Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 26. 190?. Want - ads A4rrrllrmrii for the want nd rnlimna mill lie likn until If rm . for lh rvrnlii edition and aatll for the morning and Sunday edlttone. ( ash mniit rrampiir all rln) far Mnt ad. and aa adTrtlaeat will lie arrrptH for Iraa than to rente for first Insertion. Rates apply rlthrr Tlia Oallr r ftnndar Bra. tlwot raant alx words lo a Una. Combinations of Initial or nutuoora roaat aa oaa wrd. CASH RTK FOR WaffT ADS. nKf.l I- lt t I.ASSIF1CATIOW Omm insertinn, per Ha. 10 watt. Two ar more consecutive Insertions, per lino, 0 rents. Earn Inarrtloa made on odd days. lO cent per llae. 1.0 per line per month eireptln that l'1'HM'IIED HtitM ADS, mhen ncronipanled hy cash, th rata will hri llaa laaertlon, 4 centa per line; three to six consecutive Inser tions, :t renta per line each laaertlon I rvfn or inwre iofcoll Insertions, a null ier line ench Inaertloal R crnts tier line ner month. Want i!s for The Hee mar at any of the following drn stores one la "foir corner drug-sTlst" they are all branrh otlleea lor The Bee and ynmr ad will ha Inaerled lust aa promptly nu.l na the aame ratea aa at the main uBIc-e la The Bee BuHUlnn, kaveutrenth and Farnnm atreeta. Ala.-h, W. C. 401 h end Herjiuk. S. A.. iU.2 S. Itith St. licchi pharmacy. B. 16th - Iinii I'atk Pharmacy. 33d nnd Cujnlng. UlakP H ! lurmacy, Bhmn A". Cilfton 1111 pharmacy, 2211 Military Av' Co.Mfe, J. l:.. Ave. and r"r";,m;, 'i-lnsev "i.sinmcy, 24th and Lake ', Lr..l. 1"4-fl 8. Uth St. k'hl. rs T. H.. Leavenworth bt. rcsler d. A;io'.UI, 2ll N. Jfth FrcytHs. J-nn J 11.11 N. -4tt fit Flortnce J'ruK Co.. Florence, N; -'inlrtmuii Pharmacy. 2m li and m"l,, Green's Plu l ma'. . cwnn lark Ave. ana Pacific. , ... C.reenough. O. A., 1025 S. 10th St OreeroiiKh, G. A.. IB 4 S. U th fct. Hayden. V m. C. I'f-O Farnam. Hanscom Park PharmHcy. 1j1 281,1 A"' Hoist, .lulip, Hit N. I".t1 fit- . )luff, A. 1... .'.'21 l-cHven-.vnrth v. King. K. S.. ::! Farnam St Kounlxe Plioe pharmucy. 2W4 .ln Patrick Drug To.. 1602 N. ?4th St. Laihrr.p. Charles E. U21 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. K.. 21th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug o.. 24ih and Arnea .Ave. flchaefera Cut Price UrJK Co.. lth ano ChlcaRO Sti. Hcrhaefer. Auaust. 2031 N. 161" stCl. fiohmldt. J H.. 24tl. and rumlnK Sts. Btorro Pharmacy, lfith and Martha b' Walnut Hill Pharmacy. uh and ( umina: Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Jrr' Worth, O. H. j(hnndJlnin'i'r'r' HEATH A?ID FUN Kit A I NOTICES. PAVT.KY-M... Zamlr... ""d "l1'", Vj Vincent Pauley. Jur.e .6. J.'W- - Klmeral from naicVmo of her parenta. Andrew Paiilaei.. l.",-0 .No lilt I. Bt funlav. Ht 2 P. in- liKeinifnt at S-prlnxf'.. Id c.-rn-"ery. Krlenda United. She I" Al?re,i vlvi-d bv two biotl era. Henry and Alfred Paulaen", ami two -latera. Krihda Paulsen and Alma lUfBcRard. aWftWl ' lri'V " .MAHHIAtifci Lit K.NSSiS. The following niaitage llcensra have been naued. Henry 11. Huds-tt. Omaha Agnes E. leniiox, tlnmlia Perrv M. Wh.el. r. South Omaha Florence K. Camptifl, South Omaha. .rlow W. Miner, Sioux t'liy, la Nellie W. Iny. rfloux City, la Warren Brown, Herke.ey, al Jeaaiu Mliliken. Orange, Cal D1HH1S A.M DEATHS. Births Delherl M. arver, 2431 South Twentieth avenue, ooy ; C. F. lmpe, 2J1 Burdette, gill; Key ilu.l. i'31u iiicKor, boy; Samuel i.alis, 771 biiuth Forty-first, girl; Uuils Wniina, 4214 Norm Twenty liftli. bo; Sill Hebiun, 1107 Bouth Fouriu, girl Deaths-Heat rice Healer. I Ohib, 1 month; Frank Slepun, Seventh and Pierce. 7- Ueorgo W. Buyer, 2518 Patrick avenue, 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEOE. Sl'MMKK S HUOL NOW OPliN. Public school grades (im to 9th Inclusive, 11 per week. Bookkeeping, hlenography. langllsh, telegraphy, .ouuial deparlnieia Union Pacific Railroad. Positions guar anteed operators. Special auiunier rates Start now. Catalogue free. KohrbouKii Broa.. Omaha. Neb. (D-M116 27 SIGN PAINTINO-S. H. COLE. 1302 Doug laa. . l)-6til THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 13s7. tD-2 D1HT N. lid. J. II. Parrotte. (l)-Mlol WANTED Concessions for the Fourth of July. Write to J. W. Juckman, Silver Creek, Merrick county, Nebraska. (D-663 23 4TH OF JULY at Ravanna. Neb., dlvlblen point of B. A M., want balloon ascen sion, merry-go-round, novelty faker, etc., stands. Address at once ind secure stand. J. A. Speracek, Special Sec. 011 Permits. tl) M106J6X AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-band sutomo biles. DEK1UHT. 1M tarn;r.. g) 6oi BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE. A 10 acre improved (arm, 6 miles from ftlivll City, Vurnon county, Missouri, .good buildings, lio acres under cultivation; Lu acres in fine oak and walnut timber, bal ance blue grssa paature and meadow land. Price, 16.0UU, Incumbrance, 12, Wu. Will ex change for stock of hardware m yfwpfwy t chaiiki) for a stock of ' groceries, merchan dise or hardware. