The Omaha Daily Bee rniTnom crrnnti I A c foe tt THE OMAHA DEE Best West s-UIIUillHs. aJLUIIUII. , Pages 9 to 1& OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, .JUNE : 27, 1908. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Vol. xxx vi li no. 8. Ml to OX OMAHA SOCIETY I Timely Sales in Gloves & Handkerchiefs Summtr Underwear and Hosieiy A number of attractive items In woman's wtar, priced with a Tlew to create Kr. and Mr. John R. Webster Glre Lare Luncheon Party.. Hlf dntn tMommnnly fin offerings. In most desirable styles. pectus ror Batnrasy s snor-ping Reasonable at much less than regular pne active Batnraa selling Elbow length silk and' 111 gloves, tn broken sizes; these are the best 11.25 nualltv. If your aire la here, buy them Saturday at ........ 49o Klbow lnsth silk and Hale cloves, com plete Una of sites, usual II SO quality, at , o H-button length extrn heavy quality sllk gloves, guaranteed double tipped ftnaTS, one of the beat lines manufac tured, every pair worth 12.00, Satur Women's Swiss handkerchief a. In new Vomcn low neck sleeveless vests, with Women's Importi-d tan lace hose, spccla croaa bar designs, regular IVe quality. Saturday, each o Women'a pure linen hematltched hand kerchief a, made to retail at 15c and good values at that price; It will pay you to lay In a summer apply while while the prices are lOe Men's fancy linen mixed Handkerchiefs A full tape arm anil neck, regular lOo quality, Saturday's special at So Women's low neck sleeveless vests, with full tape neck and arms, remilnr Sr quality, Saturday's special at lOo Women's umbrella pants, lace trimmed. In llRht summer weights, the usual 3Se kind. Saturday at. ench B5o Women's light weight ribbed union suits, wide knee, lace trimmed. f0c quality, for 35o purchase of fifty doien, to he on sale raturusy; ll a rrnuinr i"c line, pii lna at 380 ! ! - ( A,1, ll.U h.-m Villi ' HECEfTION AT HAPPY HOLLOW tlnb Hons I me a for First Time for Private Herrptlnn ftfrl His; l.nncheons Planned for Hrrk'i End. TIT) IS iS ! luce boots, regularly sell at aSc. on tint tables SnturdHV at 8SO Women's fast black, full seamless cotton i 1 Any 15c ladles' Roma Jonr nal Fettern with ths Bum mar Quarterly Style Book, at hose, wlti iltii ribbed top, medium weights, k( e for summer wear, regnliirly V iturday special 180 ) Items. ff suitable day, pair $1.39 usual z.ic quality, for Iva 1 7c. 8a Donbl Orstn Trading Stamps on All Thes Itsms. Doable Green Trading Stamps on All Thes Jly Free mm bt il i m . na. 20c U Mr i;nd Mrs. John L. Webster entertained a 1mr dinner party Friday ' evening st Happy Hollow In honor of-Mr. and Mrs. i Robert Lansing who will leave soon tor Minneapolis, where Mr. Lansing has ac cep'el Hie English chair at the University ii.' Ylnt'cs jla. , -, Abiut seventy-five memliers of the Bible class of the First Baptist church -sere prtesent and the guesta were seated at stimII tahlrs. Red roses, sliasta daiMes and j asparagus ferns made the table attnc.ive f and ferns and palms were used tnrougn the club rooms. Coyer were laid for Mr and Mrs. Robert Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Burkett, Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Benedict, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Conley, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Cloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field. Mr. J .W. Clark, Mrs. Carson, i Miss Dye. Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Frank Field. I Jl Mrs. Kazlett, Mrs. Gates. Mr. ana Mrs. snhs. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sunderlimd, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Lansing. Mlsa Lansing. Mr. Wllhrow, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayward. Mr. rntchard, Mrs. Boulter, Miss Boulter, MiV : Young. Mrs. Henry Rhoadea, Miss Meredith Smith. Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Talbot. Dr. and Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. VanNostrand, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Wood ard, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Howard, Mrs. W. B. Howard, Mrs. Hunter, Miss Haskell. Mrs. Householder, Mrs. Kles, Mrs. Laugh lln, Mrs. Lamoreaux, Mrs. Morrell, Miss. Morrell, Mrs. Nelson, Miss Orr, Mrs. Phelphs. Mr. and Mrs. Friday. Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhoades. Reerstloa at Happy Hollow. " One of the unusual affairs of Friday was the afternoon reception at Happy HoJIow given by Mrs. T. U.. Combs. Mrs. George B. Mlckt and Mrs. Alexander H. Work man, between the hours of t and 6 o'clock, this being the first prorate reception given at the clubs In this city, although a number of seml-publlo receptions have been given for well known visitors and for' clubs and societies. ' - The hostesses received In the large recep tion hall at the foot of the broad stairs', where (a. beautiful decoration of hydrang-eas, '.palms and ferns were' used. In the club dining room' a color scheme of fJlnk and rreen was used, cut pink roses and asparagus fern forming a pretty cen terpiece for th table. Serving at the coffte urn at different times during the afternoon were: Mrs.. Frank Neb of Atlantic, la.; Mrs. E..C. Henry.-Mrs. David Cole,-Mrs. V. A. Foote. Mrs. George W. Platner and Mrs. E. A. Benson. Assisting through the rooms were: Mrs. John Ross. Jr., IMrs. Paul H. Patjon. Mrs. Charles A. Goss.'lMrs. Irving A. Medlar, Mrs. Charles H. , Trlmb'e and Mrs. Joe Havens. Punch was eerved on th balcony upstairs, where tluie- was also music behind a screen of palms." The.' s)rttng yming women al the punch bowlwre Mlsa- Hen-, rlette Benedict, Miss MyraV Brecken ridge; Miss Hi ace Rohrbough.. Miss Isabel'.e Mil roy, Mlna Katharine Mllroy, Miss -Masle Yntes. Miss Effa Tatea, Miss Georgia TrlmbH, Miss Wolma Leach and Miss. Tress Keys. The latter part of the afternoon a muslrfil program was given by Miss Hazel Loveland and Miss Ella Clarke, who sans;, accompard'-d by Miss Estelle Brown, and Mrs. P. M. Garrett, who gave a piano solo.. Miss Tress Keyes.gave several read ings In the childish dialects. About 160 guests called during the afternoon. Karl-Xlcoll. One of th prettiest as well as one of the moat unique of th June weddings was that cf Miss Beatrice Nlcoll. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nlcoll, and Mr. Edward Karl of New Yoik, which was solemnised at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Nlcoll In Pemis park Wednesday evening. It was an cut of door wedding" ard the lawa and ; veranda were hung- with Japanese lanterns and furnished with rustic benches and chairs.- I'nder a rustlo lattice massed with vir.t s and blossoms the marriage ceremony tot-k place. Rev. F. L. Loveland officiating-, Kliiht young women members of a club of which the bride is also member. gowned In pink and blue, preceeded the bridal party to the bower. There were no Immediate attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Nlcoll standing with their daughter during th ceremony, while their son, Mr. Norman Nlcoll stood with th gToom. The wedding gown was of soft whit net over shimmering silk with trimmings of real lace and satin folds. Following' th ceremony the guests were received informally, about seventy ftv being present. A stringed orchestra played during th evening and punch and other light refreshment was served on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Karl will remain In Omaha until Wednesday, when they will leave for New York and after Sep tember 1 will be at home In Yonkers, whera Mr. Karl is in business. AsalTenarr Cele-bratioau Mr. d Mrs. Luther Kounts enter talned at dinner Friday evening at their home, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paxton in celebration of their wedding anniversary, gplrea and crimson ramblers brightened the table. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mis. Paxton, Mr. and Mr. O. T. Eantmun, Mrs. Charles Kountxo Mr, r d. 1 l ruTJ una Quality appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are es.ent:l to permanent sueces and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not oUimed that Syrup of Figs nd Dixir of .ciu-.a is the only remedy of Known vaiar, lmt one of many reasons' why it is tV lxt of personal and family laxatives' i the fact that it cleanses, swectivn and relieve the internal orjans on whk'h it acts without any debilitating after o:Tivts and without having to increase the (tiuntity from time to time. !t arts pleasantly and naturally and ttiM-y as a laxative, and its component parts are known to and approved by physicians, a it is free from all objection aUe substances. To get its beneficial effect always purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Synif Co., only,saiiJ for sal by all leading drug gists. Any Woman's Tailored Suit in the $fl Store Marked to $50, Saturday for........ . Without a single exception this is the greatest of all suit sales ever' held in the West. Two hundred and fifty ultra fashionable wool tailored suits, that know no equal in quality or style or color $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 models. Saturday Momino Take Your rlcR. Not One Reserved, SIO $10 Just think of it! A mediocre price isn't" it? Positively no more beautiful, well tailored suits were ever shown. We must unload this great stock. That's why this great bargain price TEN DOLLARS. Infants' Wear at a. Reduction of ' One - Fourth All day Saturday we offer In our Infant'a Wear department, at a straight reduction of 25, our entire . stock, embracing d reuses, slips, caps, Bhoes, boot ees, , etc. ' We carry a very ex tensive line of .this class of goods, In some of the most .. beautiful baby styles shown. 25 Off Infants" Dept. Second Floor. Summer Under muslins GowrAi 8Lid Drawers . Skirts - and Corset Covers We put . on sale Saturday a second Installment of ' dainty under garments at about Half value. Here are under garments, worth to 75c, well made, well trim med and most desirable; from our regular stock. On sale Saturday for the first time, 65c and 76c Qualities for. ' '.-'' 33c Bargains '"Girls Dresses Saturday hundreds of beautiful ginghams and madras dresses, for girls four to sixteen years. All are 'stylish','' beautifully trimmed and well made from good materials, abso lutely prettiest $1.00 and $1.50 dresses that ever came from Eastern designers, all Russian,Sailor and Gretehen models; in Saturday's sale at $3.50 Lingerie Waists at Bennett's buy at tremendous reduction maker's surplus stock fine white waists, a dozen superb models, every one 5 Q C positively worth $3.00 to $3.50. Early comers buy J O them at 1 1 1 Fine Lawn Waists, with yoke, a mass of tiny tucks, short sleeves; also tucked charming new style and popular one,-Sat- I'JQ l.TO $1.95 urday at English Rep Coat Skirts Absolutely new, buttons, all way down front like a coat, opens out all in one piece, very eas ily laundered, four inch fold at bottom, double row. large pearl buttons down front, fit perfectly, made of Eng- J? lisli rep, white only. . . . ) J Magnificent Silk Pettica.ts Shipment several hundred stun ning styles, rich taffeta, silk petticoats, every good shade, all with showy flounces. The quality of silk is excellent, heavy and with plentv swish or rustle, best $7.50 petticoats ever shown in Omaha; 79S for .". 7 j . . . Men's AND Young Men's Suits in one Day Sale Lines get broken at this season of the year. Saturday to clear up and put stock in ship shape we give you choice of all lines of suits having but one to three suits of a style. Assortment token from regular $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.50 JJj lines. Have sizes 33 to 42, and a few stouts to r h 44. Our choices; lines, mind you, on sale Sat- Jjk urday at unilorm price ot Boys Wash Suits Made of extra nice grade materials, stylish new suits, 21 J. to 9 years, every suit in stock, worth up to $3.00, choice, J "J 0 Every Correct Style in Men's Straw Hats The particular man in search : ' " v of style and the man looking for v riTi Tni n'i" the best his money can buy are both successfully catered to here. Split Straw Braids, with straight o'r rolling brims, in every conceivable new block $2.50 and $3.00 Nifty College Shapes for vouug men, in a wide range of up-to-date effects .$1.00 to $3.00 Hand Made Panamas, genuine Equador and Columbian Hats; telescope or optimo shapes $4.50 to $7.50 Novelty Hat Bands, in all color combonations 50c MEN'S MESH UNDERWEAR A Saturday sale of One-Third Off. These are the regular 50c quality, silk finished shirts, double seat drawers; ecru only, also white athletic coat shirts and knee drawers. f"k We bought jobber's surplus stock; three garments ) g jf .for $1.00; each Men's Shirts The new tans and corn colors are great favor ites; here a plenty, plain or pleated fronts, hundreds of other effective styles; .