14 TTTF. rwT?. DAILY BEE- SATURDAY. JUNE 27, 190S. Want - ads A4trtlfmriili for tn nmit nil rotnmne will he taken antll 1" m. for fa rtfnlgt edition ! antll ( a. sa. for the moraine aad aaaf editions. Cash mast accompany all orders for want ad and a advertisement will b Ifrrptfl for leaa than 10 reals for flrat laaertlaa. Ratee applr (a either Tae Dally or andey nee. Alware roaot all word to n line. Comblnatlona of Initiate or nansbers roaat aa one wrd. CASH n 4TES FOIl WANT Ad4. RF.Gll.4lt CLASSIFICATION Ono Inaerflnn, per line, 10 rente. f or more ronaerntlre lnaertlona( per line, U rrnta. Karh Inaertlon made on odd days, lt renta er line. fl.BO per Una er month I rirrptlng that I I HNIIIF.I ROOM ADS, nhrn nrraiiipaaleil cash, the rate fill he I Ob laaertloa, 4 renta per lluei three, to sis eoneecatlve Inser tlona, :i renta per line enrh Inaertloai arren or mora rnnaerattva tnaertlona, if eenta per line each Inaertlon I GO renta per llae per month. Want ada for The Bee mar e left at any of the following dm etoree one la "yoar corner draajaTl" te'r mrf all branch oflleea for The Beo and oar ad will be laaerted Inat aa promptly aad on the Mat ratee aa at the mala offlca la The Bee Balldta, eoTeatecath and Fa mam atreeta. Alhach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Hera nek, S. A.. 1j2 8. 16th St. Bocht Pharmacy. 720 8. Ith St Pennon Pharmao. Benson, Neb. . Benil Park Pharmacy, 31d and Cuming. ' Blake's Pharmacy. 2S26 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K.. tith and P1"c.8r A. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 221 Military Ave. Cent. J. B.. 31st Ave. and ar,nBm:. Crisscy Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Bl"-f-imak. Emit. 1M4-6 8. 13th St. Ehlcrs. T. H., 2M2 Leavenworth SI. Koater & Arnoldl, 218 N. 2Mh St. Kreylag, Jonn J . 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 2oth ami 'nd Green's Pharmacy.weorner Park Ave. r oif ic Greenough, O. A.. 1025 8. 10th St. OreenougU, O. A.. 1624 8. 10lh St. Hayden. Wm. C. 2920 Farnam. HRni.com Park Pharmacy. 1401 S. 2th Ave. Hoist, John, 614 N. lfith St. Huff. A. L., 2924 l.eavenworth Bt. King. K. S., 2228 Farnnm St Kounlio Place Pharmucy, 2004 ' Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. !h ft. J-athrop. Charlea &. 1321 N. Wh St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24'h a nd Am". Av a. fcchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co.. luth and Chicago Sta. . , r'nhaefer. August. 2031 N. Wh Bt. S.:hmldt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, lrtth and Martha Sta. Walnut HIM Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmucy. 20th and ,Qrc , Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton sts. DEATH AND PUXEBAl NOTICES. PAULEY Mi e. Zandra. beloved wife of Vincent Pauley, June j. - o runeral from realdence of hernarenta, Andrew Paulsen, 1520 No. 19th St. Saturday, at 2 p. ni. Interment at Springfield cem neiy. Friends Invited. She Is also jur- iv d by two brothers. Henry and Alfred Paulsen, and two sisters, Frlhda Paulsen anu Alii. a DUaegard. LODGE? NOTICES. Msmbera of Ruth Rebecca lodge No. 1 are requested to attend the funeral of our beloved sister, Vandra Pauley, from 16i0 North Nineteenth street. Saturday at 3 p. in. Florence M. Wagner, Noble Grana; Rose Golden, Secretary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following mailage l cen JUUed. Name and Residence. Francia Kotlars, South Oral bletanla Wianlowska, South Daniel Buckley, Oumha Elisabeth O Day, Omaha Daniel Schwarti, Omaha .... Uu Flnkel, Omaha Merl C Rush, Omaha Mamie E. Shrtim, Omaha ... sea hava been Age. ...2 iha. Oraa aha 2o .... 22 .... 28 B 1 It T II M ANU DEATHS. Blithe Christ Atidursun, 423 Dorcas', boy; Janice R. Kennedv, 1S44 South Twent seve.ith. tlrl; George E. Ankele, 4548 North Fourteenth, gni; Stephen Staneslc, 1214 Poppleton avenue, girl; F. O. Williams, 4111 Chuiles, girl; Lloyd Ingrahani, 261, Farnam, girl; Theodore Paiacchlnl, 813 South Seventh, girl; Henry Schults, Flrty fourth and Leavenworth, girl. Datha-Edward Burke, 302 North Tweiity-flrat, 69. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLKUE. 81'MMbK St HOOL NOW OPKN. Public echool Blades bin to 9th inclualve, tl l-er week. liookkoeping, stenography, E'nttlish. teiegrapuy, nitu ial depaitnicut Union Pacific Kailioad. Positions guar anteed oi'ci atoi s. Special summer races Mail now. Cntalogu nco. Konrbougn liros.. Omaha, Nub. (1) M116 ! Sioiv PAl.NlING-a. H. COLE. 1302 Doug" las. 1 ixil THE CITY GARBAGE CO... office 4th and Leavenworth bts. Icl. Douglss 137. (U-66J DIRT wur.ted-SOi N. 3iU. J. H. Parrotts. (t M361 WANTED Concessions for the Fourth of July. Write to J. W. Jackman, Silver Ciuek, Merrick toirnly, JScbianka. (D-563 28 AUTOMOBILES- IN SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DEHIGHT. IM Kunxnu 2-6ta BUICK touring car, with top. good as new, at great bargain. Addresa N 697, care Bee. fj 216 Jy2 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE. A 120 acre imprmeu farm, 6 miles from Shell City. Vernon couniy. Missouri, good hulldlngs; bo acres under cultivation, 2u acres in line ouk ana walnut timber, bal ance blue grasa paature and meadow land. Price. .0iw. incumbrance. t-'.KiU. Will ev. chaiiga for stock of hardware m yfwpfwy t cuange lor a sioch. oi groceriea, merchan dise or hardware. GI.OBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. 