Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1908, HOME SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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V I, '
Pretty Gowns of Lingerie
ETW TORK, June 26. Gr.ln
party frocka and summer
finery of all kinds are coming
Into their own nowadays, anil
lovely gowni of lingerie and
other eheer aummer materials
ers being packed Itno tha trunks of tha
woman turning thalr faoca toward aura
mar resorts.
Even here In tha city ona f M mar
vellous rummer confections at tha varloua
maxt raatauranta, for not every ona who
can afford good clottjcs abandons New
York In June, and Indeed a throng of
visitor comes to town nt thla time of
year, bringing with them aummer out
flta mora or leia elaborate.
And right here let a word be aald for
tha aummer frocks of the aouthern woman
and tha (race with which aha weara them.
Naw York la full of aouthern folk In tha
aummer, aome of tha visitors coming from
points as far away as Buenos Ayres and
Rio, and though not all of tha frocka worn
by this visiting contingent ara elaborate
or atrlctly I'nrislan a large majority of
them are ( harming. Long habit has given
th woman of aouthern landa an under
standing of tha possibilities In muslins,
and even her simplest thin frocka hava
daintiness and charm.
At one of the uptown raatauranta which
aerni aome most delightful short waived
frocka In fine dotted fiwt.s trimmed only
with Inapt straight bands of narrow lace
at tha bottom and on the bodice and with
rery narrow homa of flowered silk an I ac
companied by odd little dlractnlra coats
of tha flowered a'.lk. Add to this costume
a hat of whlta straw trimmed In a scarf
Of tha silk and you hava a midsummer
toilet of tha daintiest description.
Other costumes of character somewhat
similar hava triple skirts of batiste em
broidery flouncing, arranged In close cling
ing lines of course, and running up to a
short walsted girdle above which tha 'oodles
la hidden by a directotre bolero with tails
la the back, made In flowered silk and re
lieved by buttons and ravera of black.
Long lines of beautiful batiste embroid
ery running from shoulder to hem are In
troduced upon aome of the lingerie frocka,
the embroidered bands crossing In surplice
fashion and continuing down only one F'de
of the skirt or passing under a girdle and
running down each side of front and back.
Tunlo draperies are Impracticable In the
lingerie frock, though Parisian models
show such effects, and the practloal woman
contents herself with slmultatlng tunic ef
fects by the lines of skirt trimming. A
continuous front panel of extremely fine
bids fair to draw the aummer crowd as It
has drawn the winter crowd a group of
South Amerlcun folk were dining tho other
evening, dining uncommonly well be It
remembered In passing. The men were
elderly, sallow, distinguished, looking; two
elderly women were handsome, well
dressed, bejewelled: but It was at the
group of 'girls that tho dtners atared In
frank admiration.
Four Sranlsh looking young thtnga In
muslin and such delicate muslins, worn
with such grace and coquetry! White
battle nod mull and lawn, teased Into
originally by hand work, fluttering with
soft laces am) ribbons, a trifle low at the
thrnnt. short of sleeve and accompanied
by picturesque summer huts unmistakably
Parisian In origin yet with a certain flower
and rllihun trimmed simplicity that con
sorted well with muslin.
There were gin genus gown. In the room,
but that Kroup In white was the center of
Of course there are lingerie gowns, and
lingerie gowns, hut the white cotton frocks,
whether elaborate or simple, are always
among the prettiest things In the summer
showing and no colored frock ha quite
their cool freshness.
Many coat and robe models In sheer
lingerie stuffs have been shown this season
among the handsome lingerie creation, the
thin material being fashioned Into looso
fitting, picturesque coats compact of tiny
tucks, Inset laces, embroidery, etc. Th"Ba
coats are of various lengths, from short
bolero to knee length, dlrectolre cutaway
or palet'it, and some of the very prettiest
are comparatively short dlrectolre affairs
worn over short walsted dlrectolre or
.empire frocks, consummately fcimplu In
line but Intricate In detail.
All the charming dlrectolre frocks Into
which lingerie materials enter are not,
however, elaborate In detail. We have
r"" jUj.j o
T TAKK.S 'iiiulllf to liinkr u bargain km1 iil.t) in nuiko lU l.arMln. Tin- off clings mentioned! tx-low mj well bo tortn.M M hnrali tlirj'vr jrot the
quality that make Uifm ouch. Tho prlc- will. tomar them with the flcuron of other houses amlyou'll flml tin in otttMhlril lower than ttto ltrit lowest.
