Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 11

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Young Multi-Millionaire's Recent
Divorce Suit the Cause.
I lit to Eiarnoni She Hires !erretarr
to Bend Afknowldihriil Mrt.
Bradley-Martin Drromd
LONDON, June r7.-(PpeclaI.)-Alfrd
Vandtrhlila divorce came upon us here a
it surprlte. Moat periple were under the
pnpresnlon that the French woman who no
constantly otcuple? tre tox aeat of his
loach was hi wife. When It was discov
( red who she really m there waa a gen.
eial ftampede. The French woman knowa
how to dreaa. The laat time I saw her ahe
waa wearing a drab linen gown with Inlets
cf Irian crochet of the aime coh.r. Her
wrap waa a dlrectolre coat of drab cloth
faultlessly cut and adorned with dull goM
buttons. She wore a golden brown hat
with llg fawn and brown wlnga and a bis
cuit colored veil, fine never cease to talk
even when VanderMlt Is leading hla tranc
ing grcya through the densest traffic.
He atlll weara a picture of Ma former
wife In a locket on hla watch charm, the r
vcrmi aide of which Is filled by a likeness
of hla child. Btmilar photographs aro all
over hla flat.
Miss Iaelln, daughter of C. Oliver lselln
of New York, earned almost ea n u. h
cltement at the tlerby na the win of the
outsider. She la certainly auinnlng an I
ttruck the king "all of a heap." Hla maj
ety atlll considers himself the b li Judge
of women and horses In England. It waa
Mra. Anthony I'rexel who preoented Miss
Ipelin to Edward. Tne faor f a presenta
tion to hla majesty In thla unconventional
manner la nearly unique. 1 lelleve Miss
Ji'lln Is the first American girl to iereive
It. She never turned a loir as she boned
tj the sovereign. The conversation turnel
o:i horses and yachts and tho New York
belle's Information on both subjects'd the king. His ra ting r-maik to
Itt was, "I hope we shall meet svn
nam," and her reply was, "I am sure I
fcl all do ny best to make It soon," at
which Ms majesty laughed heartily.
Vast umlirr of Presents.
So enormously large Is the number of
wedding presents already received by
Jean Reid that she looka positively bar
raased over her attempts to cope with the
correspondence entailed In acknowl dglng
them. Her parents, fearing ths wou'd b
quite worn out by the time her
day arrived engaged a secretary for her
la t nek hnd now things are going
smocther. Jean Is made to spend most
we li-ends out ef London, for, although
ti e R' Ids Indignantly deny that lh"lr
I'auihter is not strong, her friends are
thtroughly aware che Is fur from robust
r.nd that I.ondcn In the season literally
"doer." for her.
The brlde-elert and the queen of Spain
uf d to be great chums before her majesty's
marriage and they have kept up the friend
ship. Some of MIps Field's most recent gifts
are those sent by Victoria Eugenie. One Is
an antique gold tea trny most beaut fully
Jeweled. Another is mln'ature of the little
prince of the Austurlan ret In r.d.
S'.ir.e time ago Jean Held asked the queen
for a picture of the baby prince and this
ia the anr.wer.
Alfonso baa forwarded to John Ward a
ralr of gold Fputfi of historic interest. At a
"ate r.ot 't fixed, the prospective bride
and brl.legiorm will visit their Spanish
TK3j riles at Madrid.
Thirteen" Too Morh for Her.
Vie number "thirteen" has at last provej
too murh for Mra. John Jacob Astor. Al
thnufrh she Is by no means superstitious
the remarkable series of disasters that
followed here from the time she moved into
13. Ttrock street, has unnerved her and she
has moved to Mrs. Adair's house In Cur
in street.
The American matron had to pay hand
somely for the h.-mso she has deserted. The
agents who let It would not let her off one
farthing, and she lo hid t.i be responsible
for no end of breakages committed by tho
servants. "Never In my life was I so
th.inltful to get out of a srot, and to the day
of my death," she was telling her friends.
"I will never again be Induced to have
anything to do with anything which is
marked with this number. I boileve lnpltc
Itly, If I were to have stayed in the house
another week some dire calamity would
hove overtaken me and I may never have
got out of it alive."
Mr. Martin Dislikes Society.
It Is only as a bird of passage that Mrs.
