Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 7

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A Paper for th Mem
& West
Amsterdam it Makin? the Womau
Suffragists at Home.
1 1 I W 1 J la I a & I 111111 A wj XJ -L A. al I XI A. A. U I a " - ' I -
Genuine full f.thloned
Imported t;.m I, i s 1 e
lloe with double) sols
and blah Fplh-od heol;
every Hire; like uuullty
never less thnn Site; in
Monday's sale, low
price of
The Omaha
Fin Swiss rlbb-d rot
ton Vents, In nock,
sleeveless "trie, cro
chet trimming, full
tspd. one hundred and
flftv duacn on sale,
regular S3c quality
Deleaate to International Conarress
Mare t'naaaal Chance t See In
timate lde f Qoalat
Old Cltr.
fiTERDAM. June SO. At all 'Interna-
it! meeting held In Europe much more
frr.e Is given to uncial festivities than Is
Homed In the fr.lted 8latcs. Perhaps this
Is nit always carried to such an extent
a at the laat International Peace confer
ence, which. In The Hague, la referred to
as the "Eat Congress."
As rule sessions of the Woman Suffrage
alliance are held only mornings and eve-nlr-RS,
leaving the afternoon free. Foreign
ladle have confidentially told us that when
they went to conventlona In our country
they were surfeited with work and fam
ished for food. Well, our hustling pro--llvltles
must Indeed seem a little stren
uous to them, and it Is also true that we
do not give them as much to rat as they
get at home. At these meetings the women
3f all countries look more rosy arid solid
;han the Americans, and they declare that
It Is because we are underfed, but we pre
fer to think It la the difference In climate
and the temperature of the houses In Eu
rope that gives the ruddier, healthier sp
pearanre and also the fact that they live
much more out of doors.
Our private opinion Is that American
women are more apt to carry their youth
ful figure Into middle life than are thoj
of , other countries, and this la worth some
We are all. however, deeply appreciative
of the cordial hospitality which we receive.
It gives us glimpses of a home life that
even a long sojourn, as tourists would not
afford. The most elegant residences In
Amsterdam are situated on the banks of
the widest canals, some of them facing the
street, with the garden at the back slop
ing down to the water's edge and protected
by dense shrubbery; others separated from
the cnnol by the paved street and a row
of tall trees, with a walled-ln garden be
hind. In either case a complete privacy
Is assured which seems Impossible for
American;' homea.
Mannlont mt Old Cities,
Along; the Kaiser's Oracht and Heeren
Gracht (emperor's and gentlemen's canals)
re long rows of what are known as "pa
trician houses," most of them about 3o0
years, old, dating from the Opulent days of
the Dutch republic They are built of
mall, flinty bricks, with splendidly carved
ton lacings and cornices, the five or
tlx stories running up to the high pointed
lahles characteristic of Holland architec
ture, and they show not the slightest sign
of decay. The missive front doors of what
V really the second story opens out on a
"stoop" with steps on either side down to
Mie rtreet. Here In olden times the rich
merchants smoked their pipes in the eve
ning while the ladles of the family gos
siped back-and forth with their neighbors
Few bridges crossed the canals In those
days and the ships were anchored In front
of their doors laden with merchandise.
much of which was hoisted up Into the
spacious storerooms under the robf.
The nehllity then as now lived for the
meat part In the country, but these mer
chant princes, these patrlclun families
formed an aristocracy whose pestlffe still
III gers. Bonle of the mansions are oc
cupied by their descendants, others have
gone Into the possession of those who are
foinding new families, but the old regime
has passed away. Scores of bridges now
ran the canals, forbidding entrance to the
I 4s but giving the populace easy access
to these pleasant tree and watfr hordered
streets, and the patrician has fled to his
The houses are lifeless end Impassive as
. monuments. Tt would be the height of bad
form for face to be seen at the window,
and when an occupant must emerge the
door la quickly closed after him by the
solemn faced butler and the house resumes
Its air of mournful and exclusive desolation
There Is, however, a charming family Ufa
within and this we have several times been
permitted to share at the dinner parties
Which have been given for us.
Art la av Banker's Home.
One especla'ly to be remembered was that
at the home of B. L. Qomperts, now the
head of the great banking firm of
Werthelm & Oomperta, whose highly cul
tured wife Is chairman of the committee
of reception for the congress. The hall
and reception rooms on the first floor are
richly adorned with pictures, statuary and
almost priceless bronxes . and porcelain,
while the drawing room on the second floor
is famoua for Its mural paintings, the work
of noted artist nearly two centuries ago.
