanable, Mr. Dick Buun, Mr. John Lude
wig and Mr. John Van Camp.
The dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Hastings were: Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Welsh
Miss Adele Welsh and Master Robert
Welsh, all of Oakland, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Hastings, Mrs. Jackman and Miss
Katherlne Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Korty and Mr. and
Mrs. John R. McDonald dined with Mr.
and Mrs. Joel H. Wright, Jr.
Other reservations were made by Rev.
E. H. Jenks, who had four guests:
Mr. K. A. Llnlnger, four; Mrs. 8. A,
Searle. four; Mr. A. J. Cretgh, four; Mr.
A. W. Clark, three; Mr. E. A. Nordstrom,
two; Mr. C. H. Minor, three; Mr. M. M
Robertson, five; Mr. J. B. McKltrlck, flv;
Mr. F. A. Wooster, two; Mr. Samuel Rees
one; Mr. Joe Havens, two.
Now is the best time to buy u
talking parrot. It will gave you
$5.00 on a parrot We offer the
following gpeclal prices:
Mexican Double Yellow IloU
Regular prioe, $15.
Mexican Red ileads
Regular price, $6.00,
Each Parrot will be sold with a
We also offer a litter of pedigreed
written guarantee to talk.
SI 0.03
Out of Prlie-WlnnlDg Stock.
12? S15.00
Including Pedigree.
At the Field Clnb.
One of the largest dinner parties at the
Field club Saturday, was given by Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Twambley for some of the
out cf town guests. Covers were laid for
Miss Montgomery and Miss Lois Mont
gomery of Kansas City; Mrs. Helm of
Duluth; Mr. James Allen; Mr. John Rine
Mr. Charles Wright and Mr. and Mrs
Other reservations were made by
Mr. J. B. IJmlsay, five guests; Mr. Her
bert Kohn, four; Mr. E. B. Carrigan, six;
Mr. Earl Buick. three; Mr. A. W. Gordon,
four; Mr. W. J. Burgess, five; Mr. A. E.
Rogers, four; Mr. J. I. Adams, two; Mr.
R. L Huntley, four; Mr. T. W. Mikesell,
threo; Mr. E. G. McGilton, two; Mr.
Charles Harding, three; Dr. Bert McDer
mott, four; Mr. Jay D. Foster, four.
This biff sale, which begin tomorrow (Monday), will be a RALE OF AN I NISI AL CHARACTER, COMPRISING, AS
POHTUNITY for the peopl of Omaha and vicinity to sore ninny dollar on their purchase. It Is a time when $1 has the buy
ing ability of $2. It Is 1DSIHVELY THE GREATEST SALE EVENT EVER ATTEMPTED by any store in thU city. Tho
stocks are lnre the assortments fine the quality of the good the highest, and PRICES FAR RE LOW THEIR ACTUAL
VALUES. There i an amnio supply of everything advertised, so that purchasers are at liberty to buy ONE or ONE HUN
DRED PIECES. There will be NO RESTRICTIONS of any kind during this sale. Every article bears both ours and the
manufacturer's guarantee, assuring you of the best qualities everything will be gold AT EXACTLY THE PRICE ADVERTISED,
and can be had for either rash or on our easy payment system.
MANY YEARS, and if you arc not ready for It we will store it without charge until you say "deliver." You do. not need cash to
attend this sale.
Your Credit is Always Good at tho Peoples Storo
SIB. 60 China Closet, made of selected oak.
highly polished; during thla 12 50
99.60 Ladles' Desk, very highly finished;
special, this OfT OE
sale JpO.UO
93.BO Iron Beds, best of enamel, all slses;
special, this S1.89
179 for this handsome
(Exactly like illustration.) It
la made of selected stock and has
a beautiful golden oak finish, haa
heavy emboaaed carviry? and large
comfortable arms. Is extra well
made and is an actual $4.00 value.
$35.00 China Closeta, made of quarter-sawed
oak. beautifully polished;
4al. this anlo . .
Slft.OO Ladles Desk, extra well made, Lnter
lor cabinet; special, this
86.00 Iron Beds, choice of enamels: special,
t" S2.95
snle '
$2.00 Center Tables, large square tops, extra
well made; special, thla j j
913.60 Parlor Cabinets, highly polished,
French mirrors; special, this
936.00 Brass Bede, large posts and tubing:
special, this S22.50
93.00 Center Tables, large 24-lnch square
tops, highly polished; special this G-t pro
sale px.Otf
93.00 Sanitary Steel Coaches, guaranteed;
during this CQ rypr
945.00 Brass Beds, large 2-ln. tubtng. hand
some patterns; special, this S27.50
sale t
"f"" Draco Arm
,v Room Chair
(Fxactly like cut.) This
well made dining room
chair la an actual 9125
value. It Is made of se
lected stock, has heavy
deep embossed carvlnes
and has braced arms.