Bradley Martin has been in London in the
last flvo months. She la due at Chester
field gardens next week from abroad, but
ahe has been telling her friends that sho
means to do no big entertaining this Feuson.
They say she has tuken a strong dislike to
society In general, which she declares la
ungrateful, unappreelattve and superficial.
To her own Immediate circle she will give
a few psrtleb and aft. r that she will retire
to Bafmaacan for the autumn and winter.
"I have given up u'l ambition to shin-
as a hostess in l.iricn." she has been ex
plaining. "The mcfi lon'lsh person In tho
world Is the one who sivndu money lavishly
cn society. You may beggar yourself for
English people and when they meet you on
the continent or elsewhere. If the spirit
moves them, they will actually forget to
bow to you." There is a certain sat In Lon
don who accept hospitality right and left,
but never dream of returning It. These pen
Pie consider that In giving the halo of
their presence they are doing all that can be
expected of them. Against this particular
clique Mrs. Bradley Martin Intends to wage
war. Many admire her determination,
though few of them have the courage to
take up her attitude.
altars for Mrs. Smith.
No woman la arousing more Interest here
at the moment than Mrs. James Henry
Smith. She has discarded her widow's
weeds and Is looking festive and comely.
If her own words are to be believed she
never Intends to remsrry. Nevertheless
people who know her best say when the
right msn comes she will accept him so
quickly that It will take his breath away.
8ultors by the doien are hanging around
her. Lord Herbert Van Tempest, a brother
of Lord Londonderry and a great friend of
the Drexels, Is one of the foremost In the
running. It used to be ssld that he wss
In love with Msrgaretta Drexel, Mrs.
Smith's niece, but that young woman's
father told him in polite language "not to
make a fool of himself," whereupon he
transferred his affections to her aunt.
Mrs. Smith's young daughter. Miss
Stewart, Is a veritable little mouse of a
girl, very pretty and retiring. She Is to
have a Jolly time for the rest of the sea
son with her beloved cousin, Msrgsretta
Drexel, to whom she is greatly devoted.
Mrs. Smith has lately expressed It that
she has no wish that Anita should msrry
Into the British aristocracy and that she
does not care a straw whom the girl se
lects provided she is genuinely In love.
' Tarla arbiters of fsshlon have discovered
that there Is such a thing as a dlrectolre
face. In other words, the face must be In
keeping with this latest of revivals of
dress. All the smart women on the other
side of the channel are now. therefore, cul
tivating the special cast of countenance
supposed to be correct for the slit skirt.
To add to my lady's difficulties she must
also cultivate a new walk. The worst of
the whole matter Is that she must have
one gait for her tailor-made from 10 to 1
In the morning and a totally different
strut for her dlrectolre gown from 1 to 6:30.
Young Violinist Has Most Remarkable
Life Story.
Each New Chapter of Hla Career
Opens with srrtn Escape
Wonders What Is
John Burns Complains of Modern
Tendency to Exploit
LONDON". June 27. (Speclal.)-John
Burns, who has a knack not shared by
most other members of the British cabinet
of really saying something every time he
speaks In public, made an address at Eal
ing this week that contained several ob
servations worthy of notice, and about as
pointed for the I'nlted States as for Eng
land. He was talking about the tendency
In sport toward the gathering of great
crowds to see other people play. "The ef
fect is," he said, "that the tendency was In
all, modern movements for great crowds
to be brought together to other people
play; to witness gladiatorial spectacles.
The effect of this upon our people was
that we now cried In companies, smiled In
battalions, sported In divisions, holidayed
In armies, and married In mobs. The
spirit of the horde was being developed,
and whether It be in exhibitions meetings,
sports, games or legislation, the Individual
waa becoming less and less, and the mass.
tha mob, was becoming more and more.
