Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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yO.--.ii -in ,ii
Dress Up in flew Clothes for Fourth of July
Makers of the Highest Grades of
9 (ft- fa
M Ik 111
In the Newest Styles for Summer
Every style is Hew, Every suit nana lauorca V i 1 1 If S i
ill J-
Ws Include In this sale special purchase of a lot of
12.50 )
Splendidly hand tailored and made of the finest all wool serge with
new fad pockets, open cuffs, hand worked fronts, etc genuine $18.00
and $20.00 Serge Suits, for ,
.Outing Pants
from the Big Purchase
Finest selected materials
summer weights and new
est patterns actually
worth $3.50, $4.50 and
$5.00, at
Boys' Summer Clothe
All the Children's Wash Suits From the great cash pur
chase. Thousands of up-to-date summer suits
foi boys in white and colors worth positively
as high at $4.00, at
Boys' Wash Pants
Boys' washable bloomer ah
pants ages 3 to 10, S zvl
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants
A big special for Satur- m fl
day usually sen at fcArl I;
1 pair, at, pair
Boys' Serge Suits
Buster Brown snd Sailor
Blouses, all wool serges,
brown and red, serges. . ,
at, pair
Boys' Base Ball Suits
Quilted pants, shirt, belt(
and cap, complete,
W All the men's the and
v S.'ic Hosiery lit lie pnlr.
All the men's (I and
$1.25 Fhlrts at BOP.
All the mfn'i It 50
and $3 fhlrla at Se.
k forward from the,
WW) R MTMvff
Bigger Bargains Than Ever in the
Of Whipple & Co.. 71 Courtlandt
Su New Yerk
New lots brought
Suit Cases.
Of Kto1 and lathar
from th bankrupt stock U
at. nch M
to 54.0S vj
9 S
1 1 Straw Mats I
for Men and Doys
Snappy stylos and su
perior values largest va-
great purchase
men's undershirts
and drawers to
match mercerized
silk and Conde
k mesh, $1.00 and
v I
$1.25 values, at-
ill 1 1
b riety of the new stiff and
soft brim straw hats, at
&0 j
C3 A V .' .
-m me newest spilt and mifan braids
dreasy effects, for tP tr r e it rv ?l
IftOft ar tll.
Men's rnmtma Ilnta High and low crown flat, i
X:.??::: $2.50-$4.98 R
Men's Soft and
Hats, worth up
to $3.00, at. .
Men'B, .boys' and chtl- U
drcn's Straw Hats, at "
10 15c 2r 4o
25c, 35c, 50c
All the men'e $2.50 Pongee and Mohair Shirts, neck
band or collar attached, at 9S
All the men's and boys' 76c Shirts, basement, 25
All the men's and boys' 60c Shirts, basement, 15
All the men's 60c Suspenders, ut, pair. 17
All the men's 35c wash 4-in-hand Ties at. . . .
All the men's 60c Silk Neckwear , 15c
All the men's $1.00 Belts, at 25
All the men's $3.60 Lewis Union Suits. .. .$2.00
All the men's $6.00 Sterling Union Suits. . .$3.98
55 55
Cool Cemfort In Summer
Men's Low Shoes
Blucher Oxfords, made of
genuine welt sewed Russia
calf. These up-to-date
shoes for summer Q C
are $4 calues,
Men's, Women's and
Outing Shoes
Made of Canvas, cut high
or low, worth up to $1.25
Men's High and Low
$ $ Broken Jots and samples of
The Celebrated Florsheim Shoes
$ We are sole agents in Omaha for this cele-
brated footwear, the best wearing, best fit
ting men's shoes made tans or black-
new low or high cut Flor-.
sheim shoes
the best shoes made lace
or button styles patent
colt and velour calf worth up
to $5.00, special sale, at
2.45 1
t - M
Sa.le of Leather Goods
An Importers Sample Line from Berlin, Germany.