"The prtoe of one of these panels would
. buy any house In Amsterdam," a guest
told ua. They line three sides of the room
from the floor to the high celling, which
also I richly decorated, and the large
windows on the fourth side overlook the
lovely garden.
There were present members of both
houses of Parliament, the leader of the
liberal party, university professors, for
eign consuls and presidents of various
boards. After a sumptuous dinner all
passed Into the garden where scattered
among the flower beds against a dark
back-ground of trees and shrubs were little
tables each containing a handsome electric
i lamp and bowls of pink, white and red
peonies. Here coff, liqueurs and cigars
were served and conversation was con
tinued till nearly midnight in English,
though all were dutch except the Ameii
ran women and about us was the silence
of the forest, although we were out of
Joors In the heart of a city of H0.0O0 people.
Pleaslas Little Play.
The opening reception of the International
auffraje meeting . now In progrees vai
held at the Couturier, the Sherry' of Am
sterdam, with the usual splendor of such
affairs. A pleasing variation was a capital
'It i le play In blank verse, "The Council of
:h Oode." given by a party of young
people from Ttie Hague. Jove summons
:h gods and goddesses to know the res
ton of the terrible strife going on In the
world beneath whoa noise penetrate his
realm. Mercury says: "1 guess, but, Mr.
Chairman. I'm not sure, that 'lis the
dles making all the row." In the midst
f the discussion a mortal woman begs ad
mittance, set forth the grievances In
flicted on those of her sex by man and
tndl: "And ao, great gods, I oome Implor
ing your assistance."
Jovs say: "Thla la, by Jove, no easy
lueUon. You. Juno, have ths floor." She
answers: 'Tla not the first time that I
have for Jovs to solve a problem." She
the moves that ths women present her after which the gods and goddesses
argue It la a vsry clever manner. Finally
Juno calls for a trots: It stand five for
tt woman, four glnt. and Pluto make
Women's etrlctly all
pure linen Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs. nice
sheer quality, never
sold for less than 2"c;
paw to buy a year's
supply now
Now comes our semi-annual reckoning. Twice a year, July 1st and January 1st, we take an inventory; at these times stoocks must be reduced to a
minimum. It means a great clearing up in all departments. Odds and ends must be weeded out, broken lots cleared away, surplus stocks must dwindle.
The power of vigorous price reduction strikes home with telling effect during the next two days.
Monday and Tuesday will be by long odds the best money saving days of the season at Bennett's. Every department is making a desperate
effort to unload. Two days of record-breaking June merchandising. Come tomorrow.
Ladies' Home Journal Summer Style Book now on wile at rattern Counter. With every ropy at 20e earn, wc give FRKK any 15c Ladies' Home Journal Pattern.
Finest Ifi-lMitt.m Mob- A
lUetllll'e Silk Hit Ves. of W
best known nwiK.'H. ex- (1
tra henvv. double tip- j 1
peil fingers, nil sixes
and colors
lines at
Never such a saJe
i of fine wxsh fa..
brics before.
A sale on finest grades summer
dress materials, absolutely with
out precedent. A before-stock-taking
sale that Is notable for
Its marvelous low prices. Our
choices 50c, 69c and 75c fabrics,
such as Swisses, Linens, Silk Ging
hams, Embroidered Knglish Eye
let Mulls, etc. New goods, best
of styles, many effective color
harmonies In the line. I'ltra fash
tnnnhin and exclusive effects. In a
great clean-up Monday per yard,
$1 and $1.25 Wool
Dress Goods
Marked Way Down
Extraordinary stock reducing In
the Dress Goods. A variety almo6t
unlimited In Its scope. Fine plain
and fancy woolen fabrics In Pana
mas, batistes, taffetas, voiles, etc.,
In fact the choicest weaves, now in
vogue; blacks and any color, noth
ing reserved. Goods woTth and reg
ularly marked 1.00 and $1.26.
On sale Monday In a grand pre-ln-ventory
sale clearing, tt, yard
An Unprecedented S10 Suit Sale Monday
Any Woman's Tailored Suit,
Worth 1o $15.00
Any Woman's Silk Jumper
Suit, Worth to S25.00
Any Woman's Silk Costume in
House, Worth to $25,00
Such selling is simply a revelation to the Omaha shopping public,
just prior to inventory to reduce the stock we make this most unpre
cedented offer.