This was a dangerous tendency, and one
that we had got to do our best to resist,
divert and checl and I hope some day to
finally demolish. The best antldota for
that mania was a good home, and the
best counter-attraction to It a good gar
den. The final diversion of over-sthletic-lsed
games was the good old-fashioned
English games, such as tennis, bowls,
cricket and quoits. The great city, the
large factory, the newspapers with the
largest circulation and the worst news
all these megalomaniac tendencies were
affecting the English people. These ten
dencies should be hastened by rational re
creation. We wanted to take the people
back to the Individual happiness and the
Joyous pleasures of the old English games,
when It was less to win a prize, when
there was no betting or gambling, but
more to play the game for the game's
"I do not like to see 120.000 men, with
out a woman amongst them watching
twenty-two players developing the wrong
end of their anatomy. Such was the scene
at the Crystal palace, and the occasion
was a great football match. And these
were able-bodied men, who should have
bx-c-!. " h fighting line at that moment
when Erlton and Boer were locked in
deadly conflict. We have got to arrest
that, because those great games am acted
men alone, and where the woman and the
child were not, there the beast was. I
ivant to see the husband and wife on op
posite sides of the tennis court and the boy
taking it out of hla father at quoits, while
the old grandfather sat in tha pavilion and
looked on, thinking and reflecting with
truth that the working classes of to-day
had a better time than he himself had In
the hungry forties or fifties or sixties.
Tennis a'd"d sweethearting, and led to
J. T S
LONDON, June 27. (Special.) When
some nice American college girl comes
over to England for a post-graduate
course as the guest of the Society of Am
erican Women in London, on funds raised
by the recent benefit concert under the
American Ambassador's auspices. she
ought to send a wreath to Mlscha Elman,
whose fres servlcea chiefly contributed to
make the concert a success.
Probably, however, the young man
doesn't much care about wreaths. Al
though at the age of seventeen he Is per
haps the greatest living violinist, he
looks as little like the traditional musician
he of long hair and poetic pallor as he
does like an Infant prodigy. He has a Jol
ly, big, round face; comfortable hands
quite free from any reproach of being taper-fingered;
short, wavy, thick brown
hair of the stand-c.p-on-end kind; broad
shoulders, deep chest, and a pair of legs
evidently made to stand on and not mere
ly for the support of trousers.
He abominated knickerbockers and Eton
collars, and went into long trousers at ths
first possible moment, refusing utterly to
be an infant phenomenon, and wishing to
be looked on ar a grown-up man who had
no use for pretty ways and delicate
health, but wanted three big meals a day
and lots of hearty out-door fun, Just as if
he were not a genius.
Karly Signs of Genlna.
As Elman makes his first trip to Ameri
ca this autumn, and as he Is so different
from the ordinary run of "wunderklnder,"
It seemed likely that It would be of In
terest to American readers to get some
stories of the boy's earliest manifestations
of genius, and to this end Daniel Mayer,
who Is to musicians In England pretty
much what Charles Frohman Is to actors
In America, was persuaded to produce
Elman's father, for purposes of catechism.
The senior Elman is not yet fully inured
to drawing-rooms, and has only lately be
gun to realize that London's conventions
of dress are worth bothering with, but no
one can talk with him long without realiz
ing that he Is a good, sound father, who
doesn't propose to be a hanger-on, and
who would be qtile capable of administer
ing a spanking If he thought duty demand
ed It.
Although ao much has been written
about Mlscha Elman, It has been mostly
In the way of comment and praise, and al
most nothing has been known of the boy's
beginnings as a musician. The story as
extricated from the senior Elman with
some help from an Interpreter, proves un
commonly Interesting.
When Mlscha waa born the father was a
Jewish village schoolmaster In the little
Russian town of Talnoje down near Odes
sa. He had some fame In the village as a
violinist, and Mme. Elman was the
daughter of a violinist.
"We us'd to notice," said M. Elman, ''that
when Mlscha was 18 months old I could al
ways stop him from crying by playing to
blm on my fiddle. He used to sit up mo
tlonless and seemed to be fascinated by the
music. When he was 4 he wanted to have
my violin. Of course I was afraid he would
break It, but he got his mother to let him
have It one dav whtn I was away, and wha
did he do but begin to move his fingers up
and down the strings, grlnn'ng whenever
he got the right notes of the scale. I
caught him at it one day and decided to get
him a quarter lolln. I thought he would
be happy, hut he only looked at It and said
It was not a fiddle at all, and as soon as
my back was turned he tore off the strings
and smashed the wood Into little bits. We
were very poor and I was angry. He said
he wanted a real fiddle and would not have
anything else.
Gets a Mew Instrument.