They're values, of unusual character value that are positively uninatehahle. These gmnN are n sain all week at our .tore.
Feather Your Nest."
Generous Credit
Cheerfully Given
Do You Open Your Mouth
LtVaa, young iird and gulp down whkWx
ever food or medicine may bu offered you T
Or, do you want to know something of the
composition aud character of. that which
vou uke Into your stomach whether m
food or medicine?
Most Intelligent and sensible people
now-a-dayt Insist on knowing what they
tmploy whether as food or as medicine.
)r. Pierce believes they have a perfect
right to irwitt upon such knowledge, Ho he
pub)lsheva4i" and on each bottle
wrspper, wbsQiTrned!;lnes are made of
and verifies JjyftiJPT en iP TJjii.
tic can HlAfTord to, do because j
the1ngredlenti of which hi
are made are s'uoV4snd u in
. tati mill
) Eiore will their superior curlive vtrtm :
For the cure of woman's peculiar weak
nesses. Irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent headaches, back
ache, dragglug-down palu or distress In
lower abdominal or pelvic region, aocom
paaled, ofttlmes, with debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakueas, Dr. Tierce's favorite
Prescription I a most eOlcient retaedy.
It U equally effective In curing painful
periods, lu giving strength to nursing
bothers and in preparing the sysUm of
the expectant mother for baby's coming,
.thus rendering childbirth afe and com
paratively painless. The "Favorite Pro
scription U a most fount, strengthening
tonus to the general system and to the
Jrgans distinctly feminine in particular,
t Is also a soothing and luvtgorating
nervine and cures nervous exhaustion,
nervous prostration, ueuralgja. hysteria,
pasms, chorea or St. Vitus s dance, and
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant open functional sad orgaato dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
host of medical authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
ach of the several Ingredients of which
Favorite Prescription. " is mado for the
ureoj tkedlseasei for which It Is claimed
to be a euro. Yna may read what thev
aay faryvmnAf by sending postal card
request fur a res booklet of et tracts
from the leading authorities, to Doctor
Pierce's IavelisV liotel and Surgical In
stitute, Buffalo, K Y., and It will com
ts) pW
1 1 1 a a 1
Mission Porch X.89
Rocker nt . . . sJr'- -
In weath
e r e d br
golden oak,
b r o a il nd
j u b t a b 1 c
spring scat
oons traction.
ROCK E R JrX Rocker
f7 C k&TiK The upholstering
11 aUL J iff 'M 1 fJl has the wearing
Te-r frU,?$r tlT ability of Renulne f
11 11 fcf l-Sji' father. Has a '
V 3 SU-t-'Tik5y deeply tufted back
taew 1' vt'V Wl j" ' ' and roomy seat. 1
ii:f li The frame is of
jl,' V'1, l selected soliil oak,
ttf ai-V'-''f lU beautifully carved
This Rocker t-U1' JJ .i ?1V . It Is strons and
it U I if -yif3r1' l t' auhBiantlal. f ex-
a """" hb iii tts-'Mlfi S &Kr,rukTanaivs
shown in 11U.- IIIU,PA' On"!?
t-x--V t.-tl -i 1 "&Zvk VlvriQk M the remarkable
tratlon- Larsfl t':'MujJM lr,ce 3t
iri fgMpj Las
rentable value taaimJ La'
H '
Un ited
. ' 1 'j-w .... . m
- y- -it-1
This large Mission Rocker, made of
selected materials, Imported reed seat, 1b
offered at a price that Is positively un
beatable. It Is of artistic mission de
Klgn, weathered finish, broad, shapely
back. You must see this article to ap
preciate Its true value. On sale Mon
day at the reduced price of 93.89
Chair to match $8.08
Settee to match $4.73
Our Big
to Out-of-town
Genuine Leather Couch
Six-Hole Steel
Range at ... .
mmm 1 fi.75
Dresser in Oak or
Mahogany 0.35
Finish at... 0
Tho Dressiprs aro mado in
golden oak or mahogany
finish. They aro of hand
pome design, have extra
large French Plate Mirror,
set in carved mirror frame.
The above price represents
a 50 per cent reduction.
-ywxrfm.rtrmTG 14 USUI, sj , ppi01f31
Guaranteed for five
years; complete
with high warming
closet, as shown In
Illustration. This
steel range is a mar
vel for the money
Positively the best
ever sold at
near the price.