Monday we put on sale our entire suit stock absolutely with
out any exceptions including the very finest tailored models selling
upward as high as $35.00. We have every color and many ultra
fashionable modes. In addition to this we also include
This is a bona-fide offer, backed by the Bennett reputation for always living up to their advertise
ments. It will be a day of tremendous selling. . Extra salespeople to handle the crowds.
Any Dress Skirl in the House
One-TKird Off
Thousahds'or more to choose from. Handspme Pan
amas, voiles, novelty weaves, blacks or any color.
All our newest and best styles from our regular
stock. A grand pre-inventory clear- 1 gxff
ancej any skirt you like-best... . 01 1
Wonderful Selling White Waists
.600 on Sale
White lingerie . waists, all odd -lots, broken sizes,
some mussed from handling. Every size in this
line but not in every style. Plenty of choice bar
gains, all are $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 waists ; Q -to
clear out before inventory, price cut to. , wC
A Sensation
In Ghe Silks
Best white and blnck Ilnbutiil or
Jap wash SllkB. 3G ami 27 inch,
widths; worth 51.00 a yard. Gen
uine Imported rough Shantungs,
also Rajahs, TiiHsorahs, and
other popular lines,
rough silks, all
worth J1.00 yd.
Monday Again
$1 ami $1.2.1 Corsets of s. aasr u
well known makes, ut((BBJ W
Corset Crowds that eclipse any
thing at riKNXETT'S before at
tended this sale last week. Mon
day 160 dozen new fresh models
on the tables again; all 51.00
and 51-23 goodB, bent known
American makeB, new style, too,
you'll find your fav
orite corset In
the line,
Impressive Wsxll
Paper Sale
Almost like giving good papers
away. Our car loud purclmso
Jobbers brlnp; you handsome
gifts, tapestries, florals, etc. Ev
ery roll absolutely a 12c, 15c, 20o
and 2 5c value.
In a record break
ing sale,
a roll
For next 30 days we hang paper
at 12 Vic roll. -
Great Unloading Sale 2.000 Visit the Clfina section
Plates. Oatmeals Fruits 11";
gain such as conies but
once in years. Tremendous lot fancy china bread f g.
and butter plates, oatmeal and fruit dishes, values j j 0 0 (f
up to 75c; choice, Monday
Mason Fruit Jars at lowest prices;
phone your order if you cannot
come, Quick deliveries.
Quart size for, dozen 60c
Half gallon size, dozen 75c
Jelly Tumblers, tin tops, dozen. .18c
Everything In' stonew'are. ' Com
plete line stone Jars, Jugs, pans,
water . coolers, .. water . filters, Ice
water churns, etc. Prices that mean
good savings to you.
Pro-Inventory Sales. Just two lots that get sacrificed In
i wwi. this department and they are reduc-
ln White ooods. . . . ed ft vengeance; The line8 em
brace hundreds of yards of embroidered and dotted Swisses and
Batistes," checked and striped lawns and dimities. tJnseasonable
weather retarded their sale in May and June. That accounts for
drastic price reductions to move them.
LOT 1 Xovelty Swisses, check
and stripe lawns, dimities and
all fancy waistings, all 30c, 40c
and 50c goods, for; 19c
LOT 2 Dotted Swisses, check
and stripe lawns, embroidered
batistes, etc., a few are slight
ly mussed from handling, 19c
and 25c goods, at. . . . .12Vc
ed for Final Clearance .
150 Room Size Rugs Mark- yirst ,f a11 wc ,u,,1t thH,e
rugs from u maker who whs
disc out inuiiiK these styles,
drop imllern tlu-y arc called
ante of them are salesmen's samples, but all were purchased at n Krot
dtxrount. We sold scores of then. In the past t;vo weeks. Now to cIohj
out the remaining lot before we take stock. Here's tho wuy they'll go.
Sec them In the window:
Tapestry Brussels Hugs Full 9x11
feet, fast colors, regular 515.00
Quality 9.75
Fine Axmlnsfer Hugs Very hand
some, 'serviceable parlor carpet3,
regular 530i00 values, bright beau
tiful patterns, for $16.85
Amsterdam, Hotly HrusselH and
Wilton Velvet HuKs !tx12 feet,
positively finest 532 Kus made,
at $18.75
Genuine Koyal Wilton Hugs Same
grades you seo In every store at
545.00, supc-rb parlor, hull and
library rugs $24.80
Bennett's Capitol Flour, large
sack . . .' $3.(M
And 100 Qreen Stamp.
Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.50
And 80 Oreen Stamr.
Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb.
can '8c
And to Oreen Stamp.
Teas, assorted, pound
And 50 Qreen Stamp.
Batavla Fancy Salmon, can..
And 10 Orren Stamp.
B. O. Sweet Wrinkled i'eas,
And 30 Green Stamps'.
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, three
packages 2;v
And 20 Green Stamp.
Worcester Table Bait, 2 tacks 10c
And 10 Green Stamp.
Marshall's Kippered Herring,
And 10 Green Stamps.
Peanut Butter, two Jars. . .
And 10 Green Stamps.
A. B. C. Catsup, bottle
And 10 Green Stamps.
Rex Lye, three cans
Vnd 10 Green Stamps.
Advona Jams, assorted, i Jars 20c
And 10 Green Stamp.
Sntder's Pork und Beans, two
tans 20c
And 10 Green Stamp.
New York Cream l'hees;, lb
And 10 Green Stamps.
Swiss Cheese, pound
And 10 (ire-n Stamp.
Lluiburger Cheese, pound.
And 10 Green Stamp.
Great Pre-Invcntory Reductions On Furniture
We have rummaged through the entire stock, picked out all odds and ends and priced them as you
never saw good furniture priced before. We must close out in two days. If you are looking for real
furniture bargains you'll find them in these columns.
One only, No. 185 Shaving Cabinet, In
golden oak, was 520.00, for $13.75
Three only, No. 2139, girl's golden oak
desks, were 59 00, for. .... .$5.75
One only, No. 641, Library Case, three
section, was 522.60, for.. $14. 75
Two only, No. 232, Chiffoniers In
golden oak, with mirror, were 510,
tor $7.45
One only, No. 641, Hall Mirror, was
512.50, for $8.75
One only. No. 637, Hall Mirror was
57.95, for $5.45
One Bird's-eye Maple Dresser, slightly
discolored, was 525.00, for $15.00
One only, white enamel Chiffonier, five
drawers, plate mirror, worth $11.00.
tor $7.00
Two only, No.184, Oak Dressers, were
528.00, for $18.75
Three only. No. 180, Dressers, were
525.75. tor $17.50
Two only. No. 1245, Dresser, were
522.50, for ... . .$15.00
One,. No. 73, Mahogany Dresser, was
522.50, for $15.00
Three only, 52654, 6-drawer Dresser,
were 520.00, for $14.00
One only, PrtneesB Dresser, was 5 15,
for $9.75
One only, No. 195, Golden Oak Prin
cess Dresser, worth 519, for $13.00
One only.No. 1907, Golden Oak Prin
cess Dresser, worth 53 6, for $25.00
One only, No. 8227. Golden Oak Prin
cess Dresser, worth 5 16, for $10.5O
One only. Golden Oak Dressing Table,
worth 525.00, for ....... .$15.00
One only. No. a99, Hall Seat, worth
512.00. for $7.50
One L. 3, Brass Bed, slightly dented.
handsome 546 bed, for $30.00
Three, No. 3500, Brass Beds, worth
535. tor $20.85
One genuine Mahogany Bedroom Suite,
three ple?es, a magnificent $110 ulte
will sell at $75.00
All Go-Carts In big clearing sale, all
prices reduced. . .
Kitchen Cabinets, Just six, these are
fine one, too, worth to 520.00, now
$0.48 and $12.20
Paror Suite Reductions of a suprls-
lng nature, on every Bulte 510 to 525
Lewered Prices
Our well known T 'Jp'M
Tanitol" refrlaera. IVt --r3.f
tors are Meelnllv re-
duced for Monday
and Tuesdny. Have
too muny on hand,
rather than Include
them In the Inven
tory we cut the price AT
several dollars to hasten their
CAPITOI." Refrigerators are
. of ash. lined with hea-. y zine.
wun mineral wool. Thev are so con
structed that they ure'enlly kpi
iweet and clean. No lodfdnK place
for grease or Impurities . Lurse
elses (31x194S tnchex), regular
J16.SS Refrigerator; on 1 tt 11 (?
fonday and Tuesday for.. JOJ
"ICE COLD" RefrlfjerBtors. with aj'iod
steel linings, heavily sohh'eil lu
every Joint two dollar reduction m
each slie:
23xl6Hx37 now SO 35
25x18x394 now 87.88
27x18x41 now SJ.85
28x19x43 now tUl.&tt
BMjgi.jss. , lTM,reC3asTV
Hardware i
A Day of (ireut Clcai1n Sales In
the IlaMeineiit lluiiwuiV Store.