"He seemed to have such an extraordi
nary ear for nuisic that I at laat decided to
save money and buy him another instru
ment, bigger than the one he hud de
stroyed. The second day he rad It he ruslvd
out Into the street to meet me as I was
coming home and said, 'I can plav your
"Walts Clicquot." ' That was the name of
a little waltx I used to play. Of course I
would not believe It, but he seized me by
the hand and dragged me into the house
and sure enough he played the waltz al
most without a mistake and in surprising
rhythm. I could not bellee my tars, for
It seemed Incredible that a boy of 1, with
out instruction, chould be able to play a
waltz on the violin after having had It
only two days. We had a village orchestra
of six and I took him around to play with
them. Instead of being frightened he not
only played this waltz much better than
before, but also another little waltz that
he had heard me play. The trouble was
that thereafter he always wanted to play
with the orchestra. Of course after that I
began to teach him as well as I could.
Princes Aids Him.
"When he was four and a half Princess
I'rusoff, who was the great lady of the
neighborhood and owned moat of the land
about us, heard about Mlscha. and one day
a swell violinist csrne to oar house and fa d
he had been sent by tha princess to
lessons to Mischa. When he found that his
pupil was to be a 4-year-old taby who
could scarcely speak he was very sngiy
and went away as fast as ever he could.
But a few days later the princess asked
Mlscha to come and play for her and I
took our little orchestra along. But the
result was much grief to me. for she at
last arranged for an empty compartment
and hurried back to get the boy. But the
little fellow was so sourxl asleep that he
could not be awakened and It scorned best
to leave him where he was. Almost Imme
diately afterward there was a collision and
tho compartment that was to hae been
taken was smashed to bits.
The next step was when Mlscha left St.
Petersburg to make his debut In Berlin.
The night before the concert, the gas In
his hotel bedroom was only partially turned
off. arxl the boy was si nearly suffocated
that the doctors had to work on him till
11:30 the next morning to bring him round.
He was due to play before the critics at
noon, and Insisted on going, although he
was sesreely able to stand. He arrived
only twenty minutes late, played four
pieces and then fatr.ted, but woke next day
to find himself famous.
The next event was his London debut,
and on the way hither, he cut a great
gash in hla hand with glass. He Insisted
on playing, however, although his hand
was much stitched and patched, and al
though causing him much pain. Now his
father wonders what will happen to him
on the way to America.
Aside from his strange gift of being able
to interpret the great masters of music
by a kind of Instinct, Elman is a normal,
hearty, healthy boy. of good habits, fond
of bicycling and with a keen taste for
chess. Although he has never studied the
piano, he Is a more than ordinarily good
pianist, playir apparently by Instinct. He
has written a good deal of music, too, and
Wants to be known as a composer some
X. No I.oiiater Dines Alone
After the Old Vatican
ROME, June lS.-An anonymous writer
has recently published a book entitled
Pu X and ti e Pontifical Court" and dea'.
Ing mainly with tha private life of the Pope.
Plus X Is an early riser. He is generally
nn with the sun and when hia servant goes
into his bedroom at S a. m. he la already j
awake and reading his breviary. Alter
saying mass and taking breakfast he goes
into the garden for an hour's walk and Is
afterward ready for the morning audiences.
lie receives everybody who asks for an
audience. Generally he has luncheon and
dinner with one of his secretaries. This la
an Innovation, as according to an ancient
custom of the papal court the Pope should
sit at meals In solitary grandeur.
Leo XIII used occasionally to invite hla
secretary, Mgr. Angeli. to dinner, but he
never broke the custom of sitting at tablo
by himself. In fact the secretary stood
while the Pope had his dinner and when
this was over he sat down at a separate
table and had his.
Plus X abolished the custom soon after
his election and Insisted that his guests
should sit at the same table and eat while
he did. Tho master of ceremonies remon
strated mildly and hinted that Urban VIII
had established the custom which had been j
ftllowed ever since, but Plus X curtly in
formed him that he intended to abolish it,
and from that day hia secretary has regu
larly sat at meals with him.
The Pone la very frugal. His favorite
d'ahes ore simple ones, such as ras e and
bean.", po'enta, boiled meat and broth. H?
eats In haste and it is said that his guests
are ins'ructed to distract blm with conver
sation and thus try to correct this habit.