8. istn Su (3-M166 1 FA It MS, city property, mdse.. evervwheie. Eiimgur lnv. Co., ilvi Bue Bldg.. Omaha. U.-M5S! Je27 READ-MAKE OFFER. No. 1 Fine 8-rooni dwelling In a-.ioil lo. cation, close to car. renting for IS5 0it-per nii'iitu. m iru vnni iuib. mce, so.tHvi in cumbrance 8o. Will trade for small sick cf merchandise, or good w acres of land. No. 2 Nice 6-rooni cottage, with acie of ground, well rented. Price. 81.60 1, lnc .'.iv. Make us an offer. No. J-7 20 a. lea In 1, nthern H II county, a I sood land. Would make an ideal ranch Priie, 9 wi r ueie. clear; want merchan dise, or good M acres of land. No. 4 acra bignly Improved ranch 6 0 acrea now In culiivatlon; . all level deen black aoll. no aand. price 130 Ou per acre Clear; want mrrchandiae, or small farm' miu have some iash. ' No. 6160 acres Improved; 10B acrea In iul tlvaliun; S's nulea from county seat' all good black soil, price 826.111 pr are Clear. N ant unite, or city properly. ' All of the above is first class and worth every cent asked. We have good land In all aiaed tracia. Submit your proportion e can match It " WAIT INVESTMENT CO vl bee bldg. Omaha. Neb. - 3)-M 96 28 FOR SALE or exchange. 130 and 240 acrea of fin prairie land In Hushes couniy Oklahoma, will consider good city prop el I r, marchandise or live slock; price ) per acre. Aonresa taw. Kimeryisn. Hold- ilhe. Okl. 131 MlVl it 480 ACRES improved Nebraska land to trade Ivt Oniatta property, 216 No 22d St. U)-il324 2JS BUSINESS CHANCES t'RL'O atorea for aal everywhere. Knlest. N. T. I. Bldg (4) TO GET In or out of business call oa GANGESTAD. Room 4"3. Bee Bldg (4-(4 WILL. SELL my More and stork of gen eral merchandise at 8wedeburg. Neb. ; es tablished business of 18 yeaie standing. John Erlckaon. (4)-M!87 2Sx ICE! ICE!! Good natural Ice In car lota. A. Katake Ice and Coal Co . 1104 Davenport. Tele phone Doug. 6643; Ind. A-2332. (0-447 GROCERIES and notions, SOc on dollar and throw In fixtures. 22J7 Broadway. Council Bluffa. FOR SALE OR RENT Flrat class meat market. 607 South Main. Council Bluffa. la. Address C W. Detchfotd, Council Bluffa. la. 41-MM MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lota. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffs. Ia. 4-M340 GOOD PATING steam laundry, cheap; must sell. Address Y 6, care Bee. (4I-M6M S0x I FOR BALE Flrst-clasa bakery, conf -ctlon-i erv, cafo and fancy groceries: the only j one In Nebraska town of 1.0W). Health, I cnuse of selling. Address V 42, care Pep. (4) mim jyzx TWO actlvo partnefa wanted In manu facturing business. Address E 23, care Bee. (4)-M10 28x IOCATION FOR PLANING MILL. Two-story building, 60x 90 feet, together with gasoline engine and electric motor, well located and adapted foY planing mill, for aale or rent. 'Phone Doug. 6K. W. J. DERMODY INV. CO., 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. w-yj is WANTED Good man for city salesman, with $1,000; rare chance to right person. Address, K 611, care Bee. (4) M334 2KX tlO.OOOjJBWELRY STOCK for tfc on dol lar; must deal quick. Address Y R5. care Bee. 4)-M314 29x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. Judge C. T. Dickinson, 34 Paxton Blk. (6 177 Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. W 1505 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (5) wa MAMIE WRIGHT, 33 Douglas Blk., Doug.. Ins M97. (5J-M162 Creameries. DAVID COLE Cj-eamery Co. (5) M7 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney :368. (B)-668 LADIES' tailor made suits, summer gowns and shirt waist suits. Special attention given to out of town customers. 207 Old Boston Store Bldg. (5)-144 Sept.K Dentists. EAILEY & MACK. 3d fir. Paxton. D. lORfi, (B) 670 DeteotlTsa. EXPERT detective aervlce. 'Address A B51, Bee. (51-M124 JulySx OMAHA DETECTIVE AGENCY. 218 S. lBth; all work promptly attended to; strictest secrecy maintained. Doug. 216. (6) M113Jy23 Financial. M TO L,OAN RATEin su LOW 0 r rr in aum iu 11 P V ult. 3t Bee Bldg. "v 'PhoneDouglas 2S04. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (B)-71 IF YOU WANT ' a small loan on your furniture and don't want to pay an exhorbttatit rate, see the OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Ill Board of Trade Bldg., 16th Su Entrance. () 167 Flarlats. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam Ct ()-672 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 126:1. (6 673 J. II. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (6-674 Hat Reaoratlag. PANAMA hats bleached, Ramser, 220 So. 14th St. (5)-Mll UateU. THE SCHLITZ. Earopean. 16th and Harney. tu 670 MoTlns and Storl!. Exprensmen's Delivery Co.; office;. 214 N. 16th St.; warehouse, 2207-t Isard St. (6)-B77 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INC, 418 N. Y. U Tel. D. 166 (6 678 Dr. Kathryn Nikolas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. (B M DR. BROWSER, over 1600 Far. Doug. 6870. (6J216 Jy26 Office SagpHca. FILING cablneta, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Ancnor Publishing Co., 806 S. ISth SU Tel. Doug. 6562. Ind. A-l62. (6 M463 Je-2 Pool and Billiard Tables. - FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tttV,l ttiinnlia mil hr fixtures: aold on easy payments, cataloguea free. Charlea fassow st Bona, lus rs. join et., unnu. (6 M590 July 8 rrlatlBB. BEFORE placlrg your 1909 calender order don't fall to ace our Imported line. Lyng atad ft Jorve, printers, 16th snd Capitol Av. io . Safea, Shattera, Ete. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes a specialty of firs escapes, shut ters, doors snd safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 108 S. 10th St. (6)-68d shorthand Notary. F. J. rTUTCLIFFE. court reporter. Tel. D, 1905. (o)-M7 ho Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. I6I8V1 Capitol Ave. Phone Hed (6) 681 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Bnoe Repair Co., 1S04 Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas ii. I-Wt HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY AGENTS are making 826 per week selling our great line of necessities; no scheme; partieulara free; write ua now Young. 184 Dearborn St., D 61. Chicago. (7) M316 2x Factory aad Trades. LAUNDRY Hand Ironer, shirtwaists a spcvlalty. Reference. Transportation furnished. E. F. Hudson. Msryville, Mo. (7) M319 4x WANTED Competent lady clothes Ironar to tske charge of work. Nonpareil I. sun dry Vo. (7)-M.Sf2i Housekeepers and Damretlea. W ANT EI Experienced girl for general housework; family of three; good wages. Mrs. A. F. Smith.. 104 8. 36. h 61.. t7)-M191 28 WANTED Young woman to live on a farm for a couple of months with young widow woman Companionship desired mora than help. References exchanged Ad dress F624. cars Bee. (7) M16S 27x W ANT tiU-experienced cook. 8612 Farnam. t7-l The BEE pubHshc s more Pet Do and Poultry advertising than any other Western paper. If you are interested, it will pay you to reaid them. HELP WANTED FEMALE floaakeepera nnd nomeatlca Contl'd WANTED Girl. 18 to 23 years of aie. to di a I tMe housework morning and even ing in r. li'ini.. Fn. r ... it-. .,n,l liAu r.( T n- . In famliv. Prefer telephone girl. Call a'. 1,05 Fo. 27th f?t. (7)-M:01 2Sx , 91 lacellaneona. tv' 1 .v t r r 1 I An 'experienced Imly toachrr for fifth and ! sixth grarie 111 a rirst-clnss school in a town In eastern Nebraska f i term beginning i In September. Applicant mu.il be a strong teacher, with not less than two or three years' experience, with successful record and unquestioned ability. Address K Ml, care Bee. 7l 214 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors nnd Salesmen. QUICK 8ELLER8-214 8. 12th St. (9) oSS WANTED Clothing ec-esman with eome t experience in mens Hues; nrsi-cmss ret-1 erences required. J. llclphand. 314 N. lHth. (9J-170 i7 HUSTLERS 428 Ramgi Bids. 8 to 9. til) MV."i 2X CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; I ion per innn'h mid ixpena-s. Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, (91-Ml 6 2hx WANTED Local agent to leprisent man ufacturer or chipped, eluded and litho graph glass signs and novelties. Addresa Secretary, 1101 York St., Cincinnati; O., stating experience, etc. (!)) M.il8 3 WANTED General agent for sale highest grade New York realty Investments; reg ular dividends ten years; lnrge surplus; unusual chance for good organlier. Ad dress Y 8, caie Bee. (9) M3(9 J9x WANTED Five good solicitors for a fra ternal order. Oood wages (o goon men, apply 625 N. Y. Life Bldg. TTb-M3.'6 29 Boys. WANTED A boy to work on a fruit and chicken farm near city, can go nome nighta. E. L. Plats, proofroom. Omaha Bee. (9) M.tio 28x Clerical nnd OtDce. 1 WE can use a good stenographer, clerk In lumber office, real estate salesman, tur nlture and carpet man, bookkeeper and stenographer, telegraph operator, sales men In most every line, solicitors, cigar clerks and managers of merchandise stores. If these do not INTEREST you we have OTHERS that WILL. Call AT flNTK. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (INC.), 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. t)-212 26 WANTED A thorough, competent, rapid and accurate bookkeeper; one having naa experience in the live stock commission business preferred; good salary to the right party. Addresa Y 7, care Bee. (9)-136 28 DRUG clerks' positions. Knlest. N. Y. L Bldg. . () 084 . Factor and Trades. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Positions guaran teed; booklet free. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. O.'flclal training school U. P. R. R. (9-5S5 WANTED AT ONCE Two. sash and door machine men. One frame machine man. Two stair builders. Two cabinetmakers. 1 Two general bench men. One special sash man.' Steady work, nine hours per day, open shop, 3oc or over per hour. Apply Sayre Newlon Lumber Co., Denver, Colo. (9) M11S OS WANTED Ten nonunion stonemasons at Fort Russell, Wyo., at once. 14 to d for eight hours. Atkinson Bros., contractors. (i)) MiSi 2 WANTED Men, learn barber trade; few weeks completes; 60 chairs constantly busy; licensed Instructors; tools given, di. plomas granted; wages Saturdays; posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for graduates. Write for catalogue, Moler Barber College, 110 S. ,14th St., Omaha. (9) M315 2x Mlaccllaneons. FREE employment Dept. Business Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9J 8 BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL . IS NOW OPEN Students Admitted Any Day Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Telegraphy and English. Official Training School Union Pa cific R. R. Telegraph Department. A postal gets foil Information. Address ti. a Boyles, Boyles J31dg., Omaha. (9) M327 WANTED A single man to work about place and as gardener. H. W. Yates. Ne braska National bank. (9) 131 26 830 SUITS to order, 115; 16 pants for J I. MacCarthy-Wilson. 