$1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 50c Suspenders, for 37c Summer weight lisles, all leather and contab ends, good colors, 50c is regular selling price, 37c - ;'? oft-? ;',' ;'i ' .f : M fc - si- r ..; a. k Men's ptliuif-. Cfothin. fff!J: : Main Hlltel'V Floor. 1 H Harney Ml M Street ' M&y Side. tf Saturday's Sal of Frames and ! . Pictures One large lot of mlHcellanSous stylss and sires, picture framvs, varying from four by five Inches to sixteen by twenty Inohrs, all odds and ends, In gold, oak and brown effects, also email ovals, formerly 40o to $2.K" closing; out st lOo aiid 49o Framed Pictures Also a lot of odds and ends and broken lines, a .few of them are slightly Injured from handling, to clear up ths line, we offer you pictures worth to $2.00. at 100 to 49o lot Pyrog-raphlo Wood, or wood to burn, a variety of pieces worth 26o to 75c, clearing at So to 880 RIBBONS REDUCED 6-Inch all silk plain taffeta ribbon, white, black, pink, blue, brown and navy, worth 3 Sc. at . ...lo 3 and 6-Inch plain and fancy strip ed taffeta ribbon, worth upward to 50c, special Saturday, yd.. loo 2-Inch all silk fancy ribbon belt ing, good heavy quality, worth 26r, per belt length So Saturday in the China Dept. Plain American 'white ware at. very unusual prices, ilia to tou on every piece. Five-Inch Plates will be So Six-Inch Scallops will be 80 Seven-Inch Plates for 60 Veven-lnch Fakers will be So -Klsht-lnch Bakers will be lOo Slx-lnoh Bakers will be 80 A distinct ear Covered Butter Dishes will be 9Bo F.Kg Cups will be .4o Five-Inch Platters will he 60 Six-Inch Platters will be 60 Twelve-Inch Platters will be..- 18o Eighteen-lnch Platters will b 45o do.en 39o Water Tumblers, full sle. plain blown garthen Cooking Sets, consisting or one covered casserole and two large pudding dishes, with cook book of "(5ood Things to Kat." all for 49o Decorated English Earthen Tea Pots, good fifty cent values, while lot lasts at. each 85o Men's Tan Low Cut Shoes Close to Half We have 41 pairs new stylish tan low shoes that were $4.00. We will close out Saturday at .less than makers cost, strictly new styles; most everv size, Saturdav, pair $2.39 Women's House Slippers vv im strap, -common senBe heel, very easy and comfortable, all sizes, $1.50 values, at 9S Boys' Gray Canvas Oxfords and Khot-s leather Boles, $1.25 value, 79 Women's Oxfords Light and heavy soles, patent tips, military heels, $2.50 lines, at 1.98 Women's White Canvas Oxfords All sizes; leather heels, $1.50 values, tor 98 Five thousand pounds fresh dressed hens, on sale in meat department Saturday, pound.... Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, . Four thousand each 33c Fresh Leaf Lard, 10 lbs. for $1.00 Pig Pork Loins, lb oc Pig Shoulder Roast, lb 74c Lamb Chops, lb 10c Lamb Shoulder Rcast, lb. 7Hc Lamb Stew, six pounds.... 25c Boiling Beef, six pounds... 25c -HC pounds Cudahy's choice selected hams, Dlamord "C" brand, every one guaranteed sugar cured and weli trimmed, average weight ten to fourteen pounds, per pound 15')&c Thirty Green Stamps. Two thousand pounds Cudahy'i Rex Bacon, five to seven pound strips, special, pound... 12He Famous Danglar Gsls Ranges A special low price for Saturday that should be highly Interesting to every family, that is contemplating the purchase of 'a gas range. .Our No. 084 range is a most durable and economical stove and a splendid baker. It has a large oven, and five burners on top, Including a sim- merer and a giant burner. The regular price is $18.RO Special Saturday. Other lines ranging in price to ftO.OO all show a good saving. $16 Bubbsr Boss Fifty foot lengths, qual ity fully guaranteed, per foot ,...iae A hose reel free with each length. Xiawa Mowers A few more of the new Narka ball-bearing mowers remain. This Is a very durable and light running machine, has 16-lnch cutter bar, highly tempered, worth 5.6U, closing out balance of stock at $4.85 lS-lneh square gasoline oven, made cf best blued steel, II 50 regularly 81.10 (Best on Earth) Sad Irons, o pieces, worth 11 S& special S8o BTorta Btar Xos Cream Treesera Take nna ainnar on vour Fourth of July outing. 