Has six large,
full-else 8-ln.
holes, has ex
t r a large
square oven, Is
beau 1 1 fully
o x a a mented
with nickel
Solid Oak Frame. $18.75
This couch i3 of all steel spring construction, genuine leather upholster
ing, diamond tufting and secured with leather tufting buttons. Massive
frame of selected solid oak, handsomely polished. Claw feet. You cannot
duplicate this value in Omaha, no matter where you look.
Hartmans Kitchen
"Feather your nest"
This Kitchen Cab
inet la made of all
hardwood, finished
In the natural
maple. Has two
large drawers for
flour and meal,
work board and
kneading board.
Two large drawers
for utensils. The
top la conveniently
fitted with
of ehelf room,
actly as shown In
Illustration. It la
without doubt the
most complete
Kitchen Cabinet
aold anywhere
near the price
quoted by un. Sold
complete with top.
Terms, $1.00 Cash,
85o Week!.
Special at v
transversce tucks set Into the front of the
frorlc with lines of narrow Valenciennes In
sertion la often effective, and a tremendous
amount of tucking In all deptha Is used.
We have seen French frocks of white
batibto with no trlmmlns other than these
multitudinous tucks and a finish of lace
at throat and on the sleeves.
Not only is flowered silk combined with
lingerie stuffs but the plain liberty satins
too are used with batiste and mull, form
Inn hems, buttons, girdles, etc., and aome
chic frocks of lingerie material have nar
row hems, etc., of striped silk cut on tho
bias, white and lettuce green, white and
rose, white and Copenhagen blue, etc
Black Is considered extremely smart with
the white lingerie frock, the sombre note
usually appearing In the shape of one of
the swathing scarf glndles made of black
taffeta or black liberty.
Fine soutache braiding Is fancied for
sheer lingerie materials and for piques and
linens ulsu. A frock and coat of fine
French plyue elaborately embroidered In
soutache and ornamented by little buttons,
grelots, etc., matching the braid Is even
smarter today than the hand embroidered
linen so popular last aummer and still
Very elaborate costumes are made up In
white pique this season, and pique also
rivals the linens for general utility wear.
It has the advantage of mussing less read
ily than linen, and a tailored coat and
skirt of this material Is an excellent Invest
ment New Cotton.
The newest materials for afternoon
gowns are the cottons, which are shown
In such attractive ways. For Instance, one
cotton voile Is printed with large flowers
In the design so popular In 1SS0, and then
there are many cottons with printed bor
ders, which may be cut off and used for
trimming. On the whole, these are really
economical, for they save buying any
extra trimming. These voiles, when used
for summer dresses, are worn with ooata
of bright oolored silks, which blend In
well and which are really most attractive
and appropriate. The general tendency of
the aummer Is to combine colors, while all
materials are printed In many charming
and elaborate designs.
Leaves from Fashion' Notebook.
Ietachable buttons mndu of whlta nlnun
ard linen, that are te.ken off wash frocks
when they are sent to the tub. are a con
Many of the new fans have Imitation
sandal wood sticks below Japanese paper.
Others are fringed at tho top with small
pi cock feathers.
Dark China silk shirtwaists to match
dark suits are worn with turn-over cuffs
and collar of po!k dot inusliu edged wliu
a band of the color.
Aquamarines set In dull metal rima are
used for studs down the front of muslin
frocks a well as shirt waists. The cuff
buttons come to match.
Elbow length, well fitting gloves of
chamois In deep tan are excellent for sum
mer, us they will wunIi. They are better
cut than were the short heavy ones of laal
Peter Pan waists are back again for all
tutdoor country wear. They ace made of
linen In difteient colors to match the fcklrt.
Which Is considered smarter than an all
white waUt.
Scalloped ruffling of colored embrotderr
on sheer muslin by the yard Is now sold
to trim thin hlrt waists or th bloiiue of
nuslui frock. It Is buttonholed bv ma
chine, but It la quite neat and effective.
A grten cloth skirt, perfectly fitting,
quite long, and without trimming, car
riaa a loose long skeleton coat of Kievn
linrn. The collar and cuffs are of cre
tonne with pink, green and yellow com
bined. 1
The latest way to wear a necklace la
with the pendant hanging between the
ahouldera. Instead of In front, and very
novel la tha style, to say the least. The
favorite graduating present thia year was
the la vulture, a pi ndant on a slender
chain and the dubutamee this winter will
all be wearing them.
