Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Saturday 85c handsome 46-inch brown, navy and gray
brilliantine, 49c a yard ' i
A beautiful fine quality, a sheer lustrf. almost as silk, and in addition to its sheer, you
have the combination of high quality, smart style specially priced. For suits, separate skirts,
bathing suits, outinp, traveling, etc., you will find -it a most practical material. On sale
at 8 A. M.
150 High Class Lingerie Waists
Slightly handled and not In separate boxes at one
third off the regular price.
Reduced prices on all the fine tailor suits.
Reduced prices on all the high class novelty coats.
Beautiful house dresses and negligee gowns. Cool
garments for warm weather. Prices from $ 1.76 up
to 16.50. ..
Real Indian Head Shrunk White Muslin.
No other fabric gives the service, and. after re
peated washing. lookso well for white suits as the
real Indian Head shrunk muslin. Look for the In
dian maid label. Get the genuine. We have It.
36-Inch, wide, 15c yard; 45-lnch. wide, 20c yard.
Saturday sale of finobrussol effect lace curtains
These Curtains have the effect of real hand made Drussels. but are woven In one piece, and wear and
wash very much better. The special prices and beautiful desisrps should Interest certain buyers.
Our $3.00 Brussels Effect Lace.
Curtains at $2.29 a pair.
Our $3.30 Brussels Effect Lace
Curtains at $2.48 a pair.
Our $4.25' Brussels Effect Lace
Curtains at $3.18 a pair.
Our $4.60 Brussels Effect Lace
Curtains at $3.39 a pair.
Our $5.00 Brussels Effect Lace
Curtains at $3.88 a pair.
Our $5. B0 Brussels Effect Lace
Curtains at $4.15 a pair.
Our $5.75 Brussels Effect
Lace Curtains at $4.38 pair.
Our $7.00 Brussels Effect
Lace Curtains at $5.29 pair.
Brass Extension Curtain Rods, with ends and brackets complete at, each 6c.
Special Sale of Hosiery.
Saturday morning we will place on special sale all
kinds bf fancy hosiery where slses are broken. The
lot Includes black lisle hose embroidered, spun silk
hose in white, pink, sky and gray. These are excel
lent values worh up to $1.75 per pair. Saturday all
at one price, per pair 49c.
Black cotton hose, double soles, heels and toeB,
25c quality, Saturday, per pair 19c.
Children's black ribbed cotton hose, 15c quality,
on special sale Saturday in economy basement at,
per pair 8c.
Women's Gauze Underwear.
High qualities and low prices prevail throughout
our entire underwear section. Plenty of sizes In
every line.
Women's gauze lisle vests, low neck and sleeve
lessT with plain taped top or fancy trimmed 35c,
50c, and 75c each.
Women's gauze lisle union suits, low neck, and
sleeveless, umbrella knee, lace trimmed, regular 75c
quality, on special sale Saturday at, each 55c.
- Boys' balbriggan shirts, high neck, with long or
short sleeves, drawers match, knee or ankle
length, all sizes, In either 25c or 60c quality.
may hanrllo thousand of hMil. And with
out hesitation ot (ho slightest fear of con
travention 1 credit Nl condition of affnlrs
entirely to the "organised" rnmmlMlon
tnan. While hp has in a measure benefit
ted .hlna-u?. he ha also, and In stealer
degree, benefited others, With relation
to how many other lines of extensive busi
ness ran farallal statement he madef
Further evidence that the "orsnied"
commlaalun Mian now occupies an im
portant and Influential poslilnn In the busi
ness world; that h ta useful In other
reipects than simply aa n aal-arnun: and
that he la fair and fearless In his a tlfltn,
can ba found In hrlef glance at the
annals of the paat. It la barely a venr
since lie found occasion moat strenuously
to oppose the position and threatened
actlnna of one of hla beat frlwids, and the
largest purchaser of hla gooda. the bis
packer, and he dll an, vigorously and
fearlessly, and.aa It la well known, success
fully conteated In what President Swift so
aptly termed "The Seven Weeks War" of
19"7; . yet btit a short time before he had
unreservedly lent hla aid and givn hla
unqualified support In defense of thla same
packer against what he considered, and
Knew to be. unfair and uncalled for rrltl
clam and unjust atlacka. and It la Vw-llnved
that this support waa duly appieclated at
the time. These are but two instances,
but they will aufflce to lllustrnte that the
live atock commlasion man may always
be found whera he belonca, on the ritflit
aide of . any question affecting the live
atock producing- Internals of the country.
