Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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1JEE: JUNE 28, 1003.
P i
Our .Great Semi-Annual Suit Sale
Commences Moday at 9 A. M.
Every Cloth Suit Tf-TT Z!k TT a TP"1
in the Store
at Absolutely
Our Scrai-Annnal Garment Sales are events looked forward to by every well dressed
woman, by giving them an opportunity to purchase high class garments at a fraction of
their real value. All styles are represented. Sizes are from 34 to 42. Colors Copenhagen,
blue, navy, brown, tan and all the other fashionable shades.
$25.00 Suits at
$30.00 Suits at
$35.00 Suits at
$40.00 Suits at
Novelty Parasols
You will find toere a
showing of strictly high
class novelty parasols, at
prices that will make you
want to own one. Every
parasol made especially
for Thompson, Belden &
Co. Ask to see the new
Pongee effect. Prices
start at $1.75.
Wash Materials
You"lI find It more dif
ficult to get choice styles
of wash goods as the sea
son advances. But you'll
have lesa trouble to find
them, If you go to a Dry
Goods store like ours. We
make a specialty of choice
W. B.
The W. B. Reduso Cor-
sets meet every need of
the plump or overly stout
figure, give perfect sup
port and comfort, are
practically unbreakable,
being well boned, having
medium and low bust
with long hips. and. back,
moulding the fleBh into
styjlsh lines, every move
being comfort to the
wearer. Price $ 3.00 each.
Other models in W.
B. Corsets from $1.00
MIsb Steenstrup, teacher
of fancy work in our Art
Department, is now in
Europe. Miss Steenstrup
will visit all of the chelf
art centers ot the old
country, and when she
returns in the Fall will
have many new ideas to
give her interested stu
dents in this country.
Sun Bonnets
For women, Misses and
children, made of fast col
ored chambrays and per
cales, in plain
and fancy styles, p
at, each mmjj
A. New -Pillow
Many people never get a restful
sleep In summer, because the ordinary
feather or down pillow Is too warm.
Sectional View Showing the Hair
and Feather Combination of the
Lulls to sleep in even
the hottest weather
Price $3.50 a pair.
Special Announcement for
More $1.25 Cream Storm Serge, 50 Inches Wide, for
Monday's Special Selling, at 98c Yard.
In 6tyle and color we never had anything more
beautiful. You will certainly want a skirt or suit be-.
fore the season is over. At Monday's special price
there is not a large quantity, but best of all, the value
is very unusual. Better come early. On sale 8 A. M.
Remnant sale of Wash
Goods, Ginghams, Lawns,
Batistes, Etc., values up to
15c yard, on sale Monday,
at, per yard 5c
Muslins and wide sheet
ings are cheaper than they
have been for three years.
Take advantage of the low
prices while they last.
Monday Greixt Special Sale of Ruffled Swiss Curttxiixs
Prices Greatly Reduced
4 5c Ruffled Swiss Cortalnj at
22c pair.
90c Ruffled Swiss Curtains at
69c pair. ,
65c Ruffled Swiss Curtains at
39c pair.
$1.00 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at G9o pair.
$1.25 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at 78c pair.
$1.35 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at 89c pair.
1.50 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at 98c pair.
1.75 Ruffled Swiss .Curtains
at 11.09 pair.
$2.00 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at $1.29 pair.;
2.75 Ruffled Swiss Curtains
at $1.78 pair.
Curtain Swisses by the yard.
Our regular 10c quality Monday
5c yard.
Curtain Rods at 6c each.
t MBiai
as roB ro
bring held was blown down. and badly torn.
No one waa Injured as the people had plenty
of tlrno to leaye the ent and move to the
town hall. Rev. 13. 8. Klstlcr, president of
the Chautauqua, said that the tent would
be up In time for the exercises this after
noon, with no further damage than per
haps a rent or two, which will have to be
repaired later.
The storm continued Us course to Krug
park and threatened the destruction ef
that resort . for a short time. When, the
stor.ii had cleared away, however. It was
found that the principal damage waa the
destruction ot some trees and the burning
of one cf the new concessions which waa
. Just opened fer business Saturday. This
burns! to the ground. The lights wore put
out of commission for the night, but Man
ager Cole said that all damage would be
.upalred letore noon today. -
Lightning struck, the barn of Hugh Jto.