Long bands of embroidered linen can be
placou as Insertion in an otherwise plain
linen or balltitj shirtwaist, while the finer
pieces of embroidery make most attractive
frills for the new severely simple bodices
of striped, and figured lawn, while If a
quit heavy piece of embroidered linen la
diacovsred it can be pressed at once Into
service as a belt for a while summer
waist and skirt
Activities and Views of Women in Various Walks of Life
from Amsterdam, whither she
went to arrange for and parti- clsed the municipal suffrage for forty years.
Domo," on the Roman and Egyptian law, flowered silks of doslgna resembling thosn
which she proved gave her right to plead, of the cretonnes. The black details are
$ retained upon these flowered coats and
A Clinching; Argnment. the little garments are charming over a
The members of the Woman's Suffrage clinging empire frock of white muslin,
Baft-rage In Europe. parliamentary franchise and made them atructore for five houre a day, where her "soclation of New Tork, are dlsplsased with a parasol and perhaps a hat trimming
DA HUBTED IIARPKR of New Wbl. to Parliament. Swedish women al- behavior, her taste, and Inclination, are h. antuy. are plating th. matching the coat
York a leader of the suffrage ready had the munlclpa suffrage and the closely watched and reported If necessary. , ln1 T. " . . . . ,,,,5,
xoric, a leauer oi mm ur . . J,,.. , Increase Insanity. The statement waa Chat Aboat Women.
movement in the UnitM States. f"m6" Takin. thn-. Weight. founded on the increase in Finland between The world, rre.trrt woman astronomer
wrltin to the New York Sun to the office for which they could vote. anr one of the KreaU8t llvlnar MHtronom-
In Great Britain, where they have exer- " w ' , -- k,Hl sclentlstv is an American girl, Mary
u-tii uatu iur wuisiiinB i'uuie. j no iunq euwo.B.ot. iciuqtiiu-.isu vuk jiot-tui who has recently started on a
c pate in the International woman suffrage Parliament made them eligible as mayors , t . i,i ..-eii " - world
v wanted tn know iunt now murh th VilAiuod lsnu until the latter year. This ntonncd wunu.
alliance convention which meets In the and town and county councillors, and seven ,n tf)e fl a but n(jt ,ndu8trlou, re.
famous Dutch city this summer, give, were elected In. a. many counties with an commonly put to "arch of the suffragists, for now they
aome In eresting fact, regarding the prog- elghth afterward appointed to till a va- reate Nw Sun announce that after the many years of
ress of the movement for political equality canoy. During the present year Denmark . n ... . . . . , , . , woman .uffr.c. i w.nmln. ih r
cf the sexes abroad. She write. In part: has conferred the municipal franchise on ... . . ... . . ...... . with nink silk lining is popular for even-
- - . eni ana nanny ana inexpensive, lavery oniy inree mnauci in me enure suiie, iuiu , - . ,,,, nn,i .,, ,.,,ui win h
Tt arnma now nit If an American woman - .v.. BnmA ...1,. tv . mg, anil pongee-nneu tatieta coats will Dm
,,, . . .. . . ... . . " . . . . . . ramuy is HKeiy to nave spring nalanoe an enree are men.
W, 1 haV9 lC,0nt , , prM'd,?nt f th Th Psrllament of It. colony Iceland. bought for Reneral gMngt "ana when tn.
inttiac, j.1.10 i uv wv.-s". wnere women nave naa uia municipal vuw
of other countries have not the necessary for a quarter of a century, has made them
Hlack taffeta coats are again to be worn
and thoiie partial to that kind of silk
will be glad to hear It. They are trimmed
with bands of ri;U and other colored silk
nil huve lace at the neck. Oray taffeta
qualifications, but because of the national ,igi0ia to the town councils, and four of
Jealousies. Dutch women, for example, th tlfte.n members of the council of Key-
would never serve under an English presl
dent; neither Norway nor Sweden would
accept one from the other; Germany and
France, of course, are hopelessly hostile.
All of tbe twenty-three countries are
friendly and trustful toward the United
States and do not suspeot Its women of
ulterior motives.
But the women of continental Europe
have special obstacles to overcome. Out
side of Great Britain and the United State.