Will give the very best
of service.
936.00 3-pleoe Parlor Suites,
velour covering, q - ?
heavy frames plt.AU
938.00 3-pleee Parlor Suites,
silk upholstering; C1Q'T'!
special this sale. . . ?
940.00 3-pleoe Chase Leather
Sultea, heavy C0 Kf
frames; this sale.. V--,-MJ
Ingrain Carpets, 60c values;
special, per lO
yard dot
Brussels Kugs, fringed, $3.00
values: Of)
Brussels Carpets, 90o val
ues; special, per IXO
yard UilC
Art Beversible Bugs, $7.50
values; QC
$33.00 6-plece Parlor Sultea,
good quality of lf) 7
upholstering p-a,.c
913.60 Velour Oouohea, guaran
teed, ateel CT Ef
springs ? tMJ
Ttlret Carpets, 11.25 values,
special, per rTQ
Brussela Bogs, room size,
(18.60 values; CI - STEr.
special ?AX.sU
Axmlastsr Carpets, 91.60
values: special, QQn
per yard 0JK.
Brussels Bugs, extra qual
ity, J22.60 val- CI 4 BJO
ues; special... P
910.00 Hall Trees, highly pol
ished solid oak; spec- CRT STK
ial. this sale
916.00 Hall Trees, French bevel
mirror; special, S8.75
this sale
913.60 Morris Chairs, Chase
leather upholstering; Cf! fTPC
thls sale PX"
936.00 Princess Dressers, solid
oak, highly pol- S14.50
lshed; this sale ... V" ov
825 buys this be&uti-
Terms, 91.00 Cash, BOo Weekly.
tExtetly like cut.) Positively the
best value In a substantial dresser
offered by any house. It Is made
of selected stock and Is beauti
fully finished In golden oak. Large
French bevel plate mirror of hl;li
933.EO Chase Leather Couches,
finely i
finely upholstered; C- O Kfk
clal vfwv
936.00 Chase Leather Couches,
musslve upholster- 50
036.00 Sofa Bed Davenports,
velour upholster- COO STK
ing; special Jf. O
97,60 Xttohen Cabinets, extra
well made; special CO OBJ
this sale "Pu,ut'
930.00 Combination Book Oases,
highly polished; 12 f0
this sale pM.d.tjj
94.60 Toldlng- Qo-Carta, steel
frames; special, C OfT
this sale jp.SO
r m iioiiusviiio wi
iw & tArnam streets, omaha
The Peoplea Purnlture and Carpet Co. Established 1887.
97.60 Collapsible Go-Carts,
guaranteed; special Cr Kf
this sale OO.OU
Terms. 91.00 Cash, SOo
(Exactly like cut.) Has
five large roomy draw
ers. French bevel plate
mirror, tasteful carvings.
Is extra well made of
selected solid oak. An
unusual value at the
above price.
ner Saturday evening at her home In
Kountxe Place. Covers were laid for Mrs.
C. C. Colby, Mr. end Mrs. Wilbur Fawcett,
Mr. Charles Butler and Mr. Ackley, Judge
and Mrs. Fawcett. Following dinner an
informal musicals was given during the
venlng, a number of the Omaha musicians
calling to meet Mr. Butler and Mr. Ackley,
who will give a concert Monday evening at
the First Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dudgeon entertained
Friday evening for a party of friends who
recently returned with them from a tour
through Texas. The house was tastefully
decorated with rambler roses. A delightful
evening was spent discussing the various
incidents of the trip, and, later, refresh
ments were served. Those present were;
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Packley, Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Pope, W. Dakln, H. W. Benolken,
Fred Clute, Jones, Ixokabough, Stewart,
Read, Gift. Misses Nellie Daugherty, Anna
Kuhl, Alice Kllker, Mable KUker, Kate
Baumback, Helene Schmidt, Zella Mead,
Emma Grlnnell, Mary (Jordan. Kate Veal,
Margaret Ollle, Mrs. Qussie Sheldon, Mr.