Caffrey on the West Dodge street road, and
burned It to the ground. Time homes
! were burned. The barn contained twenty
seven tons of hay, which was also burned,
. making a blase which could be seen for
tlfed. Mr. Van Patten's attorneys filed a
new transcript this morning and renewed
their request (or an Immediate hearing.
The day was given to arguments on ob
jections offered by contestant, all of which
were overruled. The absence of prohibition
members of the council at an adjourned
meeting this morning prevented action on
the application for liquor licenses, and a re
cess was taken to Monday evening, July 6.
If the prohibition members persist In re
maining away from sessions an effort may
be made to compel their attendance by
legal process.
rtsaiost t'haataaq.a Opens.
FKJ&MONT, Neb., June 17. (Speclal.)-
The opening session of the Fremont Chau
' tauqua waa held this evening at die city
park. . The program consisted of muslo
. by the' Hungarian orchestra, under the
leadership of 1'rof. Schlldkret. and a lec
ture by Kybrrt. p.. Miles. The tent was
crowded, all seats being taksn and a grett
many people stajidlnf. A large number
' of season tickets have been sold and big
crowds are expected. Ex-Oovernor Rlch-'
ard Vetera Is on the program for tomor
row. , . ' ' "
Fight for Seat In Hastings Coaacll.
HASTINGS.' Neb., June 7.-Bpeclal Tele
gram.) Tfie Qauvreau-Van Tatten Second
ward election contest came up before Judge
Dimgsn rln today and was set for trial
tomorrow' morning at i o'clock.' The con
teatrVa appeal was dismissed yesterday be-
. cause lbe-ffaiiscrtpl. waa not prcjierly .cej-
In Everybody's R
ormerl called
KUJata'e Manna;
The most delicious of all Corn H ,
"TImi Taste Lingers."
Packages, two sixes, 10 and IS cents
. . . Made by
Foattua Cereal Company, Limited,
Eattlc Creek. Mich.
Numerous resary and Practice,
Wars In Which It la
On a hot summer evening, when the
thermoneter creeps . upward, nothing Is
mire refreshing than the delicate Julce
squeexed In water and sipped slowly.
When the head Is aching and fever la
high a hot lemonade brings almost Instant
relief. In tropical climates limes are used
for fevers and the fruit la rubbed on the
forehead to drive away the pain of con
gestion. When the sun kisses your cheek
too fervently, leaving llttlo polka dots
on the pink and white complexion, a good
lemon la your best friend. Kub It on gen
erously, or paint the. Jules on each little
stain and let It remain there over night.
Reptat the operation night and morning
for a few days, afterward applying rream
and using massage and the freckles all
The value of this most common fruit Is
seldom reckoned. When the ancient man
ners found their sailors dying ot the scurvy
the ship would be headed to the firet land
sighted and the poor men would live on
the times for a time, when their blood was
instantly purified of the poison the salt
meats had Infused Into It.
After the shampoo the Juice ot the lemon
gives fresh vigor to the roots and seems
to act as a cleanser and stimulant to the
For the calloused aching feet, nothing
will aoftn them more readily than this
poor despised fruit. Cut the lemons In half
and rub It on your feet after bathing them
In warm water and they will become soft
In no time and feel coo! and refreshed.
In nausea lemon Juice la a wonderful
antidote. We do not have to depend upon
nurses or phyr-tclana for this remedy.
. Where stains are concerned, nothing is
more helpful than the lemon. For ink
stems when everything falls the Juice of
the lemon will quickly remove the un
sightly mark. Brass la cleansed ot the
green mouldy appearance by the use of
lemon. Suit and lemoa tor atraw hats or
for rust marks has never been substituted
with anything halt so good.
There la a certain acid ot great value In
thla commonly used and much abused
fruit. They may frequently be obtained
for 4 eenta a aoaen, and seldom coat more
tha.o It eenta doaea. therefore. It la with
in the reach of almost every family.
Lemon sherbet, lemon cream ca!it or
blanc mange with the flavoring of lemon
juice all are the most welcome desserts
for the summer table.
Hiram, 0., Defies the Nagging Whip
! of Progress.
Dexter L. Thomas, Who Attends lie
anion of Ilia College Friends,
Finds No Chan In the
Old Pine.
Dexter L. Thomas has returned from at
tending the "home coming" of students at
Hiram college, Hiram, O., whete he was a
student in 18M, In I860 and in 164.