I. somewhat difficult for the women to
kjavlk. the capital, elected a few months
baby comes along they tie It up In a aheot
or a towel or a tablecloth and hang that
on the hook of the balance and then hold
the balance up by the ring on the top,
It I. .oraewhat dlfHcu t f. r e gresslve movements? Simply this, that the een In stores, hut more elaborately fin- been prominent In Investigating factory
r.e.V . T TeomnleTl r.coanltlon of Anti-Suffrage association has opened head- Mi., and having In place of a pan a violations of the child labor law and Is a
m! Th,. t,, quarters In New York and will be addressed cradle shaped wicker work basket In which member of the Chicago board of liduca-
to lay tho baby when you welch It. Hon.
Thee Infants' scales are finished some
In black and bronze, some In white and Safesrnardlnit Working Girls.
gold, and sometimes their metallic parts Miss Mary Uoylo O'ltellly, daughter of
are all nickel plated. They have been even John Hoyle O'Keilly, as president of the Bt.
made with ngate bearings. The baskets Elizabeth Guild ot lioston, is mnklng an
Dosslble for the suffrage societies to unltd
In a national association. ernesses. Even princesses and little ladies
The president of one, bearing the slgnlfl- of the royal family mingle nowadays lu
cant name Solldarlte de. Femmes, declares schools with daughters of wealthy corn
she hates the presidents of all the other moiu-rs. Tho systematic education of a
societies. The members of these range Japanese girl begins with the kindergarten
from the ultra radicals, who push their and afte.- three ars she Is ready to en
way Into elsctlon halls and rattle the ter the elementary school.
ballot urns In angry protest, to the ultra
conservatives who remain at home and
put their faith In prayer. A Dutch lady
who was trying to describe two suffrage
meetings which she attended In Paris said.
movement for woman suffrage are begin
nlng to appear In all countries. Those
women who seek It through dignified and
orderly methods may be compared to the
liberal party In politics, the more aggres
sive to the socialists, the antt-suf fraglsu
to the conservatives and clericals, who
oppose tbe spirit ot democracy In any form.
There la not, however, In all Europe an
organised anti-suffrage association of
women. Tills distinction is left for the
United States.
Tbe socialist party everywhere Includes
woman suffrage in Its demands, but no
where does It make the slightest effort to
secure this specially. It must come in the
wake of universal male suffrage or It shall
not come at all. If It threatens In any way
to jeopardize the effort for the enfranchise
ment of all men It is Instantly thrown
This will be the first convention In all
history where women delegates were pre
vented from coming because they had to
remain at home and conduct their canvass
for election to Parliament, but this will be
the caso with some of the delegates from
Finland. In the repcrts presented to this
oongrees seven countries will show decided
political gains for women since Its last
meeting, less than two years ago.
At that time the caar had Just signed tbe
constitution for Finland which gave the
complete suffrage to women, and last year
nineteen were elected to Its Parliament.
In Norway gave Its women the full
jnuch in vogue this summer,
Miss Clara Martin of Toronto has Just
Cblcaao "Maiden Aunts." announced herself as a candidate for the
,, . . ,, . . ... ,,,. provincial legislature at ilia coining eleo-
Chlcago Is boasting of Its "five maiden fk)ll lu i.t ioronto. Hesldes being Can
aunts" and declaring that they have done ada s first woman laywer, MIms Martin Is
more toward securing better industrial the first woman member of the Hoard of
and then they watch the pointer go down conditions In that city and in the country tTLu'l .I....V.V v",' i m' " Z7 h
ago, were women, one of them heading the an(j marvel at the wonderful baby's weight, at large than any other like number of hi-lng the first Canadian woman member of
list In number of vote.. a time honored custom this. cltlsens, men or women, In the world. The Parliament.
In Germany the Reichstag has removed Within comparatively recent years, eay "five maiden aunt" are Jane Addam. of Airs. Annie Ilochfeldcr, who was one of
all restrictions which prohibited women fifteen or twenty, what with a desire for Hull House, Julia Lathrop a charity expert, jV-greXliT'iit wlll" uim're'i'ly last
from Joining or forming political assocU- greater exactness and the spread of wealth Mary McDowell of the University settle- Wt.t., Wjl put out a sign wnlch will de-
tlons, and they are now organizing suffrage and luxury there have come InTo use spec- ment, Margaret Haley, who organized tint clure that siie will receive only women
societies In all part, of the country. tally designed scale, for weighing Infants, Teachers' Federation, and Dr. Cornelia P.'1""1,?.- she 'H ala to,,L,a ,i',"t'cT, L"
What report can be offered by the dele- scales with a beam and weights made to De Bey, a practicing physician, who se- Ul,(i i uia0 a lawyer, and she took up the
gatea from the United States, to whom tho weigh up to fifty pounds by half ounces, cured the settlement of the great stockyard study hecuuse she wauled to be, more in
whole world looks for leadership In pro- They are much like the counter scales strike by arbitration. Dr. De Hey hns also jiiipewiy wnn m ui.