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., 8. lsth St. (3)-M168 1 FARMS, city property, mdse . everywhere. blnnaar I11V. Co., 4M Boa Bldg., Omaha. U.i-Miai Je27 W I1X, exchunge new bucgy for driving horse. Omaha Buggy Co.. 1116-17 Farnam. WANTED To sell, or exchange for im proved acreage, property at 4iil Grant St. Telephone Web. 2k 01 call at 341 Lari mer Ave. (3l M6i i'6x READ-MAKE OFFER. No. 1- Fine S-room dwelling m good lo cation. loae to car. reining fur 1.16.00 per month, albo 1 vacant loia. Price. fc.uX). in cumbrance Imii. Will trade for small stock of me rchaiidis. or good Ml acres of land. No. 2 Nice 6-rooni cottage, with acie of ground, well itnted; Price, 1.6ii, Ina kho.uu. Make us an oirer. No. J .Jt acres in southern Holt county. a 'I goon mm. vvouiu maae an meal ranch Price, oo i-er acre, clear; want merchan Uia. or good 80 acres of land. No. 4 NO acre highly Improved ranch. 6T0 acres now; 111 cultivation; all level) deep ixacK sou, no Hno. rice mccuo per acre, t'Uar; want merchandise, or small farm; must have some cash. No. 61) acre improved; 100 acres In cul tivation; -' miles from county seat; all liood, black 'ami. - Pile 126 (0 per acre; Clear. Want mdse. or cita properly. All of the above Is first claas and worth t very cent asked. We have good land in an a'sea tra.-is. ouomll your proposition. vv can inivicu 11. WAIT INVEST,NT CO.. 4d bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (3)-MtM a FViK SALE or exchange, 110 and 240 acres of fine prairie land In Hughes oounty. Oklahoma; mill consider auod city oron- rty. merchandise or live stock; price lio I'er acre. Auureas low. rtl merman, Hold- anvuia. OKI. (St Mll tx BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG stores for sale everywhere. Knlest, K. T- L. Bldg. (.0-64 BUSINESS CHANCEC (Continued.) TO GET in or out of bualneaa call on - GANGESTAD, Room 401, Uca Bld(. (4)-K4 WILL BELL my atore and atorlt of an eral mnrchandlae at Swedebura;. Nh.; taullahed bimlnrii of IS yeara aiandlng. John Erlckaon. (4) M7 Six ICEI ICE!1 Oood natural Ice In car lota. A. Katake Ice and Coal Co., 1104 Davenport. Tale phone Voug. hM. Ind. A -2331 14) 44 QROCERIES and notion, SOc on dollar and throw In fixture!. 2227 llroadwar, Council Bluffs. (tl-MWS FOR SALE OR RENT Flrit claaa meat market. 6i7 South Main, Council Bhiffa, la. Addreai C W. Latchfofd, Council Bluffa. Ia. (4)-M9i MINNESOTA and Wisconsin ice for sale In car lota. A. O. Gilbert. Council Bluffa. Ia. (4)-M3 FOR SALr3 110.010 Omaha Hoffll Tele phone bonda with 50 per cent atock at 80c. Cohn Bros., 180 1st St. Portland, Ore. (4) M72 2f FOR BALE New Invention, gold mine for monled men saves material, cleans lO.nnO tnslds of hogs, two aasiatins, Rrat aavinR In caalnir, cannot bi.ak, as they lav on canvas above scrapers, scraping down the caRtng: men atrip h. tween thre; and four feet lengths, my machlno strips from eight to twelve feet lengths, accord Ins: to the lngth of the machine; the waste' only five to rx Inches, catch In rollers; by rollers Roes water down and rleana rasing perfectly; raalng do not blow up; whfn stripped are clean; thera la HUle waste work, are easily claaned aid fnsler than with .hands: can be built cheap. Call on Maly Co.. 24d3 1 St.. or I.udvik Svoboda, 23! and O fits., South Omaha. Neb. (4)-T27 25x M'MBF.H yard for sale; eastern Nebraska; doing good business. Address T 4i. care Bee. (4) M715 28x GOOD PAYING steam laundry, cheap; must seil. Address Y 5, care Bee. (4l M6S8 DOx INVENTOR of patent which will make big money desires partner with about 1300 to help complete and patent same; gilt eriae proposition to right party; will stand strictest Investigation. Hfi-'O Bee.. (4)-101 25x FOR SALE-First-class bakery, confection ery, cafe and fancy groceries; the only one In Nebraska town of 1.000. Health, cause of selling. Address Y 42. csre Bee. (41-M1S8 Jy2x TWO active partners wanted In msnu facturlng business. Address E rare Rce. (4) Mi: 2x MONEY makes money when put to work; our free buok'ct. "The Farnl.ig Powe of Money" explains the problem. A pos tal card with vour address will bTlng It to vou. Home Securiiles Co.. W1 'st Nat. Rank Bldg , Oakland, Cal., 423 Mer chants ExchanKe, San Frarcsco. (4) M1S7 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. Judge C. T. Dickinson, 634 Paxton Blk. (6i177 Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. 2, 1606 Farnam St. Doug. 497 tO) 6tf MAMIE WRIGHT, 33 Douglas Blk., Doug. las 647. t6) M162 Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. 6) 667 Ureaamnkln si. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1358. (5)-668 LADIES' tailor made suits, summer gowns nnd shirt walM suits. Special attention Klven to out of town customers. 