$2.25 Leather Bags at $1.00
All the leather Collar Pouches
aTfromP.:!.,4:.39 TO 1,39
All the Playing Cards In fine
leather cases Just the style
for travelers, CO
worth $1.25. at ...,. DJC
German leather Collar and
Cuff Boxes Conbinatlon in
fancy colors, worth up to
r-.. 50c to 2.50
Ladles' All Leather Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes Silk
lined, worth
uj) to $5, at
.85c to .75
These are beautiful solid leather
sample bags, In a variety of
styles, fine leathers, worth
up to $2.25. at
Genuine Leather Strap Bark
, Purses Worth up 7C
to $1.50, at DC
Women's and Men's Leather
Change Purses,
Leather Carriage Bags All
leather lined made of Ooze
calf to match your tan
shoes, Saturday
only, worth
$1.75, at
Drinking Cups In all leather
Genuine Crown Alligator m f O
Bags at .t,V O
10-inch. Goat Seal Bags all
leather lined, 2 98
Special Sale of Women's Shoes
Women's genuine RubbIb calf tan oxfords, also patent leather and
dull leather oxfords, worth up to $4.00, M C
Women's Low Shoes Samples and mostly small sizes,
worth up to $3.60 pair, at
HousefurnishiA Departmeivt
L BrandeisBasement Old Store. New Entrance N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas f
We Place on special Sale Saturday
Sflflft PtPPAQ Strictly High Grade
sJaUUU JTlUCeSj Imparted and Domestic
at Prices Less TKaa Cost of Production
This Lot Consists of the Highest Grade
Swedish ' German All White Enameled Ware
The Imported D. R. O. M. and Pyrolite White Lined and Blue Outside. Also the cele
brated four-coated Blue Mottled White Lined Belmont Ware.
TO 19c TO 39o
9c 19"
ii i
TO 49c
TO 69c
TO 98c
TO $1.25
Large Fancy Japanese Vases Ifandsomely decorated-r- .
China Departm'nt-ATcVde
Large Fancy Hand-Painted Tankards 14 inches tall,
. strictly hand-painted new shapes and tj 4
decorations worth up to $5.00, this I j
sale, choice for ".IL
new Moriaga designs traveling men's
samples Worth up to $7.00 choice .
at, each.
SPECIAL XOTICE We have Just received a new line of high grade
Cut Glass, Unlquo Vases, Portables, Etc. These are specially de
sirable for June weddings and are delightful acquisitions for your
own home.
Dr. Grove's Tijoth Powder . ...lao
5oc Madam Yale's Powder . ...40o
60c La Blaohe Powder .350
25c Orln Tooth Wash 13o
IBc Sanltol Tooth Paste lo
6o Schneider Sister's Creaio..3So
toe Consuelo Cream Washes. .. .8ao
$1 50 Oriental Cream SI. 08
Jersey TheatrioaJ Cold Cream will
not arow hair, price 86o
Colgate's Transparent Glycerine Soap, per cake
IBc IJquoisone Soap for 6o IBc Woodbury's Soap for
10c William s Shaving Soap Tor so She Jion's via
10c Jap Hose Soap. 2 cakes for 16c
15c Huttermllk Soap, i cakes for lOo
Rogers Qlllett Imported Klre
1'owder for 18o
W sell . Patent Medicines at cut
26c Cough Syrup for ...t.....1So
2ba I, Uterine for ..83o
60c Swamn Root for 4 So ' j!m
Harlem Oil. per bottle I . So
25c Lane's Tea for 83o
260 Don's Violet Snap, S cakes too
86c Bath Caps, special Saturday ISo
76C Rubber Gloves for 38o
Business Cards Calling Cards
Announcements, Wedding Invitations, Birth Cards, Part Cards.
Best Work. Get Our Prices First. Lowest la the City.
Card Printing Department East Arcade.
a jl.
zm lzP lo I wT0r'
, H mBmcjnf W w w"""'"
Books and Magazines
Volands of Cyprus," by Cale Youns;
Rce, author of "A Night In Avignon."
"Pavid." etc.. Is a poetic drama of about
j lines. The pla will be produced n'Xt
easui In Chicago by Ponsli Ro'erlson.
The McClura compajiy H the publisher.
'Voices snd Visions."' by Clinton Bed
ford, la the first extended collection of the
author's lyrical work since the publication
of "The Lyric Bough." The contents are
grouped Into thre parts, "Of Life and
Nature." "From the Book of Love" and
"Out of the Orltnt." Tbe poems "breath
the life of fhe'epen air and the unfettered
spirit." Sherman, Frcnoh and company la
tl e publisher.
In his little book entitled "Justice to the
Jew: The Btory of What He Has Don
for th World," the author. Madison C.