Airs. Aiary r. winiain, nirecior or cook
Ing In tiie New York srhuol.s, bus bo.imO
children and 1J7 teiu liei s umli r her care.
Sno was very Indignant recently because
a member of the i.i.anl of LUIucatlon crit
icised 11. e cooking hi hool I'-Htsons. It is
Jnpt like mi n. she says, to complain when
w iini ti invaiic their peculiar province, but
I ln-y do not l.tsllate to mix In women's
elal afluirs whenever the spirit moves
Mrs. Lucy Cary flamlcrson, relative of
Alice and I'hoelie Cary, and herself an
author of some nute, celebrated her lOotli
birthday anniversary ncenlly, and the
town of lielhitl, her home, did honor
e oeeasl iii. .Mrs. Sanderson Is not only
in pusb.'saimi of all her fueullies, but still
luKcs pleasure in performing household
duties and lu reading anil willing. She re
cently wrote a 1 lit ee-fotirtlis of a column
autuui.'Hi uphy tor the Carrolton Kepub-liean-Ilecord.
Mrs. (ieriiu.le Holland Wren hns just re
ceived tho 1'ereiia niudul from the Phar
maceutical society of luiijilHiid. This
nieiial is looked upon as the blue ribbon
of pharmacy und has never before been
Won by a woman. Mihh Wren also won the
silver medal for practical chemistry and
wus bracketed first for the silver medal
in chemistry and phynics. Sim is reported
to be an lndefulikalilo worker and to be
devoted to her profehslun. Tlu;re are now
many more women phurmai lots In England
than lu Ann ilea, and tne number la aayl
t j be Kteailtly im leaning.
Mrs. En.ily K. Woodhy, who Is said to
be ihe only woman ever regularly com
missioned us off.cer In the United Stale,
army, died the other duv in Philadelphia
at the arfe of 7:i. She was the lasl of tho young women from Philadelphia
vle enlisted uh nuises In the civil war.
She wu.i u widow of 'ii when she offered
her seivlie. a.M a nurse in 1161 and fur her
biuvery und ynod woi k resident Lincoln
ceiiferred on her a cummltiioii as captain
In the army, the was later decoiated with
,,nnlllv of rla-hts. This la Just as true uari'
of the men. and It 1. .imply because the by leading member, of congress ail the
first two countries have had a longe-r ex- cabinet of President Roosevelt. We .It In
pcrlence in representative and conatltu- aackclolh with ashe. on our head,
tional gwvernment.
There Is a great difference also In the EdoeutUm In Japan.
, ... . ... ...i,iAn Tn Tr la a rnrLaia fuet that conservative a.
thiVtbos. of Great Britain may be .aid to the well-to-do Japanese people are In many V of any color, or they are effort to ameliorate the condition, of the
this those 01 ureal urua n may ue sa u v f .,, to ,ell4 romotlmes enamelled, and perhaps double working girls In that city. As the result of
v . , V rt..i,tr t,, a,"honla to h educated enamelled In white, and they may be lined personal Investigations Miss O'Reilly estl-
la a high degree; In France It appears lm- their daughters to s noois to ue eaucaiea ... . . , . wnole
I fillip n f nnv nl,t o n ,1 rnAAA 1 1 aulf I,a malm Vint tlm,. u .1 n t . , 1 1 1 um.. , 1 1 v f I v.. . l
nlte rather than leave tliem to tho care ot gov- " ' " ' " " " ' in i"
Eight years of real study, four In the
elementary eomse and another four In tho
grammary grade, lay an education founda
tion, and the ethics tught, entirely In
dependent of religion, are osed on the de-
owner's desire or fancy. In the simplest thousand lodgfrs In the city, the majority
form these scales cost 112, and the greater of them winking girls, young and IneV-
number sold are those that bring that price perlenred and with no protection
or Jlii. Tiie price runs up to J35. the complicities of city life. As a cure
i for the many tvlls of the public lodging
Work for College Girls. bouses O'Reilly believes that all such
One of the graduates of Wellesley has houses should be controlled by a municipal
been making a careful study of tne op- agency and all should be under tho suptr-
portunltles for work offered glrU with a vision of a corps of competent woman
"one of tame feminists and one of wild cree of the present emperor, which places
feminists," which states the situation pretty patriotism and filial piety above every other
accurately. duty. While a Japanese girl of 8 or 10
college education, and concludes that the
department stores offers some of the best.