207 Old Boston Store Bldg. (61-144 Sept.2:; Deatlata. BAILEY & MACK. 3d Or. Paxton. D. 1086. Detectlrea. EXPERT detective service. ' Address A 651, Bee. (5) -M12 Julyllx OMAHA DETECTIVE AGENCY. 211 . 16th; all work promptly attended to; strictest secrecy maintained. Doug. 2166. (6) MUSJy2J Financial. TO L O A N-L O W Money RATE In sums to suit. 110 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6)-i71 IF YOU WANT a sma'l loan on your furniture and don't want to pay an exhorbttant rate, sea the OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., lit Board of Trade Bldg.. 16th St. Entraave. to) 167 Florists. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam Et. (61-672 L. HENDERSON. 1518 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. - (5j-67i J. II. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. lew J. 4 Hat HesoTatlsg. PANAMA hats bleached, Ramsei, 320 80. 14th Bt. to) Mil Hatcla. THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th and Harney (i 67 MaTlag aad Storiac. Expresaman'a Delivery Co.; office. 214 N. lSlti St.; warehouse. 22J7-S I sard St. . (.61-677 Ostaopathr. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 164 (6 t.S Dr. Kathryn Nikolas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. 16) M WW Oflica Sagpllaa. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and crtice xixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., ui b. uth Bt. lei. Doug, btxi, ina. A-itxo. 16) MW3 J-- Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, aurulies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; catalogues free. Charles Passow Sous, 1US N. loth Bt., Omaha. (6) Mils) July I PrlatlBK. BEFORE placing your 180$ calender order don t fall to ace our imported line. Lyng stad dt Jorvs, printers. 16tb and Capitol A v. IS) a fee, Shatters, Bto. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS. inakea a specialty of fire escapes, shut ters. doors aud safes. U. Andreen. Prop. 102 8. loth St. (6) bob shorthand Notary. F. J. SUTCL1FFR court reporter. Tel. D, lu6. t5)-Ml.l Shoo Repalrlac 1 RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-First cl work. ItiUtt Capitol Ave. 'Phona Red Mi 0-eSl SHOES repaired right; called for and da livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 767. 6V-Ml HELP WANTED FEMALE HssMktcsen aad Dosneatlea. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call . U Park avenue. (.1-138 S6 WANTED Housekeeper, without children between and years. T. leller, Mc Cook. 8. D. ( 1 1 . Im zx WANTEIV-Experienced girl for genera houaaaork; tamily of three: good wag Mrs. A. F. Sinilh, 101 8, 26th St. O-MIU a (fit is often unnecessary to run a "want ad" in The BEE B because frequently you can get what you want by simply HELP WANTED FEMALE Iteaakeepera and Pamastlea Contt'd GIRL for general housework; am ill fam ily. 1002 Mason Bt. (7) 101 26 WANTKll Experienced cook. SS12 Farnani. 7)-ft M larellaneoaa. WANTED-Competent nurse for two chil dren; referencea required. Apply 120 Ster ling St., Benson, one block north of Country club. Mrs. Ben Cotton. (7)-103 20 WA NTED Toung woman to live on a farm for a couple of months with young widow woman. Companionship desired more than help. References exchanged. Ad dress FS24. care Bee. (7 M161 27x WANTED Girl, 18 to 25 years of age, to do a little housework morning and even ing In exchange for room and board. Two In family. Prefer telephone girl. Call at K09 So. 27th fit. 17)-M20i 28x WANTED Competent lady clothea ironar to take charge or worn. ionparei! L,aun dry Co. (7) Ml 90 28 WANTED By wholesale millinery hou for fall season, TRIMMERS. MAKERS. BALK8LADIE8. For competent people we have good posi tional no othera neei apply; give refer ences first letter.' Lederer, Strauus A Co., Inc., Pes Moines, Ia (7) M1S1 it HELP WANTED MALE A areata, Solicitors and Salesmen. QUICK SELLERS-214 S. Uth SL (9) 5SS WANTB.'D Clothing earesman with some experience In mens shoes; tlrst-ciuss rei erencea lequlred. J. Helphand, 314 N. IHth. (l-170 21 HUSTLERS 428 Ramge Bldg, 8 to 9 t JV1138 ilX CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; 1100 per mon'h and expenses. Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, O () Ml 28x WANTED Agents to sell hardy Minnesota grown fruit and ornamental nursery stock; large commission paid weekly ; I complete outtlt tree. Apply Li. Ij. may t Co., Nurserymen, St. Paul, Minn. (8 MM8 26 Clerical nnd Office. IF YOU are open for a position, call phone or write us lot a complete uat of vacanclea. aa we have been In busi ness for aeven years and can place you, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Ufe Bldg, (9)-180 26 WANTED A thorough, competent, rapid and accurate bookkeeper; one having nun experience Irt the live atock commission business preferred; good sslary to the right party. Address Y 7, care Bee. (9)-136 28 DRUG clerks' positions. Knlest, N. Y. I-(9)-684 mug. Factory and Trades. LEARN TELEGRAPH YPosl! long guaran teed; booklet free. Boyles Col ege. Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R- R- lll) 6S5 WANTED AT ONCE Two sash and door machine men. One frame machine man. 1 Two stair builders. Two cabinetmakers. Two general bench men. One special saah man. Steady work, nine houra prr day. open shop, 85c or over per hour. Apply Sayre Newton Lumber Co., Denver, Colo. C9 Mils ai WANTED Ten nonunion stonemasons at Fort Russell, Wyo., at once. J4 to fc for eight hour Atkinson Broa., contractors. (M)-MlS3 2 Miscellaneous. FREE employment Dept. Business Men'a Ass n; no ices, can &s is. x. lih mug. (9J-586 BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL IS NOW OPEN Students Admitted Any Day Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Telegraphy and English. Official Training School Union Pa- clfio H. R. Telegraph Department. A postal gets fuil Information. Address 11. u Boyles, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. (9) M327 WANTED A single man to work about place and as gardener. H. W. Yates, Ne braska National bank. (9) 131 26 130 SUITS to order. $15; pants for 14. MacCarthy-wilson. 104 south ltttn. (9) 143 Jy. 23 GREAT reduction in shoes. Chabot. 203 No. th. (9) 178 Julyl HELP WANTED MALK AND FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd. Mead & Co.. to sell the new Inter national Encyclopedia in Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa; p.evlous ex perience unnecessary. 718 N. Y. Life, Omaha. Neb. 10) 682 iyl LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloreee and Vehicles. FOR tha next 30 days wa will maka low prices on sample surreys ana Duggies. Omha Buggy Co.. 1116-17 Farnam Bt. (11) M6j June 28 FIVE 2d-hand. (-glass laudaus or hacks, in flue condition, all cunningnam maae. ao dress W. A. Peck, care Drummond Car riage Co., UStQ and Harney Sis. tll)-U6Jyi HIGH grade Cortland runabout, sacrifice. Johnhon-uaniortn io,, lutn ana jones. (U)i M4M jyn Poultry, EsTbTS and Sijaahs. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is tha best. If your dealer doea not handle call Doug, nu, Ind. B-1464. A. W. Wagner. 8ul N. ltitn. til) OM WHEAT. 11.7 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. 1111 10U LOST AND FOUND I.DST Gold banded Waterman fountain pen; "Banquet Hotel Astor, New York." eto. engraved on cap. Good reward will be paid. Return to wee 01 nee. (U')-MlfS 26 TEN IHLLAR8 REWARD Brlndle and white Boston terrier; ears uncut, heavy collar, tag 143. 8. 8. Curtis, 3177 Daven port BL (12)-M150 MEDICAL ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at S24 N. :4ti fl.. Omaha. Neb. U3)-Mis FREE medical and eurglcal treatment at Craightou Medical college, 141 h and Dav enport Sta; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profesaora 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. UD-129 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills." $1' a box, poet pa id. Sherman A VtcConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 451 WHEN writing ta adverttaera. remember It takaa but an extra airok or two of the pen to montion the fact that on saw the ad la Tha Bee. reading "BEE want ads." MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS For Any and Every Need Consult the OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., a firm whose squareness and fairness has never been questioned. SIXTEEN YEARS established, sound aa a bank. We do all that others advertise and a LITTLE BIT MORE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg.. 16th St. Entrance. 14) 158 EAGLE UOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. (14) 680 P. O. NIELSEN CO LOANS. 701 N. f . 1 4fe Bidg. Thona Doug. 2204. (141-03 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam fit. 14) 692 0FFEREJ3 LF0RRENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel: private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 684 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller 4k Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. - Uo)-69 IEWElf European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, (15) 597 GOOD board and room, fl; close in. 608 N. 23d. (15) 72S 26x DESIRABLE southwest furnished room with board. 123 S. 26th Ave. (16) M161 lx FIRST-CLASS accommodation for young men at the old Paxton home, 206 8. 26th Ave., after July 1; special low rates for parties rooming together; cool, shady lawn; large verandah everything Sirlctly first class. (15) M149 2SX MODERN, cool rooms, with or without board; home cooking; no objection to women. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. (16)-M173 29x Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard. 110 S. 13th St. (151688 DESIRABLE rooms, reasonable. 218 N. 19th, (161 M'jlC J30x NEATLY furnished room; private family; gentlemen only. 131 N. list Ave. (16) -MRS! EAST ROOM, strictly modern, electric light and telephone; suitable for a gentleman. Tel. Doug. 3837. 217 S. 25th St. (15)-M660 ROOM suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern. 201 8. Central Blvd. Tel H. 17.2. (151-M192 2 SOUTH front room for gentlemen: mod ern. 1712 Davenport. (15) M194 2Sx STRICTLY modem furnished rooms. 2511 Chicago St. Tel. Douglas 0213. (16) M787 27 SOUTH-FRONT room, modern brick hou-a, for gentleman. 22u8 Douglas St. (15)-M898 27x ROOMS-2417 DODGE. (15)-M926 27 FOR RENT Furnished room for one. In quire 2830 Cauitol Ave., or 'phone Har ney 3G)9. (18) M2o-2x 2 NEWLY furnished connecting rooms, all modern, complete for light houseKeeping; light, hrat and telephone, laundry and ice box prtvlltges. Harney u9i'2. 1041 Park Ave. (15)-M754 HI V FRY desirable south and east rooms. 2702 &-allium. f V.IW -miw 1- DELIGHTFUL summer room, Iwo south windows, modern; close In. 614 W. 2oc. . (15) MSr.O 27x YOUNG MAN to shore finely furnished room; reasonable terms. tivn rarnam. "Phone Harney 2o8o. (lo) M984 27x FOR RENT To responsible people, my residence or ten rooms, in waiKing ais tance. 'Phone Doug. 4095. Address D 622, care Bee. (151137 28x ONE large room newly furnished, all mod ern conveniences; rent reasonacne. iitt North 23d St. (7) 134 30 FURNISHED rooms In modern house on Park Ave. Tel. Harney Sa92. (16)-M154 1 TJnfnrnlahed Rooms. FOR RENT Four nice modern rooms, 1214 N. 25th. Inquire within. 14. (16)-M731 2 Apartments and Flata. CENTRAL, 4-room corner flat. 220 N. 23d. 11) Mm l-ROOM front flat, partly modern, 18.50. apply at rear, 1917 Clark BL (13)- 6-6 R. FLAT, Quivet, 1X09 Farnam. 8-6 r. flat. Scargo, 6I6V1 N. 24th, S. O. HALL. 317 Firat National Bank. Red 7416. (J5) ELEGANT 6-room apartment, tiled bath gas stove, shades, electric lights, steam heat, hot -water; janitor walking distance. P. O. Nielsen & Co., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M122 26 MODMkecplag Hoosaa. FOR RENT Two excellent, modern, fur nlshed rooms for housekeeping; phone in house. 2574 Harney St. (lo) il94S 218 No. 19th, light housekeeping room. (10) tUVii z.x Faralshed Houses. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room, mod ern apartment, till Sept. 1, to parlies without children; references. Tel. Harney 624. (15)-MU9 HANDSOMELY furnished 7-room cottage for rent cheap to responsible party. 33 Dewey Ave. (16) 132 26 FURNISHED 8-room modern house and barn, from June 25 lo August 25, very low to responsible party. Tel. Harney 2602. (15) -136 26 x Houses and Cottages. Will rent at once al a bargain, 8-room house, water, gas, electric light, large yard, half block to school. Two families can use this If desired. 4328 Charles St. OKKEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 New York Life. Doug, or A 2162. (15 M126 27 4-ROOM, 2d floor, 7902 N. 26th St.. $14; 10 room modern house ami barn, 938 No. 25th, $40 and water rent; storeroom, 1300 N. 24th St., $15. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. 115) Mo22 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. tloj 04 3517 BE WARD ST.. 6 rooms, modern 120. 4174 Cass St., 6 rooms, ail moaern, ia. room all modern flat, walking distance, $25. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (151-M665 FOR RENT 211 N. 28th Ave., T-room, 2 story house; modern except furnace, tn complete repair; new plumbing; rent very low at $22 50 to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St a5)-M872 (yd Patrick Ave. new 7 room mocjern brick house. Tel. Harney 1510. (15)-M197 28 4109 Cass. 8-r.. large yard, $40. 1310 Park Ave., 8-r.. brick, $:7.60. 1707 Park Ave., s-r.. brick. $37.50. ftC Park Ave.. -r.. frame, modern, $37 50. 4328 Charles. 8-r.. water, light, arranged for two families. I-'.' bo. 27n South 8. -r.. all modern, new, $ OKEEFE REAL fcSTATE, CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug or A-2152. (15) M164 27 FOR RENT-127.60; new (-room house, all modern, corner Manrteraon and 20th. M. Id. Loomls, 2415 No. 24ih. tl6 86 2a I OFERED FOR RENT Houses aad Co HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (15) 610 NINE rooms, sll modern, beside recep tion hall; large room In basement, and laundry room; house newly painted and papered; shade trees; cement walks and a nice back yard; walking 1 distance. 'Phone Webster 8118. (15) M'Jol FOR RENT. 1718 N. 18th St.. brand new dwelling, 6 rooms, reception hall, large attic, light cellar cemented; lawn and large shade trees; will make some concession to small family on one'year lease, 132.60. 1930 N. 25th St., 6-room cottage, newly papered and painted, modern except fur nace, 120. 