In future the usefulness of the live stock
cdmmlaafon man will be still further ad
vanced and lncreaaed.
Relation to Other linatneeaea.
A notable difference between our line of
business and many, if not moat others, !
that In future the tendency will be toward
production in smaller instead of larger lot,
rather than from smaller to larger, and yet
the total volume must Increase. A largor
number of people will raise a few head
and the commission man of the future will
find on hla books the names and addressee
of an Increasing number of feeders and
farmers, men who wll. ralae and fatten
deck of hogs and a car of cattle and
market their producta themselves, and who
will look to their commission men for
advice aa to what to feed next, what to
stock up with for the next alx months
or a year, whether more - cattle and less
hogs or more hogs and leaa cattle, or more
sheep and leaa of either, and It will be not
only the commission man'a dutyr but also
an important .fmrt of hla business, to In
telligently furnish audi advice, based upon
an accurate knowledge of conditions, and
with due consideration to the1 natural
adaptabilities of the different terrltorlts and
The commission man will need to practi
cally develop hlmseff into a bureau of In
formation, will need to be Increasingly bet
ter informed regarding supply and demand,
not alone at -tils own market and In It
tributary territory, bst all over the country,
and in foreign countries.
Owing to the lateness qf the hour and
the waiting luncheon In the Exchange
dining hall below. Jay Laverty cut his re
marks short and the program proceeded, i
Big Assortment oi
Saturday Candy Special.
Balduff's delicious Nut Paddles, Chocolate, Vanilla,
Strawberry, and Maple flavors, regular price 40c
pound, special all day Saturday at, per pound 25c.
Saturday is Thread Day
John J. Clark's Spool Cotton, numbers 30, 36, 40,
60, 60, 70, 80 and 100, in black and white, at two
spools for 5c or 28c dozen.
We. aell Warner's Rust
Proof Corsets
a - " " -jj ; " rju
Moot Your Friends In
Our Rest Room
bitterly arraigned Attorney General F. C.
Jackson and the authorities of Kansss, In
speaking before the National Live Stock
exchange meeting at South Omaha.
"Do you ask If I mean In speaking of
the suits brought against the live atock
exchanges under the anti-truat laws, that
the great state of Kansas, acting through
the highest legal officii! la harrasalng a
business, which aenda to It each year
nearly ilOO.onO.OOO?" Inquired Mr. Bwlft.
1 want to tell you that that is Just
what t nipait. but In the light of. such
dcvelopmehta as were shown In the last
co-operative case and In view of such
death struggle efforta can there be but one
cotidi'slon. The end Is near. Let ua hope
repentence will como ere the final scene,
u .fn vth mean time keep our towder
dry,?.'":.- . . -
TheATrast on Baying;.
Mr. Swift declared that sworn testimony
offered at the Kansaa hearing that the
commission men had entered Into an agree
meni to sell only to the speculators, was
absolutely without any foundation and that
the fact la known all over the west that
i veryone with money or credit can buy any
Hock orfered for sale at any live atock
ir.uiket in the United States If an agree
ment, as to the prlFe Is reached."
"The litigation against ua has been ln
sp'red by the forlorn hope of theco-op-rrailvo
commission company, whose only
active co-operation has been along the
Knee cf destroying markets, stifling com
petition and Insuring the regular rotation
and return of substantial monthly stipend
to the active promoters.