Henry J. Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S Harpater celebrated
their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at
their home. 802 South Thirty-eighth street,
Saturday evening, several frlenda being
present who attended their wedding twenty.
five years ago. The evening was enjoyed
with muslo and dancing. The lawn was
Illuminated with Japanese lanterns and sup
per was aerved on long tables, which were
attractive with roses and sweet peas.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J.
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kalterer, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Feierman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Busch,
Mr. C. Brader, Mr. W. Drinkwater, Mr. C.
Nelson, Mr. E. Ryley, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. C.
Peterson, Mr. Q. Harpater, Mr. J. Harpater,
Mr. C. Harpster, Mr. J. Funk. Mr. E.
Ryley, Mr. D. Harpster, Mr. H. Feierman,
Mr. R. Harpster, Mr. B. Brader, Rev. E.
Fluke Mr. C. Petersen. Mr. F. Busch. Mr.
B. Haskel, Mrs. F. Busch, Mrs. 8omers,
Miss F. Brader, Mlsa J. Robinson, Miss A.
Harpster Miss M. Frailer, Miss F. Harp
ster, Miss E. Nelson, Miss L. Somers, Miss
V. Somers, Miss A. Somers, Miss A. Ksl
teler Mlas V. Kalteier. Miss A. Petersen,
Miss M. Parker, Miss A. Barker, Miss M.
Doherty. Ml?a I. Kalteier.
will Join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Mr. Lewis Fixen of Racine, Wis., Is
visiting one of his school friends, Mr. Lar
ritt Smith.
Mrs. F. 6. Cowglll and son, Winston, will
return the latter part of next month from
Louisville. Ky.
Miss Lillian Smith of Rockford, 111., ar
rived Friday to be the guest of Mr. and
Mro. W. D. Williams.
Mrs. Edith Beck with and children of
Nellgh are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Best. 2722 Howard street.
Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Campbell left Thurs
day evening for Excelsior Springs to be
gone about three weeks.
Mr. Charlts Schneider of Garden City,
Mo., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. J.
Burgess and Mr. Burgees.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will
leave Sunday evening for the trip through
Yellowstone National park.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, who havo
been spending some time In Paris, are ex
pected home Sunday morning.
Mr. Victor C. Hayes haa returned to Chi
cago after a short visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robeit C. Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. t'pdlke and children
have gone to Dorsey. Minn., where they
have taken a cottage for the summer.
Mrs. E. R. Millspaugh of Topeka, Kan.,
who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
M. A. Zanner, left Friday for her home.
Mr. Edgar Zabrlskle is expected home
Sunday from Amherst college. Enroute
home he visited In Detroit and Chicago.
Mrs. WIlBon Low and son, Mr. Raymond
Low, leave Sunday evening for Annlsquam
Beach, Mass., where they will spend the
Mr. Charles. Butler, who led the Torrey
Mission music, and Prof. Ackley are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Garlocb for
a few days.
Mrs. George Palmer and children will
leave Sunday for Mackinac island, where
they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jcseph Cudahy.
Miss Nathalie Myers of Dubuque, la.,
who has been visiting at the home of Mrs.
Loviogr Cops
We are at this time showing a most stupendous stock, well as
sorted and selected line of Loving Cups In pairs or, single. In Sterling
and Plated Silver. Or your wants can bo cared for at the price you wish
wish to pay.
Sterling Silver from 8.00, $10.00, 14.00 and up to 9200
Plated Silver from $1.00, $3.00, $5.00 and up to S25.00
Pewter from $2.00 to $25.01)
Pewter, copper plated $4.50 and 86.00
Copper lined Sterling Silver, mounted, leather covered, only. . 925.00
Philadelphia Trophy for Pair Championship Players
in WOMAN'S WHIST LEAGUE now in window display.
13th and Douglas Streets.
m On a Woman's Face, Neck,
HAItl Amis or Shoulders Is Not
linill considered Attractive.
will remove hair from any part of the
body In from 6 to 10 minutes leaving the
skin eoft and white no smarting or
burning; 75o per bottle. By mall,
reeled, $1.00. Circulars free.
Cor. 16th and Dodge Ste., Omaha.
Cor, ICth and Harney ts.
attend the golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Dromer. She will be ab
sent about four weeks.
Mrs. Herman Kountie and Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Magee and children will take the
Thomas Rogers residence on Park avenue
during the absence of the latter In the east,
where they have taken a cottage at North
Scltuate Beach, near Boston, Mass.