Time wems to have stood there frr sixty
yesrs. Located near great cities and close
to the center of population of the country,
Hiram still blossoms In Its primeval beauty
and still wears Its rustic homespun In th
midst of a state where Its sister towns and
cities are wearing the latest style.
"In going down from Cleveland on the
Interurban, thirty-five miles to Hiram, one
drops back at least half a century," said
Mr. Thomas. "The village 'where the; col
lege Is located has only a few hundred
people and the nearest railroad Is two
miles away. The town is just about as It
was when I went there, a boy ot 10 years.
In 1851. Of course, there Is no saloon. Most
of the men don't smnke, while they look
upon a drinking man with extremes',
aversion. V
"Hiram college was originally the West
ern Reserve Eclectic Institute. Jitmrs A.
Garfield attended It while 1 was there. He
was at that time a Campbclllte preacher
and gave little promise of the great honor
which was to be his later when he waa to
become president of the United States.
His widow was among those present at
the home coming. The brother of Mrs.
Garfield, Joseph Rudolph, and her Meter.
Mrs. Nellie Rockwell, were also there. 1
used to go to school with Joe and we had
a fine time 'reminiscing.
Recalled A. Sutton Harden.
"Of course, there was much talking over
the old days. We recalled such figures
as A. Sutton Hayden, who was the first
principal of the school. He was the au
thor ot the "Sacred Melodeon,' a book of
songs written with notes which were dis
tinguished one from the other. Instead
of being all-round 'do,' was square 'ra,'
was triangular, etc. They were known as
patent notes,' though the vulgar under
took to nickname them 'buckwheat notes.'
"Another Incident I recalled, particularly
as I'm a Nehraskan, was the affair be
tween Miss I.aura A. Clark and Prof.
Wilbur. Miss Clark was the primary teacher
under whom I received my first Instruc
tion. She was a very handsome woman
and Prof. Wilbur fell desperately In love
With her. She refused him and he was
so despondent over his unhapplnesa that
his life hung In the balance. Later he came
to Nebraska In pioneer days and the town
Of Wilbur was named after him."
Tlllie Newcomb, who was a music teacher
In the school forty-three years ago. Is
now Mrs. Tlllie Newcomb Ellis and Uvea
In a pretty house In the village, where a
fountain spouts In the front yard and Is
said to have spouted thus for nearly forty
years, with no more change than the town
Itself. '.
Hiram Chamberlain,' who used to be a
teacher In the college, attended the home
coming. He is now high in the Iron In
dustry In Chattanooga,. Tenn.
-John C. Cowin of Omaha .was a student
irt. -the . college in lKl'andlt was only
press of legal business which kept him
from attending the home coming. Judge
W. W. Slabaugh Is a graduate of the
school. George M. Southmayd Is another
-Omahan who Is an alumnus. He attended
the reunion.
J.'-, .IK" " .-J
m .t .i..i,i.hii ii .in n inn mm m 11 iiiiiiiiiiiHCm .11 i3&MSttii6.i - n in . i, ' ' " """"
Second Week Big Free Gilt Offer
There is no conditional offer whatever as regards this. The
machine la p,lven FItKK absolutely FItKK to everybody, and will
ha delivered to your home with every COMPLETE HOME OlT
FIT sold for either cash or credit.
KKMEMIiEIl you do not have to ray all cash in order to get
this machine FHKK, simply select what ,you want, pay a little)
down, and a little each week or month, as best suits you conven
We sell goods on
easy payments to
folks out of town
and pay freight 100
miles. Write us for
Ei' j f cor .cods it the store
t (f Sapra
o Kitchen Cabinets
be sure
Special Savings on Carpets.
Go-Carts and Refrigerators
60 cent Ingrnln Carpet, good wearing Til-
It you nre looklngr for Ma values.
and see this Hplendld kitchen cabinet,
two isrp bins, two drawers and
bread and meat board, $7.00 value
ottered at
Quality, per yard
ItrtiNclfl Carpcta, extra fine quality,
$1.00 values, per yard
Iteveralble Ruga, room slio, $6.50
BruMels Rugs, room size, $18.00 -f A Cf)
values, special vj m v
$4.00 Go-Oarts, fold closely, rubber(Tf Cf) fc
tired wheels, special .vpi.-U
$10.00 Refrigerator, the kind that
will save you money, special .
Free! Free!
On a bill of 110.00 a pret
ty Rug.
. On a bill of $20.00, s par
lor Rockfir.
On a bill of $50.00, a set
of Dining Room Chairs.