"This is not s general atatement it Is a
, matter cf record In the evidence taken by
the attorney general of the atate of Kan
i saa from the mouth of hla own star wit-
net, who testified that ha and hla com
. iany were behind the suit. He said that
ot his information he said a commission
man at Kansas City bad told him, and
when he refused to give the name of the
commlasion man and the officers were
about to Issue a Jail commitment for thla
great man whom he had aworn waa a com
mlasion man one of thoae unfortunate
traders not commission men, who had
fallen In his weakness, It was discovered
that he was enjoying hia 'liberty only be
cause he had secured a bond while an In
dictment of perjury against him was be
ing prepared lor trlaV
"The orm witness who the attorney gen
eral of Kansas used against us might bo
well said to constitute the whole rogue's
gallery of the Kaneas City stock yards.
"Blfc-ht Is might and truth will prevail,
and so we are assembled here today, not
perhaps stronger rn numbers, but Im
mensely stronger In our power for good
and our belief In that power. 1 cannot but
congratulate you gentlemen In your splen
did spirit and In your apparent realization
not alone. In the fact that yours Is a call
lug administered In an unparalelled man
ner. Toura is a record which Is a strik
ing page In the commercial history of thl
great western country. A bualnesa founded
upon honor, not a single selling transac
tion which Is binding, not a single dollar
of whose millions goes astray, all because
of your personal qualities and U opera
tion of these exchanges."
All Will Boost (or Omaha.
As to the meeting in Omaha. ex-Prcsl-dent
Bwlft said that no member of th?
twentieth annual meeting would go away
who would not say a good word for
Omaha, "not because the clfY needs It, but
because It deserves It."
Mr. Swift's address was the first of the
morning. Ha had worked on It during the
night and came to Omaha after two weeks
hla reason for bringing the suit was the oi struggle wun me nooas at ms union
fact that no farmer nor feeder could buy Stock yarda In Kansas City, but he was an
hla atock In our roat marketa except
horn a speculator and this waa his sworn
testimony the foundation of all his ac
tions, and everyone knows that It waa
false.. -
I'uarr Perjary Chare.
"When questioned the source of
his Information the atar witness for the
attorney general of Kansaa named one
farmer In lows whom he had met In Colo
rado, and when further pressed for sources
eloquent speaker.
After several complimentary comments
by J. W. Moore of Chicago and T. 8.
Oraveea of Indianapolis . on . the merits of
the address of J. C. Swift,' the president
Introduced George V. Wells of Chicago as
the veteran spokesman ot the greatest
market in the wdrld.
On Live Stock Eschaaftea.
Mr. Wells' topic waa. "Live Stock Ex
changee. The iReason for Their Existence,
Their Limitations." He said In the course
of an exhaustive argument:
The reasons for the existence lies In the
economic conditions silch hold In thla
nation. These are aucrf aa demand organ
isation to protect the Interests of so large
a body or mun engaged in a similar busl
ness. We must do this limit oompetloiun
in such a way aa to give all members the
chance to exist in the exerclae of all fair
methods. We must Improve on old forma
of business so aa to Insure a square deal
between not only our members, but the
whole world or our patronage.
In fact the development of the exchange
naa beer exactly in parallel with labor or
ganlsatlons and the associations of busl
net men the country over.' Aa there are
torcee at work ever tending to reduce the
lrtue and profit of labor, against which
the working man must organise, so In our
business there are 'elements oi disruption
and opposition which can be combated
auccesafullv only, by organisation.
The oommisBloti man liils a. place between
the nig monopolies on o4ie -side and the
Imimlsive duc.Ho on the other, and the ex
erclse of great wisdom Is necessary and
these exchanges are for the purpose of as
sisting the Judgment of our members and
directing their efforts. We must cease our
labor before we infringe on the Tight of
men freely to compete with ua on equal
terms and let the limit of our organisation
be thla side of a combination In restraint
of trade.