Bho Interviewed twenty-three buyers,
women who had for the moat part worked
their way up from cash girls, and none
of them with a college education; in
fRct, few with even a grammar school
These two distinctive elements In the would firmly avow at any moment her love eQgoatlon. Evidently they were women
for her country and for her parents, the
Idea of a future life or of the Maker of
the Universe would seldom enter her mind
to trouble her even with the slightest ques
tionings. TTie girl graduates at 14, and from
that time It may be said her childhood
days are over. Now she enters the high
school under the direct care of her in-
It must be roine to rain
You won't bo a weath
er prophet if you use
For tired
ctirtfl test
try Walk
Easy Foot
mm ru. -4
fit ah
m , I-.,.
of unusual ability, but with a cnllego edu
cation even a woman of less ability might
hope to make a success of :uch work.
The maximum paid Is 100,000 and the
minimum J5.000. ' Few other occupation
would pay anything like as well.
Honors Won by Foreign Girls.
It is safe to say that with young women
from all the nations on earth cuiiijelliig
for, and carrying off, college honors, they
will be acknowledged to be livul that
have to be reckoned with. The A'nes li.
Roliinson Mesner piizo In anatomy, given
in competitive examination to u
of the secon 1 year at the i'hl a lclpnia
Woman's Medical college, has just uei ii
awurilcd to Olivia Sa.umanca in' Cavlte,
Philippine Islands. Another member ot
the same class is MLs Ethel Dan, front
Keren pule, a small town In the foothills
of the Himalayas, near Dahora. Hutu
these young women will practice nieii
cine In their native countries.
Woman Unicr In Kgypt.
Even K ;pt has bad to come to 11, and
now is at .ea-t one woman bar
rister in the land of the Pharaohs, Mrs.
Nathalie Michel. She has assed all the
examinations with honors and for months
paxt made application to the Egyptian
tribunals for leave to plead, uid at last
Die mixed court of appeals has granted
-iier permission. She Is an Armenian by
birth, daughter of a well-known barrUter
of Tlflis. nhs based her, "Pre
Smart Empire Holero Coat.
Another type of empire bolero Is Illus
trated In ono of the cuts, and, tjinuh
hardly so chic us the one Just described. In
very effective and by no means difficult of
construction. This plain llttlo bolero,
widely open In front, cut off straight Just
beneath the bunt line and finished with two
Khort square taila In the back, la to be
made up In silk or gay color empire green,
French rose, Copenhagen blue, cerise, chau
dron, etc.- toned down by black liberty
revers, buttons, sleeve finish and ccattud
lining, and Is for wear over short wiint
of War Stan-
e was pres-
iiiung. ana is ror wear over snort wnm a Kul ) a r)y s.e .etaiy of
lingerie frocks or any sheer summer frocks ton. For a number of years sh
whose coloring will permit the association. ',vl ' Cu- National Association of Army
, , , ... ,. , , , , , Iinscs of the Civil War, which she or-
( ..ats much like this mudel In shape are panned, und was the only woman member
niude,- too, In the popular cretonne and In of the Giand Army of the Republic.
ivrr 1sY M M H A
i Is to love children, and no
home can be happy without
them, yet the ordeal through
which the expectant mother
niust pass usually is so full of
suffering and dread that she
looks forward to the hour with apprehension. Mother's Friend,
by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness,
unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that
6he pusses through the event vith but Kttle suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "It isTT TTJvAHIJF
worth its weight in gold." t J,Ll M
tl 0 par boot
talmg fsissss
nu BRUnLj
..,d,.rrt.u. BaoaT mm- m i Mrrx V 1 1
nloraUMtrn. 11 1 1 J r L I I 1 I 1 1
B-ECQ1ATCK CO. II J "3 I li lAi
Aiaasss fa- U ilVeV ULjlX t V