Weddings and Engagements.
Mrs. Alma D. Smlthson of 615 Psrk ave
nue announces the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Sallie Will Smithson, to
Mr. Robertson C. Martin. The wedding
will take place In the early fall.
Mrs. Joseph Allen Issued cards Saturday
for the wedding of her niece. Miss Edith
Pearl Ley, to Mr. William Edwin Davis,
at 4:30 p. m.. Saturday. Juty 11, at I'M
South Thirtieth avenue. They will be at
home at 2230 Burdette street after Septem
ber L
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. PTatt, former resi
dents of Omaha and now of Kansas City,
announce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Carolyn Pratt, to Mr. Nelson
Clark of Kansas City, the wedding to
take, placo Tuesday, June 3u. Mils Pra'.t,
who has been kindergarten teacher at
Saunders school. In Omaha, haa many
friends here.
Among the Omaha people who will at-
E. W. Nash for several weeks, returned j tend the wedding of Miss Carolyn Pratt In
home Thursday. j Kansas City this week are Mrs. Entriken
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. W. L. I'mieker will be at home
Informally Wednesday afternoon at her
new home. 1CC8 South Thirty-first street.
Misa Edith Cook, whose wedding will take
plaue June 30. was the recipient of a plate
shower Thursday evening at the home of
Miss Tlllolson.
The Sao Soucle club was entertained at
a theater party by Miss Maude Wilcox
Friday evening. The next meeting will be
with Miss Jessie Corey at her home, Friday
evening. July 10.
Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Jensen entertained a
dinner party at their home Friday evening
In compliment to Dr. and Mrs, A. F. Jonas.
The table had an effective decoration of
green and white, and covers were laid for
A Japanese party waa given Thursday
evening by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gold
smith at their home, muslo and games
making up the evening's entertainment.
Refreshments were served in the dlnlnf
room, where a decoration of roses and
pink shaded candles were used.
Miss Alice Fawcett entertained at din-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick will sail
from New York on July 11 for Europe, ex
pecting to spend the summer at the English
resort, Brighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Morsman, Jr.,
left Thursday for Cape Cod. They will be
there until the middle of August, when they
will leave for Europe.
Mrs. C. C. Colby, who has been visiting
her psrents. Judge and Mrs. Fawcett, will
return the latter part of the week to her
home In Crelghton, Neb.
Among those who will attend the Na
tional Educational association at Cleve
land are Miss Kcdfleld of Lincoln school
and Miss Reed of Kellom.
Several of the
Gamma Sigma, a
and little daughters, Miss Elizabeth P.
Allan and Mrs. McKean of Denver, who
was formerly Miss Gleason f Omaha.
Mr. E. L. Lomax. Jr., has returned from
St. Paul s school. Concord. N. II.. for his
vacation. He will leave shortly for New
Tork City, where he will meet his mother
and sister on their arrival from abroal,
where Miss Lomax has b?en studying music
in Berlin.
Mrs. McClelland Mitchell and son, Mr.
Lee Mitchell, will leave Wednesday for
a two months' trip through northern Michi
gan and the east, where they will take
the lake trip. They will spend two weeks
at Peeksklll-on-the-Hudson, where Mr.
local members of the Mitchell will join them later.
high school fraternity, I Two Omaha visitors who arrived Saturday
We make a specialty of furnish
ing good Ice cream for private pic
nics. You don't have to bother
with ice. Just let us put it up In
Come ssi Go Gossip,
Mr. Julius Orkln has gone to Excelsior
Springs, Mo,
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Boyles have gone
U Lake Okobojl.
Mrs. W. P. Evans and children expect
to leave soon for Okobojl.
Mrs. Wlnshlp of Chicago Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. R. C. Peters, In Dundee.
Captain Martin Crlmmlns of Fort Crook
is at Watertown, B. D., on the rifle range.
- Miss Florence Woods cf Lincoln Is the
guest of Miss Marlon Haller for the week
end. Mrs. A. H. Noyes of Chicago is the guest
cf Mrs. R. H. Olmsted at Elm Place, Flor
ence. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Babcock of Illinois
have been visiting Mr and Mrs. N- B.
Mr. Harry O'Neill has returned from a
Krtnlght spent at his ranch In Custer
Mr. Arnold Harris of Dallas. Tex., Is
viilting his parentf. Mr. and Mrs. J, H.
liar 1.