C. P. Watklas Talks.
Speaking on the aubject of "The Live
Stock Commission Man and His Place In
the Business World." C. F. Watklns ot
Buffalo, N. T.. took up the same thread
of argument which waa uaed yesterday by
Edgar K. Overstreet of St. Louis and by
J. C, Bwlft ot Kansas City. One of Mr.
Watklns' first statements were: ' "That
the matter of exchange organisation la un
selfish and has not been for the aggrandise
ment of the commission man; that it is In
the Interests of the producer and the ship
per as well ss of himself, and that in it
the commission man has been honest and
honorable. Is evidenced by the fact that
tie has built up and now conducts an
enormous business without ever , having
made any attempt a( or shown any dlsposl
tion toward monopoly."
Frea aufl Ope a ta All.
Continuing Mr. Watklns said In part:
The marts of the live atock trade are
now. alter many years or the drwldn
fment of organisation, aa free and niun t,
me new urgiiiiir in me ousinesa, or to the
small dealer, aa are the opportunities for
starting a cobbler's shop In any town or
city. And. likewise, the small producer, the
iarmer raising dui a lew neaa or cattle
hoga or Sheep, is now enaolett. to market
his product aa readily and safely, and with
the positive assurance of receiving Us full
value, at as low a proportionate expense
aa can the big dealer or the ranchman who
Starting Saturday and continuing until the 4th of July we will
give away absolutely free with all purchases, CASH or CREDIT,
of $10 or over, iu pur men's, clothing department, an assortment
of 23 different fire works, worth at least $2.f). Here s a chancft
for you to treat your boy to some fireworks with- Q
out any cost to you . We offer you special values 3
in Glen's Suits at $18.00, $15.00
See Our Window for Assortment of Fireworks
5 l
Ladies' Linen Suits and Lingeria Dresses Greatly Underpriced
Made in this season's fash
ionable stripes. Long coats
with pleated or flare skirts
to match, $12.50 values,
specially priced aQ5
for Saturday 's
selling, at
Made in the very best quality
of fine chiffon panama, in
blues, blacks and browns,
both pleated and flare mod
els. Regular $8.98
values, special
for Saturday!
Made in Princess stylo of soft
white, light blue and pink
mull, elaborately trimmed
with lace insertion and hand
made medallions.
$15.00 dresses, h tiL
Saturday for. Jammm
tixecatlve Committee Recommends
Complete Enforcement of Tbla.
When the executive committee of the na.
floral exchange met In the hall of the
South Omaha exchange at 8 o'clock Friday
morning to pfepare the annual report to
the exchange It was decided to recommend
the most rigid enforcement and strictest
Interpretation of the "eol citor rule i"
adopted at the Buffalo- meeting; to permit
the Missouri river commission men to tub-
divide comm'ssons on live stock forwarded
from one commission firm to anoiher at
western points, and that Colonel T. D. Mc
pherson of Omaha be authorised to organ
ise a subcommittee of the executive com
mittee for making public the affalts, meth
ods and principles of the live stock ex
change and the way In which commission
men handle the live stock consigned tb
them, that any prejudice against the ex
changes and any misconception of their olS
Jfct might be averted.
The committee commended the wnik being
done to eradicate tuberculosis In stock In
the following section of the report:
Your committee. In conformity with the
Ransom tubemilnsls resolution has taken,
up with the different state governments
the question of the enactment of legislation
looking to the eradication of tuberculosis
from the farms and (eed lots of this coun
try and 'are pleased to report a keen In
terest in the matter and an almost univer
sal disposition to co-operate in bringing
about an enactment of such laws and regu
lations, through their respective legislatures
and live stock boards, aa will secure results,
but the movements can be said to be but
just begun, the foundation laid, so to speak,
and much remains to be done along these
linea. We think the time ripe for the in
auguratinn of a vigorous campaign along
these lines which must he matured provid
ing for a systematic effort by the entire
live stock Industry, and once we secure
decisive action In a few states It will be a
comparatively easy matter to finish the
crusade In snuch a way that tuberculoala
amongst our live stock will be a thing ot
the past. Your committee recommends vig
orous action In this matter and that you
continue to press the necessities until posi
tive and definite results are secured.