2-quart slse. for 'VS pouna w reen Stamps, Sealing Wax. per pound Ana in ui Class Limn Squeassrs 10c And 10 Green Stamps. Gasoline Ovens, full size for single burners, worth $1.76. at, special $1.35 Special Saturday Offering; In Ktm. mocks Large roomy hammocks, with a lilg valance, variety of color ef fects, all 12 60 and $2 75 lines, Satur day special price $1.98 Other hammocks upward to $12.00 Screen Doors Almost every regular slse, worth 1 60 and fl.7n. will go at 760 and $1 Onerry Fitters 65o, T5o and 85o. Tin Trait Cans Quart siaea, at, per dosen 450 rrult Jar Wrenches 10c And 10 Green Stamps. Big June Lace Curtain Clearing Beginning tomorrow every pair of lace curtains in our stock will be marked at a decided price reduction to clear up stock. It's our semi-anmtnl lioute clearing, ad nan opportunity for money-saving presented that is seldom upproached. Kemember the entire line is included in this sale without single restriction. Just to illustrate how the savings run, we mention these few Items: Nottingham and Cable Net Lace Curtains, some of them are sixty Inches wide and are shown in a Jarge variety of patterns, regular $2.50 values beginning Saturday our price, per pair 1.65 Handsome Nottingham Curtains, in white and ecru, great line of excel lent color effects the $4.00 lines will be 82.85 The $5.00 lines will be $3.19 Real hand made Cluny curtains, In white and ecru. These are one of the most popular lines that are on sale today, and at our prices are exceedingly good values the usual $5.75 and $6.75 curtains, now are. $3.85 Irish point and Brussels net curtains, very beautiful and dainty effects, very newest spring patterns, all purchased this season values to $7.50 Pair $4.19 Finest Cable Net Curtains, in Just two patterns, one white and one ecru, exact copies of Mexican hand drawn work, regularly sell tor $9.00 be ginning Saturday, pair $5.95 pound three pounds 6 cans. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY nVl'l n?.71.S.'"r.', "fck ' l-?-'nd 50 Green Stamp. . .ooo ana an ureen Mamps .$1.00 and 1 no Green Stamps ...680 and 0 Orei-n (Stamps , ..50o and SO Oreen Htainps 18o and 10 Green Stamps ,..86o and 20 Green Stamps .$1.00 andlOOGreen Stamps o ana zu lireen stamps 14o and 10 Green Stamps SOo and 10 Green Stanipa 880 and 10 Green Stamps Oo and 10 Green Stamps 8Go und 10 Green Stamps 80c and 10 Green Stamps 2?T am) 10 Ureen Stamp 10c- hik! 5 Green Stanipa 8SO- and 10 Green Stanipa 15o and 10 Green Stamps 34o and 10 Green Stamps 35o and 20 Green Stanipa 80o and 10 Green Stamps SOo and 10 Green Stamps 36o and 20 Green m.nm. Oyster Shells, for chickens, pound, lo Bone Aeal, for chickens, pound. Chicken Feed, pound rB BVTTSBMXLKI Ice cold Putternillk to every visitor In Butter Department. , . BEWITXIT'S CAKDIZS Grocery Beotlon. Salted Peanuts, pound lOo (,'hocolate Creams, pound 10c Bennett's Best Coffee, Bennett's Best Coffee, Teas, assorted, pound Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, Cookies, assorted. Doutid Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, 3 pkgs Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 5-lb. can. Batavla Starch, three pounds Japan Rice, two pounds Manhall's Kippered Herring, can Batavla fancy Salmon, can t New York Cream Cheese, pound Swiss Cheene, pound Mulder's pork and Beans, two cans Bayles' l.unch M.-iiing, can Fresh Herring, can Fresli Mackerel, can A Hen's -Brown Bread Flour, pkg Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, 'S-lb. can J. M. Early June Peas, two cans Jell-O Ice Cream Powder, two pkgs Ellen Sardines, two cans Gaillard's Ullve 1)11. bottle ssc bottle Queen Olives for ?5o 75c bottle Queen Olives for 60o Diamond C Soap, ten bars for 86o Velvet top Matches, six boxes 86o SHa ..So and Mrs. A. O. Beeson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Remington and Mr. and Mrs. Kountie. Lanebeon Parties. Mrs. Henry Aable entertained at luncheon ThuradaV In honor cf Mrs. Fred Millard of Burlington, la. Nasturtiums were used for the center piece and covers were laid for Mrs. Millard, Master Tom Millard, Miss Jean Millard of Burlington. Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. Ferdinand Martin, Miss Jesle Martin. Mrs. Louts Rupp and Miss Edith Rupp all of Council Bluffs and Mrs. Aable. Mrs. I .null a. Doud entertained at u prettily appointed luncheon Friday at the ! Omaha club for her guest. Mrs. F. W. ! Brown, Jr.. of Lincoln, who Is spending the week's end with Mrs. Dpup. The guests were seated at one long table prettily dec orated with a long low mound of freesla an asparagus fern. Twenty guests wera present. Chlldera Party. Littls Miss Jeartette Mathews, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mathews entertained her classmates of Central school. Friday afternoon. The time was pleasantly spent with music and games. Those present were Misses Msrgaret Hostetter, Helen Lelsge, Dolly Lewis, Pauline Rost. Mar garet Coot. Helen Zimmerman, Rene Prawl, Myrtle Clarke, Masters Hsstetter, Sidney Lewis, Dewey Hlghy and Harold Post. ' For Mrs. Clsvrksoa). Mrs. Frederick Lyman 8mlth entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon tn compli ment to Mrs. Michael Clarkson of Casper, Wyo., formerly of Omaha, who is visiting relatives in this city. About twenty guests were present and the high score made by Mrs. Clarkson. Bur Bee Card CI at. The Busy Be Card club met Thursday with Mra P. F. Barnes, the high scores being made by Mrs. Bamuelson and Mrs. I. Smith. Mrs. H. S. Parkes was ths guest of I ha club. Ths members present wars j Mrs. A. Melcher, Mrs. J. Sullivan, Mrs. G. W. Goodrich, Mrs. H. Backensen. Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. Dlnnls, Mrs. Samuelson and Mrs. Barnes. Bride Party. Mrs. H. N. Wood entertained at the sec ond of a series of bridge parties Friday afternoon at her home on Georgia avenue. Eight tables of players were present and the hostess was assisted by Miss Klolsa Wood, Miss Fannie Howland. Helen Sholes Prospective Pleasures. Dr. Leroy Crummer had eight guests at dinner Friday evening at the Country club. Among the hosts and hostesses for Saturday evening are Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur A. Remington, who will have a party of thirty-two; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert, eight: Mr. C. W. Kennedy, ten; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash, twenty-two, and Miss Hamilton ten. . Miss Corlnne Searle, 1526 Park avenue, will give a dinner tor about twenty-five guests at Happy Hollow Saturday night. , ' Coase ui Oe Goaalp. Mlsa Hasel Stevens of Greeley, Colo., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Alstlne. Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Rosewater and Mr. Btanley ' Rosewater are at the Marl-borough-Blenheim hotel at Atlantic City, where they went after the latter'a gradua tion at Michigan university. Mr. Arnold Harris of Dallas, Tex., is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris. Mis. Cliffford Anthony of Peoria, 111., and Mlsa Mary Thomas of Chicago were the guests ot Mrs. Henry Nott Wednes day. Miss Mignonette Cook of the Tralu school left Friday for a fortnight's rest and recuperation with frlenda at Harlan, la. She will be accompanied by Miss D Oroff, who will spend a part of her vaca tion with her. Mr. Charles Butler, ths singer who led ths mualo la ths Toner sussUngt la Omaha, and Prof. Ackley are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Garlpch. Miss Ethel Gullck ot Denlson, la., who haa been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, left Wednesday for Glenwood, la., where she will visit college friends before going to Lake Okoboji for the summer. Mrs. Frank Nebe of Atlantic, la., Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. A. H. Workman, who will return to Atlantic the first of next week with Mrs. Nebe and visit relatives. Mrs. T. L. Combs will leave In about a week for a visit in Minr-eapolla and Detroit. Building; Permits. F. J. Farrlngton, Thirty-fourth street and Woolworth avenue, frame dwelling. tJ.Ooo; Dr. G. L. Miller. Thirty-first street and Capitol avenue, brick dwelling. 14.500; W. SJ. Frankfurt. Twenty-sixth and Fort ftreets, frame dwelling. $1,700; J. B. Phlp pen. Twenty-fifth and Emmet streets, frame dwelling. Il'.OcO; J. E. Rockweil, Twenty-eighth and Dodge streets, frame desired to make the boosting of the corn dwelling. H.500; J. A. Sunderland. 