On a bill of $70.00, a fine
Dinner Hot.
On a bill of $100, an up
holstered Couch.
$3,75 3 Rooms Furnished Complete for S49.5iW "Sj
1315-17-19 FARNAH ST.
c us eukm ji,mu vuais i rax muat btqus
DmESSEBS An actual
$12.50 value, three large,
roomy drawers, French
bevel pl.ite mirror (7 i c
Special price, M.VI
Handsome souvenirs to all.
(Continued from First Page.)
Irish cattle trade Is experiencing at
present. England, deprived of her usual
American supply, Is turning- to Ireland for
meat and the exports of cattle and Bheep
from the Irish ports are going up every
wttk. The graziers are prosperous and are
making arrangements to Increase their
breeding stock largely, while even the very
smallest farmers are benefiting by getting
cattle to fatten from the lnrge graziers. '
Kara Soot Print It.
Thomas W. Blackburn for congress.
Ask your grooer for Alamlto butur.
Budolph 1". Vwoboda, Accountant-Auditor.
Bowman, 117 N. 16, Douglas shoe, $$ 50
Pa ftourke tor Quality cigars, $16 8. 16th.
Kinehart, photographer, 18th & Farnaru
Iqultable Life, Paul Morton. (rjident.
Policies sight drafts at maturity. H. D.
Keely, manager, Omaha.
Burgess-Orandea Co now In ew quar
ters. :EU Howard. Oas, electrlo fixtures
and wiring.
The Omaha Bureau of Press Clippings,
established many years, haa grown to bo
the largest and most complete In the west.
Thousands of papers read for Items. Oood
service guaranteed. Note address, 230-232-234
Bee Bldg.
Big1 Lot of Tomatoes condemned City
Market Master Eptileln condemned eighty
four crates of tomatoes Saturday. The to
matoca were shipped In and had spolWd In
Alex Sas Cfcaaos to Becove At Ht
Joseph's hospital Jamet Alexa, who- waa
accidentally shot In the head Thursday
nfght by a Fourth of July revolver in the
hands of a 15-year-old boy, waa said to
be slightly improved In condition, al
though he U not yet out of danger.
V. M. Bice Loses Sis Suit T. 6. Kice,
a farmer living near Waterloo, lost out In
his suit fur $4M against the estate of
Henry R. Bassler. Kice claimed $400 was
due him for commissions in securing seed
corn for Bassler, who.. waa a seed corn
Jobber. The Jury returned a verdict Sat
urday against Rice.
. Blvei la Palling For the first time la
ten days' the Missouri river begun failing
at Omaha Saturday morning. It wasn't
rnuqh of a fall, only on-te,ntn of an inch,
leaving the present ataga' at 1 feet. Up
at Sioux City the fall was two-tenth and
at Blair bridge tour-tentha of a foot.-It Is
also falling below Omaha.
Cowin rues Pratt Brief A brief cover
ing the disputed law points In the Pratt
divorce case was filed by Oenera! John C.
Cowln. Colonel Pratt's attorney, with
Judge Kennedy Baturday morning under
an agreement made at the end of the oral
hearing. Within five days Mrs. Pratt's
lawyers will file a brief In reply and the
case will then be submitted to the court.
Thieves la Deatal Offices Some cbjver
burglar with a penchant for denial gold
mude a profitable haul Friday night, when
he robbed the office of lit. F. W. Sla
baugh, 2u7 KevlUe block and Dr. H. a
Parker, 202 Neville block. From Dr. 81a-
baugb's office, they secured dentil gold
plate and scrap gold amounting to $40 l.i
value. Only tiO worth of the plate aa
secured In Pr. Parker's office.
Speaker Cannon Designates Com
mittee of House, Which Includes
All Nebraska Congressmen.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 27.-Spec!al Tele
gramsThe announcement of the death
of Congressman William H. Parker at his
home In Deadwood, 8. D., was received
with profound sorrow among his tiumtr-
ous friends In Washington. The remains
will be Interred In Arlington cemetery. It
was announced at the capllol today that
Speaker Cannon has designated the fol
lowing members of the house to accom
pany the body to Washington: Phllo Hall,
South Dakota; W. I. Smith, Iowa: Halvor
Steenerson, Minnesota; Pollard, Hitchcock.
Boyd. Hlnshaw, Norrls and Klnkald of Ne
braska. A committee will also be se
lected on the part ot the aenate, but the
namea have nut yet reached Washington.