That the live atock buyers and sellers will
ssk for legislation by the next congress of
the United Bfates to secure fewer delays In
transportation and less trouble In securing
cars from the railroad companies was
disclosed In the following section from the
report of the committee and commending
the Culbertson-Smlth car supply and train
service bill: :
In the matter of the movement cf live
stock by transportation companies, delays
In furnishing cars, etc., your committee
begs to advise that there waa Introduced
In the laat congress a bill, known as the
Culberaon-Smlth car aupply and train serv
ice bill, making provision for fetieral reg
alatlon of all questions affecting the tram.
port at ion of live atock. Without going into
ueiau, your committee advises that this
measure contained provisions for all the
regulations seemingly necessary ahd ws
referred to the committee of interstate and
foreign commerce for hearing aa to the
necessities lor sucn legislation. Most, if
nui an ma iniurn or ins measure were
strongly contested at the hearings by the
rauruHu mierriii. in me montn or March
' Goods Bought
ii This Week
Put On
(lext Month's
The Peonies Tarnltnre and Carpet Oo. BstabUshed 18S'.
On Easy
his year, your committee, accompanied by
our president and secretary and 8. .
ixeria oi tne rittSDurg exciiangH, J. VV.
Boys Suits, $7.50 (tj C
worth for vp J'
Young MeiYs Suits. (Jf t C
$25.00 worth for... vpO
Yesterday we told you of a big purchase of Young Men's and Boys' Suits of Samuel
W. Peck & Co. they're now ou display and go on sale Saturday.
These are new, fresh goods, just out of the shops. Some
i of them are late fabrics, received from the mills? long after
the promised date, or goods delayed in
making; they're "Sampeck" Clothes
greatly underpriced.
Young Men's Suits, the season's beet fab
rics represented browns, grayB, tans,
blues, black the best and latest models
are shown. Young men who like extreme
styles will find them here. $20.00 j f j
and $25.00 values at $ 1 i
Boys Suits very summery suits, or suits that will be just the thing for
summer and early fall wear all knickerbocker styles to be sure C
some have two pairs knickers; none worth less tha,n $7.50, at CpCl
The splendid saving on these excellent "Sampeck" Clothes will furnish
dollars for both pockets.- -
-J Gctwct apparel fcn?naiUka
B-flfES-Hll DL331.sio mrocsfc-O
Oar Mail
Order Dept.
is at Your
Will Be
Made Free.
jwoore oi tne I mcairo exenanse nn1 n
Van Norman of the Milwaukee exchange
appeared before the committee and fur
nished audi information regarding ex st
ing conditions and the necessity for fed
eral regulation as was at ita command for
the Information of congress In shnplng
legislation to meet the necessltlea of the
case, and urged the nassuae of il l. nr a
similar measure In the interests of the
rodueers and shippers of this country,
he members of the concessional mm.
mittee evidenced a keen interest In th
presentation made by your committee and
Ita colleagues, and while the hearlnga Were
not concluded in time to report the bill
ODt of committee to the last session of
congress, your committee bellevea that It,
together with the other allied Interests,
has laid the foundation and furnished the
necesfcary data for a "committee bill" on
this-, subject which will be prcsentei In
both branches of congress at the next
session. '
These compose the executive committee:
T. B. McPherson, Omaha: John W. Mooie.
Chicago: . W. Waltt, Bloux City; A. F.
Daily, Bt. Joseph; F. C. Plnkerton. St.
Louisa C. L. Haas, St. Paul; M. F. Joyce.
St. Paul; N, W. Ransom (deceased)
Buffalo, T.'S. Cravea, Indlnapolls; J. W,
Holme., Milwaukee; K. M. Chandler.
Peoria; F. H. Goodrich, Louisville; a. J.
Campion. Dnvcr; L. E.- Lnnon, Kansas
CMy; C. W. Baker. Chicago.