Gas Itaiu-s Reduced Dauber
Range, No. GIG, thin 0110 has a
large oven with five burners on
top, Including blnnacrer, and
giant burner; this la a regular
515.00 range, Monday, $12.50
Gasoline Ovens for luo-hJie stove,
regular $1.08 line for. .$1.G5
One lot lolij; bundled Voc shovels,
'" 49
Kiiamelcd blue und white Water
Pulls Twelve-quurt, seamless,
worth 51-OS, for 40
Four coated 51-28 enameled Berlin
Kettles, Monday's sale. . . .4)
l-arsrest size 8'Jc Galvanized W'Hin
T1111K, rut to 69a
Cherry filters, und Hull
man nutkc 760
T I - i ! n : 1 m fc'ien fltli-r 860
North Star Ics Cream Trcezor llindy
h!t) to have uljout tho Iiwuhi -
Ht 76c and 91.00
Philadelphia Lawn Ifcwai-s liuxt
Lawn Mower that is ia:nli, junt a
ff-w niorc to close out. discount 26",,
Hunter ijattein lfe flour till I el h loo
l-'lour Can, nicely J:ipuniied, u0-jouik1
xly.r-. worth S.'jC, 63o
-'tlllctitliiil Simpm,,,,,, j,i AHhoHton
lirldille and Toaster, worth JUi;..iao
I.elilou Squeezers IOC
And Ui Cr-cn Stump-,-.
In Our Sporting- Oood Depart
ment we curry comjilcn- 1 1 i m ol iluiu
ino. I,k liuae f ill i-od ', Fishing
Itoils and Tackle, ilathli.x Hull.i, etc.
Can fit you out In anvilting In thin
rli-K of K'i'xis and (juoie you vry
lowest JTicea.
It' a
tie, aaylng: "I am opposed, for if
woman ot the upper hand my reign would
Boon be over." Juno then summons Themis,
goddess of Jutlce. who bids the woman lay
her duties on one side of the scale, her
rights on the other. She does so. the latter
files to the beam and Themis says: "Ope,
side is much too heavy, take imethlhg
from It." The woman protests, baiting
that the duties be not lessened, and Tl.emis
answers: "Then must I .lay more rights
Into the other scale." The decision pleases j
all and the play ends with the'r unanimous ,
damand that
In every country woman henceforth hall i
be found, '
Choosing her own work, doing what he
Not foe. not alave, but helpmate to the i
It ta a bright little production which we I
hall bring home with us and adapt to the
audience of our country.
He porta fckow Frogren.
The official report presented by th
delegate from the various nation all show
activity and progress. Swttserland. Bul
garia, Bohemia and South Africa com for
th first Urn with national woman suffrage
association affiliated with th alliance.
In Finland, where th women have the
compute franchise, th people are now In
the midst of their eceond general election
campaign, in which the women are taking
quite a much Interest as the men nd do
Ing their share of the work.
The bills introduced by women at th
recent Parliament were mostly for tem-
I perance, morality, raising tne age or con
sent" and reforming the marriage laws.
The women of Norwy were enfran
chised in 1907 after year of vigorous effort
on their part. Their suffrage' association
is more than twenty year 'old, and a their
present electoral right carry with them a
slight property Qualification which 1 not
lmicd on men they (till maintain their
organisation in order to secure th re
moval of this by Parliament,
election in which women will
member of thla body is now approaching
and they are holding many large meeting
to discuss candidate and measures. The
present Parliament contain wnty-lx
liberal and ten socialists, all of whom
voted for the woman uffrage bill, which
received also ten votes . from th conser
vative. Th Norwegian women are em
phatic In th opinion that women striving
for th (uffrage must not pin their faith
to on party but must bav support In all
of them. i
The women of Denmark give glowtng ac
count of their great banquet to celebrate
the granting of municipal' suffrage last
month. It was held In the magnificent
town hall of Copenhagen and was attended
by cabinet ministers, members of Parlia
ment, the mayor and city councillors, uni
versity professor and member of the
clergy. . Th president of the suffrage as
sociation proposed a : toast to th king,
thanking him for signing the bill.. It was
conveyed to th palace and befor the
dinner ended hi private secretary brought
an acknowledgment, which raid: "HI ma
jesty th king send to the men and women
gathered at the festivity in honor of th
The first I new suffrage law hi heartfelt return greet-
vot for ns sua inanxs, aaaing in wisn mat mis
Important reform hall work for the ucces
and happlnes of our country."