Representative Norrls and family left
Washington today for their home at Mc
Cook. Carl E. Wismer of Burlington, la., has
been appointed a clerk In the War depart
ment. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes:
Burlington, route 3, David McClement car
rier, Peter kZagle substitute; Decorah,
route 2, Byron M. Graham carrier, Carl
N. Holding substitute; route, 7. Frank
Panek carrier, Frank Andes substitute;
Diagonal, route 2, Maggie Barlow carrier.
William H. Goodale substitute; Lemars,
route 10, Robort W. Smith carrier, Allan
M. Smith substitute.
John Ford has been appointed postmaster
at Earling, Shelby county, la., vice W
Shirk, resigned.
Simple Beclpe That Will Soften sad
Whiten the Skin.
Bummer sun la trying to every com
plexion, for the softer and more deli
cate the akin, the more difficult it Is
to keep It from becoming rough, burned
or tanned during the hot season. Every
woman will welcome the reprinting of
the recipe for thla old and time-tiled
harmless preparation, for It never fat.'
to tone up the akin and produces a
perfect complexion. Epputone protects
the skin against the tun, pruvents or
removes freckles, tan and sunburn. It
contains no artificial coloring, but re
stores the natural complexion of youth.
and Its use cannot be detected, for It
will not rub pff or show. Your drug
gist will sell you the articles necessary
to make thla preperatton at home. Just
get 4 ounces of Eppotone (skin food),
one ounce of Colocge Spirits and 2
ounce of Rose Water. Put the Eppo
tone In a pint of hot water (not boiling),
and after dissolved strain and let cool.
then add the Rosewater and Colonge
Spirits. Apply dally. The recipe Is good
enough to cut out and ja-ile la your serap
mvhiiiwmH'iiii ijttnur.arrvr JTV in""." mmm i
a & l m
Our Yearly Ten Day Clearance Sale Begins Msnday.
Every Job IVIust Go. Nothing Reserved.
This is your opportunity to buy higti grade vehicles for less money than ever before.
We have eight Racine-Sattleyxunaboutg, A grade, with rubber tires, regular price.
$150.00, special sale price $90.00.
Ten Racine-Sattley runabouts, style No. 275, rubber tires, regular price $125.00, spec-.
ial sale price $75.00.
Six Racine-Sattley regular style runabouts with, rubber tires, former price $100.00,
special sale price $65.00.
Ten Racine-Sattley steel tired runabouts, regular price $75,000, special sale price :
$45.00.; .. , .:;.
Racine-Sattley out under stanhopey with cushion tires, regular price $150.00, special
sale price $90.60. ' , ,.. ', ' ' V :':";
Physicians' Stanhope, full leather tops, rubber tires, the kind you have been paying
$250.00 for elsewhere, we will sell for $125.00. . V .
All styles of Watertown New York Carriage Co's. vehicles at' about one-third reg
ular retail price. . '
Top buggies from 25 to 50 per cent discount.
Delivery wagons, harness and pony vehicles marked way down to make quick sale.
If you don't need a vehicle buy any way, sell to your neighbor and make a profit.
VV ltd II I 1
Raclne.Sattley Bldg., S. W. Cor. 1 0th and Jones.
Entrance from 10th
8trt Viaduct
mm, 4 VSss
Henry Hinkel Drown in Effort to
Rescue Companion Who Escapes.
I-ullce Believe They Arc Weaving a
gtrons; Web Around Charles I'nyne,
.Who When Arrested Was Snf
' ' ferlnsr from Bullet Wound.
Henry Illnkel, a your.g man wno lived
near Twenty-first and W streets, was
drowned yesterday In a bayou of the Mis
souri near the grease factory In Bouth
Omaha. The death occurred during the
latter part of the afternoon. .He and a
large crowd of young fellows went to tin
river. A number of them went swimming
in a place they supposed safe. It appears
from the story of the father that one
of the other men got Into a dangerous
place and being frightened began to ahout
for help. Illnkel went to his aid and was
himself caught by the current. The first
man recovered his composure and reached
a place of safety but when he turned to
look for Illnkel he had disappeared en
tirely. The water was moving rapidly
toward the main current of the river and
It is believed that the unfortunate man
was rarrtt'd Into the swollen stream. If
so. the body will not be found for weeks
In all probability and possible never.