Local Eirhtsit Gives Bis AtTalr for
The dance pavilion at the Omaha Field
club was converted into a bower of flowers
Friday evening for the dinner tendered
by the South Omaha Live 8tock exchange
to the visiting delegates of the National
Live Stock exchange. No more beautiful
or better appointed affair waa ever held at
the Field club and the tables, three length
wise the entire length of the pavilion with
a cross table at the west end for the of
ficers and special guests of the evening
were completely laden with cut flowers
The canopy was of red trailing Ramblers
and the tables were laden with white roses.
sweet peas, carnations and greens, making
a beautiful ensemble.
The committee of arrangements consisted
of Jsy Laverty, chairman; James O. Mar
tin, O. I. Ingwerstn. W. H. Tagg and W. E.
Wood. The reception committee consisted
Saturday Specials
at Beaton's
3 Be Prophylatlc Tooth
Brushes, Saturday only. . . .20
25c Whisk Brooms,
Saturday only 9tf
26c Swansdown Powder,
Saturday only 10?
50c Java Rice Powder,
Saturday only 25?
35c 6-inch Flexible Nail Flle.19
60c Combs, Saturday olny..l)
lDc Principe De Gales
Cigars, Pullman size ...... lOt?
25 in a box... . .$2.35
10c Hamilton Fish
Invincible Cigar 5
Box or 25.... 1. 25
10c Palmer House
Cigars 5
Box of 25 11.25
26c Banzl Tooth Powder,
Saturday only 12
3 5c Ebony Nail Brushes,
Saturday only 19
15th and Farnain 8t.
Ma J
Good-heavy leather, extra wide sewed
edges, round handle. Shirt .fold and
straps inside. 6.60 value, fT p
this week . .V. .
Watch our Inflows tor furthst bar
pains. V- 3 F""1'
. - -,' ' RED LETTER UA V 8 ATI' RDAV, JlSE 27. '
you roaring.
'h uh i-r uinFrlSj
The greateet company of lubllee'alngers that ever s-PPfd in Omaha ne
excepted. A company of six that has been together seven years with no change of
personnel.' Has a repetolre of over three hundred songs.- y
: ...I VOV. 4. BEAL'CHAMP OF OHIO. ' '
The JClng of Humorists.. The original "100 laughs in ;.'nul"hlLm";, JtrCZ
A pintrorm genius, uigiiiu y"'"" w...-... --
last by any.meajia. . jftr. . . .
X AW V. w w -. , ,
An International authority on Corn. Will lecture on "The Corn Crop land Its Re
lation Our Prosperity." Will Illustrate with photo bromide prints i large aa a
barn door. Growing for the agricultural; corn producta for the townefoJk.
"The Poet Scout of the Sierras." War veteran, Indian fighter, scovt. miner,
ranchman Klnndtker Doet- The great entertainer of the age. '
f Everyone who i bring? an ear of corn with hln. on Saturday sfternoon. gets a re
served seat rme-M1jtary Ve., one block from the car.
SATURDAY ATlIaiirOO--Jubilee Company, Beauehamp, Jones.
ATUmBAY TIIu Jubilee Company grand concert, Capt. "Jac
ASnlsslon a" children. 16o. Coupon day tickets 85c. children 20c
Overcome the heat.
the heat overcome you. Nothing
so cooling at "Porosknit" underwear.
An open knit garoieat of elasticity that fits
the body with case and wean with satis-
facboa. Al styles, atk your deslcr, insist
oa the " Porosknit " ULel it's your
ptotcction. If you can't find it wtite us.
AsnttenUm. N. Y.
of W. E. Wood, chairman; Amoa Snyder,
Bruce McCullough, W. I. Stephens. W. H
McCreary. N. C. Houaton, J. B. Blanchard.
C II. Whitney. E. H. Benton. R. C. Howe.