10tJ South Twenty-ninth street, frame dwelling, IIARR1MAN SOON IN MEXICO Pacific Magnate it Working; on Route from San Francisco. MOGULS FOE IT NOW IN OMAHA Boiling Watcr a Cool and Serve 4 H .flfaflilfT!) H THE DAINTY DESSERT H flavored ust right B k Sweetened fast right B fcrlcet la every wy JJ vWt accept uahtUMn Oa. aU wnemrt Engines Bear Label of t'aunea, Vaqnl at Pacific and Will Be Bent Sooth as Sooa mm Needed. E. H. Harriman la rushing the construc tion of the Cannea, 1'aqul & Pacific rail road from Cullacan to Orendaln In Mexico, and thus proving to railroad men all ov-;r the country who are watching his move ments that he Is determined to add Mexico to his territory in his railway conquest. For some months In the Union Pacific shops at Omaha have stood a dozen new giant engines with the label of Cannea. Taqul A Pacific railroad, waiting until such time as their services should be needed In Mexico. Orendaln Is said to be a strat egical point from which access Into the City of Mexico will be comparatively easy and the railroad offlclals'of Mexico are eagerly watching the forces of Mr. Harriman as they rush the line. It Is estimated by kome that within a year Mr. Harriman will be able to rin trains from Ban Fran cisco to the City of Mexico. Stuvesant Fish Is said to have sold prac tically 10,000 shares of his Illinois Central holdings within the last few weeks and It la iios, thought that within a few weeks he will have disposed of the remainder of his holdings, t0 ahsres, and no longer have an Interest In the road, over whose destinies he presided as president for nearly twenty years. . The supremacy of Mr. Flab ever the Illinois Central was not questioned until the summer of lftsJ. w hen E. H. Harriman thiew down the guantlet ar.d openly began hU campaign to wrest the control of that road from Mr. Fish. He was ousted from the presidency In October. 19f, and then began the bitter fight. In February Judgf Ball In the superior court In Chicago ren dered a decision adverse to the Fish Inter ests and awarded to Harriman a majority control. This advantage was exercised at a meeting of tne beard of directors in March, when Fish was ousted from the directorate. It Is repi.rled that Immediately after the decision Mr. Fish began tu dis pose of his holdings and It Is thought that wa the cause of the decline in . Illinois Central slocks. CAR LINE ON THE LAKE FRONT Tracks Art Extended to Omaha Rod and Gas Club Because of Lara Traffic. Workmen are putting In the new ex tension of the Omaha .& Council Bluffs t Street railway line from Courtland Beach ! to the club house of the Omaha Rod and Gun club. This club has grown to such extensive proportions that the company was forced to build the line to care for the Increased traffic. Work Is being pushed as fast ss possible, that the line may be built In time for the formal opening of the season of the Omaha Rod and Gun club, which will be hti.1 July 4. Tne rlub Is making extensive preparations for this event and the entertainment commltt-o with Fred Morris as chairman will arrange an Interesting program of water spirts and a concert. CARRINGTON NIGHT AT THE DEN Special Honor Will Be Paid to Aged Warrior and Ills Wife While In Omaha. General Henry B. Carrlngton of Fort Phil Kearny mast-acre fame and Mrs. Car rlngton will arrive In Omaha Monday aft ernoon from Hyde Park, Mass., eniouta to the Sheridan reunion, and the Omaha Commercial club will unite with the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ren In giving him a royal welcome to the chief city of the Kingdom of Qjlvera. In his honor Mon day night will be made military night at the Den and he and General Charles Mir ton, commanding the Department of ths Missouri, will be special guests of honor. The officers of the general headquarters, as well as those tsom Fort Omaha and Fort Crook, will also be guests of ths even ing. Earlier In the evening the board of gov ernors of Ak-Sar-Ben will enterta.n the two generals and the officers at an In formal dinner at the Omaha club. Mrs. Carrlngton will be the guest of Mrs. Mor ton while In the city. Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columns? If not, do so, and get satisfactory results. oes not Solo? tie AVER'S HAIR VIGOR