One day the Pope was not well and or
dered a bottle of old Tokay which had been
s?nt aa a present by the emperor of Austria
to Leo XII to be opened. He drank a
glassful and f "It better. Later at lunch the
Pope wanted his secretary to taste the wine
and he told one of the servants to serve It.
A fresh bottle was brought and the Pope
asked the man why he did not use the other
battle already opened. The servant stam
mered .blushed and fa'.d that It was not the
custom to serve opened bottles at hla holi
ness' table.
"Very well," replied the Pope, "give me
that bottle and I shall serve it myself."
So saying he helped himself and his sec
retary and then took the bottle and locked
it and usd what was left on the following
two days.
riiia X does not want to be waited on at
table. The ervant8 place ti e dishes on the
table and he serves himself and helps his
guests. After meals he used to smoVe a
c'gar or a pipe, tut the doctors have for
bidden this, ao now Instead of smoking he
takes a short nap.
Another innovat'on introduced by the
present Pope Is that he prefers to walk
Instead of elrlvlng Into the gardens and he
hates to b? attended by members of his
court or Noble Guards.
high noon) or to support one of the cor-
once wanted to adopt my little boy and ners of a portable platform carrying
f ...... ... II m. M t, ,1 a t lim- 1
--- -" " ..... - -
terld Pay by Fashionable
BRI'SSEL8. June rf. Special.) One
of the "attractions" of the fashionable
season at Europe's "queen of watering
places," Ostend, Is the annual ceremony
of blebsing the sea. Taking place early
in July, It forms a fitting overture to I
the grand performance pra Ided by the j
European aristocracy that frequent thi t
famous Belgian resort during the succeed
ing summer months.
The ceremony Is one of the many pop- j
ulnr manifestations of the church of ,
Rome, arranged to suit local conditions. ,
After high mass at the principal local
church dignified by the name of came-
dral a procession Is formed outside. This ;
procession Is composed of the most con-
glomerate elements; besides 'he usual i
choristers and priest there die nuauredt :
of flnherfolk and their children, lne oi-;
ganlzers apfear to gather up every fam
ily In the poorer quarters of town. Then, ;
by way of making them realize their great
good fortune, the youngsters are tither !
dressed as some saint or else they are al-
lowed to carry a banner or a candle (at
will give you large financial returns if you make a con
tract to sell insurance for the lest company
The Equitable Life Assurance
Society oi the United States
We will teach you, and ASSURE you an INCOME
while learning.
Selling insurance for
will bring you larger returns than any learned profession
woud yield after years of study.
pay for his musical education and l rlrg
him up us a gentleman. Her only condi
tion was that he shou'd leave the faith of
his fathers and become a Christian. To
hlghly-palnted and g!ldd statue of the j
Virgin or one of the numerous saint of j
the sea. A party of fikhermen in every-
day clothes is perhaps the most original '
H. D. IV E ELY, Mar.
Omaha, Neb.
this I felt I could not consent. Fortuna elv ' T-nt ot the whole cortege, except that
though, the rrlnress was not altogeth r , there are too few r f the in. After passing
angry and assisted us somewhut In tsklng
the boy to Odessa when he was five and
a half. He was taken to M'ynarskl, who
was at the head of the conservatoire th-re.
Mlscha was so excited that the first thin
he did wa to fall flat over the rlano
rtool. He also Informed Mlyr.arski that
he was 7 months old and that l e hed played
ths violin for five and a half years. He
did not know at all what he was doing or
8oon afterward Prof. Auer became In
terested in the boy, and as no Jews were
permitted to come to live in St. Peters
burg except such as were born there, the
professor had to get special permission
I from the czar in order that his protege
I mislil , V,A i ... I . . . ,. .
the finishing of his musical education a
point that was reached at the mature age
I of 14. After that, the boy set forth into
the world; and tha rest Is history.
Una Charmed Life.
The Elmsr.s have a superstition that
Mlscha is bound to have some narrow es
cape on his wsy to America, for every big
new chapter In his career has been thus
opened. On his wsy to St. Petersburg from
Odessa, the third class compartnment was
desperately crowded, and Elman pere set
1 forth at tha first stopping place to see if
i ha could not find another carriage. Us at
Artistically Beautiful F
17? Pl 'w
Tunefully Sweet
A. rid
is a very good description of the
"Art Styk'Tiaitos
now on sale in our warerooms. These
pianos were specially made for the critic
cism of the National Piano Dealers Ass'n.