P. J. Moriarlty, Draper Smith. Alma Jack
son, B. L Parkhurst, W. I. Hoopes, Charles
Burke, J. F. Roberta, Sol. Dcgea. M. R
Murphy, W. J. Perry. J. C. Bharp. The
entertainment committee coslated of J. O.
Martin, chairman; W. E. Rted, Ed. Cahow,
W. H. Dudley. W. F. Denny, Frank Chit
tenden. H. O. Edwards. J. C. French, W. H.
Wood, C. H. Van Alstlne, John Smith,
Walter p. Roberta. J. B. Root. H. 8. Cul
ver and E. F.VFields. The women's enter
tainment committee consisted of O. J. Ing
werson. chairman; Mrs. J. O. Martin, vice
chairman; Mrs. C. H. Van Alsdlne. Mrs.
G. J. Ingwerson, Mrs. II. E. Tagg. Mrs.
Jay Laverty. Mrs. Thomas B. McPherson,
Mr. Albert Noe. Mrs. J. B. BJanchard, Mrs.
Amoa Snyder. Mrs. M. R. Murphy. Mrs. E.
Buckingham. Mra. W. F. Denny. Mrs. W.
H. Dudley, Mrs. J. Lobman and Mrs. A. F.
' Exclamatlona of surprise were heard on
all sides as the banqueters marched Into
the banquet room and beheld the beautiful
s'ght which had been prepared for them.
Other aurprlses followed fast. The menu
as a work of art and each woman waa
prtsonted with s beautiful boquet Of cut
The promoters of the dinner said that for
tlirve days the Live stock men bd been
14ttiand Frn am Street
Saturday Specials
Ideal Oven
Full size, for sin
gle burner, 18 ins
high, 2 racks, well
lined throughout
regular 110
J 160. Bat- I IH
tirdev Se SW
Lsrge size, goes over two b'irners.
hoe large drop door on 1 nn
broad side regular 12. 25, I hfl
Saturday only siww
Century Oven
A splendid baker
well lined, goes
over single burner,
11.08, sat
The Jewel, with large double burner
and one single burner, n nr
highest quality, il.MD
ftkliiriv arlW
Ti Olaasle Two burners,
regular i .00 stove,
Saturday only
OpenSslurdsy Evanlng
on the: red seats
avery Afsersooa and ETeniAg.
Mile. Lydla Pallannch, Soloist.
Cafe Luxus It Is "worth while."
jreat sjnnday The Klrsohhorns.
Admission. Afternoon, 10c, Eve, Sio
Omoaa's Vouts Besorf.
Tonurbt at 6:15 Saturday Matinee and
Her Own Way
Best Week sCBB. SAVX'sl SXrXBBB.
' Un WinsicwB Bootito3 Bynjrt
fS bflen used for eer oTTTT-fTVB VFIKH m
VlI.UoJ9 or M(TB Ehg fT.r hrir CHlI.I'KkH
WUIlje 1 EKTHI SO. lih ft IfFlWT fVU-L&ii. U
Al l.. I a
BOOT urs toe mi.i m rir.1""! uuun,
iipih-. frkf.-i Vib Xii.ic.sua is
rniel furrlhkH'IA. ll't by lrui.l In
i.n l th orlt b sure d k (a Mr
I.iw's H witbin Bwitrs" s4 uit n oiur
Stock Co.
lltn and Douglas 8t.
Specialties Between Act
Prices 10o enl 200.
listening to speeches so that part of the
nrosrram was dispensed with and the only
speech was a ahott address of welcome to !
the guests, delivered before they were
seated. j
After the banquet the tables were cleared .
awav and a dance program was carried ;
out. The ssacmblage was about equally
dlvtrled between men ar.d women, most bf
the 'national live Block men having been
accompanied by the their wives. About HO
were seated at the repast.
After undergoing a complete
change In the ventilating system
XM-10 Be. 16th Btreet.
Is beyond question the coolest
place In the City to dine. ,
CU sal see for yourself.
Regera Coal Mladag Co.. Pella. lew a
i !