304 South 16th. (9) 143Jy.23 QREAT reduction In shoes. Chabot, 203 ISO. ltllll 1311.8 juiyzi WANTED School boy during summer va cation; 110 per month and hoard. Apply to Headquarters, Fort Omaha. 19) M33S 28x WANTED Young man with real estate ex perience, to appoint agenta; must be a bustler; good pay. Address H 6"P. care Bee. (9I-M318 27 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Men snd women of good qusl Ity and strong personality to represent Dodd, MeadS ft Co., to sell the new Inter rational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and weatern Iowa; previous ex- Serience unneceasary. 718 N. Y. Life, ma ha, Neb. (10) 6S2 Jyl LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cans, Birds, Do a: a and Pets, FINE lot of fresh milch cows." 43ir and Center Sts. (111-210 28 Horses and Vehicles. FOR the next 30 days ws will make low prices on sample suriejs and buggies. Omaha Buggy Co., 1115-17 Farnam Si. v (U) M66j J una FIVE Id-hand. 6-glass laudaua or h.icka. In flue condition, all Cunningham make. Ad dress W. A. Peck, care Druminond Car- ' riage Co.. Js'o and Harney Sts. (U)-UJy2 HIGH grade Cortland runabout, sacrifice. Johnson-Dsnforth Co., 10th and Jones. iiu ai.iaa jy Poultry, tugus aad Iqssss, SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle call Doug. 1148. Ind. B-3466. A. W. Wagner. 8ul N. 16tn. (1D-6S8 WHEAT. $1.76 per 100. Wagner. 601 N. 16th. Ill) lhO LOST AND FOUND TEN DOLLAR8 REWARD Brlndie and white Boston terrier; ears uncut, heavy collar, tag 1421. 8. 8. Curtis, 3177 Davtn poit St G2 Ml5u $10 REWARD for return of ladies' gold watch and chatelaine pin. lost near 4ixh and Hamilton atreeta; Omega movement, caae ias monogram ' M. K. F." on botli sides. Return to 1410 Howari 81., or phone Doug. SS". and get reward. (12)-211 2x LOST Lineman's belt snd tools near 26th and Dudge Sit. Call Webster fro (.12,1-208 28 LOST AND FOUND (Continued. J ?TH AY ED Dehorned fresh cow. brlndle color. Return or give Information for reward. Charlie F. Manderson. M0 8. 3Stl St. (12) M311 27x IX WEST part of cjtv, coat, with bill book containing some bills in pocket; also card hook. Kinder call up P. McArdle. OT Park Ave.. Tel. Harney 3?2. Will re ward finder. (12i M310 2SX LOST Near Farnam nnd Sixteenth, sou venir pin of Pan Francisco conflagration, owner's name on back. Flndr will Owner's name on back. Finder will care of F. D. Wead, liil Farnam St. (121 M.i27 2SX WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. Omiha. Neb. (13) M689 FREE medical snd surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Oouglas 1167. Calls anawercd day or night. ' 113)-129 Br-ST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve rood Pills." 8V a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ' (131-469 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS . For Any and Every Need Consult the OMAHA .MORTGAGE LOAN CO., a firm whose squareness and fairness has never been questioned. SIXTEEN YEARS established, sound aa a bank. We do all that others advertise and a LITTLE BIT MORE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th Bt. Entrance. (14)-liS EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14)-690 T. O. NIELSEN ft CO., LOANS. 703 N. f . J 4fe Bl.ig. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (14)o98 CHATTEL, aalary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam Hu 14 692 OFFERED FOR RENT , Hoarding; and Roomi. . VIENNA hotel; private ainlng rooms; cafe. (15)-694 WE DO expert piano moving a: lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller at Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15) 698 IK'.VE European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-697 GOOD board and room, 81; close In. 68 N. 23d. (16) 723 26x DESIRABLE southwest furnished room with board. 123 8. 26th Ave. (16)-M161 lx FIRST-CLASS accommodation for young men at the old Paxton home, 206 S. 26th Ave., after July 1; special low rates for partlea rooming together; cool, shady lawn; large verandah everything strictly first class. 1 (15) JSI149 2ix MODERN, cool rooms, with or without b. ara; home cooking; no objction to Wnmivn iKIS Rt.- Msrv'a Ave. 7 " ,te 1 KW 1P illlld VA Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, ..... .... ...... a. .it. .uc oppoaue Minara. uu o. 101a ok. w v DESIRABLE rooms, reasonable. 218 N. 19th. (15) M91i; J30x NEATLY furnlahed room; private family; gentlemen only. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16) -M956 EAST ROOM, strictly modern, electric light and telephone; suitable for a gentleman. Tel. Doug. 3637. 217 S. 25th St. (16) M660 ROOM Suitable for one or two gentlemen; rnodern. 