Hinkel was only Jl years old. He ha
two brothers. The men who were with
him were members of a sheep killlne' gang
in the local packing houses where Hinkel
also worked. The police will warn the
down stream points to watch for the
floater. Hinkel waa noted as a ball player,
b ing catcher for the Sterlings of the Inter
oily league.
Three Places Robbed.
Notwithstanding the captur of Charles
Tayne, auppoeed ti be one of the burglars
responsible for much ft the work done In
the city, three pUces of business were
entered Thursday night, showing; thst the
bad element Was not all cornered In the
capture of one prisoner. The places are
John Riches saloon, 2411 N street, A. J.
King, 2S21 N and the grocery of Upton
A Egftera. 130 Bouth Twenty-fourth. At
A. J. King's plat-e they secured a quantity
cf whisky and cigars and In the other
place similar booty. J. C. Troulon, po'ln
rafitain, encountered them late in the night
trying to break Into Harry Lapldui' pawn
shop at 2411 N street. They had not yet
succeeded. He fired several shots at
them as they ran but failed to stop any
of them. Tastenlay gang of men was
picked up In a box car wn the tracks. They
r1- i
had plenty of liquor with them and they
were suspected of being Implicated. The
evidence haa not yet been worked up con
necting them positively with -the cause,
but It is believed by the police that the
link will be found.
Charsres Against Payne.
The police think they have securud evi
dence enough to make a good case against
Charles Tayne. They expect to make a
complaint against him on five or six dif
ferent charges of house breaking. The
best of the cases Is 'that of Henry J.
Bchrader, 1029 North Twentieth. This
robbery waa committed January 7. l6s.
The house waa lighted at the time, for
the children were sick. The burglar en
tered and was seen by Mr. aenrader in
the act of reaching after the Utters
trousers. He shouted and the prowler
grabbed the garment and ran out the
door. There he ran into Mrs. achrader.
The children also saw him. All of them
were brought to see Payne. All aald he
waa the man. The light was audi as to
make the Identification easy. They also
had a cap which fitted Payne perfectly
and which ha had dropped as he ran ouL
He secured a few dollar In change from
the pants. Mr. Bchrader gave chase until
he was distanced. Several arrests were
made at the time,, but none were found
right. In this case, however, .the family
is positive. The description given by Mr.
Bchrader at the time tallies in all points
with the description of Payne.
Maala t Mr Ooaeln.
The repairs to the city Jail are advancing
Found Stray cowj calf born since found.
Havelek, Is and 8.
Miss Katheryn Lowery la visiting
friends at Manilla, la.
The city hall la being provided with
screen doors and curtain.
"The Works of Faith" is tn morning
topic at the Christian church.
Wanted 3i caddy boys, Sunday, a. m.,
at South Omaha Country flub.
The English Lutheran thurch will ob
serve communion and receive members
thla evening.
Edward R Beardsley, 1 102 North Twen-ty-aeventh
street, reported the birth of a
dauKhter yeaterday.
The apsralaera of damages en Thirty
sixth street, south of Q. nave discovered
many claims for damages.
Mla Harriet Bmlth and Miss Edith Car
penter gave a kitchen shower yesterdsy
afternoon in honor of Miss Mabel i:hK.
Mrs. Williams of Denver is this week
visiting her son. Orlln Wlllismn, of the
local Young Men s Christian easoclailon.
Stars and Stripes
Kanawha Tarllt Iblawfel.
WASHINGTON,. June r The Interstate
Commerce commission today Issued an or
der declaring unlawful the Kanawha De
spatch Joint east bound freight tariff, Is
sued June 1 and effective July 1, next, un.
der powers of attorney for the Chesapeake
A Ohio and the Louisville, Henderson
St. Louis Itallroad companies.
The purest, best
and most health
ful beer brewed.
All tbe ingred
ients are care
fully selected and
of the highest
, Every first-class
cafe In the west
carries It In stock.
Ask for Stars
rid Stripes Beer
next tlnie. ..
Thirty (13.00) Green Tradln,
BtamLis with every case- 2 dozen
large bottles a tr
price VtitO
Fifteen ($1.60) Green Trading
Bumps with every case -2 doxen
small bottles
Out-of-town customers , add
for case and bottles, which
will be refunded on their return.
.'""w.. ...... 51.25
Office, 1407 Harney at.
raone Douglas 13041.
Blew ery, 34 aa4 aUokory SHa. .
faoae Oeaglaa leas