2418 N. 17th (corner Lake), good 8-room cottage, lli. 1310 Pierce. 6-room cottage. 216. 2i'l Pierce, 4-room flat. 111. 4117 N. 25th Ave., 6-room cottage. $11. 621 S. 29th St., 3-room flat. $14. 3110 Burdette St., 4-room house, $12. 2-''4 N. 27th, 4 rooms, 2,1 floor, $9. 1038 8. lth, 4-room cottage, $7. GARVIN KKOS., 14 KAR.NAM ST Ask for Rental Department. (151-MI47 27 EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, opposite Hanscom Park, modern, $33. 'Phone Harney 15..5. U6)-6S1 FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house. 704 N. 23d St., large yard, fine shade trees, $40 per month. Parties still in the housu and will be glad to show you. (15) 869 Maggard Van & Storage Co. D I486. Wa guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15)-6ll HOUSES ,n " "' of ,n y- ".UUOrjO Crelgh Bona & Co.. Bee Bid. (16) 6V7 HOUSES, insure .ice. Ringvalt. Barker Blk. (15)-00 HOUSEHOIjJ goods packed, forwarded; cneap ireigni rates; moving snd storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 8x4. (16)-ft4 HOUSES, flata. Qarvln Bros., 1804 Farnam. C.16-os 297 PACIFIC ST. 8 rooms, modern, oak unisn a. u. Elite, buz tiee Bldg. (16)-408 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. score n. xi. gooas. morenouse 1120-24 N. Uth, office 10O9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 165. (15)-606 ONE six-room and one four-room cottage ror rerjt at attn and Douglas Sta.; city water, sewer and toilet. Inquire on prem ises. (16) M162 27x FOR RENT Modern house, 618 8. 20th 8t. (16) M169 Jy 8x 2722 Hamilton. 5-room, water and gas, $14. 3935 N. 21st., 4-room modern, except heat, $15. 2fi Franklin, 6-room modern, $30. 712 N. 2"th Ave., 7-room modern, 136. lrns 8. 28th St., 8-room, city water, tls. 3936 N. 21st St., 7-room modern, heat, $22.50. 15J1 Wirt 8t.. 6-room nodern, $30. 2630 Woolworth Ave., 6-room modern, $27.60. 609H N. 21st St., 6-room modern, heat, 2212 N. 23st., 7-room modern, $22.50. 678 8. 28th St., 8-room modern, $40. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam 8t. Ask for Rental Department. (15)-179 25 Offlooa. OFFICES In Tha Bee building for rent. Apply R. W. Baker, superintendent, room 106. (15) M160 FOR RENT on June 1, large orflee room, 12x22 feet, in Crounse block, opposite post office. Conrad Young, agent, 1518 Dodge St. (15)-49o DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Bts., Bouth Omaha. Call at Bee office, B. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (16) M57T 24X28 FEET. 2d floor, south and east front, 18th and Harney, $26; 15x20, S. front, $10. S. S. CURTIS, 1808 Harney. (16) M696 To Let Ona of the beat suite of offices in tha city, third floor of Paxton Blk., facing both 16th and Farnam 8ts. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., (161-992 25 ' THE one-story brick building at 114 Far nam St.. with trackage In the rear. Will remodel to suit tenant. This would maka good quarters for machine shop, plumber, tinner or for storage purposes. For further particulars apply to tha Be Building Co.. 17th and Farnam. n5)-10 SCARGO BLK., S. O. New, 620 N. 24th. HALL, 317 First National Bank. Red 74 f. (16)-4i , Warehouse. WAREHOUSE For Rent Space in building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator. Address W 226, Care Bee. (151172 OFFERED FOR SALE Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments. NEW pianos for rent, $3.60, $4.00 and $5.00 per month. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas. (16)-M117 Jy23 Typewriters aad Sewing; Marhlaea. FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used short time and in A No. 1 condition: for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office. 17th and Farnam. lo-91 TYPEWRITERS second-hsnd, biggest stock In west, $5 up. Write Central Type writer Exchange, 1607 Farnam. (16-M371 Jy7 M Iscellaneoas. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balke-Coilender. 407 B. 10th St. (16) 612 ICE. ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car Iota. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffs. Ia. (161-M374 DRUGS at cut prices; freight psld on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConncll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (161-617 SEND us your mat. orders for drugs; fieight psld on $10 lots. Mers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 618 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 181$ Farnam. (16-15 HAY. 16 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. Uth. (16)-161 FOR BALE Several handsome marble man tels, together with grates and tiling; these are In perfect condition: will aell at very small price. R. W. Baker, Moom loo. Re Bldg. Ilffi M134 $276 CASH REGISTER Must be sold at once. Address P 6e9. cars Bee. (16-M717 2sx SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. boat mixed palct. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co (16)-41 REAL ESTATE city rmirKRTV for sai.k. (Continued. FOR SALE or TRADE 1427 -ifiom house, nearly new. strictly modern. In good location. Price, tS.MtA encumbrance, $2,000. Want to trade equity for acreage 14S7 87-acre farm near fine town in northwest Iowa. Finely improved. Owrnr wsnta to trad for farm of S30 or 480 acres In German-Catholic settlement. Prlea, Ht per acre. j 1 What have you to offer for 640 acres of ood land In Valley county, Ne braska, 16 miles from Ord? No Improvements. Trice. $18 per acre. 137 480 acres In IJncoln countv, Nebraska. Price, $ per acre. What hT yon for this In Omaha residence property? j 7007 Elegant homo. Two-story, 8-room house, In fine location. Omaha, near car Una, high and sightly, all hardwood finish. All modern improvements hot water heat, cement walks, good barn on lot Price, $7,tVX). Owner will trade for good, Imprnred land In eaatern Nebraaka. 1472-na of the finest 16-room brick residence In Omaha. Walking distance. All modern Improvements. A house which was built for a home by one of Omaha's wealthy buslnesa men. I-arge lawn, and fine shade trees. On car line. This property la now offered for sale at $2S,0W. Owner will consider well Improved land In east ern Nebraska in exchange. 143 S-room house, modern except furnace, good location, good yard, house la) good condition. Price, $3,000. Owner wants to trade for $1,000 lot and cash. Payne Investment Co, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Telephones Douglas 1781. Independent A OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Con tinned. SOME first-class laundry machinery for sale cheap. G. F. Llllle, Tekamah, Neb. (16) MS11 t-S RUCKER WESTON news cases and stands for sale cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. lti 81)2 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman 6k McConnell Drug Co., ISth and Dodge Sta., Omaha. Neb. (ltil-t.0 WAGON UMBRELLAS. $1- Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16I-M691 Jyl8 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. tl6)-861 BUTCHER SHOP and slaughter house fixtures complete. Cheap; cash. P. O. Box 627. Omaha. (1)-M49 Jy9 TWO celling fans for sale at a bargain. Dresher. 1516 Farnam Bt. (161M976 29 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-4J21 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Pa cific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1868. ' . (17)-23 LARSON A CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) 622 PERSONAL M A nJF.TT f! treatment and bath. Mme. illiiUJ-MI-iXXV-' gmith. 118 N. 15th. 2d floor. (18)-627 A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40 Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 19a. (18) M365 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. Wa collect, repair and sell at 131 N.N 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call iphons Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. (181786 YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1516 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18 915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (181625 MASSAOE Weltmer. suggestive iUAOOAUD Theraupautics. 120 S. 16th &L. Old Boston Store, Room 808, 4th floor. (18)-705 Jyla Omaha Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bldg. (18) 4326 PRIVATE CONFfNEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3659. (18) 4521 HOME-MADE wine, both aweet and aour; six years old, $1.00 per gallon. Cackley Bros.. 121 N. 16th St 18) M576 Julyl5 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first noor N. Y. Life. (19)-27 GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19)-628 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 2l CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. You ought to buy t to 10 acres in Keystone Park If you want A Suburban Home. A Fruit Home, A Chicken Ranch, A Truck Garden. No firmer place In the county. Lots 2 to 10 acres. $226 to $400 per acre. Easy terms. Located three-fourts of a n-ile west of Benson, on paved road. Payne Investment Co., First Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Doug. 1781. A1188. 