Peters, has endeavored "to put th Jew
on his proper pedestal, so that the world
'ovdor I
.Best by Test
could view hlra
represented- by
deavor to make
trustworthy, so
reference book,
the publisher.
a h was, and Is, not as
mallgners, t reducers and
H has also been his en
the Information absolutely
that it may be used as a
The McClur company Is
"Th Call of the South," by Robert'. Lee
Durham, Is a novel dealing with th race
problem In this country. Th principle
theme Is th danger to society from' th
miscegenation of th black and white
races, and th encouragement It receives
In th social amenities antended to ne
groes of distinction by prominent persons,
and th authorA a southern lawyer, ha
written a drama of Ufa of which th In
evitable denouncement comas as a final
and convincing climax. Th L. C. Page
company Is th publisher.
"Emoor. Star" Is th nam of an English
pony who writes his own autobiography. He
give hi earliest recollections experience
at Tamworthy fair; how be was broken to
harness and saddle; bis stable accommoda
tions; how h was fed and shod; how his
fellow borsc suffered from th customs
and fashions of short manes snd tails, and
nads jerked up with short check; how he
passed from ens master to another; bow
b Joined th circus, and finally how h
was a polo pony. A. B. Bonaer I rtepoo
slbl for th pony's story, which la pub
lished by A. B. Barnes 4k Co.
"King Gobbler." by Abbl K. Smithy, au
thor of "Bobtail Dixie," Is a domestic Story
for children. King Gobbler muse h had
ear and eye wlJ open, for he's always
brimful of th goetlp of the household, tho
farmyard aod th fields. In this simple.
blghearted, gabbling way, h entertains,
he warns, he vcounsels, and with much
harmless pleasantry, he rebukes and helps
to restore the wayward. The author seems
equally happy In sketching' child life and
Its pets from doll or kitten to donkey and
in Interesting while impressing manifold
uscfold lessons from the scenes and ln
cldents of familiar anlmsl experience. The
story Is attractively Illustrated with half
tone pictures. Published by th Educa
tional company.
"Tangled Wedlock." by Edgar Jepson,
author of "Tinker Two." and "Lady Noggs"
Is an Ingenious story, with an unconven
tional plot Iseult. th heroine, is s
sprightly child who finds herself altogether
out of sympathy with her environment
artistic and literary Bloomsbury, th centre
of London's Bohemia. She makes friends,
however, with a young sculptor and finds
it Is possible to get on very well with a
capital artist Slpe finally decides to marry
him, and It turaa out quit ldyllto In its
circumstances and thoroughly romantic In
Its secrecy. How such happy "wedlock"
become "tangled" In the sequel Is another
story which almost belles the promts of
th early part of th book by approaching
th verge of th tragic. After the tangle
ment there la a disentanglement and the
book ends In a happy resolution it tem
porary discords. Published by th Mc
Clur company.
"Oet-Rlch-Qulck Wallingford," by George
Randolph Chester, Is a story of promotion
for pleasure and profit, which was much
enjoyed a a serlsl In th Saturday Evening
Post. Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford Is a
genial promoter snd garner of other peo
ple's money. He Is an exponent, though
exaggerated, of th entlr American spirit
of commercial gain, but he la not a
swindler la th common acceptance of the
term, for at no time does he atep outaide
the law to annex the bank rolls -of his
victims. His matbod sr perfectly legiti
mate, and, at times, even brilliant. Deftly
and accurately the author not only lays
bare the shrewd manipulations of this un
scrupulous spendthrift, but at the same
time presents an absorbing story. The book
is not Intended solely for a man's story,
but will be much enjoyed by many women
readers. The Henry Altemus company is
th publisher.
'The Master Criminal' by G. Sidney
Paternoster, la an extraordinary detective
story. Being a student of criminology and
for the purpose of securing material for
this novel the author disappeared from his
usual sphere of life and for a time became
part of the underworld of loud on. His
companions were criminals of all sorts and
conditions and he took part in numerous
And varied experiences. His book Is one
of the products of those experiences. The
Cupple dc Leon company Is the publisher.
"The Old Room," by Carl Ewald, author
of "My IJttle Boy"," "Two Iegs." etc., Is
translated from the Daniah by A. Telxelra
de Mattoa. The relations of Fru Adelheld,
young, pretty, pleasure loving, and her
husband, Cordt, who has reached a time
of life when the domestic fireside makes
s stronger appeal to him than the great
outaide world, form tha theme pf a novel
of unusual power. The title refers to a
secret chamber In th home of the couple,
symbolising, a a temple of marriage, the
happiness which domesticity and content
ment therein have brought to generations
of the family. But Kru Adelheld la not
content to beat out her life against the
bar of th cage typified by the old room,
and attempts to find happiness outside cf
It. Published by Charles Scribner's Suns.