Aaatrallaa Offlelal Representatives.
Th government of Australia ha sent an
official representative to thl Amsterdam
congress. Mr. Henry Dobean of Tasmania.
Her husband I an influential member of
th national Parliament and ha accepted
n invitation to address the congress on
th practical working of woman uffrg In
Australia. Th official report from there
and from Nw Zealand. ,wiqi facta aa4 fig-
ures as to the large percentage of women
who vote and the effect on legislation, '.he
state, the family and .the development of
character- in women themselves, answer
conclusively all the objections usually mail'i
to woman suffrage and refute absolutely
the adverse statement a to those coun
tries which occasionally find their way
Into -print unsupported except by their au
thors. Singed testimony -is included in
these reports from governors, prime minis- i
ters. supreme- court judge, member of
Parliament, editor all declaring lu favor
of the franchise for women with s unani
mity that would hardly be possible for any
other measure.
TtiA iti'lp.atfl vhn frtmA frnm rnuntriH 1
where neither Knglluh, (lerman nor French
is spoken and are obliged to make their
speeches and remarks in on of these lan
guage often refer pathetically to their
great disadvantage, which thors of these
favored nation fully appreciate. It is,
however, Impossible not I) smile at the
quaint form some of their expression take,
nd which would be much worse on our
part ' if we attempted to translate our
Idea Into their language. "I think ww will
not quarrel, for we are all cultivated
peopl and w will avoid xoloU matter,"
aah! one. - Another wrote: "I have waited I who will pri-ride ove r the sessions In th
to speak to Mrs. C. und at last 1 have. I uhsence of frchhlent t'ooley, arrhed today
her In th telephone." And another: and Ix-ran )n para'.ioii fur tuc ot.eninii of
"Do not tax your brain, It Is inoet ilan-
gerou of all." Among other expr xsh.ns
were- there: "The Joy fur vctory beatrieil
in her features;" "I'rals" of our nv-eiirg
treamed out front the prr-ss;" "We prac
tised our agitation on the members of
Parliament;" '8h has her hiinds full try
ing to kill Fraj" w: Ich did not
indicate any more alarming Intentions than
to defeat her for re-elcci ion. One referring
to a apeerh ald: "Thero woie i.iitny
lyneases and tonie fighting inclinations
in it." Another, criticizing the report of
an Knglish delegate, declartd. "Sh mad!
as If th head of Susan B. Anthony was ax
big as a teacup and that of I.ady the sue
of a tub." IDA HI'riTK!) HAIU'UK.
' iMun Mi.ndav.
The group of addresses to bo delivered
ut li.i M iKia! sessions of the convention In
the hippodruno next week In the most
brilliant ever given lure. Tho hading
(ipeakers announced so far are David Btarr
Joi-lnn, president of Inland Stanford uni
versity and head of the fnUtd H'ateu Seal
commission; Jane Addaina, the famous
sonologist; .Nicholas Murray Butler, presl-
Frosrram of t'naaaal Fxeelleiie
lie Given at Meeting at
CLEVELAND. O.. June 27, Hundred
of delegate to the National Educational
association convention have arrived and
registered at the bureau in the new federal
building. Vic President Natbaa Shatffer,
dent of Columbia university; Esuile Reel,
superintendent of Indian schools; Booker
T. Washington, president of Tuskegea la-atltu-e:
Andrew y. West. -C.-an of Prlnco
ton; William If. Maxell, j-upcrliitendeht
of New Vork smi,;,,.) au.l Willlum O.
Thompson, prrslil-i.t 1 .'ili fit ate university'.
Three entirely new and utr.ue feature
of entertainment are to lv- -ff. r.-cl the delo-
j pates. The flr.' t will l.e the ii.ti :-i H y eptll
WIU'lnK bti at the hippo. !r , nn Mondav
niomlni;. The seccn.l Is the evening recep
tion Wedncfday nlht at Ciiln icliy Circle
on the am,,.u of Wi.tern l;ei,(-rve uni
versity and Cass School of Appllud Science
and In Wade park a far as the colh-gu for
women. The third I the play ground fes
tival Friday afternoon at ftockafeitar park.