1). V. Sholes Company, 110 Board of Trad Building. Telephone Doug. 48. A2U49. (19)-181 26 BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE 1411 F.mmet St.. 7 rooms, built by day labor, finished In hard wood upstairs and down, has large living room across the front, fine library, dining room with win dow seat, kitchen, fine pantry arrangement, downstairs finished In heavy oak, three bed r.ioms upxlalrs finished In birch, fine paper both upi-lalrs and n, hot water heat, pressed hi ii k foundation, screened in porch leading out of upstairs rooms. If you want something fine see us aooui mis Hastings & lleyden, 1704 Farnam Street. (191-175 25 CHEAP LOTS Full lot. fronting east on ISth. north of Manderson, at a bargain. Non-resident owner wants to sell. Price only $f. These fine south front lots, or Taylor 81., cast of 34th; sewer In street; permanent walks: 13O0 esch. WM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg Tel. Doug. l-3 U9 Mloo M NONRESIDENT owner !of lots i. 10 .11. block 1. Bherman Ave. park, on N. Wih St. and Javnee St.. is tn the city and wanta an offer on them. W. H. GATES, 417 N. Y. Life. Tel Doug 128V ll9) M161 17 REAL ESTATE CITY rSOPfHTl FOR ALB (Continued! 118. C9)-e7 21 29TH AND WOOLWORTH An 8-room houae, strictly modern, rent ing for $3H0 annually. East front; paved street. One block to Hanscom Park and car line. Price, $3,600. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tels Douglas 1781, or AU8. (1)-U2 7 Almost new. 6 rooms, all modern house, lot 33x126, between 26th and 27th on Caaa St., $2,300. Beautiful Nebraska City property, 8 room house, 6 lots, with abundance of shade and fruit trees, well and cistern. Mortgaged for $1,200; price, $3,600. Will ex change equity for city property or busi ness. NELS A. LUNDGREN CO., 626 N. Y. Life. Doug. 34RS. (18) M155 77 FOR SALE OR EXCHANOO For farm near Omaha, well built house of eight rooms: bath, reception hall, butler'a pan try; modern conveniences, concrete walka, fruit and shade trees; terraced lawn; situ ated on high ground, near car lines. Ad dress H692 Bee. (19)-M1 S&x MUST BE SOLD I VJEAR DUNDEE. 7-room house, partly modern, with two lots, close to oar, owner non resident, says sell at once $2,500. Wm. E. Romano, 329 Board ol Trade. (19)-M987 24! FOR SALE OR RENT Brick residence; 21 rooms; extensive grounds; walking distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club house. C. H. Brown, 407 Brown Bldg. (19)-MS4M FOR BALE. Owner leaving city offers an elegant mod ern eleven-room residence tn West Farnam district at a sacrifice. HICKS REAL E8TATB CO. (1)-M990 26x ALL MODERN HOUSE, PAVING PAID, $2,750 4011 North 10th St., 6 rooms, has city water, sewer, gas, electric lights, -hath, -closet, furnace, In fact is strictly modern; has parlor, dining room, kitchen, one bed room or library on first floor and two bed rooms and bath upstairs, cellar under all of house, yard sodded, only one block to Dodga St. car line. Built luat winter when labor was cheap. This is a splendid pur chase at this money. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Street. 0)-17 26 712 NORTH 27TH AVE. Walking distance. Near Crelghton College. Faces Central Boulevard. Parlor, hall and dining room In oak. Four bedrooms. En st front. Until July 1. $4,200. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug.or A 2161. (191-1T4 29TH AND DOUGLAS 8-room, strictly modern 2-slory house renting1 for $375 annually. Lot 40x117; goo table. Price, $3,750, but we want an offer, cash or .terms. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tels Douglas 1781, or Alls. (19)-1S3 24 HIGH CLASS FLAT LOCATION ADJOINING HIGH SCHOOL I. CONNER, OWNER, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. (19) M-717 DO you want a quick buyer or ranter for your Omaha property. If so, call and ses us or 'phone Douglas 6662. Globe Land and Investment Company, K S. 18th Bt. (19)-M04 27 $1,350 If Sold Before July 1, Buys a splendid (-room cottage near 241 h and Sahler streets, double floors, fin brick cellar, city water, sink, brick walk, small barn close tn car line no repairs to do; will rent for $14.60 per month being handy for street car man; $360 cash, balance easy payments. BIRKET & TEBBENS, 421 Bee Bldg. Phones, Doug. 4764. Ind. A-ITtA (191-140 26 For Sale or Trade An 18-room, all modern hotel In a thriving town in eastern Nebraaka, doing a fins -business. Here Is a dandy opening for a good hotel man. Price. $7,000; encumbrance $1,000. Owner will trade equity (or Improved Nebraska land. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bt- Tel. Doug. 1711, (19)-13 X WEST FARNAM STREET. Two elegant modern brick reaidencea West Farnani street district, one block from street car; everything in flrst-claas shape, $4.'J)0 each. THOMAS BRENNAN. First Floor New York Life Building. US-M654 64 So. 26th Ave., an l-rooru house modern except furnace, with a lot 12x128, fronting on two paved streets; must li sold week. Encumbrance $l.t00. pay able t monthly, price, $3,160. but mak an offer. We want an offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Flrat Floor N. Y. I. Hldg. Tel. Doug. 1781, A-11S8 (li-100 26 REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST rT CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pre W. oty-m LIST your property with Cart eyar. t2fl and Cuming Sta. U$7 all -7 i , i '.it ii 1 ; i(3 ft 1 ? 1! u