201 S. Central Blvd. Tel H. 17i2. ' (15) M192 S SOUTH front room for gentlemen; mod em. 1713 Davenport. (15) M194 2Sx STRICTLY modem furnlahed rooma. 2oll Chicago St. Tel. Douglaa 6213. (15)-M767 27 SOUTH-FRONT room, modern br.ck hou for gentleman. i2C8 Douglaa St? (15)-M89 27x ROOMS-2417 DODGE. (15)-MS26 27 FOR RENT-Furnlahed room for one. In quire is30 Capitol Ave., or 'phone Har ney 26a. ilS)-.l2-2x 2 NEWLY furniahed connecting rooma, all modern, complete for light housekeeping: light, heat and telephone, laundry and Ice box prlvlliges. Harney W2. 1041 Park Ave. . (15)-M754 27 VERY drslrabla south and east rooms. 2702 Farnam. (.5) Mitu jytfx DELIGHTFUL aummer room. lo south windows, modern, close In. 614 N. 23c (15) M9r,0 27x YOUNG MAN to share finely furnished room; reasonable terms. 27o2 Farnam 'Phone Harney 2065. (In) M94 27x FOR RENT To responsible people, my residence of ten rooms. In walking dis tance. 'Phone Doug. 43. Address D 622, care Bee. , (16) 137 28x ONE large room newly furnished, all mod . ern conveniences; rent reasonable 216 North 23d St. (7) 134 30 FURNISHED rooms In modern house oil Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3992. (1)-M154 1 244) HARNEY, newly furnlahed front room. (15)-M329 Sx NEATLY furnished front room, modern, near two car lines. 'Phone Weheter MM. 2"4 No. mh St. (15) M521 29x Apartmeats aad Flats. THREE new 7-room flats at 5f8-510-512 N. 20ih St.; these flats have four bedrooms , Bills uain on me seuuiiu iioui, iubi iiihit has large reception hall, parlor, dining -room, kitchen; all rooms' except kitchen on first floor finished in oak; each apart ment will have full cemented basement, window shades, gas range, gas heater and water furnished; rent $.0; now ready. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 17i4 Farnam St. Ask for rental department. 116I-M330 28 8-ROOM front flat, partly modern. $8 50. Apply at rear. 1917 Clark St. ' (15)-6? I 6- R. FLAT. Qulvet, 1S09 Farnam. 3-6 r. flat. Scarso. 516 N. 24th. S. O. HALL. 317 Fust National bank. Red 7406. J Hsstekeeflsg Room. FOR RENT Two excellent, modern, fur nished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone in house. 2574 Harney St. (VjJ i!94 218 No. 19th, 1 ght housekeeping room. ' Ut)-M.6T 27x SUITE of modern rooma. fine location. i nlce and cool for aummer, everything ! ni.rK.nl.nt i nr iiermu nen I ronnln ?,'Vi California 81. (15)-M322 3x Farnlaard tl oases. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed 6-room. mod ern apartment, till Sept. 1, to parties without children; referancea. Tel. Harney (.'4. (16-M119 HANDSOMELY furnlahed T-room cottage for rent cheap lu tesponsible party. S-a pswty Av. . . (la; -123 34 I OFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Houses and Cottages. Will rent at once at a bargain, 9-room house, water, gss. electric light, large yard, half block to school. Two famlllee can uae this K desired, ta::. Charlea St. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. lonl New York Life. Doug, or A 2152. (15)-M125 27. 6-ROOM. 2d floor, 1902 N. 26th St., 814; 10 room modern house and barn, 93 No. 2oth, 840 and water rent; atoreroom. 1306 N. 24th St., 815. Chria Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sta. (15) M522 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company. 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) ai 3517 SEWARD ST., t rooms, modern, 820. 4174 Cass St., 8 rooms, all modern, 826. 6-room all modern flat, walking distance, 825. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (15) M665 FOR RENT. Seven-room modern house, one block from car line, large lot, 820 per month; will be vacant July 1. 'Phone Doug. 510R. W. J. DERMODY INV. CO., )36 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (15) 206 28 FOR RENT-211 N. 28th Ave., 7-room. 2 story house; modern except furnace. In complete repair; new plumbing; rent very low at 822 60 to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St (15)-M87l 601 Patrick Ave, new 7-room modern brick house. Tel. Harney 1510. (18)-M197 28 41i!9 Cass, 8-r., large yard, 840. 1S10 Park Ave., 8-r., brick, 8.T7.RO. 1707 Park Ave.t 8-r.. brick, 837.60. S'7 Park Ave., 8-r., frame, modern, 837.60. 4328 Charles, 9-r.. water, light, arranged for two families, 822.60. 27.1 South 9, 8-r., all modern, new, 827.60. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2162. (15) M164 27 HOU8ES Peters Trust Co., . Y. L. Bldg. (16) 610 NINE rooms, all modern, besides recep tion hall; large room In basement and laundry room; house newly painted and papered; shade trees; cement walks and a nice back yard: walking distance. 'Phone Webster 3128. (15) M901 FOR RENT 2218 N. 18th St. brand new dwelling, ( rooma, reception hall, large attic, light collar cemented; lawn and large shade trees; will make some concession to small family on one year' lease, 832.50. 2930 N. 25th St., 5-room cottage, newly papered and painted, modern except fur nace, 120. 2418 N. 17th (corner- Lake), good 6-room cottage, 817. 1316 Pierce, 6-room cottage, $16. 2016 Pierce, 4-room flat, $11. 4117 N. 25th Ave.. 5-room cottage, $11. 621 8. 29th SU. 8-room flat, 814. 3110 Burdette St., 4-room house, $12. 2204 N. 27th, 4 rooms, 2d floor, $9. 1038 8. 18th, 4-room cottage, $7. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. Ask for Rental Department. (1;)-M147 27 EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, opposite Hanscom Park, modern, $33. 'Phone Hurney 15U5. (16)-6sl FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house, 704 N. 2.id St., large yard, fine ahade trees, MO per month. Partlea still in the houau and will be glad to mow you. (151869 8-ROOM house, modern,! $;7fl0. 3114 No. 24th St. Tel. Webster Z6M. (15) M323 29 X MODERN cottage, newly papered and painted; 6 rooma and bath; rent, $22.50. W No. 27th St. Telephone Doug. 42i). (15) M320 28 FOR RENT. A five-room cottage, modern except fur nace, painted and papered on the inside and painted on the outalde: located at 3011 Decatur St.; at $15 per month. 'Phone Doug. 5i(. W. J. DERMODY INV. CO., 636 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha Neb. (15)-20i 2 Maggard Van ft Storage Co. D. 1496. Ws guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. ' - (15) 611 HOUSES ,n " Srtg of the city. XHJUOrjO Crelgu Sous ft Co.. Bee Bid. (lo) 67 2722 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, city water and gaa. $14. 25- Franklin St., 6 rooms, modern, $30. 1521 Wirt St., 6 rooma, modern, 830. 712 N. iith Ave., 7 rooma, modern, $38. 1503 S. 2Sth St , 8 room's, city water, $18. 2620 Woolworth Ave., 6 rooma, modern, $27.50. . 609H N. 21st, 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (151-213 26 HOUSES, insure .ice. Rlngwalt, Barker Bill. (15) M HOUSEHOJi) goods pscked, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and atorlng. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. tH. (15) 6i4 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (16) 6eo 2967 TACIFIC 8T - rooms, modern, oak finish-$40. A. G. Ellick. 603 Bee Bldg. (Iii)-fi08 OMAHA Van s.nd Storage Co., pack, move, store H. II. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1Co9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15) 605 ONE clx room and one four-room cottage for rer.t at 2Sth and Douglaa Sts.; city water, sewer and toilet. Inquire on prem ises. , (15) M162 27 x FOR RENT Modern house. 618 S. 2oth St. (15) M169 Jy 8x 9-R. MOD., close In. 1549 N. 17th, $23.50. 9-room modern, close In. 1651 N. 17th, $23.50 9-room, part modern. 24n5 Grant, $18. 5-room, citv water, 22"8 N. 27th, $15. 3- room, part modern, 1612 N. 24th, $10. 4- rooni, city water. 2027 S. 8th, $9. JU'SSELL & MtKl TRICK CO., 432 llamge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (15) 209 26 FOR RENT. Modern 7-room brick house. 205 8. tith St. Inquire 2417 Jones St. (15) 203 28 Offices. OFFICES In The Bee building for rent. Apply R. W. Baker, superintendent, room 105. (15) M 160 ROOMS 6 and 6, on second floor of Con servative building. 1614 -Harney St., oak finish, gas and electric light; heat and janitor tervlce furnished; these offices can i.e rented singly or ensulte. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 17o4 Farnam St. (16) M331 -J FOR RENT on June 1, large office room 12x22 feet, In Crounae block, opposite post, office. Conrad Young, agent, 1513 Dodas St. (15) 4K DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24tu and N Sts. South Omaha. Call at Bee otflie, 6. O. branch, .'4th und N. new address. , - (loi M577 24X28 FEET. 2d floor, south a-id east front. 18lh and Harney, $25; 15x20, S. front. $10 S. S. CURTIS. 1808 Harney. (16) M696 WHEN wilting to advertisers, remember It takea but an extra atioke or two of the in to mention the fact that you saw the ad In 'lite Bee. tores. THE one-atory brick building at 914 Far nam St . with trackage in the rear. Will remodel to suit tenant. This would make good quartera for machine shop, plumber, tinner or for atorage purposes. For further partieulara apply to the be Building Co.. 17th and Farnam. (li)-10 SCARGO BLK.. 8. O New. 520 N. 24th HALL, 117 First National Bank. Red 74 (15) -4J OFFERED FOR RENT ((. ontlnued.) WAREHOUSE For Rent Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator. Address . m m Lja i.lls av OFFERED FOR SALE Pianos, Orgaaa, Musical Instruments. - NEW plsnos for rent. $3 So, $4 no and $0n per month. A. Hoape Co., 1518 Douglas. (16I-MU7 Jy23 BRAND new Bteger piano; will sell very cheap, for I'm leaving the clJy. 218 N Wd (16I-217 3 Typewriters and Itwlsg Machlaea. FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only used short time and In A No. 1 condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (18) 93 TYPEWRITERS. aecond-hand. blggeat stock In west, $5 up. Write Central Type writer Exchange, 1607 Farnam. U8)-M37S Jy7 Miscellaneous, FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tablea. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th St (1C)-613 ICE, ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffa. Ia. (16)-M374 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 ordera; catalogue free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. tl) C.1T SEND us your msl. orders for drugs; freight paid - on $10 tote. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 619 HALL'S aafes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16) 613 SOME first-class laundry machinery for sals cheap. G. F. Llllle, Tekamah. Neb. (16)-M811 FOR BALE Several handsome marble man tels, together with grates and tiling; thes are In perfect condition; will sell at very small prlc. R. W. Baker, 'Hoom 105. Be Bldg. (161 M124 8HFRWIN-WILLIAM8 CO.. bst mixed palnU Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (16)-61 HAY, $6 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16)-16I 2-3 RUCKER ft WESTON news caaea and stands to. ssla cheap. Call at Be office, Omaha. (li)-892 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th nd Dodge Sts., Omaha. Nb. (161-4-0 WAGON UMBRELLAS. $1. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. (16)-M691 Jyl8 A LOT of atone for coping, window snd door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for aale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt Beo Bldg. (16) 861 BUTCHER SHOP and slaughter house fixtures complete. Chesp; cssh. P. O. Box 627. Omaha. (16)-M469 Jy9 TWO celling fans for sale at a bargain. Dresher, 1615 Farnam St. (16)M976 29 FOR SALE-Two electric fans, 12-Inch. 1909 Webster St. (16) 204 28 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117. (17)-621 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for inventors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. ft A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Pa cific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17) 623 LARSON .ft CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (171622 PERSONAL f AnNCTKI treatment and bath. Mm. JVia.UXJl(li. Smith. 118 N. 16th. 2d floor. (18) 627 A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lea, 401 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18)-M3tt THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits castoft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for coat of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phon Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 7iu YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aaaoclatlon rooms, 1510 Farnam St., where they will be directed to aultable boarding placea or otherwise aaslated. (18.---8 15 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. 1 13 1625 MASSAGE Weltmer. auggeative itinoonuu Theraupautlca. 120 8. 16th St., Old Boaton Store, Boom 80g. 4th floor. (18)-706 Jyls Omaha 8tmmrers Institute, Ramus Bldg. (181-626 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webstor 3559. (18) 621 HOME-MADE wine, both aweet and aour; six years old, $1.00 per gallon. Cackley Bros., 121 N. 16th St (18) M575 JulylS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. flrat floor N. Y. Life. (19)-627 GEORGE ft CO., 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19)-62 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandela Bldg. (19) 628 CITV PROPERTY FOR BALE. NONRESIDENT owner of lota 9. 10, 11, block 3, Sherman Ave. park, on N. 16th St. and Jaynea St.. Is In th city and want an offer on them. W. H. GATE8. 617 N. Y. L:fe. Tel. Doug. 1294. (19J-M151 27 FOR SALE OR RENT Brick residence; 21 rooma; extenalve grounds; walking distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club house. C. H. Brown. 407 Brown Bldg. (19)-M36i 20TII AND WOOLWORTH An 8-room house, strictly modern, rent ing for 8360 annually. East front; paved stieet. One block to Hanscom Park and car line. Price. $3,600. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg. Tela Douglaa 171, or Alius, (191-182 26 Almost new, 6 rooms, all modern house, lot 33x126, between 26th and 27th on Cass St.. $2,800. Beautiful Nebraska City property,. $ room house, 6 lots, with sbundaace of ahade and fruit treea, well and ' cistern. Mortgaged for $1,300; price, $3,600. Will ex change equity for lty property or busi-t-ess. XELS A. LUNDGREX CO., 624 N. Y. Life. Doug. 2463. (19I-M155 27 29TH AND DOUGLAS 9-room. strictly modern 2-story house, renting for $376 annually. Lot 40x117; good table. Price. $3,760. but w want an offer, cash or terms. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N.' Y. Life Bldg. Tels Douglaa 17fel. or Aim. (19)-1S3 24 WEST FARNAM STREET. Two elegant modern brick residences la West Farnam atreet district, one block from atreet car; everything In fuat-claas shape, $4.0i) each THOMAS BRENNAN. First Floor New York Llf Building. (1)-M5t EEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pfj CilAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pra VJ. U-6i REAL ESTATE CITY PROPF.RTY FOR I.E. (Continued. Ten-Day Snap CLOSE IN Gond 4-room. ' modern cottage, lot 40x118, paved street, ahade. etc., choice and valua ble location, near 28th and Farnam. Of fered at $2,700 for ten daya only. Can ar rarne reasonable terms. Neat i-roim cottage, full lot. fine loca tion, near 24th and Pprague. Snap at $1.S'XV Vcrv easy terma. Choir lot, 4214X124, near rsth Av. and Nicholas. Blggeat bargain offered at $600 Your own terma. Deslrahl horn place, 436 Grant. Good 7-room house, large barn, shade, etc., two lota, fruit and ahade, permanent walka. See thla at once and submit any reason able offr. Must be sold even at a aac rlflce. Choice new 7-room modern- house, lot SRx 126. paved street, concrete walks, fruit and shade trees, g.md location, near 28th and Cuming, on car line snd wthln easy wslk lug distance. Thla property cannot be equaled anywhere In the