Just the thing for the economical
We have had returned to us a number of tlifjlr flradc
pianos from different schools, colleges, conservatories and music teacher
on account of the closing of the school year. We need the room they
occupy and are Qoing to close tlrem out ot so
low a price that the most saving will be tempted to purchase
when they see the wonderful hiQll quality and mar'
velously low prices we arc offering.
Below you will find a few of the many great bargains
we are offering. Remember every one of these pianos has been then
ougly overhauled and is now in first" class condition.
One Emerson Upright $85.00
One Erbc Upright $100.00
One Sohmer Upright $125.00
One Schai'f Bros. Upright . . . .$145.00
One Royal Upright $135.00
One Lester Upright $150.00
One Franklin Upright $155.00
One Wins Upright $175.00
One Stegor Upright $185.00
One Krnkauer Upright $195.00
One Iver & Pond Upright. . . .$215.00
One Er-toy, used Upright $225.00
One Jlnrdinan (irand $250.00
One Chiokoring Boston Grand $260.00
Write for catalogue, prices and terms
Omaha's Reliable Rlano Mouse.
Avoid tax and assessment troubles,
by investing your funds, in the 7
per cent preferred stock of The Up
dike Grain Co, It will pay you
seven per cent net. We pay the tax.
For full information, write, or call
Hie Updike Grain Company
Bee Building, Omaha, Nob.
through the town t ! le whole parage. Willi
the Mshcip and other li-i1lrg clergy at
Its head, I'looeeds beicl'.wsrds.
If one has the luck to keep abreast of j
the head of the procession and to emerge
at the uea front with it, the sight will not j
readily be forgotten. On the cejca sie ,
thousands of people In fashlonalile oilcts ,
and In rough f'.istlan, the count mingling i
with the sailor, the marchioness Mth the
fishwife. In the offing ore bees hundreds .
cf sailing craft and ctcam yachts, lth
a big mail boat, outward Lound, In thu I
far background. On a bright day and I
with the whole place bef'.agsed and deco-
rated the sight is a striking one.
When the clergy reach the platform j
hearing a communion table and tne pro-
cession fornvi up In an irregular stiua.'v ;
around it, there Is little service, fhe cen- i
tral point of which Is the bit-ii-ln uf the j
four cardinal points of the compass by the'
bishop. Then this dignitary turns seawuds
and spreu'lir.g out his hands, chart's a I
prayer of thanksgiving, then one of sup
plication on behalf of all those that go
down to the sa In ships. As he ceuiKS.
the cannon on the opposite side of the
harbor the fog gur.s that axe used as
harbor guides In bad weather thunlcr
forth a confirming reply to the benedkVion.
Tha bands and cholrtstars then lead off a
hymn ot lhaniisftvlcf aod tha proceeding i
termlnitt. I
This hleftcng of the sea datos from prob- j
B'-ly the tevf riteenth, century; at i.r.y rate.
local records show that i arpcnt. rj' nd
Jointers' accounts wt re rendered at Ilia'
time for the erection of siaginsa and plat
form and barriers on the s.;a-frtint ear'y In
July, and there !nJ:cailina uie sjop.: nl
by certain other evideiue. Thla ceremo.v.
comes at the time of the local fair, iuid
while most of the other fe.i'ures of the
fair las the fis!-.erfolk uned to know it tr
fore Oeter.d rosor to the rank of a in:.'i
lonable resort) have dlsapoeai ed, this r.
l as remained. Efforts are being ma h- in
have the ceremony per,' n:vr.-d i.fl at and tj
render it. in its essential Viuil4. of a mote
distinctly maritime crarater; for it ! felt
that, at present, the i.ieuiiiy dne i.ot
fully warrant Its spei-tf'r ti. li. Ti.e gei. :
teellng la tint all the really marine lea
tuns, such as the parties of t.eher boys
carrying model boats and r.e'.s ani Imaset
of the sain's of the s.-a should be pre
served, while the foreign or purely social
element might be eliminated. In short It
is desired to make the blesaing of tho sea
man's festival, rather than a society function.
P. .v,t v: -v--'5w
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