Th extremely Ingenious Idea of Arthur
Train's "Mortmain" Is based on th trans
planting of th human hand. Th hero,
Btr Richard Mortmain, has an accident
requiring the amputation of bis band, and
on th stump Is success fully g: ailed an
other one. bought at a great price of a I
man who, after selling It, dies from the
loss of It. This places Mortmain In a bad
situation, for it Is In law a murder to
commit such fatal mayhem. Also, the man
who aold tho hai.d was a criminal, a much
wanted one, and the police have a record
of his thumb-print. One does not see how
Mortmain can possibly dscapo the conse
quences of his dilemma. He must be proved
guilty of murder in either case, it seems;
but the author, who Is a lawyer, relieves
our feelings at the last moment. D. Ap
pleton & Co. Is the publisher.
"Old Wives for New," navld Graham
Phillips' latest novel, la an extremely frank
and Intimate picture of the relations ft
men and women, from a new and even
startling point of view. Mr. Phillips l,a
taken divorce as the theme of his novel.
The marriage of the Murdochs Is a failure
because as they rise In the world the wife
falls to keep pace with her husband, and
through her laay, self-indulgent Ufa gradu
ally ceases to have any attraction for him.
Little moral Irregularities, ss Mr. Ihilllps
would call them, seem to him In no wise
comparable as a ground for divorce to
those sins against health which prevent
either a man or a woman from being a fit
companion to the other. "Old Wives for
New" la an Intense and powerful book
calculated to stir the peaceful bosom of any
family. Publiahed by D. Applrton & Co.
"Rets," by Van 7.0 Post, Is called "an un
hlstortcal novel." Count R-ti, the hero,
though portrayed (is a dashing German
noblemarl. is essentially a modern boy.
Leaving home at an early age, he seeks
service at the court of t'harlea the Bold,
then the greatest monarch In western Eu
rope. With his bsnd of followers, whom
he christens "The Shadows," he succeeds
In completely driving out uf Flanders a
long standing pest, the robber learning
Flanders for Franc. "Rets continued
his triumphant career in the sunny king
dom, finally succeeding In replacing the
French king on the throne and In becoming
himself the constable of France. Published
by the. McClure company.
"The Reaping," by Mary Imlay Taylor,
author of "My Lady Clarity," "The Inn
personator," etc., deals with certain typei
of the political and social life of Wash
ington. The greatest Interest tn the rtory
lies In the struggle of a political leader of
great promise between his love for a young
girl to whom his whole being responds and
who returns his love, and his supposed
sense of duty to a brilliant and beautiful
woman, who had previously rejected him
for the sake of wealth and position, but
who flings both away and divorces herself
from her husband in the endeavor to find
happiness with the man she loves. Pub
lished by Little, Brown A Co.
"Deep Moat Grange," by P. R. Crockett.
Is a tale of young love, steeped In murder
and mystery, sod the machinations of th
criminally Insane, as told by a Yorkshire
lad. Deep Moat Grange, a tumble-down
estate near the village f Breckonslde, la
the north of England, la the scene of ac
tion. Published by D. Appleton ft Co.
Above books at lowest retail price. Mat
thews, 122 South Fifteenth street.
AH of the books reviewed her ar on sals
In Brandels' book department.
Bennett's Lste Fiction Library Book
Dept. enables you to read the newest
books at little cost
Tftrm k .mil!
IM will real cooler, ir y wear
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 H J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. w ill-', ' i . ill ill mi ii mi III
BO:. 7 St., SI. 00 aaJ fl.SO A GARMENT
No pulling of s pervpirstioa soaked ander garment over jrouf
heads so diiagreeable double thickness si the ankle to bind or
irrsate, and cut ot the ail from th limbs; no (lovebtting cover
ing lot th knee joint to interfere with muscuUt activity. Look
for the B.VD. Bed Wove Label. It is vow guarantee ol a
correctly cut, well made, perfect atting under garment Don't
take a substitute.
Worth sad t-hort Sumu, N.w Yatk.
listen o) S V. D. Unloo lain. ( rat 4-1047),
sas S V. p. ska lag .
mtmftt!iraawiri Brtf RETAIL TRADE
. ii i illfiii hi 1 1 1 . Ti tl r i ri i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1