city for $.1,000. Owners price, $2,Riio, small cash payment, balance $211 per mm th, Including 6 per cent Interest, Neat 8-room mniWn cottage, In beft repair, good as new, near 25th and Pierce, one block from car and fifteen minutes' walk from postofflce. (inly $1,900; reason-' able terms. RUSSELL & MoKlTRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and HaVnev. (19) 208 24 . HIGH CLASS FLAT LOCATION ADJOINING HIGH SCHOOL : I. CONNER, OWNER, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. (19) M-737 DO you want a quick buyer or renter for -your Omaha property. If ao, call and se us or 'phone Douglaa 5562. Globe Land nnd Investment Company, 36 S. 18th St. (191-M904 27 For Sale or Trade An 18-room, all modern hotel In a thriving town In eastern Nebraska, doing a fine bualness. Here Is a dandy opening for a food hotel man. Price, $7,000; encumbrance 1.000. Owner will trad equity for Improved Nebraska land. ( PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17S1. A-1188. ' (W-139 26 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (19) 613 R'iEl) ABSTRACT CO.. Eat. 1866. Prompt . service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam Hu (19)-38 $3,500 New, alt modern 9-room house; largo south front lot, close In. N. Fenger, 6uS Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 66S5. 09) M898 Jy18x REAL ESTATE FAI1M AND RANCH LAND Fon SALH Canada. AGENT8 WANTED To sell Canadian landa In their locality; must ba hustlers; liberal commission and written contract. Golden West Land Co., 323 Jackson St., St. Paul. Minn. (20)-M312 27x Colorado. GOOD FARMING LAND Near Denver. Greeley district; wells 26 to 40 feet; abun. dance of moisture; general farming, In cluding corn raising; one crop pays lor NATIONAL INVESTMENT. CO.. v 6S2 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha. Neb. (20) 9VU WANTED We hav' several thousand acres of good Colorado landa for sale; wit want good, live agenta to repreaent us. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. ())-M4t6 " Montana. 17,'03 acrea of eastern Montana farm lands bur sale at $4 60 per acre. A snap for a quick, buyer, hll Ings Losn and Title com (am, Billings, Mont. (20) M9S1 Nebraska. FARM of 820 acrea In Boone Co., Neb., 2Ki under cultivation, good Improvements. Price $50. per acre, easy terms. Crelgli Sons & Co., 508 Bee Bldg. (20) M93 2 FOR SALE. 640 acres fine farming land, T miles from Callawa; thriving railroad town; about 2S0 acres under cultivation; all In nno body, nearly aa level as the aea and aa good and pretty land as you ever laid your eyes on; 30 aciea seeded to alfalfa; two thrifty grovea; 7-room frame house and one of the largest barns In the coun try; mow room for luO tons of Hay; large granary, cattle sheds and other buildings; all fenced and cross-fenced; two wells and windmills; on rural mall route and tele phone in houae. This Is a beautiful loca tion and one that will make your declin ing years happy. If sold within the next thirty daya, on easy terms, per acre, $30. For further deacrlptlon and list of other landa address R. E. Brega. Callawa, Neb. (20)-M317 28 Mlaccllaneons. SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA AND NORTHWESTERN KANSAS if you ara ' Interested in land In thla section, aend for descriptive booklet Just Issued; free. Will C. Israel, Benkelman, Neb. I (2fl)-M159-27x 100 ACRES, $1,000 Close to county seat town, nil good, de p black soil, Is worth f2'0 of any man a money, but owner must sell. He also haa another quarter that haa 100 acrea broken, for which he will take $1,200 for. If y.iu want aomethlng that la flrt-class and worth twice the monev, here's your than.. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 4ul Pee Bid. 'Omaha, Neb. (20I-M196 21 WHEN writing to advertlsera, remembet It takea but an extra atroke or two of th pen to mention th fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. OKeefa K. E. Co., luol N. Y. Life bid. . (.'2)-cA PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. Mi l HEN, 2ii.'-3 Id r NAT. BANK 11 1 LUG. TEL. DOUG. U.s (22) 01U PRIVATE MONEY NO DELA1. GARVIN BROS., 16o4 FARNAM. (22) PRIVATE MONEY to loan, $400 to $6 000; cash on hand; no telay. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandeis Bldg. (22) M3oi FIVE PER CENT Money to loai. on Ornaha business property. THOMAS DRENNAN. Room 1, Naw Yoik Llf Bldg. (.'')-63l WANTED City loana and warranta. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. l'l-0 Farr.am St. (22)-64$ $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and rarnam. (22) 46 WANT ED City loana. Tetera Trust Co. (22) 64 i LOWEST RATES-fcemla, Paxton Block, -'2)-M4 PRIVATE and eastern 11. i.ney $WJ to $200.. OCA loans fn bu Idlng purposes W. H. THOMA8. 5o3 1st Nat l Bank B'dJ. (22) 403 Je2J'X MONEY TO LOAN Pyn lnveatmsnt Cn. 12 1 -7 WANTED-TO RENT WANTED by man and wife, toini and board in private fani.ly, close In. Addre M &!. care Bee. 26i Mt ." WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION WANTED By ynun,' lapa.i eae boy as cook to family, or houaa work; experienced. Toma, 723 S 9tli -L (27) M121 7g WANTED Position aa cashier or private branch exchange by competent young lady; good rfiaca Addrtss G 426, ear . U7J-171 1