Mrs. Louis Nash and children left Satur
will leave Wednesday for the convocation morning from the west were In the wreck
at the AuJltorlum hotel in Chlcig). 'near the Crow agency. They were Mrs.
Mr. Victor Ro-ewater hss heen elected a ' Samuel De Frlest of Honolulu. H. I., who
member of ti e City club of New York City. I came to visit her sister, Mrs. F. J. Norton,
in aua'uuu iu us social lemurei me ciuu
Is devoted to civic reform movements.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McWhorter and sons,
Hugh, Gardner and Donald, expect to re
turn to Omaha the first of August, and
will occupy their home on South Thirty
ninth street.
Mr. Gus Riley, who graduated from Dart
mouth college, sailed for Europe yesterday the entertainment of the guests, who num
and wiil attend the Olympic games hi Lon- j ber ov;r Of . Amonj the pleasures arranced
don. He will return to Omaha the latter i was the chartering of a special yarht for
arl Mrs. Vine Galer of Seattle. Wash., nee
Mies Georgia Sharp, who Is the guest of
her sisters, the Misses Sharp, and brothers,
at '23 Douglas street.
The sixtieth national convention of Phi
Gamma Delta Is in ses-slon from June :'5 to
July 1 at the New Astoria. New Yoik City.
Elaborate preparations have teen made tor
which require no salt or ice and
it will keep cold a long time. Then
wc have picnic spoons and paper
plates to go with the ice cream.
Before you go out picnicking come
in and see us.
Don't forget our Table D'Hole
Sunday Dinner. It's only 50c.
1518-20 Faruain St.
Phone Doug. 711. Ind. A1711.
Browns and
. Tans
Never before have we
made such a showing of new
things in ties
The pump, the one-eye-let,
the two-buckle and the only
pattern Oxford that posi
tively will not slip at the
An improvement that is
welcomed by all wearers
of low shoes.
All shapes for all feet.
203 South 15th Street.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
part of August.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. L'nslcker returned
Saturdjy from Lincoln, where Mrs. Vn
zlrker has been attending the national con
vention of the Delta Delta Delta sorority,
held in Lincoln this week.
Miss Helen Hatch, daughter of E. J.
Hatch. ::'18 Miami street, has gone to Grand
Island for a visit of two weeks with
friend!:, and Miss Lucy Dill of Grand Island
Is v.fltirg at the Hatch home.
Mrs. J. A. Hsnnan and son, Lawrence,
left last evening for Chicago to attend
a house party by her sister, Mrs. Tuttle.
Before returning they will visit relatives
In Pockford. Detroit and Niagara Kails.
Mrs. 8. Hadra has gone to Syracuse, N.
Y . where she will be the guest of her
ti e annual brat races at Poug keeps e. Tw
of the Omaha members In attendance are
Mr. Wilson A. Austin and Mr. Harry
day evening for oc.lua.e. Mass., whei sh J eaujhter, Urt. M. Dromer, and wUl ais
Prospective) Pleasure.
Mr. snd Mrs. Julius Drelfuss. 611 South
Twenty-seventh street, will be at home
Sunday afternoon In honor of their guest.
Miss Irrra Thorman of Cleveland.
Mrs. W. H. Wyman will entertain at
luncheon Thursday at Happy Hollow tor
Mrs. Robert Dempster and Miss Allen and
their guests, the Misses Beverly and Snow
ball. Mrs. E. P. Sweeney and Mrs. Elisabeth
Goodrich will give a luncheon Tuesday a.
Happy Hollow, complimentary to the
aitssea Beverly of London, Eng., and Mls
Women's Shampoo
Bags at Beaton's
10c Each, 3 for 25c
Women's Shampoo Bags
are a tiure vegetable sba
poo and hair food. It con
tains no boap (alkali).
Will cure dandruff and fall
ing hair. Tones the eralp,
thoroughly cleanses the hair
and stimulates its growth.
are just essential as good flour
or a good oven.
Ouster Drawn Bread
contains the best flour- -bett
VPagt the best of milk and is
"baked by experts in tho best
oven made.
5c at all (jrocers
naled by
(Pi 1 riione WrhMrr
Oeaton Drug Co.
15th end Fartuia.
The up-to-the-minute druggists.
Snowball of Huntington. Scotland, who
are the guests of Mrs. Robert Dempster
and Miss El!r.abelu Allen. There will be
eighteen present.